#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include char const * const httpcodeToStr(int const httpcode) /*{{{*/ { switch (httpcode) { // Informational 1xx case 100: return "100 Continue"; case 101: return "101 Switching Protocols"; // Successful 2xx case 200: return "200 OK"; case 201: return "201 Created"; case 202: return "202 Accepted"; case 203: return "203 Non-Authoritative Information"; case 204: return "204 No Content"; case 205: return "205 Reset Content"; case 206: return "206 Partial Content"; // Redirections 3xx case 300: return "300 Multiple Choices"; case 301: return "301 Moved Permanently"; case 302: return "302 Found"; case 303: return "303 See Other"; case 304: return "304 Not Modified"; case 305: return "304 Use Proxy"; case 307: return "307 Temporary Redirect"; // Client errors 4xx case 400: return "400 Bad Request"; case 401: return "401 Unauthorized"; case 402: return "402 Payment Required"; case 403: return "403 Forbidden"; case 404: return "404 Not Found"; case 405: return "405 Method Not Allowed"; case 406: return "406 Not Acceptable"; case 407: return "407 Proxy Authentication Required"; case 408: return "408 Request Time-out"; case 409: return "409 Conflict"; case 410: return "410 Gone"; case 411: return "411 Length Required"; case 412: return "412 Precondition Failed"; case 413: return "413 Request Entity Too Large"; case 414: return "414 Request-URI Too Large"; case 415: return "415 Unsupported Media Type"; case 416: return "416 Requested range not satisfiable"; case 417: return "417 Expectation Failed"; case 418: return "418 I'm a teapot"; // Server error 5xx case 500: return "500 Internal Server Error"; case 501: return "501 Not Implemented"; case 502: return "502 Bad Gateway"; case 503: return "503 Service Unavailable"; case 504: return "504 Gateway Time-out"; case 505: return "505 HTTP Version not supported"; } return NULL; } /*}}}*/ void addFileHeaders(std::list &headers, FileFd &data) /*{{{*/ { std::ostringstream contentlength; contentlength << "Content-Length: " << data.FileSize(); headers.push_back(contentlength.str()); std::string lastmodified("Last-Modified: "); lastmodified.append(TimeRFC1123(data.ModificationTime())); headers.push_back(lastmodified); } /*}}}*/ void addDataHeaders(std::list &headers, std::string &data) /*{{{*/ { std::ostringstream contentlength; contentlength << "Content-Length: " << data.size(); headers.push_back(contentlength.str()); } /*}}}*/ bool sendHead(int const client, int const httpcode, std::list &headers)/*{{{*/ { std::string response("HTTP/1.1 "); response.append(httpcodeToStr(httpcode)); headers.push_front(response); headers.push_back("Server: APT webserver"); std::string date("Date: "); date.append(TimeRFC1123(time(NULL))); headers.push_back(date); std::clog << ">>> RESPONSE >>>" << std::endl; bool Success = true; for (std::list::const_iterator h = headers.begin(); Success == true && h != headers.end(); ++h) { Success &= FileFd::Write(client, h->c_str(), h->size()); if (Success == true) Success &= FileFd::Write(client, "\r\n", 2); std::clog << *h << std::endl; } if (Success == true) Success &= FileFd::Write(client, "\r\n", 2); std::clog << "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<" << std::endl; return Success; } /*}}}*/ bool sendFile(int const client, FileFd &data) /*{{{*/ { bool Success = true; char buffer[500]; unsigned long long actual = 0; while ((Success &= data.Read(buffer, sizeof(buffer), &actual)) == true) { if (actual == 0) break; if (Success == true) Success &= FileFd::Write(client, buffer, actual); } if (Success == true) Success &= FileFd::Write(client, "\r\n", 2); return Success; } /*}}}*/ bool sendData(int const client, std::string const &data) /*{{{*/ { bool Success = true; Success &= FileFd::Write(client, data.c_str(), data.size()); if (Success == true) Success &= FileFd::Write(client, "\r\n", 2); return Success; } /*}}}*/ void sendError(int const client, int const httpcode, std::string const &request,/*{{{*/ bool content, std::string const &error = "") { std::list headers; std::string response(""); response.append(httpcodeToStr(httpcode)).append(""); response.append("


"); if (error.empty() == false) response.append("

Error: ").append(error).append("

"); response.append("This error is a result of the request:
"); addDataHeaders(headers, response); sendHead(client, httpcode, headers); if (content == true) sendData(client, response); } /*}}}*/ void sendRedirect(int const client, int const httpcode, std::string const &uri,/*{{{*/ std::string const &request, bool content) { std::list headers; std::string response(""); response.append(httpcodeToStr(httpcode)).append(""); response.append("

").append(httpcodeToStr(httpcode)).append("You should be redirected to ").append(uri).append("

"); response.append("This page is a result of the request:
"); addDataHeaders(headers, response); std::string location("Location: "); if (strncmp(uri.c_str(), "http://", 7) != 0) location.append("http://").append(LookupTag(request, "Host")).append("/").append(uri); else location.append(uri); headers.push_back(location); sendHead(client, httpcode, headers); if (content == true) sendData(client, response); } /*}}}*/ int filter_hidden_files(const struct dirent *a) /*{{{*/ { if (a->d_name[0] == '.') return 0; #ifdef _DIRENT_HAVE_D_TYPE // if we have the d_type check that only files and dirs will be included if (a->d_type != DT_UNKNOWN && a->d_type != DT_REG && a->d_type != DT_LNK && // this includes links to regular files a->d_type != DT_DIR) return 0; #endif return 1; } int grouped_alpha_case_sort(const struct dirent **a, const struct dirent **b) { #ifdef _DIRENT_HAVE_D_TYPE if ((*a)->d_type == DT_DIR && (*b)->d_type == DT_DIR); else if ((*a)->d_type == DT_DIR && (*b)->d_type == DT_REG) return -1; else if ((*b)->d_type == DT_DIR && (*a)->d_type == DT_REG) return 1; else #endif { struct stat f_prop; //File's property stat((*a)->d_name, &f_prop); int const amode = f_prop.st_mode; stat((*b)->d_name, &f_prop); int const bmode = f_prop.st_mode; if (S_ISDIR(amode) && S_ISDIR(bmode)); else if (S_ISDIR(amode)) return -1; else if (S_ISDIR(bmode)) return 1; } return strcasecmp((*a)->d_name, (*b)->d_name); } /*}}}*/ void sendDirectoryListing(int const client, std::string const &dir, /*{{{*/ std::string const &request, bool content) { std::list headers; std::ostringstream listing; struct dirent **namelist; int const counter = scandir(dir.c_str(), &namelist, filter_hidden_files, grouped_alpha_case_sort); if (counter == -1) { sendError(client, 500, request, content); return; } listing << "Index of " << dir << "" << "" << "" << std::endl << "

Index of " << dir << "

" << std::endl << "" << std::endl; if (dir != ".") listing << ""; for (int i = 0; i < counter; ++i) { struct stat fs; std::string filename(dir); filename.append("/").append(namelist[i]->d_name); stat(filename.c_str(), &fs); if (S_ISDIR(fs.st_mode)) { listing << "" << "" << ""; } else { listing << "" << "" << ""; } listing << "" << std::endl; } listing << "
dParent Directory--
dd_name << "/\">" << namelist[i]->d_name << "-
fd_name << "\">" << namelist[i]->d_name << "" << SizeToStr(fs.st_size) << "B" << TimeRFC1123(fs.st_mtime) << "
" << std::endl; std::string response(listing.str()); addDataHeaders(headers, response); sendHead(client, 200, headers); if (content == true) sendData(client, response); } /*}}}*/ bool parseFirstLine(int const client, std::string const &request, /*{{{*/ std::string &filename, bool &sendContent, bool &closeConnection) { if (strncmp(request.c_str(), "HEAD ", 5) == 0) sendContent = false; if (strncmp(request.c_str(), "GET ", 4) != 0) { sendError(client, 501, request, true); return false; } size_t const lineend = request.find('\n'); size_t filestart = request.find(' '); for (; request[filestart] == ' '; ++filestart); size_t fileend = request.rfind(' ', lineend); if (lineend == std::string::npos || filestart == std::string::npos || fileend == std::string::npos || filestart == fileend) { sendError(client, 500, request, sendContent, "Filename can't be extracted"); return false; } size_t httpstart = fileend; for (; request[httpstart] == ' '; ++httpstart); if (strncmp(request.c_str() + httpstart, "HTTP/1.1\r", 9) == 0) closeConnection = strcasecmp(LookupTag(request, "Connection", "Keep-Alive").c_str(), "Keep-Alive") != 0; else if (strncmp(request.c_str() + httpstart, "HTTP/1.0\r", 9) == 0) closeConnection = strcasecmp(LookupTag(request, "Connection", "Keep-Alive").c_str(), "close") == 0; else { sendError(client, 500, request, sendContent, "Not a HTTP/1.{0,1} request"); return false; } filename = request.substr(filestart, fileend - filestart); if (filename.find(' ') != std::string::npos) { sendError(client, 500, request, sendContent, "Filename contains an unencoded space"); return false; } filename = DeQuoteString(filename); // this is not a secure server, but at least prevent the obvious … if (filename.empty() == true || filename[0] != '/' || strncmp(filename.c_str(), "//", 2) == 0 || filename.find_first_of("\r\n\t\f\v") != std::string::npos || filename.find("/../") != std::string::npos) { sendError(client, 400, request, sendContent, "Filename contains illegal character (sequence)"); return false; } // nuke the first character which is a / as we assured above filename.erase(0, 1); if (filename.empty() == true) filename = "."; return true; } /*}}}*/ int main(int const argc, const char * argv[]) { CommandLine::Args Args[] = { {0, "simulate-paywall", "aptwebserver::Simulate-Paywall", CommandLine::Boolean}, {0, "port", "aptwebserver::port", CommandLine::HasArg}, {'c',"config-file",0,CommandLine::ConfigFile}, {'o',"option",0,CommandLine::ArbItem}, {0,0,0,0} }; CommandLine CmdL(Args, _config); if(CmdL.Parse(argc,argv) == false) { _error->DumpErrors(); exit(1); } // create socket, bind and listen to it {{{ // ignore SIGPIPE, this can happen on write() if the socket closes connection signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); int sock = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(sock < 0) { _error->Errno("aptwerbserver", "Couldn't create socket"); _error->DumpErrors(std::cerr); return 1; } // get the port int const port = _config->FindI("aptwebserver::port", 8080); bool const simulate_broken_server = _config->FindB("aptwebserver::Simulate-Paywall", false); // ensure that we accept all connections: v4 or v6 int const iponly = 0; setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, &iponly, sizeof(iponly)); // to not linger on an address int const enable = 1; setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &enable, sizeof(enable)); struct sockaddr_in6 locAddr; memset(&locAddr, 0, sizeof(locAddr)); locAddr.sin6_family = AF_INET6; locAddr.sin6_port = htons(port); locAddr.sin6_addr = in6addr_any; if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr*) &locAddr, sizeof(locAddr)) < 0) { _error->Errno("aptwerbserver", "Couldn't bind"); _error->DumpErrors(std::cerr); return 2; } FileFd pidfile; if (_config->FindB("aptwebserver::fork", false) == true) { std::string const pidfilename = _config->Find("aptwebserver::pidfile", "aptwebserver.pid"); int const pidfilefd = GetLock(pidfilename); if (pidfilefd < 0 || pidfile.OpenDescriptor(pidfilefd, FileFd::WriteOnly) == false) { _error->Errno("aptwebserver", "Couldn't acquire lock on pidfile '%s'", pidfilename.c_str()); _error->DumpErrors(std::cerr); return 3; } pid_t child = fork(); if (child < 0) { _error->Errno("aptwebserver", "Forking failed"); _error->DumpErrors(std::cerr); return 4; } else if (child != 0) { // successfully forked: ready to serve! std::string pidcontent; strprintf(pidcontent, "%d", child); pidfile.Write(pidcontent.c_str(), pidcontent.size()); if (_error->PendingError() == true) { _error->DumpErrors(std::cerr); return 5; } std::cout << "Successfully forked as " << child << std::endl; return 0; } } if (simulate_broken_server) { std::clog << "Simulating a broken web server that return nonsense " "for all querries" << std::endl; } else { std::clog << "Serving ANY file on port: " << port << std::endl; } listen(sock, 1); /*}}}*/ std::vector messages; int client; while ((client = accept(sock, NULL, NULL)) != -1) { std::clog << "ACCEPT client " << client << " on socket " << sock << std::endl; while (ReadMessages(client, messages)) { bool closeConnection = false; for (std::vector::const_iterator m = messages.begin(); m != messages.end() && closeConnection == false; ++m) { std::clog << ">>> REQUEST >>>>" << std::endl << *m << std::endl << "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<" << std::endl; std::list headers; std::string filename; bool sendContent = true; if (parseFirstLine(client, *m, filename, sendContent, closeConnection) == false) continue; std::string host = LookupTag(*m, "Host", ""); if (host.empty() == true) { // RFC 2616 §14.23 requires Host sendError(client, 400, *m, sendContent, "Host header is required"); continue; } if (simulate_broken_server == true) { std::string data("ni ni ni\n"); addDataHeaders(headers, data); sendHead(client, 200, headers); sendData(client, data); continue; } // string replacements in the requested filename ::Configuration::Item const *Replaces = _config->Tree("aptwebserver::redirect::replace"); if (Replaces != NULL) { std::string redirect = "/" + filename; for (::Configuration::Item *I = Replaces->Child; I != NULL; I = I->Next) redirect = SubstVar(redirect, I->Tag, I->Value); redirect.erase(0,1); if (redirect != filename) { sendRedirect(client, 301, redirect, *m, sendContent); continue; } } ::Configuration::Item const *Overwrite = _config->Tree("aptwebserver::overwrite"); if (Overwrite != NULL) { for (::Configuration::Item *I = Overwrite->Child; I != NULL; I = I->Next) { regex_t *pattern = new regex_t; int const res = regcomp(pattern, I->Tag.c_str(), REG_EXTENDED | REG_ICASE | REG_NOSUB); if (res != 0) { char error[300]; regerror(res, pattern, error, sizeof(error)); sendError(client, 500, *m, sendContent, error); continue; } if (regexec(pattern, filename.c_str(), 0, 0, 0) == 0) { filename = _config->Find("aptwebserver::overwrite::" + I->Tag + "::filename", filename); if (filename[0] == '/') filename.erase(0,1); regfree(pattern); break; } regfree(pattern); } } // deal with the request if (RealFileExists(filename) == true) { FileFd data(filename, FileFd::ReadOnly); std::string condition = LookupTag(*m, "If-Modified-Since", ""); if (condition.empty() == false) { time_t cache; if (RFC1123StrToTime(condition.c_str(), cache) == true && cache >= data.ModificationTime()) { sendHead(client, 304, headers); continue; } } addFileHeaders(headers, data); sendHead(client, 200, headers); if (sendContent == true) sendFile(client, data); } else if (DirectoryExists(filename) == true) { if (filename == "." || filename[filename.length()-1] == '/') sendDirectoryListing(client, filename, *m, sendContent); else sendRedirect(client, 301, filename.append("/"), *m, sendContent); } else sendError(client, 404, *m, sendContent); } _error->DumpErrors(std::cerr); messages.clear(); if (closeConnection == true) break; } std::clog << "CLOSE client " << client << " on socket " << sock << std::endl; close(client); } pidfile.Close(); return 0; }