set -e

TESTDIR=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0))
. $TESTDIR/framework

configarchitecture "i386"

if [ ! -x ${BUILDDIRECTORY}/apt ]; then
    msgmsg "No ${BUILDDIRECTORY}/apt"
    exit 0

insertpackage 'unstable' 'foo' 'all' '1.0'
insertinstalledpackage 'bar' 'i386' '1.0'

insertinstalledpackage 'foobar' 'i386' '1.0'
insertpackage 'unstable' 'foobar' 'i386' '2.0'

insertinstalledpackage 'baz' 'all' '0.1'
insertpackage 'testing' 'baz' 'all' '1.0'
insertpackage 'unstable' 'baz' 'all' '2.0'


APTARCHIVE=$(readlink -f ./aptarchive)

testequal "Listing...
bar/now 1.0 i386 [installed,local]
baz/unstable 2.0 all [upgradable from: 0.1]
foo/unstable 1.0 all
foobar/unstable 2.0 i386 [upgradable from: 1.0]" apt list

testequal "Listing...
foo/unstable 1.0 all
foobar/unstable 2.0 i386 [upgradable from: 1.0]" apt list "foo*"

testequal "Listing...
baz/unstable 2.0 all [upgradable from: 0.1]
foobar/unstable 2.0 i386 [upgradable from: 1.0]" apt list --upgradable

# FIXME: hm, hm - does it make sense to have this different? shouldn't
#        we use "installed,upgradable" consitently?
testequal "Listing...
bar/now 1.0 i386 [installed,local]
baz/now 0.1 all [installed,upgradable to: 2.0]
foobar/now 1.0 i386 [installed,upgradable to: 2.0]" apt list --installed

testequal "Listing...
bar/now 1.0 i386 [installed,local]

foobar/unstable 2.0 i386 [upgradable from: 1.0]
foobar/now 1.0 i386 [installed,upgradable to: 2.0]
" apt list bar foobar --all-versions

testequal "Listing...
bar/now 1.0 i386 [installed,local]
  an autogenerated dummy bar=1.0/installed
" apt list bar --verbose

# test for dpkg ^rc state
insertinstalledpackage 'conf-only' 'i386' '1.0' '' '' 'deinstall ok config-files'
testequal "Listing...
conf-only/now 1.0 i386 [residual-config]" apt list conf-only

# ensure that the users learns about multiple versions too
testequal "Listing...
baz/unstable 2.0 all [upgradable from: 0.1]
N: There are 2 additional versions. Please use the '-a' switch to see them." apt list baz -o quiet=0

# test format strings for machine parseable output
apt list -qq bar baz  -o APT::Cmd::use-format=true  -o APT::Cmd::format="\${Package} - \${installed:Version} - \${candidate:Version}" > output.txt
testequal "bar - 1.0 - 1.0
baz - 0.1 - 2.0" cat output.txt