// -*- mode: cpp; mode: fold -*- // Description /*{{{*/ // $Id: indexrecords.cc,v 2003/12/30 02:11:43 mdz Exp $ /*}}}*/ // Include Files /*{{{*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*}}}*/ using std::string; APT_PURE string indexRecords::GetDist() const { return this->Dist; } APT_PURE string indexRecords::GetSuite() const { return this->Suite; } APT_PURE bool indexRecords::GetSupportsAcquireByHash() const { return this->SupportsAcquireByHash; } APT_PURE bool indexRecords::CheckDist(const string MaybeDist) const { return (this->Dist == MaybeDist || this->Suite == MaybeDist); } APT_PURE string indexRecords::GetExpectedDist() const { return this->ExpectedDist; } APT_PURE time_t indexRecords::GetValidUntil() const { return this->ValidUntil; } APT_PURE indexRecords::checkSum *indexRecords::Lookup(const string MetaKey) { std::map::const_iterator sum = Entries.find(MetaKey); if (sum == Entries.end()) return NULL; return sum->second; } APT_PURE bool indexRecords::Exists(string const &MetaKey) const { return Entries.count(MetaKey) == 1; } bool indexRecords::Load(const string Filename) /*{{{*/ { FileFd Fd; if (OpenMaybeClearSignedFile(Filename, Fd) == false) return false; pkgTagFile TagFile(&Fd, Fd.Size()); if (_error->PendingError() == true) { strprintf(ErrorText, _("Unable to parse Release file %s"),Filename.c_str()); return false; } pkgTagSection Section; const char *Start, *End; if (TagFile.Step(Section) == false) { strprintf(ErrorText, _("No sections in Release file %s"), Filename.c_str()); return false; } // FIXME: find better tag name SupportsAcquireByHash = Section.FindB("Acquire-By-Hash", false); Suite = Section.FindS("Suite"); Dist = Section.FindS("Codename"); bool FoundHashSum = false; for (int i=0;HashString::SupportedHashes()[i] != NULL; i++) { if (!Section.Find(HashString::SupportedHashes()[i], Start, End)) continue; string Name; string Hash; unsigned long long Size; while (Start < End) { if (!parseSumData(Start, End, Name, Hash, Size)) return false; if (Entries.find(Name) == Entries.end()) { indexRecords::checkSum *Sum = new indexRecords::checkSum; Sum->MetaKeyFilename = Name; Sum->Size = Size; #if __GNUC__ >= 4 #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" #endif Sum->Hash = HashString(HashString::SupportedHashes()[i],Hash); #if __GNUC__ >= 4 #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif Entries[Name] = Sum; } Entries[Name]->Hashes.push_back(HashString(HashString::SupportedHashes()[i],Hash)); FoundHashSum = true; } } if(FoundHashSum == false) { strprintf(ErrorText, _("No Hash entry in Release file %s"), Filename.c_str()); return false; } string Label = Section.FindS("Label"); string StrDate = Section.FindS("Date"); string StrValidUntil = Section.FindS("Valid-Until"); // if we have a Valid-Until header in the Release file, use it as default if (StrValidUntil.empty() == false) { if(RFC1123StrToTime(StrValidUntil.c_str(), ValidUntil) == false) { strprintf(ErrorText, _("Invalid 'Valid-Until' entry in Release file %s"), Filename.c_str()); return false; } } // get the user settings for this archive and use what expires earlier int MaxAge = _config->FindI("Acquire::Max-ValidTime", 0); if (Label.empty() == false) MaxAge = _config->FindI(("Acquire::Max-ValidTime::" + Label).c_str(), MaxAge); int MinAge = _config->FindI("Acquire::Min-ValidTime", 0); if (Label.empty() == false) MinAge = _config->FindI(("Acquire::Min-ValidTime::" + Label).c_str(), MinAge); if(MaxAge == 0 && (MinAge == 0 || ValidUntil == 0)) // No user settings, use the one from the Release file return true; time_t date; if (RFC1123StrToTime(StrDate.c_str(), date) == false) { strprintf(ErrorText, _("Invalid 'Date' entry in Release file %s"), Filename.c_str()); return false; } if (MinAge != 0 && ValidUntil != 0) { time_t const min_date = date + MinAge; if (ValidUntil < min_date) ValidUntil = min_date; } if (MaxAge != 0) { time_t const max_date = date + MaxAge; if (ValidUntil == 0 || ValidUntil > max_date) ValidUntil = max_date; } return true; } /*}}}*/ std::vector indexRecords::MetaKeys() /*{{{*/ { std::vector keys; std::map::iterator I = Entries.begin(); while(I != Entries.end()) { keys.push_back((*I).first); ++I; } return keys; } /*}}}*/ bool indexRecords::parseSumData(const char *&Start, const char *End, /*{{{*/ string &Name, string &Hash, unsigned long long &Size) { Name = ""; Hash = ""; Size = 0; /* Skip over the first blank */ while ((*Start == '\t' || *Start == ' ' || *Start == '\n' || *Start == '\r') && Start < End) Start++; if (Start >= End) return false; /* Move EntryEnd to the end of the first entry (the hash) */ const char *EntryEnd = Start; while ((*EntryEnd != '\t' && *EntryEnd != ' ') && EntryEnd < End) EntryEnd++; if (EntryEnd == End) return false; Hash.append(Start, EntryEnd-Start); /* Skip over intermediate blanks */ Start = EntryEnd; while (*Start == '\t' || *Start == ' ') Start++; if (Start >= End) return false; EntryEnd = Start; /* Find the end of the second entry (the size) */ while ((*EntryEnd != '\t' && *EntryEnd != ' ' ) && EntryEnd < End) EntryEnd++; if (EntryEnd == End) return false; Size = strtoull (Start, NULL, 10); /* Skip over intermediate blanks */ Start = EntryEnd; while (*Start == '\t' || *Start == ' ') Start++; if (Start >= End) return false; EntryEnd = Start; /* Find the end of the third entry (the filename) */ while ((*EntryEnd != '\t' && *EntryEnd != ' ' && *EntryEnd != '\n' && *EntryEnd != '\r') && EntryEnd < End) EntryEnd++; Name.append(Start, EntryEnd-Start); Start = EntryEnd; //prepare for the next round return true; } /*}}}*/ indexRecords::indexRecords() { } indexRecords::indexRecords(const string ExpectedDist) : ExpectedDist(ExpectedDist), ValidUntil(0), SupportsAcquireByHash(false) { }