set -e

TESTDIR=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0))
. $TESTDIR/framework
configarchitecture "i386"

touch aptarchive/Packages

testaptgetupdate() {
	rm -rf rootdir/var/lib/apt rootdir/var/cache/apt
	aptget update 2>> testaptgetupdate.diff >> testaptgetupdate.diff || true
	sed -i -e '/^Fetched / d' -e 's#\[[0-9]* [kMGTPY]*B\]#\[\]#' testaptgetupdate.diff
	msgtest "Test for correctness of" "apt-get update with $*"
	if [ -z "$GIVEN" ]; then
		echo -n "" | checkdiff - testaptgetupdate.diff && msgpass || msgfail
		echo "$GIVEN" | checkdiff - testaptgetupdate.diff && msgpass || msgfail
	rm testaptgetupdate.diff

createemptyarchive() {
	find aptarchive/ \( -name "Packages*" -o -name "en*" \) -type f -delete
	if [ "en" = "$1" ]; then
		echo -n "" | $COMPRESSOR > aptarchive/Packages.$COMPRESS
	touch aptarchive/Packages
	echo -n "" | $COMPRESSOR > aptarchive/${1}.$COMPRESS
	aptftparchive release aptarchive/ > aptarchive/Release
	rm -f aptarchive/Packages

createemptyfile() {
	find aptarchive/ \( -name "Packages*" -o -name "en*" \) -type f -delete
	if [ "en" = "$1" ]; then
		echo -n "" | $COMPRESSOR > aptarchive/Packages.$COMPRESS
	touch aptarchive/Packages aptarchive/${1}.$COMPRESS
	aptftparchive release aptarchive/ > aptarchive/Release
	rm -f aptarchive/Packages

setupcompressor() {
	case $COMPRESSOR in
	gzip) COMPRESS="gz";;
	bzip2) COMPRESS="bz2";;
	lzma) COMPRESS="lzma";;
	echo "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order { \"${COMPRESS}\"; };
Dir::Bin::gzip \"/does/not/exist\";
Dir::Bin::bzip2 \"/does/not/exist\";
Dir::Bin::lzma \"/does/not/exist\";" > rootdir/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00compressor
	if [ -e "/bin/${COMPRESSOR}" ]; then
		echo "Dir::Bin::${COMPRESSOR} \"/bin/${COMPRESSOR}\";" >> rootdir/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00compressor
	elif [ -e "/usr/bin/${COMPRESSOR}" ]; then
		echo "Dir::Bin::${COMPRESSOR} \"/usr/bin/${COMPRESSOR}\";" >> rootdir/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00compressor
		msgtest "Test for availability of compressor" "${COMPRESSOR}"
		exit 1

testoverfile() {
	setupcompressor "$1"

	createemptyfile 'en'
	testaptgetupdate "Get:1 file:  InRelease []
Ign file:$(readlink -f aptarchive)/  Translation-en
Reading package lists..." "empty file en.$COMPRESS over file"

	createemptyarchive 'en'
	testaptgetupdate "Get:1 file:  InRelease []
Reading package lists..." "empty archive en.$COMPRESS over file"

	createemptyarchive 'Packages'
	# FIXME: Why omits the file transport the Packages Get line?
	#Get:3 file:  Packages []
	testaptgetupdate "Ign file:$(readlink -f aptarchive)/  Translation-en
Get:1 file:  InRelease []
Reading package lists..." "empty archive Packages.$COMPRESS over file"

	createemptyfile 'Packages'
	testaptgetupdate "Ign file:$(readlink -f aptarchive)/  Translation-en
Get:1 file:  InRelease []
Err file:  Packages
  Undetermined Error
W: Failed to fetch file:$(readlink -f aptarchive/Packages.$COMPRESS)  Undetermined Error

E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead." "empty file Packages.$COMPRESS over file"

testoverhttp() {
	setupcompressor "$1"

	createemptyfile 'en'
	testaptgetupdate "Get:1 http://localhost  InRelease []
Get:2 http://localhost/  Translation-en
Get:3 http://localhost  Packages []
Ign http://localhost/  Translation-en
Reading package lists..." "empty file en.$COMPRESS over http"

	createemptyarchive 'en'
	testaptgetupdate "Get:1 http://localhost  InRelease []
Get:2 http://localhost/  Translation-en []
Get:3 http://localhost  Packages []
Reading package lists..." "empty archive en.$COMPRESS over http"

	createemptyarchive 'Packages'
	testaptgetupdate "Get:1 http://localhost  InRelease []
Ign http://localhost/  Translation-en
Get:2 http://localhost  Packages []
Reading package lists..." "empty archive Packages.$COMPRESS over http"

	createemptyfile 'Packages'
	#FIXME: we should response with a good error message instead
	testaptgetupdate "Get:1 http://localhost  InRelease []
Ign http://localhost/  Translation-en
Get:2 http://localhost  Packages
Err http://localhost  Packages
  Undetermined Error
W: Failed to fetch http://localhost:8080/Packages.$COMPRESS  Undetermined Error

E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead." "empty file Packages.$COMPRESS over http"

for COMPRESSOR in 'gzip' 'bzip2' 'lzma'; do testoverfile $COMPRESSOR; done

# do the same again with http instead of file

for COMPRESSOR in 'gzip' 'bzip2' 'lzma'; do testoverhttp $COMPRESSOR; done