#!/bin/sh -- # no runable script, just for vi # we all like colorful messages if expr match "$(readlink -f /proc/$$/fd/1)" '/dev/pts/[0-9]\+' > /dev/null && \ expr match "$(readlink -f /proc/$$/fd/2)" '/dev/pts/[0-9]\+' > /dev/null; then CERROR="" # red CWARNING="" # yellow CMSG="" # green CINFO="" # light blue CDEBUG="" # blue CNORMAL="" # default system console color CDONE="" # green CPASS="" # green CFAIL="" # red CCMD="" # pink fi msgdie() { echo "${CERROR}E: $1${CNORMAL}" >&2; exit 1; } msgwarn() { echo "${CWARNING}W: $1${CNORMAL}" >&2; } msgmsg() { echo "${CMSG}$1${CNORMAL}" >&2; } msginfo() { echo "${CINFO}I: $1${CNORMAL}" >&2; } msgdebug() { echo "${CDEBUG}D: $1${CNORMAL}" >&2; } msgdone() { echo "${CDONE}DONE${CNORMAL}" >&2; } msgnwarn() { echo -n "${CWARNING}W: $1${CNORMAL}" >&2; } msgnmsg() { echo -n "${CMSG}$1${CNORMAL}" >&2; } msgninfo() { echo -n "${CINFO}I: $1${CNORMAL}" >&2; } msgndebug() { echo -n "${CDEBUG}D: $1${CNORMAL}" >&2; } msgtest() { while [ -n "$1" ]; do echo -n "${CINFO}$1${CCMD} " >&2; echo -n "$(echo "$2" | sed -e 's/^aptc/apt-c/' -e 's/^aptg/apt-g/' -e 's/^aptf/apt-f/')${CINFO} " >&2; shift if [ -n "$1" ]; then shift; else break; fi done echo -n "…${CNORMAL} " >&2; } msgpass() { echo "${CPASS}PASS${CNORMAL}" >&2; } msgskip() { echo "${CWARNING}SKIP${CNORMAL}" >&2; } msgfail() { echo "${CFAIL}FAIL${CNORMAL}" >&2; } # enable / disable Debugging MSGLEVEL=${MSGLEVEL:-3} if [ $MSGLEVEL -le 0 ]; then msgdie() { true; } fi if [ $MSGLEVEL -le 1 ]; then msgwarn() { true; } msgnwarn() { true; } fi if [ $MSGLEVEL -le 2 ]; then msgmsg() { true; } msgnmsg() { true; } msgtest() { true; } msgpass() { echo -n " ${CPASS}P${CNORMAL}" >&2; } msgskip() { echo -n " ${CWARNING}S${CNORMAL}" >&2; } if [ -n "$CFAIL" ]; then msgfail() { echo -n " ${CFAIL}FAIL${CNORMAL}" >&2; } else msgfail() { echo -n " ###FAILED###" >&2; } fi fi if [ $MSGLEVEL -le 3 ]; then msginfo() { true; } msgninfo() { true; } fi if [ $MSGLEVEL -le 4 ]; then msgdebug() { true; } msgndebug() { true; } fi msgdone() { if [ "$1" = "debug" -a $MSGLEVEL -le 4 ] || [ "$1" = "info" -a $MSGLEVEL -le 3 ] || [ "$1" = "msg" -a $MSGLEVEL -le 2 ] || [ "$1" = "warn" -a $MSGLEVEL -le 1 ] || [ "$1" = "die" -a $MSGLEVEL -le 0 ]; then true; else echo "${CDONE}DONE${CNORMAL}" >&2; fi } runapt() { msgdebug "Executing: ${CCMD}$*${CDEBUG} " if [ -f ./aptconfig.conf ]; then APT_CONFIG=aptconfig.conf LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${BUILDDIRECTORY} ${BUILDDIRECTORY}/$* elif [ -f ../aptconfig.conf ]; then APT_CONFIG=../aptconfig.conf LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${BUILDDIRECTORY} ${BUILDDIRECTORY}/$* else LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${BUILDDIRECTORY} ${BUILDDIRECTORY}/$* fi } aptconfig() { runapt apt-config $*; } aptcache() { runapt apt-cache $*; } aptget() { runapt apt-get $*; } aptftparchive() { runapt apt-ftparchive $*; } aptkey() { runapt apt-key $*; } aptmark() { runapt apt-mark $*; } dpkg() { $(which dpkg) --root=${TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY}/rootdir --force-not-root --force-bad-path --log=${TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY}/rootdir/var/log/dpkg.log $* } aptitude() { if [ -f ./aptconfig.conf ]; then APT_CONFIG=aptconfig.conf LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${BUILDDIRECTORY} $(which aptitude) $* elif [ -f ../aptconfig.conf ]; then APT_CONFIG=../aptconfig.conf LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${BUILDDIRECTORY} $(which aptitude) $* else LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${BUILDDIRECTORY} $(which aptitude) $* fi } gdb() { echo "gdb: run »$*«" APT_CONFIG=aptconfig.conf LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${BUILDDIRECTORY} $(which gdb) ${BUILDDIRECTORY}/$1 } addtrap() { CURRENTTRAP="$CURRENTTRAP $1" trap "$CURRENTTRAP exit;" 0 HUP INT QUIT ILL ABRT FPE SEGV PIPE TERM } setupenvironment() { TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY=$(mktemp -d) TESTDIRECTORY=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0)) msgninfo "Preparing environment for ${CCMD}$(basename $0)${CINFO} in ${TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY}… " BUILDDIRECTORY="${TESTDIRECTORY}/../../build/bin" test -x "${BUILDDIRECTORY}/apt-get" || msgdie "You need to build tree first" local OLDWORKINGDIRECTORY=$(pwd) addtrap "cd /; rm -rf $TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY; cd $OLDWORKINGDIRECTORY;" cd $TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY mkdir rootdir aptarchive keys cd rootdir mkdir -p etc/apt/apt.conf.d etc/apt/sources.list.d etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d etc/apt/preferences.d mkdir -p var/cache var/lib var/log mkdir -p var/lib/dpkg/info var/lib/dpkg/updates var/lib/dpkg/triggers touch var/lib/dpkg/available mkdir -p usr/lib/apt ln -s ${BUILDDIRECTORY}/methods usr/lib/apt/methods cd .. local PACKAGESFILE=$(echo "$(basename $0)" | sed -e 's/^test-/Packages-/' -e 's/^skip-/Packages-/') if [ -f "${TESTDIRECTORY}/${PACKAGESFILE}" ]; then cp "${TESTDIRECTORY}/${PACKAGESFILE}" aptarchive/Packages fi local SOURCESSFILE=$(echo "$(basename $0)" | sed -e 's/^test-/Sources-/' -e 's/^skip-/Sources-/') if [ -f "${TESTDIRECTORY}/${SOURCESSFILE}" ]; then cp "${TESTDIRECTORY}/${SOURCESSFILE}" aptarchive/Sources fi cp $(find $TESTDIRECTORY -name '*.pub' -o -name '*.sec') keys/ ln -s ${TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY}/keys/joesixpack.pub rootdir/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/joesixpack.gpg echo "Dir \"${TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY}/rootdir\";" > aptconfig.conf echo "Dir::state::status \"${TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY}/rootdir/var/lib/dpkg/status\";" >> aptconfig.conf echo "Debug::NoLocking \"true\";" >> aptconfig.conf echo "APT::Get::Show-User-Simulation-Note \"false\";" >> aptconfig.conf echo "Dir::Bin::Methods \"${BUILDDIRECTORY}/methods\";" >> aptconfig.conf echo "Dir::Bin::dpkg \"fakeroot\";" >> aptconfig.conf echo "DPKG::options:: \"dpkg\";" >> aptconfig.conf echo "DPKG::options:: \"--root=${TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY}/rootdir\";" >> aptconfig.conf echo "DPKG::options:: \"--force-not-root\";" >> aptconfig.conf echo "DPKG::options:: \"--force-bad-path\";" >> aptconfig.conf if ! $(which dpkg) --assert-multi-arch 2>&1 > /dev/null; then echo "DPKG::options:: \"--force-architecture\";" >> aptconfig.conf # Added to test multiarch before dpkg is ready for it… fi echo "DPKG::options:: \"--log=${TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY}/rootdir/var/log/dpkg.log\";" >> aptconfig.conf echo 'quiet::NoUpdate "true";' >> aptconfig.conf export LC_ALL=C export PATH="${PATH}:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin" msgdone "info" } getarchitecture() { if [ "$1" = "native" -o -z "$1" ]; then eval `aptconfig shell ARCH APT::Architecture` if [ -n "$ARCH" ]; then echo $ARCH else dpkg --print-architecture fi else echo $1 fi } getarchitectures() { echo "$(aptconfig dump | grep APT::Architecture | cut -d'"' -f 2 | sed '/^$/ d' | sort | uniq | tr '\n' ' ')" } configarchitecture() { local CONFFILE=rootdir/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01multiarch.conf rm -f $CONFFILE echo "APT::Architecture \"$(getarchitecture $1)\";" > $CONFFILE shift while [ -n "$1" ]; do echo "APT::Architectures:: \"$(getarchitecture $1)\";" >> $CONFFILE shift done configdpkg } configdpkg() { if [ ! -e rootdir/var/lib/dpkg/status ]; then local STATUSFILE=$(echo "$(basename $0)" | sed -e 's/^test-/status-/' -e 's/^skip-/status-/') if [ -f "${TESTDIRECTORY}/${STATUSFILE}" ]; then cp "${TESTDIRECTORY}/${STATUSFILE}" rootdir/var/lib/dpkg/status else echo -n > rootdir/var/lib/dpkg/status fi fi if $(which dpkg) --assert-multi-arch 2>&1 > /dev/null; then local ARCHS="$(getarchitectures)" if echo "$ARCHS" | grep -E -q '[^ ]+ [^ ]+'; then DPKGARCH="$(dpkg --print-architecture)" for ARCH in ${ARCHS}; do if [ "${ARCH}" != "${DPKGARCH}" ]; then dpkg --add-architecture ${ARCH}; fi done if [ "0" = "$(dpkg -l dpkg 2> /dev/null | grep '^i' | wc -l)" ]; then # dpkg doesn't really check the version as long as it is fully installed, # but just to be sure we choose one above the required version insertinstalledpackage 'dpkg' "all" '1.16.2+fake' fi fi fi } setupsimplenativepackage() { local NAME="$1" local ARCH="$2" local VERSION="$3" local RELEASE="${4:-unstable}" local DEPENDENCIES="$5" local DESCRIPTION="$6" local SECTION="${7:-others}" local DISTSECTION if [ "$SECTION" = "$(echo "$SECTION" | cut -d'/' -f 2)" ]; then DISTSECTION="main" else DISTSECTION="$(echo "$SECTION" | cut -d'/' -f 1)" fi local BUILDDIR=incoming/${NAME}-${VERSION} mkdir -p ${BUILDDIR}/debian/source cd ${BUILDDIR} echo "* most suckless software product ever" > FEATURES test -e debian/copyright || echo "Copyleft by Joe Sixpack $(date +%Y)" > debian/copyright test -e debian/changelog || echo "$NAME ($VERSION) $RELEASE; urgency=low * Initial release -- Joe Sixpack $(date -R)" > debian/changelog test -e debian/control || echo "Source: $NAME Section: $SECTION Priority: optional Maintainer: Joe Sixpack Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7) Standards-Version: 3.9.1 Package: $NAME" > debian/control if [ "$ARCH" = 'all' ]; then echo "Architecture: all" >> debian/control else echo "Architecture: any" >> debian/control fi test -z "$DEPENDENCIES" || echo "$DEPENDENCIES" >> debian/control if [ -z "$DESCRIPTION" ]; then echo "Description: an autogenerated dummy ${NAME}=${VERSION}/${RELEASE} If you find such a package installed on your system, YOU did something horribly wrong! They are autogenerated und used only by testcases for APT and surf no other propose…" >> debian/control else echo "Description: $DESCRIPTION" >> debian/control fi test -e debian/compat || echo "7" > debian/compat test -e debian/source/format || echo "3.0 (native)" > debian/source/format test -e debian/rules || cp /usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/rules.tiny debian/rules cd - > /dev/null } buildsimplenativepackage() { local NAME="$1" local ARCH="$2" local VERSION="$3" local RELEASE="${4:-unstable}" local DEPENDENCIES="$5" local DESCRIPTION="$6" local SECTION="${7:-others}" local PRIORITY="${8:-optional}" local DISTSECTION if [ "$SECTION" = "$(echo "$SECTION" | cut -d'/' -f 2)" ]; then DISTSECTION="main" else DISTSECTION="$(echo "$SECTION" | cut -d'/' -f 1)" fi local BUILDDIR=${TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY}/incoming/${NAME}-${VERSION} msgninfo "Build package ${NAME} in ${VERSION} for ${RELEASE} in ${DISTSECTION}… " mkdir -p $BUILDDIR/debian/source echo "* most suckless software product ever" > ${BUILDDIR}/FEATURES echo "#!/bin/sh echo '$NAME says \"Hello!\"'" > ${BUILDDIR}/${NAME} echo "Copyleft by Joe Sixpack $(date +%Y)" > ${BUILDDIR}/debian/copyright echo "$NAME ($VERSION) $RELEASE; urgency=low * Initial release -- Joe Sixpack $(date -R)" > ${BUILDDIR}/debian/changelog echo "Source: $NAME Section: $SECTION Priority: $PRIORITY Maintainer: Joe Sixpack Standards-Version: 3.9.3" > ${BUILDDIR}/debian/control local BUILDDEPS="$(echo "$DEPENDENCIES" | grep '^Build-')" test -z "$BUILDDEPS" || echo "$BUILDDEPS" >> ${BUILDDIR}/debian/control echo " Package: $NAME" >> ${BUILDDIR}/debian/control if [ "$ARCH" = 'all' ]; then echo "Architecture: all" >> ${BUILDDIR}/debian/control else echo "Architecture: any" >> ${BUILDDIR}/debian/control fi local DEPS="$(echo "$DEPENDENCIES" | grep -v '^Build-')" test -z "$DEPS" || echo "$DEPS" >> ${BUILDDIR}/debian/control if [ -z "$DESCRIPTION" ]; then echo "Description: an autogenerated dummy ${NAME}=${VERSION}/${RELEASE} If you find such a package installed on your system, YOU did something horribly wrong! They are autogenerated und used only by testcases for APT and surf no other propose…" >> ${BUILDDIR}/debian/control else echo "Description: $DESCRIPTION" >> ${BUILDDIR}/debian/control fi echo '3.0 (native)' > ${BUILDDIR}/debian/source/format local SRCS="$( (cd ${BUILDDIR}/..; dpkg-source -b ${NAME}-${VERSION} 2>&1) | grep '^dpkg-source: info: building' | grep -o '[a-z0-9._+~-]*$')" for SRC in $SRCS; do echo "pool/${SRC}" >> ${BUILDDIR}/../${RELEASE}.${DISTSECTION}.srclist done for arch in $(echo "$ARCH" | sed -e 's#,#\n#g' | sed -e "s#^native\$#$(getarchitecture 'native')#"); do rm -rf ${BUILDDIR}/debian/tmp mkdir -p ${BUILDDIR}/debian/tmp/DEBIAN ${BUILDDIR}/debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/${NAME} ${BUILDDIR}/debian/tmp/usr/bin cp ${BUILDDIR}/debian/copyright ${BUILDDIR}/debian/changelog ${BUILDDIR}/FEATURES ${BUILDDIR}/debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/${NAME} cp ${BUILDDIR}/${NAME} ${BUILDDIR}/debian/tmp/usr/bin/${NAME}-${arch} (cd ${BUILDDIR}; dpkg-gencontrol -DArchitecture=$arch) (cd ${BUILDDIR}/debian/tmp; md5sum $(find usr/ -type f) > DEBIAN/md5sums) dpkg-deb --build ${BUILDDIR}/debian/tmp ${BUILDDIR}/.. 2> /dev/null > /dev/null echo "pool/${NAME}_${VERSION}_${arch}.deb" >> ${BUILDDIR}/../${RELEASE}.${DISTSECTION}.pkglist done mkdir -p ${BUILDDIR}/../${NAME}_${VERSION} cp ${BUILDDIR}/debian/changelog ${BUILDDIR}/../${NAME}_${VERSION}/ cp ${BUILDDIR}/debian/changelog ${BUILDDIR}/../${NAME}_${VERSION}.changelog rm -rf "${BUILDDIR}" msgdone "info" } buildpackage() { local BUILDDIR=$1 local RELEASE=$2 local SECTION=$3 local ARCH=$(getarchitecture $4) msgninfo "Build package $(echo "$BUILDDIR" | grep -o '[^/]*$') for ${RELEASE} in ${SECTION}… " cd $BUILDDIR if [ "$ARCH" = "all" ]; then ARCH="$(dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH 2> /dev/null)" fi local BUILT="$(dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us -a$ARCH 2> /dev/null)" local PKGS="$( echo "$BUILT" | grep '^dpkg-deb: building package' | cut -d'/' -f 2 | sed -e "s#'\.##")" local SRCS="$( echo "$BUILT" | grep '^dpkg-source: info: building' | grep -o '[a-z0-9._+~-]*$')" cd - > /dev/null for PKG in $PKGS; do echo "pool/${PKG}" >> ${TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY}/incoming/${RELEASE}.${SECTION}.pkglist done for SRC in $SRCS; do echo "pool/${SRC}" >> ${TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY}/incoming/${RELEASE}.${SECTION}.srclist done msgdone "info" } buildaptarchive() { if [ -d incoming ]; then buildaptarchivefromincoming $* else buildaptarchivefromfiles $* fi } createaptftparchiveconfig() { local ARCHS="$(find pool/ -name '*.deb' | grep -oE '_[a-z0-9-]+\.deb$' | sort | uniq | sed -e '/^_all.deb$/ d' -e 's#^_\([a-z0-9-]*\)\.deb$#\1#' | tr '\n' ' ')" if [ -z "$ARCHS" ]; then # the pool is empty, so we will operate on faked packages - let us use the configured archs ARCHS="$(getarchitectures)" fi echo -n 'Dir { ArchiveDir "' >> ftparchive.conf echo -n $(readlink -f .) >> ftparchive.conf echo -n '"; CacheDir "' >> ftparchive.conf echo -n $(readlink -f ..) >> ftparchive.conf echo -n '"; FileListDir "' >> ftparchive.conf echo -n $(readlink -f pool/) >> ftparchive.conf echo -n '"; }; Default { Packages::Compress ". gzip bzip2 lzma xz"; Sources::Compress ". gzip bzip2 lzma xz"; Contents::Compress ". gzip bzip2 lzma xz"; Translation::Compress ". gzip bzip2 lzma xz"; LongDescription "false"; }; TreeDefault { Directory "pool/"; SrcDirectory "pool/"; }; APT { FTPArchive { Release { Origin "joesixpack"; Label "apttestcases"; Suite "unstable"; Description "repository with dummy packages"; Architectures "' >> ftparchive.conf echo -n "$ARCHS" >> ftparchive.conf echo 'source"; }; }; };' >> ftparchive.conf for DIST in $(find ./pool/ -maxdepth 1 -name '*.pkglist' -type f | cut -d'/' -f 3 | cut -d'.' -f 1 | sort | uniq); do echo -n 'tree "dists/' >> ftparchive.conf echo -n "$DIST" >> ftparchive.conf echo -n '" { Architectures "' >> ftparchive.conf echo -n "$ARCHS" >> ftparchive.conf echo -n 'source"; FileList "' >> ftparchive.conf echo -n "${DIST}.\$(SECTION).pkglist" >> ftparchive.conf echo -n '"; SourceFileList "' >> ftparchive.conf echo -n "${DIST}.\$(SECTION).srclist" >> ftparchive.conf echo -n '"; Sections "' >> ftparchive.conf echo -n "$(find ./pool/ -maxdepth 1 -name "${DIST}.*.pkglist" -type f | cut -d'/' -f 3 | cut -d'.' -f 2 | sort | uniq | tr '\n' ' ')" >> ftparchive.conf echo '"; };' >> ftparchive.conf done } buildaptftparchivedirectorystructure() { local DISTS="$(grep -i '^tree ' ftparchive.conf | cut -d'/' -f 2 | sed -e 's#".*##')" for DIST in $DISTS; do local SECTIONS="$(grep -i -A 5 "dists/$DIST" ftparchive.conf | grep -i 'Sections' | cut -d'"' -f 2)" for SECTION in $SECTIONS; do local ARCHS="$(grep -A 5 "dists/$DIST" ftparchive.conf | grep Architectures | cut -d'"' -f 2 | sed -e 's#source##')" for ARCH in $ARCHS; do mkdir -p dists/${DIST}/${SECTION}/binary-${ARCH} done mkdir -p dists/${DIST}/${SECTION}/source mkdir -p dists/${DIST}/${SECTION}/i18n done done } insertpackage() { local RELEASE="$1" local NAME="$2" local ARCH="$3" local VERSION="$4" local DEPENDENCIES="$5" local PRIORITY="${6:-optional}" local ARCHS="" for arch in $(echo "$ARCH" | sed -e 's#,#\n#g' | sed -e "s#^native\$#$(getarchitecture 'native')#"); do if [ "$arch" = "all" ]; then ARCHS="$(getarchitectures)" else ARCHS="$arch" fi for BUILDARCH in $ARCHS; do local PPATH="aptarchive/dists/${RELEASE}/main/binary-${BUILDARCH}" mkdir -p $PPATH aptarchive/dists/${RELEASE}/main/source touch aptarchive/dists/${RELEASE}/main/source/Sources local FILE="${PPATH}/Packages" echo "Package: $NAME Priority: $PRIORITY Section: other Installed-Size: 42 Maintainer: Joe Sixpack Architecture: $arch Version: $VERSION Filename: pool/main/${NAME}/${NAME}_${VERSION}_${arch}.deb" >> $FILE test -z "$DEPENDENCIES" || echo "$DEPENDENCIES" >> $FILE echo "Description: an autogenerated dummy ${NAME}=${VERSION}/${RELEASE} If you find such a package installed on your system, YOU did something horribly wrong! They are autogenerated und used only by testcases for APT and surf no other propose… " >> $FILE done done } insertsource() { local RELEASE="$1" local NAME="$2" local ARCH="$3" local VERSION="$4" local DEPENDENCIES="$5" local ARCHS="" local SPATH="aptarchive/dists/${RELEASE}/main/source" mkdir -p $SPATH local FILE="${SPATH}/Sources" echo "Package: $NAME Binary: $NAME Version: $VERSION Maintainer: Joe Sixpack Architecture: $ARCH" >> $FILE test -z "$DEPENDENCIES" || echo "$DEPENDENCIES" >> $FILE echo "Files: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0 ${NAME}_${VERSION}.dsc d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0 ${NAME}_${VERSION}.tar.gz " >> $FILE } insertinstalledpackage() { local NAME="$1" local ARCH="$2" local VERSION="$3" local DEPENDENCIES="$4" local PRIORITY="${5:-optional}" local FILE='rootdir/var/lib/dpkg/status' local INFO='rootdir/var/lib/dpkg/info' for arch in $(echo "$ARCH" | sed -e 's#,#\n#g' | sed -e "s#^native\$#$(getarchitecture 'native')#"); do echo "Package: $NAME Status: install ok installed Priority: $PRIORITY Section: other Installed-Size: 42 Maintainer: Joe Sixpack Architecture: $arch Version: $VERSION" >> $FILE test -z "$DEPENDENCIES" || echo "$DEPENDENCIES" >> $FILE echo "Description: an autogenerated dummy ${NAME}=${VERSION}/installed If you find such a package installed on your system, YOU did something horribly wrong! They are autogenerated und used only by testcases for APT and surf no other propose… " >> $FILE if [ "$(dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Multi-Arch}')" = 'same' ]; then echo -n > ${INFO}/${NAME}:${arch}.list else echo -n > ${INFO}/${NAME}.list fi done } buildaptarchivefromincoming() { msginfo "Build APT archive for ${CCMD}$(basename $0)${CINFO} based on incoming packages…" cd aptarchive [ -e pool ] || ln -s ../incoming pool [ -e ftparchive.conf ] || createaptftparchiveconfig [ -e dists ] || buildaptftparchivedirectorystructure msgninfo "\tGenerate Packages, Sources and Contents files… " aptftparchive -qq generate ftparchive.conf cd - > /dev/null msgdone "info" generatereleasefiles } buildaptarchivefromfiles() { msginfo "Build APT archive for ${CCMD}$(basename $0)${CINFO} based on prebuild files…" find aptarchive -name 'Packages' -o -name 'Sources' | while read line; do msgninfo "\t${line} file… " cat ${line} | gzip > ${line}.gz cat ${line} | bzip2 > ${line}.bz2 cat ${line} | xz --format=lzma > ${line}.lzma cat ${line} | xz > ${line}.xz msgdone "info" done generatereleasefiles } # can be overridden by testcases for their pleasure getcodenamefromsuite() { echo -n "$1"; } getreleaseversionfromsuite() { true; } getlabelfromsuite() { true; } generatereleasefiles() { # $1 is the Date header and $2 is the ValidUntil header to be set # both should be given in notation date/touch can understand msgninfo "\tGenerate Release files… " if [ -e aptarchive/dists ]; then for dir in $(find ./aptarchive/dists -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d); do local SUITE="$(echo "$dir" | cut -d'/' -f 4)" local CODENAME="$(getcodenamefromsuite $SUITE)" local VERSION="$(getreleaseversionfromsuite $SUITE)" local LABEL="$(getlabelfromsuite $SUITE)" if [ -n "$VERSION" ]; then VERSION="-o APT::FTPArchive::Release::Version=${VERSION}" fi if [ -n "$LABEL" ]; then LABEL="-o APT::FTPArchive::Release::Label=${LABEL}" fi aptftparchive -qq release $dir \ -o APT::FTPArchive::Release::Suite="${SUITE}" \ -o APT::FTPArchive::Release::Codename="${CODENAME}" \ ${LABEL} \ ${VERSION} \ | sed -e '/0 Release$/ d' > $dir/Release # remove the self reference if [ "$SUITE" = "experimental" -o "$SUITE" = "experimental2" ]; then sed -i '/^Date: / a\ NotAutomatic: yes' $dir/Release fi if [ -n "$1" -a "$1" != "now" ]; then sed -i "s/^Date: .*$/Date: $(date -d "$1" '+%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z')/" $dir/Release fi if [ -n "$2" ]; then sed -i "/^Date: / a\ Valid-Until: $(date -d "$2" '+%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z')" $dir/Release fi done else aptftparchive -qq release ./aptarchive | sed -e '/0 Release$/ d' > aptarchive/Release # remove the self reference fi if [ -n "$1" -a "$1" != "now" ]; then for release in $(find ./aptarchive -name 'Release'); do touch -d "$1" $release done fi msgdone "info" } setupdistsaptarchive() { local APTARCHIVE=$(readlink -f ./aptarchive) rm -f root/etc/apt/sources.list.d/apt-test-*-deb.list rm -f root/etc/apt/sources.list.d/apt-test-*-deb-src.list for DISTS in $(find ./aptarchive/dists/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d | cut -d'/' -f 4); do SECTIONS=$(find ./aptarchive/dists/${DISTS}/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d | cut -d'/' -f 5 | tr '\n' ' ') msgninfo "\tadd deb and deb-src sources.list lines for ${CCMD}${DISTS} ${SECTIONS}${CINFO}… " echo "deb file://$APTARCHIVE $DISTS $SECTIONS" > rootdir/etc/apt/sources.list.d/apt-test-${DISTS}-deb.list echo "deb-src file://$APTARCHIVE $DISTS $SECTIONS" > rootdir/etc/apt/sources.list.d/apt-test-${DISTS}-deb-src.list msgdone "info" done } setupflataptarchive() { local APTARCHIVE=$(readlink -f ./aptarchive) if [ -f ${APTARCHIVE}/Packages ]; then msgninfo "\tadd deb sources.list line… " echo "deb file://$APTARCHIVE /" > rootdir/etc/apt/sources.list.d/apt-test-archive-deb.list msgdone "info" else rm -f rootdir/etc/apt/sources.list.d/apt-test-archive-deb.list fi if [ -f ${APTARCHIVE}/Sources ]; then msgninfo "\tadd deb-src sources.list line… " echo "deb-src file://$APTARCHIVE /" > rootdir/etc/apt/sources.list.d/apt-test-archive-deb-src.list msgdone "info" else rm -f rootdir/etc/apt/sources.list.d/apt-test-archive-deb-src.list fi } setupaptarchive() { buildaptarchive if [ -e aptarchive/dists ]; then setupdistsaptarchive else setupflataptarchive fi signreleasefiles msgninfo "\tSync APT's cache with the archive… " aptget update -qq msgdone "info" } signreleasefiles() { local SIGNER="${1:-Joe Sixpack}" msgninfo "\tSign archive with $SIGNER key… " local SECKEYS="" for KEY in $(find keys/ -name '*.sec'); do SECKEYS="$SECKEYS --secret-keyring $KEY" done local PUBKEYS="" for KEY in $(find keys/ -name '*.pub'); do PUBKEYS="$PUBKEYS --keyring $KEY" done for RELEASE in $(find aptarchive/ -name Release); do gpg --yes --no-default-keyring $SECKEYS $PUBKEYS --default-key "$SIGNER" -abs -o ${RELEASE}.gpg ${RELEASE} gpg --yes --no-default-keyring $SECKEYS $PUBKEYS --default-key "$SIGNER" --clearsign -o "$(echo "${RELEASE}" | sed 's#/Release$#/InRelease#')" $RELEASE done msgdone "info" } changetowebserver() { if [ -n "$1" ] && ! test -x ${BUILDDIRECTORY}/aptwebserver; then msgdie 'Need the aptwebserver when passing arguments' fi local LOG='/dev/null' if test -x ${BUILDDIRECTORY}/aptwebserver; then cd aptarchive LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${BUILDDIRECTORY} ${BUILDDIRECTORY}/aptwebserver $@ 2> $LOG > $LOG & addtrap "kill $!;" cd - > /dev/null elif which weborf > /dev/null; then weborf -xb aptarchive/ 2> $LOG > $LOG & addtrap "kill $!;" elif which gatling > /dev/null; then cd aptarchive gatling -p 8080 -F -S 2> $LOG > $LOG & addtrap "kill $!;" cd - > /dev/null elif which lighttpd > /dev/null; then echo "server.document-root = \"$(readlink -f ./aptarchive)\" server.port = 8080 server.stat-cache-engine = \"disable\"" > lighttpd.conf lighttpd -t -f lighttpd.conf 2> $LOG > $LOG || msgdie 'Can not change to webserver: our lighttpd config is invalid' lighttpd -D -f lighttpd.conf 2> $LOG > $LOG & addtrap "kill $!;" else msgdie 'You have to install weborf or lighttpd first' return 1 fi local APTARCHIVE="file://$(readlink -f ./aptarchive)" for LIST in $(find rootdir/etc/apt/sources.list.d/ -name 'apt-test-*.list'); do sed -i $LIST -e "s#$APTARCHIVE#http://localhost:8080/#" done return 0 } checkdiff() { local DIFFTEXT="$($(which diff) -u $* | sed -e '/^---/ d' -e '/^+++/ d' -e '/^@@/ d')" if [ -n "$DIFFTEXT" ]; then echo echo "$DIFFTEXT" return 1 else return 0 fi } testfileequal() { local FILE="$1" shift msgtest "Test for correctness of file" "$FILE" if [ -z "$*" ]; then echo -n "" | checkdiff $FILE - && msgpass || msgfail else echo "$*" | checkdiff $FILE - && msgpass || msgfail fi } testempty() { msgtest "Test for no output of" "$*" test -z "$($* 2>&1)" && msgpass || msgfail } testequal() { local COMPAREFILE=$(mktemp) addtrap "rm $COMPAREFILE;" echo "$1" > $COMPAREFILE shift msgtest "Test for equality of" "$*" $* 2>&1 | checkdiff $COMPAREFILE - && msgpass || msgfail } testequalor2() { local COMPAREFILE1=$(mktemp) local COMPAREFILE2=$(mktemp) local COMPAREAGAINST=$(mktemp) addtrap "rm $COMPAREFILE1 $COMPAREFILE2 $COMPAREAGAINST;" echo "$1" > $COMPAREFILE1 echo "$2" > $COMPAREFILE2 shift 2 msgtest "Test for equality OR of" "$*" $* 2>&1 1> $COMPAREAGAINST (checkdiff $COMPAREFILE1 $COMPAREAGAINST 1> /dev/null || checkdiff $COMPAREFILE2 $COMPAREAGAINST 1> /dev/null) && msgpass || ( echo "\n${CINFO}Diff against OR 1${CNORMAL}" "$(checkdiff $COMPAREFILE1 $COMPAREAGAINST)" \ "\n${CINFO}Diff against OR 2${CNORMAL}" "$(checkdiff $COMPAREFILE2 $COMPAREAGAINST)" && msgfail ) } testshowvirtual() { local VIRTUAL="N: Can't select versions from package '$1' as it is purely virtual" local PACKAGE="$1" shift while [ -n "$1" ]; do VIRTUAL="${VIRTUAL} N: Can't select versions from package '$1' as it is purely virtual" PACKAGE="${PACKAGE} $1" shift done msgtest "Test for virtual packages" "apt-cache show $PACKAGE" VIRTUAL="${VIRTUAL} N: No packages found" local COMPAREFILE=$(mktemp) addtrap "rm $COMPAREFILE;" local ARCH="$(getarchitecture 'native')" echo "$VIRTUAL" | sed -e "s/:$ARCH//" -e 's/:all//' > $COMPAREFILE aptcache show -q=0 $PACKAGE 2>&1 | checkdiff $COMPAREFILE - && msgpass || msgfail } testnopackage() { msgtest "Test for non-existent packages" "apt-cache show $*" local SHOWPKG="$(aptcache show $* 2>&1 | grep '^Package: ')" if [ -n "$SHOWPKG" ]; then echo echo "$SHOWPKG" msgfail return 1 fi msgpass } testdpkginstalled() { msgtest "Test for correctly installed package(s) with" "dpkg -l $*" local PKGS="$(dpkg -l $* | grep '^i' | wc -l)" if [ "$PKGS" != $# ]; then echo $PKGS dpkg -l $* | grep '^[a-z]' msgfail return 1 fi msgpass } testdpkgnotinstalled() { msgtest "Test for correctly not-installed package(s) with" "dpkg -l $*" local PKGS="$(dpkg -l $* 2> /dev/null | grep '^i' | wc -l)" if [ "$PKGS" != 0 ]; then echo dpkg -l $* | grep '^[a-z]' msgfail return 1 fi msgpass } testmarkedauto() { local COMPAREFILE=$(mktemp) addtrap "rm $COMPAREFILE;" if [ -n "$1" ]; then msgtest 'Test for correctly marked as auto-installed' "$*" while [ -n "$1" ]; do echo "$1"; shift; done | sort > $COMPAREFILE else msgtest 'Test for correctly marked as auto-installed' 'no package' echo -n > $COMPAREFILE fi aptmark showauto 2>&1 | checkdiff $COMPAREFILE - && msgpass || msgfail } pause() { echo "STOPPED execution. Press enter to continue" local IGNORE read IGNORE }