The Make System ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ To compile this program you require GNU Make. In fact you probably need GNU Make 3.76.1 or newer. The makefiles contained make use of many GNU Make specific features and will not run on other makes. The make system has a number of interesting properties that are not found in other systems such as automake or the GNU makefile standards. In general some semblance of expectedness is kept so as not to be too surprising. Basically the following will work as expected: ./configure make or cd build ../configure make There are a number of other things that are possible that may make software development and software packaging simpler. The first of these is the environment.mak file. When configure is run it creates an environment.mak file in the build directory. This contains -all- configurable parameters for all of the make files in all of the subdirectories. Changing one of these parameters will have an immediate effect. The use of and configure substitutions across build makefiles is not used at all. Furthermore, the make system runs with a current directory equal to the source directory irregardless of the destination directory. This means #include "" and #include <> work as epected and more importantly running 'make' in the source directory will work as expected. The environment variable or make parameter 'BUILD' sets the build directory. It may be an absolute path or a path relative to the top level directory. By default build/ will be used with a fall back to ./ This means you can get all the advantages of a build directory without having to cd into it to edit your source code! The make system also performs dependency generation on the fly as the compiler runs. This is extremely fast and accurate. There is however one failure condition that occures when a header file is erased. In this case you should run make clean to purge the .o and .d files to rebuild. The final significant deviation from normal make practicies is in how the build directory is managed. It is not mearly a mirror of the source directory but is logically divided in the following manner bin/ methods/ doc/ examples/ include/ apt-pkg/ deity/ obj/ apt-pkg/ deity/ cmndline/ [...] Only .o and .d files are placed in the obj/ subdirectory. The final compiled binaries are placed in bin, published headers for inter-component linking are placed in include/ and documentation is generated into doc/. This means all runnable programs are within the bin/ directory a huge benifit for debugging inter-program relationships. The .so files are also placed in bin/ for simplicity. Using the makefiles ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ The makefiles for the components are really simple. The complexity is hidden within the buildlib/ directory. Each makefile defines a set of make variables for the bit it is going to make then includes a makefile fragment from the buildlib/. This fragment generates the necessary rules based on the originally defined variables. This process can be repeated as many times as necessary for as many programs or libraries as are in the directory. Many of the make fragments have some useful properties involving sub directories and other interesting features. They are more completely described in the fragment code in buildlib. Some tips on writing fragments are included in buildlib/defaults.mak Jason