set -e

TESTDIR="$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$0")")"
. "$TESTDIR/framework"


# We don't do a real proxy here, we just look how the implementation
# reacts to certain responses from a "proxy" provided by socat
# Checks HTTP, but requesting https instead will check HTTPS (curl) which
# uses different error messages through – also: https://github.com/curl/curl/issues/944

# FIXME: Not run automatically as it uses a hardcoded port (5555)

msgtest 'Check that everything is installed' 'socat'
if dpkg-checkbuilddeps -d 'socat' /dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1; then
	msgskip "$(command dpkg -l socat)"

runclient() {
	# this doesn't need to be an actually reachable webserver for this test
	# in fact, its better if it isn't.
	rm -f index.html
	apthelper download-file "http://${2:-localhost:2903}/" index.html \
		-o Acquire::http::Proxy="socks5h://${1}localhost:5555" \
		-o Acquire::http::Timeout=2 -o Debug::Acquire::http=1 > client.output 2>&1 || true
runserver() {
	socat -x tcp-listen:5555,reuseaddr \
		system:"echo -n '$*' | xxd -r -p; echo 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK'; echo 'Content-Length: 5'; echo 'Connection: close'; echo; echo 'HTML'" \
		> server.output 2>&1 &

msgmsg 'SOCKS does not run'
testsuccess grep 'Could not connect to localhost:5555' client.output

msgmsg 'SOCKS greets back with wrong version'
runserver '04 00'
testsuccess grep 'greets back with wrong version: 4' client.output

msgmsg 'SOCKS tries GSSAPI auth we have not advertised'
runserver '05 01'
testsuccess grep 'greets back having not found a common authorization method: 1' client.output

msgmsg 'SOCKS tries user&pass auth we have not advertised'
runserver '05 02'
testsuccess grep 'pass auth, but we had not offered it' client.output

msgmsg 'SOCKS user:pass wrong version'
runserver '05 02' '05 00'
runclient 'user:pass@'
testsuccess grep 'auth status response with wrong version: 5' client.output

msgmsg 'SOCKS user:pass wrong auth'
runserver '05 02' '01 01'
runclient 'user:pass@'
testsuccess grep 'reported authorization failure: username or password incorrect? (1)' client.output

msgmsg 'SOCKS user:pass request not granted no hostname'
runserver '05 02' '01 00' '05 01 00 03 00 1f 90'
runclient 'user:pass@'
testsuccess grep 'could not connect to localhost (:8080) due to: general SOCKS server failure (1)' client.output

msgmsg 'SOCKS user:pass request not granted with hostname'
runserver '05 02' '01 00' '05 01 00 03 09 68 6f 73 74 6c 6f 63 61 6c 1f 90'
runclient 'user:pass@'
testsuccess grep 'could not connect to localhost (hostlocal:8080) due to: general SOCKS server failure (1)' client.output

msgmsg 'SOCKS user:pass request not granted ipv4'
runserver '05 02' '01 00' '05 04 00 01 ac 10 fe 01 1f 90'
runclient 'user:pass@'
testsuccess grep 'could not connect to localhost ( due to: Host unreachable (4)' client.output

msgmsg 'SOCKS user:pass request not granted ipv6'
runserver '05 02' '01 00' '05 12 00 04 20 01 0d b8 ac 10 fe 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1f 90'
runclient 'user:pass@'
testsuccess grep 'could not connect to localhost (\[2001:0DB8:AC10:FE00:0000:0000:0000:0000\]:8080) due to: Unknown error (18)' client.output

msgmsg 'SOCKS user:pass request granted ipv4'
runserver '05 02' '01 00' '05 00 00 01 ac 10 fe 01 1f 90'
runclient 'user:pass@'
testequal "http: SOCKS proxy $PROXY connection established to localhost (" head -n 1 client.output
testfileequal index.html 'HTML'

msgmsg 'SOCKS user:pass request granted ipv6'
runserver '05 02' '01 00' '05 00 00 04 20 01 0d b8 ac 10 fe 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1f 90'
runclient 'user:pass@'
testequal "http: SOCKS proxy $PROXY connection established to localhost ([2001:0DB8:AC10:FE00:0000:0000:0000:0000]:8080)" head -n 1 client.output
testfileequal index.html 'HTML'

msgmsg 'SOCKS no auth no hostname'
runserver '05 00 05 00 00 03 00 1f 90'
testequal "http: SOCKS proxy $PROXY connection established to localhost (:8080)" head -n 1 client.output
testfileequal index.html 'HTML'

msgmsg 'SOCKS no auth with hostname'
runserver '05 00 05 00 00 03 09 68 6f 73 74 6c 6f 63 61 6c 1f 90'
testequal "http: SOCKS proxy $PROXY connection established to localhost (hostlocal:8080)" head -n 1 client.output
testfileequal index.html 'HTML'

msgmsg 'SOCKS user-only request granted ipv4'
runserver '05 02' '01 00' '05 00 00 01 ac 10 fe 01 1f 90'
runclient 'apt@'
testequal "http: SOCKS proxy $PROXY connection established to localhost (" head -n 1 client.output
testfileequal index.html 'HTML'

msgmsg 'tor: SOCKS user:pass request not granted'
runserver '05 02' '01 00' '05 04 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00'
runclient 'user:pass@'
testsuccess grep 'could not connect to localhost ( due to: Host unreachable (4)' client.output

msgmsg 'tor: SOCKS user:pass request tll expired'
runserver '05 02' '01 00' '05 06 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00'
runclient 'user:pass@'
testsuccess grep 'could not connect to localhost ( due to: TTL expired (6)' client.output

msgmsg 'tor: SOCKS user:pass request service unreachable'
runserver '05 02' '01 00' '05 06 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00'
runclient 'user:pass@' 'vwakviie2ienjx6t.onion'
testsuccess grep 'could not connect to vwakviie2ienjx6t.onion ( due to: Host unreachable (6)' client.output

msgmsg 'tor: SOCKS user:pass request not granted onion'
runserver '05 02' '01 00' '05 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00'
runclient 'user:pass@' 'vwakviie2ienjx6t.onion'
testsuccess grep 'could not connect to vwakviie2ienjx6t.onion ( due to: general SOCKS server failure (1)' client.output

msgmsg 'tor: SOCKS user:pass request not granted subdomain'
runserver '05 02' '01 00' '05 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00'
runclient 'user:pass@' 'ftp.vwakviie2ienjx6t.onion'
testsuccess grep 'could not connect to ftp.vwakviie2ienjx6t.onion ( due to: general SOCKS server failure (1)' client.output

msgmsg 'tor: SOCKS user:pass request not granted too short'
runserver '05 02' '01 00' '05 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00'
runclient 'user:pass@' 'wakviie2ienjx6t.onion'
testsuccess grep 'could not connect to wakviie2ienjx6t.onion ( due to: Invalid hostname: onion service name must be either 16 or 56 characters long (1)' client.output

msgmsg 'tor: SOCKS user:pass request not granted too long'
runserver '05 02' '01 00' '05 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00'
runclient 'user:pass@' 'vwakviie2ienjx6t2.onion'
testsuccess grep 'could not connect to vwakviie2ienjx6t2.onion ( due to: Invalid hostname: onion service name must be either 16 or 56 characters long (1)' client.output

msgmsg 'tor: SOCKS user:pass request not granted too short subdomain'
runserver '05 02' '01 00' '05 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00'
runclient 'user:pass@' 'a.akviie2ienjx6t.onion'
testsuccess grep 'could not connect to a.akviie2ienjx6t.onion ( due to: Invalid hostname: onion service name must be either 16 or 56 characters long (1)' client.output

msgmsg 'tor: SOCKS user:pass request not granted too short subdomains'
runserver '05 02' '01 00' '05 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00'
runclient 'user:pass@' 'a.a.viie2ienjx6t.onion'
testsuccess grep 'could not connect to a.a.viie2ienjx6t.onion ( due to: Invalid hostname: onion service name must be either 16 or 56 characters long (1)' client.output

msgmsg 'tor: SOCKS user:pass request not granted too short'
runserver '05 02' '01 00' '05 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00'
runclient 'user:pass@' 'l5satjgud6gucryazcyvyvhuxhr74u6ygigiuyixe3a6ysis67oro.onion'
testsuccess grep 'could not connect to l5satjgud6gucryazcyvyvhuxhr74u6ygigiuyixe3a6ysis67oro.onion ( due to: Invalid hostname: onion service name must be either 16 or 56 characters long (1)' client.output

msgmsg 'tor: SOCKS user:pass request not granted too long'
runserver '05 02' '01 00' '05 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00'
runclient 'user:pass@' 'l5satjgud6gucryazcyvyvhuxhr74u6ygigiuyixe3a6ysis67ororad2.onion'
testsuccess grep 'could not connect to l5satjgud6gucryazcyvyvhuxhr74u6ygigiuyixe3a6ysis67ororad2.onion ( due to: Invalid hostname: onion service name must be either 16 or 56 characters long (1)' client.output

msgmsg 'tor: SOCKS user:pass request not granted too short subdomain'
runserver '05 02' '01 00' '05 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00'
runclient 'user:pass@' 'a.satjgud6gucryazcyvyvhuxhr74u6ygigiuyixe3a6ysis67ororad.onion'
testsuccess grep 'could not connect to a.satjgud6gucryazcyvyvhuxhr74u6ygigiuyixe3a6ysis67ororad.onion ( due to: Invalid hostname: onion service name must be either 16 or 56 characters long (1)' client.output

msgmsg 'tor: SOCKS user:pass request not granted too short subdomains'
runserver '05 02' '01 00' '05 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00'
runclient 'user:pass@' 'a.a.tjgud6gucryazcyvyvhuxhr74u6ygigiuyixe3a6ysis67ororad.onion'
testsuccess grep 'could not connect to a.a.tjgud6gucryazcyvyvhuxhr74u6ygigiuyixe3a6ysis67ororad.onion ( due to: Invalid hostname: onion service name must be either 16 or 56 characters long (1)' client.output