shopt -s extglob pkg:setup ./ --without-libraries=python --prefix=/usr echo "using darwin : : ${PKG_TARG}-clang++ : ${PKG_TARG}-libtool darwin ;" >> project-config.jam ./b2 --without-python --prefix="${PKG_DEST}/usr" -sNO_LZMA=1 --toolset=darwin link=shared threading=multi,single --layout=tagged install -j2 || : # -j16 # Feel free to up the cores, I got memory errors due to what I'm using. # ./b2 will exit with a status code > 0 rm -f "${PKG_DEST}"/usr/lib/*-d?(-+([0-9_])).@(a|dylib) for na in "${PKG_DEST}"/usr/lib/*-+([0-9_]).a; do a=${na/-+([0-9_]).a/.a} rm -f "$a" ln -s "$(basename "$na")" "$a" done # Note: # LZMA and icu4c are not built. # The following static libs have no shared library, yet are removed. # libboost_test_exec_monitor.a libboost_test_exec_monitor-mt.a