MCApollo's Notes. In the case of linux, Clang 8 is required due to v8. TODO (if bored): fix the usage of libs for target on host toolchain. I've disable/fixed the other issue for now (mksnapshot/want_seperate_toolchain). TODO: Fix the Makefile/ for a smoother install. TODO: Set all values uv cannot detect, like os.cpus, os.hwfreq, the sysctl values are missing. TODO: Figure a less hacky way to get jitless working, It doesn't work as v8 claims it should work or I'm doing something wrong. Cleaner patches next time ^ SIGCHLD will stop node. -> Setting CS_DEBUGGED in unc0ver doesn't work as intented? Shoutouts: -> Coolstar/PPSSP maintainers, since I borrowed PPSSP's code to set CS_DEBUGGED. -> Shawn Presser's version of node for iOS He didn't try for jit it seems, Xcode just sets CS_DEBUGGED when running from Xcode and it works for him I guess. -> Node chakracore/nodejs-mobile maintainers for gyp edits and leading me to try v8 node. Callouts: -> Screw Node's build system, that's all. Knock down one language, go to the next.