// Include Files /*{{{*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*}}}*/ // TryToInstallBuildDep - Try to install a single package /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This used to be inlined in DoInstall, but with the advent of regex package name matching it was split out.. */ static bool TryToInstallBuildDep(pkgCache::PkgIterator Pkg,pkgCacheFile &Cache, pkgProblemResolver &Fix,bool Remove,bool BrokenFix, bool AllowFail = true) { if (Cache[Pkg].CandidateVer == 0 && Pkg->ProvidesList != 0) { CacheSetHelperAPTGet helper(c1out); helper.showErrors(false); pkgCache::VerIterator Ver = helper.canNotFindNewestVer(Cache, Pkg); if (Ver.end() == false) Pkg = Ver.ParentPkg(); else if (helper.showVirtualPackageErrors(Cache) == false) return AllowFail; } if (_config->FindB("Debug::BuildDeps",false) == true) { if (Remove == true) std::cout << " Trying to remove " << Pkg << std::endl; else std::cout << " Trying to install " << Pkg << std::endl; } if (Remove == true) { TryToRemove RemoveAction(Cache, &Fix); RemoveAction(Pkg.VersionList()); } else if (Cache[Pkg].CandidateVer != 0) { TryToInstall InstallAction(Cache, &Fix, BrokenFix); InstallAction(Cache[Pkg].CandidateVerIter(Cache)); InstallAction.doAutoInstall(); } else return AllowFail; return true; } /*}}}*/ // GetReleaseFileForSourceRecord - Return Suite for the given srcrecord /*{{{*/ static pkgCache::RlsFileIterator GetReleaseFileForSourceRecord(CacheFile &CacheFile, pkgSourceList *SrcList, pkgSrcRecords::Parser *Parse) { // try to find release const pkgIndexFile& CurrentIndexFile = Parse->Index(); for (pkgSourceList::const_iterator S = SrcList->begin(); S != SrcList->end(); ++S) { std::vector *Indexes = (*S)->GetIndexFiles(); for (std::vector::const_iterator IF = Indexes->begin(); IF != Indexes->end(); ++IF) { if (&CurrentIndexFile == (*IF)) return (*S)->FindInCache(CacheFile, false); } } return pkgCache::RlsFileIterator(CacheFile); } /*}}}*/ // FindSrc - Find a source record /*{{{*/ static pkgSrcRecords::Parser *FindSrc(const char *Name, pkgSrcRecords &SrcRecs,std::string &Src, CacheFile &CacheFile) { std::string VerTag, UserRequestedVerTag; std::string ArchTag = ""; std::string RelTag = _config->Find("APT::Default-Release"); std::string TmpSrc = Name; pkgDepCache *Cache = CacheFile.GetDepCache(); // extract release size_t found = TmpSrc.find_last_of("/"); if (found != std::string::npos) { RelTag = TmpSrc.substr(found+1); TmpSrc = TmpSrc.substr(0,found); } // extract the version found = TmpSrc.find_last_of("="); if (found != std::string::npos) { VerTag = UserRequestedVerTag = TmpSrc.substr(found+1); TmpSrc = TmpSrc.substr(0,found); } // extract arch found = TmpSrc.find_last_of(":"); if (found != std::string::npos) { ArchTag = TmpSrc.substr(found+1); TmpSrc = TmpSrc.substr(0,found); } /* Lookup the version of the package we would install if we were to install a version and determine the source package name, then look in the archive for a source package of the same name. */ bool MatchSrcOnly = _config->FindB("APT::Get::Only-Source"); pkgCache::PkgIterator Pkg; if (ArchTag != "") Pkg = Cache->FindPkg(TmpSrc, ArchTag); else Pkg = Cache->FindPkg(TmpSrc); // if we can't find a package but the user qualified with a arch, // error out here if (Pkg.end() && ArchTag != "") { Src = Name; _error->Error(_("Can not find a package for architecture '%s'"), ArchTag.c_str()); return 0; } if (MatchSrcOnly == false && Pkg.end() == false) { if(VerTag != "" || RelTag != "" || ArchTag != "") { bool fuzzy = false; // we have a default release, try to locate the pkg. we do it like // this because GetCandidateVer() will not "downgrade", that means // "apt-get source -t stable apt" won't work on a unstable system for (pkgCache::VerIterator Ver = Pkg.VersionList();; ++Ver) { // try first only exact matches, later fuzzy matches if (Ver.end() == true) { if (fuzzy == true) break; fuzzy = true; Ver = Pkg.VersionList(); // exit right away from the Pkg.VersionList() loop if we // don't have any versions if (Ver.end() == true) break; } // ignore arches that are not for us if (ArchTag != "" && Ver.Arch() != ArchTag) continue; // pick highest version for the arch unless the user wants // something else if (ArchTag != "" && VerTag == "" && RelTag == "") if(Cache->VS().CmpVersion(VerTag, Ver.VerStr()) < 0) VerTag = Ver.VerStr(); // We match against a concrete version (or a part of this version) if (VerTag.empty() == false && (fuzzy == true || Cache->VS().CmpVersion(VerTag, Ver.VerStr()) != 0) && // exact match (fuzzy == false || strncmp(VerTag.c_str(), Ver.VerStr(), VerTag.size()) != 0)) // fuzzy match continue; for (pkgCache::VerFileIterator VF = Ver.FileList(); VF.end() == false; ++VF) { /* If this is the status file, and the current version is not the version in the status file (ie it is not installed, or somesuch) then it is not a candidate for installation, ever. This weeds out bogus entries that may be due to config-file states, or other. */ if ((VF.File()->Flags & pkgCache::Flag::NotSource) == pkgCache::Flag::NotSource && Pkg.CurrentVer() != Ver) continue; // or we match against a release if(VerTag.empty() == false || (VF.File().Archive() != 0 && VF.File().Archive() == RelTag) || (VF.File().Codename() != 0 && VF.File().Codename() == RelTag)) { // the Version we have is possibly fuzzy or includes binUploads, // so we use the Version of the SourcePkg (empty if same as package) Src = Ver.SourcePkgName(); VerTag = Ver.SourceVerStr(); break; } } if (Src.empty() == false) break; } } if (Src == "" && ArchTag != "") { if (VerTag != "") _error->Error(_("Can not find a package '%s' with version '%s'"), Pkg.FullName().c_str(), VerTag.c_str()); if (RelTag != "") _error->Error(_("Can not find a package '%s' with release '%s'"), Pkg.FullName().c_str(), RelTag.c_str()); Src = Name; return 0; } if (Src.empty() == true) { // if we don't have found a fitting package yet so we will // choose a good candidate and proceed with that. // Maybe we will find a source later on with the right VerTag // or RelTag pkgCache::VerIterator const Ver = Cache->GetCandidateVersion(Pkg); if (Ver.end() == false) { if (strcmp(Ver.SourcePkgName(),Ver.ParentPkg().Name()) != 0) Src = Ver.SourcePkgName(); if (VerTag.empty() == true && strcmp(Ver.SourceVerStr(),Ver.VerStr()) != 0) VerTag = Ver.SourceVerStr(); } } } if (Src.empty() == true) { Src = TmpSrc; } else { /* if we have a source pkg name, make sure to only search for srcpkg names, otherwise apt gets confused if there is a binary package "pkg1" and a source package "pkg1" with the same name but that comes from different packages */ MatchSrcOnly = true; if (Src != TmpSrc) { ioprintf(c1out, _("Picking '%s' as source package instead of '%s'\n"), Src.c_str(), TmpSrc.c_str()); } } // The best hit pkgSrcRecords::Parser *Last = 0; unsigned long Offset = 0; std::string Version; pkgSourceList *SrcList = CacheFile.GetSourceList(); /* Iterate over all of the hits, which includes the resulting binary packages in the search */ pkgSrcRecords::Parser *Parse; while (true) { SrcRecs.Restart(); while ((Parse = SrcRecs.Find(Src.c_str(), MatchSrcOnly)) != 0) { const std::string Ver = Parse->Version(); bool CorrectRelTag = false; // See if we need to look for a specific release tag if (RelTag != "" && UserRequestedVerTag == "") { pkgCache::RlsFileIterator const Rls = GetReleaseFileForSourceRecord(CacheFile, SrcList, Parse); if (Rls.end() == false) { if ((Rls->Archive != 0 && RelTag == Rls.Archive()) || (Rls->Codename != 0 && RelTag == Rls.Codename())) CorrectRelTag = true; } } else CorrectRelTag = true; // Ignore all versions which doesn't fit if (VerTag.empty() == false && Cache->VS().CmpVersion(VerTag, Ver) != 0) // exact match continue; // Newer version or an exact match? Save the hit if (CorrectRelTag && (Last == 0 || Cache->VS().CmpVersion(Version,Ver) < 0)) { Last = Parse; Offset = Parse->Offset(); Version = Ver; } // was the version check above an exact match? // If so, we don't need to look further if (VerTag.empty() == false && (VerTag == Ver)) break; } if (UserRequestedVerTag == "" && Version != "" && RelTag != "") ioprintf(c1out, "Selected version '%s' (%s) for %s\n", Version.c_str(), RelTag.c_str(), Src.c_str()); if (Last != 0 || VerTag.empty() == true) break; _error->Error(_("Can not find version '%s' of package '%s'"), VerTag.c_str(), TmpSrc.c_str()); return 0; } if (Last == 0 || Last->Jump(Offset) == false) return 0; return Last; } /*}}}*/ // DoSource - Fetch a source archive /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Fetch souce packages */ struct DscFile { std::string Package; std::string Version; std::string Dsc; }; bool DoSource(CommandLine &CmdL) { CacheFile Cache; if (Cache.Open(false) == false) return false; if (CmdL.FileSize() <= 1) return _error->Error(_("Must specify at least one package to fetch source for")); // Read the source list if (Cache.BuildSourceList() == false) return false; pkgSourceList *List = Cache.GetSourceList(); // Create the text record parsers pkgSrcRecords SrcRecs(*List); if (_error->PendingError() == true) return false; std::unique_ptr Dsc(new DscFile[CmdL.FileSize()]); // insert all downloaded uris into this set to avoid downloading them // twice std::set queued; // Diff only mode only fetches .diff files bool const diffOnly = _config->FindB("APT::Get::Diff-Only", false); // Tar only mode only fetches .tar files bool const tarOnly = _config->FindB("APT::Get::Tar-Only", false); // Dsc only mode only fetches .dsc files bool const dscOnly = _config->FindB("APT::Get::Dsc-Only", false); // Load the requestd sources into the fetcher aptAcquireWithTextStatus Fetcher; unsigned J = 0; std::vector UntrustedList; for (const char **I = CmdL.FileList + 1; *I != 0; I++, J++) { std::string Src; pkgSrcRecords::Parser *Last = FindSrc(*I,SrcRecs,Src,Cache); if (Last == 0) { return _error->Error(_("Unable to find a source package for %s"),Src.c_str()); } if (Last->Index().IsTrusted() == false) UntrustedList.push_back(Src); std::string srec = Last->AsStr(); std::string::size_type pos = srec.find("\nVcs-"); while (pos != std::string::npos) { pos += strlen("\nVcs-"); std::string vcs = srec.substr(pos,srec.find(":",pos)-pos); if(vcs == "Browser") { pos = srec.find("\nVcs-", pos); continue; } pos += vcs.length()+2; std::string::size_type epos = srec.find("\n", pos); std::string const uri = srec.substr(pos,epos-pos); ioprintf(c1out, _("NOTICE: '%s' packaging is maintained in " "the '%s' version control system at:\n" "%s\n"), Src.c_str(), vcs.c_str(), uri.c_str()); std::string vcscmd; if (vcs == "Bzr") vcscmd = "bzr branch " + uri; else if (vcs == "Git") vcscmd = "git clone " + uri; if (vcscmd.empty() == false) ioprintf(c1out,_("Please use:\n%s\n" "to retrieve the latest (possibly unreleased) " "updates to the package.\n"), vcscmd.c_str()); break; } // Back track std::vector Lst; if (Last->Files2(Lst) == false) { return false; } // Load them into the fetcher for (std::vector::const_iterator I = Lst.begin(); I != Lst.end(); ++I) { // Try to guess what sort of file it is we are getting. if (I->Type == "dsc") { Dsc[J].Package = Last->Package(); Dsc[J].Version = Last->Version(); Dsc[J].Dsc = flNotDir(I->Path); } // Handle the only options so that multiple can be used at once if (diffOnly == true || tarOnly == true || dscOnly == true) { if ((diffOnly == true && I->Type == "diff") || (tarOnly == true && I->Type == "tar") || (dscOnly == true && I->Type == "dsc")) ; // Fine, we want this file downloaded else continue; } // don't download the same uri twice (should this be moved to // the fetcher interface itself?) if(queued.find(Last->Index().ArchiveURI(I->Path)) != queued.end()) continue; queued.insert(Last->Index().ArchiveURI(I->Path)); // check if we have a file with that md5 sum already localy std::string localFile = flNotDir(I->Path); if (FileExists(localFile) == true) if(I->Hashes.VerifyFile(localFile) == true) { ioprintf(c1out,_("Skipping already downloaded file '%s'\n"), localFile.c_str()); continue; } // see if we have a hash (Acquire::ForceHash is the only way to have none) if (I->Hashes.usable() == false && _config->FindB("APT::Get::AllowUnauthenticated",false) == false) { ioprintf(c1out, "Skipping download of file '%s' as requested hashsum is not available for authentication\n", localFile.c_str()); continue; } new pkgAcqFile(&Fetcher,Last->Index().ArchiveURI(I->Path), I->Hashes, I->FileSize, Last->Index().SourceInfo(*Last,*I), Src); } } // Display statistics unsigned long long FetchBytes = Fetcher.FetchNeeded(); unsigned long long FetchPBytes = Fetcher.PartialPresent(); unsigned long long DebBytes = Fetcher.TotalNeeded(); if (CheckFreeSpaceBeforeDownload(".", (FetchBytes - FetchPBytes)) == false) return false; // Number of bytes if (DebBytes != FetchBytes) //TRANSLATOR: The required space between number and unit is already included // in the replacement strings, so %sB will be correctly translate in e.g. 1,5 MB ioprintf(c1out,_("Need to get %sB/%sB of source archives.\n"), SizeToStr(FetchBytes).c_str(),SizeToStr(DebBytes).c_str()); else //TRANSLATOR: The required space between number and unit is already included // in the replacement string, so %sB will be correctly translate in e.g. 1,5 MB ioprintf(c1out,_("Need to get %sB of source archives.\n"), SizeToStr(DebBytes).c_str()); if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::Simulate",false) == true) { for (unsigned I = 0; I != J; I++) ioprintf(std::cout,_("Fetch source %s\n"),Dsc[I].Package.c_str()); return true; } // Just print out the uris an exit if the --print-uris flag was used if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::Print-URIs") == true) { pkgAcquire::UriIterator I = Fetcher.UriBegin(); for (; I != Fetcher.UriEnd(); ++I) std::cout << '\'' << I->URI << "' " << flNotDir(I->Owner->DestFile) << ' ' << I->Owner->FileSize << ' ' << I->Owner->HashSum() << std::endl; return true; } // check authentication status of the source as well if (UntrustedList.empty() == false && AuthPrompt(UntrustedList, false) == false) return false; // Run it bool Failed = false; if (AcquireRun(Fetcher, 0, &Failed, NULL) == false || Failed == true) { return _error->Error(_("Failed to fetch some archives.")); } if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::Download-only",false) == true) { c1out << _("Download complete and in download only mode") << std::endl; return true; } // Unpack the sources pid_t Process = ExecFork(); if (Process == 0) { bool const fixBroken = _config->FindB("APT::Get::Fix-Broken", false); for (unsigned I = 0; I != J; ++I) { std::string Dir = Dsc[I].Package + '-' + Cache->VS().UpstreamVersion(Dsc[I].Version.c_str()); // Diff only mode only fetches .diff files if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::Diff-Only",false) == true || _config->FindB("APT::Get::Tar-Only",false) == true || Dsc[I].Dsc.empty() == true) continue; // See if the package is already unpacked struct stat Stat; if (fixBroken == false && stat(Dir.c_str(),&Stat) == 0 && S_ISDIR(Stat.st_mode) != 0) { ioprintf(c0out ,_("Skipping unpack of already unpacked source in %s\n"), Dir.c_str()); } else { // Call dpkg-source std::string const sourceopts = _config->Find("DPkg::Source-Options", "-x"); std::string S; strprintf(S, "%s %s %s", _config->Find("Dir::Bin::dpkg-source","dpkg-source").c_str(), sourceopts.c_str(), Dsc[I].Dsc.c_str()); if (system(S.c_str()) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, _("Unpack command '%s' failed.\n"), S.c_str()); fprintf(stderr, _("Check if the 'dpkg-dev' package is installed.\n")); _exit(1); } } // Try to compile it with dpkg-buildpackage if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::Compile",false) == true) { std::string buildopts = _config->Find("APT::Get::Host-Architecture"); if (buildopts.empty() == false) buildopts = "-a" + buildopts + " "; // get all active build profiles std::string const profiles = APT::Configuration::getBuildProfilesString(); if (profiles.empty() == false) buildopts.append(" -P").append(profiles).append(" "); buildopts.append(_config->Find("DPkg::Build-Options","-b -uc")); // Call dpkg-buildpackage std::string S; strprintf(S, "cd %s && %s %s", Dir.c_str(), _config->Find("Dir::Bin::dpkg-buildpackage","dpkg-buildpackage").c_str(), buildopts.c_str()); if (system(S.c_str()) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, _("Build command '%s' failed.\n"), S.c_str()); _exit(1); } } } _exit(0); } return ExecWait(Process, "dpkg-source"); } /*}}}*/ // InstallBuildDepsLoop /*{{{*/ static bool InstallBuildDepsLoop(CacheFile &Cache, std::string const &Src, std::vector const &BuildDeps, bool const StripMultiArch, std::string const &hostArch) { // Install the requested packages std::vector ::const_iterator D; pkgProblemResolver Fix(Cache); bool skipAlternatives = false; // skip remaining alternatives in an or group for (D = BuildDeps.begin(); D != BuildDeps.end(); ++D) { bool hasAlternatives = (((*D).Op & pkgCache::Dep::Or) == pkgCache::Dep::Or); if (skipAlternatives == true) { /* * if there are alternatives, we've already picked one, so skip * the rest * * TODO: this means that if there's a build-dep on A|B and B is * installed, we'll still try to install A; more importantly, * if A is currently broken, we cannot go back and try B. To fix * this would require we do a Resolve cycle for each package we * add to the install list. Ugh */ if (!hasAlternatives) skipAlternatives = false; // end of or group continue; } if ((*D).Type == pkgSrcRecords::Parser::BuildConflict || (*D).Type == pkgSrcRecords::Parser::BuildConflictIndep) { pkgCache::GrpIterator Grp = Cache->FindGrp((*D).Package); // Build-conflicts on unknown packages are silently ignored if (Grp.end() == true) continue; for (pkgCache::PkgIterator Pkg = Grp.PackageList(); Pkg.end() == false; Pkg = Grp.NextPkg(Pkg)) { pkgCache::VerIterator IV = (*Cache)[Pkg].InstVerIter(*Cache); /* * Remove if we have an installed version that satisfies the * version criteria */ if (IV.end() == false && Cache->VS().CheckDep(IV.VerStr(),(*D).Op,(*D).Version.c_str()) == true) TryToInstallBuildDep(Pkg,Cache,Fix,true,false); } } else // BuildDep || BuildDepIndep { if (_config->FindB("Debug::BuildDeps",false) == true) std::cout << "Looking for " << (*D).Package << "...\n"; pkgCache::PkgIterator Pkg; // Cross-Building? if (StripMultiArch == false && D->Type != pkgSrcRecords::Parser::BuildDependIndep) { size_t const colon = D->Package.find(":"); if (colon != std::string::npos) { if (strcmp(D->Package.c_str() + colon, ":any") == 0 || strcmp(D->Package.c_str() + colon, ":native") == 0) Pkg = Cache->FindPkg(D->Package.substr(0,colon)); else Pkg = Cache->FindPkg(D->Package); } else Pkg = Cache->FindPkg(D->Package, hostArch); // a bad version either is invalid or doesn't satify dependency #define BADVER(Ver) (Ver.end() == true || \ (D->Version.empty() == false && \ Cache->VS().CheckDep(Ver.VerStr(),D->Op,D->Version.c_str()) == false)) APT::VersionList verlist; if (Pkg.end() == false) { pkgCache::VerIterator Ver = (*Cache)[Pkg].InstVerIter(*Cache); if (BADVER(Ver) == false) verlist.insert(Ver); Ver = (*Cache)[Pkg].CandidateVerIter(*Cache); if (BADVER(Ver) == false) verlist.insert(Ver); } if (verlist.empty() == true) { pkgCache::PkgIterator BuildPkg = Cache->FindPkg(D->Package, "native"); if (BuildPkg.end() == false && Pkg != BuildPkg) { pkgCache::VerIterator Ver = (*Cache)[BuildPkg].InstVerIter(*Cache); if (BADVER(Ver) == false) verlist.insert(Ver); Ver = (*Cache)[BuildPkg].CandidateVerIter(*Cache); if (BADVER(Ver) == false) verlist.insert(Ver); } } #undef BADVER std::string forbidden; // We need to decide if host or build arch, so find a version we can look at APT::VersionList::const_iterator Ver = verlist.begin(); for (; Ver != verlist.end(); ++Ver) { forbidden.clear(); if (Ver->MultiArch == pkgCache::Version::No || Ver->MultiArch == pkgCache::Version::All) { if (colon == std::string::npos) Pkg = Ver.ParentPkg().Group().FindPkg(hostArch); else if (strcmp(D->Package.c_str() + colon, ":any") == 0) forbidden = "Multi-Arch: no"; else if (strcmp(D->Package.c_str() + colon, ":native") == 0) Pkg = Ver.ParentPkg().Group().FindPkg("native"); } else if (Ver->MultiArch == pkgCache::Version::Same) { if (colon == std::string::npos) Pkg = Ver.ParentPkg().Group().FindPkg(hostArch); else if (strcmp(D->Package.c_str() + colon, ":any") == 0) forbidden = "Multi-Arch: same"; else if (strcmp(D->Package.c_str() + colon, ":native") == 0) Pkg = Ver.ParentPkg().Group().FindPkg("native"); } else if ((Ver->MultiArch & pkgCache::Version::Foreign) == pkgCache::Version::Foreign) { if (colon == std::string::npos) Pkg = Ver.ParentPkg().Group().FindPkg("native"); else if (strcmp(D->Package.c_str() + colon, ":any") == 0 || strcmp(D->Package.c_str() + colon, ":native") == 0) forbidden = "Multi-Arch: foreign"; } else if ((Ver->MultiArch & pkgCache::Version::Allowed) == pkgCache::Version::Allowed) { if (colon == std::string::npos) Pkg = Ver.ParentPkg().Group().FindPkg(hostArch); else if (strcmp(D->Package.c_str() + colon, ":any") == 0) { // prefer any installed over preferred non-installed architectures pkgCache::GrpIterator Grp = Ver.ParentPkg().Group(); // we don't check for version here as we are better of with upgrading than remove and install for (Pkg = Grp.PackageList(); Pkg.end() == false; Pkg = Grp.NextPkg(Pkg)) if (Pkg.CurrentVer().end() == false) break; if (Pkg.end() == true) Pkg = Grp.FindPreferredPkg(true); } else if (strcmp(D->Package.c_str() + colon, ":native") == 0) Pkg = Ver.ParentPkg().Group().FindPkg("native"); } if (forbidden.empty() == false) { if (_config->FindB("Debug::BuildDeps",false) == true) std::cout << D->Package.substr(colon, std::string::npos) << " is not allowed from " << forbidden << " package " << (*D).Package << " (" << Ver.VerStr() << ")" << std::endl; continue; } //we found a good version break; } if (Ver == verlist.end()) { if (_config->FindB("Debug::BuildDeps",false) == true) std::cout << " No multiarch info as we have no satisfying installed nor candidate for " << D->Package << " on build or host arch" << std::endl; if (forbidden.empty() == false) { if (hasAlternatives) continue; return _error->Error(_("%s dependency for %s can't be satisfied " "because %s is not allowed on '%s' packages"), pkgSrcRecords::Parser::BuildDepType(D->Type), Src.c_str(), D->Package.c_str(), forbidden.c_str()); } } } else Pkg = Cache->FindPkg(D->Package); if (Pkg.end() == true || (Pkg->VersionList == 0 && Pkg->ProvidesList == 0)) { if (_config->FindB("Debug::BuildDeps",false) == true) std::cout << " (not found)" << (*D).Package << std::endl; if (hasAlternatives) continue; return _error->Error(_("%s dependency for %s cannot be satisfied " "because the package %s cannot be found"), pkgSrcRecords::Parser::BuildDepType(D->Type), Src.c_str(), (*D).Package.c_str()); } pkgCache::VerIterator IV = (*Cache)[Pkg].InstVerIter(*Cache); if (IV.end() == false) { if (_config->FindB("Debug::BuildDeps",false) == true) std::cout << " Is installed\n"; if (D->Version.empty() == true || Cache->VS().CheckDep(IV.VerStr(),(*D).Op,(*D).Version.c_str()) == true) { skipAlternatives = hasAlternatives; continue; } if (_config->FindB("Debug::BuildDeps",false) == true) std::cout << " ...but the installed version doesn't meet the version requirement\n"; if (((*D).Op & pkgCache::Dep::LessEq) == pkgCache::Dep::LessEq) return _error->Error(_("Failed to satisfy %s dependency for %s: Installed package %s is too new"), pkgSrcRecords::Parser::BuildDepType(D->Type), Src.c_str(), Pkg.FullName(true).c_str()); } // Only consider virtual packages if there is no versioned dependency if ((*D).Version.empty() == true) { /* * If this is a virtual package, we need to check the list of * packages that provide it and see if any of those are * installed */ pkgCache::PrvIterator Prv = Pkg.ProvidesList(); for (; Prv.end() != true; ++Prv) { if (_config->FindB("Debug::BuildDeps",false) == true) std::cout << " Checking provider " << Prv.OwnerPkg().FullName() << std::endl; if ((*Cache)[Prv.OwnerPkg()].InstVerIter(*Cache).end() == false) break; } if (Prv.end() == false) { if (_config->FindB("Debug::BuildDeps",false) == true) std::cout << " Is provided by installed package " << Prv.OwnerPkg().FullName() << std::endl; skipAlternatives = hasAlternatives; continue; } } else // versioned dependency { pkgCache::VerIterator CV = (*Cache)[Pkg].CandidateVerIter(*Cache); if (CV.end() == true || Cache->VS().CheckDep(CV.VerStr(),(*D).Op,(*D).Version.c_str()) == false) { if (hasAlternatives) continue; else if (CV.end() == false) return _error->Error(_("%s dependency for %s cannot be satisfied " "because candidate version of package %s " "can't satisfy version requirements"), pkgSrcRecords::Parser::BuildDepType(D->Type), Src.c_str(), D->Package.c_str()); else return _error->Error(_("%s dependency for %s cannot be satisfied " "because package %s has no candidate version"), pkgSrcRecords::Parser::BuildDepType(D->Type), Src.c_str(), D->Package.c_str()); } } if (TryToInstallBuildDep(Pkg,Cache,Fix,false,false,false) == true) { // We successfully installed something; skip remaining alternatives skipAlternatives = hasAlternatives; if(_config->FindB("APT::Get::Build-Dep-Automatic", false) == true) Cache->MarkAuto(Pkg, true); continue; } else if (hasAlternatives) { if (_config->FindB("Debug::BuildDeps",false) == true) std::cout << " Unsatisfiable, trying alternatives\n"; continue; } else { return _error->Error(_("Failed to satisfy %s dependency for %s: %s"), pkgSrcRecords::Parser::BuildDepType(D->Type), Src.c_str(), (*D).Package.c_str()); } } } if (Fix.Resolve(true) == false) _error->Discard(); // Now we check the state of the packages, if (Cache->BrokenCount() != 0) { ShowBroken(std::cout, Cache, false); return _error->Error(_("Build-dependencies for %s could not be satisfied."), Src.c_str()); } return true; } /*}}}*/ // DoBuildDep - Install/removes packages to satisfy build dependencies /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This function will look at the build depends list of the given source package and install the necessary packages to make it true, or fail. */ bool DoBuildDep(CommandLine &CmdL) { CacheFile Cache; _config->Set("APT::Install-Recommends", false); bool WantLock = _config->FindB("APT::Get::Print-URIs", false) == false; if (Cache.Open(WantLock) == false) return false; if (CmdL.FileSize() <= 1) return _error->Error(_("Must specify at least one package to check builddeps for")); // Read the source list if (Cache.BuildSourceList() == false) return false; pkgSourceList *List = Cache.GetSourceList(); // Create the text record parsers pkgSrcRecords SrcRecs(*List); if (_error->PendingError() == true) return false; bool StripMultiArch; std::string hostArch = _config->Find("APT::Get::Host-Architecture"); if (hostArch.empty() == false) { std::vector archs = APT::Configuration::getArchitectures(); if (std::find(archs.begin(), archs.end(), hostArch) == archs.end()) return _error->Error(_("No architecture information available for %s. See apt.conf(5) APT::Architectures for setup"), hostArch.c_str()); StripMultiArch = false; } else StripMultiArch = true; unsigned J = 0; for (const char **I = CmdL.FileList + 1; *I != 0; I++, J++) { std::string Src; pkgSrcRecords::Parser *Last = 0; std::unique_ptr LastOwner; // an unpacked debian source tree using APT::String::Startswith; if ((Startswith(*I, "./") || Startswith(*I, "/")) && DirectoryExists(*I)) { ioprintf(c1out, _("Note, using directory '%s' to get the build dependencies\n"), *I); // FIXME: how can we make this more elegant? std::string TypeName = "Debian control file"; pkgIndexFile::Type *Type = pkgIndexFile::Type::GetType(TypeName.c_str()); if(Type != NULL) LastOwner.reset(Last = Type->CreateSrcPkgParser(*I)); } // if its a local file (e.g. .dsc) use this else if (FileExists(*I)) { ioprintf(c1out, _("Note, using file '%s' to get the build dependencies\n"), *I); // see if we can get a parser for this pkgIndexFile type std::string TypeName = "Debian " + flExtension(*I) + " file"; pkgIndexFile::Type *Type = pkgIndexFile::Type::GetType(TypeName.c_str()); if(Type != NULL) LastOwner.reset(Last = Type->CreateSrcPkgParser(*I)); } else { // normal case, search the cache for the source file Last = FindSrc(*I,SrcRecs,Src,Cache); } if (Last == 0) return _error->Error(_("Unable to find a source package for %s"),Src.c_str()); // Process the build-dependencies std::vector BuildDeps; // FIXME: Can't specify architecture to use for [wildcard] matching, so switch default arch temporary if (hostArch.empty() == false) { std::string nativeArch = _config->Find("APT::Architecture"); _config->Set("APT::Architecture", hostArch); bool Success = Last->BuildDepends(BuildDeps, _config->FindB("APT::Get::Arch-Only", false), StripMultiArch); _config->Set("APT::Architecture", nativeArch); if (Success == false) return _error->Error(_("Unable to get build-dependency information for %s"),Src.c_str()); } else if (Last->BuildDepends(BuildDeps, _config->FindB("APT::Get::Arch-Only", false), StripMultiArch) == false) return _error->Error(_("Unable to get build-dependency information for %s"),Src.c_str()); // Also ensure that build-essential packages are present Configuration::Item const *Opts = _config->Tree("APT::Build-Essential"); if (Opts) Opts = Opts->Child; for (; Opts; Opts = Opts->Next) { if (Opts->Value.empty() == true) continue; pkgSrcRecords::Parser::BuildDepRec rec; rec.Package = Opts->Value; rec.Type = pkgSrcRecords::Parser::BuildDependIndep; rec.Op = 0; BuildDeps.push_back(rec); } if (BuildDeps.empty() == true) { ioprintf(c1out,_("%s has no build depends.\n"),Src.c_str()); continue; } if (InstallBuildDepsLoop(Cache, Src, BuildDeps, StripMultiArch, hostArch) == false) return false; } if (InstallPackages(Cache, false, true) == false) return _error->Error(_("Failed to process build dependencies")); return true; } /*}}}*/