// -*- mode: cpp; mode: fold -*- // Description /*{{{*/ // $Id: writer.cc,v 1.3 2001/05/29 04:08:09 jgg Exp $ /* ###################################################################### Writer The file writer classes. These write various types of output, sources, packages and contents. ##################################################################### */ /*}}}*/ // Include Files /*{{{*/ #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation "writer.h" #endif #include "writer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cachedb.h" #include "apt-ftparchive.h" #include "multicompress.h" /*}}}*/ using namespace std; FTWScanner *FTWScanner::Owner; // FTWScanner::FTWScanner - Constructor /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ FTWScanner::FTWScanner() { ErrorPrinted = false; NoLinkAct = !_config->FindB("APT::FTPArchive::DeLinkAct",true); TmpExt = 0; Ext[0] = 0; RealPath = 0; long PMax = pathconf(".",_PC_PATH_MAX); if (PMax > 0) RealPath = new char[PMax]; } /*}}}*/ // FTWScanner::Scanner - FTW Scanner /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This is the FTW scanner, it processes each directory element in the directory tree. */ int FTWScanner::Scanner(const char *File,const struct stat *sb,int Flag) { if (Flag == FTW_DNR) { Owner->NewLine(1); c1out << "W: Unable to read directory " << File << endl; } if (Flag == FTW_NS) { Owner->NewLine(1); c1out << "W: Unable to stat " << File << endl; } if (Flag != FTW_F) return 0; // See if it is a .deb if (strlen(File) < 4) return 0; unsigned CurExt = 0; for (; Owner->Ext[CurExt] != 0; CurExt++) if (strcmp(File+strlen(File)-strlen(Owner->Ext[CurExt]), Owner->Ext[CurExt]) == 0) break; if (Owner->Ext[CurExt] == 0) return 0; /* Process it. If the file is a link then resolve it into an absolute name.. This works best if the directory components the scanner are given are not links themselves. */ char Jnk[2]; Owner->OriginalPath = File; if (Owner->RealPath != 0 && readlink(File,Jnk,sizeof(Jnk)) != -1 && realpath(File,Owner->RealPath) != 0) Owner->DoPackage(Owner->RealPath); else Owner->DoPackage(File); if (_error->empty() == false) { // Print any errors or warnings found string Err; bool SeenPath = false; while (_error->empty() == false) { Owner->NewLine(1); bool Type = _error->PopMessage(Err); if (Type == true) c1out << "E: " << Err << endl; else c1out << "W: " << Err << endl; if (Err.find(File) != string::npos) SeenPath = true; } if (SeenPath == false) cerr << "E: Errors apply to file '" << File << "'" << endl; return 0; } return 0; } /*}}}*/ // FTWScanner::RecursiveScan - Just scan a directory tree /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ bool FTWScanner::RecursiveScan(string Dir) { /* If noprefix is set then jam the scan root in, so we don't generate link followed paths out of control */ if (InternalPrefix.empty() == true) { if (realpath(Dir.c_str(),RealPath) == 0) return _error->Errno("realpath","Failed to resolve %s",Dir.c_str()); InternalPrefix = RealPath; } // Do recursive directory searching Owner = this; int Res = ftw(Dir.c_str(),Scanner,30); // Error treewalking? if (Res != 0) { if (_error->PendingError() == false) _error->Errno("ftw","Tree walking failed"); return false; } return true; } /*}}}*/ // FTWScanner::LoadFileList - Load the file list from a file /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This is an alternative to using FTW to locate files, it reads the list of files from another file. */ bool FTWScanner::LoadFileList(string Dir,string File) { /* If noprefix is set then jam the scan root in, so we don't generate link followed paths out of control */ if (InternalPrefix.empty() == true) { if (realpath(Dir.c_str(),RealPath) == 0) return _error->Errno("realpath","Failed to resolve %s",Dir.c_str()); InternalPrefix = RealPath; } Owner = this; FILE *List = fopen(File.c_str(),"r"); if (List == 0) return _error->Errno("fopen","Failed to open %s",File.c_str()); /* We are a tad tricky here.. We prefix the buffer with the directory name, that way if we need a full path with just use line.. Sneaky and fully evil. */ char Line[1000]; char *FileStart; if (Dir.empty() == true || Dir.end()[-1] != '/') FileStart = Line + snprintf(Line,sizeof(Line),"%s/",Dir.c_str()); else FileStart = Line + snprintf(Line,sizeof(Line),"%s",Dir.c_str()); while (fgets(FileStart,sizeof(Line) - (FileStart - Line),List) != 0) { char *FileName = _strstrip(FileStart); if (FileName[0] == 0) continue; if (FileName[0] != '/') { if (FileName != FileStart) memmove(FileStart,FileName,strlen(FileStart)); FileName = Line; } struct stat St; int Flag = FTW_F; if (stat(FileName,&St) != 0) Flag = FTW_NS; if (Scanner(FileName,&St,Flag) != 0) break; } fclose(List); return true; } /*}}}*/ // FTWScanner::Delink - Delink symlinks /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ bool FTWScanner::Delink(string &FileName,const char *OriginalPath, unsigned long &DeLinkBytes, struct stat &St) { // See if this isn't an internaly prefix'd file name. if (InternalPrefix.empty() == false && InternalPrefix.length() < FileName.length() && stringcmp(FileName.begin(),FileName.begin() + InternalPrefix.length(), InternalPrefix.begin(),InternalPrefix.end()) != 0) { if (DeLinkLimit != 0 && DeLinkBytes/1024 < DeLinkLimit) { // Tidy up the display if (DeLinkBytes == 0) cout << endl; NewLine(1); c1out << " DeLink " << (OriginalPath + InternalPrefix.length()) << " [" << SizeToStr(St.st_size) << "B]" << endl << flush; if (NoLinkAct == false) { char OldLink[400]; if (readlink(OriginalPath,OldLink,sizeof(OldLink)) == -1) _error->Errno("readlink","Failed to readlink %s",OriginalPath); else { if (unlink(OriginalPath) != 0) _error->Errno("unlink","Failed to unlink %s",OriginalPath); else { if (link(FileName.c_str(),OriginalPath) != 0) { // Panic! Restore the symlink symlink(OldLink,OriginalPath); return _error->Errno("link","*** Failed to link %s to %s", FileName.c_str(), OriginalPath); } } } } DeLinkBytes += St.st_size; if (DeLinkBytes/1024 >= DeLinkLimit) c1out << " DeLink limit of " << SizeToStr(DeLinkBytes) << "B hit." << endl; } FileName = OriginalPath; } return true; } /*}}}*/ // FTWScanner::SetExts - Set extensions to support /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ bool FTWScanner::SetExts(string Vals) { delete [] TmpExt; TmpExt = new char[Vals.length()+1]; strcpy(TmpExt,Vals.c_str()); return TokSplitString(' ',TmpExt,(char **)Ext,sizeof(Ext)/sizeof(Ext[0])); } /*}}}*/ // PackagesWriter::PackagesWriter - Constructor /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ PackagesWriter::PackagesWriter(string DB,string Overrides) : Db(DB),Stats(Db.Stats) { Output = stdout; Ext[0] = ".deb"; Ext[1] = 0; DeLinkLimit = 0; // Process the command line options DoMD5 = _config->FindB("APT::FTPArchive::MD5",true); DoContents = _config->FindB("APT::FTPArchive::Contents",true); NoOverride = _config->FindB("APT::FTPArchive::NoOverrideMsg",false); if (Db.Loaded() == false) DoContents = false; // Read the override file if (Overrides.empty() == false && Over.ReadOverride(Overrides) == false) return; else NoOverride = true; _error->DumpErrors(); } /*}}}*/ // PackagesWriter::DoPackage - Process a single package /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This method takes a package and gets its control information and MD5 then writes out a control record with the proper fields rewritten and the path/size/hash appended. */ bool PackagesWriter::DoPackage(string FileName) { // Open the archive FileFd F(FileName,FileFd::ReadOnly); if (_error->PendingError() == true) return false; // Stat the file for later struct stat St; if (fstat(F.Fd(),&St) != 0) return _error->Errno("fstat","Failed to stat %s",FileName.c_str()); // Pull all the data we need form the DB string MD5Res; if (Db.SetFile(FileName,St,&F) == false || Db.LoadControl() == false || (DoContents == true && Db.LoadContents(true) == false) || (DoMD5 == true && Db.GetMD5(MD5Res,false) == false)) return false; if (Delink(FileName,OriginalPath,Stats.DeLinkBytes,St) == false) return false; // Lookup the overide information pkgTagSection &Tags = Db.Control.Section; string Package = Tags.FindS("Package"); Override::Item Tmp; Override::Item *OverItem = Over.GetItem(Package); if (Package.empty() == true) return _error->Error("Archive had no package field"); // If we need to do any rewriting of the header do it now.. if (OverItem == 0) { if (NoOverride == false) { NewLine(1); c1out << " " << Package << " has no override entry" << endl; } OverItem = &Tmp; Tmp.Section = Tags.FindS("Section"); Tmp.Priority = Tags.FindS("Priority"); } char Size[40]; sprintf(Size,"%lu",St.st_size); // Strip the DirStrip prefix from the FileName and add the PathPrefix string NewFileName; if (DirStrip.empty() == false && FileName.length() > DirStrip.length() && stringcmp(FileName.begin(),FileName.begin() + DirStrip.length(), DirStrip.begin(),DirStrip.end()) == 0) NewFileName = string(FileName.begin() + DirStrip.length(),FileName.end()); else NewFileName = FileName; if (PathPrefix.empty() == false) NewFileName = flCombine(PathPrefix,NewFileName); // This lists all the changes to the fields we are going to make. TFRewriteData Changes[] = {{"Size",Size}, {"MD5sum",MD5Res.c_str()}, {"Filename",NewFileName.c_str()}, {"Section",OverItem->Section.c_str()}, {"Priority",OverItem->Priority.c_str()}, {"Status",0}, {"Optional",0}, {}, // For maintainer {}, // For Suggests {}}; unsigned int End = 0; for (End = 0; Changes[End].Tag != 0; End++); // Rewrite the maintainer field if necessary bool MaintFailed; string NewMaint = OverItem->SwapMaint(Tags.FindS("Maintainer"),MaintFailed); if (MaintFailed == true) { if (NoOverride == false) { NewLine(1); c1out << " " << Package << " maintainer is " << Tags.FindS("Maintainer") << " not " << OverItem->OldMaint << endl; } } if (NewMaint.empty() == false) { Changes[End].Rewrite = NewMaint.c_str(); Changes[End++].Tag = "Maintainer"; } /* Get rid of the Optional tag. This is an ugly, ugly, ugly hack that dpkg-scanpackages does.. Well sort of. dpkg-scanpackages just does renaming but dpkg does this append bit. So we do the append bit, at least that way the status file and package file will remain similar. There are other transforms but optional is the only legacy one still in use for some lazy reason. */ string OptionalStr = Tags.FindS("Optional"); if (OptionalStr.empty() == false) { if (Tags.FindS("Suggests").empty() == false) OptionalStr = Tags.FindS("Suggests") + ", " + OptionalStr; Changes[End].Rewrite = OptionalStr.c_str(); Changes[End++].Tag = "Suggests"; } // Rewrite and store the fields. if (TFRewrite(Output,Tags,TFRewritePackageOrder,Changes) == false) return false; fprintf(Output,"\n"); return Db.Finish(); } /*}}}*/ // SourcesWriter::SourcesWriter - Constructor /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ SourcesWriter::SourcesWriter(string BOverrides,string SOverrides) { Output = stdout; Ext[0] = ".dsc"; Ext[1] = 0; DeLinkLimit = 0; Buffer = 0; BufSize = 0; // Process the command line options NoOverride = _config->FindB("APT::FTPArchive::NoOverrideMsg",false); // Read the override file if (BOverrides.empty() == false && BOver.ReadOverride(BOverrides) == false) return; else NoOverride = true; if (SOverrides.empty() == false && FileExists(SOverrides) == true && SOver.ReadOverride(SOverrides,true) == false) return; // _error->DumpErrors(); } /*}}}*/ // SourcesWriter::DoPackage - Process a single package /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ bool SourcesWriter::DoPackage(string FileName) { // Open the archive FileFd F(FileName,FileFd::ReadOnly); if (_error->PendingError() == true) return false; // Stat the file for later struct stat St; if (fstat(F.Fd(),&St) != 0) return _error->Errno("fstat","Failed to stat %s",FileName.c_str()); if (St.st_size > 128*1024) return _error->Error("DSC file '%s' is too large!",FileName.c_str()); if (BufSize < (unsigned)St.st_size+1) { BufSize = St.st_size+1; Buffer = (char *)realloc(Buffer,St.st_size+1); } if (F.Read(Buffer,St.st_size) == false) return false; // Hash the file char *Start = Buffer; char *BlkEnd = Buffer + St.st_size; MD5Summation MD5; MD5.Add((unsigned char *)Start,BlkEnd - Start); // Add an extra \n to the end, just in case *BlkEnd++ = '\n'; /* Remove the PGP trailer. Some .dsc's have this without a blank line before */ const char *Key = "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----"; for (char *MsgEnd = Start; MsgEnd < BlkEnd - strlen(Key) -1; MsgEnd++) { if (*MsgEnd == '\n' && strncmp(MsgEnd+1,Key,strlen(Key)) == 0) { MsgEnd[1] = '\n'; break; } } /* Read records until we locate the Source record. This neatly skips the GPG header (which is RFC822 formed) without any trouble. */ pkgTagSection Tags; do { unsigned Pos; if (Tags.Scan(Start,BlkEnd - Start) == false) return _error->Error("Could not find a record in the DSC '%s'",FileName.c_str()); if (Tags.Find("Source",Pos) == true) break; Start += Tags.size(); } while (1); Tags.Trim(); // Lookup the overide information, finding first the best priority. string BestPrio; char Buffer[1000]; string Bins = Tags.FindS("Binary"); Override::Item *OverItem = 0; if (Bins.empty() == false && Bins.length() < sizeof(Buffer)) { strcpy(Buffer,Bins.c_str()); // Ignore too-long errors. char *BinList[400]; TokSplitString(',',Buffer,BinList,sizeof(BinList)/sizeof(BinList[0])); // Look at all the binaries unsigned char BestPrioV = pkgCache::State::Extra; for (unsigned I = 0; BinList[I] != 0; I++) { Override::Item *Itm = BOver.GetItem(BinList[I]); if (Itm == 0) continue; if (OverItem == 0) OverItem = Itm; unsigned char NewPrioV = debListParser::GetPrio(Itm->Priority); if (NewPrioV < BestPrioV || BestPrio.empty() == true) { BestPrioV = NewPrioV; BestPrio = Itm->Priority; } } } // If we need to do any rewriting of the header do it now.. Override::Item Tmp; if (OverItem == 0) { if (NoOverride == false) { NewLine(1); c1out << " " << Tags.FindS("Source") << " has no override entry" << endl; } OverItem = &Tmp; } Override::Item *SOverItem = SOver.GetItem(Tags.FindS("Source")); if (SOverItem == 0) { SOverItem = BOver.GetItem(Tags.FindS("Source")); if (SOverItem == 0) SOverItem = OverItem; } // Add the dsc to the files hash list char Files[1000]; snprintf(Files,sizeof(Files),"\n %s %lu %s\n %s", string(MD5.Result()).c_str(),St.st_size, flNotDir(FileName).c_str(), Tags.FindS("Files").c_str()); // Strip the DirStrip prefix from the FileName and add the PathPrefix string NewFileName; if (DirStrip.empty() == false && FileName.length() > DirStrip.length() && stringcmp(DirStrip,OriginalPath,OriginalPath + DirStrip.length()) == 0) NewFileName = string(OriginalPath + DirStrip.length()); else NewFileName = OriginalPath; if (PathPrefix.empty() == false) NewFileName = flCombine(PathPrefix,NewFileName); string Directory = flNotFile(OriginalPath); string Package = Tags.FindS("Source"); // Perform the delinking operation over all of the files string ParseJnk; const char *C = Files; for (;isspace(*C); C++); while (*C != 0) { // Parse each of the elements if (ParseQuoteWord(C,ParseJnk) == false || ParseQuoteWord(C,ParseJnk) == false || ParseQuoteWord(C,ParseJnk) == false) return _error->Error("Error parsing file record"); char Jnk[2]; string OriginalPath = Directory + ParseJnk; if (RealPath != 0 && readlink(OriginalPath.c_str(),Jnk,sizeof(Jnk)) != -1 && realpath(OriginalPath.c_str(),RealPath) != 0) { string RP = RealPath; if (Delink(RP,OriginalPath.c_str(),Stats.DeLinkBytes,St) == false) return false; } } Directory = flNotFile(NewFileName); if (Directory.length() > 2) Directory.erase(Directory.end()-1); // This lists all the changes to the fields we are going to make. TFRewriteData Changes[] = {{"Source",Package.c_str(),"Package"}, {"Files",Files}, {"Directory",Directory.c_str()}, {"Section",SOverItem->Section.c_str()}, {"Priority",BestPrio.c_str()}, {"Status",0}, {}, // For maintainer {}}; unsigned int End = 0; for (End = 0; Changes[End].Tag != 0; End++); // Rewrite the maintainer field if necessary bool MaintFailed; string NewMaint = OverItem->SwapMaint(Tags.FindS("Maintainer"),MaintFailed); if (MaintFailed == true) { if (NoOverride == false) { NewLine(1); c1out << " " << Package << " maintainer is " << Tags.FindS("Maintainer") << " not " << OverItem->OldMaint << endl; } } if (NewMaint.empty() == false) { Changes[End].Rewrite = NewMaint.c_str(); Changes[End++].Tag = "Maintainer"; } // Rewrite and store the fields. if (TFRewrite(Output,Tags,TFRewriteSourceOrder,Changes) == false) return false; fprintf(Output,"\n"); Stats.Packages++; return true; } /*}}}*/ // ContentsWriter::ContentsWriter - Constructor /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ ContentsWriter::ContentsWriter(string DB) : Db(DB), Stats(Db.Stats) { Ext[0] = ".deb"; Ext[1] = 0; Output = stdout; } /*}}}*/ // ContentsWriter::DoPackage - Process a single package /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* If Package is the empty string the control record will be parsed to determine what the package name is. */ bool ContentsWriter::DoPackage(string FileName,string Package) { // Open the archive FileFd F(FileName,FileFd::ReadOnly); if (_error->PendingError() == true) return false; // Stat the file for later struct stat St; if (fstat(F.Fd(),&St) != 0) return _error->Errno("fstat","Failed too stat %s",FileName.c_str()); // Ready the DB if (Db.SetFile(FileName,St,&F) == false || Db.LoadContents(false) == false) return false; // Parse the package name if (Package.empty() == true) { if (Db.LoadControl() == false) return false; Package = Db.Control.Section.FindS("Package"); } Db.Contents.Add(Gen,Package); return Db.Finish(); } /*}}}*/ // ContentsWriter::ReadFromPkgs - Read from a packages file /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ bool ContentsWriter::ReadFromPkgs(string PkgFile,string PkgCompress) { MultiCompress Pkgs(PkgFile,PkgCompress,0,false); if (_error->PendingError() == true) return false; // Open the package file int CompFd = -1; int Proc = -1; if (Pkgs.OpenOld(CompFd,Proc) == false) return false; // No auto-close FD FileFd Fd(CompFd,false); pkgTagFile Tags(&Fd); if (_error->PendingError() == true) { Pkgs.CloseOld(CompFd,Proc); return false; } // Parse. pkgTagSection Section; while (Tags.Step(Section) == true) { string File = flCombine(Prefix,Section.FindS("FileName")); string Package = Section.FindS("Section"); if (Package.empty() == false && Package.end()[-1] != '/') { Package += '/'; Package += Section.FindS("Package"); } else Package += Section.FindS("Package"); DoPackage(File,Package); if (_error->empty() == false) { _error->Error("Errors apply to file '%s'",File.c_str()); _error->DumpErrors(); } } // Tidy the compressor if (Pkgs.CloseOld(CompFd,Proc) == false) return false; return true; } /*}}}*/