diff options
authorAnthony Towns <>2014-01-15 16:33:36 +0100
committerDavid Kalnischkies <>2014-01-15 22:43:14 +0100
commitdbd5418b895c0ae3d6585ad38bd40920a456855e (patch)
parent9aaa45283b14c3c81641f3f3e38157a267b1e8f7 (diff)
reimplement rred to allow applying all the diffs in a single pass
Based on the idea presented in: and It reads all patches one by one and merges them in-memory before applying the merged changes to the index. Beware: This commit by David Kalnischkies rips out the rred binary rewrite unchanged (expect minor format issue corrections) from the proposed changes, so this commit alone BREAKS pdiff completely. The integration into the acquire system as it was prepared in the previous POC will be done in the next commit to have proper 'blame'.
1 files changed, 684 insertions, 600 deletions
diff --git a/methods/ b/methods/
index bea8ed263..ed3fcc82e 100644
--- a/methods/
+++ b/methods/
@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
-// Includes /*{{{*/
+// Copyright (c) 2014 Anthony Towns
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
#include <config.h>
#include <apt-pkg/fileutl.h>
@@ -9,627 +15,705 @@
#include <apt-pkg/hashes.h>
#include <apt-pkg/configuration.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <list>
+#include <vector>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/uio.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
#include <utime.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <errno.h>
#include <apti18n.h>
- /*}}}*/
-/** \brief RredMethod - ed-style incremential patch method {{{
- *
- * This method implements a patch functionality similar to "patch --ed" that is
- * used by the "tiffany" incremental packages download stuff. It differs from
- * "ed" insofar that it is way more restricted (and therefore secure).
- * The currently supported ed commands are "<em>c</em>hange", "<em>a</em>dd" and
- * "<em>d</em>elete" (diff doesn't output any other).
- * Additionally the records must be reverse sorted by line number and
- * may not overlap (diff *seems* to produce this kind of output).
- * */
-class RredMethod : public pkgAcqMethod {
- bool Debug;
- // the size of this doesn't really matter (except for performance)
- const static int BUF_SIZE = 1024;
- // the supported ed commands
- enum Mode {MODE_CHANGED='c', MODE_DELETED='d', MODE_ADDED='a'};
- // return values
- State applyFile(FileFd &ed_cmds, FileFd &in_file, FileFd &out_file,
- unsigned long &line, char *buffer, Hashes *hash) const;
- void ignoreLineInFile(FileFd &fin, char *buffer) const;
- void copyLinesFromFileToFile(FileFd &fin, FileFd &fout, unsigned int lines,
- Hashes *hash, char *buffer) const;
- State patchFile(FileFd &Patch, FileFd &From, FileFd &out_file, Hashes *hash) const;
- State patchMMap(FileFd &Patch, FileFd &From, FileFd &out_file, Hashes *hash) const;
- // the methods main method
- virtual bool Fetch(FetchItem *Itm);
- RredMethod() : pkgAcqMethod("1.1",SingleInstance | SendConfig), Debug(false) {};
+#define BLOCK_SIZE (512*1024)
+class MemBlock {
+ char *start;
+ size_t size;
+ char *free;
+ struct MemBlock *next;
+ MemBlock(size_t size)
+ {
+ free = start = new char[size];
+ size = size;
+ next = NULL;
+ }
+ size_t avail(void) { return size - (free - start); }
+ public:
+ MemBlock(void) {
+ free = start = new char[BLOCK_SIZE];
+ size = BLOCK_SIZE;
+ next = NULL;
+ }
+ ~MemBlock() {
+ delete [] start;
+ delete next;
+ }
+ void clear(void) {
+ free = start;
+ if (next)
+ next->clear();
+ }
+ char *add_easy(char *src, size_t len, char *last)
+ {
+ if (last) {
+ for (MemBlock *k = this; k; k = k->next) {
+ if (k->free == last) {
+ if (len <= k->avail()) {
+ char *n = k->add(src, len);
+ assert(last == n);
+ if (last == n)
+ return NULL;
+ return n;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (last >= start && last < free) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return add(src, len);
+ }
+ char *add(char *src, size_t len) {
+ if (len > avail()) {
+ if (!next) {
+ if (len > BLOCK_SIZE) {
+ next = new MemBlock(len);
+ } else {
+ next = new MemBlock;
+ }
+ }
+ return next->add(src, len);
+ }
+ char *dst = free;
+ free += len;
+ memcpy(dst, src, len);
+ return dst;
+ }
- /*}}}*/
-/** \brief applyFile - in reverse order with a tail recursion {{{
- *
- * As it is expected that the commands are in reversed order in the patch file
- * we check in the first half if the command is valid, but doesn't execute it
- * and move a step deeper. After reaching the end of the file we apply the
- * patches in the correct order: last found command first.
- *
- * \param ed_cmds patch file to apply
- * \param in_file base file we want to patch
- * \param out_file file to write the patched result to
- * \param line of command operation
- * \param buffer internal used read/write buffer
- * \param hash the created file for correctness
- * \return the success State of the ed command executor
- */
-RredMethod::State RredMethod::applyFile(FileFd &ed_cmds, FileFd &in_file, FileFd &out_file,
- unsigned long &line, char *buffer, Hashes *hash) const {
- // get the current command and parse it
- if (ed_cmds.ReadLine(buffer, BUF_SIZE) == NULL) {
- if (Debug == true)
- std::clog << "rred: encounter end of file - we can start patching now." << std::endl;
- line = 0;
- return ED_OK;
- }
- // parse in the effected linenumbers
- char* idx;
- errno=0;
- unsigned long const startline = strtol(buffer, &idx, 10);
- if (errno == ERANGE || errno == EINVAL) {
- _error->Errno("rred", "startline is an invalid number");
- return ED_PARSER;
- }
- if (startline > line) {
- _error->Error("rred: The start line (%lu) of the next command is higher than the last line (%lu). This is not allowed.", startline, line);
- return ED_ORDERING;
- }
- unsigned long stopline;
- if (*idx == ',') {
- idx++;
- errno=0;
- stopline = strtol(idx, &idx, 10);
- if (errno == ERANGE || errno == EINVAL) {
- _error->Errno("rred", "stopline is an invalid number");
- return ED_PARSER;
- }
- }
- else {
- stopline = startline;
- }
- line = startline;
- // which command to execute on this line(s)?
- switch (*idx) {
- if (Debug == true)
- std::clog << "Change from line " << startline << " to " << stopline << std::endl;
- break;
- case MODE_ADDED:
- if (Debug == true)
- std::clog << "Insert after line " << startline << std::endl;
- break;
- if (Debug == true)
- std::clog << "Delete from line " << startline << " to " << stopline << std::endl;
- break;
- default:
- _error->Error("rred: Unknown ed command '%c'. Abort.", *idx);
- return ED_PARSER;
- }
- unsigned char mode = *idx;
- // save the current position
- unsigned const long long pos = ed_cmds.Tell();
- // if this is add or change then go to the next full stop
- unsigned int data_length = 0;
- if (mode == MODE_CHANGED || mode == MODE_ADDED) {
- do {
- ignoreLineInFile(ed_cmds, buffer);
- data_length++;
- }
- while (strncmp(buffer, ".", 1) != 0);
- data_length--; // the dot should not be copied
- }
- // do the recursive call - the last command is the one we need to execute at first
- const State child = applyFile(ed_cmds, in_file, out_file, line, buffer, hash);
- if (child != ED_OK) {
- return child;
- }
- // change and delete are working on "line" - add is done after "line"
- if (mode != MODE_ADDED)
- line++;
- // first wind to the current position and copy over all unchanged lines
- if (line < startline) {
- copyLinesFromFileToFile(in_file, out_file, (startline - line), hash, buffer);
- line = startline;
- }
- if (mode != MODE_ADDED)
- line--;
- // include data from ed script
- if (mode == MODE_CHANGED || mode == MODE_ADDED) {
- ed_cmds.Seek(pos);
- copyLinesFromFileToFile(ed_cmds, out_file, data_length, hash, buffer);
- }
- // ignore the corresponding number of lines from input
- if (mode == MODE_CHANGED || mode == MODE_DELETED) {
- while (line < stopline) {
- ignoreLineInFile(in_file, buffer);
- line++;
- }
- }
- return ED_OK;
- /*}}}*/
-void RredMethod::copyLinesFromFileToFile(FileFd &fin, FileFd &fout, unsigned int lines,/*{{{*/
- Hashes *hash, char *buffer) const {
- while (0 < lines--) {
- do {
- fin.ReadLine(buffer, BUF_SIZE);
- unsigned long long const towrite = strlen(buffer);
- fout.Write(buffer, towrite);
- hash->Add((unsigned char*)buffer, towrite);
- } while (strlen(buffer) == (BUF_SIZE - 1) &&
- buffer[BUF_SIZE - 2] != '\n');
- }
- /*}}}*/
-void RredMethod::ignoreLineInFile(FileFd &fin, char *buffer) const { /*{{{*/
- fin.ReadLine(buffer, BUF_SIZE);
- while (strlen(buffer) == (BUF_SIZE - 1) &&
- buffer[BUF_SIZE - 2] != '\n') {
- fin.ReadLine(buffer, BUF_SIZE);
- buffer[0] = ' ';
- }
- /*}}}*/
-RredMethod::State RredMethod::patchFile(FileFd &Patch, FileFd &From, /*{{{*/
- FileFd &out_file, Hashes *hash) const {
- char buffer[BUF_SIZE];
- /* we do a tail recursion to read the commands in the right order */
- unsigned long line = -1; // assign highest possible value
- State const result = applyFile(Patch, From, out_file, line, buffer, hash);
- /* read the rest from infile */
- if (result == ED_OK) {
- while (From.ReadLine(buffer, BUF_SIZE) != NULL) {
- unsigned long long const towrite = strlen(buffer);
- out_file.Write(buffer, towrite);
- hash->Add((unsigned char*)buffer, towrite);
+struct Change {
+ /* Ordering:
+ *
+ * 1. write out <offset> lines unchanged
+ * 2. skip <del_cnt> lines from source
+ * 3. write out <add_cnt> lines (<add>/<add_len>)
+ */
+ size_t offset;
+ size_t del_cnt;
+ size_t add_cnt; /* lines */
+ size_t add_len; /* bytes */
+ char *add;
+ Change(int off)
+ {
+ offset = off;
+ del_cnt = add_cnt = add_len = 0;
+ add = NULL;
+ }
+ /* actually, don't write <lines> lines from <add> */
+ void skip_lines(size_t lines)
+ {
+ while (lines > 0) {
+ char *s = (char*) memchr(add, '\n', add_len);
+ assert(s != NULL);
+ s++;
+ add_len -= (s - add);
+ add_cnt--;
+ lines--;
+ if (add_len == 0) {
+ add = NULL;
+ assert(add_cnt == 0);
+ assert(lines == 0);
+ } else {
+ add = s;
+ assert(add_cnt > 0);
+ }
- return result;
- /*}}}*/
-/* struct EdCommand {{{*/
-struct EdCommand {
- size_t data_start;
- size_t data_end;
- size_t data_lines;
- size_t first_line;
- size_t last_line;
- char type;
-#define IOV_COUNT 1024 /* Don't really want IOV_MAX since it can be arbitrarily large */
-static ssize_t retry_writev(int fd, const struct iovec *iov, int iovcnt) {
- ssize_t Res;
- errno = 0;
- ssize_t i = 0;
- do {
- Res = writev(fd, iov + i, iovcnt);
- if (Res < 0 && errno == EINTR)
- continue;
- if (Res < 0)
- return _error->Errno("writev",_("Write error"));
- iovcnt -= Res;
- i += Res;
- } while (Res > 0 && iovcnt > 0);
- return i;
- /*}}}*/
-RredMethod::State RredMethod::patchMMap(FileFd &Patch, FileFd &From, /*{{{*/
- FileFd &out_file, Hashes *hash) const {
- MMap ed_cmds(Patch, MMap::ReadOnly);
- MMap in_file(From, MMap::ReadOnly);
- unsigned long long const ed_size = ed_cmds.Size();
- unsigned long long const in_size = in_file.Size();
- if (ed_size == 0 || in_size == 0)
- return MMAP_FAILED;
- EdCommand* commands = 0;
- size_t command_count = 0;
- size_t command_alloc = 0;
- const char* begin = (char*) ed_cmds.Data();
- const char* end = begin;
- const char* ed_end = (char*) ed_cmds.Data() + ed_size;
- const char* input = (char*) in_file.Data();
- const char* input_end = (char*) in_file.Data() + in_size;
- size_t i;
- /* 1. Parse entire script. It is executed in reverse order, so we cather it
- * in the `commands' buffer first
- */
- for(;;) {
- EdCommand cmd;
- cmd.data_start = 0;
- cmd.data_end = 0;
- while(begin != ed_end && *begin == '\n')
- ++begin;
- while(end != ed_end && *end != '\n')
- ++end;
- if(end == ed_end && begin == end)
- break;
- /* Determine command range */
- const char* tmp = begin;
- for(;;) {
- /* atoll is safe despite lacking NUL-termination; we know there's an
- * alphabetic character at end[-1]
- */
- if(tmp == end) {
- cmd.first_line = atol(begin);
- cmd.last_line = cmd.first_line;
- break;
- }
- if(*tmp == ',') {
- cmd.first_line = atol(begin);
- cmd.last_line = atol(tmp + 1);
- break;
- }
- ++tmp;
- }
- // which command to execute on this line(s)?
- switch (end[-1]) {
- if (Debug == true)
- std::clog << "Change from line " << cmd.first_line << " to " << cmd.last_line << std::endl;
- break;
- case MODE_ADDED:
- if (Debug == true)
- std::clog << "Insert after line " << cmd.first_line << std::endl;
- break;
- if (Debug == true)
- std::clog << "Delete from line " << cmd.first_line << " to " << cmd.last_line << std::endl;
- break;
- default:
- _error->Error("rred: Unknown ed command '%c'. Abort.", end[-1]);
- free(commands);
- return ED_PARSER;
- }
- cmd.type = end[-1];
- /* Determine the size of the inserted text, so we don't have to scan this
- * text again later.
- */
- begin = end + 1;
- end = begin;
- cmd.data_lines = 0;
- if(cmd.type == MODE_ADDED || cmd.type == MODE_CHANGED) {
- cmd.data_start = begin - (char*) ed_cmds.Data();
- while(end != ed_end) {
- if(*end == '\n') {
- if(end[-1] == '.' && end[-2] == '\n')
- break;
- ++cmd.data_lines;
- }
- ++end;
- }
- cmd.data_end = end - (char*) ed_cmds.Data() - 1;
- begin = end + 1;
- end = begin;
- }
- if(command_count == command_alloc) {
- command_alloc = (command_alloc + 64) * 3 / 2;
- EdCommand* newCommands = (EdCommand*) realloc(commands, command_alloc * sizeof(EdCommand));
- if (newCommands == NULL) {
- free(commands);
- return MMAP_FAILED;
- }
- commands = newCommands;
- }
- commands[command_count++] = cmd;
- }
- struct iovec* iov = new struct iovec[IOV_COUNT];
- size_t iov_size = 0;
- size_t amount, remaining;
- size_t line = 1;
- EdCommand* cmd;
- /* 2. Execute script. We gather writes in a `struct iov' array, and flush
- * using writev to minimize the number of system calls. Data is read
- * directly from the memory mappings of the input file and the script.
- */
- for(i = command_count; i-- > 0; ) {
- cmd = &commands[i];
- if(cmd->type == MODE_ADDED)
- amount = cmd->first_line + 1;
- else
- amount = cmd->first_line;
- if(line < amount) {
- begin = input;
- while(line != amount) {
- input = (const char*) memchr(input, '\n', input_end - input);
- if(!input)
- break;
- ++line;
- ++input;
- }
- iov[iov_size].iov_base = (void*) begin;
- iov[iov_size].iov_len = input - begin;
- hash->Add((const unsigned char*) begin, input - begin);
- if(++iov_size == IOV_COUNT) {
- retry_writev(out_file.Fd(), iov, IOV_COUNT);
- iov_size = 0;
- }
- }
- if(cmd->type == MODE_DELETED || cmd->type == MODE_CHANGED) {
- remaining = (cmd->last_line - cmd->first_line) + 1;
- line += remaining;
- while(remaining) {
- input = (const char*) memchr(input, '\n', input_end - input);
- if(!input)
- break;
- --remaining;
- ++input;
- }
- }
- if(cmd->type == MODE_CHANGED || cmd->type == MODE_ADDED) {
- if(cmd->data_end != cmd->data_start) {
- iov[iov_size].iov_base = (void*) ((char*)ed_cmds.Data() + cmd->data_start);
- iov[iov_size].iov_len = cmd->data_end - cmd->data_start;
- hash->Add((const unsigned char*) ((char*)ed_cmds.Data() + cmd->data_start),
- iov[iov_size].iov_len);
- if(++iov_size == IOV_COUNT) {
- retry_writev(out_file.Fd(), iov, IOV_COUNT);
- iov_size = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(input != input_end) {
- iov[iov_size].iov_base = (void*) input;
- iov[iov_size].iov_len = input_end - input;
- hash->Add((const unsigned char*) input, input_end - input);
- ++iov_size;
- }
- if(iov_size) {
- retry_writev(out_file.Fd(), iov, iov_size);
- iov_size = 0;
- }
- for(i = 0; i < iov_size; i += IOV_COUNT) {
- if(iov_size - i < IOV_COUNT)
- retry_writev(out_file.Fd(), iov + i, iov_size - i);
- else
- retry_writev(out_file.Fd(), iov + i, IOV_COUNT);
- }
- delete [] iov;
- free(commands);
- return ED_OK;
+class FileChanges {
+ std::list<struct Change> changes;
+ std::list<struct Change>::iterator where;
+ size_t pos; // line number is as far left of iterator as possible
+ bool pos_is_okay(void)
+ {
+#ifdef POSDEBUG
+ size_t cpos = 0;
+ std::list<struct Change>::iterator x;
+ for (x = changes.begin(); x != where; x++) {
+ assert(x != changes.end());
+ cpos += x->offset + x->add_cnt;
+ }
+ return cpos == pos;
- return MMAP_FAILED;
+ return true;
- /*}}}*/
-bool RredMethod::Fetch(FetchItem *Itm) /*{{{*/
- Debug = _config->FindB("Debug::pkgAcquire::RRed", false);
- URI Get = Itm->Uri;
- std::string Path = Get.Host + Get.Path; // To account for relative paths
- FetchResult Res;
- Res.Filename = Itm->DestFile;
- if (Itm->Uri.empty() == true) {
- Path = Itm->DestFile;
- Itm->DestFile.append(".result");
- } else
- URIStart(Res);
- std::string lastPatchName;
- Hashes Hash;
- // check for a single ed file
- if (FileExists(Path+".ed") == true)
+ }
+ public:
+ FileChanges() {
+ where = changes.end();
+ pos = 0;
+ }
+ std::list<struct Change>::iterator begin(void) { return changes.begin(); }
+ std::list<struct Change>::iterator end(void) { return changes.end(); }
+ std::list<struct Change>::reverse_iterator rbegin(void) { return changes.rbegin(); }
+ std::list<struct Change>::reverse_iterator rend(void) { return changes.rend(); }
+ void add_change(Change c) {
+ assert(pos_is_okay());
+ go_to_change_for(c.offset);
+ assert(pos + where->offset == c.offset);
+ if (c.del_cnt > 0)
+ delete_lines(c.del_cnt);
+ assert(pos + where->offset == c.offset);
+ if (c.add_len > 0) {
+ assert(pos_is_okay());
+ if (where->add_len > 0)
+ new_change();
+ assert(where->add_len == 0 && where->add_cnt == 0);
+ where->add_len = c.add_len;
+ where->add_cnt = c.add_cnt;
+ where->add = c.add;
+ }
+ assert(pos_is_okay());
+ merge();
+ assert(pos_is_okay());
+ }
+ private:
+ void merge(void)
+ {
+ while (where->offset == 0 && where != changes.begin()) {
+ left();
+ }
+ std::list<struct Change>::iterator next = where;
+ next++;
+ while (next != changes.end() && next->offset == 0) {
+ where->del_cnt += next->del_cnt;
+ next->del_cnt = 0;
+ if (next->add == NULL) {
+ next = changes.erase(next);
+ } else if (where->add == NULL) {
+ where->add = next->add;
+ where->add_len = next->add_len;
+ where->add_cnt = next->add_cnt;
+ next = changes.erase(next);
+ } else {
+ next++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void go_to_change_for(size_t line)
- if (Debug == true)
- std::clog << "Patching " << Path << " with " << Path
- << ".ed and putting result into " << Itm->DestFile << std::endl;
- // Open the source and destination files
- lastPatchName = Path + ".ed";
- FileFd From(Path,FileFd::ReadOnly);
- FileFd To(Itm->DestFile,FileFd::WriteAtomic);
- To.EraseOnFailure();
- FileFd Patch(lastPatchName, FileFd::ReadOnly, FileFd::Gzip);
- if (_error->PendingError() == true)
- return false;
- // now do the actual patching
- State const result = patchMMap(Patch, From, To, &Hash);
- if (result == MMAP_FAILED) {
- // retry with patchFile
- Patch.Seek(0);
- From.Seek(0);
- To.Open(Itm->DestFile,FileFd::WriteAtomic);
- if (_error->PendingError() == true)
- return false;
- if (patchFile(Patch, From, To, &Hash) != ED_OK) {
- return _error->WarningE("rred", _("Could not patch %s with mmap and with file operation usage - the patch seems to be corrupt."), Path.c_str());
- } else if (Debug == true) {
- std::clog << "rred: finished file patching of " << Path << " after mmap failed." << std::endl;
+ while(where != changes.end()) {
+ if (line < pos) {
+ left();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (pos + where->offset + where->add_cnt <= line) {
+ right();
+ continue;
+ }
+ // line is somewhere in this slot
+ if (line < pos + where->offset) {
+ break;
+ } else if (line == pos + where->offset) {
+ return;
+ } else {
+ split(line - pos);
+ right();
+ return;
- } else if (result != ED_OK) {
- return _error->Errno("rred", _("Could not patch %s with mmap (but no mmap specific fail) - the patch seems to be corrupt."), Path.c_str());
- } else if (Debug == true) {
- std::clog << "rred: finished mmap patching of " << Path << std::endl;
+ /* it goes before this patch */
+ insert(line-pos);
+ }
+ void new_change(void) { insert(where->offset); }
+ void insert(size_t offset)
+ {
+ assert(pos_is_okay());
+ assert(where == changes.end() || offset <= where->offset);
+ if (where != changes.end())
+ where->offset -= offset;
+ changes.insert(where, Change(offset));
+ where--;
+ assert(pos_is_okay());
+ }
+ void split(size_t offset)
+ {
+ assert(pos_is_okay());
+ assert(where->offset < offset);
+ assert(offset < where->offset + where->add_cnt);
+ size_t keep_lines = offset - where->offset;
+ Change before(*where);
- // write out the result
- From.Close();
- Patch.Close();
- To.Close();
+ where->del_cnt = 0;
+ where->offset = 0;
+ where->skip_lines(keep_lines);
+ before.add_cnt = keep_lines;
+ before.add_len -= where->add_len;
+ changes.insert(where, before);
+ where--;
+ assert(pos_is_okay());
- else
+ size_t check_next_offset(size_t max)
- if (Debug == true)
- std::clog << "Patching " << Path << " with all " << Path << ".ed.*.gz files and "
- << "putting result into " << Itm->DestFile << std::endl;
- int From = open(Path.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
- unlink(Itm->DestFile.c_str());
- int To = open(Itm->DestFile.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0644);
- SetCloseExec(From, false);
- SetCloseExec(To, false);
- _error->PushToStack();
- std::vector<std::string> patches = GetListOfFilesInDir(flNotFile(Path), "gz", true, false);
- _error->RevertToStack();
- std::string externalrred = _config->Find("Dir::Bin::rred", "/usr/bin/diffindex-rred");
- std::vector<const char *> Args;
- Args.reserve(22);
- Args.push_back(externalrred.c_str());
- std::string const baseName = Path + ".ed.";
- for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator p = patches.begin();
- p != patches.end(); ++p)
- if (p->compare(0, baseName.length(), baseName) == 0)
- Args.push_back(p->c_str());
- Args.push_back(NULL);
- pid_t Patcher = ExecFork();
- if (Patcher == 0) {
- dup2(From, STDIN_FILENO);
- dup2(To, STDOUT_FILENO);
- execvp(Args[0], (char **) &Args[0]);
- std::cerr << "Failed to execute patcher " << Args[0] << "!" << std::endl;
- _exit(100);
+ assert(pos_is_okay());
+ if (max > 0)
+ {
+ where++;
+ if (where != changes.end()) {
+ if (where->offset < max)
+ max = where->offset;
+ }
+ where--;
+ assert(pos_is_okay());
- // last is NULL, so the one before is the last patch
- lastPatchName = Args[Args.size() - 2];
+ return max;
+ }
- if (ExecWait(Patcher, "rred") == false)
- return _error->Errno("rred", "Patching via external rred failed");
+ void delete_lines(size_t cnt)
+ {
+ std::list<struct Change>::iterator x = where;
+ assert(pos_is_okay());
+ while (cnt > 0)
+ {
+ size_t del;
+ del = x->add_cnt;
+ if (del > cnt)
+ del = cnt;
+ x->skip_lines(del);
+ cnt -= del;
+ x++;
+ if (x == changes.end()) {
+ del = cnt;
+ } else {
+ del = x->offset;
+ if (del > cnt)
+ del = cnt;
+ x->offset -= del;
+ }
+ where->del_cnt += del;
+ cnt -= del;
+ }
+ assert(pos_is_okay());
+ }
- close(From);
- close(To);
+ void left(void) {
+ assert(pos_is_okay());
+ where--;
+ pos -= where->offset + where->add_cnt;
+ assert(pos_is_okay());
+ }
- struct stat Buf;
- if (stat(Itm->DestFile.c_str(), &Buf) != 0)
- return _error->Errno("stat",_("Failed to stat"));
+ void right(void) {
+ assert(pos_is_okay());
+ pos += where->offset + where->add_cnt;
+ where++;
+ assert(pos_is_okay());
+ }
+class Patch {
+ FileChanges filechanges;
+ MemBlock add_text;
+ static void dump_rest(FILE *o, FILE *i, Hashes *hash)
+ {
+ char buffer[BLOCK_SIZE];
+ size_t l;
+ while (0 < (l = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), i))) {
+ fwrite(buffer, 1, l, o);
+ if (hash)
+ hash->Add((unsigned char*)buffer, l);
+ }
+ }
+ static void dump_lines(FILE *o, FILE *i, size_t n, Hashes *hash)
+ {
+ char buffer[BLOCK_SIZE];
+ size_t l;
+ while (n > 0) {
+ if (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), i) == 0)
+ buffer[0] = '\0';
+ l = strlen(buffer);
+ if (l == 0 || buffer[l-1] == '\n')
+ n--;
+ fwrite(buffer, 1, l, o);
+ if (hash)
+ hash->Add((unsigned char*)buffer, l);
+ }
+ }
+ static void skip_lines(FILE *i, int n)
+ {
+ char buffer[BLOCK_SIZE];
+ size_t l;
+ while (n > 0) {
+ if (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), i) == 0)
+ buffer[0] = '\0';
+ l = strlen(buffer);
+ if (l == 0 || buffer[l-1] == '\n')
+ n--;
+ }
+ }
+ static bool dump_mem(FILE *o, char *p, size_t s, Hashes *hash) {
+ size_t r;
+ while (s > 0) {
+ r = fwrite(p, 1, s, o);
+ if (hash)
+ hash->Add((unsigned char*)p, s);
+ s -= r;
+ p += r;
+ if (r == 0) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public:
+ void read_diff(FILE *f)
+ {
+ char buffer[BLOCK_SIZE];
+ bool cmdwanted = true;
+ Change ch(0);
+ while(fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), f))
+ {
+ if (cmdwanted) {
+ char *m, *c;
+ size_t s, e;
+ s = strtol(buffer, &m, 10);
+ if (m == buffer) {
+ s = e = ch.offset + ch.add_cnt;
+ c = buffer;
+ } else if (*m == ',') {
+ m++;
+ e = strtol(m, &c, 10);
+ } else {
+ e = s;
+ c = m;
+ }
+ switch(*c) {
+ case 'a':
+ cmdwanted = false;
+ ch.add = NULL;
+ ch.add_cnt = 0;
+ ch.add_len = 0;
+ ch.offset = s;
+ ch.del_cnt = 0;
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ cmdwanted = false;
+ ch.add = NULL;
+ ch.add_cnt = 0;
+ ch.add_len = 0;
+ ch.offset = s - 1;
+ ch.del_cnt = e - s + 1;
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ ch.offset = s - 1;
+ ch.del_cnt = e - s + 1;
+ ch.add = NULL;
+ ch.add_cnt = 0;
+ ch.add_len = 0;
+ filechanges.add_change(ch);
+ break;
+ }
+ } else { /* !cmdwaanted */
+ if (buffer[0] == '.' && buffer[1] == '\n') {
+ cmdwanted = true;
+ filechanges.add_change(ch);
+ } else {
+ char *last = NULL;
+ char *add;
+ size_t l;
+ if (ch.add)
+ last = ch.add + ch.add_len;
+ l = strlen(buffer);
+ add = add_text.add_easy(buffer, l, last);
+ if (!add) {
+ ch.add_len += l;
+ ch.add_cnt++;
+ } else {
+ if (ch.add) {
+ filechanges.add_change(ch);
+ ch.del_cnt = 0;
+ }
+ ch.offset += ch.add_cnt;
+ ch.add = add;
+ ch.add_len = l;
+ ch.add_cnt = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void write_diff(FILE *f)
+ {
+ size_t line = 0;
+ std::list<struct Change>::reverse_iterator ch;
+ for (ch = filechanges.rbegin(); ch != filechanges.rend(); ch++) {
+ line += ch->offset + ch->del_cnt;
+ }
+ for (ch = filechanges.rbegin(); ch != filechanges.rend(); ch++) {
+ std::list<struct Change>::reverse_iterator mg_i, mg_e = ch;
+ while (ch->del_cnt == 0 && ch->offset == 0)
+ ch++;
+ line -= ch->del_cnt;
+ if (ch->add_cnt > 0) {
+ if (ch->del_cnt == 0) {
+ fprintf(f, "%lua\n", line);
+ } else if (ch->del_cnt == 1) {
+ fprintf(f, "%luc\n", line+1);
+ } else {
+ fprintf(f, "%lu,%luc\n", line+1, line+ch->del_cnt);
+ }
+ mg_i = ch;
+ do {
+ dump_mem(f, mg_i->add, mg_i->add_len, NULL);
+ } while (mg_i-- != mg_e);
+ fprintf(f, ".\n");
+ } else if (ch->del_cnt == 1) {
+ fprintf(f, "%lud\n", line+1);
+ } else if (ch->del_cnt > 1) {
+ fprintf(f, "%lu,%lud\n", line+1, line+ch->del_cnt);
+ }
+ line -= ch->offset;
+ }
+ }
- To = open(Path.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
- Hash.AddFD(To, Buf.st_size);
- close(To);
+ void apply_against_file(FILE *out, FILE *in, Hashes *hash = NULL)
+ {
+ std::list<struct Change>::iterator ch;
+ for (ch = filechanges.begin(); ch != filechanges.end(); ch++) {
+ dump_lines(out, in, ch->offset, hash);
+ skip_lines(in, ch->del_cnt);
+ dump_mem(out, ch->add, ch->add_len, hash);
+ }
+ dump_rest(out, in, hash);
+bool LookupPatches(const std::string &Message, std::vector<std::string> &lines)
+ const char *Tag = "Patches";
+ const size_t Length = strlen(Tag);
+ std::string::const_iterator I, J;
+ std::clog << "Looking for \"Patches:\" section in message:\n\n" << Message << "\n\n";
+ std::clog.flush();
- /* Transfer the modification times from the patch file
- to be able to see in which state the file should be
- and use the access time from the "old" file */
- struct stat BufBase, BufPatch;
- if (stat(Path.c_str(),&BufBase) != 0 ||
- stat(lastPatchName.c_str(), &BufPatch) != 0)
- return _error->Errno("stat",_("Failed to stat"));
- struct utimbuf TimeBuf;
- TimeBuf.actime = BufBase.st_atime;
- TimeBuf.modtime = BufPatch.st_mtime;
- if (utime(Itm->DestFile.c_str(),&TimeBuf) != 0)
- return _error->Errno("utime",_("Failed to set modification time"));
- if (stat(Itm->DestFile.c_str(),&BufBase) != 0)
- return _error->Errno("stat",_("Failed to stat"));
- // return done
- Res.LastModified = BufBase.st_mtime;
- Res.Size = BufBase.st_size;
- Res.TakeHashes(Hash);
- URIDone(Res);
- return true;
+ for (I = Message.begin(); I + Length < Message.end(); ++I)
+ {
+ if (I[Length] == ':' && stringcasecmp(I, I+Length, Tag) == 0)
+ {
+ // found the tag, now read the patches
+ for(;;) {
+ for (; I < Message.end() && *I != '\n'; ++I);
+ if (I < Message.end()) I++;
+ if (I == Message.end() || *I != ' ')
+ break;
+ while (I < Message.end() && isspace(*I)) I++;
+ for (J = I; J < Message.end() && *J != '\n'; ++J)
+ ;
+ do
+ J--;
+ while (I < J && isspace(*J));
+ if (I < J)
+ lines.push_back(std::string(I,++J));
+ else
+ break;
+ I = J;
+ }
+ std::clog << "Found " << lines.size() << " patches!\n";
+ std::clog.flush();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ std::clog << "Found no patches! :(\n";
+ std::clog.flush();
+ return false;
- /*}}}*/
-/** \brief Wrapper class for testing rred */ /*{{{*/
-class TestRredMethod : public RredMethod {
- /** \brief Run rred in debug test mode
- *
- * This method can be used to run the rred method outside
- * of the "normal" acquire environment for easier testing.
- *
- * \param base basename of all files involved in this rred test
- */
- bool Run(char const *base) {
- _config->CndSet("Debug::pkgAcquire::RRed", "true");
- FetchItem *test = new FetchItem;
- test->DestFile = base;
- return Fetch(test);
- }
+class RredMethod : public pkgAcqMethod {
+ private:
+ bool Debug;
+ std::vector<std::string> patchpaths;
+ protected:
+ virtual bool HandleMessage(int Number, std::string Message) {
+ if (Number == 600)
+ {
+ patchpaths.clear();
+ LookupPatches(Message, patchpaths);
+ std::clog << "Ended up with " << patchpaths.size() << " patches!\n";
+ std::clog.flush();
+ }
+ return pkgAcqMethod::HandleMessage(Number, Message);
+ }
+ virtual bool Fetch(FetchItem *Itm) {
+ Debug = _config->FindB("Debug::pkgAcquire::RRed", false);
+ URI Get = Itm->Uri;
+ std::string Path = Get.Host + Get.Path; // rred:/path - no host
+ FetchResult Res;
+ Res.Filename = Itm->DestFile;
+ if (Itm->Uri.empty()) {
+ Path = Itm->DestFile;
+ Itm->DestFile.append(".result");
+ } else
+ URIStart(Res);
+ Patch patch;
+ if (patchpaths.empty())
+ {
+ patchpaths.push_back(Path + ".ed");
+ }
+ std::string patch_name;
+ for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator I = patchpaths.begin();
+ I != patchpaths.end();
+ I++)
+ {
+ patch_name = *I;
+ if (Debug == true)
+ std::clog << "Patching " << Path << " with " << patch_name
+ << std::endl;
+ FILE *p = fopen(patch_name.c_str(), "r");
+ if (p == NULL) {
+ std::clog << "Could not open patch file " << patch_name << std::endl;
+ abort();
+ }
+ patch.read_diff(p);
+ fclose(p);
+ }
+ if (Debug == true)
+ std::clog << "Applying patches against " << Path
+ << " and writing results to " << Itm->DestFile
+ << std::endl;
+ FILE *inp = fopen(Path.c_str(), "r");
+ FILE *out = fopen(Itm->DestFile.c_str(), "w");
+ Hashes hash;
+ patch.apply_against_file(out, inp, &hash);
+ fclose(out);
+ fclose(inp);
+ if (Debug == true) {
+ std::clog << "rred: finished file patching of " << Path << "." << std::endl;
+ }
+ struct stat bufbase, bufpatch;
+ if (stat(Path.c_str(), &bufbase) != 0 ||
+ stat(patch_name.c_str(), &bufpatch) != 0)
+ return _error->Errno("stat", _("Failed to stat"));
+ struct utimbuf timebuf;
+ timebuf.actime = bufbase.st_atime;
+ timebuf.modtime = bufpatch.st_mtime;
+ if (utime(Itm->DestFile.c_str(), &timebuf) != 0)
+ return _error->Errno("utime", _("Failed to set modification time"));
+ if (stat(Itm->DestFile.c_str(), &bufbase) != 0)
+ return _error->Errno("stat", _("Failed to stat"));
+ Res.LastModified = bufbase.st_mtime;
+ Res.Size = bufbase.st_size;
+ Res.TakeHashes(hash);
+ URIDone(Res);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public:
+ RredMethod() : pkgAcqMethod("2.0",SingleInstance | SendConfig) {}
- /*}}}*/
-/** \brief Starter for the rred method (or its test method) {{{
- *
- * Used without parameters is the normal behavior for methods for
- * the APT acquire system. While this works great for the acquire system
- * it is very hard to test the method and therefore the method also
- * accepts one parameter which will switch it directly to debug test mode:
- * The test mode expects that if "Testfile" is given as parameter
- * the file "Testfile" should be ed-style patched with "Testfile.ed"
- * and will write the result to "Testfile.result".
- */
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- if (argc <= 1) {
- RredMethod Mth;
- return Mth.Run();
- } else {
- TestRredMethod Mth;
- bool result = Mth.Run(argv[1]);
- _error->DumpErrors();
- return result;
- }
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ int i;
+ bool just_diff = true;
+ Patch patch;
+ if (argc <= 1) {
+ RredMethod Mth;
+ return Mth.Run();
+ }
+ if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "-f") == 0) {
+ just_diff = false;
+ i = 2;
+ } else {
+ i = 1;
+ }
+ for (; i < argc; i++) {
+ FILE *p;
+ p = fopen(argv[i], "r");
+ if (!p) {
+ perror(argv[i]);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ patch.read_diff(p);
+ }
+ if (just_diff) {
+ patch.write_diff(stdout);
+ } else {
+ FILE *out, *inp;
+ out = stdout;
+ inp = stdin;
+ patch.apply_against_file(out, inp);
+ }
+ return 0;
- /*}}}*/