// -*- mode: cpp; mode: fold -*- // Description /*{{{*/ // $Id: cdromutl.cc,v 1.2 1999/03/28 01:37:26 jgg Exp $ /* ###################################################################### CDROM Utilities - Some functions to manipulate CDROM mounts. These are here for the cdrom method and apt-cdrom. ##################################################################### */ /*}}}*/ // Include Files /*{{{*/ #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation "apt-pkg/cdromutl.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*}}}*/ // UnmountCdrom - Unmount a cdrom /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Forking umount works much better than the umount syscall which can leave /etc/mtab inconsitant. We drop all messages this produces. */ bool UnmountCdrom(string Path) { if (Path.empty() == true) return false; // Need that trailing slash for directories if (Path[Path.length() - 1] != '/') Path += '/'; /* First we check if the path is actualy mounted, we do this by stating the path and the previous directory (carefull of links!) and comparing their device fields. */ struct stat Buf,Buf2; if (stat(Path.c_str(),&Buf) != 0 || stat((Path + "../").c_str(),&Buf2) != 0) return _error->Errno("stat","Unable to stat the mount point %s",Path.c_str()); if (Buf.st_dev == Buf2.st_dev) return true; int Child = fork(); if (Child < -1) return _error->Errno("fork","Failed to fork"); // The child if (Child == 0) { // Make all the fds /dev/null for (int I = 0; I != 10; I++) close(I); for (int I = 0; I != 3; I++) dup2(open("/dev/null",O_RDWR),I); const char *Args[10]; Args[0] = "umount"; Args[1] = Path.c_str(); Args[2] = 0; execvp(Args[0],(char **)Args); exit(100); } // Wait for mount int Status = 0; while (waitpid(Child,&Status,0) != Child) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; return _error->Errno("waitpid","Couldn't wait for subprocess"); } // Check for an error code. if (WIFEXITED(Status) == 0 || WEXITSTATUS(Status) != 0) return false; return true; } /*}}}*/ // MountCdrom - Mount a cdrom /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* We fork mount and drop all messages */ bool MountCdrom(string Path) { int Child = fork(); if (Child < -1) return _error->Errno("fork","Failed to fork"); // The child if (Child == 0) { // Make all the fds /dev/null for (int I = 0; I != 10; I++) close(I); for (int I = 0; I != 3; I++) dup2(open("/dev/null",O_RDWR),I); const char *Args[10]; Args[0] = "mount"; Args[1] = Path.c_str(); Args[2] = 0; execvp(Args[0],(char **)Args); exit(100); } // Wait for mount int Status = 0; while (waitpid(Child,&Status,0) != Child) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; return _error->Errno("waitpid","Couldn't wait for subprocess"); } // Check for an error code. if (WIFEXITED(Status) == 0 || WEXITSTATUS(Status) != 0) return false; return true; } /*}}}*/ // IdentCdrom - Generate a unique string for this CD /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* We convert everything we hash into a string, this prevents byte size/order from effecting the outcome. */ bool IdentCdrom(string CD,string &Res) { MD5Summation Hash; string StartDir = SafeGetCWD(); if (chdir(CD.c_str()) != 0) return _error->Errno("chdir","Unable to change to %s",CD.c_str()); DIR *D = opendir("."); if (D == 0) return _error->Errno("opendir","Unable to read %s",CD.c_str()); /* Run over the directory, we assume that the reader order will never change as the media is read-only. In theory if the kernel did some sort of wacked caching this might not be true.. */ char S[300]; for (struct dirent *Dir = readdir(D); Dir != 0; Dir = readdir(D)) { // Skip some files.. if (strcmp(Dir->d_name,".") == 0 || strcmp(Dir->d_name,"..") == 0) continue; sprintf(S,"%lu",Dir->d_ino); Hash.Add(S); Hash.Add(Dir->d_name); }; chdir(StartDir.c_str()); closedir(D); // Some stats from the fsys struct statfs Buf; if (statfs(CD.c_str(),&Buf) != 0) return _error->Errno("statfs","Failed to stat the cdrom"); // We use a kilobyte block size to advoid overflow sprintf(S,"%u %u",Buf.f_blocks*(Buf.f_bsize/1024), Buf.f_bfree*(Buf.f_bsize/1024)); Hash.Add(S); Res = Hash.Result().Value(); return true; } /*}}}*/