// -*- mode: cpp; mode: fold -*- // Description /*{{{*/ // $Id: cdrom.cc,v 1.12 1999/07/03 03:10:36 jgg Exp $ /* ###################################################################### CDROM URI method for APT ##################################################################### */ /*}}}*/ // Include Files /*{{{*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*}}}*/ class CDROMMethod : public pkgAcqMethod { Configuration Database; bool DatabaseLoaded; string CurrentID; virtual bool Fetch(FetchItem *Itm); string GetID(string Name); public: CDROMMethod(); }; // CDROMMethod::CDROMethod - Constructor /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ CDROMMethod::CDROMMethod() : pkgAcqMethod("1.0",SingleInstance | LocalOnly | SendConfig), DatabaseLoaded(false) { }; /*}}}*/ // CDROMMethod::GetID - Search the database for a matching string /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ string CDROMMethod::GetID(string Name) { // Search for an ID const Configuration::Item *Top = Database.Tree("CD"); if (Top != 0) Top = Top->Child; for (; Top != 0;) { if (Top->Value == Name) return Top->Tag; Top = Top->Next; } return string(); } /*}}}*/ // CDROMMethod::Fetch - Fetch a file /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* */ bool CDROMMethod::Fetch(FetchItem *Itm) { URI Get = Itm->Uri; string File = Get.Path; FetchResult Res; bool Debug = _config->FindB("Debug::Acquire::cdrom",false); /* All IMS queries are returned as a hit, CDROMs are readonly so time stamps never change */ if (Itm->LastModified != 0) { Res.LastModified = Itm->LastModified; Res.IMSHit = true; URIDone(Res); return true; } // Load the database if (DatabaseLoaded == false) { // Read the database string DFile = _config->FindFile("Dir::State::cdroms"); if (FileExists(DFile) == true) { if (ReadConfigFile(Database,DFile) == false) return _error->Error("Unable to read the cdrom database %s", DFile.c_str()); } DatabaseLoaded = true; } // All non IMS queries for package files fail. if (Itm->IndexFile == true || GetID(Get.Host).empty() == true) { Fail("Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD recognized by APT." " apt-get update cannot be used to add new CDs"); return true; } // We already have a CD inserted, but it is the wrong one if (CurrentID.empty() == false && Database.Find("CD::" + CurrentID) != Get.Host) { Fail("Wrong CD",true); return true; } string CDROM = _config->FindDir("Acquire::cdrom::mount","/cdrom/"); if (CDROM[0] == '.') CDROM= SafeGetCWD() + '/' + CDROM; string NewID; while (CurrentID.empty() == true) { bool Hit = false; for (unsigned int Version = 2; Version != 0; Version--) { if (IdentCdrom(CDROM,NewID,Version) == false) return false; if (Debug == true) clog << "ID " << Version << " " << NewID << endl; // A hit if (Database.Find("CD::" + NewID) == Get.Host) { Hit = true; break; } } if (Hit == true) break; // I suppose this should prompt somehow? if (UnmountCdrom(CDROM) == false) return _error->Error("Unable to unmount the CD-ROM in %s, it may still be in use.", CDROM.c_str()); if (MediaFail(Get.Host,CDROM) == false) { clog << "M-Fail" << endl; CurrentID = "FAIL"; Fail("Wrong CD",true); return true; } MountCdrom(CDROM); } // Found a CD Res.Filename = CDROM + File; struct stat Buf; if (stat(Res.Filename.c_str(),&Buf) != 0) return _error->Error("File not found"); if (NewID.empty() == false) CurrentID = NewID; Res.LastModified = Buf.st_mtime; Res.IMSHit = true; Res.Size = Buf.st_size; URIDone(Res); return true; } /*}}}*/ int main() { CDROMMethod Mth; return Mth.Run(); }