Subject: Patch 8.1.0449
Fcc: outbox
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
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Patch 8.1.0449
Problem:    When 'rnu' is set folded lines are not displayed correctly.
            (Vitaly Yashin)
Solution:   When only redrawing line numbers do draw folded lines.
            (closes #3484)
Files:	    src/screen.c, src/testdir/test_fold.vim,

*** ../vim-8.1.0448/src/screen.c	2018-09-30 21:43:17.203693237 +0200
--- src/screen.c	2018-10-02 21:17:41.161356069 +0200
*** 2176,2182 ****
  		// 'relativenumber' set: The text doesn't need to be drawn, but
  		// the number column nearly always does.
! 		(void)win_line(wp, lnum, srow, wp->w_height, TRUE, TRUE);
  	    // This line does not need to be drawn, advance to the next one.
--- 2176,2189 ----
  		// 'relativenumber' set: The text doesn't need to be drawn, but
  		// the number column nearly always does.
! 		fold_count = foldedCount(wp, lnum, &win_foldinfo);
! 		if (fold_count != 0)
! 		{
! 		    fold_line(wp, fold_count, &win_foldinfo, lnum, row);
! 		    --fold_count;
! 		}
! 		else
! 		    (void)win_line(wp, lnum, srow, wp->w_height, TRUE, TRUE);
  	    // This line does not need to be drawn, advance to the next one.
*** 3315,3322 ****
  	    has_spell = TRUE;
  	    extra_check = TRUE;
! 	    /* Get the start of the next line, so that words that wrap to the next
! 	     * line are found too: "et<line-break>al.".
  	     * Trick: skip a few chars for C/shell/Vim comments */
  	    nextline[SPWORDLEN] = NUL;
  	    if (lnum < wp->w_buffer->b_ml.ml_line_count)
--- 3322,3329 ----
  	    has_spell = TRUE;
  	    extra_check = TRUE;
! 	    /* Get the start of the next line, so that words that wrap to the
! 	     * next line are found too: "et<line-break>al.".
  	     * Trick: skip a few chars for C/shell/Vim comments */
  	    nextline[SPWORDLEN] = NUL;
  	    if (lnum < wp->w_buffer->b_ml.ml_line_count)
*** 3325,3332 ****
  		spell_cat_line(nextline + SPWORDLEN, line, SPWORDLEN);
! 	    /* When a word wrapped from the previous line the start of the current
! 	     * line is valid. */
  	    if (lnum == checked_lnum)
  		cur_checked_col = checked_col;
  	    checked_lnum = 0;
--- 3332,3339 ----
  		spell_cat_line(nextline + SPWORDLEN, line, SPWORDLEN);
! 	    /* When a word wrapped from the previous line the start of the
! 	     * current line is valid. */
  	    if (lnum == checked_lnum)
  		cur_checked_col = checked_col;
  	    checked_lnum = 0;
*** ../vim-8.1.0448/src/testdir/test_fold.vim	2018-07-10 15:07:11.779668824 +0200
--- src/testdir/test_fold.vim	2018-10-02 21:15:55.182278183 +0200
*** 1,6 ****
--- 1,7 ----
  " Test for folding
  source view_util.vim
+ source screendump.vim
  func PrepIndent(arg)
    return [a:arg] + repeat(["\t".a:arg], 5)
*** 674,676 ****
--- 675,697 ----
    set fdm&
+ func Test_folds_with_rnu()
+   if !CanRunVimInTerminal()
+     return
+   endif
+   call writefile([
+ 	\ 'set fdm=marker rnu foldcolumn=2',
+ 	\ 'call setline(1, ["{{{1", "nline 1", "{{{1", "line 2"])',
+ 	\ ], 'Xtest_folds_with_rnu')
+   let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xtest_folds_with_rnu', {})
+   call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_folds_with_rnu_01', {})
+   call term_sendkeys(buf, "j")
+   call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_folds_with_rnu_02', {})
+   " clean up
+   call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
+   call delete('Xtest_folds_with_rnu')
+ endfunc
*** ../vim-8.1.0448/src/testdir/dumps/Test_folds_with_rnu_01.dump	2018-10-02 21:19:43.940299759 +0200
--- src/testdir/dumps/Test_folds_with_rnu_01.dump	2018-10-02 21:16:04.846193642 +0200
*** 0 ****
--- 1,20 ----
+ |++0#0000e05#a8a8a8255| @2|0| >+|-@1| @1|2| |l|i|n|e|s|:| |-@54
+ |+| @2|1| |+|-@1| @1|2| |l|i|n|e|s|:| |-@54
+ | @1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000000&@56|1|,|1| @10|A|l@1| 
*** ../vim-8.1.0448/src/testdir/dumps/Test_folds_with_rnu_02.dump	2018-10-02 21:19:43.944299727 +0200
--- src/testdir/dumps/Test_folds_with_rnu_02.dump	2018-10-02 21:16:05.894184479 +0200
*** 0 ****
--- 1,20 ----
+ |++0#0000e05#a8a8a8255| @2|1| |+|-@1| @1|2| |l|i|n|e|s|:| |-@54
+ |+| @2|0| >+|-@1| @1|2| |l|i|n|e|s|:| |-@54
+ | @1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @71
+ | +0#0000000&@56|3|,|1| @10|A|l@1| 
*** ../vim-8.1.0448/src/version.c	2018-10-02 18:25:41.424867560 +0200
--- src/version.c	2018-10-02 21:18:46.028796562 +0200
*** 794,795 ****
--- 794,797 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     449,

The coffee just wasn't strong enough to defend itself -- Tom Waits

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///