Subject: Patch 8.1.0072
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
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Patch 8.1.0072
Problem:    Use of 'termwinkey' is inconsistent.
Solution:   Change the documentation and the behavior. (Ken Takata)
Files:	    src/terminal.c, runtime/doc/terminal.txt

*** ../vim-8.1.0071/src/terminal.c	2018-06-12 20:25:47.887923393 +0200
--- src/terminal.c	2018-06-17 22:02:22.045425925 +0200
*** 2107,2113 ****
--- 2107,2117 ----
      in_terminal_loop = curbuf->b_term;
      if (*curwin->w_p_twk != NUL)
+     {
  	termwinkey = string_to_key(curwin->w_p_twk, TRUE);
+ 	if (termwinkey == Ctrl_W)
+ 	    termwinkey = 0;
+     }
      position_cursor(curwin, &curbuf->b_term->tl_cursor_pos);
*** 2203,2214 ****
  		/* "CTRL-W CTRL-C" or 'termwinkey' CTRL-C: end the job */
  		mch_signal_job(curbuf->b_term->tl_job, (char_u *)"kill");
! 	    else if (termwinkey == 0 && c == '.')
  		/* "CTRL-W .": send CTRL-W to the job */
! 		c = Ctrl_W;
! 	    else if (termwinkey == 0 && c == Ctrl_BSL)
  		/* "CTRL-W CTRL-\": send CTRL-\ to the job */
  		c = Ctrl_BSL;
--- 2207,2219 ----
  		/* "CTRL-W CTRL-C" or 'termwinkey' CTRL-C: end the job */
  		mch_signal_job(curbuf->b_term->tl_job, (char_u *)"kill");
! 	    else if (c == '.')
  		/* "CTRL-W .": send CTRL-W to the job */
! 		/* "'termwinkey' .": send 'termwinkey' to the job */
! 		c = termwinkey == 0 ? Ctrl_W : termwinkey;
! 	    else if (c == Ctrl_BSL)
  		/* "CTRL-W CTRL-\": send CTRL-\ to the job */
  		c = Ctrl_BSL;
*** ../vim-8.1.0071/runtime/doc/terminal.txt	2018-06-17 21:34:08.277873656 +0200
--- runtime/doc/terminal.txt	2018-06-17 22:03:58.916917371 +0200
*** 87,93 ****
  	'termwinkey' CTRL-W    move focus to the next window
  	'termwinkey' :	       enter an Ex command
  	'termwinkey' 'termwinkey' send 'termwinkey' to the job in the terminal
! 	'termwinkey' .	       send a CTRL-W to the job in the terminal
  	'termwinkey' N	       go to terminal Normal mode, see below
  	'termwinkey' CTRL-N    same as CTRL-W N
  	'termwinkey' CTRL-C    same as |t_CTRL-W_CTRL-C|
--- 87,94 ----
  	'termwinkey' CTRL-W    move focus to the next window
  	'termwinkey' :	       enter an Ex command
  	'termwinkey' 'termwinkey' send 'termwinkey' to the job in the terminal
! 	'termwinkey' .	       send 'termwinkey' to the job in the terminal
! 	'termwinkey' CTRL-\    send a CTRL-\ to the job in the terminal
  	'termwinkey' N	       go to terminal Normal mode, see below
  	'termwinkey' CTRL-N    same as CTRL-W N
  	'termwinkey' CTRL-C    same as |t_CTRL-W_CTRL-C|
*** ../vim-8.1.0071/src/version.c	2018-06-17 21:34:08.277873656 +0200
--- src/version.c	2018-06-17 22:18:19.319512827 +0200
*** 763,764 ****
--- 763,766 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     72,

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
68. Your cat always puts viruses on your dogs homepage

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///