// -*- mode: cpp; mode: fold -*- // Description /*{{{*/ // $Id: apt-get.cc,v 1.131 2003/07/22 01:49:26 mdz Exp $ /* ###################################################################### apt-get - Cover for dpkg This is an allout cover for dpkg implementing a safer front end. It is based largely on libapt-pkg. The syntax is different, apt-get [opt] command [things] Where command is: update - Resyncronize the package files from their sources upgrade - Smart-Download the newest versions of all packages dselect-upgrade - Follows dselect's changes to the Status: field and installes new and removes old packages dist-upgrade - Powerfull upgrader designed to handle the issues with a new distribution. install - Download and install a given package (by name, not by .deb) check - Update the package cache and check for broken packages clean - Erase the .debs downloaded to /var/cache/apt/archives and the partial dir too ##################################################################### */ /*}}}*/ // Include Files /*{{{*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "acqprogress.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*}}}*/ using namespace std; ostream c0out(0); ostream c1out(0); ostream c2out(0); ofstream devnull("/dev/null"); unsigned int ScreenWidth = 80; // class CacheFile - Cover class for some dependency cache functions /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ class CacheFile : public pkgCacheFile { static pkgCache *SortCache; static int NameComp(const void *a,const void *b); public: pkgCache::Package **List; void Sort(); bool CheckDeps(bool AllowBroken = false); bool BuildCaches(bool WithLock = true) { OpTextProgress Prog(*_config); if (pkgCacheFile::BuildCaches(Prog,WithLock) == false) return false; return true; } bool Open(bool WithLock = true) { OpTextProgress Prog(*_config); if (pkgCacheFile::Open(Prog,WithLock) == false) return false; Sort(); return true; }; bool OpenForInstall() { if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::Print-URIs") == true) return Open(false); else return Open(true); } CacheFile() : List(0) {}; }; /*}}}*/ // YnPrompt - Yes No Prompt. /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Returns true on a Yes.*/ bool YnPrompt() { // This needs to be a capital const char *Yes = _("Y"); if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::Assume-Yes",false) == true) { c1out << Yes << endl; return true; } char C = 0; char Jnk = 0; if (read(STDIN_FILENO,&C,1) != 1) return false; while (C != '\n' && Jnk != '\n') if (read(STDIN_FILENO,&Jnk,1) != 1) return false; if (!(toupper(C) == *Yes || C == '\n' || C == '\r')) return false; return true; } /*}}}*/ // AnalPrompt - Annoying Yes No Prompt. /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Returns true on a Yes.*/ bool AnalPrompt(const char *Text) { char Buf[1024]; cin.getline(Buf,sizeof(Buf)); if (strcmp(Buf,Text) == 0) return true; return false; } /*}}}*/ // ShowList - Show a list /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This prints out a string of space separated words with a title and a two space indent line wraped to the current screen width. */ bool ShowList(ostream &out,string Title,string List,string VersionsList) { if (List.empty() == true) return true; // trim trailing space int NonSpace = List.find_last_not_of(' '); if (NonSpace != -1) { List = List.erase(NonSpace + 1); if (List.empty() == true) return true; } // Acount for the leading space int ScreenWidth = ::ScreenWidth - 3; out << Title << endl; string::size_type Start = 0; string::size_type VersionsStart = 0; while (Start < List.size()) { if(_config->FindB("APT::Get::Show-Versions",false) == true && VersionsList.size() > 0) { string::size_type End; string::size_type VersionsEnd; End = List.find(' ',Start); VersionsEnd = VersionsList.find('\n', VersionsStart); out << " " << string(List,Start,End - Start) << " (" << string(VersionsList,VersionsStart,VersionsEnd - VersionsStart) << ")" << endl; if (End == string::npos || End < Start) End = Start + ScreenWidth; Start = End + 1; VersionsStart = VersionsEnd + 1; } else { string::size_type End; if (Start + ScreenWidth >= List.size()) End = List.size(); else End = List.rfind(' ',Start+ScreenWidth); if (End == string::npos || End < Start) End = Start + ScreenWidth; out << " " << string(List,Start,End - Start) << endl; Start = End + 1; } } return false; } /*}}}*/ // ShowBroken - Debugging aide /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This prints out the names of all the packages that are broken along with the name of each each broken dependency and a quite version description. The output looks like: The following packages have unmet dependencies: exim: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.1.94) but 2.1.3-10 is to be installed Depends: libldap2 (>= 2.0.2-2) but it is not going to be installed Depends: libsasl7 but it is not going to be installed */ void ShowBroken(ostream &out,CacheFile &Cache,bool Now) { out << _("The following packages have unmet dependencies:") << endl; for (unsigned J = 0; J < Cache->Head().PackageCount; J++) { pkgCache::PkgIterator I(Cache,Cache.List[J]); if (Now == true) { if (Cache[I].NowBroken() == false) continue; } else { if (Cache[I].InstBroken() == false) continue; } // Print out each package and the failed dependencies out <<" " << I.Name() << ":"; unsigned Indent = strlen(I.Name()) + 3; bool First = true; pkgCache::VerIterator Ver; if (Now == true) Ver = I.CurrentVer(); else Ver = Cache[I].InstVerIter(Cache); if (Ver.end() == true) { out << endl; continue; } for (pkgCache::DepIterator D = Ver.DependsList(); D.end() == false;) { // Compute a single dependency element (glob or) pkgCache::DepIterator Start; pkgCache::DepIterator End; D.GlobOr(Start,End); if (Cache->IsImportantDep(End) == false) continue; if (Now == true) { if ((Cache[End] & pkgDepCache::DepGNow) == pkgDepCache::DepGNow) continue; } else { if ((Cache[End] & pkgDepCache::DepGInstall) == pkgDepCache::DepGInstall) continue; } bool FirstOr = true; while (1) { if (First == false) for (unsigned J = 0; J != Indent; J++) out << ' '; First = false; if (FirstOr == false) { for (unsigned J = 0; J != strlen(End.DepType()) + 3; J++) out << ' '; } else out << ' ' << End.DepType() << ": "; FirstOr = false; out << Start.TargetPkg().Name(); // Show a quick summary of the version requirements if (Start.TargetVer() != 0) out << " (" << Start.CompType() << " " << Start.TargetVer() << ")"; /* Show a summary of the target package if possible. In the case of virtual packages we show nothing */ pkgCache::PkgIterator Targ = Start.TargetPkg(); if (Targ->ProvidesList == 0) { out << ' '; pkgCache::VerIterator Ver = Cache[Targ].InstVerIter(Cache); if (Now == true) Ver = Targ.CurrentVer(); if (Ver.end() == false) { if (Now == true) ioprintf(out,_("but %s is installed"),Ver.VerStr()); else ioprintf(out,_("but %s is to be installed"),Ver.VerStr()); } else { if (Cache[Targ].CandidateVerIter(Cache).end() == true) { if (Targ->ProvidesList == 0) out << _("but it is not installable"); else out << _("but it is a virtual package"); } else out << (Now?_("but it is not installed"):_("but it is not going to be installed")); } } if (Start != End) out << _(" or"); out << endl; if (Start == End) break; Start++; } } } } /*}}}*/ // ShowNew - Show packages to newly install /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ void ShowNew(ostream &out,CacheFile &Cache) { /* Print out a list of packages that are going to be removed extra to what the user asked */ string List; string VersionsList; for (unsigned J = 0; J < Cache->Head().PackageCount; J++) { pkgCache::PkgIterator I(Cache,Cache.List[J]); if (Cache[I].NewInstall() == true) { List += string(I.Name()) + " "; VersionsList += string(Cache[I].CandVersion) + "\n"; } } ShowList(out,_("The following NEW packages will be installed:"),List,VersionsList); } /*}}}*/ // ShowDel - Show packages to delete /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ void ShowDel(ostream &out,CacheFile &Cache) { /* Print out a list of packages that are going to be removed extra to what the user asked */ string List; string VersionsList; for (unsigned J = 0; J < Cache->Head().PackageCount; J++) { pkgCache::PkgIterator I(Cache,Cache.List[J]); if (Cache[I].Delete() == true) { if ((Cache[I].iFlags & pkgDepCache::Purge) == pkgDepCache::Purge) List += string(I.Name()) + "* "; else List += string(I.Name()) + " "; VersionsList += string(Cache[I].CandVersion)+ "\n"; } } ShowList(out,_("The following packages will be REMOVED:"),List,VersionsList); } /*}}}*/ // ShowKept - Show kept packages /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ void ShowKept(ostream &out,CacheFile &Cache) { string List; string VersionsList; for (unsigned J = 0; J < Cache->Head().PackageCount; J++) { pkgCache::PkgIterator I(Cache,Cache.List[J]); // Not interesting if (Cache[I].Upgrade() == true || Cache[I].Upgradable() == false || I->CurrentVer == 0 || Cache[I].Delete() == true) continue; List += string(I.Name()) + " "; VersionsList += string(Cache[I].CurVersion) + " => " + Cache[I].CandVersion + "\n"; } ShowList(out,_("The following packages have been kept back"),List,VersionsList); } /*}}}*/ // ShowUpgraded - Show upgraded packages /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ void ShowUpgraded(ostream &out,CacheFile &Cache) { string List; string VersionsList; for (unsigned J = 0; J < Cache->Head().PackageCount; J++) { pkgCache::PkgIterator I(Cache,Cache.List[J]); // Not interesting if (Cache[I].Upgrade() == false || Cache[I].NewInstall() == true) continue; List += string(I.Name()) + " "; VersionsList += string(Cache[I].CurVersion) + " => " + Cache[I].CandVersion + "\n"; } ShowList(out,_("The following packages will be upgraded"),List,VersionsList); } /*}}}*/ // ShowDowngraded - Show downgraded packages /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ bool ShowDowngraded(ostream &out,CacheFile &Cache) { string List; string VersionsList; for (unsigned J = 0; J < Cache->Head().PackageCount; J++) { pkgCache::PkgIterator I(Cache,Cache.List[J]); // Not interesting if (Cache[I].Downgrade() == false || Cache[I].NewInstall() == true) continue; List += string(I.Name()) + " "; VersionsList += string(Cache[I].CurVersion) + " => " + Cache[I].CandVersion + "\n"; } return ShowList(out,_("The following packages will be DOWNGRADED"),List,VersionsList); } /*}}}*/ // ShowHold - Show held but changed packages /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ bool ShowHold(ostream &out,CacheFile &Cache) { string List; string VersionsList; for (unsigned J = 0; J < Cache->Head().PackageCount; J++) { pkgCache::PkgIterator I(Cache,Cache.List[J]); if (Cache[I].InstallVer != (pkgCache::Version *)I.CurrentVer() && I->SelectedState == pkgCache::State::Hold) { List += string(I.Name()) + " "; VersionsList += string(Cache[I].CurVersion) + " => " + Cache[I].CandVersion + "\n"; } } return ShowList(out,_("The following held packages will be changed:"),List,VersionsList); } /*}}}*/ // ShowEssential - Show an essential package warning /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This prints out a warning message that is not to be ignored. It shows all essential packages and their dependents that are to be removed. It is insanely risky to remove the dependents of an essential package! */ bool ShowEssential(ostream &out,CacheFile &Cache) { string List; string VersionsList; bool *Added = new bool[Cache->Head().PackageCount]; for (unsigned int I = 0; I != Cache->Head().PackageCount; I++) Added[I] = false; for (unsigned J = 0; J < Cache->Head().PackageCount; J++) { pkgCache::PkgIterator I(Cache,Cache.List[J]); if ((I->Flags & pkgCache::Flag::Essential) != pkgCache::Flag::Essential && (I->Flags & pkgCache::Flag::Important) != pkgCache::Flag::Important) continue; // The essential package is being removed if (Cache[I].Delete() == true) { if (Added[I->ID] == false) { Added[I->ID] = true; List += string(I.Name()) + " "; //VersionsList += string(Cache[I].CurVersion) + "\n"; ??? } } if (I->CurrentVer == 0) continue; // Print out any essential package depenendents that are to be removed for (pkgCache::DepIterator D = I.CurrentVer().DependsList(); D.end() == false; D++) { // Skip everything but depends if (D->Type != pkgCache::Dep::PreDepends && D->Type != pkgCache::Dep::Depends) continue; pkgCache::PkgIterator P = D.SmartTargetPkg(); if (Cache[P].Delete() == true) { if (Added[P->ID] == true) continue; Added[P->ID] = true; char S[300]; snprintf(S,sizeof(S),_("%s (due to %s) "),P.Name(),I.Name()); List += S; //VersionsList += "\n"; ??? } } } delete [] Added; return ShowList(out,_("WARNING: The following essential packages will be removed\n" "This should NOT be done unless you know exactly what you are doing!"),List,VersionsList); } /*}}}*/ // Stats - Show some statistics /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ void Stats(ostream &out,pkgDepCache &Dep) { unsigned long Upgrade = 0; unsigned long Downgrade = 0; unsigned long Install = 0; unsigned long ReInstall = 0; for (pkgCache::PkgIterator I = Dep.PkgBegin(); I.end() == false; I++) { if (Dep[I].NewInstall() == true) Install++; else { if (Dep[I].Upgrade() == true) Upgrade++; else if (Dep[I].Downgrade() == true) Downgrade++; } if (Dep[I].Delete() == false && (Dep[I].iFlags & pkgDepCache::ReInstall) == pkgDepCache::ReInstall) ReInstall++; } ioprintf(out,_("%lu packages upgraded, %lu newly installed, "), Upgrade,Install); if (ReInstall != 0) ioprintf(out,_("%lu reinstalled, "),ReInstall); if (Downgrade != 0) ioprintf(out,_("%lu downgraded, "),Downgrade); ioprintf(out,_("%lu to remove and %lu not upgraded.\n"), Dep.DelCount(),Dep.KeepCount()); if (Dep.BadCount() != 0) ioprintf(out,_("%lu packages not fully installed or removed.\n"), Dep.BadCount()); } /*}}}*/ // CacheFile::NameComp - QSort compare by name /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ pkgCache *CacheFile::SortCache = 0; int CacheFile::NameComp(const void *a,const void *b) { if (*(pkgCache::Package **)a == 0 || *(pkgCache::Package **)b == 0) return *(pkgCache::Package **)a - *(pkgCache::Package **)b; const pkgCache::Package &A = **(pkgCache::Package **)a; const pkgCache::Package &B = **(pkgCache::Package **)b; return strcmp(SortCache->StrP + A.Name,SortCache->StrP + B.Name); } /*}}}*/ // CacheFile::Sort - Sort by name /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ void CacheFile::Sort() { delete [] List; List = new pkgCache::Package *[Cache->Head().PackageCount]; memset(List,0,sizeof(*List)*Cache->Head().PackageCount); pkgCache::PkgIterator I = Cache->PkgBegin(); for (;I.end() != true; I++) List[I->ID] = I; SortCache = *this; qsort(List,Cache->Head().PackageCount,sizeof(*List),NameComp); } /*}}}*/ // CacheFile::CheckDeps - Open the cache file /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This routine generates the caches and then opens the dependency cache and verifies that the system is OK. */ bool CacheFile::CheckDeps(bool AllowBroken) { if (_error->PendingError() == true) return false; // Check that the system is OK if (DCache->DelCount() != 0 || DCache->InstCount() != 0) return _error->Error("Internal Error, non-zero counts"); // Apply corrections for half-installed packages if (pkgApplyStatus(*DCache) == false) return false; // Nothing is broken if (DCache->BrokenCount() == 0 || AllowBroken == true) return true; // Attempt to fix broken things if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::Fix-Broken",false) == true) { c1out << _("Correcting dependencies...") << flush; if (pkgFixBroken(*DCache) == false || DCache->BrokenCount() != 0) { c1out << _(" failed.") << endl; ShowBroken(c1out,*this,true); return _error->Error(_("Unable to correct dependencies")); } if (pkgMinimizeUpgrade(*DCache) == false) return _error->Error(_("Unable to minimize the upgrade set")); c1out << _(" Done") << endl; } else { c1out << _("You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these.") << endl; ShowBroken(c1out,*this,true); return _error->Error(_("Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.")); } return true; } /*}}}*/ // InstallPackages - Actually download and install the packages /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This displays the informative messages describing what is going to happen and then calls the download routines */ bool InstallPackages(CacheFile &Cache,bool ShwKept,bool Ask = true, bool Saftey = true) { if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::Purge",false) == true) { pkgCache::PkgIterator I = Cache->PkgBegin(); for (; I.end() == false; I++) { if (I.Purge() == false && Cache[I].Mode == pkgDepCache::ModeDelete) Cache->MarkDelete(I,true); } } bool Fail = false; bool Essential = false; // Show all the various warning indicators ShowDel(c1out,Cache); ShowNew(c1out,Cache); if (ShwKept == true) ShowKept(c1out,Cache); Fail |= !ShowHold(c1out,Cache); if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::Show-Upgraded",false) == true) ShowUpgraded(c1out,Cache); Fail |= !ShowDowngraded(c1out,Cache); if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::Download-Only",false) == false) Essential = !ShowEssential(c1out,Cache); Fail |= Essential; Stats(c1out,Cache); // Sanity check if (Cache->BrokenCount() != 0) { ShowBroken(c1out,Cache,false); return _error->Error("Internal Error, InstallPackages was called with broken packages!"); } if (Cache->DelCount() == 0 && Cache->InstCount() == 0 && Cache->BadCount() == 0) return true; // No remove flag if (Cache->DelCount() != 0 && _config->FindB("APT::Get::Remove",true) == false) return _error->Error(_("Packages need to be removed but Remove is disabled.")); // Run the simulator .. if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::Simulate") == true) { pkgSimulate PM(Cache); pkgPackageManager::OrderResult Res = PM.DoInstall(); if (Res == pkgPackageManager::Failed) return false; if (Res != pkgPackageManager::Completed) return _error->Error("Internal Error, Ordering didn't finish"); return true; } // Create the text record parser pkgRecords Recs(Cache); if (_error->PendingError() == true) return false; // Lock the archive directory FileFd Lock; if (_config->FindB("Debug::NoLocking",false) == false && _config->FindB("APT::Get::Print-URIs") == false) { Lock.Fd(GetLock(_config->FindDir("Dir::Cache::Archives") + "lock")); if (_error->PendingError() == true) return _error->Error(_("Unable to lock the download directory")); } // Create the download object AcqTextStatus Stat(ScreenWidth,_config->FindI("quiet",0)); pkgAcquire Fetcher(&Stat); // Read the source list pkgSourceList List; if (List.ReadMainList() == false) return _error->Error(_("The list of sources could not be read.")); // Create the package manager and prepare to download SPtr PM= _system->CreatePM(Cache); if (PM->GetArchives(&Fetcher,&List,&Recs) == false || _error->PendingError() == true) return false; // Display statistics double FetchBytes = Fetcher.FetchNeeded(); double FetchPBytes = Fetcher.PartialPresent(); double DebBytes = Fetcher.TotalNeeded(); if (DebBytes != Cache->DebSize()) { c0out << DebBytes << ',' << Cache->DebSize() << endl; c0out << "How odd.. The sizes didn't match, email apt@packages.debian.org" << endl; } // Number of bytes if (DebBytes != FetchBytes) ioprintf(c1out,_("Need to get %sB/%sB of archives.\n"), SizeToStr(FetchBytes).c_str(),SizeToStr(DebBytes).c_str()); else ioprintf(c1out,_("Need to get %sB of archives.\n"), SizeToStr(DebBytes).c_str()); // Size delta if (Cache->UsrSize() >= 0) ioprintf(c1out,_("After unpacking %sB of additional disk space will be used.\n"), SizeToStr(Cache->UsrSize()).c_str()); else ioprintf(c1out,_("After unpacking %sB disk space will be freed.\n"), SizeToStr(-1*Cache->UsrSize()).c_str()); if (_error->PendingError() == true) return false; /* Check for enough free space, but only if we are actually going to download */ if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::Print-URIs") == false && _config->FindB("APT::Get::Download",true) == true) { struct statvfs Buf; string OutputDir = _config->FindDir("Dir::Cache::Archives"); if (statvfs(OutputDir.c_str(),&Buf) != 0) return _error->Errno("statvfs","Couldn't determine free space in %s", OutputDir.c_str()); if (unsigned(Buf.f_bfree) < (FetchBytes - FetchPBytes)/Buf.f_bsize) return _error->Error(_("You don't have enough free space in %s."), OutputDir.c_str()); } // Fail safe check if (_config->FindI("quiet",0) >= 2 || _config->FindB("APT::Get::Assume-Yes",false) == true) { if (Fail == true && _config->FindB("APT::Get::Force-Yes",false) == false) return _error->Error(_("There are problems and -y was used without --force-yes")); } if (Essential == true && Saftey == true) { if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::Trivial-Only",false) == true) return _error->Error(_("Trivial Only specified but this is not a trivial operation.")); const char *Prompt = _("Yes, do as I say!"); ioprintf(c2out, _("You are about to do something potentially harmful\n" "To continue type in the phrase '%s'\n" " ?] "),Prompt); c2out << flush; if (AnalPrompt(Prompt) == false) { c2out << _("Abort.") << endl; exit(1); } } else { // Prompt to continue if (Ask == true || Fail == true) { if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::Trivial-Only",false) == true) return _error->Error(_("Trivial Only specified but this is not a trivial operation.")); if (_config->FindI("quiet",0) < 2 && _config->FindB("APT::Get::Assume-Yes",false) == false) { c2out << _("Do you want to continue? [Y/n] ") << flush; if (YnPrompt() == false) { c2out << _("Abort.") << endl; exit(1); } } } } // Just print out the uris an exit if the --print-uris flag was used if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::Print-URIs") == true) { pkgAcquire::UriIterator I = Fetcher.UriBegin(); for (; I != Fetcher.UriEnd(); I++) cout << '\'' << I->URI << "' " << flNotDir(I->Owner->DestFile) << ' ' << I->Owner->FileSize << ' ' << I->Owner->MD5Sum() << endl; return true; } /* Unlock the dpkg lock if we are not going to be doing an install after. */ if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::Download-Only",false) == true) _system->UnLock(); // Run it while (1) { bool Transient = false; if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::Download",true) == false) { for (pkgAcquire::ItemIterator I = Fetcher.ItemsBegin(); I < Fetcher.ItemsEnd();) { if ((*I)->Local == true) { I++; continue; } // Close the item and check if it was found in cache (*I)->Finished(); if ((*I)->Complete == false) Transient = true; // Clear it out of the fetch list delete *I; I = Fetcher.ItemsBegin(); } } if (Fetcher.Run() == pkgAcquire::Failed) return false; // Print out errors bool Failed = false; for (pkgAcquire::ItemIterator I = Fetcher.ItemsBegin(); I != Fetcher.ItemsEnd(); I++) { if ((*I)->Status == pkgAcquire::Item::StatDone && (*I)->Complete == true) continue; if ((*I)->Status == pkgAcquire::Item::StatIdle) { Transient = true; // Failed = true; continue; } fprintf(stderr,_("Failed to fetch %s %s\n"),(*I)->DescURI().c_str(), (*I)->ErrorText.c_str()); Failed = true; } /* If we are in no download mode and missing files and there were 'failures' then the user must specify -m. Furthermore, there is no such thing as a transient error in no-download mode! */ if (Transient == true && _config->FindB("APT::Get::Download",true) == false) { Transient = false; Failed = true; } if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::Download-Only",false) == true) { if (Failed == true && _config->FindB("APT::Get::Fix-Missing",false) == false) return _error->Error(_("Some files failed to download")); c1out << _("Download complete and in download only mode") << endl; return true; } if (Failed == true && _config->FindB("APT::Get::Fix-Missing",false) == false) { return _error->Error(_("Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?")); } if (Transient == true && Failed == true) return _error->Error(_("--fix-missing and media swapping is not currently supported")); // Try to deal with missing package files if (Failed == true && PM->FixMissing() == false) { cerr << _("Unable to correct missing packages.") << endl; return _error->Error(_("Aborting Install.")); } _system->UnLock(); pkgPackageManager::OrderResult Res = PM->DoInstall(); if (Res == pkgPackageManager::Failed || _error->PendingError() == true) return false; if (Res == pkgPackageManager::Completed) return true; // Reload the fetcher object and loop again for media swapping Fetcher.Shutdown(); if (PM->GetArchives(&Fetcher,&List,&Recs) == false) return false; _system->Lock(); } } /*}}}*/ // TryToInstall - Try to install a single package /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This used to be inlined in DoInstall, but with the advent of regex package name matching it was split out.. */ bool TryToInstall(pkgCache::PkgIterator Pkg,pkgDepCache &Cache, pkgProblemResolver &Fix,bool Remove,bool BrokenFix, unsigned int &ExpectedInst,bool AllowFail = true) { /* This is a pure virtual package and there is a single available provides */ if (Cache[Pkg].CandidateVer == 0 && Pkg->ProvidesList != 0 && Pkg.ProvidesList()->NextProvides == 0) { pkgCache::PkgIterator Tmp = Pkg.ProvidesList().OwnerPkg(); ioprintf(c1out,_("Note, selecting %s instead of %s\n"), Tmp.Name(),Pkg.Name()); Pkg = Tmp; } // Handle the no-upgrade case if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::upgrade",true) == false && Pkg->CurrentVer != 0) { if (AllowFail == true) ioprintf(c1out,_("Skipping %s, it is already installed and upgrade is not set.\n"), Pkg.Name()); return true; } // Check if there is something at all to install pkgDepCache::StateCache &State = Cache[Pkg]; if (Remove == true && Pkg->CurrentVer == 0) { Fix.Clear(Pkg); Fix.Protect(Pkg); Fix.Remove(Pkg); /* We want to continue searching for regex hits, so we return false here otherwise this is not really an error. */ if (AllowFail == false) return false; ioprintf(c1out,_("Package %s is not installed, so not removed\n"),Pkg.Name()); return true; } if (State.CandidateVer == 0 && Remove == false) { if (AllowFail == false) return false; if (Pkg->ProvidesList != 0) { ioprintf(c1out,_("Package %s is a virtual package provided by:\n"), Pkg.Name()); pkgCache::PrvIterator I = Pkg.ProvidesList(); for (; I.end() == false; I++) { pkgCache::PkgIterator Pkg = I.OwnerPkg(); if (Cache[Pkg].CandidateVerIter(Cache) == I.OwnerVer()) { if (Cache[Pkg].Install() == true && Cache[Pkg].NewInstall() == false) c1out << " " << Pkg.Name() << " " << I.OwnerVer().VerStr() << _(" [Installed]") << endl; else c1out << " " << Pkg.Name() << " " << I.OwnerVer().VerStr() << endl; } } c1out << _("You should explicitly select one to install.") << endl; } else { ioprintf(c1out, _("Package %s has no available version, but exists in the database.\n" "This typically means that the package was mentioned in a dependency and\n" "never uploaded, has been obsoleted or is not available with the contents\n" "of sources.list\n"),Pkg.Name()); string List; string VersionsList; SPtrArray Seen = new bool[Cache.Head().PackageCount]; memset(Seen,0,Cache.Head().PackageCount*sizeof(*Seen)); pkgCache::DepIterator Dep = Pkg.RevDependsList(); for (; Dep.end() == false; Dep++) { if (Dep->Type != pkgCache::Dep::Replaces) continue; if (Seen[Dep.ParentPkg()->ID] == true) continue; Seen[Dep.ParentPkg()->ID] = true; List += string(Dep.ParentPkg().Name()) + " "; //VersionsList += string(Dep.ParentPkg().CurVersion) + "\n"; ??? } ShowList(c1out,_("However the following packages replace it:"),List,VersionsList); } _error->Error(_("Package %s has no installation candidate"),Pkg.Name()); return false; } Fix.Clear(Pkg); Fix.Protect(Pkg); if (Remove == true) { Fix.Remove(Pkg); Cache.MarkDelete(Pkg,_config->FindB("APT::Get::Purge",false)); return true; } // Install it Cache.MarkInstall(Pkg,false); if (State.Install() == false) { if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::ReInstall",false) == true) { if (Pkg->CurrentVer == 0 || Pkg.CurrentVer().Downloadable() == false) ioprintf(c1out,_("Reinstallation of %s is not possible, it cannot be downloaded.\n"), Pkg.Name()); else Cache.SetReInstall(Pkg,true); } else { if (AllowFail == true) ioprintf(c1out,_("%s is already the newest version.\n"), Pkg.Name()); } } else ExpectedInst++; // Install it with autoinstalling enabled. if (State.InstBroken() == true && BrokenFix == false) Cache.MarkInstall(Pkg,true); return true; } /*}}}*/ // TryToChangeVer - Try to change a candidate version /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ bool TryToChangeVer(pkgCache::PkgIterator Pkg,pkgDepCache &Cache, const char *VerTag,bool IsRel) { pkgVersionMatch Match(VerTag,(IsRel == true?pkgVersionMatch::Release : pkgVersionMatch::Version)); pkgCache::VerIterator Ver = Match.Find(Pkg); if (Ver.end() == true) { if (IsRel == true) return _error->Error(_("Release '%s' for '%s' was not found"), VerTag,Pkg.Name()); return _error->Error(_("Version '%s' for '%s' was not found"), VerTag,Pkg.Name()); } if (strcmp(VerTag,Ver.VerStr()) != 0) { ioprintf(c1out,_("Selected version %s (%s) for %s\n"), Ver.VerStr(),Ver.RelStr().c_str(),Pkg.Name()); } Cache.SetCandidateVersion(Ver); return true; } /*}}}*/ // FindSrc - Find a source record /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ pkgSrcRecords::Parser *FindSrc(const char *Name,pkgRecords &Recs, pkgSrcRecords &SrcRecs,string &Src, pkgDepCache &Cache) { // We want to pull the version off the package specification.. string VerTag; string TmpSrc = Name; string::size_type Slash = TmpSrc.rfind('='); if (Slash != string::npos) { VerTag = string(TmpSrc.begin() + Slash + 1,TmpSrc.end()); TmpSrc = string(TmpSrc.begin(),TmpSrc.begin() + Slash); } /* Lookup the version of the package we would install if we were to install a version and determine the source package name, then look in the archive for a source package of the same name. In theory we could stash the version string as well and match that too but today there aren't multi source versions in the archive. */ if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::Only-Source") == false && VerTag.empty() == true) { pkgCache::PkgIterator Pkg = Cache.FindPkg(TmpSrc); if (Pkg.end() == false) { pkgCache::VerIterator Ver = Cache.GetCandidateVer(Pkg); if (Ver.end() == false) { pkgRecords::Parser &Parse = Recs.Lookup(Ver.FileList()); Src = Parse.SourcePkg(); } } } // No source package name.. if (Src.empty() == true) Src = TmpSrc; // The best hit pkgSrcRecords::Parser *Last = 0; unsigned long Offset = 0; string Version; bool IsMatch = false; // If we are matching by version then we need exact matches to be happy if (VerTag.empty() == false) IsMatch = true; /* Iterate over all of the hits, which includes the resulting binary packages in the search */ pkgSrcRecords::Parser *Parse; SrcRecs.Restart(); while ((Parse = SrcRecs.Find(Src.c_str(),false)) != 0) { string Ver = Parse->Version(); // Skip name mismatches if (IsMatch == true && Parse->Package() != Src) continue; if (VerTag.empty() == false) { /* Don't want to fall through because we are doing exact version matching. */ if (Cache.VS().CmpVersion(VerTag,Ver) != 0) continue; Last = Parse; Offset = Parse->Offset(); break; } // Newer version or an exact match if (Last == 0 || Cache.VS().CmpVersion(Version,Ver) < 0 || (Parse->Package() == Src && IsMatch == false)) { IsMatch = Parse->Package() == Src; Last = Parse; Offset = Parse->Offset(); Version = Ver; } } if (Last == 0) return 0; if (Last->Jump(Offset) == false) return 0; return Last; } /*}}}*/ // DoUpdate - Update the package lists /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ bool DoUpdate(CommandLine &CmdL) { if (CmdL.FileSize() != 1) return _error->Error(_("The update command takes no arguments")); // Get the source list pkgSourceList List; if (List.ReadMainList() == false) return false; // Lock the list directory FileFd Lock; if (_config->FindB("Debug::NoLocking",false) == false) { Lock.Fd(GetLock(_config->FindDir("Dir::State::Lists") + "lock")); if (_error->PendingError() == true) return _error->Error(_("Unable to lock the list directory")); } // Create the download object AcqTextStatus Stat(ScreenWidth,_config->FindI("quiet",0)); pkgAcquire Fetcher(&Stat); // Populate it with the source selection if (List.GetIndexes(&Fetcher) == false) return false; // Just print out the uris an exit if the --print-uris flag was used if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::Print-URIs") == true) { pkgAcquire::UriIterator I = Fetcher.UriBegin(); for (; I != Fetcher.UriEnd(); I++) cout << '\'' << I->URI << "' " << flNotDir(I->Owner->DestFile) << ' ' << I->Owner->FileSize << ' ' << I->Owner->MD5Sum() << endl; return true; } // Run it if (Fetcher.Run() == pkgAcquire::Failed) return false; bool Failed = false; for (pkgAcquire::ItemIterator I = Fetcher.ItemsBegin(); I != Fetcher.ItemsEnd(); I++) { if ((*I)->Status == pkgAcquire::Item::StatDone) continue; (*I)->Finished(); fprintf(stderr,_("Failed to fetch %s %s\n"),(*I)->DescURI().c_str(), (*I)->ErrorText.c_str()); Failed = true; } // Clean out any old list files if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::List-Cleanup",true) == true) { if (Fetcher.Clean(_config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists")) == false || Fetcher.Clean(_config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + "partial/") == false) return false; } // Prepare the cache. CacheFile Cache; if (Cache.BuildCaches() == false) return false; if (Failed == true) return _error->Error(_("Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.")); return true; } /*}}}*/ // DoUpgrade - Upgrade all packages /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Upgrade all packages without installing new packages or erasing old packages */ bool DoUpgrade(CommandLine &CmdL) { CacheFile Cache; if (Cache.OpenForInstall() == false || Cache.CheckDeps() == false) return false; // Do the upgrade if (pkgAllUpgrade(Cache) == false) { ShowBroken(c1out,Cache,false); return _error->Error(_("Internal Error, AllUpgrade broke stuff")); } return InstallPackages(Cache,true); } /*}}}*/ // DoInstall - Install packages from the command line /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Install named packages */ bool DoInstall(CommandLine &CmdL) { CacheFile Cache; if (Cache.OpenForInstall() == false || Cache.CheckDeps(CmdL.FileSize() != 1) == false) return false; // Enter the special broken fixing mode if the user specified arguments bool BrokenFix = false; if (Cache->BrokenCount() != 0) BrokenFix = true; unsigned int ExpectedInst = 0; unsigned int Packages = 0; pkgProblemResolver Fix(Cache); bool DefRemove = false; if (strcasecmp(CmdL.FileList[0],"remove") == 0) DefRemove = true; for (const char **I = CmdL.FileList + 1; *I != 0; I++) { // Duplicate the string unsigned int Length = strlen(*I); char S[300]; if (Length >= sizeof(S)) continue; strcpy(S,*I); // See if we are removing and special indicators.. bool Remove = DefRemove; char *VerTag = 0; bool VerIsRel = false; while (Cache->FindPkg(S).end() == true) { // Handle an optional end tag indicating what to do if (S[Length - 1] == '-') { Remove = true; S[--Length] = 0; continue; } if (S[Length - 1] == '+') { Remove = false; S[--Length] = 0; continue; } char *Slash = strchr(S,'='); if (Slash != 0) { VerIsRel = false; *Slash = 0; VerTag = Slash + 1; } Slash = strchr(S,'/'); if (Slash != 0) { VerIsRel = true; *Slash = 0; VerTag = Slash + 1; } break; } // Locate the package pkgCache::PkgIterator Pkg = Cache->FindPkg(S); Packages++; if (Pkg.end() == true) { // Check if the name is a regex const char *I; for (I = S; *I != 0; I++) if (*I == '?' || *I == '*' || *I == '|' || *I == '[' || *I == '^' || *I == '$') break; if (*I == 0) return _error->Error(_("Couldn't find package %s"),S); // Regexs must always be confirmed ExpectedInst += 1000; // Compile the regex pattern regex_t Pattern; int Res; if ((Res = regcomp(&Pattern,S,REG_EXTENDED | REG_ICASE | REG_NOSUB)) != 0) { char Error[300]; regerror(Res,&Pattern,Error,sizeof(Error)); return _error->Error(_("Regex compilation error - %s"),Error); } // Run over the matches bool Hit = false; for (Pkg = Cache->PkgBegin(); Pkg.end() == false; Pkg++) { if (regexec(&Pattern,Pkg.Name(),0,0,0) != 0) continue; ioprintf(c1out,_("Note, selecting %s for regex '%s'\n"), Pkg.Name(),S); if (VerTag != 0) if (TryToChangeVer(Pkg,Cache,VerTag,VerIsRel) == false) return false; Hit |= TryToInstall(Pkg,Cache,Fix,Remove,BrokenFix, ExpectedInst,false); } regfree(&Pattern); if (Hit == false) return _error->Error(_("Couldn't find package %s"),S); } else { if (VerTag != 0) if (TryToChangeVer(Pkg,Cache,VerTag,VerIsRel) == false) return false; if (TryToInstall(Pkg,Cache,Fix,Remove,BrokenFix,ExpectedInst) == false) return false; } } /* If we are in the Broken fixing mode we do not attempt to fix the problems. This is if the user invoked install without -f and gave packages */ if (BrokenFix == true && Cache->BrokenCount() != 0) { c1out << _("You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:") << endl; ShowBroken(c1out,Cache,false); return _error->Error(_("Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).")); } // Call the scored problem resolver Fix.InstallProtect(); if (Fix.Resolve(true) == false) _error->Discard(); // Now we check the state of the packages, if (Cache->BrokenCount() != 0) { c1out << _("Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have\n" "requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable\n" "distribution that some required packages have not yet been created\n" "or been moved out of Incoming.") << endl; if (Packages == 1) { c1out << endl; c1out << _("Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that\n" "the package is simply not installable and a bug report against\n" "that package should be filed.") << endl; } c1out << _("The following information may help to resolve the situation:") << endl; c1out << endl; ShowBroken(c1out,Cache,false); return _error->Error(_("Broken packages")); } /* Print out a list of packages that are going to be installed extra to what the user asked */ if (Cache->InstCount() != ExpectedInst) { string List; string VersionsList; for (unsigned J = 0; J < Cache->Head().PackageCount; J++) { pkgCache::PkgIterator I(Cache,Cache.List[J]); if ((*Cache)[I].Install() == false) continue; const char **J; for (J = CmdL.FileList + 1; *J != 0; J++) if (strcmp(*J,I.Name()) == 0) break; if (*J == 0) { List += string(I.Name()) + " "; VersionsList += string(Cache[I].CandVersion) + "\n"; } } ShowList(c1out,_("The following extra packages will be installed:"),List,VersionsList); } /* Print out a list of suggested and recommended packages */ { string SuggestsList, RecommendsList, List; string SuggestsVersions, RecommendsVersions; for (unsigned J = 0; J < Cache->Head().PackageCount; J++) { pkgCache::PkgIterator I(Cache,Cache.List[J]); /* Just look at the ones we want to install */ if ((*Cache)[I].Install() == false) continue; for (pkgCache::VerIterator V = I.VersionList(); V.end() == false; V++) { for (pkgCache::DepIterator D = V.DependsList(); D.end() == false; D++) { pkgCache::DepIterator Start; pkgCache::DepIterator End; D.GlobOr(Start,End); do { if (Start->Type == pkgCache::Dep::Suggests) { /* A suggests relations, let's see if we have it installed already */ string target = string(Start.TargetPkg().Name()) + " "; if ((*Start.TargetPkg()).SelectedState == pkgCache::State::Install) break; /* Does another package suggest it as well? If so, don't print it twice */ if (int(SuggestsList.find(target)) > -1) break; SuggestsList += target; SuggestsVersions += string(Cache[Start.TargetPkg()].CandVersion) + "\n"; } if (Start->Type == pkgCache::Dep::Recommends) { /* A recommends relation, let's see if we have it installed already */ string target = string(Start.TargetPkg().Name()) + " "; if ((*Start.TargetPkg()).SelectedState == pkgCache::State::Install) break; /* Does another package recommend it as well? If so, don't print it twice */ if (int(RecommendsList.find(target)) > -1) break; RecommendsList += target; SuggestsVersions += string(Cache[Start.TargetPkg()].CandVersion) + "\n"; } if (Start == End) break; Start++; } while (1); } } } ShowList(c1out,_("Suggested packages:"),SuggestsList,SuggestsVersions); ShowList(c1out,_("Recommended packages:"),RecommendsList,RecommendsVersions); } // See if we need to prompt if (Cache->InstCount() == ExpectedInst && Cache->DelCount() == 0) return InstallPackages(Cache,false,false); return InstallPackages(Cache,false); } /*}}}*/ // DoDistUpgrade - Automatic smart upgrader /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Intelligent upgrader that will install and remove packages at will */ bool DoDistUpgrade(CommandLine &CmdL) { CacheFile Cache; if (Cache.OpenForInstall() == false || Cache.CheckDeps() == false) return false; c0out << _("Calculating Upgrade... ") << flush; if (pkgDistUpgrade(*Cache) == false) { c0out << _("Failed") << endl; ShowBroken(c1out,Cache,false); return false; } c0out << _("Done") << endl; return InstallPackages(Cache,true); } /*}}}*/ // DoDSelectUpgrade - Do an upgrade by following dselects selections /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Follows dselect's selections */ bool DoDSelectUpgrade(CommandLine &CmdL) { CacheFile Cache; if (Cache.OpenForInstall() == false || Cache.CheckDeps() == false) return false; // Install everything with the install flag set pkgCache::PkgIterator I = Cache->PkgBegin(); for (;I.end() != true; I++) { /* Install the package only if it is a new install, the autoupgrader will deal with the rest */ if (I->SelectedState == pkgCache::State::Install) Cache->MarkInstall(I,false); } /* Now install their deps too, if we do this above then order of the status file is significant for | groups */ for (I = Cache->PkgBegin();I.end() != true; I++) { /* Install the package only if it is a new install, the autoupgrader will deal with the rest */ if (I->SelectedState == pkgCache::State::Install) Cache->MarkInstall(I,true); } // Apply erasures now, they override everything else. for (I = Cache->PkgBegin();I.end() != true; I++) { // Remove packages if (I->SelectedState == pkgCache::State::DeInstall || I->SelectedState == pkgCache::State::Purge) Cache->MarkDelete(I,I->SelectedState == pkgCache::State::Purge); } /* Resolve any problems that dselect created, allupgrade cannot handle such things. We do so quite agressively too.. */ if (Cache->BrokenCount() != 0) { pkgProblemResolver Fix(Cache); // Hold back held packages. if (_config->FindB("APT::Ignore-Hold",false) == false) { for (pkgCache::PkgIterator I = Cache->PkgBegin(); I.end() == false; I++) { if (I->SelectedState == pkgCache::State::Hold) { Fix.Protect(I); Cache->MarkKeep(I); } } } if (Fix.Resolve() == false) { ShowBroken(c1out,Cache,false); return _error->Error("Internal Error, problem resolver broke stuff"); } } // Now upgrade everything if (pkgAllUpgrade(Cache) == false) { ShowBroken(c1out,Cache,false); return _error->Error("Internal Error, problem resolver broke stuff"); } return InstallPackages(Cache,false); } /*}}}*/ // DoClean - Remove download archives /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ bool DoClean(CommandLine &CmdL) { if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::Simulate") == true) { cout << "Del " << _config->FindDir("Dir::Cache::archives") << "* " << _config->FindDir("Dir::Cache::archives") << "partial/*" << endl; return true; } // Lock the archive directory FileFd Lock; if (_config->FindB("Debug::NoLocking",false) == false) { Lock.Fd(GetLock(_config->FindDir("Dir::Cache::Archives") + "lock")); if (_error->PendingError() == true) return _error->Error(_("Unable to lock the download directory")); } pkgAcquire Fetcher; Fetcher.Clean(_config->FindDir("Dir::Cache::archives")); Fetcher.Clean(_config->FindDir("Dir::Cache::archives") + "partial/"); return true; } /*}}}*/ // DoAutoClean - Smartly remove downloaded archives /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This is similar to clean but it only purges things that cannot be downloaded, that is old versions of cached packages. */ class LogCleaner : public pkgArchiveCleaner { protected: virtual void Erase(const char *File,string Pkg,string Ver,struct stat &St) { c1out << "Del " << Pkg << " " << Ver << " [" << SizeToStr(St.st_size) << "B]" << endl; if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::Simulate") == false) unlink(File); }; }; bool DoAutoClean(CommandLine &CmdL) { // Lock the archive directory FileFd Lock; if (_config->FindB("Debug::NoLocking",false) == false) { Lock.Fd(GetLock(_config->FindDir("Dir::Cache::Archives") + "lock")); if (_error->PendingError() == true) return _error->Error(_("Unable to lock the download directory")); } CacheFile Cache; if (Cache.Open() == false) return false; LogCleaner Cleaner; return Cleaner.Go(_config->FindDir("Dir::Cache::archives"),*Cache) && Cleaner.Go(_config->FindDir("Dir::Cache::archives") + "partial/",*Cache); } /*}}}*/ // DoCheck - Perform the check operation /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Opening automatically checks the system, this command is mostly used for debugging */ bool DoCheck(CommandLine &CmdL) { CacheFile Cache; Cache.Open(); Cache.CheckDeps(); return true; } /*}}}*/ // DoSource - Fetch a source archive /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Fetch souce packages */ struct DscFile { string Package; string Version; string Dsc; }; bool DoSource(CommandLine &CmdL) { CacheFile Cache; if (Cache.Open(false) == false) return false; if (CmdL.FileSize() <= 1) return _error->Error(_("Must specify at least one package to fetch source for")); // Read the source list pkgSourceList List; if (List.ReadMainList() == false) return _error->Error(_("The list of sources could not be read.")); // Create the text record parsers pkgRecords Recs(Cache); pkgSrcRecords SrcRecs(List); if (_error->PendingError() == true) return false; // Create the download object AcqTextStatus Stat(ScreenWidth,_config->FindI("quiet",0)); pkgAcquire Fetcher(&Stat); DscFile *Dsc = new DscFile[CmdL.FileSize()]; // Load the requestd sources into the fetcher unsigned J = 0; for (const char **I = CmdL.FileList + 1; *I != 0; I++, J++) { string Src; pkgSrcRecords::Parser *Last = FindSrc(*I,Recs,SrcRecs,Src,*Cache); if (Last == 0) return _error->Error(_("Unable to find a source package for %s"),Src.c_str()); // Back track vector Lst; if (Last->Files(Lst) == false) return false; // Load them into the fetcher for (vector::const_iterator I = Lst.begin(); I != Lst.end(); I++) { // Try to guess what sort of file it is we are getting. if (I->Type == "dsc") { Dsc[J].Package = Last->Package(); Dsc[J].Version = Last->Version(); Dsc[J].Dsc = flNotDir(I->Path); } // Diff only mode only fetches .diff files if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::Diff-Only",false) == true && I->Type != "diff") continue; // Tar only mode only fetches .tar files if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::Tar-Only",false) == true && I->Type != "tar") continue; new pkgAcqFile(&Fetcher,Last->Index().ArchiveURI(I->Path), I->MD5Hash,I->Size, Last->Index().SourceInfo(*Last,*I),Src); } } // Display statistics double FetchBytes = Fetcher.FetchNeeded(); double FetchPBytes = Fetcher.PartialPresent(); double DebBytes = Fetcher.TotalNeeded(); // Check for enough free space struct statvfs Buf; string OutputDir = "."; if (statvfs(OutputDir.c_str(),&Buf) != 0) return _error->Errno("statvfs","Couldn't determine free space in %s", OutputDir.c_str()); if (unsigned(Buf.f_bfree) < (FetchBytes - FetchPBytes)/Buf.f_bsize) return _error->Error(_("You don't have enough free space in %s"), OutputDir.c_str()); // Number of bytes if (DebBytes != FetchBytes) ioprintf(c1out,_("Need to get %sB/%sB of source archives.\n"), SizeToStr(FetchBytes).c_str(),SizeToStr(DebBytes).c_str()); else ioprintf(c1out,_("Need to get %sB of source archives.\n"), SizeToStr(DebBytes).c_str()); if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::Simulate",false) == true) { for (unsigned I = 0; I != J; I++) ioprintf(cout,_("Fetch Source %s\n"),Dsc[I].Package.c_str()); return true; } // Just print out the uris an exit if the --print-uris flag was used if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::Print-URIs") == true) { pkgAcquire::UriIterator I = Fetcher.UriBegin(); for (; I != Fetcher.UriEnd(); I++) cout << '\'' << I->URI << "' " << flNotDir(I->Owner->DestFile) << ' ' << I->Owner->FileSize << ' ' << I->Owner->MD5Sum() << endl; return true; } // Run it if (Fetcher.Run() == pkgAcquire::Failed) return false; // Print error messages bool Failed = false; for (pkgAcquire::ItemIterator I = Fetcher.ItemsBegin(); I != Fetcher.ItemsEnd(); I++) { if ((*I)->Status == pkgAcquire::Item::StatDone && (*I)->Complete == true) continue; fprintf(stderr,_("Failed to fetch %s %s\n"),(*I)->DescURI().c_str(), (*I)->ErrorText.c_str()); Failed = true; } if (Failed == true) return _error->Error(_("Failed to fetch some archives.")); if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::Download-only",false) == true) { c1out << _("Download complete and in download only mode") << endl; return true; } // Unpack the sources pid_t Process = ExecFork(); if (Process == 0) { for (unsigned I = 0; I != J; I++) { string Dir = Dsc[I].Package + '-' + Cache->VS().UpstreamVersion(Dsc[I].Version.c_str()); // Diff only mode only fetches .diff files if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::Diff-Only",false) == true || _config->FindB("APT::Get::Tar-Only",false) == true || Dsc[I].Dsc.empty() == true) continue; // See if the package is already unpacked struct stat Stat; if (stat(Dir.c_str(),&Stat) == 0 && S_ISDIR(Stat.st_mode) != 0) { ioprintf(c0out ,_("Skipping unpack of already unpacked source in %s\n"), Dir.c_str()); } else { // Call dpkg-source char S[500]; snprintf(S,sizeof(S),"%s -x %s", _config->Find("Dir::Bin::dpkg-source","dpkg-source").c_str(), Dsc[I].Dsc.c_str()); if (system(S) != 0) { fprintf(stderr,_("Unpack command '%s' failed.\n"),S); _exit(1); } } // Try to compile it with dpkg-buildpackage if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::Compile",false) == true) { // Call dpkg-buildpackage char S[500]; snprintf(S,sizeof(S),"cd %s && %s %s", Dir.c_str(), _config->Find("Dir::Bin::dpkg-buildpackage","dpkg-buildpackage").c_str(), _config->Find("DPkg::Build-Options","-b -uc").c_str()); if (system(S) != 0) { fprintf(stderr,_("Build command '%s' failed.\n"),S); _exit(1); } } } _exit(0); } // Wait for the subprocess int Status = 0; while (waitpid(Process,&Status,0) != Process) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; return _error->Errno("waitpid","Couldn't wait for subprocess"); } if (WIFEXITED(Status) == 0 || WEXITSTATUS(Status) != 0) return _error->Error(_("Child process failed")); return true; } /*}}}*/ // DoBuildDep - Install/removes packages to satisfy build dependencies /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This function will look at the build depends list of the given source package and install the necessary packages to make it true, or fail. */ bool DoBuildDep(CommandLine &CmdL) { CacheFile Cache; if (Cache.Open(true) == false) return false; if (CmdL.FileSize() <= 1) return _error->Error(_("Must specify at least one package to check builddeps for")); // Read the source list pkgSourceList List; if (List.ReadMainList() == false) return _error->Error(_("The list of sources could not be read.")); // Create the text record parsers pkgRecords Recs(Cache); pkgSrcRecords SrcRecs(List); if (_error->PendingError() == true) return false; // Create the download object AcqTextStatus Stat(ScreenWidth,_config->FindI("quiet",0)); pkgAcquire Fetcher(&Stat); unsigned J = 0; for (const char **I = CmdL.FileList + 1; *I != 0; I++, J++) { string Src; pkgSrcRecords::Parser *Last = FindSrc(*I,Recs,SrcRecs,Src,*Cache); if (Last == 0) return _error->Error(_("Unable to find a source package for %s"),Src.c_str()); // Process the build-dependencies vector BuildDeps; if (Last->BuildDepends(BuildDeps, _config->FindB("APT::Get::Arch-Only",false)) == false) return _error->Error(_("Unable to get build-dependency information for %s"),Src.c_str()); // Also ensure that build-essential packages are present Configuration::Item const *Opts = _config->Tree("APT::Build-Essential"); if (Opts) Opts = Opts->Child; for (; Opts; Opts = Opts->Next) { if (Opts->Value.empty() == true) continue; pkgSrcRecords::Parser::BuildDepRec rec; rec.Package = Opts->Value; rec.Type = pkgSrcRecords::Parser::BuildDependIndep; rec.Op = 0; BuildDeps.insert(BuildDeps.begin(), rec); } if (BuildDeps.size() == 0) { ioprintf(c1out,_("%s has no build depends.\n"),Src.c_str()); continue; } // Install the requested packages unsigned int ExpectedInst = 0; vector ::iterator D; pkgProblemResolver Fix(Cache); for (D = BuildDeps.begin(); D != BuildDeps.end(); D++) { if ((*D).Type == pkgSrcRecords::Parser::BuildConflict || (*D).Type == pkgSrcRecords::Parser::BuildConflictIndep) { pkgCache::PkgIterator Pkg = Cache->FindPkg((*D).Package); // Build-conflicts on unknown packages are silently ignored if (Pkg.end() == true) continue; pkgCache::VerIterator IV = (*Cache)[Pkg].InstVerIter(*Cache); /* * Remove if we have an installed version that satisfies the * version criteria */ if (IV.end() == false && Cache->VS().CheckDep(IV.VerStr(),(*D).Op,(*D).Version.c_str()) == true) TryToInstall(Pkg,Cache,Fix,true,false,ExpectedInst); } else // BuildDep || BuildDepIndep { pkgCache::PkgIterator Pkg = Cache->FindPkg((*D).Package); if (Pkg.end() == true) { // Check if there are any alternatives if (((*D).Op & pkgCache::Dep::Or) != pkgCache::Dep::Or) return _error->Error(_("%s dependency for %s cannot be satisfied " "because the package %s cannot be found"), Last->BuildDepType((*D).Type),Src.c_str(), (*D).Package.c_str()); // Try the next alternative continue; } /* * if there are alternatives, we've already picked one, so skip * the rest * * TODO: this means that if there's a build-dep on A|B and B is * installed, we'll still try to install A; more importantly, * if A is currently broken, we cannot go back and try B. To fix * this would require we do a Resolve cycle for each package we * add to the install list. Ugh */ while (D != BuildDeps.end() && (((*D).Op & pkgCache::Dep::Or) == pkgCache::Dep::Or)) D++; /* * If this is a virtual package, we need to check the list of * packages that provide it and see if any of those are * installed */ pkgCache::PrvIterator Prv = Pkg.ProvidesList(); for (; Prv.end() != true; Prv++) if ((*Cache)[Prv.OwnerPkg()].InstVerIter(*Cache).end() == false) break; // Get installed version and version we are going to install pkgCache::VerIterator IV = (*Cache)[Pkg].InstVerIter(*Cache); pkgCache::VerIterator CV = (*Cache)[Pkg].CandidateVerIter(*Cache); for (; CV.end() != true; CV++) { if (Cache->VS().CheckDep(CV.VerStr(),(*D).Op,(*D).Version.c_str()) == true) break; } if (CV.end() == true) return _error->Error(_("%s dependency for %s cannot be satisfied " "because no available versions of package %s " "can satisfy version requirements"), Last->BuildDepType((*D).Type),Src.c_str(), (*D).Package.c_str()); /* * TODO: if we depend on a version lower than what we already have * installed it is not clear what should be done; in practice * this case should be rare, and right now nothing is * done about it :-( */ if (Prv.end() == true && // Nothing provides it; and (IV.end() == true || // It is not installed, or Cache->VS().CheckDep(IV.VerStr(),(*D).Op,(*D).Version.c_str()) == false)) // the version installed doesn't // satisfy constraints TryToInstall(Pkg,Cache,Fix,false,false,ExpectedInst); } } Fix.InstallProtect(); if (Fix.Resolve(true) == false) _error->Discard(); // Now we check the state of the packages, if (Cache->BrokenCount() != 0) return _error->Error(_("Some broken packages were found while trying to process build-dependencies.\n" "You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these.")); } if (InstallPackages(Cache, false, true) == false) return _error->Error(_("Failed to process build dependencies")); return true; } /*}}}*/ // DoMoo - Never Ask, Never Tell /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ bool DoMoo(CommandLine &CmdL) { cout << " (__) \n" " (oo) \n" " /------\\/ \n" " / | || \n" " * /\\---/\\ \n" " ~~ ~~ \n" "....\"Have you mooed today?\"...\n"; return true; } /*}}}*/ // ShowHelp - Show a help screen /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ bool ShowHelp(CommandLine &CmdL) { ioprintf(cout,_("%s %s for %s %s compiled on %s %s\n"),PACKAGE,VERSION, COMMON_OS,COMMON_CPU,__DATE__,__TIME__); if (_config->FindB("version") == true) { cout << _("Supported Modules:") << endl; for (unsigned I = 0; I != pkgVersioningSystem::GlobalListLen; I++) { pkgVersioningSystem *VS = pkgVersioningSystem::GlobalList[I]; if (_system != 0 && _system->VS == VS) cout << '*'; else cout << ' '; cout << "Ver: " << VS->Label << endl; /* Print out all the packaging systems that will work with this VS */ for (unsigned J = 0; J != pkgSystem::GlobalListLen; J++) { pkgSystem *Sys = pkgSystem::GlobalList[J]; if (_system == Sys) cout << '*'; else cout << ' '; if (Sys->VS->TestCompatibility(*VS) == true) cout << "Pkg: " << Sys->Label << " (Priority " << Sys->Score(*_config) << ")" << endl; } } for (unsigned I = 0; I != pkgSourceList::Type::GlobalListLen; I++) { pkgSourceList::Type *Type = pkgSourceList::Type::GlobalList[I]; cout << " S.L: '" << Type->Name << "' " << Type->Label << endl; } for (unsigned I = 0; I != pkgIndexFile::Type::GlobalListLen; I++) { pkgIndexFile::Type *Type = pkgIndexFile::Type::GlobalList[I]; cout << " Idx: " << Type->Label << endl; } return true; } cout << _("Usage: apt-get [options] command\n" " apt-get [options] install|remove pkg1 [pkg2 ...]\n" " apt-get [options] source pkg1 [pkg2 ...]\n" "\n" "apt-get is a simple command line interface for downloading and\n" "installing packages. The most frequently used commands are update\n" "and install.\n" "\n" "Commands:\n" " update - Retrieve new lists of packages\n" " upgrade - Perform an upgrade\n" " install - Install new packages (pkg is libc6 not libc6.deb)\n" " remove - Remove packages\n" " source - Download source archives\n" " build-dep - Configure build-dependencies for source packages\n" " dist-upgrade - Distribution upgrade, see apt-get(8)\n" " dselect-upgrade - Follow dselect selections\n" " clean - Erase downloaded archive files\n" " autoclean - Erase old downloaded archive files\n" " check - Verify that there are no broken dependencies\n" "\n" "Options:\n" " -h This help text.\n" " -q Loggable output - no progress indicator\n" " -qq No output except for errors\n" " -d Download only - do NOT install or unpack archives\n" " -s No-act. Perform ordering simulation\n" " -y Assume Yes to all queries and do not prompt\n" " -f Attempt to continue if the integrity check fails\n" " -m Attempt to continue if archives are unlocatable\n" " -u Show a list of upgraded packages as well\n" " -b Build the source package after fetching it\n" " -V Show verbose version numbers\n" " -c=? Read this configuration file\n" " -o=? Set an arbitary configuration option, eg -o dir::cache=/tmp\n" "See the apt-get(8), sources.list(5) and apt.conf(5) manual\n" "pages for more information and options.\n" " This APT has Super Cow Powers.\n"); return true; } /*}}}*/ // GetInitialize - Initialize things for apt-get /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ void GetInitialize() { _config->Set("quiet",0); _config->Set("help",false); _config->Set("APT::Get::Download-Only",false); _config->Set("APT::Get::Simulate",false); _config->Set("APT::Get::Assume-Yes",false); _config->Set("APT::Get::Fix-Broken",false); _config->Set("APT::Get::Force-Yes",false); _config->Set("APT::Get::APT::Get::No-List-Cleanup",true); } /*}}}*/ // SigWinch - Window size change signal handler /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ void SigWinch(int) { // Riped from GNU ls #ifdef TIOCGWINSZ struct winsize ws; if (ioctl(1, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws) != -1 && ws.ws_col >= 5) ScreenWidth = ws.ws_col - 1; #endif } /*}}}*/ int main(int argc,const char *argv[]) { CommandLine::Args Args[] = { {'h',"help","help",0}, {'v',"version","version",0}, {'V',"verbose-versions","APT::Get::Show-Versions",0}, {'q',"quiet","quiet",CommandLine::IntLevel}, {'q',"silent","quiet",CommandLine::IntLevel}, {'d',"download-only","APT::Get::Download-Only",0}, {'b',"compile","APT::Get::Compile",0}, {'b',"build","APT::Get::Compile",0}, {'s',"simulate","APT::Get::Simulate",0}, {'s',"just-print","APT::Get::Simulate",0}, {'s',"recon","APT::Get::Simulate",0}, {'s',"dry-run","APT::Get::Simulate",0}, {'s',"no-act","APT::Get::Simulate",0}, {'y',"yes","APT::Get::Assume-Yes",0}, {'y',"assume-yes","APT::Get::Assume-Yes",0}, {'f',"fix-broken","APT::Get::Fix-Broken",0}, {'u',"show-upgraded","APT::Get::Show-Upgraded",0}, {'m',"ignore-missing","APT::Get::Fix-Missing",0}, {'t',"target-release","APT::Default-Release",CommandLine::HasArg}, {'t',"default-release","APT::Default-Release",CommandLine::HasArg}, {0,"download","APT::Get::Download",0}, {0,"fix-missing","APT::Get::Fix-Missing",0}, {0,"ignore-hold","APT::Ignore-Hold",0}, {0,"upgrade","APT::Get::upgrade",0}, {0,"force-yes","APT::Get::force-yes",0}, {0,"print-uris","APT::Get::Print-URIs",0}, {0,"diff-only","APT::Get::Diff-Only",0}, {0,"tar-only","APT::Get::tar-Only",0}, {0,"purge","APT::Get::Purge",0}, {0,"list-cleanup","APT::Get::List-Cleanup",0}, {0,"reinstall","APT::Get::ReInstall",0}, {0,"trivial-only","APT::Get::Trivial-Only",0}, {0,"remove","APT::Get::Remove",0}, {0,"only-source","APT::Get::Only-Source",0}, {0,"arch-only","APT::Get::Arch-Only",0}, {'c',"config-file",0,CommandLine::ConfigFile}, {'o',"option",0,CommandLine::ArbItem}, {0,0,0,0}}; CommandLine::Dispatch Cmds[] = {{"update",&DoUpdate}, {"upgrade",&DoUpgrade}, {"install",&DoInstall}, {"remove",&DoInstall}, {"dist-upgrade",&DoDistUpgrade}, {"dselect-upgrade",&DoDSelectUpgrade}, {"build-dep",&DoBuildDep}, {"clean",&DoClean}, {"autoclean",&DoAutoClean}, {"check",&DoCheck}, {"source",&DoSource}, {"moo",&DoMoo}, {"help",&ShowHelp}, {0,0}}; // Set up gettext support setlocale(LC_ALL,""); textdomain(PACKAGE); // Parse the command line and initialize the package library CommandLine CmdL(Args,_config); if (pkgInitConfig(*_config) == false || CmdL.Parse(argc,argv) == false || pkgInitSystem(*_config,_system) == false) { if (_config->FindB("version") == true) ShowHelp(CmdL); _error->DumpErrors(); return 100; } // See if the help should be shown if (_config->FindB("help") == true || _config->FindB("version") == true || CmdL.FileSize() == 0) { ShowHelp(CmdL); return 0; } // Deal with stdout not being a tty if (ttyname(STDOUT_FILENO) == 0 && _config->FindI("quiet",0) < 1) _config->Set("quiet","1"); // Setup the output streams c0out.rdbuf(cout.rdbuf()); c1out.rdbuf(cout.rdbuf()); c2out.rdbuf(cout.rdbuf()); if (_config->FindI("quiet",0) > 0) c0out.rdbuf(devnull.rdbuf()); if (_config->FindI("quiet",0) > 1) c1out.rdbuf(devnull.rdbuf()); // Setup the signals signal(SIGPIPE,SIG_IGN); signal(SIGWINCH,SigWinch); SigWinch(0); // Match the operation CmdL.DispatchArg(Cmds); // Print any errors or warnings found during parsing if (_error->empty() == false) { bool Errors = _error->PendingError(); _error->DumpErrors(); return Errors == true?100:0; } return 0; }