// -*- mode: cpp; mode: fold -*- // Description /*{{{*/ // $Id: acquire-item.cc,v 2004/01/16 18:51:11 mdz Exp $ /* ###################################################################### Acquire Item - Item to acquire Each item can download to exactly one file at a time. This means you cannot create an item that fetches two uri's to two files at the same time. The pkgAcqIndex class creates a second class upon instantiation to fetch the other index files because of this. ##################################################################### */ /*}}}*/ // Include Files /*{{{*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*}}}*/ using namespace std; static void printHashSumComparision(std::string const &URI, HashStringList const &Expected, HashStringList const &Actual) /*{{{*/ { if (_config->FindB("Debug::Acquire::HashSumMismatch", false) == false) return; std::cerr << std::endl << URI << ":" << std::endl << " Expected Hash: " << std::endl; for (HashStringList::const_iterator hs = Expected.begin(); hs != Expected.end(); ++hs) std::cerr << "\t- " << hs->toStr() << std::endl; std::cerr << " Actual Hash: " << std::endl; for (HashStringList::const_iterator hs = Actual.begin(); hs != Actual.end(); ++hs) std::cerr << "\t- " << hs->toStr() << std::endl; } /*}}}*/ // Acquire::Item::Item - Constructor /*{{{*/ pkgAcquire::Item::Item(pkgAcquire *Owner, HashStringList const &ExpectedHashes, unsigned long TransactionID) : Owner(Owner), FileSize(0), PartialSize(0), Mode(0), ID(0), Complete(false), Local(false), QueueCounter(0), TransactionID(TransactionID), ExpectedAdditionalItems(0), ExpectedHashes(ExpectedHashes) { Owner->Add(this); Status = StatIdle; } /*}}}*/ // Acquire::Item::~Item - Destructor /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ pkgAcquire::Item::~Item() { Owner->Remove(this); } /*}}}*/ // Acquire::Item::Failed - Item failed to download /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* We return to an idle state if there are still other queues that could fetch this object */ void pkgAcquire::Item::Failed(string Message,pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf) { Status = StatIdle; if(ErrorText == "") ErrorText = LookupTag(Message,"Message"); UsedMirror = LookupTag(Message,"UsedMirror"); if (QueueCounter <= 1) { /* This indicates that the file is not available right now but might be sometime later. If we do a retry cycle then this should be retried [CDROMs] */ if (Cnf->LocalOnly == true && StringToBool(LookupTag(Message,"Transient-Failure"),false) == true) { Status = StatIdle; Dequeue(); return; } Status = StatError; Dequeue(); } // report mirror failure back to LP if we actually use a mirror string FailReason = LookupTag(Message, "FailReason"); if(FailReason.size() != 0) ReportMirrorFailure(FailReason); else ReportMirrorFailure(ErrorText); } /*}}}*/ // Acquire::Item::Start - Item has begun to download /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Stash status and the file size. Note that setting Complete means sub-phases of the acquire process such as decompresion are operating */ void pkgAcquire::Item::Start(string /*Message*/,unsigned long long Size) { Status = StatFetching; if (FileSize == 0 && Complete == false) FileSize = Size; } /*}}}*/ // Acquire::Item::Done - Item downloaded OK /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ void pkgAcquire::Item::Done(string Message,unsigned long long Size,HashStringList const &/*Hash*/, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig * /*Cnf*/) { // We just downloaded something.. string FileName = LookupTag(Message,"Filename"); UsedMirror = LookupTag(Message,"UsedMirror"); if (Complete == false && !Local && FileName == DestFile) { if (Owner->Log != 0) Owner->Log->Fetched(Size,atoi(LookupTag(Message,"Resume-Point","0").c_str())); } if (FileSize == 0) FileSize= Size; Status = StatDone; ErrorText = string(); Owner->Dequeue(this); } /*}}}*/ // Acquire::Item::Rename - Rename a file /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This helper function is used by a lot of item methods as their final step */ void pkgAcquire::Item::Rename(string From,string To) { if (rename(From.c_str(),To.c_str()) != 0) { char S[300]; snprintf(S,sizeof(S),_("rename failed, %s (%s -> %s)."),strerror(errno), From.c_str(),To.c_str()); Status = StatError; ErrorText = S; } } /*}}}*/ bool pkgAcquire::Item::RenameOnError(pkgAcquire::Item::RenameOnErrorState const error)/*{{{*/ { if(FileExists(DestFile)) Rename(DestFile, DestFile + ".FAILED"); switch (error) { case HashSumMismatch: ErrorText = _("Hash Sum mismatch"); Status = StatAuthError; ReportMirrorFailure("HashChecksumFailure"); break; case SizeMismatch: ErrorText = _("Size mismatch"); Status = StatAuthError; ReportMirrorFailure("SizeFailure"); break; case InvalidFormat: ErrorText = _("Invalid file format"); Status = StatError; // do not report as usually its not the mirrors fault, but Portal/Proxy break; } return false; } /*}}}*/ // Acquire::Item::ReportMirrorFailure /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- void pkgAcquire::Item::ReportMirrorFailure(string FailCode) { // we only act if a mirror was used at all if(UsedMirror.empty()) return; #if 0 std::cerr << "\nReportMirrorFailure: " << UsedMirror << " Uri: " << DescURI() << " FailCode: " << FailCode << std::endl; #endif const char *Args[40]; unsigned int i = 0; string report = _config->Find("Methods::Mirror::ProblemReporting", "/usr/lib/apt/apt-report-mirror-failure"); if(!FileExists(report)) return; Args[i++] = report.c_str(); Args[i++] = UsedMirror.c_str(); Args[i++] = DescURI().c_str(); Args[i++] = FailCode.c_str(); Args[i++] = NULL; pid_t pid = ExecFork(); if(pid < 0) { _error->Error("ReportMirrorFailure Fork failed"); return; } else if(pid == 0) { execvp(Args[0], (char**)Args); std::cerr << "Could not exec " << Args[0] << std::endl; _exit(100); } if(!ExecWait(pid, "report-mirror-failure")) { _error->Warning("Couldn't report problem to '%s'", _config->Find("Methods::Mirror::ProblemReporting").c_str()); } } /*}}}*/ // AcqSubIndex::AcqSubIndex - Constructor /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Get a sub-index file based on checksums from a 'master' file and possibly query additional files */ pkgAcqSubIndex::pkgAcqSubIndex(pkgAcquire *Owner, unsigned long TransactionID, string const &URI, string const &URIDesc, string const &ShortDesc, HashStringList const &ExpectedHashes) : Item(Owner, ExpectedHashes, TransactionID) { /* XXX: Beware: Currently this class does nothing (of value) anymore ! */ Debug = _config->FindB("Debug::pkgAcquire::SubIndex",false); DestFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + "partial/"; DestFile += URItoFileName(URI); Desc.URI = URI; Desc.Description = URIDesc; Desc.Owner = this; Desc.ShortDesc = ShortDesc; QueueURI(Desc); if(Debug) std::clog << "pkgAcqSubIndex: " << Desc.URI << std::endl; } /*}}}*/ // AcqSubIndex::Custom600Headers - Insert custom request headers /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* The only header we use is the last-modified header. */ string pkgAcqSubIndex::Custom600Headers() const { string Final = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists"); Final += URItoFileName(Desc.URI); struct stat Buf; if (stat(Final.c_str(),&Buf) != 0) return "\nIndex-File: true\nFail-Ignore: true\n"; return "\nIndex-File: true\nFail-Ignore: true\nLast-Modified: " + TimeRFC1123(Buf.st_mtime); } /*}}}*/ void pkgAcqSubIndex::Failed(string Message,pkgAcquire::MethodConfig * /*Cnf*/)/*{{{*/ { if(Debug) std::clog << "pkgAcqSubIndex failed: " << Desc.URI << " with " << Message << std::endl; Complete = false; Status = StatDone; Dequeue(); // No good Index is provided } /*}}}*/ void pkgAcqSubIndex::Done(string Message,unsigned long long Size,HashStringList const &Hashes, /*{{{*/ pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf) { if(Debug) std::clog << "pkgAcqSubIndex::Done(): " << Desc.URI << std::endl; string FileName = LookupTag(Message,"Filename"); if (FileName.empty() == true) { Status = StatError; ErrorText = "Method gave a blank filename"; return; } if (FileName != DestFile) { Local = true; Desc.URI = "copy:" + FileName; QueueURI(Desc); return; } Item::Done(Message, Size, Hashes, Cnf); string FinalFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists")+URItoFileName(Desc.URI); /* Downloaded invalid transindex => Error (LP: #346386) (Closes: #627642) */ indexRecords SubIndexParser; if (FileExists(DestFile) == true && !SubIndexParser.Load(DestFile)) { Status = StatError; ErrorText = SubIndexParser.ErrorText; return; } // success in downloading the index // rename the index if(Debug) std::clog << "Renaming: " << DestFile << " -> " << FinalFile << std::endl; Rename(DestFile,FinalFile); chmod(FinalFile.c_str(),0644); DestFile = FinalFile; if(ParseIndex(DestFile) == false) return Failed("", NULL); Complete = true; Status = StatDone; Dequeue(); return; } /*}}}*/ bool pkgAcqSubIndex::ParseIndex(string const &IndexFile) /*{{{*/ { indexRecords SubIndexParser; if (FileExists(IndexFile) == false || SubIndexParser.Load(IndexFile) == false) return false; // so something with the downloaded index return true; } /*}}}*/ // AcqDiffIndex::AcqDiffIndex - Constructor /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Get the DiffIndex file first and see if there are patches available * If so, create a pkgAcqIndexDiffs fetcher that will get and apply the * patches. If anything goes wrong in that process, it will fall back to * the original packages file */ pkgAcqDiffIndex::pkgAcqDiffIndex(pkgAcquire *Owner, unsigned long TransactionID, IndexTarget const * const Target, HashStringList const &ExpectedHashes, indexRecords *MetaIndexParser) : pkgAcqBaseIndex(Owner, TransactionID, Target, ExpectedHashes, MetaIndexParser) { Debug = _config->FindB("Debug::pkgAcquire::Diffs",false); RealURI = Target->URI; Desc.Owner = this; Desc.Description = Target->Description + "/DiffIndex"; Desc.ShortDesc = Target->ShortDesc; Desc.URI = Target->URI + ".diff/Index"; DestFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + "partial/"; DestFile += URItoFileName(Target->URI) + string(".DiffIndex"); if(Debug) std::clog << "pkgAcqDiffIndex: " << Desc.URI << std::endl; // look for the current package file CurrentPackagesFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists"); CurrentPackagesFile += URItoFileName(RealURI); // FIXME: this file:/ check is a hack to prevent fetching // from local sources. this is really silly, and // should be fixed cleanly as soon as possible if(!FileExists(CurrentPackagesFile) || Desc.URI.substr(0,strlen("file:/")) == "file:/") { // we don't have a pkg file or we don't want to queue if(Debug) std::clog << "No index file, local or canceld by user" << std::endl; Failed("", NULL); return; } if(Debug) std::clog << "pkgAcqDiffIndex::pkgAcqDiffIndex(): " << CurrentPackagesFile << std::endl; QueueURI(Desc); } /*}}}*/ // AcqIndex::Custom600Headers - Insert custom request headers /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* The only header we use is the last-modified header. */ string pkgAcqDiffIndex::Custom600Headers() const { string Final = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists"); Final += URItoFileName(RealURI) + string(".IndexDiff"); if(Debug) std::clog << "Custom600Header-IMS: " << Final << std::endl; struct stat Buf; if (stat(Final.c_str(),&Buf) != 0) return "\nIndex-File: true"; return "\nIndex-File: true\nLast-Modified: " + TimeRFC1123(Buf.st_mtime); } /*}}}*/ bool pkgAcqDiffIndex::ParseDiffIndex(string IndexDiffFile) /*{{{*/ { if(Debug) std::clog << "pkgAcqDiffIndex::ParseIndexDiff() " << IndexDiffFile << std::endl; pkgTagSection Tags; string ServerSha1; vector available_patches; FileFd Fd(IndexDiffFile,FileFd::ReadOnly); pkgTagFile TF(&Fd); if (_error->PendingError() == true) return false; if(TF.Step(Tags) == true) { bool found = false; DiffInfo d; string size; string const tmp = Tags.FindS("SHA1-Current"); std::stringstream ss(tmp); ss >> ServerSha1 >> size; unsigned long const ServerSize = atol(size.c_str()); FileFd fd(CurrentPackagesFile, FileFd::ReadOnly); SHA1Summation SHA1; SHA1.AddFD(fd); string const local_sha1 = SHA1.Result(); if(local_sha1 == ServerSha1) { // we have the same sha1 as the server so we are done here if(Debug) std::clog << "Package file is up-to-date" << std::endl; // list cleanup needs to know that this file as well as the already // present index is ours, so we create an empty diff to save it for us new pkgAcqIndexDiffs(Owner, TransactionID, Target, ExpectedHashes, MetaIndexParser, ServerSha1, available_patches); return true; } else { if(Debug) std::clog << "SHA1-Current: " << ServerSha1 << " and we start at "<< fd.Name() << " " << fd.Size() << " " << local_sha1 << std::endl; // check the historie and see what patches we need string const history = Tags.FindS("SHA1-History"); std::stringstream hist(history); while(hist >> d.sha1 >> size >> d.file) { // read until the first match is found // from that point on, we probably need all diffs if(d.sha1 == local_sha1) found=true; else if (found == false) continue; if(Debug) std::clog << "Need to get diff: " << d.file << std::endl; available_patches.push_back(d); } if (available_patches.empty() == false) { // patching with too many files is rather slow compared to a fast download unsigned long const fileLimit = _config->FindI("Acquire::PDiffs::FileLimit", 0); if (fileLimit != 0 && fileLimit < available_patches.size()) { if (Debug) std::clog << "Need " << available_patches.size() << " diffs (Limit is " << fileLimit << ") so fallback to complete download" << std::endl; return false; } // see if the patches are too big found = false; // it was true and it will be true again at the end d = *available_patches.begin(); string const firstPatch = d.file; unsigned long patchesSize = 0; std::stringstream patches(Tags.FindS("SHA1-Patches")); while(patches >> d.sha1 >> size >> d.file) { if (firstPatch == d.file) found = true; else if (found == false) continue; patchesSize += atol(size.c_str()); } unsigned long const sizeLimit = ServerSize * _config->FindI("Acquire::PDiffs::SizeLimit", 100); if (sizeLimit > 0 && (sizeLimit/100) < patchesSize) { if (Debug) std::clog << "Need " << patchesSize << " bytes (Limit is " << sizeLimit/100 << ") so fallback to complete download" << std::endl; return false; } } } // we have something, queue the next diff if(found) { // queue the diffs string::size_type const last_space = Description.rfind(" "); if(last_space != string::npos) Description.erase(last_space, Description.size()-last_space); /* decide if we should download patches one by one or in one go: The first is good if the server merges patches, but many don't so client based merging can be attempt in which case the second is better. "bad things" will happen if patches are merged on the server, but client side merging is attempt as well */ bool pdiff_merge = _config->FindB("Acquire::PDiffs::Merge", true); if (pdiff_merge == true) { // reprepro adds this flag if it has merged patches on the server std::string const precedence = Tags.FindS("X-Patch-Precedence"); pdiff_merge = (precedence != "merged"); } if (pdiff_merge == false) { new pkgAcqIndexDiffs(Owner, TransactionID, Target, ExpectedHashes, MetaIndexParser, ServerSha1, available_patches); } else { std::vector *diffs = new std::vector(available_patches.size()); for(size_t i = 0; i < available_patches.size(); ++i) (*diffs)[i] = new pkgAcqIndexMergeDiffs(Owner, TransactionID, Target, ExpectedHashes, MetaIndexParser, available_patches[i], diffs); } Complete = false; Status = StatDone; Dequeue(); return true; } } // Nothing found, report and return false // Failing here is ok, if we return false later, the full // IndexFile is queued if(Debug) std::clog << "Can't find a patch in the index file" << std::endl; return false; } /*}}}*/ void pkgAcqDiffIndex::Failed(string Message,pkgAcquire::MethodConfig * /*Cnf*/)/*{{{*/ { if(Debug) std::clog << "pkgAcqDiffIndex failed: " << Desc.URI << " with " << Message << std::endl << "Falling back to normal index file acquire" << std::endl; new pkgAcqIndex(Owner, TransactionID, Target, ExpectedHashes, MetaIndexParser); Complete = false; Status = StatDone; Dequeue(); } /*}}}*/ void pkgAcqDiffIndex::Done(string Message,unsigned long long Size,HashStringList const &Hashes, /*{{{*/ pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf) { if(Debug) std::clog << "pkgAcqDiffIndex::Done(): " << Desc.URI << std::endl; Item::Done(Message, Size, Hashes, Cnf); string FinalFile; FinalFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists")+URItoFileName(RealURI); // success in downloading the index // rename the index FinalFile += string(".IndexDiff"); if(Debug) std::clog << "Renaming: " << DestFile << " -> " << FinalFile << std::endl; Rename(DestFile,FinalFile); chmod(FinalFile.c_str(),0644); DestFile = FinalFile; if(!ParseDiffIndex(DestFile)) return Failed("", NULL); Complete = true; Status = StatDone; Dequeue(); return; } /*}}}*/ // AcqIndexDiffs::AcqIndexDiffs - Constructor /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* The package diff is added to the queue. one object is constructed * for each diff and the index */ pkgAcqIndexDiffs::pkgAcqIndexDiffs(pkgAcquire *Owner, unsigned long TransactionID, struct IndexTarget const * const Target, HashStringList const &ExpectedHashes, indexRecords *MetaIndexParser, string ServerSha1, vector diffs) : pkgAcqBaseIndex(Owner, TransactionID, Target, ExpectedHashes, MetaIndexParser), available_patches(diffs), ServerSha1(ServerSha1) { DestFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + "partial/"; DestFile += URItoFileName(Target->URI); Debug = _config->FindB("Debug::pkgAcquire::Diffs",false); RealURI = Target->URI; Desc.Owner = this; Description = Target->Description; Desc.ShortDesc = Target->ShortDesc; if(available_patches.empty() == true) { // we are done (yeah!) Finish(true); } else { // get the next diff State = StateFetchDiff; QueueNextDiff(); } } /*}}}*/ void pkgAcqIndexDiffs::Failed(string Message,pkgAcquire::MethodConfig * /*Cnf*/)/*{{{*/ { if(Debug) std::clog << "pkgAcqIndexDiffs failed: " << Desc.URI << " with " << Message << std::endl << "Falling back to normal index file acquire" << std::endl; new pkgAcqIndex(Owner, TransactionID, Target, ExpectedHashes, MetaIndexParser); Finish(); } /*}}}*/ // Finish - helper that cleans the item out of the fetcher queue /*{{{*/ void pkgAcqIndexDiffs::Finish(bool allDone) { // we restore the original name, this is required, otherwise // the file will be cleaned if(allDone) { DestFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists"); DestFile += URItoFileName(RealURI); if(HashSums().usable() && !HashSums().VerifyFile(DestFile)) { RenameOnError(HashSumMismatch); Dequeue(); return; } // this is for the "real" finish Complete = true; Status = StatDone; Dequeue(); if(Debug) std::clog << "\n\nallDone: " << DestFile << "\n" << std::endl; return; } if(Debug) std::clog << "Finishing: " << Desc.URI << std::endl; Complete = false; Status = StatDone; Dequeue(); return; } /*}}}*/ bool pkgAcqIndexDiffs::QueueNextDiff() /*{{{*/ { // calc sha1 of the just patched file string FinalFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists"); FinalFile += URItoFileName(RealURI); FileFd fd(FinalFile, FileFd::ReadOnly); SHA1Summation SHA1; SHA1.AddFD(fd); string local_sha1 = string(SHA1.Result()); if(Debug) std::clog << "QueueNextDiff: " << FinalFile << " (" << local_sha1 << ")"<::iterator I=available_patches.begin(); available_patches.empty() == false && I != available_patches.end() && I->sha1 != local_sha1; ++I) { available_patches.erase(I); } // error checking and falling back if no patch was found if(available_patches.empty() == true) { Failed("", NULL); return false; } // queue the right diff Desc.URI = RealURI + ".diff/" + available_patches[0].file + ".gz"; Desc.Description = Description + " " + available_patches[0].file + string(".pdiff"); DestFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + "partial/"; DestFile += URItoFileName(RealURI + ".diff/" + available_patches[0].file); if(Debug) std::clog << "pkgAcqIndexDiffs::QueueNextDiff(): " << Desc.URI << std::endl; QueueURI(Desc); return true; } /*}}}*/ void pkgAcqIndexDiffs::Done(string Message,unsigned long long Size, HashStringList const &Hashes, /*{{{*/ pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf) { if(Debug) std::clog << "pkgAcqIndexDiffs::Done(): " << Desc.URI << std::endl; Item::Done(Message, Size, Hashes, Cnf); string FinalFile; FinalFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists")+URItoFileName(RealURI); // success in downloading a diff, enter ApplyDiff state if(State == StateFetchDiff) { // rred excepts the patch as $FinalFile.ed Rename(DestFile,FinalFile+".ed"); if(Debug) std::clog << "Sending to rred method: " << FinalFile << std::endl; State = StateApplyDiff; Local = true; Desc.URI = "rred:" + FinalFile; QueueURI(Desc); Mode = "rred"; return; } // success in download/apply a diff, queue next (if needed) if(State == StateApplyDiff) { // remove the just applied patch available_patches.erase(available_patches.begin()); unlink((FinalFile + ".ed").c_str()); // move into place if(Debug) { std::clog << "Moving patched file in place: " << std::endl << DestFile << " -> " << FinalFile << std::endl; } Rename(DestFile,FinalFile); chmod(FinalFile.c_str(),0644); // see if there is more to download if(available_patches.empty() == false) { new pkgAcqIndexDiffs(Owner, TransactionID, Target, ExpectedHashes, MetaIndexParser, ServerSha1, available_patches); return Finish(); } else return Finish(true); } } /*}}}*/ // AcqIndexMergeDiffs::AcqIndexMergeDiffs - Constructor /*{{{*/ pkgAcqIndexMergeDiffs::pkgAcqIndexMergeDiffs(pkgAcquire *Owner, unsigned long TransactionID, struct IndexTarget const * const Target, HashStringList const &ExpectedHashes, indexRecords *MetaIndexParser, DiffInfo const &patch, std::vector const * const allPatches) : pkgAcqBaseIndex(Owner, TransactionID, Target, ExpectedHashes, MetaIndexParser), patch(patch), allPatches(allPatches), State(StateFetchDiff) { DestFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + "partial/"; DestFile += URItoFileName(Target->URI); Debug = _config->FindB("Debug::pkgAcquire::Diffs",false); RealURI = Target->URI; Desc.Owner = this; Description = Target->Description; Desc.ShortDesc = Target->ShortDesc; Desc.URI = RealURI + ".diff/" + patch.file + ".gz"; Desc.Description = Description + " " + patch.file + string(".pdiff"); DestFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + "partial/"; DestFile += URItoFileName(RealURI + ".diff/" + patch.file); if(Debug) std::clog << "pkgAcqIndexMergeDiffs: " << Desc.URI << std::endl; QueueURI(Desc); } /*}}}*/ void pkgAcqIndexMergeDiffs::Failed(string Message,pkgAcquire::MethodConfig * /*Cnf*/)/*{{{*/ { if(Debug) std::clog << "pkgAcqIndexMergeDiffs failed: " << Desc.URI << " with " << Message << std::endl; Complete = false; Status = StatDone; Dequeue(); // check if we are the first to fail, otherwise we are done here State = StateDoneDiff; for (std::vector::const_iterator I = allPatches->begin(); I != allPatches->end(); ++I) if ((*I)->State == StateErrorDiff) return; // first failure means we should fallback State = StateErrorDiff; std::clog << "Falling back to normal index file acquire" << std::endl; new pkgAcqIndex(Owner, TransactionID, Target, ExpectedHashes, MetaIndexParser); } /*}}}*/ void pkgAcqIndexMergeDiffs::Done(string Message,unsigned long long Size,HashStringList const &Hashes, /*{{{*/ pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf) { if(Debug) std::clog << "pkgAcqIndexMergeDiffs::Done(): " << Desc.URI << std::endl; Item::Done(Message,Size,Hashes,Cnf); string const FinalFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + URItoFileName(RealURI); if (State == StateFetchDiff) { // rred expects the patch as $FinalFile.ed.$patchname.gz Rename(DestFile, FinalFile + ".ed." + patch.file + ".gz"); // check if this is the last completed diff State = StateDoneDiff; for (std::vector::const_iterator I = allPatches->begin(); I != allPatches->end(); ++I) if ((*I)->State != StateDoneDiff) { if(Debug) std::clog << "Not the last done diff in the batch: " << Desc.URI << std::endl; return; } // this is the last completed diff, so we are ready to apply now State = StateApplyDiff; if(Debug) std::clog << "Sending to rred method: " << FinalFile << std::endl; Local = true; Desc.URI = "rred:" + FinalFile; QueueURI(Desc); Mode = "rred"; return; } // success in download/apply all diffs, clean up else if (State == StateApplyDiff) { // see if we really got the expected file if(ExpectedHashes.usable() && !ExpectedHashes.VerifyFile(DestFile)) { RenameOnError(HashSumMismatch); return; } // move the result into place if(Debug) std::clog << "Moving patched file in place: " << std::endl << DestFile << " -> " << FinalFile << std::endl; Rename(DestFile, FinalFile); chmod(FinalFile.c_str(), 0644); // otherwise lists cleanup will eat the file DestFile = FinalFile; // ensure the ed's are gone regardless of list-cleanup for (std::vector::const_iterator I = allPatches->begin(); I != allPatches->end(); ++I) { std::string patch = FinalFile + ".ed." + (*I)->patch.file + ".gz"; unlink(patch.c_str()); } // all set and done Complete = true; if(Debug) std::clog << "allDone: " << DestFile << "\n" << std::endl; } } /*}}}*/ // AcqIndex::AcqIndex - Constructor /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* The package file is added to the queue and a second class is instantiated to fetch the revision file */ pkgAcqIndex::pkgAcqIndex(pkgAcquire *Owner, string URI,string URIDesc,string ShortDesc, HashStringList const &ExpectedHash, string comprExt) : pkgAcqBaseIndex(Owner, 0, NULL, ExpectedHash, NULL), RealURI(URI) { if(comprExt.empty() == true) { // autoselect the compression method std::vector types = APT::Configuration::getCompressionTypes(); for (std::vector::const_iterator t = types.begin(); t != types.end(); ++t) comprExt.append(*t).append(" "); if (comprExt.empty() == false) comprExt.erase(comprExt.end()-1); } CompressionExtension = comprExt; Init(URI, URIDesc, ShortDesc); } #if 0 pkgAcqIndex::pkgAcqIndex(pkgAcquire *Owner, IndexTarget const *Target, HashStringList const &ExpectedHash, indexRecords *MetaIndexParser) : pkgAcqBaseIndex(Owner, Target, ExpectedHash, MetaIndexParser), RealURI(Target->URI) { // autoselect the compression method AutoSelectCompression(); Init(Target->URI, Target->Description, Target->ShortDesc); } #endif /*}}}*/ pkgAcqIndex::pkgAcqIndex(pkgAcquire *Owner, unsigned long TransactionID, IndexTarget const *Target, HashStringList const &ExpectedHash, indexRecords *MetaIndexParser) : pkgAcqBaseIndex(Owner, TransactionID, Target, ExpectedHash, MetaIndexParser), RealURI(Target->URI) { // autoselect the compression method AutoSelectCompression(); Init(Target->URI, Target->Description, Target->ShortDesc); if(_config->FindB("Debug::Acquire::Transaction", false) == true) std::clog << "New pkgIndex with TransactionID " << TransactionID << std::endl; } /*}}}*/ void pkgAcqIndex::AutoSelectCompression() { std::vector types = APT::Configuration::getCompressionTypes(); CompressionExtension = ""; if (ExpectedHashes.usable()) { for (std::vector::const_iterator t = types.begin(); t != types.end(); ++t) if (*t == "uncompressed" || MetaIndexParser->Exists(string(Target->MetaKey).append(".").append(*t)) == true) CompressionExtension.append(*t).append(" "); } else { for (std::vector::const_iterator t = types.begin(); t != types.end(); ++t) CompressionExtension.append(*t).append(" "); } if (CompressionExtension.empty() == false) CompressionExtension.erase(CompressionExtension.end()-1); } // AcqIndex::Init - defered Constructor /*{{{*/ void pkgAcqIndex::Init(string const &URI, string const &URIDesc, string const &ShortDesc) { Decompression = false; Erase = false; DestFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + "partial/"; DestFile += URItoFileName(URI); std::string const comprExt = CompressionExtension.substr(0, CompressionExtension.find(' ')); std::string MetaKey; if (comprExt == "uncompressed") { Desc.URI = URI; if(Target) MetaKey = string(Target->MetaKey); } else { Desc.URI = URI + '.' + comprExt; if(Target) MetaKey = string(Target->MetaKey) + '.' + comprExt; } // load the filesize if(MetaIndexParser) { indexRecords::checkSum *Record = MetaIndexParser->Lookup(MetaKey); if(Record) FileSize = Record->Size; InitByHashIfNeeded(MetaKey); } Desc.Description = URIDesc; Desc.Owner = this; Desc.ShortDesc = ShortDesc; QueueURI(Desc); } /*}}}*/ // AcqIndex::AdjustForByHash - modify URI for by-hash support /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ void pkgAcqIndex::InitByHashIfNeeded(const std::string MetaKey) { // TODO: // - (maybe?) add support for by-hash into the sources.list as flag // - make apt-ftparchive generate the hashes (and expire?) std::string HostKnob = "APT::Acquire::" + ::URI(Desc.URI).Host + "::By-Hash"; if(_config->FindB("APT::Acquire::By-Hash", false) == true || _config->FindB(HostKnob, false) == true || MetaIndexParser->GetSupportsAcquireByHash()) { indexRecords::checkSum *Record = MetaIndexParser->Lookup(MetaKey); if(Record) { // FIXME: should we really use the best hash here? or a fixed one? const HashString *TargetHash = Record->Hashes.find(""); std::string ByHash = "/by-hash/" + TargetHash->HashType() + "/" + TargetHash->HashValue(); size_t trailing_slash = Desc.URI.find_last_of("/"); Desc.URI = Desc.URI.replace( trailing_slash, Desc.URI.substr(trailing_slash+1).size()+1, ByHash); } else { _error->Warning( "Fetching ByHash requested but can not find record for %s", MetaKey.c_str()); } } } /*}}}*/ // AcqIndex::Custom600Headers - Insert custom request headers /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* The only header we use is the last-modified header. */ string pkgAcqIndex::Custom600Headers() const { string Final = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists"); Final += URItoFileName(RealURI); if (_config->FindB("Acquire::GzipIndexes",false)) Final += ".gz"; string msg = "\nIndex-File: true"; // FIXME: this really should use "IndexTarget::IsOptional()" but that // seems to be difficult without breaking ABI if (ShortDesc().find("Translation") != 0) msg += "\nFail-Ignore: true"; struct stat Buf; if (stat(Final.c_str(),&Buf) == 0) msg += "\nLast-Modified: " + TimeRFC1123(Buf.st_mtime); return msg; } /*}}}*/ void pkgAcqIndex::Failed(string Message,pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf) /*{{{*/ { size_t const nextExt = CompressionExtension.find(' '); if (nextExt != std::string::npos) { CompressionExtension = CompressionExtension.substr(nextExt+1); Init(RealURI, Desc.Description, Desc.ShortDesc); return; } // on decompression failure, remove bad versions in partial/ if (Decompression && Erase) { string s = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + "partial/"; s.append(URItoFileName(RealURI)); unlink(s.c_str()); } Item::Failed(Message,Cnf); /// cancel the entire transaction Owner->AbortTransaction(TransactionID); } /*}}}*/ // AcqIndex::Done - Finished a fetch /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This goes through a number of states.. On the initial fetch the method could possibly return an alternate filename which points to the uncompressed version of the file. If this is so the file is copied into the partial directory. In all other cases the file is decompressed with a gzip uri. */ void pkgAcqIndex::Done(string Message,unsigned long long Size,HashStringList const &Hashes, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cfg) { Item::Done(Message,Size,Hashes,Cfg); if (Decompression == true) { if (ExpectedHashes.usable() && ExpectedHashes != Hashes) { RenameOnError(HashSumMismatch); printHashSumComparision(RealURI, ExpectedHashes, Hashes); Failed(Message, Cfg); return; } // FIXME: this can go away once we only ever download stuff that // has a valid hash and we never do GET based probing // /* Always verify the index file for correctness (all indexes must * have a Package field) (LP: #346386) (Closes: #627642) */ FileFd fd(DestFile, FileFd::ReadOnly); // Only test for correctness if the file is not empty (empty is ok) if (fd.FileSize() > 0) { pkgTagSection sec; pkgTagFile tag(&fd); // all our current indexes have a field 'Package' in each section if (_error->PendingError() == true || tag.Step(sec) == false || sec.Exists("Package") == false) { RenameOnError(InvalidFormat); Failed(Message, Cfg); return; } } // Done, queue for rename on transaction finished PartialFile = DestFile; string FinalFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists"); FinalFile += URItoFileName(RealURI); DestFile = FinalFile; #if 0 /* We restore the original name to DestFile so that the clean operation will work OK */ DestFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + "partial/"; DestFile += URItoFileName(RealURI); // Remove the compressed version. if (Erase == true) unlink(DestFile.c_str()); #endif return; } Erase = false; Complete = true; // Handle the unzipd case string FileName = LookupTag(Message,"Alt-Filename"); if (FileName.empty() == false) { // The files timestamp matches if (StringToBool(LookupTag(Message,"Alt-IMS-Hit"),false) == true) return; Decompression = true; Local = true; DestFile += ".decomp"; Desc.URI = "copy:" + FileName; QueueURI(Desc); Mode = "copy"; return; } FileName = LookupTag(Message,"Filename"); if (FileName.empty() == true) { Status = StatError; ErrorText = "Method gave a blank filename"; } std::string const compExt = CompressionExtension.substr(0, CompressionExtension.find(' ')); // The files timestamp matches if (StringToBool(LookupTag(Message,"IMS-Hit"),false) == true) { if (_config->FindB("Acquire::GzipIndexes",false) && compExt == "gz") // Update DestFile for .gz suffix so that the clean operation keeps it DestFile += ".gz"; return; } if (FileName == DestFile) Erase = true; else Local = true; string decompProg; // If we enable compressed indexes and already have gzip, keep it if (_config->FindB("Acquire::GzipIndexes",false) && compExt == "gz" && !Local) { string FinalFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists"); FinalFile += URItoFileName(RealURI) + ".gz"; Rename(DestFile,FinalFile); chmod(FinalFile.c_str(),0644); // Update DestFile for .gz suffix so that the clean operation keeps it DestFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + "partial/"; DestFile += URItoFileName(RealURI) + ".gz"; return; } // get the binary name for your used compression type decompProg = _config->Find(string("Acquire::CompressionTypes::").append(compExt),""); if(decompProg.empty() == false); else if(compExt == "uncompressed") decompProg = "copy"; else { _error->Error("Unsupported extension: %s", compExt.c_str()); return; } Decompression = true; DestFile += ".decomp"; Desc.URI = decompProg + ":" + FileName; QueueURI(Desc); // FIXME: this points to a c++ string that goes out of scope Mode = decompProg.c_str(); } /*}}}*/ // AcqIndexTrans::pkgAcqIndexTrans - Constructor /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* The Translation file is added to the queue */ pkgAcqIndexTrans::pkgAcqIndexTrans(pkgAcquire *Owner, string URI,string URIDesc,string ShortDesc) : pkgAcqIndex(Owner, URI, URIDesc, ShortDesc, HashStringList(), "") { } /*}}}*/ pkgAcqIndexTrans::pkgAcqIndexTrans(pkgAcquire *Owner, unsigned long TransactionID, IndexTarget const * const Target, HashStringList const &ExpectedHashes, indexRecords *MetaIndexParser) : pkgAcqIndex(Owner, TransactionID, Target, ExpectedHashes, MetaIndexParser) { // load the filesize indexRecords::checkSum *Record = MetaIndexParser->Lookup(string(Target->MetaKey)); if(Record) FileSize = Record->Size; } /*}}}*/ // AcqIndexTrans::Custom600Headers - Insert custom request headers /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- string pkgAcqIndexTrans::Custom600Headers() const { string Final = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists"); Final += URItoFileName(RealURI); struct stat Buf; if (stat(Final.c_str(),&Buf) != 0) return "\nFail-Ignore: true\nIndex-File: true"; return "\nFail-Ignore: true\nIndex-File: true\nLast-Modified: " + TimeRFC1123(Buf.st_mtime); } /*}}}*/ // AcqIndexTrans::Failed - Silence failure messages for missing files /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ void pkgAcqIndexTrans::Failed(string Message,pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf) { size_t const nextExt = CompressionExtension.find(' '); if (nextExt != std::string::npos) { CompressionExtension = CompressionExtension.substr(nextExt+1); Init(RealURI, Desc.Description, Desc.ShortDesc); Status = StatIdle; return; } // FIXME: this is used often (e.g. in pkgAcqIndexTrans) so refactor if (Cnf->LocalOnly == true || StringToBool(LookupTag(Message,"Transient-Failure"),false) == false) { // Ignore this Status = StatDone; Complete = false; Dequeue(); return; } Item::Failed(Message,Cnf); } /*}}}*/ pkgAcqMetaSig::pkgAcqMetaSig(pkgAcquire *Owner, /*{{{*/ unsigned long TransactionID, string URI,string URIDesc,string ShortDesc, string MetaIndexFile, const vector* IndexTargets, indexRecords* MetaIndexParser) : Item(Owner, HashStringList(), TransactionID), RealURI(URI), MetaIndexParser(MetaIndexParser), MetaIndexFile(MetaIndexFile), IndexTargets(IndexTargets), AuthPass(false), IMSHit(false) { DestFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + "partial/"; DestFile += URItoFileName(URI); // remove any partial downloaded sig-file in partial/. // it may confuse proxies and is too small to warrant a // partial download anyway unlink(DestFile.c_str()); // set the TransactionID if(_config->FindB("Debug::Acquire::Transaction", false) == true) std::clog << "New pkgAcqMetaSig with TransactionID " << TransactionID << std::endl; // Create the item Desc.Description = URIDesc; Desc.Owner = this; Desc.ShortDesc = ShortDesc; Desc.URI = URI; QueueURI(Desc); } /*}}}*/ pkgAcqMetaSig::~pkgAcqMetaSig() /*{{{*/ { } /*}}}*/ // pkgAcqMetaSig::Custom600Headers - Insert custom request headers /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* The only header we use is the last-modified header. */ string pkgAcqMetaSig::Custom600Headers() const { string FinalFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists"); FinalFile += URItoFileName(RealURI); struct stat Buf; if (stat(FinalFile.c_str(),&Buf) != 0) return "\nIndex-File: true"; return "\nIndex-File: true\nLast-Modified: " + TimeRFC1123(Buf.st_mtime); } void pkgAcqMetaSig::Done(string Message,unsigned long long Size, HashStringList const &Hashes, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cfg) { Item::Done(Message, Size, Hashes, Cfg); string FileName = LookupTag(Message,"Filename"); if (FileName.empty() == true) { Status = StatError; ErrorText = "Method gave a blank filename"; return; } if (FileName != DestFile) { // We have to copy it into place Local = true; Desc.URI = "copy:" + FileName; QueueURI(Desc); return; } if(StringToBool(LookupTag(Message,"IMS-Hit"),false) == true) IMSHit = true; // adjust paths if its a ims-hit if(IMSHit) { string FinalFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists"); FinalFile += URItoFileName(RealURI); DestFile = PartialFile = FinalFile; } // queue for verify if(AuthPass == false) { AuthPass = true; Desc.URI = "gpgv:" + DestFile; DestFile = MetaIndexFile; QueueURI(Desc); return; } // queue to copy the file in place if it was not a ims hit, on ims // hit the file is already at the right place if(IMSHit == false) { PartialFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + "partial/"; PartialFile += URItoFileName(RealURI); DestFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists"); DestFile += URItoFileName(RealURI); } Complete = true; } /*}}}*/ void pkgAcqMetaSig::Failed(string Message,pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf)/*{{{*/ { string Final = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + URItoFileName(RealURI); // this ensures that any file in the lists/ dir is removed by the // transaction DestFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + "partial/"; DestFile += URItoFileName(RealURI); PartialFile = ""; // FIXME: this is used often (e.g. in pkgAcqIndexTrans) so refactor if (Cnf->LocalOnly == true || StringToBool(LookupTag(Message,"Transient-Failure"),false) == false) { // Ignore this Status = StatDone; Complete = false; Dequeue(); return; } Item::Failed(Message,Cnf); } /*}}}*/ pkgAcqMetaIndex::pkgAcqMetaIndex(pkgAcquire *Owner, /*{{{*/ unsigned long TransactionID, string URI,string URIDesc,string ShortDesc, string MetaIndexSigURI,string MetaIndexSigURIDesc, string MetaIndexSigShortDesc, const vector* IndexTargets, indexRecords* MetaIndexParser) : Item(Owner, HashStringList(), TransactionID), RealURI(URI), IndexTargets(IndexTargets), MetaIndexParser(MetaIndexParser), AuthPass(false), IMSHit(false), MetaIndexSigURI(MetaIndexSigURI), MetaIndexSigURIDesc(MetaIndexSigURIDesc), MetaIndexSigShortDesc(MetaIndexSigShortDesc) { if(TransactionID == 0) this->TransactionID = (unsigned long)this; if(_config->FindB("Debug::Acquire::Transaction", false) == true) std::clog << "New pkgAcqMetaIndex with TransactionID " << TransactionID << std::endl; Init(URIDesc, ShortDesc); } /*}}}*/ // pkgAcqMetaIndex::Init - Delayed constructor /*{{{*/ void pkgAcqMetaIndex::Init(std::string URIDesc, std::string ShortDesc) { DestFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + "partial/"; DestFile += URItoFileName(RealURI); // Create the item Desc.Description = URIDesc; Desc.Owner = this; Desc.ShortDesc = ShortDesc; Desc.URI = RealURI; // we expect more item ExpectedAdditionalItems = IndexTargets->size(); QueueURI(Desc); } // pkgAcqMetaIndex::Custom600Headers - Insert custom request headers /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* The only header we use is the last-modified header. */ string pkgAcqMetaIndex::Custom600Headers() const { string Final = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists"); Final += URItoFileName(RealURI); struct stat Buf; if (stat(Final.c_str(),&Buf) != 0) return "\nIndex-File: true"; return "\nIndex-File: true\nLast-Modified: " + TimeRFC1123(Buf.st_mtime); } /*}}}*/ void pkgAcqMetaIndex::Done(string Message,unsigned long long Size,HashStringList const &Hashes, /*{{{*/ pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cfg) { Item::Done(Message,Size,Hashes,Cfg); // MetaIndexes are done in two passes: one to download the // metaindex with an appropriate method, and a second to verify it // with the gpgv method if (AuthPass == true) { AuthDone(Message); // all cool, move Release file into place Complete = true; } else { RetrievalDone(Message); if (!Complete) // Still more retrieving to do return; if (SigFile == "") { // load indexes, the signature will downloaded afterwards MetaIndexParser->Load(DestFile); QueueIndexes(true); } else { // FIXME: move this into pkgAcqMetaClearSig::Done on the next // ABI break // if we expect a ClearTextSignature (InRelase), ensure that // this is what we get and if not fail to queue a // Release/Release.gpg, see #346386 if (SigFile == DestFile && !StartsWithGPGClearTextSignature(DestFile)) { Failed(Message, Cfg); return; } // There was a signature file, so pass it to gpgv for // verification if (_config->FindB("Debug::pkgAcquire::Auth", false)) std::cerr << "Metaindex acquired, queueing gpg verification (" << SigFile << "," << DestFile << ")\n"; AuthPass = true; Desc.URI = "gpgv:" + SigFile; QueueURI(Desc); Mode = "gpgv"; return; } } if (Complete == true) { string FinalFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists"); FinalFile += URItoFileName(RealURI); if (SigFile == DestFile) SigFile = FinalFile; // queue for copy in place PartialFile = DestFile; DestFile = FinalFile; } } /*}}}*/ void pkgAcqMetaIndex::RetrievalDone(string Message) /*{{{*/ { // We have just finished downloading a Release file (it is not // verified yet) string FileName = LookupTag(Message,"Filename"); if (FileName.empty() == true) { Status = StatError; ErrorText = "Method gave a blank filename"; return; } if (FileName != DestFile) { Local = true; Desc.URI = "copy:" + FileName; QueueURI(Desc); return; } // make sure to verify against the right file on I-M-S hit IMSHit = StringToBool(LookupTag(Message,"IMS-Hit"),false); if(IMSHit) { string FinalFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists"); FinalFile += URItoFileName(RealURI); if (SigFile == DestFile) { SigFile = FinalFile; // constructor of pkgAcqMetaClearSig moved it out of the way, // now move it back in on IMS hit for the 'old' file string const OldClearSig = DestFile + ".reverify"; if (RealFileExists(OldClearSig) == true) Rename(OldClearSig, FinalFile); } DestFile = FinalFile; } // queue a signature if(SigFile != DestFile) new pkgAcqMetaSig(Owner, TransactionID, MetaIndexSigURI, MetaIndexSigURIDesc, MetaIndexSigShortDesc, DestFile, IndexTargets, MetaIndexParser); Complete = true; } /*}}}*/ void pkgAcqMetaIndex::AuthDone(string Message) /*{{{*/ { // At this point, the gpgv method has succeeded, so there is a // valid signature from a key in the trusted keyring. We // perform additional verification of its contents, and use them // to verify the indexes we are about to download if (!MetaIndexParser->Load(DestFile)) { Status = StatAuthError; ErrorText = MetaIndexParser->ErrorText; return; } if (!VerifyVendor(Message)) { return; } if (_config->FindB("Debug::pkgAcquire::Auth", false)) std::cerr << "Signature verification succeeded: " << DestFile << std::endl; // Download further indexes with verification QueueIndexes(true); #if 0 // is it a clearsigned MetaIndex file? if (DestFile == SigFile) return; // Done, move signature file into position string VerifiedSigFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + URItoFileName(RealURI) + ".gpg"; Rename(SigFile,VerifiedSigFile); chmod(VerifiedSigFile.c_str(),0644); #endif } /*}}}*/ void pkgAcqMetaIndex::QueueIndexes(bool verify) /*{{{*/ { bool transInRelease = false; { std::vector const keys = MetaIndexParser->MetaKeys(); for (std::vector::const_iterator k = keys.begin(); k != keys.end(); ++k) // FIXME: Feels wrong to check for hardcoded string here, but what should we do elseā€¦ if (k->find("Translation-") != std::string::npos) { transInRelease = true; break; } } // at this point the real Items are loaded in the fetcher ExpectedAdditionalItems = 0; for (vector ::const_iterator Target = IndexTargets->begin(); Target != IndexTargets->end(); ++Target) { HashStringList ExpectedIndexHashes; const indexRecords::checkSum *Record = MetaIndexParser->Lookup((*Target)->MetaKey); bool compressedAvailable = false; if (Record == NULL) { if ((*Target)->IsOptional() == true) { std::vector types = APT::Configuration::getCompressionTypes(); for (std::vector::const_iterator t = types.begin(); t != types.end(); ++t) if (MetaIndexParser->Exists((*Target)->MetaKey + "." + *t) == true) { compressedAvailable = true; break; } } else if (verify == true) { Status = StatAuthError; strprintf(ErrorText, _("Unable to find expected entry '%s' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)"), (*Target)->MetaKey.c_str()); return; } } else { ExpectedIndexHashes = Record->Hashes; if (_config->FindB("Debug::pkgAcquire::Auth", false)) { std::cerr << "Queueing: " << (*Target)->URI << std::endl << "Expected Hash:" << std::endl; for (HashStringList::const_iterator hs = ExpectedIndexHashes.begin(); hs != ExpectedIndexHashes.end(); ++hs) std::cerr << "\t- " << hs->toStr() << std::endl; std::cerr << "For: " << Record->MetaKeyFilename << std::endl; } if (verify == true && ExpectedIndexHashes.empty() == true && (*Target)->IsOptional() == false) { Status = StatAuthError; strprintf(ErrorText, _("Unable to find hash sum for '%s' in Release file"), (*Target)->MetaKey.c_str()); return; } } if ((*Target)->IsOptional() == true) { if ((*Target)->IsSubIndex() == true) new pkgAcqSubIndex(Owner, TransactionID, (*Target)->URI, (*Target)->Description, (*Target)->ShortDesc, ExpectedIndexHashes); else if (transInRelease == false || Record != NULL || compressedAvailable == true) { if (_config->FindB("Acquire::PDiffs",true) == true && transInRelease == true && MetaIndexParser->Exists((*Target)->MetaKey + ".diff/Index") == true) new pkgAcqDiffIndex(Owner, TransactionID, *Target, ExpectedIndexHashes, MetaIndexParser); else new pkgAcqIndexTrans(Owner, TransactionID, *Target, ExpectedIndexHashes, MetaIndexParser); } continue; } /* Queue Packages file (either diff or full packages files, depending on the users option) - we also check if the PDiff Index file is listed in the Meta-Index file. Ideal would be if pkgAcqDiffIndex would test this instead, but passing the required info to it is to much hassle */ if(_config->FindB("Acquire::PDiffs",true) == true && (verify == false || MetaIndexParser->Exists((*Target)->MetaKey + ".diff/Index") == true)) new pkgAcqDiffIndex(Owner, TransactionID, *Target, ExpectedIndexHashes, MetaIndexParser); else new pkgAcqIndex(Owner, TransactionID, *Target, ExpectedIndexHashes, MetaIndexParser); } } /*}}}*/ bool pkgAcqMetaIndex::VerifyVendor(string Message) /*{{{*/ { string::size_type pos; // check for missing sigs (that where not fatal because otherwise we had // bombed earlier) string missingkeys; string msg = _("There is no public key available for the " "following key IDs:\n"); pos = Message.find("NO_PUBKEY "); if (pos != std::string::npos) { string::size_type start = pos+strlen("NO_PUBKEY "); string Fingerprint = Message.substr(start, Message.find("\n")-start); missingkeys += (Fingerprint); } if(!missingkeys.empty()) _error->Warning("%s", (msg + missingkeys).c_str()); string Transformed = MetaIndexParser->GetExpectedDist(); if (Transformed == "../project/experimental") { Transformed = "experimental"; } pos = Transformed.rfind('/'); if (pos != string::npos) { Transformed = Transformed.substr(0, pos); } if (Transformed == ".") { Transformed = ""; } if (_config->FindB("Acquire::Check-Valid-Until", true) == true && MetaIndexParser->GetValidUntil() > 0) { time_t const invalid_since = time(NULL) - MetaIndexParser->GetValidUntil(); if (invalid_since > 0) // TRANSLATOR: The first %s is the URL of the bad Release file, the second is // the time since then the file is invalid - formated in the same way as in // the download progress display (e.g. 7d 3h 42min 1s) return _error->Error( _("Release file for %s is expired (invalid since %s). " "Updates for this repository will not be applied."), RealURI.c_str(), TimeToStr(invalid_since).c_str()); } if (_config->FindB("Debug::pkgAcquire::Auth", false)) { std::cerr << "Got Codename: " << MetaIndexParser->GetDist() << std::endl; std::cerr << "Expecting Dist: " << MetaIndexParser->GetExpectedDist() << std::endl; std::cerr << "Transformed Dist: " << Transformed << std::endl; } if (MetaIndexParser->CheckDist(Transformed) == false) { // This might become fatal one day // Status = StatAuthError; // ErrorText = "Conflicting distribution; expected " // + MetaIndexParser->GetExpectedDist() + " but got " // + MetaIndexParser->GetDist(); // return false; if (!Transformed.empty()) { _error->Warning(_("Conflicting distribution: %s (expected %s but got %s)"), Desc.Description.c_str(), Transformed.c_str(), MetaIndexParser->GetDist().c_str()); } } return true; } /*}}}*/ // pkgAcqMetaIndex::Failed - no Release file present or no signature file present /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ void pkgAcqMetaIndex::Failed(string /*Message*/, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig * /*Cnf*/) { #if 0 if (AuthPass == true) { // gpgv method failed, if we have a good signature string LastGoodSigFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists").append("partial/").append(URItoFileName(RealURI)); if (DestFile != SigFile) LastGoodSigFile.append(".gpg"); LastGoodSigFile.append(".reverify"); if(FileExists(LastGoodSigFile)) { string VerifiedSigFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + URItoFileName(RealURI); if (DestFile != SigFile) VerifiedSigFile.append(".gpg"); Rename(LastGoodSigFile, VerifiedSigFile); Status = StatTransientNetworkError; _error->Warning(_("An error occurred during the signature " "verification. The repository is not updated " "and the previous index files will be used. " "GPG error: %s: %s\n"), Desc.Description.c_str(), LookupTag(Message,"Message").c_str()); RunScripts("APT::Update::Auth-Failure"); return; } else if (LookupTag(Message,"Message").find("NODATA") != string::npos) { /* Invalid signature file, reject (LP: #346386) (Closes: #627642) */ _error->Error(_("GPG error: %s: %s"), Desc.Description.c_str(), LookupTag(Message,"Message").c_str()); return; } else { _error->Warning(_("GPG error: %s: %s"), Desc.Description.c_str(), LookupTag(Message,"Message").c_str()); } // gpgv method failed ReportMirrorFailure("GPGFailure"); } #endif /* Always move the meta index, even if gpgv failed. This ensures * that PackageFile objects are correctly filled in */ if (FileExists(DestFile)) { string FinalFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists"); FinalFile += URItoFileName(RealURI); /* InRelease files become Release files, otherwise * they would be considered as trusted later on */ if (SigFile == DestFile) { RealURI = RealURI.replace(RealURI.rfind("InRelease"), 9, "Release"); FinalFile = FinalFile.replace(FinalFile.rfind("InRelease"), 9, "Release"); SigFile = FinalFile; } Rename(DestFile,FinalFile); chmod(FinalFile.c_str(),0644); DestFile = FinalFile; } // No Release file was present, or verification failed, so fall // back to queueing Packages files without verification QueueIndexes(false); } /*}}}*/ void pkgAcqMetaIndex::Finished() { if(_config->FindB("Debug::Acquire::Transaction", false) == true) std::clog << "Finished: " << DestFile <TransactionHasError(TransactionID) == false && TransactionID > 0) Owner->CommitTransaction(TransactionID); } pkgAcqMetaClearSig::pkgAcqMetaClearSig(pkgAcquire *Owner, /*{{{*/ string const &URI, string const &URIDesc, string const &ShortDesc, string const &MetaIndexURI, string const &MetaIndexURIDesc, string const &MetaIndexShortDesc, string const &MetaSigURI, string const &MetaSigURIDesc, string const &MetaSigShortDesc, const vector* IndexTargets, indexRecords* MetaIndexParser) : pkgAcqMetaIndex(Owner, (unsigned long)this, URI, URIDesc, ShortDesc, MetaSigURI, MetaSigURIDesc,MetaSigShortDesc, IndexTargets, MetaIndexParser), MetaIndexURI(MetaIndexURI), MetaIndexURIDesc(MetaIndexURIDesc), MetaIndexShortDesc(MetaIndexShortDesc), MetaSigURI(MetaSigURI), MetaSigURIDesc(MetaSigURIDesc), MetaSigShortDesc(MetaSigShortDesc) { SigFile = DestFile; // index targets + (worst case:) Release/Release.gpg ExpectedAdditionalItems = IndexTargets->size() + 2; // keep the old InRelease around in case of transistent network errors string const Final = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + URItoFileName(RealURI); if (RealFileExists(Final) == true) { string const LastGoodSig = DestFile + ".reverify"; Rename(Final,LastGoodSig); } } /*}}}*/ pkgAcqMetaClearSig::~pkgAcqMetaClearSig() /*{{{*/ { // if the file was never queued undo file-changes done in the constructor if (QueueCounter == 1 && Status == StatIdle && FileSize == 0 && Complete == false) { string const Final = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + URItoFileName(RealURI); string const LastGoodSig = DestFile + ".reverify"; if (RealFileExists(Final) == false && RealFileExists(LastGoodSig) == true) Rename(LastGoodSig, Final); } } /*}}}*/ // pkgAcqMetaClearSig::Custom600Headers - Insert custom request headers /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // FIXME: this can go away once the InRelease file is used widely string pkgAcqMetaClearSig::Custom600Headers() const { string Final = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists"); Final += URItoFileName(RealURI); struct stat Buf; if (stat(Final.c_str(),&Buf) != 0) { Final = DestFile + ".reverify"; if (stat(Final.c_str(),&Buf) != 0) return "\nIndex-File: true\nFail-Ignore: true\n"; } return "\nIndex-File: true\nFail-Ignore: true\nLast-Modified: " + TimeRFC1123(Buf.st_mtime); } /*}}}*/ void pkgAcqMetaClearSig::Failed(string Message,pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf) /*{{{*/ { // we failed, we will not get additional items from this method ExpectedAdditionalItems = 0; if (AuthPass == false) { // Remove the 'old' InRelease file if we try Release.gpg now as otherwise // the file will stay around and gives a false-auth impression (CVE-2012-0214) string FinalFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists"); FinalFile.append(URItoFileName(RealURI)); if (FileExists(FinalFile)) unlink(FinalFile.c_str()); new pkgAcqMetaIndex(Owner, TransactionID, MetaIndexURI, MetaIndexURIDesc, MetaIndexShortDesc, MetaSigURI, MetaSigURIDesc, MetaSigShortDesc, IndexTargets, MetaIndexParser); if (Cnf->LocalOnly == true || StringToBool(LookupTag(Message, "Transient-Failure"), false) == false) Dequeue(); } else pkgAcqMetaIndex::Failed(Message, Cnf); } /*}}}*/ // AcqArchive::AcqArchive - Constructor /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This just sets up the initial fetch environment and queues the first possibilitiy */ pkgAcqArchive::pkgAcqArchive(pkgAcquire *Owner,pkgSourceList *Sources, pkgRecords *Recs,pkgCache::VerIterator const &Version, string &StoreFilename) : Item(Owner, HashStringList()), Version(Version), Sources(Sources), Recs(Recs), StoreFilename(StoreFilename), Vf(Version.FileList()), Trusted(false) { Retries = _config->FindI("Acquire::Retries",0); if (Version.Arch() == 0) { _error->Error(_("I wasn't able to locate a file for the %s package. " "This might mean you need to manually fix this package. " "(due to missing arch)"), Version.ParentPkg().FullName().c_str()); return; } /* We need to find a filename to determine the extension. We make the assumption here that all the available sources for this version share the same extension.. */ // Skip not source sources, they do not have file fields. for (; Vf.end() == false; ++Vf) { if ((Vf.File()->Flags & pkgCache::Flag::NotSource) != 0) continue; break; } // Does not really matter here.. we are going to fail out below if (Vf.end() != true) { // If this fails to get a file name we will bomb out below. pkgRecords::Parser &Parse = Recs->Lookup(Vf); if (_error->PendingError() == true) return; // Generate the final file name as: package_version_arch.foo StoreFilename = QuoteString(Version.ParentPkg().Name(),"_:") + '_' + QuoteString(Version.VerStr(),"_:") + '_' + QuoteString(Version.Arch(),"_:.") + "." + flExtension(Parse.FileName()); } // check if we have one trusted source for the package. if so, switch // to "TrustedOnly" mode - but only if not in AllowUnauthenticated mode bool const allowUnauth = _config->FindB("APT::Get::AllowUnauthenticated", false); bool const debugAuth = _config->FindB("Debug::pkgAcquire::Auth", false); bool seenUntrusted = false; for (pkgCache::VerFileIterator i = Version.FileList(); i.end() == false; ++i) { pkgIndexFile *Index; if (Sources->FindIndex(i.File(),Index) == false) continue; if (debugAuth == true) std::cerr << "Checking index: " << Index->Describe() << "(Trusted=" << Index->IsTrusted() << ")" << std::endl; if (Index->IsTrusted() == true) { Trusted = true; if (allowUnauth == false) break; } else seenUntrusted = true; } // "allow-unauthenticated" restores apts old fetching behaviour // that means that e.g. unauthenticated file:// uris are higher // priority than authenticated http:// uris if (allowUnauth == true && seenUntrusted == true) Trusted = false; // Select a source if (QueueNext() == false && _error->PendingError() == false) _error->Error(_("Can't find a source to download version '%s' of '%s'"), Version.VerStr(), Version.ParentPkg().FullName(false).c_str()); } /*}}}*/ // AcqArchive::QueueNext - Queue the next file source /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This queues the next available file version for download. It checks if the archive is already available in the cache and stashs the MD5 for checking later. */ bool pkgAcqArchive::QueueNext() { for (; Vf.end() == false; ++Vf) { // Ignore not source sources if ((Vf.File()->Flags & pkgCache::Flag::NotSource) != 0) continue; // Try to cross match against the source list pkgIndexFile *Index; if (Sources->FindIndex(Vf.File(),Index) == false) continue; // only try to get a trusted package from another source if that source // is also trusted if(Trusted && !Index->IsTrusted()) continue; // Grab the text package record pkgRecords::Parser &Parse = Recs->Lookup(Vf); if (_error->PendingError() == true) return false; string PkgFile = Parse.FileName(); ExpectedHashes = Parse.Hashes(); if (PkgFile.empty() == true) return _error->Error(_("The package index files are corrupted. No Filename: " "field for package %s."), Version.ParentPkg().Name()); Desc.URI = Index->ArchiveURI(PkgFile); Desc.Description = Index->ArchiveInfo(Version); Desc.Owner = this; Desc.ShortDesc = Version.ParentPkg().FullName(true); // See if we already have the file. (Legacy filenames) FileSize = Version->Size; string FinalFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::Cache::Archives") + flNotDir(PkgFile); struct stat Buf; if (stat(FinalFile.c_str(),&Buf) == 0) { // Make sure the size matches if ((unsigned long long)Buf.st_size == Version->Size) { Complete = true; Local = true; Status = StatDone; StoreFilename = DestFile = FinalFile; return true; } /* Hmm, we have a file and its size does not match, this means it is an old style mismatched arch */ unlink(FinalFile.c_str()); } // Check it again using the new style output filenames FinalFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::Cache::Archives") + flNotDir(StoreFilename); if (stat(FinalFile.c_str(),&Buf) == 0) { // Make sure the size matches if ((unsigned long long)Buf.st_size == Version->Size) { Complete = true; Local = true; Status = StatDone; StoreFilename = DestFile = FinalFile; return true; } /* Hmm, we have a file and its size does not match, this shouldn't happen.. */ unlink(FinalFile.c_str()); } DestFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::Cache::Archives") + "partial/" + flNotDir(StoreFilename); // Check the destination file if (stat(DestFile.c_str(),&Buf) == 0) { // Hmm, the partial file is too big, erase it if ((unsigned long long)Buf.st_size > Version->Size) unlink(DestFile.c_str()); else PartialSize = Buf.st_size; } // Disables download of archives - useful if no real installation follows, // e.g. if we are just interested in proposed installation order if (_config->FindB("Debug::pkgAcqArchive::NoQueue", false) == true) { Complete = true; Local = true; Status = StatDone; StoreFilename = DestFile = FinalFile; return true; } // Create the item Local = false; QueueURI(Desc); ++Vf; return true; } return false; } /*}}}*/ // AcqArchive::Done - Finished fetching /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ void pkgAcqArchive::Done(string Message,unsigned long long Size, HashStringList const &CalcHashes, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cfg) { Item::Done(Message, Size, CalcHashes, Cfg); // Check the size if (Size != Version->Size) { RenameOnError(SizeMismatch); return; } // FIXME: could this empty() check impose *any* sort of security issue? if(ExpectedHashes.usable() && ExpectedHashes != CalcHashes) { RenameOnError(HashSumMismatch); printHashSumComparision(DestFile, ExpectedHashes, CalcHashes); return; } // Grab the output filename string FileName = LookupTag(Message,"Filename"); if (FileName.empty() == true) { Status = StatError; ErrorText = "Method gave a blank filename"; return; } Complete = true; // Reference filename if (FileName != DestFile) { StoreFilename = DestFile = FileName; Local = true; return; } // Done, move it into position string FinalFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::Cache::Archives"); FinalFile += flNotDir(StoreFilename); Rename(DestFile,FinalFile); StoreFilename = DestFile = FinalFile; Complete = true; } /*}}}*/ // AcqArchive::Failed - Failure handler /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Here we try other sources */ void pkgAcqArchive::Failed(string Message,pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf) { ErrorText = LookupTag(Message,"Message"); /* We don't really want to retry on failed media swaps, this prevents that. An interesting observation is that permanent failures are not recorded. */ if (Cnf->Removable == true && StringToBool(LookupTag(Message,"Transient-Failure"),false) == true) { // Vf = Version.FileList(); while (Vf.end() == false) ++Vf; StoreFilename = string(); Item::Failed(Message,Cnf); return; } if (QueueNext() == false) { // This is the retry counter if (Retries != 0 && Cnf->LocalOnly == false && StringToBool(LookupTag(Message,"Transient-Failure"),false) == true) { Retries--; Vf = Version.FileList(); if (QueueNext() == true) return; } StoreFilename = string(); Item::Failed(Message,Cnf); } } /*}}}*/ // AcqArchive::IsTrusted - Determine whether this archive comes from a trusted source /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- APT_PURE bool pkgAcqArchive::IsTrusted() const { return Trusted; } /*}}}*/ // AcqArchive::Finished - Fetching has finished, tidy up /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ void pkgAcqArchive::Finished() { if (Status == pkgAcquire::Item::StatDone && Complete == true) return; StoreFilename = string(); } /*}}}*/ // AcqFile::pkgAcqFile - Constructor /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* The file is added to the queue */ pkgAcqFile::pkgAcqFile(pkgAcquire *Owner,string URI, HashStringList const &Hashes, unsigned long long Size,string Dsc,string ShortDesc, const string &DestDir, const string &DestFilename, bool IsIndexFile) : Item(Owner, Hashes), IsIndexFile(IsIndexFile) { Retries = _config->FindI("Acquire::Retries",0); if(!DestFilename.empty()) DestFile = DestFilename; else if(!DestDir.empty()) DestFile = DestDir + "/" + flNotDir(URI); else DestFile = flNotDir(URI); // Create the item Desc.URI = URI; Desc.Description = Dsc; Desc.Owner = this; // Set the short description to the archive component Desc.ShortDesc = ShortDesc; // Get the transfer sizes FileSize = Size; struct stat Buf; if (stat(DestFile.c_str(),&Buf) == 0) { // Hmm, the partial file is too big, erase it if ((Size > 0) && (unsigned long long)Buf.st_size > Size) unlink(DestFile.c_str()); else PartialSize = Buf.st_size; } QueueURI(Desc); } /*}}}*/ // AcqFile::Done - Item downloaded OK /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ void pkgAcqFile::Done(string Message,unsigned long long Size,HashStringList const &CalcHashes, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf) { Item::Done(Message,Size,CalcHashes,Cnf); // Check the hash if(ExpectedHashes.usable() && ExpectedHashes != CalcHashes) { RenameOnError(HashSumMismatch); printHashSumComparision(DestFile, ExpectedHashes, CalcHashes); return; } string FileName = LookupTag(Message,"Filename"); if (FileName.empty() == true) { Status = StatError; ErrorText = "Method gave a blank filename"; return; } Complete = true; // The files timestamp matches if (StringToBool(LookupTag(Message,"IMS-Hit"),false) == true) return; // We have to copy it into place if (FileName != DestFile) { Local = true; if (_config->FindB("Acquire::Source-Symlinks",true) == false || Cnf->Removable == true) { Desc.URI = "copy:" + FileName; QueueURI(Desc); return; } // Erase the file if it is a symlink so we can overwrite it struct stat St; if (lstat(DestFile.c_str(),&St) == 0) { if (S_ISLNK(St.st_mode) != 0) unlink(DestFile.c_str()); } // Symlink the file if (symlink(FileName.c_str(),DestFile.c_str()) != 0) { ErrorText = "Link to " + DestFile + " failure "; Status = StatError; Complete = false; } } } /*}}}*/ // AcqFile::Failed - Failure handler /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Here we try other sources */ void pkgAcqFile::Failed(string Message,pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf) { ErrorText = LookupTag(Message,"Message"); // This is the retry counter if (Retries != 0 && Cnf->LocalOnly == false && StringToBool(LookupTag(Message,"Transient-Failure"),false) == true) { Retries--; QueueURI(Desc); return; } Item::Failed(Message,Cnf); } /*}}}*/ // AcqIndex::Custom600Headers - Insert custom request headers /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* The only header we use is the last-modified header. */ string pkgAcqFile::Custom600Headers() const { if (IsIndexFile) return "\nIndex-File: true"; return ""; } /*}}}*/