# Acquire additional files in 'update' operations The download and verification of data from multiple sources in different compression formats, with partial downloads and patches is an involved process which is hard to implement correctly and securely. APT frontends share the code and binaries to make this happen in libapt with the Acquire system, supported by helpers shipped in the apt package itself and additional transports in individual packages like apt-transport-https. For its own operation libapt needs or can make use of Packages, Sources and Translation-* files, which it will acquire by default, but a repository might contain more data files (e.g. Contents) a frontend might want to use and would therefore need to be downloaded as well (e.g. apt-file). This file describes the configuration scheme such a frontend can use to instruct the Acquire system to download those additional files. Note that you can't download files from other sources. It must be files in the same repository and below the Release file. The Release file must also contain hashes for the file itself as well as for the compressed file if wanted, otherwise a download isn't even tried! # The Configuration Stanza The Acquire system uses the same configuration settings to implement the files it downloads by default. These settings are the default, but if they would be written in a configuration file the configuration instructing the Acquire system to download the Packages files would look like this (see also apt.conf(5) manpage for configuration file syntax): APT::Acquire::Targets::deb::Packages { MetaKey "$(COMPONENT)/binary-$(ARCHITECTURE)/Packages"; ShortDescription "Packages"; Description "$(SITE) $(RELEASE)/$(COMPONENT) $(ARCHITECTURE) Packages"; flatMetaKey "Packages"; flatDescription "$(SITE) $(RELEASE) Packages"; Optional "false"; }; All files which should be downloaded (nicknamed 'Targets') are mentioned below the APT::Acquire::Targets scope. 'deb' is here the type of the sources.list entry the file should be acquired for. The only other supported value is hence 'deb-src'. Beware: You can't specify multiple types here and you can't download the same (evaluated) MetaKey from multiple types! After the type you can pick any valid and unique string which preferable refers to the file it downloads (In the example we picked 'Packages'). This string is used as identifier for the target class and accessible as 'Created-By' e.g. in the "apt-get files" output as detailed below. All targets have three main properties you can define: * MetaKey: The identifier of the file to be downloaded as used in the Release file. It is also the relative location of the file from the Release file. You can neither download from a different server entirely (absolute URI) nor access directories above the Release file (e.g. "../../"). * ShortDescription: Very short string intended to be displayed to the user e.g. while reporting progress. apt will e.g. use this string in the last line to indicate progress of e.g. the download of a specific item. * Description: A preferable human understandable and readable identifier of which file is acquired exactly. Mainly used for progress reporting and error messages. apt will e.g. use this string in the Get/Hit/Err progress lines. Additional optional properties: * flat{MetaKey,Description}: APT supports two types of repositories: dists-style repositories which are the default and by far the most common which are named after the fact that the files are in an elaborated directory structure. In contrast a flat-style repositories lumps all files together in one directory. Support for these flat repositories exists mainly for legacy purposes only. It is therefore recommend to not set these values. * Optional: The default value is 'true' and should be kept at this value. If enabled the acquire system will skip the download if the file isn't mentioned in the Release file. Otherwise this is treated as a hard error and the update process fails. Note that the acquire system will automatically choose to download a compressed file if it is available and uncompress it for you, just as it will also use pdiff patching if provided by the repository and enabled by the user. You only have to ensure that the Release file contains the information about the compressed files/pdiffs to make this happen. NO properties have to be set to enable this. # More examples The stanzas for Translation-* files as well as for Sources files would look like this: APT::Acquire::Targets { deb::Translations { MetaKey "$(COMPONENT)/i18n/Translation-$(LANGUAGE)"; ShortDescription "Translation-$(LANGUAGE)"; Description "$(SITE) $(RELEASE)/$(COMPONENT) Translation-$(LANGUAGE)"; flatMetaKey "$(LANGUAGE)"; flatDescription "$(SITE) $(RELEASE) Translation-$(LANGUAGE)"; }; deb-src::Sources { MetaKey "$(COMPONENT)/source/Sources"; ShortDescription "Sources"; Description "$(SITE) $(RELEASE)/$(COMPONENT) Sources"; flatMetaKey "Sources"; flatDescription "$(SITE) $(RELEASE) Sources"; Optional "false"; }; }; # Substitution variables As seen in the examples, properties can contain placeholders filled in by the acquire system. The following variables are known; note that unknown variables have no default value nor are they touched: They are printed literally. * $(SITE): An identifier of the site we access as seen in sources.list, e.g. "http://example.org/debian" or "file:/path/to/a/repository". * $(RELEASE): This is usually an archive- or codename, e.g. "stable" or "stretch". Note that flat-style repositories do not have a archive- or codename per-se, so the value might very well be just "/" or so. Again, as seen in the sources.list. * $(COMPONENT): as given in the sources.list, e.g. "main", "non-free" or "universe". Note that flat-style repositories again do not really have a meaningful value here. * $(LANGUAGE): Values are all entries (expect "none") of configuration option Acquire::Languages, e.g. "en", "de" or "de_AT". * $(ARCHITECTURE): Values are all entries of configuration option APT::Architectures (potentially modified by sources.list options), e.g. "amd64", "i386" or "armel" for the 'deb' type. In type 'deb-src' this variable has the value "source". Note that while more variables might exist in the implementation, these are to be considered undefined and their usage strongly discouraged. If you have a need for another variable contact us instead. # Accessing files Do NOT hardcode specific file locations, names or compression types in your application! You will notice that the configuration options give you no choice over where the downloaded files will be stored. This is by design so multiple applications can download and use the same file rather than each and every one of them potentially downloads and uses its own copy somewhere on disk. "apt-get files" can be used to get the location as well as other information about all files downloaded (aka: you will see Packages, Sources and Translation-* files here as well). Provide a line of the default output format as parameter to filter out all entries which do not have such a line. With --format, you can further more define your own output style. The variables are what you see in the output, just all uppercase and wrapped in $(), as in the configuration file. To get all the filenames of all Translation-en files you can e.g. call: apt-get files --format '$(FILENAME)' "Created-By: Translations" "Language: en" Accessing this information via libapt is done by reading the sources.lists (pkgSourceList), iterating over the metaIndex objects this creates and calling GetIndexTargets() on them. See the sourcecode of "apt-get files" for a complete example. Remarks on the available fields: * MetaKey, ShortDesc, Description, Site, Release: as defined by the configuration and described further above. * Created-By: configuration entity responsible for this target * Target-Of: type of the sources.list entry * URI, Repo-URI: avoid using. Contains potentially username/password. Prefer 'Site', especially for display. * Filename: The mentioned file doesn't need to exist, e.g. because the file wasn't downloaded yet – or it does exist compressed. libapt users are encouraged to use FileFd to open such files as it can handle decompression transparently. * Trusted: As of the last 'apt-get update' call denoting if e.g. apt-get would print the unauthenticated warning while installing packages mentioned in this file (example assumes Packages file) [Not really a property of the target itself, but of the metaIndex]. * Optional: Decodes the option of the same name from the configuration. Note that it is using 'yes' and 'no' instead of 'true' and 'false'. * Language, Architecture, Component: as defined further above, but with the catch that they might be missing if they don't effect the target (aka: They weren't used while evaluating the MetaKey template). Again, additional fields might be visible in certain implementation, but you should avoid using them and instead talk to us about a portable implementation. # Multiple application requiring the same files It is highly encouraged that applications talk to each other and to us about which files they require. It is usually best to have a common package ship the configuration needed to get the files, but specific needs might require specific solutions. Again: talk to us. # Acquiring files not mentioned in the Release file You can't. This is by design as these files couldn't be verified to not be modified in transit, corrupted by the download process or simple if they are present at all on the server, which would require apt to probe for them. APT did this in the past for legacy reasons, we do not intend to go back to these dark times. This is also why you can't request files from a different server. It would have the additional problem that this server might not even be accessible (e.g. proxy settings) or that local sources (file:/, cdrom:/) start requesting online files… In other words: We would be opening Pandora's box.