diff options
authorJulian Andres Klode <>2019-02-26 13:26:14 +0100
committerJulian Andres Klode <>2019-02-26 16:31:20 +0100
commite9ac86f11b23310924058a045e0352b499c66d43 (patch)
parent29465ea9555a453ca733280955505de8bfcce935 (diff)
edsp: Remove deprecated functions
3 files changed, 2 insertions, 356 deletions
diff --git a/apt-pkg/ b/apt-pkg/
index 2e39be377..0d5fe150b 100644
--- a/apt-pkg/
+++ b/apt-pkg/
@@ -73,52 +73,6 @@ template<typename... Data> static bool WriteOkay(FileFd &output, Data&&... data)
// WriteScenarioVersion /*{{{*/
-static void WriteScenarioVersion(pkgDepCache &Cache, FILE* output, pkgCache::PkgIterator const &Pkg,
- pkgCache::VerIterator const &Ver)
- fprintf(output, "Package: %s\n", Pkg.Name());
- fprintf(output, "Source: %s\n", Ver.SourcePkgName());
- fprintf(output, "Architecture: %s\n", Ver.Arch());
- fprintf(output, "Version: %s\n", Ver.VerStr());
- fprintf(output, "Source-Version: %s\n", Ver.SourceVerStr());
- if (Pkg.CurrentVer() == Ver)
- fprintf(output, "Installed: yes\n");
- if (Pkg->SelectedState == pkgCache::State::Hold ||
- (Cache[Pkg].Keep() == true && Cache[Pkg].Protect() == true))
- fprintf(output, "Hold: yes\n");
- fprintf(output, "APT-ID: %d\n", Ver->ID);
- if (PrioMap[Ver->Priority] != nullptr)
- fprintf(output, "Priority: %s\n", PrioMap[Ver->Priority]);
- if ((Pkg->Flags & pkgCache::Flag::Essential) == pkgCache::Flag::Essential)
- fprintf(output, "Essential: yes\n");
- if (Ver->Section != 0)
- fprintf(output, "Section: %s\n", Ver.Section());
- if ((Ver->MultiArch & pkgCache::Version::Allowed) == pkgCache::Version::Allowed)
- fprintf(output, "Multi-Arch: allowed\n");
- else if ((Ver->MultiArch & pkgCache::Version::Foreign) == pkgCache::Version::Foreign)
- fprintf(output, "Multi-Arch: foreign\n");
- else if ((Ver->MultiArch & pkgCache::Version::Same) == pkgCache::Version::Same)
- fprintf(output, "Multi-Arch: same\n");
- std::set<string> Releases;
- for (pkgCache::VerFileIterator I = Ver.FileList(); I.end() == false; ++I) {
- pkgCache::PkgFileIterator File = I.File();
- if (File.Flagged(pkgCache::Flag::NotSource) == false) {
- string Release = File.RelStr();
- if (!Release.empty())
- Releases.insert(Release);
- }
- }
- if (!Releases.empty()) {
- fprintf(output, "APT-Release:\n");
- for (std::set<string>::iterator R = Releases.begin(); R != Releases.end(); ++R)
- fprintf(output, " %s\n", R->c_str());
- }
- fprintf(output, "APT-Pin: %d\n", Cache.GetPolicy().GetPriority(Ver));
- if (Cache.GetCandidateVersion(Pkg) == Ver)
- fprintf(output, "APT-Candidate: yes\n");
- if ((Cache[Pkg].Flags & pkgCache::Flag::Auto) == pkgCache::Flag::Auto)
- fprintf(output, "APT-Automatic: yes\n");
static bool WriteScenarioVersion(FileFd &output, pkgCache::PkgIterator const &Pkg,
pkgCache::VerIterator const &Ver)
@@ -138,44 +92,6 @@ static bool WriteScenarioVersion(FileFd &output, pkgCache::PkgIterator const &Pk
// WriteScenarioDependency /*{{{*/
-static void WriteScenarioDependency( FILE* output, pkgCache::VerIterator const &Ver)
- std::array<std::string, _count(DepMap)> dependencies;
- bool orGroup = false;
- for (pkgCache::DepIterator Dep = Ver.DependsList(); Dep.end() == false; ++Dep)
- {
- if (Dep.IsImplicit() == true)
- continue;
- if (orGroup == false)
- dependencies[Dep->Type].append(", ");
- dependencies[Dep->Type].append(Dep.TargetPkg().Name());
- if (Dep->Version != 0)
- dependencies[Dep->Type].append(" (").append(pkgCache::CompTypeDeb(Dep->CompareOp)).append(" ").append(Dep.TargetVer()).append(")");
- if ((Dep->CompareOp & pkgCache::Dep::Or) == pkgCache::Dep::Or)
- {
- dependencies[Dep->Type].append(" | ");
- orGroup = true;
- }
- else
- orGroup = false;
- }
- for (size_t i = 1; i < dependencies.size(); ++i)
- if (dependencies[i].empty() == false)
- fprintf(output, "%s: %s\n", DepMap[i], dependencies[i].c_str()+2);
- string provides;
- for (pkgCache::PrvIterator Prv = Ver.ProvidesList(); Prv.end() == false; ++Prv)
- {
- if (Prv.IsMultiArchImplicit() == true)
- continue;
- if (provides.empty() == false)
- provides.append(", ");
- provides.append(Prv.Name());
- if (Prv->ProvideVersion != 0)
- provides.append(" (= ").append(Prv.ProvideVersion()).append(")");
- }
- if (provides.empty() == false)
- fprintf(output, "Provides: %s\n", provides.c_str());
static bool WriteScenarioDependency(FileFd &output, pkgCache::VerIterator const &Ver, bool const OnlyCritical)
std::array<std::string, _count(DepMap)> dependencies;
@@ -220,61 +136,6 @@ static bool WriteScenarioDependency(FileFd &output, pkgCache::VerIterator const
// WriteScenarioLimitedDependency /*{{{*/
-static void WriteScenarioLimitedDependency(FILE* output,
- pkgCache::VerIterator const &Ver,
- APT::PackageSet const &pkgset)
- std::array<std::string, _count(DepMap)> dependencies;
- bool orGroup = false;
- for (pkgCache::DepIterator Dep = Ver.DependsList(); Dep.end() == false; ++Dep)
- {
- if (Dep.IsImplicit() == true)
- continue;
- if (orGroup == false)
- {
- if (pkgset.find(Dep.TargetPkg()) == pkgset.end())
- continue;
- if (dependencies[Dep->Type].empty() == false)
- dependencies[Dep->Type].append(", ");
- }
- else if (pkgset.find(Dep.TargetPkg()) == pkgset.end())
- {
- if ((Dep->CompareOp & pkgCache::Dep::Or) == pkgCache::Dep::Or)
- continue;
- dependencies[Dep->Type].erase(dependencies[Dep->Type].end()-3, dependencies[Dep->Type].end());
- orGroup = false;
- continue;
- }
- dependencies[Dep->Type].append(Dep.TargetPkg().Name());
- if (Dep->Version != 0)
- dependencies[Dep->Type].append(" (").append(pkgCache::CompTypeDeb(Dep->CompareOp)).append(" ").append(Dep.TargetVer()).append(")");
- if ((Dep->CompareOp & pkgCache::Dep::Or) == pkgCache::Dep::Or)
- {
- dependencies[Dep->Type].append(" | ");
- orGroup = true;
- }
- else
- orGroup = false;
- }
- for (size_t i = 1; i < dependencies.size(); ++i)
- if (dependencies[i].empty() == false)
- fprintf(output, "%s: %s\n", DepMap[i], dependencies[i].c_str());
- string provides;
- for (pkgCache::PrvIterator Prv = Ver.ProvidesList(); Prv.end() == false; ++Prv)
- {
- if (Prv.IsMultiArchImplicit() == true)
- continue;
- if (pkgset.find(Prv.ParentPkg()) == pkgset.end())
- continue;
- if (provides.empty() == false)
- provides.append(", ");
- provides.append(Prv.Name());
- if (Prv->ProvideVersion != 0)
- provides.append(" (= ").append(Prv.ProvideVersion()).append(")");
- }
- if (provides.empty() == false)
- fprintf(output, "Provides: %s\n", provides.c_str());
static bool WriteScenarioLimitedDependency(FileFd &output,
pkgCache::VerIterator const &Ver,
std::vector<bool> const &pkgset,
@@ -391,30 +252,6 @@ static bool WriteScenarioEDSPVersion(pkgDepCache &Cache, FileFd &output, pkgCach
// EDSP::WriteScenario - to the given file descriptor /*{{{*/
-bool EDSP::WriteScenario(pkgDepCache &Cache, FILE* output, OpProgress *Progress)
- if (Progress != NULL)
- Progress->SubProgress(Cache.Head().VersionCount, _("Send scenario to solver"));
- decltype(Cache.Head().VersionCount) p = 0;
- std::vector<std::string> archs = APT::Configuration::getArchitectures();
- for (pkgCache::PkgIterator Pkg = Cache.PkgBegin(); Pkg.end() == false; ++Pkg)
- {
- std::string const arch = Pkg.Arch();
- if (std::find(archs.begin(), archs.end(), arch) == archs.end())
- continue;
- for (pkgCache::VerIterator Ver = Pkg.VersionList(); Ver.end() == false; ++Ver, ++p)
- {
- if (SkipUnavailableVersions(Cache, Pkg, Ver))
- continue;
- WriteScenarioVersion(Cache, output, Pkg, Ver);
- WriteScenarioDependency(output, Ver);
- fprintf(output, "\n");
- if (Progress != NULL && p % 100 == 0)
- Progress->Progress(p);
- }
- }
- return true;
bool EDSP::WriteScenario(pkgDepCache &Cache, FileFd &output, OpProgress *Progress)
if (Progress != NULL)
@@ -443,28 +280,6 @@ bool EDSP::WriteScenario(pkgDepCache &Cache, FileFd &output, OpProgress *Progres
// EDSP::WriteLimitedScenario - to the given file descriptor /*{{{*/
-bool EDSP::WriteLimitedScenario(pkgDepCache &Cache, FILE* output,
- APT::PackageSet const &pkgset,
- OpProgress *Progress)
- if (Progress != NULL)
- Progress->SubProgress(Cache.Head().VersionCount, _("Send scenario to solver"));
- decltype(Cache.Head().PackageCount) p = 0;
- for (APT::PackageSet::const_iterator Pkg = pkgset.begin(); Pkg != pkgset.end(); ++Pkg, ++p)
- for (pkgCache::VerIterator Ver = Pkg.VersionList(); Ver.end() == false; ++Ver)
- {
- if (SkipUnavailableVersions(Cache, Pkg, Ver))
- continue;
- WriteScenarioVersion(Cache, output, Pkg, Ver);
- WriteScenarioLimitedDependency(output, Ver, pkgset);
- fprintf(output, "\n");
- if (Progress != NULL && p % 100 == 0)
- Progress->Progress(p);
- }
- if (Progress != NULL)
- Progress->Done();
- return true;
bool EDSP::WriteLimitedScenario(pkgDepCache &Cache, FileFd &output,
std::vector<bool> const &pkgset,
OpProgress *Progress)
@@ -495,60 +310,6 @@ bool EDSP::WriteLimitedScenario(pkgDepCache &Cache, FileFd &output,
// EDSP::WriteRequest - to the given file descriptor /*{{{*/
-bool EDSP::WriteRequest(pkgDepCache &Cache, FILE* output, bool const Upgrade,
- bool const DistUpgrade, bool const AutoRemove,
- OpProgress *Progress)
- if (Progress != NULL)
- Progress->SubProgress(Cache.Head().PackageCount, _("Send request to solver"));
- decltype(Cache.Head().PackageCount) p = 0;
- string del, inst;
- for (pkgCache::PkgIterator Pkg = Cache.PkgBegin(); Pkg.end() == false; ++Pkg, ++p)
- {
- if (Progress != NULL && p % 100 == 0)
- Progress->Progress(p);
- string* req;
- pkgDepCache::StateCache &P = Cache[Pkg];
- if (P.Delete() == true)
- req = &del;
- else if (P.NewInstall() == true || P.Upgrade() == true || P.ReInstall() == true ||
- (P.Mode == pkgDepCache::ModeKeep && (P.iFlags & pkgDepCache::Protected) == pkgDepCache::Protected))
- req = &inst;
- else
- continue;
- req->append(" ").append(Pkg.FullName());
- }
- fprintf(output, "Request: EDSP 0.5\n");
- const char *arch = _config->Find("APT::Architecture").c_str();
- std::vector<string> archs = APT::Configuration::getArchitectures();
- fprintf(output, "Architecture: %s\n", arch);
- fprintf(output, "Architectures:");
- for (std::vector<string>::const_iterator a = archs.begin(); a != archs.end(); ++a)
- fprintf(output, " %s", a->c_str());
- fprintf(output, "\n");
- if (del.empty() == false)
- fprintf(output, "Remove: %s\n", del.c_str()+1);
- if (inst.empty() == false)
- fprintf(output, "Install: %s\n", inst.c_str()+1);
- if (Upgrade == true)
- fprintf(output, "Upgrade: yes\n");
- if (DistUpgrade == true)
- fprintf(output, "Dist-Upgrade: yes\n");
- if (AutoRemove == true)
- fprintf(output, "Autoremove: yes\n");
- auto const solver = _config->Find("APT::Solver", "internal");
- fprintf(output, "Solver: %s\n", solver.c_str());
- auto const solverconf = std::string("APT::Solver::") + solver + "::";
- if (_config->FindB(solverconf + "Strict-Pinning", _config->FindB("APT::Solver::Strict-Pinning", true)) == false)
- fprintf(output, "Strict-Pinning: no\n");
- auto const solverpref = _config->Find(solverconf + "Preferences", _config->Find("APT::Solver::Preferences", ""));
- if (solverpref.empty() == false)
- fprintf(output, "Preferences: %s\n", solverpref.c_str());
- fprintf(output, "\n");
- return true;
bool EDSP::WriteRequest(pkgDepCache &Cache, FileFd &output,
unsigned int const flags,
OpProgress *Progress)
@@ -822,33 +583,7 @@ bool EDSP::ReadRequest(int const input, std::list<std::string> &install,
return false;
-bool EDSP::ReadRequest(int const input, std::list<std::string> &install,
- std::list<std::string> &remove, bool &upgrade,
- bool &distUpgrade, bool &autoRemove)
- unsigned int flags;
- auto const ret = ReadRequest(input, install, remove, flags);
- autoRemove = (flags & Request::AUTOREMOVE);
- if (flags & Request::UPGRADE_ALL)
- {
- if (flags & (Request::FORBID_NEW_INSTALL | Request::FORBID_REMOVE))
- {
- upgrade = true;
- distUpgrade = false;
- } else {
- upgrade = false;
- distUpgrade = false;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- upgrade = false;
- distUpgrade = false;
- }
- return ret;
- /*}}}*/
+} /*}}}*/
// EDSP::ApplyRequest - first stanza from the given file descriptor /*{{{*/
bool EDSP::ApplyRequest(std::list<std::string> const &install,
std::list<std::string> const &remove,
@@ -875,37 +610,6 @@ bool EDSP::ApplyRequest(std::list<std::string> const &install,
// EDSP::WriteSolutionStanza - to the given file descriptor /*{{{*/
-bool EDSP::WriteSolution(pkgDepCache &Cache, FILE* output)
- bool const Debug = _config->FindB("Debug::EDSP::WriteSolution", false);
- for (pkgCache::PkgIterator Pkg = Cache.PkgBegin(); Pkg.end() == false; ++Pkg)
- {
- if (Cache[Pkg].Delete() == true)
- {
- fprintf(output, "Remove: %d\n", _system->GetVersionMapping(Pkg.CurrentVer()->ID));
- if (Debug == true)
- fprintf(output, "Package: %s\nVersion: %s\n", Pkg.FullName().c_str(), Pkg.CurrentVer().VerStr());
- }
- else if (Cache[Pkg].NewInstall() == true || Cache[Pkg].Upgrade() == true)
- {
- pkgCache::VerIterator const CandVer = Cache.GetCandidateVersion(Pkg);
- fprintf(output, "Install: %d\n", _system->GetVersionMapping(CandVer->ID));
- if (Debug == true)
- fprintf(output, "Package: %s\nVersion: %s\n", Pkg.FullName().c_str(), CandVer.VerStr());
- }
- else if (Cache[Pkg].Garbage == true)
- {
- fprintf(output, "Autoremove: %d\n", _system->GetVersionMapping(Pkg.CurrentVer()->ID));
- if (Debug == true)
- fprintf(output, "Package: %s\nVersion: %s\n", Pkg.FullName().c_str(), Pkg.CurrentVer().VerStr());
- }
- else
- continue;
- fprintf(output, "\n");
- }
- return true;
bool EDSP::WriteSolutionStanza(FileFd &output, char const * const Type, pkgCache::VerIterator const &Ver)
bool Okay = output.Failed() == false;
@@ -916,13 +620,6 @@ bool EDSP::WriteSolutionStanza(FileFd &output, char const * const Type, pkgCache
// EDSP::WriteProgess - pulse to the given file descriptor /*{{{*/
-bool EDSP::WriteProgress(unsigned short const percent, const char* const message, FILE* output) {
- fprintf(output, "Progress: %s\n", TimeRFC1123(time(NULL), true).c_str());
- fprintf(output, "Percentage: %d\n", percent);
- fprintf(output, "Message: %s\n\n", message);
- fflush(output);
- return true;
bool EDSP::WriteProgress(unsigned short const percent, const char* const message, FileFd &output) {
return WriteOkay(output, "Progress: ", TimeRFC1123(time(NULL), true), "\n",
"Percentage: ", percent, "\n",
@@ -934,11 +631,6 @@ static std::string formatMessage(std::string const &msg)
return SubstVar(SubstVar(APT::String::Strip(msg), "\n\n", "\n.\n"), "\n", "\n ");
-bool EDSP::WriteError(char const * const uuid, std::string const &message, FILE* output) {
- fprintf(output, "Error: %s\n", uuid);
- fprintf(output, "Message: %s\n\n", formatMessage(message).c_str());
- return true;
bool EDSP::WriteError(char const * const uuid, std::string const &message, FileFd &output) {
return WriteOkay(output, "Error: ", uuid, "\n",
"Message: ", formatMessage(message),
@@ -1020,11 +712,6 @@ static pid_t ExecuteExternal(char const* const type, char const * const binary,
pid_t EDSP::ExecuteSolver(const char* const solver, int * const solver_in, int * const solver_out, bool) {
return ExecuteExternal("solver", solver, "Dir::Bin::Solvers", solver_in, solver_out);
-bool EDSP::ExecuteSolver(const char* const solver, int *solver_in, int *solver_out) {
- if (ExecuteSolver(solver, solver_in, solver_out, true) == 0)
- return false;
- return true;
static bool CreateDumpFile(char const * const id, char const * const type, FileFd &output)/*{{{*/
@@ -1086,20 +773,7 @@ bool EDSP::ResolveExternal(const char* const solver, pkgDepCache &Cache,
if (ExecWait(solver_pid, solver))
return ret;
return false;
-bool EDSP::ResolveExternal(const char* const solver, pkgDepCache &Cache,
- bool const upgrade, bool const distUpgrade,
- bool const autoRemove, OpProgress *Progress) {
- unsigned int flags = 0;
- if (autoRemove)
- flags |= Request::AUTOREMOVE;
- if (upgrade)
- flags |= Request::UPGRADE_ALL | Request::FORBID_REMOVE | Request::FORBID_NEW_INSTALL;
- if (distUpgrade)
- flags |= Request::UPGRADE_ALL;
- return ResolveExternal(solver, Cache, flags, Progress);
- /*}}}*/
+} /*}}}*/
bool EIPP::OrderInstall(char const * const solver, pkgPackageManager * const PM, /*{{{*/
unsigned int const flags, OpProgress * const Progress)
diff --git a/apt-pkg/edsp.h b/apt-pkg/edsp.h
index 2f18d76eb..5eb72d48d 100644
--- a/apt-pkg/edsp.h
+++ b/apt-pkg/edsp.h
@@ -56,11 +56,6 @@ namespace EDSP /*{{{*/
bool WriteRequest(pkgDepCache &Cache, FileFd &output,
unsigned int const flags = 0,
OpProgress *Progress = NULL);
- bool WriteRequest(pkgDepCache &Cache, FILE* output,
- bool const upgrade = false,
- bool const distUpgrade = false,
- bool const autoRemove = false,
- OpProgress *Progress = NULL) APT_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use FileFd-based interface instead");
/** \brief creates the scenario representing the package universe
@@ -80,7 +75,6 @@ namespace EDSP /*{{{*/
* \return true if universe was composed successfully, otherwise false
bool WriteScenario(pkgDepCache &Cache, FileFd &output, OpProgress *Progress = NULL);
- bool WriteScenario(pkgDepCache &Cache, FILE* output, OpProgress *Progress = NULL) APT_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use FileFd-based interface instead");
/** \brief creates a limited scenario representing the package universe
@@ -100,9 +94,6 @@ namespace EDSP /*{{{*/
bool WriteLimitedScenario(pkgDepCache &Cache, FileFd &output,
std::vector<bool> const &pkgset,
OpProgress *Progress = NULL);
- bool WriteLimitedScenario(pkgDepCache &Cache, FILE* output,
- APT::PackageSet const &pkgset,
- OpProgress *Progress = NULL) APT_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use FileFd-based interface instead");
/** \brief waits and acts on the information returned from the solver
@@ -138,9 +129,6 @@ namespace EDSP /*{{{*/
bool ReadRequest(int const input, std::list<std::string> &install,
std::list<std::string> &remove, unsigned int &flags);
- APT_DEPRECATED_MSG("use the flag-based version instead") bool ReadRequest(int const input, std::list<std::string> &install,
- std::list<std::string> &remove, bool &upgrade,
- bool &distUpgrade, bool &autoRemove);
/** \brief takes the request lists and applies it on the cache
@@ -171,7 +159,6 @@ namespace EDSP /*{{{*/
* \return true if stanza could be written, otherwise false
bool WriteSolutionStanza(FileFd &output, char const * const Type, pkgCache::VerIterator const &Ver);
- bool WriteSolution(pkgDepCache &Cache, FILE* output) APT_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use FileFd-based single-stanza interface instead");
/** \brief sends a progress report
@@ -180,7 +167,6 @@ namespace EDSP /*{{{*/
* \param output the front-end listens for progress report
bool WriteProgress(unsigned short const percent, const char* const message, FileFd &output);
- bool WriteProgress(unsigned short const percent, const char* const message, FILE* output) APT_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use FileFd-based interface instead");
/** \brief sends an error report
@@ -198,7 +184,6 @@ namespace EDSP /*{{{*/
* \param output the front-end listens for error messages
bool WriteError(char const * const uuid, std::string const &message, FileFd &output);
- bool WriteError(char const * const uuid, std::string const &message, FILE* output) APT_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use FileFd-based interface instead");
/** \brief executes the given solver and returns the pipe ends
@@ -213,7 +198,6 @@ namespace EDSP /*{{{*/
* \return PID of the started solver or 0 if failure occurred
pid_t ExecuteSolver(const char* const solver, int * const solver_in, int * const solver_out, bool /*overload*/);
- APT_DEPRECATED_MSG("add a dummy bool parameter to use the overload returning a pid_t") bool ExecuteSolver(const char* const solver, int *solver_in, int *solver_out);
/** \brief call an external resolver to handle the request
@@ -230,9 +214,6 @@ namespace EDSP /*{{{*/
bool ResolveExternal(const char* const solver, pkgDepCache &Cache,
unsigned int const flags = 0,
OpProgress *Progress = NULL);
- APT_DEPRECATED_MSG("use the flag-based version instead") bool ResolveExternal(const char* const solver, pkgDepCache &Cache,
- bool const upgrade, bool const distUpgrade,
- bool const autoRemove, OpProgress *Progress = NULL);
class pkgPackageManager;
diff --git a/debian/libapt-pkg6.0.symbols b/debian/libapt-pkg6.0.symbols
index 3f47dd139..c7abac750 100644
--- a/debian/libapt-pkg6.0.symbols
+++ b/debian/libapt-pkg6.0.symbols
@@ -667,16 +667,8 @@ libapt-pkg6.0 #MINVER#
(c++)"pkgOrderList::VisitNode(pkgCache::PkgIterator, char const*)@APTPKG_6.0"
### external dependency resolver ###
- (c++)"EDSP::WriteError(char const*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, _IO_FILE*)@APTPKG_6.0" 0.8.16~exp2
- (c++)"EDSP::ReadRequest(int, std::__cxx11::list<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >&, std::__cxx11::list<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >&, bool&, bool&, bool&)@APTPKG_6.0" 0.8.16~exp2
(c++)"EDSP::ApplyRequest(std::__cxx11::list<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > > const&, std::__cxx11::list<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > > const&, pkgDepCache&)@APTPKG_6.0" 0.8.16~exp2
(c++)"EDSP::ReadResponse(int, pkgDepCache&, OpProgress*)@APTPKG_6.0" 0.8.16~exp2
- (c++)"EDSP::WriteRequest(pkgDepCache&, _IO_FILE*, bool, bool, bool, OpProgress*)@APTPKG_6.0" 0.8.16~exp2
- (c++)"EDSP::ExecuteSolver(char const*, int*, int*)@APTPKG_6.0" 0.8.16~exp2
- (c++)"EDSP::WriteProgress(unsigned short, char const*, _IO_FILE*)@APTPKG_6.0" 0.8.16~exp2
- (c++)"EDSP::WriteScenario(pkgDepCache&, _IO_FILE*, OpProgress*)@APTPKG_6.0" 0.8.16~exp2
- (c++)"EDSP::WriteSolution(pkgDepCache&, _IO_FILE*)@APTPKG_6.0" 0.8.16~exp2
- (c++)"EDSP::ResolveExternal(char const*, pkgDepCache&, bool, bool, bool, OpProgress*)@APTPKG_6.0" 0.8.16~exp2
(c++)"pkgDepCache::Policy::GetPriority(pkgCache::PkgIterator const&)@APTPKG_6.0" 0.8.16~exp6
(c++)"pkgDepCache::Policy::GetPriority(pkgCache::PkgFileIterator const&)@APTPKG_6.0" 0.8.16~exp6
### generalisation of checksums (with lfs) -- mostly api-compatible available (without sha512 in previous versions)
@@ -778,7 +770,6 @@ libapt-pkg6.0 #MINVER#
(c++)"APT::VersionContainerInterface::getCandidateVer(pkgCacheFile&, pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, APT::CacheSetHelper&)@APTPKG_6.0" 0.8.16~exp9
(c++)"APT::VersionContainerInterface::getInstalledVer(pkgCacheFile&, pkgCache::PkgIterator const&, APT::CacheSetHelper&)@APTPKG_6.0" 0.8.16~exp9
(c++)"APT::VersionContainerInterface::FromModifierCommandLine(unsigned short&, APT::VersionContainerInterface*, pkgCacheFile&, char const*, std::__cxx11::list<APT::VersionContainerInterface::Modifier, std::allocator<APT::VersionContainerInterface::Modifier> > const&, APT::CacheSetHelper&)@APTPKG_6.0" 0.8.16~exp9
- (c++)"EDSP::WriteLimitedScenario(pkgDepCache&, _IO_FILE*, APT::PackageContainer<std::set<pkgCache::PkgIterator, std::less<pkgCache::PkgIterator>, std::allocator<pkgCache::PkgIterator> > > const&, OpProgress*)@APTPKG_6.0" 0.8.16~exp9
(c++)"typeinfo for APT::PackageContainerInterface@APTPKG_6.0" 0.8.16~exp9
(c++)"typeinfo for APT::VersionContainerInterface@APTPKG_6.0" 0.8.16~exp9
(c++)"typeinfo name for APT::PackageContainerInterface@APTPKG_6.0" 0.8.16~exp9