# test that apt-get update is transactional
set -e

avoid_ims_hit() {
    touch -d '+1hour' aptarchive/dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/Packages*
    touch -d '+1hour' aptarchive/dists/unstable/main/source/Sources*
    touch -d '+1hour' aptarchive/dists/unstable/*Release*

    touch -d '-1hour' rootdir/var/lib/apt/lists/*

    rm -rf aptarchive/*
    rm -f rootdir/var/lib/apt/lists/_* rootdir/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/*

    insertpackage 'unstable' 'old' 'all' '1.0'

    setupaptarchive --no-update

add_new_package() {
    insertpackage "unstable" "new" "all" "1.0"
    insertsource "unstable" "new" "all" "1.0"

    setupaptarchive --no-update "$@"

break_repository_sources_index() {
    printf 'xxx' > $APTARCHIVE/dists/unstable/main/source/Sources
    compressfile "$APTARCHIVE/dists/unstable/main/source/Sources" "$@"

start_with_good_inrelease() {
    testsuccess aptget update
    listcurrentlistsdirectory > lists.before
    testsuccessequal "old/unstable 1.0 all" apt list -q

test_inrelease_to_new_inrelease() {
    msgmsg 'Test InRelease to new InRelease works fine'

    add_new_package '+1hour'
    testsuccess aptget update -o Debug::Acquire::Transaction=1
    testsuccessequal "new/unstable 1.0 all
old/unstable 1.0 all" apt list -q

test_inrelease_to_broken_hash_reverts_all() {
    msgmsg 'Test InRelease to broken InRelease reverts everything'

    add_new_package '+1hour'
    # break the Sources file
    break_repository_sources_index '+1hour'

    # test the error condition
    testfailureequal "W: Failed to fetch file:${APTARCHIVE}/dists/unstable/main/source/Sources.gz  Hash Sum mismatch
E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead." aptget update -qq
    # ensure that the Packages file is also rolled back
    testfileequal lists.before "$(listcurrentlistsdirectory)"
    testfailureequal "E: Unable to locate package new" aptget install new -s -qq

test_inrelease_to_valid_release() {
    msgmsg 'Test InRelease to valid Release'

    add_new_package '+1hour'
    # switch to a unsigned repo now
    rm $APTARCHIVE/dists/unstable/InRelease
    rm $APTARCHIVE/dists/unstable/Release.gpg

    # update fails
    testfailureequal "E: The repository 'file:${APTARCHIVE} unstable Release' is no longer signed." aptget update -qq

    # test that security downgrade was not successful
    testfileequal lists.before "$(listcurrentlistsdirectory)"
    testsuccess aptget install old -s
    testfailure aptget install new -s
    testsuccess ls $ROOTDIR/var/lib/apt/lists/*_InRelease
    testfailure ls $ROOTDIR/var/lib/apt/lists/*_Release

test_inrelease_to_release_reverts_all() {
    msgmsg 'Test InRelease to broken Release reverts everything'

    # switch to a unsigned repo now
    add_new_package '+1hour'
    rm $APTARCHIVE/dists/unstable/InRelease
    rm $APTARCHIVE/dists/unstable/Release.gpg

    # break it
    break_repository_sources_index '+1hour'

    # ensure error
    testfailureequal "E: The repository 'file:${APTARCHIVE} unstable Release' is no longer signed." aptget update -qq # -o Debug::acquire::transaction=1

    # ensure that the Packages file is also rolled back
    testfileequal lists.before "$(listcurrentlistsdirectory)"
    testsuccess aptget install old -s
    testfailure aptget install new -s
    testsuccess ls $ROOTDIR/var/lib/apt/lists/*_InRelease
    testfailure ls $ROOTDIR/var/lib/apt/lists/*_Release

test_unauthenticated_to_invalid_inrelease() {
    msgmsg 'Test UnAuthenticated to invalid InRelease reverts everything'
    rm $APTARCHIVE/dists/unstable/InRelease
    rm $APTARCHIVE/dists/unstable/Release.gpg

    testwarning aptget update --allow-insecure-repositories
    listcurrentlistsdirectory > lists.before
    testfailureequal "WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!
E: There are problems and -y was used without --force-yes" aptget install -qq -y old

    # go to authenticated but not correct
    add_new_package '+1hour'
    break_repository_sources_index '+1hour'

    testfailureequal "W: Failed to fetch file:$APTARCHIVE/dists/unstable/main/source/Sources.gz  Hash Sum mismatch
E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead." aptget update -qq

    testfileequal lists.before "$(listcurrentlistsdirectory)"
    testfailure ls rootdir/var/lib/apt/lists/*_InRelease
    testfailureequal "WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!
E: There are problems and -y was used without --force-yes" aptget install -qq -y old

test_inrelease_to_unauth_inrelease() {
    msgmsg 'Test InRelease to InRelease without good sig'

    signreleasefiles 'Marvin Paranoid'

    testwarningequal "W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: file:${APTARCHIVE} unstable InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY E8525D47528144E2
W: Failed to fetch file:$APTARCHIVE/dists/unstable/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY E8525D47528144E2
W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead." aptget update -qq

    testfileequal lists.before "$(listcurrentlistsdirectory)"
    testsuccess ls rootdir/var/lib/apt/lists/*_InRelease

test_inrelease_to_broken_gzip() {
    msgmsg "Test InRelease to broken gzip"

    break_repository_sources_index '+1hour'
    generatereleasefiles '+2hours'

    # append junk at the end of the compressed file
    echo "lala" >> $APTARCHIVE/dists/unstable/main/source/Sources.gz
    touch -d '+2min' $APTARCHIVE/dists/unstable/main/source/Sources.gz
    # remove uncompressed file to avoid fallback
    rm $APTARCHIVE/dists/unstable/main/source/Sources

    testfailure aptget update
    testsuccess grep 'Hash Sum mismatch' rootdir/tmp/testfailure.output
    testfileequal lists.before "$(listcurrentlistsdirectory)"

TESTDIR=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0))
. $TESTDIR/framework

configarchitecture "i386"

# setup the archive and ensure we have a single package that installs fine
APTARCHIVE=$(readlink -f ./aptarchive)
APTARCHIVE_LISTS="$(echo $APTARCHIVE | tr "/" "_" )"

# test the following cases:
# - InRelease -> broken InRelease revert to previous state
# - empty lists dir and broken remote leaves nothing on the system
# - InRelease -> hashsum mismatch for one file reverts all files to previous state
# - Release/Release.gpg -> hashsum mismatch
# - InRelease -> Release with hashsum mismatch revert entire state and kills Release
# - Release -> InRelease with broken Sig/Hash removes InRelease
# going from Release/Release.gpg -> InRelease and vice versa
# - unauthenticated -> invalid InRelease

# stuff to do:
# - ims-hit
# - gzip-index tests
