// Copyright (c) 2014 Anthony Towns // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. #include <config.h> #include <apt-pkg/fileutl.h> #include <apt-pkg/mmap.h> #include <apt-pkg/error.h> #include <apt-pkg/acquire-method.h> #include <apt-pkg/strutl.h> #include <apt-pkg/hashes.h> #include <apt-pkg/configuration.h> #include <string> #include <list> #include <vector> #include <iterator> #include <assert.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <utime.h> #include <apti18n.h> #define BLOCK_SIZE (512*1024) class MemBlock { char *start; size_t size; char *free; struct MemBlock *next; MemBlock(size_t size) { free = start = new char[size]; size = size; next = NULL; } size_t avail(void) { return size - (free - start); } public: MemBlock(void) { free = start = new char[BLOCK_SIZE]; size = BLOCK_SIZE; next = NULL; } ~MemBlock() { delete [] start; delete next; } void clear(void) { free = start; if (next) next->clear(); } char *add_easy(char *src, size_t len, char *last) { if (last) { for (MemBlock *k = this; k; k = k->next) { if (k->free == last) { if (len <= k->avail()) { char *n = k->add(src, len); assert(last == n); if (last == n) return NULL; return n; } else { break; } } else if (last >= start && last < free) { break; } } } return add(src, len); } char *add(char *src, size_t len) { if (len > avail()) { if (!next) { if (len > BLOCK_SIZE) { next = new MemBlock(len); } else { next = new MemBlock; } } return next->add(src, len); } char *dst = free; free += len; memcpy(dst, src, len); return dst; } }; struct Change { /* Ordering: * * 1. write out <offset> lines unchanged * 2. skip <del_cnt> lines from source * 3. write out <add_cnt> lines (<add>/<add_len>) */ size_t offset; size_t del_cnt; size_t add_cnt; /* lines */ size_t add_len; /* bytes */ char *add; Change(int off) { offset = off; del_cnt = add_cnt = add_len = 0; add = NULL; } /* actually, don't write <lines> lines from <add> */ void skip_lines(size_t lines) { while (lines > 0) { char *s = (char*) memchr(add, '\n', add_len); assert(s != NULL); s++; add_len -= (s - add); add_cnt--; lines--; if (add_len == 0) { add = NULL; assert(add_cnt == 0); assert(lines == 0); } else { add = s; assert(add_cnt > 0); } } } }; class FileChanges { std::list<struct Change> changes; std::list<struct Change>::iterator where; size_t pos; // line number is as far left of iterator as possible bool pos_is_okay(void) { #ifdef POSDEBUG size_t cpos = 0; std::list<struct Change>::iterator x; for (x = changes.begin(); x != where; x++) { assert(x != changes.end()); cpos += x->offset + x->add_cnt; } return cpos == pos; #else return true; #endif } public: FileChanges() { where = changes.end(); pos = 0; } std::list<struct Change>::iterator begin(void) { return changes.begin(); } std::list<struct Change>::iterator end(void) { return changes.end(); } std::list<struct Change>::reverse_iterator rbegin(void) { return changes.rbegin(); } std::list<struct Change>::reverse_iterator rend(void) { return changes.rend(); } void add_change(Change c) { assert(pos_is_okay()); go_to_change_for(c.offset); assert(pos + where->offset == c.offset); if (c.del_cnt > 0) delete_lines(c.del_cnt); assert(pos + where->offset == c.offset); if (c.add_len > 0) { assert(pos_is_okay()); if (where->add_len > 0) new_change(); assert(where->add_len == 0 && where->add_cnt == 0); where->add_len = c.add_len; where->add_cnt = c.add_cnt; where->add = c.add; } assert(pos_is_okay()); merge(); assert(pos_is_okay()); } private: void merge(void) { while (where->offset == 0 && where != changes.begin()) { left(); } std::list<struct Change>::iterator next = where; next++; while (next != changes.end() && next->offset == 0) { where->del_cnt += next->del_cnt; next->del_cnt = 0; if (next->add == NULL) { next = changes.erase(next); } else if (where->add == NULL) { where->add = next->add; where->add_len = next->add_len; where->add_cnt = next->add_cnt; next = changes.erase(next); } else { next++; } } } void go_to_change_for(size_t line) { while(where != changes.end()) { if (line < pos) { left(); continue; } if (pos + where->offset + where->add_cnt <= line) { right(); continue; } // line is somewhere in this slot if (line < pos + where->offset) { break; } else if (line == pos + where->offset) { return; } else { split(line - pos); right(); return; } } /* it goes before this patch */ insert(line-pos); } void new_change(void) { insert(where->offset); } void insert(size_t offset) { assert(pos_is_okay()); assert(where == changes.end() || offset <= where->offset); if (where != changes.end()) where->offset -= offset; changes.insert(where, Change(offset)); where--; assert(pos_is_okay()); } void split(size_t offset) { assert(pos_is_okay()); assert(where->offset < offset); assert(offset < where->offset + where->add_cnt); size_t keep_lines = offset - where->offset; Change before(*where); where->del_cnt = 0; where->offset = 0; where->skip_lines(keep_lines); before.add_cnt = keep_lines; before.add_len -= where->add_len; changes.insert(where, before); where--; assert(pos_is_okay()); } size_t check_next_offset(size_t max) { assert(pos_is_okay()); if (max > 0) { where++; if (where != changes.end()) { if (where->offset < max) max = where->offset; } where--; assert(pos_is_okay()); } return max; } void delete_lines(size_t cnt) { std::list<struct Change>::iterator x = where; assert(pos_is_okay()); while (cnt > 0) { size_t del; del = x->add_cnt; if (del > cnt) del = cnt; x->skip_lines(del); cnt -= del; x++; if (x == changes.end()) { del = cnt; } else { del = x->offset; if (del > cnt) del = cnt; x->offset -= del; } where->del_cnt += del; cnt -= del; } assert(pos_is_okay()); } void left(void) { assert(pos_is_okay()); where--; pos -= where->offset + where->add_cnt; assert(pos_is_okay()); } void right(void) { assert(pos_is_okay()); pos += where->offset + where->add_cnt; where++; assert(pos_is_okay()); } }; class Patch { FileChanges filechanges; MemBlock add_text; static bool retry_fwrite(char *b, size_t l, FILE *f, Hashes *hash) { size_t r = 1; while (r > 0 && l > 0) { r = fwrite(b, 1, l, f); if (hash) hash->Add((unsigned char*)b, r); l -= r; b += r; } return l == 0; } static void dump_rest(FILE *o, FILE *i, Hashes *hash) { char buffer[BLOCK_SIZE]; size_t l; while (0 < (l = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), i))) { if (!retry_fwrite(buffer, l, o, hash)) break; } } static void dump_lines(FILE *o, FILE *i, size_t n, Hashes *hash) { char buffer[BLOCK_SIZE]; size_t l; while (n > 0) { if (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), i) == 0) buffer[0] = '\0'; l = strlen(buffer); if (l == 0 || buffer[l-1] == '\n') n--; retry_fwrite(buffer, l, o, hash); } } static void skip_lines(FILE *i, int n) { char buffer[BLOCK_SIZE]; size_t l; while (n > 0) { if (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), i) == 0) buffer[0] = '\0'; l = strlen(buffer); if (l == 0 || buffer[l-1] == '\n') n--; } } static void dump_mem(FILE *o, char *p, size_t s, Hashes *hash) { retry_fwrite(p, s, o, hash); } public: void read_diff(FileFd &f) { char buffer[BLOCK_SIZE]; bool cmdwanted = true; Change ch(0); while(f.ReadLine(buffer, sizeof(buffer))) { if (cmdwanted) { char *m, *c; size_t s, e; s = strtol(buffer, &m, 10); if (m == buffer) { s = e = ch.offset + ch.add_cnt; c = buffer; } else if (*m == ',') { m++; e = strtol(m, &c, 10); } else { e = s; c = m; } switch(*c) { case 'a': cmdwanted = false; ch.add = NULL; ch.add_cnt = 0; ch.add_len = 0; ch.offset = s; ch.del_cnt = 0; break; case 'c': cmdwanted = false; ch.add = NULL; ch.add_cnt = 0; ch.add_len = 0; ch.offset = s - 1; ch.del_cnt = e - s + 1; break; case 'd': ch.offset = s - 1; ch.del_cnt = e - s + 1; ch.add = NULL; ch.add_cnt = 0; ch.add_len = 0; filechanges.add_change(ch); break; } } else { /* !cmdwanted */ if (buffer[0] == '.' && buffer[1] == '\n') { cmdwanted = true; filechanges.add_change(ch); } else { char *last = NULL; char *add; size_t l; if (ch.add) last = ch.add + ch.add_len; l = strlen(buffer); add = add_text.add_easy(buffer, l, last); if (!add) { ch.add_len += l; ch.add_cnt++; } else { if (ch.add) { filechanges.add_change(ch); ch.del_cnt = 0; } ch.offset += ch.add_cnt; ch.add = add; ch.add_len = l; ch.add_cnt = 1; } } } } } void write_diff(FILE *f) { size_t line = 0; std::list<struct Change>::reverse_iterator ch; for (ch = filechanges.rbegin(); ch != filechanges.rend(); ch++) { line += ch->offset + ch->del_cnt; } for (ch = filechanges.rbegin(); ch != filechanges.rend(); ch++) { std::list<struct Change>::reverse_iterator mg_i, mg_e = ch; while (ch->del_cnt == 0 && ch->offset == 0) ch++; line -= ch->del_cnt; if (ch->add_cnt > 0) { if (ch->del_cnt == 0) { fprintf(f, "%lua\n", line); } else if (ch->del_cnt == 1) { fprintf(f, "%luc\n", line+1); } else { fprintf(f, "%lu,%luc\n", line+1, line+ch->del_cnt); } mg_i = ch; do { dump_mem(f, mg_i->add, mg_i->add_len, NULL); } while (mg_i-- != mg_e); fprintf(f, ".\n"); } else if (ch->del_cnt == 1) { fprintf(f, "%lud\n", line+1); } else if (ch->del_cnt > 1) { fprintf(f, "%lu,%lud\n", line+1, line+ch->del_cnt); } line -= ch->offset; } } void apply_against_file(FILE *out, FILE *in, Hashes *hash = NULL) { std::list<struct Change>::iterator ch; for (ch = filechanges.begin(); ch != filechanges.end(); ch++) { dump_lines(out, in, ch->offset, hash); skip_lines(in, ch->del_cnt); dump_mem(out, ch->add, ch->add_len, hash); } dump_rest(out, in, hash); } }; class RredMethod : public pkgAcqMethod { private: bool Debug; protected: virtual bool Fetch(FetchItem *Itm) { Debug = _config->FindB("Debug::pkgAcquire::RRed", false); URI Get = Itm->Uri; std::string Path = Get.Host + Get.Path; // rred:/path - no host FetchResult Res; Res.Filename = Itm->DestFile; if (Itm->Uri.empty()) { Path = Itm->DestFile; Itm->DestFile.append(".result"); } else URIStart(Res); std::vector<std::string> patchpaths; Patch patch; if (FileExists(Path + ".ed") == true) patchpaths.push_back(Path + ".ed"); else { _error->PushToStack(); std::vector<std::string> patches = GetListOfFilesInDir(flNotFile(Path), "gz", true, false); _error->RevertToStack(); std::string const baseName = Path + ".ed."; for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator p = patches.begin(); p != patches.end(); ++p) if (p->compare(0, baseName.length(), baseName) == 0) patchpaths.push_back(*p); } std::string patch_name; for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator I = patchpaths.begin(); I != patchpaths.end(); I++) { patch_name = *I; if (Debug == true) std::clog << "Patching " << Path << " with " << patch_name << std::endl; FileFd p; // all patches are compressed, even if the name doesn't reflect it if (p.Open(patch_name, FileFd::ReadOnly, FileFd::Gzip) == false) { std::cerr << "Could not open patch file " << patch_name << std::endl; _error->DumpErrors(std::cerr); abort(); } patch.read_diff(p); p.Close(); } if (Debug == true) std::clog << "Applying patches against " << Path << " and writing results to " << Itm->DestFile << std::endl; FILE *inp = fopen(Path.c_str(), "r"); FILE *out = fopen(Itm->DestFile.c_str(), "w"); Hashes hash; patch.apply_against_file(out, inp, &hash); fclose(out); fclose(inp); if (Debug == true) { std::clog << "rred: finished file patching of " << Path << "." << std::endl; } struct stat bufbase, bufpatch; if (stat(Path.c_str(), &bufbase) != 0 || stat(patch_name.c_str(), &bufpatch) != 0) return _error->Errno("stat", _("Failed to stat")); struct utimbuf timebuf; timebuf.actime = bufbase.st_atime; timebuf.modtime = bufpatch.st_mtime; if (utime(Itm->DestFile.c_str(), &timebuf) != 0) return _error->Errno("utime", _("Failed to set modification time")); if (stat(Itm->DestFile.c_str(), &bufbase) != 0) return _error->Errno("stat", _("Failed to stat")); Res.LastModified = bufbase.st_mtime; Res.Size = bufbase.st_size; Res.TakeHashes(hash); URIDone(Res); return true; } public: RredMethod() : pkgAcqMethod("2.0",SingleInstance | SendConfig) {} }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; bool just_diff = true; Patch patch; if (argc <= 1) { RredMethod Mth; return Mth.Run(); } if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "-f") == 0) { just_diff = false; i = 2; } else { i = 1; } for (; i < argc; i++) { FileFd p; if (p.Open(argv[i], FileFd::ReadOnly) == false) { _error->DumpErrors(std::cerr); exit(1); } patch.read_diff(p); } if (just_diff) { patch.write_diff(stdout); } else { FILE *out, *inp; out = stdout; inp = stdin; patch.apply_against_file(out, inp); } return 0; }