Subject: Patch 8.1.0047
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 8.1.0047
Problem:    No completion for :unlet $VAR.
Solution:   Add completion. (Jason Franklin)
Files:	    src/ex_docmd.c, src/testdir/test_unlet.vim

*** ../vim-8.1.0046/src/ex_docmd.c	2018-06-12 12:39:37.585152510 +0200
--- src/ex_docmd.c	2018-06-12 16:59:13.387246272 +0200
*** 4056,4063 ****
--- 4056,4071 ----
  	case CMD_unlet:
  	    while ((xp->xp_pattern = vim_strchr(arg, ' ')) != NULL)
  		arg = xp->xp_pattern + 1;
  	    xp->xp_context = EXPAND_USER_VARS;
  	    xp->xp_pattern = arg;
+ 	    if (*xp->xp_pattern == '$')
+ 	    {
+ 		xp->xp_context = EXPAND_ENV_VARS;
+ 		++xp->xp_pattern;
+ 	    }
  	case CMD_function:
*** 11277,11283 ****
  	 * winminheight and winminwidth need to be set to avoid an error if the
  	 * user has set winheight or winwidth.
! 	if (put_line(fd, "set winminheight=1 winheight=1 winminwidth=1 winwidth=1") == FAIL)
  	    return FAIL;
  	if (nr > 1 && ses_winsizes(fd, restore_size, tab_firstwin) == FAIL)
  	    return FAIL;
--- 11285,11294 ----
  	 * winminheight and winminwidth need to be set to avoid an error if the
  	 * user has set winheight or winwidth.
! 	if (put_line(fd, "set winminheight=0") == FAIL
! 		|| put_line(fd, "set winheight=1") == FAIL
! 		|| put_line(fd, "set winminwidth=0") == FAIL
! 		|| put_line(fd, "set winwidth=1") == FAIL)
  	    return FAIL;
  	if (nr > 1 && ses_winsizes(fd, restore_size, tab_firstwin) == FAIL)
  	    return FAIL;
*** ../vim-8.1.0046/src/testdir/test_unlet.vim	2018-05-13 15:58:22.000000000 +0200
--- src/testdir/test_unlet.vim	2018-06-12 16:59:13.391246246 +0200
*** 45,47 ****
--- 45,57 ----
+ func Test_unlet_complete()
+   let g:FOOBAR = 1
+   call feedkeys(":unlet g:FOO\t\n", 'tx')
+   call assert_true(!exists('g:FOOBAR'))
+   let $FOOBAR = 1
+   call feedkeys(":unlet $FOO\t\n", 'tx')
+   call assert_true(!exists('$FOOBAR') || empty($FOOBAR))
+ endfunc
*** ../vim-8.1.0046/src/version.c	2018-06-12 16:49:26.366028607 +0200
--- src/version.c	2018-06-12 17:00:05.590909690 +0200
*** 763,764 ****
--- 763,766 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     47,

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 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///