{ "name": "Xspin", "description": "Software verification tool (developed at Bell Labs)", "url": "https://spinroot.com/spin/Src/xspin525.tcl", "mirror": null, "homepage": "https://spinroot.com/spin/Src/index.html", "depends": [ { "depend": "spin", "build-depend": false } ], "resource": [], "conflicts": [], "patches": [ { "url": null, "data": [ "diff --git a/xspin525.tcl b/xspin525.tcl\n", "old mode 100644\n", "new mode 100755\n", "index 73fc6bf..444b0ad\n", "--- a/xspin525.tcl\n", "+++ b/xspin525.tcl\n", "@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@\n", "-#!/bin/sh\n", "+#!/usr/bin/wish -f\n", " # the next line restarts using wish \\\n", "-exec wish c:/cygwin/bin/xspin -- $*\n", "+exec wish CELLAR/bin/xspin -- $*\n", "+\n", "+ cd\t;# enable to cd to home directory by default\n", " \n", "-# cd\t;# enable to cd to home directory by default\n", " \n", " # on PCs:\n", " # adjust the first argument to wish above with the name and\n" ] } ], "install": [ "inreplace \"xspin525.tcl\", \"CELLAR\", prefix", "bin.install \"xspin525.tcl\" => \"xspin\"" ], "version": "525", "file": "xspin.rb" }