// -*- mode: cpp; mode: fold -*- // Description /*{{{*/ // $Id: acquire-item.cc,v 1.46 2003/02/02 22:19:17 jgg Exp $ /* ###################################################################### Acquire Item - Item to acquire Each item can download to exactly one file at a time. This means you cannot create an item that fetches two uri's to two files at the same time. The pkgAcqIndex class creates a second class upon instantiation to fetch the other index files because of this. ##################################################################### */ /*}}}*/ // Include Files /*{{{*/ #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation "apt-pkg/acquire-item.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*}}}*/ using std::string; // Acquire::Item::Item - Constructor /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ pkgAcquire::Item::Item(pkgAcquire *Owner) : Owner(Owner), FileSize(0), PartialSize(0), Mode(0), ID(0), Complete(false), Local(false), QueueCounter(0) { Owner->Add(this); Status = StatIdle; } /*}}}*/ // Acquire::Item::~Item - Destructor /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ pkgAcquire::Item::~Item() { Owner->Remove(this); } /*}}}*/ // Acquire::Item::Failed - Item failed to download /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* We return to an idle state if there are still other queues that could fetch this object */ void pkgAcquire::Item::Failed(string Message,pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf) { Status = StatIdle; ErrorText = LookupTag(Message,"Message"); if (QueueCounter <= 1) { /* This indicates that the file is not available right now but might be sometime later. If we do a retry cycle then this should be retried [CDROMs] */ if (Cnf->LocalOnly == true && StringToBool(LookupTag(Message,"Transient-Failure"),false) == true) { Status = StatIdle; Dequeue(); return; } Status = StatError; Dequeue(); } } /*}}}*/ // Acquire::Item::Start - Item has begun to download /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Stash status and the file size. Note that setting Complete means sub-phases of the acquire process such as decompresion are operating */ void pkgAcquire::Item::Start(string /*Message*/,unsigned long Size) { Status = StatFetching; if (FileSize == 0 && Complete == false) FileSize = Size; } /*}}}*/ // Acquire::Item::Done - Item downloaded OK /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ void pkgAcquire::Item::Done(string Message,unsigned long Size,string, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf) { // We just downloaded something.. string FileName = LookupTag(Message,"Filename"); if (Complete == false && FileName == DestFile) { if (Owner->Log != 0) Owner->Log->Fetched(Size,atoi(LookupTag(Message,"Resume-Point","0").c_str())); } if (FileSize == 0) FileSize= Size; Status = StatDone; ErrorText = string(); Owner->Dequeue(this); } /*}}}*/ // Acquire::Item::Rename - Rename a file /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This helper function is used by alot of item methods as thier final step */ void pkgAcquire::Item::Rename(string From,string To) { if (rename(From.c_str(),To.c_str()) != 0) { char S[300]; snprintf(S,sizeof(S),_("rename failed, %s (%s -> %s)."),strerror(errno), From.c_str(),To.c_str()); Status = StatError; ErrorText = S; } } /*}}}*/ // AcqIndex::AcqIndex - Constructor /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* The package file is added to the queue and a second class is instantiated to fetch the revision file */ pkgAcqIndex::pkgAcqIndex(pkgAcquire *Owner, string URI,string URIDesc,string ShortDesc) : Item(Owner), RealURI(URI) { Decompression = false; Erase = false; DestFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + "partial/"; DestFile += URItoFileName(URI); // Create the item Desc.URI = URI + ".bz2"; Desc.Description = URIDesc; Desc.Owner = this; Desc.ShortDesc = ShortDesc; QueueURI(Desc); } /*}}}*/ // AcqIndex::Custom600Headers - Insert custom request headers /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* The only header we use is the last-modified header. */ string pkgAcqIndex::Custom600Headers() { string Final = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists"); Final += URItoFileName(RealURI); struct stat Buf; if (stat(Final.c_str(),&Buf) != 0) return "\nIndex-File: true"; return "\nIndex-File: true\nLast-Modified: " + TimeRFC1123(Buf.st_mtime); } /*}}}*/ void pkgAcqIndex::Failed(string Message,pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf) { // no .bz2 found, retry with .gz if(Desc.URI.substr(Desc.URI.size()-3,Desc.URI.size()-1) == "bz2") { Desc.URI = Desc.URI.substr(0,Desc.URI.size()-3) + "gz"; QueueURI(Desc); return; } Item::Failed(Message,Cnf); } // AcqIndex::Done - Finished a fetch /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This goes through a number of states.. On the initial fetch the method could possibly return an alternate filename which points to the uncompressed version of the file. If this is so the file is copied into the partial directory. In all other cases the file is decompressed with a gzip uri. */ void pkgAcqIndex::Done(string Message,unsigned long Size,string MD5, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cfg) { Item::Done(Message,Size,MD5,Cfg); if (Decompression == true) { // Done, move it into position string FinalFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists"); FinalFile += URItoFileName(RealURI); Rename(DestFile,FinalFile); chmod(FinalFile.c_str(),0644); /* We restore the original name to DestFile so that the clean operation will work OK */ DestFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + "partial/"; DestFile += URItoFileName(RealURI); // Remove the compressed version. if (Erase == true) unlink(DestFile.c_str()); return; } Erase = false; Complete = true; // Handle the unzipd case string FileName = LookupTag(Message,"Alt-Filename"); if (FileName.empty() == false) { // The files timestamp matches if (StringToBool(LookupTag(Message,"Alt-IMS-Hit"),false) == true) return; Decompression = true; Local = true; DestFile += ".decomp"; Desc.URI = "copy:" + FileName; QueueURI(Desc); Mode = "copy"; return; } FileName = LookupTag(Message,"Filename"); if (FileName.empty() == true) { Status = StatError; ErrorText = "Method gave a blank filename"; } // The files timestamp matches if (StringToBool(LookupTag(Message,"IMS-Hit"),false) == true) return; if (FileName == DestFile) Erase = true; else Local = true; string compExt = Desc.URI.substr(Desc.URI.size()-3,Desc.URI.size()-1); char *decompProg; if(compExt == "bz2") decompProg = "bzip2"; else if(compExt == ".gz") decompProg = "gzip"; else { _error->Error("Unsupported extension: %s", compExt.c_str()); return; } Decompression = true; DestFile += ".decomp"; Desc.URI = string(decompProg) + ":" + FileName; QueueURI(Desc); Mode = decompProg; } /*}}}*/ // AcqIndexRel::pkgAcqIndexRel - Constructor /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* The Release file is added to the queue */ pkgAcqIndexRel::pkgAcqIndexRel(pkgAcquire *Owner, string URI,string URIDesc,string ShortDesc) : Item(Owner), RealURI(URI) { DestFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + "partial/"; DestFile += URItoFileName(URI); // Create the item Desc.URI = URI; Desc.Description = URIDesc; Desc.ShortDesc = ShortDesc; Desc.Owner = this; QueueURI(Desc); } /*}}}*/ // AcqIndexRel::Custom600Headers - Insert custom request headers /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* The only header we use is the last-modified header. */ string pkgAcqIndexRel::Custom600Headers() { string Final = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists"); Final += URItoFileName(RealURI); struct stat Buf; if (stat(Final.c_str(),&Buf) != 0) return "\nIndex-File: true"; return "\nIndex-File: true\nLast-Modified: " + TimeRFC1123(Buf.st_mtime); } /*}}}*/ // AcqIndexRel::Done - Item downloaded OK /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* The release file was not placed into the download directory then a copy URI is generated and it is copied there otherwise the file in the partial directory is moved into .. and the URI is finished. */ void pkgAcqIndexRel::Done(string Message,unsigned long Size,string MD5, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cfg) { Item::Done(Message,Size,MD5,Cfg); string FileName = LookupTag(Message,"Filename"); if (FileName.empty() == true) { Status = StatError; ErrorText = "Method gave a blank filename"; return; } Complete = true; // The files timestamp matches if (StringToBool(LookupTag(Message,"IMS-Hit"),false) == true) return; // We have to copy it into place if (FileName != DestFile) { Local = true; Desc.URI = "copy:" + FileName; QueueURI(Desc); return; } // Done, move it into position string FinalFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists"); FinalFile += URItoFileName(RealURI); Rename(DestFile,FinalFile); chmod(FinalFile.c_str(),0644); } /*}}}*/ // AcqIndexRel::Failed - Silence failure messages for missing rel files /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ void pkgAcqIndexRel::Failed(string Message,pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf) { if (Cnf->LocalOnly == true || StringToBool(LookupTag(Message,"Transient-Failure"),false) == false) { // Ignore this Status = StatDone; Complete = false; Dequeue(); return; } Item::Failed(Message,Cnf); } /*}}}*/ // AcqArchive::AcqArchive - Constructor /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This just sets up the initial fetch environment and queues the first possibilitiy */ pkgAcqArchive::pkgAcqArchive(pkgAcquire *Owner,pkgSourceList *Sources, pkgRecords *Recs,pkgCache::VerIterator const &Version, string &StoreFilename) : Item(Owner), Version(Version), Sources(Sources), Recs(Recs), StoreFilename(StoreFilename), Vf(Version.FileList()) { Retries = _config->FindI("Acquire::Retries",0); if (Version.Arch() == 0) { _error->Error(_("I wasn't able to locate a file for the %s package. " "This might mean you need to manually fix this package. " "(due to missing arch)"), Version.ParentPkg().Name()); return; } /* We need to find a filename to determine the extension. We make the assumption here that all the available sources for this version share the same extension.. */ // Skip not source sources, they do not have file fields. for (; Vf.end() == false; Vf++) { if ((Vf.File()->Flags & pkgCache::Flag::NotSource) != 0) continue; break; } // Does not really matter here.. we are going to fail out below if (Vf.end() != true) { // If this fails to get a file name we will bomb out below. pkgRecords::Parser &Parse = Recs->Lookup(Vf); if (_error->PendingError() == true) return; // Generate the final file name as: package_version_arch.foo StoreFilename = QuoteString(Version.ParentPkg().Name(),"_:") + '_' + QuoteString(Version.VerStr(),"_:") + '_' + QuoteString(Version.Arch(),"_:.") + "." + flExtension(Parse.FileName()); } // Select a source if (QueueNext() == false && _error->PendingError() == false) _error->Error(_("I wasn't able to locate file for the %s package. " "This might mean you need to manually fix this package."), Version.ParentPkg().Name()); } /*}}}*/ // AcqArchive::QueueNext - Queue the next file source /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This queues the next available file version for download. It checks if the archive is already available in the cache and stashs the MD5 for checking later. */ bool pkgAcqArchive::QueueNext() { for (; Vf.end() == false; Vf++) { // Ignore not source sources if ((Vf.File()->Flags & pkgCache::Flag::NotSource) != 0) continue; // Try to cross match against the source list pkgIndexFile *Index; if (Sources->FindIndex(Vf.File(),Index) == false) continue; // Grab the text package record pkgRecords::Parser &Parse = Recs->Lookup(Vf); if (_error->PendingError() == true) return false; string PkgFile = Parse.FileName(); MD5 = Parse.MD5Hash(); if (PkgFile.empty() == true) return _error->Error(_("The package index files are corrupted. No Filename: " "field for package %s."), Version.ParentPkg().Name()); // See if we already have the file. (Legacy filenames) FileSize = Version->Size; string FinalFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::Cache::Archives") + flNotDir(PkgFile); struct stat Buf; if (stat(FinalFile.c_str(),&Buf) == 0) { // Make sure the size matches if ((unsigned)Buf.st_size == Version->Size) { Complete = true; Local = true; Status = StatDone; StoreFilename = DestFile = FinalFile; return true; } /* Hmm, we have a file and its size does not match, this means it is an old style mismatched arch */ unlink(FinalFile.c_str()); } // Check it again using the new style output filenames FinalFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::Cache::Archives") + flNotDir(StoreFilename); if (stat(FinalFile.c_str(),&Buf) == 0) { // Make sure the size matches if ((unsigned)Buf.st_size == Version->Size) { Complete = true; Local = true; Status = StatDone; StoreFilename = DestFile = FinalFile; return true; } /* Hmm, we have a file and its size does not match, this shouldnt happen.. */ unlink(FinalFile.c_str()); } DestFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::Cache::Archives") + "partial/" + flNotDir(StoreFilename); // Check the destination file if (stat(DestFile.c_str(),&Buf) == 0) { // Hmm, the partial file is too big, erase it if ((unsigned)Buf.st_size > Version->Size) unlink(DestFile.c_str()); else PartialSize = Buf.st_size; } // Create the item Local = false; Desc.URI = Index->ArchiveURI(PkgFile); Desc.Description = Index->ArchiveInfo(Version); Desc.Owner = this; Desc.ShortDesc = Version.ParentPkg().Name(); QueueURI(Desc); Vf++; return true; } return false; } /*}}}*/ // AcqArchive::Done - Finished fetching /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ void pkgAcqArchive::Done(string Message,unsigned long Size,string Md5Hash, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cfg) { Item::Done(Message,Size,Md5Hash,Cfg); // Check the size if (Size != Version->Size) { Status = StatError; ErrorText = _("Size mismatch"); return; } // Check the md5 if (Md5Hash.empty() == false && MD5.empty() == false) { if (Md5Hash != MD5) { Status = StatError; ErrorText = _("MD5Sum mismatch"); Rename(DestFile,DestFile + ".FAILED"); return; } } // Grab the output filename string FileName = LookupTag(Message,"Filename"); if (FileName.empty() == true) { Status = StatError; ErrorText = "Method gave a blank filename"; return; } Complete = true; // Reference filename if (FileName != DestFile) { StoreFilename = DestFile = FileName; Local = true; return; } // Done, move it into position string FinalFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::Cache::Archives"); FinalFile += flNotDir(StoreFilename); Rename(DestFile,FinalFile); StoreFilename = DestFile = FinalFile; Complete = true; } /*}}}*/ // AcqArchive::Failed - Failure handler /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Here we try other sources */ void pkgAcqArchive::Failed(string Message,pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf) { ErrorText = LookupTag(Message,"Message"); /* We don't really want to retry on failed media swaps, this prevents that. An interesting observation is that permanent failures are not recorded. */ if (Cnf->Removable == true && StringToBool(LookupTag(Message,"Transient-Failure"),false) == true) { // Vf = Version.FileList(); while (Vf.end() == false) Vf++; StoreFilename = string(); Item::Failed(Message,Cnf); return; } if (QueueNext() == false) { // This is the retry counter if (Retries != 0 && Cnf->LocalOnly == false && StringToBool(LookupTag(Message,"Transient-Failure"),false) == true) { Retries--; Vf = Version.FileList(); if (QueueNext() == true) return; } StoreFilename = string(); Item::Failed(Message,Cnf); } } /*}}}*/ // AcqArchive::Finished - Fetching has finished, tidy up /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ void pkgAcqArchive::Finished() { if (Status == pkgAcquire::Item::StatDone && Complete == true) return; StoreFilename = string(); } /*}}}*/ // AcqFile::pkgAcqFile - Constructor /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* The file is added to the queue */ pkgAcqFile::pkgAcqFile(pkgAcquire *Owner,string URI,string MD5, unsigned long Size,string Dsc,string ShortDesc) : Item(Owner), Md5Hash(MD5) { Retries = _config->FindI("Acquire::Retries",0); DestFile = flNotDir(URI); // Create the item Desc.URI = URI; Desc.Description = Dsc; Desc.Owner = this; // Set the short description to the archive component Desc.ShortDesc = ShortDesc; // Get the transfer sizes FileSize = Size; struct stat Buf; if (stat(DestFile.c_str(),&Buf) == 0) { // Hmm, the partial file is too big, erase it if ((unsigned)Buf.st_size > Size) unlink(DestFile.c_str()); else PartialSize = Buf.st_size; } QueueURI(Desc); } /*}}}*/ // AcqFile::Done - Item downloaded OK /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ void pkgAcqFile::Done(string Message,unsigned long Size,string MD5, pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf) { // Check the md5 if (Md5Hash.empty() == false && MD5.empty() == false) { if (Md5Hash != MD5) { Status = StatError; ErrorText = "MD5Sum mismatch"; Rename(DestFile,DestFile + ".FAILED"); return; } } Item::Done(Message,Size,MD5,Cnf); string FileName = LookupTag(Message,"Filename"); if (FileName.empty() == true) { Status = StatError; ErrorText = "Method gave a blank filename"; return; } Complete = true; // The files timestamp matches if (StringToBool(LookupTag(Message,"IMS-Hit"),false) == true) return; // We have to copy it into place if (FileName != DestFile) { Local = true; if (_config->FindB("Acquire::Source-Symlinks",true) == false || Cnf->Removable == true) { Desc.URI = "copy:" + FileName; QueueURI(Desc); return; } // Erase the file if it is a symlink so we can overwrite it struct stat St; if (lstat(DestFile.c_str(),&St) == 0) { if (S_ISLNK(St.st_mode) != 0) unlink(DestFile.c_str()); } // Symlink the file if (symlink(FileName.c_str(),DestFile.c_str()) != 0) { ErrorText = "Link to " + DestFile + " failure "; Status = StatError; Complete = false; } } } /*}}}*/ // AcqFile::Failed - Failure handler /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Here we try other sources */ void pkgAcqFile::Failed(string Message,pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf) { ErrorText = LookupTag(Message,"Message"); // This is the retry counter if (Retries != 0 && Cnf->LocalOnly == false && StringToBool(LookupTag(Message,"Transient-Failure"),false) == true) { Retries--; QueueURI(Desc); return; } Item::Failed(Message,Cnf); } /*}}}*/