{ "name": "Mplayer", "description": "UNIX movie player", "url": "https://mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/MPlayer-1.3.0.tar.xz", "mirror": null, "homepage": "https://mplayerhq.hu/", "depends": [ { "depend": "pkg-config", "build-depend": true }, { "depend": "yasm", "build-depend": true }, { "depend": "fontconfig", "build-depend": false }, { "depend": "freetype", "build-depend": false }, { "depend": "libcaca", "build-depend": false } ], "resource": [], "conflicts": [], "patches": [ { "url": null, "data": [ "diff --git a/configure b/configure\n", "index addc461..3b871aa 100755\n", "--- a/configure\n", "+++ b/configure\n", "@@ -1517,8 +1517,6 @@ if test -e ffmpeg/mp_auto_pull ; then\n", " fi\n", "\n", " if test \"$ffmpeg_a\" != \"no\" && ! test -e ffmpeg ; then\n", "- echo \"No FFmpeg checkout, press enter to download one with git or CTRL+C to abort\"\n", "- read tmp\n", " if ! git clone -b $FFBRANCH --depth 1 git://source.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git ffmpeg ; then\n", " rm -rf ffmpeg\n", " echo \"Failed to get a FFmpeg checkout\"\n" ] } ], "install": [ "args = %W[", "--cc=#{ENV.cc}", "--host-cc=#{ENV.cc}", "--disable-cdparanoia", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--disable-x11", "--enable-caca", "--enable-freetype", "]", "system \"./configure\", *args", "system \"make\"", "system \"make\", \"install\"" ], "version": "1.3.0", "file": "mplayer.rb" }