path: root/cmdline/
diff options
authorMichael Vogt <>2011-05-31 10:34:56 +0200
committerMichael Vogt <>2011-05-31 10:34:56 +0200
commit3b310a644d82abeb76b5028a9ee7b8d1b96fc629 (patch)
tree4f700ae465eb6c065dfba405741c1ab800e06f11 /cmdline/
parentc996a75cabffa5d3e5bc610d9f1097c2edae606f (diff)
parent4fdb612374655361c8923a4611db6a0d10054317 (diff)
merged from the debian branch
Diffstat (limited to 'cmdline/')
1 files changed, 373 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cmdline/ b/cmdline/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b2c664979
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmdline/
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+// -*- mode: cpp; mode: fold -*-
+// Description /*{{{*/
+/* #####################################################################
+ apt-mark - show and change auto-installed bit information
+ ##################################################################### */
+ /*}}}*/
+// Include Files /*{{{*/
+#include <apt-pkg/cachefile.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/cacheset.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/cmndline.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/error.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/init.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/strutl.h>
+#include <config.h>
+#include <apti18n.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+ /*}}}*/
+using namespace std;
+ostream c0out(0);
+ostream c1out(0);
+ostream c2out(0);
+ofstream devnull("/dev/null");
+/* DoAuto - mark packages as automatically/manually installed {{{*/
+bool DoAuto(CommandLine &CmdL)
+ pkgCacheFile CacheFile;
+ pkgCache *Cache = CacheFile.GetPkgCache();
+ pkgDepCache *DepCache = CacheFile.GetDepCache();
+ if (unlikely(Cache == NULL || DepCache == NULL))
+ return false;
+ APT::PackageSet pkgset = APT::PackageSet::FromCommandLine(CacheFile, CmdL.FileList + 1);
+ if (pkgset.empty() == true)
+ return _error->Error(_("No packages found"));
+ bool MarkAuto = strcasecmp(CmdL.FileList[0],"auto") == 0;
+ int AutoMarkChanged = 0;
+ for (APT::PackageSet::const_iterator Pkg = pkgset.begin(); Pkg != pkgset.end(); ++Pkg)
+ {
+ if (Pkg->CurrentVer == 0)
+ {
+ ioprintf(c1out,_("%s can not be marked as it is not installed.\n"), Pkg.FullName(true).c_str());
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if ((((*DepCache)[Pkg].Flags & pkgCache::Flag::Auto) == pkgCache::Flag::Auto) == MarkAuto)
+ {
+ if (MarkAuto == false)
+ ioprintf(c1out,_("%s was already set to manually installed.\n"), Pkg.FullName(true).c_str());
+ else
+ ioprintf(c1out,_("%s was already set to automatically installed.\n"), Pkg.FullName(true).c_str());
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (MarkAuto == false)
+ ioprintf(c1out,_("%s set to manually installed.\n"), Pkg.FullName(true).c_str());
+ else
+ ioprintf(c1out,_("%s set to automatically installed.\n"), Pkg.FullName(true).c_str());
+ DepCache->MarkAuto(Pkg, MarkAuto);
+ ++AutoMarkChanged;
+ }
+ if (AutoMarkChanged > 0 && _config->FindB("APT::Mark::Simulate", false) == false)
+ return DepCache->writeStateFile(NULL);
+ return true;
+ /*}}}*/
+/* DoMarkAuto - mark packages as automatically/manually installed {{{*/
+/* Does the same as DoAuto but tries to do it exactly the same why as
+ the python implementation did it so it can be a drop-in replacement */
+bool DoMarkAuto(CommandLine &CmdL)
+ pkgCacheFile CacheFile;
+ pkgCache *Cache = CacheFile.GetPkgCache();
+ pkgDepCache *DepCache = CacheFile.GetDepCache();
+ if (unlikely(Cache == NULL || DepCache == NULL))
+ return false;
+ APT::PackageSet pkgset = APT::PackageSet::FromCommandLine(CacheFile, CmdL.FileList + 1);
+ if (pkgset.empty() == true)
+ return _error->Error(_("No packages found"));
+ bool const MarkAuto = strcasecmp(CmdL.FileList[0],"markauto") == 0;
+ bool const Verbose = _config->FindB("APT::MarkAuto::Verbose", false);
+ int AutoMarkChanged = 0;
+ for (APT::PackageSet::const_iterator Pkg = pkgset.begin(); Pkg != pkgset.end(); ++Pkg)
+ {
+ if (Pkg->CurrentVer == 0 ||
+ (((*DepCache)[Pkg].Flags & pkgCache::Flag::Auto) == pkgCache::Flag::Auto) == MarkAuto)
+ continue;
+ if (Verbose == true)
+ ioprintf(c1out, "changing %s to %d\n", Pkg.Name(), (MarkAuto == false) ? 0 : 1);
+ DepCache->MarkAuto(Pkg, MarkAuto);
+ ++AutoMarkChanged;
+ }
+ if (AutoMarkChanged > 0 && _config->FindB("APT::Mark::Simulate", false) == false)
+ return DepCache->writeStateFile(NULL);
+ _error->Notice(_("This command is deprecated. Please use 'apt-mark auto' and 'apt-mark manual' instead."));
+ return true;
+ /*}}}*/
+/* ShowAuto - show automatically installed packages (sorted) {{{*/
+bool ShowAuto(CommandLine &CmdL)
+ pkgCacheFile CacheFile;
+ pkgCache *Cache = CacheFile.GetPkgCache();
+ pkgDepCache *DepCache = CacheFile.GetDepCache();
+ if (unlikely(Cache == NULL || DepCache == NULL))
+ return false;
+ std::vector<string> packages;
+ bool const ShowAuto = strcasecmp(CmdL.FileList[0],"showauto") == 0;
+ if (CmdL.FileList[1] == 0)
+ {
+ packages.reserve(Cache->HeaderP->PackageCount / 3);
+ for (pkgCache::PkgIterator P = Cache->PkgBegin(); P.end() == false; ++P)
+ if (P->CurrentVer != 0 &&
+ (((*DepCache)[P].Flags & pkgCache::Flag::Auto) == pkgCache::Flag::Auto) == ShowAuto)
+ packages.push_back(P.FullName(true));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ APT::CacheSetHelper helper(false); // do not show errors
+ APT::PackageSet pkgset = APT::PackageSet::FromCommandLine(CacheFile, CmdL.FileList + 1, helper);
+ packages.reserve(pkgset.size());
+ for (APT::PackageSet::const_iterator P = pkgset.begin(); P != pkgset.end(); ++P)
+ if (P->CurrentVer != 0 &&
+ (((*DepCache)[P].Flags & pkgCache::Flag::Auto) == pkgCache::Flag::Auto) == ShowAuto)
+ packages.push_back(P.FullName(true));
+ }
+ std::sort(packages.begin(), packages.end());
+ for (vector<string>::const_iterator I = packages.begin(); I != packages.end(); ++I)
+ std::cout << *I << std::endl;
+ return true;
+ /*}}}*/
+/* DoHold - mark packages as hold by dpkg {{{*/
+bool DoHold(CommandLine &CmdL)
+ pkgCacheFile CacheFile;
+ pkgCache *Cache = CacheFile.GetPkgCache();
+ if (unlikely(Cache == NULL))
+ return false;
+ APT::PackageSet pkgset = APT::PackageSet::FromCommandLine(CacheFile, CmdL.FileList + 1);
+ if (pkgset.empty() == true)
+ return _error->Error(_("No packages found"));
+ bool const MarkHold = strcasecmp(CmdL.FileList[0],"hold") == 0;
+ for (APT::PackageSet::iterator Pkg = pkgset.begin(); Pkg != pkgset.end(); ++Pkg)
+ {
+ if ((Pkg->SelectedState == pkgCache::State::Hold) == MarkHold)
+ {
+ if (MarkHold == true)
+ ioprintf(c1out,_("%s was already set on hold.\n"), Pkg.FullName(true).c_str());
+ else
+ ioprintf(c1out,_("%s was already not hold.\n"), Pkg.FullName(true).c_str());
+ pkgset.erase(Pkg);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (pkgset.empty() == true)
+ return true;
+ if (_config->FindB("APT::Mark::Simulate", false) == true)
+ {
+ for (APT::PackageSet::iterator Pkg = pkgset.begin(); Pkg != pkgset.end(); ++Pkg)
+ {
+ if (MarkHold == false)
+ ioprintf(c1out,_("%s set on hold.\n"), Pkg.FullName(true).c_str());
+ else
+ ioprintf(c1out,_("Canceled hold on %s.\n"), Pkg.FullName(true).c_str());
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ string dpkgcall = _config->Find("Dir::Bin::dpkg", "dpkg");
+ std::vector<string> const dpkgoptions = _config->FindVector("DPkg::options");
+ for (std::vector<string>::const_iterator o = dpkgoptions.begin();
+ o != dpkgoptions.end(); ++o)
+ dpkgcall.append(" ").append(*o);
+ dpkgcall.append(" --set-selections");
+ FILE *dpkg = popen(dpkgcall.c_str(), "w");
+ if (dpkg == NULL)
+ return _error->Errno("DoHold", "fdopen on dpkg stdin failed");
+ for (APT::PackageSet::iterator Pkg = pkgset.begin(); Pkg != pkgset.end(); ++Pkg)
+ {
+ if (MarkHold == true)
+ {
+ fprintf(dpkg, "%s hold\n", Pkg.FullName(true).c_str());
+ ioprintf(c1out,_("%s set on hold.\n"), Pkg.FullName(true).c_str());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf(dpkg, "%s install\n", Pkg.FullName(true).c_str());
+ ioprintf(c1out,_("Canceled hold on %s.\n"), Pkg.FullName(true).c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ int const status = pclose(dpkg);
+ if (status == -1)
+ return _error->Errno("DoHold", "dpkg execution failed in the end");
+ if (WIFEXITED(status) == false || WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0)
+ return _error->Error(_("Executing dpkg failed. Are you root?"));
+ return true;
+ /*}}}*/
+/* ShowHold - show packages set on hold in dpkg status {{{*/
+bool ShowHold(CommandLine &CmdL)
+ pkgCacheFile CacheFile;
+ pkgCache *Cache = CacheFile.GetPkgCache();
+ if (unlikely(Cache == NULL))
+ return false;
+ std::vector<string> packages;
+ if (CmdL.FileList[1] == 0)
+ {
+ packages.reserve(50); // how many holds are realistic? I hope just a few…
+ for (pkgCache::PkgIterator P = Cache->PkgBegin(); P.end() == false; ++P)
+ if (P->SelectedState == pkgCache::State::Hold)
+ packages.push_back(P.FullName(true));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ APT::CacheSetHelper helper(false); // do not show errors
+ APT::PackageSet pkgset = APT::PackageSet::FromCommandLine(CacheFile, CmdL.FileList + 1, helper);
+ packages.reserve(pkgset.size());
+ for (APT::PackageSet::const_iterator P = pkgset.begin(); P != pkgset.end(); ++P)
+ if (P->SelectedState == pkgCache::State::Hold)
+ packages.push_back(P.FullName(true));
+ }
+ std::sort(packages.begin(), packages.end());
+ for (vector<string>::const_iterator I = packages.begin(); I != packages.end(); ++I)
+ std::cout << *I << std::endl;
+ return true;
+ /*}}}*/
+// ShowHelp - Show a help screen /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* */
+bool ShowHelp(CommandLine &CmdL)
+ ioprintf(cout,_("%s %s for %s compiled on %s %s\n"),PACKAGE,VERSION,
+ cout <<
+ _("Usage: apt-mark [options] {auto|manual} pkg1 [pkg2 ...]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "apt-mark is a simple command line interface for marking packages\n"
+ "as manual or automatical installed. It can also list marks.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Commands:\n"
+ " auto - Mark the given packages as automatically installed\n"
+ " manual - Mark the given packages as manually installed\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Options:\n"
+ " -h This help text.\n"
+ " -q Loggable output - no progress indicator\n"
+ " -qq No output except for errors\n"
+ " -s No-act. Just prints what would be done.\n"
+ " -f read/write auto/manual marking in the given file\n"
+ " -c=? Read this configuration file\n"
+ " -o=? Set an arbitrary configuration option, eg -o dir::cache=/tmp\n"
+ "See the apt-mark(8) and apt.conf(5) manual pages for more information.")
+ << std::endl;
+ return true;
+ /*}}}*/
+int main(int argc,const char *argv[]) /*{{{*/
+ CommandLine::Args Args[] = {
+ {'h',"help","help",0},
+ {0,"version","version",0},
+ {'q',"quiet","quiet",CommandLine::IntLevel},
+ {'q',"silent","quiet",CommandLine::IntLevel},
+ {'v',"verbose","APT::MarkAuto::Verbose",0},
+ {'s',"simulate","APT::Mark::Simulate",0},
+ {'s',"just-print","APT::Mark::Simulate",0},
+ {'s',"recon","APT::Mark::Simulate",0},
+ {'s',"dry-run","APT::Mark::Simulate",0},
+ {'s',"no-act","APT::Mark::Simulate",0},
+ {'f',"file","Dir::State::extended_states",CommandLine::HasArg},
+ {'c',"config-file",0,CommandLine::ConfigFile},
+ {'o',"option",0,CommandLine::ArbItem},
+ {0,0,0,0}};
+ CommandLine::Dispatch Cmds[] = {{"help",&ShowHelp},
+ {"auto",&DoAuto},
+ {"manual",&DoAuto},
+ {"hold",&DoHold},
+ {"unhold",&DoHold},
+ {"showauto",&ShowAuto},
+ {"showmanual",&ShowAuto},
+ {"showhold",&ShowHold},
+ // be nice and forgive the typo
+ {"showholds",&ShowHold},
+ // be nice and forgive it as it is technical right
+ {"install",&DoHold},
+ // obsolete commands for compatibility
+ {"markauto", &DoMarkAuto},
+ {"unmarkauto", &DoMarkAuto},
+ {0,0}};
+ // Set up gettext support
+ setlocale(LC_ALL,"");
+ textdomain(PACKAGE);
+ // Parse the command line and initialize the package library
+ CommandLine CmdL(Args,_config);
+ if (pkgInitConfig(*_config) == false ||
+ CmdL.Parse(argc,argv) == false ||
+ pkgInitSystem(*_config,_system) == false)
+ {
+ if (_config->FindB("version") == true)
+ ShowHelp(CmdL);
+ _error->DumpErrors();
+ return 100;
+ }
+ // See if the help should be shown
+ if (_config->FindB("help") == true ||
+ _config->FindB("version") == true ||
+ CmdL.FileSize() == 0)
+ {
+ ShowHelp(CmdL);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Deal with stdout not being a tty
+ if (!isatty(STDOUT_FILENO) && _config->FindI("quiet", -1) == -1)
+ _config->Set("quiet","1");
+ // Setup the output streams
+ c0out.rdbuf(cout.rdbuf());
+ c1out.rdbuf(cout.rdbuf());
+ c2out.rdbuf(cout.rdbuf());
+ if (_config->FindI("quiet",0) > 0)
+ c0out.rdbuf(devnull.rdbuf());
+ if (_config->FindI("quiet",0) > 1)
+ c1out.rdbuf(devnull.rdbuf());
+ // Match the operation
+ CmdL.DispatchArg(Cmds);
+ // Print any errors or warnings found during parsing
+ bool const Errors = _error->PendingError();
+ if (_config->FindI("quiet",0) > 0)
+ _error->DumpErrors();
+ else
+ _error->DumpErrors(GlobalError::DEBUG);
+ return Errors == true ? 100 : 0;
+ /*}}}*/