// -*- mode: cpp; mode: fold -*- // Description /*{{{*/ /* ###################################################################### Mirror URI – This method helps avoiding hardcoding of mirrors in the sources.lists by looking up a list of mirrors first to which the following requests are redirected. ##################################################################### */ /*}}}*/ // Include Files /*{{{*/ #include #include "aptmethod.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*}}}*/ static void sortByLength(std::vector &vec) /*{{{*/ { // this ensures having mirror://foo/ and mirror://foo/bar/ works as expected // by checking for the longest matches first std::sort(vec.begin(), vec.end(), [](std::string const &a, std::string const &b) { return a.length() > b.length(); }); } /*}}}*/ class MirrorMethod : public aptMethod /*{{{*/ { std::mt19937 genrng; std::vector sourceslist; std::unordered_map msgCache; enum MirrorFileState { REQUESTED, FAILED, AVAILABLE }; struct MirrorInfo { std::string uri; unsigned long priority = std::numeric_limits::max(); decltype(genrng)::result_type seed = 0; std::unordered_map> tags; MirrorInfo(std::string const &u, std::vector &&ptags = {}) : uri(u) { for (auto &&tag : ptags) { auto const colonfound = tag.find(':'); if (unlikely(colonfound == std::string::npos)) continue; auto name = tag.substr(0, colonfound); auto value = tag.substr(colonfound + 1); if (name == "arch") tags["Architecture"].emplace_back(std::move(value)); else if (name == "lang") tags["Language"].emplace_back(std::move(value)); else if (name == "priority") priority = std::strtoul(value.c_str(), nullptr, 10); else if (likely(name.empty() == false)) { if (name == "codename" || name == "suite") tags["Release"].push_back(value); name[0] = std::toupper(name[0]); tags[std::move(name)].emplace_back(std::move(value)); } } } }; struct MirrorListInfo { MirrorFileState state; std::string baseuri; std::vector list; }; std::unordered_map mirrorfilestate; virtual bool URIAcquire(std::string const &Message, FetchItem *Itm) APT_OVERRIDE; void RedirectItem(MirrorListInfo const &info, FetchItem *const Itm, std::string const &Message); bool MirrorListFileRecieved(MirrorListInfo &info, FetchItem *const Itm); std::string GetMirrorFileURI(std::string const &Message, FetchItem *const Itm); void DealWithPendingItems(std::vector const &baseuris, MirrorListInfo const &info, FetchItem *const Itm, std::function handler); public: MirrorMethod(std::string &&pProg) : aptMethod(std::move(pProg), "2.0", SingleInstance | Pipeline | SendConfig | AuxRequests), genrng(clock()) { SeccompFlags = aptMethod::BASE | aptMethod::DIRECTORY; } }; /*}}}*/ void MirrorMethod::RedirectItem(MirrorListInfo const &info, FetchItem *const Itm, std::string const &Message) /*{{{*/ { std::unordered_map matchers; matchers.emplace("Architecture", LookupTag(Message, "Target-Architecture")); matchers.emplace("Codename", LookupTag(Message, "Target-Codename")); matchers.emplace("Component", LookupTag(Message, "Target-Component")); matchers.emplace("Language", LookupTag(Message, "Target-Language")); matchers.emplace("Release", LookupTag(Message, "Target-Release")); matchers.emplace("Suite", LookupTag(Message, "Target-Suite")); matchers.emplace("Type", LookupTag(Message, "Target-Type")); decltype(info.list) possMirrors; for (auto const &mirror : info.list) { bool failedMatch = false; for (auto const &m : matchers) { if (m.second.empty()) continue; auto const tagsetiter = mirror.tags.find(m.first); if (tagsetiter == mirror.tags.end()) continue; auto const tagset = tagsetiter->second; if (tagset.empty() == false && std::find(tagset.begin(), tagset.end(), m.second) == tagset.end()) { failedMatch = true; break; } } if (failedMatch) continue; possMirrors.push_back(mirror); } for (auto &&mirror : possMirrors) mirror.seed = genrng(); std::sort(possMirrors.begin(), possMirrors.end(), [](MirrorInfo const &a, MirrorInfo const &b) { if (a.priority != b.priority) return a.priority < b.priority; return a.seed < b.seed; }); std::string const path = Itm->Uri.substr(info.baseuri.length()); std::string altMirrors; std::unordered_map fields; fields.emplace("URI", Queue->Uri); for (auto curMirror = possMirrors.cbegin(); curMirror != possMirrors.cend(); ++curMirror) { std::string mirror = curMirror->uri; if (APT::String::Endswith(mirror, "/") == false) mirror.append("/"); mirror.append(path); if (curMirror == possMirrors.cbegin()) fields.emplace("New-URI", mirror); else if (altMirrors.empty()) altMirrors.append(mirror); else altMirrors.append("\n").append(mirror); } fields.emplace("Alternate-URIs", altMirrors); SendMessage("103 Redirect", std::move(fields)); Dequeue(); } /*}}}*/ void MirrorMethod::DealWithPendingItems(std::vector const &baseuris, /*{{{*/ MirrorListInfo const &info, FetchItem *const Itm, std::function handler) { FetchItem **LastItm = &Itm->Next; while (*LastItm != nullptr) LastItm = &((*LastItm)->Next); while (Queue != Itm) { if (APT::String::Startswith(Queue->Uri, info.baseuri) == false || std::any_of(baseuris.cbegin(), baseuris.cend(), [&](std::string const &b) { return APT::String::Startswith(Queue->Uri, b); })) { // move the item behind the aux file not related to it *LastItm = Queue; Queue = QueueBack = Queue->Next; (*LastItm)->Next = nullptr; LastItm = &((*LastItm)->Next); } else { handler(); } } // now remove out trigger QueueBack = Queue = Queue->Next; delete Itm; } /*}}}*/ bool MirrorMethod::MirrorListFileRecieved(MirrorListInfo &info, FetchItem *const Itm) /*{{{*/ { std::vector baseuris; for (auto const &i : mirrorfilestate) if (info.baseuri.length() < i.second.baseuri.length() && i.second.state == REQUESTED && APT::String::Startswith(i.second.baseuri, info.baseuri)) baseuris.push_back(i.second.baseuri); sortByLength(baseuris); FileFd mirrorlist; if (FileExists(Itm->DestFile) && mirrorlist.Open(Itm->DestFile, FileFd::ReadOnly, FileFd::Extension)) { std::string line; while (mirrorlist.ReadLine(line)) { if (line.empty() || line[0] == '#') continue; auto const tab = line.find('\t'); if (tab == std::string::npos) info.list.emplace_back(std::move(line)); else { auto uri = line.substr(0, tab); auto tagline = line.substr(tab + 1); std::replace_if(tagline.begin(), tagline.end(), isspace_ascii, ' '); auto tags = VectorizeString(tagline, ' '); tags.erase(std::remove_if(tags.begin(), tags.end(), [](std::string const &a) { return a.empty(); }), tags.end()); info.list.emplace_back(std::move(uri), std::move(tags)); } } mirrorlist.Close(); if (info.list.empty()) { info.state = FAILED; DealWithPendingItems(baseuris, info, Itm, [&]() { std::string msg; strprintf(msg, "Mirror list %s is empty for %s", Itm->DestFile.c_str(), Queue->Uri.c_str()); Fail(msg, false); }); } else { info.state = AVAILABLE; DealWithPendingItems(baseuris, info, Itm, [&]() { RedirectItem(info, Queue, msgCache[Queue->Uri]); }); msgCache.clear(); } } else { info.state = FAILED; DealWithPendingItems(baseuris, info, Itm, [&]() { std::string msg; strprintf(msg, "Downloading mirror file %s failed for %s", Itm->DestFile.c_str(), Queue->Uri.c_str()); Fail(msg, false); }); } return true; } /*}}}*/ std::string MirrorMethod::GetMirrorFileURI(std::string const &Message, FetchItem *const Itm) /*{{{*/ { if (APT::String::Startswith(Itm->Uri, Binary)) { std::string const repouri = LookupTag(Message, "Target-Repo-Uri"); if (repouri.empty() == false && std::find(sourceslist.cbegin(), sourceslist.cend(), repouri) == sourceslist.cend()) sourceslist.push_back(repouri); } if (sourceslist.empty()) { // read sources.list and find the matching base uri pkgSourceList sl; if (sl.ReadMainList() == false) { _error->Error(_("The list of sources could not be read.")); return ""; } std::string const needle = Binary + ":"; for (auto const &SL : sl) { std::string uristr = SL->GetURI(); if (APT::String::Startswith(uristr, needle)) sourceslist.push_back(uristr); } sortByLength(sourceslist); } for (auto uristr : sourceslist) { if (APT::String::Startswith(Itm->Uri, uristr)) { uristr.erase(uristr.length() - 1); // remove the ending '/' auto const colon = uristr.find(':'); if (unlikely(colon == std::string::npos)) continue; auto const plus = uristr.find("+"); if (plus < colon) return uristr.substr(plus + 1); else { uristr.replace(0, strlen("mirror"), "http"); return uristr; } } } return ""; } /*}}}*/ bool MirrorMethod::URIAcquire(std::string const &Message, FetchItem *Itm) /*{{{*/ { auto mirrorinfo = mirrorfilestate.find(Itm->Uri); if (mirrorinfo != mirrorfilestate.end()) return MirrorListFileRecieved(mirrorinfo->second, Itm); std::string const mirrorfileuri = GetMirrorFileURI(Message, Itm); if (mirrorfileuri.empty()) { _error->Error("Couldn't determine mirror list to query for %s", Itm->Uri.c_str()); return false; } if (DebugEnabled()) std::clog << "Mirror-URI: " << mirrorfileuri << " for " << Itm->Uri << std::endl; // have we requested this mirror file already? auto const state = mirrorfilestate.find(mirrorfileuri); if (state == mirrorfilestate.end()) { msgCache[Itm->Uri] = Message; MirrorListInfo info; info.state = REQUESTED; info.baseuri = mirrorfileuri + '/'; auto const colon = info.baseuri.find(':'); if (unlikely(colon == std::string::npos)) return false; info.baseuri.replace(0, colon, Binary); mirrorfilestate[mirrorfileuri] = info; std::unordered_map fields; fields.emplace("URI", Itm->Uri); fields.emplace("MaximumSize", std::to_string(1 * 1024 * 1024)); //FIXME: 1 MB is enough for everyone fields.emplace("Aux-ShortDesc", "Mirrorlist"); fields.emplace("Aux-Description", mirrorfileuri + " Mirrorlist"); fields.emplace("Aux-Uri", mirrorfileuri); SendMessage("351 Aux Request", std::move(fields)); return true; } switch (state->second.state) { case REQUESTED: // lets wait for the requested mirror file msgCache[Itm->Uri] = Message; return true; case FAILED: Fail("Downloading mirror file failed", false); return true; case AVAILABLE: RedirectItem(state->second, Itm, Message); return true; } return false; } /*}}}*/ int main(int, const char *argv[]) { return MirrorMethod(flNotDir(argv[0])).Run(); }