// -*- mode: cpp; mode: fold -*- // Description /*{{{*/ /* ###################################################################### The universe file is designed to work as an intermediate file between APT and the resolver. Its on propose very similar to a dpkg status file ##################################################################### */ /*}}}*/ // Include Files /*{{{*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*}}}*/ // edspIndex::edspIndex - Constructor /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ edspIndex::edspIndex(string File) : debStatusIndex(File) { } /*}}}*/ // StatusIndex::Merge - Load the index file into a cache /*{{{*/ bool edspIndex::Merge(pkgCacheGenerator &Gen,OpProgress *Prog) const { FileFd Pkg; if (File != "stdin") Pkg.Open(File, FileFd::ReadOnly); else Pkg.OpenDescriptor(STDIN_FILENO, FileFd::ReadOnly); if (_error->PendingError() == true) return false; edspListParser Parser(&Pkg); if (_error->PendingError() == true) return false; if (Prog != NULL) Prog->SubProgress(0,File); if (Gen.SelectFile(File,string(),*this) == false) return _error->Error("Problem with SelectFile %s",File.c_str()); // Store the IMS information pkgCache::PkgFileIterator CFile = Gen.GetCurFile(); struct stat St; if (fstat(Pkg.Fd(),&St) != 0) return _error->Errno("fstat","Failed to stat"); CFile->Size = St.st_size; CFile->mtime = St.st_mtime; CFile->Archive = Gen.WriteUniqString("universe"); if (Gen.MergeList(Parser) == false) return _error->Error("Problem with MergeList %s",File.c_str()); return true; } /*}}}*/ // Index File types for APT /*{{{*/ class edspIFType: public pkgIndexFile::Type { public: virtual pkgRecords::Parser *CreatePkgParser(pkgCache::PkgFileIterator File) const { // we don't have a record parser for this type as the file is not presistent return NULL; }; edspIFType() {Label = "APT universe file";}; }; static edspIFType _apt_Universe; const pkgIndexFile::Type *edspIndex::GetType() const { return &_apt_Universe; } /*}}}*/