// -*- mode: cpp; mode: fold -*- // Description /*{{{*/ // $Id: mirror.cc,v 1.59 2004/05/08 19:42:35 mdz Exp $ /* ###################################################################### Mirror Aquire Method - This is the Mirror aquire method for APT. ##################################################################### */ /*}}}*/ // Include Files /*{{{*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #include "mirror.h" #include "http.h" /*}}}*/ /* * TODO: * - better method to download than having a pkgAcquire interface here * - support keeping the mirror file around (evil listclearer strikes again) * -> /var/lib/apt/mirrors dir? how to cleanup? by time? * - provide some TTL time until the mirror file is get again (1h? 6h?) * - testing :) */ MirrorMethod::MirrorMethod() : HttpMethod(), HasMirrorFile(false) { #if 0 HasMirrorFile=true; BaseUri="mirror://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/mirror/mirrors"; MirrorFile="/var/lib/apt/lists/people.ubuntu.com_%7emvo_apt_mirror_mirrors"; Mirror="http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/"; #endif }; // HttpMethod::Configuration - Handle a configuration message /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* We stash the desired pipeline depth */ bool MirrorMethod::Configuration(string Message) { if (pkgAcqMethod::Configuration(Message) == false) return false; Debug = _config->FindB("Debug::Acquire::mirror",false); return true; } /*}}}*/ bool MirrorMethod::GetMirrorFile(string uri) { string Marker = _config->Find("Acquire::Mirror::MagicMarker","///"); BaseUri = uri.substr(0,uri.find(Marker)); string fetch = BaseUri; fetch.replace(0,strlen("mirror://"),"http://"); MirrorFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::State::lists") + URItoFileName(BaseUri); if(Debug) { cerr << "base-uri: " << BaseUri << endl; cerr << "mirror-file: " << MirrorFile << endl; } // FIXME: fetch it with curl pkgAcquire Fetcher; new pkgAcqFile(&Fetcher, fetch, "", 0, "", "", "", MirrorFile); bool res = (Fetcher.Run() == pkgAcquire::Continue); if(res) HasMirrorFile = true; Fetcher.Shutdown(); return true; } bool MirrorMethod::SelectMirror() { ifstream in(MirrorFile.c_str()); getline(in, Mirror); if(Debug) cerr << "Using mirror: " << Mirror << endl; return true; } // MirrorMethod::Fetch - Fetch an item /*{{{*/ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This adds an item to the pipeline. We keep the pipeline at a fixed depth. */ bool MirrorMethod::Fetch(FetchItem *Itm) { // get mirror information if(!HasMirrorFile) { GetMirrorFile(Itm->Uri); SelectMirror(); } if(Queue->Uri.find("mirror://") != string::npos) Queue->Uri.replace(0,BaseUri.size(),Mirror); // now run the real fetcher return HttpMethod::Fetch(Itm); }; void MirrorMethod::Fail(string Err,bool Transient) { if(Queue->Uri.find("http://") != string::npos) Queue->Uri.replace(0,Mirror.size(), BaseUri); pkgAcqMethod::Fail(Err, Transient); } void MirrorMethod::URIStart(FetchResult &Res) { if(Queue->Uri.find("http://") != string::npos) Queue->Uri.replace(0,Mirror.size(), BaseUri); pkgAcqMethod::URIStart(Res); } void MirrorMethod::URIDone(FetchResult &Res,FetchResult *Alt) { if(Queue->Uri.find("http://") != string::npos) Queue->Uri.replace(0,Mirror.size(), BaseUri); pkgAcqMethod::URIDone(Res, Alt); } int main() { setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); MirrorMethod Mth; return Mth.Loop(); }