#include <config.h> #include <apt-pkg/configuration.h> #include <apt-pkg/fileutl.h> #include <apt-pkg/install-progress.h> #include <apt-pkg/strutl.h> #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <vector> #include <fcntl.h> #include <signal.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <apti18n.h> namespace APT { namespace Progress { PackageManager::PackageManager() : d(NULL), percentage(0.0), last_reported_progress(-1) {} PackageManager::~PackageManager() {} /* Return a APT::Progress::PackageManager based on the global * apt configuration (i.e. APT::Status-Fd and APT::Status-deb822-Fd) */ PackageManager* PackageManagerProgressFactory() { // select the right progress int status_fd = _config->FindI("APT::Status-Fd", -1); int status_deb822_fd = _config->FindI("APT::Status-deb822-Fd", -1); APT::Progress::PackageManager *progress = NULL; if (status_deb822_fd > 0) progress = new APT::Progress::PackageManagerProgressDeb822Fd( status_deb822_fd); else if (status_fd > 0) progress = new APT::Progress::PackageManagerProgressFd(status_fd); else if(_config->FindB("Dpkg::Progress-Fancy", false) == true) progress = new APT::Progress::PackageManagerFancy(); else if (_config->FindB("Dpkg::Progress", _config->FindB("DpkgPM::Progress", false)) == true) progress = new APT::Progress::PackageManagerText(); else progress = new APT::Progress::PackageManager(); return progress; } bool PackageManager::StatusChanged(std::string /*PackageName*/, unsigned int StepsDone, unsigned int TotalSteps, std::string /*HumanReadableAction*/) { int reporting_steps = _config->FindI("DpkgPM::Reporting-Steps", 1); percentage = StepsDone/(double)TotalSteps * 100.0; strprintf(progress_str, _("Progress: [%3li%%]"), std::lround(percentage)); if(percentage < (last_reported_progress + reporting_steps)) return false; return true; } PackageManagerProgressFd::PackageManagerProgressFd(int progress_fd) : d(NULL), StepsDone(0), StepsTotal(1) { OutStatusFd = progress_fd; } PackageManagerProgressFd::~PackageManagerProgressFd() {} void PackageManagerProgressFd::WriteToStatusFd(std::string s) { if(OutStatusFd <= 0) return; FileFd::Write(OutStatusFd, s.c_str(), s.size()); } static std::string GetProgressFdString(char const * const status, char const * const pkg, unsigned long long Done, unsigned long long Total, char const * const msg) { float const progress{Done / static_cast<float>(Total) * 100}; std::ostringstream str; str.imbue(std::locale::classic()); str.precision(4); str << status << ':' << pkg << ':' << std::fixed << progress << ':' << msg << '\n'; return str.str(); } void PackageManagerProgressFd::StartDpkg() { if(OutStatusFd <= 0) return; // FIXME: use SetCloseExec here once it taught about throwing // exceptions instead of doing _exit(100) on failure fcntl(OutStatusFd,F_SETFD,FD_CLOEXEC); // send status information that we are about to fork dpkg WriteToStatusFd(GetProgressFdString("pmstatus", "dpkg-exec", StepsDone, StepsTotal, _("Running dpkg"))); } void PackageManagerProgressFd::Stop() { } void PackageManagerProgressFd::Error(std::string PackageName, unsigned int StepsDone, unsigned int TotalSteps, std::string ErrorMessage) { WriteToStatusFd(GetProgressFdString("pmerror", PackageName.c_str(), StepsDone, TotalSteps, ErrorMessage.c_str())); } void PackageManagerProgressFd::ConffilePrompt(std::string PackageName, unsigned int StepsDone, unsigned int TotalSteps, std::string ConfMessage) { WriteToStatusFd(GetProgressFdString("pmconffile", PackageName.c_str(), StepsDone, TotalSteps, ConfMessage.c_str())); } bool PackageManagerProgressFd::StatusChanged(std::string PackageName, unsigned int xStepsDone, unsigned int xTotalSteps, std::string pkg_action) { StepsDone = xStepsDone; StepsTotal = xTotalSteps; WriteToStatusFd(GetProgressFdString("pmstatus", StringSplit(PackageName, ":")[0].c_str(), StepsDone, StepsTotal, pkg_action.c_str())); if(_config->FindB("Debug::APT::Progress::PackageManagerFd", false) == true) std::cerr << "progress: " << PackageName << " " << xStepsDone << " " << xTotalSteps << " " << pkg_action << std::endl; return true; } PackageManagerProgressDeb822Fd::PackageManagerProgressDeb822Fd(int progress_fd) : d(NULL), StepsDone(0), StepsTotal(1) { OutStatusFd = progress_fd; } PackageManagerProgressDeb822Fd::~PackageManagerProgressDeb822Fd() {} void PackageManagerProgressDeb822Fd::WriteToStatusFd(std::string s) { FileFd::Write(OutStatusFd, s.c_str(), s.size()); } static std::string GetProgressDeb822String(char const * const status, char const * const pkg, unsigned long long Done, unsigned long long Total, char const * const msg) { float const progress{Done / static_cast<float>(Total) * 100}; std::ostringstream str; str.imbue(std::locale::classic()); str.precision(4); str << "Status: " << status << '\n'; if (pkg != nullptr) str << "Package: " << pkg << '\n'; str << "Percent: " << std::fixed << progress << '\n' << "Message: " << msg << "\n\n"; return str.str(); } void PackageManagerProgressDeb822Fd::StartDpkg() { // FIXME: use SetCloseExec here once it taught about throwing // exceptions instead of doing _exit(100) on failure fcntl(OutStatusFd,F_SETFD,FD_CLOEXEC); WriteToStatusFd(GetProgressDeb822String("progress", nullptr, StepsDone, StepsTotal, _("Running dpkg"))); } void PackageManagerProgressDeb822Fd::Stop() { } void PackageManagerProgressDeb822Fd::Error(std::string PackageName, unsigned int StepsDone, unsigned int TotalSteps, std::string ErrorMessage) { WriteToStatusFd(GetProgressDeb822String("Error", PackageName.c_str(), StepsDone, TotalSteps, ErrorMessage.c_str())); } void PackageManagerProgressDeb822Fd::ConffilePrompt(std::string PackageName, unsigned int StepsDone, unsigned int TotalSteps, std::string ConfMessage) { WriteToStatusFd(GetProgressDeb822String("ConfFile", PackageName.c_str(), StepsDone, TotalSteps, ConfMessage.c_str())); } bool PackageManagerProgressDeb822Fd::StatusChanged(std::string PackageName, unsigned int xStepsDone, unsigned int xTotalSteps, std::string message) { StepsDone = xStepsDone; StepsTotal = xTotalSteps; WriteToStatusFd(GetProgressDeb822String("progress", PackageName.c_str(), StepsDone, StepsTotal, message.c_str())); return true; } PackageManagerFancy::PackageManagerFancy() : d(NULL), child_pty(-1) { // setup terminal size old_SIGWINCH = signal(SIGWINCH, PackageManagerFancy::staticSIGWINCH); instances.push_back(this); } std::vector<PackageManagerFancy*> PackageManagerFancy::instances; PackageManagerFancy::~PackageManagerFancy() { instances.erase(find(instances.begin(), instances.end(), this)); signal(SIGWINCH, old_SIGWINCH); } void PackageManagerFancy::staticSIGWINCH(int signum) { std::vector<PackageManagerFancy *>::const_iterator I; for(I = instances.begin(); I != instances.end(); ++I) (*I)->HandleSIGWINCH(signum); } PackageManagerFancy::TermSize PackageManagerFancy::GetTerminalSize() { struct winsize win; PackageManagerFancy::TermSize s = { 0, 0 }; // FIXME: get from "child_pty" instead? if(ioctl(STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, (char *)&win) != 0) return s; if(_config->FindB("Debug::InstallProgress::Fancy", false) == true) std::cerr << "GetTerminalSize: " << win.ws_row << " x " << win.ws_col << std::endl; s.rows = win.ws_row; s.columns = win.ws_col; return s; } void PackageManagerFancy::SetupTerminalScrollArea(int nr_rows) { if(_config->FindB("Debug::InstallProgress::Fancy", false) == true) std::cerr << "SetupTerminalScrollArea: " << nr_rows << std::endl; if (unlikely(nr_rows <= 1)) return; // scroll down a bit to avoid visual glitch when the screen // area shrinks by one row std::cout << "\n"; // save cursor std::cout << "\0337"; // set scroll region (this will place the cursor in the top left) std::cout << "\033[0;" << std::to_string(nr_rows - 1) << "r"; // restore cursor but ensure its inside the scrolling area std::cout << "\0338"; static const char *move_cursor_up = "\033[1A"; std::cout << move_cursor_up; // ensure its flushed std::flush(std::cout); // setup tty size to ensure xterm/linux console are working properly too // see bug #731738 struct winsize win; if (ioctl(child_pty, TIOCGWINSZ, (char *)&win) != -1) { win.ws_row = nr_rows - 1; ioctl(child_pty, TIOCSWINSZ, (char *)&win); } } void PackageManagerFancy::HandleSIGWINCH(int) { int const nr_terminal_rows = GetTerminalSize().rows; SetupTerminalScrollArea(nr_terminal_rows); DrawStatusLine(); } void PackageManagerFancy::Start(int a_child_pty) { child_pty = a_child_pty; int const nr_terminal_rows = GetTerminalSize().rows; SetupTerminalScrollArea(nr_terminal_rows); } void PackageManagerFancy::Stop() { int const nr_terminal_rows = GetTerminalSize().rows; if (nr_terminal_rows > 0) { SetupTerminalScrollArea(nr_terminal_rows + 1); // override the progress line (sledgehammer) static const char* clear_screen_below_cursor = "\033[J"; std::cout << clear_screen_below_cursor; std::flush(std::cout); } child_pty = -1; } std::string PackageManagerFancy::GetTextProgressStr(float Percent, int OutputSize) { std::string output; if (unlikely(OutputSize < 3)) return output; int const BarSize = OutputSize - 2; // bar without the leading "[" and trailing "]" int const BarDone = std::max(0, std::min(BarSize, static_cast<int>(std::floor(Percent * BarSize)))); output.append("["); std::fill_n(std::fill_n(std::back_inserter(output), BarDone, '#'), BarSize - BarDone, '.'); output.append("]"); return output; } bool PackageManagerFancy::StatusChanged(std::string PackageName, unsigned int StepsDone, unsigned int TotalSteps, std::string HumanReadableAction) { if (!PackageManager::StatusChanged(PackageName, StepsDone, TotalSteps, HumanReadableAction)) return false; return DrawStatusLine(); } bool PackageManagerFancy::DrawStatusLine() { PackageManagerFancy::TermSize const size = GetTerminalSize(); if (unlikely(size.rows < 1 || size.columns < 1)) return false; static std::string save_cursor = "\0337"; static std::string restore_cursor = "\0338"; // green static std::string set_bg_color = DeQuoteString( _config->Find("Dpkg::Progress-Fancy::Progress-fg", "%1b[42m")); // black static std::string set_fg_color = DeQuoteString( _config->Find("Dpkg::Progress-Fancy::Progress-bg", "%1b[30m")); static std::string restore_bg = "\033[49m"; static std::string restore_fg = "\033[39m"; std::cout << save_cursor // move cursor position to last row << "\033[" << std::to_string(size.rows) << ";0f" << set_bg_color << set_fg_color << progress_str << restore_bg << restore_fg; std::flush(std::cout); // draw text progress bar if (_config->FindB("Dpkg::Progress-Fancy::Progress-Bar", true)) { int padding = 4; auto const progressbar_size = size.columns - padding - progress_str.size(); auto const current_percent = percentage / 100.0; std::cout << " " << GetTextProgressStr(current_percent, progressbar_size) << " "; std::flush(std::cout); } // restore std::cout << restore_cursor; std::flush(std::cout); last_reported_progress = percentage; return true; } bool PackageManagerText::StatusChanged(std::string PackageName, unsigned int StepsDone, unsigned int TotalSteps, std::string HumanReadableAction) { if (!PackageManager::StatusChanged(PackageName, StepsDone, TotalSteps, HumanReadableAction)) return false; std::cout << progress_str << "\r\n"; std::flush(std::cout); last_reported_progress = percentage; return true; } PackageManagerText::PackageManagerText() : PackageManager(), d(NULL) {} PackageManagerText::~PackageManagerText() {} } // namespace progress } // namespace apt