// -*- mode: cpp; mode: fold -*- // Description /*{{{*/ // $Id: tagfile.cc,v 1.3 1998/07/04 22:32:14 jgg Exp $ /* ###################################################################### Fast scanner for RFC-822 type header information This uses a rotating 64K buffer to load the package information into. The scanner runs over it and isolates and indexes a single section. ##################################################################### */ /*}}}*/ // Include Files /*{{{*/ #include #include #include #include /*}}}*/ // TagFile::pkgTagFile - Constructor /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ pkgTagFile::pkgTagFile(File &Fd) : Fd(Fd) { Buffer = new char[64*1024]; Start = End = Buffer + 64*1024; Left = Fd.Size(); Fill(); } /*}}}*/ // TagFile::Step - Advance to the next section /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* If the Section Scanner fails we refill the buffer and try again. */ bool pkgTagFile::Step(pkgTagSection &Tag) { if (Tag.Scan(Start,End - Start) == false) { if (Fill() == false) return false; if (Tag.Scan(Start,End - Start) == false) return _error->Error("Unable to parse package file"); } Start += Tag.Length(); return true; } /*}}}*/ // TagFile::Fill - Top up the buffer /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This takes the bit at the end of the buffer and puts it at the start then fills the rest from the file */ bool pkgTagFile::Fill() { unsigned long Size = End - Start; if (Left == 0) { if (Size <= 1) return false; return true; } memmove(Buffer,Start,Size); Start = Buffer; // See if only a bit of the file is left or if if (Left < End - Buffer - Size) { if (Fd.Read(Buffer + Size,Left) == false) return false; End = Buffer + Size + Left; Left = 0; } else { if (Fd.Read(Buffer + Size, End - Buffer - Size) == false) return false; Left -= End - Buffer - Size; } return true; } /*}}}*/ // TagSection::Scan - Scan for the end of the header information /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This looks for the first double new line in the data stream. It also indexes the tags in the section. */ bool pkgTagSection::Scan(const char *Start,unsigned long MaxLength) { const char *End = Start + MaxLength; Stop = Section = Start; TagCount = 0; Indexes[TagCount++] = Stop - Section; Stop++; for (; Stop < End; Stop++) { if (Stop[-1] != '\n') continue; if (Stop[0] == '\n') { // Extra one at the end to simplify find Indexes[TagCount] = Stop - Section; for (; Stop[0] == '\n' && Stop < End; Stop++); return true; break; } if (isspace(Stop[0]) == 0) Indexes[TagCount++] = Stop - Section; // Just in case. if (TagCount > sizeof(Indexes)/sizeof(Indexes[0])) TagCount = sizeof(Indexes)/sizeof(Indexes[0]); } return false; } /*}}}*/ // TagSection::Find - Locate a tag /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This searches the section for a tag that matches the given string. */ bool pkgTagSection::Find(const char *Tag,const char *&Start, const char *&End) { unsigned int Length = strlen(Tag); for (unsigned int I = 0; I != TagCount; I++) { if (strncasecmp(Tag,Section + Indexes[I],Length) != 0) continue; // Make sure the colon is in the right place const char *C = Section + Length + Indexes[I]; for (; isspace(*C) != 0; C++); if (*C != ':') continue; // Strip off the gunk from the start end Start = C; End = Section + Indexes[I+1]; for (; (isspace(*Start) != 0 || *Start == ':') && Start < End; Start++); for (; isspace(End[-1]) != 0 && End > Start; End--); return true; } Start = End = 0; return false; } /*}}}*/ #include #include int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { { File F(argv[1],File::ReadOnly); File CacheF("./cache",File::WriteEmpty); DynamicMMap Map(CacheF,MMap::Public); pkgCacheGenerator Gen(Map); Gen.SelectFile(argv[1]); debListParser Parser(F); Gen.MergeList(Parser); } { File CacheF("./cache",File::WriteExists); MMap Map(CacheF,MMap::Public | MMap::ReadOnly); pkgCache Cache(Map); for (pkgCache::PkgIterator I = Cache.PkgBegin(); I.end() == false; I++) { cout << "Package: " << I.Name() << endl; for (pkgCache::VerIterator V = I.VersionList(); V.end() == false; V++) { cout << "Version: " << V.VerStr() << endl; cout << "Size: " << V->Size << endl; cout << "Installed-Size: " << V->InstalledSize << endl; cout << "Section: " << V.Section() << endl; cout << "Priority: " << Cache.Priority(V->Priority) << endl; } cout << endl; } } #if 0 pkgTagSection I; while (Test.Step(I) == true) { const char *Start; const char *End; if (I.Find("Package",Start,End) == false) { cout << "Failed" << endl; continue; } cout << "Package: " << string(Start,End - Start) << endl; /* for (const char *I = Start; I < End; I++) { const char *Begin = I; bool Number = true; while (isspace(*I) == 0 && ispunct(*I) == 0 && I < End) { if (isalpha(*I) != 0) Number = false; I++; } if (Number == false) cout << string(Begin,I-Begin) << endl; while ((isspace(*I) != 0 || ispunct(*I) != 0) && I < End) I++; I--; } */ } #endif _error->DumpErrors(); }