// -*- mode: cpp; mode: fold -*- // Description /*{{{*/ // $Id: dpkgpm.cc,v 1.28 2004/01/27 02:25:01 mdz Exp $ /* ###################################################################### DPKG Package Manager - Provide an interface to dpkg ##################################################################### */ /*}}}*/ // Includes /*{{{*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*}}}*/ using namespace std; // DPkgPM::pkgDPkgPM - Constructor /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ pkgDPkgPM::pkgDPkgPM(pkgDepCache *Cache) : pkgPackageManager(Cache), dpkgbuf_pos(0), PackagesTotal(0), PackagesDone(0) { } /*}}}*/ // DPkgPM::pkgDPkgPM - Destructor /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ pkgDPkgPM::~pkgDPkgPM() { } /*}}}*/ // DPkgPM::Install - Install a package /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Add an install operation to the sequence list */ bool pkgDPkgPM::Install(PkgIterator Pkg,string File) { if (File.empty() == true || Pkg.end() == true) return _error->Error("Internal Error, No file name for %s",Pkg.Name()); List.push_back(Item(Item::Install,Pkg,File)); return true; } /*}}}*/ // DPkgPM::Configure - Configure a package /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Add a configure operation to the sequence list */ bool pkgDPkgPM::Configure(PkgIterator Pkg) { if (Pkg.end() == true) return false; List.push_back(Item(Item::Configure,Pkg)); return true; } /*}}}*/ // DPkgPM::Remove - Remove a package /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Add a remove operation to the sequence list */ bool pkgDPkgPM::Remove(PkgIterator Pkg,bool Purge) { if (Pkg.end() == true) return false; if (Purge == true) List.push_back(Item(Item::Purge,Pkg)); else List.push_back(Item(Item::Remove,Pkg)); return true; } /*}}}*/ // DPkgPM::RunScripts - Run a set of scripts /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This looks for a list of script sto run from the configuration file, each one is run with system from a forked child. */ bool pkgDPkgPM::RunScripts(const char *Cnf) { Configuration::Item const *Opts = _config->Tree(Cnf); if (Opts == 0 || Opts->Child == 0) return true; Opts = Opts->Child; // Fork for running the system calls pid_t Child = ExecFork(); // This is the child if (Child == 0) { if (chdir("/tmp/") != 0) _exit(100); unsigned int Count = 1; for (; Opts != 0; Opts = Opts->Next, Count++) { if (Opts->Value.empty() == true) continue; if (system(Opts->Value.c_str()) != 0) _exit(100+Count); } _exit(0); } // Wait for the child int Status = 0; while (waitpid(Child,&Status,0) != Child) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; return _error->Errno("waitpid","Couldn't wait for subprocess"); } // Restore sig int/quit signal(SIGQUIT,SIG_DFL); signal(SIGINT,SIG_DFL); // Check for an error code. if (WIFEXITED(Status) == 0 || WEXITSTATUS(Status) != 0) { unsigned int Count = WEXITSTATUS(Status); if (Count > 100) { Count -= 100; for (; Opts != 0 && Count != 1; Opts = Opts->Next, Count--); _error->Error("Problem executing scripts %s '%s'",Cnf,Opts->Value.c_str()); } return _error->Error("Sub-process returned an error code"); } return true; } /*}}}*/ // DPkgPM::SendV2Pkgs - Send version 2 package info /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This is part of the helper script communication interface, it sends very complete information down to the other end of the pipe.*/ bool pkgDPkgPM::SendV2Pkgs(FILE *F) { fprintf(F,"VERSION 2\n"); /* Write out all of the configuration directives by walking the configuration tree */ const Configuration::Item *Top = _config->Tree(0); for (; Top != 0;) { if (Top->Value.empty() == false) { fprintf(F,"%s=%s\n", QuoteString(Top->FullTag(),"=\"\n").c_str(), QuoteString(Top->Value,"\n").c_str()); } if (Top->Child != 0) { Top = Top->Child; continue; } while (Top != 0 && Top->Next == 0) Top = Top->Parent; if (Top != 0) Top = Top->Next; } fprintf(F,"\n"); // Write out the package actions in order. for (vector::iterator I = List.begin(); I != List.end(); I++) { pkgDepCache::StateCache &S = Cache[I->Pkg]; fprintf(F,"%s ",I->Pkg.Name()); // Current version if (I->Pkg->CurrentVer == 0) fprintf(F,"- "); else fprintf(F,"%s ",I->Pkg.CurrentVer().VerStr()); // Show the compare operator // Target version if (S.InstallVer != 0) { int Comp = 2; if (I->Pkg->CurrentVer != 0) Comp = S.InstVerIter(Cache).CompareVer(I->Pkg.CurrentVer()); if (Comp < 0) fprintf(F,"> "); if (Comp == 0) fprintf(F,"= "); if (Comp > 0) fprintf(F,"< "); fprintf(F,"%s ",S.InstVerIter(Cache).VerStr()); } else fprintf(F,"> - "); // Show the filename/operation if (I->Op == Item::Install) { // No errors here.. if (I->File[0] != '/') fprintf(F,"**ERROR**\n"); else fprintf(F,"%s\n",I->File.c_str()); } if (I->Op == Item::Configure) fprintf(F,"**CONFIGURE**\n"); if (I->Op == Item::Remove || I->Op == Item::Purge) fprintf(F,"**REMOVE**\n"); if (ferror(F) != 0) return false; } return true; } /*}}}*/ // DPkgPM::RunScriptsWithPkgs - Run scripts with package names on stdin /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This looks for a list of scripts to run from the configuration file each one is run and is fed on standard input a list of all .deb files that are due to be installed. */ bool pkgDPkgPM::RunScriptsWithPkgs(const char *Cnf) { Configuration::Item const *Opts = _config->Tree(Cnf); if (Opts == 0 || Opts->Child == 0) return true; Opts = Opts->Child; unsigned int Count = 1; for (; Opts != 0; Opts = Opts->Next, Count++) { if (Opts->Value.empty() == true) continue; // Determine the protocol version string OptSec = Opts->Value; string::size_type Pos; if ((Pos = OptSec.find(' ')) == string::npos || Pos == 0) Pos = OptSec.length(); OptSec = "DPkg::Tools::Options::" + string(Opts->Value.c_str(),Pos); unsigned int Version = _config->FindI(OptSec+"::Version",1); // Create the pipes int Pipes[2]; if (pipe(Pipes) != 0) return _error->Errno("pipe","Failed to create IPC pipe to subprocess"); SetCloseExec(Pipes[0],true); SetCloseExec(Pipes[1],true); // Purified Fork for running the script pid_t Process = ExecFork(); if (Process == 0) { // Setup the FDs dup2(Pipes[0],STDIN_FILENO); SetCloseExec(STDOUT_FILENO,false); SetCloseExec(STDIN_FILENO,false); SetCloseExec(STDERR_FILENO,false); const char *Args[4]; Args[0] = "/bin/sh"; Args[1] = "-c"; Args[2] = Opts->Value.c_str(); Args[3] = 0; execv(Args[0],(char **)Args); _exit(100); } close(Pipes[0]); FILE *F = fdopen(Pipes[1],"w"); if (F == 0) return _error->Errno("fdopen","Faild to open new FD"); // Feed it the filenames. bool Die = false; if (Version <= 1) { for (vector::iterator I = List.begin(); I != List.end(); I++) { // Only deal with packages to be installed from .deb if (I->Op != Item::Install) continue; // No errors here.. if (I->File[0] != '/') continue; /* Feed the filename of each package that is pending install into the pipe. */ fprintf(F,"%s\n",I->File.c_str()); if (ferror(F) != 0) { Die = true; break; } } } else Die = !SendV2Pkgs(F); fclose(F); // Clean up the sub process if (ExecWait(Process,Opts->Value.c_str()) == false) return _error->Error("Failure running script %s",Opts->Value.c_str()); } return true; } /*}}}*/ // DPkgPM::DoStdin - Read stdin and pass to slave pty /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ void pkgDPkgPM::DoStdin(int master) { char input_buf[256] = {0,}; int len = read(0, input_buf, sizeof(input_buf)); write(master, input_buf, len); } /*}}}*/ // DPkgPM::DoTerminalPty - Read the terminal pty and write log /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * read the terminal pty and write log */ void pkgDPkgPM::DoTerminalPty(int master, FILE *term_out) { char term_buf[1024] = {0,}; int len=read(master, term_buf, sizeof(term_buf)); if(len <= 0) return; write(1, term_buf, len); if(term_out) fwrite(term_buf, len, sizeof(char), term_out); } /*}}}*/ // DPkgPM::ProcessDpkgStatusBuf /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ void pkgDPkgPM::ProcessDpkgStatusLine(int OutStatusFd, char *line) { // the status we output ostringstream status; if (_config->FindB("Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting",false) == true) std::clog << "got from dpkg '" << line << "'" << std::endl; /* dpkg sends strings like this: 'status: : ' errors look like this: 'status: /var/cache/apt/archives/krecipes_0.8.1-0ubuntu1_i386.deb : error : trying to overwrite `/usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/krecipes/krectip.png', which is also in package krecipes-data and conffile-prompt like this 'status: conffile-prompt: conffile : 'current-conffile' 'new-conffile' useredited distedited */ char* list[5]; // dpkg sends multiline error messages sometimes (see // #374195 for a example. we should support this by // either patching dpkg to not send multiline over the // statusfd or by rewriting the code here to deal with // it. for now we just ignore it and not crash TokSplitString(':', line, list, sizeof(list)/sizeof(list[0])); char *pkg = list[1]; char *action = _strstrip(list[2]); if( pkg == NULL || action == NULL) { if (_config->FindB("Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting",false) == true) std::clog << "ignoring line: not enough ':'" << std::endl; return; } if(strncmp(action,"error",strlen("error")) == 0) { status << "pmerror:" << list[1] << ":" << (PackagesDone/float(PackagesTotal)*100.0) << ":" << list[3] << endl; if(OutStatusFd > 0) write(OutStatusFd, status.str().c_str(), status.str().size()); if (_config->FindB("Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting",false) == true) std::clog << "send: '" << status.str() << "'" << endl; pkgFailures++; WriteApportReport(list[1], list[3]); return; } if(strncmp(action,"conffile",strlen("conffile")) == 0) { status << "pmconffile:" << list[1] << ":" << (PackagesDone/float(PackagesTotal)*100.0) << ":" << list[3] << endl; if(OutStatusFd > 0) write(OutStatusFd, status.str().c_str(), status.str().size()); if (_config->FindB("Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting",false) == true) std::clog << "send: '" << status.str() << "'" << endl; return; } vector &states = PackageOps[pkg]; const char *next_action = NULL; if(PackageOpsDone[pkg] < states.size()) next_action = states[PackageOpsDone[pkg]].state; // check if the package moved to the next dpkg state if(next_action && (strcmp(action, next_action) == 0)) { // only read the translation if there is actually a next // action const char *translation = _(states[PackageOpsDone[pkg]].str); char s[200]; snprintf(s, sizeof(s), translation, pkg); // we moved from one dpkg state to a new one, report that PackageOpsDone[pkg]++; PackagesDone++; // build the status str status << "pmstatus:" << pkg << ":" << (PackagesDone/float(PackagesTotal)*100.0) << ":" << s << endl; if(OutStatusFd > 0) write(OutStatusFd, status.str().c_str(), status.str().size()); if (_config->FindB("Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting",false) == true) std::clog << "send: '" << status.str() << "'" << endl; } if (_config->FindB("Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting",false) == true) std::clog << "(parsed from dpkg) pkg: " << pkg << " action: " << action << endl; } // DPkgPM::DoDpkgStatusFd /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ void pkgDPkgPM::DoDpkgStatusFd(int statusfd, int OutStatusFd) { char *p, *q; int len; len=read(statusfd, &dpkgbuf[dpkgbuf_pos], sizeof(dpkgbuf)-dpkgbuf_pos); dpkgbuf_pos += len; if(len <= 0) return; // process line by line if we have a buffer p = q = dpkgbuf; while((q=(char*)memchr(p, '\n', dpkgbuf+dpkgbuf_pos-p)) != NULL) { *q = 0; ProcessDpkgStatusLine(OutStatusFd, p); p=q+1; // continue with next line } // now move the unprocessed bits (after the final \n that is now a 0x0) // to the start and update dpkgbuf_pos p = (char*)memrchr(dpkgbuf, 0, dpkgbuf_pos); if(p == NULL) return; // we are interessted in the first char *after* 0x0 p++; // move the unprocessed tail to the start and update pos memmove(dpkgbuf, p, p-dpkgbuf); dpkgbuf_pos = dpkgbuf+dpkgbuf_pos-p; } /*}}}*/ // DPkgPM::Go - Run the sequence /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This globs the operations and calls dpkg * * If it is called with "OutStatusFd" set to a valid file descriptor * apt will report the install progress over this fd. It maps the * dpkg states a package goes through to human readable (and i10n-able) * names and calculates a percentage for each step. */ bool pkgDPkgPM::Go(int OutStatusFd) { unsigned int MaxArgs = _config->FindI("Dpkg::MaxArgs",8*1024); unsigned int MaxArgBytes = _config->FindI("Dpkg::MaxArgBytes",32*1024); if (RunScripts("DPkg::Pre-Invoke") == false) return false; if (RunScriptsWithPkgs("DPkg::Pre-Install-Pkgs") == false) return false; // map the dpkg states to the operations that are performed // (this is sorted in the same way as Item::Ops) static const struct DpkgState DpkgStatesOpMap[][5] = { // Install operation { {"half-installed", N_("Preparing %s")}, {"unpacked", N_("Unpacking %s") }, {NULL, NULL} }, // Configure operation { {"unpacked",N_("Preparing to configure %s") }, {"half-configured", N_("Configuring %s") }, { "installed", N_("Installed %s")}, {NULL, NULL} }, // Remove operation { {"half-configured", N_("Preparing for removal of %s")}, {"half-installed", N_("Removing %s")}, {"config-files", N_("Removed %s")}, {NULL, NULL} }, // Purge operation { {"config-files", N_("Preparing to completely remove %s")}, {"not-installed", N_("Completely removed %s")}, {NULL, NULL} }, }; // init the PackageOps map, go over the list of packages that // that will be [installed|configured|removed|purged] and add // them to the PackageOps map (the dpkg states it goes through) // and the PackageOpsTranslations (human readable strings) for (vector::iterator I = List.begin(); I != List.end();I++) { string name = (*I).Pkg.Name(); PackageOpsDone[name] = 0; for(int i=0; (DpkgStatesOpMap[(*I).Op][i]).state != NULL; i++) { PackageOps[name].push_back(DpkgStatesOpMap[(*I).Op][i]); PackagesTotal++; } } // create log string logdir = _config->FindDir("Dir::Log"); if(not FileExists(logdir)) return _error->Error(_("Directory '%s' missing"), logdir.c_str()); string logfile_name = flCombine(logdir, _config->Find("Dir::Log::Terminal")); FILE *term_out = NULL; if (!logfile_name.empty()) { term_out = fopen(logfile_name.c_str(),"a"); chmod(logfile_name.c_str(), 0600); // output current time char outstr[200]; time_t t = time(NULL); struct tm *tmp = localtime(&t); strftime(outstr, sizeof(outstr), "%F %T", tmp); fprintf(term_out, "\nLog started: "); fprintf(term_out, outstr); fprintf(term_out, "\n"); } // this loop is runs once per operation for (vector::iterator I = List.begin(); I != List.end();) { vector::iterator J = I; for (; J != List.end() && J->Op == I->Op; J++); // Generate the argument list const char *Args[MaxArgs + 50]; if (J - I > (signed)MaxArgs) J = I + MaxArgs; unsigned int n = 0; unsigned long Size = 0; string Tmp = _config->Find("Dir::Bin::dpkg","dpkg"); Args[n++] = Tmp.c_str(); Size += strlen(Args[n-1]); // Stick in any custom dpkg options Configuration::Item const *Opts = _config->Tree("DPkg::Options"); if (Opts != 0) { Opts = Opts->Child; for (; Opts != 0; Opts = Opts->Next) { if (Opts->Value.empty() == true) continue; Args[n++] = Opts->Value.c_str(); Size += Opts->Value.length(); } } char status_fd_buf[20]; int fd[2]; pipe(fd); Args[n++] = "--status-fd"; Size += strlen(Args[n-1]); snprintf(status_fd_buf,sizeof(status_fd_buf),"%i", fd[1]); Args[n++] = status_fd_buf; Size += strlen(Args[n-1]); switch (I->Op) { case Item::Remove: Args[n++] = "--force-depends"; Size += strlen(Args[n-1]); Args[n++] = "--force-remove-essential"; Size += strlen(Args[n-1]); Args[n++] = "--remove"; Size += strlen(Args[n-1]); break; case Item::Purge: Args[n++] = "--force-depends"; Size += strlen(Args[n-1]); Args[n++] = "--force-remove-essential"; Size += strlen(Args[n-1]); Args[n++] = "--purge"; Size += strlen(Args[n-1]); break; case Item::Configure: Args[n++] = "--configure"; Size += strlen(Args[n-1]); break; case Item::Install: Args[n++] = "--unpack"; Size += strlen(Args[n-1]); Args[n++] = "--auto-deconfigure"; Size += strlen(Args[n-1]); break; } // Write in the file or package names if (I->Op == Item::Install) { for (;I != J && Size < MaxArgBytes; I++) { if (I->File[0] != '/') return _error->Error("Internal Error, Pathname to install is not absolute '%s'",I->File.c_str()); Args[n++] = I->File.c_str(); Size += strlen(Args[n-1]); } } else { for (;I != J && Size < MaxArgBytes; I++) { Args[n++] = I->Pkg.Name(); Size += strlen(Args[n-1]); } } Args[n] = 0; J = I; if (_config->FindB("Debug::pkgDPkgPM",false) == true) { for (unsigned int k = 0; k != n; k++) clog << Args[k] << ' '; clog << endl; continue; } cout << flush; clog << flush; cerr << flush; /* Mask off sig int/quit. We do this because dpkg also does when it forks scripts. What happens is that when you hit ctrl-c it sends it to all processes in the group. Since dpkg ignores the signal it doesn't die but we do! So we must also ignore it */ sighandler_t old_SIGQUIT = signal(SIGQUIT,SIG_IGN); sighandler_t old_SIGINT = signal(SIGINT,SIG_IGN); struct termios tt; struct winsize win; int master; int slave; // FIXME: setup sensible signal handling (*ick*) tcgetattr(0, &tt); ioctl(0, TIOCGWINSZ, (char *)&win); if (openpty(&master, &slave, NULL, &tt, &win) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, _("openpty failed\n")); } struct termios rtt; rtt = tt; cfmakeraw(&rtt); rtt.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; tcsetattr(0, TCSAFLUSH, &rtt); // Fork dpkg pid_t Child; _config->Set("APT::Keep-Fds::",fd[1]); Child = ExecFork(); // This is the child if (Child == 0) { setsid(); ioctl(slave, TIOCSCTTY, 0); close(master); dup2(slave, 0); dup2(slave, 1); dup2(slave, 2); close(slave); close(fd[0]); // close the read end of the pipe if (chdir(_config->FindDir("DPkg::Run-Directory","/").c_str()) != 0) _exit(100); if (_config->FindB("DPkg::FlushSTDIN",true) == true && isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) { int Flags,dummy; if ((Flags = fcntl(STDIN_FILENO,F_GETFL,dummy)) < 0) _exit(100); // Discard everything in stdin before forking dpkg if (fcntl(STDIN_FILENO,F_SETFL,Flags | O_NONBLOCK) < 0) _exit(100); while (read(STDIN_FILENO,&dummy,1) == 1); if (fcntl(STDIN_FILENO,F_SETFL,Flags & (~(long)O_NONBLOCK)) < 0) _exit(100); } /* No Job Control Stop Env is a magic dpkg var that prevents it from using sigstop */ putenv("DPKG_NO_TSTP=yes"); execvp(Args[0],(char **)Args); cerr << "Could not exec dpkg!" << endl; _exit(100); } // clear the Keep-Fd again _config->Clear("APT::Keep-Fds",fd[1]); // Wait for dpkg int Status = 0; // we read from dpkg here int _dpkgin = fd[0]; close(fd[1]); // close the write end of the pipe // the read buffers for the communication with dpkg char buf[2] = {0,0}; // the result of the waitpid call int res; close(slave); // setups fds fd_set rfds; struct timeval tv; int select_ret; while ((res=waitpid(Child,&Status, WNOHANG)) != Child) { if(res < 0) { // FIXME: move this to a function or something, looks ugly here // error handling, waitpid returned -1 if (errno == EINTR) continue; RunScripts("DPkg::Post-Invoke"); // Restore sig int/quit signal(SIGQUIT,old_SIGQUIT); signal(SIGINT,old_SIGINT); return _error->Errno("waitpid","Couldn't wait for subprocess"); } // wait for input or output here FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(0, &rfds); FD_SET(_dpkgin, &rfds); FD_SET(master, &rfds); tv.tv_sec = 1; tv.tv_usec = 0; select_ret = select(max(master, _dpkgin)+1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (select_ret < 0) std::cerr << "Error in select()" << std::endl; else if (select_ret == 0) continue; if(FD_ISSET(master, &rfds)) DoTerminalPty(master, term_out); if(FD_ISSET(0, &rfds)) DoStdin(master); if(FD_ISSET(_dpkgin, &rfds)) DoDpkgStatusFd(_dpkgin, OutStatusFd); } close(_dpkgin); // Restore sig int/quit signal(SIGQUIT,old_SIGQUIT); signal(SIGINT,old_SIGINT); tcsetattr(0, TCSAFLUSH, &tt); // Check for an error code. if (WIFEXITED(Status) == 0 || WEXITSTATUS(Status) != 0) { // if it was set to "keep-dpkg-runing" then we won't return // here but keep the loop going and just report it as a error // for later bool stopOnError = _config->FindB("Dpkg::StopOnError",true); if(stopOnError) RunScripts("DPkg::Post-Invoke"); if (WIFSIGNALED(Status) != 0 && WTERMSIG(Status) == SIGSEGV) _error->Error("Sub-process %s received a segmentation fault.",Args[0]); else if (WIFEXITED(Status) != 0) _error->Error("Sub-process %s returned an error code (%u)",Args[0],WEXITSTATUS(Status)); else _error->Error("Sub-process %s exited unexpectedly",Args[0]); if(stopOnError) { if(term_out) fclose(term_out); return false; } } } if(term_out) fclose(term_out); if (RunScripts("DPkg::Post-Invoke") == false) return false; return true; } /*}}}*/ // pkgDpkgPM::Reset - Dump the contents of the command list /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ void pkgDPkgPM::Reset() { List.erase(List.begin(),List.end()); } /*}}}*/ // pkgDpkgPM::WriteApportReport - write out error report pkg failure /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ void pkgDPkgPM::WriteApportReport(const char *pkgpath, const char *errormsg) { string pkgname, reportfile, srcpkgname, pkgver, arch; string::size_type pos; FILE *report; if (_config->FindB("Dpkg::ApportFailureReport",true) == false) return; // only report the first error if we are in StopOnError=false mode // to prevent bogus reports if((_config->FindB("Dpkg::StopOnError",true) == false) && pkgFailures > 1) return; // get the pkgname and reportfile pkgname = flNotDir(pkgpath); pos = pkgname.rfind('_'); if(pos != string::npos) pkgname = string(pkgname, 0, pos); // find the package versin and source package name pkgCache::PkgIterator Pkg = Cache.FindPkg(pkgname); if (Pkg.end() == true) return; pkgCache::VerIterator Ver = Cache.GetCandidateVer(Pkg); pkgver = Ver.VerStr(); if (Ver.end() == true) return; pkgRecords Recs(Cache); pkgRecords::Parser &Parse = Recs.Lookup(Ver.FileList()); srcpkgname = Parse.SourcePkg(); if(srcpkgname.empty()) srcpkgname = pkgname; // if the file exists already, we check: // - if it was reported already (touched by apport). // If not, we do nothing, otherwise // we overwrite it. This is the same behaviour as apport // - if we have a report with the same pkgversion already // then we skip it reportfile = flCombine("/var/crash",pkgname+".0.crash"); if(FileExists(reportfile)) { struct stat buf; char strbuf[255]; // check atime/mtime stat(reportfile.c_str(), &buf); if(buf.st_mtime > buf.st_atime) return; // check if the existing report is the same version report = fopen(reportfile.c_str(),"r"); while(fgets(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf), report) != NULL) { if(strstr(strbuf,"Package:") == strbuf) { char pkgname[255], version[255]; if(sscanf(strbuf, "Package: %s %s", pkgname, version) == 2) if(strcmp(pkgver.c_str(), version) == 0) { fclose(report); return; } } } fclose(report); } // now write the report arch = _config->Find("APT::Architecture"); report = fopen(reportfile.c_str(),"w"); if(report == NULL) return; if(_config->FindB("DPkgPM::InitialReportOnly",false) == true) chmod(reportfile.c_str(), 0); else chmod(reportfile.c_str(), 0600); fprintf(report, "ProblemType: Package\n"); fprintf(report, "Architecture: %s\n", arch.c_str()); time_t now = time(NULL); fprintf(report, "Date: %s" , ctime(&now)); fprintf(report, "Package: %s %s\n", pkgname.c_str(), pkgver.c_str()); fprintf(report, "SourcePackage: %s\n", srcpkgname.c_str()); fprintf(report, "ErrorMessage:\n %s\n", errormsg); fclose(report); } /*}}}*/