// -*- mode: cpp; mode: fold -*- // Description /*{{{*/ // $Id: pkgcachegen.cc,v 2003/12/24 23:09:17 mdz Exp $ /* ###################################################################### Package Cache Generator - Generator for the cache structure. This builds the cache structure from the abstract package list parser. ##################################################################### */ /*}}}*/ // Include Files /*{{{*/ #define APT_COMPATIBILITY 986 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*}}}*/ typedef vector::iterator FileIterator; template std::vector pkgCacheGenerator::Dynamic::toReMap; // CacheGenerator::pkgCacheGenerator - Constructor /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* We set the dirty flag and make sure that is written to the disk */ pkgCacheGenerator::pkgCacheGenerator(DynamicMMap *pMap,OpProgress *Prog) : Map(*pMap), Cache(pMap,false), Progress(Prog), FoundFileDeps(0) { CurrentFile = 0; memset(UniqHash,0,sizeof(UniqHash)); if (_error->PendingError() == true) return; if (Map.Size() == 0) { // Setup the map interface.. Cache.HeaderP = (pkgCache::Header *)Map.Data(); if (Map.RawAllocate(sizeof(pkgCache::Header)) == 0 && _error->PendingError() == true) return; Map.UsePools(*Cache.HeaderP->Pools,sizeof(Cache.HeaderP->Pools)/sizeof(Cache.HeaderP->Pools[0])); // Starting header *Cache.HeaderP = pkgCache::Header(); map_ptrloc const idxVerSysName = WriteStringInMap(_system->VS->Label); Cache.HeaderP->VerSysName = idxVerSysName; map_ptrloc const idxArchitecture = WriteStringInMap(_config->Find("APT::Architecture")); Cache.HeaderP->Architecture = idxArchitecture; if (unlikely(idxVerSysName == 0 || idxArchitecture == 0)) return; Cache.ReMap(); } else { // Map directly from the existing file Cache.ReMap(); Map.UsePools(*Cache.HeaderP->Pools,sizeof(Cache.HeaderP->Pools)/sizeof(Cache.HeaderP->Pools[0])); if (Cache.VS != _system->VS) { _error->Error(_("Cache has an incompatible versioning system")); return; } } Cache.HeaderP->Dirty = true; Map.Sync(0,sizeof(pkgCache::Header)); } /*}}}*/ // CacheGenerator::~pkgCacheGenerator - Destructor /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* We sync the data then unset the dirty flag in two steps so as to advoid a problem during a crash */ pkgCacheGenerator::~pkgCacheGenerator() { if (_error->PendingError() == true) return; if (Map.Sync() == false) return; Cache.HeaderP->Dirty = false; Map.Sync(0,sizeof(pkgCache::Header)); } /*}}}*/ void pkgCacheGenerator::ReMap(void const * const oldMap, void const * const newMap) {/*{{{*/ if (oldMap == newMap) return; Cache.ReMap(false); CurrentFile += (pkgCache::PackageFile*) newMap - (pkgCache::PackageFile*) oldMap; for (size_t i = 0; i < _count(UniqHash); ++i) if (UniqHash[i] != 0) UniqHash[i] += (pkgCache::StringItem*) newMap - (pkgCache::StringItem*) oldMap; for (std::vector::const_iterator i = Dynamic::toReMap.begin(); i != Dynamic::toReMap.end(); ++i) (*i)->ReMap(oldMap, newMap); for (std::vector::const_iterator i = Dynamic::toReMap.begin(); i != Dynamic::toReMap.end(); ++i) (*i)->ReMap(oldMap, newMap); for (std::vector::const_iterator i = Dynamic::toReMap.begin(); i != Dynamic::toReMap.end(); ++i) (*i)->ReMap(oldMap, newMap); for (std::vector::const_iterator i = Dynamic::toReMap.begin(); i != Dynamic::toReMap.end(); ++i) (*i)->ReMap(oldMap, newMap); for (std::vector::const_iterator i = Dynamic::toReMap.begin(); i != Dynamic::toReMap.end(); ++i) (*i)->ReMap(oldMap, newMap); for (std::vector::const_iterator i = Dynamic::toReMap.begin(); i != Dynamic::toReMap.end(); ++i) (*i)->ReMap(oldMap, newMap); for (std::vector::const_iterator i = Dynamic::toReMap.begin(); i != Dynamic::toReMap.end(); ++i) (*i)->ReMap(oldMap, newMap); } /*}}}*/ // CacheGenerator::WriteStringInMap /*{{{*/ map_ptrloc pkgCacheGenerator::WriteStringInMap(const char *String, const unsigned long &Len) { void const * const oldMap = Map.Data(); map_ptrloc const index = Map.WriteString(String, Len); if (index != 0) ReMap(oldMap, Map.Data()); return index; } /*}}}*/ // CacheGenerator::WriteStringInMap /*{{{*/ map_ptrloc pkgCacheGenerator::WriteStringInMap(const char *String) { void const * const oldMap = Map.Data(); map_ptrloc const index = Map.WriteString(String); if (index != 0) ReMap(oldMap, Map.Data()); return index; } /*}}}*/ map_ptrloc pkgCacheGenerator::AllocateInMap(const unsigned long &size) {/*{{{*/ void const * const oldMap = Map.Data(); map_ptrloc const index = Map.Allocate(size); if (index != 0) ReMap(oldMap, Map.Data()); return index; } /*}}}*/ // CacheGenerator::MergeList - Merge the package list /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This provides the generation of the entries in the cache. Each loop goes through a single package record from the underlying parse engine. */ bool pkgCacheGenerator::MergeList(ListParser &List, pkgCache::VerIterator *OutVer) { List.Owner = this; unsigned int Counter = 0; while (List.Step() == true) { string const PackageName = List.Package(); if (PackageName.empty() == true) return false; string const Arch = List.Architecture(); // Get a pointer to the package structure pkgCache::PkgIterator Pkg; Dynamic DynPkg(Pkg); if (NewPackage(Pkg, PackageName, Arch) == false) return _error->Error(_("Error occurred while processing %s (NewPackage)"),PackageName.c_str()); Counter++; if (Counter % 100 == 0 && Progress != 0) Progress->Progress(List.Offset()); /* Get a pointer to the version structure. We know the list is sorted so we use that fact in the search. Insertion of new versions is done with correct sorting */ string Version = List.Version(); if (Version.empty() == true) { // we first process the package, then the descriptions // (this has the bonus that we get MMap error when we run out // of MMap space) pkgCache::VerIterator Ver(Cache); Dynamic DynVer(Ver); if (List.UsePackage(Pkg, Ver) == false) return _error->Error(_("Error occurred while processing %s (UsePackage1)"), PackageName.c_str()); // Find the right version to write the description MD5SumValue CurMd5 = List.Description_md5(); Ver = Pkg.VersionList(); for (; Ver.end() == false; ++Ver) { pkgCache::DescIterator Desc = Ver.DescriptionList(); Dynamic DynDesc(Desc); map_ptrloc *LastDesc = &Ver->DescriptionList; bool duplicate=false; // don't add a new description if we have one for the given // md5 && language for ( ; Desc.end() == false; Desc++) if (MD5SumValue(Desc.md5()) == CurMd5 && Desc.LanguageCode() == List.DescriptionLanguage()) duplicate=true; if(duplicate) continue; for (Desc = Ver.DescriptionList(); Desc.end() == false; LastDesc = &Desc->NextDesc, Desc++) { if (MD5SumValue(Desc.md5()) == CurMd5) { // Add new description void const * const oldMap = Map.Data(); map_ptrloc const descindex = NewDescription(Desc, List.DescriptionLanguage(), CurMd5, *LastDesc); if (oldMap != Map.Data()) LastDesc += (map_ptrloc*) Map.Data() - (map_ptrloc*) oldMap; *LastDesc = descindex; Desc->ParentPkg = Pkg.Index(); if ((*LastDesc == 0 && _error->PendingError()) || NewFileDesc(Desc,List) == false) return _error->Error(_("Error occurred while processing %s (NewFileDesc1)"),PackageName.c_str()); break; } } } continue; } pkgCache::VerIterator Ver = Pkg.VersionList(); Dynamic DynVer(Ver); map_ptrloc *LastVer = &Pkg->VersionList; void const * oldMap = Map.Data(); int Res = 1; unsigned long const Hash = List.VersionHash(); for (; Ver.end() == false; LastVer = &Ver->NextVer, Ver++) { Res = Cache.VS->CmpVersion(Version,Ver.VerStr()); // Version is higher as current version - insert here if (Res > 0) break; // Versionstrings are equal - is hash also equal? if (Res == 0 && Ver->Hash == Hash) break; // proceed with the next till we have either the right // or we found another version (which will be lower) } /* We already have a version for this item, record that we saw it */ if (Res == 0 && Ver.end() == false && Ver->Hash == Hash) { if (List.UsePackage(Pkg,Ver) == false) return _error->Error(_("Error occurred while processing %s (UsePackage2)"), PackageName.c_str()); if (NewFileVer(Ver,List) == false) return _error->Error(_("Error occurred while processing %s (NewFileVer1)"), PackageName.c_str()); // Read only a single record and return if (OutVer != 0) { *OutVer = Ver; FoundFileDeps |= List.HasFileDeps(); return true; } continue; } // Add a new version map_ptrloc const verindex = NewVersion(Ver,Version,*LastVer); if (verindex == 0 && _error->PendingError()) return _error->Error(_("Error occurred while processing %s (NewVersion%d)"), PackageName.c_str(), 1); if (oldMap != Map.Data()) LastVer += (map_ptrloc*) Map.Data() - (map_ptrloc*) oldMap; *LastVer = verindex; Ver->ParentPkg = Pkg.Index(); Ver->Hash = Hash; if (List.NewVersion(Ver) == false) return _error->Error(_("Error occurred while processing %s (NewVersion%d)"), PackageName.c_str(), 2); if (List.UsePackage(Pkg,Ver) == false) return _error->Error(_("Error occurred while processing %s (UsePackage3)"), PackageName.c_str()); if (NewFileVer(Ver,List) == false) return _error->Error(_("Error occurred while processing %s (NewVersion%d)"), PackageName.c_str(), 3); // Read only a single record and return if (OutVer != 0) { *OutVer = Ver; FoundFileDeps |= List.HasFileDeps(); return true; } /* Record the Description data. Description data always exist in Packages and Translation-* files. */ pkgCache::DescIterator Desc = Ver.DescriptionList(); Dynamic DynDesc(Desc); map_ptrloc *LastDesc = &Ver->DescriptionList; // Skip to the end of description set for (; Desc.end() == false; LastDesc = &Desc->NextDesc, Desc++); // Add new description oldMap = Map.Data(); map_ptrloc const descindex = NewDescription(Desc, List.DescriptionLanguage(), List.Description_md5(), *LastDesc); if (oldMap != Map.Data()) LastDesc += (map_ptrloc*) Map.Data() - (map_ptrloc*) oldMap; *LastDesc = descindex; Desc->ParentPkg = Pkg.Index(); if ((*LastDesc == 0 && _error->PendingError()) || NewFileDesc(Desc,List) == false) return _error->Error(_("Error occurred while processing %s (NewFileDesc2)"),PackageName.c_str()); } FoundFileDeps |= List.HasFileDeps(); if (Cache.HeaderP->PackageCount >= (1ULL<ID)*8)-1) return _error->Error(_("Wow, you exceeded the number of package " "names this APT is capable of.")); if (Cache.HeaderP->VersionCount >= (1ULL<<(sizeof(Cache.VerP->ID)*8))-1) return _error->Error(_("Wow, you exceeded the number of versions " "this APT is capable of.")); if (Cache.HeaderP->DescriptionCount >= (1ULL<<(sizeof(Cache.DescP->ID)*8))-1) return _error->Error(_("Wow, you exceeded the number of descriptions " "this APT is capable of.")); if (Cache.HeaderP->DependsCount >= (1ULL<<(sizeof(Cache.DepP->ID)*8))-1ULL) return _error->Error(_("Wow, you exceeded the number of dependencies " "this APT is capable of.")); return true; } /*}}}*/ // CacheGenerator::MergeFileProvides - Merge file provides /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* If we found any file depends while parsing the main list we need to resolve them. Since it is undesired to load the entire list of files into the cache as virtual packages we do a two stage effort. MergeList identifies the file depends and this creates Provdies for them by re-parsing all the indexs. */ bool pkgCacheGenerator::MergeFileProvides(ListParser &List) { List.Owner = this; unsigned int Counter = 0; while (List.Step() == true) { string PackageName = List.Package(); if (PackageName.empty() == true) return false; string Version = List.Version(); if (Version.empty() == true) continue; pkgCache::PkgIterator Pkg = Cache.FindPkg(PackageName); Dynamic DynPkg(Pkg); if (Pkg.end() == true) return _error->Error(_("Error occurred while processing %s (FindPkg)"), PackageName.c_str()); Counter++; if (Counter % 100 == 0 && Progress != 0) Progress->Progress(List.Offset()); unsigned long Hash = List.VersionHash(); pkgCache::VerIterator Ver = Pkg.VersionList(); Dynamic DynVer(Ver); for (; Ver.end() == false; Ver++) { if (Ver->Hash == Hash && Version.c_str() == Ver.VerStr()) { if (List.CollectFileProvides(Cache,Ver) == false) return _error->Error(_("Error occurred while processing %s (CollectFileProvides)"),PackageName.c_str()); break; } } if (Ver.end() == true) _error->Warning(_("Package %s %s was not found while processing file dependencies"),PackageName.c_str(),Version.c_str()); } return true; } /*}}}*/ // CacheGenerator::NewGroup - Add a new group /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This creates a new group structure and adds it to the hash table */ bool pkgCacheGenerator::NewGroup(pkgCache::GrpIterator &Grp, const string &Name) { Grp = Cache.FindGrp(Name); if (Grp.end() == false) return true; // Get a structure map_ptrloc const Group = AllocateInMap(sizeof(pkgCache::Group)); if (unlikely(Group == 0)) return false; Grp = pkgCache::GrpIterator(Cache, Cache.GrpP + Group); map_ptrloc const idxName = WriteStringInMap(Name); if (unlikely(idxName == 0)) return false; Grp->Name = idxName; // Insert it into the hash table unsigned long const Hash = Cache.Hash(Name); Grp->Next = Cache.HeaderP->GrpHashTable[Hash]; Cache.HeaderP->GrpHashTable[Hash] = Group; Grp->ID = Cache.HeaderP->GroupCount++; return true; } /*}}}*/ // CacheGenerator::NewPackage - Add a new package /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This creates a new package structure and adds it to the hash table */ bool pkgCacheGenerator::NewPackage(pkgCache::PkgIterator &Pkg,const string &Name, const string &Arch) { pkgCache::GrpIterator Grp; Dynamic DynGrp(Grp); if (unlikely(NewGroup(Grp, Name) == false)) return false; Pkg = Grp.FindPkg(Arch); if (Pkg.end() == false) return true; // Get a structure map_ptrloc const Package = AllocateInMap(sizeof(pkgCache::Package)); if (unlikely(Package == 0)) return false; Pkg = pkgCache::PkgIterator(Cache,Cache.PkgP + Package); // Insert the package into our package list if (Grp->FirstPackage == 0) // the group is new { // Insert it into the hash table unsigned long const Hash = Cache.Hash(Name); Pkg->NextPackage = Cache.HeaderP->PkgHashTable[Hash]; Cache.HeaderP->PkgHashTable[Hash] = Package; Grp->FirstPackage = Package; } else // Group the Packages together { // this package is the new last package pkgCache::PkgIterator LastPkg(Cache, Cache.PkgP + Grp->LastPackage); Pkg->NextPackage = LastPkg->NextPackage; LastPkg->NextPackage = Package; } Grp->LastPackage = Package; // Set the name, arch and the ID Pkg->Name = Grp->Name; Pkg->Group = Grp.Index(); // all is mapped to the native architecture map_ptrloc const idxArch = (Arch == "all") ? Cache.HeaderP->Architecture : WriteUniqString(Arch.c_str()); if (unlikely(idxArch == 0)) return false; Pkg->Arch = idxArch; Pkg->ID = Cache.HeaderP->PackageCount++; return true; } /*}}}*/ // CacheGenerator::NewFileVer - Create a new File<->Version association /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ bool pkgCacheGenerator::NewFileVer(pkgCache::VerIterator &Ver, ListParser &List) { if (CurrentFile == 0) return true; // Get a structure map_ptrloc const VerFile = AllocateInMap(sizeof(pkgCache::VerFile)); if (VerFile == 0) return 0; pkgCache::VerFileIterator VF(Cache,Cache.VerFileP + VerFile); VF->File = CurrentFile - Cache.PkgFileP; // Link it to the end of the list map_ptrloc *Last = &Ver->FileList; for (pkgCache::VerFileIterator V = Ver.FileList(); V.end() == false; V++) Last = &V->NextFile; VF->NextFile = *Last; *Last = VF.Index(); VF->Offset = List.Offset(); VF->Size = List.Size(); if (Cache.HeaderP->MaxVerFileSize < VF->Size) Cache.HeaderP->MaxVerFileSize = VF->Size; Cache.HeaderP->VerFileCount++; return true; } /*}}}*/ // CacheGenerator::NewVersion - Create a new Version /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This puts a version structure in the linked list */ unsigned long pkgCacheGenerator::NewVersion(pkgCache::VerIterator &Ver, const string &VerStr, unsigned long Next) { // Get a structure map_ptrloc const Version = AllocateInMap(sizeof(pkgCache::Version)); if (Version == 0) return 0; // Fill it in Ver = pkgCache::VerIterator(Cache,Cache.VerP + Version); Ver->NextVer = Next; Ver->ID = Cache.HeaderP->VersionCount++; map_ptrloc const idxVerStr = WriteStringInMap(VerStr); if (unlikely(idxVerStr == 0)) return 0; Ver->VerStr = idxVerStr; return Version; } /*}}}*/ // CacheGenerator::NewFileDesc - Create a new File<->Desc association /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ bool pkgCacheGenerator::NewFileDesc(pkgCache::DescIterator &Desc, ListParser &List) { if (CurrentFile == 0) return true; // Get a structure map_ptrloc const DescFile = AllocateInMap(sizeof(pkgCache::DescFile)); if (DescFile == 0) return false; pkgCache::DescFileIterator DF(Cache,Cache.DescFileP + DescFile); DF->File = CurrentFile - Cache.PkgFileP; // Link it to the end of the list map_ptrloc *Last = &Desc->FileList; for (pkgCache::DescFileIterator D = Desc.FileList(); D.end() == false; D++) Last = &D->NextFile; DF->NextFile = *Last; *Last = DF.Index(); DF->Offset = List.Offset(); DF->Size = List.Size(); if (Cache.HeaderP->MaxDescFileSize < DF->Size) Cache.HeaderP->MaxDescFileSize = DF->Size; Cache.HeaderP->DescFileCount++; return true; } /*}}}*/ // CacheGenerator::NewDescription - Create a new Description /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This puts a description structure in the linked list */ map_ptrloc pkgCacheGenerator::NewDescription(pkgCache::DescIterator &Desc, const string &Lang, const MD5SumValue &md5sum, map_ptrloc Next) { // Get a structure map_ptrloc const Description = AllocateInMap(sizeof(pkgCache::Description)); if (Description == 0) return 0; // Fill it in Desc = pkgCache::DescIterator(Cache,Cache.DescP + Description); Desc->NextDesc = Next; Desc->ID = Cache.HeaderP->DescriptionCount++; map_ptrloc const idxlanguage_code = WriteStringInMap(Lang); map_ptrloc const idxmd5sum = WriteStringInMap(md5sum.Value()); if (unlikely(idxlanguage_code == 0 || idxmd5sum == 0)) return 0; Desc->language_code = idxlanguage_code; Desc->md5sum = idxmd5sum; return Description; } /*}}}*/ // CacheGenerator::FinishCache - do various finish operations /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This prepares the Cache for delivery */ bool pkgCacheGenerator::FinishCache(OpProgress *Progress) { // FIXME: add progress reporting for this operation // Do we have different architectures in your groups ? vector archs = APT::Configuration::getArchitectures(); if (archs.size() > 1) { // Create Conflicts in between the group pkgCache::GrpIterator G = GetCache().GrpBegin(); Dynamic DynG(G); for (; G.end() != true; G++) { string const PkgName = G.Name(); pkgCache::PkgIterator P = G.PackageList(); Dynamic DynP(P); for (; P.end() != true; P = G.NextPkg(P)) { pkgCache::PkgIterator allPkg; Dynamic DynallPkg(allPkg); pkgCache::VerIterator V = P.VersionList(); Dynamic DynV(V); for (; V.end() != true; V++) { char const * const Arch = P.Arch(); map_ptrloc *OldDepLast = NULL; /* MultiArch handling introduces a lot of implicit Dependencies: - MultiArch: same → Co-Installable if they have the same version - Architecture: all → Need to be Co-Installable for internal reasons - All others conflict with all other group members */ bool const coInstall = ((V->MultiArch & pkgCache::Version::Same) == pkgCache::Version::Same); for (vector::const_iterator A = archs.begin(); A != archs.end(); ++A) { if (*A == Arch) continue; /* We allow only one installed arch at the time per group, therefore each group member conflicts with all other group members */ pkgCache::PkgIterator D = G.FindPkg(*A); Dynamic DynD(D); if (D.end() == true) continue; if (coInstall == true) { // Replaces: ${self}:other ( << ${binary:Version}) NewDepends(D, V, V.VerStr(), pkgCache::Dep::Less, pkgCache::Dep::Replaces, OldDepLast); // Breaks: ${self}:other (!= ${binary:Version}) NewDepends(D, V, V.VerStr(), pkgCache::Dep::NotEquals, pkgCache::Dep::DpkgBreaks, OldDepLast); } else { // Conflicts: ${self}:other NewDepends(D, V, "", pkgCache::Dep::NoOp, pkgCache::Dep::Conflicts, OldDepLast); } } } } } } return true; } /*}}}*/ // CacheGenerator::NewDepends - Create a dependency element /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This creates a dependency element in the tree. It is linked to the version and to the package that it is pointing to. */ bool pkgCacheGenerator::NewDepends(pkgCache::PkgIterator &Pkg, pkgCache::VerIterator &Ver, string const &Version, unsigned int const &Op, unsigned int const &Type, map_ptrloc *OldDepLast) { void const * const oldMap = Map.Data(); // Get a structure map_ptrloc const Dependency = AllocateInMap(sizeof(pkgCache::Dependency)); if (unlikely(Dependency == 0)) return false; // Fill it in pkgCache::DepIterator Dep(Cache,Cache.DepP + Dependency); Dynamic DynDep(Dep); Dep->ParentVer = Ver.Index(); Dep->Type = Type; Dep->CompareOp = Op; Dep->ID = Cache.HeaderP->DependsCount++; // Probe the reverse dependency list for a version string that matches if (Version.empty() == false) { /* for (pkgCache::DepIterator I = Pkg.RevDependsList(); I.end() == false; I++) if (I->Version != 0 && I.TargetVer() == Version) Dep->Version = I->Version;*/ if (Dep->Version == 0) { map_ptrloc const index = WriteStringInMap(Version); if (unlikely(index == 0)) return false; Dep->Version = index; } } // Link it to the package Dep->Package = Pkg.Index(); Dep->NextRevDepends = Pkg->RevDepends; Pkg->RevDepends = Dep.Index(); // Do we know where to link the Dependency to? if (OldDepLast == NULL) { OldDepLast = &Ver->DependsList; for (pkgCache::DepIterator D = Ver.DependsList(); D.end() == false; D++) OldDepLast = &D->NextDepends; } else if (oldMap != Map.Data()) OldDepLast += (map_ptrloc*) Map.Data() - (map_ptrloc*) oldMap; Dep->NextDepends = *OldDepLast; *OldDepLast = Dep.Index(); OldDepLast = &Dep->NextDepends; return true; } /*}}}*/ // ListParser::NewDepends - Create the environment for a new dependency /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This creates a Group and the Package to link this dependency to if needed and handles also the caching of the old endpoint */ bool pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser::NewDepends(pkgCache::VerIterator &Ver, const string &PackageName, const string &Arch, const string &Version, unsigned int Op, unsigned int Type) { pkgCache::GrpIterator Grp; Dynamic DynGrp(Grp); if (unlikely(Owner->NewGroup(Grp, PackageName) == false)) return false; // Locate the target package pkgCache::PkgIterator Pkg = Grp.FindPkg(Arch); Dynamic DynPkg(Pkg); if (Pkg.end() == true) { if (unlikely(Owner->NewPackage(Pkg, PackageName, Arch) == false)) return false; } // Is it a file dependency? if (unlikely(PackageName[0] == '/')) FoundFileDeps = true; /* Caching the old end point speeds up generation substantially */ if (OldDepVer != Ver) { OldDepLast = NULL; OldDepVer = Ver; } return Owner->NewDepends(Pkg, Ver, Version, Op, Type, OldDepLast); } /*}}}*/ // ListParser::NewProvides - Create a Provides element /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ bool pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser::NewProvides(pkgCache::VerIterator &Ver, const string &PkgName, const string &PkgArch, const string &Version) { pkgCache &Cache = Owner->Cache; // We do not add self referencing provides if (Ver.ParentPkg().Name() == PkgName && (PkgArch == Ver.ParentPkg().Arch() || (PkgArch == "all" && strcmp((Cache.StrP + Cache.HeaderP->Architecture), Ver.ParentPkg().Arch()) == 0))) return true; // Get a structure map_ptrloc const Provides = Owner->AllocateInMap(sizeof(pkgCache::Provides)); if (unlikely(Provides == 0)) return false; Cache.HeaderP->ProvidesCount++; // Fill it in pkgCache::PrvIterator Prv(Cache,Cache.ProvideP + Provides,Cache.PkgP); Dynamic DynPrv(Prv); Prv->Version = Ver.Index(); Prv->NextPkgProv = Ver->ProvidesList; Ver->ProvidesList = Prv.Index(); if (Version.empty() == false && unlikely((Prv->ProvideVersion = WriteString(Version)) == 0)) return false; // Locate the target package pkgCache::PkgIterator Pkg; Dynamic DynPkg(Pkg); if (unlikely(Owner->NewPackage(Pkg,PkgName, PkgArch) == false)) return false; // Link it to the package Prv->ParentPkg = Pkg.Index(); Prv->NextProvides = Pkg->ProvidesList; Pkg->ProvidesList = Prv.Index(); return true; } /*}}}*/ // CacheGenerator::SelectFile - Select the current file being parsed /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This is used to select which file is to be associated with all newly added versions. The caller is responsible for setting the IMS fields. */ bool pkgCacheGenerator::SelectFile(const string &File,const string &Site, const pkgIndexFile &Index, unsigned long Flags) { // Get some space for the structure map_ptrloc const idxFile = AllocateInMap(sizeof(*CurrentFile)); if (unlikely(idxFile == 0)) return false; CurrentFile = Cache.PkgFileP + idxFile; // Fill it in map_ptrloc const idxFileName = WriteStringInMap(File); map_ptrloc const idxSite = WriteUniqString(Site); if (unlikely(idxFileName == 0 || idxSite == 0)) return false; CurrentFile->FileName = idxFileName; CurrentFile->Site = idxSite; CurrentFile->NextFile = Cache.HeaderP->FileList; CurrentFile->Flags = Flags; CurrentFile->ID = Cache.HeaderP->PackageFileCount; map_ptrloc const idxIndexType = WriteUniqString(Index.GetType()->Label); if (unlikely(idxIndexType == 0)) return false; CurrentFile->IndexType = idxIndexType; PkgFileName = File; Cache.HeaderP->FileList = CurrentFile - Cache.PkgFileP; Cache.HeaderP->PackageFileCount++; if (Progress != 0) Progress->SubProgress(Index.Size()); return true; } /*}}}*/ // CacheGenerator::WriteUniqueString - Insert a unique string /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This is used to create handles to strings. Given the same text it always returns the same number */ unsigned long pkgCacheGenerator::WriteUniqString(const char *S, unsigned int Size) { /* We use a very small transient hash table here, this speeds up generation by a fair amount on slower machines */ pkgCache::StringItem *&Bucket = UniqHash[(S[0]*5 + S[1]) % _count(UniqHash)]; if (Bucket != 0 && stringcmp(S,S+Size,Cache.StrP + Bucket->String) == 0) return Bucket->String; // Search for an insertion point pkgCache::StringItem *I = Cache.StringItemP + Cache.HeaderP->StringList; int Res = 1; map_ptrloc *Last = &Cache.HeaderP->StringList; for (; I != Cache.StringItemP; Last = &I->NextItem, I = Cache.StringItemP + I->NextItem) { Res = stringcmp(S,S+Size,Cache.StrP + I->String); if (Res >= 0) break; } // Match if (Res == 0) { Bucket = I; return I->String; } // Get a structure void const * const oldMap = Map.Data(); map_ptrloc const Item = AllocateInMap(sizeof(pkgCache::StringItem)); if (Item == 0) return 0; map_ptrloc const idxString = WriteStringInMap(S,Size); if (unlikely(idxString == 0)) return 0; if (oldMap != Map.Data()) { Last += (map_ptrloc*) Map.Data() - (map_ptrloc*) oldMap; I += (pkgCache::StringItem*) Map.Data() - (pkgCache::StringItem*) oldMap; } *Last = Item; // Fill in the structure pkgCache::StringItem *ItemP = Cache.StringItemP + Item; ItemP->NextItem = I - Cache.StringItemP; ItemP->String = idxString; Bucket = ItemP; return ItemP->String; } /*}}}*/ // CheckValidity - Check that a cache is up-to-date /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This just verifies that each file in the list of index files exists, has matching attributes with the cache and the cache does not have any extra files. */ static bool CheckValidity(const string &CacheFile, FileIterator Start, FileIterator End,MMap **OutMap = 0) { bool const Debug = _config->FindB("Debug::pkgCacheGen", false); // No file, certainly invalid if (CacheFile.empty() == true || FileExists(CacheFile) == false) { if (Debug == true) std::clog << "CacheFile doesn't exist" << std::endl; return false; } // Map it FileFd CacheF(CacheFile,FileFd::ReadOnly); SPtr Map = new MMap(CacheF,0); pkgCache Cache(Map); if (_error->PendingError() == true || Map->Size() == 0) { if (Debug == true) std::clog << "Errors are pending or Map is empty()" << std::endl; _error->Discard(); return false; } /* Now we check every index file, see if it is in the cache, verify the IMS data and check that it is on the disk too.. */ SPtrArray Visited = new bool[Cache.HeaderP->PackageFileCount]; memset(Visited,0,sizeof(*Visited)*Cache.HeaderP->PackageFileCount); for (; Start != End; Start++) { if (Debug == true) std::clog << "Checking PkgFile " << (*Start)->Describe() << ": "; if ((*Start)->HasPackages() == false) { if (Debug == true) std::clog << "Has NO packages" << std::endl; continue; } if ((*Start)->Exists() == false) { #if 0 // mvo: we no longer give a message here (Default Sources spec) _error->WarningE("stat",_("Couldn't stat source package list %s"), (*Start)->Describe().c_str()); #endif if (Debug == true) std::clog << "file doesn't exist" << std::endl; continue; } // FindInCache is also expected to do an IMS check. pkgCache::PkgFileIterator File = (*Start)->FindInCache(Cache); if (File.end() == true) { if (Debug == true) std::clog << "FindInCache returned end-Pointer" << std::endl; return false; } Visited[File->ID] = true; if (Debug == true) std::clog << "with ID " << File->ID << " is valid" << std::endl; } for (unsigned I = 0; I != Cache.HeaderP->PackageFileCount; I++) if (Visited[I] == false) { if (Debug == true) std::clog << "File with ID" << I << " wasn't visited" << std::endl; return false; } if (_error->PendingError() == true) { if (Debug == true) { std::clog << "Validity failed because of pending errors:" << std::endl; _error->DumpErrors(); } _error->Discard(); return false; } if (OutMap != 0) *OutMap = Map.UnGuard(); return true; } /*}}}*/ // ComputeSize - Compute the total size of a bunch of files /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Size is kind of an abstract notion that is only used for the progress meter */ static unsigned long ComputeSize(FileIterator Start,FileIterator End) { unsigned long TotalSize = 0; for (; Start != End; Start++) { if ((*Start)->HasPackages() == false) continue; TotalSize += (*Start)->Size(); } return TotalSize; } /*}}}*/ // BuildCache - Merge the list of index files into the cache /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ static bool BuildCache(pkgCacheGenerator &Gen, OpProgress *Progress, unsigned long &CurrentSize,unsigned long TotalSize, FileIterator Start, FileIterator End) { FileIterator I; for (I = Start; I != End; I++) { if ((*I)->HasPackages() == false) continue; if ((*I)->Exists() == false) continue; if ((*I)->FindInCache(Gen.GetCache()).end() == false) { _error->Warning("Duplicate sources.list entry %s", (*I)->Describe().c_str()); continue; } unsigned long Size = (*I)->Size(); if (Progress != NULL) Progress->OverallProgress(CurrentSize,TotalSize,Size,_("Reading package lists")); CurrentSize += Size; if ((*I)->Merge(Gen,Progress) == false) return false; } if (Gen.HasFileDeps() == true) { if (Progress != NULL) Progress->Done(); TotalSize = ComputeSize(Start, End); CurrentSize = 0; for (I = Start; I != End; I++) { unsigned long Size = (*I)->Size(); if (Progress != NULL) Progress->OverallProgress(CurrentSize,TotalSize,Size,_("Collecting File Provides")); CurrentSize += Size; if ((*I)->MergeFileProvides(Gen,Progress) == false) return false; } } return true; } /*}}}*/ // CacheGenerator::CreateDynamicMMap - load an mmap with configuration options /*{{{*/ DynamicMMap* pkgCacheGenerator::CreateDynamicMMap(FileFd *CacheF, unsigned long Flags) { unsigned long const MapStart = _config->FindI("APT::Cache-Start", 24*1024*1024); unsigned long const MapGrow = _config->FindI("APT::Cache-Grow", 1*1024*1024); unsigned long const MapLimit = _config->FindI("APT::Cache-Limit", 0); Flags |= MMap::Moveable; if (_config->FindB("APT::Cache-Fallback", false) == true) Flags |= MMap::Fallback; if (CacheF != NULL) return new DynamicMMap(*CacheF, Flags, MapStart, MapGrow, MapLimit); else return new DynamicMMap(Flags, MapStart, MapGrow, MapLimit); } /*}}}*/ // CacheGenerator::MakeStatusCache - Construct the status cache /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This makes sure that the status cache (the cache that has all index files from the sources list and all local ones) is ready to be mmaped. If OutMap is not zero then a MMap object representing the cache will be stored there. This is pretty much mandetory if you are using AllowMem. AllowMem lets the function be run as non-root where it builds the cache 'fast' into a memory buffer. */ __deprecated bool pkgMakeStatusCache(pkgSourceList &List,OpProgress &Progress, MMap **OutMap, bool AllowMem) { return pkgCacheGenerator::MakeStatusCache(List, &Progress, OutMap, AllowMem); } bool pkgCacheGenerator::MakeStatusCache(pkgSourceList &List,OpProgress *Progress, MMap **OutMap,bool AllowMem) { bool const Debug = _config->FindB("Debug::pkgCacheGen", false); vector Files; for (vector::const_iterator i = List.begin(); i != List.end(); i++) { vector *Indexes = (*i)->GetIndexFiles(); for (vector::const_iterator j = Indexes->begin(); j != Indexes->end(); j++) Files.push_back (*j); } unsigned long const EndOfSource = Files.size(); if (_system->AddStatusFiles(Files) == false) return false; // Decide if we can write to the files.. string const CacheFile = _config->FindFile("Dir::Cache::pkgcache"); string const SrcCacheFile = _config->FindFile("Dir::Cache::srcpkgcache"); // ensure the cache directory exists if (CacheFile.empty() == false || SrcCacheFile.empty() == false) { string dir = _config->FindDir("Dir::Cache"); size_t const len = dir.size(); if (len > 5 && dir.find("/apt/", len - 6, 5) == len - 5) dir = dir.substr(0, len - 5); if (CacheFile.empty() == false) CreateDirectory(dir, flNotFile(CacheFile)); if (SrcCacheFile.empty() == false) CreateDirectory(dir, flNotFile(SrcCacheFile)); } // Decide if we can write to the cache bool Writeable = false; if (CacheFile.empty() == false) Writeable = access(flNotFile(CacheFile).c_str(),W_OK) == 0; else if (SrcCacheFile.empty() == false) Writeable = access(flNotFile(SrcCacheFile).c_str(),W_OK) == 0; if (Debug == true) std::clog << "Do we have write-access to the cache files? " << (Writeable ? "YES" : "NO") << std::endl; if (Writeable == false && AllowMem == false && CacheFile.empty() == false) return _error->Error(_("Unable to write to %s"),flNotFile(CacheFile).c_str()); if (Progress != NULL) Progress->OverallProgress(0,1,1,_("Reading package lists")); // Cache is OK, Fin. if (CheckValidity(CacheFile,Files.begin(),Files.end(),OutMap) == true) { if (Progress != NULL) Progress->OverallProgress(1,1,1,_("Reading package lists")); if (Debug == true) std::clog << "pkgcache.bin is valid - no need to build anything" << std::endl; return true; } else if (Debug == true) std::clog << "pkgcache.bin is NOT valid" << std::endl; /* At this point we know we need to reconstruct the package cache, begin. */ SPtr CacheF; SPtr Map; if (Writeable == true && CacheFile.empty() == false) { unlink(CacheFile.c_str()); CacheF = new FileFd(CacheFile,FileFd::WriteAtomic); fchmod(CacheF->Fd(),0644); Map = CreateDynamicMMap(CacheF, MMap::Public); if (_error->PendingError() == true) return false; if (Debug == true) std::clog << "Open filebased MMap" << std::endl; } else { // Just build it in memory.. Map = CreateDynamicMMap(NULL); if (Debug == true) std::clog << "Open memory Map (not filebased)" << std::endl; } // Lets try the source cache. unsigned long CurrentSize = 0; unsigned long TotalSize = 0; if (CheckValidity(SrcCacheFile,Files.begin(), Files.begin()+EndOfSource) == true) { if (Debug == true) std::clog << "srcpkgcache.bin is valid - populate MMap with it." << std::endl; // Preload the map with the source cache FileFd SCacheF(SrcCacheFile,FileFd::ReadOnly); unsigned long const alloc = Map->RawAllocate(SCacheF.Size()); if ((alloc == 0 && _error->PendingError()) || SCacheF.Read((unsigned char *)Map->Data() + alloc, SCacheF.Size()) == false) return false; TotalSize = ComputeSize(Files.begin()+EndOfSource,Files.end()); // Build the status cache pkgCacheGenerator Gen(Map.Get(),Progress); if (_error->PendingError() == true) return false; if (BuildCache(Gen,Progress,CurrentSize,TotalSize, Files.begin()+EndOfSource,Files.end()) == false) return false; // FIXME: move me to a better place Gen.FinishCache(Progress); } else { if (Debug == true) std::clog << "srcpkgcache.bin is NOT valid - rebuild" << std::endl; TotalSize = ComputeSize(Files.begin(),Files.end()); // Build the source cache pkgCacheGenerator Gen(Map.Get(),Progress); if (_error->PendingError() == true) return false; if (BuildCache(Gen,Progress,CurrentSize,TotalSize, Files.begin(),Files.begin()+EndOfSource) == false) return false; // Write it back if (Writeable == true && SrcCacheFile.empty() == false) { FileFd SCacheF(SrcCacheFile,FileFd::WriteAtomic); if (_error->PendingError() == true) return false; fchmod(SCacheF.Fd(),0644); // Write out the main data if (SCacheF.Write(Map->Data(),Map->Size()) == false) return _error->Error(_("IO Error saving source cache")); SCacheF.Sync(); // Write out the proper header Gen.GetCache().HeaderP->Dirty = false; if (SCacheF.Seek(0) == false || SCacheF.Write(Map->Data(),sizeof(*Gen.GetCache().HeaderP)) == false) return _error->Error(_("IO Error saving source cache")); Gen.GetCache().HeaderP->Dirty = true; SCacheF.Sync(); } // Build the status cache if (BuildCache(Gen,Progress,CurrentSize,TotalSize, Files.begin()+EndOfSource,Files.end()) == false) return false; // FIXME: move me to a better place Gen.FinishCache(Progress); } if (Debug == true) std::clog << "Caches are ready for shipping" << std::endl; if (_error->PendingError() == true) return false; if (OutMap != 0) { if (CacheF != 0) { delete Map.UnGuard(); *OutMap = new MMap(*CacheF,0); } else { *OutMap = Map.UnGuard(); } } return true; } /*}}}*/ // CacheGenerator::MakeOnlyStatusCache - Build only a status files cache/*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ __deprecated bool pkgMakeOnlyStatusCache(OpProgress &Progress,DynamicMMap **OutMap) { return pkgCacheGenerator::MakeOnlyStatusCache(&Progress, OutMap); } bool pkgCacheGenerator::MakeOnlyStatusCache(OpProgress *Progress,DynamicMMap **OutMap) { vector Files; unsigned long EndOfSource = Files.size(); if (_system->AddStatusFiles(Files) == false) return false; SPtr Map = CreateDynamicMMap(NULL); unsigned long CurrentSize = 0; unsigned long TotalSize = 0; TotalSize = ComputeSize(Files.begin()+EndOfSource,Files.end()); // Build the status cache if (Progress != NULL) Progress->OverallProgress(0,1,1,_("Reading package lists")); pkgCacheGenerator Gen(Map.Get(),Progress); if (_error->PendingError() == true) return false; if (BuildCache(Gen,Progress,CurrentSize,TotalSize, Files.begin()+EndOfSource,Files.end()) == false) return false; // FIXME: move me to a better place Gen.FinishCache(Progress); if (_error->PendingError() == true) return false; *OutMap = Map.UnGuard(); return true; } /*}}}*/