import obc.*; import joc.*; import joc.Message; import static joc.Pointer.*; import static joc.Static.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; public class HelloJava extends UIApplication { private UIWindow window; private static class Contact { public String first; public String last; public Contact(String first, String last) { this.first = first; this.last = last; } public String getName() { String name = first; if (last != null) name += " " + last; return name; } } public static class Section { public int row; public String title; public Section(int row, String title) { this.row = row; this.title = title; } } private ArrayList contacts_; private ArrayList
sections_; @Message int numberOfSectionsInSectionList$(UISectionList list) { return sections_.size(); } @Message String sectionList$titleForSection$(UISectionList list, int section) { return sections_.get(section).title; } @Message int sectionList$rowForSection$(UISectionList list, int section) { return sections_.get(section).row; } @Message int numberOfRowsInTable$(UITable table) { return contacts_.size(); } @Message UITableCell table$cellForRow$column$reusing$(UITable table, int row, UITableColumn col, UITableCell reusing) { Contact contact = contacts_.get(row); UIImageAndTextTableCell cell; if (reusing != null) cell = (UIImageAndTextTableCell) reusing; else cell = (UIImageAndTextTableCell) new UIImageAndTextTableCell().init(); cell.setTitle$(contact.getName()); return cell; } @Message public byte table$canSelectRow$(UITable table, int row) { return NO; } @Message public void applicationDidFinishLaunching$(Object unused) throws Exception { System.out.println("work"); contacts_ = new ArrayList(); sections_ = new ArrayList
(); SQLite.Database ab = new SQLite.Database(); + "/Library/AddressBook/AddressBook.sqlitedb", 0666); try { SQLite.Stmt st = ab.prepare("select first, last from ABPerson where first is not null order by first"); try { while (st.step()) contacts_.add(new Contact( st.column_string(0), st.column_string(1) )); } finally { st.close(); } } finally { ab.close(); } CGRect outer = UIHardware.$fullScreenApplicationContentRect(); window = new UIWindow().initWithContentRect$(outer); window.orderFront$(this); window.makeKey$(this); window._setHidden$(NO); CGRect inner = window.bounds(); CGSize navsize = UINavigationBar.$defaultSize(); CGRect navrect = new CGRect(0, 0, inner.size.width, navsize.height); UIView view = new UIView().initWithFrame$(inner); window.setContentView$(view); UINavigationBar navbar = new UINavigationBar().initWithFrame$(navrect); view.addSubview$(navbar); navbar.setBarStyle$(1); UINavigationItem navitem = new UINavigationItem().initWithTitle$("Contact List"); navbar.pushNavigationItem$(navitem); char letter = 0; for (int i = 0; i != contacts_.size(); ++i) { String name = contacts_.get(i).getName(); char now = name.charAt(0); if (letter != now) { letter = now; sections_.add(new Section( i, new String(new char[] {now}) )); } } CGRect lower = new CGRect(0, navsize.height, inner.size.width, inner.size.height - navsize.height); UISectionList list = new UISectionList().initWithFrame$(lower); view.addSubview$(list); UITableColumn col = new UITableColumn().initWithTitle$identifier$width$("Name", "name", 320); UITable table = (UITable) list.table(); table.setSeparatorStyle$(1); table.addTableColumn$(col); table.setReusesTableCells$(YES); list.setDataSource$(this); list.reloadData(); /* // XXX: this doesn't work the same on 2.0 and I don't want to think about porting it right now AVController controller = new AVController().init(); CharSequence wavfile = (CharSequence) ((NSBundle) NSBundle.mainBundle()).pathForResource$ofType$("start", "wav"); AVItem wavitem = new AVItem().initWithPath$error$(wavfile, null); wavitem.setVolume$(100); controller.setCurrentItem$(wavitem); controller.setCurrentTime$(0);$(null);*/ } }