{ "name": "SubversionAT18", "description": "Version control system", "url": "https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi?path=subversion/subversion-1.8.19.tar.bz2", "mirror": "https://archive.apache.org/dist/subversion/subversion-1.8.19.tar.bz2", "homepage": "https://subversion.apache.org/", "depends": [ { "depend": "pkg-config", "build-depend": true }, { "depend": "scons", "build-depend": false }, { "depend": "apr", "build-depend": false }, { "depend": "apr-util", "build-depend": false }, { "depend": "openssl", "build-depend": false }, { "depend": "sqlite", "build-depend": false } ], "resource": [ { "name": "serf", "url": "https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi?path=serf/serf-1.3.9.tar.bz2" } ], "conflicts": [], "patches": [ { "url": null, "data": [ "diff --git a/configure b/configure\n", "index 445251b..6ff4332 100755\n", "--- a/configure\n", "+++ b/configure\n", "@@ -25366,6 +25366,8 @@ fi\n", " SWIG_CPPFLAGS=\"$CPPFLAGS\"\n", "\n", " SWIG_CPPFLAGS=`echo \"$SWIG_CPPFLAGS\" | $SED -e 's/-no-cpp-precomp //'`\n", "+ SWIG_CPPFLAGS=`echo \"$SWIG_CPPFLAGS\" | $SED -e 's/-F\\/[^ ]* //'`\n", "+ SWIG_CPPFLAGS=`echo \"$SWIG_CPPFLAGS\" | $SED -e 's/-isystem\\/[^ ]* //'`\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "diff --git a/subversion/bindings/swig/perl/native/Makefile.PL.in b/subversion/bindings/swig/perl/native/Makefile.PL.in\n", "index a60430b..bd9b017 100644\n", "--- a/subversion/bindings/swig/perl/native/Makefile.PL.in\n", "+++ b/subversion/bindings/swig/perl/native/Makefile.PL.in\n", "@@ -76,10 +76,13 @@ my $apr_ldflags = '@SVN_APR_LIBS@'\n", "\n", " chomp $apr_shlib_path_var;\n", "\n", "+my $config_ccflags = $Config{ccflags};\n", "+$config_ccflags =~ s/-arch\\s+\\S+//g;\n", "+\n", " my %config = (\n", " ABSTRACT => 'Perl bindings for Subversion',\n", " DEFINE => $cppflags,\n", "- CCFLAGS => join(' ', $cflags, $Config{ccflags}),\n", "+ CCFLAGS => join(' ', $cflags, $config_ccflags),\n", " INC => join(' ', $includes, $cppflags,\n", " \" -I$swig_srcdir/perl/libsvn_swig_perl\",\n", " \" -I$svnlib_srcdir/include\",\n", "\n", "diff --git a/build/get-py-info.py b/build/get-py-info.py\n", "index 29a6c0a..dd1a5a8 100644\n", "--- a/build/get-py-info.py\n", "+++ b/build/get-py-info.py\n", "@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ def link_options():\n", " options = sysconfig.get_config_var('LDSHARED').split()\n", " fwdir = sysconfig.get_config_var('PYTHONFRAMEWORKDIR')\n", "\n", "- if fwdir and fwdir != \"no-framework\":\n", "+ if fwdir and fwdir != \"no-framework\" and sys.platform != 'darwin':\n", "\n", " # Setup the framework prefix\n", " fwprefix = sysconfig.get_config_var('PYTHONFRAMEWORKPREFIX')\n" ] } ], "install": [ "inreplace \"Makefile.in\",", "\"@APXS@ -i -S LIBEXECDIR=\\\"$(APACHE_LIBEXECDIR)\\\"\",", "\"@APXS@ -i -S LIBEXECDIR=\\\"#{libexec.to_s.sub(\"@\", \"\\\\@\")}\\\"\"", "serf_prefix = libexec/\"serf\"", "resource(\"serf\").stage do", "inreplace \"SConstruct\", \"unique=1\", \"unique=0\"", "args = %W[PREFIX=#{serf_prefix} GSSAPI=/usr CC=#{ENV.cc}", "CFLAGS=#{ENV.cflags} LINKFLAGS=#{ENV.ldflags}", "OPENSSL=#{Formula[\"openssl\"].opt_prefix}]", "if MacOS.version >= :sierra || !MacOS::CLT.installed?", "args << \"APR=#{Formula[\"apr\"].opt_prefix}\"", "args << \"APU=#{Formula[\"apr-util\"].opt_prefix}\"", "end", "system \"scons\", *args", "system \"scons\", \"install\"" ], "version": "1.8.19", "file": "subversion@1.8.rb" }