// -*- mode: cpp; mode: fold -*- // Include Files /*{{{*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*}}}*/ static bool GetLineErrno(std::unique_ptr &buffer, size_t *n, FILE *stream, std::string const &InFile, bool acceptEoF = false)/*{{{*/ { errno = 0; auto lineptr = buffer.release(); auto const result = getline(&lineptr, n, stream); buffer.reset(lineptr); if (errno != 0) return _error->Errno("getline", "Could not read from %s", InFile.c_str()); if (result == -1) { if (acceptEoF) return false; return _error->Error("Splitting of clearsigned file %s failed as it doesn't contain all expected parts", InFile.c_str()); } // We remove all whitespaces including newline here as // a) gpgv ignores them for signature // b) we can write out a \n in code later instead of dealing with \r\n or not _strrstrip(buffer.get()); return true; } /*}}}*/ static char * GenerateTemporaryFileTemplate(const char *basename) /*{{{*/ { std::string out; std::string tmpdir = GetTempDir(); strprintf(out, "%s/%s.XXXXXX", tmpdir.c_str(), basename); return strdup(out.c_str()); } /*}}}*/ // ExecGPGV - returns the command needed for verify /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Generating the commandline for calling gpg is somehow complicated as we need to add multiple keyrings and user supplied options. Also, as gpg has no options to enforce a certain reduced style of clear-signed files (=the complete content of the file is signed and the content isn't encoded) we do a divide and conquer approach here and split up the clear-signed file in message and signature for gpg. And as a cherry on the cake, we use our apt-key wrapper to do part of the lifting in regards to merging keyrings. Fun for the whole family. */ static bool iovprintf(std::ostream &out, const char *format, va_list &args, ssize_t &size) { char *S = (char*)malloc(size); ssize_t const n = vsnprintf(S, size, format, args); if (n > -1 && n < size) { out << S; free(S); return true; } else { if (n > -1) size = n + 1; else size *= 2; } free(S); return false; } static void APT_PRINTF(4) apt_error(std::ostream &outterm, int const statusfd, int fd[2], const char *format, ...) { std::ostringstream outstr; std::ostream &out = (statusfd == -1) ? outterm : outstr; va_list args; ssize_t size = 400; while (true) { bool ret; va_start(args,format); ret = iovprintf(out, format, args, size); va_end(args); if (ret == true) break; } if (statusfd != -1) { auto const errtag = "[APTKEY:] ERROR "; outstr << '\n'; auto const errtext = outstr.str(); if (FileFd::Write(fd[1], errtag, strlen(errtag)) == false || FileFd::Write(fd[1], errtext.data(), errtext.size()) == false) outterm << errtext << std::flush; } } void ExecGPGV(std::string const &File, std::string const &FileGPG, int const &statusfd, int fd[2], std::string const &key) { #define EINTERNAL 111 std::string const aptkey = _config->Find("Dir::Bin::apt-key", CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_BINDIR "/apt-key"); bool const Debug = _config->FindB("Debug::Acquire::gpgv", false); struct exiter { std::vector files; void operator ()(int code) APT_NORETURN { std::for_each(files.begin(), files.end(), unlink); exit(code); } } local_exit; std::vector Args; Args.reserve(10); Args.push_back(aptkey.c_str()); Args.push_back("--quiet"); Args.push_back("--readonly"); auto const keysFileFpr = VectorizeString(key, ','); for (auto const &k: keysFileFpr) { if (unlikely(k.empty())) continue; if (k[0] == '/') { Args.push_back("--keyring"); Args.push_back(k.c_str()); } else { Args.push_back("--keyid"); Args.push_back(k.c_str()); } } Args.push_back("verify"); char statusfdstr[10]; if (statusfd != -1) { Args.push_back("--status-fd"); snprintf(statusfdstr, sizeof(statusfdstr), "%i", statusfd); Args.push_back(statusfdstr); } Configuration::Item const *Opts; Opts = _config->Tree("Acquire::gpgv::Options"); if (Opts != 0) { Opts = Opts->Child; for (; Opts != 0; Opts = Opts->Next) { if (Opts->Value.empty() == true) continue; Args.push_back(Opts->Value.c_str()); } } enum { DETACHED, CLEARSIGNED } releaseSignature = (FileGPG != File) ? DETACHED : CLEARSIGNED; char * sig = NULL; char * data = NULL; char * conf = nullptr; // Dump the configuration so apt-key picks up the correct Dir values { conf = GenerateTemporaryFileTemplate("apt.conf"); if (conf == nullptr) { apt_error(std::cerr, statusfd, fd, "Couldn't create tempfile names for passing config to apt-key"); local_exit(EINTERNAL); } int confFd = mkstemp(conf); if (confFd == -1) { apt_error(std::cerr, statusfd, fd, "Couldn't create temporary file %s for passing config to apt-key", conf); local_exit(EINTERNAL); } local_exit.files.push_back(conf); std::ofstream confStream(conf); close(confFd); _config->Dump(confStream); confStream.close(); setenv("APT_CONFIG", conf, 1); } if (releaseSignature == DETACHED) { std::unique_ptr detached{fopen(FileGPG.c_str(), "r"), &fclose}; if (detached.get() == nullptr) { apt_error(std::cerr, statusfd, fd, "Detached signature file '%s' could not be opened", FileGPG.c_str()); local_exit(EINTERNAL); } std::unique_ptr buf{nullptr, &free}; size_t buf_size = 0; bool open_signature = false; bool found_badcontent = false; size_t found_signatures = 0; while (GetLineErrno(buf, &buf_size, detached.get(), FileGPG, true)) { if (open_signature && strcmp(buf.get(), "-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----") == 0) open_signature = false; else if (open_signature == false && strcmp(buf.get(), "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----") == 0) { open_signature = true; ++found_signatures; } else if (open_signature == false) found_badcontent = true; } if (found_signatures == 0 && statusfd != -1) { // This is not an attack attempt but a file even gpgv would complain about // likely the result of a paywall which is covered by the gpgv method auto const errtag = "[GNUPG:] NODATA\n"; FileFd::Write(fd[1], errtag, strlen(errtag)); local_exit(113); } else if (found_badcontent) { apt_error(std::cerr, statusfd, fd, "Detached signature file '%s' contains lines not belonging to a signature", FileGPG.c_str()); local_exit(112); } if (open_signature == true) { apt_error(std::cerr, statusfd, fd, "Detached signature file '%s' contains unclosed signatures", FileGPG.c_str()); local_exit(112); } Args.push_back(FileGPG.c_str()); Args.push_back(File.c_str()); } else // clear-signed file { sig = GenerateTemporaryFileTemplate("apt.sig"); data = GenerateTemporaryFileTemplate("apt.data"); if (sig == NULL || data == NULL) { apt_error(std::cerr, statusfd, fd, "Couldn't create tempfile names for splitting up %s", File.c_str()); local_exit(EINTERNAL); } int const sigFd = mkstemp(sig); int const dataFd = mkstemp(data); if (dataFd != -1) local_exit.files.push_back(data); if (sigFd != -1) local_exit.files.push_back(sig); if (sigFd == -1 || dataFd == -1) { apt_error(std::cerr, statusfd, fd, "Couldn't create tempfiles for splitting up %s", File.c_str()); local_exit(EINTERNAL); } FileFd signature; signature.OpenDescriptor(sigFd, FileFd::WriteOnly, true); FileFd message; message.OpenDescriptor(dataFd, FileFd::WriteOnly, true); if (signature.Failed() == true || message.Failed() == true || SplitClearSignedFile(File, &message, nullptr, &signature) == false) { apt_error(std::cerr, statusfd, fd, "Splitting up %s into data and signature failed", File.c_str()); local_exit(112); } Args.push_back(sig); Args.push_back(data); } Args.push_back(NULL); if (Debug == true) { std::clog << "Preparing to exec: "; for (std::vector::const_iterator a = Args.begin(); *a != NULL; ++a) std::clog << " " << *a; std::clog << std::endl; } if (statusfd != -1) { int const nullfd = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY); close(fd[0]); // Redirect output to /dev/null; we read from the status fd if (statusfd != STDOUT_FILENO) dup2(nullfd, STDOUT_FILENO); if (statusfd != STDERR_FILENO) dup2(nullfd, STDERR_FILENO); // Redirect the pipe to the status fd (3) dup2(fd[1], statusfd); putenv((char *)"LANG="); putenv((char *)"LC_ALL="); putenv((char *)"LC_MESSAGES="); } // We have created tempfiles we have to clean up // and we do an additional check, so fork yet another time … pid_t pid = ExecFork(); if(pid < 0) { apt_error(std::cerr, statusfd, fd, "Fork failed for %s to check %s", Args[0], File.c_str()); local_exit(EINTERNAL); } if(pid == 0) { if (statusfd != -1) dup2(fd[1], statusfd); execvp(Args[0], (char **) &Args[0]); apt_error(std::cerr, statusfd, fd, "Couldn't execute %s to check %s", Args[0], File.c_str()); local_exit(EINTERNAL); } // Wait and collect the error code - taken from WaitPid as we need the exact Status int Status; while (waitpid(pid,&Status,0) != pid) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; apt_error(std::cerr, statusfd, fd, _("Waited for %s but it wasn't there"), "apt-key"); local_exit(EINTERNAL); } // check if it exit'ed normally … if (WIFEXITED(Status) == false) { apt_error(std::cerr, statusfd, fd, _("Sub-process %s exited unexpectedly"), "apt-key"); local_exit(EINTERNAL); } // … and with a good exit code if (WEXITSTATUS(Status) != 0) { // we forward the statuscode, so don't generate a message on the fd in this case apt_error(std::cerr, -1, fd, _("Sub-process %s returned an error code (%u)"), "apt-key", WEXITSTATUS(Status)); local_exit(WEXITSTATUS(Status)); } // everything fine local_exit(0); } /*}}}*/ // SplitClearSignedFile - split message into data/signature /*{{{*/ bool SplitClearSignedFile(std::string const &InFile, FileFd * const ContentFile, std::vector * const ContentHeader, FileFd * const SignatureFile) { std::unique_ptr in{fopen(InFile.c_str(), "r"), &fclose}; if (in.get() == nullptr) return _error->Errno("fopen", "can not open %s", InFile.c_str()); struct ScopedErrors { ScopedErrors() { _error->PushToStack(); } ~ScopedErrors() { _error->MergeWithStack(); } } scoped; std::unique_ptr buf{nullptr, &free}; size_t buf_size = 0; // start of the message if (GetLineErrno(buf, &buf_size, in.get(), InFile) == false) return false; // empty or read error if (strcmp(buf.get(), "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----") != 0) { // this might be an unsigned file we don't want to report errors for, // but still finish unsuccessful none the less. while (GetLineErrno(buf, &buf_size, in.get(), InFile, true)) if (strcmp(buf.get(), "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----") == 0) return _error->Error("Clearsigned file '%s' does not start with a signed message block.", InFile.c_str()); return false; } // save "Hash" Armor Headers while (true) { if (GetLineErrno(buf, &buf_size, in.get(), InFile) == false) return false; if (*buf == '\0') break; // empty line ends the Armor Headers if (ContentHeader != NULL && strncmp(buf.get(), "Hash: ", strlen("Hash: ")) == 0) ContentHeader->push_back(buf.get()); } // the message itself bool first_line = true; bool good_write = true; while (true) { if (good_write == false || GetLineErrno(buf, &buf_size, in.get(), InFile) == false) return false; if (strcmp(buf.get(), "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----") == 0) { if (SignatureFile != nullptr) { good_write &= SignatureFile->Write(buf.get(), strlen(buf.get())); good_write &= SignatureFile->Write("\n", 1); } break; } // we don't have any fields which need dash-escaped, // but implementations are free to encode all lines … char const *dashfree = buf.get(); if (strncmp(dashfree, "- ", 2) == 0) dashfree += 2; if (first_line == true) // first line does not need a newline first_line = false; else if (ContentFile != nullptr) good_write &= ContentFile->Write("\n", 1); if (ContentFile != nullptr) good_write &= ContentFile->Write(dashfree, strlen(dashfree)); } // collect all signatures bool open_signature = true; while (true) { if (good_write == false) return false; if (GetLineErrno(buf, &buf_size, in.get(), InFile, true) == false) break; if (open_signature && strcmp(buf.get(), "-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----") == 0) open_signature = false; else if (open_signature == false && strcmp(buf.get(), "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----") == 0) open_signature = true; else if (open_signature == false) return _error->Error("Clearsigned file '%s' contains unsigned lines.", InFile.c_str()); if (SignatureFile != nullptr) { good_write &= SignatureFile->Write(buf.get(), strlen(buf.get())); good_write &= SignatureFile->Write("\n", 1); } } if (open_signature == true) return _error->Error("Signature in file %s wasn't closed", InFile.c_str()); // Flush the files if (SignatureFile != nullptr) SignatureFile->Flush(); if (ContentFile != nullptr) ContentFile->Flush(); // Catch-all for "unhandled" read/sync errors if (_error->PendingError()) return false; return true; } /*}}}*/ bool OpenMaybeClearSignedFile(std::string const &ClearSignedFileName, FileFd &MessageFile) /*{{{*/ { char * const message = GenerateTemporaryFileTemplate("fileutl.message"); int const messageFd = mkstemp(message); if (messageFd == -1) { free(message); return _error->Errno("mkstemp", "Couldn't create temporary file to work with %s", ClearSignedFileName.c_str()); } // we have the fd, that's enough for us unlink(message); free(message); MessageFile.OpenDescriptor(messageFd, FileFd::ReadWrite | FileFd::BufferedWrite, true); if (MessageFile.Failed() == true) return _error->Error("Couldn't open temporary file to work with %s", ClearSignedFileName.c_str()); _error->PushToStack(); bool const splitDone = SplitClearSignedFile(ClearSignedFileName, &MessageFile, NULL, NULL); bool const errorDone = _error->PendingError(); _error->MergeWithStack(); if (splitDone == false) { MessageFile.Close(); if (errorDone == true) return false; // we deal with an unsigned file MessageFile.Open(ClearSignedFileName, FileFd::ReadOnly); } else // clear-signed { if (MessageFile.Seek(0) == false) return _error->Errno("lseek", "Unable to seek back in message for file %s", ClearSignedFileName.c_str()); } return MessageFile.Failed() == false; } /*}}}*/