# ensure downloading sends progress as a regression test for commit 9127d7ae
set -e

TESTDIR=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0))
. $TESTDIR/framework


assertprogress() {
    testsuccess grep "dlstatus:1:0:Retrieving file 1 of 1" "$T"
    if ! grep -E -q "dlstatus:1:(0\..*|([1-9](\..*)?)|[1-9][0-9](\..*)?):Retrieving file 1 of 1" "$T"; then
        cat "$T"
        msgfail "Failed to detect download progress"
    testsuccess grep "dlstatus:1:100:Retrieving file 1 of 1" "$T"

# we need to ensure the file is reasonable big so that apt has a chance to
# actually report progress - but not too big to ensure its not delaying the
# test too much
testsuccess dd if=/dev/zero of=./aptarchive/$TESTFILE bs=800k count=1

OPT='-o APT::Status-Fd=3 -o Debug::pkgAcquire::Worker=1 -o Debug::Acquire::http=1 -o Debug::Acquire::https=1'

msgtest 'download progress works via' 'http'
exec 3> apt-progress.log
testsuccess --nomsg apthelper download-file "http://localhost:${APTHTTPPORT}/$TESTFILE" ./downloaded/http-$TESTFILE $OPT -o Acquire::http::Dl-Limit=600
assertprogress apt-progress.log

msgtest 'download progress works via' 'https'
exec 3> apt-progress.log
testsuccess --nomsg apthelper download-file "https://localhost:${APTHTTPSPORT}/$TESTFILE" ./downloaded/https-$TESTFILE $OPT -o Acquire::https::Dl-Limit=600
assertprogress apt-progress.log

# cleanup
rm -f apt-progress*.log