apt@packages.debian.orgJasonGunthorpe1998-2001Jason Gunthorpe14 December 2003Linux
APT team
APT team
Jason Gunthorpe1998-2001
BugsAPT bug page.
If you wish to report a bug in APT, please see
/usr/share/doc/debian/bug-reporting.txt or the
&reportbug; command.
AuthorAPT was written by the APT team apt@packages.debian.org.
Show a short usage summary.
Show the program version.
Configuration File; Specify a configuration file to use.
The program will read the default configuration file and then this
configuration file. See &apt-conf; for syntax information.
Set a Configuration Option; This will set an arbitary
configuration option. The syntax is .
All command line options may be set using the configuration file, the
descriptions indicate the configuration option to set. For boolean
options you can override the config file by using something like
or several other variations.