set -e

TESTDIR="$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$0")")"
. "$TESTDIR/framework"

configarchitecture 'i386'

insertinstalledpackage 'package1' 'i386' '1.0'
insertinstalledpackage 'package2' 'i386' '1.0'
insertinstalledpackage 'package3' 'i386' '1.0'
insertinstalledpackage 'package4' 'i386' '1.0'
insertinstalledpackage 'package5' 'i386' '1.0'
insertinstalledpackage 'package6' 'i386' '1.0'
buildsimplenativepackage 'foo' 'all' '1'


buildsimplenativepackage 'bar' 'all' '1'

# Checks that the correct variable is set
msgmsg 'Post-Invoke script has DPKG_FRONTEND_LOCKED set'
testsuccess aptget  -q -y -o Dpkg::Post-Invoke::="echo DPKG_FRONTEND_LOCKED=\$DPKG_FRONTEND_LOCKED" remove package1
cp rootdir/tmp/testsuccess.output install.output
testsuccess grep DPKG_FRONTEND_LOCKED=true install.output

msgmsg 'Pre-Invoke script has DPKG_FRONTEND_LOCKED set'
testsuccess aptget  -q -y -o Dpkg::Pre-Invoke::="echo DPKG_FRONTEND_LOCKED=\$DPKG_FRONTEND_LOCKED" remove package2
cp rootdir/tmp/testsuccess.output install.output
testsuccess grep DPKG_FRONTEND_LOCKED=true install.output

msgmsg 'Pre-Install-Pkgs script has DPKG_FRONTEND_LOCKED set'
testsuccess aptget  -q -y -o DPkg::Pre-Install-Pkgs::="echo DPKG_FRONTEND_LOCKED=\$DPKG_FRONTEND_LOCKED" remove package3
cp rootdir/tmp/testsuccess.output install.output
testsuccess grep DPKG_FRONTEND_LOCKED=true install.output

# Check that the frontend lock is hold by apt-get
msgmsg 'Post-Invoke script runs while frontend is locked'
testfailure aptget  -q -y -o Dpkg::Post-Invoke::="apt-get remove" remove package4
cp rootdir/tmp/testfailure.output install.output
testsuccess grep "E: Unable to acquire the dpkg frontend lock (${TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY}/rootdir/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend), is another process using it?" install.output
testsuccess grep "E: Problem executing scripts DPkg::Post-Invoke 'apt-get remove'" install.output

msgmsg 'Pre-Invoke script runs while frontend is locked'
testfailure aptget  -q -y -o Dpkg::Pre-Invoke::="apt-get remove" remove package5
cp rootdir/tmp/testfailure.output install.output
testsuccess grep "E: Unable to acquire the dpkg frontend lock (${TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY}/rootdir/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend), is another process using it?" install.output
testsuccess grep "E: Problem executing scripts DPkg::Pre-Invoke 'apt-get remove'" install.output

msgmsg 'Pre-Install-Pkgs runs while frontend is locked'
testfailure aptget  -q -y -o DPkg::Pre-Install-Pkgs::="apt-get remove" remove package6
cp rootdir/tmp/testfailure.output install.output
testsuccess grep "E: Unable to acquire the dpkg frontend lock (${TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY}/rootdir/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend), is another process using it?" install.output
testsuccess grep "E: Sub-process apt-get remove returned an error code (100)" install.output
testsuccess grep "Failure running script apt-get remove" install.output

# Applied test case from DonKult
msgmsg 'Applied case of frontend locking'
cat > ./post-invoke <<EOF
set -e
${TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY}/rootdir/usr/bin/dpkg -i ${TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY}/incoming/bar_1_all.deb
chmod +x ./post-invoke
echo "dpkg::post-invoke:: \"${TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY}/post-invoke\";" > rootdir/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01dpkgpostinvoke

testdpkgnotinstalled 'foo' 'bar'
testsuccess apt show foo
testfailure apt show bar

testsuccess apt install foo -s
testdpkgnotinstalled 'foo' 'bar'

testsuccess apt install foo
testdpkginstalled 'foo' 'bar'