Subject: Patch 8.1.0039
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
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Patch 8.1.0039
Problem:    Cannot easily delete lines in another buffer.
Solution:   Add deletebufline().
Files:	    runtime/doc/eval.txt, src/evalfunc.c, src/testdir/test_bufline.vim

*** ../vim-8.1.0038/runtime/doc/eval.txt	2018-06-06 21:03:57.776523905 +0200
--- runtime/doc/eval.txt	2018-06-07 18:13:41.137548220 +0200
*** 2110,2115 ****
--- 2110,2117 ----
  cursor({list})			Number	move cursor to position in {list}
  deepcopy({expr} [, {noref}])	any	make a full copy of {expr}
  delete({fname} [, {flags}])	Number	delete the file or directory {fname}
+ deletebufline({expr}, {first}[, {last}])
+ 				Number	delete lines from buffer {expr}
  did_filetype()			Number	|TRUE| if FileType autocmd event used
  diff_filler({lnum})		Number	diff filler lines about {lnum}
  diff_hlID({lnum}, {col})	Number	diff highlighting at {lnum}/{col}
*** 3517,3524 ****
  		successful and -1 when the deletion failed or partly failed.
  		Use |remove()| to delete an item from a |List|.
! 		To delete a line from the buffer use |:delete|.  Use |:exe|
! 		when the line number is in a variable.
  did_filetype()	Returns |TRUE| when autocommands are being executed and the
--- 3519,3537 ----
  		successful and -1 when the deletion failed or partly failed.
  		Use |remove()| to delete an item from a |List|.
! 		To delete a line from the buffer use |:delete| or
! 		|deletebufline()|.
! deletebufline({expr}, {first}[, {last}])		*deletebufline()*
! 		Delete lines {first} to {last} (inclusive) from buffer {expr}.
! 		If {last} is omitted then delete line {first} only.
! 		On success 0 is returned, on failure 1 is returned.
! 		For the use of {expr}, see |bufname()| above.
! 		{first} and {last} are used like with |setline()|. Note that
! 		when using |line()| this refers to the current buffer. Use "$"
! 		to refer to the last line in buffer {expr}.
  did_filetype()	Returns |TRUE| when autocommands are being executed and the
*** ../vim-8.1.0038/src/evalfunc.c	2018-06-06 21:03:57.780523901 +0200
--- src/evalfunc.c	2018-06-07 18:06:46.657672665 +0200
*** 125,130 ****
--- 125,131 ----
  static void f_cursor(typval_T *argsvars, typval_T *rettv);
  static void f_deepcopy(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
  static void f_delete(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
+ static void f_deletebufline(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
  static void f_did_filetype(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
  static void f_diff_filler(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
  static void f_diff_hlID(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
*** 577,582 ****
--- 578,584 ----
      {"cursor",		1, 3, f_cursor},
      {"deepcopy",	1, 2, f_deepcopy},
      {"delete",		1, 2, f_delete},
+     {"deletebufline",	2, 3, f_deletebufline},
      {"did_filetype",	0, 0, f_did_filetype},
      {"diff_filler",	1, 1, f_diff_filler},
      {"diff_hlID",	2, 2, f_diff_hlID},
*** 1210,1215 ****
--- 1212,1235 ----
+  * If there is a window for "curbuf", make it the current window.
+  */
+     static void
+ find_win_for_curbuf(void)
+ {
+     wininfo_T *wip;
+     for (wip = curbuf->b_wininfo; wip != NULL; wip = wip->wi_next)
+     {
+ 	if (wip->wi_win != NULL)
+ 	{
+ 	    curwin = wip->wi_win;
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
+     }
+ }
+ /*
   * Set line or list of lines in buffer "buf".
      static void
*** 1241,1259 ****
      if (!is_curbuf)
- 	wininfo_T *wip;
  	curbuf_save = curbuf;
  	curwin_save = curwin;
  	curbuf = buf;
! 	for (wip = buf->b_wininfo; wip != NULL; wip = wip->wi_next)
! 	{
! 	    if (wip->wi_win != NULL)
! 	    {
! 		curwin = wip->wi_win;
! 		break;
! 	    }
! 	}
      if (append)
--- 1261,1270 ----
      if (!is_curbuf)
  	curbuf_save = curbuf;
  	curwin_save = curwin;
  	curbuf = buf;
! 	find_win_for_curbuf();
      if (append)
*** 2808,2813 ****
--- 2819,2911 ----
+  * "deletebufline()" function
+  */
+     static void
+ f_deletebufline(argvars, rettv)
+     typval_T	*argvars;
+     typval_T	*rettv;
+ {
+     buf_T	*buf;
+     linenr_T	first, last;
+     linenr_T	lnum;
+     long	count;
+     int		is_curbuf;
+     buf_T	*curbuf_save = NULL;
+     win_T	*curwin_save = NULL;
+     tabpage_T	*tp;
+     win_T	*wp;
+     buf = get_buf_tv(&argvars[0], FALSE);
+     if (buf == NULL)
+     {
+ 	rettv->vval.v_number = 1; /* FAIL */
+ 	return;
+     }
+     is_curbuf = buf == curbuf;
+     first = get_tv_lnum_buf(&argvars[1], buf);
+     if (argvars[2].v_type != VAR_UNKNOWN)
+ 	last = get_tv_lnum_buf(&argvars[2], buf);
+     else
+ 	last = first;
+     if (buf->b_ml.ml_mfp == NULL || first < 1
+ 			   || first > buf->b_ml.ml_line_count || last < first)
+     {
+ 	rettv->vval.v_number = 1;	/* FAIL */
+ 	return;
+     }
+     if (!is_curbuf)
+     {
+ 	curbuf_save = curbuf;
+ 	curwin_save = curwin;
+ 	curbuf = buf;
+ 	find_win_for_curbuf();
+     }
+     if (last > curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
+ 	last = curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count;
+     count = last - first + 1;
+     // When coming here from Insert mode, sync undo, so that this can be
+     // undone separately from what was previously inserted.
+     if (u_sync_once == 2)
+     {
+ 	u_sync_once = 1; // notify that u_sync() was called
+ 	u_sync(TRUE);
+     }
+     if (u_save(first - 1, last + 1) == FAIL)
+     {
+ 	rettv->vval.v_number = 1;	/* FAIL */
+ 	return;
+     }
+     for (lnum = first; lnum <= last; ++lnum)
+ 	ml_delete(first, TRUE);
+     FOR_ALL_TAB_WINDOWS(tp, wp)
+ 	if (wp->w_buffer == buf)
+ 	{
+ 	    if (wp->w_cursor.lnum > last)
+ 		wp->w_cursor.lnum -= count;
+ 	    else if (wp->w_cursor.lnum> first)
+ 		wp->w_cursor.lnum = first;
+ 	    if (wp->w_cursor.lnum > wp->w_buffer->b_ml.ml_line_count)
+ 		wp->w_cursor.lnum = wp->w_buffer->b_ml.ml_line_count;
+ 	}
+     check_cursor_col();
+     deleted_lines_mark(first, count);
+     if (!is_curbuf)
+     {
+ 	curbuf = curbuf_save;
+ 	curwin = curwin_save;
+     }
+ }
+ /*
   * "did_filetype()" function
      static void
*** ../vim-8.1.0038/src/testdir/test_bufline.vim	2018-06-06 21:03:57.780523901 +0200
--- src/testdir/test_bufline.vim	2018-06-07 18:06:46.657672665 +0200
*** 1,4 ****
! " Tests for setbufline(), getbufline(), appendbufline()
  source shared.vim
--- 1,4 ----
! " Tests for setbufline(), getbufline(), appendbufline(), deletebufline()
  source shared.vim
*** 90,92 ****
--- 90,114 ----
    call assert_equal([], getbufline(b, 6))
    exe "bwipe! " . b
+ func Test_deletebufline()
+   new
+   let b = bufnr('%')
+   call setline(1, ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'])
+   hide
+   call assert_equal(0, deletebufline(b, 2))
+   call assert_equal(['aaa', 'ccc'], getbufline(b, 1, 2))
+   call assert_equal(0, deletebufline(b, 2, 8))
+   call assert_equal(['aaa'], getbufline(b, 1, 2))
+   exe "bd!" b
+   call assert_equal(1, deletebufline(b, 1))
+   split Xtest
+   call setline(1, ['a', 'b', 'c'])
+   let b = bufnr('%')
+   wincmd w
+   call assert_equal(1, deletebufline(b, 4))
+   call assert_equal(0, deletebufline(b, 1))
+   call assert_equal(['b', 'c'], getbufline(b, 1, 2))
+   exe "bwipe! " . b
+ endfunc
*** ../vim-8.1.0038/src/version.c	2018-06-07 15:18:36.826611722 +0200
--- src/version.c	2018-06-07 18:07:51.517608846 +0200
*** 763,764 ****
--- 763,766 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     39,

Now it is such a bizarrely improbable coincidence that anything as
mind-bogglingly useful as the Babel fish could have evolved purely by chance
that some thinkers have chosen to see it as a final and clinching proof of the
NON-existence of God.
The argument goes something like this: 'I refuse to prove that I exist,' says
God, 'for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing.'
'But,' says Man, 'the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it?  It could not
have evolved by chance.  It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own
arguments, you don't.  QED.'
'Oh dear,' says God, 'I hadn't thought of that,' and promptly vanishes in a
puff of logic.
'Oh, that was easy,' says Man, and for an encore goes on to prove that black
is white and gets himself killed on the next pedestrian crossing.
		-- Douglas Adams, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
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 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///