import re import sys keywords = re.compile(r"^(desc|homepage|url|mirror|bottle|patch|def|resource|depends_on|conflicts_with|__END__)") regex_quoted = re.compile(r'["\'](.*?)["\']') regex_resource = re.compile(r'resource "(.*?)" do') def _reset(): global result result = { "name": None, "description": None, "url": None, "mirror": None, "homepage": None, "depends": [], "resource": [], "conflicts": [], "patches": [], "install": [] } def _error(msg, err): print("ERROR: {} - {}".format(msg, err), file=sys.stderr) def _name(): t = _clean(next(line)) if 'class' not in t: return # Might be text at the top of file. try: t = t.split()[1] except IndexError as err: if "class" in t: _error("_name()", err) raise err else: pass result['name'] = t def _patch(): url = None strip = None data = None if x.endswith("__END__"): data = [] while True: try: data.append(next(line)) except StopIteration: break d = {"url": url, "data": data} result["patches"].append(d) return try: t = re.match(r'(?:patch) :p?(\d|DATA)', x).groups(0)[0] except AttributeError: """ `patch do` would be the case here, assume strip=1 """ t = "1" if "DATA" in t: """ We'll get called later when __END__ appears """ # print("Expecting DATA at EOF.") # Debug line return else: strip = t while True: a = _clean(next(line)) # print("----> {}".format(a)) # Debug if a.startswith("url"): try: url = regex_quoted.findall(a)[0] except IndexError as err: _error("IndexError in _patch()", err) return -1 if a.startswith("end"): break d = {"url": url, "strip": strip} result["patches"].append(d) def _resource(): name = None url = None if not regex_resource.match(x): return # TEMP, CLEAN UP # Resource "XX" do try: name = regex_quoted.findall(x)[0] except IndexError as err: _error("IndexError in _resource() (name)", err) return -1 while True: try: t = _clean(next(line)) except StopIteration as err: _error("StopIteration in _resource()", err) break # print(t) # debug if t.startswith("url"): try: url = regex_quoted.findall(t)[0] except IndexError as err: _error("IndexError in _resource() (url)", err) return -1 if t.startswith("end"): break d = {"name": name, "url": url} result["resource"].append(d) return def _homepage(): try: homepage = regex_quoted.findall(x)[0] result['homepage'] = homepage return except IndexError as err: _error("IndexError in _homepage()", err) return -1 def _url(): try: url = regex_quoted.findall(x)[0] if not result['url']: result['url'] = url return None else: return url except IndexError as err: _error("IndexError in _url()", err) return None def _mirror(): mirror = _url() if mirror: result['mirror'] = mirror else: return -1 def _bottle(): return -1 def _description(): try: description = regex_quoted.findall(_x)[0] result['description'] = description except IndexError as err: _error("IndexError in _description()", err) return -1 return def _clean(_line): """ Strips new lines and comments""" _line = _line.strip() if "# " in _line: _line = _line[:_line.index('#')] return _line def _depends(): name = None build = False # Build Dependency try: a = None try: a = re.findall(r'depends_on :(\S*)', x)[0] except IndexError: pass if a: name = a else: name = regex_quoted.findall(x)[0] except IndexError as err: _error("IndexError in _depends(): line {}".format(x), err) return -1 if x.endswith(":build"): build = True d = {'depend': name, 'build-depend': build} result["depends"].append(d) return def _conflicts(): name = None reason = None try: if ':because ' in x: t = x.split(':because ')[1] reason = regex_quoted.findall(t)[0] name = regex_quoted.findall(x)[0] except IndexError as err: _error("IndexError in _conflicts()", err) return -1 d = {'conflict': name, 'reason': reason} result['conflicts'].append(d) return def _install(): grammar = re.compile(r'( do|if )') l = [] c = 0 while True: a = _clean(next(line)) if grammar.match(a): c += 1 elif a.startswith("end"): if c <= 0: break else: c -= 1 l.append(a) result["install"] = l return def _def(): if "install" in x: _install() return -1 def _keywords(word): if word.startswith("desc") and not result['description']: _description() elif word.startswith("homepage") and not result['homepage']: _homepage() elif word.startswith("url") and not result['url']: _url() elif word.startswith("mirror") and not result['mirror']: _mirror() elif word.startswith("bottle"): _bottle() elif word.startswith("patch") or word.startswith("__END__"): _patch() elif word.startswith("resource"): _resource() elif word.startswith("depends_on"): _depends() elif word.startswith("conflicts_with"): _conflicts() elif word.startswith("def"): _def() else: return -1 def _parse(file): """ Reads the data """ global line, x, _x # a = 0 # debug with open(file) as line: line = iter(line) while not result["name"]: _name() for x in line: _x = x # Temp workaround for "#" in descriptions x = _clean(x) # a += 1 # debug # print("{} {}".format(a, x)) # Debug if keywords.match(x): # print("keywords match ({}) found! {}".format(, x)) # DEBUG _keywords( def parse(file): _reset() _parse(file) return result