/* * inject.m * * Created by Sam Bingner on 9/27/2018 * Copyright 2018 Sam Bingner. All Rights Reserved. * */ #include #include #include #include "patchfinder64.h" #include "CSCommon.h" #include "kern_funcs.h" OSStatus SecStaticCodeCreateWithPathAndAttributes(CFURLRef path, SecCSFlags flags, CFDictionaryRef attributes, SecStaticCodeRef _Nullable *staticCode); OSStatus SecCodeCopySigningInformation(SecStaticCodeRef code, SecCSFlags flags, CFDictionaryRef _Nullable *information); CFStringRef (*_SecCopyErrorMessageString)(OSStatus status, void * __nullable reserved) = NULL; extern int MISValidateSignatureAndCopyInfo(NSString *file, NSDictionary *options, NSDictionary **info); extern NSString *MISCopyErrorStringForErrorCode(int err); extern NSString *kMISValidationOptionRespectUppTrustAndAuthorization; extern NSString *kMISValidationOptionValidateSignatureOnly; extern NSString *kMISValidationOptionUniversalFileOffset; extern NSString *kMISValidationOptionAllowAdHocSigning; extern NSString *kMISValidationOptionOnlineAuthorization; enum { cdHashTypeSHA1 = 1, cdHashTypeSHA256 = 2 }; #define TRUST_CDHASH_LEN (20) struct trust_mem { uint64_t next; //struct trust_mem *next; unsigned char uuid[16]; unsigned int count; //unsigned char data[]; } __attribute__((packed)); struct hash_entry_t { uint16_t num; uint16_t start; } __attribute__((packed)); typedef uint8_t hash_t[TRUST_CDHASH_LEN]; bool check_amfi(NSString *path) { return MISValidateSignatureAndCopyInfo(path, @{kMISValidationOptionAllowAdHocSigning: @YES, kMISValidationOptionRespectUppTrustAndAuthorization: @YES}, NULL) == 0; } NSArray *filteredHashes(uint64_t trust_chain, NSDictionary *hashes) { NSArray *result; @autoreleasepool { NSMutableDictionary *filtered = [hashes mutableCopy]; for (NSData *cdhash in [filtered allKeys]) { if (check_amfi(filtered[cdhash])) { printf("%s: already in static trustcache, not reinjecting\n", [filtered[cdhash] UTF8String]); [filtered removeObjectForKey:cdhash]; } } struct trust_mem search; search.next = trust_chain; while (search.next != 0) { uint64_t searchAddr = search.next; kread(searchAddr, &search, sizeof(struct trust_mem)); //printf("Checking %d entries at 0x%llx\n", search.count, searchAddr); char *data = malloc(search.count * TRUST_CDHASH_LEN); kread(searchAddr + sizeof(struct trust_mem), data, search.count * TRUST_CDHASH_LEN); size_t data_size = search.count * TRUST_CDHASH_LEN; for (char *dataref = data; dataref <= data + data_size - TRUST_CDHASH_LEN; dataref += TRUST_CDHASH_LEN) { NSData *cdhash = [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:dataref length:TRUST_CDHASH_LEN freeWhenDone:NO]; NSString *hashName = filtered[cdhash]; if (hashName != nil) { printf("%s: already in dynamic trustcache, not reinjecting\n", [hashName UTF8String]); [filtered removeObjectForKey:cdhash]; if ([filtered count] == 0) { free(data); return nil; } } } free(data); } printf("Returning %lu keys\n", [[filtered allKeys] count]); result = [[filtered allKeys] retain]; } return [result autorelease]; } int injectTrustCache(int argc, char* argv[], uint64_t trust_chain) { @autoreleasepool { struct trust_mem mem; uint64_t kernel_trust = 0; mem.next = rk64(trust_chain); mem.count = 0; *(uint64_t *)&mem.uuid[0] = 0xabadbabeabadbabe; *(uint64_t *)&mem.uuid[8] = 0xabadbabeabadbabe; NSMutableDictionary *hashes = [NSMutableDictionary new]; SecStaticCodeRef staticCode; NSDictionary *info; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { OSStatus result = SecStaticCodeCreateWithPathAndAttributes(CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(kCFAllocatorDefault, (CFStringRef)@(argv[i]), kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, false), kSecCSDefaultFlags, NULL, &staticCode); if (result != errSecSuccess) { if (_SecCopyErrorMessageString != NULL) { CFStringRef error = _SecCopyErrorMessageString(result, NULL); fprintf(stderr, "Unable to generate cdhash for %s: %s\n", argv[i], [(id)error UTF8String]); CFRelease(error); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to generate cdhash for %s: %d\n", argv[i], result); } continue; } result = SecCodeCopySigningInformation(staticCode, kSecCSDefaultFlags, (CFDictionaryRef*)&info); CFRelease(staticCode); if (result != errSecSuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to copy cdhash info for %s\n", argv[i]); continue; } NSArray *cdhashes = info[@"cdhashes"]; NSArray *algos = info[@"digest-algorithms"]; NSUInteger algoIndex = [algos indexOfObject:@(cdHashTypeSHA256)]; if (cdhashes == nil) { printf("%s: no cdhashes\n", argv[i]); } else if (algos == nil) { printf("%s: no algos\n", argv[i]); } else if (algoIndex == NSNotFound) { printf("%s: does not have SHA256 hash\n", argv[i]); } else { NSData *cdhash = [cdhashes objectAtIndex:algoIndex]; if (cdhash != nil) { printf("%s: OK\n", argv[i]); hashes[cdhash] = @(argv[i]); } else { printf("%s: missing SHA256 cdhash entry\n", argv[i]); } } [info release]; } int numHashes = [hashes count]; if (numHashes < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Found no hashes to inject\n"); [hashes release]; return 0; } NSArray *filtered = filteredHashes(mem.next, hashes); int hashesToInject = [filtered count]; printf("%d new hashes to inject\n", hashesToInject); if (hashesToInject < 1) { return numHashes; } size_t length = (sizeof(mem) + hashesToInject * TRUST_CDHASH_LEN + 0xFFFF) & ~0xFFFF; char *buffer = malloc(hashesToInject * TRUST_CDHASH_LEN); if (buffer == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate memory for cdhashes: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -3; } char *curbuf = buffer; for (NSData *hash in filtered) { memcpy(curbuf, [hash bytes], TRUST_CDHASH_LEN); curbuf += TRUST_CDHASH_LEN; } kernel_trust = kmem_alloc(length); mem.count = hashesToInject; kwrite(kernel_trust, &mem, sizeof(mem)); kwrite(kernel_trust + sizeof(mem), buffer, mem.count * TRUST_CDHASH_LEN); wk64(trust_chain, kernel_trust); return numHashes; } } __attribute__((constructor)) void ctor() { void *lib = dlopen("/System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Security", RTLD_LAZY); if (lib != NULL) { _SecCopyErrorMessageString = dlsym(lib, "SecCopyErrorMessageString"); dlclose(lib); } }