path: root/doc
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authorMichael Vogt <>2009-12-10 21:35:50 +0100
committerMichael Vogt <>2009-12-10 21:35:50 +0100
commit0cbd772a245b420fb84761dd8addbf0f45bb4013 (patch)
treeec843bc2c449736271b94903ed67fb0e6e06264d /doc
parent3e2f480d7ad43f565bf2253fc598c2b80a22560f (diff)
parent49012e99a80a08925e4ad9911308c1c1b5cb33fb (diff)
merged -r1901..1911 from lp:~donkult/apt/sid
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
27 files changed, 35079 insertions, 4522 deletions
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- <refsect1><title>Übersetzung</title>
- <para>Die deutsche Übersetzung wurde 2009 von Chris Leick <email></email> angefertigt
- in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Debian German-l10n-Team <email></email>.</para>
- </refsect1>
diff --git a/doc/es/addendum/xml_es.add b/doc/es/addendum/xml_es.add
new file mode 100644
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+ <refsect1><title>Translation</title>
+ <para>The spanish translation was written 2003 and 2004 by Ismael Fanlo (2003), Carlos Mestre (2003),
+ Rudy Godoy <email></email> (2003),
+ Gustavo Saldumbide <email></email> (2003),
+ Javier Fernández-Sanguino <email></email> (2003)
+ and Rubén Porras Campo <email></email> (2003, 2004)
+ under the aegis of the debian spanish-l10n-team <email></email>.
+ </refsect1>
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-<!-- -*- mode: sgml; mode: fold -*- -->
-<!doctype refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" [
-<!ENTITY % aptent SYSTEM "">
-(c) 2003 Software in the Public Interest
-Esta traducci�n ha sido realizada por Rub�n Porras Campo <>
-Est� basada en la p�gina de manual original:
-versi�n 1.6 del CVS de
- -->
-<refentry lang=es>
- &apt-docinfo;
- <refmeta>
- <refentrytitle>apt-cache</>
- <manvolnum>8</>
- </refmeta>
- <!-- Man page title -->
- <refnamediv>
- <refname>apt-cache</>
- <refpurpose>utilidad de manejo de paquetes APT -- manipulador de cach�</>
- </refnamediv>
- <!-- Arguments -->
- <refsynopsisdiv>
- <cmdsynopsis>
- <command>apt-cache</>
- <arg><option>-hvsn</></arg>
- <arg><option>-o=<replaceable/cadena de configuraci�n/</></arg>
- <arg><option>-c=<replaceable/fichero/</></arg>
- <group choice=req>
- <arg>add <arg choice="plain" rep="repeat"><replaceable>fichero</replaceable></arg></arg>
- <arg>gencaches</>
- <arg>showpkg <arg choice="plain" rep="repeat"><replaceable>paquete</replaceable></arg></arg>
- <arg>showsrc <arg choice="plain" rep="repeat"><replaceable>paquete</replaceable></arg></arg>
- <arg>stats</>
- <arg>dump</>
- <arg>dumpavail</>
- <arg>unmet</>
- <arg>search <arg choice="plain"><replaceable>expresi�n regular</replaceable></arg></arg>
- <arg>show <arg choice="plain" rep="repeat"><replaceable>paquete</replaceable></arg></arg>
- <arg>depends <arg choice="plain" rep="repeat"><replaceable>paquete</replaceable></arg></arg>
- <arg>rdepends <arg choice="plain" rep="repeat"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg>
- <arg>pkgnames <arg choice="plain"><replaceable>prefijo</replaceable></arg></arg>
- <arg>dotty <arg choice="plain" rep="repeat"><replaceable>paquete</replaceable></arg></arg>
- <arg>policy <arg choice="plain" rep="repeat"><replaceable>paquetes</replaceable></arg></arg>
- <arg>madison <arg choice="plain" rep="repeat"><replaceable>paquetes</replaceable></arg></arg>
- </group>
- </cmdsynopsis>
- </refsynopsisdiv>
- <RefSect1><Title>Descripci�n</>
- <para>
- <command/apt-cache/ realiza una serie de operaciones sobre la cach� de
- paquetes de APT. <command/apt-cache/ no modifica el estado del sistema
- pero proporciona operaciones de b�squeda en la informaci�n de los
- paquetes, de las cuales se puede obtener informaci�n muy �til.
- <para>
- A menos que se proporcionen las opciones <option/-h/, o <option/--help/, se
- debe de proporcionar una de las siguientes �rdenes:
- <VariableList>
- <VarListEntry><Term>add <replaceable/fichero(s)/</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- <literal/add/ a�ade el nombre del paquete a los ficheros de
- �ndices de la cach� de paquetes. S�lo para depuraci�n.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>gencaches</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- <literal/gencaches/ realiza la misma operaci�n que
- <command/apt-get check/. Construye las cach�s de paquetes fuente y de
- paquetes binarios, usando la lista de recursos en &sources-list;
- junto con la informaci�n en <filename>/var/lib/dpkg/status</>.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>showpkg <replaceable/paquete(s)/</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- <literal/showpkg/ muestra informaci�n acerca de los paquetes
- listados en la l�nea de �rdenes. Los argumentos restantes se
- consideran nombres de paquetes. Por cada paquete se mostrar�n las
- versiones disponibles y los paquetes que dependen de �l (reverse
- dependencies), as� como los paquetes de que depende (forward dependencies),
- (los cuales deben de ser instalados para instalar el paquete).
- Por ejemplo, <command>apt-cache showpkg libreadline2</> mostrar� algo
- similar a lo siguiente:
-Package: libreadline2
-Versions: 2.1-12(/var/state/apt/lists/foo_Packages),
-Reverse Depends:
- libreadlineg2,libreadline2
- libreadline2-altdev,libreadline2
-2.1-12 - libc5 (2 5.4.0-0) ncurses3.0 (0 (null))
-2.1-12 -
-Reverse Provides:
- <para>
- Esta informaci�n nos indica que la versi�n 2.1-12 de libreadline2,
- depende de libc5 y ncurses3.0, ambos programas deben instalarse para
- que libreadline2 pueda funcionar. Adem�s, libreadlineg2 y
- libreadline2-altdev dependen de libreadline2. Es decir, si se instala
- libreadline2, tambi�n se instalar�n libc5 y ncurses3.0 (y ldso), pero
- libreadlineg2 y libreadline2-altdev no tienen que instalarse.
- Para una informaci�n m�s especifica acerca del significado de la salida
- consulte el c�digo fuente de apt.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>stats</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- <literal/stats/ muestra algunas estad�sticas acerca de la cach�.
- No necesita ning�n argumento adicional. Las estad�sticas que
- muestra son:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem><para>
- <literal/Total package names/ es el n�mero de paquetes encontrados
- en la cach�.
- </listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- <literal/Normal packages/ es el n�mero de paquetes normales. Estos
- paquetes tienen una correspondencia un�voca entre sus nombres y
- los nombres que usan otros paquetes al listarlos en sus
- dependencias. La mayor�a de los paquetes pertenecen a este grupo.
- </listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- <literal/Pure virtual packages/ es el n�mero de paquetes que
- existen s�lo como nombre de paquete virtual, esto es, paquetes
- que s�lo "proporcionan" el nombre del paquete virtual, y no hay
- ning�n paquete m�s que use realmente el nombre. Por ejemplo,
- "mail-transport-agent" en un sistema Debian GNU/Linux es un
- paquete virtual puro, varios paquetes proporcionan
- "mail-transport-agent", pero no hay ning�n paquete que se llame
- "mail-transport-agent".
- </listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- <literal/Single virtual packages/ es el n�mero de paquetes que
- s�lo tiene un paquete real que los proporcione. Por ejemplo, en
- un sistema Debian GNU/Linux, "X11-text-viewer" es un paquete
- virtual, pero s�lo un paquete, xless, proporciona "X11-text-viewer".
- </listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- <literal/Mixed virtual packages/ es el n�mero de paquetes que o
- bien proporcionan un determinado paquete virtual o tienen el
- mismo nombre como paquete virtual y como paquete real, en un
- sistema Debian GNU/Linux, "debconf" es a la vez un paquete real,
- y es proporcionado por el paquete debconf-tiny.
- </listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- <literal/Missing/ es el n�mero de nombres de paquetes a los que se hace
- referencia como dependencia pero que no son proporcionado por ning�n
- paquete. Estos paquetes probablemente signifiquen que no se tiene
- acceso al total de la distribuci�n, o bien que alg�n paquete (real o
- virtual) ha sido eliminado de la distribuci�n. Normalmente se hace
- referencia a ellos desde los campos de conflictos de la descripci�n
- de los paquetes.
- </listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- <literal/Total distinct versions/ es el n�mero de versiones de paquetes
- encontrados en la cach�, por lo tanto el n�mero es al menos igual al
- n�mero total de paquetes. Si m�s de una distribuci�n ("estable"
- e "inestable", por ejemplo), se encuentra en la cach� al mismo
- tiempo, este valor puede ser considerablemente mayor que el
- n�mero total de paquetes.
- </listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- <literal/Total dependencies/ es el n�mero total de relaciones de
- dependencia necesitadas por todos los paquetes de la cach�.
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>showsrc <replaceable/paquete(s)/</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- <literal/showsrc/ muestra todos los campos de los paquetes fuente que
- coinciden con los nombres de los paquetes suministrados. Se muestran
- todas las versiones, as� como los paquetes que son binarios.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>dump</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- <literal/dump/ muestra una peque�a lista de todos los paquetes en la
- cach�. Fundamentalmente para depuraci�n.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>dumpavail</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- <literal/dumpavail/ env�a a la salida est�ndar una lista de los paquetes
- disponibles. Esta lista es apropiada para su uso con &dpkg; y es
- usada por el m�todo &dselect;.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>unmet</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- <literal/unmet/ muestra un resumen de todas las dependencias no
- satisfechas en la cach� de paquetes.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>show <replaceable/paquete(s)/</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- <literal/show/ realiza una funci�n similar a <command>dpkg
- --print-avail</>, muestra los datos de los paquetes listados.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>search <replaceable/regex [regex ...]/</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- <literal/search/ realiza una b�squeda de la expresi�n regular
- dada en todo el texto de todos los paquetes disponibles. Busca la
- expresi�n regular tanto en el nombre de los paquetes como en
- su descripci�n y muestra el nombre del paquete y una peque�a
- descripci�n de este. Si se proporciona el argumento <option/--full/ el
- resultado es el igual al que produce <literal/show/ para cada paquete en
- concreto, pero si se proporciona el argumento <option/--names-only/
- entonces s�lo se busca en el nombre de los paquetes.
- <para>
- Se pueden especificar argumentos separados para buscar una cadena de
- caracteres que los contenga todos al mismo tiempo.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>depends <replaceable/paquete(s)/</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- <literal/depends/ muestra una lista de todas la dependencias de
- un paquete y de todos los paquetes que la pueden satisfacer.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>rdepends <replaceable/paquetes(s)/</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- <literal/rdepends/ muestrade las dependencias inversas de un paquete.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>pkgnames <replaceable/[ prefijo ]/</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Esta orden muestra el nombre de todos los paquetes instalados en
- el sistema. El argumento opcional es un prefijo por el cual se
- filtrar�a la lista de nombres. La salida es apropiada para uso
- junto con la funci�n de auto-completado mediante tabulador en un
- int�rprete de �rdenes y se genera de forma extremadamente
- r�pida. Su mejor uso es con la opci�n <option/--generate/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>dotty <replaceable/paquete(s)/</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- <literal/dotty/ toma una lista de paquetes de la l�nea de ordenes
- y genera una salida apropiada para dotty, del paquete
- <ulink url="">GraphViz</>.
- El resultado ser� una serie de nodos y uniones representando las
- relaciones entre paquetes. Por omisi�n los paquetes dados
- mostrar�n todas sus dependencias, lo que puede producir una
- salida muy grande. Esto puede ser deshabilitado activando la
- opci�n <literal>APT::Cache::GivenOnly</>.
- <para>
- Los nodos resultantes tendr�n varias formas, los paquetes normales son
- cajas, pure provides son tri�ngulos, mixed provides son
- diamantes, los paquetes no encontrados son hex�gonos. Las cajas naranjas
- significan recursion was stopped [leaf packages], l�neas azules
- son predependencias, l�neas verdes son conflictos.
- <para>
- Tenga cuidado, dotty no puede dibujar una gran cantidad de paquetes.
- <VarListEntry><Term>policy <replaceable/[ paquete(s) ]/</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- <literal/policy/ est� pensada para ayudar a depurar
- asuntos relacionado con el archivo de preferencias. Sin
- argumentos mostrar� la prioridad de cada fuente. De lo
- contrario muestra una informaci�n detallada acerca de la
- prioridad de selecci�n de cada nombre de paquete.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>madison <replaceable/[ paquete(s) ]/</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- La orden <literal/madison/ de <literal/apt-cache/ intenta imitar el formato
- de salida y parte de la funcionalidad de la herramienta para el manejo del
- archivo de Debian, <literal/madison/. Muestra las versiones disponibles de
- un determinado paquete en un formato tabular. A diferencia del
- <literal/madison/ original, s�lo puede mostrar informaci�n para la
- arquitectura para la que APT obtuvo las listas de paquetes
- (<literal/APT::Architecture/).
- </VarListEntry>
- </VariableList>
- </RefSect1>
- <RefSect1><Title>Opciones</>
- &apt-cmdblurb;
- <VariableList>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/-p/</><term><option/--pkg-cache/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Selecciona el fichero para guardar la cach� de paquetes. La cach� de
- paquetes es la cach� primaria usada para todas las operaciones.
- Opci�n de configuraci�n: <literal/Dir::Cache::pkgcache/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/-s/</><term><option/--src-cache/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Selecciona el fichero para guardar la cach� de fuente. S�lo
- <literal/gencaches/ usa esta cach� y guarda una versi�n meticulosamente
- analizada de la informaci�n de cada paquete de las fuentes
- remotas. Cuando se construye la cach� de paquetes la cach�
- fuente se usa para evitar analizar todos los ficheros de paquetes.
- Opci�n de configuraci�n: <literal/Dir::Cache::srcpkgcache/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/-q/</><term><option/--quiet/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Silencioso, produce una salida adecuada para su almacenamiento, omitiendo los
- indicadores de progreso. M�s q's producir�n una salida m�s silenciosa,
- hasta un m�ximo de 2. Adem�s es posible usar <option/-q=#/ para
- ajustar el nivel de silenciosidad, ignorando el fichero de
- configuraci�n. Opci�n de configuraci�n: <literal/quiet/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/-i/</><term><option/--important/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Muestra s�lo las dependencias importantes, se usa junto con
- <literal/unmet/. Hace que s�lo se muestren las dependencias y predependencias.
- Opci�n de configuraci�n: <literal/APT::Cache::Important/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/-f/</><term><option/--full/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Muestra todos los campos de informaci�n cuando se busque. Opci�n de
- configuraci�n: <literal/APT::Cache::ShowFull/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/-a/</><term><option/--all-versions/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Muestra la descripci�n completa de todos las versiones disponibles. Es el
- comportamiento predeterminado, para desactivarlo use
- <option/--no-all-versions/. Si se especifica <option/--no-all-versions/,
- s�lo se muestra la versi�n candidata (la que se seleccionar�a para
- instalar). Esta opci�n s�lo es aplicable a la orden <literal/show/. Opci�n
- de configuraci�n: <literal/APT::Cache::AllVersions/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/-g/</><term><option/--generate/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Realiza una regeneraci�n completa de la cach� de paquetes en vez de
- usarla tal y como est�. Esta es la opci�n por omisi�n, para
- desactivarlo use <option/--no-generate/. Opci�n de
- configuraci�n: <literal/APT::Cache::Generate/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/--names-only/</><term><option/-n/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- S�lo busca en los nombres de paquetes, no en las descripciones largas.
- Opci�n de configuraci�n: <literal/APT::Cache::NamesOnly/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/--all-names/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Hace que <literal/pkgnames/ muestre todos los nombres,
- incluyendo los paquetes virtuales y las dependencias insatisfechas.
- Opci�n de configuraci�n: <literal/APT::Cache::AllNames/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/--recurse/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Hace <literal/depends/ y <literal/rdepends/ recursivos de modo que todos
- los paquetes mencionados se muestran s�lo una vez. Opci�n de configuraci�n
- <literal/APT::Cache::RecurseDepends/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/--installed/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Limita la salida de <literal/depends/ y <literal/rdepends/ a paquetes
- instalados. Opci�n de configuraci�n: <literal/APT::Cache::Installed/.
- </VarListEntry>
- &apt-commonoptions;
- </VariableList>
- </RefSect1>
- <RefSect1><Title>Ficheros</>
- <variablelist>
- <VarListEntry><term><filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</></term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Fichero que contiene los sitios de donde se obtienen los paquetes.
- Opci�n de configuraci�n: <literal/Dir::Etc::SourceList/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><filename>&statedir;/lists/</></term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Directorio donde se almacena la informaci�n del estado de cada paquete
- fuente por cada sitio especificado &sources-list;
- Opci�n de configuraci�n: <literal/Dir::State::Lists/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><filename>&statedir;/lists/partial/</></term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Directorio de almacenamiento para la informaci�n de estado en
- tr�nsito. Opci�n de Configuraci�n: <literal/Dir::State::Lists/
- (lo que implica que no estar�n completos).
- </VarListEntry>
- </variablelist>
- </RefSect1>
- <RefSect1><Title>Vea adem�s</>
- <para>
- &apt-conf;, &sources-list;, &apt-get;
- </RefSect1>
- <RefSect1><Title>Diagn�sticos</>
- <para>
- <command/apt-cache/ devuelve cero en operaciones satisfactorias, 100 en caso
- de error.
- </RefSect1>
- &manbugs;
- &manauthor;
- <RefSect1><Title>Traduci�n</>
- <para>
- P�gina del manual traducida por Rub�n Porras <email></>,
- revisada por Gustavo Saldumbide <email></>.
- </RefSect1>
-<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
-Local variables:
-mode: sgml
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deleted file mode 100644
index 266423890..000000000
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-<!-- -*- mode: sgml; mode: fold -*- -->
-<!doctype refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" [
-<!ENTITY % aptent SYSTEM "">
-(c) 2003 Software in the Public Interest
-Esta traducci�n ha sido realizada por Rub�n Porras Campo <>
-Est� basada en la p�gina de manual original:
-versi�n 1.2 del CVS de
-<refentry lang=es>
- &apt-docinfo;
- <refmeta>
- <refentrytitle>apt-cdrom</>
- <manvolnum>8</>
- </refmeta>
- <!-- Man page title -->
- <refnamediv>
- <refname>apt-cdrom</>
- <refpurpose>utilidad APT para administraci�n del CDROM</>
- </refnamediv>
- <!-- Arguments -->
- <refsynopsisdiv>
- <cmdsynopsis>
- <command>apt-cdrom</>
- <arg><option>-hvrmfan</></arg>
- <arg><option>-d=<replaceable/cdrom punto_de_montaje/</></arg>
- <arg><option>-o=<replaceable/cadena de configuraci�n/</></arg>
- <arg><option>-c=<replaceable/fichero/</></arg>
- <group choice=req>
- <arg>add</>
- <arg>ident</>
- </group>
- </cmdsynopsis>
- </refsynopsisdiv>
- <para>
- <command/apt-cdrom/ se usa para a�adir un CDROM nuevo a la lista de recursos
- disponibles de APT. <command/apt-cdrom/ determina la estructura del disco,
- corrige varios errores de grabaci�n posibles y verifica los ficheros con
- los �ndices.
- <para>
- Es necesario usar <command/apt-cdrom/ para a�adir CDs al sistema APT,
- no puede hacerse manualmente. Adem�s cada unidad de un conjunto de discos
- debe de ser analizada por separado para detectar los posibles errores de
- grabaci�n.
- <para>
- A menos que se de una de las opciones <option/-h/, o <option/--help/
- una de las siguientes �rdenes deben de estar presentes.
- <VariableList>
- <VarListEntry><Term>add</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- <literal/add/ para a�adir un disco nuevo a la lista de recursos.
- Desmontar� el dispositivo de CDROM, pedir� que se inserte un disco y
- proceder� a analizar y copiar los ficheros de �ndices. Si el disco
- no contiene el directorio apropiado <filename>.disk/</> se mostrar� un
- mensaje descriptivo.
- <para>
- APT usa un identificador de CDROM para reconocer que disco est� actualmente
- en la unidad lectora y mantiene una lista de estos identificadores en
- <filename>&statedir;/cdroms.list</>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>ident</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Una herramienta de depuraci�n para informar de identidad del disco actual
- as� como del nombre guardado.
- </VarListEntry>
- </VariableList>
- </RefSect1>
- <RefSect1><Title>Opciones</>
- &apt-cmdblurb;
- <VariableList>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/-d/</><term><option/--cdrom/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Punto de montaje. Especifica el lugar donde se debe montar el cdrom.
- Este punto de montaje debe estar listado en <filename>/etc/fstab</> y
- configurado correctamente.
- Opci�n de Configuraci�n: <literal/Acquire::cdrom::mount/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/-r/</><term><option/--rename/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Renombrar un disco. Cambia la etiqueta de un disco. Esta opci�n har� que
- <command/apt-cdrom/ pregunte una nueva etiqueta.
- Opci�n de Configuraci�n: <literal/APT::CDROM::Rename/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/-m/</><term><option/--no-mount/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- No montar. Evita que <command/apt-cdrom/ monte y desmonte el punto de
- montaje.
- Opci�n de Configuraci�n: <literal/APT::CDROM::NoMount/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/-f/</><term><option/--fast/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- R�pido. Asumir que los ficheros con los paquetes son v�lidos y no
- comprobar todos los paquetes. Esta opci�n s�lo se debe de usar si
- <command/apt-cdrom/ comprob� el disco con anterioridad y no detect�
- ning�n error.
- Opci�n de Configuraci�n: <literal/APT::CDROM::Fast/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/-a/</><term><option/--thorough/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Comprobaci�n meticulosa de los paquetes. Esta opci�n puede ser necesaria
- con algunos discos viejos de Debian 1.1/1.2 que tienen los ficheros de
- los paquetes en lugares extra�os. Tardar� mucho m�s en analizar el CD,
- pero encontrar� todos los paquetes.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/-n/</>
- <term><option/--just-print/</>
- <term><option/--recon/</>
- <term><option/--no-act/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- No cambiar nada. No cambiar el fichero &sources-list; y no escribir
- los ficheros de �ndices. Sin embargo sigue haciendo todas las
- comprobaciones.
- Opci�n de Configuraci�n: <literal/APT::CDROM::NoAct/.
- </VarListEntry>
- &apt-commonoptions;
- </VariableList>
- </RefSect1>
- <RefSect1><Title>V�ase tambi�n</>
- <para>
- &apt-conf;, &apt-get;, &sources-list;
- </RefSect1>
- <RefSect1><Title>Diagn�sticos</>
- <para>
- <command/apt-cdrom/ devuelve cero en una operaciones satisfactorias,
- el decimal 100 en caso de error.
- </RefSect1>
- &manbugs;
- &manauthor;
- <refsect1>
- <title>TRADUCTOR</title>
- <para>
- Traducci�n de Rub�n Porras Campo
- &lt;;
- </para>
- </refsect1>
diff --git a/doc/es/ b/doc/es/
deleted file mode 100644
index 33b853965..000000000
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-<!-- -*- mode: sgml; mode: fold -*- -->
-<!doctype refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" [
-<!ENTITY % aptent SYSTEM "">
-(c) 2003 Software in the Public Interest
-Esta traducci�n ha sido realizada por Carlos Mestre
-Est� basada en la p�gina de manual original:
-versi�n 1.2 del CVS de
- -->
-<refentry lang=es>
- &apt-docinfo;
- <refmeta>
- <refentrytitle>apt-config</>
- <manvolnum>8</>
- </refmeta>
- <!-- Man page title -->
- <refnamediv>
- <refname>apt-config</>
- <refpurpose>Programa para la consulta de configuraci�n de APT</>
- </refnamediv>
- <!-- Arguments -->
- <refsynopsisdiv>
- <cmdsynopsis>
- <command>apt-config</>
- <arg><option>-hv</></arg>
- <arg><option>-o=<replaceable/cadena de configuraci�n/</></arg>
- <arg><option>-c=<replaceable/fichero/</></arg>
- <group choice=req>
- <arg>shell</>
- <arg>dump</>
- </group>
- </cmdsynopsis>
- </refsynopsisdiv>
- <RefSect1><Title>Descripci�n</>
- <para>
- <command/apt-config/ es un programa interno usado por varios programas del
- conjunto de herramientas APT para proporcionar una configurabilidad
- coherente.Este accede al archivo principal de configuraci�n
- <filename>/etc/apt/apt.conf</> de forma que sea f�cil de usar por scripts.
- <para>
- A menos que se incluya la opci�n <option/-h/ o <option/--help/, una de de
- los siguientes �rdenes debe estar presente.
- </para>
- <VariableList>
- <VarListEntry><Term>shell</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- shell se usa para acceder a la informaci�n de configuraci�n de un fichero
- de �rdenes (shell script). Este proporciona 2 argumentos, el primero es
- una variable del int�rprete de �rdenes, y el segundo el valor de
- configuraci�n para la petici�n. Como salida muestra una serie de listas
- de �rdenes asignados al int�rprete de �rdenes por cada valor presente. En
- un fichero de �rdenes, este deber�a usarse como:
- </para>
-RES=`apt-config shell OPTS MyApp::Options`
-eval $RES
- <para>
- Esto deber�a fijar la variable de entorno del int�rprete de �rdenes $OPTS
- al valor deMyApp::Opciones, con un valor por omisi�n de <option/-f/.
- <para>
- El elemento de configuraci�n podr�a ser corregido despu�s con /[fdbi]. f
- devuelve nombres de ficheros, d devuelve los directorios, b devuelve
- verdadero o falso e i devuelve un n�mero entero. Cada uno de los valores
- devueltos es normalizado y verificado internamente.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>dump</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- S�lo muestra el contenido del espacio de configuraci�n.
- </VarListEntry>
- </VariableList>
- </RefSect1>
- <RefSect1><Title>Opciones</>
- &apt-cmdblurb;
- <VariableList>
- &apt-commonoptions;
- </VariableList>
- </RefSect1>
- <RefSect1><Title>Vea adem�s</>
- <para>
- &apt-conf;
- </RefSect1>
- <RefSect1><Title>Diagn�sticos</>
- <para>
- <command/apt-config/ devuelve el valor cero en una operaci�n normal, 100 si ocurre un error.
- </RefSect1>
- &manbugs;
- &manauthor;
- <refsect1>
- <title>TRADUCTOR</title>
- <para>
- Traducci�n de Carlos Mestre
- &lt;;
- </para>
- </refsect1>
diff --git a/doc/es/ b/doc/es/
deleted file mode 100644
index 33ccc1f98..000000000
--- a/doc/es/
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-<!-- -*- mode: sgml; mode: fold -*- -->
-<!doctype refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" [
-<!ENTITY % aptent SYSTEM "">
-(c) 2003 Software in the Public Interest
-Esta traducci�n ha sido realizada por Rub�n Porras Campo <>
-Est� basada en la p�gina de manual original:
-versi�n 1.7 del CVS de
- -->
-<refentry lang=es>
- &apt-docinfo;
- <refmeta>
- <refentrytitle>apt-get</>
- <manvolnum>8</>
- </refmeta>
- <!-- Man page title -->
- <refnamediv>
- <refname>apt-get</>
- <refpurpose>utilidad de manejo de paquetes APT -- interfaz en
- l�nea de ordenes.</>
- </refnamediv>
- <!-- Arguments -->
- <refsynopsisdiv>
- <cmdsynopsis>
- <command>apt-get</>
- <arg><option>-hvs</></arg>
- <arg><option>-o=<replaceable/cadena de configuraci�n/</></arg>
- <arg><option>-c=<replaceable/fichero/</></arg>
- <group choice=req>
- <arg>update</>
- <arg>upgrade</>
- <arg>dselect-upgrade</>
- <arg>install <arg choice="plain" rep="repeat"><replaceable>paquete</replaceable></arg></arg>
- <arg>remove <arg choice="plain" rep="repeat"><replaceable>paquete</replaceable></arg></arg>
- <arg>source <arg choice="plain" rep="repeat"><replaceable>paquete</replaceable></arg></arg>
- <arg>build-dep <arg choice="plain" rep="repeat"><replaceable>paquete</replaceable></arg></arg>
- <arg>check</>
- <arg>clean</>
- <arg>autoclean</>
- </group>
- </cmdsynopsis>
- </refsynopsisdiv>
- <RefSect1><Title>Descripci�n</>
- <para>
- <command/apt-get/ es la herramienta en l�nea de �rdenes usada para
- el manejo de paquetes, tambi�n es la herramienta usada por otras
- que dependen de la biblioteca APT. Hay varias interfaces disponibles, como
- dselect(8), aptitude, synaptic, gnome-apt and wajig.
- <para>
- Se debe proporcionar una de las siguientes �rdenes a menos que se
- den las opciones <option/-h/, o <option/--help/.
- <VariableList>
- <VarListEntry><Term>update</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- <literal/update/ se usa para sincronizar el �ndice de
- paquetes respecto a sus fuentes. Los �ndices de paquetes
- disponibles se obtienen de los lugares especificados en
- <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</>. Por ejemplo, cuando se usa
- un archivo de Debian, esta orden descarga y analiza los
- ficheros <filename>Packages.gz</>, de tal forma que la
- informaci�n acerca de nuevos paquetes pasa a estar
- disponible. Siempre se debe realizar un <literal/update/
- antes de un <literal/upgrade/ o un <literal/dist-upgrade/. Se
- debe tener en cuenta que el indicador de progreso ser�
- incorrecto, ya que el tama�o de los pr�ximos ficheros con
- informaci�n sobre paquetes es desconocido hasta el momento de
- su descarga.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>upgrade</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- <literal/upgrade/ se usa para instalar la versi�n m�s
- nueva de todos los paquetes instalados en el sistema
- provenientes de alguna de las fuentes listadas en
- <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</>. Los paquetes
- instalados con una nueva versi�n disponible son descargados y
- actualizados, bajo ninguna circunstancia se desinstalar�n paquetes, o
- se instalar�n paquetes nuevos. Las nuevas versiones de programas
- instalados que no puedan ser actualizados sin cambiar el estado de
- instalaci�n de otros paquetes no se instalar�n, manteni�ndose la
- versi�n actual. Debe realizarse un <literal/update/ antes para
- que <command/apt-get/ sepa cuales son las versiones disponibles
- de los paquetes.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>dselect-upgrade</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- <literal/dselect-upgrade/
- se usa junto con el tradicional administrador de paquetes de Debian
- GNU/Linux, &dselect;. <literal/dselect-upgrade/ recoge los
- cambios hechos al campo de <literal/Status/ de los paquetes
- disponibles por &dselect;, y realiza las acciones necesarias
- para que los cambios se lleven a cabo (por ejemplo, borrar
- paquetes antiguos e instalar las nuevas versiones).
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>dist-upgrade</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- <literal/dist-upgrade/, adem�s de realizar las acciones de
- <literal/upgrade/, maneja inteligentemente los cambios de
- dependencias debidos a nuevas versiones de paquetes,
- <command/apt-get/ tiene un sofisticado sistema de resoluci�n de
- conflictos, si es necesario tratar� de actualizar los paquetes
- m�s importantes a costa de los menos importantes. El fichero
- <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</> contiene la lista de sitios
- de los cuales se descargan los ficheros.
- Tambi�n puede consultar &apt-preferences; si quiere modificar este
- comportamiento para paquetes individuales.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>install</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- <literal/install/ instala los paquetes que siguen a la palabra
- install. Cada nombre de paquete no es el nombre completo del
- paquete junto con la versi�n de Debian, sino s�lo el nombre del
- paquete (por ejemplo, en un sistema Debian GNU/Linux, el
- argumento ser�a libc6, no <literal/libc6_1.9.6-2.deb/). Se obtendr�n e
- instalar�n todos los paquetes especificados para la
- instalaci�n, as� como los requeridos por estos. El fichero
- <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</> se usa para localizar los
- paquetes. Si al nombre del paquete se le antepone un gui�n (sin
- ning�n espacio), el paquete ser� desinstalado en vez de
- instalado. Similarmente el signo del la suma se puede usar para
- especificar que un paquete debe de ser instalado. Esta �ltimas
- caracter�sticas se pueden usar para modificar decisiones
- tomadas por el sistema de resoluci�n de conflictos de apt-get.
- <para>
- Se puede seleccionar una versi�n especifica de un paquete
- poniendo a continuaci�n del paquete un igual ('=') seguido de
- la versi�n deseada. Alternativamente se puede seleccionar una
- distribuci�n especifica poniendo a continuaci�n del nombre del
- paquete una barra ('/') seguido de la versi�n de la
- distribuci�n o su nombre en el archivo de Debian (stable,
- testing, unstable).
- <para>
- Cualquiera de estos dos m�todos de selecci�n puede instalar una
- versi�n anterior de los paquetes y debe ser usada con cuidado.
- <para>
- Finalmente, &apt-preferences; permite modificar las normas de selecci�n
- para paquetes individuales.
- <para>
- Si ning�n paquete coincide con la expresi�n que se ha dado y la
- expresi�n contiene un '.', '?' o un '*', entonces se asume que es una
- expresi�n regular de acuerdo con el est�ndar POSIX, y es aplicada a
- todos los nombres de paquetes de la base de datos. Cualquier
- coincidencia se instala (o desinstala). Tenga en cuenta que la
- comparaci�n se hace en subcadenas, de manera que 'lo.*' es v�lido
- para 'how-lo' y para 'lowest'. Si este no es el comportamiento deseado
- se debe anclar la expresi�n regular con un '^' o un '$', o bien crear una
- expresi�n regular m�s espec�fica.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>remove</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- <literal/remove/ se comporta del mismo modo que <literal/install/
- con la diferencia de que desinstala los paquetes en vez de
- instalarlos. Si un signo m�s precede al nombre del paquete (sin
- ning�n espacio en blanco entre los dos), el paquete en cuesti�n
- ser� instalado en vez de eliminado.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>source</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- <literal/source/ hace que <command/apt-get/ descargue paquetes
- fuente. APT examinar� los paquetes disponibles para decidir que
- paquete fuente coger�. Entones descargar� en el directorio
- actual la versi�n m�s reciente del paquete fuente. Los paquetes
- fuente se obtienen de sitios distintos a los binarios, estos
- sitios se especifican mediante l�neas del tipo
- <literal/deb-src/ en el fichero &sources-list;. Esto puede
- provocar que la versi�n que descargar� del paquete fuente no
- coincida con la del paquete binario que tenga instalado o
- pueda instalar. Si se especifica el argumento --compile
- entonces el paquete se compilar� usando dpkg-buildpackage para
- producir un .deb binario, si se especifica el argumento
- --download-only entonces el paquete fuente no se desempaquetar�.
- <para>
- Una versi�n especifica de un paquete fuente puede requerirse
- poniendo un signo igual ('=') seguido de la versi�n a descargar
- despu�s del nombre del paquete. Es un mecanismo similar al que
- se usa con los paquetes binarios. Esto permite seleccionar
- exactamente el nombre y versi�n del paquete fuente, activando
- impl�citamente la opci�n <literal/APT::Get::Only-Source/.
- <para>
- Dese cuenta que los paquetes fuentes no se tratan como los binarios, s�lo
- existen en el directorio actual, es parecido a descargar los paquetes tar
- comprimidos con las fuentes.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>build-dep</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- <literal/build-dep/ hace que apt-get instale/desinstale paquetes
- en un intento de satisfacer las dependencias de compilaci�n de
- un paquete fuente. Por el momento si hay varios paquetes que
- satisfacen la misma dependencia, apt-get elige uno aleatoriamente.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>check</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- <literal/check/ es una herramienta de diagn�stico. Actualiza la
- cach� de paquetes (/var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin), vuelve a crear
- un nuevo �rbol de dependencias y busca dependencias imposibles
- de resolver.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>clean</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- <literal/clean/ borra totalmente el repositorio local que
- contiene los ficheros .deb descargados. Borra todo excepto el
- fichero de bloqueo de los directorios
- <filename>&cachedir;/archives/</> y
- <filename>&cachedir;/archives/partial/</>. Cuando APT se usa como
- un m�todo de &dselect;, <literal/clean/ se ejecuta
- autom�ticamente. Si usted no usa dselect es probable que desee
- ejecutar <literal/apt-get clean/ de vez en cuando para liberar
- algo de espacio en disco.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>autoclean</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Al igual que <literal/clean/, <literal/autoclean/ borra el
- repositorio local de paquetes descargados. La diferencia reside
- en que s�lo borrar� aquellos paquetes que ya no pueden ser
- descargados, o son claramente inservibles. Esto permite
- mantener la cach� durante largos periodos de tiempo sin que
- aumente su tama�o sin control. Si la opci�n de configuraci�n
- <literal/APT::Clean-Installed/ est� desactivada impedir� que se
- borren paquetes instalados.
- </VarListEntry>
- </VariableList>
- </RefSect1>
- <RefSect1><Title>Opciones</>
- &apt-cmdblurb;
- <VariableList>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/-d/</><term><option/--download-only/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- S�lo descarga los ficheros con los paquetes, no los desempaqueta
- ni los instala. Opci�n de Configuraci�n:
- <literal/APT::Get::Download-Only/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/-f/</><term><option/--fix-broken/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Intenta arreglar un sistema con dependencias actualmente rotas. Esta
- opci�n usada conjuntamente con install/remove, puede omitir cualquier
- paquete para permitir a APT deducir una posible soluci�n. Cualquier paquete
- especificado debe de corregir totalmente el problema. La opci�n es a
- veces necesaria cuando se ejecuta apt por primera vez. APT no permite
- que existan dependencias de paquetes rotas en un sistema. Es posible
- que la estructura de dependencias de un sistema est� tan deteriorada
- que requiera una intervenci�n manual (usualmente ejecutar
- &dselect; o <command/dpkg --remove/ para desinstalar alguno de
- los paquetes que crean el conflicto). El uso de esta opci�n
- junto con <option/-m/ puede producir un error en algunas
- situaciones. Opci�n de Configuraci�n: <literal/APT::Get::Fix-Broken/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/-m/</><term><option/--ignore-missing/</>
- <term><option/--fix-missing/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- No tiene en cuenta los paquetes que no se hayan podido descargar o que
- despu�s de la descarga se encuentren da�ados, estos paquetes se tratan
- como no modificables y se contin�a con el resto. Usar esta opci�n junto
- con <option/-f/ puede producir un error en algunas situaciones. Si un
- paquete se selecciona para su normal instalaci�n (particularmente si
- se hace mediante la l�nea de �rdenes) y no puede ser descargado,
- ser� tratado como no modificable. Opci�n de Configuraci�n:
- <literal/APT::Get::Fix-Missing/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/--no-download/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Deshabilita la descarga de paquetes. Usada junto con
- <option/--ignore-missing/ es la mejor manera de forzar a APT a usar
- solo los .debs que ya se han descargado con anterioridad.
- Opci�n de Configuraci�n: <literal/APT::Get::Download/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/-q/</><term><option/--quiet/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Silencioso. Produce una salida adecuada para un registro,
- omitiendo los indicadores de progreso. Si se especifican m�s q's
- (hasta un m�ximo de 2) se conseguir� una salida m�s
- silenciosa. Tambi�n es posible usar <option/-q=#/ para
- seleccionar el nivel de silenciosidad, no teniendo en cuenta el
- fichero de configuraci�n. Dese cuenta que un nivel silencioso de
- 2 implica <option/-y/, por lo tanto nunca se deber� usar -qq sin
- a�adir un modificador para que no realice ninguna acci�n como
- -d, --print-uris o -s para evitar que APT realice algo que usted
- no espera. Opci�n de Configuraci�n: <literal/quiet/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/-s/</>
- <term><option/--simulate/</>
- <term><option/--just-print/</>
- <term><option/--dry-run/</>
- <term><option/--recon/</>
- <term><option/--no-act/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- No realiza ninguna acci�n; simula lo que hubiese ocurrido, pero sin
- hacer cambios reales en el sistema. Opci�n de Configuraci�n:
- <literal/APT::Get::Simulate/.
- <para>
- La simulaci�n muestra por pantalla una serie de l�neas, cada una de
- las cuales representa una operaci�n de dpkg, configurar (Conf),
- desinstalar (Remv), o desempaquetar (Inst). Un par de corchetes
- indican paquetes con dependencias rotas, si no hay nada entre ellos
- significa que no hay ning�n problema (poco probable).
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/-y/</><term><option/--yes/</>
- <term><option/--assume-yes/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Asume una respuesta afirmativa a todas las preguntas, de esta forma
- apt-get se ejecuta sin necesidad de intervenci�n posterior para tomar
- decisiones. <literal/apt-get/ terminar� sin hacer nada si se
- produjese una situaci�n no deseada, como cambiar un paquete
- puesto en hold (un paquete puesto en hold es un paquete que no
- debe de ser modificado) o desinstalar un paquete esencial.
- Opci�n de Configuraci�n: <literal/APT::Get::Assume-Yes/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/-u/</><term><option/--show-upgraded/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Muestra los paquetes que se van a actualizar. Opci�n de Configuraci�n:
- <literal/APT::Get::Show-Upgraded/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/-V/</><term><option/--verbose-versions/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Muestra la versi�n completa para los paquetes actualizados e instalados.
- Opci�n de configuraci�n: <literal/APT::Get::Show-Versions/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/-b/</><term><option/--compile/</>
- <term><option/--build/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Descarga las fuentes y luego las compila.
- Opci�n de Configuraci�n: <literal/APT::Get::Compile/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/--ignore-hold/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- No respeta los paquetes retenidos. Esto puede ser interesante junto con
- <literal/dist-upgrade/ para no tener en cuenta un gran n�mero de
- paquetes en hold. Opci�n de Configuraci�n: <literal/APT::Ignore-Hold/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/--no-upgrade/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- No actualiza los paquetes. Cuando se usa juntamente con
- <literal/install/, <literal/no-upgrade/ evita que se actualicen los
- paquetes listados en la l�nea de �rdenes si ya est�n previamente
- instalados. Opci�n de Configuraci�n: <literal/APT::Get::Upgrade/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/--force-yes/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Supone una respuesta afirmativa a todas las preguntas. �sta es una
- opci�n peligrosa que har� que apt-get contin�e incluso si va a
- realizar algo potencialmente peligros. No se debe usar excepto
- en situaciones muy especiales. �<literal/force-yes/ puede
- destruir su sistema! Opci�n de Configuraci�n:
- <literal/APT::Get::force-yes/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/--print-uris/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Muestra las URIs de los ficheros a instalar en vez de
- descargarlos. Cada URI tiene la direcci�n de donde se obtendr�
- el paquete, el fichero de destino, su tama�o y la suma de
- control md5 esperada. Dese cuenta que el nombre de fichero no
- siempre coincide con el nombre de fichero en el sitio
- remoto. Esto tambi�n funciona con las ordenes <literal/source/ y
- <literal/update/. Cuando se usa con la orden <literal/update/,
- no se incluyen ni la suma de control MD5 ni el tama�o, y es
- tarea del usuario descomprimir cualquier fichero comprimido.
- Opci�n de Configuraci�n: <literal/APT::Get::Print-URIs/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/--purge/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Borra los archivos de configuraci�n de todos los paquetes que sean
- desinstalados. Se mostrar� un asterisco '*' a continuaci�n de los paquetes
- que se encuentren en esta situaci�n. Opci�n de Configuraci�n:
- <literal/APT::Get::Purge/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/--reinstall/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Reinstala los paquetes ya instalados, incluso si son la �ltima versi�n
- disponible del paquete. Opci�n de Configuraci�n:
- <literal/APT::Get::ReInstall/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/--list-cleanup/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Esta opci�n est� activada por omisi�n, si quiere desactivarla use
- <literal/--no-list-cleanup/. Cuando est� activada
- <command/apt-get/ administra autom�ticamente los contenidos de
- <filename>&statedir;/lists</> para asegurarse de que se borran
- los ficheros obsoletos. La �nica raz�n para desactivarla es un
- cambio frecuente en la lista de repositorios que usa
- apt-get. Opci�n de Configuraci�n: <literal/APT::Get::List-Cleanup/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/-t/</>
- <term><option/--target-release/</>
- <term><option/--default-release/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Esta opci�n permite tener un control sobre la versi�n de la
- distribuci�n desde la cual se instalan los paquetes de manera
- sencilla, creando un pin de 990 usando la cadena de caracteres
- proporcionada que hace referencia a la distribuci�n. Algunos ejemplos
- comunes pueden ser <option>-t '2.1*'</> o <option>-t unstable</>.
- Opci�n de configuraci�n: <literal/APT::Default-Release/.
- Vea adem�s la p�gina del manual de &apt-preferences;.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/--trivial-only/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- S�lo realiza acciones consideradas triviales. Esta opci�n est�
- relacionada con <option/--assume-yes/, donde <option/--assume-yes/
- responder� afirmativamente a cualquier pregunta,
- <option/--trivial-only/ responder� negativamente.
- Opci�n de configuraci�n: <literal/APT::Get::Trivial-Only/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/--no-remove/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Si alg�n paquete va a ser desinstalado apt-get termina inmediatamente.
- Opci�n de Configuraci�n: <literal/APT::Get::Remove/
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/--only-source/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- S�lo tiene sentido para la orden <literal/source/. Indica que los
- nombres de paquetes fuente dados no deben ser tratados a
- trav�s de la tabla de binarios. Esto significa que si se especifica esta
- opci�n, la orden <literal/source/ s�lo aceptar� como argumentos nombres de
- paquetes fuente, en vez de aceptar nombres de paquetes binarios y luego
- buscar el nombre del paquete fuente correspondiente.
- Opci�n de Configuraci�n: <literal/APT::Get::Only-Source/
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/--diff-only/</><term><option/--tar-only/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Descarga s�lo el fichero diff o tar del archivo fuente.
- Opciones de Configuraci�n: <literal/APT::Get::Diff-Only/ y
- <literal/APT::Get::Tar-Only/
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/--arch-only/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Procesa s�lo las dependencias de construcci�n dependientes de la
- arquitectura. Opci�n de configuraci�n: <literal/APT::Get::Arch-Only/
- </VarListEntry>
- &apt-commonoptions;
- </VariableList>
- </RefSect1>
- <RefSect1><Title>Ficheros</>
- <variablelist>
- <VarListEntry><term><filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</></term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Fichero que contiene los sitios de donde se obtienen los paquetes.
- Opci�n de Configuraci�n: <literal/Dir::Etc::SourceList/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><filename>/etc/apt/apt.conf</></term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Fichero de configuraci�n de APT.
- Opci�n de Configuraci�n: <literal/Dir::Etc::Main/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><filename>/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/</></term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Directorio con fragmentos de ficheros de configuraci�n APT.
- Opci�n de Configuraci�n: <literal/Dir::Etc::Parts/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><filename>/etc/apt/preferences</></term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Fichero de configuraci�n que contiene preferencias sobre versiones de
- paquetes, por ejemplo, puede especificar que un cierto paquete se descargue
- de un sitio diferente, o de una distribuci�n con una versi�n diferente.
- Opci�n de Configuraci�n: <literal/Dir::Etc::Preferences/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><filename>&cachedir;/archives/</></term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Directorio donde se guardan los paquetes obtenidos.
- Opci�n de Configuraci�n: <literal/Dir::Cache::Archives/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><filename>&cachedir;/archives/partial/</></term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Directorio donde se guardan los ficheros en tr�nsito.
- Opci�n de Configuraci�n: <literal/Dir::Cache::Archives/ (Implica partial).
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><filename>&statedir;/lists/</></term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Directorio donde se almacena informaci�n de estado por cada
- sitio especificado en &sources-list;
- Opci�n de Configuraci�n: <literal/Dir::State::Lists/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><filename>&statedir;/lists/partial/</></term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Directorio de almacenamiento para la informaci�n de estado en tr�nsito.
- Opci�n de Configuraci�n: <literal/Dir::State::Lists/ (Implica partial).
- </VarListEntry>
- </variablelist>
- </RefSect1>
- <RefSect1><Title>Vea adem�s</>
- <para>
- &apt-cache;, &apt-cdrom;, &dpkg;, &dselect;, &sources-list;, &apt-conf;,
- &apt-config;, la gu�a de usuario de APT en &docdir;, &apt-preferences;, el
- C�mo de APT.
- </RefSect1>
- <RefSect1><Title>Diagn�sticos</>
- <para>
- <command/apt-get/ devuelve cero en operaciones satisfactorias, 100 en caso
- de error.
- </RefSect1>
- &manbugs;
- &manauthor;
- <refsect1>
- <title>TRADUCTOR</title>
- <para>
- Traducci�n de Rub�n Porras Campo
- &lt;;
- </para>
- </refsect1>
diff --git a/doc/es/ b/doc/es/
deleted file mode 100644
index 53ff58a3d..000000000
--- a/doc/es/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,447 +0,0 @@
-<!-- -*- mode: sgml; mode: fold -*- -->
-<!doctype refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" [
-<!ENTITY % aptent SYSTEM "">
-(c) 2003 Software in the Public Interest
-Esta traducci�n ha sido realizada por Carlos Mestre <> y
-Rub�n Porras Campo <>.
-Est� basada en la p�gina de manual original:
-versi�n 1.6 del CVS de
-<refentry lang=es>
- &apt-docinfo;
- <refmeta>
- <refentrytitle>apt.conf</>
- <manvolnum>5</>
- </refmeta>
- <!-- Man page title -->
- <refnamediv>
- <refname>apt.conf</>
- <refpurpose>Archivo de configuraci�n de APT</>
- </refnamediv>
- <RefSect1><Title>Descripci�n</>
- <para>
- <filename/apt.conf/ es el fichero principal de configuraci�n del conjunto de
- herramientas APT, todas las herramientas hacen uso del fichero de
- configuraci�n y un analizador com�n de sintaxis de la l�nea de �rdenes
- para proporcionar un entorno uniforme. Cuando se inicia una utilidad APT,
- este leer� la configuraci�n especificada en la variable de entorno
- <envar/APT_CONFIG/ (si existe), luego leer� los ficheos en
- <literal/Dir::Etc::Parts/, entonces leer� el fichero de configuraci�n
- principal especificado por <literal/Dir::Etc::main/, finalmente aplicar�
- las opciones de la l�nea de �rdenes para reescribir la directrices de la
- configuraci�n, posiblemente cargando incluso m�s ficheros de configuraci�n.
- <para>
- El fichero de configuraci�n est� organizado en forma de �rbol con las
- opciones organizadas en grupos funcionales. Las opciones especificadas son
- dadas con dobles dos puntos, por ejemplo <literal/APT::Get::Assume-Yes/ es
- un opci�n de la funci�n GET del conjunto de herramientas APT.
- Las opciones no son heredadas de sus grupos padres.
- <para>
- Sint�cticamente, el lenguaje de configuraci�n es modelado como en utilidades
- ISC, como bind y dhcp. Las l�neas que comienzan con <literal>//</literal> se
- tratan como comentarios (se ignoran). Cada l�nea es de la forma
- <literallayout>APT::Get::Assume-Yes "true";</literallayout> Los
- espacios entre los dos puntos son obligatorios, y las comillas son
- opcionales. Un nuevo �mbito puede abrirse con llaves, por ejemplo:
-APT {
- Get {
- Assume-Yes "true";
- Fix-Broken "true";
- };
- con nuevas l�neas en cada lugar para hacerlo m�s legible. Las listas pueden
- crearse abriendo un nuevo �mbito e incluyendo una �nica palabra acotada
- entre comillas seguido de un punto y coma. Pueden ser incluidas m�ltiples
- entradas, cada una separada por un punto y coma.
-DPkg::Pre-Install-Pkgs {"/usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt";};
- <para>
- En general, el fichero de configuraci�n de ejemplo
- <filename>&docdir;examples/apt.conf</> &configureindex; es una buena gu�a
- para entender su aspecto.
- <para>
- Se permiten dos valores especiales, <literal/#include/ y <literal/#clear/.
- <literal/#include/ incluir� el fichero dado, a menos que el final del nombre
- del fichero acabe en una barra, entonces se incluye el directorio entero.
- <literal/#clear/ se usa para suprimir la lista de nombres.
- <para>
- Todas las utilidades APT permiten la opci�n -o como una directriz
- arbitraria de configuraci�n que es especificada en la l�nea de �rdenes. La
- sintaxis es un nombre de opci�n completo (<literal/APT::Get::Assume-Yes/
- por ejemplo) seguido por signos de igualdad y el nuevo valor de la
- opci�n. Las listas tambi�n pueden ser a�adidas incluyendo :: al final del
- nombre de la lista.
- </RefSect1>
- <RefSect1><Title>El grupo APT</>
- <para>
- Este grupo de opciones controlan la conducta general de APT as� como el
- mantenimiento de las opciones para todas las utilidades.
- <VariableList>
- <VarListEntry><Term>Arquitectura</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Arquitectura del sistema; ajusta la arquitectura a usar cuando se obtengan
- los ficheros y se analicen las listas de paquetes. El valor por defecto es
- la arquitectura para la que ha sido compilado apt.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>Ignore-Hold</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Ignorar paquetes retenidos: Esta opci�n global causa que el solucionador de
- problemas ignore paquetes retenidos cuando tome decisiones.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>Clean-Installed</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Activo por defecto. Cuando se activa la funci�n de auto-limpieza, �sta
- eliminar� cualquier paquete de la cach� que ya no pueda descargarse. Si se
- desactiva, entonces los paquetes que est�n localmente instalados son
- excluidos de la limpieza - n�tese que APT no provee ning�n medio directo
- para reinstalarlos.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>Immediate-Configure</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Deshabilita la configuraci�n inmediata: Esta peligrosa opci�n
- deshabilita algunas partes del c�digo de ordenaci�n de APT para inducir a �ste
- a hacer pocas llamadas a dpkg. Hacer esto podr�a ser necesario en alg�n
- sistema de usuario extremadamente lento, pero ser�a muy peligroso y
- podr�a causar que los scripts de instalaci�n del paquete fallaran o algo
- peor. �selo a su cuenta y riesgo.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>Force-LoopBreak</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Nunca habilite esta opci�n a menos que usted -realmente- conozca lo que
- est� haciendo. Esto permite a APT eliminar temporalmente un paquete
- esencial para romper conflictos o bucles conflictos/pre-dependencias
- entre dos paquetes esenciales. EL BUCLE NO DEBER�A EXISTIR NUNCA COMO TAL
- Y ES UN ERROR GRAVE. Esta opci�n trabajar� si el paquete esencial no es
- tar, gzip, libc, dpkg, bash o cualquier otro del que dependan estos
- paquetes.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>Cache-Limit</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- APT usa un fichero de cach� de memoria mapeada de tama�o fijo para
- almacenar la informaci�n disponible. Esto fija el tama�o de esa cach�.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>Build-Essential</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Define que paquete(s) son considerados dependencias de construcci�n
- esenciales.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>Get</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- La subsecci�n Get controla la herramienta &apt-get;, por favor, mire su
- documentaci�n para m�s informaci�n sobre esta opci�n.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>Cache</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- La subsecci�n Cache controla la herramienta &apt-cache;, por favor, mire
- su documentaci�n para m�s informaci�n sobre esta opci�n.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>CDROM</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- La subsecci�n CDROM controla la herramienta &apt-cdrom;, por favor, mire
- la documentaci�n para m�s informaci�n sobre esta opci�n.
- </VarListEntry>
- </VariableList>
- </RefSect1>
- <RefSect1><Title>El grupo Acquire</>
- <para>
- El grupo de opciones <literal/Acquire/ controla la descarga de paquetes y los
- manejadores de URI.
- <VariableList>
- <VarListEntry><Term>Queue-Mode</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Modo de cola; <literal/Queue-Mode/ puede ser <literal/host/ o
- <literal/access/ que determina como paralelizar las conexiones salientes
- de APT. <literal/host/ significa que se abrir� una conexi�n
- por puesto de destino, <literal/access/ significa que ser� abierta una
- conexi�n por cada tipo de URI.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>Retries</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- N�mero de reintentos. Si es distinto de cero APT volver� a intentar obtener
- los ficheros fallidos el n�mero de veces dado.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>Source-Symlinks</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Usar enlaces simb�licos para los archivos fuente. Si es true los archivos
- fuente se enlazar�n a ser posible, en vez de copiarse. Por omisi�n es true.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>http</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- HTTP URIs; http::Proxy es el proxy http predeterminado a usar. Usa el
- formato general <literal>http://[[usuario][:clave]@]puesto[:puerto]/</>.
- Tambi�n se puede especificar un proxy por cada puesto usando la forma
- <literal/http::Proxy::&lt;puesto&gt;/ con la palabra especial <literal/DIRECT/
- queriendo decir que no se use proxy. La variable de entorno
- <envar/http_proxy/ modifica todas las preferencias.
- <para>
- Para los proxies que cumplen con HTTP/1.1 se proporcionan tres opciones de
- configuraci�n. <literal/No-Cache/ dice al proxy que no use su cach� bajo
- ninguna circunstancia, <literal/Max-Age/ s�lo se env�a para los ficheros de
- �ndice y le pide a la cach� que refresque su copia si es m�s antigua que
- un determinado n�mero de segundos. Debian actualiza sus ficheros de �ndices
- diariamente, debido a esto el valor predeterminado es 1 d�a.
- <literal/No-Store/ especifica que la cach� nunca deber� almacenar la
- petici�n, s�lo est� habilitada para los ficheros de archivo. Puede ser
- �til para prevenir que un proxy se contamine con ficheros .deb muy
- grandes. Nota: Squid 2.0.2 no soporta ninguna de estas opciones.
- <para>
- La opci�n <literal/timeout/ establece el tiempo m�ximo de espera del
- m�todo, esto se aplica a todo, incluyendo el tiempo de espera para realizar
- la conexi�n y para recibir datos.
- <para>
- Se proporciona una opci�n para controlar la profundidad de la tuber�a en
- casos en que el servidor no cumpla con RFC o tenga fallos (como pasa con
- Squid 2.0.2).
- <literal/Acquire::http::Pipeline-Depth/ puede ser un valor entre 0 y 5
- indicando cuantas peticiones sin resolver puede env�ar APT. DEBE
- especificarse si el puesto remoto no demora apropiadamente las conexiones
- TCP - de otro modo los datos se corromper�n. Los puesto que necesiten esto
- violan el RFC 2068.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>ftp</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- FTP URIs; ftp::Proxy es el servidor proxy a usar de forma
- predeterminada. Se encuentra en el formato est�ndar
- <literal>ftp://[[usuario][:clave]@]puesto[:puerto]/</> y se modifica mediante
- la variable de entorno <envar/ftp_proxy/. Para usar un proxy ftp es
- necesario establecer el script <literal/ftp::ProxyLogin/ en el fichero de
- configuraci�n. Esta entrada especifica �rdenes que se mandan al servidor
- proxy para decirle a donde debe conectarse. Consulte &configureindex; para
- ver un ejemplo de como hacerlo. Las variables de substituci�n disponibles
- son <literal/$(PROXY_USER)/, <literal/$(PROXY_PASS)/,
- <literal/$(SITE_USER)/, <literal/$(SITE_PASS)/, <literal/$(SITE)/, y
- <literal/$(SITE_PORT)/. Cada una se toma del componete de la URI
- correspondiente.
- <para>
- La opci�n <literal/timeout/ establece el tiempo m�ximo de espera del
- m�todo, esto se aplica a todo, incluyendo el tiempo de espera para realizar
- la conexi�n y para recibir datos.
- <para>
- Se proporcionan varias opciones para controlar el modo pasivo. Generalmente
- es seguro dejar activado el modo pasivo, funciona en casi todos los
- entornos. Sin embargo algunas situaciones requieren desactivar el modo
- pasivo y usar el modo puerto e su lugar. Esto se puede hacer globalmente,
- para conexiones a trav�s de proxy o para un puesto espec�fico (Consulte el
- fichero de configuraci�n de muestra para ver ejemplos).
- <para>
- Es posible usar proxy FTP a trav�s de HTTP estableciendo la variable de
- entorno <envar/ftp_proxy/ a una direcci�n http - mire la discusi�n del
- m�todo http de arriba para la sintaxis. No se puede habilitar en el fichero
- de configuraci�n y no se recomienda su uso debido a su poca eficiencia.
- <para>
- La opci�n <literal/ForceExtended/ controla el uso de las �rdenes de RFC2428
- <literal/EPSV/ y <literal/EPRT/. Por omisi�n es false, que quiere decir que
- s�lo se usan si el control de conexi�n es IPv6. Poni�ndolo a true fuerza su
- uso incluso en conexiones IPv4. Dese cuenta que la mayor�a de los
- servidores FTP no soportan RFC2428.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>cdrom</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- CDROM URIs; la �nica opci�n de configuraci�n para los CDROM es el punto de
- montaje, <literal/cdrom::Mount/ debe ser el punto de montaje de la unidad
- de CDROM tal y como se especifica en <filename>/etc/fstab</>. Es posible
- proporcionar �rdenes mount y unmount alternativas si el punto de montaje no
- puede especificarse en fstab (como con SMB y versiones de mount
- antiguas). Respecto a la sintaxis se pone <literallayout>"/cdrom/"::Mount
- "tal";</literallayout> dentro del bloque cdrom. Es importante no tener una
- barra final. Las �rdenes de unmount pueden especificarse usando UMount.
- </VarListEntry>
- </VariableList>
- </RefSect1>
- <RefSect1><Title>Directorios</>
- <para>
- La secci�n <literal/Dir::State/ contiene directorios que pertenecen a
- informaci�n del estado local. <literal/lists/ es el directorio donde se
- almacenan las listas de paquetes descargados y <literal/status/ es el nombre
- del fichero de estado de dpkg.
- <literal/preferences/ es el nombre del fichero de preferencias de APT.
- <literal/Dir::State/ contiene el directorio que se usar� como prefijo por
- omisi�n en todas las opciones restantes en caso de que no empiezen con
- <filename>/</> o <filename>./</>.
- <para>
- <literal/Dir::Cache/ contiene lugares pertenecientes a informaci�n de la
- cach� local, como las dos cach�s de paquetes <literal/srcpkgcache/ y
- <literal/pkgcache/ o como el lugar donde se guardan los ficheros descargados,
- <literal/Dir::Cache::archives/. La generaci�n de cach�s puede desactivarse
- dejando sus nombres en blanco. �sto enlentecer� el arranque pero ahorrar�
- espacio. Normalmente se prefiere deshabilitar pkgcache en vez de
- srcpkgcache. Al igual que con <literal/Dir::State/ el directorio
- predeterminado est� en <literal/Dir::Cache/
- <para>
- <literal/Dir::Etc/ contiene el lugar de los ficheros de configuraci�n,
- <literal/sourcelist/ contiene el lugar de sourcelist y <literal/main/ es el
- fichero de configuraci�n predeterminado (esta opci�n de configuraci�n no
- tiene ning�n efecto a menos que se realice desde el fichero de configuraci�n
- especificado por <envar/APT_CONFIG/).
- <para>
- La opci�n <literal/Dir::Parts/ lee en todos los fragementos de configuraci�n
- en orden l�xico <!--�Y esto qu� es?--> desde el directorio
- especificado. Despu�s de esto se carga el fichero principal de configuraci�n.
- <para>
- <literal/Dir::Bin/ apunta a los programas
- binarios. <literal/Dir::Bin::Methods/ especifica la localizaci�n de los
- manejadores de los m�todos y <literal/gzip/, <literal/dpkg/,
- <literal/apt-get/, <literal/dpkg-source/, <literal/dpkg-buildpackage/ y
- <literal/apt-cache/ especifican la localizaci�n de los respectivos programas.
- </RefSect1>
- <RefSect1><Title>APT con DSelect</>
- <para>
- Cuando APT se usa como m�todo de &dselect; varias directivas de configuraci�n
- controlan el comportamiento predeterminado. Se encuentran en la secci�n
- <literal/DSelect/.
- <VariableList>
- <VarListEntry><Term>Clean</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Modo de borrado de cach�; este valor puede ser always, prompt, auto,
- pre-auto y never. always y prompt borrar�n todos los paquetes de la cach�
- despu�s de actualizar, prompt (predeterminado) pregunta primero.
- auto borra s�lo aquellos paquetes que ya no se pueden descargar (han sido
- reemplazados por otra versi�n, por ejemplo). pre-auto realiza esta �ltima
- acci�n antes de descargar los paquetes nuevos.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>Options</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- El contenido de esta variable se pasa a &apt-get; como opciones de l�nea de
- ordenes cuando se ejecuta en la fase de instalaci�n.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>UpdateOptions</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- El contenido de esta variable se pasa a &apt-get; como opciones de l�nea de
- ordenes cuando se ejecuta en la fase de actualizaci�n.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>PromptAfterUpdate</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Si es true la operaci�n de [U]pdate en &dselect; preguntar� siempre antes
- de continuar. Por omisi�n s�lo pregunta en caso de error.
- </VarListEntry>
- </VariableList>
- </RefSect1>
- <RefSect1><Title>Como APT llama a dpkg</>
- <para>
- Varias directivas de configuraci�n controlan como APT llama a &dpkg;. Se
- encuentran en la secci�n <literal/DPkg/.
- <VariableList>
- <VarListEntry><Term>Options</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Lista de opciones que se pasan a dpkg. Las opciones deben especificarse
- usando la notaci�n de lista y cada elemento de la lista se pasa a &dpkg;
- como un s�lo argumento.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>Pre-Invoke</Term><Term>Post-Invoke</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Es una lista de �rdenes de shell que se ejecutar�n antes de llamar a
- &dpkg;. Como <literal/Options/, debe de especificarse con notaci�n de
- lista. Las �rdenes se ejecutan en orden usando <filename>/bin/sh</>, si
- alguna falla APT abortar�.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>Pre-Install-Pkgs</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Lista de �rdenes de shell que se ejecutar�n antes de llamar a
- &dpkg;. Como <literal/Options/, debe de especificarse con notaci�n de
- lista. Las �rdenes se ejecutan en orden usando <filename>/bin/sh</>, si
- alguna falla APT abortar�. APT pasar� a los programas los nombres de
- fichero de todos los .deb que va ha instalar por la entrada est�ndar, uno
- por l�nea.
- <para>
- La versi�n 2 de este protocolo vuelca m�s informaci�n, incluyendo la
- versi�n del protocolo, el espacio de configuraci�n de APT <!--Esto suena
- raro-->, los ficheros y versiones que cambian. La versi�n 2 se habilita
- estableciendo <literal/DPkg::Tools::Options::cmd::Version/ a
- 2. <literal/cmd/ es una orden dada a <literal/Pre-Install-Pkgs/.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>Run-Directory</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- APT hace que �ste sea su directorio de trabajo antes de llamar a dpkg, por
- omisi�n es <filename>/</>.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>Build-Options</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- �stas opciones se pasan a &dpkg-buildpackage; cuando compila paquetes,
- por omisi�n se limita a deshabilitar el firmado de paquetes y producir
- todos los binarios.
- </VarListEntry>
- </VariableList>
- </RefSect1>
- <RefSect1><Title>Opciones de depuraci�n</>
- <para>
- La mayor�a de las opciones de la secci�n <literal/debug/ no son interesantes
- para el usuario normal, sin embargo <literal/Debug::pkgProblemResolver/
- muestra una salida interesante acerca de las decisiones que realiza
- dist-upgrade. <literal/Debug::NoLocking/ deshabilita el bloqueo de fichero de
- forma que APT puede realizar algunas operaciones sin permisos de superusuario
- y <literal/Debug::pkgDPkgPM/ mostrar� la l�nea de �rdenes para cada llamada a
- dpkg. <literal/Debug::IdentCdrom/ deshabilitar� la inclusi�n de datos de
- statfs <!--��sto es correcto-->en los ID's de los CDROM.
- </RefSect1>
- <RefSect1><Title>Ejemplos</>
- <para>
- &configureindex; contiene un fichero de configuraci�n de ejemplo mostrando
- los valores predeterminados para todas las opciones posibles.
- </RefSect1>
- <RefSect1><Title>Ficheros</>
- <para>
- <filename>/etc/apt/apt.conf</>
- </RefSect1>
- <RefSect1><Title>V�ase tambi�n</>
- <para>
- &apt-cache;, &apt-config;<!-- ? reading apt.conf -->, &apt-preferences;.
- </RefSect1>
- &manbugs;
- &manauthor;
- <refsect1>
- <title>TRADUCTOR</title>
- <para>
- Traducci�n de Rub�n Porras Campo
- &lt;;
- </para>
- </refsect1>
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-<!-- -*- mode: sgml; mode: fold -*- -->
-(c) 2003 Software in the Public Interest
-Esta traducci�n ha sido realizada por Rub�n Porras Campo <>
-Est� basada en la p�gina de manual original:
-versi�n 1.3 del CVS de
-<!-- Some common paths.. -->
-<!ENTITY docdir "/usr/share/doc/apt/">
-<!ENTITY configureindex "<filename>&docdir;examples/configure-index.gz</>">
-<!ENTITY aptconfdir "<filename>/etc/apt.conf</>">
-<!ENTITY statedir "/var/lib/apt">
-<!ENTITY cachedir "/var/cache/apt">
-<!-- Cross references to other man pages -->
-<!ENTITY apt-conf "<CiteRefEntry>
- <RefEntryTitle><filename/apt.conf/</RefEntryTitle>
- <ManVolNum/5/
- </CiteRefEntry>">
-<!ENTITY apt-get "<CiteRefEntry>
- <RefEntryTitle><command/apt-get/</RefEntryTitle>
- <ManVolNum/8/
- </CiteRefEntry>">
-<!ENTITY apt-config "<CiteRefEntry>
- <RefEntryTitle><command/apt-config/</RefEntryTitle>
- <ManVolNum/8/
- </CiteRefEntry>">
-<!ENTITY apt-cdrom "<CiteRefEntry>
- <RefEntryTitle><command/apt-cdrom/</RefEntryTitle>
- <ManVolNum/8/
- </CiteRefEntry>">
-<!ENTITY apt-cache "<CiteRefEntry>
- <RefEntryTitle><command/apt-cache/</RefEntryTitle>
- <ManVolNum/8/
- </CiteRefEntry>">
-<!ENTITY apt-preferences "<CiteRefEntry>
- <RefEntryTitle><command/apt_preferences/</RefEntryTitle>
- <ManVolNum/5/
- </CiteRefEntry>">
-<!ENTITY sources-list "<CiteRefEntry>
- <RefEntryTitle><filename/sources.list/</RefEntryTitle>
- <ManVolNum/5/
- </CiteRefEntry>">
-<!ENTITY reportbug "<CiteRefEntry>
- <RefEntryTitle><command/reportbug/</RefEntryTitle>
- <ManVolNum/1/
- </CiteRefEntry>">
-<!ENTITY dpkg "<CiteRefEntry>
- <RefEntryTitle><command/dpkg/</RefEntryTitle>
- <ManVolNum/8/
- </CiteRefEntry>">
-<!ENTITY dpkg-buildpackage "<CiteRefEntry>
- <RefEntryTitle><command/dpkg-buildpackage/</RefEntryTitle>
- <ManVolNum/1/
- </CiteRefEntry>">
-<!ENTITY gzip "<CiteRefEntry>
- <RefEntryTitle><command/gzip/</RefEntryTitle>
- <ManVolNum/1/
- </CiteRefEntry>">
-<!ENTITY dpkg-scanpackages "<CiteRefEntry>
- <RefEntryTitle><command/dpkg-scanpackages/</RefEntryTitle>
- <ManVolNum/8/
- </CiteRefEntry>">
-<!ENTITY dpkg-scansources "<CiteRefEntry>
- <RefEntryTitle><command/dpkg-scansources/</RefEntryTitle>
- <ManVolNum/8/
- </CiteRefEntry>">
-<!ENTITY dselect "<CiteRefEntry>
- <RefEntryTitle><command/dselect/</RefEntryTitle>
- <ManVolNum/8/
- </CiteRefEntry>">
-<!-- Boiler plate docinfo section -->
-<!ENTITY apt-docinfo "
- <docinfo>
- <address><email></></address>
- <author><firstname>Jason</> <surname>Gunthorpe</></>
- <copyright><year>1998-2001</> <holder>Jason Gunthorpe</></>
- <date>12 March 2001</>
- </docinfo>
-<!-- Boiler plate Bug reporting section -->
-<!ENTITY manbugs "
- <RefSect1><Title>Fallos</>
- <para>
- Vea la <ulink url=''>p�gina de fallos de APT</>.
- Si desea avisar de un fallo en APT, vea
- <filename>/usr/share/doc/debian/bug-reporting.txt</> o la orden &reportbug;.
- </RefSect1>
-<!-- Boiler plate Author section -->
-<!ENTITY manauthor "
- <RefSect1><Title>Autor</>
- <para>
- APT fue escrito por el equipo de APT <email></>.
- </RefSect1>
-<!-- Should be used within the option section of the text to
- put in the blurb about -h, -v, -c and -o -->
-<!ENTITY apt-commonoptions "
- <VarListEntry><term><option/-h/</><term><option/--help/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Muestra un breve resumen del modo de uso.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/-v/</><term><option/--version/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Muestra la versi�n del programa.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/-c/</><term><option/--config-file/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Especifica el fichero de configuraci�n a usar.
- El programa leer� el fichero de configuraci�n por omisi�n y luego
- este otro. Lea &apt-conf; para m�s informaci�n acerca de la sintaxis.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/-o/</><term><option/--option/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Establece una opci�n de configuraci�n. La sintaxis es <option>-o
- Foo::Bar=bar</>.
- </VarListEntry>
-<!-- Should be used within the option section of the text to
- put in the blurb about -h, -v, -c and -o -->
-<!ENTITY apt-cmdblurb "
- <para>
- Todas las opciones de l�nea de �rdenes pueden ser especificadas
- mediante el fichero de configuraci�n, en la descripci�n de cada opci�n
- se indica la opci�n de configuraci�n que hay que modificar. Para
- opciones booleanas puedes modificar el fichero de configuraci�n usando
- cosas parecidas a <option/-f-/,<option/--no-f/, <option/-f=no/ y alguna que
- otra variante.
- </para>
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-.\" This manpage is copyright (C) 1998 Branden Robinson <>.
-.\" This translation is copyright (C) 2003 The Spanish translation group
-.\" <>
-.\" This is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify
-.\" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-.\" published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2,
-.\" or (at your option) any later version.
-.\" This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-.\" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-.\" GNU General Public License for more details.
-.\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
-.\" License along with APT; if not, write to the Free Software
-.\" Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
-.\" 02111-1307 USA
-.TH apt 8 "16 Junio 1998" "Debian GNU/Linux"
-apt \- Herramienta Avanzada de Paquetes
-.B apt
-APT es un sistema de gesti�n de paquetes de software. No hay a�n interfaces
-amigables para �ste, ya que est� a�n en desarrollo. Consulte mientras
-.BR apt-get (8).
-.BR apt-cache (8),
-.BR apt-get (8),
-.BR apt.conf (5),
-.BR sources.list (5)
-apt devuelve cero cuando no ocurre ning�n error. Si hay alg�n error
-devuelve el valor 100.
-Esta p�gina de manual no est� siquiera iniciada.
-Consulte <>. Si desea enviar un informe de error
-.BR apt ,
-por favor lea
-.I /usr/share/doc/debian/bug-reporting.txt
-o el programa
-.BR reportbug (1)
-El equipo APT <> escribi� apt.
-La traducci�n de esta p�gina de manual fue iniciada por
-Rudy Godoy <> y revisada posteriormente por
-Ismael Fanlo, Rub�n Porras y Javier Fern�ndez-Sanguino.
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-<!-- -*- mode: sgml; mode: fold -*- -->
-<!doctype refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" [
-<!ENTITY % aptent SYSTEM "">
-(c) 2003 Software in the Public Interest
-Esta traducci�n ha sido realizada por Rub�n Porras Campo <>
-y revisada por Javier Fern�ndez-Sanguino <>
-Est� basada en la p�gina de manual original:
-versi�n 1.5 del CVS de
- -->
-<refentry lang=es>
- &apt-docinfo;
- <refmeta>
- <refentrytitle>apt_preferences</>
- <manvolnum>5</>
- </refmeta>
- <!-- Man page title -->
- <refnamediv>
- <refname>apt_preferences</>
- <refpurpose>Fichero de preferencias de APT</>
- </refnamediv>
-El fichero de preferencias de APT <filename>/etc/apt/preferences</>
-se puede usar para controlar las versiones de los paquetes seleccionados.
-<para>Cuando el fichero &sources-list; contiene referencias a m�s de una
-distribuci�n (por ejemplo, <literal>estable</literal> y <literal>pruebas
-</literal>). APT asigna una prioridad a cada versi�n disponible.
-Limitado por las dependencias, <command>apt-get</command> selecciona la versi�n
-con mayor prioridad.
-<para>El fichero de preferencias de APT modifica las prioridades asignadas por
-APT, dando control al usuario sobre que ejemplar se seleccionar� para la
-Puede est�n disponibles varios ejemplares de la misma versi�n de un paquete
-cuando el fichero &sources-list; contenga referencias a m�s de una fuente. En
-este caso <command>apt-get</command> descarga el ejemplar que aparezca listado
-primero en el fichero &sources-list;. El fichero de preferencias de APT no
-modifica la elecci�n del ejemplar, s�lo la elecci�n de la versi�n.
-<RefSect2><Title>�C�mo asigna APT las prioridades?</>
-<para>Si no existe el fichero de preferencias o no hay ninguna entrada en �ste
-que se pueda aplicar a una determinada versi�n, se asigna a la versi�n la
-prioridad de la distribuci�n a la que pertenece. Es posible seleccionar una
-distribuci�n, &gt;&gt;distribuci�n objetivo&lt;&lt;
-(n. t. del ingl�s <emphasis>target release</emphasis>), que recibe
-una prioridad mayor que el resto. La distribuci�n objetivo se puede definir
-en la l�nea de �rdenes al ejecutar <command>apt-get</command> o en el fichero
-de configuraci�n de APT (<filename>/etc/apt/apt.conf</filename>).
-Por ejemplo,
-<command>apt-get install -t testing <replaceable>paquete</replaceable></command>
-APT::Default-Release "stable";
-Si se ha especificado una distribuci�n objetivo, APT usa el siguiente
-algoritmo para establecer las prioridades de cada versi�n de un paquete.
-<term>prioridad 100</term>
-<listitem><simpara>a la versi�n instalada (si existe).</simpara></listitem>
-<term>prioridad 500</term>
-<listitem><simpara>a la versi�n que ni est� instalada ni pertenece a la
-distribuci�n objetivo.</simpara></listitem>
-<term>prioridad 990</term>
-<listitem><simpara>a las versiones que no est�n instaladas pero que
-pertenecen a la distribuci�n objetivo.</simpara></listitem>
-Si no se especifica ninguna distribuci�n objetivo APT asigna prioridad 100 a
-todas las versiones de los paquetes instalados y 500 al resto.
-APT aplica las siguientes normas, expuestas por orden de precedencia,
-para determinar qu� versi�n del paquete debe instalar.
-<listitem><simpara>Nunca instalar una versi�n anterior de un paquete en lugar
-de la instalada a menos que la prioridad de la versi�n disponible supere 1000
-(Dese cuenta que ninguna de las prioridades que asigna APT por omisi�n superan
-1000, �stas prioridades s�lo se pueden establecer mediante el fichero de
-preferencias. Tenga en consideraci�n que instalar una versi�n anterior del
-paquete puede ser peligroso).
-<listitem><simpara>Instalar la versi�n de mayor prioridad.
-<listitem><simpara>Si dos o m�s versiones tienen la misma prioridad,
-instala la m�s reciente (esto es, la que tiene un n�mero de versi�n mayor).
-<listitem><simpara>Si dos o m�s versiones tienen la misma prioridad y n�mero de
-versi�n, pero o bien difieren en su meta-informaci�n o se ha proporcionado la
-opci�n <literal/--reinstall/ se instala la que no est� instalada.
-T�picamente, la versi�n instalada del paquete (prioridad 100)
-no es tan reciente como la disponible a trav�s de &sources-list;
-(prioridad 500 o 990). Entonces el paquete se actualizar� cuando se ejecute
-<command>apt-get install <replaceable>alg�n-paquete</replaceable></command> o
-<command>apt-get upgrade</command>.
-<para>Rara vez la versi�n instalada de un paquete es <emphasis/m�s/ reciente
-que cualquiera de las versiones disponibles. En �ste caso no se instalar� la
-versi�n anterior del paquete cuando se ejecute <command>apt-get install
-<replaceable>alg�n-paquete</replaceable></command> o <command>apt-get
-A veces la versi�n instalada de un paquete es m�s reciente que la
-versi�n perteneciente a la distribuci�n objetivo, pero no tan reciente como la
-versi�n de otra distribuci�n. Este tipo de paquetes se actualizar�n cuando se
-ejecute <command>apt-get install
-<replaceable>alg�n-paquete</replaceable></command> o <command>apt-get
-upgrade</command> porque al menos <emphasis/uno/ de los ejemplares disponibles
-tiene una prioridad mayor que la versi�n instalada.
-<RefSect2><Title>El efecto de las preferencias sobre APT</>
-El fichero de preferencias de APT permite al administrador del sistema controlar
-las asignaciones de prioridades. El fichero consiste en uno o m�s registros de
-varias l�neas separados entre s� por espacios en blanco. Los registros pueden
-tener una o dos formas: una espec�fica y otra general.
-La forma espec�fica asigna una prioridad ("Pin-Priority") a un paquete
-concreto y se aplica a una versi�n o rango de versiones. Por ejemplo,
-el siguiente registro asigna una prioridad alta a todas las versiones del
-paquete <filename/perl/ cuyo n�mero de versi�n empiece con "<literal/5.8/".
-Package: perl
-Pin: version 5.8*
-Pin-Priority: 1001
-La forma general asigna una prioridad a todas las versiones de los paquetes
-en una distribuci�n (esto es, a todas las versiones de paquetes provenientes
-de un fichero <filename/Release/), o a todos las versiones de un paquete
-que provienen de un sitio concreto en internet, identificado por su
-nombre de dominio.
-Esta forma general del fichero de preferencias de APT s�lo se aplica a grupos de
-paquetes. Por ejemplo, el siguiente registro hace que asigne una prioridad alta
-a todas las versiones disponibles desde un sitio local.
-Package: *
-Pin: origin ""
-Pin-Priority: 999
-Un aviso acerca de la palabra clave usada en "<literal/origin/": no debe de
-confundirse con el origen ("Origin:") de una distribuci�n tal y como se
-especifica en el fichero <filename/Release/. Lo que sigue a "Origin:" en un
-fichero <filename/Release/ no es una direcci�n de un sitio de internet, sino el
-autor o el nombre del proveedor, tales como "Debian" o "Ximian".
-El siguiente registro asigna una prioridad baja a todas las versiones de los
-paquetes pertenecientes a cualquier distribuci�n que tenga como nombre de
-Archivo "<literal/unstable/".
-Package: *
-Pin: release a=unstable
-Pin-Priority: 50
-El siguiente registro asigna una prioridad alta a todas las versiones de los
-paquetes pertenecientes a la distribuci�n que tiene como nombre de Archivo
-"<literal/stable/" y como n�mero de versi�n "<literal/3.0/".
-Package: *
-Pin: release a=unstable, v=3.0
-Pin-Priority: 50
-<Title>�C�mo interpreta APT las prioridades?</Title>
-Las prioridades (P) asignadas en el fichero de preferencias deben ser
-n�meros enteros. Se interpretan (en general) del siguiente modo:
-<term>P &gt; 1000</term>
-<listitem><simpara>la versi�n se instala incluso si es una versi�n
-anterior a la instalada en el sistema.</simpara></listitem>
-<varlistentry><term>990 &lt; P &lt;=1000</term>
-<listitem><simpara>la versi�n se instala aunque no venga de la distribuci�n
-objetivo, a menos que la versi�n instalada sea m�s reciente.
-<varlistentry><term>500 &lt; P &lt;=990</term>
-<listitem><simpara>la versi�n se instala a menos que exista otro ejemplar
-disponible perteneciente a la distribuci�n objetivo o bien la versi�n
-instalada sea m�s reciente.</simpara></listitem>
-<varlistentry><term>100 &lt; P &lt;=500</term>
-<listitem><simpara>la versi�n se instala a menos que exista un ejemplar
-perteneciente a otra distribuci�n o la versi�n instalada sea m�s reciente.
-<varlistentry><term>0 &lt; P &lt;=100</term>
-<listitem><simpara>la versi�n s�lo se instala si no hay ninguna versi�n
-del paquete instalado.</simpara></listitem>
-<varlistentry><term>P &lt; 0</term>
-<listitem><simpara>la versi�n nunca se instala.
-Si uno de los registros de forma espec�fica descritos arriba coinciden con una
-versi�n disponible de un paquete, el registro determina la prioridad de la
-versi�n. En caso de que esto no sea as�, si cualquier n�mero de registros de
-forma general coinciden con una versi�n, el primero determina la prioridad de la
-versi�n del paquete.
-Por ejemplo, suponga que el fichero de preferencias de APT
-contiene los tres registros antes mencionados:
-Package: perl
-Pin: version 5.8*
-Pin-Priority: 1001
-Package: *
-Pin: origin ""
-Pin-Priority: 999
-Package: *
-Pin: release unstable
-Pin-Priority: 50
-<listitem><simpara>La versi�n m�s reciente disponible del paquete
-<literal/perl/ se instala mientras que el n�mero de versi�n empieze
-con "<literal/5.8/". Si se encuentra disponible <emphasis/cualquier/
-versi�n 5.8* de <literal/perl/ y la versi�n instalada es 5.9*, entonces
-se instala la versi�n5.8*.
-</simpara></listitem><listitem><simpara>Cualquier otra versi�n de un paquete
-distinto de
-<literal/perl/ disponible desde el sistema local tiene prioridad sobre el
-resto de las versiones, incluso sobre los pertenecientes a la distribuci�n
-<listitem><simpara>Otras versiones que tengan un origen distinto al sistema
-local listadas en &sources-list; y que pertenezcan a la distribuci�n
-<literal/inestable/ s�lo se instalar�n si se seleccionan para instalar y no hay
-ninguna versi�n del paquete instalado.
-<Title>Determinaci�n de la versi�n del paquete y de las propiedades de la
-Los recursos del fichero &sources-list; deben proporcionar los ficheros
-<filename>Packages</filename> y <filename>Release</filename>. �stos describen
-los paquetes disponibles en cada uno de los sitios.
-<para>El fichero <filename>Packages</filename> se encuentra normalmente en
-el directorio <filename>.../dists/<replaceable>nombre-dist</replaceable>/
-por ejemplo, <filename>.../dists/stable/main/binary-i386/Packages</filename>.
-El fichero consiste en una serie de registros de varias l�neas, uno por cada
-paquete disponible en ese directorio. Para montar un repositorio de APT s�lo
-son significativas dos de las l�neas de cada registro:
-<term>La l�nea <literal/Package:/ </term>
-<listitem><simpara>Indica el nombre del paquete</simpara></listitem>
-<term>La l�nea <literal/Version:/ </term>
-<listitem><simpara>Indica el n�mero de versi�n del paquete</simpara></listitem>
-<para>El fichero <filename>Release</filename> normalmente se encuentra en el
-por ejemplo, <filename>.../dists/stable/Release</filename>,
-o <filename>.../dists/woody/Release</filename>.
-El fichero consiste en registros de una sola l�nea que se aplican a
-<emphasis/todos/ los paquetes por debajo del directorio
-padre. Al contrario que el fichero <filename/Packages/, casi todas las
-l�neas del fichero <filename/Release/ son relevantes para las prioridades de
-<term>La l�nea <literal/Archive:/ </term>
-<listitem><simpara>Indica el nombre del archivo al que pertenecen todos los
-paquetes del �rbol de directorios. Por ejemplo, la l�nea
-"Archive: stable" especifica que todos los paquetes en el �rbol de
-directorios por debajo del directorio ra�z marcado en el fichero
-<filename/Release/ est�n en un archivo de <literal/estable/. Para
-especificar una preferencia de acuerdo con este par�metro
-tendr� que poner la siguiente l�nea en el fichero de preferencias de APT:
-Pin: release a=stable
-<term>La l�nea <literal/Version:/ </term>
-<listitem><simpara>Indica la versi�n de la distribuci�n. Por ejemplo, los
-paquetes en �rbol pueden pertenecer a la versi�n 3.0 de Debian GNU/Linux. Dese
-cuenta de que <literal/pruebas/ e <literal/inestable/ no tienen una versi�n
-asignada porque no han sido liberadas. Para especificar una preferencia de
-acuerdo con este par�metro tendr� que poner una de las siguientes l�nea en el
-fichero de preferencias de APT:
-Pin: release v=3.0
-Pin: release a=stable, v=3.0
-Pin: release 3.0
-<term>La l�nea <literal/Component:/ </term>
-<listitem><simpara>Indica la licencia asociada a los paquetes en el �rbol
-de directorios correspondiente al fichero <filename/Release/. Por ejemplo,
-la l�nea <literal/Component: main/ especifica que todos los ejemplares son
-de la secci�n <literal/main/, �sto asegura que su licencia se ajusta a las
-DFSG. Para especificar una preferencia de acuerdo con este par�metro tendr�
-que poner la siguiente l�nea en el fichero de preferencias de APT:
-Pin: release c=main
-<term>La l�nea <literal/Origin:/ </term>
-<listitem><simpara>Indica la procedencia de los paquetes en el �rbol de
-directorios del fichero <filename/Release/. La procedencia m�s com�n es
-<literal/Debian/. Para especificar una preferencia de acuerdo con este
-par�metro tendr� que poner la siguiente l�nea en el fichero de preferencias
-de APT:
-Pin: release o=Debian
-<term>La l�nea <literal/Label:/ </term>
-<listitem><simpara>nombra la etiqueta de los paquetes en los �rboles de
-directorios del fichero <filename/Release/. Normalmente es
-<literal/Debian/. Para especificar una preferencia de acuerdo con este par�metro
-tendr� que poner la siguiente l�nea en el fichero de preferencias de APT:
-Pin: release l=Debian
-Todos los ficheros <filename>Packages</filename> y <filename>Release</filename>
-que se obtienen de los recursos de &sources-list; se guardan en el directorio
-<filename>/var/lib/apt/lists</filename>, o en el directorio definido por la
-variable <literal/Dir::State::Lists/, que puede estar definida en el fichero
-<filename/apt.conf/. Por ejemplo, el fichero
-</filename> contiene los ficheros <filename>Release</filename> obtenidos de
-<literal/ para la arquitectura <literal/binary-i386/ de la
-secci�n <literal/contrib/ de la distribuci�n <literal/inestable/.
-<Title>L�neas opcionales en un registro de preferencias de APT</Title>
-Cada registro en el fichero de preferencias de APT puede comenzar
-con una o m�s l�neas que tengan como primera palabra
-<literal/Explanation:/. �til para comentarios.
-La l�nea <literal/Pin-Priority:/ es opcional. Si se omite, APT asigna
-una prioridad un n�mero menor que la �ltima prioridad especificada en una l�nea
-que empieze con <literal/Pin-Priority: release .../.
-<Title>Siguiendo la distribuci�n estable</Title>
-<para>El siguiente fichero de preferencias de APT provoca que APT asigne una
-prioridad mayor de la que asigna por omisi�n (500) a todos los ejemplares de
-la distribuci�n <literal/estable/ y una prioridad m�s baja al resto de las
-distribuciones <literal/Debian/.
-Explanation: Desinstalar o no instalar los ejemplares que no
-Explanation: pertenecen a la distribuci�n estable
-Package: *
-Pin: release a=stable
-Pin-Priority: 900
-Package: *
-Pin: release o=Debian
-Pin-Priority: -10
-Con un fichero &sources-list; apropiado y el fichero de preferencias mostrado
-anteriormente, cualquiera de las siguientes �rdenes de APT hace que o bien todo
-el sistema o bien s�lo algunos paquetes se actualicen a la �ltima versi�n
-apt-get install <replaceable>paquete</replaceable>
-apt-get upgrade
-apt-get dist-upgrade
-<para>La siguiente orden hace que APT actualice un paquete a la �ltima versi�n
-de la distribuci�n de <literal/pruebas/, el paquete no se actualizar� de nuevo amenos que se ejecute de nuevo la orden.
-apt-get install <replaceable>paquete</replaceable>/testing
-<Title>Siguiendo la distribuci�n de pruebas o inestable</Title>
-<para>El siguiente fichero de preferencias de APT provocar� que APT asigne
-mayor prioridad a las versiones de la distribuci�n de <literal/pruebas/,
-una prioridad menor a los paquetes de la distribuci�n <literal/inestable/,
-y una prioridad prohibitiva a los paquetes de otras distribuciones de
-Package: *
-Pin: release a=testing
-Pin-Priority: 900
-Package: *
-Pin: release a=unstable
-Pin-Priority: 800
-Package: *
-Pin: release o=Debian
-Pin-Priority: -10
-Con un fichero &sources-list; adecuado y el fichero de preferencias anterior,
-cualquiera de la �rdenes siguientes hace que APT actualice los paquetes a la
-�ltima versi�n de la distribuci�n de <literal/pruebas/.
-apt-get install <replaceable>paquete</replaceable>
-apt-get upgrade
-apt-get dist-upgrade
-<para>La siguiente orden hace que APT actualice un determinado paquete a la
-�ltima versi�n de la distribuci�n <literal/inestable/. M�s tarde,
-<command>apt-get upgrade</command> actualizar�n el paquete a la �ltima versi�n
-de la distribuci�n de <literal/pruebas/ si es m�s reciente que la versi�n
-instalada, de otro modo, se instalar� la versi�n m�s reciente de la
-distribuci�n<literal/inestable/ si es m�s reciente que la versi�n instalada.
-apt-get install <replaceable>paquete</replaceable>/unstable
-<Title>V�ase adem�s</>
-&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;
- </RefSect1>
- &manbugs;
- &manauthor;
- <refsect1>
- <title>TRADUCTOR</title>
- <para>
- Traducci�n de Rub�n Porras Campo
- &lt;;
- </para>
- </refsect1>
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# Bring in the default rules
include ../../buildlib/defaults.mak
-# Man pages
-include $(SGML_MANPAGE_H)
+# Language Code of this translation
+include $(PO4A_MANPAGE_H)
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-<!-- -*- mode: sgml; mode: fold -*- -->
-<!doctype refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" [
-<!ENTITY % aptent SYSTEM "">
-(c) 2003 Software in the Public Interest
-Esta traducci�n ha sido realizada por Rub�n Porras Campo <>
-Est� basada en la p�gina de manual original:
-versi�n 1.3 del CVS de
- -->
-<refentry lang=es>
- &apt-docinfo;
- <refmeta>
- <refentrytitle>sources.list</>
- <manvolnum>5</>
- </refmeta>
- <!-- Man page title -->
- <refnamediv>
- <refname>sources.list</>
- <refpurpose>lista de recursos de paquetes para APT</>
- </refnamediv>
- <RefSect1><Title>Descripci�n</>
- <para>
- La lista de recursos de paquetes se usa para localizar ficheros del sistema
- de distribuci�n de paquetes usado en el sistema.
- A d�a de hoy, esta p�gina del manual documenta s�lamente el sistema de
- paquetes usado por Debian GNU/Linux. Este fichero de control est� situado en
- <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</>
- <para>
- La lista de procedencias est� dise�ada para soportar cualquier n�mero y
- distintos tipos de procedencias. El fichero lista una procedencia por l�nea,
- con la procedencia de mayor prioridad en la primera l�nea.
- El formato de cada l�nea es:
- <literal/tipo uri argumentos/. El primer elemento, <literal/tipo/,
- determina el formato de <literal/argumentos/.
- <literal/uri/ es Universal Resource Identifier (Identificador Universal de
- Recursos), un caso general de la m�s especifica y bien conocida
- Universal Resource Locator, o URL.
- El resto de la l�nea puede marcarse como comentario usando #.
- </RefSect1>
- <RefSect1><Title>Los tipos deb y deb-src</>
- <para>
- El tipo <literal/deb/ hace referencia a un t�pico archivo de Debian de dos
- niveles, <filename>distribuci�n/componente</>. Normalmente
- <literal/distribuci�n/ es <literal/stable/, <literal/testing/, o
- <literal/unstable/, mientras que componente es <literal/main/,
- <literal/contrib/, <literal/non-free/, o <literal/non-us/. El tipo
- <literal/deb-src/ hace referencia al c�digo fuente de la distribuci�n con la
- misma sintaxis que el tipo <literal/deb/. Es necesaria una l�nea
- <literal/deb-src/ para descargar un �ndice de los paquetes que tienen
- c�digo fuente disponible.
- <para>
- El formato para una entrada en el fichero <filename/sources.list/ usando
- los tipos <literal/deb/ y <literal/deb-src/ es:
- <literallayout>deb uri distribuci�n [componente1] [componente2] [...]</literallayout>
- <para>
- La URI para el tipo <literal/deb/ debe de especificar la base de
- la distribuci�n de Debian, donde APT encontrar� la informaci�n que
- necesita.
- <literal/distribuci�n/ puede especificar un ruta exacta, en cuyo caso se
- deben omitir los componentes y <literal/distribuci�n/ debe finalizar
- con una barra (/). Esto es �til cuando �nicamente queremos una sub-secci�n
- del archivo denotado por la URI. Si <literal/distribuci�n/ no especifica
- la ruta exacta, al menos uno de los <literal/componentes/ debe de estar
- presente.
- <para>
- <literal/distribuci�n/ puede contener una variable, <literal/$(ARCH)/,
- que se expandir� en la arquitectura de Debian usada en el sistema (i386,
- m68k, powerpc, ...). Esto permite que <filename/sources.list/ sea
- independiente de la arquitectura. En general esta caracter�stica s�lo es
- de inter�s cuando se especifica una ruta completa, de lo contrario
- <literal/APT/ generar� autom�ticamente la URI con la arquitectura actual
- del sistema.
- <para>
- Debido a que s�lo se puede especificar una distribuci�n por l�nea es posible
- que sea necesario tener m�ltiples l�neas para la misma URI si deseamos
- tener accesibles m�s de una distribuci�n o componente de ese sitio.
- APT ordenar� internamente la lista de URI's despu�s de haber generado
- una copia interna, y juntar� varias referencias al mismo servidor de Internet
- en una sola conexi�n, para as� no establecer una conexi�n FTP de forma
- ineficiente, cerrarla, hacer algo m�s, y entonces restablecer la conexi�n
- al mismo servidor. Esta caracter�stica es �til para acceder a FPT's concurridos
- que limitan el n�mero de accesos simult�neos de usuarios an�nimos. APT
- tambi�n paralelar� conexiones a diferentes servidores para aprovechar mejor
- el ancho de banda.
- <para>
- Es importante listar las fuente por orden de preferencia, con la fuente de m�s
- preferencia al principio. Lo normal es ordenar las fuentes por velocidad,
- de la m�s r�pida a la m�s lenta (CD-ROM seguido de servidores en la red
- local, seguidos por servidores de Internet distantes, por ejemplo).
- <para>
- Algunos ejemplos:
- <literallayout>
-deb stable main contrib non-free
-deb dists/stable-updates/
- </literallayout>
- </RefSect1>
- <RefSect1><title>especificaci�n de la URI</title>
- <para>
- Se reconocen los siguientes tipos de URI: cdrom, file, http, y ftp.
- <VariableList>
- <VarListEntry><term>file</term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- file permite considerar como archivo a cualquier
- fichero en el sistema de ficheros. Esto es �til para particiones
- montadas mediante NFS y r�plicas locales.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term>cdrom</term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- El cdrom permite a APT usar la unidad de CDROM local. Use el
- programa &apt-cdrom; para a�adir entradas de un cdrom a sources.list.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term>http</term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Http especifica un servidor HTTP como archivo. Si la variable de entorno
- <EnVar/http_proxy/ est� establecida con el formato http://server:port/,
- se usar� el servidor proxy especificado en <EnVar/http_proxy/. Usuarios de
- servidor proxy de autenticaci�n HTTP/1.1 deber�n usar la cadena de
- caracteres http://user:pass@server:port/
- Dese cuenta que este m�todo de autenticaci�n es inseguro.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term>ftp</term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Ftp especifica un servidor FTP como archivo. El comportamiento de APT
- con FTP es altamente configurable, para m�s informaci�n consulte la p�gina
- del manual de &apt-conf;. Dese cuenta que un proxy ftp puede ser
- especificado usando la variable de entorno <EnVar/ftp_proxy/. Es posible
- especificar un servidor proxy http (servidores proxy http normalmente
- comprenden las url's tipo ftp) usando este m�todo y S�LO este m�todo.
- Se ignorar�n los proxies ftp especificados en el fichero de configuraci�n que usen
- http.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term>copy</term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Copy es id�ntico a file excepto en que los paquetes son copiados al
- directorio que contiene la cach� en vez de usar directamente su
- lugar original. Esto es �til para gente que use discos zip con APT.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term>rsh</term><term>ssh</term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- El m�todo rsh/ssh usa rsh/ssh para conectar a los servidores remotos como
- un usuario dado y acceder a los ficheros. No es posible realizar ninguna
- autenticaci�n por contrase�a, debe hacerse previamente una configuraci�n
- de claves RSA o rhosts.
- El acceso a los ficheros del sistema remoto usa las �rdenes est�ndar
- <command/find/ y <command/dd/ para realizar las transferencias.
- </VarListEntry>
- </VariableList>
- </RefSect1>
- <RefSect1><title>Ejemplos</title>
- <para>
- Usa el archivo local (o montado mediante NFS) en /home/jason/debian
- para stable/main, stable/contrib, y stable/non-free.
- <literallayout>deb file:/home/jason/debian stable main contrib non-free</literallayout>
- <para>
- Como arriba, excepto que usa la distribuci�n inestable.
- <literallayout>deb file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free</literallayout>
- <para>
- L�nea para el c�digo fuente de lo mismo que arriba
- <literallayout>deb-src file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free</literallayout>
- <para>
- Usa HTTP para acceder al archivo en, y usa s�lo la parte
- de hamm/main.
- <literallayout>deb hamm main</literallayout>
- <para>
- Usa FTP para acceder al archivo en, debajo del directorio
- debian, y usa s�lo la parte de stable/contrib.
- <literallayout>deb stable contrib</literallayout>
- <para>
- Usa FTP para acceder al archivo en, debajo del directorio
- debian, y usa s�lo la parte de unstable/contrib. Si tanto esta l�nea como
- la del ejemplo anterior aparecen en <filename/sources.list/, se usar� s�lo
- una sesi�n FTP para ambas.
- <literallayout>deb unstable contrib</literallayout>
- <para>
- Usa HTTP para acceder al archivo en, bajo el directorio
- debian-non-US.
- <literallayout>deb stable/non-US main
- contrib non-free</literallayout>
- <para>
- Usa HTTP para acceder al archivo en, bajo el directorio
- debian-non-US, y usa s�lo ficheros que se encuentren debajo de
- <filename>unstable/binary-i386</> en m�quinas i386,
- <filename>unstable/binary-m68k</> en m�quinas m68k, y as� para todas las
- arquitecturas soportadas. (Dese cuenta que este ejemplo s�lo sirve para
- ilustrar como se usa la variable de substituci�n, non-us ya no est�
- estructurado de este modo)
- <literallayout>deb
- unstable/binary-$(ARCH)/</literallayout>
- </RefSect1>
- <RefSect1><Title>V�ase tambi�n</>
- <para>
- &apt-cache; &apt-conf;
- </RefSect1>
- &manbugs;
- &manauthor;
- <refsect1>
- <title>TRADUCTOR</title>
- <para>
- Traducci�n de Rub�n Porras Campo
- &lt;;
- </para>
- </refsect1>
diff --git a/doc/es/ b/doc/es/
deleted file mode 100644
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-<!-- -*- mode: sgml; mode: fold -*- -->
-<!doctype refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" [
-<!ENTITY % aptent SYSTEM "">
-(c) 2003 Software in the Public Interest
-Esta traducci�n ha sido realizada por Rub�n Porras Campo <>
-Est� basada en la p�gina de manual original:
-versi�n 1.2 del CVS de
- -->
-<refentry lang=es>
- &apt-docinfo;
- <refmeta>
- <refentrytitle>vendors.list</>
- <manvolnum>5</>
- </refmeta>
- <!-- Man page title -->
- <refnamediv>
- <refname>vendors.list</>
- <refpurpose>Configuraci�n de claves de seguridad de APT</>
- </refnamediv>
- <RefSect1><Title>Descripci�n</>
- <para>
- La lista de proveedores de paquetes contiene una lista de todos los
- proveedores cuyos paquetes descargados desee autenticar.
- Debe de tener la huella digital PGP correspondiente a cada
- proveedor, de este modo APT puede verificar la firma del fichero
- <literal>Release</literal> y despu�s la suma de control de cada
- paquete descargado. Para habilitar la autenticaci�n debe a�adir
- entre llaves el identificador del proveedor (vea m�s abajo) a cada
- l�nea del fichero &sources-list; que replique el repositorio
- proporcionado por ese proveedor.
- <para>
- El formato del fichero es parecido al que usa
- <command>apt.conf</command>. Consiste de un n�mero arbitrario de
- bloques, donde cada bloque comienza con una cadena de caracteres
- que indican el <replaceable/tipo_clave/ y el <replaceable/id_de_proveedor/.
- <para>
- Algunos proveedores pueden tener varios bloques definiendo
- diferentes normas de seguridad para sus distribuciones. Debian, por
- ejemplo, usa diferentes m�todos para firmar las distintas distribuciones.
- <para>
- <replaceable/tipo_clave/ es el tipo de comprobaci�n exigido.
- Actualmente, s�lo est� disponible el tipo <literal/simple-key/.
- <para>
- <replaceable/id_de_proveedor/ es la cadena de car�cteres que
- identifica al proveedor. Es una cadena arbitraria y obligatoria que
- debe proporcionar para identificar inequ�vocamente al proveedor
- listado en este fichero.
- Ejemplo:
-simple-key "juan"
- Fingerprint "0987AB4378FSD872343298787ACC";
- Name "Juan G�ndara &lt;;";
- </RefSect1>
- <RefSect1><Title>El tipo simple-key</>
- <para>
- Este tipo de verificaci�n se usa cuando el proveedor tiene una sola
- clave asegurada que se debe usar para firmar el fichero <literal>
- Release</literal>. Los siguiente elementos deben de estar presentes:
- <VariableList>
- <VarListEntry><Term>Fingerprint</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- La huella digital PGP para la clave. La huella digital debe
- expresarse con la notaci�n est�ndar, con o sin espacios.
- La opci�n <option/--fingerprint/ de la orden <CiteRefEntry><RefEntryTitle>
- <command/gpg/</RefEntryTitle><ManVolNum/1/</CiteRefEntry>
- mostrar� la huella digital de la clave o claves seleccionadas.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><Term>Name</Term>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Cadena de caracteres que contiene una descripci�n del propietario
- de la clave o del proveedor. Puede poner el nombre del proveedor
- y su <foreignphrase>email</foreignphrase>. La cadena debe de ir
- entre comillas dobles.
- </VarListEntry>
- </VariableList>
- </RefSect1>
- <RefSect1><Title>Ficheros</>
- <para>
- <filename>/etc/apt/vendors.list</>
- </RefSect1>
- <RefSect1><Title>V�ase tambi�n</>
- <para>
- &sources-list;
- </RefSect1>
- &manbugs;
- &manauthor;
- <refsect1>
- <title>TRADUCTOR</title>
- <para>
- Traducci�n de Rub�n Porras Campo
- &lt;;
- </para>
- </refsect1>
diff --git a/doc/fr/addendum/debiandoc_fr.add b/doc/fr/addendum/debiandoc_fr.add
deleted file mode 100644
index 987b5b1f5..000000000
--- a/doc/fr/addendum/debiandoc_fr.add
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- <refsect1><title>Traducteurs</title>
- <para>Jérôme Marant, Philippe Batailler, Christian Perrier <email></email> (2000, 2005, 2009),
- Équipe de traduction francophone de Debian <email></email>
- </para>
- </refsect1>
diff --git a/doc/it/ b/doc/it/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2dc46e263..000000000
--- a/doc/it/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,585 +0,0 @@
-<!-- -*- mode: sgml; mode: fold -*- -->
-<!doctype debiandoc PUBLIC "-//DebianDoc//DTD DebianDoc//EN">
-<title>Guida dell'utente di APT</title>
-<author>Jason Gunthorpe <email></email></author>
-<author>Traduzione di Eugenia Franzoni <email></email>
-<version>$Id:,v 1.5 2003/04/26 23:26:13 doogie Exp $</version>
-Guida per l'uso del gestore di pacchetti APT.
-Copyright &copy; Jason Gunthorpe, 1998.
-<p>Ed. italiana Copyright &copy; Eugenia Franzoni, 2000.
-"APT" e questo documento sono software libero, e li si pu� ridistribuire
-e/o modificare secondo i termini della Licenza Pubblica Generica GNU
-(GPL), pubblicata dalla Free Software Foundation, nella versione 2 o
-(se preferite) qualsiasi versione successiva.
-<p>"APT" and this document are free software; you can redistribute them and/or
-modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
-by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version.
-Per ulteriori dettagli sui sistemi GNU/Linux si veda il testo
-completo della licenza nel file
-<toc sect>
-<!-- General {{{ -->
-<!-- ===================================================================== -->
-<chapt>Descrizione generale
-Il pacchetto APT al momento contiene due sezioni, il metodo APT
-<prgn>dselect</> e l'interfaccia utente a linea di comando <prgn>apt-get</>;
-entrambi danno modo di installare e rimuovere pacchetti, e di scaricarne
-altri da Internet.
-<sect>Anatomia del sistema di pacchettizzazione
-Il sistema di pacchettizzazione di Debian contiene un gran numero di
-informazioni associate a ciascun pacchetto, per assicurarsi che si
-integri facilmente ed in maniera pulita nel sistema; la pi�
-importante di esse � il sistema di dipendenze.
-Il sistema di dipendenze permette ai singoli programmi di fare uso
-degli elementi condivisi del sistema, quali le librerie; per
-ridurre il numero di elementi che l'utente medio debba installare,
-le porzioni di programmi che non vengono usate spesso vengono poste
-in pacchetti separati. Inoltre, � possibile avere pi� di una scelta per
-cose quali i programmi di posta elettronica, i server X e cos� via.
-Il primo passo per capire il sistema di dipendenze � la
-comprensione del concetto di dipendenza semplice: un pacchetto richiede
-che un altro sia installato insieme ad esso per poter
-Ad esempio, mail-crypt � un'estensione di emacs che aiuta a criptare le
-mail con PGP. Se PGP non � installato, mail-crypt � inutile, quindi
-mail-crypt ha una dipendenza semplice da PGP. Inoltre, dato che si tratta
-di un'estensione di emacs, mail-crypt dipende anche da emacs, senza il
-quale � totalmente inutile.
-L'altro tipo di dipendenza importante da capire � la dipendenza di
-conflitto; con questa, un pacchetto che venga installato insieme ad un
-altro pacchetto non funziona, e si hanno seri problemi al sistema.
-Come esempio, si consideri un programma di trasporto della posta,
-quale sendmail, exim o qmail: non � possibile averne due contemporaneamente,
-perch� entrambi hanno bisogno di restare in ascolto sulla stessa porta di rete
-per ricevere la posta. Tentare di installarne due danneggerebbe seriamente il
-sistema, quindi ciascun programma di trasporto della posta ha una
-dipendenza di conflitto con tutti gli altri.
-Come ulteriore complicazione, c'� la possibilit� che un pacchetto
-voglia prendere il posto di un altro; ad esempio, exim e sendmail per molte
-cose sono identici, dato che entrambi gestiscono la posta e comprendono
-un'interfaccia comune, quindi il sistema di pacchettizzazione deve dichiarare
-che sono entrambi agenti di trasporto della posta, e che gli altri
-pacchetti a cui serve uno dei due devono dipendere da un pacchetto
-fittizio agente-di-trasporto-della-posta. Quando si modificano
-a mano i pacchetti, questo pu� portare a moltissima confusione.
-In ciascun momento una singola dipendenza pu� essere soddisfatta o meno
-dai pacchetti gi� installati; APT cerca di risolvere i problemi
-di dipendenze con un buon numero di algoritmi automatici, che aiutano
-a selezionare i pacchetti da installare.
- <!-- }}} -->
-<!-- apt-get {{{ -->
-<!-- ===================================================================== -->
-<prgn>apt-get</> fornisce un modo semplice di installare i pacchetti dalla
-linea di comando. Diversamente da <prgn>dpkg</>, <prgn>apt-get</> non
-capisce i nomi dei file .deb, ma utilizza il vero nome dei pacchetti,
-e pu� installare archivi .deb solo da una fonte.
-La prima <footnote>Se state usando un proxy server http, dovete prima ancora
-impostare la variabile d'ambiente http_proxy; vedere
-cosa da fare prima di usare <prgn>apt-get</> � impostare l'elenco dei
-pacchetti dalle fonti in modo che il programma sappia quali pacchetti
-sono disponibili. Lo si fa con <tt>apt-get update</>. Ad esempio,
-# apt-get update
-Get stable/binary-i386/ Packages
-Get testing/contrib Packages
-Reading Package Lists... Done
-Building Dependency Tree... Done
-Dopo aver aggiornato l'elenco si possono usare molti comandi:
-Upgrade tenter� di fare un aggiornamento indolore del sistema completo,
-senza installare nuovi pacchetti o rimuoverne di esistenti, e senza
-aggiornare un pacchetto che possa rovinarne altri. Upgrade far� un elenco
-di tutti i pacchetti che non avr� potuto aggiornare, cosa che in genere
-significa che questi dipendono da nuovi pacchetti o vanno in conflitto
-con altri. Per forzare la loro installazione si pu� usare
-<prgn>dselect</> o <tt>apt-get install</>.
-Install viene usato per installare i singoli pacchetti dando il loro nome.
-Il pacchetto viene automaticamente scaricato ed installato, cosa molto utile
-se gi� se ne conosce il nome e non si vuole entrare in grafica per
-selezionarlo. Al comando si possono passare anche pi� pacchetti, che saranno
-tutti scaricati. L'installazione automatica cerca di risolvere i problemi
-di dipendenze con gli altri pacchetti elencati, stampa un riassunto e
-chiede conferma se si devono modificare altri pacchetti che non siano quelli
-sulla linea di comando.
-Dist-upgrade fa un aggiornamento completo, progettato in modo da rendere
-semplici gli aggiornamenti tra versioni di Debian. Usa un algoritmo
-sofisticato per determinare il miglior insieme di pacchetti da installare,
-aggiornare e rimuovere per arrivare alla versione pi� aggiornata
-del sistema possibile. In alcune situazioni pu� essere vantaggioso usare
-dist-upgrade invece che sprecare tempo a risolvere manualmente le
-dipendenze con <prgn>dselect</>. Una volta completato dist-upgrade, si pu�
-usare <prgn>dselect</> per installare eventuali pacchetti che sono stati
-� importante controllare attentamente cosa intende fare dist-upgrade,
-dato che le sue decisioni a volte possono essere abbastanza sorprendenti.
-<prgn>apt-get</> ha diverse opzioni a linea di comando, che vengono
-documentate dettagliatamente nella sua pagina man,
-<manref name="apt-get" section="8">. L'opzione pi� utile �
-<tt>-d</>, che non installa i file scaricati: se il sistema deve
-scaricare un gran numero di pacchetti, non � bene farglieli installare
-subito, in caso dovesse andare male qualcosa. Dopo aver usato <tt>-d</>,
-gli archivi scaricati possono essere installati semplicemente dando di
-nuovo lo stesso comando senza l'opzione <tt>-d</>.
- <!-- }}} -->
-<!-- DSelect {{{ -->
-<!-- ===================================================================== -->
-Il metodo APT di <prgn>dselect</> fornisce tutte le funzionalit� di APT
-all'interno dell'interfaccia grafica di selezione dei pacchetti
-<prgn>dselect</>. <prgn>dselect</> viene usato per selezionare i pacchetti
-da installare o rimuovere, ed APT li installa.
-Per abilitare il metodo APT dovete selezionare [A]ccess in <prgn>dselect</>
-e scegliere il metodo APT; vi verr� chiesto un insieme di fonti
-(<em>Sources</>), cio� di posti da cui scaricare gli archivi.
-Tali fonti possono essere siti Internet remoti, mirror locali di Debian
-o CDROM; ciascuna di esse pu� fornire una parte dell'archivio Debian,
-ed APT le combiner� insieme in un set completo di pacchetti. Se avete un
-CDROM � una buona idea indicare quello per primo, e poi i mirror, in modo
-da avere accesso alle ultime versioni; APT user� in questo modo automaticamente
-i pacchetti sul CDROM prima di scaricarli da Internet.
- Set up a list of distribution source locations
- Please give the base URL of the debian distribution.
- The access schemes I know about are: http file
- For example:
- file:/mnt/debian,
- URL []:
-La configurazione delle fonti inizia chiedendo la base dell'archivio Debian,
-propone come default un mirror HTTP, e poi chiede la distribuzione
-da scaricare.
- Please give the distribution tag to get or a path to the
- package file ending in a /. The distribution
- tags are typically something like: stable unstable testing non-US
- Distribution [stable]:
-La distribuzione (``distribution'') fa riferimento alla versione Debian
-dell'archivio: <em>stable</> � l'ultima rilasciata, ed <em>unstable</>
-� quella di sviluppo. <em>non-US</> � disponibile solo su alcuni mirror,
-e contiene dei pacchetti in cui viene usata della tecnologia di criptazione
-o altre cose che non possano essere esportate dagli Stati Uniti; importare
-questi pacchetti negli US � per� legale.
- Please give the components to get
- The components are typically something like: main contrib non-free
- Components [main contrib non-free]:
-L'elenco dei componenti (``components'') si riferisce alla lista di
-sotto-distribuzioni da scaricare. Ciascuna distribuzione viene divisa in
-base al copyright del software: la main contiene pacchetti la cui licenza
-soddisfa le DFSG, mentre contrib e non-free contengono software che ha
-diverse restrizioni sull'uso e sulla distribuzione.
-Si possono inserire un qualsiasi numero di fonti, e lo script di
-configurazione continuer� a chiedere fino a che abbiate specificato tutti gli
-elementi che volete.
-Prima di cominciare ad usare <prgn>dselect</> � necessario aggiornare
-l'elenco dei pacchetti disponibili selezionando [U]pdate dal men�:
-si tratta di un sovrainsieme di ci� che fa <tt>apt-get update</>,
-che rende l'informazione scaricata disponibile a
-<prgn>dselect</>. [U]pdate deve essere fatto anche se prima � stato dato
-<tt>apt-get update</>.
-Si pu� a questo punto continuare selezionando i pacchetti desiderati
-usando [S]elect e poi installando con [I]nstall. Se si usa il metodo APT,
-i comandi [C]onfig e [R]emove non hanno significato, dato che entrambe le
-fasi sono contenute in [I]nstall.
-Per default APT rimuover� automaticamente i pacchetti che sono stati installati
-con successo. Per modificare questo comportamento, si inserisca
-<tt>Dselect::clean "prompt";</> in /etc/apt/apt.conf.
- <!-- }}} -->
-<!-- The Interfaces {{{ -->
-<!-- ===================================================================== -->
-Entrambi i metodi, <prgn>dselect</> APT ed <prgn>apt-get</>, condividono la
-stessa interfaccia; si tratta di un sistema semplice che indica in genere
-cosa sta per fare, e poi lo fa.
-Il metodo <prgn>dselect</> � in realt� un insieme di script di wrapper ad
-<prgn>apt-get</>. Il metodo fornisce delle funzionalit� maggiori del
-solo <prgn>apt-get</>.
-Dopo la stampa di un riassunto delle operazioni che saranno fatte,
-APT stampa dei messaggi informativi sullo stato del sistema, in modo che
-possiate avere davanti agli occhi a quale punto dell'operazione si trova,
-e quanto ancora si deve aspettare.
-<!-- ===================================================================== -->
-Prima di ciascuna operazione, eccetto l'aggiornamento della lista, APT
-compie alcune operazioni per prepararsi, oltre a dei controlli dello
-stato del sistema. In qualsiasi momento le stesse operazioni possono essere
-fatte con <tt>apt-get check</>
-# apt-get check
-Reading Package Lists... Done
-Building Dependancy Tree... Done
-La prima cosa che fa � leggere tutti i file dei pacchetti in memoria,
-usando uno schema di caching in modo da rendere la stessa operazione pi�
-veloce la seconda volta che la si fa. Se alcuni dei file dei pacchetti
-non vengono trovati, sono ignorati e viene stampato un avvertimento
-all'uscita di apt-get.
-L'operazione finale consiste in un'analisi dettagliata delle
-dipendenze del sistema: viene controllato che tutte le dipendenze dei
-singoli pacchetti installati o non scompattati siano soddisfatte.
-Se vengono individuati dei problemi, viene stampato un resoconto,
-ed <prgn>apt-get</> esce senza eseguire alcuna operazione.
-# apt-get check
-Reading Package Lists... Done
-Building Dependancy Tree... Done
-You might want to run apt-get -f install' to correct these.
-Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
- 9fonts: Depends: xlib6g but it is not installed
- uucp: Depends: mailx but it is not installed
- blast: Depends: xlib6g (>= 3.3-5) but it is not installed
- adduser: Depends: perl-base but it is not installed
- aumix: Depends: libgpmg1 but it is not installed
- debiandoc-sgml: Depends: sgml-base but it is not installed
- bash-builtins: Depends: bash (>= 2.01) but 2.0-3 is installed
- cthugha: Depends: svgalibg1 but it is not installed
- Depends: xlib6g (>= 3.3-5) but it is not installed
- libreadlineg2: Conflicts:libreadline2 (<< 2.1-2.1)
-In questo esempio il sistema ha molti problemi, tra cui uno piuttosto serio
-con la libreadlineg2. Per ciascun pacchetto che ha dipendenze non soddisfatte,
-viene stampata una linea che indica il pacchetto che crea il problema e
-quali problemi ci sono. Viene inclusa inoltre una breve spiegazione
-del perch� il pacchetto ha un problema di dipendenze.
-Ci sono due modi in cui un sistema possa arrivare in uno stato problematico
-di questo genere: il primo � causato dal fatto che <prgn>dpkg</> possa
-mancare alcune relazioni sottili tra pacchetti durante un aggiornamento
-del sistema<footnote>APT considera comunque tutte le dipendenze note,
-e cerca di prevenire problemi ai pacchetti</footnote>; il secondo � possibile
-se l'installazione di un pacchetto fallisce, ed in questo caso � possibile
-che un pacchetto venga scompattato senza che tutti quelli da cui dipende
-siano stati installati.
-La seconda possibilit� � meno seria della prima, dato che APT gestisce
-l'ordine di installazione dei pacchetti; in entrambi i casi l'opzione
-<tt>-f</> di <prgn>apt-get</> gli far� trovare una soluzione e lo far�
-continuare. Il metodo APT di <prgn>dselect</> comprende sempre l'opzione
-<tt>-f</> per permettere di configurare facilmente anche i pacchetti con
-script errati.
-Se viene usata per� l'opzione <tt>-f</> per correggere un sistema in uno
-stato molto problematico, � possibile che anche con l'opzione il programma
-fallisca, subito o durante la sequenza di installazione. In entrambi i casi
-� necessario usare dpkg a mano (probabilmente usando delle opzioni
-di forzatura) per correggere quanto basta per poter fare continuare APT.
-<!-- ===================================================================== -->
-<sect>Il resoconto sullo stato
-Prima di procedere, <prgn>apt-get</> presenter� un resoconto delle operazioni
-che sta per fare. In genere tale resoconto varier� con il tipo di operazioni
-da fare, ma ci sono alcuni elementi comuni: in tutti i casi gli elenchi
-dipendono dallo stato finale delle cose, e tengono conto dell'opzione
-<tt>-f</> e di altre attivit� rilevanti per il comando da eseguire.
-<sect1>L'elenco dei pacchetti Extra
-The following extra packages will be installed:
- libdbd-mysql-perl xlib6 zlib1 xzx libreadline2 libdbd-msql-perl
- mailpgp xdpkg fileutils pinepgp zlib1g xlib6g perl-base
- bin86 libgdbm1 libgdbmg1 quake-lib gmp2 bcc xbuffy
- squake pgp-i python-base debmake ldso perl libreadlineg2
- ssh
-L'elenco dei pacchetti Extra mostra tutti i pacchetti che verranno installati
-o aggiornati oltre a quelli indicati sulla linea di comando. Viene generato
-solo per il comando <tt>install</>. I pacchetti elencati sono spesso il
-risultato di un'operazione di auto installazione (Auto Install).
-<sect1>I pacchetti da rimuovere
-The following packages will be REMOVED:
- xlib6-dev xpat2 tk40-dev xkeycaps xbattle xonix
- xdaliclock tk40 tk41 xforms0.86 ghostview xloadimage xcolorsel
- xadmin xboard perl-debug tkined xtetris libreadline2-dev perl-suid
- nas xpilot xfig
-L'elenco dei pacchetti da rimuovere (Remove) indica tutti i pacchetti che
-verranno rimossi dal sistema. Pu� essere mostrato per una qualsiasi delle
-operazioni, e deve sempre essere esaminato attentamente per assicurarsi
-che non venga eliminato qualcosa di importante. Con l'opzione <tt>-f</>
-� particolarmente probabile che vengano eliminati dei pacchetti, ed in questo
-caso va fatta estrema attenzione. La lista pu� contenere dei pacchetti
-che verranno rimossi perch� sono gi� rimossi parzialmente, forse a causa
-di un'installazione non terminata correttamente.
-<sect1>L'elenco dei nuovi pacchetti installati
-The following NEW packages will installed:
- zlib1g xlib6g perl-base libgdbmg1 quake-lib gmp2 pgp-i python-base
-L'elenco dei nuovi pacchetti installati (New) � semplicemente un appunto
-su quello che accadr�. I pacchetti nell'elenco non sono al momento installati
-nel sistema, ma lo saranno alla fine delle operazioni di APT.
-<sect1>L'elenco dei pacchetti trattenuti
-The following packages have been kept back
- compface man-db tetex-base msql libpaper svgalib1
- gs snmp arena lynx xpat2 groff xscreensaver
-In ogni caso in cui il sistema viene aggiornato nel suo insieme, c'� la
-possibilit� che non possano venire installate nuove versioni di alcuni
-pacchetti, dato che potrebbero richiedere l'installazione di pacchetti non
-presenti nel sistema, o entrare in conflitto con altri gi� presenti.
-In questo caso, il pacchetto viene elencato nella lista di quelli
-trattenuti (Kept Back). Il miglior modo per convincere i pacchetti
-elencati in questa lista � di installarli con <tt>apt-get install</> o
-usare <prgn>dselect</> per risolvere i problemi.
-<sect1>Messaggi di attenzione sui pacchetti trattenuti
-The following held packages will be changed:
- cvs
-A volte si pu� richiedere ad APT di installare un pacchetto
-che � stato trattenuto; in questi casi viene stampato un messaggio di
-attenzione, che avverte che il pacchetto verr� modificato. Questo
-dovrebbe accadere solo durante operazioni di dist-upgrade o di install.
-<sect1>Resoconto finale
-Infine, APT stamper� un riassunto di tutte le modifiche che accadranno.
-206 packages upgraded, 8 newly installed, 23 to remove and 51 not upgraded.
-12 packages not fully installed or removed.
-Need to get 65.7M/66.7M of archives. After unpacking 26.5M will be used.
-La prima linea del riassunto � semplicemente una versione ridotta di tutte
-le liste, ed include il numero di aggiornamenti -- cio� dei pacchetti
-gi� installati per cui sono disponibili nuove versioni. La seconda
-linea indica il numero di pacchetti con problemi di configurazione,
-probabilmente in conseguenza di un'installazione non andata a buon fine.
-La linea finale indica i requisiti di spazio dell'installazione: i primi
-due numeri indicano rispettivamente il numero di byte che devono
-essere trasferiti da posizioni remote, ed il secondo la dimensione totale
-di tutti gli archivi necessari per l'installazione. Il numero successivo
-indica la differenza in dimensione tra i pacchetti gi� installati
-e quelli che lo saranno, ed � approssimativamente equivalente allo spazio
-richiesto in /usr dopo l'installazione. Se si stanno rimuovendo dei
-pacchetti, il valore pu� indicare lo spazio che verr� liberato.
-Si possono generare altri resoconti usando l'opzione -u per mostrare
-i pacchetti da aggiornare, ma sono simili all'esempio precedente.
-<!-- ===================================================================== -->
-<sect>La visualizzazione dello stato
-Durante il download degli archivi e dei file dei pacchetti, APT
-stampa una serie di messaggi di stato.
-# apt-get update
-Get:1 stable/non-US/ Packages
-Get:2 testing/contrib Packages
-Hit testing/main Packages
-Get:4 unstable/binary-i386/ Packages
-Get:5 testing/non-free Packages
-11% [5 testing/non-free `Waiting for file' 0/32.1k 0%] 2203b/s 1m52s
-Le linee che cominciano con <em>Get</> vengono stampate quando APT inizia
-a scaricare un file, e l'ultima linea indica il progresso dell'operazione.
-Il primo valore in percentuale indica la percentuale totale di tutti i file;
-dato che la dimensione dei file Package non � nota, purtroppo a volte
-<tt>apt-get update</> fa una stima poco accurata.
-La sezione successiva della linea di stato viene ripetuta una volta per
-ciascuna fase del download, ed indica l'operazione in corso, insieme
-ad alcune informazioni utili su cosa stia accadendo. A volte questa
-sezione contiene solamente <em>Forking</>, che significa che il sistema
-operativo sta caricando il modulo. La prima parola dopo la parentesi quadra
-aperta � il nome breve dell'oggetto che si sta scaricando, che per gli archivi
-� il nome del pacchetto.
-All'interno delle virgolette c'� una stringa informativa, che indica il
-progresso della fase di negoziazione del download. Tipicamente comincia con
-<em>Connecting</>, procede con <em>Waiting for file</> e poi con
-<em>Downloading</> o <em>Resuming</>. Il valore finale � il numero di byte
-che sono stati scaricati dal sito remoto: una volta cominciato il
-download viene rappresentato come <tt>102/10.2k</>, che indica che
-sono stati scaricati 102 byte di 10.2 kilobyte. La dimensione totale
-viene sempre espressa in notazione a quattro cifre, per risparmiare
-spazio. Dopo la dimensione viene indicato un indicatore
-progressivo della percentuale del file. Il penultimo elemento � la velocit�
-istantanea media, che viene aggiornata ogni 5 secondi, e riflette la
-velocit� di trasferimento dei dati in quel periodo. Infine, viene
-visualizzato il tempo stimato per il trasferimento, che viene aggiornato
-periodicamente e riflette il tempo necessario per completare tutte le
-operazioni alla velocit� di trasferimento mostrata.
-La visualizzazione dello stato viene aggiornata ogni mezzo secondo per
-fornire un feedback costante del processo di download, e le linee Get
-scorrono indietro quando viene cominciato il download di un nuovo file.
-Dato che la visualizzazione dello stato viene costantemente
-aggiornata, non � adatta per essere registrata in un file; per non
-visualizzarla si pu� usare l'opzione <tt>-q</>.
-<!-- ===================================================================== -->
-APT usa <prgn>dpkg</> per installare gli archivi e passer� all'interfaccia
-<prgn>dpkg</> una volta finito il download.
-<prgn>dpkg</> porr� anche alcune domande durante la manipolazione dei
-pacchetti, ed i pacchetti stessi
-potranno farne altre. Prima di ciascuna domanda viene
-proposta una descrizione di quello che sta per chiedere, e le domande
-sono troppo diverse per poter essere discusse in maniera completa in questa
- <!-- }}} -->
diff --git a/doc/ja/addendum/debiandoc_ja.add b/doc/ja/addendum/debiandoc_ja.add
deleted file mode 100644
index 05d4cff3f..000000000
--- a/doc/ja/addendum/debiandoc_ja.add
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- <refsect1><title>訳者</title>
- <para>倉澤 望 <email></email> (2003-2006,2009),
- Debian JP Documentation ML <email></email>
- </para>
- </refsect1>
diff --git a/doc/makefile b/doc/makefile
index 26ca52a9e..6fb604e4e 100644
--- a/doc/makefile
+++ b/doc/makefile
@@ -11,13 +11,34 @@ SOURCE = $(wildcard *.sgml)
include $(DEBIANDOC_H)
-# XML man pages
-SOURCE = apt-cache.8 apt-get.8 apt-cdrom.8 apt.conf.5 sources.list.5 \
- apt-config.8 apt_preferences.5 \
- apt-sortpkgs.1 apt-ftparchive.1 apt-extracttemplates.1 \
- apt-key.8 apt-secure.8 apt-mark.8
-INCLUDES = apt.ent
-include $(XML_MANPAGE_H)
+# Do not use XMLTO, build the manpages directly with XSLTPROC
+# generate a list of accepted man page translations
+SOURCE = $(patsubst %.xml,%,$(wildcard *.?.xml))
+INCLUDES = apt.ent
+LOCAL := manpage-$(firstword $(SOURCE))
+# Install generation hooks
+doc: $($(LOCAL)-LIST)
+veryclean: veryclean/$(LOCAL)
+$($(LOCAL)-LIST) :: % : %.xml $(INCLUDES)
+ echo Creating man page $@
+ $(XSLTPROC) -o $@ $(STYLESHEET) $<
+# Clean rule
+.PHONY: veryclean/$(LOCAL)
+ -rm -rf $($(@F)-LIST)
+# Chain to the manpage rule
+SOURCE = apt.8
+include $(MANPAGE_H)
# Examples
SOURCE = examples/apt.conf examples/sources.list examples/configure-index examples/apt-https-method-example.conf
@@ -43,14 +64,6 @@ veryclean-subdirs:
for dir in $(SUBDIRS); do\
$(MAKE) -C $$dir veryclean; \
- # FIXME remove created sgml files, but preserve all
- # which are "left over" from older systems.
- # After completing the transition this should be handled
- # in the po4a-manpage makefile for all translations
- for dir in $(subst /addendum/,, $(dir $(wildcard */addendum/debiandoc*))); do\
- rm -f $$dir/offline.$$dir.sgml; \
- rm -f $$dir/guide.$$dir.sgml; \
- done
ifdef PO4A
doc: po4a
@@ -86,5 +99,4 @@ $(BUILD)/doc/doxygen-stamp: $(DOXYGEN_SOURCES) $(BUILD)/doc/Doxyfile
touch $(BUILD)/doc/doxygen-stamp
doc: $(BUILD)/doc/doxygen-stamp
diff --git a/doc/pl/ b/doc/pl/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d301d4fb..000000000
--- a/doc/pl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-<!doctype debiandoc PUBLIC "-//DebianDoc//DTD DebianDoc//EN">
-<!-- -*- mode: sgml; mode: fold -*- -->
-<title>U�ywanie APT w trybie offline</title>
-<author>Jason Gunthorpe <email></email></author>
-<author>Polskie t�umaczenie Krzysztof Fiertek <email></email></author>
-<version>$Id: offline.sgml,v 1.8 2003/02/12 15:06:41 doogie Exp $</version>
-Dokument ten opisuje u�ywanie programu APT w �rodowiskach pozbawionych dost�pu,
-do sieci, a w szczeg�lno�ci metod� pozwalaj�c� na robienie aktualizacji systemu.
-Copyright &copy; Jason Gunthorpe, 1999.
-Copyright &copy; polskiego t�umaczenia Krzysztof Fiertek, 2004.
-"APT" i ten dokument s� oprogramowaniem wolnodost�pnym; mo�esz
-rozpowszechnia� je i/lub zmienia� w zgodzie z postanowieniami
-"Og�lnej Licencji Publicznej GNU" (GNU General Public License)
-takiej, jak zosta�a opublikowana przez "Fundacje Wolnego
-Oprogramowania (Free Software Foundation); albo w wersji 2 tej�e
-licencji, albo (tw�j wyb�r) w dowolnej p�niejszej.
-Wi�cej szczeg��w mo�na uzyska�, przegl�daj�c plik zawieraj�cy pe�ny tekst
-licencji (w systemach Debian jest to plik /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL).
-<toc sect>
-<!-- Overview {{{ -->
-<!-- ===================================================================== -->
-Normalnie APT wymaga bezpo�redniego dost�pu do archiw�w Debiana przez
-sie� lokaln� albo przez sie� internetow�. Kolejn� niedogodno�ci� mo�e by�
-fakt, �e nasz komputer, kt�ry pracuje na powolnym ��czu takim jak modem,
-jest znacznie oddalony od innego komputera z szybkim ��czem.
-Rozwi�zaniem tego problemu jest u�ycie pojemnych przeno�nych no�nik�w
-takich jak dyskietka Zip lub dysk SuperDisk. No�niki te nie s�
-wystarczaj�co pojemne, by zgromadzi� kompletne archiwum Debiana, ale mo�na
-�mia�o dopasowa� podzbi�r du�ego archiwum wystarczaj�cy dla wi�kszo�ci
-u�ytkownik�w. Pomys� polega na tym, by u�y� programu APT do wygenerowania
-listy pakiet�w, kt�re s� wymagane, a nast�pnie pobraniu ich na dysk, u�ywaj�c
-innego komputera z w�a�ciw� zwarto�ci�. Jest nawet mo�liwe, by u�y� innego
-komputera z Debianem z zainstalowanym programem APT lub zupe�nie innym
-systemem operacyjnym i programem narz�dziowym do pobierania plik�w takim
-jak wget.
-Osi�gane jest to przez tw�rcze manipulowanie plikiem konfiguracyjnym
-programu APT. Rzecz� niezb�dn� jest poinformowanie programu APT, aby wskazywa�
-na dysk z plikami archiwum. Nale�y zauwa�y�, �e dysk powinien by�
-sformatowany do obs�ugi systemu plik�w pozwalaj�cego pos�ugiwa� si� d�ugimi
-nazwami plik�w (np. ext2, fat32 albo vfat).
- <!-- }}} -->
-<chapt>U�ywanie programu APT na obu komputerach
-<!-- Overview {{{ -->
-<!-- ===================================================================== -->
-APT b�d�cy do dyspozycji na obu komputerach daje najprostsz� kombinacj�.
-Zasadniczym pomys�em tej metody jest umieszczenie kopii pliku status na dysku
-i u�ycie odleg�ego komputera, aby uzyska� najnowsze pliki pakiet�w
-i zdecydowa�, kt�re pakiety trzeba pobra�. Struktura katalog�w na dysku
-powinna wygl�da� nast�puj�co:
- /disc/
- archives/
- partial/
- lists/
- partial/
- status
- sources.list
- apt.conf
- <!-- }}} -->
-<!-- The configuration file {{{ -->
-<!-- ===================================================================== -->
-<sect>Plik konfiguracyjny
-Plik konfiguracyjny powinien informowa� program APT, aby przechowywa� swoje
-pliki na dysku, a tak�e u�ywa� plik�w konfiguracyjnych z dysku. Plik
-sources.list powinien zawiera� prawid�owe odno�niki, kt�rych nale�y
-u�y� na zdalnym komputerze, a plik status powinien by� kopi�
-<em>/var/lib/dpkg/status</em>. Zauwa�, �e je�li u�ywasz lokalnego archiwum
-musisz u�y� tych samych odno�nik�w o identycznej sk�adni.
-<em>apt.conf</em> musi zawiera� niezb�dne wpisy, by APT korzysta� z dysku:
- {
- /* Ten wpis nie jest wymagany, je�li oba komputery maj� t� sam�
- architektur�; m�wi on programowi APT na komputerze pobieraj�cym
- pakiety, jaka jest architektura naszego komputera */
- Architecture "i386";
- Get::Download-Only "true";
- };
- Dir
- {
- /* U�yj katalogu disc na informacje stanu i przekieruj plik status
- z domy�lnego /var/lib/dpkg */
- State "/disc/";
- State::status "status";
- // Katalog lokalnie przechowywanych pakiet�w binarnych
- Cache::archives "/disc/archives/";
- Cache "/tmp/";
- // Lokalizacja pliku sources.list.
- Etc "/disc";
- };
-Wi�cej szczeg��w mo�na zobaczy� w stronie podr�cznika apt.conf i w przyk�adowym
-pliku konfiguracyjnym <em>/usr/share/doc/apt/examples/apt.conf</em>.
-Pierwsz� rzecz�, jak� nale�y zrobi� na oddalonym komputerze z Debianem to
-zamontowa� dysk i przekopiowa� na niego plik <em>/var/lib/dpkg/status</em>.
-Trzeba tak�e utworzy� stuktur� katalog�w przedstawion� we "Wprowadzeniu":
-<em>archives/partial/</em> i <em>lists/partial/</em>. Nast�pnie niesiemy
-dysk do oddalonego komputera z szybkim ��czem i konfigurujemy plik
-sources.list. Na oddalonym komputerze wykonujemy kolejno:
- # export APT_CONFIG="/disc/apt.conf"
- # apt-get update
- [ APT aktualizuje ustawienia ]
- # apt-get dist-upgrade
- [ APT pobiera wszystkie pakiety potrzebne do aktualizacji Twojego systemu ]
-Polecenie dist-upgrade mo�na zast�pi� ka�dym innym podstawowym poleceniem
-APT, w szczeg�lno�ci dselect-upgrade. Mo�na nawet u�y� APT jako metody
-dost�pu dla <em>dselect</em>. Jednak stworzy to problem w przeniesieniu
-Twoich operacji wybor�w z powrotem na lokalny komputer.
-W tej chwili katalog disc zawiera wszystkie pliki indeksowe oraz archiwa
-niezb�dne do aktualizacji maszyny z Debianem. Bierzemy dysk z powrotem do
-siebie i wpisujemy:
- # export APT_CONFIG="/disc/apt.conf"
- # apt-get check
- [ APT tworzy lokaln� kopi� plik�w cache ]
- # apt-get --no-d -o dir::state::status=/var/lib/dpkg/status dist-upgrade
- [ Mo�e te� by� inne polecenie programu APT ]
-Do prawid�owego dzia�ania koniecznie nale�y poda� plik status z lokalnej
-maszyny. To jest bardzo wa�ne!
-Je�li u�ywasz dselect, mo�esz wykona� bardzo ryzykown� operacj� skopiowania
-disc/status do /var/lib/dpkg/status, tak �e wszystkie zmiany, kt�rych
-dokona�e� na odleg�ym komputerze, b�d� przeniesione. Mocno zalecam, aby
-dokonywa� doboru pakiet�w tylko na lokalnym komputerze, ale nie zawsze
-jest to mo�liwe. NIE podmieniaj pliku status, je�li dpkg lub APT by�y
-uruchamiane w mi�dzyczasie!!
- <!-- }}} -->
-<chapt>U�ywanie program�w APT i wget
-<!-- Overview {{{ -->
-<!-- ===================================================================== -->
-<em>wget</em> jest popularnym i przeno�nym programem narz�dziowym
-pobierania plik�w, kt�ry dzia�a prawie na ka�dym komputerze.
-W przeciwie�stwie do metody opisanej powy�ej ta wymaga, aby na lokalnym komputerze
-by�a aktualna lista dost�pnych pakiet�w.
-Nale�y stworzy� katalog disc tylko na pakiety do pobrania z innego
-komputera. U�yta zostanie do tego opcja --print-uris programu apt-get,
-a nast�pnie przygotujemy skrypt dla programu wget, kt�ry pobierze w�a�ciwe
- <!-- }}} -->
-<!-- Operation {{{ -->
-<!-- ===================================================================== -->
-<sect>Kolejne kroki
-W odr�nieniu od poprzedniej metody dzia�ania ta nie wymaga specjalnych
-plik�w konfiguracyjnych. U�ywamy jedynie podstawowych polece� APT, by
-wygenerowa� list� plik�w.
- # apt-get dist-upgrade
- [ Wybierz "no" po znaku zach�ty, upewnij si�, czy to w�a�ciwy wyb�r ]
- # apt-get -qq --print-uris dist-upgrade > uris
- # awk '{print "wget -O " $2 " " $1}' < uris > /disc/wget-script
-Tak�e inne opcje ni� dist-upgrade mog� tu by� u�yte, w��czaj�c
-Plik skryptu /disc/wget-script b�dzie teraz zawiera� list� wywo�a� programu
-wget, niezb�dnych do pobrania potrzebnych archiw�w.
-Skrypt ten nale�y uruchomi� w bie��cym katalogu o punkcie montowania disc,
-tak aby tu zapisywa� dane na dysku.
-Na oddalonym komputerze nale�y wykona� co� takiego
- # cd /disc
- # sh -x ./wget-script
- [ czekaj.. ]
-Gdy archiwa zostan� pobrane i dysk wr�ci do komputera z Debianem,
-instalowanie mo�na prowadzi� dalej poleceniem:
- # apt-get -o dir::cache::archives="/disc/" dist-upgrade
-kt�re u�yje pobranych uprzednio archiw�w z dysku.
- <!-- }}} -->
diff --git a/doc/po/es.po b/doc/po/es.po
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..271998320
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/po/es.po
@@ -0,0 +1,10101 @@
+# Translation of apt package man pages
+# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Debian Italian l10n team <>
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the apt package.
+# Translators:
+# Ismael Fanlo, 2003
+# Carlos Mestre, 2003
+# Rudy Godoy <>, 2003
+# Gustavo Saldumbide <>, 2003
+# Javier Fernández-Sanguino <>, 2003
+# Rubén Porras Campo <>, 2003, 2004
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: apt\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-11-01 00:19+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-09-20 17:05+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Rubén Porras Campo <>\n"
+"Language-Team: <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#. type: TH
+#: apt.8:17
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "apt"
+msgstr "B<apt>"
+#. type: TH
+#: apt.8:17
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "16 June 1998"
+msgstr "16 Junio 1998"
+#. type: TH
+#: apt.8:17
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "Debian GNU/Linux"
+msgstr "Debian GNU/Linux"
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:18
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "NAME"
+msgstr "NOMBRE"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:20
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "apt - Advanced Package Tool"
+msgstr "apt - Herramienta Avanzada de Paquetes"
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:20
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "SYNOPSIS"
+msgstr "SINOPSIS"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:22
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "B<apt>"
+msgstr "B<apt>"
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:22
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:31
+msgid ""
+"APT is a management system for software packages. For normal day to day "
+"package management there are several frontends available, such as B<aptitude>"
+"(8) for the command line or B<synaptic>(8) for the X Window System. Some "
+"options are only implemented in B<apt-get>(8) though."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:31
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "OPTIONS"
+msgstr "OPCIONES"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:33 apt.8:35
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "None."
+msgstr ""
+"#-#-#-#-# #-#-#-#-#\n"
+"#-#-#-#-# #-#-#-#-#\n"
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:33
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "FILES"
+msgstr "FICHEROS"
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:35
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "SEE ALSO"
+msgstr "LEA TAMBIEN"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:42
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"B<apt-cache>(8), B<apt-get>(8), B<apt.conf>(5), B<sources.list>(5), "
+"B<apt_preferences>(5), B<apt-secure>(8)"
+msgstr "B<apt-cache>(8), B<apt-get>(8), B<apt.conf>(5), B<sources.list>(5)"
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:42
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:44
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "apt returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 on error."
+msgstr ""
+"apt devuelve cero cuando no ocurre ningún error. Si hay algún error devuelve "
+"el valor 100."
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:44
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "BUGS"
+msgstr "ERRATAS"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:46
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "This manpage isn't even started."
+msgstr "Esta página de manual no está siquiera iniciada."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:55
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"See E<lt><gt>. If you wish to report a bug in "
+"B<apt>, please see I</usr/share/doc/debian/bug-reporting.txt> or the "
+"B<reportbug>(1) command."
+msgstr ""
+"Consulte E<lt><gt>. Si desea enviar un informe de "
+"error en B<apt>, por favor lea I</usr/share/doc/debian/bug-reporting.txt> o "
+"el programa B<reportbug>(1)"
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:55
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "AUTHOR"
+msgstr "AUTOR"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:56
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "apt was written by the APT team E<lt>apt@packages.debian.orgE<gt>."
+msgstr "El equipo APT E<lt>apt@packages.debian.orgE<gt> escribió apt."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:2
+msgid "<!-- -*- mode: sgml; mode: fold -*- -->"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:10
+msgid ""
+"<!-- Some common paths.. --> <!ENTITY docdir \"/usr/share/doc/apt/\"> <!"
+"ENTITY guidesdir \"/usr/share/doc/apt-doc/\"> <!ENTITY configureindex "
+"\"<filename>&docdir;examples/configure-index.gz</filename>\"> <!ENTITY "
+"aptconfdir \"<filename>/etc/apt.conf</filename>\"> <!ENTITY statedir \"/var/"
+"lib/apt\"> <!ENTITY cachedir \"/var/cache/apt\">"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:17
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!-- Cross references to other man pages -->\n"
+"<!ENTITY apt-conf \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><filename>apt.conf</filename></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:23
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-get \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>apt-get</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:29
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-config \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>apt-config</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:35
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-cdrom \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>apt-cdrom</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:41
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-cache \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>apt-cache</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:47
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-preferences \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>apt_preferences</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:53
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-key \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>apt-key</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:59
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-secure \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle>apt-secure</refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:65
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-ftparchive \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><filename>apt-ftparchive</filename></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:72
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY sources-list \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><filename>sources.list</filename></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:78
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY reportbug \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>reportbug</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:84
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY dpkg \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>dpkg</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:90
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY dpkg-buildpackage \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>dpkg-buildpackage</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:96
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY gzip \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>gzip</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:102
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY dpkg-scanpackages \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>dpkg-scanpackages</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:108
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY dpkg-scansources \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>dpkg-scansources</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:114
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY dselect \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>dselect</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:120
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY aptitude \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>aptitude</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:126
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY synaptic \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>synaptic</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:132
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY debsign \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>debsign</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:138
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY debsig-verify \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>debsig-verify</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:144
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY gpg \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>gpg</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:150
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY gnome-apt \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>gnome-apt</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:156
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY wajig \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>wajig</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:168
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!-- Boiler plate docinfo section -->\n"
+"<!ENTITY apt-docinfo \"\n"
+" <refentryinfo>\n"
+" <address><email></email></address>\n"
+" <author>\n"
+" <firstname>Jason</firstname> <surname>Gunthorpe</surname>\n"
+" <contrib></contrib>\n"
+" </author>\n"
+" <copyright><year>1998-2001</year> <holder>Jason Gunthorpe</holder></copyright>\n"
+" <date>28 October 2008</date>\n"
+" <productname>Linux</productname>\n"
+msgstr ""
+" <docinfo>\n"
+" <address><email></></address>\n"
+" <author><firstname>Jason</> <surname>Gunthorpe</></>\n"
+" <copyright><year>1998-2001</> <holder>Jason Gunthorpe</></>\n"
+" <date>12 March 2001</>\n"
+" </docinfo>\n"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:171
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" </refentryinfo>\n"
+"\"> \n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:177
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-email \"\n"
+" <address>\n"
+" <email></email>\n"
+" </address>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:185
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-author.jgunthorpe \"\n"
+" <author>\n"
+" <firstname>Jason</firstname>\n"
+" <surname>Gunthorpe</surname>\n"
+" <contrib></contrib>\n"
+" </author>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:193
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-author.moconnor \"\n"
+" <author>\n"
+" <firstname>Mike</firstname>\n"
+" <surname>O'Connor</surname>\n"
+" <contrib></contrib>\n"
+" </author>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:200
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY \"\n"
+" <author>\n"
+" <othername>APT team</othername>\n"
+" <contrib></contrib>\n"
+" </author>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:204 apt.ent:215
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-product \"\n"
+" <productname>Linux</productname>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:211
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-copyright \"\n"
+" <copyright>\n"
+" <holder>Jason Gunthorpe</holder>\n"
+" <year>1998-2001</year>\n"
+" </copyright>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:221
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-qapage \"\n"
+"\t\t<ulink url=''>QA Page</ulink>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:232
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!-- Boiler plate Bug reporting section -->\n"
+"<!ENTITY manbugs \"\n"
+" <refsect1><title>Bugs</title>\n"
+" <para><ulink url=''>APT bug page</ulink>. \n"
+" If you wish to report a bug in APT, please see\n"
+" <filename>/usr/share/doc/debian/bug-reporting.txt</filename> or the\n"
+" &reportbug; command.\n"
+" </para>\n"
+" </refsect1>\n"
+msgstr "Consulte E<lt><gt>. Si desea enviar un informe de error en B<apt>, por favor lea I</usr/share/doc/debian/bug-reporting.txt> o el programa B<reportbug>(1)"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:240
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!-- Boiler plate Author section -->\n"
+"<!ENTITY manauthor \"\n"
+" <refsect1><title>Author</title>\n"
+" <para>APT was written by the APT team <email></email>.\n"
+" </para>\n"
+" </refsect1>\n"
+msgstr "El equipo APT E<lt>apt@packages.debian.orgE<gt> escribió apt."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:250
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!-- Should be used within the option section of the text to\n"
+" put in the blurb about -h, -v, -c and -o -->\n"
+"<!ENTITY apt-commonoptions \"\n"
+" <varlistentry><term><option>-h</option></term>\n"
+" <term><option>--help</option></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Show a short usage summary.\n"
+" </para>\n"
+" </listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:258
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <varlistentry>\n"
+" <term><option>-v</option></term>\n"
+" <term><option>--version</option></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Show the program version.\n"
+" </para>\n"
+" </listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:268
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <varlistentry>\n"
+" <term><option>-c</option></term>\n"
+" <term><option>--config-file</option></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Configuration File; Specify a configuration file to use. \n"
+" The program will read the default configuration file and then this \n"
+" configuration file. See &apt-conf; for syntax information. \n"
+" </para>\n"
+" </listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:280
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <varlistentry>\n"
+" <term><option>-o</option></term>\n"
+" <term><option>--option</option></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Set a Configuration Option; This will set an arbitrary\n"
+" configuration option. The syntax is <option>-o Foo::Bar=bar</option>.\n"
+" <option>-o</option> and <option>--option</option> can be used multiple\n"
+" times to set different options.\n"
+" </para>\n"
+" </listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:291
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!-- Should be used within the option section of the text to\n"
+" put in the blurb about -h, -v, -c and -o -->\n"
+"<!ENTITY apt-cmdblurb \"\n"
+" <para>All command line options may be set using the configuration file, the\n"
+" descriptions indicate the configuration option to set. For boolean\n"
+" options you can override the config file by using something like \n"
+" <option>-f-</option>,<option>--no-f</option>, <option>-f=no</option>\n"
+" or several other variations.\n"
+" </para>\n"
+msgstr ""
+" <para>\n"
+" Todas las opciones de línea de órdenes pueden ser especificadas\n"
+" mediante el fichero de configuración, en la descripción de cada opción\n"
+" se indica la opción de configuración que hay que modificar. Para\n"
+" opciones booleanas puedes modificar el fichero de configuración usando\n"
+" cosas parecidas a <option/-f-/,<option/--no-f/, <option/-f=no/ y alguna que\n"
+" otra variante.\n"
+" </para>\n"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:297
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY file-aptconf \"\n"
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>/etc/apt/apt.conf</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>APT configuration file.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Etc::Main</literal>.</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:303
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>APT configuration file fragments.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Etc::Parts</literal>.</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:309
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY file-cachearchives \"\n"
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>&cachedir;/archives/</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Storage area for retrieved package files.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Cache::Archives</literal>.</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:315
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>&cachedir;/archives/partial/</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Storage area for package files in transit.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Cache::Archives</literal> (implicit partial). </para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr "Directorio donde se guardan los ficheros en tránsito. Opción de Configuración: <literal>Dir::Cache::Archives</literal> (Implica partial)."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:325
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY file-preferences \"\n"
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>/etc/apt/preferences</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Version preferences file.\n"
+" This is where you would specify &quot;pinning&quot;,\n"
+" i.e. a preference to get certain packages\n"
+" from a separate source\n"
+" or from a different version of a distribution.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Etc::Preferences</literal>.</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr "Fichero de configuración que contiene preferencias sobre versiones de paquetes, por ejemplo, puede especificar que un cierto paquete se descargue de un sitio diferente, o de una distribución con una versión diferente. Opción de Configuración: <literal>Dir::Etc::Preferences</literal>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:331
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>/etc/apt/preferences.d/</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>File fragments for the version preferences.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Etc::PreferencesParts</literal>.</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:337
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY file-sourceslist \"\n"
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Locations to fetch packages from.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Etc::SourceList</literal>.</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:343
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>/etc/apt/sources.list.d/</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>File fragments for locations to fetch packages from.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Etc::SourceParts</literal>.</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:350
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY file-statelists \"\n"
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>&statedir;/lists/</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Storage area for state information for each package resource specified in\n"
+" &sources-list;\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::State::Lists</literal>.</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+"#-#-#-#-# #-#-#-#-#\n"
+"Directorio donde se almacena la información del estado de cada paquete fuente por cada sitio especificado &sources-list; Opción de configuración: <literal>Dir::State::Lists</literal>.\n"
+"#-#-#-#-# #-#-#-#-#\n"
+"Directorio donde se almacena información de estado por cada sitio especificado en &sources-list; Opción de Configuración: <literal>Dir::State::Lists</literal>.\n"
+"#-#-#-#-# #-#-#-#-#\n"
+"Directorio donde se almacena la información del estado de cada paquete fuente por cada sitio especificado &sources-list; Opción de configuración: <literal>Dir::State::Lists</literal>.\n"
+"#-#-#-#-# #-#-#-#-#\n"
+"Directorio donde se almacena información de estado por cada sitio especificado en &sources-list; Opción de Configuración: <literal>Dir::State::Lists</literal>.\n"
+"#-#-#-#-# #-#-#-#-#\n"
+"Directorio donde se almacena la información del estado de cada paquete fuente por cada sitio especificado &sources-list; Opción de configuración: <literal>Dir::State::Lists</literal>.\n"
+"#-#-#-#-# #-#-#-#-#\n"
+"Directorio donde se almacena información de estado por cada sitio especificado en &sources-list; Opción de Configuración: <literal>Dir::State::Lists</literal>."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:355
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>&statedir;/lists/partial/</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Storage area for state information in transit.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::State::Lists</literal> (implicit partial).</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+"#-#-#-#-# #-#-#-#-#\n"
+"Directorio de almacenamiento para la información de estado en tránsito. Opción de Configuración: <literal>Dir::State::Lists</literal> (lo que implica que no estarán completos).\n"
+"#-#-#-#-# #-#-#-#-#\n"
+"Directorio de almacenamiento para la información de estado en tránsito. Opción de Configuración: <literal>Dir::State::Lists</literal> (Implica partial).\n"
+"#-#-#-#-# #-#-#-#-#\n"
+"Directorio de almacenamiento para la información de estado en tránsito. Opción de Configuración: <literal>Dir::State::Lists</literal> (lo que implica que no estarán completos).\n"
+"#-#-#-#-# #-#-#-#-#\n"
+"Directorio de almacenamiento para la información de estado en tránsito. Opción de Configuración: <literal>Dir::State::Lists</literal> (Implica partial).\n"
+"#-#-#-#-# #-#-#-#-#\n"
+"Directorio de almacenamiento para la información de estado en tránsito. Opción de Configuración: <literal>Dir::State::Lists</literal> (lo que implica que no estarán completos).\n"
+"#-#-#-#-# #-#-#-#-#\n"
+"Directorio de almacenamiento para la información de estado en tránsito. Opción de Configuración: <literal>Dir::State::Lists</literal> (Implica partial)."
+#. The last update date
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:13 apt-config.8.xml:13 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:13
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:13 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:13 sources.list.5.xml:13
+msgid ""
+"&apt-author.jgunthorpe; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>29 "
+"February 2004</date>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:22 apt-cache.8.xml:29
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "apt-cache"
+msgstr "apt-cache"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refmeta><manvolnum>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:23 apt-cdrom.8.xml:22 apt-config.8.xml:23 apt-get.8.xml:23
+#: apt-key.8.xml:15 apt-mark.8.xml:23 apt-secure.8.xml:15
+msgid "8"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refmeta><refmiscinfo>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:24 apt-cdrom.8.xml:23 apt-config.8.xml:24
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:24 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:24 apt-get.8.xml:24
+#: apt-key.8.xml:16 apt-mark.8.xml:24 apt-secure.8.xml:16
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:24 apt.conf.5.xml:30 apt_preferences.5.xml:23
+#: sources.list.5.xml:24
+msgid "APT"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:30
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "APT package handling utility -- cache manipulator"
+msgstr "utilidad de manejo de paquetes APT -- manipulador de caché"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:36
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-cache</command> <arg><option>-hvsn</option></arg> <arg><option>-"
+"o=<replaceable>config string</replaceable></option></arg> <arg><option>-"
+"c=<replaceable>file</replaceable></option></arg> <group choice=\"req\"> "
+"<arg>add <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>file</"
+"replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>gencaches</arg> <arg>showpkg <arg choice="
+"\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg> "
+"<arg>showsrc <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</"
+"replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>stats</arg> <arg>dump</arg> <arg>dumpavail</"
+"arg> <arg>unmet</arg> <arg>search <arg choice=\"plain\"><replaceable>regex</"
+"replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>show <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
+"\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>depends <arg choice="
+"\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg> "
+"<arg>rdepends <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</"
+"replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>pkgnames <arg choice=\"plain"
+"\"><replaceable>prefix</replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>dotty <arg choice="
+"\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg> "
+"<arg>xvcg <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</"
+"replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>policy <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
+"\"><replaceable>pkgs</replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>madison <arg choice="
+"\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkgs</replaceable></arg></arg> </group>"
+msgstr ""
+"<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">add <arg rep=\"repeat\" choice=\"plain"
+"<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">gencaches</arg>\n"
+"<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">showpkg <arg rep=\"repeat\" choice="
+"<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">showsrc <arg rep=\"repeat\" choice="
+"<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">stats</arg>\n"
+"<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">dump</arg>\n"
+"<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">dumpavail</arg>\n"
+"<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">unmet</arg>\n"
+"<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">search <arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice="
+"\"plain\"><replaceable>expresión regular</replaceable></arg></arg>\n"
+"<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">show <arg rep=\"repeat\" choice=\"plain"
+"<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">depends <arg rep=\"repeat\" choice="
+"<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">rdepends <arg rep=\"repeat\" choice="
+"<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">pkgnames <arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice="
+"<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">dotty <arg rep=\"repeat\" choice=\"plain"
+"<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">policy <arg rep=\"repeat\" choice="
+"<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">madison <arg rep=\"repeat\" choice="
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:62 apt-cdrom.8.xml:47 apt-config.8.xml:47
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:43 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:55 apt-get.8.xml:125
+#: apt-key.8.xml:34 apt-mark.8.xml:52 apt-secure.8.xml:40
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:44 apt.conf.5.xml:39 apt_preferences.5.xml:33
+#: sources.list.5.xml:33
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Descripción"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:63
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-cache</command> performs a variety of operations on APT's "
+"package cache. <command>apt-cache</command> does not manipulate the state of "
+"the system but does provide operations to search and generate interesting "
+"output from the package metadata."
+msgstr ""
+"<command>apt-cache</command> realiza una serie de operaciones sobre la caché "
+"de paquetes de APT. <command>apt-cache</command> no modifica el estado del "
+"sistema pero proporciona operaciones de búsqueda en la información de los "
+"paquetes, de las cuales se puede obtener información muy útil."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:68 apt-get.8.xml:131
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Unless the <option>-h</option>, or <option>--help</option> option is given, "
+"one of the commands below must be present."
+msgstr ""
+"sgml:227 #-#-#-#-#\n"
+"A menos que se proporcionen las opciones <option>-h</option>, o <option>--"
+"help</option>, se debe de proporcionar una de las siguientes órdenes:\n"
+"sgml:670 #-#-#-#-#\n"
+"Se debe proporcionar una de las siguientes órdenes a menos que se den las "
+"opciones <option>-h</option>, o <option>--help</option>.\n"
+"sgml:227 #-#-#-#-#\n"
+"A menos que se proporcionen las opciones <option>-h</option>, o <option>--"
+"help</option>, se debe de proporcionar una de las siguientes órdenes:\n"
+"sgml:670 #-#-#-#-#\n"
+"Se debe proporcionar una de las siguientes órdenes a menos que se den las "
+"opciones <option>-h</option>, o <option>--help</option>.\n"
+"sgml:227 #-#-#-#-#\n"
+"A menos que se proporcionen las opciones <option>-h</option>, o <option>--"
+"help</option>, se debe de proporcionar una de las siguientes órdenes:\n"
+"sgml:670 #-#-#-#-#\n"
+"Se debe proporcionar una de las siguientes órdenes a menos que se den las "
+"opciones <option>-h</option>, o <option>--help</option>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:72
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "add <replaceable>file(s)</replaceable>"
+msgstr "add <replaceable>fichero(s)</replaceable>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:73
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>add</literal> adds the named package index files to the package "
+"cache. This is for debugging only."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>add</literal> añade el nombre del paquete a los ficheros de índices "
+"de la caché de paquetes. Sólo para depuración."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:77
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "gencaches"
+msgstr "gencaches"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:78
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>gencaches</literal> performs the same operation as <command>apt-get "
+"check</command>. It builds the source and package caches from the sources in "
+"&sources-list; and from <filename>/var/lib/dpkg/status</filename>."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>gencaches</literal> realiza la misma operación que <command>apt-get "
+"check</command>. Construye las cachés de paquetes fuente y de paquetes "
+"binarios, usando la lista de recursos en &sources-list; junto con la "
+"información en <filename>/var/lib/dpkg/status</filename>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:84
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "showpkg <replaceable>pkg(s)</replaceable>"
+msgstr "showpkg <replaceable>paquete(s)</replaceable>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:85
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>showpkg</literal> displays information about the packages listed on "
+"the command line. Remaining arguments are package names. The available "
+"versions and reverse dependencies of each package listed are listed, as well "
+"as forward dependencies for each version. Forward (normal) dependencies are "
+"those packages upon which the package in question depends; reverse "
+"dependencies are those packages that depend upon the package in question. "
+"Thus, forward dependencies must be satisfied for a package, but reverse "
+"dependencies need not be. For instance, <command>apt-cache showpkg "
+"libreadline2</command> would produce output similar to the following:"
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>showpkg</literal> muestra información acerca de los paquetes "
+"listados en la línea de órdenes. Los argumentos restantes se consideran "
+"nombres de paquetes. Por cada paquete se mostrarán las versiones disponibles "
+"y los paquetes que dependen de él (reverse dependencies), así como los "
+"paquetes de que depende (forward dependencies), (los cuales deben de ser "
+"instalados para instalar el paquete). Por ejemplo, <command>apt-cache "
+"showpkg libreadline2</command> mostrará algo similar a lo siguiente: "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><informalexample><programlisting>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:97
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: libreadline2\n"
+"Versions: 2.1-12(/var/state/apt/lists/foo_Packages),\n"
+"Reverse Depends: \n"
+" libreadlineg2,libreadline2\n"
+" libreadline2-altdev,libreadline2\n"
+"2.1-12 - libc5 (2 5.4.0-0) ncurses3.0 (0 (null))\n"
+"2.1-12 - \n"
+"Reverse Provides: \n"
+msgstr ""
+"Package: libreadline2\n"
+"Versions: 2.1-12(/var/state/apt/lists/foo_Packages),\n"
+"Reverse Depends: \n"
+" libreadlineg2,libreadline2\n"
+" libreadline2-altdev,libreadline2\n"
+"2.1-12 - libc5 (2 5.4.0-0) ncurses3.0 (0 (null))\n"
+"2.1-12 - \n"
+"Reverse Provides: \n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:109
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Thus it may be seen that libreadline2, version 2.1-12, depends on libc5 and "
+"ncurses3.0 which must be installed for libreadline2 to work. In turn, "
+"libreadlineg2 and libreadline2-altdev depend on libreadline2. If "
+"libreadline2 is installed, libc5 and ncurses3.0 (and ldso) must also be "
+"installed; libreadlineg2 and libreadline2-altdev do not have to be "
+"installed. For the specific meaning of the remainder of the output it is "
+"best to consult the apt source code."
+msgstr ""
+"Esta información nos indica que la versión 2.1-12 de libreadline2, depende "
+"de libc5 y ncurses3.0, ambos programas deben instalarse para que "
+"libreadline2 pueda funcionar. Además, libreadlineg2 y libreadline2-altdev "
+"dependen de libreadline2. Es decir, si se instala libreadline2, también se "
+"instalarán libc5 y ncurses3.0 (y ldso), pero libreadlineg2 y libreadline2-"
+"altdev no tienen que instalarse. Para una información más especifica acerca "
+"del significado de la salida consulte el código fuente de apt."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:118
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "stats"
+msgstr "stats"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:118
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>stats</literal> displays some statistics about the cache. No "
+"further arguments are expected. Statistics reported are:"
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>stats</literal> muestra algunas estadísticas acerca de la caché. No "
+"necesita ningún argumento adicional. Las estadísticas que muestra son:"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:121
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Total package names</literal> is the number of package names found "
+"in the cache."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>Total package names</literal> es el número de paquetes encontrados "
+"en la caché."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:125
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Normal packages</literal> is the number of regular, ordinary "
+"package names; these are packages that bear a one-to-one correspondence "
+"between their names and the names used by other packages for them in "
+"dependencies. The majority of packages fall into this category."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>Normal packages</literal> es el número de paquetes normales. Estos "
+"paquetes tienen una correspondencia unívoca entre sus nombres y los nombres "
+"que usan otros paquetes al listarlos en sus dependencias. La mayoría de los "
+"paquetes pertenecen a este grupo."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:131
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Pure virtual packages</literal> is the number of packages that "
+"exist only as a virtual package name; that is, packages only \"provide\" the "
+"virtual package name, and no package actually uses the name. For instance, "
+"\"mail-transport-agent\" in the Debian GNU/Linux system is a pure virtual "
+"package; several packages provide \"mail-transport-agent\", but there is no "
+"package named \"mail-transport-agent\"."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>Pure virtual packages</literal> es el número de paquetes que "
+"existen sólo como nombre de paquete virtual, esto es, paquetes que sólo "
+"\"proporcionan\" el nombre del paquete virtual, y no hay ningún paquete más "
+"que use realmente el nombre. Por ejemplo, \"mail-transport-agent\" en un "
+"sistema Debian GNU/Linux es un paquete virtual puro, varios paquetes "
+"proporcionan \"mail-transport-agent\", pero no hay ningún paquete que se "
+"llame \"mail-transport-agent\"."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:139
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Single virtual packages</literal> is the number of packages with "
+"only one package providing a particular virtual package. For example, in the "
+"Debian GNU/Linux system, \"X11-text-viewer\" is a virtual package, but only "
+"one package, xless, provides \"X11-text-viewer\"."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>Single virtual packages</literal> es el número de paquetes que sólo "
+"tiene un paquete real que los proporcione. Por ejemplo, en un sistema Debian "
+"GNU/Linux, \"X11-text-viewer\" es un paquete virtual, pero sólo un paquete, "
+"xless, proporciona \"X11-text-viewer\"."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:145
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Mixed virtual packages</literal> is the number of packages that "
+"either provide a particular virtual package or have the virtual package name "
+"as the package name. For instance, in the Debian GNU/Linux system, \"debconf"
+"\" is both an actual package, and provided by the debconf-tiny package."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>Mixed virtual packages</literal> es el número de paquetes que o "
+"bien proporcionan un determinado paquete virtual o tienen el mismo nombre "
+"como paquete virtual y como paquete real, en un sistema Debian GNU/Linux, "
+"\"debconf\" es a la vez un paquete real, y es proporcionado por el paquete "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:152
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Missing</literal> is the number of package names that were "
+"referenced in a dependency but were not provided by any package. Missing "
+"packages may be an evidence if a full distribution is not accessed, or if a "
+"package (real or virtual) has been dropped from the distribution. Usually "
+"they are referenced from Conflicts or Breaks statements."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>Missing</literal> es el número de nombres de paquetes a los que se "
+"hace referencia como dependencia pero que no son proporcionado por ningún "
+"paquete. Estos paquetes probablemente signifiquen que no se tiene acceso al "
+"total de la distribución, o bien que algún paquete (real o virtual) ha sido "
+"eliminado de la distribución. Normalmente se hace referencia a ellos desde "
+"los campos de conflictos de la descripción de los paquetes."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:159
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Total distinct</literal> versions is the number of package versions "
+"found in the cache; this value is therefore at least equal to the number of "
+"total package names. If more than one distribution (both \"stable\" and "
+"\"unstable\", for instance), is being accessed, this value can be "
+"considerably larger than the number of total package names."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>Total distinct versions</literal> es el número de versiones de "
+"paquetes encontrados en la caché, por lo tanto el número es al menos igual "
+"al número total de paquetes. Si más de una distribución (\"estable\" e "
+"\"inestable\", por ejemplo), se encuentra en la caché al mismo tiempo, este "
+"valor puede ser considerablemente mayor que el número total de paquetes."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:166
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Total dependencies</literal> is the number of dependency "
+"relationships claimed by all of the packages in the cache."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>Total dependencies</literal> es el número total de relaciones de "
+"dependencia necesitadas por todos los paquetes de la caché."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:173
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "showsrc <replaceable>pkg(s)</replaceable>"
+msgstr "showsrc <replaceable>paquete(s)</replaceable>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:174
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>showsrc</literal> displays all the source package records that "
+"match the given package names. All versions are shown, as well as all "
+"records that declare the name to be a Binary."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>showsrc</literal> muestra todos los campos de los paquetes fuente "
+"que coinciden con los nombres de los paquetes suministrados. Se muestran "
+"todas las versiones, así como los paquetes que son binarios."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:179 apt-config.8.xml:84
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "dump"
+msgstr "dump"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:180
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>dump</literal> shows a short listing of every package in the cache. "
+"It is primarily for debugging."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>dump</literal> muestra una pequeña lista de todos los paquetes en "
+"la caché. Fundamentalmente para depuración."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:184
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "dumpavail"
+msgstr "dumpavail"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:185
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>dumpavail</literal> prints out an available list to stdout. This is "
+"suitable for use with &dpkg; and is used by the &dselect; method."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>dumpavail</literal> envía a la salida estándar una lista de los "
+"paquetes disponibles. Esta lista es apropiada para su uso con &dpkg; y es "
+"usada por el método &dselect;."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:189
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "unmet"
+msgstr "unmet"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:190
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>unmet</literal> displays a summary of all unmet dependencies in the "
+"package cache."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>unmet</literal> muestra un resumen de todas las dependencias no "
+"satisfechas en la caché de paquetes."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:194
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "show <replaceable>pkg(s)</replaceable>"
+msgstr "show <replaceable>paquete(s)</replaceable>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:195
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>show</literal> performs a function similar to <command>dpkg --print-"
+"avail</command>; it displays the package records for the named packages."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>show</literal> realiza una función similar a <command>dpkg --print-"
+"avail</command>, muestra los datos de los paquetes listados."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:200
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "search <replaceable>regex [ regex ... ]</replaceable>"
+msgstr "search <replaceable>regex [regex ...]</replaceable>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:201
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>search</literal> performs a full text search on all available "
+"package lists for the POSIX regex pattern given, see "
+"<citerefentry><refentrytitle><command>regex</command></refentrytitle> "
+"<manvolnum>7</manvolnum></citerefentry>. It searches the package names and "
+"the descriptions for an occurrence of the regular expression and prints out "
+"the package name and the short description, including virtual package "
+"names. If <option>--full</option> is given then output identical to "
+"<literal>show</literal> is produced for each matched package, and if "
+"<option>--names-only</option> is given then the long description is not "
+"searched, only the package name is."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>search</literal> realiza una búsqueda de la expresión regular dada "
+"en todo el texto de todos los paquetes disponibles. Busca la expresión "
+"regular tanto en el nombre de los paquetes como en su descripción y muestra "
+"el nombre del paquete y una pequeña descripción de este. Si se proporciona "
+"el argumento <option>--full</option> el resultado es el igual al que produce "
+"<literal>show</literal> para cada paquete en concreto, pero si se "
+"proporciona el argumento <option>--names-only</option> entonces sólo se "
+"busca en el nombre de los paquetes."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:214
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Separate arguments can be used to specify multiple search patterns that are "
+"and'ed together."
+msgstr ""
+"Se pueden especificar argumentos separados para buscar una cadena de "
+"caracteres que los contenga todos al mismo tiempo."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:218
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "depends <replaceable>pkg(s)</replaceable>"
+msgstr "depends <replaceable>paquete(s)</replaceable>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:219
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>depends</literal> shows a listing of each dependency a package has "
+"and all the possible other packages that can fulfill that dependency."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>depends</literal> muestra una lista de todas la dependencias de un "
+"paquete y de todos los paquetes que la pueden satisfacer."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:223
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "rdepends <replaceable>pkg(s)</replaceable>"
+msgstr "depends <replaceable>paquete(s)</replaceable>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:224
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>rdepends</literal> shows a listing of each reverse dependency a "
+"package has."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>rdepends</literal> muestrade las dependencias inversas de un "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:228
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "pkgnames <replaceable>[ prefix ]</replaceable>"
+msgstr "pkgnames <replaceable>[ prefijo ]</replaceable>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:229
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"This command prints the name of each package APT knows. The optional "
+"argument is a prefix match to filter the name list. The output is suitable "
+"for use in a shell tab complete function and the output is generated "
+"extremely quickly. This command is best used with the <option>--generate</"
+"option> option."
+msgstr ""
+"Esta orden muestra el nombre de todos los paquetes instalados en el sistema. "
+"El argumento opcional es un prefijo por el cual se filtraría la lista de "
+"nombres. La salida es apropiada para uso junto con la función de auto-"
+"completado mediante tabulador en un intérprete de órdenes y se genera de "
+"forma extremadamente rápida. Su mejor uso es con la opción <option>--"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:234
+msgid ""
+"Note that a package which APT knows of is not necessarily available to "
+"download, installable or installed, e.g. virtual packages are also listed in "
+"the generated list."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:239
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "dotty <replaceable>pkg(s)</replaceable>"
+msgstr "dotty <replaceable>paquete(s)</replaceable>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:240
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>dotty</literal> takes a list of packages on the command line and "
+"generates output suitable for use by dotty from the <ulink url=\"http://www."
+"\">GraphViz</ulink> package. The result "
+"will be a set of nodes and edges representing the relationships between the "
+"packages. By default the given packages will trace out all dependent "
+"packages; this can produce a very large graph. To limit the output to only "
+"the packages listed on the command line, set the <literal>APT::Cache::"
+"GivenOnly</literal> option."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>dotty</literal> toma una lista de paquetes de la línea de ordenes y "
+"genera una salida apropiada para dotty, del paquete <ulink url=\"http://www."
+"\">GraphViz</ulink>. El resultado será "
+"una serie de nodos y uniones representando las relaciones entre paquetes. "
+"Por omisión los paquetes dados mostrarán todas sus dependencias, lo que "
+"puede producir una salida muy grande. Esto puede ser deshabilitado activando "
+"la opción <literal>APT::Cache::GivenOnly</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:249
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The resulting nodes will have several shapes; normal packages are boxes, "
+"pure provides are triangles, mixed provides are diamonds, missing packages "
+"are hexagons. Orange boxes mean recursion was stopped [leaf packages], blue "
+"lines are pre-depends, green lines are conflicts."
+msgstr ""
+"Los nodos resultantes tendrán varias formas, los paquetes normales son "
+"cajas, pure provides son triángulos, mixed provides son diamantes, los "
+"paquetes no encontrados son hexágonos. Las cajas naranjas significan "
+"recursion was stopped [leaf packages], líneas azules son predependencias, "
+"líneas verdes son conflictos."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:254
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Caution, dotty cannot graph larger sets of packages."
+msgstr "Tenga cuidado, dotty no puede dibujar una gran cantidad de paquetes."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:257
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "xvcg <replaceable>pkg(s)</replaceable>"
+msgstr "show <replaceable>paquete(s)</replaceable>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:258
+msgid ""
+"The same as <literal>dotty</literal>, only for xvcg from the <ulink url="
+"\"\">VCG tool</ulink>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:262
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "policy <replaceable>[ pkg(s) ]</replaceable>"
+msgstr "policy <replaceable>[ paquete(s) ]</replaceable>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:263
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>policy</literal> is meant to help debug issues relating to the "
+"preferences file. With no arguments it will print out the priorities of each "
+"source. Otherwise it prints out detailed information about the priority "
+"selection of the named package."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>policy</literal> está pensada para ayudar a depurar asuntos "
+"relacionado con el archivo de preferencias. Sin argumentos mostrará la "
+"prioridad de cada fuente. De lo contrario muestra una información detallada "
+"acerca de la prioridad de selección de cada nombre de paquete."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:269
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "madison <replaceable>/[ pkg(s) ]</replaceable>"
+msgstr "madison <replaceable>[ paquete(s) ]</replaceable>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:270
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>apt-cache</literal>'s <literal>madison</literal> command attempts "
+"to mimic the output format and a subset of the functionality of the Debian "
+"archive management tool, <literal>madison</literal>. It displays available "
+"versions of a package in a tabular format. Unlike the original "
+"<literal>madison</literal>, it can only display information for the "
+"architecture for which APT has retrieved package lists (<literal>APT::"
+msgstr ""
+"La orden <literal>madison</literal> de <literal>apt-cache</literal> intenta "
+"imitar el formato de salida y parte de la funcionalidad de la herramienta "
+"para el manejo del archivo de Debian, <literal>madison</literal>. Muestra "
+"las versiones disponibles de un determinado paquete en un formato tabular. A "
+"diferencia del <literal>madison</literal> original, sólo puede mostrar "
+"información para la arquitectura para la que APT obtuvo las listas de "
+"paquetes (<literal>APT::Architecture</literal>)."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:281 apt-config.8.xml:93 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:56
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:492 apt-get.8.xml:319 apt-mark.8.xml:89
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:54 apt.conf.5.xml:456 apt.conf.5.xml:478
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "options"
+msgstr "Opciones"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:285
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>-p</option>"
+msgstr "<option>-p</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:285
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--pkg-cache</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--pkg-cache</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:286
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Select the file to store the package cache. The package cache is the primary "
+"cache used by all operations. Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Cache::"
+msgstr ""
+"Selecciona el fichero para guardar la caché de paquetes. La caché de "
+"paquetes es la caché primaria usada para todas las operaciones. Opción de "
+"configuración: <literal>Dir::Cache::pkgcache</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:291 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:535 apt-get.8.xml:376
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:58
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>-s</option>"
+msgstr "<option>-s</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:291
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--src-cache</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--src-cache</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:292
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Select the file to store the source cache. The source is used only by "
+"<literal>gencaches</literal> and it stores a parsed version of the package "
+"information from remote sources. When building the package cache the source "
+"cache is used to avoid reparsing all of the package files. Configuration "
+"Item: <literal>Dir::Cache::srcpkgcache</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+"Selecciona el fichero para guardar la caché de fuente. Sólo "
+"<literal>gencaches</literal> usa esta caché y guarda una versión "
+"meticulosamente analizada de la información de cada paquete de las fuentes "
+"remotas. Cuando se construye la caché de paquetes la caché fuente se usa "
+"para evitar analizar todos los ficheros de paquetes. Opción de "
+"configuración: <literal>Dir::Cache::srcpkgcache</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:299 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:509 apt-get.8.xml:366
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>-q</option>"
+msgstr "<option>-q</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:299 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:509 apt-get.8.xml:366
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--quiet</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--quiet</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:300
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
+"More q's will produce more quietness up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
+"<option>-q=#</option> to set the quietness level, overriding the "
+"configuration file. Configuration Item: <literal>quiet</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+"Silencioso, produce una salida adecuada para su almacenamiento, omitiendo "
+"los indicadores de progreso. Más q's producirán una salida más silenciosa, "
+"hasta un máximo de 2. Además es posible usar <option>-q=#</option> para "
+"ajustar el nivel de silenciosidad, ignorando el fichero de configuración. "
+"Opción de configuración: <literal>quiet</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:306
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>-i</option>"
+msgstr "<option>-i</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:306
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--important</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--important</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:307
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Print only important dependencies; for use with unmet and depends. Causes "
+"only Depends and Pre-Depends relations to be printed. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+"Muestra sólo las dependencias importantes, se usa junto con <literal>unmet</"
+"literal>. Hace que sólo se muestren las dependencias y predependencias. "
+"Opción de configuración: <literal>APT::Cache::Important</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:312 apt-cdrom.8.xml:121 apt-get.8.xml:333
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>-f</option>"
+msgstr "<option>-f</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:312
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--full</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--full</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:313
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Print full package records when searching. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+"Muestra todos los campos de información cuando se busque. Opción de "
+"configuración: <literal>APT::Cache::ShowFull</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:317 apt-cdrom.8.xml:131
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>-a</option>"
+msgstr "<option>-a</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:317
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--all-versions</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--all-versions</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:318
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Print full records for all available versions. This is the default; to turn "
+"it off, use <option>--no-all-versions</option>. If <option>--no-all-"
+"versions</option> is specified, only the candidate version will displayed "
+"(the one which would be selected for installation). This option is only "
+"applicable to the <literal>show</literal> command. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+"Muestra la descripción completa de todos las versiones disponibles. Es el "
+"comportamiento predeterminado, para desactivarlo use <option>--no-all-"
+"versions</option>. Si se especifica <option>--no-all-versions</option>, sólo "
+"se muestra la versión candidata (la que se seleccionaría para instalar). "
+"Esta opción sólo es aplicable a la orden <literal>show</literal>. Opción de "
+"configuración: <literal>APT::Cache::AllVersions</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:326
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>-g</option>"
+msgstr "<option>-g</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:326
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--generate</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--generate</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:327
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Perform automatic package cache regeneration, rather than use the cache as "
+"it is. This is the default; to turn it off, use <option>--no-generate</"
+"option>. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Cache::Generate</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+"Realiza una regeneración completa de la caché de paquetes en vez de usarla "
+"tal y como está. Esta es la opción por omisión, para desactivarlo use "
+"<option>--no-generate</option>. Opción de configuración: <literal>APT::"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:332
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--names-only</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--names-only</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:332 apt-cdrom.8.xml:139
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>-n</option>"
+msgstr "<option>-n</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:333
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Only search on the package names, not the long descriptions. Configuration "
+"Item: <literal>APT::Cache::NamesOnly</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+"Sólo busca en los nombres de paquetes, no en las descripciones largas. "
+"Opción de configuración: <literal>APT::Cache::NamesOnly</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:337
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--all-names</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--all-names</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:338
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Make <literal>pkgnames</literal> print all names, including virtual packages "
+"and missing dependencies. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Cache::"
+msgstr ""
+"Hace que <literal>pkgnames</literal> muestre todos los nombres, incluyendo "
+"los paquetes virtuales y las dependencias insatisfechas. Opción de "
+"configuración: <literal>APT::Cache::AllNames</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:343
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--recurse</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--recurse</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:344
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Make <literal>depends</literal> and <literal>rdepends</literal> recursive so "
+"that all packages mentioned are printed once. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+"Hace <literal>depends</literal> y <literal>rdepends</literal> recursivos de "
+"modo que todos los paquetes mencionados se muestran sólo una vez. Opción de "
+"configuración <literal>APT::Cache::RecurseDepends</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:349
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--installed</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--installed</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:351
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Limit the output of <literal>depends</literal> and <literal>rdepends</"
+"literal> to packages which are currently installed. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+"Limita la salida de <literal>depends</literal> y <literal>rdepends</literal> "
+"a paquetes instalados. Opción de configuración: <literal>APT::Cache::"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:356 apt-cdrom.8.xml:150 apt-config.8.xml:98
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:67 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:547 apt-get.8.xml:554
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:64
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "&apt-commonoptions;"
+msgstr ""
+" \n"
+" "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:361 apt-get.8.xml:559 apt-key.8.xml:138 apt-mark.8.xml:122
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:988 apt_preferences.5.xml:615
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Files"
+msgstr "Ficheros"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:363
+msgid "&file-sourceslist; &file-statelists;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:368 apt-cdrom.8.xml:155 apt-config.8.xml:103
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:74 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:563 apt-get.8.xml:569
+#: apt-key.8.xml:162 apt-mark.8.xml:133 apt-secure.8.xml:181
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:69 apt.conf.5.xml:994 apt_preferences.5.xml:622
+#: sources.list.5.xml:233
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "See Also"
+msgstr ""
+"sgml:144 #-#-#-#-#\n"
+"Véase también\n"
+"sgml:1141 #-#-#-#-#\n"
+"Vea además\n"
+"sgml:1141 #-#-#-#-#\n"
+"Vea además\n"
+"sgml:144 #-#-#-#-#\n"
+"Véase también\n"
+"sgml:1141 #-#-#-#-#\n"
+"Vea además\n"
+"sgml:1141 #-#-#-#-#\n"
+"Vea además\n"
+"sgml:144 #-#-#-#-#\n"
+"Véase también\n"
+"sgml:1141 #-#-#-#-#\n"
+"Vea además\n"
+"sgml:1141 #-#-#-#-#\n"
+"Vea además"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:369
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "&apt-conf;, &sources-list;, &apt-get;"
+msgstr "&apt-conf;, &sources-list;, &apt-get;"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:373 apt-cdrom.8.xml:160 apt-config.8.xml:108
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:567 apt-get.8.xml:575
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:137 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:73
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Diagnostics"
+msgstr "Diagnósticos"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:374
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-cache</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 "
+"on error."
+msgstr ""
+"apt devuelve cero cuando no ocurre ningún error. Si hay algún error devuelve "
+"el valor 100."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:13
+msgid ""
+"&apt-author.jgunthorpe; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>14 "
+"February 2004</date>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:21 apt-cdrom.8.xml:28
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "apt-cdrom"
+msgstr "apt-cdrom"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:29
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "APT CDROM management utility"
+msgstr "utilidad APT para administración del CDROM"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:35
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-cdrom</command> <arg><option>-hvrmfan</option></arg> "
+"<arg><option>-d=<replaceable>cdrom mount point</replaceable></option></arg> "
+"<arg><option>-o=<replaceable>config string</replaceable></option></arg> "
+"<arg><option>-c=<replaceable>file</replaceable></option></arg> <group> "
+"<arg>add</arg> <arg>ident</arg> </group>"
+msgstr ""
+"<cmdsynopsis sepchar=\" \">\n"
+"<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\"><option>-hvrmfan</option></arg>\n"
+"<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\"><option>-d=<replaceable>cdrom "
+"<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\"><option>-o=<replaceable>cadena de "
+"<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\"><option>-c=<replaceable>fichero</"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:48
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-cdrom</command> is used to add a new CDROM to APTs list of "
+"available sources. <command>apt-cdrom</command> takes care of determining "
+"the structure of the disc as well as correcting for several possible mis-"
+"burns and verifying the index files."
+msgstr ""
+"<command>apt-cdrom</command> se usa para añadir un CDROM nuevo a la lista de "
+"recursos disponibles de APT. <command>apt-cdrom</command> determina la "
+"estructura del disco, corrige varios errores de grabación posibles y "
+"verifica los ficheros con los índices."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:55
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"It is necessary to use <command>apt-cdrom</command> to add CDs to the APT "
+"system, it cannot be done by hand. Furthermore each disk in a multi-cd set "
+"must be inserted and scanned separately to account for possible mis-burns."
+msgstr ""
+"Es necesario usar <command>apt-cdrom</command> para añadir CDs al sistema "
+"APT, no puede hacerse manualmente. Además cada unidad de un conjunto de "
+"discos debe de ser analizada por separado para detectar los posibles errores "
+"de grabación."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:65
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "add"
+msgstr "add"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:66
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>add</literal> is used to add a new disc to the source list. It will "
+"unmount the CDROM device, prompt for a disk to be inserted and then procceed "
+"to scan it and copy the index files. If the disc does not have a proper "
+"<filename>disk</filename> directory you will be prompted for a descriptive "
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>add</literal> para añadir un disco nuevo a la lista de recursos. "
+"Desmontará el dispositivo de CDROM, pedirá que se inserte un disco y "
+"procederá a analizar y copiar los ficheros de índices. Si el disco no "
+"contiene el directorio apropiado <filename>.disk/</filename> se mostrará un "
+"mensaje descriptivo."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:74
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"APT uses a CDROM ID to track which disc is currently in the drive and "
+"maintains a database of these IDs in <filename>&statedir;/cdroms.list</"
+msgstr ""
+"APT usa un identificador de CDROM para reconocer que disco está actualmente "
+"en la unidad lectora y mantiene una lista de estos identificadores en "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:81
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "ident"
+msgstr "ident"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:82
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"A debugging tool to report the identity of the current disc as well as the "
+"stored file name"
+msgstr ""
+"Una herramienta de depuración para informar de identidad del disco actual "
+"así como del nombre guardado."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:61
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Unless the <option>-h</option>, or <option>--help</option> option is given "
+"one of the commands below must be present. <placeholder type=\"variablelist"
+"\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+"A menos que se de una de las opciones <option>-h</option>, o <option>--help</"
+"option> una de las siguientes órdenes deben de estar presentes."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:91
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Opciones"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:95 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:503 apt-get.8.xml:328
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>-d</option>"
+msgstr "<option>-d</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:95
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--cdrom</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--cdrom</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:96
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Mount point; specify the location to mount the cdrom. This mount point must "
+"be listed in <filename>/etc/fstab</filename> and properly configured. "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>Acquire::cdrom::mount</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+"Punto de montaje. Especifica el lugar donde se debe montar el cdrom. Este "
+"punto de montaje debe estar listado en <filename>/etc/fstab</filename> y "
+"configurado correctamente. Opción de Configuración: <literal>Acquire::cdrom::"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:104
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>-r</option>"
+msgstr "<option>-r</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:104
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--rename</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--rename</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:105
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Rename a disc; change the label of a disk or override the disks given label. "
+"This option will cause <command>apt-cdrom</command> to prompt for a new "
+"label. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::CDROM::Rename</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+"Renombrar un disco. Cambia la etiqueta de un disco. Esta opción hará que "
+"<command>apt-cdrom</command> pregunte una nueva etiqueta. Opción de "
+"Configuración: <literal>APT::CDROM::Rename</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:113 apt-get.8.xml:347
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>-m</option>"
+msgstr "<option>-m</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:113
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--no-mount</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--no-mount</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:114
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"No mounting; prevent <command>apt-cdrom</command> from mounting and "
+"unmounting the mount point. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::CDROM::"
+msgstr ""
+"No montar. Evita que <command>apt-cdrom</command> monte y desmonte el punto "
+"de montaje. Opción de Configuración: <literal>APT::CDROM::NoMount</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:121
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--fast</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--fast</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:122
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Fast Copy; Assume the package files are valid and do not check every "
+"package. This option should be used only if <command>apt-cdrom</command> has "
+"been run on this disc before and did not detect any errors. Configuration "
+"Item: <literal>APT::CDROM::Fast</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+"Rápido. Asumir que los ficheros con los paquetes son válidos y no comprobar "
+"todos los paquetes. Esta opción sólo se debe de usar si <command>apt-cdrom</"
+"command> comprobó el disco con anterioridad y no detectó ningún error. "
+"Opción de Configuración: <literal>APT::CDROM::Fast</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:131
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--thorough</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--thorough</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:132
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Thorough Package Scan; This option may be needed with some old Debian "
+"1.1/1.2 discs that have Package files in strange places. It takes much "
+"longer to scan the CD but will pick them all up."
+msgstr ""
+"Comprobación meticulosa de los paquetes. Esta opción puede ser necesaria con "
+"algunos discos viejos de Debian 1.1/1.2 que tienen los ficheros de los "
+"paquetes en lugares extraños. Tardará mucho más en analizar el CD, pero "
+"encontrará todos los paquetes."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:140 apt-get.8.xml:378
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--just-print</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--just-print</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:141 apt-get.8.xml:380
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--recon</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--recon</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:142 apt-get.8.xml:381
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--no-act</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--no-act</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:143
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"No Changes; Do not change the &sources-list; file and do not write index "
+"files. Everything is still checked however. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+"No cambiar nada. No cambiar el fichero &sources-list; y no escribir los "
+"ficheros de índices. Sin embargo sigue haciendo todas las comprobaciones. "
+"Opción de Configuración: <literal>APT::CDROM::NoAct</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:156
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "&apt-conf;, &apt-get;, &sources-list;"
+msgstr "&apt-conf;, &apt-get;, &sources-list;"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:161
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-cdrom</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 "
+"on error."
+msgstr ""
+"apt devuelve cero cuando no ocurre ningún error. Si hay algún error devuelve "
+"el valor 100."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:22 apt-config.8.xml:29
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "apt-config"
+msgstr "apt-cdrom"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:30
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "APT Configuration Query program"
+msgstr "Programa para la consulta de configuración de APT"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:36
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-config</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> <arg><option>-"
+"o=<replaceable>config string</replaceable></option></arg> <arg><option>-"
+"c=<replaceable>file</replaceable></option></arg> <group choice=\"req\"> "
+"<arg>shell</arg> <arg>dump</arg> </group>"
+msgstr ""
+"<cmdsynopsis sepchar=\" \">\n"
+"<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\"><option>-hvs</option></arg>\n"
+"<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\"><option>-o=<replaceable>cadena de "
+"<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\"><option>-c=<replaceable>fichero</"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:48
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-config</command> is an internal program used by various "
+"portions of the APT suite to provide consistent configurability. It accesses "
+"the main configuration file <filename>/etc/apt/apt.conf</filename> in a "
+"manner that is easy to use by scripted applications."
+msgstr ""
+"<command>apt-config</command> es un programa interno usado por varios "
+"programas del conjunto de herramientas APT para proporcionar una "
+"configurabilidad coherente.Este accede al archivo principal de configuración "
+"<filename>/etc/apt/apt.conf</filename> de forma que sea fácil de usar por "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:53 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:71
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Unless the <option>-h</option>, or <option>--help</option> option is given "
+"one of the commands below must be present."
+msgstr ""
+"A menos que se de una de las opciones <option>-h</option>, o <option>--help</"
+"option> una de las siguientes órdenes deben de estar presentes."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:58
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "shell"
+msgstr "shell"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:60
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"shell is used to access the configuration information from a shell script. "
+"It is given pairs of arguments, the first being a shell variable and the "
+"second the configuration value to query. As output it lists a series of "
+"shell assignments commands for each present value. In a shell script it "
+"should be used like:"
+msgstr ""
+"shell se usa para acceder a la información de configuración de un fichero de "
+"órdenes (shell script). Este proporciona 2 argumentos, el primero es una "
+"variable del intérprete de órdenes, y el segundo el valor de configuración "
+"para la petición. Como salida muestra una serie de listas de órdenes "
+"asignados al intérprete de órdenes por cada valor presente. En un fichero de "
+"órdenes, este debería usarse como:"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><informalexample><programlisting>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:68
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"RES=`apt-config shell OPTS MyApp::options`\n"
+"eval $RES\n"
+msgstr ""
+"RES=`apt-config shell OPTS MyApp::Options`\n"
+"eval $RES\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:73
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"This will set the shell environment variable $OPTS to the value of MyApp::"
+"options with a default of <option>-f</option>."
+msgstr ""
+"Esto debería fijar la variable de entorno del intérprete de órdenes $OPTS al "
+"valor deMyApp::Opciones, con un valor por omisión de <option>-f</option>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:77
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The configuration item may be postfixed with a /[fdbi]. f returns file "
+"names, d returns directories, b returns true or false and i returns an "
+"integer. Each of the returns is normalized and verified internally."
+msgstr ""
+"El elemento de configuración podría ser corregido después con /[fdbi]. f "
+"devuelve nombres de ficheros, d devuelve los directorios, b devuelve "
+"verdadero o falso e i devuelve un número entero. Cada uno de los valores "
+"devueltos es normalizado y verificado internamente."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:86
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Just show the contents of the configuration space."
+msgstr "Sólo muestra el contenido del espacio de configuración."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:104 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:75 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:564
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:70
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "&apt-conf;"
+msgstr "apt-cdrom"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:109
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-config</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 "
+"on error."
+msgstr ""
+"apt devuelve cero cuando no ocurre ningún error. Si hay algún error devuelve "
+"el valor 100."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:22 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:29
+msgid "apt-extracttemplates"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refmeta><manvolnum>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:23 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:23 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:23
+msgid "1"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:30
+msgid "Utility to extract DebConf config and templates from Debian packages"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:36
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-extracttemplates</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> "
+"<arg><option>-t=<replaceable>temporary directory</replaceable></option></"
+"arg> <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>file</replaceable></"
+msgstr ""
+"<cmdsynopsis sepchar=\" \">\n"
+"<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\"><option>-hvsn</option></arg>\n"
+"<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\"><option>-o=<replaceable>cadena de "
+"<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\"><option>-c=<replaceable>fichero</"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:44
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-extracttemplates</command> will take one or more Debian package "
+"files as input and write out (to a temporary directory) all associated "
+"config scripts and template files. For each passed in package that contains "
+"config scripts and templates, one line of output will be generated in the "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:49
+msgid "package version template-file config-script"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:50
+msgid ""
+"template-file and config-script are written to the temporary directory "
+"specified by the -t or --tempdir (<literal>APT::ExtractTemplates::TempDir</"
+"literal>) directory, with filenames of the form <filename>package.template."
+"XXXX</filename> and <filename>package.config.XXXX</filename>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:60 apt-get.8.xml:488
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>-t</option>"
+msgstr "<option>-t</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:60
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--tempdir</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--compile</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:62
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Temporary directory in which to write extracted debconf template files and "
+"config scripts. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::ExtractTemplates::"
+msgstr ""
+"Sólo busca en los nombres de paquetes, no en las descripciones largas. "
+"Opción de configuración: <literal>APT::Cache::NamesOnly</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:79
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-extracttemplates</command> returns zero on normal operation, "
+"decimal 100 on error."
+msgstr ""
+"apt devuelve cero cuando no ocurre ningún error. Si hay algún error devuelve "
+"el valor 100."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:22 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:29
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "apt-ftparchive"
+msgstr "apt-cache"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:30
+msgid "Utility to generate index files"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:36
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> <arg><option>-hvdsq</option></arg> "
+"<arg><option>--md5</option></arg> <arg><option>--delink</option></arg> "
+"<arg><option>--readonly</option></arg> <arg><option>--contents</option></"
+"arg> <arg><option>-o <replaceable>config</replaceable>=<replaceable>string</"
+"replaceable></option></arg> <arg><option>-c=<replaceable>file</replaceable></"
+"option></arg> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg>packages<arg choice=\"plain\" rep="
+"replaceable><arg><replaceable>pathprefix</replaceable></arg></arg></arg> "
+"<arg>sources<arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>path</"
+"replaceable><arg><replaceable>pathprefix</replaceable></arg></arg></arg> "
+"<arg>contents <arg choice=\"plain\"><replaceable>path</replaceable></arg></"
+"arg> <arg>release <arg choice=\"plain\"><replaceable>path</replaceable></"
+"arg></arg> <arg>generate <arg choice=\"plain\"><replaceable>config-file</"
+"replaceable></arg> <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
+"\"><replaceable>section</replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>clean <arg choice="
+"\"plain\"><replaceable>config-file</replaceable></arg></arg> </group>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:56
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> is the command line tool that generates "
+"the index files that APT uses to access a distribution source. The index "
+"files should be generated on the origin site based on the content of that "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:60
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> is a superset of the &dpkg-scanpackages; "
+"program, incorporating its entire functionality via the <literal>packages</"
+"literal> command. It also contains a contents file generator, "
+"<literal>contents</literal>, and an elaborate means to 'script' the "
+"generation process for a complete archive."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:66
+msgid ""
+"Internally <command>apt-ftparchive</command> can make use of binary "
+"databases to cache the contents of a .deb file and it does not rely on any "
+"external programs aside from &gzip;. When doing a full generate it "
+"automatically performs file-change checks and builds the desired compressed "
+"output files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:75
+msgid "packages"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:77
+msgid ""
+"The packages command generates a package file from a directory tree. It "
+"takes the given directory and recursively searches it for .deb files, "
+"emitting a package record to stdout for each. This command is approximately "
+"equivalent to &dpkg-scanpackages;."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:82 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:106
+msgid ""
+"The option <option>--db</option> can be used to specify a binary caching DB."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:85
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "sources"
+msgstr "source"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:87
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>sources</literal> command generates a source index file from a "
+"directory tree. It takes the given directory and recursively searches it "
+"for .dsc files, emitting a source record to stdout for each. This command is "
+"approximately equivalent to &dpkg-scansources;."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:92
+msgid ""
+"If an override file is specified then a source override file will be looked "
+"for with an extension of .src. The --source-override option can be used to "
+"change the source override file that will be used."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:97
+msgid "contents"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:99
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>contents</literal> command generates a contents file from a "
+"directory tree. It takes the given directory and recursively searches it "
+"for .deb files, and reads the file list from each file. It then sorts and "
+"writes to stdout the list of files matched to packages. Directories are not "
+"written to the output. If multiple packages own the same file then each "
+"package is separated by a comma in the output."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:109
+msgid "release"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:111
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>release</literal> command generates a Release file from a "
+"directory tree. It recursively searches the given directory for Packages, "
+"Packages.gz, Packages.bz2, Sources, Sources.gz, Sources.bz2, Release and "
+"md5sum.txt files. It then writes to stdout a Release file containing an MD5 "
+"digest and SHA1 digest for each file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:118
+msgid ""
+"Values for the additional metadata fields in the Release file are taken from "
+"the corresponding variables under <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release</"
+"literal>, e.g. <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release::Origin</literal>. The "
+"supported fields are: <literal>Origin</literal>, <literal>Label</literal>, "
+"<literal>Suite</literal>, <literal>Version</literal>, <literal>Codename</"
+"literal>, <literal>Date</literal>, <literal>Architectures</literal>, "
+"<literal>Components</literal>, <literal>Description</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:128
+msgid "generate"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:130
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>generate</literal> command is designed to be runnable from a "
+"cron script and builds indexes according to the given config file. The "
+"config language provides a flexible means of specifying which index files "
+"are built from which directories, as well as providing a simple means of "
+"maintaining the required settings."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:137 apt-get.8.xml:292
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "clean"
+msgstr "clean"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:139
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>clean</literal> command tidies the databases used by the given "
+"configuration file by removing any records that are no longer necessary."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:145
+msgid "The Generate Configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:147
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>generate</literal> command uses a configuration file to "
+"describe the archives that are going to be generated. It follows the typical "
+"ISC configuration format as seen in ISC tools like bind 8 and dhcpd. &apt-"
+"conf; contains a description of the syntax. Note that the generate "
+"configuration is parsed in sectional manner, but &apt-conf; is parsed in a "
+"tree manner. This only effects how the scope tag is handled."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:155
+msgid ""
+"The generate configuration has 4 separate sections, each described below."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:157
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Dir Section"
+msgstr "Descripción"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:159
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Dir</literal> section defines the standard directories needed "
+"to locate the files required during the generation process. These "
+"directories are prepended certain relative paths defined in later sections "
+"to produce a complete an absolute path."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:164
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "ArchiveDir"
+msgstr "Arquitectura"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:166
+msgid ""
+"Specifies the root of the FTP archive, in a standard Debian configuration "
+"this is the directory that contains the <filename>ls-LR</filename> and dist "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:171
+msgid "OverrideDir"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:173
+msgid "Specifies the location of the override files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:176
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "CacheDir"
+msgstr "check"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:178
+msgid "Specifies the location of the cache files"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:181
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "FileListDir"
+msgstr "Ficheros"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:183
+msgid ""
+"Specifies the location of the file list files, if the <literal>FileList</"
+"literal> setting is used below."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:189
+msgid "Default Section"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:191
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Default</literal> section specifies default values, and "
+"settings that control the operation of the generator. Other sections may "
+"override these defaults with a per-section setting."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:195
+msgid "Packages::Compress"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:197
+msgid ""
+"Sets the default compression schemes to use for the Package index files. It "
+"is a string that contains a space separated list of at least one of: '.' (no "
+"compression), 'gzip' and 'bzip2'. The default for all compression schemes is "
+"'. gzip'."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:203
+msgid "Packages::Extensions"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:205
+msgid ""
+"Sets the default list of file extensions that are package files. This "
+"defaults to '.deb'."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:209
+msgid "Sources::Compress"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:211
+msgid ""
+"This is similar to <literal>Packages::Compress</literal> except that it "
+"controls the compression for the Sources files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:215
+msgid "Sources::Extensions"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:217
+msgid ""
+"Sets the default list of file extensions that are source files. This "
+"defaults to '.dsc'."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:221
+msgid "Contents::Compress"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:223
+msgid ""
+"This is similar to <literal>Packages::Compress</literal> except that it "
+"controls the compression for the Contents files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:227
+msgid "DeLinkLimit"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:229
+msgid ""
+"Specifies the number of kilobytes to delink (and replace with hard links) "
+"per run. This is used in conjunction with the per-section <literal>External-"
+"Links</literal> setting."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:234
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "FileMode"
+msgstr "Ficheros"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:236
+msgid ""
+"Specifies the mode of all created index files. It defaults to 0644. All "
+"index files are set to this mode with no regard to the umask."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:243
+msgid "TreeDefault Section"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:245
+msgid ""
+"Sets defaults specific to <literal>Tree</literal> sections. All of these "
+"variables are substitution variables and have the strings $(DIST), "
+"$(SECTION) and $(ARCH) replaced with their respective values."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:250
+msgid "MaxContentsChange"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:252
+msgid ""
+"Sets the number of kilobytes of contents files that are generated each day. "
+"The contents files are round-robined so that over several days they will all "
+"be rebuilt."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:257
+msgid "ContentsAge"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:259
+msgid ""
+"Controls the number of days a contents file is allowed to be checked without "
+"changing. If this limit is passed the mtime of the contents file is updated. "
+"This case can occur if the package file is changed in such a way that does "
+"not result in a new contents file [override edit for instance]. A hold off "
+"is allowed in hopes that new .debs will be installed, requiring a new file "
+"anyhow. The default is 10, the units are in days."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:268
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Directory"
+msgstr "Run-Directory"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:270
+msgid ""
+"Sets the top of the .deb directory tree. Defaults to <filename>$(DIST)/"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:274
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "SrcDirectory"
+msgstr "Run-Directory"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:276
+msgid ""
+"Sets the top of the source package directory tree. Defaults to <filename>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:280 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:406
+msgid "Packages"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:282
+msgid ""
+"Sets the output Packages file. Defaults to <filename>$(DIST)/$(SECTION)/"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:286 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:411
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Sources"
+msgstr "Source-Symlinks"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:288
+msgid ""
+"Sets the output Packages file. Defaults to <filename>$(DIST)/$(SECTION)/"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:292
+msgid "InternalPrefix"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:294
+msgid ""
+"Sets the path prefix that causes a symlink to be considered an internal link "
+"instead of an external link. Defaults to <filename>$(DIST)/$(SECTION)/</"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:299 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:417
+msgid "Contents"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:301
+msgid ""
+"Sets the output Contents file. Defaults to <filename>$(DIST)/Contents-$(ARCH)"
+"</filename>. If this setting causes multiple Packages files to map onto a "
+"single Contents file (such as the default) then <command>apt-ftparchive</"
+"command> will integrate those package files together automatically."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:308
+msgid "Contents::Header"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:310
+msgid "Sets header file to prepend to the contents output."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:313 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:442
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "BinCacheDB"
+msgstr "check"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:315
+msgid ""
+"Sets the binary cache database to use for this section. Multiple sections "
+"can share the same database."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:319
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "FileList"
+msgstr "Ficheros"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:321
+msgid ""
+"Specifies that instead of walking the directory tree, <command>apt-"
+"ftparchive</command> should read the list of files from the given file. "
+"Relative files names are prefixed with the archive directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:326
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "SourceFileList"
+msgstr "source"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:328
+msgid ""
+"Specifies that instead of walking the directory tree, <command>apt-"
+"ftparchive</command> should read the list of files from the given file. "
+"Relative files names are prefixed with the archive directory. This is used "
+"when processing source indexes."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:336
+msgid "Tree Section"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:338
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Tree</literal> section defines a standard Debian file tree "
+"which consists of a base directory, then multiple sections in that base "
+"directory and finally multiple Architectures in each section. The exact "
+"pathing used is defined by the <literal>Directory</literal> substitution "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:343
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Tree</literal> section takes a scope tag which sets the "
+"<literal>$(DIST)</literal> variable and defines the root of the tree (the "
+"path is prefixed by <literal>ArchiveDir</literal>). Typically this is a "
+"setting such as <filename>dists/woody</filename>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:348
+msgid ""
+"All of the settings defined in the <literal>TreeDefault</literal> section "
+"can be use in a <literal>Tree</literal> section as well as three new "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:351
+msgid ""
+"When processing a <literal>Tree</literal> section <command>apt-ftparchive</"
+"command> performs an operation similar to:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><informalexample><programlisting>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:354
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"for i in Sections do \n"
+" for j in Architectures do\n"
+" Generate for DIST=scope SECTION=i ARCH=j\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:360
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Sections"
+msgstr "Opciones"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:362
+msgid ""
+"This is a space separated list of sections which appear under the "
+"distribution, typically this is something like <literal>main contrib non-"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:367
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Architectures"
+msgstr "Arquitectura"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:369
+msgid ""
+"This is a space separated list of all the architectures that appear under "
+"search section. The special architecture 'source' is used to indicate that "
+"this tree has a source archive."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:374 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:422
+msgid "BinOverride"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:376
+msgid ""
+"Sets the binary override file. The override file contains section, priority "
+"and maintainer address information."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:380 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:427
+msgid "SrcOverride"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:382
+msgid ""
+"Sets the source override file. The override file contains section "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:386 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:432
+msgid "ExtraOverride"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:388 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:434
+msgid "Sets the binary extra override file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:391 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:437
+msgid "SrcExtraOverride"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:393 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:439
+msgid "Sets the source extra override file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:398
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "BinDirectory Section"
+msgstr "Run-Directory"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:400
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>bindirectory</literal> section defines a binary directory tree "
+"with no special structure. The scope tag specifies the location of the "
+"binary directory and the settings are similar to the <literal>Tree</literal> "
+"section with no substitution variables or <literal>Section</"
+"literal><literal>Architecture</literal> settings."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:408
+msgid "Sets the Packages file output."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:413
+msgid ""
+"Sets the Sources file output. At least one of <literal>Packages</literal> or "
+"<literal>Sources</literal> is required."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:419
+msgid "Sets the Contents file output. (optional)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:424
+msgid "Sets the binary override file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:429
+msgid "Sets the source override file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:444
+msgid "Sets the cache DB."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:447
+msgid "PathPrefix"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:449
+msgid "Appends a path to all the output paths."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:452
+msgid "FileList, SourceFileList"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:454
+msgid "Specifies the file list file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:461
+msgid "The Binary Override File"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:462
+msgid ""
+"The binary override file is fully compatible with &dpkg-scanpackages;. It "
+"contains 4 fields separated by spaces. The first field is the package name, "
+"the second is the priority to force that package to, the third is the the "
+"section to force that package to and the final field is the maintainer "
+"permutation field."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><literallayout>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:468
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "old [// oldn]* => new"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><literallayout>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:470
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "new"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:467
+msgid ""
+"The general form of the maintainer field is: <placeholder type="
+"\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/> or simply, <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" "
+"id=\"1\"/> The first form allows a double-slash separated list of old email "
+"addresses to be specified. If any of those are found then new is substituted "
+"for the maintainer field. The second form unconditionally substitutes the "
+"maintainer field."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:478
+msgid "The Source Override File"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:480
+msgid ""
+"The source override file is fully compatible with &dpkg-scansources;. It "
+"contains 2 fields separated by spaces. The first fields is the source "
+"package name, the second is the section to assign it."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:485
+msgid "The Extra Override File"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:487
+msgid ""
+"The extra override file allows any arbitrary tag to be added or replaced in "
+"the output. It has 3 columns, the first is the package, the second is the "
+"tag and the remainder of the line is the new value."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:496
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--md5</option>"
+msgstr "<option>-d</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:498
+msgid ""
+"Generate MD5 sums. This defaults to on, when turned off the generated index "
+"files will not have MD5Sum fields where possible. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:503
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--db</option>"
+msgstr "<option>-d</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:505
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Use a binary caching DB. This has no effect on the generate command. "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::DB</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+"Sólo busca en los nombres de paquetes, no en las descripciones largas. "
+"Opción de configuración: <literal>APT::Cache::NamesOnly</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:511
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
+"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
+"<option>-q=#</option> to set the quiet level, overriding the configuration "
+"file. Configuration Item: <literal>quiet</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+"Silencioso, produce una salida adecuada para su almacenamiento, omitiendo "
+"los indicadores de progreso. Más q's producirán una salida más silenciosa, "
+"hasta un máximo de 2. Además es posible usar <option>-q=#</option> para "
+"ajustar el nivel de silenciosidad, ignorando el fichero de configuración. "
+"Opción de configuración: <literal>quiet</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:517
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--delink</option>"
+msgstr "<option>-d</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:519
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Perform Delinking. If the <literal>External-Links</literal> setting is used "
+"then this option actually enables delinking of the files. It defaults to on "
+"and can be turned off with <option>--no-delink</option>. Configuration "
+"Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::DeLinkAct</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+"Realiza una regeneración completa de la caché de paquetes en vez de usarla "
+"tal y como está. Esta es la opción por omisión, para desactivarlo use "
+"<option>--no-generate</option>. Opción de configuración: <literal>APT::"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--contents</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--recon</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:527
+msgid ""
+"Perform contents generation. When this option is set and package indexes are "
+"being generated with a cache DB then the file listing will also be extracted "
+"and stored in the DB for later use. When using the generate command this "
+"option also allows the creation of any Contents files. The default is on. "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Contents</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:535
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--source-override</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--force-yes</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:537
+msgid ""
+"Select the source override file to use with the <literal>sources</literal> "
+"command. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::SourceOverride</"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:541
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--readonly</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--recon</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:543
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Make the caching databases read only. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::"
+msgstr ""
+"Sólo busca en los nombres de paquetes, no en las descripciones largas. "
+"Opción de configuración: <literal>APT::Cache::NamesOnly</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:552 apt.conf.5.xml:982 apt_preferences.5.xml:462
+#: sources.list.5.xml:193
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Examples"
+msgstr "Ejemplos"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><programlisting>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:558
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "<command>apt-ftparchive</command> packages <replaceable>directory</replaceable> | <command>gzip</command> > <filename>Packages.gz</filename>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:554
+msgid ""
+"To create a compressed Packages file for a directory containing binary "
+"packages (.deb): <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:568
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal "
+"100 on error."
+msgstr ""
+"apt devuelve cero cuando no ocurre ningún error. Si hay algún error devuelve "
+"el valor 100."
+#. The last update date
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:13
+msgid ""
+"&apt-author.jgunthorpe; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>08 "
+"November 2008</date>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:22 apt-get.8.xml:29 guide.sgml:96
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "apt-get"
+msgstr "apt"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:30
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "APT package handling utility -- command-line interface"
+msgstr ""
+"utilidad de manejo de paquetes APT -- interfaz en\n"
+" línea de ordenes."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:36
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-get</command> <arg><option>-sqdyfmubV</option></arg> <arg> "
+"<option>-o= <replaceable>config_string</replaceable> </option> </arg> <arg> "
+"<option>-c= <replaceable>config_file</replaceable> </option> </arg> <arg> "
+"<option>-t=</option> <group choice='req'> <arg choice='plain'> "
+"<replaceable>target_release_name</replaceable> </arg> <arg choice='plain'> "
+"<replaceable>target_release_number_expression</replaceable> </arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'> <replaceable>target_release_codename</replaceable> </arg> </"
+"group> </arg> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg choice='plain'>update</arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>upgrade</arg> <arg choice='plain'>dselect-upgrade</arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>dist-upgrade</arg> <arg choice='plain'>install <arg choice="
+"\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable> <arg> <group "
+"choice='req'> <arg choice='plain'> =<replaceable>pkg_version_number</"
+"replaceable> </arg> <arg choice='plain'> /<replaceable>target_release_name</"
+"replaceable> </arg> <arg choice='plain'> /"
+"<replaceable>target_release_codename</replaceable> </arg> </group> </arg> </"
+"arg> </arg> <arg choice='plain'>remove <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
+"\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg> <arg choice='plain'>purge <arg "
+"choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg> "
+"<arg choice='plain'>source <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
+"\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable> <arg> <group choice='req'> <arg "
+"choice='plain'> =<replaceable>pkg_version_number</replaceable> </arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'> /<replaceable>target_release_name</replaceable> </arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'> /<replaceable>target_release_codename</replaceable> </arg> </"
+"group> </arg> </arg> </arg> <arg choice='plain'>build-dep <arg choice=\"plain"
+"\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>check</arg> <arg choice='plain'>clean</arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>autoclean</arg> <arg choice='plain'>autoremove</arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'> <group choice='req'> <arg choice='plain'>-v</arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>--version</arg> </group> </arg> <arg choice='plain'> <group "
+"choice='req'> <arg choice='plain'>-h</arg> <arg choice='plain'>--help</arg> "
+"</group> </arg> </group>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:126
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-get</command> is the command-line tool for handling packages, "
+"and may be considered the user's \"back-end\" to other tools using the APT "
+"library. Several \"front-end\" interfaces exist, such as &dselect;, "
+"&aptitude;, &synaptic;, &gnome-apt; and &wajig;."
+msgstr ""
+"<command>apt-get</command> es la herramienta en línea de órdenes usada para "
+"el manejo de paquetes, también es la herramienta usada por otras que "
+"dependen de la biblioteca APT. Hay varias interfaces disponibles, como "
+"dselect(8), aptitude, synaptic, gnome-apt and wajig."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:135 apt-key.8.xml:123
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "update"
+msgstr "update"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:136
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>update</literal> is used to resynchronize the package index files "
+"from their sources. The indexes of available packages are fetched from the "
+"location(s) specified in <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename>. For "
+"example, when using a Debian archive, this command retrieves and scans the "
+"<filename>Packages.gz</filename> files, so that information about new and "
+"updated packages is available. An <literal>update</literal> should always be "
+"performed before an <literal>upgrade</literal> or <literal>dist-upgrade</"
+"literal>. Please be aware that the overall progress meter will be incorrect "
+"as the size of the package files cannot be known in advance."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>update</literal> se usa para sincronizar el índice de paquetes "
+"respecto a sus fuentes. Los índices de paquetes disponibles se obtienen de "
+"los lugares especificados en <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename>. Por "
+"ejemplo, cuando se usa un archivo de Debian, esta orden descarga y analiza "
+"los ficheros <filename>Packages.gz</filename>, de tal forma que la "
+"información acerca de nuevos paquetes pasa a estar disponible. Siempre se "
+"debe realizar un <literal>update</literal> antes de un <literal>upgrade</"
+"literal> o un <literal>dist-upgrade</literal>. Se debe tener en cuenta que "
+"el indicador de progreso será incorrecto, ya que el tamaño de los próximos "
+"ficheros con información sobre paquetes es desconocido hasta el momento de "
+"su descarga."
+#. type: <tag></tag>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:147 guide.sgml:121
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "upgrade"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:148
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>upgrade</literal> is used to install the newest versions of all "
+"packages currently installed on the system from the sources enumerated in "
+"<filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename>. Packages currently installed "
+"with new versions available are retrieved and upgraded; under no "
+"circumstances are currently installed packages removed, or packages not "
+"already installed retrieved and installed. New versions of currently "
+"installed packages that cannot be upgraded without changing the install "
+"status of another package will be left at their current version. An "
+"<literal>update</literal> must be performed first so that <command>apt-get</"
+"command> knows that new versions of packages are available."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>upgrade</literal> se usa para instalar la versión más nueva de "
+"todos los paquetes instalados en el sistema provenientes de alguna de las "
+"fuentes listadas en <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename>. Los paquetes "
+"instalados con una nueva versión disponible son descargados y actualizados, "
+"bajo ninguna circunstancia se desinstalarán paquetes, o se instalarán "
+"paquetes nuevos. Las nuevas versiones de programas instalados que no puedan "
+"ser actualizados sin cambiar el estado de instalación de otros paquetes no "
+"se instalarán, manteniéndose la versión actual. Debe realizarse un "
+"<literal>update</literal> antes para que <command>apt-get</command> sepa "
+"cuales son las versiones disponibles de los paquetes."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:160
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "dselect-upgrade"
+msgstr "dselect-upgrade"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:161
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>dselect-upgrade</literal> is used in conjunction with the "
+"traditional Debian packaging front-end, &dselect;. <literal>dselect-upgrade</"
+"literal> follows the changes made by &dselect; to the <literal>Status</"
+"literal> field of available packages, and performs the actions necessary to "
+"realize that state (for instance, the removal of old and the installation of "
+"new packages)."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>dselect-upgrade</literal> se usa junto con el tradicional "
+"administrador de paquetes de Debian GNU/Linux, &dselect;. <literal>dselect-"
+"upgrade</literal> recoge los cambios hechos al campo de <literal>Status</"
+"literal> de los paquetes disponibles por &dselect;, y realiza las acciones "
+"necesarias para que los cambios se lleven a cabo (por ejemplo, borrar "
+"paquetes antiguos e instalar las nuevas versiones)."
+#. type: <tag></tag>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:170 guide.sgml:140
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "dist-upgrade"
+msgstr "dist-upgrade"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:171
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>dist-upgrade</literal> in addition to performing the function of "
+"<literal>upgrade</literal>, also intelligently handles changing dependencies "
+"with new versions of packages; <command>apt-get</command> has a \"smart\" "
+"conflict resolution system, and it will attempt to upgrade the most "
+"important packages at the expense of less important ones if necessary. So, "
+"<literal>dist-upgrade</literal> command may remove some packages. The "
+"<filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename> file contains a list of locations "
+"from which to retrieve desired package files. See also &apt-preferences; "
+"for a mechanism for overriding the general settings for individual packages."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>dist-upgrade</literal>, además de realizar las acciones de "
+"<literal>upgrade</literal>, maneja inteligentemente los cambios de "
+"dependencias debidos a nuevas versiones de paquetes, <command>apt-get</"
+"command> tiene un sofisticado sistema de resolución de conflictos, si es "
+"necesario tratará de actualizar los paquetes más importantes a costa de los "
+"menos importantes. El fichero <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename> "
+"contiene la lista de sitios de los cuales se descargan los ficheros. También "
+"puede consultar &apt-preferences; si quiere modificar este comportamiento "
+"para paquetes individuales."
+#. type: <tag></tag>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:183 guide.sgml:131
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "install"
+msgstr "install"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:185
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>install</literal> is followed by one or more packages desired for "
+"installation or upgrading. Each package is a package name, not a fully "
+"qualified filename (for instance, in a Debian GNU/Linux system, libc6 would "
+"be the argument provided, not <literal>libc6_1.9.6-2.deb</literal>). All "
+"packages required by the package(s) specified for installation will also be "
+"retrieved and installed. The <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename> "
+"file is used to locate the desired packages. If a hyphen is appended to the "
+"package name (with no intervening space), the identified package will be "
+"removed if it is installed. Similarly a plus sign can be used to designate "
+"a package to install. These latter features may be used to override "
+"decisions made by apt-get's conflict resolution system."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>install</literal> instala los paquetes que siguen a la palabra "
+"install. Cada nombre de paquete no es el nombre completo del paquete junto "
+"con la versión de Debian, sino sólo el nombre del paquete (por ejemplo, en "
+"un sistema Debian GNU/Linux, el argumento sería libc6, no "
+"<literal>libc6_1.9.6-2.deb</literal>). Se obtendrán e instalarán todos los "
+"paquetes especificados para la instalación, así como los requeridos por "
+"estos. El fichero <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename> se usa para "
+"localizar los paquetes. Si al nombre del paquete se le antepone un guión "
+"(sin ningún espacio), el paquete será desinstalado en vez de instalado. "
+"Similarmente el signo del la suma se puede usar para especificar que un "
+"paquete debe de ser instalado. Esta últimas características se pueden usar "
+"para modificar decisiones tomadas por el sistema de resolución de conflictos "
+"de apt-get."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:203
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"A specific version of a package can be selected for installation by "
+"following the package name with an equals and the version of the package to "
+"select. This will cause that version to be located and selected for install. "
+"Alternatively a specific distribution can be selected by following the "
+"package name with a slash and the version of the distribution or the Archive "
+"name (stable, testing, unstable)."
+msgstr ""
+"Se puede seleccionar una versión especifica de un paquete poniendo a "
+"continuación del paquete un igual ('=') seguido de la versión deseada. "
+"Alternativamente se puede seleccionar una distribución especifica poniendo a "
+"continuación del nombre del paquete una barra ('/') seguido de la versión de "
+"la distribución o su nombre en el archivo de Debian (stable, testing, "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:210
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Both of the version selection mechanisms can downgrade packages and must be "
+"used with care."
+msgstr ""
+"Cualquiera de estos dos métodos de selección puede instalar una versión "
+"anterior de los paquetes y debe ser usada con cuidado."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:213
+msgid ""
+"This is also the target to use if you want to upgrade one or more already-"
+"installed packages without upgrading every package you have on your system. "
+"Unlike the \"upgrade\" target, which installs the newest version of all "
+"currently installed packages, \"install\" will install the newest version of "
+"only the package(s) specified. Simply provide the name of the package(s) "
+"you wish to upgrade, and if a newer version is available, it (and its "
+"dependencies, as described above) will be downloaded and installed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:224
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Finally, the &apt-preferences; mechanism allows you to create an alternative "
+"installation policy for individual packages."
+msgstr ""
+"Finalmente, &apt-preferences; permite modificar las normas de selección para "
+"paquetes individuales."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:228
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If no package matches the given expression and the expression contains one "
+"of '.', '?' or '*' then it is assumed to be a POSIX regular expression, and "
+"it is applied to all package names in the database. Any matches are then "
+"installed (or removed). Note that matching is done by substring so 'lo.*' "
+"matches 'how-lo' and 'lowest'. If this is undesired, anchor the regular "
+"expression with a '^' or '$' character, or create a more specific regular "
+msgstr ""
+"Si ningún paquete coincide con la expresión que se ha dado y la expresión "
+"contiene un '.', '?' o un '*', entonces se asume que es una expresión "
+"regular de acuerdo con el estándar POSIX, y es aplicada a todos los nombres "
+"de paquetes de la base de datos. Cualquier coincidencia se instala (o "
+"desinstala). Tenga en cuenta que la comparación se hace en subcadenas, de "
+"manera que 'lo.*' es válido para 'how-lo' y para 'lowest'. Si este no es el "
+"comportamiento deseado se debe anclar la expresión regular con un '^' o un "
+"'$', o bien crear una expresión regular más específica."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:237
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "remove"
+msgstr "remove"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:238
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>remove</literal> is identical to <literal>install</literal> except "
+"that packages are removed instead of installed. Note the removing a package "
+"leaves its configuration files in system. If a plus sign is appended to the "
+"package name (with no intervening space), the identified package will be "
+"installed instead of removed."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>remove</literal> se comporta del mismo modo que <literal>install</"
+"literal> con la diferencia de que desinstala los paquetes en vez de "
+"instalarlos. Si un signo más precede al nombre del paquete (sin ningún "
+"espacio en blanco entre los dos), el paquete en cuestión será instalado en "
+"vez de eliminado."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:245
+msgid "purge"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:246
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>purge</literal> is identical to <literal>remove</literal> except "
+"that packages are removed and purged (any configuration files are deleted "
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>remove</literal> se comporta del mismo modo que <literal>install</"
+"literal> con la diferencia de que desinstala los paquetes en vez de "
+"instalarlos. Si un signo más precede al nombre del paquete (sin ningún "
+"espacio en blanco entre los dos), el paquete en cuestión será instalado en "
+"vez de eliminado."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:250
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "source"
+msgstr "source"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:251
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>source</literal> causes <command>apt-get</command> to fetch source "
+"packages. APT will examine the available packages to decide which source "
+"package to fetch. It will then find and download into the current directory "
+"the newest available version of that source package while respect the "
+"default release, set with the option <literal>APT::Default-Release</"
+"literal>, the <option>-t</option> option or per package with the "
+"<literal>pkg/release</literal> syntax, if possible."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>source</literal> hace que <command>apt-get</command> descargue "
+"paquetes fuente. APT examinará los paquetes disponibles para decidir que "
+"paquete fuente cogerá. Entones descargará en el directorio actual la versión "
+"más reciente del paquete fuente. Los paquetes fuente se obtienen de sitios "
+"distintos a los binarios, estos sitios se especifican mediante líneas del "
+"tipo <literal>deb-src</literal> en el fichero &sources-list;. Esto puede "
+"provocar que la versión que descargará del paquete fuente no coincida con la "
+"del paquete binario que tenga instalado o pueda instalar. Si se especifica "
+"el argumento --compile entonces el paquete se compilará usando dpkg-"
+"buildpackage para producir un .deb binario, si se especifica el argumento --"
+"download-only entonces el paquete fuente no se desempaquetará."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:259
+msgid ""
+"Source packages are tracked separately from binary packages via <literal>deb-"
+"src</literal> type lines in the &sources-list; file. This means that you "
+"will need to add such a line for each repository you want to get sources "
+"from. If you don't do this you will properly get another (newer, older or "
+"none) source version than the one you have installed or could install."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:266
+msgid ""
+"If the <option>--compile</option> option is specified then the package will "
+"be compiled to a binary .deb using <command>dpkg-buildpackage</command>, if "
+"<option>--download-only</option> is specified then the source package will "
+"not be unpacked."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:271
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"A specific source version can be retrieved by postfixing the source name "
+"with an equals and then the version to fetch, similar to the mechanism used "
+"for the package files. This enables exact matching of the source package "
+"name and version, implicitly enabling the <literal>APT::Get::Only-Source</"
+"literal> option."
+msgstr ""
+"Una versión especifica de un paquete fuente puede requerirse poniendo un "
+"signo igual ('=') seguido de la versión a descargar después del nombre del "
+"paquete. Es un mecanismo similar al que se usa con los paquetes binarios. "
+"Esto permite seleccionar exactamente el nombre y versión del paquete fuente, "
+"activando implícitamente la opción <literal>APT::Get::Only-Source</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:277
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Note that source packages are not tracked like binary packages, they exist "
+"only in the current directory and are similar to downloading source tar "
+msgstr ""
+"Dese cuenta que los paquetes fuentes no se tratan como los binarios, sólo "
+"existen en el directorio actual, es parecido a descargar los paquetes tar "
+"comprimidos con las fuentes."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:282
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "build-dep"
+msgstr "build-dep"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:283
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>build-dep</literal> causes apt-get to install/remove packages in an "
+"attempt to satisfy the build dependencies for a source package."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>build-dep</literal> hace que apt-get instale/desinstale paquetes en "
+"un intento de satisfacer las dependencias de compilación de un paquete "
+"fuente. Por el momento si hay varios paquetes que satisfacen la misma "
+"dependencia, apt-get elige uno aleatoriamente."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:287
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "check"
+msgstr "check"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:288
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>check</literal> is a diagnostic tool; it updates the package cache "
+"and checks for broken dependencies."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>check</literal> es una herramienta de diagnóstico. Actualiza la "
+"caché de paquetes (/var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin), vuelve a crear un nuevo "
+"árbol de dependencias y busca dependencias imposibles de resolver."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:293
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>clean</literal> clears out the local repository of retrieved "
+"package files. It removes everything but the lock file from "
+"<filename>&cachedir;/archives/</filename> and <filename>&cachedir;/archives/"
+"partial/</filename>. When APT is used as a &dselect; method, <literal>clean</"
+"literal> is run automatically. Those who do not use dselect will likely "
+"want to run <literal>apt-get clean</literal> from time to time to free up "
+"disk space."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>clean</literal> borra totalmente el repositorio local que contiene "
+"los ficheros .deb descargados. Borra todo excepto el fichero de bloqueo de "
+"los directorios <filename>&cachedir;/archives/</filename> y "
+"<filename>&cachedir;/archives/partial/</filename>. Cuando APT se usa como un "
+"método de &dselect;, <literal>clean</literal> se ejecuta automáticamente. Si "
+"usted no usa dselect es probable que desee ejecutar <literal>apt-get clean</"
+"literal> de vez en cuando para liberar algo de espacio en disco."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:302
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "autoclean"
+msgstr "autoclean"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:303
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Like <literal>clean</literal>, <literal>autoclean</literal> clears out the "
+"local repository of retrieved package files. The difference is that it only "
+"removes package files that can no longer be downloaded, and are largely "
+"useless. This allows a cache to be maintained over a long period without it "
+"growing out of control. The configuration option <literal>APT::Clean-"
+"Installed</literal> will prevent installed packages from being erased if it "
+"is set to off."
+msgstr ""
+"Al igual que <literal>clean</literal>, <literal>autoclean</literal> borra el "
+"repositorio local de paquetes descargados. La diferencia reside en que sólo "
+"borrará aquellos paquetes que ya no pueden ser descargados, o son claramente "
+"inservibles. Esto permite mantener la caché durante largos periodos de "
+"tiempo sin que aumente su tamaño sin control. Si la opción de configuración "
+"<literal>APT::Clean-Installed</literal> está desactivada impedirá que se "
+"borren paquetes instalados."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:312
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "autoremove"
+msgstr "remove"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:313
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>autoremove</literal> is used to remove packages that were "
+"automatically installed to satisfy dependencies for some package and that "
+"are no more needed."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>build-dep</literal> hace que apt-get instale/desinstale paquetes en "
+"un intento de satisfacer las dependencias de compilación de un paquete "
+"fuente. Por el momento si hay varios paquetes que satisfacen la misma "
+"dependencia, apt-get elige uno aleatoriamente."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:323 apt-get.8.xml:429
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--no-install-recommends</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--installed</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:324
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Do not consider recommended packages as a dependency for installing. "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Install-Recommends</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+"Sólo busca en los nombres de paquetes, no en las descripciones largas. "
+"Opción de configuración: <literal>APT::Cache::NamesOnly</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:328
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--download-only</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--download-only</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:329
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Download only; package files are only retrieved, not unpacked or installed. "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Download-Only</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+"Sólo descarga los ficheros con los paquetes, no los desempaqueta ni los "
+"instala. Opción de Configuración: <literal>APT::Get::Download-Only</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:333
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--fix-broken</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--fix-broken</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:334
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Fix; attempt to correct a system with broken dependencies in place. This "
+"option, when used with install/remove, can omit any packages to permit APT "
+"to deduce a likely solution. Any Package that are specified must completely "
+"correct the problem. The option is sometimes necessary when running APT for "
+"the first time; APT itself does not allow broken package dependencies to "
+"exist on a system. It is possible that a system's dependency structure can "
+"be so corrupt as to require manual intervention (which usually means using "
+"&dselect; or <command>dpkg --remove</command> to eliminate some of the "
+"offending packages). Use of this option together with <option>-m</option> "
+"may produce an error in some situations. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::"
+msgstr ""
+"Intenta arreglar un sistema con dependencias actualmente rotas. Esta opción "
+"usada conjuntamente con install/remove, puede omitir cualquier paquete para "
+"permitir a APT deducir una posible solución. Cualquier paquete especificado "
+"debe de corregir totalmente el problema. La opción es a veces necesaria "
+"cuando se ejecuta apt por primera vez. APT no permite que existan "
+"dependencias de paquetes rotas en un sistema. Es posible que la estructura "
+"de dependencias de un sistema esté tan deteriorada que requiera una "
+"intervención manual (usualmente ejecutar &dselect; o <command>dpkg --remove</"
+"command> para desinstalar alguno de los paquetes que crean el conflicto). El "
+"uso de esta opción junto con <option>-m</option> puede producir un error en "
+"algunas situaciones. Opción de Configuración: <literal>APT::Get::Fix-Broken</"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:347
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--ignore-missing</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--ignore-missing</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:348
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--fix-missing</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--fix-missing</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:349
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Ignore missing packages; If packages cannot be retrieved or fail the "
+"integrity check after retrieval (corrupted package files), hold back those "
+"packages and handle the result. Use of this option together with <option>-f</"
+"option> may produce an error in some situations. If a package is selected "
+"for installation (particularly if it is mentioned on the command line) and "
+"it could not be downloaded then it will be silently held back. "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Fix-Missing</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+"No tiene en cuenta los paquetes que no se hayan podido descargar o que "
+"después de la descarga se encuentren dañados, estos paquetes se tratan como "
+"no modificables y se continúa con el resto. Usar esta opción junto con "
+"<option>-f</option> puede producir un error en algunas situaciones. Si un "
+"paquete se selecciona para su normal instalación (particularmente si se hace "
+"mediante la línea de órdenes) y no puede ser descargado, será tratado como "
+"no modificable. Opción de Configuración: <literal>APT::Get::Fix-Missing</"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:359
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--no-download</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--no-download</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:360
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Disables downloading of packages. This is best used with <option>--ignore-"
+"missing</option> to force APT to use only the .debs it has already "
+"downloaded. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Download</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+"Deshabilita la descarga de paquetes. Usada junto con <option>--ignore-"
+"missing</option> es la mejor manera de forzar a APT a usar solo los .debs "
+"que ya se han descargado con anterioridad. Opción de Configuración: "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:367
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
+"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
+"<option>-q=#</option> to set the quiet level, overriding the configuration "
+"file. Note that quiet level 2 implies <option>-y</option>, you should never "
+"use -qq without a no-action modifier such as -d, --print-uris or -s as APT "
+"may decided to do something you did not expect. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+"Silencioso. Produce una salida adecuada para un registro, omitiendo los "
+"indicadores de progreso. Si se especifican más q's (hasta un máximo de 2) se "
+"conseguirá una salida más silenciosa. También es posible usar <option>-q=#</"
+"option> para seleccionar el nivel de silenciosidad, no teniendo en cuenta el "
+"fichero de configuración. Dese cuenta que un nivel silencioso de 2 implica "
+"<option>-y</option>, por lo tanto nunca se deberá usar -qq sin añadir un "
+"modificador para que no realice ninguna acción como -d, --print-uris o -s "
+"para evitar que APT realice algo que usted no espera. Opción de "
+"Configuración: <literal>quiet</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:377
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--simulate</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--simulate</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:379
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--dry-run</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--dry-run</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:382
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"No action; perform a simulation of events that would occur but do not "
+"actually change the system. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::"
+msgstr ""
+"No realiza ninguna acción; simula lo que hubiese ocurrido, pero sin hacer "
+"cambios reales en el sistema. Opción de Configuración: <literal>APT::Get::"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:386
+msgid ""
+"Simulation run as user will deactivate locking (<literal>Debug::NoLocking</"
+"literal>) automatic. Also a notice will be displayed indicating that this "
+"is only a simulation, if the option <literal>APT::Get::Show-User-Simulation-"
+"Note</literal> is set (Default: true). Neither NoLocking nor the notice "
+"will be triggered if run as root (root should know what he is doing without "
+"further warnings by <literal>apt-get</literal>)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:392
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Simulate prints out a series of lines each one representing a dpkg "
+"operation, Configure (Conf), Remove (Remv), Unpack (Inst). Square brackets "
+"indicate broken packages and empty set of square brackets meaning breaks "
+"that are of no consequence (rare)."
+msgstr ""
+"La simulación muestra por pantalla una serie de líneas, cada una de las "
+"cuales representa una operación de dpkg, configurar (Conf), desinstalar "
+"(Remv), o desempaquetar (Inst). Un par de corchetes indican paquetes con "
+"dependencias rotas, si no hay nada entre ellos significa que no hay ningún "
+"problema (poco probable)."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:399
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>-y</option>"
+msgstr "<option>-y</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:399
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--yes</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--yes</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:400
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--assume-yes</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--assume-yes</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:401
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Automatic yes to prompts; assume \"yes\" as answer to all prompts and run "
+"non-interactively. If an undesirable situation, such as changing a held "
+"package, trying to install a unauthenticated package or removing an "
+"essential package occurs then <literal>apt-get</literal> will abort. "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Assume-Yes</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+"Asume una respuesta afirmativa a todas las preguntas, de esta forma apt-get "
+"se ejecuta sin necesidad de intervención posterior para tomar decisiones. "
+"<literal>apt-get</literal> terminará sin hacer nada si se produjese una "
+"situación no deseada, como cambiar un paquete puesto en hold (un paquete "
+"puesto en hold es un paquete que no debe de ser modificado) o desinstalar un "
+"paquete esencial. Opción de Configuración: <literal>APT::Get::Assume-Yes</"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:408
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>-u</option>"
+msgstr "<option>-u</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:408
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--show-upgraded</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--show-upgraded</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:409
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Show upgraded packages; Print out a list of all packages that are to be "
+"upgraded. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Show-Upgraded</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+"Muestra los paquetes que se van a actualizar. Opción de Configuración: "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:414
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>-V</option>"
+msgstr "<option>-V</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:414
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--verbose-versions</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--verbose-versions</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:415
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Show full versions for upgraded and installed packages. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+"Muestra la versión completa para los paquetes actualizados e instalados. "
+"Opción de configuración: <literal>APT::Get::Show-Versions</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:419
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>-b</option>"
+msgstr "<option>-b</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:419
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--compile</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--compile</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:420
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--build</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--build</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:421
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Compile source packages after downloading them. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+"Descarga las fuentes y luego las compila. Opción de Configuración: "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:425
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--install-recommends</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--installed</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:426
+msgid "Also install recommended packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:430
+msgid "Do not install recommended packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:433
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--ignore-hold</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--ignore-hold</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:434
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Ignore package Holds; This causes <command>apt-get</command> to ignore a "
+"hold placed on a package. This may be useful in conjunction with "
+"<literal>dist-upgrade</literal> to override a large number of undesired "
+"holds. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Ignore-Hold</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+"No respeta los paquetes retenidos. Esto puede ser interesante junto con "
+"<literal>dist-upgrade</literal> para no tener en cuenta un gran número de "
+"paquetes en hold. Opción de Configuración: <literal>APT::Ignore-Hold</"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:440
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--no-upgrade</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--no-upgrade</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:441
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Do not upgrade packages; When used in conjunction with <literal>install</"
+"literal>, <literal>no-upgrade</literal> will prevent packages on the command "
+"line from being upgraded if they are already installed. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+"No actualiza los paquetes. Cuando se usa juntamente con <literal>install</"
+"literal>, <literal>no-upgrade</literal> evita que se actualicen los paquetes "
+"listados en la línea de órdenes si ya están previamente instalados. Opción "
+"de Configuración: <literal>APT::Get::Upgrade</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:447
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--force-yes</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--force-yes</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:448
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Force yes; This is a dangerous option that will cause apt to continue "
+"without prompting if it is doing something potentially harmful. It should "
+"not be used except in very special situations. Using <literal>force-yes</"
+"literal> can potentially destroy your system! Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+"Supone una respuesta afirmativa a todas las preguntas. Ésta es una opción "
+"peligrosa que hará que apt-get continúe incluso si va a realizar algo "
+"potencialmente peligros. No se debe usar excepto en situaciones muy "
+"especiales. ¡<literal>force-yes</literal> puede destruir su sistema! Opción "
+"de Configuración: <literal>APT::Get::force-yes</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:455
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--print-uris</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--print-uris</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:456
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Instead of fetching the files to install their URIs are printed. Each URI "
+"will have the path, the destination file name, the size and the expected md5 "
+"hash. Note that the file name to write to will not always match the file "
+"name on the remote site! This also works with the <literal>source</literal> "
+"and <literal>update</literal> commands. When used with the <literal>update</"
+"literal> command the MD5 and size are not included, and it is up to the user "
+"to decompress any compressed files. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::"
+msgstr ""
+"Muestra las URIs de los ficheros a instalar en vez de descargarlos. Cada URI "
+"tiene la dirección de donde se obtendrá el paquete, el fichero de destino, "
+"su tamaño y la suma de control md5 esperada. Dese cuenta que el nombre de "
+"fichero no siempre coincide con el nombre de fichero en el sitio remoto. "
+"Esto también funciona con las ordenes <literal>source</literal> y "
+"<literal>update</literal>. Cuando se usa con la orden <literal>update</"
+"literal>, no se incluyen ni la suma de control MD5 ni el tamaño, y es tarea "
+"del usuario descomprimir cualquier fichero comprimido. Opción de "
+"Configuración: <literal>APT::Get::Print-URIs</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:466
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--purge</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--purge</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:467
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Use purge instead of remove for anything that would be removed. An asterisk "
+"(\"*\") will be displayed next to packages which are scheduled to be purged. "
+"<option>remove --purge</option> is equivalent for <option>purge</option> "
+"command. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Purge</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+"Borra los archivos de configuración de todos los paquetes que sean "
+"desinstalados. Se mostrará un asterisco '*' a continuación de los paquetes "
+"que se encuentren en esta situación. Opción de Configuración: <literal>APT::"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:474
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--reinstall</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--reinstall</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:475
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Re-Install packages that are already installed and at the newest version. "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::ReInstall</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+"Reinstala los paquetes ya instalados, incluso si son la última versión "
+"disponible del paquete. Opción de Configuración: <literal>APT::Get::"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:479
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--list-cleanup</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--list-cleanup</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:480
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"This option defaults to on, use <literal>--no-list-cleanup</literal> to turn "
+"it off. When on <command>apt-get</command> will automatically manage the "
+"contents of <filename>&statedir;/lists</filename> to ensure that obsolete "
+"files are erased. The only reason to turn it off is if you frequently "
+"change your source list. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::List-"
+msgstr ""
+"Esta opción está activada por omisión, si quiere desactivarla use <literal>--"
+"no-list-cleanup</literal>. Cuando está activada <command>apt-get</command> "
+"administra automáticamente los contenidos de <filename>&statedir;/lists</"
+"filename> para asegurarse de que se borran los ficheros obsoletos. La única "
+"razón para desactivarla es un cambio frecuente en la lista de repositorios "
+"que usa apt-get. Opción de Configuración: <literal>APT::Get::List-Cleanup</"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:489
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--target-release</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--target-release</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:490
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--default-release</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--default-release</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:491
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"This option controls the default input to the policy engine, it creates a "
+"default pin at priority 990 using the specified release string. This "
+"overrides the general settings in <filename>/etc/apt/preferences</"
+"filename>. Specifically pinned packages are not affected by the value of "
+"this option. In short, this option lets you have simple control over which "
+"distribution packages will be retrieved from. Some common examples might be "
+"<option>-t '2.1*'</option>, <option>-t unstable</option> or <option>-t sid</"
+"option>. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Default-Release</literal>; see "
+"also the &apt-preferences; manual page."
+msgstr ""
+"Esta opción permite tener un control sobre la versión de la distribución "
+"desde la cual se instalan los paquetes de manera sencilla, creando un pin de "
+"990 usando la cadena de caracteres proporcionada que hace referencia a la "
+"distribución. Algunos ejemplos comunes pueden ser <option>-t '2.1*'</option> "
+"o <option>-t unstable</option>. Opción de configuración: <literal>APT::"
+"Default-Release</literal>. Vea además la página del manual de &apt-"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:504
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--trivial-only</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--trivial-only</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:506
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Only perform operations that are 'trivial'. Logically this can be considered "
+"related to <option>--assume-yes</option>, where <option>--assume-yes</"
+"option> will answer yes to any prompt, <option>--trivial-only</option> will "
+"answer no. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Trivial-Only</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+"Sólo realiza acciones consideradas triviales. Esta opción está relacionada "
+"con <option>--assume-yes</option>, donde <option>--assume-yes</option> "
+"responderá afirmativamente a cualquier pregunta, <option>--trivial-only</"
+"option> responderá negativamente. Opción de configuración: <literal>APT::"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:512
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--no-remove</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--no-remove</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:513
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If any packages are to be removed apt-get immediately aborts without "
+"prompting. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Remove</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+"Si algún paquete va a ser desinstalado apt-get termina inmediatamente. "
+"Opción de Configuración: <literal>APT::Get::Remove</literal>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:518
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--auto-remove</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--no-remove</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:519
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If the command is either <literal>install</literal> or <literal>remove</"
+"literal>, then this option acts like running <literal>autoremove</literal> "
+"command, removing the unused dependency packages. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+"No actualiza los paquetes. Cuando se usa juntamente con <literal>install</"
+"literal>, <literal>no-upgrade</literal> evita que se actualicen los paquetes "
+"listados en la línea de órdenes si ya están previamente instalados. Opción "
+"de Configuración: <literal>APT::Get::Upgrade</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:525
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--only-source</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--only-source</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:526
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Only has meaning for the <literal>source</literal> and <literal>build-dep</"
+"literal> commands. Indicates that the given source names are not to be "
+"mapped through the binary table. This means that if this option is "
+"specified, these commands will only accept source package names as "
+"arguments, rather than accepting binary package names and looking up the "
+"corresponding source package. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Only-"
+msgstr ""
+"Sólo tiene sentido para la orden <literal>source</literal>. Indica que los "
+"nombres de paquetes fuente dados no deben ser tratados a través de la tabla "
+"de binarios. Esto significa que si se especifica esta opción, la orden "
+"<literal>source</literal> sólo aceptará como argumentos nombres de paquetes "
+"fuente, en vez de aceptar nombres de paquetes binarios y luego buscar el "
+"nombre del paquete fuente correspondiente. Opción de Configuración: "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:536
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--diff-only</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--diff-only</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:536
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--dsc-only</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--diff-only</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:536
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--tar-only</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--tar-only</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:537
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Download only the diff, dsc, or tar file of a source archive. Configuration "
+"Item: <literal>APT::Get::Diff-Only</literal>, <literal>APT::Get::Dsc-Only</"
+"literal>, and <literal>APT::Get::Tar-Only</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+"Descarga sólo el fichero diff o tar del archivo fuente. Opciones de "
+"Configuración: <literal>APT::Get::Diff-Only</literal> y <literal>APT::Get::"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:542
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--arch-only</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--arch-only</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:543
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Only process architecture-dependent build-dependencies. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+"Procesa sólo las dependencias de construcción dependientes de la "
+"arquitectura. Opción de configuración: <literal>APT::Get::Arch-Only</literal>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:547
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--allow-unauthenticated</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--all-names</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:548
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Ignore if packages can't be authenticated and don't prompt about it. This "
+"is useful for tools like pbuilder. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::"
+msgstr ""
+"Reinstala los paquetes ya instalados, incluso si son la última versión "
+"disponible del paquete. Opción de Configuración: <literal>APT::Get::"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:561
+msgid ""
+"&file-sourceslist; &file-aptconf; &file-preferences; &file-cachearchives; "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:570
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"&apt-cache;, &apt-cdrom;, &dpkg;, &dselect;, &sources-list;, &apt-conf;, "
+"&apt-config;, &apt-secure;, The APT User's guide in &guidesdir;, &apt-"
+"preferences;, the APT Howto."
+msgstr ""
+"&apt-cache;, &apt-cdrom;, &dpkg;, &dselect;, &sources-list;, &apt-conf;, "
+"&apt-config;, la guía de usuario de APT en &docdir;, &apt-preferences;, el "
+"Cómo de APT."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:576
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-get</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 on "
+msgstr ""
+"apt devuelve cero cuando no ocurre ningún error. Si hay algún error devuelve "
+"el valor 100."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:579
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:580
+msgid "&apt-author.jgunthorpe;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:583
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:585
+msgid "&;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:14 apt-key.8.xml:21
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "apt-key"
+msgstr "apt"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:22
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "APT key management utility"
+msgstr "utilidad APT para administración del CDROM"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:28
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-key</command> <arg><replaceable>command</replaceable>/</arg> "
+"<arg rep=\"repeat\"><option><replaceable>arguments</replaceable></option></"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:36
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-key</command> is used to manage the list of keys used by apt to "
+"authenticate packages. Packages which have been authenticated using these "
+"keys will be considered trusted."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:42
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:44
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "add <replaceable>filename</replaceable>"
+msgstr "add <replaceable>fichero(s)</replaceable>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:48
+msgid ""
+"Add a new key to the list of trusted keys. The key is read from "
+"<replaceable>filename</replaceable>, or standard input if "
+"<replaceable>filename</replaceable> is <literal>-</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:56
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "del <replaceable>keyid</replaceable>"
+msgstr "add <replaceable>fichero(s)</replaceable>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:60
+msgid "Remove a key from the list of trusted keys."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:67
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "export <replaceable>keyid</replaceable>"
+msgstr "dotty <replaceable>paquete(s)</replaceable>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:71
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Output the key <replaceable>keyid</replaceable> to standard output."
+msgstr "dotty <replaceable>paquete(s)</replaceable>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:78
+msgid "exportall"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:82
+msgid "Output all trusted keys to standard output."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:89
+msgid "list"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:93
+msgid "List trusted keys."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:100
+msgid "finger"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:104
+msgid "List fingerprints of trusted keys."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:111
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "adv"
+msgstr "add"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:115
+msgid ""
+"Pass advanced options to gpg. With adv --recv-key you can download the "
+"public key."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:127
+msgid ""
+"Update the local keyring with the keyring of Debian archive keys and removes "
+"from the keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:140
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<filename>/etc/apt/trusted.gpg</filename>"
+msgstr "<filename>/etc/apt/apt.conf</filename>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:141
+msgid "Keyring of local trusted keys, new keys will be added here."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:144
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
+msgstr "<filename>/etc/apt/apt.conf</filename>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:145
+msgid "Local trust database of archive keys."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:148
+msgid "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:149
+msgid "Keyring of Debian archive trusted keys."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:152
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:153
+msgid "Keyring of Debian archive removed trusted keys."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:164
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
+msgstr "&apt-conf;, &apt-get;, &sources-list;"
+#. The last update date
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:13
+msgid ""
+"&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>9 "
+"August 2009</date>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:22 apt-mark.8.xml:29
+msgid "apt-mark"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:30
+msgid "mark/unmark a package as being automatically-installed"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:36
+msgid ""
+" <command>apt-mark</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> <arg><option>-"
+"f=<replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></option></arg> <group choice=\"plain"
+"\"> <arg choice=\"plain\"> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg choice=\"plain"
+"\">markauto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">unmarkauto</arg> </group> <arg "
+"choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>package</replaceable></arg> </"
+"arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showauto</arg> </group>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:53
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-mark</command> will change whether a package has been marked as "
+"being automatically installed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:57
+msgid ""
+"When you request that a package is installed, and as a result other packages "
+"are installed to satisfy its dependencies, the dependencies are marked as "
+"being automatically installed. Once these automatically installed packages "
+"are no longer depended on by any manually installed packages, they will be "
+"removed by e.g. <command>apt-get</command> or <command>aptitude</command>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:65
+msgid "markauto"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:66
+msgid ""
+"<literal>markauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being automatically "
+"installed, which will cause the package to be removed when no more manually "
+"installed packages depend on this package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:73
+msgid "unmarkauto"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:74
+msgid ""
+"<literal>unmarkauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being manually "
+"installed, which will prevent the package from being automatically removed "
+"if no other packages depend on it."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:81
+msgid "showauto"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:82
+msgid ""
+"<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
+"installed packages with each package on a new line."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:93
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:94
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:97
+msgid ""
+"Read/Write package stats from <filename><replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></"
+"filename> instead of the default location, which is "
+"<filename>extended_status</filename> in the directory defined by the "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::State</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:103
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>-h</option>"
+msgstr "<option>-d</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:104
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--help</option>"
+msgstr "<option>-p</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:105
+msgid "Show a short usage summary."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:111
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>-v</option>"
+msgstr "<option>-d</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:112
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--version</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--all-versions</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:113
+msgid "Show the program version."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:124
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<filename>/var/lib/apt/extended_states</filename>"
+msgstr "<filename>/etc/apt/preferences</filename>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:125
+msgid ""
+"Status list of auto-installed packages. Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::"
+"State</literal> sets the path to the <filename>extended_states</filename> "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:134
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "&apt-get;,&aptitude;,&apt-conf;"
+msgstr "&apt-conf;, &apt-get;, &sources-list;"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:138
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-mark</command> returns zero on normal operation, non-zero on "
+msgstr ""
+"apt devuelve cero cuando no ocurre ningún error. Si hay algún error devuelve "
+"el valor 100."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:14 apt-secure.8.xml:36
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "apt-secure"
+msgstr "apt-cache"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:37
+msgid "Archive authentication support for APT"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:42
+msgid ""
+"Starting with version 0.6, <command>apt</command> contains code that does "
+"signature checking of the Release file for all archives. This ensures that "
+"packages in the archive can't be modified by people who have no access to "
+"the Release file signing key."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:50
+msgid ""
+"If a package comes from a archive without a signature or with a signature "
+"that apt does not have a key for that package is considered untrusted and "
+"installing it will result in a big warning. <command>apt-get</command> will "
+"currently only warn for unsigned archives, future releases might force all "
+"sources to be verified before downloading packages from them."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:59
+msgid ""
+"The package frontends &apt-get;, &aptitude; and &synaptic; support this new "
+"authentication feature."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:64
+msgid "Trusted archives"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:67
+msgid ""
+"The chain of trust from an apt archive to the end user is made up of "
+"different steps. <command>apt-secure</command> is the last step in this "
+"chain, trusting an archive does not mean that the packages that you trust it "
+"do not contain malicious code but means that you trust the archive "
+"maintainer. It's the archive maintainer responsibility to ensure that the "
+"archive integrity is correct."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:75
+msgid ""
+"apt-secure does not review signatures at a package level. If you require "
+"tools to do this you should look at <command>debsig-verify</command> and "
+"<command>debsign</command> (provided in the debsig-verify and devscripts "
+"packages respectively)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:82
+msgid ""
+"The chain of trust in Debian starts when a maintainer uploads a new package "
+"or a new version of a package to the Debian archive. This upload in order to "
+"become effective needs to be signed by a key of a maintainer within the "
+"Debian maintainer's keyring (available in the debian-keyring package). "
+"Maintainer's keys are signed by other maintainers following pre-established "
+"procedures to ensure the identity of the key holder."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:92
+msgid ""
+"Once the uploaded package is verified and included in the archive, the "
+"maintainer signature is stripped off, an MD5 sum of the package is computed "
+"and put in the Packages file. The MD5 sum of all of the packages files are "
+"then computed and put into the Release file. The Release file is then signed "
+"by the archive key (which is created once a year) and distributed through "
+"the FTP server. This key is also on the Debian keyring."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:102
+msgid ""
+"Any end user can check the signature of the Release file, extract the MD5 "
+"sum of a package from it and compare it with the MD5 sum of the package he "
+"downloaded. Prior to version 0.6 only the MD5 sum of the downloaded Debian "
+"package was checked. Now both the MD5 sum and the signature of the Release "
+"file are checked."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:109
+msgid ""
+"Notice that this is distinct from checking signatures on a per package "
+"basis. It is designed to prevent two possible attacks:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:114
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Network \"man in the middle\" attacks</literal>. Without signature "
+"checking, a malicious agent can introduce himself in the package download "
+"process and provide malicious software either by controlling a network "
+"element (router, switch, etc.) or by redirecting traffic to a rogue server "
+"(through arp or DNS spoofing attacks)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:122
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Mirror network compromise</literal>. Without signature checking, a "
+"malicious agent can compromise a mirror host and modify the files in it to "
+"propagate malicious software to all users downloading packages from that "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:129
+msgid ""
+"However, it does not defend against a compromise of the Debian master server "
+"itself (which signs the packages) or against a compromise of the key used to "
+"sign the Release files. In any case, this mechanism can complement a per-"
+"package signature."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:135
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "User configuration"
+msgstr "especificación de la URI"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:137
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-key</command> is the program that manages the list of keys used "
+"by apt. It can be used to add or remove keys although an installation of "
+"this release will automatically provide the default Debian archive signing "
+"keys used in the Debian package repositories."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:144
+msgid ""
+"In order to add a new key you need to first download it (you should make "
+"sure you are using a trusted communication channel when retrieving it), add "
+"it with <command>apt-key</command> and then run <command>apt-get update</"
+"command> so that apt can download and verify the <filename>Release.gpg</"
+"filename> files from the archives you have configured."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:153
+msgid "Archive configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:155
+msgid ""
+"If you want to provide archive signatures in an archive under your "
+"maintenance you have to:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:160
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis>Create a toplevel Release file</emphasis>, if it does not exist "
+"already. You can do this by running <command>apt-ftparchive release</"
+"command> (provided in apt-utils)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:165
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis>Sign it</emphasis>. You can do this by running <command>gpg -abs -"
+"o Release.gpg Release</command>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:168
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis>Publish the key fingerprint</emphasis>, that way your users will "
+"know what key they need to import in order to authenticate the files in the "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:175
+msgid ""
+"Whenever the contents of the archive changes (new packages are added or "
+"removed) the archive maintainer has to follow the first two steps previously "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:183
+msgid ""
+"&apt-conf;, &apt-get;, &sources-list;, &apt-key;, &apt-ftparchive;, "
+"&debsign; &debsig-verify;, &gpg;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:187
+msgid ""
+"For more background information you might want to review the <ulink url="
+"\">Debian Security Infrastructure</ulink> chapter of the Securing Debian "
+"Manual (available also in the harden-doc package) and the <ulink url="
+"\"\" >Strong "
+"Distribution HOWTO</ulink> by V. Alex Brennen."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:200
+msgid "Manpage Authors"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:202
+msgid ""
+"This man-page is based on the work of Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña, Isaac "
+"Jones, Colin Walters, Florian Weimer and Michael Vogt."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:22 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:29
+msgid "apt-sortpkgs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:30
+msgid "Utility to sort package index files"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:36
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-sortpkgs</command> <arg><option>-hvs</option></arg> "
+"<arg><option>-o=<replaceable>config string</replaceable></option></arg> "
+"<arg><option>-c=<replaceable>file</replaceable></option></arg> <arg choice="
+"\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>file</replaceable></arg>"
+msgstr ""
+"<cmdsynopsis sepchar=\" \">\n"
+"<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\"><option>-hvrmfan</option></arg>\n"
+"<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\"><option>-d=<replaceable>cdrom "
+"<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\"><option>-o=<replaceable>cadena de "
+"<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\"><option>-c=<replaceable>fichero</"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:45
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-sortpkgs</command> will take an index file (Source index or "
+"Package index) and sort the records so that they are ordered by the package "
+"name. It will also sort the internal fields of each record according to the "
+"internal sorting rules."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:51
+msgid "All output is sent to stdout, the input must be a seekable file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:58
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<option>--source</option>"
+msgstr "<option>--only-source</option>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:60
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Use Source index field ordering. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::"
+msgstr ""
+"Descarga las fuentes y luego las compila. Opción de Configuración: "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:74
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-sortpkgs</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal "
+"100 on error."
+msgstr ""
+"apt devuelve cero cuando no ocurre ningún error. Si hay algún error devuelve "
+"el valor 100."
+#. The last update date
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:13
+msgid ""
+"&apt-author.jgunthorpe; &; <author> <firstname>Daniel</"
+"firstname> <surname>Burrows</surname> <contrib>Initial documentation of "
+"Debug::*.</contrib> <email></email> </author> &apt-email; "
+"&apt-product; <date>18 September 2009</date>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:28 apt.conf.5.xml:35
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "apt.conf"
+msgstr "apt-cdrom"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refmeta><manvolnum>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:29 apt_preferences.5.xml:22 sources.list.5.xml:23
+msgid "5"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:36
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Configuration file for APT"
+msgstr "Programa para la consulta de configuración de APT"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:40
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<filename>apt.conf</filename> is the main configuration file for the APT "
+"suite of tools, all tools make use of the configuration file and a common "
+"command line parser to provide a uniform environment. When an APT tool "
+"starts up it will read the configuration specified by the <envar>APT_CONFIG</"
+"envar> environment variable (if any) and then read the files in "
+"<literal>Dir::Etc::Parts</literal> then read the main configuration file "
+"specified by <literal>Dir::Etc::main</literal> then finally apply the "
+"command line options to override the configuration directives, possibly "
+"loading even more config files."
+msgstr ""
+"<filename>apt.conf</filename> es el fichero principal de configuración del "
+"conjunto de herramientas APT, todas las herramientas hacen uso del fichero "
+"de configuración y un analizador común de sintaxis de la línea de órdenes "
+"para proporcionar un entorno uniforme. Cuando se inicia una utilidad APT, "
+"este leerá la configuración especificada en la variable de entorno "
+"<envar>APT_CONFIG</envar> (si existe), luego leerá los ficheos en "
+"<literal>Dir::Etc::Parts</literal>, entonces leerá el fichero de "
+"configuración principal especificado por <literal>Dir::Etc::main</literal>, "
+"finalmente aplicará las opciones de la línea de órdenes para reescribir la "
+"directrices de la configuración, posiblemente cargando incluso más ficheros "
+"de configuración."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:50
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The configuration file is organized in a tree with options organized into "
+"functional groups. Option specification is given with a double colon "
+"notation, for instance <literal>APT::Get::Assume-Yes</literal> is an option "
+"within the APT tool group, for the Get tool. Options do not inherit from "
+"their parent groups."
+msgstr ""
+"El fichero de configuración está organizado en forma de árbol con las "
+"opciones organizadas en grupos funcionales. Las opciones especificadas son "
+"dadas con dobles dos puntos, por ejemplo <literal>APT::Get::Assume-Yes</"
+"literal> es un opción de la función GET del conjunto de herramientas APT. "
+"Las opciones no son heredadas de sus grupos padres."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:56
+msgid ""
+"Syntactically the configuration language is modeled after what the ISC tools "
+"such as bind and dhcp use. Lines starting with <literal>//</literal> are "
+"treated as comments (ignored), as well as all text between <literal>/*</"
+"literal> and <literal>*/</literal>, just like C/C++ comments. Each line is "
+"of the form <literal>APT::Get::Assume-Yes \"true\";</literal>. The trailing "
+"semicolon and the quotes are required. The value must be on one line, and "
+"there is no kind of string concatenation. It must not include inside "
+"quotes. The behavior of the backslash \"\\\" and escaped characters inside "
+"a value is undefined and it should not be used. An option name may include "
+"alphanumerical characters and the \"/-:._+\" characters. A new scope can be "
+"opened with curly braces, like:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><informalexample><programlisting>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:70
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"APT {\n"
+" Get {\n"
+" Assume-Yes \"true\";\n"
+" Fix-Broken \"true\";\n"
+" };\n"
+msgstr ""
+" \n"
+"APT {\n"
+" Get {\n"
+" Assume-Yes \"true\";\n"
+" Fix-Broken \"true\";\n"
+" };\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:78
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"with newlines placed to make it more readable. Lists can be created by "
+"opening a scope and including a single string enclosed in quotes followed by "
+"a semicolon. Multiple entries can be included, each separated by a semicolon."
+msgstr ""
+"</programlisting></informalexample> con nuevas líneas en cada lugar para "
+"hacerlo más legible. Las listas pueden crearse abriendo un nuevo ámbito e "
+"incluyendo una única palabra acotada entre comillas seguido de un punto y "
+"coma. Pueden ser incluidas múltiples entradas, cada una separada por un "
+"punto y coma. <informalexample>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><informalexample><programlisting>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:83
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "DPkg::Pre-Install-Pkgs {\"/usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt\";};\n"
+msgstr ""
+" \n"
+"DPkg::Pre-Install-Pkgs {\"/usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt\";};\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:86
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"In general the sample configuration file in <filename>&docdir;examples/apt."
+"conf</filename> &configureindex; is a good guide for how it should look."
+msgstr ""
+"En general, el fichero de configuración de ejemplo <filename>&docdir;"
+"examples/apt.conf</filename> &configureindex; es una buena guía para "
+"entender su aspecto."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:90
+msgid ""
+"The names of the configuration items are not case-sensitive. So in the "
+"previous example you could use <literal>dpkg::pre-install-pkgs</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:93
+msgid ""
+"Names for the configuration items are optional if a list is defined as it "
+"can be see in the <literal>DPkg::Pre-Install-Pkgs</literal> example above. "
+"If you don't specify a name a new entry will simply add a new option to the "
+"list. If you specify a name you can override the option as every other "
+"option by reassigning a new value to the option."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:98
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Two specials are allowed, <literal>#include</literal> (which is deprecated "
+"and not supported by alternative implementations) and <literal>#clear</"
+"literal>: <literal>#include</literal> will include the given file, unless "
+"the filename ends in a slash, then the whole directory is included. "
+"<literal>#clear</literal> is used to erase a part of the configuration tree. "
+"The specified element and all its descendants are erased. (Note that these "
+"lines also need to end with a semicolon.)"
+msgstr ""
+"Se permiten dos valores especiales, <literal>#include</literal> y "
+"<literal>#clear</literal>. <literal>#include</literal> incluirá el fichero "
+"dado, a menos que el final del nombre del fichero acabe en una barra, "
+"entonces se incluye el directorio entero. <literal>#clear</literal> se usa "
+"para suprimir la lista de nombres."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:106
+msgid ""
+"The #clear command is the only way to delete a list or a complete scope. "
+"Reopening a scope or the ::-style described below will <emphasis>not</"
+"emphasis> override previously written entries. Only options can be "
+"overridden by addressing a new value to it - lists and scopes can't be "
+"overridden, only cleared."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:111
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"All of the APT tools take a -o option which allows an arbitrary "
+"configuration directive to be specified on the command line. The syntax is a "
+"full option name (<literal>APT::Get::Assume-Yes</literal> for instance) "
+"followed by an equals sign then the new value of the option. Lists can be "
+"appended too by adding a trailing :: to the list name. (As you might "
+"suspect: The scope syntax can't be used on the command line.)"
+msgstr ""
+"Todas las utilidades APT permiten la opción -o como una directriz arbitraria "
+"de configuración que es especificada en la línea de órdenes. La sintaxis es "
+"un nombre de opción completo (<literal>APT::Get::Assume-Yes</literal> por "
+"ejemplo) seguido por signos de igualdad y el nuevo valor de la opción. Las "
+"listas también pueden ser añadidas incluyendo :: al final del nombre de la "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:118
+msgid ""
+"Note that you can use :: only for appending one item per line to a list and "
+"that you should not use it in combination with the scope syntax. (The scope "
+"syntax implicit insert ::) Using both syntaxes together will trigger a bug "
+"which some users unfortunately relay on: An option with the unusual name "
+"\"<literal>::</literal>\" which acts like every other option with a name. "
+"These introduces many problems including that a user who writes multiple "
+"lines in this <emphasis>wrong</emphasis> syntax in the hope to append to a "
+"list will gain the opposite as only the last assignment for this option "
+"\"<literal>::</literal>\" will be used. Upcoming APT versions will raise "
+"errors and will stop working if they encounter this misuse, so please "
+"correct such statements now as long as APT doesn't complain explicit about "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:130
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The APT Group"
+msgstr "El grupo APT"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:131
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"This group of options controls general APT behavior as well as holding the "
+"options for all of the tools."
+msgstr ""
+"Este grupo de opciones controlan la conducta general de APT así como el "
+"mantenimiento de las opciones para todas las utilidades."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:135
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Architecture"
+msgstr "Arquitectura"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:136
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"System Architecture; sets the architecture to use when fetching files and "
+"parsing package lists. The internal default is the architecture apt was "
+"compiled for."
+msgstr ""
+"Arquitectura del sistema; ajusta la arquitectura a usar cuando se obtengan "
+"los ficheros y se analicen las listas de paquetes. El valor por defecto es "
+"la arquitectura para la que ha sido compilado apt."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:141
+msgid "Default-Release"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:142
+msgid ""
+"Default release to install packages from if more than one version available. "
+"Contains release name, codename or release version. Examples: 'stable', "
+"'testing', 'unstable', 'lenny', 'squeeze', '4.0', '5.0*'. See also &apt-"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:146
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Ignore-Hold"
+msgstr "Ignore-Hold"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:147
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Ignore Held packages; This global option causes the problem resolver to "
+"ignore held packages in its decision making."
+msgstr ""
+"Ignorar paquetes retenidos: Esta opción global causa que el solucionador de "
+"problemas ignore paquetes retenidos cuando tome decisiones."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:151
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Clean-Installed"
+msgstr "Clean-Installed"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:152
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Defaults to on. When turned on the autoclean feature will remove any "
+"packages which can no longer be downloaded from the cache. If turned off "
+"then packages that are locally installed are also excluded from cleaning - "
+"but note that APT provides no direct means to reinstall them."
+msgstr ""
+"Activo por defecto. Cuando se activa la función de auto-limpieza, ésta "
+"eliminará cualquier paquete de la caché que ya no pueda descargarse. Si se "
+"desactiva, entonces los paquetes que están localmente instalados son "
+"excluidos de la limpieza - nótese que APT no provee ningún medio directo "
+"para reinstalarlos."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:158
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Immediate-Configure"
+msgstr "Immediate-Configure"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:159
+msgid ""
+"Defaults to on which will cause APT to install essential and important "
+"packages as fast as possible in the install/upgrade operation. This is done "
+"to limit the effect of a failing &dpkg; call: If this option is disabled APT "
+"does treat an important package in the same way as an extra package: Between "
+"the unpacking of the important package A and his configuration can then be "
+"many other unpack or configuration calls, e.g. for package B which has no "
+"relation to A, but causes the dpkg call to fail (e.g. because maintainer "
+"script of package B generates an error) which results in a system state in "
+"which package A is unpacked but unconfigured - each package depending on A "
+"is now no longer guaranteed to work as their dependency on A is not longer "
+"satisfied. The immediate configuration marker is also applied to all "
+"dependencies which can generate a problem if the dependencies e.g. form a "
+"circle as a dependency with the immediate flag is comparable with a Pre-"
+"Dependency. So in theory it is possible that APT encounters a situation in "
+"which it is unable to perform immediate configuration, error out and refers "
+"to this option so the user can deactivate the immediate configuration "
+"temporary to be able to perform an install/upgrade again. Note the use of "
+"the word \"theory\" here as this problem was only encountered by now in real "
+"world a few times in non-stable distribution versions and caused by wrong "
+"dependencies of the package in question or by a system in an already broken "
+"state, so you should not blindly disable this option as the mentioned "
+"scenario above is not the only problem immediate configuration can help to "
+"prevent in the first place. Before a big operation like <literal>dist-"
+"upgrade</literal> is run with this option disabled it should be tried to "
+"explicitly <literal>install</literal> the package APT is unable to configure "
+"immediately, but please make sure to report your problem also to your "
+"distribution and to the APT team with the buglink below so they can work on "
+"improving or correcting the upgrade process."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:181
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Force-LoopBreak"
+msgstr "Force-LoopBreak"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:182
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Never Enable this option unless you -really- know what you are doing. It "
+"permits APT to temporarily remove an essential package to break a Conflicts/"
+"Conflicts or Conflicts/Pre-Depend loop between two essential packages. SUCH "
+"A LOOP SHOULD NEVER EXIST AND IS A GRAVE BUG. This option will work if the "
+"essential packages are not tar, gzip, libc, dpkg, bash or anything that "
+"those packages depend on."
+msgstr ""
+"Nunca habilite esta opción a menos que usted -realmente- conozca lo que está "
+"haciendo. Esto permite a APT eliminar temporalmente un paquete esencial para "
+"romper conflictos o bucles conflictos/pre-dependencias entre dos paquetes "
+"Esta opción trabajará si el paquete esencial no es tar, gzip, libc, dpkg, "
+"bash o cualquier otro del que dependan estos paquetes."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:190
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Cache-Limit"
+msgstr "Cache-Limit"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:191
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"APT uses a fixed size memory mapped cache file to store the 'available' "
+"information. This sets the size of that cache (in bytes)."
+msgstr ""
+"APT usa un fichero de caché de memoria mapeada de tamaño fijo para almacenar "
+"la información disponible. Esto fija el tamaño de esa caché."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:195
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Build-Essential"
+msgstr "Build-Essential"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:196
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Defines which package(s) are considered essential build dependencies."
+msgstr ""
+"Define que paquete(s) son considerados dependencias de construcción "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:199
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Get"
+msgstr "Get"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:200
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The Get subsection controls the &apt-get; tool, please see its documentation "
+"for more information about the options here."
+msgstr ""
+"La subsección Get controla la herramienta &apt-get;, por favor, mire su "
+"documentación para más información sobre esta opción."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:204
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Cache"
+msgstr "check"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:205
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The Cache subsection controls the &apt-cache; tool, please see its "
+"documentation for more information about the options here."
+msgstr ""
+"La subsección Cache controla la herramienta &apt-cache;, por favor, mire su "
+"documentación para más información sobre esta opción."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:209
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "CDROM"
+msgstr "CDROM"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:210
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The CDROM subsection controls the &apt-cdrom; tool, please see its "
+"documentation for more information about the options here."
+msgstr ""
+"La subsección CDROM controla la herramienta &apt-cdrom;, por favor, mire la "
+"documentación para más información sobre esta opción."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:216
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The Acquire Group"
+msgstr "El grupo Acquire"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:221
+msgid "PDiffs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:222
+msgid ""
+"Try to download deltas called <literal>PDiffs</literal> for Packages or "
+"Sources files instead of downloading whole ones. True by default."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:227
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Queue-Mode"
+msgstr "Queue-Mode"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:228
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Queuing mode; <literal>Queue-Mode</literal> can be one of <literal>host</"
+"literal> or <literal>access</literal> which determines how APT parallelizes "
+"outgoing connections. <literal>host</literal> means that one connection per "
+"target host will be opened, <literal>access</literal> means that one "
+"connection per URI type will be opened."
+msgstr ""
+"Modo de cola; <literal>Queue-Mode</literal> puede ser <literal>host</"
+"literal> o <literal>access</literal> que determina como paralelizar las "
+"conexiones salientes de APT. <literal>host</literal> significa que se abrirá "
+"una conexión por puesto de destino, <literal>access</literal> significa que "
+"será abierta una conexión por cada tipo de URI."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:235
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Retries"
+msgstr "Retries"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:236
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Number of retries to perform. If this is non-zero APT will retry failed "
+"files the given number of times."
+msgstr ""
+"Número de reintentos. Si es distinto de cero APT volverá a intentar obtener "
+"los ficheros fallidos el número de veces dado."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:240
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Source-Symlinks"
+msgstr "Source-Symlinks"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:241
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Use symlinks for source archives. If set to true then source archives will "
+"be symlinked when possible instead of copying. True is the default."
+msgstr ""
+"Usar enlaces simbólicos para los archivos fuente. Si es true los archivos "
+"fuente se enlazarán a ser posible, en vez de copiarse. Por omisión es true."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:245 sources.list.5.xml:139
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "http"
+msgstr "http"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:246
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"HTTP URIs; http::Proxy is the default http proxy to use. It is in the "
+"standard form of <literal>http://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/</literal>. Per "
+"host proxies can also be specified by using the form <literal>http::Proxy::"
+"&lt;host&gt;</literal> with the special keyword <literal>DIRECT</literal> "
+"meaning to use no proxies. If no one of the above settings is specified, "
+"<envar>http_proxy</envar> environment variable will be used."
+msgstr ""
+"HTTP URIs; http::Proxy es el proxy http predeterminado a usar. Usa el "
+"formato general <literal>http://[[usuario][:clave]@]puesto[:puerto]/</"
+"literal>. También se puede especificar un proxy por cada puesto usando la "
+"forma <literal>http::Proxy::&lt;puesto&gt;</literal> con la palabra especial "
+"<literal>DIRECT</literal> queriendo decir que no se use proxy. La variable "
+"de entorno <envar>http_proxy</envar> modifica todas las preferencias."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:254
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Three settings are provided for cache control with HTTP/1.1 compliant proxy "
+"caches. <literal>No-Cache</literal> tells the proxy to not use its cached "
+"response under any circumstances, <literal>Max-Age</literal> is sent only "
+"for index files and tells the cache to refresh its object if it is older "
+"than the given number of seconds. Debian updates its index files daily so "
+"the default is 1 day. <literal>No-Store</literal> specifies that the cache "
+"should never store this request, it is only set for archive files. This may "
+"be useful to prevent polluting a proxy cache with very large .deb files. "
+"Note: Squid 2.0.2 does not support any of these options."
+msgstr ""
+"Para los proxies que cumplen con HTTP/1.1 se proporcionan tres opciones de "
+"configuración. <literal>No-Cache</literal> dice al proxy que no use su caché "
+"bajo ninguna circunstancia, <literal>Max-Age</literal> sólo se envía para "
+"los ficheros de índice y le pide a la caché que refresque su copia si es más "
+"antigua que un determinado número de segundos. Debian actualiza sus ficheros "
+"de índices diariamente, debido a esto el valor predeterminado es 1 día. "
+"<literal>No-Store</literal> especifica que la caché nunca deberá almacenar "
+"la petición, sólo está habilitada para los ficheros de archivo. Puede ser "
+"útil para prevenir que un proxy se contamine con ficheros .deb muy grandes. "
+"Nota: Squid 2.0.2 no soporta ninguna de estas opciones."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:264 apt.conf.5.xml:321
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The option <literal>timeout</literal> sets the timeout timer used by the "
+"method, this applies to all things including connection timeout and data "
+msgstr ""
+"La opción <literal>timeout</literal> establece el tiempo máximo de espera "
+"del método, esto se aplica a todo, incluyendo el tiempo de espera para "
+"realizar la conexión y para recibir datos."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:267
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"One setting is provided to control the pipeline depth in cases where the "
+"remote server is not RFC conforming or buggy (such as Squid 2.0.2). "
+"<literal>Acquire::http::Pipeline-Depth</literal> can be a value from 0 to 5 "
+"indicating how many outstanding requests APT should send. A value of zero "
+"MUST be specified if the remote host does not properly linger on TCP "
+"connections - otherwise data corruption will occur. Hosts which require this "
+"are in violation of RFC 2068."
+msgstr ""
+"Se proporciona una opción para controlar la profundidad de la tubería en "
+"casos en que el servidor no cumpla con RFC o tenga fallos (como pasa con "
+"Squid 2.0.2). <literal>Acquire::http::Pipeline-Depth</literal> puede ser un "
+"valor entre 0 y 5 indicando cuantas peticiones sin resolver puede envíar "
+"APT. DEBE especificarse si el puesto remoto no demora apropiadamente las "
+"conexiones TCP - de otro modo los datos se corromperán. Los puesto que "
+"necesiten esto violan el RFC 2068."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:275
+msgid ""
+"The used bandwidth can be limited with <literal>Acquire::http::Dl-Limit</"
+"literal> which accepts integer values in kilobyte. The default value is 0 "
+"which deactivates the limit and tries uses as much as possible of the "
+"bandwidth (Note that this option implicit deactivates the download from "
+"multiple servers at the same time.)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:281
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "https"
+msgstr "http"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:282
+msgid ""
+"HTTPS URIs. Cache-control and proxy options are the same as for "
+"<literal>http</literal> method. <literal>Pipeline-Depth</literal> option is "
+"not supported yet."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:286
+msgid ""
+"<literal>CaInfo</literal> suboption specifies place of file that holds info "
+"about trusted certificates. <literal>&lt;host&gt;::CaInfo</literal> is "
+"corresponding per-host option. <literal>Verify-Peer</literal> boolean "
+"suboption determines whether verify server's host certificate against "
+"trusted certificates or not. <literal>&lt;host&gt;::Verify-Peer</literal> "
+"is corresponding per-host option. <literal>Verify-Host</literal> boolean "
+"suboption determines whether verify server's hostname or not. <literal>&lt;"
+"host&gt;::Verify-Host</literal> is corresponding per-host option. "
+"<literal>SslCert</literal> determines what certificate to use for client "
+"authentication. <literal>&lt;host&gt;::SslCert</literal> is corresponding "
+"per-host option. <literal>SslKey</literal> determines what private key to "
+"use for client authentication. <literal>&lt;host&gt;::SslKey</literal> is "
+"corresponding per-host option. <literal>SslForceVersion</literal> overrides "
+"default SSL version to use. Can contain 'TLSv1' or 'SSLv3' string. "
+"<literal>&lt;host&gt;::SslForceVersion</literal> is corresponding per-host "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:304 sources.list.5.xml:150
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "ftp"
+msgstr "ftp"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:305
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"FTP URIs; ftp::Proxy is the default ftp proxy to use. It is in the standard "
+"form of <literal>ftp://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/</literal>. Per host "
+"proxies can also be specified by using the form <literal>ftp::Proxy::&lt;"
+"host&gt;</literal> with the special keyword <literal>DIRECT</literal> "
+"meaning to use no proxies. If no one of the above settings is specified, "
+"<envar>ftp_proxy</envar> environment variable will be used. To use a ftp "
+"proxy you will have to set the <literal>ftp::ProxyLogin</literal> script in "
+"the configuration file. This entry specifies the commands to send to tell "
+"the proxy server what to connect to. Please see &configureindex; for an "
+"example of how to do this. The substitution variables available are <literal>"
+"$(PROXY_USER)</literal> <literal>$(PROXY_PASS)</literal> <literal>"
+"$(SITE_USER)</literal> <literal>$(SITE_PASS)</literal> <literal>$(SITE)</"
+"literal> and <literal>$(SITE_PORT)</literal> Each is taken from it's "
+"respective URI component."
+msgstr ""
+"FTP URIs; ftp::Proxy es el servidor proxy a usar de forma predeterminada. Se "
+"encuentra en el formato estándar <literal>ftp://[[usuario][:clave]@]puesto[:"
+"puerto]/</literal> y se modifica mediante la variable de entorno "
+"<envar>ftp_proxy</envar>. Para usar un proxy ftp es necesario establecer el "
+"script <literal>ftp::ProxyLogin</literal> en el fichero de configuración. "
+"Esta entrada especifica órdenes que se mandan al servidor proxy para decirle "
+"a donde debe conectarse. Consulte &configureindex; para ver un ejemplo de "
+"como hacerlo. Las variables de substitución disponibles son <literal>"
+"$(PROXY_USER)</literal>, <literal>$(PROXY_PASS)</literal>, <literal>"
+"$(SITE_USER)</literal>, <literal>$(SITE_PASS)</literal>, <literal>$(SITE)</"
+"literal>, y <literal>$(SITE_PORT)</literal>. Cada una se toma del componete "
+"de la URI correspondiente."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:324
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Several settings are provided to control passive mode. Generally it is safe "
+"to leave passive mode on, it works in nearly every environment. However "
+"some situations require that passive mode be disabled and port mode ftp used "
+"instead. This can be done globally, for connections that go through a proxy "
+"or for a specific host (See the sample config file for examples)."
+msgstr ""
+"Se proporcionan varias opciones para controlar el modo pasivo. Generalmente "
+"es seguro dejar activado el modo pasivo, funciona en casi todos los "
+"entornos. Sin embargo algunas situaciones requieren desactivar el modo "
+"pasivo y usar el modo puerto e su lugar. Esto se puede hacer globalmente, "
+"para conexiones a través de proxy o para un puesto específico (Consulte el "
+"fichero de configuración de muestra para ver ejemplos)."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:331
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"It is possible to proxy FTP over HTTP by setting the <envar>ftp_proxy</"
+"envar> environment variable to a http url - see the discussion of the http "
+"method above for syntax. You cannot set this in the configuration file and "
+"it is not recommended to use FTP over HTTP due to its low efficiency."
+msgstr ""
+"Es posible usar proxy FTP a través de HTTP estableciendo la variable de "
+"entorno <envar>ftp_proxy</envar> a una dirección http - mire la discusión "
+"del método http de arriba para la sintaxis. No se puede habilitar en el "
+"fichero de configuración y no se recomienda su uso debido a su poca "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:336
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The setting <literal>ForceExtended</literal> controls the use of RFC2428 "
+"<literal>EPSV</literal> and <literal>EPRT</literal> commands. The default is "
+"false, which means these commands are only used if the control connection is "
+"IPv6. Setting this to true forces their use even on IPv4 connections. Note "
+"that most FTP servers do not support RFC2428."
+msgstr ""
+"La opción <literal>ForceExtended</literal> controla el uso de las órdenes de "
+"RFC2428 <literal>EPSV</literal> y <literal>EPRT</literal>. Por omisión es "
+"false, que quiere decir que sólo se usan si el control de conexión es IPv6. "
+"Poniéndolo a true fuerza su uso incluso en conexiones IPv4. Dese cuenta que "
+"la mayoría de los servidores FTP no soportan RFC2428."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:343 sources.list.5.xml:132
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "cdrom"
+msgstr "apt-cdrom"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:349
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "/cdrom/::Mount \"foo\";"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:344
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"CDROM URIs; the only setting for CDROM URIs is the mount point, "
+"<literal>cdrom::Mount</literal> which must be the mount point for the CDROM "
+"drive as specified in <filename>/etc/fstab</filename>. It is possible to "
+"provide alternate mount and unmount commands if your mount point cannot be "
+"listed in the fstab (such as an SMB mount and old mount packages). The "
+"syntax is to put <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/> within the "
+"cdrom block. It is important to have the trailing slash. Unmount commands "
+"can be specified using UMount."
+msgstr ""
+"CDROM URIs; la única opción de configuración para los CDROM es el punto de "
+"montaje, <literal>cdrom::Mount</literal> debe ser el punto de montaje de la "
+"unidad de CDROM tal y como se especifica en <filename>/etc/fstab</filename>. "
+"Es posible proporcionar órdenes mount y unmount alternativas si el punto de "
+"montaje no puede especificarse en fstab (como con SMB y versiones de mount "
+"antiguas). Respecto a la sintaxis se pone"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:354
+msgid "gpgv"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:355
+msgid ""
+"GPGV URIs; the only option for GPGV URIs is the option to pass additional "
+"parameters to gpgv. <literal>gpgv::Options</literal> Additional options "
+"passed to gpgv."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:360
+msgid "CompressionTypes"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:366
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::<replaceable>FileExtension</replaceable> \"<replaceable>Methodname</replaceable>\";"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:361
+msgid ""
+"List of compression types which are understood by the acquire methods. "
+"Files like <filename>Packages</filename> can be available in various "
+"compression formats. Per default the acquire methods can decompress "
+"<command>bzip2</command>, <command>lzma</command> and <command>gzip</"
+"command> compressed files, with this setting more formats can be added on "
+"the fly or the used method can be changed. The syntax for this is: "
+"<placeholder type=\"synopsis\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:371
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order:: \"gz\";"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:374
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order { \"lzma\"; \"gz\"; };"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:367
+msgid ""
+"Also the <literal>Order</literal> subgroup can be used to define in which "
+"order the acquire system will try to download the compressed files. The "
+"acquire system will try the first and proceed with the next compression type "
+"in this list on error, so to prefer one over the other type simple add the "
+"preferred type at first - not already added default types will be added at "
+"run time to the end of the list, so e.g. <placeholder type=\"synopsis\" id="
+"\"0\"/> can be used to prefer <command>gzip</command> compressed files over "
+"<command>bzip2</command> and <command>lzma</command>. If <command>lzma</"
+"command> should be preferred over <command>gzip</command> and "
+"<command>bzip2</command> the configure setting should look like this "
+"<placeholder type=\"synopsis\" id=\"1\"/> It is not needed to add "
+"<literal>bz2</literal> explicit to the list as it will be added automatic."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:378
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Dir::Bin::bzip2 \"/bin/bzip2\";"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:376
+msgid ""
+"Note that at run time the <literal>Dir::Bin::<replaceable>Methodname</"
+"replaceable></literal> will be checked: If this setting exists the method "
+"will only be used if this file exists, e.g. for the bzip2 method (the "
+"inbuilt) setting is <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/> Note also "
+"that list entries specified on the command line will be added at the end of "
+"the list specified in the configuration files, but before the default "
+"entries. To prefer a type in this case over the ones specified in in the "
+"configuration files you can set the option direct - not in list style. This "
+"will not override the defined list, it will only prefix the list with this "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:383
+msgid ""
+"While it is possible to add an empty compression type to the order list, but "
+"APT in its current version doesn't understand it correctly and will display "
+"many warnings about not downloaded files - these warnings are most of the "
+"time false negatives. Future versions will maybe include a way to really "
+"prefer uncompressed files to support the usage of local mirrors."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:217
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Acquire</literal> group of options controls the download of "
+"packages and the URI handlers. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+"El grupo de opciones <literal>Acquire</literal> controla la descarga de "
+"paquetes y los manejadores de URI."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:392
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Directories"
+msgstr "Directorios"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:394
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Dir::State</literal> section has directories that pertain to "
+"local state information. <literal>lists</literal> is the directory to place "
+"downloaded package lists in and <literal>status</literal> is the name of the "
+"dpkg status file. <literal>preferences</literal> is the name of the APT "
+"preferences file. <literal>Dir::State</literal> contains the default "
+"directory to prefix on all sub items if they do not start with <filename>/</"
+"filename> or <filename>./</filename>."
+msgstr ""
+"La sección <literal>Dir::State</literal> contiene directorios que pertenecen "
+"a información del estado local. <literal>lists</literal> es el directorio "
+"donde se almacenan las listas de paquetes descargados y <literal>status</"
+"literal> es el nombre del fichero de estado de dpkg. <literal>preferences</"
+"literal> es el nombre del fichero de preferencias de APT. <literal>Dir::"
+"State</literal> contiene el directorio que se usará como prefijo por omisión "
+"en todas las opciones restantes en caso de que no empiezen con <filename>/</"
+"filename> o <filename>./</filename>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:401
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Dir::Cache</literal> contains locations pertaining to local cache "
+"information, such as the two package caches <literal>srcpkgcache</literal> "
+"and <literal>pkgcache</literal> as well as the location to place downloaded "
+"archives, <literal>Dir::Cache::archives</literal>. Generation of caches can "
+"be turned off by setting their names to be blank. This will slow down "
+"startup but save disk space. It is probably preferred to turn off the "
+"pkgcache rather than the srcpkgcache. Like <literal>Dir::State</literal> the "
+"default directory is contained in <literal>Dir::Cache</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>Dir::Cache</literal> contiene lugares pertenecientes a información "
+"de la caché local, como las dos cachés de paquetes <literal>srcpkgcache</"
+"literal> y <literal>pkgcache</literal> o como el lugar donde se guardan los "
+"ficheros descargados, <literal>Dir::Cache::archives</literal>. La generación "
+"de cachés puede desactivarse dejando sus nombres en blanco. Ésto enlentecerá "
+"el arranque pero ahorrará espacio. Normalmente se prefiere deshabilitar "
+"pkgcache en vez de srcpkgcache. Al igual que con <literal>Dir::State</"
+"literal> el directorio predeterminado está en <literal>Dir::Cache</literal>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:410
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Dir::Etc</literal> contains the location of configuration files, "
+"<literal>sourcelist</literal> gives the location of the sourcelist and "
+"<literal>main</literal> is the default configuration file (setting has no "
+"effect, unless it is done from the config file specified by "
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>Dir::Etc</literal> contiene el lugar de los ficheros de "
+"configuración, <literal>sourcelist</literal> contiene el lugar de sourcelist "
+"y <literal>main</literal> es el fichero de configuración predeterminado "
+"(esta opción de configuración no tiene ningún efecto a menos que se realice "
+"desde el fichero de configuración especificado por <envar>APT_CONFIG</"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:416
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Dir::Parts</literal> setting reads in all the config fragments "
+"in lexical order from the directory specified. After this is done then the "
+"main config file is loaded."
+msgstr ""
+"La opción <literal>Dir::Parts</literal> lee en todos los fragementos de "
+"configuración en orden léxico desde el directorio especificado. Después de "
+"esto se carga el fichero principal de configuración."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:420
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Binary programs are pointed to by <literal>Dir::Bin</literal>. <literal>Dir::"
+"Bin::Methods</literal> specifies the location of the method handlers and "
+"<literal>gzip</literal>, <literal>bzip2</literal>, <literal>lzma</literal>, "
+"<literal>dpkg</literal>, <literal>apt-get</literal> <literal>dpkg-source</"
+"literal> <literal>dpkg-buildpackage</literal> and <literal>apt-cache</"
+"literal> specify the location of the respective programs."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>Dir::Bin</literal> apunta a los programas binarios. <literal>Dir::"
+"Bin::Methods</literal> especifica la localización de los manejadores de los "
+"métodos y <literal>gzip</literal>, <literal>dpkg</literal>, <literal>apt-"
+"get</literal>, <literal>dpkg-source</literal>, <literal>dpkg-buildpackage</"
+"literal> y <literal>apt-cache</literal> especifican la localización de los "
+"respectivos programas."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:428
+msgid ""
+"The configuration item <literal>RootDir</literal> has a special meaning. If "
+"set, all paths in <literal>Dir::</literal> will be relative to "
+"<literal>RootDir</literal>, <emphasis>even paths that are specified "
+"absolutely</emphasis>. So, for instance, if <literal>RootDir</literal> is "
+"set to <filename>/tmp/staging</filename> and <literal>Dir::State::status</"
+"literal> is set to <filename>/var/lib/dpkg/status</filename>, then the "
+"status file will be looked up in <filename>/tmp/staging/var/lib/dpkg/status</"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:441
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "APT in DSelect"
+msgstr "APT con DSelect"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:443
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"When APT is used as a &dselect; method several configuration directives "
+"control the default behaviour. These are in the <literal>DSelect</literal> "
+msgstr ""
+"Cuando APT se usa como método de &dselect; varias directivas de "
+"configuración controlan el comportamiento predeterminado. Se encuentran en "
+"la sección <literal>DSelect</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:447
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Clean"
+msgstr "clean"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:448
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Cache Clean mode; this value may be one of always, prompt, auto, pre-auto "
+"and never. always and prompt will remove all packages from the cache after "
+"upgrading, prompt (the default) does so conditionally. auto removes only "
+"those packages which are no longer downloadable (replaced with a new version "
+"for instance). pre-auto performs this action before downloading new "
+msgstr ""
+"Modo de borrado de caché; este valor puede ser always, prompt, auto, pre-"
+"auto y never. always y prompt borrarán todos los paquetes de la caché "
+"después de actualizar, prompt (predeterminado) pregunta primero. auto borra "
+"sólo aquellos paquetes que ya no se pueden descargar (han sido reemplazados "
+"por otra versión, por ejemplo). pre-auto realiza esta última acción antes de "
+"descargar los paquetes nuevos."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:457
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The contents of this variable is passed to &apt-get; as command line options "
+"when it is run for the install phase."
+msgstr ""
+"El contenido de esta variable se pasa a &apt-get; como opciones de línea de "
+"ordenes cuando se ejecuta en la fase de instalación."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:461
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Updateoptions"
+msgstr "Opciones"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:462
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The contents of this variable is passed to &apt-get; as command line options "
+"when it is run for the update phase."
+msgstr ""
+"El contenido de esta variable se pasa a &apt-get; como opciones de línea de "
+"ordenes cuando se ejecuta en la fase de actualización."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:466
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "PromptAfterUpdate"
+msgstr "PromptAfterUpdate"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:467
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If true the [U]pdate operation in &dselect; will always prompt to continue. "
+"The default is to prompt only on error."
+msgstr ""
+"Si es true la operación de [U]pdate en &dselect; preguntará siempre antes de "
+"continuar. Por omisión sólo pregunta en caso de error."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:473
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "How APT calls dpkg"
+msgstr "Como APT llama a dpkg"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:474
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Several configuration directives control how APT invokes &dpkg;. These are "
+"in the <literal>DPkg</literal> section."
+msgstr ""
+"Varias directivas de configuración controlan como APT llama a &dpkg;. Se "
+"encuentran en la sección <literal>DPkg</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:479
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"This is a list of options to pass to dpkg. The options must be specified "
+"using the list notation and each list item is passed as a single argument to "
+msgstr ""
+"Lista de opciones que se pasan a dpkg. Las opciones deben especificarse "
+"usando la notación de lista y cada elemento de la lista se pasa a &dpkg; "
+"como un sólo argumento."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:484
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Pre-Invoke"
+msgstr "Pre-Invoke"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:484
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Post-Invoke"
+msgstr "Post-Invoke"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:485
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"This is a list of shell commands to run before/after invoking &dpkg;. Like "
+"<literal>options</literal> this must be specified in list notation. The "
+"commands are invoked in order using <filename>/bin/sh</filename>, should any "
+"fail APT will abort."
+msgstr ""
+"Es una lista de órdenes de shell que se ejecutarán antes de llamar a &dpkg;. "
+"Como <literal>Options</literal>, debe de especificarse con notación de "
+"lista. Las órdenes se ejecutan en orden usando <filename>/bin/sh</filename>, "
+"si alguna falla APT abortará."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:491
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Pre-Install-Pkgs"
+msgstr "Pre-Install-Pkgs"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:492
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"This is a list of shell commands to run before invoking dpkg. Like "
+"<literal>options</literal> this must be specified in list notation. The "
+"commands are invoked in order using <filename>/bin/sh</filename>, should any "
+"fail APT will abort. APT will pass to the commands on standard input the "
+"filenames of all .deb files it is going to install, one per line."
+msgstr ""
+"Lista de órdenes de shell que se ejecutarán antes de llamar a &dpkg;. Como "
+"<literal>Options</literal>, debe de especificarse con notación de lista. Las "
+"órdenes se ejecutan en orden usando <filename>/bin/sh</filename>, si alguna "
+"falla APT abortará. APT pasará a los programas los nombres de fichero de "
+"todos los .deb que va ha instalar por la entrada estándar, uno por línea."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:498
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Version 2 of this protocol dumps more information, including the protocol "
+"version, the APT configuration space and the packages, files and versions "
+"being changed. Version 2 is enabled by setting <literal>DPkg::Tools::"
+"options::cmd::Version</literal> to 2. <literal>cmd</literal> is a command "
+"given to <literal>Pre-Install-Pkgs</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+"La versión 2 de este protocolo vuelca más información, incluyendo la versión "
+"del protocolo, el espacio de configuración de APT , los ficheros y versiones "
+"que cambian. La versión 2 se habilita estableciendo <literal>DPkg::Tools::"
+"Options::cmd::Version</literal> a 2. <literal>cmd</literal> es una orden "
+"dada a <literal>Pre-Install-Pkgs</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:505
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Run-Directory"
+msgstr "Run-Directory"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:506
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"APT chdirs to this directory before invoking dpkg, the default is <filename>/"
+msgstr ""
+"APT hace que éste sea su directorio de trabajo antes de llamar a dpkg, por "
+"omisión es <filename>/</filename>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:510
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Build-options"
+msgstr "Opciones"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:511
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"These options are passed to &dpkg-buildpackage; when compiling packages, the "
+"default is to disable signing and produce all binaries."
+msgstr ""
+"Éstas opciones se pasan a &dpkg-buildpackage; cuando compila paquetes, por "
+"omisión se limita a deshabilitar el firmado de paquetes y producir todos los "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:516
+msgid "dpkg trigger usage (and related options)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:517
+msgid ""
+"APT can call dpkg in a way so it can make aggressive use of triggers over "
+"multiply calls of dpkg. Without further options dpkg will use triggers only "
+"in between his own run. Activating these options can therefore decrease the "
+"time needed to perform the install / upgrade. Note that it is intended to "
+"activate these options per default in the future, but as it changes the way "
+"APT calling dpkg drastically it needs a lot more testing. <emphasis>These "
+"options are therefore currently experimental and should not be used in "
+"productive environments.</emphasis> Also it breaks the progress reporting so "
+"all frontends will currently stay around half (or more) of the time in the "
+"100% state while it actually configures all packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><literallayout>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:532
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"DPkg::NoTriggers \"true\";\n"
+"PackageManager::Configure \"smart\";\n"
+"DPkg::ConfigurePending \"true\";\n"
+"DPkg::TriggersPending \"true\";"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:526
+msgid ""
+"Note that it is not guaranteed that APT will support these options or that "
+"these options will not cause (big) trouble in the future. If you have "
+"understand the current risks and problems with these options, but are brave "
+"enough to help testing them create a new configuration file and test a "
+"combination of options. Please report any bugs, problems and improvements "
+"you encounter and make sure to note which options you have used in your "
+"reports. Asking dpkg for help could also be useful for debugging proposes, "
+"see e.g. <command>dpkg --audit</command>. A defensive option combination "
+"would be <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:538
+msgid "DPkg::NoTriggers"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:539
+msgid ""
+"Add the no triggers flag to all dpkg calls (except the ConfigurePending "
+"call). See &dpkg; if you are interested in what this actually means. In "
+"short: dpkg will not run the triggers when this flag is present unless it is "
+"explicitly called to do so in an extra call. Note that this option exists "
+"(undocumented) also in older apt versions with a slightly different meaning: "
+"Previously these option only append --no-triggers to the configure calls to "
+"dpkg - now apt will add these flag also to the unpack and remove calls."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:546
+msgid "PackageManager::Configure"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:547
+msgid ""
+"Valid values are \"<literal>all</literal>\", \"<literal>smart</literal>\" "
+"and \"<literal>no</literal>\". \"<literal>all</literal>\" is the default "
+"value and causes APT to configure all packages explicit. The "
+"\"<literal>smart</literal>\" way is it to configure only packages which need "
+"to be configured before another package can be unpacked (Pre-Depends) and "
+"let the rest configure by dpkg with a call generated by the next option. "
+"\"<literal>no</literal>\" on the other hand will not configure anything and "
+"totally rely on dpkg for configuration (which will at the moment fail if a "
+"Pre-Depends is encountered). Setting this option to another than the all "
+"value will implicitly activate also the next option per default as otherwise "
+"the system could end in an unconfigured status which could be unbootable!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:557
+msgid "DPkg::ConfigurePending"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:558
+msgid ""
+"If this option is set apt will call <command>dpkg --configure --pending</"
+"command> to let dpkg handle all required configurations and triggers. This "
+"option is activated automatic per default if the previous option is not set "
+"to <literal>all</literal>, but deactivating could be useful if you want to "
+"run APT multiple times in a row - e.g. in an installer. In these sceneries "
+"you could deactivate this option in all but the last run."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:564
+msgid "DPkg::TriggersPending"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:565
+msgid ""
+"Useful for <literal>smart</literal> configuration as a package which has "
+"pending triggers is not considered as <literal>installed</literal> and dpkg "
+"treats them as <literal>unpacked</literal> currently which is a dealbreaker "
+"for Pre-Dependencies (see debbugs #526774). Note that this will process all "
+"triggers, not only the triggers needed to configure this package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:570
+msgid "PackageManager::UnpackAll"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:571
+msgid ""
+"As the configuration can be deferred to be done at the end by dpkg it can be "
+"tried to order the unpack series only by critical needs, e.g. by Pre-"
+"Depends. Default is true and therefore the \"old\" method of ordering in "
+"various steps by everything. While both method were present in earlier APT "
+"versions the <literal>OrderCritical</literal> method was unused, so this "
+"method is very experimental and needs further improvements before becoming "
+"really useful."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:578
+msgid "OrderList::Score::Immediate"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:586
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"OrderList::Score {\n"
+"\tDelete 500;\n"
+"\tEssential 200;\n"
+"\tImmediate 10;\n"
+"\tPreDepends 50;\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:579
+msgid ""
+"Essential packages (and there dependencies) should be configured immediately "
+"after unpacking. It will be a good idea to do this quite early in the "
+"upgrade process as these these configure calls require currently also "
+"<literal>DPkg::TriggersPending</literal> which will run quite a few triggers "
+"(which maybe not needed). Essentials get per default a high score but the "
+"immediate flag is relatively low (a package which has a Pre-Depends is "
+"higher rated). These option and the others in the same group can be used to "
+"change the scoring. The following example shows the settings with there "
+"default values. <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:599
+msgid "Periodic and Archives options"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:600
+msgid ""
+"<literal>APT::Periodic</literal> and <literal>APT::Archives</literal> groups "
+"of options configure behavior of apt periodic updates, which is done by "
+"<literal>/etc/cron.daily/apt</literal> script. See header of this script for "
+"the brief documentation of these options."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:608
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Debug options"
+msgstr "Opciones"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:610
+msgid ""
+"Enabling options in the <literal>Debug::</literal> section will cause "
+"debugging information to be sent to the standard error stream of the program "
+"utilizing the <literal>apt</literal> libraries, or enable special program "
+"modes that are primarily useful for debugging the behavior of <literal>apt</"
+"literal>. Most of these options are not interesting to a normal user, but a "
+"few may be:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:621
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal> enables output about the "
+"decisions made by <literal>dist-upgrade, upgrade, install, remove, purge</"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:629
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Debug::NoLocking</literal> disables all file locking. This can be "
+"used to run some operations (for instance, <literal>apt-get -s install</"
+"literal>) as a non-root user."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:638
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgPM</literal> prints out the actual command line each "
+"time that <literal>apt</literal> invokes &dpkg;."
+msgstr ""
+#. TODO: provide a
+#. motivating example, except I haven't a clue why you'd want
+#. to do this.
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:646
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Debug::IdentCdrom</literal> disables the inclusion of statfs data "
+"in CDROM IDs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:656
+msgid "A full list of debugging options to apt follows."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:661
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::cdrom</literal>"
+msgstr "La línea <literal>Archive:</literal> "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:665
+msgid ""
+"Print information related to accessing <literal>cdrom://</literal> sources."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:672
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::ftp</literal>"
+msgstr "La línea <literal>Archive:</literal> "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:676
+msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using FTP."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:683
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::http</literal>"
+msgstr "La línea <literal>Archive:</literal> "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:687
+msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using HTTP."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:694
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::https</literal>"
+msgstr "La línea <literal>Archive:</literal> "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:698
+msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using HTTPS."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:705
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::gpgv</literal>"
+msgstr "La línea <literal>Archive:</literal> "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:709
+msgid ""
+"Print information related to verifying cryptographic signatures using "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:716
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::aptcdrom</literal>"
+msgstr "La línea <literal>Version:</literal> "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:720
+msgid ""
+"Output information about the process of accessing collections of packages "
+"stored on CD-ROMs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:727
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::BuildDeps</literal>"
+msgstr "La línea <literal>Label:</literal> "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:730
+msgid "Describes the process of resolving build-dependencies in &apt-get;."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:737
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::Hashes</literal>"
+msgstr "La línea <literal>Label:</literal> "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:740
+msgid ""
+"Output each cryptographic hash that is generated by the <literal>apt</"
+"literal> libraries."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:747
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::IdentCDROM</literal>"
+msgstr "La línea <literal>Label:</literal> "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:750
+msgid ""
+"Do not include information from <literal>statfs</literal>, namely the number "
+"of used and free blocks on the CD-ROM filesystem, when generating an ID for "
+"a CD-ROM."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:758
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::NoLocking</literal>"
+msgstr "La línea <literal>Origin:</literal> "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:761
+msgid ""
+"Disable all file locking. For instance, this will allow two instances of "
+"<quote><literal>apt-get update</literal></quote> to run at the same time."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:769
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire</literal>"
+msgstr "La línea <literal>Archive:</literal> "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:773
+msgid "Log when items are added to or removed from the global download queue."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:780
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Auth</literal>"
+msgstr "La línea <literal>Archive:</literal> "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:783
+msgid ""
+"Output status messages and errors related to verifying checksums and "
+"cryptographic signatures of downloaded files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:790
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Diffs</literal>"
+msgstr "La línea <literal>Archive:</literal> "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:793
+msgid ""
+"Output information about downloading and applying package index list diffs, "
+"and errors relating to package index list diffs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:801
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::RRed</literal>"
+msgstr "La línea <literal>Archive:</literal> "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:805
+msgid ""
+"Output information related to patching apt package lists when downloading "
+"index diffs instead of full indices."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:812
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Worker</literal>"
+msgstr "La línea <literal>Archive:</literal> "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:816
+msgid ""
+"Log all interactions with the sub-processes that actually perform downloads."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:823
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAutoRemove</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:827
+msgid ""
+"Log events related to the automatically-installed status of packages and to "
+"the removal of unused packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:834
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::AutoInstall</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:837
+msgid ""
+"Generate debug messages describing which packages are being automatically "
+"installed to resolve dependencies. This corresponds to the initial auto-"
+"install pass performed in, e.g., <literal>apt-get install</literal>, and not "
+"to the full <literal>apt</literal> dependency resolver; see <literal>Debug::"
+"pkgProblemResolver</literal> for that."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:848
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::Marker</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:851
+msgid ""
+"Generate debug messages describing which package is marked as keep/install/"
+"remove while the ProblemResolver does his work. Each addition or deletion "
+"may trigger additional actions; they are shown indented two additional space "
+"under the original entry. The format for each line is <literal>MarkKeep</"
+"literal>, <literal>MarkDelete</literal> or <literal>MarkInstall</literal> "
+"followed by <literal>package-name &lt;a.b.c -&gt; d.e.f | x.y.z&gt; (section)"
+"</literal> where <literal>a.b.c</literal> is the current version of the "
+"package, <literal>d.e.f</literal> is the version considered for installation "
+"and <literal>x.y.z</literal> is a newer version, but not considered for "
+"installation (because of a low pin score). The later two can be omitted if "
+"there is none or if it is the same version as the installed. "
+"<literal>section</literal> is the name of the section the package appears in."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:870
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgInitConfig</literal>"
+msgstr "La línea <literal>Version:</literal> "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:873
+msgid "Dump the default configuration to standard error on startup."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:880
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgPM</literal>"
+msgstr "La línea <literal>Package:</literal> "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:883
+msgid ""
+"When invoking &dpkg;, output the precise command line with which it is being "
+"invoked, with arguments separated by a single space character."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:891
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:894
+msgid ""
+"Output all the data received from &dpkg; on the status file descriptor and "
+"any errors encountered while parsing it."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:901
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgOrderList</literal>"
+msgstr "La línea <literal>Origin:</literal> "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:905
+msgid ""
+"Generate a trace of the algorithm that decides the order in which "
+"<literal>apt</literal> should pass packages to &dpkg;."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:913
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgPackageManager</literal>"
+msgstr "La línea <literal>Package:</literal> "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:917
+msgid ""
+"Output status messages tracing the steps performed when invoking &dpkg;."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:924
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgPolicy</literal>"
+msgstr "La línea <literal>Label:</literal> "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:928
+msgid "Output the priority of each package list on startup."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:934
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:938
+msgid ""
+"Trace the execution of the dependency resolver (this applies only to what "
+"happens when a complex dependency problem is encountered)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:946
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver::ShowScores</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:949
+msgid ""
+"Display a list of all installed packages with their calculated score used by "
+"the pkgProblemResolver. The description of the package is the same as "
+"described in <literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::Marker</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:957
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::sourceList</literal>"
+msgstr "La línea <literal>Version:</literal> "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:961
+msgid ""
+"Print information about the vendors read from <filename>/etc/apt/vendors."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:983
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"&configureindex; is a configuration file showing example values for all "
+"possible options."
+msgstr ""
+"&configureindex; contiene un fichero de configuración de ejemplo mostrando "
+"los valores predeterminados para todas las opciones posibles."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:990
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "&file-aptconf;"
+msgstr "apt-cdrom"
+#. ? reading apt.conf
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:995
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "&apt-cache;, &apt-config;, &apt-preferences;."
+msgstr "&apt-cache; &apt-conf;"
+#. The last update date
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:13
+msgid "&; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>04 May 2009</date>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:21 apt_preferences.5.xml:28
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "apt_preferences"
+msgstr "apt_preferences"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:29
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Preference control file for APT"
+msgstr "Fichero de preferencias de APT"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:34
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The APT preferences file <filename>/etc/apt/preferences</filename> and the "
+"fragment files in the <filename>/etc/apt/preferences.d/</filename> folder "
+"can be used to control which versions of packages will be selected for "
+msgstr ""
+"El fichero de preferencias de APT <filename>/etc/apt/preferences</filename> "
+"se puede usar para controlar las versiones de los paquetes seleccionados."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:39
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Several versions of a package may be available for installation when the "
+"&sources-list; file contains references to more than one distribution (for "
+"example, <literal>stable</literal> and <literal>testing</literal>). APT "
+"assigns a priority to each version that is available. Subject to dependency "
+"constraints, <command>apt-get</command> selects the version with the highest "
+"priority for installation. The APT preferences file overrides the "
+"priorities that APT assigns to package versions by default, thus giving the "
+"user control over which one is selected for installation."
+msgstr ""
+"Cuando el fichero &sources-list; contiene referencias a más de una "
+"distribución (por ejemplo, <literal>estable</literal> y <literal>pruebas</"
+"literal>). APT asigna una prioridad a cada versión disponible. Limitado por "
+"las dependencias, <command>apt-get</command> selecciona la versión con mayor "
+"prioridad. El fichero de preferencias de APT modifica las prioridades "
+"asignadas por APT, dando control al usuario sobre que ejemplar se "
+"seleccionará para la instalación."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:49
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Several instances of the same version of a package may be available when the "
+"&sources-list; file contains references to more than one source. In this "
+"case <command>apt-get</command> downloads the instance listed earliest in "
+"the &sources-list; file. The APT preferences file does not affect the "
+"choice of instance, only the choice of version."
+msgstr ""
+"Puede estén disponibles varios ejemplares de la misma versión de un paquete "
+"cuando el fichero &sources-list; contenga referencias a más de una fuente. "
+"En este caso <command>apt-get</command> descarga el ejemplar que aparezca "
+"listado primero en el fichero &sources-list;. El fichero de preferencias de "
+"APT no modifica la elección del ejemplar, sólo la elección de la versión."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:56
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "APT's Default Priority Assignments"
+msgstr "¿Cómo asigna APT las prioridades?"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:71
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "<command>apt-get install -t testing <replaceable>some-package</replaceable></command>\n"
+msgstr ""
+"<command>apt-get install -t testing <replaceable>paquete</replaceable></command>\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:74
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "APT::Default-Release \"stable\";\n"
+msgstr ""
+"APT::Default-Release \"stable\";\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:58
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If there is no preferences file or if there is no entry in the file that "
+"applies to a particular version then the priority assigned to that version "
+"is the priority of the distribution to which that version belongs. It is "
+"possible to single out a distribution, \"the target release\", which "
+"receives a higher priority than other distributions do by default. The "
+"target release can be set on the <command>apt-get</command> command line or "
+"in the APT configuration file <filename>/etc/apt/apt.conf</filename>. Note "
+"that this has precedence over any general priority you set in the <filename>/"
+"etc/apt/preferences</filename> file described later, but not over "
+"specifically pinned packages. For example, <placeholder type="
+"\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/> <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"1\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+"Si no existe el fichero de preferencias o no hay ninguna entrada en éste que "
+"se pueda aplicar a una determinada versión, se asigna a la versión la "
+"prioridad de la distribución a la que pertenece. Es posible seleccionar una "
+"distribución, &gt;&gt;distribución objetivo&lt;&lt; (n. t. del inglés "
+"<emphasis>target release</emphasis>), que recibe una prioridad mayor que el "
+"resto. La distribución objetivo se puede definir en la línea de órdenes al "
+"ejecutar <command>apt-get</command> o en el fichero de configuración de APT "
+"(<filename>/etc/apt/apt.conf</filename>). Por ejemplo,"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:83
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "priority 100"
+msgstr "prioridad 100"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:84
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "to the version that is already installed (if any)."
+msgstr "a la versión instalada (si existe)."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:88
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "priority 500"
+msgstr "prioridad 500"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:89
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"to the versions that are not installed and do not belong to the target "
+msgstr ""
+"a la versión que ni está instalada ni pertenece a la distribución objetivo."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:93
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "priority 990"
+msgstr "prioridad 990"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:94
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"to the versions that are not installed and belong to the target release."
+msgstr ""
+"a las versiones que no están instaladas pero que pertenecen a la "
+"distribución objetivo."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:78
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If the target release has been specified then APT uses the following "
+"algorithm to set the priorities of the versions of a package. Assign: "
+"<placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+"Si se ha especificado una distribución objetivo, APT usa el siguiente "
+"algoritmo para establecer las prioridades de cada versión de un paquete. "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:99
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If the target release has not been specified then APT simply assigns "
+"priority 100 to all installed package versions and priority 500 to all "
+"uninstalled package versions."
+msgstr ""
+"Si no se especifica ninguna distribución objetivo APT asigna prioridad 100 a "
+"todas las versiones de los paquetes instalados y 500 al resto."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:103
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"APT then applies the following rules, listed in order of precedence, to "
+"determine which version of a package to install."
+msgstr ""
+"APT aplica las siguientes normas, expuestas por orden de precedencia, para "
+"determinar qué versión del paquete debe instalar."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:106
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Never downgrade unless the priority of an available version exceeds 1000. "
+"(\"Downgrading\" is installing a less recent version of a package in place "
+"of a more recent version. Note that none of APT's default priorities "
+"exceeds 1000; such high priorities can only be set in the preferences file. "
+"Note also that downgrading a package can be risky.)"
+msgstr ""
+"Nunca instalar una versión anterior de un paquete en lugar de la instalada a "
+"menos que la prioridad de la versión disponible supere 1000 (Dese cuenta que "
+"ninguna de las prioridades que asigna APT por omisión superan 1000, éstas "
+"prioridades sólo se pueden establecer mediante el fichero de preferencias. "
+"Tenga en consideración que instalar una versión anterior del paquete puede "
+"ser peligroso)."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:112
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Install the highest priority version."
+msgstr "Instalar la versión de mayor prioridad."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:113
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If two or more versions have the same priority, install the most recent one "
+"(that is, the one with the higher version number)."
+msgstr ""
+"Si dos o más versiones tienen la misma prioridad, instala la más reciente "
+"(esto es, la que tiene un número de versión mayor)."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:116
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If two or more versions have the same priority and version number but either "
+"the packages differ in some of their metadata or the <literal>--reinstall</"
+"literal> option is given, install the uninstalled one."
+msgstr ""
+"Si dos o más versiones tienen la misma prioridad y número de versión, pero o "
+"bien difieren en su meta-información o se ha proporcionado la opción "
+"<literal>--reinstall</literal> se instala la que no está instalada."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:122
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"In a typical situation, the installed version of a package (priority 100) "
+"is not as recent as one of the versions available from the sources listed in "
+"the &sources-list; file (priority 500 or 990). Then the package will be "
+"upgraded when <command>apt-get install <replaceable>some-package</"
+"replaceable></command> or <command>apt-get upgrade</command> is executed."
+msgstr ""
+"Típicamente, la versión instalada del paquete (prioridad 100) no es tan "
+"reciente como la disponible a través de &sources-list; (prioridad 500 o "
+"990). Entonces el paquete se actualizará cuando se ejecute <command>apt-get "
+"install <replaceable>algún-paquete</replaceable></command> o <command>apt-"
+"get upgrade</command>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:129
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"More rarely, the installed version of a package is <emphasis>more</emphasis> "
+"recent than any of the other available versions. The package will not be "
+"downgraded when <command>apt-get install <replaceable>some-package</"
+"replaceable></command> or <command>apt-get upgrade</command> is executed."
+msgstr ""
+"Rara vez la versión instalada de un paquete es <emphasis>más</emphasis> "
+"reciente que cualquiera de las versiones disponibles. En éste caso no se "
+"instalará la versión anterior del paquete cuando se ejecute <command>apt-get "
+"install <replaceable>algún-paquete</replaceable></command> o <command>apt-"
+"get upgrade</command>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:134
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Sometimes the installed version of a package is more recent than the version "
+"belonging to the target release, but not as recent as a version belonging to "
+"some other distribution. Such a package will indeed be upgraded when "
+"<command>apt-get install <replaceable>some-package</replaceable></command> "
+"or <command>apt-get upgrade</command> is executed, because at least "
+"<emphasis>one</emphasis> of the available versions has a higher priority "
+"than the installed version."
+msgstr ""
+"A veces la versión instalada de un paquete es más reciente que la versión "
+"perteneciente a la distribución objetivo, pero no tan reciente como la "
+"versión de otra distribución. Este tipo de paquetes se actualizarán cuando "
+"se ejecute <command>apt-get install <replaceable>algún-paquete</"
+"replaceable></command> o <command>apt-get upgrade</command> porque al menos "
+"<emphasis>uno</emphasis> de los ejemplares disponibles tiene una prioridad "
+"mayor que la versión instalada."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:143
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The Effect of APT Preferences"
+msgstr "El efecto de las preferencias sobre APT"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:145
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The APT preferences file allows the system administrator to control the "
+"assignment of priorities. The file consists of one or more multi-line "
+"records separated by blank lines. Records can have one of two forms, a "
+"specific form and a general form."
+msgstr ""
+"El fichero de preferencias de APT permite al administrador del sistema "
+"controlar las asignaciones de prioridades. El fichero consiste en uno o más "
+"registros de varias líneas separados entre sí por espacios en blanco. Los "
+"registros pueden tener una o dos formas: una específica y otra general."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:151
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The specific form assigns a priority (a \"Pin-Priority\") to one or more "
+"specified packages and specified version or version range. For example, the "
+"following record assigns a high priority to all versions of the "
+"<filename>perl</filename> package whose version number begins with "
+"\"<literal>5.8</literal>\". Multiple packages can be separated by spaces."
+msgstr ""
+"La forma específica asigna una prioridad (\"Pin-Priority\") a un paquete "
+"concreto y se aplica a una versión o rango de versiones. Por ejemplo, el "
+"siguiente registro asigna una prioridad alta a todas las versiones del "
+"paquete <filename>perl</filename> cuyo número de versión empiece con "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:158
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: perl\n"
+"Pin: version 5.8*\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 1001\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Package: perl\n"
+"Pin: version 5.8*\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 1001\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:164
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The general form assigns a priority to all of the package versions in a "
+"given distribution (that is, to all the versions of packages that are listed "
+"in a certain <filename>Release</filename> file) or to all of the package "
+"versions coming from a particular Internet site, as identified by the site's "
+"fully qualified domain name."
+msgstr ""
+"La forma general asigna una prioridad a todas las versiones de los paquetes "
+"en una distribución (esto es, a todas las versiones de paquetes provenientes "
+"de un fichero <filename>Release</filename>), o a todos las versiones de un "
+"paquete que provienen de un sitio concreto en internet, identificado por su "
+"nombre de dominio."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:170
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"This general-form entry in the APT preferences file applies only to groups "
+"of packages. For example, the following record assigns a high priority to "
+"all package versions available from the local site."
+msgstr ""
+"Esta forma general del fichero de preferencias de APT sólo se aplica a "
+"grupos de paquetes. Por ejemplo, el siguiente registro hace que asigne una "
+"prioridad alta a todas las versiones disponibles desde un sitio local."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:175
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: origin \"\"\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 999\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: origin \"\"\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 999\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:180
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"A note of caution: the keyword used here is \"<literal>origin</literal>\". "
+"This should not be confused with the Origin of a distribution as specified "
+"in a <filename>Release</filename> file. What follows the \"Origin:\" tag in "
+"a <filename>Release</filename> file is not an Internet address but an author "
+"or vendor name, such as \"Debian\" or \"Ximian\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Un aviso acerca de la palabra clave usada en \"<literal>origin</literal>\": "
+"no debe de confundirse con el origen (\"Origin:\") de una distribución tal y "
+"como se especifica en el fichero <filename>Release</filename>. Lo que sigue "
+"a \"Origin:\" en un fichero <filename>Release</filename> no es una dirección "
+"de un sitio de internet, sino el autor o el nombre del proveedor, tales como "
+"\"Debian\" o \"Ximian\"."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:186
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The following record assigns a low priority to all package versions "
+"belonging to any distribution whose Archive name is \"<literal>unstable</"
+msgstr ""
+"El siguiente registro asigna una prioridad baja a todas las versiones de los "
+"paquetes pertenecientes a cualquier distribución que tenga como nombre de "
+"Archivo \"<literal>unstable</literal>\"."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:190
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:195
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The following record assigns a high priority to all package versions "
+"belonging to any distribution whose Codename is \"<literal>squeeze</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+"El siguiente registro asigna una prioridad baja a todas las versiones de los "
+"paquetes pertenecientes a cualquier distribución que tenga como nombre de "
+"Archivo \"<literal>unstable</literal>\"."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:199
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release n=squeeze\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 900\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:204
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The following record assigns a high priority to all package versions "
+"belonging to any release whose Archive name is \"<literal>stable</literal>\" "
+"and whose release Version number is \"<literal>3.0</literal>\"."
+msgstr ""
+"El siguiente registro asigna una prioridad alta a todas las versiones de los "
+"paquetes pertenecientes a la distribución que tiene como nombre de Archivo "
+"\"<literal>stable</literal>\" y como número de versión \"<literal>3.0</"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:209
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=stable, v=3.0\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 500\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=unstable, v=3.0\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:220
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "How APT Interprets Priorities"
+msgstr "¿Cómo interpreta APT las prioridades?"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:228
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "P &gt; 1000"
+msgstr "P &gt; 1000"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:229
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"causes a version to be installed even if this constitutes a downgrade of the "
+msgstr ""
+"la versión se instala incluso si es una versión anterior a la instalada en "
+"el sistema."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:233
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "990 &lt; P &lt;=1000"
+msgstr "990 &lt; P &lt;=1000"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:234
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"causes a version to be installed even if it does not come from the target "
+"release, unless the installed version is more recent"
+msgstr ""
+"la versión se instala aunque no venga de la distribución objetivo, a menos "
+"que la versión instalada sea más reciente."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:239
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "500 &lt; P &lt;=990"
+msgstr "500 &lt; P &lt;=990"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:240
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"causes a version to be installed unless there is a version available "
+"belonging to the target release or the installed version is more recent"
+msgstr ""
+"la versión se instala a menos que exista otro ejemplar disponible "
+"perteneciente a la distribución objetivo o bien la versión instalada sea más "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:245
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "100 &lt; P &lt;=500"
+msgstr "100 &lt; P &lt;=500"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:246
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"causes a version to be installed unless there is a version available "
+"belonging to some other distribution or the installed version is more recent"
+msgstr ""
+"la versión se instala a menos que exista un ejemplar perteneciente a otra "
+"distribución o la versión instalada sea más reciente."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:251
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "0 &lt; P &lt;=100"
+msgstr "0 &lt; P &lt;=100"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:252
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"causes a version to be installed only if there is no installed version of "
+"the package"
+msgstr ""
+"la versión sólo se instala si no hay ninguna versión del paquete instalado."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:256
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "P &lt; 0"
+msgstr "P &lt; 0"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:257
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "prevents the version from being installed"
+msgstr "la versión nunca se instala."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:223
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Priorities (P) assigned in the APT preferences file must be positive or "
+"negative integers. They are interpreted as follows (roughly speaking): "
+"<placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+"Las prioridades (P) asignadas en el fichero de preferencias deben ser "
+"números enteros. Se interpretan (en general) del siguiente modo:"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:262
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If any specific-form records match an available package version then the "
+"first such record determines the priority of the package version. Failing "
+"that, if any general-form records match an available package version then "
+"the first such record determines the priority of the package version."
+msgstr ""
+"Si uno de los registros de forma específica descritos arriba coinciden con "
+"una versión disponible de un paquete, el registro determina la prioridad de "
+"la versión. En caso de que esto no sea así, si cualquier número de registros "
+"de forma general coinciden con una versión, el primero determina la "
+"prioridad de la versión del paquete."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:268
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"For example, suppose the APT preferences file contains the three records "
+"presented earlier:"
+msgstr ""
+"Por ejemplo, suponga que el fichero de preferencias de APT contiene los tres "
+"registros antes mencionados:"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:272
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: perl\n"
+"Pin: version 5.8*\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 1001\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: origin \"\"\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 999\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Package: perl\n"
+"Pin: version 5.8*\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 1001\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: origin \"\"\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 999\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:285
+msgid "Then:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:287
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The most recent available version of the <literal>perl</literal> package "
+"will be installed, so long as that version's version number begins with "
+"\"<literal>5.8</literal>\". If <emphasis>any</emphasis> 5.8* version of "
+"<literal>perl</literal> is available and the installed version is 5.9*, then "
+"<literal>perl</literal> will be downgraded."
+msgstr ""
+"La versión más reciente disponible del paquete <literal>perl</literal> se "
+"instala mientras que el número de versión empieze con \"<literal>5.8</"
+"literal>\". Si se encuentra disponible <emphasis>cualquier</emphasis> "
+"versión 5.8* de <literal>perl</literal> y la versión instalada es 5.9*, "
+"entonces se instala la versión5.8*."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:292
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"A version of any package other than <literal>perl</literal> that is "
+"available from the local system has priority over other versions, even "
+"versions belonging to the target release."
+msgstr ""
+"Cualquier otra versión de un paquete distinto de <literal>perl</literal> "
+"disponible desde el sistema local tiene prioridad sobre el resto de las "
+"versiones, incluso sobre los pertenecientes a la distribución objetivo."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:296
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"A version of a package whose origin is not the local system but some other "
+"site listed in &sources-list; and which belongs to an <literal>unstable</"
+"literal> distribution is only installed if it is selected for installation "
+"and no version of the package is already installed."
+msgstr ""
+"Otras versiones que tengan un origen distinto al sistema local listadas en "
+"&sources-list; y que pertenezcan a la distribución <literal>inestable</"
+"literal> sólo se instalarán si se seleccionan para instalar y no hay ninguna "
+"versión del paquete instalado."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:306
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Determination of Package Version and Distribution Properties"
+msgstr ""
+"Determinación de la versión del paquete y de las propiedades de la\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:308
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The locations listed in the &sources-list; file should provide "
+"<filename>Packages</filename> and <filename>Release</filename> files to "
+"describe the packages available at that location."
+msgstr ""
+"Los recursos del fichero &sources-list; deben proporcionar los ficheros "
+"<filename>Packages</filename> y <filename>Release</filename>. Éstos "
+"describen los paquetes disponibles en cada uno de los sitios."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:320
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "the <literal>Package:</literal> line"
+msgstr "La línea <literal>Package:</literal> "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:321
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "gives the package name"
+msgstr "Indica el nombre del paquete"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:324 apt_preferences.5.xml:374
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "the <literal>Version:</literal> line"
+msgstr "La línea <literal>Version:</literal> "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:325
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "gives the version number for the named package"
+msgstr "Indica el número de versión del paquete"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:312
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The <filename>Packages</filename> file is normally found in the directory "
+"filename>: for example, <filename>.../dists/stable/main/binary-i386/"
+"Packages</filename>. It consists of a series of multi-line records, one for "
+"each package available in that directory. Only two lines in each record are "
+"relevant for setting APT priorities: <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id="
+msgstr ""
+"El fichero <filename>Packages</filename> se encuentra normalmente en el "
+"directorio <filename>.../dists/<replaceable>nombre-dist</replaceable>/ "
+"replaceable></filename>, por ejemplo, <filename>.../dists/stable/main/binary-"
+"i386/Packages</filename>. El fichero consiste en una serie de registros de "
+"varias líneas, uno por cada paquete disponible en ese directorio. Para "
+"montar un repositorio de APT sólo son significativas dos de las líneas de "
+"cada registro:"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:341
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "the <literal>Archive:</literal> or <literal>Suite:</literal> line"
+msgstr "La línea <literal>Archive:</literal> "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:342
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"names the archive to which all the packages in the directory tree belong. "
+"For example, the line \"Archive: stable\" or \"Suite: stable\" specifies "
+"that all of the packages in the directory tree below the parent of the "
+"<filename>Release</filename> file are in a <literal>stable</literal> "
+"archive. Specifying this value in the APT preferences file would require "
+"the line:"
+msgstr ""
+"Indica el nombre del archivo al que pertenecen todos los paquetes del árbol "
+"de directorios. Por ejemplo, la línea \"Archive: stable\" especifica que "
+"todos los paquetes en el árbol de directorios por debajo del directorio raíz "
+"marcado en el fichero <filename>Release</filename> están en un archivo de "
+"<literal>estable</literal>. Para especificar una preferencia de acuerdo con "
+"este parámetro tendrá que poner la siguiente línea en el fichero de "
+"preferencias de APT:"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:352
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "Pin: release a=stable\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Pin: release a=stable\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:358
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "the <literal>Codename:</literal> line"
+msgstr "La línea <literal>Component:</literal> "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:359
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"names the codename to which all the packages in the directory tree belong. "
+"For example, the line \"Codename: squeeze\" specifies that all of the "
+"packages in the directory tree below the parent of the <filename>Release</"
+"filename> file belong to a version named <literal>squeeze</literal>. "
+"Specifying this value in the APT preferences file would require the line:"
+msgstr ""
+"Indica el nombre del archivo al que pertenecen todos los paquetes del árbol "
+"de directorios. Por ejemplo, la línea \"Archive: stable\" especifica que "
+"todos los paquetes en el árbol de directorios por debajo del directorio raíz "
+"marcado en el fichero <filename>Release</filename> están en un archivo de "
+"<literal>estable</literal>. Para especificar una preferencia de acuerdo con "
+"este parámetro tendrá que poner la siguiente línea en el fichero de "
+"preferencias de APT:"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:368
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Pin: release n=squeeze\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:375
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"names the release version. For example, the packages in the tree might "
+"belong to Debian GNU/Linux release version 3.0. Note that there is normally "
+"no version number for the <literal>testing</literal> and <literal>unstable</"
+"literal> distributions because they have not been released yet. Specifying "
+"this in the APT preferences file would require one of the following lines."
+msgstr ""
+"Indica la versión de la distribución. Por ejemplo, los paquetes en árbol "
+"pueden pertenecer a la versión 3.0 de Debian GNU/Linux. Dese cuenta de que "
+"<literal>pruebas</literal> e <literal>inestable</literal> no tienen una "
+"versión asignada porque no han sido liberadas. Para especificar una "
+"preferencia de acuerdo con este parámetro tendrá que poner una de las "
+"siguientes línea en el fichero de preferencias de APT:"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:384
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Pin: release v=3.0\n"
+"Pin: release a=stable, v=3.0\n"
+"Pin: release 3.0\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Pin: release v=3.0\n"
+"Pin: release a=stable, v=3.0\n"
+"Pin: release 3.0\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:393
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "the <literal>Component:</literal> line"
+msgstr "La línea <literal>Component:</literal> "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:394
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"names the licensing component associated with the packages in the directory "
+"tree of the <filename>Release</filename> file. For example, the line "
+"\"Component: main\" specifies that all the packages in the directory tree "
+"are from the <literal>main</literal> component, which entails that they are "
+"licensed under terms listed in the Debian Free Software Guidelines. "
+"Specifying this component in the APT preferences file would require the line:"
+msgstr ""
+"Indica la licencia asociada a los paquetes en el árbol de directorios "
+"correspondiente al fichero <filename>Release</filename>. Por ejemplo, la "
+"línea <literal>Component: main</literal> especifica que todos los ejemplares "
+"son de la sección <literal>main</literal>, ésto asegura que su licencia se "
+"ajusta a las DFSG. Para especificar una preferencia de acuerdo con este "
+"parámetro tendrá que poner la siguiente línea en el fichero de preferencias "
+"de APT:"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:403
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "Pin: release c=main\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Pin: release c=main\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:409
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "the <literal>Origin:</literal> line"
+msgstr "La línea <literal>Origin:</literal> "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:410
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"names the originator of the packages in the directory tree of the "
+"<filename>Release</filename> file. Most commonly, this is <literal>Debian</"
+"literal>. Specifying this origin in the APT preferences file would require "
+"the line:"
+msgstr ""
+"Indica la procedencia de los paquetes en el árbol de directorios del fichero "
+"<filename>Release</filename>. La procedencia más común es <literal>Debian</"
+"literal>. Para especificar una preferencia de acuerdo con este parámetro "
+"tendrá que poner la siguiente línea en el fichero de preferencias de APT:"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:416
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "Pin: release o=Debian\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Pin: release o=Debian\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:422
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "the <literal>Label:</literal> line"
+msgstr "La línea <literal>Label:</literal> "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:423
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"names the label of the packages in the directory tree of the "
+"<filename>Release</filename> file. Most commonly, this is <literal>Debian</"
+"literal>. Specifying this label in the APT preferences file would require "
+"the line:"
+msgstr ""
+"nombra la etiqueta de los paquetes en los árboles de directorios del fichero "
+"<filename>Release</filename>. Normalmente es <literal>Debian</literal>. Para "
+"especificar una preferencia de acuerdo con este parámetro tendrá que poner "
+"la siguiente línea en el fichero de preferencias de APT:"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:429
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "Pin: release l=Debian\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Pin: release l=Debian\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:330
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The <filename>Release</filename> file is normally found in the directory "
+"<filename>.../dists/<replaceable>dist-name</replaceable></filename>: for "
+"example, <filename>.../dists/stable/Release</filename>, or <filename>.../"
+"dists/woody/Release</filename>. It consists of a single multi-line record "
+"which applies to <emphasis>all</emphasis> of the packages in the directory "
+"tree below its parent. Unlike the <filename>Packages</filename> file, "
+"nearly all of the lines in a <filename>Release</filename> file are relevant "
+"for setting APT priorities: <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+"El fichero <filename>Release</filename> normalmente se encuentra en el "
+"directorio <filename>.../dists/<replaceable>nombre-dist</replaceable></"
+"filename>, por ejemplo, <filename>.../dists/stable/Release</filename>, o "
+"<filename>.../dists/woody/Release</filename>. El fichero consiste en "
+"registros de una sola línea que se aplican a <emphasis>todos</emphasis> los "
+"paquetes por debajo del directorio padre. Al contrario que el fichero "
+"<filename>Packages</filename>, casi todas las líneas del fichero "
+"<filename>Release</filename> son relevantes para las prioridades de APT:"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:436
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"All of the <filename>Packages</filename> and <filename>Release</filename> "
+"files retrieved from locations listed in the &sources-list; file are stored "
+"in the directory <filename>/var/lib/apt/lists</filename>, or in the file "
+"named by the variable <literal>Dir::State::Lists</literal> in the "
+"<filename>apt.conf</filename> file. For example, the file <filename>debian."
+"</filename> "
+"contains the <filename>Release</filename> file retrieved from the site "
+"<literal></literal> for <literal>binary-i386</literal> "
+"architecture files from the <literal>contrib</literal> component of the "
+"<literal>unstable</literal> distribution."
+msgstr ""
+"Todos los ficheros <filename>Packages</filename> y <filename>Release</"
+"filename> que se obtienen de los recursos de &sources-list; se guardan en el "
+"directorio <filename>/var/lib/apt/lists</filename>, o en el directorio "
+"definido por la variable <literal>Dir::State::Lists</literal>, que puede "
+"estar definida en el fichero <filename>apt.conf</filename>. Por ejemplo, el "
+"fichero <filename>"
+"i386_Release</filename> contiene los ficheros <filename>Release</filename> "
+"obtenidos de <literal></literal> para la arquitectura "
+"<literal>binary-i386</literal> de la sección <literal>contrib</literal> de "
+"la distribución <literal>inestable</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:449
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Optional Lines in an APT Preferences Record"
+msgstr "Líneas opcionales en un registro de preferencias de APT"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:451
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Each record in the APT preferences file can optionally begin with one or "
+"more lines beginning with the word <literal>Explanation:</literal>. This "
+"provides a place for comments."
+msgstr ""
+"Cada registro en el fichero de preferencias de APT puede comenzar con una o "
+"más líneas que tengan como primera palabra <literal>Explanation:</literal>. "
+"Útil para comentarios."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:455
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Pin-Priority:</literal> line in each APT preferences record is "
+"optional. If omitted, APT assigns a priority of 1 less than the last value "
+"specified on a line beginning with <literal>Pin-Priority: release ...</"
+msgstr ""
+"La línea <literal>Pin-Priority:</literal> es opcional. Si se omite, APT "
+"asigna una prioridad un número menor que la última prioridad especificada en "
+"una línea que empieze con <literal>Pin-Priority: release ...</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:464
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Tracking Stable"
+msgstr "Siguiendo la distribución estable"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:472
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Explanation: Uninstall or do not install any Debian-originated\n"
+"Explanation: package versions other than those in the stable distro\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=stable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 900\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release o=Debian\n"
+"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Explanation: Desinstalar o no instalar los ejemplares que no\n"
+"Explanation: pertenecen a la distribución estable\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=stable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 900\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release o=Debian\n"
+"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:466
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a priority "
+"higher than the default (500) to all package versions belonging to a "
+"<literal>stable</literal> distribution and a prohibitively low priority to "
+"package versions belonging to other <literal>Debian</literal> "
+"distributions. <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+"El siguiente fichero de preferencias de APT provoca que APT asigne una "
+"prioridad mayor de la que asigna por omisión (500) a todos los ejemplares de "
+"la distribución <literal>estable</literal> y una prioridad más baja al resto "
+"de las distribuciones <literal>Debian</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:489 apt_preferences.5.xml:535
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:593
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"apt-get install <replaceable>package-name</replaceable>\n"
+"apt-get upgrade\n"
+"apt-get dist-upgrade\n"
+msgstr ""
+"apt-get install <replaceable>paquete</replaceable>\n"
+"apt-get upgrade\n"
+"apt-get dist-upgrade\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:484
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
+"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest "
+"<literal>stable</literal> version(s). <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" "
+msgstr ""
+"Con un fichero &sources-list; apropiado y el fichero de preferencias "
+"mostrado anteriormente, cualquiera de las siguientes órdenes de APT hace que "
+"o bien todo el sistema o bien sólo algunos paquetes se actualicen a la "
+"última versión <literal>estable</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:501
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/testing\n"
+msgstr "rdepends <replaceable>paquetes(s)</replaceable>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:495
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
+"latest version from the <literal>testing</literal> distribution; the package "
+"will not be upgraded again unless this command is given again. <placeholder "
+"type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+"La siguiente orden hace que APT actualice un paquete a la última versión de "
+"la distribución de <literal>pruebas</literal>, el paquete no se actualizará "
+"de nuevo amenos que se ejecute de nuevo la orden."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:507
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Tracking Testing or Unstable"
+msgstr "Siguiendo la distribución de pruebas o inestable"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:516
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=testing\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 900\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 800\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release o=Debian\n"
+"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=testing\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 900\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 800\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release o=Debian\n"
+"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:509
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a high priority "
+"to package versions from the <literal>testing</literal> distribution, a "
+"lower priority to package versions from the <literal>unstable</literal> "
+"distribution, and a prohibitively low priority to package versions from "
+"other <literal>Debian</literal> distributions. <placeholder type="
+"\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+"El siguiente fichero de preferencias de APT provocará que APT asigne mayor "
+"prioridad a las versiones de la distribución de <literal>pruebas</literal>, "
+"una prioridad menor a los paquetes de la distribución <literal>inestable</"
+"literal>, y una prioridad prohibitiva a los paquetes de otras distribuciones "
+"de <literal>Debian</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:530
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
+"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest "
+"<literal>testing</literal> version(s). <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" "
+msgstr ""
+"Con un fichero &sources-list; adecuado y el fichero de preferencias "
+"anterior, cualquiera de la órdenes siguientes hace que APT actualice los "
+"paquetes a la última versión de la distribución de <literal>pruebas</"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:550
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/unstable\n"
+msgstr "rdepends <replaceable>paquetes(s)</replaceable>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:541
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
+"latest version from the <literal>unstable</literal> distribution. "
+"Thereafter, <command>apt-get upgrade</command> will upgrade the package to "
+"the most recent <literal>testing</literal> version if that is more recent "
+"than the installed version, otherwise, to the most recent <literal>unstable</"
+"literal> version if that is more recent than the installed version. "
+"<placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+"La siguiente orden hace que APT actualice un determinado paquete a la última "
+"versión de la distribución <literal>inestable</literal>. Más tarde, "
+"<command>apt-get upgrade</command> actualizarán el paquete a la última "
+"versión de la distribución de <literal>pruebas</literal> si es más reciente "
+"que la versión instalada, de otro modo, se instalará la versión más reciente "
+"de la distribución<literal>inestable</literal> si es más reciente que la "
+"versión instalada."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:557
+msgid "Tracking the evolution of a codename release"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:571
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Explanation: Uninstall or do not install any Debian-originated package versions\n"
+"Explanation: other than those in the distribution codenamed with squeeze or sid\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release n=squeeze\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 900\n"
+"Explanation: Debian unstable is always codenamed with sid\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=sid\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 800\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release o=Debian\n"
+"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Explanation: Desinstalar o no instalar los ejemplares que no\n"
+"Explanation: pertenecen a la distribución estable\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=stable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 900\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release o=Debian\n"
+"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:559
+msgid ""
+"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a priority "
+"higher than the default (500) to all package versions belonging to a "
+"specified codename of a distribution and a prohibitively low priority to "
+"package versions belonging to other <literal>Debian</literal> distributions, "
+"codenames and archives. Note that with this APT preference APT will follow "
+"the migration of a release from the archive <literal>testing</literal> to "
+"<literal>stable</literal> and later <literal>oldstable</literal>. If you "
+"want to follow for example the progress in <literal>testing</literal> "
+"notwithstanding the codename changes you should use the example "
+"configurations above. <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:588
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
+"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest version(s) in "
+"the release codenamed with <literal>squeeze</literal>. <placeholder type="
+"\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+"Con un fichero &sources-list; apropiado y el fichero de preferencias "
+"mostrado anteriormente, cualquiera de las siguientes órdenes de APT hace que "
+"o bien todo el sistema o bien sólo algunos paquetes se actualicen a la "
+"última versión <literal>estable</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:608
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/sid\n"
+msgstr "rdepends <replaceable>paquetes(s)</replaceable>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:599
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
+"latest version from the <literal>sid</literal> distribution. Thereafter, "
+"<command>apt-get upgrade</command> will upgrade the package to the most "
+"recent <literal>squeeze</literal> version if that is more recent than the "
+"installed version, otherwise, to the most recent <literal>sid</literal> "
+"version if that is more recent than the installed version. <placeholder "
+"type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+"La siguiente orden hace que APT actualice un determinado paquete a la última "
+"versión de la distribución <literal>inestable</literal>. Más tarde, "
+"<command>apt-get upgrade</command> actualizarán el paquete a la última "
+"versión de la distribución de <literal>pruebas</literal> si es más reciente "
+"que la versión instalada, de otro modo, se instalará la versión más reciente "
+"de la distribución<literal>inestable</literal> si es más reciente que la "
+"versión instalada."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:617
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "&file-preferences;"
+msgstr "apt_preferences"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:623
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;"
+msgstr "&apt-conf;, &apt-get;, &sources-list;"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:22 sources.list.5.xml:29
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "sources.list"
+msgstr "source"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:30
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Package resource list for APT"
+msgstr "lista de recursos de paquetes para APT"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:34
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The package resource list is used to locate archives of the package "
+"distribution system in use on the system. At this time, this manual page "
+"documents only the packaging system used by the Debian GNU/Linux system. "
+"This control file is <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename>."
+msgstr ""
+"La lista de recursos de paquetes se usa para localizar ficheros del sistema "
+"de distribución de paquetes usado en el sistema. A día de hoy, esta página "
+"del manual documenta sólamente el sistema de paquetes usado por Debian GNU/"
+"Linux. Este fichero de control está situado en <filename>/etc/apt/sources."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:39
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The source list is designed to support any number of active sources and a "
+"variety of source media. The file lists one source per line, with the most "
+"preferred source listed first. The format of each line is: <literal>type uri "
+"args</literal> The first item, <literal>type</literal> determines the format "
+"for <literal>args</literal>. <literal>uri</literal> is a Universal Resource "
+"Identifier (URI), which is a superset of the more specific and well-known "
+"Universal Resource Locator, or URL. The rest of the line can be marked as a "
+"comment by using a #."
+msgstr ""
+"La lista de procedencias está diseñada para soportar cualquier número y "
+"distintos tipos de procedencias. El fichero lista una procedencia por línea, "
+"con la procedencia de mayor prioridad en la primera línea. El formato de "
+"cada línea es: <literal>tipo uri argumentos</literal>. El primer elemento, "
+"<literal>tipo</literal>, determina el formato de <literal>argumentos</"
+"literal>. <literal>uri</literal> es Universal Resource Identifier "
+"(Identificador Universal de Recursos), un caso general de la más especifica "
+"y bien conocida Universal Resource Locator, o URL. El resto de la línea "
+"puede marcarse como comentario usando #."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:50
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "sources.list.d"
+msgstr "source"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:51
+msgid ""
+"The <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list.d</filename> directory provides a way to "
+"add sources.list entries in separate files. The format is the same as for "
+"the regular <filename>sources.list</filename> file. File names need to end "
+"with <filename>.list</filename> and may only contain letters (a-z and A-Z), "
+"digits (0-9), underscore (_), hyphen (-) and period (.) characters. "
+"Otherwise they will be silently ignored."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:60
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The deb and deb-src types"
+msgstr "Los tipos deb y deb-src"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:61
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>deb</literal> type describes a typical two-level Debian "
+"archive, <filename>distribution/component</filename>. Typically, "
+"<literal>distribution</literal> is generally one of <literal>stable</"
+"literal> <literal>unstable</literal> or <literal>testing</literal> while "
+"component is one of <literal>main</literal> <literal>contrib</literal> "
+"<literal>non-free</literal> or <literal>non-us</literal>. The <literal>deb-"
+"src</literal> type describes a debian distribution's source code in the same "
+"form as the <literal>deb</literal> type. A <literal>deb-src</literal> line "
+"is required to fetch source indexes."
+msgstr ""
+"El tipo <literal>deb</literal> hace referencia a un típico archivo de Debian "
+"de dos niveles, <filename>distribución/componente</filename>. Normalmente "
+"<literal>distribución</literal> es <literal>stable</literal>, "
+"<literal>testing</literal>, o <literal>unstable</literal>, mientras que "
+"componente es <literal>main</literal>, <literal>contrib</literal>, "
+"<literal>non-free</literal>, o <literal>non-us</literal>. El tipo "
+"<literal>deb-src</literal> hace referencia al código fuente de la "
+"distribución con la misma sintaxis que el tipo <literal>deb</literal>. Es "
+"necesaria una línea <literal>deb-src</literal> para descargar un índice de "
+"los paquetes que tienen código fuente disponible."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:73
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The format for a <filename>sources.list</filename> entry using the "
+"<literal>deb</literal> and <literal>deb-src</literal> types is:"
+msgstr ""
+"El formato para una entrada en el fichero <filename>sources.list</filename> "
+"usando los tipos <literal>deb</literal> y <literal>deb-src</literal> es:"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:76
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "deb uri distribution [component1] [component2] [...]"
+msgstr ""
+"<literallayout class=\"normal\">\n"
+"deb uri distribución [componente1] [componente2] [...]"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:78
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The URI for the <literal>deb</literal> type must specify the base of the "
+"Debian distribution, from which APT will find the information it needs. "
+"<literal>distribution</literal> can specify an exact path, in which case the "
+"components must be omitted and <literal>distribution</literal> must end with "
+"a slash (/). This is useful for when the case only a particular sub-section "
+"of the archive denoted by the URI is of interest. If <literal>distribution</"
+"literal> does not specify an exact path, at least one <literal>component</"
+"literal> must be present."
+msgstr ""
+"La URI para el tipo <literal>deb</literal> debe de especificar la base de la "
+"distribución de Debian, donde APT encontrará la información que necesita. "
+"<literal>distribución</literal> puede especificar un ruta exacta, en cuyo "
+"caso se deben omitir los componentes y <literal>distribución</literal> debe "
+"finalizar con una barra (/). Esto es útil cuando únicamente queremos una sub-"
+"sección del archivo denotado por la URI. Si <literal>distribución</literal> "
+"no especifica la ruta exacta, al menos uno de los <literal>componentes</"
+"literal> debe de estar presente."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:87
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<literal>distribution</literal> may also contain a variable, <literal>$(ARCH)"
+"</literal> which expands to the Debian architecture (i386, m68k, "
+"powerpc, ...) used on the system. This permits architecture-independent "
+"<filename>sources.list</filename> files to be used. In general this is only "
+"of interest when specifying an exact path, <literal>APT</literal> will "
+"automatically generate a URI with the current architecture otherwise."
+msgstr ""
+"<literal>distribución</literal> puede contener una variable, <literal>$(ARCH)"
+"</literal>, que se expandirá en la arquitectura de Debian usada en el "
+"sistema (i386, m68k, powerpc, ...). Esto permite que <filename>sources.list</"
+"filename> sea independiente de la arquitectura. En general esta "
+"característica sólo es de interés cuando se especifica una ruta completa, de "
+"lo contrario <literal>APT</literal> generará automáticamente la URI con la "
+"arquitectura actual del sistema."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:95
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Since only one distribution can be specified per line it may be necessary to "
+"have multiple lines for the same URI, if a subset of all available "
+"distributions or components at that location is desired. APT will sort the "
+"URI list after it has generated a complete set internally, and will collapse "
+"multiple references to the same Internet host, for instance, into a single "
+"connection, so that it does not inefficiently establish an FTP connection, "
+"close it, do something else, and then re-establish a connection to that same "
+"host. This feature is useful for accessing busy FTP sites with limits on the "
+"number of simultaneous anonymous users. APT also parallelizes connections to "
+"different hosts to more effectively deal with sites with low bandwidth."
+msgstr ""
+"Debido a que sólo se puede especificar una distribución por línea es posible "
+"que sea necesario tener múltiples líneas para la misma URI si deseamos tener "
+"accesibles más de una distribución o componente de ese sitio. APT ordenará "
+"internamente la lista de URI's después de haber generado una copia interna, "
+"y juntará varias referencias al mismo servidor de Internet en una sola "
+"conexión, para así no establecer una conexión FTP de forma ineficiente, "
+"cerrarla, hacer algo más, y entonces restablecer la conexión al mismo "
+"servidor. Esta característica es útil para acceder a FPT's concurridos que "
+"limitan el número de accesos simultáneos de usuarios anónimos. APT también "
+"paralelará conexiones a diferentes servidores para aprovechar mejor el ancho "
+"de banda."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:107
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"It is important to list sources in order of preference, with the most "
+"preferred source listed first. Typically this will result in sorting by "
+"speed from fastest to slowest (CD-ROM followed by hosts on a local network, "
+"followed by distant Internet hosts, for example)."
+msgstr ""
+"Es importante listar las fuente por orden de preferencia, con la fuente de "
+"más preferencia al principio. Lo normal es ordenar las fuentes por "
+"velocidad, de la más rápida a la más lenta (CD-ROM seguido de servidores en "
+"la red local, seguidos por servidores de Internet distantes, por ejemplo)."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:112
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Some examples:"
+msgstr "Algunos ejemplos:"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:114
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"deb stable main contrib non-free\n"
+"deb dists/stable-updates/\n"
+" "
+msgstr ""
+"<literallayout class=\"normal\">\n"
+"deb stable main contrib non-free\n"
+"deb dists/stable-updates/\n"
+" "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:120
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "URI specification"
+msgstr "especificación de la URI"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:125
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "file"
+msgstr "Ficheros"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:127
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The file scheme allows an arbitrary directory in the file system to be "
+"considered an archive. This is useful for NFS mounts and local mirrors or "
+msgstr ""
+"file permite considerar como archivo a cualquier fichero en el sistema de "
+"ficheros. Esto es útil para particiones montadas mediante NFS y réplicas "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:134
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The cdrom scheme allows APT to use a local CDROM drive with media swapping. "
+"Use the &apt-cdrom; program to create cdrom entries in the source list."
+msgstr ""
+"El cdrom permite a APT usar la unidad de CDROM local. Use el programa &apt-"
+"cdrom; para añadir entradas de un cdrom a sources.list."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:141
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The http scheme specifies an HTTP server for the archive. If an environment "
+"variable <envar>http_proxy</envar> is set with the format http://server:"
+"port/, the proxy server specified in <envar>http_proxy</envar> will be used. "
+"Users of authenticated HTTP/1.1 proxies may use a string of the format "
+"http://user:pass@server:port/. Note that this is an insecure method of "
+msgstr ""
+"Http especifica un servidor HTTP como archivo. Si la variable de entorno "
+"<envar>http_proxy</envar> está establecida con el formato http://server:"
+"port/, se usará el servidor proxy especificado en <envar>http_proxy</envar>. "
+"Usuarios de servidor proxy de autenticación HTTP/1.1 deberán usar la cadena "
+"de caracteres http://user:pass@server:port/ Dese cuenta que este método de "
+"autenticación es inseguro."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:152
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The ftp scheme specifies an FTP server for the archive. APT's FTP behavior "
+"is highly configurable; for more information see the &apt-conf; manual page. "
+"Please note that a ftp proxy can be specified by using the <envar>ftp_proxy</"
+"envar> environment variable. It is possible to specify a http proxy (http "
+"proxy servers often understand ftp urls) using this method and ONLY this "
+"method. ftp proxies using http specified in the configuration file will be "
+msgstr ""
+"Ftp especifica un servidor FTP como archivo. El comportamiento de APT con "
+"FTP es altamente configurable, para más información consulte la página del "
+"manual de &apt-conf;. Dese cuenta que un proxy ftp puede ser especificado "
+"usando la variable de entorno <envar>ftp_proxy</envar>. Es posible "
+"especificar un servidor proxy http (servidores proxy http normalmente "
+"comprenden las url's tipo ftp) usando este método y SÓLO este método. Se "
+"ignorarán los proxies ftp especificados en el fichero de configuración que "
+"usen http."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:161
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "copy"
+msgstr "copy"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:163
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The copy scheme is identical to the file scheme except that packages are "
+"copied into the cache directory instead of used directly at their location. "
+"This is useful for people using a zip disk to copy files around with APT."
+msgstr ""
+"Copy es idéntico a file excepto en que los paquetes son copiados al "
+"directorio que contiene la caché en vez de usar directamente su lugar "
+"original. Esto es útil para gente que use discos zip con APT."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:168
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "rsh"
+msgstr "rsh"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:168
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "ssh"
+msgstr "ssh"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:170
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The rsh/ssh method invokes rsh/ssh to connect to a remote host as a given "
+"user and access the files. It is a good idea to do prior arrangements with "
+"RSA keys or rhosts. Access to files on the remote uses standard "
+"<command>find</command> and <command>dd</command> commands to perform the "
+"file transfers from the remote."
+msgstr ""
+"El método rsh/ssh usa rsh/ssh para conectar a los servidores remotos como un "
+"usuario dado y acceder a los ficheros. No es posible realizar ninguna "
+"autenticación por contraseña, debe hacerse previamente una configuración de "
+"claves RSA o rhosts. El acceso a los ficheros del sistema remoto usa las "
+"órdenes estándar <command>find</command> y <command>dd</command> para "
+"realizar las transferencias."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:178
+msgid "more recongnizable URI types"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:180
+msgid ""
+"APT can be extended with more methods shipped in other optional packages "
+"which should follow the nameing scheme <literal>apt-transport-"
+"<replaceable>method</replaceable></literal>. The APT team e.g. maintain "
+"also the <literal>apt-transport-https</literal> package which provides "
+"access methods for https-URIs with features similiar to the http method, but "
+"other methods for using e.g. debtorrent are also available, see "
+"<citerefentry> <refentrytitle><filename>apt-transport-debtorrent</filename></"
+"refentrytitle> <manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:122
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The currently recognized URI types are cdrom, file, http, ftp, copy, ssh, "
+"rsh. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr "Se reconocen los siguientes tipos de URI: cdrom, file, http, y ftp."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:194
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Uses the archive stored locally (or NFS mounted) at /home/jason/debian for "
+"stable/main, stable/contrib, and stable/non-free."
+msgstr ""
+"Usa el archivo local (o montado mediante NFS) en /home/jason/debian para "
+"stable/main, stable/contrib, y stable/non-free."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:196
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "deb file:/home/jason/debian stable main contrib non-free"
+msgstr ""
+"<literallayout class=\"normal\">\n"
+"deb file:/home/jason/debian stable main contrib non-free"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:198
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "As above, except this uses the unstable (development) distribution."
+msgstr "Como arriba, excepto que usa la distribución inestable."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:199
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "deb file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
+msgstr "<literallayout class=\"normal\">deb file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:201
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Source line for the above"
+msgstr "Línea para el código fuente de lo mismo que arriba"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:202
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "deb-src file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
+msgstr "<literallayout class=\"normal\">deb-src file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:204
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Uses HTTP to access the archive at, and uses only the "
+"hamm/main area."
+msgstr ""
+"Usa HTTP para acceder al archivo en, y usa sólo la parte "
+"de hamm/main."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:206
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "deb hamm main"
+msgstr ""
+"<literallayout class=\"normal\">\n"
+"deb hamm main"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:208
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Uses FTP to access the archive at, under the debian "
+"directory, and uses only the stable/contrib area."
+msgstr ""
+"Usa FTP para acceder al archivo en, debajo del directorio "
+"debian, y usa sólo la parte de stable/contrib."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:210
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "deb stable contrib"
+msgstr ""
+"<literallayout class=\"normal\">\n"
+"deb stable contrib"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:212
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Uses FTP to access the archive at, under the debian "
+"directory, and uses only the unstable/contrib area. If this line appears as "
+"well as the one in the previous example in <filename>sources.list</filename> "
+"a single FTP session will be used for both resource lines."
+msgstr ""
+"Usa FTP para acceder al archivo en, debajo del directorio "
+"debian, y usa sólo la parte de unstable/contrib. Si tanto esta línea como la "
+"del ejemplo anterior aparecen en <filename>sources.list</filename>, se usará "
+"sólo una sesión FTP para ambas."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:216
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "deb unstable contrib"
+msgstr ""
+"<literallayout class=\"normal\">\n"
+"deb stable contrib"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:218
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Uses HTTP to access the archive at, under the debian-non-US "
+msgstr ""
+"Usa HTTP para acceder al archivo en, bajo el directorio "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:220
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "deb stable/non-US main contrib non-free"
+msgstr ""
+"<literallayout class=\"normal\">\n"
+"deb stable/non-US main\n"
+" contrib non-free"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:229
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "deb unstable/binary-$(ARCH)/"
+msgstr ""
+"<literallayout class=\"normal\">\n"
+" unstable/binary-$(ARCH)/"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:222
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Uses HTTP to access the archive at, under the debian-non-US "
+"directory, and uses only files found under <filename>unstable/binary-i386</"
+"filename> on i386 machines, <filename>unstable/binary-m68k</filename> on "
+"m68k, and so forth for other supported architectures. [Note this example "
+"only illustrates how to use the substitution variable; non-us is no longer "
+"structured like this] <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+"Usa HTTP para acceder al archivo en, bajo el directorio "
+"debian-non-US, y usa sólo ficheros que se encuentren debajo de "
+"<filename>unstable/binary-i386</filename> en máquinas i386, "
+"<filename>unstable/binary-m68k</filename> en máquinas m68k, y así para todas "
+"las arquitecturas soportadas. (Dese cuenta que este ejemplo sólo sirve para "
+"ilustrar como se usa la variable de substitución, non-us ya no está "
+"estructurado de este modo)"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:234
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "&apt-cache; &apt-conf;"
+msgstr "&apt-cache; &apt-conf;"
+#. type: <title></title>
+#: guide.sgml:4
+msgid "APT User's Guide"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <author></author>
+#: guide.sgml:6 offline.sgml:6
+msgid "<name>Jason Gunthorpe </name><email></email>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <version></version>
+#: guide.sgml:7
+msgid "$Id: guide.sgml,v 1.7 2003/04/26 23:26:13 doogie Exp $"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <abstract></abstract>
+#: guide.sgml:11
+msgid ""
+"This document provides an overview of how to use the the APT package manager."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <copyrightsummary></copyrightsummary>
+#: guide.sgml:15
+msgid "Copyright &copy; Jason Gunthorpe, 1998."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:21 offline.sgml:22
+msgid ""
+"\"APT\" and this document are free software; you can redistribute them and/"
+"or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public License as "
+"published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, "
+"or (at your option) any later version."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:24 offline.sgml:25
+msgid ""
+"For more details, on Debian GNU/Linux systems, see the file /usr/share/"
+"common-licenses/GPL for the full license."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:32
+msgid "General"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:38
+msgid ""
+"The APT package currently contains two sections, the APT <prgn>dselect</"
+"prgn> method and the <prgn>apt-get</prgn> command line user interface. Both "
+"provide a way to install and remove packages as well as download new "
+"packages from the Internet."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:39
+msgid "Anatomy of the Package System"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:44
+msgid ""
+"The Debian packaging system has a large amount of information associated "
+"with each package to help assure that it integrates cleanly and easily into "
+"the system. The most prominent of its features is the dependency system."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:52
+msgid ""
+"The dependency system allows individual programs to make use of shared "
+"elements in the system such as libraries. It simplifies placing infrequently "
+"used portions of a program in separate packages to reduce the number of "
+"things the average user is required to install. Also, it allows for choices "
+"in mail transport agents, X servers and so on."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:57
+msgid ""
+"The first step to understanding the dependency system is to grasp the "
+"concept of a simple dependency. The meaning of a simple dependency is that a "
+"package requires another package to be installed at the same time to work "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:63
+msgid ""
+"For instance, mailcrypt is an emacs extension that aids in encrypting email "
+"with GPG. Without GPGP installed mail-crypt is useless, so mailcrypt has a "
+"simple dependency on GPG. Also, because it is an emacs extension it has a "
+"simple dependency on emacs, without emacs it is completely useless."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:73
+msgid ""
+"The other important dependency to understand is a conflicting dependency. It "
+"means that a package, when installed with another package, will not work and "
+"may possibly be extremely harmful to the system. As an example consider a "
+"mail transport agent such as sendmail, exim or qmail. It is not possible to "
+"have two mail transport agents installed because both need to listen to the "
+"network to receive mail. Attempting to install two will seriously damage the "
+"system so all mail transport agents have a conflicting dependency with all "
+"other mail transport agents."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:83
+msgid ""
+"As an added complication there is the possibility for a package to pretend "
+"to be another package. Consider that exim and sendmail for many intents are "
+"identical, they both deliver mail and understand a common interface. Hence, "
+"the package system has a way for them to declare that they are both mail-"
+"transport-agents. So, exim and sendmail both declare that they provide a "
+"mail-transport-agent and other packages that need a mail transport agent "
+"depend on mail-transport-agent. This can add a great deal of confusion when "
+"trying to manually fix packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:88
+msgid ""
+"At any given time a single dependency may be met by packages that are "
+"already installed or it may not be. APT attempts to help resolve dependency "
+"issues by providing a number of automatic algorithms that help in selecting "
+"packages for installation."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:102
+msgid ""
+"<prgn>apt-get</prgn> provides a simple way to install packages from the "
+"command line. Unlike <prgn>dpkg</prgn>, <prgn>apt-get</prgn> does not "
+"understand .deb files, it works with the package's proper name and can only "
+"install .deb archives from a <em>Source</em>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:109
+msgid ""
+"The first <footnote><p>If you are using an http proxy server you must set "
+"the http_proxy environment variable first, see sources.list(5)</p></"
+"footnote> thing that should be done before using <prgn>apt-get</prgn> is to "
+"fetch the package lists from the <em>Sources</em> so that it knows what "
+"packages are available. This is done with <tt>apt-get update</tt>. For "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:116
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"# apt-get update\n"
+"Get stable/binary-i386/ Packages\n"
+"Get testing/contrib Packages\n"
+"Reading Package Lists... Done\n"
+"Building Dependency Tree... Done"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p><taglist>
+#: guide.sgml:120
+msgid "Once updated there are several commands that can be used:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:131
+msgid ""
+"Upgrade will attempt to gently upgrade the whole system. Upgrade will never "
+"install a new package or remove an existing package, nor will it ever "
+"upgrade a package that might cause some other package to break. This can be "
+"used daily to relatively safely upgrade the system. Upgrade will list all of "
+"the packages that it could not upgrade, this usually means that they depend "
+"on new packages or conflict with some other package. <prgn>dselect</prgn> or "
+"<tt>apt-get install</tt> can be used to force these packages to install."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:140
+msgid ""
+"Install is used to install packages by name. The package is automatically "
+"fetched and installed. This can be useful if you already know the name of "
+"the package to install and do not want to go into a GUI to select it. Any "
+"number of packages may be passed to install, they will all be fetched. "
+"Install automatically attempts to resolve dependency problems with the "
+"listed packages and will print a summary and ask for confirmation if "
+"anything other than its arguments are changed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:149
+msgid ""
+"Dist-upgrade is a complete upgrader designed to simplify upgrading between "
+"releases of Debian. It uses a sophisticated algorithm to determine the best "
+"set of packages to install, upgrade and remove to get as much of the system "
+"to the newest release. In some situations it may be desired to use dist-"
+"upgrade rather than spend the time manually resolving dependencies in "
+"<prgn>dselect</prgn>. Once dist-upgrade has completed then <prgn>dselect</"
+"prgn> can be used to install any packages that may have been left out."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:152
+msgid ""
+"It is important to closely look at what dist-upgrade is going to do, its "
+"decisions may sometimes be quite surprising."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:163
+msgid ""
+"<prgn>apt-get</prgn> has several command line options that are detailed in "
+"its man page, <manref section=\"8\" name=\"apt-get\">. The most useful "
+"option is <tt>-d</tt> which does not install the fetched files. If the "
+"system has to download a large number of package it would be undesired to "
+"start installing them in case something goes wrong. When <tt>-d</tt> is used "
+"the downloaded archives can be installed by simply running the command that "
+"caused them to be downloaded again without <tt>-d</tt>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:168
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "DSelect"
+msgstr "APT con DSelect"
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:173
+msgid ""
+"The APT <prgn>dselect</prgn> method provides the complete APT system with "
+"the <prgn>dselect</prgn> package selection GUI. <prgn>dselect</prgn> is used "
+"to select the packages to be installed or removed and APT actually installs "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:184
+msgid ""
+"To enable the APT method you need to to select [A]ccess in <prgn>dselect</"
+"prgn> and then choose the APT method. You will be prompted for a set of "
+"<em>Sources</em> which are places to fetch archives from. These can be "
+"remote Internet sites, local Debian mirrors or CDROMs. Each source can "
+"provide a fragment of the total Debian archive, APT will automatically "
+"combine them to form a complete set of packages. If you have a CDROM then it "
+"is a good idea to specify it first and then specify a mirror so that you "
+"have access to the latest bug fixes. APT will automatically use packages on "
+"your CDROM before downloading from the Internet."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:198
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" Set up a list of distribution source locations\n"
+"\t \n"
+" Please give the base URL of the debian distribution.\n"
+" The access schemes I know about are: http file\n"
+"\t \n"
+" For example:\n"
+" file:/mnt/debian,\n"
+" \n"
+" \n"
+" URL []:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:205
+msgid ""
+"The <em>Sources</em> setup starts by asking for the base of the Debian "
+"archive, defaulting to a HTTP mirror. Next it asks for the distribution to "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:212
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" Please give the distribution tag to get or a path to the\n"
+" package file ending in a /. The distribution\n"
+" tags are typically something like: stable unstable testing non-US\n"
+" \n"
+" Distribution [stable]:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:222
+msgid ""
+"The distribution refers to the Debian version in the archive, <em>stable</"
+"em> refers to the latest released version and <em>unstable</em> refers to "
+"the developmental version. <em>non-US</em> is only available on some mirrors "
+"and refers to packages that contain encryption technology or other things "
+"that cannot be exported from the United States. Importing these packages "
+"into the US is legal however."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:228
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" Please give the components to get\n"
+" The components are typically something like: main contrib non-free\n"
+" \n"
+" Components [main contrib non-free]:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:236
+msgid ""
+"The components list refers to the list of sub distributions to fetch. The "
+"distribution is split up based on software licenses, main being DFSG free "
+"packages while contrib and non-free contain things that have various "
+"restrictions placed on their use and distribution."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:240
+msgid ""
+"Any number of sources can be added, the setup script will continue to prompt "
+"until you have specified all that you want."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:247
+msgid ""
+"Before starting to use <prgn>dselect</prgn> it is necessary to update the "
+"available list by selecting [U]pdate from the menu. This is a super-set of "
+"<tt>apt-get update</tt> that makes the fetched information available to "
+"<prgn>dselect</prgn>. [U]pdate must be performed even if <tt>apt-get update</"
+"tt> has been run before."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:253
+msgid ""
+"You can then go on and make your selections using [S]elect and then perform "
+"the installation using [I]nstall. When using the APT method the [C]onfig and "
+"[R]emove commands have no meaning, the [I]nstall command performs both of "
+"them together."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:258
+msgid ""
+"By default APT will automatically remove the package (.deb) files once they "
+"have been successfully installed. To change this behavior place <tt>Dselect::"
+"clean \"prompt\";</tt> in /etc/apt/apt.conf."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:264
+msgid "The Interface"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:278
+msgid ""
+"Both that APT <prgn>dselect</prgn> method and <prgn>apt-get</prgn> share the "
+"same interface. It is a simple system that generally tells you what it will "
+"do and then goes and does it. <footnote><p>The <prgn>dselect</prgn> method "
+"actually is a set of wrapper scripts to <prgn>apt-get</prgn>. The method "
+"actually provides more functionality than is present in <prgn>apt-get</prgn> "
+"alone.</p></footnote> After printing out a summary of what will happen APT "
+"then will print out some informative status messages so that you can "
+"estimate how far along it is and how much is left to do."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:280
+msgid "Startup"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:284
+msgid ""
+"Before all operations except update, APT performs a number of actions to "
+"prepare its internal state. It also does some checks of the system's state. "
+"At any time these operations can be performed by running <tt>apt-get check</"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:289
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"# apt-get check\n"
+"Reading Package Lists... Done\n"
+"Building Dependency Tree... Done"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:297
+msgid ""
+"The first thing it does is read all the package files into memory. APT uses "
+"a caching scheme so this operation will be faster the second time it is run. "
+"If some of the package files are not found then they will be ignored and a "
+"warning will be printed when apt-get exits."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:303
+msgid ""
+"The final operation performs a detailed analysis of the system's "
+"dependencies. It checks every dependency of every installed or unpacked "
+"package and considers if it is OK. Should this find a problem then a report "
+"will be printed out and <prgn>apt-get</prgn> will refuse to run."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:320
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"# apt-get check\n"
+"Reading Package Lists... Done\n"
+"Building Dependency Tree... Done\n"
+"You might want to run apt-get -f install' to correct these.\n"
+"Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:\n"
+" 9fonts: Depends: xlib6g but it is not installed\n"
+" uucp: Depends: mailx but it is not installed\n"
+" blast: Depends: xlib6g (>= 3.3-5) but it is not installed\n"
+" adduser: Depends: perl-base but it is not installed\n"
+" aumix: Depends: libgpmg1 but it is not installed\n"
+" debiandoc-sgml: Depends: sgml-base but it is not installed\n"
+" bash-builtins: Depends: bash (>= 2.01) but 2.0-3 is installed\n"
+" cthugha: Depends: svgalibg1 but it is not installed\n"
+" Depends: xlib6g (>= 3.3-5) but it is not installed\n"
+" libreadlineg2: Conflicts:libreadline2 (<< 2.1-2.1)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:329
+msgid ""
+"In this example the system has many problems, including a serious problem "
+"with libreadlineg2. For each package that has unmet dependencies a line is "
+"printed out indicating the package with the problem and the dependencies "
+"that are unmet. A short explanation of why the package has a dependency "
+"problem is also included."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:337
+msgid ""
+"There are two ways a system can get into a broken state like this. The first "
+"is caused by <prgn>dpkg</prgn> missing some subtle relationships between "
+"packages when performing upgrades. <footnote><p>APT however considers all "
+"known dependencies and attempts to prevent broken packages</p></footnote>. "
+"The second is if a package installation fails during an operation. In this "
+"situation a package may have been unpacked without its dependents being "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:345
+msgid ""
+"The second situation is much less serious than the first because APT places "
+"certain constraints on the order that packages are installed. In both cases "
+"supplying the <tt>-f</tt> option to <prgn>apt-get</prgn> will cause APT to "
+"deduce a possible solution to the problem and then continue on. The APT "
+"<prgn>dselect</prgn> method always supplies the <tt>-f</tt> option to allow "
+"for easy continuation of failed maintainer scripts."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:351
+msgid ""
+"However, if the <tt>-f</tt> option is used to correct a seriously broken "
+"system caused by the first case then it is possible that it will either fail "
+"immediately or the installation sequence will fail. In either case it is "
+"necessary to manually use dpkg (possibly with forcing options) to correct "
+"the situation enough to allow APT to proceed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:356
+msgid "The Status Report"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:363
+msgid ""
+"Before proceeding <prgn>apt-get</prgn> will present a report on what will "
+"happen. Generally the report reflects the type of operation being performed "
+"but there are several common elements. In all cases the lists reflect the "
+"final state of things, taking into account the <tt>-f</tt> option and any "
+"other relevant activities to the command being executed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:364
+msgid "The Extra Package list"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:372
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"The following extra packages will be installed:\n"
+" libdbd-mysql-perl xlib6 zlib1 xzx libreadline2 libdbd-msql-perl\n"
+" mailpgp xdpkg fileutils pinepgp zlib1g xlib6g perl-base\n"
+" bin86 libgdbm1 libgdbmg1 quake-lib gmp2 bcc xbuffy\n"
+" squake pgp-i python-base debmake ldso perl libreadlineg2\n"
+" ssh"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:379
+msgid ""
+"The Extra Package list shows all of the packages that will be installed or "
+"upgraded in excess of the ones mentioned on the command line. It is only "
+"generated for an <tt>install</tt> command. The listed packages are often the "
+"result of an Auto Install."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:382
+msgid "The Packages to Remove"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:389
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"The following packages will be REMOVED:\n"
+" xlib6-dev xpat2 tk40-dev xkeycaps xbattle xonix\n"
+" xdaliclock tk40 tk41 xforms0.86 ghostview xloadimage xcolorsel\n"
+" xadmin xboard perl-debug tkined xtetris libreadline2-dev perl-suid\n"
+" nas xpilot xfig"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:399
+msgid ""
+"The Packages to Remove list shows all of the packages that will be removed "
+"from the system. It can be shown for any of the operations and should be "
+"given a careful inspection to ensure nothing important is to be taken off. "
+"The <tt>-f</tt> option is especially good at generating packages to remove "
+"so extreme care should be used in that case. The list may contain packages "
+"that are going to be removed because they are only partially installed, "
+"possibly due to an aborted installation."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:402
+msgid "The New Packages list"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:406
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"The following NEW packages will installed:\n"
+" zlib1g xlib6g perl-base libgdbmg1 quake-lib gmp2 pgp-i python-base"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:411
+msgid ""
+"The New Packages list is simply a reminder of what will happen. The packages "
+"listed are not presently installed in the system but will be when APT is "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:414
+msgid "The Kept Back list"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:419
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"The following packages have been kept back\n"
+" compface man-db tetex-base msql libpaper svgalib1\n"
+" gs snmp arena lynx xpat2 groff xscreensaver"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:428
+msgid ""
+"Whenever the whole system is being upgraded there is the possibility that "
+"new versions of packages cannot be installed because they require new things "
+"or conflict with already installed things. In this case the package will "
+"appear in the Kept Back list. The best way to convince packages listed there "
+"to install is with <tt>apt-get install</tt> or by using <prgn>dselect</prgn> "
+"to resolve their problems."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:431
+msgid "Held Packages warning"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:435
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"The following held packages will be changed:\n"
+" cvs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:441
+msgid ""
+"Sometimes you can ask APT to install a package that is on hold, in such a "
+"case it prints out a warning that the held package is going to be changed. "
+"This should only happen during dist-upgrade or install."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:444
+msgid "Final summary"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:447
+msgid ""
+"Finally, APT will print out a summary of all the changes that will occur."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:452
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"206 packages upgraded, 8 newly installed, 23 to remove and 51 not upgraded.\n"
+"12 packages not fully installed or removed.\n"
+"Need to get 65.7M/66.7M of archives. After unpacking 26.5M will be used."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:470
+msgid ""
+"The first line of the summary simply is a reduced version of all of the "
+"lists and includes the number of upgrades - that is packages already "
+"installed that have new versions available. The second line indicates the "
+"number of poorly configured packages, possibly the result of an aborted "
+"installation. The final line shows the space requirements that the "
+"installation needs. The first pair of numbers refer to the size of the "
+"archive files. The first number indicates the number of bytes that must be "
+"fetched from remote locations and the second indicates the total size of all "
+"the archives required. The next number indicates the size difference between "
+"the presently installed packages and the newly installed packages. It is "
+"roughly equivalent to the space required in /usr after everything is done. "
+"If a large number of packages are being removed then the value may indicate "
+"the amount of space that will be freed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:473
+msgid ""
+"Some other reports can be generated by using the -u option to show packages "
+"to upgrade, they are similar to the previous examples."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:477
+msgid "The Status Display"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:481
+msgid ""
+"During the download of archives and package files APT prints out a series of "
+"status messages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:490
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"# apt-get update\n"
+"Get:1 stable/non-US/ Packages\n"
+"Get:2 testing/contrib Packages\n"
+"Hit testing/main Packages\n"
+"Get:4 unstable/binary-i386/ Packages\n"
+"Get:5 testing/non-free Packages\n"
+"11% [5 testing/non-free `Waiting for file' 0/32.1k 0%] 2203b/s 1m52s"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:500
+msgid ""
+"The lines starting with <em>Get</em> are printed out when APT begins to "
+"fetch a file while the last line indicates the progress of the download. The "
+"first percent value on the progress line indicates the total percent done of "
+"all files. Unfortunately since the size of the Package files is unknown "
+"<tt>apt-get update</tt> estimates the percent done which causes some "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:509
+msgid ""
+"The next section of the status line is repeated once for each download "
+"thread and indicates the operation being performed and some useful "
+"information about what is happening. Sometimes this section will simply read "
+"<em>Forking</em> which means the OS is loading the download module. The "
+"first word after the [ is the fetch number as shown on the history lines. "
+"The next word is the short form name of the object being downloaded. For "
+"archives it will contain the name of the package that is being fetched."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:524
+msgid ""
+"Inside of the single quote is an informative string indicating the progress "
+"of the negotiation phase of the download. Typically it progresses from "
+"<em>Connecting</em> to <em>Waiting for file</em> to <em>Downloading</em> or "
+"<em>Resuming</em>. The final value is the number of bytes downloaded from "
+"the remote site. Once the download begins this is represented as "
+"<tt>102/10.2k</tt> indicating that 102 bytes have been fetched and 10.2 "
+"kilobytes is expected. The total size is always shown in 4 figure notation "
+"to preserve space. After the size display is a percent meter for the file "
+"itself. The second last element is the instantaneous average speed. This "
+"values is updated every 5 seconds and reflects the rate of data transfer for "
+"that period. Finally is shown the estimated transfer time. This is updated "
+"regularly and reflects the time to complete everything at the shown transfer "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:530
+msgid ""
+"The status display updates every half second to provide a constant feedback "
+"on the download progress while the Get lines scroll back whenever a new file "
+"is started. Since the status display is constantly updated it is unsuitable "
+"for logging to a file, use the <tt>-q</tt> option to remove the status "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:535
+msgid "Dpkg"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:542
+msgid ""
+"APT uses <prgn>dpkg</prgn> for installing the archives and will switch over "
+"to the <prgn>dpkg</prgn> interface once downloading is completed. "
+"<prgn>dpkg</prgn> will also ask a number of questions as it processes the "
+"packages and the packages themselves may also ask several questions. Before "
+"each question there is usually a description of what it is asking and the "
+"questions are too varied to discuss completely here."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <title></title>
+#: offline.sgml:4
+msgid "Using APT Offline"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <version></version>
+#: offline.sgml:7
+msgid "$Id: offline.sgml,v 1.8 2003/02/12 15:06:41 doogie Exp $"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <abstract></abstract>
+#: offline.sgml:12
+msgid ""
+"This document describes how to use APT in a non-networked environment, "
+"specifically a 'sneaker-net' approach for performing upgrades."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <copyrightsummary></copyrightsummary>
+#: offline.sgml:16
+msgid "Copyright &copy; Jason Gunthorpe, 1999."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: offline.sgml:32
+msgid "Introduction"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: offline.sgml:34 offline.sgml:65 offline.sgml:180
+msgid "Overview"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:40
+msgid ""
+"Normally APT requires direct access to a Debian archive, either from a local "
+"media or through a network. Another common complaint is that a Debian "
+"machine is on a slow link, such as a modem and another machine has a very "
+"fast connection but they are physically distant."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:51
+msgid ""
+"The solution to this is to use large removable media such as a Zip disc or a "
+"SuperDisk disc. These discs are not large enough to store the entire Debian "
+"archive but can easily fit a subset large enough for most users. The idea is "
+"to use APT to generate a list of packages that are required and then fetch "
+"them onto the disc using another machine with good connectivity. It is even "
+"possible to use another Debian machine with APT or to use a completely "
+"different OS and a download tool like wget. Let <em>remote host</em> mean "
+"the machine downloading the packages, and <em>target host</em> the one with "
+"bad or no connection."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:57
+msgid ""
+"This is achieved by creatively manipulating the APT configuration file. The "
+"essential premis to tell APT to look on a disc for it's archive files. Note "
+"that the disc should be formated with a filesystem that can handle long file "
+"names such as ext2, fat32 or vfat."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: offline.sgml:63
+msgid "Using APT on both machines"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p><example>
+#: offline.sgml:71
+msgid ""
+"APT being available on both machines gives the simplest configuration. The "
+"basic idea is to place a copy of the status file on the disc and use the "
+"remote machine to fetch the latest package files and decide which packages "
+"to download. The disk directory structure should look like:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: offline.sgml:80
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" /disc/\n"
+" archives/\n"
+" partial/\n"
+" lists/\n"
+" partial/\n"
+" status\n"
+" sources.list\n"
+" apt.conf"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: offline.sgml:88
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The configuration file"
+msgstr "Programa para la consulta de configuración de APT"
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:96
+msgid ""
+"The configuration file should tell APT to store its files on the disc and to "
+"use the configuration files on the disc as well. The sources.list should "
+"contain the proper sites that you wish to use from the remote machine, and "
+"the status file should be a copy of <em>/var/lib/dpkg/status</em> from the "
+"<em>target host</em>. Please note, if you are using a local archive you must "
+"use copy URIs, the syntax is identical to file URIs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p><example>
+#: offline.sgml:100
+msgid ""
+"<em>apt.conf</em> must contain the necessary information to make APT use the "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: offline.sgml:124
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" APT\n"
+" {\n"
+" /* This is not necessary if the two machines are the same arch, it tells\n"
+" the remote APT what architecture the target machine is */\n"
+" Architecture \"i386\";\n"
+" \n"
+" Get::Download-Only \"true\";\n"
+" };\n"
+" \n"
+" Dir\n"
+" {\n"
+" /* Use the disc for state information and redirect the status file from\n"
+" the /var/lib/dpkg default */\n"
+" State \"/disc/\";\n"
+" State::status \"status\";\n"
+" // Binary caches will be stored locally\n"
+" Cache::archives \"/disc/archives/\";\n"
+" Cache \"/tmp/\";\n"
+" \n"
+" // Location of the source list.\n"
+" Etc \"/disc/\";\n"
+" };"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: </example></p>
+#: offline.sgml:129
+msgid ""
+"More details can be seen by examining the apt.conf man page and the sample "
+"configuration file in <em>/usr/share/doc/apt/examples/apt.conf</em>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p><example>
+#: offline.sgml:136
+msgid ""
+"On the target machine the first thing to do is mount the disc and copy <em>/"
+"var/lib/dpkg/status</em> to it. You will also need to create the directories "
+"outlined in the Overview, <em>archives/partial/</em> and <em>lists/partial/</"
+"em> Then take the disc to the remote machine and configure the sources.list. "
+"On the remote machine execute the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: offline.sgml:142
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # export APT_CONFIG=\"/disc/apt.conf\"\n"
+" # apt-get update\n"
+" [ APT fetches the package files ]\n"
+" # apt-get dist-upgrade\n"
+" [ APT fetches all the packages needed to upgrade the target machine ]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: </example></p>
+#: offline.sgml:149
+msgid ""
+"The dist-upgrade command can be replaced with any-other standard APT "
+"commands, particularly dselect-upgrade. You can even use an APT front end "
+"such as <em>dselect</em> However this presents a problem in communicating "
+"your selections back to the local computer."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p><example>
+#: offline.sgml:153
+msgid ""
+"Now the disc contains all of the index files and archives needed to upgrade "
+"the target machine. Take the disc back and run:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: offline.sgml:159
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # export APT_CONFIG=\"/disc/apt.conf\"\n"
+" # apt-get check\n"
+" [ APT generates a local copy of the cache files ]\n"
+" # apt-get --no-d -o dir::state::status=/var/lib/dpkg/status dist-upgrade\n"
+" [ Or any other APT command ]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:165
+msgid ""
+"It is necessary for proper function to re-specify the status file to be the "
+"local one. This is very important!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:172
+msgid ""
+"If you are using dselect you can do the very risky operation of copying disc/"
+"status to /var/lib/dpkg/status so that any selections you made on the remote "
+"machine are updated. I highly recommend that people only make selections on "
+"the local machine - but this may not always be possible. DO NOT copy the "
+"status file if dpkg or APT have been run in the mean time!!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: offline.sgml:178
+msgid "Using APT and wget"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:185
+msgid ""
+"<em>wget</em> is a popular and portable download tool that can run on nearly "
+"any machine. Unlike the method above this requires that the Debian machine "
+"already has a list of available packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:190
+msgid ""
+"The basic idea is to create a disc that has only the archive files "
+"downloaded from the remote site. This is done by using the --print-uris "
+"option to apt-get and then preparing a wget script to actually fetch the "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: offline.sgml:196
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Operation"
+msgstr "Opciones"
+#. type: <p><example>
+#: offline.sgml:200
+msgid ""
+"Unlike the previous technique no special configuration files are required. "
+"We merely use the standard APT commands to generate the file list."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: offline.sgml:205
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # apt-get dist-upgrade \n"
+" [ Press no when prompted, make sure you are happy with the actions ]\n"
+" # apt-get -qq --print-uris dist-upgrade > uris\n"
+" # awk '{print \"wget -O \" $2 \" \" $1}' < uris > /disc/wget-script"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: </example></p>
+#: offline.sgml:210
+msgid ""
+"Any command other than dist-upgrade could be used here, including dselect-"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:216
+msgid ""
+"The /disc/wget-script file will now contain a list of wget commands to "
+"execute in order to fetch the necessary archives. This script should be run "
+"with the current directory as the disc's mount point so as to save the "
+"output on the disc."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p><example>
+#: offline.sgml:219
+msgid "The remote machine would do something like"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: offline.sgml:223
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # cd /disc\n"
+" # sh -x ./wget-script\n"
+" [ wait.. ]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: </example><example>
+#: offline.sgml:228
+msgid ""
+"Once the archives are downloaded and the disc returned to the Debian machine "
+"installation can proceed using,"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: offline.sgml:230
+#, no-wrap
+msgid " # apt-get -o dir::cache::archives=\"/disc/\" dist-upgrade"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: </example></p>
+#: offline.sgml:234
+msgid "Which will use the already fetched archives on the disc."
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "/usr/share/doc/apt/"
+#~ msgstr "/usr/share/doc/apt/"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "<filename>&docdir;examples/configure-index.gz</>"
+#~ msgstr "<filename>&docdir;examples/configure-index.gz</>"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "<filename>/etc/apt.conf</>"
+#~ msgstr "<filename>/etc/apt.conf</>"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "/var/lib/apt"
+#~ msgstr "/var/lib/apt"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "/var/cache/apt"
+#~ msgstr "/var/cache/apt"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " <VarListEntry><term><option/-h/</><term><option/--help/</>\n"
+#~ " <ListItem><Para>\n"
+#~ " Show a short usage summary.\n"
+#~ " </VarListEntry>\n"
+#~ " \n"
+#~ " <VarListEntry><term><option/-v/</><term><option/--version/</>\n"
+#~ " <ListItem><Para>\n"
+#~ " Show the program version.\n"
+#~ " </VarListEntry>\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " <VarListEntry><term><option/-c/</><term><option/--config-file/</>\n"
+#~ " <ListItem><Para>\n"
+#~ " Configuration File; Specify a configuration file to use. \n"
+#~ " The program will read the default configuration file and then this \n"
+#~ " configuration file. See &apt-conf; for syntax information. \n"
+#~ " </VarListEntry>\n"
+#~ " \n"
+#~ " <VarListEntry><term><option/-o/</><term><option/--option/</>\n"
+#~ " <ListItem><Para>\n"
+#~ " Set a Configuration Option; This will set an arbitary configuration \n"
+#~ " option. The syntax is <option>-o Foo::Bar=bar</>.\n"
+#~ " </VarListEntry>\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " <VarListEntry><term><option/-h/</><term><option/--help/</>\n"
+#~ " <ListItem><Para>\n"
+#~ " Muestra un breve resumen del modo de uso.\n"
+#~ " </VarListEntry>\n"
+#~ " \n"
+#~ " <VarListEntry><term><option/-v/</><term><option/--version/</>\n"
+#~ " <ListItem><Para>\n"
+#~ " Muestra la versión del programa.\n"
+#~ " </VarListEntry>\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " <VarListEntry><term><option/-c/</><term><option/--config-file/</>\n"
+#~ " <ListItem><Para>\n"
+#~ " Especifica el fichero de configuración a usar.\n"
+#~ " El programa leerá el fichero de configuración por omisión y luego\n"
+#~ " este otro. Lea &apt-conf; para más información acerca de la sintaxis.\n"
+#~ " </VarListEntry>\n"
+#~ " \n"
+#~ " <VarListEntry><term><option/-o/</><term><option/--option/</>\n"
+#~ " <ListItem><Para>\n"
+#~ " Establece una opción de configuración. La sintaxis es <option>-o\n"
+#~ " Foo::Bar=bar</>. \n"
+#~ " </VarListEntry>\n"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "&apt-docinfo;\n"
+#~ " \n"
+#~ " "
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "&apt-docinfo;\n"
+#~ " \n"
+#~ " "
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "<manvolnum>5</manvolnum>"
+#~ msgstr "<manvolnum>8</manvolnum>"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Syntacticly the configuration language is modeled after what the ISC "
+#~ "tools such as bind and dhcp use. Lines starting with <literal>//</"
+#~ "literal> are treated as comments (ignored). Each line is of the form"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Sintácticamente, el lenguaje de configuración es modelado como en "
+#~ "utilidades ISC, como bind y dhcp. Las líneas que comienzan con <literal>//"
+#~ "</literal> se tratan como comentarios (se ignoran). Cada línea es de la "
+#~ "forma"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<literallayout class=\"normal\">\n"
+#~ "APT::Get::Assume-Yes \"true\";"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<literallayout class=\"normal\">\n"
+#~ "APT::Get::Assume-Yes \"true\";"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "</literallayout> The trailing semicolon is required and the quotes are "
+#~ "optional. A new scope can be opened with curly braces, like: "
+#~ "<informalexample>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "</literallayout> Los espacios entre los dos puntos son obligatorios, y "
+#~ "las comillas son opcionales. Un nuevo ámbito puede abrirse con llaves, "
+#~ "por ejemplo: <informalexample>"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Disable Immediate Configuration; This dangerous option disables some of "
+#~ "APT's ordering code to cause it to make fewer dpkg calls. Doing so may be "
+#~ "necessary on some extremely slow single user systems but is very "
+#~ "dangerous and may cause package install scripts to fail or worse. Use at "
+#~ "your own risk."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Deshabilita la configuración inmediata: Esta peligrosa opción deshabilita "
+#~ "algunas partes del código de ordenación de APT para inducir a éste a "
+#~ "hacer pocas llamadas a dpkg. Hacer esto podría ser necesario en algún "
+#~ "sistema de usuario extremadamente lento, pero sería muy peligroso y "
+#~ "podría causar que los scripts de instalación del paquete fallaran o algo "
+#~ "peor. Úselo a su cuenta y riesgo."
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<literallayout class=\"normal\">\n"
+#~ "\"/cdrom/\"::Mount \"foo\";"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<literallayout class=\"normal\">\n"
+#~ "deb unstable contrib"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "</literallayout> within the cdrom block. It is important to have the "
+#~ "trailing slash. Unmount commands can be specified using UMount."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "</literallayout> dentro del bloque cdrom. Es importante no tener una "
+#~ "barra final. Las órdenes de unmount pueden especificarse usando UMount."
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Most of the options in the <literal>debug</literal> section are not "
+#~ "interesting to the normal user, however <literal>Debug::"
+#~ "pkgProblemResolver</literal> shows interesting output about the decisions "
+#~ "dist-upgrade makes. <literal>Debug::NoLocking</literal> disables file "
+#~ "locking so APT can do some operations as non-root and <literal>Debug::"
+#~ "pkgDPkgPM</literal> will print out the command line for each dpkg "
+#~ "invokation. <literal>Debug::IdentCdrom</literal> will disable the "
+#~ "inclusion of statfs data in CDROM IDs."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "La mayoría de las opciones de la sección <literal>debug</literal> no son "
+#~ "interesantes para el usuario normal, sin embargo <literal>Debug::"
+#~ "pkgProblemResolver</literal> muestra una salida interesante acerca de las "
+#~ "decisiones que realiza dist-upgrade. <literal>Debug::NoLocking</literal> "
+#~ "deshabilita el bloqueo de fichero de forma que APT puede realizar algunas "
+#~ "operaciones sin permisos de superusuario y <literal>Debug::pkgDPkgPM</"
+#~ "literal> mostrará la línea de órdenes para cada llamada a dpkg. "
+#~ "<literal>Debug::IdentCdrom</literal> deshabilitará la inclusión de datos "
+#~ "de statfs en los ID's de los CDROM."
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "&manbugs; &manauthor;"
+#~ msgstr "&manbugs; &manauthor;"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "<manvolnum>8</manvolnum>"
+#~ msgstr "<manvolnum>8</manvolnum>"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">shell</arg>\n"
+#~ "<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">dump</arg>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">add</arg>\n"
+#~ "<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">ident</arg>"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "&apt-docinfo;\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " "
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "&apt-docinfo;\n"
+#~ " \n"
+#~ " "
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "</programlisting> Then:"
+#~ msgstr "</programlisting> Entonces:"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "<filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename>"
+#~ msgstr "<filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename>"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Locations to fetch packages from. Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Etc::"
+#~ "SourceList</literal>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "#-#-#-#-#"
+#~ "sgml:558 #-#-#-#-#\n"
+#~ "Fichero que contiene los sitios de donde se obtienen los paquetes. Opción "
+#~ "de configuración: <literal>Dir::Etc::SourceList</literal>.\n"
+#~ "#-#-#-#-#"
+#~ "sgml:1091 #-#-#-#-#\n"
+#~ "Fichero que contiene los sitios de donde se obtienen los paquetes. Opción "
+#~ "de Configuración: <literal>Dir::Etc::SourceList</literal>.\n"
+#~ "#-#-#-#-#"
+#~ "sgml:558 #-#-#-#-#\n"
+#~ "Fichero que contiene los sitios de donde se obtienen los paquetes. Opción "
+#~ "de configuración: <literal>Dir::Etc::SourceList</literal>.\n"
+#~ "#-#-#-#-#"
+#~ "sgml:1091 #-#-#-#-#\n"
+#~ "Fichero que contiene los sitios de donde se obtienen los paquetes. Opción "
+#~ "de Configuración: <literal>Dir::Etc::SourceList</literal>.\n"
+#~ "#-#-#-#-#"
+#~ "sgml:558 #-#-#-#-#\n"
+#~ "Fichero que contiene los sitios de donde se obtienen los paquetes. Opción "
+#~ "de configuración: <literal>Dir::Etc::SourceList</literal>.\n"
+#~ "#-#-#-#-#"
+#~ "sgml:1091 #-#-#-#-#\n"
+#~ "Fichero que contiene los sitios de donde se obtienen los paquetes. Opción "
+#~ "de Configuración: <literal>Dir::Etc::SourceList</literal>."
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "<filename>&statedir;/lists/</filename>"
+#~ msgstr "<filename>&statedir;/lists/</filename>"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "<filename>&statedir;/lists/partial/</filename>"
+#~ msgstr "<filename>&statedir;/lists/partial/</filename>"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">update</arg>\n"
+#~ "<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">upgrade</arg>\n"
+#~ "<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">dselect-upgrade</arg>\n"
+#~ "<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">install <arg rep=\"repeat\" choice="
+#~ "\"plain\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg>\n"
+#~ "<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">remove <arg rep=\"repeat\" choice="
+#~ "\"plain\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg>\n"
+#~ "<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">source <arg rep=\"repeat\" choice="
+#~ "\"plain\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg>\n"
+#~ "<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">build-dep <arg rep=\"repeat\" choice="
+#~ "\"plain\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg>\n"
+#~ "<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">check</arg>\n"
+#~ "<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">clean</arg>\n"
+#~ "<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">autoclean</arg>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">update</arg>\n"
+#~ "<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">upgrade</arg>\n"
+#~ "<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">dselect-upgrade</arg>\n"
+#~ "<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">install <arg rep=\"repeat\" choice="
+#~ "\"plain\"><replaceable>paquete</replaceable></arg></arg>\n"
+#~ "<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">remove <arg rep=\"repeat\" choice="
+#~ "\"plain\"><replaceable>paquete</replaceable></arg></arg>\n"
+#~ "<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">source <arg rep=\"repeat\" choice="
+#~ "\"plain\"><replaceable>paquete</replaceable></arg></arg>\n"
+#~ "<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">build-dep <arg rep=\"repeat\" choice="
+#~ "\"plain\"><replaceable>paquete</replaceable></arg></arg>\n"
+#~ "<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">check</arg>\n"
+#~ "<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">clean</arg>\n"
+#~ "<arg rep=\"norepeat\" choice=\"opt\">autoclean</arg>"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "APT configuration file. Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Etc::Main</"
+#~ "literal>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Fichero de configuración de APT. Opción de Configuración: <literal>Dir::"
+#~ "Etc::Main</literal>."
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "<filename>/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/</filename>"
+#~ msgstr "<filename>/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/</filename>"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "APT configuration file fragments Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Etc::"
+#~ "Parts</literal>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Directorio con fragmentos de ficheros de configuración APT. Opción de "
+#~ "Configuración: <literal>Dir::Etc::Parts</literal>."
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "<filename>&cachedir;/archives/</filename>"
+#~ msgstr "<filename>&cachedir;/archives/</filename>"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Storage area for retrieved package files. Configuration Item: "
+#~ "<literal>Dir::Cache::Archives</literal>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Directorio donde se guardan los paquetes obtenidos. Opción de "
+#~ "Configuración: <literal>Dir::Cache::Archives</literal>."
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "<filename>&cachedir;/archives/partial/</filename>"
+#~ msgstr "<filename>&cachedir;/archives/partial/</filename>"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "APT is a management system for software packages. It is still under "
+#~ "development; the snazzy front ends are not yet available. In the "
+#~ "meantime, please see B<apt-get>(8)."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "APT es un sistema de gestión de paquetes de software. No hay aún "
+#~ "interfaces amigables para éste, ya que está aún en desarrollo. Consulte "
+#~ "mientras tanto, B<apt-get>(8)."
diff --git a/doc/po/it.po b/doc/po/it.po
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2722ca562
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/po/it.po
@@ -0,0 +1,8339 @@
+# Translation of apt package man pages
+# Copyright (C) 2000 Debian Italian l10n team <>
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the apt package.
+# Translators:
+# Eugenia Franzoni <>, 2000
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-10-29 14:19+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-04-26 23:26+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Traduzione di Eugenia Franzoni <>\n"
+"Language-Team: <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#. type: TH
+#: apt.8:17
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "apt"
+msgstr "apt"
+#. type: TH
+#: apt.8:17
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "16 June 1998"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: TH
+#: apt.8:17
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Debian GNU/Linux"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:18
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "NAME"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:20
+msgid "apt - Advanced Package Tool"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:20
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "SYNOPSIS"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:22
+msgid "B<apt>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:22
+#, no-wrap
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:31
+msgid ""
+"APT is a management system for software packages. For normal day to day "
+"package management there are several frontends available, such as B<aptitude>"
+"(8) for the command line or B<synaptic>(8) for the X Window System. Some "
+"options are only implemented in B<apt-get>(8) though."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:31
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "OPTIONS"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:33 apt.8:35
+msgid "None."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:33
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "FILES"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:35
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "SEE ALSO"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:42
+msgid ""
+"B<apt-cache>(8), B<apt-get>(8), B<apt.conf>(5), B<sources.list>(5), "
+"B<apt_preferences>(5), B<apt-secure>(8)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:42
+#, no-wrap
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:44
+msgid "apt returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 on error."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:44
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "BUGS"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:46
+msgid "This manpage isn't even started."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:55
+msgid ""
+"See E<lt><gt>. If you wish to report a bug in "
+"B<apt>, please see I</usr/share/doc/debian/bug-reporting.txt> or the "
+"B<reportbug>(1) command."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:55
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "AUTHOR"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:56
+msgid "apt was written by the APT team E<lt>apt@packages.debian.orgE<gt>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:2
+msgid "<!-- -*- mode: sgml; mode: fold -*- -->"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:10
+msgid ""
+"<!-- Some common paths.. --> <!ENTITY docdir \"/usr/share/doc/apt/\"> <!"
+"ENTITY guidesdir \"/usr/share/doc/apt-doc/\"> <!ENTITY configureindex "
+"\"<filename>&docdir;examples/configure-index.gz</filename>\"> <!ENTITY "
+"aptconfdir \"<filename>/etc/apt.conf</filename>\"> <!ENTITY statedir \"/var/"
+"lib/apt\"> <!ENTITY cachedir \"/var/cache/apt\">"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:17
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!-- Cross references to other man pages -->\n"
+"<!ENTITY apt-conf \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><filename>apt.conf</filename></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:23
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-get \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>apt-get</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:29
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-config \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>apt-config</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:35
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-cdrom \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>apt-cdrom</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:41
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-cache \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>apt-cache</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:47
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-preferences \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>apt_preferences</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:53
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-key \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>apt-key</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:59
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-secure \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle>apt-secure</refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:65
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-ftparchive \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><filename>apt-ftparchive</filename></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:72
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY sources-list \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><filename>sources.list</filename></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:78
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY reportbug \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>reportbug</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:84
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY dpkg \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>dpkg</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:90
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY dpkg-buildpackage \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>dpkg-buildpackage</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:96
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY gzip \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>gzip</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:102
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY dpkg-scanpackages \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>dpkg-scanpackages</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:108
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY dpkg-scansources \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>dpkg-scansources</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:114
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY dselect \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>dselect</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:120
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY aptitude \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>aptitude</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:126
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY synaptic \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>synaptic</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:132
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY debsign \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>debsign</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:138
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY debsig-verify \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>debsig-verify</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:144
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY gpg \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>gpg</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:150
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY gnome-apt \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>gnome-apt</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:156
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY wajig \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>wajig</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:168
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!-- Boiler plate docinfo section -->\n"
+"<!ENTITY apt-docinfo \"\n"
+" <refentryinfo>\n"
+" <address><email></email></address>\n"
+" <author>\n"
+" <firstname>Jason</firstname> <surname>Gunthorpe</surname>\n"
+" <contrib></contrib>\n"
+" </author>\n"
+" <copyright><year>1998-2001</year> <holder>Jason Gunthorpe</holder></copyright>\n"
+" <date>28 October 2008</date>\n"
+" <productname>Linux</productname>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:171
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" </refentryinfo>\n"
+"\"> \n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:177
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-email \"\n"
+" <address>\n"
+" <email></email>\n"
+" </address>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:185
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-author.jgunthorpe \"\n"
+" <author>\n"
+" <firstname>Jason</firstname>\n"
+" <surname>Gunthorpe</surname>\n"
+" <contrib></contrib>\n"
+" </author>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:193
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-author.moconnor \"\n"
+" <author>\n"
+" <firstname>Mike</firstname>\n"
+" <surname>O'Connor</surname>\n"
+" <contrib></contrib>\n"
+" </author>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:200
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY \"\n"
+" <author>\n"
+" <othername>APT team</othername>\n"
+" <contrib></contrib>\n"
+" </author>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:204 apt.ent:215
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-product \"\n"
+" <productname>Linux</productname>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:211
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-copyright \"\n"
+" <copyright>\n"
+" <holder>Jason Gunthorpe</holder>\n"
+" <year>1998-2001</year>\n"
+" </copyright>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:221
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-qapage \"\n"
+"\t\t<ulink url=''>QA Page</ulink>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:232
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!-- Boiler plate Bug reporting section -->\n"
+"<!ENTITY manbugs \"\n"
+" <refsect1><title>Bugs</title>\n"
+" <para><ulink url=''>APT bug page</ulink>. \n"
+" If you wish to report a bug in APT, please see\n"
+" <filename>/usr/share/doc/debian/bug-reporting.txt</filename> or the\n"
+" &reportbug; command.\n"
+" </para>\n"
+" </refsect1>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:240
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!-- Boiler plate Author section -->\n"
+"<!ENTITY manauthor \"\n"
+" <refsect1><title>Author</title>\n"
+" <para>APT was written by the APT team <email></email>.\n"
+" </para>\n"
+" </refsect1>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:250
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!-- Should be used within the option section of the text to\n"
+" put in the blurb about -h, -v, -c and -o -->\n"
+"<!ENTITY apt-commonoptions \"\n"
+" <varlistentry><term><option>-h</option></term>\n"
+" <term><option>--help</option></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Show a short usage summary.\n"
+" </para>\n"
+" </listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:258
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <varlistentry>\n"
+" <term><option>-v</option></term>\n"
+" <term><option>--version</option></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Show the program version.\n"
+" </para>\n"
+" </listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:268
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <varlistentry>\n"
+" <term><option>-c</option></term>\n"
+" <term><option>--config-file</option></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Configuration File; Specify a configuration file to use. \n"
+" The program will read the default configuration file and then this \n"
+" configuration file. See &apt-conf; for syntax information. \n"
+" </para>\n"
+" </listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:280
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <varlistentry>\n"
+" <term><option>-o</option></term>\n"
+" <term><option>--option</option></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Set a Configuration Option; This will set an arbitrary\n"
+" configuration option. The syntax is <option>-o Foo::Bar=bar</option>.\n"
+" <option>-o</option> and <option>--option</option> can be used multiple\n"
+" times to set different options.\n"
+" </para>\n"
+" </listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:291
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!-- Should be used within the option section of the text to\n"
+" put in the blurb about -h, -v, -c and -o -->\n"
+"<!ENTITY apt-cmdblurb \"\n"
+" <para>All command line options may be set using the configuration file, the\n"
+" descriptions indicate the configuration option to set. For boolean\n"
+" options you can override the config file by using something like \n"
+" <option>-f-</option>,<option>--no-f</option>, <option>-f=no</option>\n"
+" or several other variations.\n"
+" </para>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:297
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY file-aptconf \"\n"
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>/etc/apt/apt.conf</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>APT configuration file.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Etc::Main</literal>.</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:303
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>APT configuration file fragments.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Etc::Parts</literal>.</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:309
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY file-cachearchives \"\n"
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>&cachedir;/archives/</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Storage area for retrieved package files.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Cache::Archives</literal>.</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:315
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>&cachedir;/archives/partial/</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Storage area for package files in transit.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Cache::Archives</literal> (implicit partial). </para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:325
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY file-preferences \"\n"
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>/etc/apt/preferences</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Version preferences file.\n"
+" This is where you would specify &quot;pinning&quot;,\n"
+" i.e. a preference to get certain packages\n"
+" from a separate source\n"
+" or from a different version of a distribution.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Etc::Preferences</literal>.</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:331
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>/etc/apt/preferences.d/</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>File fragments for the version preferences.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Etc::PreferencesParts</literal>.</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:337
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY file-sourceslist \"\n"
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Locations to fetch packages from.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Etc::SourceList</literal>.</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:343
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>/etc/apt/sources.list.d/</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>File fragments for locations to fetch packages from.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Etc::SourceParts</literal>.</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:350
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY file-statelists \"\n"
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>&statedir;/lists/</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Storage area for state information for each package resource specified in\n"
+" &sources-list;\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::State::Lists</literal>.</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:355
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>&statedir;/lists/partial/</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Storage area for state information in transit.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::State::Lists</literal> (implicit partial).</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. The last update date
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:13 apt-config.8.xml:13 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:13
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:13 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:13 sources.list.5.xml:13
+msgid ""
+"&apt-author.jgunthorpe; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>29 "
+"February 2004</date>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:22 apt-cache.8.xml:29
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "apt-cache"
+msgstr "apt-get"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refmeta><manvolnum>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:23 apt-cdrom.8.xml:22 apt-config.8.xml:23 apt-get.8.xml:23
+#: apt-key.8.xml:15 apt-mark.8.xml:23 apt-secure.8.xml:15
+msgid "8"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refmeta><refmiscinfo>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:24 apt-cdrom.8.xml:23 apt-config.8.xml:24
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:24 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:24 apt-get.8.xml:24
+#: apt-key.8.xml:16 apt-mark.8.xml:24 apt-secure.8.xml:16
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:24 apt.conf.5.xml:30 apt_preferences.5.xml:23
+#: sources.list.5.xml:24
+msgid "APT"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:30
+msgid "APT package handling utility -- cache manipulator"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:36
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-cache</command> <arg><option>-hvsn</option></arg> <arg><option>-"
+"o=<replaceable>config string</replaceable></option></arg> <arg><option>-"
+"c=<replaceable>file</replaceable></option></arg> <group choice=\"req\"> "
+"<arg>add <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>file</"
+"replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>gencaches</arg> <arg>showpkg <arg choice="
+"\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg> "
+"<arg>showsrc <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</"
+"replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>stats</arg> <arg>dump</arg> <arg>dumpavail</"
+"arg> <arg>unmet</arg> <arg>search <arg choice=\"plain\"><replaceable>regex</"
+"replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>show <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
+"\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>depends <arg choice="
+"\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg> "
+"<arg>rdepends <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</"
+"replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>pkgnames <arg choice=\"plain"
+"\"><replaceable>prefix</replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>dotty <arg choice="
+"\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg> "
+"<arg>xvcg <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</"
+"replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>policy <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
+"\"><replaceable>pkgs</replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>madison <arg choice="
+"\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkgs</replaceable></arg></arg> </group>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:62 apt-cdrom.8.xml:47 apt-config.8.xml:47
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:43 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:55 apt-get.8.xml:125
+#: apt-key.8.xml:34 apt-mark.8.xml:52 apt-secure.8.xml:40
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:44 apt.conf.5.xml:39 apt_preferences.5.xml:33
+#: sources.list.5.xml:33
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:63
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-cache</command> performs a variety of operations on APT's "
+"package cache. <command>apt-cache</command> does not manipulate the state of "
+"the system but does provide operations to search and generate interesting "
+"output from the package metadata."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:68 apt-get.8.xml:131
+msgid ""
+"Unless the <option>-h</option>, or <option>--help</option> option is given, "
+"one of the commands below must be present."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:72
+msgid "add <replaceable>file(s)</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:73
+msgid ""
+"<literal>add</literal> adds the named package index files to the package "
+"cache. This is for debugging only."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:77
+msgid "gencaches"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:78
+msgid ""
+"<literal>gencaches</literal> performs the same operation as <command>apt-get "
+"check</command>. It builds the source and package caches from the sources in "
+"&sources-list; and from <filename>/var/lib/dpkg/status</filename>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:84
+msgid "showpkg <replaceable>pkg(s)</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:85
+msgid ""
+"<literal>showpkg</literal> displays information about the packages listed on "
+"the command line. Remaining arguments are package names. The available "
+"versions and reverse dependencies of each package listed are listed, as well "
+"as forward dependencies for each version. Forward (normal) dependencies are "
+"those packages upon which the package in question depends; reverse "
+"dependencies are those packages that depend upon the package in question. "
+"Thus, forward dependencies must be satisfied for a package, but reverse "
+"dependencies need not be. For instance, <command>apt-cache showpkg "
+"libreadline2</command> would produce output similar to the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><informalexample><programlisting>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:97
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: libreadline2\n"
+"Versions: 2.1-12(/var/state/apt/lists/foo_Packages),\n"
+"Reverse Depends: \n"
+" libreadlineg2,libreadline2\n"
+" libreadline2-altdev,libreadline2\n"
+"2.1-12 - libc5 (2 5.4.0-0) ncurses3.0 (0 (null))\n"
+"2.1-12 - \n"
+"Reverse Provides: \n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:109
+msgid ""
+"Thus it may be seen that libreadline2, version 2.1-12, depends on libc5 and "
+"ncurses3.0 which must be installed for libreadline2 to work. In turn, "
+"libreadlineg2 and libreadline2-altdev depend on libreadline2. If "
+"libreadline2 is installed, libc5 and ncurses3.0 (and ldso) must also be "
+"installed; libreadlineg2 and libreadline2-altdev do not have to be "
+"installed. For the specific meaning of the remainder of the output it is "
+"best to consult the apt source code."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:118
+msgid "stats"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:118
+msgid ""
+"<literal>stats</literal> displays some statistics about the cache. No "
+"further arguments are expected. Statistics reported are:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:121
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Total package names</literal> is the number of package names found "
+"in the cache."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:125
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Normal packages</literal> is the number of regular, ordinary "
+"package names; these are packages that bear a one-to-one correspondence "
+"between their names and the names used by other packages for them in "
+"dependencies. The majority of packages fall into this category."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:131
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Pure virtual packages</literal> is the number of packages that "
+"exist only as a virtual package name; that is, packages only \"provide\" the "
+"virtual package name, and no package actually uses the name. For instance, "
+"\"mail-transport-agent\" in the Debian GNU/Linux system is a pure virtual "
+"package; several packages provide \"mail-transport-agent\", but there is no "
+"package named \"mail-transport-agent\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:139
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Single virtual packages</literal> is the number of packages with "
+"only one package providing a particular virtual package. For example, in the "
+"Debian GNU/Linux system, \"X11-text-viewer\" is a virtual package, but only "
+"one package, xless, provides \"X11-text-viewer\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:145
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Mixed virtual packages</literal> is the number of packages that "
+"either provide a particular virtual package or have the virtual package name "
+"as the package name. For instance, in the Debian GNU/Linux system, \"debconf"
+"\" is both an actual package, and provided by the debconf-tiny package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:152
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Missing</literal> is the number of package names that were "
+"referenced in a dependency but were not provided by any package. Missing "
+"packages may be an evidence if a full distribution is not accessed, or if a "
+"package (real or virtual) has been dropped from the distribution. Usually "
+"they are referenced from Conflicts or Breaks statements."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:159
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Total distinct</literal> versions is the number of package versions "
+"found in the cache; this value is therefore at least equal to the number of "
+"total package names. If more than one distribution (both \"stable\" and "
+"\"unstable\", for instance), is being accessed, this value can be "
+"considerably larger than the number of total package names."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:166
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Total dependencies</literal> is the number of dependency "
+"relationships claimed by all of the packages in the cache."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:173
+msgid "showsrc <replaceable>pkg(s)</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:174
+msgid ""
+"<literal>showsrc</literal> displays all the source package records that "
+"match the given package names. All versions are shown, as well as all "
+"records that declare the name to be a Binary."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:179 apt-config.8.xml:84
+msgid "dump"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:180
+msgid ""
+"<literal>dump</literal> shows a short listing of every package in the cache. "
+"It is primarily for debugging."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:184
+msgid "dumpavail"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:185
+msgid ""
+"<literal>dumpavail</literal> prints out an available list to stdout. This is "
+"suitable for use with &dpkg; and is used by the &dselect; method."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:189
+msgid "unmet"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:190
+msgid ""
+"<literal>unmet</literal> displays a summary of all unmet dependencies in the "
+"package cache."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:194
+msgid "show <replaceable>pkg(s)</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:195
+msgid ""
+"<literal>show</literal> performs a function similar to <command>dpkg --print-"
+"avail</command>; it displays the package records for the named packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:200
+msgid "search <replaceable>regex [ regex ... ]</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:201
+msgid ""
+"<literal>search</literal> performs a full text search on all available "
+"package lists for the POSIX regex pattern given, see "
+"<citerefentry><refentrytitle><command>regex</command></refentrytitle> "
+"<manvolnum>7</manvolnum></citerefentry>. It searches the package names and "
+"the descriptions for an occurrence of the regular expression and prints out "
+"the package name and the short description, including virtual package "
+"names. If <option>--full</option> is given then output identical to "
+"<literal>show</literal> is produced for each matched package, and if "
+"<option>--names-only</option> is given then the long description is not "
+"searched, only the package name is."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:214
+msgid ""
+"Separate arguments can be used to specify multiple search patterns that are "
+"and'ed together."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:218
+msgid "depends <replaceable>pkg(s)</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:219
+msgid ""
+"<literal>depends</literal> shows a listing of each dependency a package has "
+"and all the possible other packages that can fulfill that dependency."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:223
+msgid "rdepends <replaceable>pkg(s)</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:224
+msgid ""
+"<literal>rdepends</literal> shows a listing of each reverse dependency a "
+"package has."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:228
+msgid "pkgnames <replaceable>[ prefix ]</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:229
+msgid ""
+"This command prints the name of each package APT knows. The optional "
+"argument is a prefix match to filter the name list. The output is suitable "
+"for use in a shell tab complete function and the output is generated "
+"extremely quickly. This command is best used with the <option>--generate</"
+"option> option."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:234
+msgid ""
+"Note that a package which APT knows of is not necessarily available to "
+"download, installable or installed, e.g. virtual packages are also listed in "
+"the generated list."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:239
+msgid "dotty <replaceable>pkg(s)</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:240
+msgid ""
+"<literal>dotty</literal> takes a list of packages on the command line and "
+"generates output suitable for use by dotty from the <ulink url=\"http://www."
+"\">GraphViz</ulink> package. The result "
+"will be a set of nodes and edges representing the relationships between the "
+"packages. By default the given packages will trace out all dependent "
+"packages; this can produce a very large graph. To limit the output to only "
+"the packages listed on the command line, set the <literal>APT::Cache::"
+"GivenOnly</literal> option."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:249
+msgid ""
+"The resulting nodes will have several shapes; normal packages are boxes, "
+"pure provides are triangles, mixed provides are diamonds, missing packages "
+"are hexagons. Orange boxes mean recursion was stopped [leaf packages], blue "
+"lines are pre-depends, green lines are conflicts."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:254
+msgid "Caution, dotty cannot graph larger sets of packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:257
+msgid "xvcg <replaceable>pkg(s)</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:258
+msgid ""
+"The same as <literal>dotty</literal>, only for xvcg from the <ulink url="
+"\"\">VCG tool</ulink>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:262
+msgid "policy <replaceable>[ pkg(s) ]</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:263
+msgid ""
+"<literal>policy</literal> is meant to help debug issues relating to the "
+"preferences file. With no arguments it will print out the priorities of each "
+"source. Otherwise it prints out detailed information about the priority "
+"selection of the named package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:269
+msgid "madison <replaceable>/[ pkg(s) ]</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:270
+msgid ""
+"<literal>apt-cache</literal>'s <literal>madison</literal> command attempts "
+"to mimic the output format and a subset of the functionality of the Debian "
+"archive management tool, <literal>madison</literal>. It displays available "
+"versions of a package in a tabular format. Unlike the original "
+"<literal>madison</literal>, it can only display information for the "
+"architecture for which APT has retrieved package lists (<literal>APT::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:281 apt-config.8.xml:93 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:56
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:492 apt-get.8.xml:319 apt-mark.8.xml:89
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:54 apt.conf.5.xml:456 apt.conf.5.xml:478
+msgid "options"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:285
+msgid "<option>-p</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:285
+msgid "<option>--pkg-cache</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:286
+msgid ""
+"Select the file to store the package cache. The package cache is the primary "
+"cache used by all operations. Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Cache::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:291 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:535 apt-get.8.xml:376
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:58
+msgid "<option>-s</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:291
+msgid "<option>--src-cache</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:292
+msgid ""
+"Select the file to store the source cache. The source is used only by "
+"<literal>gencaches</literal> and it stores a parsed version of the package "
+"information from remote sources. When building the package cache the source "
+"cache is used to avoid reparsing all of the package files. Configuration "
+"Item: <literal>Dir::Cache::srcpkgcache</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:299 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:509 apt-get.8.xml:366
+msgid "<option>-q</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:299 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:509 apt-get.8.xml:366
+msgid "<option>--quiet</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:300
+msgid ""
+"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
+"More q's will produce more quietness up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
+"<option>-q=#</option> to set the quietness level, overriding the "
+"configuration file. Configuration Item: <literal>quiet</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:306
+msgid "<option>-i</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:306
+msgid "<option>--important</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:307
+msgid ""
+"Print only important dependencies; for use with unmet and depends. Causes "
+"only Depends and Pre-Depends relations to be printed. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:312 apt-cdrom.8.xml:121 apt-get.8.xml:333
+msgid "<option>-f</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:312
+msgid "<option>--full</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:313
+msgid ""
+"Print full package records when searching. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:317 apt-cdrom.8.xml:131
+msgid "<option>-a</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:317
+msgid "<option>--all-versions</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:318
+msgid ""
+"Print full records for all available versions. This is the default; to turn "
+"it off, use <option>--no-all-versions</option>. If <option>--no-all-"
+"versions</option> is specified, only the candidate version will displayed "
+"(the one which would be selected for installation). This option is only "
+"applicable to the <literal>show</literal> command. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:326
+msgid "<option>-g</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:326
+msgid "<option>--generate</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:327
+msgid ""
+"Perform automatic package cache regeneration, rather than use the cache as "
+"it is. This is the default; to turn it off, use <option>--no-generate</"
+"option>. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Cache::Generate</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:332
+msgid "<option>--names-only</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:332 apt-cdrom.8.xml:139
+msgid "<option>-n</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:333
+msgid ""
+"Only search on the package names, not the long descriptions. Configuration "
+"Item: <literal>APT::Cache::NamesOnly</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:337
+msgid "<option>--all-names</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:338
+msgid ""
+"Make <literal>pkgnames</literal> print all names, including virtual packages "
+"and missing dependencies. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Cache::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:343
+msgid "<option>--recurse</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:344
+msgid ""
+"Make <literal>depends</literal> and <literal>rdepends</literal> recursive so "
+"that all packages mentioned are printed once. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:349
+msgid "<option>--installed</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:351
+msgid ""
+"Limit the output of <literal>depends</literal> and <literal>rdepends</"
+"literal> to packages which are currently installed. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:356 apt-cdrom.8.xml:150 apt-config.8.xml:98
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:67 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:547 apt-get.8.xml:554
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:64
+msgid "&apt-commonoptions;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:361 apt-get.8.xml:559 apt-key.8.xml:138 apt-mark.8.xml:122
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:988 apt_preferences.5.xml:615
+msgid "Files"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:363
+msgid "&file-sourceslist; &file-statelists;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:368 apt-cdrom.8.xml:155 apt-config.8.xml:103
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:74 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:563 apt-get.8.xml:569
+#: apt-key.8.xml:162 apt-mark.8.xml:133 apt-secure.8.xml:181
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:69 apt.conf.5.xml:994 apt_preferences.5.xml:622
+#: sources.list.5.xml:233
+msgid "See Also"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:369
+msgid "&apt-conf;, &sources-list;, &apt-get;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:373 apt-cdrom.8.xml:160 apt-config.8.xml:108
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:567 apt-get.8.xml:575
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:137 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:73
+msgid "Diagnostics"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:374
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-cache</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 "
+"on error."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:13
+msgid ""
+"&apt-author.jgunthorpe; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>14 "
+"February 2004</date>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:21 apt-cdrom.8.xml:28
+msgid "apt-cdrom"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:29
+msgid "APT CDROM management utility"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:35
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-cdrom</command> <arg><option>-hvrmfan</option></arg> "
+"<arg><option>-d=<replaceable>cdrom mount point</replaceable></option></arg> "
+"<arg><option>-o=<replaceable>config string</replaceable></option></arg> "
+"<arg><option>-c=<replaceable>file</replaceable></option></arg> <group> "
+"<arg>add</arg> <arg>ident</arg> </group>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:48
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-cdrom</command> is used to add a new CDROM to APTs list of "
+"available sources. <command>apt-cdrom</command> takes care of determining "
+"the structure of the disc as well as correcting for several possible mis-"
+"burns and verifying the index files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:55
+msgid ""
+"It is necessary to use <command>apt-cdrom</command> to add CDs to the APT "
+"system, it cannot be done by hand. Furthermore each disk in a multi-cd set "
+"must be inserted and scanned separately to account for possible mis-burns."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:65
+msgid "add"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:66
+msgid ""
+"<literal>add</literal> is used to add a new disc to the source list. It will "
+"unmount the CDROM device, prompt for a disk to be inserted and then procceed "
+"to scan it and copy the index files. If the disc does not have a proper "
+"<filename>disk</filename> directory you will be prompted for a descriptive "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:74
+msgid ""
+"APT uses a CDROM ID to track which disc is currently in the drive and "
+"maintains a database of these IDs in <filename>&statedir;/cdroms.list</"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:81
+msgid "ident"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:82
+msgid ""
+"A debugging tool to report the identity of the current disc as well as the "
+"stored file name"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:61
+msgid ""
+"Unless the <option>-h</option>, or <option>--help</option> option is given "
+"one of the commands below must be present. <placeholder type=\"variablelist"
+"\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:91
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:95 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:503 apt-get.8.xml:328
+msgid "<option>-d</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:95
+msgid "<option>--cdrom</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:96
+msgid ""
+"Mount point; specify the location to mount the cdrom. This mount point must "
+"be listed in <filename>/etc/fstab</filename> and properly configured. "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>Acquire::cdrom::mount</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:104
+msgid "<option>-r</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:104
+msgid "<option>--rename</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:105
+msgid ""
+"Rename a disc; change the label of a disk or override the disks given label. "
+"This option will cause <command>apt-cdrom</command> to prompt for a new "
+"label. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::CDROM::Rename</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:113 apt-get.8.xml:347
+msgid "<option>-m</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:113
+msgid "<option>--no-mount</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:114
+msgid ""
+"No mounting; prevent <command>apt-cdrom</command> from mounting and "
+"unmounting the mount point. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::CDROM::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:121
+msgid "<option>--fast</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:122
+msgid ""
+"Fast Copy; Assume the package files are valid and do not check every "
+"package. This option should be used only if <command>apt-cdrom</command> has "
+"been run on this disc before and did not detect any errors. Configuration "
+"Item: <literal>APT::CDROM::Fast</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:131
+msgid "<option>--thorough</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:132
+msgid ""
+"Thorough Package Scan; This option may be needed with some old Debian "
+"1.1/1.2 discs that have Package files in strange places. It takes much "
+"longer to scan the CD but will pick them all up."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:140 apt-get.8.xml:378
+msgid "<option>--just-print</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:141 apt-get.8.xml:380
+msgid "<option>--recon</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:142 apt-get.8.xml:381
+msgid "<option>--no-act</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:143
+msgid ""
+"No Changes; Do not change the &sources-list; file and do not write index "
+"files. Everything is still checked however. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:156
+msgid "&apt-conf;, &apt-get;, &sources-list;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:161
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-cdrom</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 "
+"on error."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:22 apt-config.8.xml:29
+msgid "apt-config"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:30
+msgid "APT Configuration Query program"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:36
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-config</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> <arg><option>-"
+"o=<replaceable>config string</replaceable></option></arg> <arg><option>-"
+"c=<replaceable>file</replaceable></option></arg> <group choice=\"req\"> "
+"<arg>shell</arg> <arg>dump</arg> </group>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:48
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-config</command> is an internal program used by various "
+"portions of the APT suite to provide consistent configurability. It accesses "
+"the main configuration file <filename>/etc/apt/apt.conf</filename> in a "
+"manner that is easy to use by scripted applications."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:53 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:71
+msgid ""
+"Unless the <option>-h</option>, or <option>--help</option> option is given "
+"one of the commands below must be present."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:58
+msgid "shell"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:60
+msgid ""
+"shell is used to access the configuration information from a shell script. "
+"It is given pairs of arguments, the first being a shell variable and the "
+"second the configuration value to query. As output it lists a series of "
+"shell assignments commands for each present value. In a shell script it "
+"should be used like:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><informalexample><programlisting>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:68
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"RES=`apt-config shell OPTS MyApp::options`\n"
+"eval $RES\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:73
+msgid ""
+"This will set the shell environment variable $OPTS to the value of MyApp::"
+"options with a default of <option>-f</option>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:77
+msgid ""
+"The configuration item may be postfixed with a /[fdbi]. f returns file "
+"names, d returns directories, b returns true or false and i returns an "
+"integer. Each of the returns is normalized and verified internally."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:86
+msgid "Just show the contents of the configuration space."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:104 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:75 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:564
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:70
+msgid "&apt-conf;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:109
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-config</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 "
+"on error."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:22 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:29
+msgid "apt-extracttemplates"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refmeta><manvolnum>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:23 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:23 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:23
+msgid "1"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:30
+msgid "Utility to extract DebConf config and templates from Debian packages"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:36
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-extracttemplates</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> "
+"<arg><option>-t=<replaceable>temporary directory</replaceable></option></"
+"arg> <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>file</replaceable></"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:44
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-extracttemplates</command> will take one or more Debian package "
+"files as input and write out (to a temporary directory) all associated "
+"config scripts and template files. For each passed in package that contains "
+"config scripts and templates, one line of output will be generated in the "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:49
+msgid "package version template-file config-script"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:50
+msgid ""
+"template-file and config-script are written to the temporary directory "
+"specified by the -t or --tempdir (<literal>APT::ExtractTemplates::TempDir</"
+"literal>) directory, with filenames of the form <filename>package.template."
+"XXXX</filename> and <filename>package.config.XXXX</filename>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:60 apt-get.8.xml:488
+msgid "<option>-t</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:60
+msgid "<option>--tempdir</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:62
+msgid ""
+"Temporary directory in which to write extracted debconf template files and "
+"config scripts. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::ExtractTemplates::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:79
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-extracttemplates</command> returns zero on normal operation, "
+"decimal 100 on error."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:22 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:29
+msgid "apt-ftparchive"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:30
+msgid "Utility to generate index files"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:36
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> <arg><option>-hvdsq</option></arg> "
+"<arg><option>--md5</option></arg> <arg><option>--delink</option></arg> "
+"<arg><option>--readonly</option></arg> <arg><option>--contents</option></"
+"arg> <arg><option>-o <replaceable>config</replaceable>=<replaceable>string</"
+"replaceable></option></arg> <arg><option>-c=<replaceable>file</replaceable></"
+"option></arg> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg>packages<arg choice=\"plain\" rep="
+"replaceable><arg><replaceable>pathprefix</replaceable></arg></arg></arg> "
+"<arg>sources<arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>path</"
+"replaceable><arg><replaceable>pathprefix</replaceable></arg></arg></arg> "
+"<arg>contents <arg choice=\"plain\"><replaceable>path</replaceable></arg></"
+"arg> <arg>release <arg choice=\"plain\"><replaceable>path</replaceable></"
+"arg></arg> <arg>generate <arg choice=\"plain\"><replaceable>config-file</"
+"replaceable></arg> <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
+"\"><replaceable>section</replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>clean <arg choice="
+"\"plain\"><replaceable>config-file</replaceable></arg></arg> </group>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:56
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> is the command line tool that generates "
+"the index files that APT uses to access a distribution source. The index "
+"files should be generated on the origin site based on the content of that "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:60
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> is a superset of the &dpkg-scanpackages; "
+"program, incorporating its entire functionality via the <literal>packages</"
+"literal> command. It also contains a contents file generator, "
+"<literal>contents</literal>, and an elaborate means to 'script' the "
+"generation process for a complete archive."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:66
+msgid ""
+"Internally <command>apt-ftparchive</command> can make use of binary "
+"databases to cache the contents of a .deb file and it does not rely on any "
+"external programs aside from &gzip;. When doing a full generate it "
+"automatically performs file-change checks and builds the desired compressed "
+"output files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:75
+msgid "packages"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:77
+msgid ""
+"The packages command generates a package file from a directory tree. It "
+"takes the given directory and recursively searches it for .deb files, "
+"emitting a package record to stdout for each. This command is approximately "
+"equivalent to &dpkg-scanpackages;."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:82 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:106
+msgid ""
+"The option <option>--db</option> can be used to specify a binary caching DB."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:85
+msgid "sources"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:87
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>sources</literal> command generates a source index file from a "
+"directory tree. It takes the given directory and recursively searches it "
+"for .dsc files, emitting a source record to stdout for each. This command is "
+"approximately equivalent to &dpkg-scansources;."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:92
+msgid ""
+"If an override file is specified then a source override file will be looked "
+"for with an extension of .src. The --source-override option can be used to "
+"change the source override file that will be used."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:97
+msgid "contents"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:99
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>contents</literal> command generates a contents file from a "
+"directory tree. It takes the given directory and recursively searches it "
+"for .deb files, and reads the file list from each file. It then sorts and "
+"writes to stdout the list of files matched to packages. Directories are not "
+"written to the output. If multiple packages own the same file then each "
+"package is separated by a comma in the output."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:109
+msgid "release"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:111
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>release</literal> command generates a Release file from a "
+"directory tree. It recursively searches the given directory for Packages, "
+"Packages.gz, Packages.bz2, Sources, Sources.gz, Sources.bz2, Release and "
+"md5sum.txt files. It then writes to stdout a Release file containing an MD5 "
+"digest and SHA1 digest for each file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:118
+msgid ""
+"Values for the additional metadata fields in the Release file are taken from "
+"the corresponding variables under <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release</"
+"literal>, e.g. <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release::Origin</literal>. The "
+"supported fields are: <literal>Origin</literal>, <literal>Label</literal>, "
+"<literal>Suite</literal>, <literal>Version</literal>, <literal>Codename</"
+"literal>, <literal>Date</literal>, <literal>Architectures</literal>, "
+"<literal>Components</literal>, <literal>Description</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:128
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "generate"
+msgstr "Descrizione generale"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:130
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>generate</literal> command is designed to be runnable from a "
+"cron script and builds indexes according to the given config file. The "
+"config language provides a flexible means of specifying which index files "
+"are built from which directories, as well as providing a simple means of "
+"maintaining the required settings."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:137 apt-get.8.xml:292
+msgid "clean"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:139
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>clean</literal> command tidies the databases used by the given "
+"configuration file by removing any records that are no longer necessary."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:145
+msgid "The Generate Configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:147
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>generate</literal> command uses a configuration file to "
+"describe the archives that are going to be generated. It follows the typical "
+"ISC configuration format as seen in ISC tools like bind 8 and dhcpd. &apt-"
+"conf; contains a description of the syntax. Note that the generate "
+"configuration is parsed in sectional manner, but &apt-conf; is parsed in a "
+"tree manner. This only effects how the scope tag is handled."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:155
+msgid ""
+"The generate configuration has 4 separate sections, each described below."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:157
+msgid "Dir Section"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:159
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Dir</literal> section defines the standard directories needed "
+"to locate the files required during the generation process. These "
+"directories are prepended certain relative paths defined in later sections "
+"to produce a complete an absolute path."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:164
+msgid "ArchiveDir"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:166
+msgid ""
+"Specifies the root of the FTP archive, in a standard Debian configuration "
+"this is the directory that contains the <filename>ls-LR</filename> and dist "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:171
+msgid "OverrideDir"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:173
+msgid "Specifies the location of the override files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:176
+msgid "CacheDir"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:178
+msgid "Specifies the location of the cache files"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:181
+msgid "FileListDir"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:183
+msgid ""
+"Specifies the location of the file list files, if the <literal>FileList</"
+"literal> setting is used below."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:189
+msgid "Default Section"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:191
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Default</literal> section specifies default values, and "
+"settings that control the operation of the generator. Other sections may "
+"override these defaults with a per-section setting."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:195
+msgid "Packages::Compress"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:197
+msgid ""
+"Sets the default compression schemes to use for the Package index files. It "
+"is a string that contains a space separated list of at least one of: '.' (no "
+"compression), 'gzip' and 'bzip2'. The default for all compression schemes is "
+"'. gzip'."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:203
+msgid "Packages::Extensions"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:205
+msgid ""
+"Sets the default list of file extensions that are package files. This "
+"defaults to '.deb'."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:209
+msgid "Sources::Compress"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:211
+msgid ""
+"This is similar to <literal>Packages::Compress</literal> except that it "
+"controls the compression for the Sources files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:215
+msgid "Sources::Extensions"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:217
+msgid ""
+"Sets the default list of file extensions that are source files. This "
+"defaults to '.dsc'."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:221
+msgid "Contents::Compress"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:223
+msgid ""
+"This is similar to <literal>Packages::Compress</literal> except that it "
+"controls the compression for the Contents files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:227
+msgid "DeLinkLimit"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:229
+msgid ""
+"Specifies the number of kilobytes to delink (and replace with hard links) "
+"per run. This is used in conjunction with the per-section <literal>External-"
+"Links</literal> setting."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:234
+msgid "FileMode"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:236
+msgid ""
+"Specifies the mode of all created index files. It defaults to 0644. All "
+"index files are set to this mode with no regard to the umask."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:243
+msgid "TreeDefault Section"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:245
+msgid ""
+"Sets defaults specific to <literal>Tree</literal> sections. All of these "
+"variables are substitution variables and have the strings $(DIST), "
+"$(SECTION) and $(ARCH) replaced with their respective values."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:250
+msgid "MaxContentsChange"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:252
+msgid ""
+"Sets the number of kilobytes of contents files that are generated each day. "
+"The contents files are round-robined so that over several days they will all "
+"be rebuilt."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:257
+msgid "ContentsAge"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:259
+msgid ""
+"Controls the number of days a contents file is allowed to be checked without "
+"changing. If this limit is passed the mtime of the contents file is updated. "
+"This case can occur if the package file is changed in such a way that does "
+"not result in a new contents file [override edit for instance]. A hold off "
+"is allowed in hopes that new .debs will be installed, requiring a new file "
+"anyhow. The default is 10, the units are in days."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:268
+msgid "Directory"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:270
+msgid ""
+"Sets the top of the .deb directory tree. Defaults to <filename>$(DIST)/"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:274
+msgid "SrcDirectory"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:276
+msgid ""
+"Sets the top of the source package directory tree. Defaults to <filename>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:280 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:406
+msgid "Packages"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:282
+msgid ""
+"Sets the output Packages file. Defaults to <filename>$(DIST)/$(SECTION)/"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:286 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:411
+msgid "Sources"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:288
+msgid ""
+"Sets the output Packages file. Defaults to <filename>$(DIST)/$(SECTION)/"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:292
+msgid "InternalPrefix"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:294
+msgid ""
+"Sets the path prefix that causes a symlink to be considered an internal link "
+"instead of an external link. Defaults to <filename>$(DIST)/$(SECTION)/</"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:299 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:417
+msgid "Contents"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:301
+msgid ""
+"Sets the output Contents file. Defaults to <filename>$(DIST)/Contents-$(ARCH)"
+"</filename>. If this setting causes multiple Packages files to map onto a "
+"single Contents file (such as the default) then <command>apt-ftparchive</"
+"command> will integrate those package files together automatically."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:308
+msgid "Contents::Header"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:310
+msgid "Sets header file to prepend to the contents output."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:313 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:442
+msgid "BinCacheDB"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:315
+msgid ""
+"Sets the binary cache database to use for this section. Multiple sections "
+"can share the same database."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:319
+msgid "FileList"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:321
+msgid ""
+"Specifies that instead of walking the directory tree, <command>apt-"
+"ftparchive</command> should read the list of files from the given file. "
+"Relative files names are prefixed with the archive directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:326
+msgid "SourceFileList"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:328
+msgid ""
+"Specifies that instead of walking the directory tree, <command>apt-"
+"ftparchive</command> should read the list of files from the given file. "
+"Relative files names are prefixed with the archive directory. This is used "
+"when processing source indexes."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:336
+msgid "Tree Section"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:338
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Tree</literal> section defines a standard Debian file tree "
+"which consists of a base directory, then multiple sections in that base "
+"directory and finally multiple Architectures in each section. The exact "
+"pathing used is defined by the <literal>Directory</literal> substitution "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:343
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Tree</literal> section takes a scope tag which sets the "
+"<literal>$(DIST)</literal> variable and defines the root of the tree (the "
+"path is prefixed by <literal>ArchiveDir</literal>). Typically this is a "
+"setting such as <filename>dists/woody</filename>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:348
+msgid ""
+"All of the settings defined in the <literal>TreeDefault</literal> section "
+"can be use in a <literal>Tree</literal> section as well as three new "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:351
+msgid ""
+"When processing a <literal>Tree</literal> section <command>apt-ftparchive</"
+"command> performs an operation similar to:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><informalexample><programlisting>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:354
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"for i in Sections do \n"
+" for j in Architectures do\n"
+" Generate for DIST=scope SECTION=i ARCH=j\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:360
+msgid "Sections"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:362
+msgid ""
+"This is a space separated list of sections which appear under the "
+"distribution, typically this is something like <literal>main contrib non-"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:367
+msgid "Architectures"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:369
+msgid ""
+"This is a space separated list of all the architectures that appear under "
+"search section. The special architecture 'source' is used to indicate that "
+"this tree has a source archive."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:374 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:422
+msgid "BinOverride"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:376
+msgid ""
+"Sets the binary override file. The override file contains section, priority "
+"and maintainer address information."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:380 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:427
+msgid "SrcOverride"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:382
+msgid ""
+"Sets the source override file. The override file contains section "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:386 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:432
+msgid "ExtraOverride"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:388 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:434
+msgid "Sets the binary extra override file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:391 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:437
+msgid "SrcExtraOverride"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:393 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:439
+msgid "Sets the source extra override file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:398
+msgid "BinDirectory Section"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:400
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>bindirectory</literal> section defines a binary directory tree "
+"with no special structure. The scope tag specifies the location of the "
+"binary directory and the settings are similar to the <literal>Tree</literal> "
+"section with no substitution variables or <literal>Section</"
+"literal><literal>Architecture</literal> settings."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:408
+msgid "Sets the Packages file output."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:413
+msgid ""
+"Sets the Sources file output. At least one of <literal>Packages</literal> or "
+"<literal>Sources</literal> is required."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:419
+msgid "Sets the Contents file output. (optional)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:424
+msgid "Sets the binary override file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:429
+msgid "Sets the source override file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:444
+msgid "Sets the cache DB."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:447
+msgid "PathPrefix"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:449
+msgid "Appends a path to all the output paths."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:452
+msgid "FileList, SourceFileList"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:454
+msgid "Specifies the file list file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:461
+msgid "The Binary Override File"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:462
+msgid ""
+"The binary override file is fully compatible with &dpkg-scanpackages;. It "
+"contains 4 fields separated by spaces. The first field is the package name, "
+"the second is the priority to force that package to, the third is the the "
+"section to force that package to and the final field is the maintainer "
+"permutation field."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><literallayout>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:468
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "old [// oldn]* => new"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><literallayout>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:470
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "new"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:467
+msgid ""
+"The general form of the maintainer field is: <placeholder type="
+"\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/> or simply, <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" "
+"id=\"1\"/> The first form allows a double-slash separated list of old email "
+"addresses to be specified. If any of those are found then new is substituted "
+"for the maintainer field. The second form unconditionally substitutes the "
+"maintainer field."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:478
+msgid "The Source Override File"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:480
+msgid ""
+"The source override file is fully compatible with &dpkg-scansources;. It "
+"contains 2 fields separated by spaces. The first fields is the source "
+"package name, the second is the section to assign it."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:485
+msgid "The Extra Override File"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:487
+msgid ""
+"The extra override file allows any arbitrary tag to be added or replaced in "
+"the output. It has 3 columns, the first is the package, the second is the "
+"tag and the remainder of the line is the new value."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:496
+msgid "<option>--md5</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:498
+msgid ""
+"Generate MD5 sums. This defaults to on, when turned off the generated index "
+"files will not have MD5Sum fields where possible. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:503
+msgid "<option>--db</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:505
+msgid ""
+"Use a binary caching DB. This has no effect on the generate command. "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::DB</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:511
+msgid ""
+"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
+"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
+"<option>-q=#</option> to set the quiet level, overriding the configuration "
+"file. Configuration Item: <literal>quiet</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:517
+msgid "<option>--delink</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:519
+msgid ""
+"Perform Delinking. If the <literal>External-Links</literal> setting is used "
+"then this option actually enables delinking of the files. It defaults to on "
+"and can be turned off with <option>--no-delink</option>. Configuration "
+"Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::DeLinkAct</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525
+msgid "<option>--contents</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:527
+msgid ""
+"Perform contents generation. When this option is set and package indexes are "
+"being generated with a cache DB then the file listing will also be extracted "
+"and stored in the DB for later use. When using the generate command this "
+"option also allows the creation of any Contents files. The default is on. "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Contents</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:535
+msgid "<option>--source-override</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:537
+msgid ""
+"Select the source override file to use with the <literal>sources</literal> "
+"command. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::SourceOverride</"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:541
+msgid "<option>--readonly</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:543
+msgid ""
+"Make the caching databases read only. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:552 apt.conf.5.xml:982 apt_preferences.5.xml:462
+#: sources.list.5.xml:193
+msgid "Examples"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><programlisting>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:558
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "<command>apt-ftparchive</command> packages <replaceable>directory</replaceable> | <command>gzip</command> > <filename>Packages.gz</filename>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:554
+msgid ""
+"To create a compressed Packages file for a directory containing binary "
+"packages (.deb): <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:568
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal "
+"100 on error."
+msgstr ""
+#. The last update date
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:13
+msgid ""
+"&apt-author.jgunthorpe; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>08 "
+"November 2008</date>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:22 apt-get.8.xml:29 guide.sgml:96
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "apt-get"
+msgstr "apt-get"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:30
+msgid "APT package handling utility -- command-line interface"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:36
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-get</command> <arg><option>-sqdyfmubV</option></arg> <arg> "
+"<option>-o= <replaceable>config_string</replaceable> </option> </arg> <arg> "
+"<option>-c= <replaceable>config_file</replaceable> </option> </arg> <arg> "
+"<option>-t=</option> <group choice='req'> <arg choice='plain'> "
+"<replaceable>target_release_name</replaceable> </arg> <arg choice='plain'> "
+"<replaceable>target_release_number_expression</replaceable> </arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'> <replaceable>target_release_codename</replaceable> </arg> </"
+"group> </arg> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg choice='plain'>update</arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>upgrade</arg> <arg choice='plain'>dselect-upgrade</arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>dist-upgrade</arg> <arg choice='plain'>install <arg choice="
+"\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable> <arg> <group "
+"choice='req'> <arg choice='plain'> =<replaceable>pkg_version_number</"
+"replaceable> </arg> <arg choice='plain'> /<replaceable>target_release_name</"
+"replaceable> </arg> <arg choice='plain'> /"
+"<replaceable>target_release_codename</replaceable> </arg> </group> </arg> </"
+"arg> </arg> <arg choice='plain'>remove <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
+"\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg> <arg choice='plain'>purge <arg "
+"choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg> "
+"<arg choice='plain'>source <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
+"\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable> <arg> <group choice='req'> <arg "
+"choice='plain'> =<replaceable>pkg_version_number</replaceable> </arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'> /<replaceable>target_release_name</replaceable> </arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'> /<replaceable>target_release_codename</replaceable> </arg> </"
+"group> </arg> </arg> </arg> <arg choice='plain'>build-dep <arg choice=\"plain"
+"\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>check</arg> <arg choice='plain'>clean</arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>autoclean</arg> <arg choice='plain'>autoremove</arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'> <group choice='req'> <arg choice='plain'>-v</arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>--version</arg> </group> </arg> <arg choice='plain'> <group "
+"choice='req'> <arg choice='plain'>-h</arg> <arg choice='plain'>--help</arg> "
+"</group> </arg> </group>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:126
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-get</command> is the command-line tool for handling packages, "
+"and may be considered the user's \"back-end\" to other tools using the APT "
+"library. Several \"front-end\" interfaces exist, such as &dselect;, "
+"&aptitude;, &synaptic;, &gnome-apt; and &wajig;."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:135 apt-key.8.xml:123
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "update"
+msgstr "upgrade"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:136
+msgid ""
+"<literal>update</literal> is used to resynchronize the package index files "
+"from their sources. The indexes of available packages are fetched from the "
+"location(s) specified in <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename>. For "
+"example, when using a Debian archive, this command retrieves and scans the "
+"<filename>Packages.gz</filename> files, so that information about new and "
+"updated packages is available. An <literal>update</literal> should always be "
+"performed before an <literal>upgrade</literal> or <literal>dist-upgrade</"
+"literal>. Please be aware that the overall progress meter will be incorrect "
+"as the size of the package files cannot be known in advance."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <tag></tag>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:147 guide.sgml:121
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr "upgrade"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:148
+msgid ""
+"<literal>upgrade</literal> is used to install the newest versions of all "
+"packages currently installed on the system from the sources enumerated in "
+"<filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename>. Packages currently installed "
+"with new versions available are retrieved and upgraded; under no "
+"circumstances are currently installed packages removed, or packages not "
+"already installed retrieved and installed. New versions of currently "
+"installed packages that cannot be upgraded without changing the install "
+"status of another package will be left at their current version. An "
+"<literal>update</literal> must be performed first so that <command>apt-get</"
+"command> knows that new versions of packages are available."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:160
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "dselect-upgrade"
+msgstr "dist-upgrade"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:161
+msgid ""
+"<literal>dselect-upgrade</literal> is used in conjunction with the "
+"traditional Debian packaging front-end, &dselect;. <literal>dselect-upgrade</"
+"literal> follows the changes made by &dselect; to the <literal>Status</"
+"literal> field of available packages, and performs the actions necessary to "
+"realize that state (for instance, the removal of old and the installation of "
+"new packages)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <tag></tag>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:170 guide.sgml:140
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "dist-upgrade"
+msgstr "dist-upgrade"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:171
+msgid ""
+"<literal>dist-upgrade</literal> in addition to performing the function of "
+"<literal>upgrade</literal>, also intelligently handles changing dependencies "
+"with new versions of packages; <command>apt-get</command> has a \"smart\" "
+"conflict resolution system, and it will attempt to upgrade the most "
+"important packages at the expense of less important ones if necessary. So, "
+"<literal>dist-upgrade</literal> command may remove some packages. The "
+"<filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename> file contains a list of locations "
+"from which to retrieve desired package files. See also &apt-preferences; "
+"for a mechanism for overriding the general settings for individual packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <tag></tag>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:183 guide.sgml:131
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "install"
+msgstr "install"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:185
+msgid ""
+"<literal>install</literal> is followed by one or more packages desired for "
+"installation or upgrading. Each package is a package name, not a fully "
+"qualified filename (for instance, in a Debian GNU/Linux system, libc6 would "
+"be the argument provided, not <literal>libc6_1.9.6-2.deb</literal>). All "
+"packages required by the package(s) specified for installation will also be "
+"retrieved and installed. The <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename> "
+"file is used to locate the desired packages. If a hyphen is appended to the "
+"package name (with no intervening space), the identified package will be "
+"removed if it is installed. Similarly a plus sign can be used to designate "
+"a package to install. These latter features may be used to override "
+"decisions made by apt-get's conflict resolution system."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:203
+msgid ""
+"A specific version of a package can be selected for installation by "
+"following the package name with an equals and the version of the package to "
+"select. This will cause that version to be located and selected for install. "
+"Alternatively a specific distribution can be selected by following the "
+"package name with a slash and the version of the distribution or the Archive "
+"name (stable, testing, unstable)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:210
+msgid ""
+"Both of the version selection mechanisms can downgrade packages and must be "
+"used with care."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:213
+msgid ""
+"This is also the target to use if you want to upgrade one or more already-"
+"installed packages without upgrading every package you have on your system. "
+"Unlike the \"upgrade\" target, which installs the newest version of all "
+"currently installed packages, \"install\" will install the newest version of "
+"only the package(s) specified. Simply provide the name of the package(s) "
+"you wish to upgrade, and if a newer version is available, it (and its "
+"dependencies, as described above) will be downloaded and installed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:224
+msgid ""
+"Finally, the &apt-preferences; mechanism allows you to create an alternative "
+"installation policy for individual packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:228
+msgid ""
+"If no package matches the given expression and the expression contains one "
+"of '.', '?' or '*' then it is assumed to be a POSIX regular expression, and "
+"it is applied to all package names in the database. Any matches are then "
+"installed (or removed). Note that matching is done by substring so 'lo.*' "
+"matches 'how-lo' and 'lowest'. If this is undesired, anchor the regular "
+"expression with a '^' or '$' character, or create a more specific regular "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:237
+msgid "remove"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:238
+msgid ""
+"<literal>remove</literal> is identical to <literal>install</literal> except "
+"that packages are removed instead of installed. Note the removing a package "
+"leaves its configuration files in system. If a plus sign is appended to the "
+"package name (with no intervening space), the identified package will be "
+"installed instead of removed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:245
+msgid "purge"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:246
+msgid ""
+"<literal>purge</literal> is identical to <literal>remove</literal> except "
+"that packages are removed and purged (any configuration files are deleted "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:250
+msgid "source"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:251
+msgid ""
+"<literal>source</literal> causes <command>apt-get</command> to fetch source "
+"packages. APT will examine the available packages to decide which source "
+"package to fetch. It will then find and download into the current directory "
+"the newest available version of that source package while respect the "
+"default release, set with the option <literal>APT::Default-Release</"
+"literal>, the <option>-t</option> option or per package with the "
+"<literal>pkg/release</literal> syntax, if possible."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:259
+msgid ""
+"Source packages are tracked separately from binary packages via <literal>deb-"
+"src</literal> type lines in the &sources-list; file. This means that you "
+"will need to add such a line for each repository you want to get sources "
+"from. If you don't do this you will properly get another (newer, older or "
+"none) source version than the one you have installed or could install."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:266
+msgid ""
+"If the <option>--compile</option> option is specified then the package will "
+"be compiled to a binary .deb using <command>dpkg-buildpackage</command>, if "
+"<option>--download-only</option> is specified then the source package will "
+"not be unpacked."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:271
+msgid ""
+"A specific source version can be retrieved by postfixing the source name "
+"with an equals and then the version to fetch, similar to the mechanism used "
+"for the package files. This enables exact matching of the source package "
+"name and version, implicitly enabling the <literal>APT::Get::Only-Source</"
+"literal> option."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:277
+msgid ""
+"Note that source packages are not tracked like binary packages, they exist "
+"only in the current directory and are similar to downloading source tar "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:282
+msgid "build-dep"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:283
+msgid ""
+"<literal>build-dep</literal> causes apt-get to install/remove packages in an "
+"attempt to satisfy the build dependencies for a source package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:287
+msgid "check"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:288
+msgid ""
+"<literal>check</literal> is a diagnostic tool; it updates the package cache "
+"and checks for broken dependencies."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:293
+msgid ""
+"<literal>clean</literal> clears out the local repository of retrieved "
+"package files. It removes everything but the lock file from "
+"<filename>&cachedir;/archives/</filename> and <filename>&cachedir;/archives/"
+"partial/</filename>. When APT is used as a &dselect; method, <literal>clean</"
+"literal> is run automatically. Those who do not use dselect will likely "
+"want to run <literal>apt-get clean</literal> from time to time to free up "
+"disk space."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:302
+msgid "autoclean"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:303
+msgid ""
+"Like <literal>clean</literal>, <literal>autoclean</literal> clears out the "
+"local repository of retrieved package files. The difference is that it only "
+"removes package files that can no longer be downloaded, and are largely "
+"useless. This allows a cache to be maintained over a long period without it "
+"growing out of control. The configuration option <literal>APT::Clean-"
+"Installed</literal> will prevent installed packages from being erased if it "
+"is set to off."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:312
+msgid "autoremove"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:313
+msgid ""
+"<literal>autoremove</literal> is used to remove packages that were "
+"automatically installed to satisfy dependencies for some package and that "
+"are no more needed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:323 apt-get.8.xml:429
+msgid "<option>--no-install-recommends</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:324
+msgid ""
+"Do not consider recommended packages as a dependency for installing. "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Install-Recommends</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:328
+msgid "<option>--download-only</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:329
+msgid ""
+"Download only; package files are only retrieved, not unpacked or installed. "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Download-Only</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:333
+msgid "<option>--fix-broken</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:334
+msgid ""
+"Fix; attempt to correct a system with broken dependencies in place. This "
+"option, when used with install/remove, can omit any packages to permit APT "
+"to deduce a likely solution. Any Package that are specified must completely "
+"correct the problem. The option is sometimes necessary when running APT for "
+"the first time; APT itself does not allow broken package dependencies to "
+"exist on a system. It is possible that a system's dependency structure can "
+"be so corrupt as to require manual intervention (which usually means using "
+"&dselect; or <command>dpkg --remove</command> to eliminate some of the "
+"offending packages). Use of this option together with <option>-m</option> "
+"may produce an error in some situations. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:347
+msgid "<option>--ignore-missing</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:348
+msgid "<option>--fix-missing</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:349
+msgid ""
+"Ignore missing packages; If packages cannot be retrieved or fail the "
+"integrity check after retrieval (corrupted package files), hold back those "
+"packages and handle the result. Use of this option together with <option>-f</"
+"option> may produce an error in some situations. If a package is selected "
+"for installation (particularly if it is mentioned on the command line) and "
+"it could not be downloaded then it will be silently held back. "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Fix-Missing</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:359
+msgid "<option>--no-download</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:360
+msgid ""
+"Disables downloading of packages. This is best used with <option>--ignore-"
+"missing</option> to force APT to use only the .debs it has already "
+"downloaded. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Download</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:367
+msgid ""
+"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
+"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
+"<option>-q=#</option> to set the quiet level, overriding the configuration "
+"file. Note that quiet level 2 implies <option>-y</option>, you should never "
+"use -qq without a no-action modifier such as -d, --print-uris or -s as APT "
+"may decided to do something you did not expect. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:377
+msgid "<option>--simulate</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:379
+msgid "<option>--dry-run</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:382
+msgid ""
+"No action; perform a simulation of events that would occur but do not "
+"actually change the system. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:386
+msgid ""
+"Simulation run as user will deactivate locking (<literal>Debug::NoLocking</"
+"literal>) automatic. Also a notice will be displayed indicating that this "
+"is only a simulation, if the option <literal>APT::Get::Show-User-Simulation-"
+"Note</literal> is set (Default: true). Neither NoLocking nor the notice "
+"will be triggered if run as root (root should know what he is doing without "
+"further warnings by <literal>apt-get</literal>)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:392
+msgid ""
+"Simulate prints out a series of lines each one representing a dpkg "
+"operation, Configure (Conf), Remove (Remv), Unpack (Inst). Square brackets "
+"indicate broken packages and empty set of square brackets meaning breaks "
+"that are of no consequence (rare)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:399
+msgid "<option>-y</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:399
+msgid "<option>--yes</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:400
+msgid "<option>--assume-yes</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:401
+msgid ""
+"Automatic yes to prompts; assume \"yes\" as answer to all prompts and run "
+"non-interactively. If an undesirable situation, such as changing a held "
+"package, trying to install a unauthenticated package or removing an "
+"essential package occurs then <literal>apt-get</literal> will abort. "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Assume-Yes</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:408
+msgid "<option>-u</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:408
+msgid "<option>--show-upgraded</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:409
+msgid ""
+"Show upgraded packages; Print out a list of all packages that are to be "
+"upgraded. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Show-Upgraded</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:414
+msgid "<option>-V</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:414
+msgid "<option>--verbose-versions</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:415
+msgid ""
+"Show full versions for upgraded and installed packages. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:419
+msgid "<option>-b</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:419
+msgid "<option>--compile</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:420
+msgid "<option>--build</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:421
+msgid ""
+"Compile source packages after downloading them. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:425
+msgid "<option>--install-recommends</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:426
+msgid "Also install recommended packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:430
+msgid "Do not install recommended packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:433
+msgid "<option>--ignore-hold</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:434
+msgid ""
+"Ignore package Holds; This causes <command>apt-get</command> to ignore a "
+"hold placed on a package. This may be useful in conjunction with "
+"<literal>dist-upgrade</literal> to override a large number of undesired "
+"holds. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Ignore-Hold</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:440
+msgid "<option>--no-upgrade</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:441
+msgid ""
+"Do not upgrade packages; When used in conjunction with <literal>install</"
+"literal>, <literal>no-upgrade</literal> will prevent packages on the command "
+"line from being upgraded if they are already installed. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:447
+msgid "<option>--force-yes</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:448
+msgid ""
+"Force yes; This is a dangerous option that will cause apt to continue "
+"without prompting if it is doing something potentially harmful. It should "
+"not be used except in very special situations. Using <literal>force-yes</"
+"literal> can potentially destroy your system! Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:455
+msgid "<option>--print-uris</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:456
+msgid ""
+"Instead of fetching the files to install their URIs are printed. Each URI "
+"will have the path, the destination file name, the size and the expected md5 "
+"hash. Note that the file name to write to will not always match the file "
+"name on the remote site! This also works with the <literal>source</literal> "
+"and <literal>update</literal> commands. When used with the <literal>update</"
+"literal> command the MD5 and size are not included, and it is up to the user "
+"to decompress any compressed files. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:466
+msgid "<option>--purge</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:467
+msgid ""
+"Use purge instead of remove for anything that would be removed. An asterisk "
+"(\"*\") will be displayed next to packages which are scheduled to be purged. "
+"<option>remove --purge</option> is equivalent for <option>purge</option> "
+"command. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Purge</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:474
+msgid "<option>--reinstall</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:475
+msgid ""
+"Re-Install packages that are already installed and at the newest version. "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::ReInstall</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:479
+msgid "<option>--list-cleanup</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:480
+msgid ""
+"This option defaults to on, use <literal>--no-list-cleanup</literal> to turn "
+"it off. When on <command>apt-get</command> will automatically manage the "
+"contents of <filename>&statedir;/lists</filename> to ensure that obsolete "
+"files are erased. The only reason to turn it off is if you frequently "
+"change your source list. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::List-"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:489
+msgid "<option>--target-release</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:490
+msgid "<option>--default-release</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:491
+msgid ""
+"This option controls the default input to the policy engine, it creates a "
+"default pin at priority 990 using the specified release string. This "
+"overrides the general settings in <filename>/etc/apt/preferences</"
+"filename>. Specifically pinned packages are not affected by the value of "
+"this option. In short, this option lets you have simple control over which "
+"distribution packages will be retrieved from. Some common examples might be "
+"<option>-t '2.1*'</option>, <option>-t unstable</option> or <option>-t sid</"
+"option>. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Default-Release</literal>; see "
+"also the &apt-preferences; manual page."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:504
+msgid "<option>--trivial-only</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:506
+msgid ""
+"Only perform operations that are 'trivial'. Logically this can be considered "
+"related to <option>--assume-yes</option>, where <option>--assume-yes</"
+"option> will answer yes to any prompt, <option>--trivial-only</option> will "
+"answer no. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Trivial-Only</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:512
+msgid "<option>--no-remove</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:513
+msgid ""
+"If any packages are to be removed apt-get immediately aborts without "
+"prompting. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Remove</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:518
+msgid "<option>--auto-remove</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:519
+msgid ""
+"If the command is either <literal>install</literal> or <literal>remove</"
+"literal>, then this option acts like running <literal>autoremove</literal> "
+"command, removing the unused dependency packages. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:525
+msgid "<option>--only-source</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:526
+msgid ""
+"Only has meaning for the <literal>source</literal> and <literal>build-dep</"
+"literal> commands. Indicates that the given source names are not to be "
+"mapped through the binary table. This means that if this option is "
+"specified, these commands will only accept source package names as "
+"arguments, rather than accepting binary package names and looking up the "
+"corresponding source package. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Only-"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:536
+msgid "<option>--diff-only</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:536
+msgid "<option>--dsc-only</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:536
+msgid "<option>--tar-only</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:537
+msgid ""
+"Download only the diff, dsc, or tar file of a source archive. Configuration "
+"Item: <literal>APT::Get::Diff-Only</literal>, <literal>APT::Get::Dsc-Only</"
+"literal>, and <literal>APT::Get::Tar-Only</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:542
+msgid "<option>--arch-only</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:543
+msgid ""
+"Only process architecture-dependent build-dependencies. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:547
+msgid "<option>--allow-unauthenticated</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:548
+msgid ""
+"Ignore if packages can't be authenticated and don't prompt about it. This "
+"is useful for tools like pbuilder. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:561
+msgid ""
+"&file-sourceslist; &file-aptconf; &file-preferences; &file-cachearchives; "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:570
+msgid ""
+"&apt-cache;, &apt-cdrom;, &dpkg;, &dselect;, &sources-list;, &apt-conf;, "
+"&apt-config;, &apt-secure;, The APT User's guide in &guidesdir;, &apt-"
+"preferences;, the APT Howto."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:576
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-get</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 on "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:579
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:580
+msgid "&apt-author.jgunthorpe;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:583
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:585
+msgid "&;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:14 apt-key.8.xml:21
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "apt-key"
+msgstr "apt-get"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:22
+msgid "APT key management utility"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:28
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-key</command> <arg><replaceable>command</replaceable>/</arg> "
+"<arg rep=\"repeat\"><option><replaceable>arguments</replaceable></option></"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:36
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-key</command> is used to manage the list of keys used by apt to "
+"authenticate packages. Packages which have been authenticated using these "
+"keys will be considered trusted."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:42
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:44
+msgid "add <replaceable>filename</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:48
+msgid ""
+"Add a new key to the list of trusted keys. The key is read from "
+"<replaceable>filename</replaceable>, or standard input if "
+"<replaceable>filename</replaceable> is <literal>-</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:56
+msgid "del <replaceable>keyid</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:60
+msgid "Remove a key from the list of trusted keys."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:67
+msgid "export <replaceable>keyid</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:71
+msgid "Output the key <replaceable>keyid</replaceable> to standard output."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:78
+msgid "exportall"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:82
+msgid "Output all trusted keys to standard output."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:89
+msgid "list"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:93
+msgid "List trusted keys."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:100
+msgid "finger"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:104
+msgid "List fingerprints of trusted keys."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:111
+msgid "adv"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:115
+msgid ""
+"Pass advanced options to gpg. With adv --recv-key you can download the "
+"public key."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:127
+msgid ""
+"Update the local keyring with the keyring of Debian archive keys and removes "
+"from the keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:140
+msgid "<filename>/etc/apt/trusted.gpg</filename>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:141
+msgid "Keyring of local trusted keys, new keys will be added here."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:144
+msgid "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:145
+msgid "Local trust database of archive keys."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:148
+msgid "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:149
+msgid "Keyring of Debian archive trusted keys."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:152
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:153
+msgid "Keyring of Debian archive removed trusted keys."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:164
+msgid "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
+msgstr ""
+#. The last update date
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:13
+msgid ""
+"&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>9 "
+"August 2009</date>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:22 apt-mark.8.xml:29
+msgid "apt-mark"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:30
+msgid "mark/unmark a package as being automatically-installed"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:36
+msgid ""
+" <command>apt-mark</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> <arg><option>-"
+"f=<replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></option></arg> <group choice=\"plain"
+"\"> <arg choice=\"plain\"> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg choice=\"plain"
+"\">markauto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">unmarkauto</arg> </group> <arg "
+"choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>package</replaceable></arg> </"
+"arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showauto</arg> </group>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:53
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-mark</command> will change whether a package has been marked as "
+"being automatically installed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:57
+msgid ""
+"When you request that a package is installed, and as a result other packages "
+"are installed to satisfy its dependencies, the dependencies are marked as "
+"being automatically installed. Once these automatically installed packages "
+"are no longer depended on by any manually installed packages, they will be "
+"removed by e.g. <command>apt-get</command> or <command>aptitude</command>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:65
+msgid "markauto"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:66
+msgid ""
+"<literal>markauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being automatically "
+"installed, which will cause the package to be removed when no more manually "
+"installed packages depend on this package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:73
+msgid "unmarkauto"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:74
+msgid ""
+"<literal>unmarkauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being manually "
+"installed, which will prevent the package from being automatically removed "
+"if no other packages depend on it."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:81
+msgid "showauto"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:82
+msgid ""
+"<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
+"installed packages with each package on a new line."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:93
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:94
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:97
+msgid ""
+"Read/Write package stats from <filename><replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></"
+"filename> instead of the default location, which is "
+"<filename>extended_status</filename> in the directory defined by the "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::State</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:103
+msgid "<option>-h</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:104
+msgid "<option>--help</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:105
+msgid "Show a short usage summary."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:111
+msgid "<option>-v</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:112
+msgid "<option>--version</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:113
+msgid "Show the program version."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:124
+msgid "<filename>/var/lib/apt/extended_states</filename>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:125
+msgid ""
+"Status list of auto-installed packages. Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::"
+"State</literal> sets the path to the <filename>extended_states</filename> "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:134
+msgid "&apt-get;,&aptitude;,&apt-conf;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:138
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-mark</command> returns zero on normal operation, non-zero on "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:14 apt-secure.8.xml:36
+msgid "apt-secure"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:37
+msgid "Archive authentication support for APT"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:42
+msgid ""
+"Starting with version 0.6, <command>apt</command> contains code that does "
+"signature checking of the Release file for all archives. This ensures that "
+"packages in the archive can't be modified by people who have no access to "
+"the Release file signing key."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:50
+msgid ""
+"If a package comes from a archive without a signature or with a signature "
+"that apt does not have a key for that package is considered untrusted and "
+"installing it will result in a big warning. <command>apt-get</command> will "
+"currently only warn for unsigned archives, future releases might force all "
+"sources to be verified before downloading packages from them."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:59
+msgid ""
+"The package frontends &apt-get;, &aptitude; and &synaptic; support this new "
+"authentication feature."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:64
+msgid "Trusted archives"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:67
+msgid ""
+"The chain of trust from an apt archive to the end user is made up of "
+"different steps. <command>apt-secure</command> is the last step in this "
+"chain, trusting an archive does not mean that the packages that you trust it "
+"do not contain malicious code but means that you trust the archive "
+"maintainer. It's the archive maintainer responsibility to ensure that the "
+"archive integrity is correct."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:75
+msgid ""
+"apt-secure does not review signatures at a package level. If you require "
+"tools to do this you should look at <command>debsig-verify</command> and "
+"<command>debsign</command> (provided in the debsig-verify and devscripts "
+"packages respectively)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:82
+msgid ""
+"The chain of trust in Debian starts when a maintainer uploads a new package "
+"or a new version of a package to the Debian archive. This upload in order to "
+"become effective needs to be signed by a key of a maintainer within the "
+"Debian maintainer's keyring (available in the debian-keyring package). "
+"Maintainer's keys are signed by other maintainers following pre-established "
+"procedures to ensure the identity of the key holder."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:92
+msgid ""
+"Once the uploaded package is verified and included in the archive, the "
+"maintainer signature is stripped off, an MD5 sum of the package is computed "
+"and put in the Packages file. The MD5 sum of all of the packages files are "
+"then computed and put into the Release file. The Release file is then signed "
+"by the archive key (which is created once a year) and distributed through "
+"the FTP server. This key is also on the Debian keyring."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:102
+msgid ""
+"Any end user can check the signature of the Release file, extract the MD5 "
+"sum of a package from it and compare it with the MD5 sum of the package he "
+"downloaded. Prior to version 0.6 only the MD5 sum of the downloaded Debian "
+"package was checked. Now both the MD5 sum and the signature of the Release "
+"file are checked."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:109
+msgid ""
+"Notice that this is distinct from checking signatures on a per package "
+"basis. It is designed to prevent two possible attacks:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:114
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Network \"man in the middle\" attacks</literal>. Without signature "
+"checking, a malicious agent can introduce himself in the package download "
+"process and provide malicious software either by controlling a network "
+"element (router, switch, etc.) or by redirecting traffic to a rogue server "
+"(through arp or DNS spoofing attacks)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:122
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Mirror network compromise</literal>. Without signature checking, a "
+"malicious agent can compromise a mirror host and modify the files in it to "
+"propagate malicious software to all users downloading packages from that "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:129
+msgid ""
+"However, it does not defend against a compromise of the Debian master server "
+"itself (which signs the packages) or against a compromise of the key used to "
+"sign the Release files. In any case, this mechanism can complement a per-"
+"package signature."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:135
+msgid "User configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:137
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-key</command> is the program that manages the list of keys used "
+"by apt. It can be used to add or remove keys although an installation of "
+"this release will automatically provide the default Debian archive signing "
+"keys used in the Debian package repositories."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:144
+msgid ""
+"In order to add a new key you need to first download it (you should make "
+"sure you are using a trusted communication channel when retrieving it), add "
+"it with <command>apt-key</command> and then run <command>apt-get update</"
+"command> so that apt can download and verify the <filename>Release.gpg</"
+"filename> files from the archives you have configured."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:153
+msgid "Archive configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:155
+msgid ""
+"If you want to provide archive signatures in an archive under your "
+"maintenance you have to:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:160
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis>Create a toplevel Release file</emphasis>, if it does not exist "
+"already. You can do this by running <command>apt-ftparchive release</"
+"command> (provided in apt-utils)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:165
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis>Sign it</emphasis>. You can do this by running <command>gpg -abs -"
+"o Release.gpg Release</command>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:168
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis>Publish the key fingerprint</emphasis>, that way your users will "
+"know what key they need to import in order to authenticate the files in the "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:175
+msgid ""
+"Whenever the contents of the archive changes (new packages are added or "
+"removed) the archive maintainer has to follow the first two steps previously "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:183
+msgid ""
+"&apt-conf;, &apt-get;, &sources-list;, &apt-key;, &apt-ftparchive;, "
+"&debsign; &debsig-verify;, &gpg;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:187
+msgid ""
+"For more background information you might want to review the <ulink url="
+"\">Debian Security Infrastructure</ulink> chapter of the Securing Debian "
+"Manual (available also in the harden-doc package) and the <ulink url="
+"\"\" >Strong "
+"Distribution HOWTO</ulink> by V. Alex Brennen."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:200
+msgid "Manpage Authors"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:202
+msgid ""
+"This man-page is based on the work of Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña, Isaac "
+"Jones, Colin Walters, Florian Weimer and Michael Vogt."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:22 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:29
+msgid "apt-sortpkgs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:30
+msgid "Utility to sort package index files"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:36
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-sortpkgs</command> <arg><option>-hvs</option></arg> "
+"<arg><option>-o=<replaceable>config string</replaceable></option></arg> "
+"<arg><option>-c=<replaceable>file</replaceable></option></arg> <arg choice="
+"\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>file</replaceable></arg>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:45
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-sortpkgs</command> will take an index file (Source index or "
+"Package index) and sort the records so that they are ordered by the package "
+"name. It will also sort the internal fields of each record according to the "
+"internal sorting rules."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:51
+msgid "All output is sent to stdout, the input must be a seekable file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:58
+msgid "<option>--source</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:60
+msgid ""
+"Use Source index field ordering. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:74
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-sortpkgs</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal "
+"100 on error."
+msgstr ""
+#. The last update date
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:13
+msgid ""
+"&apt-author.jgunthorpe; &; <author> <firstname>Daniel</"
+"firstname> <surname>Burrows</surname> <contrib>Initial documentation of "
+"Debug::*.</contrib> <email></email> </author> &apt-email; "
+"&apt-product; <date>18 September 2009</date>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:28 apt.conf.5.xml:35
+msgid "apt.conf"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refmeta><manvolnum>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:29 apt_preferences.5.xml:22 sources.list.5.xml:23
+msgid "5"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:36
+msgid "Configuration file for APT"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:40
+msgid ""
+"<filename>apt.conf</filename> is the main configuration file for the APT "
+"suite of tools, all tools make use of the configuration file and a common "
+"command line parser to provide a uniform environment. When an APT tool "
+"starts up it will read the configuration specified by the <envar>APT_CONFIG</"
+"envar> environment variable (if any) and then read the files in "
+"<literal>Dir::Etc::Parts</literal> then read the main configuration file "
+"specified by <literal>Dir::Etc::main</literal> then finally apply the "
+"command line options to override the configuration directives, possibly "
+"loading even more config files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:50
+msgid ""
+"The configuration file is organized in a tree with options organized into "
+"functional groups. Option specification is given with a double colon "
+"notation, for instance <literal>APT::Get::Assume-Yes</literal> is an option "
+"within the APT tool group, for the Get tool. Options do not inherit from "
+"their parent groups."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:56
+msgid ""
+"Syntactically the configuration language is modeled after what the ISC tools "
+"such as bind and dhcp use. Lines starting with <literal>//</literal> are "
+"treated as comments (ignored), as well as all text between <literal>/*</"
+"literal> and <literal>*/</literal>, just like C/C++ comments. Each line is "
+"of the form <literal>APT::Get::Assume-Yes \"true\";</literal>. The trailing "
+"semicolon and the quotes are required. The value must be on one line, and "
+"there is no kind of string concatenation. It must not include inside "
+"quotes. The behavior of the backslash \"\\\" and escaped characters inside "
+"a value is undefined and it should not be used. An option name may include "
+"alphanumerical characters and the \"/-:._+\" characters. A new scope can be "
+"opened with curly braces, like:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><informalexample><programlisting>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:70
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"APT {\n"
+" Get {\n"
+" Assume-Yes \"true\";\n"
+" Fix-Broken \"true\";\n"
+" };\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:78
+msgid ""
+"with newlines placed to make it more readable. Lists can be created by "
+"opening a scope and including a single string enclosed in quotes followed by "
+"a semicolon. Multiple entries can be included, each separated by a semicolon."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><informalexample><programlisting>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:83
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "DPkg::Pre-Install-Pkgs {\"/usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt\";};\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:86
+msgid ""
+"In general the sample configuration file in <filename>&docdir;examples/apt."
+"conf</filename> &configureindex; is a good guide for how it should look."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:90
+msgid ""
+"The names of the configuration items are not case-sensitive. So in the "
+"previous example you could use <literal>dpkg::pre-install-pkgs</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:93
+msgid ""
+"Names for the configuration items are optional if a list is defined as it "
+"can be see in the <literal>DPkg::Pre-Install-Pkgs</literal> example above. "
+"If you don't specify a name a new entry will simply add a new option to the "
+"list. If you specify a name you can override the option as every other "
+"option by reassigning a new value to the option."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:98
+msgid ""
+"Two specials are allowed, <literal>#include</literal> (which is deprecated "
+"and not supported by alternative implementations) and <literal>#clear</"
+"literal>: <literal>#include</literal> will include the given file, unless "
+"the filename ends in a slash, then the whole directory is included. "
+"<literal>#clear</literal> is used to erase a part of the configuration tree. "
+"The specified element and all its descendants are erased. (Note that these "
+"lines also need to end with a semicolon.)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:106
+msgid ""
+"The #clear command is the only way to delete a list or a complete scope. "
+"Reopening a scope or the ::-style described below will <emphasis>not</"
+"emphasis> override previously written entries. Only options can be "
+"overridden by addressing a new value to it - lists and scopes can't be "
+"overridden, only cleared."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:111
+msgid ""
+"All of the APT tools take a -o option which allows an arbitrary "
+"configuration directive to be specified on the command line. The syntax is a "
+"full option name (<literal>APT::Get::Assume-Yes</literal> for instance) "
+"followed by an equals sign then the new value of the option. Lists can be "
+"appended too by adding a trailing :: to the list name. (As you might "
+"suspect: The scope syntax can't be used on the command line.)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:118
+msgid ""
+"Note that you can use :: only for appending one item per line to a list and "
+"that you should not use it in combination with the scope syntax. (The scope "
+"syntax implicit insert ::) Using both syntaxes together will trigger a bug "
+"which some users unfortunately relay on: An option with the unusual name "
+"\"<literal>::</literal>\" which acts like every other option with a name. "
+"These introduces many problems including that a user who writes multiple "
+"lines in this <emphasis>wrong</emphasis> syntax in the hope to append to a "
+"list will gain the opposite as only the last assignment for this option "
+"\"<literal>::</literal>\" will be used. Upcoming APT versions will raise "
+"errors and will stop working if they encounter this misuse, so please "
+"correct such statements now as long as APT doesn't complain explicit about "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:130
+msgid "The APT Group"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:131
+msgid ""
+"This group of options controls general APT behavior as well as holding the "
+"options for all of the tools."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:135
+msgid "Architecture"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:136
+msgid ""
+"System Architecture; sets the architecture to use when fetching files and "
+"parsing package lists. The internal default is the architecture apt was "
+"compiled for."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:141
+msgid "Default-Release"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:142
+msgid ""
+"Default release to install packages from if more than one version available. "
+"Contains release name, codename or release version. Examples: 'stable', "
+"'testing', 'unstable', 'lenny', 'squeeze', '4.0', '5.0*'. See also &apt-"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:146
+msgid "Ignore-Hold"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:147
+msgid ""
+"Ignore Held packages; This global option causes the problem resolver to "
+"ignore held packages in its decision making."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:151
+msgid "Clean-Installed"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:152
+msgid ""
+"Defaults to on. When turned on the autoclean feature will remove any "
+"packages which can no longer be downloaded from the cache. If turned off "
+"then packages that are locally installed are also excluded from cleaning - "
+"but note that APT provides no direct means to reinstall them."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:158
+msgid "Immediate-Configure"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:159
+msgid ""
+"Defaults to on which will cause APT to install essential and important "
+"packages as fast as possible in the install/upgrade operation. This is done "
+"to limit the effect of a failing &dpkg; call: If this option is disabled APT "
+"does treat an important package in the same way as an extra package: Between "
+"the unpacking of the important package A and his configuration can then be "
+"many other unpack or configuration calls, e.g. for package B which has no "
+"relation to A, but causes the dpkg call to fail (e.g. because maintainer "
+"script of package B generates an error) which results in a system state in "
+"which package A is unpacked but unconfigured - each package depending on A "
+"is now no longer guaranteed to work as their dependency on A is not longer "
+"satisfied. The immediate configuration marker is also applied to all "
+"dependencies which can generate a problem if the dependencies e.g. form a "
+"circle as a dependency with the immediate flag is comparable with a Pre-"
+"Dependency. So in theory it is possible that APT encounters a situation in "
+"which it is unable to perform immediate configuration, error out and refers "
+"to this option so the user can deactivate the immediate configuration "
+"temporary to be able to perform an install/upgrade again. Note the use of "
+"the word \"theory\" here as this problem was only encountered by now in real "
+"world a few times in non-stable distribution versions and caused by wrong "
+"dependencies of the package in question or by a system in an already broken "
+"state, so you should not blindly disable this option as the mentioned "
+"scenario above is not the only problem immediate configuration can help to "
+"prevent in the first place. Before a big operation like <literal>dist-"
+"upgrade</literal> is run with this option disabled it should be tried to "
+"explicitly <literal>install</literal> the package APT is unable to configure "
+"immediately, but please make sure to report your problem also to your "
+"distribution and to the APT team with the buglink below so they can work on "
+"improving or correcting the upgrade process."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:181
+msgid "Force-LoopBreak"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:182
+msgid ""
+"Never Enable this option unless you -really- know what you are doing. It "
+"permits APT to temporarily remove an essential package to break a Conflicts/"
+"Conflicts or Conflicts/Pre-Depend loop between two essential packages. SUCH "
+"A LOOP SHOULD NEVER EXIST AND IS A GRAVE BUG. This option will work if the "
+"essential packages are not tar, gzip, libc, dpkg, bash or anything that "
+"those packages depend on."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:190
+msgid "Cache-Limit"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:191
+msgid ""
+"APT uses a fixed size memory mapped cache file to store the 'available' "
+"information. This sets the size of that cache (in bytes)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:195
+msgid "Build-Essential"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:196
+msgid "Defines which package(s) are considered essential build dependencies."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:199
+msgid "Get"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:200
+msgid ""
+"The Get subsection controls the &apt-get; tool, please see its documentation "
+"for more information about the options here."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:204
+msgid "Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:205
+msgid ""
+"The Cache subsection controls the &apt-cache; tool, please see its "
+"documentation for more information about the options here."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:209
+msgid "CDROM"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:210
+msgid ""
+"The CDROM subsection controls the &apt-cdrom; tool, please see its "
+"documentation for more information about the options here."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:216
+msgid "The Acquire Group"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:221
+msgid "PDiffs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:222
+msgid ""
+"Try to download deltas called <literal>PDiffs</literal> for Packages or "
+"Sources files instead of downloading whole ones. True by default."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:227
+msgid "Queue-Mode"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:228
+msgid ""
+"Queuing mode; <literal>Queue-Mode</literal> can be one of <literal>host</"
+"literal> or <literal>access</literal> which determines how APT parallelizes "
+"outgoing connections. <literal>host</literal> means that one connection per "
+"target host will be opened, <literal>access</literal> means that one "
+"connection per URI type will be opened."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:235
+msgid "Retries"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:236
+msgid ""
+"Number of retries to perform. If this is non-zero APT will retry failed "
+"files the given number of times."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:240
+msgid "Source-Symlinks"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:241
+msgid ""
+"Use symlinks for source archives. If set to true then source archives will "
+"be symlinked when possible instead of copying. True is the default."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:245 sources.list.5.xml:139
+msgid "http"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:246
+msgid ""
+"HTTP URIs; http::Proxy is the default http proxy to use. It is in the "
+"standard form of <literal>http://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/</literal>. Per "
+"host proxies can also be specified by using the form <literal>http::Proxy::"
+"&lt;host&gt;</literal> with the special keyword <literal>DIRECT</literal> "
+"meaning to use no proxies. If no one of the above settings is specified, "
+"<envar>http_proxy</envar> environment variable will be used."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:254
+msgid ""
+"Three settings are provided for cache control with HTTP/1.1 compliant proxy "
+"caches. <literal>No-Cache</literal> tells the proxy to not use its cached "
+"response under any circumstances, <literal>Max-Age</literal> is sent only "
+"for index files and tells the cache to refresh its object if it is older "
+"than the given number of seconds. Debian updates its index files daily so "
+"the default is 1 day. <literal>No-Store</literal> specifies that the cache "
+"should never store this request, it is only set for archive files. This may "
+"be useful to prevent polluting a proxy cache with very large .deb files. "
+"Note: Squid 2.0.2 does not support any of these options."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:264 apt.conf.5.xml:321
+msgid ""
+"The option <literal>timeout</literal> sets the timeout timer used by the "
+"method, this applies to all things including connection timeout and data "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:267
+msgid ""
+"One setting is provided to control the pipeline depth in cases where the "
+"remote server is not RFC conforming or buggy (such as Squid 2.0.2). "
+"<literal>Acquire::http::Pipeline-Depth</literal> can be a value from 0 to 5 "
+"indicating how many outstanding requests APT should send. A value of zero "
+"MUST be specified if the remote host does not properly linger on TCP "
+"connections - otherwise data corruption will occur. Hosts which require this "
+"are in violation of RFC 2068."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:275
+msgid ""
+"The used bandwidth can be limited with <literal>Acquire::http::Dl-Limit</"
+"literal> which accepts integer values in kilobyte. The default value is 0 "
+"which deactivates the limit and tries uses as much as possible of the "
+"bandwidth (Note that this option implicit deactivates the download from "
+"multiple servers at the same time.)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:281
+msgid "https"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:282
+msgid ""
+"HTTPS URIs. Cache-control and proxy options are the same as for "
+"<literal>http</literal> method. <literal>Pipeline-Depth</literal> option is "
+"not supported yet."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:286
+msgid ""
+"<literal>CaInfo</literal> suboption specifies place of file that holds info "
+"about trusted certificates. <literal>&lt;host&gt;::CaInfo</literal> is "
+"corresponding per-host option. <literal>Verify-Peer</literal> boolean "
+"suboption determines whether verify server's host certificate against "
+"trusted certificates or not. <literal>&lt;host&gt;::Verify-Peer</literal> "
+"is corresponding per-host option. <literal>Verify-Host</literal> boolean "
+"suboption determines whether verify server's hostname or not. <literal>&lt;"
+"host&gt;::Verify-Host</literal> is corresponding per-host option. "
+"<literal>SslCert</literal> determines what certificate to use for client "
+"authentication. <literal>&lt;host&gt;::SslCert</literal> is corresponding "
+"per-host option. <literal>SslKey</literal> determines what private key to "
+"use for client authentication. <literal>&lt;host&gt;::SslKey</literal> is "
+"corresponding per-host option. <literal>SslForceVersion</literal> overrides "
+"default SSL version to use. Can contain 'TLSv1' or 'SSLv3' string. "
+"<literal>&lt;host&gt;::SslForceVersion</literal> is corresponding per-host "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:304 sources.list.5.xml:150
+msgid "ftp"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:305
+msgid ""
+"FTP URIs; ftp::Proxy is the default ftp proxy to use. It is in the standard "
+"form of <literal>ftp://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/</literal>. Per host "
+"proxies can also be specified by using the form <literal>ftp::Proxy::&lt;"
+"host&gt;</literal> with the special keyword <literal>DIRECT</literal> "
+"meaning to use no proxies. If no one of the above settings is specified, "
+"<envar>ftp_proxy</envar> environment variable will be used. To use a ftp "
+"proxy you will have to set the <literal>ftp::ProxyLogin</literal> script in "
+"the configuration file. This entry specifies the commands to send to tell "
+"the proxy server what to connect to. Please see &configureindex; for an "
+"example of how to do this. The substitution variables available are <literal>"
+"$(PROXY_USER)</literal> <literal>$(PROXY_PASS)</literal> <literal>"
+"$(SITE_USER)</literal> <literal>$(SITE_PASS)</literal> <literal>$(SITE)</"
+"literal> and <literal>$(SITE_PORT)</literal> Each is taken from it's "
+"respective URI component."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:324
+msgid ""
+"Several settings are provided to control passive mode. Generally it is safe "
+"to leave passive mode on, it works in nearly every environment. However "
+"some situations require that passive mode be disabled and port mode ftp used "
+"instead. This can be done globally, for connections that go through a proxy "
+"or for a specific host (See the sample config file for examples)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:331
+msgid ""
+"It is possible to proxy FTP over HTTP by setting the <envar>ftp_proxy</"
+"envar> environment variable to a http url - see the discussion of the http "
+"method above for syntax. You cannot set this in the configuration file and "
+"it is not recommended to use FTP over HTTP due to its low efficiency."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:336
+msgid ""
+"The setting <literal>ForceExtended</literal> controls the use of RFC2428 "
+"<literal>EPSV</literal> and <literal>EPRT</literal> commands. The default is "
+"false, which means these commands are only used if the control connection is "
+"IPv6. Setting this to true forces their use even on IPv4 connections. Note "
+"that most FTP servers do not support RFC2428."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:343 sources.list.5.xml:132
+msgid "cdrom"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:349
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "/cdrom/::Mount \"foo\";"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:344
+msgid ""
+"CDROM URIs; the only setting for CDROM URIs is the mount point, "
+"<literal>cdrom::Mount</literal> which must be the mount point for the CDROM "
+"drive as specified in <filename>/etc/fstab</filename>. It is possible to "
+"provide alternate mount and unmount commands if your mount point cannot be "
+"listed in the fstab (such as an SMB mount and old mount packages). The "
+"syntax is to put <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/> within the "
+"cdrom block. It is important to have the trailing slash. Unmount commands "
+"can be specified using UMount."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:354
+msgid "gpgv"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:355
+msgid ""
+"GPGV URIs; the only option for GPGV URIs is the option to pass additional "
+"parameters to gpgv. <literal>gpgv::Options</literal> Additional options "
+"passed to gpgv."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:360
+msgid "CompressionTypes"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:366
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::<replaceable>FileExtension</replaceable> \"<replaceable>Methodname</replaceable>\";"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:361
+msgid ""
+"List of compression types which are understood by the acquire methods. "
+"Files like <filename>Packages</filename> can be available in various "
+"compression formats. Per default the acquire methods can decompress "
+"<command>bzip2</command>, <command>lzma</command> and <command>gzip</"
+"command> compressed files, with this setting more formats can be added on "
+"the fly or the used method can be changed. The syntax for this is: "
+"<placeholder type=\"synopsis\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:371
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order:: \"gz\";"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:374
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order { \"lzma\"; \"gz\"; };"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:367
+msgid ""
+"Also the <literal>Order</literal> subgroup can be used to define in which "
+"order the acquire system will try to download the compressed files. The "
+"acquire system will try the first and proceed with the next compression type "
+"in this list on error, so to prefer one over the other type simple add the "
+"preferred type at first - not already added default types will be added at "
+"run time to the end of the list, so e.g. <placeholder type=\"synopsis\" id="
+"\"0\"/> can be used to prefer <command>gzip</command> compressed files over "
+"<command>bzip2</command> and <command>lzma</command>. If <command>lzma</"
+"command> should be preferred over <command>gzip</command> and "
+"<command>bzip2</command> the configure setting should look like this "
+"<placeholder type=\"synopsis\" id=\"1\"/> It is not needed to add "
+"<literal>bz2</literal> explicit to the list as it will be added automatic."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:378
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Dir::Bin::bzip2 \"/bin/bzip2\";"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:376
+msgid ""
+"Note that at run time the <literal>Dir::Bin::<replaceable>Methodname</"
+"replaceable></literal> will be checked: If this setting exists the method "
+"will only be used if this file exists, e.g. for the bzip2 method (the "
+"inbuilt) setting is <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/> Note also "
+"that list entries specified on the command line will be added at the end of "
+"the list specified in the configuration files, but before the default "
+"entries. To prefer a type in this case over the ones specified in in the "
+"configuration files you can set the option direct - not in list style. This "
+"will not override the defined list, it will only prefix the list with this "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:383
+msgid ""
+"While it is possible to add an empty compression type to the order list, but "
+"APT in its current version doesn't understand it correctly and will display "
+"many warnings about not downloaded files - these warnings are most of the "
+"time false negatives. Future versions will maybe include a way to really "
+"prefer uncompressed files to support the usage of local mirrors."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:217
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Acquire</literal> group of options controls the download of "
+"packages and the URI handlers. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:392
+msgid "Directories"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:394
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Dir::State</literal> section has directories that pertain to "
+"local state information. <literal>lists</literal> is the directory to place "
+"downloaded package lists in and <literal>status</literal> is the name of the "
+"dpkg status file. <literal>preferences</literal> is the name of the APT "
+"preferences file. <literal>Dir::State</literal> contains the default "
+"directory to prefix on all sub items if they do not start with <filename>/</"
+"filename> or <filename>./</filename>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:401
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Dir::Cache</literal> contains locations pertaining to local cache "
+"information, such as the two package caches <literal>srcpkgcache</literal> "
+"and <literal>pkgcache</literal> as well as the location to place downloaded "
+"archives, <literal>Dir::Cache::archives</literal>. Generation of caches can "
+"be turned off by setting their names to be blank. This will slow down "
+"startup but save disk space. It is probably preferred to turn off the "
+"pkgcache rather than the srcpkgcache. Like <literal>Dir::State</literal> the "
+"default directory is contained in <literal>Dir::Cache</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:410
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Dir::Etc</literal> contains the location of configuration files, "
+"<literal>sourcelist</literal> gives the location of the sourcelist and "
+"<literal>main</literal> is the default configuration file (setting has no "
+"effect, unless it is done from the config file specified by "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:416
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Dir::Parts</literal> setting reads in all the config fragments "
+"in lexical order from the directory specified. After this is done then the "
+"main config file is loaded."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:420
+msgid ""
+"Binary programs are pointed to by <literal>Dir::Bin</literal>. <literal>Dir::"
+"Bin::Methods</literal> specifies the location of the method handlers and "
+"<literal>gzip</literal>, <literal>bzip2</literal>, <literal>lzma</literal>, "
+"<literal>dpkg</literal>, <literal>apt-get</literal> <literal>dpkg-source</"
+"literal> <literal>dpkg-buildpackage</literal> and <literal>apt-cache</"
+"literal> specify the location of the respective programs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:428
+msgid ""
+"The configuration item <literal>RootDir</literal> has a special meaning. If "
+"set, all paths in <literal>Dir::</literal> will be relative to "
+"<literal>RootDir</literal>, <emphasis>even paths that are specified "
+"absolutely</emphasis>. So, for instance, if <literal>RootDir</literal> is "
+"set to <filename>/tmp/staging</filename> and <literal>Dir::State::status</"
+"literal> is set to <filename>/var/lib/dpkg/status</filename>, then the "
+"status file will be looked up in <filename>/tmp/staging/var/lib/dpkg/status</"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:441
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "APT in DSelect"
+msgstr "DSelect"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:443
+msgid ""
+"When APT is used as a &dselect; method several configuration directives "
+"control the default behaviour. These are in the <literal>DSelect</literal> "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:447
+msgid "Clean"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:448
+msgid ""
+"Cache Clean mode; this value may be one of always, prompt, auto, pre-auto "
+"and never. always and prompt will remove all packages from the cache after "
+"upgrading, prompt (the default) does so conditionally. auto removes only "
+"those packages which are no longer downloadable (replaced with a new version "
+"for instance). pre-auto performs this action before downloading new "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:457
+msgid ""
+"The contents of this variable is passed to &apt-get; as command line options "
+"when it is run for the install phase."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:461
+msgid "Updateoptions"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:462
+msgid ""
+"The contents of this variable is passed to &apt-get; as command line options "
+"when it is run for the update phase."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:466
+msgid "PromptAfterUpdate"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:467
+msgid ""
+"If true the [U]pdate operation in &dselect; will always prompt to continue. "
+"The default is to prompt only on error."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:473
+msgid "How APT calls dpkg"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:474
+msgid ""
+"Several configuration directives control how APT invokes &dpkg;. These are "
+"in the <literal>DPkg</literal> section."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:479
+msgid ""
+"This is a list of options to pass to dpkg. The options must be specified "
+"using the list notation and each list item is passed as a single argument to "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:484
+msgid "Pre-Invoke"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:484
+msgid "Post-Invoke"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:485
+msgid ""
+"This is a list of shell commands to run before/after invoking &dpkg;. Like "
+"<literal>options</literal> this must be specified in list notation. The "
+"commands are invoked in order using <filename>/bin/sh</filename>, should any "
+"fail APT will abort."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:491
+msgid "Pre-Install-Pkgs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:492
+msgid ""
+"This is a list of shell commands to run before invoking dpkg. Like "
+"<literal>options</literal> this must be specified in list notation. The "
+"commands are invoked in order using <filename>/bin/sh</filename>, should any "
+"fail APT will abort. APT will pass to the commands on standard input the "
+"filenames of all .deb files it is going to install, one per line."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:498
+msgid ""
+"Version 2 of this protocol dumps more information, including the protocol "
+"version, the APT configuration space and the packages, files and versions "
+"being changed. Version 2 is enabled by setting <literal>DPkg::Tools::"
+"options::cmd::Version</literal> to 2. <literal>cmd</literal> is a command "
+"given to <literal>Pre-Install-Pkgs</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:505
+msgid "Run-Directory"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:506
+msgid ""
+"APT chdirs to this directory before invoking dpkg, the default is <filename>/"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:510
+msgid "Build-options"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:511
+msgid ""
+"These options are passed to &dpkg-buildpackage; when compiling packages, the "
+"default is to disable signing and produce all binaries."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:516
+msgid "dpkg trigger usage (and related options)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:517
+msgid ""
+"APT can call dpkg in a way so it can make aggressive use of triggers over "
+"multiply calls of dpkg. Without further options dpkg will use triggers only "
+"in between his own run. Activating these options can therefore decrease the "
+"time needed to perform the install / upgrade. Note that it is intended to "
+"activate these options per default in the future, but as it changes the way "
+"APT calling dpkg drastically it needs a lot more testing. <emphasis>These "
+"options are therefore currently experimental and should not be used in "
+"productive environments.</emphasis> Also it breaks the progress reporting so "
+"all frontends will currently stay around half (or more) of the time in the "
+"100% state while it actually configures all packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><literallayout>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:532
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"DPkg::NoTriggers \"true\";\n"
+"PackageManager::Configure \"smart\";\n"
+"DPkg::ConfigurePending \"true\";\n"
+"DPkg::TriggersPending \"true\";"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:526
+msgid ""
+"Note that it is not guaranteed that APT will support these options or that "
+"these options will not cause (big) trouble in the future. If you have "
+"understand the current risks and problems with these options, but are brave "
+"enough to help testing them create a new configuration file and test a "
+"combination of options. Please report any bugs, problems and improvements "
+"you encounter and make sure to note which options you have used in your "
+"reports. Asking dpkg for help could also be useful for debugging proposes, "
+"see e.g. <command>dpkg --audit</command>. A defensive option combination "
+"would be <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:538
+msgid "DPkg::NoTriggers"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:539
+msgid ""
+"Add the no triggers flag to all dpkg calls (except the ConfigurePending "
+"call). See &dpkg; if you are interested in what this actually means. In "
+"short: dpkg will not run the triggers when this flag is present unless it is "
+"explicitly called to do so in an extra call. Note that this option exists "
+"(undocumented) also in older apt versions with a slightly different meaning: "
+"Previously these option only append --no-triggers to the configure calls to "
+"dpkg - now apt will add these flag also to the unpack and remove calls."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:546
+msgid "PackageManager::Configure"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:547
+msgid ""
+"Valid values are \"<literal>all</literal>\", \"<literal>smart</literal>\" "
+"and \"<literal>no</literal>\". \"<literal>all</literal>\" is the default "
+"value and causes APT to configure all packages explicit. The "
+"\"<literal>smart</literal>\" way is it to configure only packages which need "
+"to be configured before another package can be unpacked (Pre-Depends) and "
+"let the rest configure by dpkg with a call generated by the next option. "
+"\"<literal>no</literal>\" on the other hand will not configure anything and "
+"totally rely on dpkg for configuration (which will at the moment fail if a "
+"Pre-Depends is encountered). Setting this option to another than the all "
+"value will implicitly activate also the next option per default as otherwise "
+"the system could end in an unconfigured status which could be unbootable!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:557
+msgid "DPkg::ConfigurePending"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:558
+msgid ""
+"If this option is set apt will call <command>dpkg --configure --pending</"
+"command> to let dpkg handle all required configurations and triggers. This "
+"option is activated automatic per default if the previous option is not set "
+"to <literal>all</literal>, but deactivating could be useful if you want to "
+"run APT multiple times in a row - e.g. in an installer. In these sceneries "
+"you could deactivate this option in all but the last run."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:564
+msgid "DPkg::TriggersPending"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:565
+msgid ""
+"Useful for <literal>smart</literal> configuration as a package which has "
+"pending triggers is not considered as <literal>installed</literal> and dpkg "
+"treats them as <literal>unpacked</literal> currently which is a dealbreaker "
+"for Pre-Dependencies (see debbugs #526774). Note that this will process all "
+"triggers, not only the triggers needed to configure this package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:570
+msgid "PackageManager::UnpackAll"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:571
+msgid ""
+"As the configuration can be deferred to be done at the end by dpkg it can be "
+"tried to order the unpack series only by critical needs, e.g. by Pre-"
+"Depends. Default is true and therefore the \"old\" method of ordering in "
+"various steps by everything. While both method were present in earlier APT "
+"versions the <literal>OrderCritical</literal> method was unused, so this "
+"method is very experimental and needs further improvements before becoming "
+"really useful."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:578
+msgid "OrderList::Score::Immediate"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:586
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"OrderList::Score {\n"
+"\tDelete 500;\n"
+"\tEssential 200;\n"
+"\tImmediate 10;\n"
+"\tPreDepends 50;\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:579
+msgid ""
+"Essential packages (and there dependencies) should be configured immediately "
+"after unpacking. It will be a good idea to do this quite early in the "
+"upgrade process as these these configure calls require currently also "
+"<literal>DPkg::TriggersPending</literal> which will run quite a few triggers "
+"(which maybe not needed). Essentials get per default a high score but the "
+"immediate flag is relatively low (a package which has a Pre-Depends is "
+"higher rated). These option and the others in the same group can be used to "
+"change the scoring. The following example shows the settings with there "
+"default values. <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:599
+msgid "Periodic and Archives options"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:600
+msgid ""
+"<literal>APT::Periodic</literal> and <literal>APT::Archives</literal> groups "
+"of options configure behavior of apt periodic updates, which is done by "
+"<literal>/etc/cron.daily/apt</literal> script. See header of this script for "
+"the brief documentation of these options."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:608
+msgid "Debug options"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:610
+msgid ""
+"Enabling options in the <literal>Debug::</literal> section will cause "
+"debugging information to be sent to the standard error stream of the program "
+"utilizing the <literal>apt</literal> libraries, or enable special program "
+"modes that are primarily useful for debugging the behavior of <literal>apt</"
+"literal>. Most of these options are not interesting to a normal user, but a "
+"few may be:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:621
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal> enables output about the "
+"decisions made by <literal>dist-upgrade, upgrade, install, remove, purge</"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:629
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Debug::NoLocking</literal> disables all file locking. This can be "
+"used to run some operations (for instance, <literal>apt-get -s install</"
+"literal>) as a non-root user."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:638
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgPM</literal> prints out the actual command line each "
+"time that <literal>apt</literal> invokes &dpkg;."
+msgstr ""
+#. TODO: provide a
+#. motivating example, except I haven't a clue why you'd want
+#. to do this.
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:646
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Debug::IdentCdrom</literal> disables the inclusion of statfs data "
+"in CDROM IDs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:656
+msgid "A full list of debugging options to apt follows."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:661
+msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::cdrom</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:665
+msgid ""
+"Print information related to accessing <literal>cdrom://</literal> sources."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:672
+msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::ftp</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:676
+msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using FTP."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:683
+msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::http</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:687
+msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using HTTP."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:694
+msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::https</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:698
+msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using HTTPS."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:705
+msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::gpgv</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:709
+msgid ""
+"Print information related to verifying cryptographic signatures using "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:716
+msgid "<literal>Debug::aptcdrom</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:720
+msgid ""
+"Output information about the process of accessing collections of packages "
+"stored on CD-ROMs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:727
+msgid "<literal>Debug::BuildDeps</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:730
+msgid "Describes the process of resolving build-dependencies in &apt-get;."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:737
+msgid "<literal>Debug::Hashes</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:740
+msgid ""
+"Output each cryptographic hash that is generated by the <literal>apt</"
+"literal> libraries."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:747
+msgid "<literal>Debug::IdentCDROM</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:750
+msgid ""
+"Do not include information from <literal>statfs</literal>, namely the number "
+"of used and free blocks on the CD-ROM filesystem, when generating an ID for "
+"a CD-ROM."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:758
+msgid "<literal>Debug::NoLocking</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:761
+msgid ""
+"Disable all file locking. For instance, this will allow two instances of "
+"<quote><literal>apt-get update</literal></quote> to run at the same time."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:769
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:773
+msgid "Log when items are added to or removed from the global download queue."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:780
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Auth</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:783
+msgid ""
+"Output status messages and errors related to verifying checksums and "
+"cryptographic signatures of downloaded files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:790
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Diffs</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:793
+msgid ""
+"Output information about downloading and applying package index list diffs, "
+"and errors relating to package index list diffs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:801
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::RRed</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:805
+msgid ""
+"Output information related to patching apt package lists when downloading "
+"index diffs instead of full indices."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:812
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Worker</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:816
+msgid ""
+"Log all interactions with the sub-processes that actually perform downloads."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:823
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAutoRemove</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:827
+msgid ""
+"Log events related to the automatically-installed status of packages and to "
+"the removal of unused packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:834
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::AutoInstall</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:837
+msgid ""
+"Generate debug messages describing which packages are being automatically "
+"installed to resolve dependencies. This corresponds to the initial auto-"
+"install pass performed in, e.g., <literal>apt-get install</literal>, and not "
+"to the full <literal>apt</literal> dependency resolver; see <literal>Debug::"
+"pkgProblemResolver</literal> for that."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:848
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::Marker</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:851
+msgid ""
+"Generate debug messages describing which package is marked as keep/install/"
+"remove while the ProblemResolver does his work. Each addition or deletion "
+"may trigger additional actions; they are shown indented two additional space "
+"under the original entry. The format for each line is <literal>MarkKeep</"
+"literal>, <literal>MarkDelete</literal> or <literal>MarkInstall</literal> "
+"followed by <literal>package-name &lt;a.b.c -&gt; d.e.f | x.y.z&gt; (section)"
+"</literal> where <literal>a.b.c</literal> is the current version of the "
+"package, <literal>d.e.f</literal> is the version considered for installation "
+"and <literal>x.y.z</literal> is a newer version, but not considered for "
+"installation (because of a low pin score). The later two can be omitted if "
+"there is none or if it is the same version as the installed. "
+"<literal>section</literal> is the name of the section the package appears in."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:870
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgInitConfig</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:873
+msgid "Dump the default configuration to standard error on startup."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:880
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgPM</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:883
+msgid ""
+"When invoking &dpkg;, output the precise command line with which it is being "
+"invoked, with arguments separated by a single space character."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:891
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:894
+msgid ""
+"Output all the data received from &dpkg; on the status file descriptor and "
+"any errors encountered while parsing it."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:901
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgOrderList</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:905
+msgid ""
+"Generate a trace of the algorithm that decides the order in which "
+"<literal>apt</literal> should pass packages to &dpkg;."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:913
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgPackageManager</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:917
+msgid ""
+"Output status messages tracing the steps performed when invoking &dpkg;."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:924
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgPolicy</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:928
+msgid "Output the priority of each package list on startup."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:934
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:938
+msgid ""
+"Trace the execution of the dependency resolver (this applies only to what "
+"happens when a complex dependency problem is encountered)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:946
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver::ShowScores</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:949
+msgid ""
+"Display a list of all installed packages with their calculated score used by "
+"the pkgProblemResolver. The description of the package is the same as "
+"described in <literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::Marker</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:957
+msgid "<literal>Debug::sourceList</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:961
+msgid ""
+"Print information about the vendors read from <filename>/etc/apt/vendors."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:983
+msgid ""
+"&configureindex; is a configuration file showing example values for all "
+"possible options."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:990
+msgid "&file-aptconf;"
+msgstr ""
+#. ? reading apt.conf
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:995
+msgid "&apt-cache;, &apt-config;, &apt-preferences;."
+msgstr ""
+#. The last update date
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:13
+msgid "&; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>04 May 2009</date>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:21 apt_preferences.5.xml:28
+msgid "apt_preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:29
+msgid "Preference control file for APT"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:34
+msgid ""
+"The APT preferences file <filename>/etc/apt/preferences</filename> and the "
+"fragment files in the <filename>/etc/apt/preferences.d/</filename> folder "
+"can be used to control which versions of packages will be selected for "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:39
+msgid ""
+"Several versions of a package may be available for installation when the "
+"&sources-list; file contains references to more than one distribution (for "
+"example, <literal>stable</literal> and <literal>testing</literal>). APT "
+"assigns a priority to each version that is available. Subject to dependency "
+"constraints, <command>apt-get</command> selects the version with the highest "
+"priority for installation. The APT preferences file overrides the "
+"priorities that APT assigns to package versions by default, thus giving the "
+"user control over which one is selected for installation."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:49
+msgid ""
+"Several instances of the same version of a package may be available when the "
+"&sources-list; file contains references to more than one source. In this "
+"case <command>apt-get</command> downloads the instance listed earliest in "
+"the &sources-list; file. The APT preferences file does not affect the "
+"choice of instance, only the choice of version."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:56
+msgid "APT's Default Priority Assignments"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:71
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "<command>apt-get install -t testing <replaceable>some-package</replaceable></command>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:74
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "APT::Default-Release \"stable\";\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:58
+msgid ""
+"If there is no preferences file or if there is no entry in the file that "
+"applies to a particular version then the priority assigned to that version "
+"is the priority of the distribution to which that version belongs. It is "
+"possible to single out a distribution, \"the target release\", which "
+"receives a higher priority than other distributions do by default. The "
+"target release can be set on the <command>apt-get</command> command line or "
+"in the APT configuration file <filename>/etc/apt/apt.conf</filename>. Note "
+"that this has precedence over any general priority you set in the <filename>/"
+"etc/apt/preferences</filename> file described later, but not over "
+"specifically pinned packages. For example, <placeholder type="
+"\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/> <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"1\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:83
+msgid "priority 100"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:84
+msgid "to the version that is already installed (if any)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:88
+msgid "priority 500"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:89
+msgid ""
+"to the versions that are not installed and do not belong to the target "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:93
+msgid "priority 990"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:94
+msgid ""
+"to the versions that are not installed and belong to the target release."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:78
+msgid ""
+"If the target release has been specified then APT uses the following "
+"algorithm to set the priorities of the versions of a package. Assign: "
+"<placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:99
+msgid ""
+"If the target release has not been specified then APT simply assigns "
+"priority 100 to all installed package versions and priority 500 to all "
+"uninstalled package versions."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:103
+msgid ""
+"APT then applies the following rules, listed in order of precedence, to "
+"determine which version of a package to install."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:106
+msgid ""
+"Never downgrade unless the priority of an available version exceeds 1000. "
+"(\"Downgrading\" is installing a less recent version of a package in place "
+"of a more recent version. Note that none of APT's default priorities "
+"exceeds 1000; such high priorities can only be set in the preferences file. "
+"Note also that downgrading a package can be risky.)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:112
+msgid "Install the highest priority version."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:113
+msgid ""
+"If two or more versions have the same priority, install the most recent one "
+"(that is, the one with the higher version number)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:116
+msgid ""
+"If two or more versions have the same priority and version number but either "
+"the packages differ in some of their metadata or the <literal>--reinstall</"
+"literal> option is given, install the uninstalled one."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:122
+msgid ""
+"In a typical situation, the installed version of a package (priority 100) "
+"is not as recent as one of the versions available from the sources listed in "
+"the &sources-list; file (priority 500 or 990). Then the package will be "
+"upgraded when <command>apt-get install <replaceable>some-package</"
+"replaceable></command> or <command>apt-get upgrade</command> is executed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:129
+msgid ""
+"More rarely, the installed version of a package is <emphasis>more</emphasis> "
+"recent than any of the other available versions. The package will not be "
+"downgraded when <command>apt-get install <replaceable>some-package</"
+"replaceable></command> or <command>apt-get upgrade</command> is executed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:134
+msgid ""
+"Sometimes the installed version of a package is more recent than the version "
+"belonging to the target release, but not as recent as a version belonging to "
+"some other distribution. Such a package will indeed be upgraded when "
+"<command>apt-get install <replaceable>some-package</replaceable></command> "
+"or <command>apt-get upgrade</command> is executed, because at least "
+"<emphasis>one</emphasis> of the available versions has a higher priority "
+"than the installed version."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:143
+msgid "The Effect of APT Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:145
+msgid ""
+"The APT preferences file allows the system administrator to control the "
+"assignment of priorities. The file consists of one or more multi-line "
+"records separated by blank lines. Records can have one of two forms, a "
+"specific form and a general form."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:151
+msgid ""
+"The specific form assigns a priority (a \"Pin-Priority\") to one or more "
+"specified packages and specified version or version range. For example, the "
+"following record assigns a high priority to all versions of the "
+"<filename>perl</filename> package whose version number begins with "
+"\"<literal>5.8</literal>\". Multiple packages can be separated by spaces."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:158
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: perl\n"
+"Pin: version 5.8*\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 1001\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:164
+msgid ""
+"The general form assigns a priority to all of the package versions in a "
+"given distribution (that is, to all the versions of packages that are listed "
+"in a certain <filename>Release</filename> file) or to all of the package "
+"versions coming from a particular Internet site, as identified by the site's "
+"fully qualified domain name."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:170
+msgid ""
+"This general-form entry in the APT preferences file applies only to groups "
+"of packages. For example, the following record assigns a high priority to "
+"all package versions available from the local site."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:175
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: origin \"\"\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 999\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:180
+msgid ""
+"A note of caution: the keyword used here is \"<literal>origin</literal>\". "
+"This should not be confused with the Origin of a distribution as specified "
+"in a <filename>Release</filename> file. What follows the \"Origin:\" tag in "
+"a <filename>Release</filename> file is not an Internet address but an author "
+"or vendor name, such as \"Debian\" or \"Ximian\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:186
+msgid ""
+"The following record assigns a low priority to all package versions "
+"belonging to any distribution whose Archive name is \"<literal>unstable</"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:190
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:195
+msgid ""
+"The following record assigns a high priority to all package versions "
+"belonging to any distribution whose Codename is \"<literal>squeeze</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:199
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release n=squeeze\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 900\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:204
+msgid ""
+"The following record assigns a high priority to all package versions "
+"belonging to any release whose Archive name is \"<literal>stable</literal>\" "
+"and whose release Version number is \"<literal>3.0</literal>\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:209
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=stable, v=3.0\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 500\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:220
+msgid "How APT Interprets Priorities"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:228
+msgid "P &gt; 1000"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:229
+msgid ""
+"causes a version to be installed even if this constitutes a downgrade of the "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:233
+msgid "990 &lt; P &lt;=1000"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:234
+msgid ""
+"causes a version to be installed even if it does not come from the target "
+"release, unless the installed version is more recent"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:239
+msgid "500 &lt; P &lt;=990"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:240
+msgid ""
+"causes a version to be installed unless there is a version available "
+"belonging to the target release or the installed version is more recent"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:245
+msgid "100 &lt; P &lt;=500"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:246
+msgid ""
+"causes a version to be installed unless there is a version available "
+"belonging to some other distribution or the installed version is more recent"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:251
+msgid "0 &lt; P &lt;=100"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:252
+msgid ""
+"causes a version to be installed only if there is no installed version of "
+"the package"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:256
+msgid "P &lt; 0"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:257
+msgid "prevents the version from being installed"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:223
+msgid ""
+"Priorities (P) assigned in the APT preferences file must be positive or "
+"negative integers. They are interpreted as follows (roughly speaking): "
+"<placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:262
+msgid ""
+"If any specific-form records match an available package version then the "
+"first such record determines the priority of the package version. Failing "
+"that, if any general-form records match an available package version then "
+"the first such record determines the priority of the package version."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:268
+msgid ""
+"For example, suppose the APT preferences file contains the three records "
+"presented earlier:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:272
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: perl\n"
+"Pin: version 5.8*\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 1001\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: origin \"\"\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 999\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:285
+msgid "Then:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:287
+msgid ""
+"The most recent available version of the <literal>perl</literal> package "
+"will be installed, so long as that version's version number begins with "
+"\"<literal>5.8</literal>\". If <emphasis>any</emphasis> 5.8* version of "
+"<literal>perl</literal> is available and the installed version is 5.9*, then "
+"<literal>perl</literal> will be downgraded."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:292
+msgid ""
+"A version of any package other than <literal>perl</literal> that is "
+"available from the local system has priority over other versions, even "
+"versions belonging to the target release."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:296
+msgid ""
+"A version of a package whose origin is not the local system but some other "
+"site listed in &sources-list; and which belongs to an <literal>unstable</"
+"literal> distribution is only installed if it is selected for installation "
+"and no version of the package is already installed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:306
+msgid "Determination of Package Version and Distribution Properties"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:308
+msgid ""
+"The locations listed in the &sources-list; file should provide "
+"<filename>Packages</filename> and <filename>Release</filename> files to "
+"describe the packages available at that location."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:320
+msgid "the <literal>Package:</literal> line"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:321
+msgid "gives the package name"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:324 apt_preferences.5.xml:374
+msgid "the <literal>Version:</literal> line"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:325
+msgid "gives the version number for the named package"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:312
+msgid ""
+"The <filename>Packages</filename> file is normally found in the directory "
+"filename>: for example, <filename>.../dists/stable/main/binary-i386/"
+"Packages</filename>. It consists of a series of multi-line records, one for "
+"each package available in that directory. Only two lines in each record are "
+"relevant for setting APT priorities: <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id="
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:341
+msgid "the <literal>Archive:</literal> or <literal>Suite:</literal> line"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:342
+msgid ""
+"names the archive to which all the packages in the directory tree belong. "
+"For example, the line \"Archive: stable\" or \"Suite: stable\" specifies "
+"that all of the packages in the directory tree below the parent of the "
+"<filename>Release</filename> file are in a <literal>stable</literal> "
+"archive. Specifying this value in the APT preferences file would require "
+"the line:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:352
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Pin: release a=stable\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:358
+msgid "the <literal>Codename:</literal> line"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:359
+msgid ""
+"names the codename to which all the packages in the directory tree belong. "
+"For example, the line \"Codename: squeeze\" specifies that all of the "
+"packages in the directory tree below the parent of the <filename>Release</"
+"filename> file belong to a version named <literal>squeeze</literal>. "
+"Specifying this value in the APT preferences file would require the line:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:368
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Pin: release n=squeeze\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:375
+msgid ""
+"names the release version. For example, the packages in the tree might "
+"belong to Debian GNU/Linux release version 3.0. Note that there is normally "
+"no version number for the <literal>testing</literal> and <literal>unstable</"
+"literal> distributions because they have not been released yet. Specifying "
+"this in the APT preferences file would require one of the following lines."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:384
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Pin: release v=3.0\n"
+"Pin: release a=stable, v=3.0\n"
+"Pin: release 3.0\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:393
+msgid "the <literal>Component:</literal> line"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:394
+msgid ""
+"names the licensing component associated with the packages in the directory "
+"tree of the <filename>Release</filename> file. For example, the line "
+"\"Component: main\" specifies that all the packages in the directory tree "
+"are from the <literal>main</literal> component, which entails that they are "
+"licensed under terms listed in the Debian Free Software Guidelines. "
+"Specifying this component in the APT preferences file would require the line:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:403
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Pin: release c=main\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:409
+msgid "the <literal>Origin:</literal> line"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:410
+msgid ""
+"names the originator of the packages in the directory tree of the "
+"<filename>Release</filename> file. Most commonly, this is <literal>Debian</"
+"literal>. Specifying this origin in the APT preferences file would require "
+"the line:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:416
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Pin: release o=Debian\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:422
+msgid "the <literal>Label:</literal> line"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:423
+msgid ""
+"names the label of the packages in the directory tree of the "
+"<filename>Release</filename> file. Most commonly, this is <literal>Debian</"
+"literal>. Specifying this label in the APT preferences file would require "
+"the line:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:429
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Pin: release l=Debian\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:330
+msgid ""
+"The <filename>Release</filename> file is normally found in the directory "
+"<filename>.../dists/<replaceable>dist-name</replaceable></filename>: for "
+"example, <filename>.../dists/stable/Release</filename>, or <filename>.../"
+"dists/woody/Release</filename>. It consists of a single multi-line record "
+"which applies to <emphasis>all</emphasis> of the packages in the directory "
+"tree below its parent. Unlike the <filename>Packages</filename> file, "
+"nearly all of the lines in a <filename>Release</filename> file are relevant "
+"for setting APT priorities: <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:436
+msgid ""
+"All of the <filename>Packages</filename> and <filename>Release</filename> "
+"files retrieved from locations listed in the &sources-list; file are stored "
+"in the directory <filename>/var/lib/apt/lists</filename>, or in the file "
+"named by the variable <literal>Dir::State::Lists</literal> in the "
+"<filename>apt.conf</filename> file. For example, the file <filename>debian."
+"</filename> "
+"contains the <filename>Release</filename> file retrieved from the site "
+"<literal></literal> for <literal>binary-i386</literal> "
+"architecture files from the <literal>contrib</literal> component of the "
+"<literal>unstable</literal> distribution."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:449
+msgid "Optional Lines in an APT Preferences Record"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:451
+msgid ""
+"Each record in the APT preferences file can optionally begin with one or "
+"more lines beginning with the word <literal>Explanation:</literal>. This "
+"provides a place for comments."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:455
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Pin-Priority:</literal> line in each APT preferences record is "
+"optional. If omitted, APT assigns a priority of 1 less than the last value "
+"specified on a line beginning with <literal>Pin-Priority: release ...</"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:464
+msgid "Tracking Stable"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:472
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Explanation: Uninstall or do not install any Debian-originated\n"
+"Explanation: package versions other than those in the stable distro\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=stable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 900\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release o=Debian\n"
+"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:466
+msgid ""
+"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a priority "
+"higher than the default (500) to all package versions belonging to a "
+"<literal>stable</literal> distribution and a prohibitively low priority to "
+"package versions belonging to other <literal>Debian</literal> "
+"distributions. <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:489 apt_preferences.5.xml:535
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:593
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"apt-get install <replaceable>package-name</replaceable>\n"
+"apt-get upgrade\n"
+"apt-get dist-upgrade\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:484
+msgid ""
+"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
+"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest "
+"<literal>stable</literal> version(s). <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:501
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/testing\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:495
+msgid ""
+"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
+"latest version from the <literal>testing</literal> distribution; the package "
+"will not be upgraded again unless this command is given again. <placeholder "
+"type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:507
+msgid "Tracking Testing or Unstable"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:516
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=testing\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 900\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 800\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release o=Debian\n"
+"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:509
+msgid ""
+"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a high priority "
+"to package versions from the <literal>testing</literal> distribution, a "
+"lower priority to package versions from the <literal>unstable</literal> "
+"distribution, and a prohibitively low priority to package versions from "
+"other <literal>Debian</literal> distributions. <placeholder type="
+"\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:530
+msgid ""
+"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
+"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest "
+"<literal>testing</literal> version(s). <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:550
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/unstable\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:541
+msgid ""
+"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
+"latest version from the <literal>unstable</literal> distribution. "
+"Thereafter, <command>apt-get upgrade</command> will upgrade the package to "
+"the most recent <literal>testing</literal> version if that is more recent "
+"than the installed version, otherwise, to the most recent <literal>unstable</"
+"literal> version if that is more recent than the installed version. "
+"<placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:557
+msgid "Tracking the evolution of a codename release"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:571
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Explanation: Uninstall or do not install any Debian-originated package versions\n"
+"Explanation: other than those in the distribution codenamed with squeeze or sid\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release n=squeeze\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 900\n"
+"Explanation: Debian unstable is always codenamed with sid\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=sid\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 800\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release o=Debian\n"
+"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:559
+msgid ""
+"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a priority "
+"higher than the default (500) to all package versions belonging to a "
+"specified codename of a distribution and a prohibitively low priority to "
+"package versions belonging to other <literal>Debian</literal> distributions, "
+"codenames and archives. Note that with this APT preference APT will follow "
+"the migration of a release from the archive <literal>testing</literal> to "
+"<literal>stable</literal> and later <literal>oldstable</literal>. If you "
+"want to follow for example the progress in <literal>testing</literal> "
+"notwithstanding the codename changes you should use the example "
+"configurations above. <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:588
+msgid ""
+"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
+"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest version(s) in "
+"the release codenamed with <literal>squeeze</literal>. <placeholder type="
+"\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:608
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/sid\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:599
+msgid ""
+"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
+"latest version from the <literal>sid</literal> distribution. Thereafter, "
+"<command>apt-get upgrade</command> will upgrade the package to the most "
+"recent <literal>squeeze</literal> version if that is more recent than the "
+"installed version, otherwise, to the most recent <literal>sid</literal> "
+"version if that is more recent than the installed version. <placeholder "
+"type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:617
+msgid "&file-preferences;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:623
+msgid "&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:22 sources.list.5.xml:29
+msgid "sources.list"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:30
+msgid "Package resource list for APT"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:34
+msgid ""
+"The package resource list is used to locate archives of the package "
+"distribution system in use on the system. At this time, this manual page "
+"documents only the packaging system used by the Debian GNU/Linux system. "
+"This control file is <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:39
+msgid ""
+"The source list is designed to support any number of active sources and a "
+"variety of source media. The file lists one source per line, with the most "
+"preferred source listed first. The format of each line is: <literal>type uri "
+"args</literal> The first item, <literal>type</literal> determines the format "
+"for <literal>args</literal>. <literal>uri</literal> is a Universal Resource "
+"Identifier (URI), which is a superset of the more specific and well-known "
+"Universal Resource Locator, or URL. The rest of the line can be marked as a "
+"comment by using a #."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:50
+msgid "sources.list.d"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:51
+msgid ""
+"The <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list.d</filename> directory provides a way to "
+"add sources.list entries in separate files. The format is the same as for "
+"the regular <filename>sources.list</filename> file. File names need to end "
+"with <filename>.list</filename> and may only contain letters (a-z and A-Z), "
+"digits (0-9), underscore (_), hyphen (-) and period (.) characters. "
+"Otherwise they will be silently ignored."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:60
+msgid "The deb and deb-src types"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:61
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>deb</literal> type describes a typical two-level Debian "
+"archive, <filename>distribution/component</filename>. Typically, "
+"<literal>distribution</literal> is generally one of <literal>stable</"
+"literal> <literal>unstable</literal> or <literal>testing</literal> while "
+"component is one of <literal>main</literal> <literal>contrib</literal> "
+"<literal>non-free</literal> or <literal>non-us</literal>. The <literal>deb-"
+"src</literal> type describes a debian distribution's source code in the same "
+"form as the <literal>deb</literal> type. A <literal>deb-src</literal> line "
+"is required to fetch source indexes."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:73
+msgid ""
+"The format for a <filename>sources.list</filename> entry using the "
+"<literal>deb</literal> and <literal>deb-src</literal> types is:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:76
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "deb uri distribution [component1] [component2] [...]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:78
+msgid ""
+"The URI for the <literal>deb</literal> type must specify the base of the "
+"Debian distribution, from which APT will find the information it needs. "
+"<literal>distribution</literal> can specify an exact path, in which case the "
+"components must be omitted and <literal>distribution</literal> must end with "
+"a slash (/). This is useful for when the case only a particular sub-section "
+"of the archive denoted by the URI is of interest. If <literal>distribution</"
+"literal> does not specify an exact path, at least one <literal>component</"
+"literal> must be present."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:87
+msgid ""
+"<literal>distribution</literal> may also contain a variable, <literal>$(ARCH)"
+"</literal> which expands to the Debian architecture (i386, m68k, "
+"powerpc, ...) used on the system. This permits architecture-independent "
+"<filename>sources.list</filename> files to be used. In general this is only "
+"of interest when specifying an exact path, <literal>APT</literal> will "
+"automatically generate a URI with the current architecture otherwise."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:95
+msgid ""
+"Since only one distribution can be specified per line it may be necessary to "
+"have multiple lines for the same URI, if a subset of all available "
+"distributions or components at that location is desired. APT will sort the "
+"URI list after it has generated a complete set internally, and will collapse "
+"multiple references to the same Internet host, for instance, into a single "
+"connection, so that it does not inefficiently establish an FTP connection, "
+"close it, do something else, and then re-establish a connection to that same "
+"host. This feature is useful for accessing busy FTP sites with limits on the "
+"number of simultaneous anonymous users. APT also parallelizes connections to "
+"different hosts to more effectively deal with sites with low bandwidth."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:107
+msgid ""
+"It is important to list sources in order of preference, with the most "
+"preferred source listed first. Typically this will result in sorting by "
+"speed from fastest to slowest (CD-ROM followed by hosts on a local network, "
+"followed by distant Internet hosts, for example)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:112
+msgid "Some examples:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:114
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"deb stable main contrib non-free\n"
+"deb dists/stable-updates/\n"
+" "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:120
+msgid "URI specification"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:125
+msgid "file"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:127
+msgid ""
+"The file scheme allows an arbitrary directory in the file system to be "
+"considered an archive. This is useful for NFS mounts and local mirrors or "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:134
+msgid ""
+"The cdrom scheme allows APT to use a local CDROM drive with media swapping. "
+"Use the &apt-cdrom; program to create cdrom entries in the source list."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:141
+msgid ""
+"The http scheme specifies an HTTP server for the archive. If an environment "
+"variable <envar>http_proxy</envar> is set with the format http://server:"
+"port/, the proxy server specified in <envar>http_proxy</envar> will be used. "
+"Users of authenticated HTTP/1.1 proxies may use a string of the format "
+"http://user:pass@server:port/. Note that this is an insecure method of "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:152
+msgid ""
+"The ftp scheme specifies an FTP server for the archive. APT's FTP behavior "
+"is highly configurable; for more information see the &apt-conf; manual page. "
+"Please note that a ftp proxy can be specified by using the <envar>ftp_proxy</"
+"envar> environment variable. It is possible to specify a http proxy (http "
+"proxy servers often understand ftp urls) using this method and ONLY this "
+"method. ftp proxies using http specified in the configuration file will be "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:161
+msgid "copy"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:163
+msgid ""
+"The copy scheme is identical to the file scheme except that packages are "
+"copied into the cache directory instead of used directly at their location. "
+"This is useful for people using a zip disk to copy files around with APT."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:168
+msgid "rsh"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:168
+msgid "ssh"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:170
+msgid ""
+"The rsh/ssh method invokes rsh/ssh to connect to a remote host as a given "
+"user and access the files. It is a good idea to do prior arrangements with "
+"RSA keys or rhosts. Access to files on the remote uses standard "
+"<command>find</command> and <command>dd</command> commands to perform the "
+"file transfers from the remote."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:178
+msgid "more recongnizable URI types"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:180
+msgid ""
+"APT can be extended with more methods shipped in other optional packages "
+"which should follow the nameing scheme <literal>apt-transport-"
+"<replaceable>method</replaceable></literal>. The APT team e.g. maintain "
+"also the <literal>apt-transport-https</literal> package which provides "
+"access methods for https-URIs with features similiar to the http method, but "
+"other methods for using e.g. debtorrent are also available, see "
+"<citerefentry> <refentrytitle><filename>apt-transport-debtorrent</filename></"
+"refentrytitle> <manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:122
+msgid ""
+"The currently recognized URI types are cdrom, file, http, ftp, copy, ssh, "
+"rsh. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:194
+msgid ""
+"Uses the archive stored locally (or NFS mounted) at /home/jason/debian for "
+"stable/main, stable/contrib, and stable/non-free."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:196
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "deb file:/home/jason/debian stable main contrib non-free"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:198
+msgid "As above, except this uses the unstable (development) distribution."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:199
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "deb file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:201
+msgid "Source line for the above"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:202
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "deb-src file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:204
+msgid ""
+"Uses HTTP to access the archive at, and uses only the "
+"hamm/main area."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:206
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "deb hamm main"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:208
+msgid ""
+"Uses FTP to access the archive at, under the debian "
+"directory, and uses only the stable/contrib area."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:210
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "deb stable contrib"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:212
+msgid ""
+"Uses FTP to access the archive at, under the debian "
+"directory, and uses only the unstable/contrib area. If this line appears as "
+"well as the one in the previous example in <filename>sources.list</filename> "
+"a single FTP session will be used for both resource lines."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:216
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "deb unstable contrib"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:218
+msgid ""
+"Uses HTTP to access the archive at, under the debian-non-US "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:220
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "deb stable/non-US main contrib non-free"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:229
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "deb unstable/binary-$(ARCH)/"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:222
+msgid ""
+"Uses HTTP to access the archive at, under the debian-non-US "
+"directory, and uses only files found under <filename>unstable/binary-i386</"
+"filename> on i386 machines, <filename>unstable/binary-m68k</filename> on "
+"m68k, and so forth for other supported architectures. [Note this example "
+"only illustrates how to use the substitution variable; non-us is no longer "
+"structured like this] <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:234
+msgid "&apt-cache; &apt-conf;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <title></title>
+#: guide.sgml:4
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "APT User's Guide"
+msgstr "Guida dell'utente di APT"
+#. type: <author></author>
+#: guide.sgml:6 offline.sgml:6
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<name>Jason Gunthorpe </name><email></email>"
+msgstr "<name>Jason Gunthorpe </name><email></email>"
+#. type: <version></version>
+#: guide.sgml:7
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "$Id: guide.sgml,v 1.7 2003/04/26 23:26:13 doogie Exp $"
+msgstr "$Id:,v 1.5 2003/04/26 23:26:13 doogie Exp $"
+#. type: <abstract></abstract>
+#: guide.sgml:11
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"This document provides an overview of how to use the the APT package manager."
+msgstr "Guida per l'uso del gestore di pacchetti APT."
+#. type: <copyrightsummary></copyrightsummary>
+#: guide.sgml:15
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Copyright &copy; Jason Gunthorpe, 1998."
+msgstr "Copyright &copy; Jason Gunthorpe, 1998."
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:21 offline.sgml:22
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"\"APT\" and this document are free software; you can redistribute them and/"
+"or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public License as "
+"published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, "
+"or (at your option) any later version."
+msgstr ""
+"\"APT\" e questo documento sono software libero, e li si può ridistribuire e/"
+"o modificare secondo i termini della Licenza Pubblica Generica GNU (GPL), "
+"pubblicata dalla Free Software Foundation, nella versione 2 o (se preferite) "
+"qualsiasi versione successiva."
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:24 offline.sgml:25
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"For more details, on Debian GNU/Linux systems, see the file /usr/share/"
+"common-licenses/GPL for the full license."
+msgstr ""
+"Per ulteriori dettagli sui sistemi GNU/Linux si veda il testo completo della "
+"licenza nel file /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL."
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:32
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Descrizione generale"
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:38
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The APT package currently contains two sections, the APT <prgn>dselect</"
+"prgn> method and the <prgn>apt-get</prgn> command line user interface. Both "
+"provide a way to install and remove packages as well as download new "
+"packages from the Internet."
+msgstr ""
+"Il pacchetto APT al momento contiene due sezioni, il metodo APT "
+"<prgn>dselect</prgn> e l'interfaccia utente a linea di comando <prgn>apt-"
+"get</prgn>; entrambi danno modo di installare e rimuovere pacchetti, e di "
+"scaricarne altri da Internet."
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:39
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Anatomy of the Package System"
+msgstr "Anatomia del sistema di pacchettizzazione"
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:44
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The Debian packaging system has a large amount of information associated "
+"with each package to help assure that it integrates cleanly and easily into "
+"the system. The most prominent of its features is the dependency system."
+msgstr ""
+"Il sistema di pacchettizzazione di Debian contiene un gran numero di "
+"informazioni associate a ciascun pacchetto, per assicurarsi che si integri "
+"facilmente ed in maniera pulita nel sistema; la più importante di esse è il "
+"sistema di dipendenze."
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:52
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The dependency system allows individual programs to make use of shared "
+"elements in the system such as libraries. It simplifies placing infrequently "
+"used portions of a program in separate packages to reduce the number of "
+"things the average user is required to install. Also, it allows for choices "
+"in mail transport agents, X servers and so on."
+msgstr ""
+"Il sistema di dipendenze permette ai singoli programmi di fare uso degli "
+"elementi condivisi del sistema, quali le librerie; per ridurre il numero di "
+"elementi che l'utente medio debba installare, le porzioni di programmi che "
+"non vengono usate spesso vengono poste in pacchetti separati. Inoltre, è "
+"possibile avere più di una scelta per cose quali i programmi di posta "
+"elettronica, i server X e così via."
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:57
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The first step to understanding the dependency system is to grasp the "
+"concept of a simple dependency. The meaning of a simple dependency is that a "
+"package requires another package to be installed at the same time to work "
+msgstr ""
+"Il primo passo per capire il sistema di dipendenze è la comprensione del "
+"concetto di dipendenza semplice: un pacchetto richiede che un altro sia "
+"installato insieme ad esso per poter funzionare."
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:63
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"For instance, mailcrypt is an emacs extension that aids in encrypting email "
+"with GPG. Without GPGP installed mail-crypt is useless, so mailcrypt has a "
+"simple dependency on GPG. Also, because it is an emacs extension it has a "
+"simple dependency on emacs, without emacs it is completely useless."
+msgstr ""
+"Ad esempio, mail-crypt è un'estensione di emacs che aiuta a criptare le mail "
+"con PGP. Se PGP non è installato, mail-crypt è inutile, quindi mail-crypt ha "
+"una dipendenza semplice da PGP. Inoltre, dato che si tratta di un'estensione "
+"di emacs, mail-crypt dipende anche da emacs, senza il quale è totalmente "
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:73
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The other important dependency to understand is a conflicting dependency. It "
+"means that a package, when installed with another package, will not work and "
+"may possibly be extremely harmful to the system. As an example consider a "
+"mail transport agent such as sendmail, exim or qmail. It is not possible to "
+"have two mail transport agents installed because both need to listen to the "
+"network to receive mail. Attempting to install two will seriously damage the "
+"system so all mail transport agents have a conflicting dependency with all "
+"other mail transport agents."
+msgstr ""
+"L'altro tipo di dipendenza importante da capire è la dipendenza di "
+"conflitto; con questa, un pacchetto che venga installato insieme ad un altro "
+"pacchetto non funziona, e si hanno seri problemi al sistema. Come esempio, "
+"si consideri un programma di trasporto della posta, quale sendmail, exim o "
+"qmail: non è possibile averne due contemporaneamente, perché entrambi hanno "
+"bisogno di restare in ascolto sulla stessa porta di rete per ricevere la "
+"posta. Tentare di installarne due danneggerebbe seriamente il sistema, "
+"quindi ciascun programma di trasporto della posta ha una dipendenza di "
+"conflitto con tutti gli altri."
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:83
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"As an added complication there is the possibility for a package to pretend "
+"to be another package. Consider that exim and sendmail for many intents are "
+"identical, they both deliver mail and understand a common interface. Hence, "
+"the package system has a way for them to declare that they are both mail-"
+"transport-agents. So, exim and sendmail both declare that they provide a "
+"mail-transport-agent and other packages that need a mail transport agent "
+"depend on mail-transport-agent. This can add a great deal of confusion when "
+"trying to manually fix packages."
+msgstr ""
+"Come ulteriore complicazione, c'è la possibilità che un pacchetto voglia "
+"prendere il posto di un altro; ad esempio, exim e sendmail per molte cose "
+"sono identici, dato che entrambi gestiscono la posta e comprendono "
+"un'interfaccia comune, quindi il sistema di pacchettizzazione deve "
+"dichiarare che sono entrambi agenti di trasporto della posta, e che gli "
+"altri pacchetti a cui serve uno dei due devono dipendere da un pacchetto "
+"fittizio agente-di-trasporto-della-posta. Quando si modificano a mano i "
+"pacchetti, questo può portare a moltissima confusione."
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:88
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"At any given time a single dependency may be met by packages that are "
+"already installed or it may not be. APT attempts to help resolve dependency "
+"issues by providing a number of automatic algorithms that help in selecting "
+"packages for installation."
+msgstr ""
+"In ciascun momento una singola dipendenza può essere soddisfatta o meno dai "
+"pacchetti già installati; APT cerca di risolvere i problemi di dipendenze "
+"con un buon numero di algoritmi automatici, che aiutano a selezionare i "
+"pacchetti da installare."
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:102
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<prgn>apt-get</prgn> provides a simple way to install packages from the "
+"command line. Unlike <prgn>dpkg</prgn>, <prgn>apt-get</prgn> does not "
+"understand .deb files, it works with the package's proper name and can only "
+"install .deb archives from a <em>Source</em>."
+msgstr ""
+"<prgn>apt-get</prgn> fornisce un modo semplice di installare i pacchetti "
+"dalla linea di comando. Diversamente da <prgn>dpkg</prgn>, <prgn>apt-get</"
+"prgn> non capisce i nomi dei file .deb, ma utilizza il vero nome dei "
+"pacchetti, e può installare archivi .deb solo da una fonte."
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:109
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The first <footnote><p>If you are using an http proxy server you must set "
+"the http_proxy environment variable first, see sources.list(5)</p></"
+"footnote> thing that should be done before using <prgn>apt-get</prgn> is to "
+"fetch the package lists from the <em>Sources</em> so that it knows what "
+"packages are available. This is done with <tt>apt-get update</tt>. For "
+msgstr ""
+"La prima <footnote><p>Se state usando un proxy server http, dovete prima "
+"ancora impostare la variabile d'ambiente http_proxy; vedere sources.list(5)."
+"</p></footnote> cosa da fare prima di usare <prgn>apt-get</prgn> è impostare "
+"l'elenco dei pacchetti dalle fonti in modo che il programma sappia quali "
+"pacchetti sono disponibili. Lo si fa con <tt>apt-get update</tt>. Ad esempio,"
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:116
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"# apt-get update\n"
+"Get stable/binary-i386/ Packages\n"
+"Get testing/contrib Packages\n"
+"Reading Package Lists... Done\n"
+"Building Dependency Tree... Done"
+msgstr ""
+"# apt-get update\n"
+"Get stable/binary-i386/ Packages\n"
+"Get testing/contrib Packages\n"
+"Reading Package Lists... Done\n"
+"Building Dependency Tree... Done"
+#. type: <p><taglist>
+#: guide.sgml:120
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Once updated there are several commands that can be used:"
+msgstr "Dopo aver aggiornato l'elenco si possono usare molti comandi:"
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:131
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Upgrade will attempt to gently upgrade the whole system. Upgrade will never "
+"install a new package or remove an existing package, nor will it ever "
+"upgrade a package that might cause some other package to break. This can be "
+"used daily to relatively safely upgrade the system. Upgrade will list all of "
+"the packages that it could not upgrade, this usually means that they depend "
+"on new packages or conflict with some other package. <prgn>dselect</prgn> or "
+"<tt>apt-get install</tt> can be used to force these packages to install."
+msgstr ""
+"Upgrade tenterà di fare un aggiornamento indolore del sistema completo, "
+"senza installare nuovi pacchetti o rimuoverne di esistenti, e senza "
+"aggiornare un pacchetto che possa rovinarne altri. Upgrade farà un elenco di "
+"tutti i pacchetti che non avrà potuto aggiornare, cosa che in genere "
+"significa che questi dipendono da nuovi pacchetti o vanno in conflitto con "
+"altri. Per forzare la loro installazione si può usare <prgn>dselect</prgn> o "
+"<tt>apt-get install</tt>."
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:140
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Install is used to install packages by name. The package is automatically "
+"fetched and installed. This can be useful if you already know the name of "
+"the package to install and do not want to go into a GUI to select it. Any "
+"number of packages may be passed to install, they will all be fetched. "
+"Install automatically attempts to resolve dependency problems with the "
+"listed packages and will print a summary and ask for confirmation if "
+"anything other than its arguments are changed."
+msgstr ""
+"Install viene usato per installare i singoli pacchetti dando il loro nome. "
+"Il pacchetto viene automaticamente scaricato ed installato, cosa molto utile "
+"se già se ne conosce il nome e non si vuole entrare in grafica per "
+"selezionarlo. Al comando si possono passare anche più pacchetti, che saranno "
+"tutti scaricati. L'installazione automatica cerca di risolvere i problemi di "
+"dipendenze con gli altri pacchetti elencati, stampa un riassunto e chiede "
+"conferma se si devono modificare altri pacchetti che non siano quelli sulla "
+"linea di comando."
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:149
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Dist-upgrade is a complete upgrader designed to simplify upgrading between "
+"releases of Debian. It uses a sophisticated algorithm to determine the best "
+"set of packages to install, upgrade and remove to get as much of the system "
+"to the newest release. In some situations it may be desired to use dist-"
+"upgrade rather than spend the time manually resolving dependencies in "
+"<prgn>dselect</prgn>. Once dist-upgrade has completed then <prgn>dselect</"
+"prgn> can be used to install any packages that may have been left out."
+msgstr ""
+"Dist-upgrade fa un aggiornamento completo, progettato in modo da rendere "
+"semplici gli aggiornamenti tra versioni di Debian. Usa un algoritmo "
+"sofisticato per determinare il miglior insieme di pacchetti da installare, "
+"aggiornare e rimuovere per arrivare alla versione più aggiornata del sistema "
+"possibile. In alcune situazioni può essere vantaggioso usare dist-upgrade "
+"invece che sprecare tempo a risolvere manualmente le dipendenze con "
+"<prgn>dselect</prgn>. Una volta completato dist-upgrade, si può usare "
+"<prgn>dselect</prgn> per installare eventuali pacchetti che sono stati "
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:152
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"It is important to closely look at what dist-upgrade is going to do, its "
+"decisions may sometimes be quite surprising."
+msgstr ""
+"È importante controllare attentamente cosa intende fare dist-upgrade, dato "
+"che le sue decisioni a volte possono essere abbastanza sorprendenti."
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:163
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<prgn>apt-get</prgn> has several command line options that are detailed in "
+"its man page, <manref section=\"8\" name=\"apt-get\">. The most useful "
+"option is <tt>-d</tt> which does not install the fetched files. If the "
+"system has to download a large number of package it would be undesired to "
+"start installing them in case something goes wrong. When <tt>-d</tt> is used "
+"the downloaded archives can be installed by simply running the command that "
+"caused them to be downloaded again without <tt>-d</tt>."
+msgstr ""
+"<prgn>apt-get</prgn> ha diverse opzioni a linea di comando, che vengono "
+"documentate dettagliatamente nella sua pagina man, <manref section=\"8\" "
+"name=\"apt-get\">. L'opzione più utile è <tt>-d</tt>, che non installa i "
+"file scaricati: se il sistema deve scaricare un gran numero di pacchetti, "
+"non è bene farglieli installare subito, in caso dovesse andare male "
+"qualcosa. Dopo aver usato <tt>-d</tt>, gli archivi scaricati possono essere "
+"installati semplicemente dando di nuovo lo stesso comando senza l'opzione "
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:168
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "DSelect"
+msgstr "DSelect"
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:173
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The APT <prgn>dselect</prgn> method provides the complete APT system with "
+"the <prgn>dselect</prgn> package selection GUI. <prgn>dselect</prgn> is used "
+"to select the packages to be installed or removed and APT actually installs "
+msgstr ""
+"Il metodo APT di <prgn>dselect</prgn> fornisce tutte le funzionalità di APT "
+"all'interno dell'interfaccia grafica di selezione dei pacchetti "
+"<prgn>dselect</prgn>. <prgn>dselect</prgn> viene usato per selezionare i "
+"pacchetti da installare o rimuovere, ed APT li installa."
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:184
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"To enable the APT method you need to to select [A]ccess in <prgn>dselect</"
+"prgn> and then choose the APT method. You will be prompted for a set of "
+"<em>Sources</em> which are places to fetch archives from. These can be "
+"remote Internet sites, local Debian mirrors or CDROMs. Each source can "
+"provide a fragment of the total Debian archive, APT will automatically "
+"combine them to form a complete set of packages. If you have a CDROM then it "
+"is a good idea to specify it first and then specify a mirror so that you "
+"have access to the latest bug fixes. APT will automatically use packages on "
+"your CDROM before downloading from the Internet."
+msgstr ""
+"Per abilitare il metodo APT dovete selezionare [A]ccess in <prgn>dselect</"
+"prgn> e scegliere il metodo APT; vi verrà chiesto un insieme di fonti "
+"(<em>Sources</em>), cioè di posti da cui scaricare gli archivi. Tali fonti "
+"possono essere siti Internet remoti, mirror locali di Debian o CDROM; "
+"ciascuna di esse può fornire una parte dell'archivio Debian, ed APT le "
+"combinerà insieme in un set completo di pacchetti. Se avete un CDROM è una "
+"buona idea indicare quello per primo, e poi i mirror, in modo da avere "
+"accesso alle ultime versioni; APT userà in questo modo automaticamente i "
+"pacchetti sul CDROM prima di scaricarli da Internet."
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:198
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" Set up a list of distribution source locations\n"
+"\t \n"
+" Please give the base URL of the debian distribution.\n"
+" The access schemes I know about are: http file\n"
+"\t \n"
+" For example:\n"
+" file:/mnt/debian,\n"
+" \n"
+" \n"
+" URL []:"
+msgstr ""
+" Set up a list of distribution source locations\n"
+"\t \n"
+" Please give the base URL of the debian distribution.\n"
+" The access schemes I know about are: http file\n"
+"\t \n"
+" For example:\n"
+" file:/mnt/debian,\n"
+" \n"
+" \n"
+" URL []:"
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:205
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The <em>Sources</em> setup starts by asking for the base of the Debian "
+"archive, defaulting to a HTTP mirror. Next it asks for the distribution to "
+msgstr ""
+"La configurazione delle fonti inizia chiedendo la base dell'archivio Debian, "
+"propone come default un mirror HTTP, e poi chiede la distribuzione da "
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:212
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" Please give the distribution tag to get or a path to the\n"
+" package file ending in a /. The distribution\n"
+" tags are typically something like: stable unstable testing non-US\n"
+" \n"
+" Distribution [stable]:"
+msgstr ""
+" Please give the distribution tag to get or a path to the\n"
+" package file ending in a /. The distribution\n"
+" tags are typically something like: stable unstable testing non-US\n"
+" \n"
+" Distribution [stable]:"
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:222
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The distribution refers to the Debian version in the archive, <em>stable</"
+"em> refers to the latest released version and <em>unstable</em> refers to "
+"the developmental version. <em>non-US</em> is only available on some mirrors "
+"and refers to packages that contain encryption technology or other things "
+"that cannot be exported from the United States. Importing these packages "
+"into the US is legal however."
+msgstr ""
+"La distribuzione (``distribution'') fa riferimento alla versione Debian "
+"dell'archivio: <em>stable</em> è l'ultima rilasciata, ed <em>unstable</em> è "
+"quella di sviluppo. <em>non-US</em> è disponibile solo su alcuni mirror, e "
+"contiene dei pacchetti in cui viene usata della tecnologia di criptazione o "
+"altre cose che non possano essere esportate dagli Stati Uniti; importare "
+"questi pacchetti negli US è però legale."
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:228
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" Please give the components to get\n"
+" The components are typically something like: main contrib non-free\n"
+" \n"
+" Components [main contrib non-free]:"
+msgstr ""
+" Please give the components to get\n"
+" The components are typically something like: main contrib non-free\n"
+" \n"
+" Components [main contrib non-free]:"
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:236
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The components list refers to the list of sub distributions to fetch. The "
+"distribution is split up based on software licenses, main being DFSG free "
+"packages while contrib and non-free contain things that have various "
+"restrictions placed on their use and distribution."
+msgstr ""
+"L'elenco dei componenti (``components'') si riferisce alla lista di sotto-"
+"distribuzioni da scaricare. Ciascuna distribuzione viene divisa in base al "
+"copyright del software: la main contiene pacchetti la cui licenza soddisfa "
+"le DFSG, mentre contrib e non-free contengono software che ha diverse "
+"restrizioni sull'uso e sulla distribuzione."
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:240
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Any number of sources can be added, the setup script will continue to prompt "
+"until you have specified all that you want."
+msgstr ""
+"Si possono inserire un qualsiasi numero di fonti, e lo script di "
+"configurazione continuerà a chiedere fino a che abbiate specificato tutti "
+"gli elementi che volete."
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:247
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Before starting to use <prgn>dselect</prgn> it is necessary to update the "
+"available list by selecting [U]pdate from the menu. This is a super-set of "
+"<tt>apt-get update</tt> that makes the fetched information available to "
+"<prgn>dselect</prgn>. [U]pdate must be performed even if <tt>apt-get update</"
+"tt> has been run before."
+msgstr ""
+"Prima di cominciare ad usare <prgn>dselect</prgn> è necessario aggiornare "
+"l'elenco dei pacchetti disponibili selezionando [U]pdate dal menù: si tratta "
+"di un sovrainsieme di ciò che fa <tt>apt-get update</tt>, che rende "
+"l'informazione scaricata disponibile a <prgn>dselect</prgn>. [U]pdate deve "
+"essere fatto anche se prima è stato dato <tt>apt-get update</tt>."
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:253
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"You can then go on and make your selections using [S]elect and then perform "
+"the installation using [I]nstall. When using the APT method the [C]onfig and "
+"[R]emove commands have no meaning, the [I]nstall command performs both of "
+"them together."
+msgstr ""
+"Si può a questo punto continuare selezionando i pacchetti desiderati usando "
+"[S]elect e poi installando con [I]nstall. Se si usa il metodo APT, i comandi "
+"[C]onfig e [R]emove non hanno significato, dato che entrambe le fasi sono "
+"contenute in [I]nstall."
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:258
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"By default APT will automatically remove the package (.deb) files once they "
+"have been successfully installed. To change this behavior place <tt>Dselect::"
+"clean \"prompt\";</tt> in /etc/apt/apt.conf."
+msgstr ""
+"Per default APT rimuoverà automaticamente i pacchetti che sono stati "
+"installati con successo. Per modificare questo comportamento, si inserisca "
+"<tt>Dselect::clean \"prompt\";</tt> in /etc/apt/apt.conf."
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:264
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The Interface"
+msgstr "L'interfaccia"
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:278
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Both that APT <prgn>dselect</prgn> method and <prgn>apt-get</prgn> share the "
+"same interface. It is a simple system that generally tells you what it will "
+"do and then goes and does it. <footnote><p>The <prgn>dselect</prgn> method "
+"actually is a set of wrapper scripts to <prgn>apt-get</prgn>. The method "
+"actually provides more functionality than is present in <prgn>apt-get</prgn> "
+"alone.</p></footnote> After printing out a summary of what will happen APT "
+"then will print out some informative status messages so that you can "
+"estimate how far along it is and how much is left to do."
+msgstr ""
+"Entrambi i metodi, <prgn>dselect</prgn> APT ed <prgn>apt-get</prgn>, "
+"condividono la stessa interfaccia; si tratta di un sistema semplice che "
+"indica in genere cosa sta per fare, e poi lo fa. <footnote><p>Il metodo "
+"<prgn>dselect</prgn> è in realtà un insieme di script di wrapper ad "
+"<prgn>apt-get</prgn>. Il metodo fornisce delle funzionalità maggiori del "
+"solo <prgn>apt-get</prgn>.</p></footnote> Dopo la stampa di un riassunto "
+"delle operazioni che saranno fatte, APT stampa dei messaggi informativi "
+"sullo stato del sistema, in modo che possiate avere davanti agli occhi a "
+"quale punto dell'operazione si trova, e quanto ancora si deve aspettare."
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:280
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Startup"
+msgstr "Avvio"
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:284
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Before all operations except update, APT performs a number of actions to "
+"prepare its internal state. It also does some checks of the system's state. "
+"At any time these operations can be performed by running <tt>apt-get check</"
+msgstr ""
+"Prima di ciascuna operazione, eccetto l'aggiornamento della lista, APT "
+"compie alcune operazioni per prepararsi, oltre a dei controlli dello stato "
+"del sistema. In qualsiasi momento le stesse operazioni possono essere fatte "
+"con <tt>apt-get check</tt>"
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:289
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"# apt-get check\n"
+"Reading Package Lists... Done\n"
+"Building Dependency Tree... Done"
+msgstr ""
+"# apt-get check\n"
+"Reading Package Lists... Done\n"
+"Building Dependancy Tree... Done"
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:297
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The first thing it does is read all the package files into memory. APT uses "
+"a caching scheme so this operation will be faster the second time it is run. "
+"If some of the package files are not found then they will be ignored and a "
+"warning will be printed when apt-get exits."
+msgstr ""
+"La prima cosa che fa è leggere tutti i file dei pacchetti in memoria, usando "
+"uno schema di caching in modo da rendere la stessa operazione più veloce la "
+"seconda volta che la si fa. Se alcuni dei file dei pacchetti non vengono "
+"trovati, sono ignorati e viene stampato un avvertimento all'uscita di apt-"
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:303
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The final operation performs a detailed analysis of the system's "
+"dependencies. It checks every dependency of every installed or unpacked "
+"package and considers if it is OK. Should this find a problem then a report "
+"will be printed out and <prgn>apt-get</prgn> will refuse to run."
+msgstr ""
+"L'operazione finale consiste in un'analisi dettagliata delle dipendenze del "
+"sistema: viene controllato che tutte le dipendenze dei singoli pacchetti "
+"installati o non scompattati siano soddisfatte. Se vengono individuati dei "
+"problemi, viene stampato un resoconto, ed <prgn>apt-get</prgn> esce senza "
+"eseguire alcuna operazione."
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:320
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"# apt-get check\n"
+"Reading Package Lists... Done\n"
+"Building Dependency Tree... Done\n"
+"You might want to run apt-get -f install' to correct these.\n"
+"Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:\n"
+" 9fonts: Depends: xlib6g but it is not installed\n"
+" uucp: Depends: mailx but it is not installed\n"
+" blast: Depends: xlib6g (>= 3.3-5) but it is not installed\n"
+" adduser: Depends: perl-base but it is not installed\n"
+" aumix: Depends: libgpmg1 but it is not installed\n"
+" debiandoc-sgml: Depends: sgml-base but it is not installed\n"
+" bash-builtins: Depends: bash (>= 2.01) but 2.0-3 is installed\n"
+" cthugha: Depends: svgalibg1 but it is not installed\n"
+" Depends: xlib6g (>= 3.3-5) but it is not installed\n"
+" libreadlineg2: Conflicts:libreadline2 (<< 2.1-2.1)"
+msgstr ""
+"# apt-get check\n"
+"Reading Package Lists... Done\n"
+"Building Dependancy Tree... Done\n"
+"You might want to run apt-get -f install' to correct these.\n"
+"Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:\n"
+" 9fonts: Depends: xlib6g but it is not installed\n"
+" uucp: Depends: mailx but it is not installed\n"
+" blast: Depends: xlib6g (>= 3.3-5) but it is not installed\n"
+" adduser: Depends: perl-base but it is not installed\n"
+" aumix: Depends: libgpmg1 but it is not installed\n"
+" debiandoc-sgml: Depends: sgml-base but it is not installed\n"
+" bash-builtins: Depends: bash (>= 2.01) but 2.0-3 is installed\n"
+" cthugha: Depends: svgalibg1 but it is not installed\n"
+" Depends: xlib6g (>= 3.3-5) but it is not installed\n"
+" libreadlineg2: Conflicts:libreadline2 (<< 2.1-2.1)"
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:329
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"In this example the system has many problems, including a serious problem "
+"with libreadlineg2. For each package that has unmet dependencies a line is "
+"printed out indicating the package with the problem and the dependencies "
+"that are unmet. A short explanation of why the package has a dependency "
+"problem is also included."
+msgstr ""
+"In questo esempio il sistema ha molti problemi, tra cui uno piuttosto serio "
+"con la libreadlineg2. Per ciascun pacchetto che ha dipendenze non "
+"soddisfatte, viene stampata una linea che indica il pacchetto che crea il "
+"problema e quali problemi ci sono. Viene inclusa inoltre una breve "
+"spiegazione del perché il pacchetto ha un problema di dipendenze."
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:337
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"There are two ways a system can get into a broken state like this. The first "
+"is caused by <prgn>dpkg</prgn> missing some subtle relationships between "
+"packages when performing upgrades. <footnote><p>APT however considers all "
+"known dependencies and attempts to prevent broken packages</p></footnote>. "
+"The second is if a package installation fails during an operation. In this "
+"situation a package may have been unpacked without its dependents being "
+msgstr ""
+"Ci sono due modi in cui un sistema possa arrivare in uno stato problematico "
+"di questo genere: il primo è causato dal fatto che <prgn>dpkg</prgn> possa "
+"mancare alcune relazioni sottili tra pacchetti durante un aggiornamento del "
+"sistema<footnote><p>APT considera comunque tutte le dipendenze note, e cerca "
+"di prevenire problemi ai pacchetti</p></footnote>; il secondo è possibile se "
+"l'installazione di un pacchetto fallisce, ed in questo caso è possibile che "
+"un pacchetto venga scompattato senza che tutti quelli da cui dipende siano "
+"stati installati."
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:345
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The second situation is much less serious than the first because APT places "
+"certain constraints on the order that packages are installed. In both cases "
+"supplying the <tt>-f</tt> option to <prgn>apt-get</prgn> will cause APT to "
+"deduce a possible solution to the problem and then continue on. The APT "
+"<prgn>dselect</prgn> method always supplies the <tt>-f</tt> option to allow "
+"for easy continuation of failed maintainer scripts."
+msgstr ""
+"La seconda possibilità è meno seria della prima, dato che APT gestisce "
+"l'ordine di installazione dei pacchetti; in entrambi i casi l'opzione <tt>-"
+"f</tt> di <prgn>apt-get</prgn> gli farà trovare una soluzione e lo farà "
+"continuare. Il metodo APT di <prgn>dselect</prgn> comprende sempre l'opzione "
+"<tt>-f</tt> per permettere di configurare facilmente anche i pacchetti con "
+"script errati."
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:351
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"However, if the <tt>-f</tt> option is used to correct a seriously broken "
+"system caused by the first case then it is possible that it will either fail "
+"immediately or the installation sequence will fail. In either case it is "
+"necessary to manually use dpkg (possibly with forcing options) to correct "
+"the situation enough to allow APT to proceed."
+msgstr ""
+"Se viene usata però l'opzione <tt>-f</tt> per correggere un sistema in uno "
+"stato molto problematico, è possibile che anche con l'opzione il programma "
+"fallisca, subito o durante la sequenza di installazione. In entrambi i casi "
+"è necessario usare dpkg a mano (probabilmente usando delle opzioni di "
+"forzatura) per correggere quanto basta per poter fare continuare APT."
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:356
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The Status Report"
+msgstr "Il resoconto sullo stato"
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:363
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Before proceeding <prgn>apt-get</prgn> will present a report on what will "
+"happen. Generally the report reflects the type of operation being performed "
+"but there are several common elements. In all cases the lists reflect the "
+"final state of things, taking into account the <tt>-f</tt> option and any "
+"other relevant activities to the command being executed."
+msgstr ""
+"Prima di procedere, <prgn>apt-get</prgn> presenterà un resoconto delle "
+"operazioni che sta per fare. In genere tale resoconto varierà con il tipo di "
+"operazioni da fare, ma ci sono alcuni elementi comuni: in tutti i casi gli "
+"elenchi dipendono dallo stato finale delle cose, e tengono conto "
+"dell'opzione <tt>-f</tt> e di altre attività rilevanti per il comando da "
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:364
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The Extra Package list"
+msgstr "L'elenco dei pacchetti Extra"
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:372
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"The following extra packages will be installed:\n"
+" libdbd-mysql-perl xlib6 zlib1 xzx libreadline2 libdbd-msql-perl\n"
+" mailpgp xdpkg fileutils pinepgp zlib1g xlib6g perl-base\n"
+" bin86 libgdbm1 libgdbmg1 quake-lib gmp2 bcc xbuffy\n"
+" squake pgp-i python-base debmake ldso perl libreadlineg2\n"
+" ssh"
+msgstr ""
+"The following extra packages will be installed:\n"
+" libdbd-mysql-perl xlib6 zlib1 xzx libreadline2 libdbd-msql-perl\n"
+" mailpgp xdpkg fileutils pinepgp zlib1g xlib6g perl-base\n"
+" bin86 libgdbm1 libgdbmg1 quake-lib gmp2 bcc xbuffy\n"
+" squake pgp-i python-base debmake ldso perl libreadlineg2\n"
+" ssh"
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:379
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The Extra Package list shows all of the packages that will be installed or "
+"upgraded in excess of the ones mentioned on the command line. It is only "
+"generated for an <tt>install</tt> command. The listed packages are often the "
+"result of an Auto Install."
+msgstr ""
+"L'elenco dei pacchetti Extra mostra tutti i pacchetti che verranno "
+"installati o aggiornati oltre a quelli indicati sulla linea di comando. "
+"Viene generato solo per il comando <tt>install</tt>. I pacchetti elencati "
+"sono spesso il risultato di un'operazione di auto installazione (Auto "
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:382
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The Packages to Remove"
+msgstr "I pacchetti da rimuovere"
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:389
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"The following packages will be REMOVED:\n"
+" xlib6-dev xpat2 tk40-dev xkeycaps xbattle xonix\n"
+" xdaliclock tk40 tk41 xforms0.86 ghostview xloadimage xcolorsel\n"
+" xadmin xboard perl-debug tkined xtetris libreadline2-dev perl-suid\n"
+" nas xpilot xfig"
+msgstr ""
+"The following packages will be REMOVED:\n"
+" xlib6-dev xpat2 tk40-dev xkeycaps xbattle xonix\n"
+" xdaliclock tk40 tk41 xforms0.86 ghostview xloadimage xcolorsel\n"
+" xadmin xboard perl-debug tkined xtetris libreadline2-dev perl-suid\n"
+" nas xpilot xfig"
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:399
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The Packages to Remove list shows all of the packages that will be removed "
+"from the system. It can be shown for any of the operations and should be "
+"given a careful inspection to ensure nothing important is to be taken off. "
+"The <tt>-f</tt> option is especially good at generating packages to remove "
+"so extreme care should be used in that case. The list may contain packages "
+"that are going to be removed because they are only partially installed, "
+"possibly due to an aborted installation."
+msgstr ""
+"L'elenco dei pacchetti da rimuovere (Remove) indica tutti i pacchetti che "
+"verranno rimossi dal sistema. Può essere mostrato per una qualsiasi delle "
+"operazioni, e deve sempre essere esaminato attentamente per assicurarsi che "
+"non venga eliminato qualcosa di importante. Con l'opzione <tt>-f</tt> è "
+"particolarmente probabile che vengano eliminati dei pacchetti, ed in questo "
+"caso va fatta estrema attenzione. La lista può contenere dei pacchetti che "
+"verranno rimossi perché sono già rimossi parzialmente, forse a causa di "
+"un'installazione non terminata correttamente."
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:402
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The New Packages list"
+msgstr "L'elenco dei nuovi pacchetti installati"
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:406
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"The following NEW packages will installed:\n"
+" zlib1g xlib6g perl-base libgdbmg1 quake-lib gmp2 pgp-i python-base"
+msgstr ""
+"The following NEW packages will installed:\n"
+" zlib1g xlib6g perl-base libgdbmg1 quake-lib gmp2 pgp-i python-base"
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:411
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The New Packages list is simply a reminder of what will happen. The packages "
+"listed are not presently installed in the system but will be when APT is "
+msgstr ""
+"L'elenco dei nuovi pacchetti installati (New) è semplicemente un appunto su "
+"quello che accadrà. I pacchetti nell'elenco non sono al momento installati "
+"nel sistema, ma lo saranno alla fine delle operazioni di APT."
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:414
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The Kept Back list"
+msgstr "L'elenco dei pacchetti trattenuti"
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:419
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"The following packages have been kept back\n"
+" compface man-db tetex-base msql libpaper svgalib1\n"
+" gs snmp arena lynx xpat2 groff xscreensaver"
+msgstr ""
+"The following packages have been kept back\n"
+" compface man-db tetex-base msql libpaper svgalib1\n"
+" gs snmp arena lynx xpat2 groff xscreensaver"
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:428
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Whenever the whole system is being upgraded there is the possibility that "
+"new versions of packages cannot be installed because they require new things "
+"or conflict with already installed things. In this case the package will "
+"appear in the Kept Back list. The best way to convince packages listed there "
+"to install is with <tt>apt-get install</tt> or by using <prgn>dselect</prgn> "
+"to resolve their problems."
+msgstr ""
+"In ogni caso in cui il sistema viene aggiornato nel suo insieme, c'è la "
+"possibilità che non possano venire installate nuove versioni di alcuni "
+"pacchetti, dato che potrebbero richiedere l'installazione di pacchetti non "
+"presenti nel sistema, o entrare in conflitto con altri già presenti. In "
+"questo caso, il pacchetto viene elencato nella lista di quelli trattenuti "
+"(Kept Back). Il miglior modo per convincere i pacchetti elencati in questa "
+"lista è di installarli con <tt>apt-get install</tt> o usare <prgn>dselect</"
+"prgn> per risolvere i problemi."
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:431
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Held Packages warning"
+msgstr "Messaggi di attenzione sui pacchetti trattenuti"
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:435
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"The following held packages will be changed:\n"
+" cvs"
+msgstr ""
+"The following held packages will be changed:\n"
+" cvs"
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:441
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Sometimes you can ask APT to install a package that is on hold, in such a "
+"case it prints out a warning that the held package is going to be changed. "
+"This should only happen during dist-upgrade or install."
+msgstr ""
+"A volte si può richiedere ad APT di installare un pacchetto che è stato "
+"trattenuto; in questi casi viene stampato un messaggio di attenzione, che "
+"avverte che il pacchetto verrà modificato. Questo dovrebbe accadere solo "
+"durante operazioni di dist-upgrade o di install."
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:444
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Final summary"
+msgstr "Resoconto finale"
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:447
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Finally, APT will print out a summary of all the changes that will occur."
+msgstr ""
+"Infine, APT stamperà un riassunto di tutte le modifiche che accadranno."
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:452
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"206 packages upgraded, 8 newly installed, 23 to remove and 51 not upgraded.\n"
+"12 packages not fully installed or removed.\n"
+"Need to get 65.7M/66.7M of archives. After unpacking 26.5M will be used."
+msgstr ""
+"206 packages upgraded, 8 newly installed, 23 to remove and 51 not upgraded.\n"
+"12 packages not fully installed or removed.\n"
+"Need to get 65.7M/66.7M of archives. After unpacking 26.5M will be used."
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:470
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The first line of the summary simply is a reduced version of all of the "
+"lists and includes the number of upgrades - that is packages already "
+"installed that have new versions available. The second line indicates the "
+"number of poorly configured packages, possibly the result of an aborted "
+"installation. The final line shows the space requirements that the "
+"installation needs. The first pair of numbers refer to the size of the "
+"archive files. The first number indicates the number of bytes that must be "
+"fetched from remote locations and the second indicates the total size of all "
+"the archives required. The next number indicates the size difference between "
+"the presently installed packages and the newly installed packages. It is "
+"roughly equivalent to the space required in /usr after everything is done. "
+"If a large number of packages are being removed then the value may indicate "
+"the amount of space that will be freed."
+msgstr ""
+"La prima linea del riassunto è semplicemente una versione ridotta di tutte "
+"le liste, ed include il numero di aggiornamenti -- cioè dei pacchetti già "
+"installati per cui sono disponibili nuove versioni. La seconda linea indica "
+"il numero di pacchetti con problemi di configurazione, probabilmente in "
+"conseguenza di un'installazione non andata a buon fine. La linea finale "
+"indica i requisiti di spazio dell'installazione: i primi due numeri indicano "
+"rispettivamente il numero di byte che devono essere trasferiti da posizioni "
+"remote, ed il secondo la dimensione totale di tutti gli archivi necessari "
+"per l'installazione. Il numero successivo indica la differenza in dimensione "
+"tra i pacchetti già installati e quelli che lo saranno, ed è "
+"approssimativamente equivalente allo spazio richiesto in /usr dopo "
+"l'installazione. Se si stanno rimuovendo dei pacchetti, il valore può "
+"indicare lo spazio che verrà liberato."
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:473
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Some other reports can be generated by using the -u option to show packages "
+"to upgrade, they are similar to the previous examples."
+msgstr ""
+"Si possono generare altri resoconti usando l'opzione -u per mostrare i "
+"pacchetti da aggiornare, ma sono simili all'esempio precedente."
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:477
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The Status Display"
+msgstr "La visualizzazione dello stato"
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:481
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"During the download of archives and package files APT prints out a series of "
+"status messages."
+msgstr ""
+"Durante il download degli archivi e dei file dei pacchetti, APT stampa una "
+"serie di messaggi di stato."
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:490
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"# apt-get update\n"
+"Get:1 stable/non-US/ Packages\n"
+"Get:2 testing/contrib Packages\n"
+"Hit testing/main Packages\n"
+"Get:4 unstable/binary-i386/ Packages\n"
+"Get:5 testing/non-free Packages\n"
+"11% [5 testing/non-free `Waiting for file' 0/32.1k 0%] 2203b/s 1m52s"
+msgstr ""
+"# apt-get update\n"
+"Get:1 stable/non-US/ Packages\n"
+"Get:2 testing/contrib Packages\n"
+"Hit testing/main Packages\n"
+"Get:4 unstable/binary-i386/ Packages\n"
+"Get:5 testing/non-free Packages\n"
+"11% [5 testing/non-free `Waiting for file' 0/32.1k 0%] 2203b/s 1m52s"
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:500
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The lines starting with <em>Get</em> are printed out when APT begins to "
+"fetch a file while the last line indicates the progress of the download. The "
+"first percent value on the progress line indicates the total percent done of "
+"all files. Unfortunately since the size of the Package files is unknown "
+"<tt>apt-get update</tt> estimates the percent done which causes some "
+msgstr ""
+"Le linee che cominciano con <em>Get</em> vengono stampate quando APT inizia "
+"a scaricare un file, e l'ultima linea indica il progresso dell'operazione. "
+"Il primo valore in percentuale indica la percentuale totale di tutti i file; "
+"dato che la dimensione dei file Package non è nota, purtroppo a volte "
+"<tt>apt-get update</tt> fa una stima poco accurata."
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:509
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The next section of the status line is repeated once for each download "
+"thread and indicates the operation being performed and some useful "
+"information about what is happening. Sometimes this section will simply read "
+"<em>Forking</em> which means the OS is loading the download module. The "
+"first word after the [ is the fetch number as shown on the history lines. "
+"The next word is the short form name of the object being downloaded. For "
+"archives it will contain the name of the package that is being fetched."
+msgstr ""
+"La sezione successiva della linea di stato viene ripetuta una volta per "
+"ciascuna fase del download, ed indica l'operazione in corso, insieme ad "
+"alcune informazioni utili su cosa stia accadendo. A volte questa sezione "
+"contiene solamente <em>Forking</em>, che significa che il sistema operativo "
+"sta caricando il modulo. La prima parola dopo la parentesi quadra aperta è "
+"il nome breve dell'oggetto che si sta scaricando, che per gli archivi è il "
+"nome del pacchetto."
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:524
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Inside of the single quote is an informative string indicating the progress "
+"of the negotiation phase of the download. Typically it progresses from "
+"<em>Connecting</em> to <em>Waiting for file</em> to <em>Downloading</em> or "
+"<em>Resuming</em>. The final value is the number of bytes downloaded from "
+"the remote site. Once the download begins this is represented as "
+"<tt>102/10.2k</tt> indicating that 102 bytes have been fetched and 10.2 "
+"kilobytes is expected. The total size is always shown in 4 figure notation "
+"to preserve space. After the size display is a percent meter for the file "
+"itself. The second last element is the instantaneous average speed. This "
+"values is updated every 5 seconds and reflects the rate of data transfer for "
+"that period. Finally is shown the estimated transfer time. This is updated "
+"regularly and reflects the time to complete everything at the shown transfer "
+msgstr ""
+"All'interno delle virgolette c'è una stringa informativa, che indica il "
+"progresso della fase di negoziazione del download. Tipicamente comincia con "
+"<em>Connecting</em>, procede con <em>Waiting for file</em> e poi con "
+"<em>Downloading</em> o <em>Resuming</em>. Il valore finale è il numero di "
+"byte che sono stati scaricati dal sito remoto: una volta cominciato il "
+"download viene rappresentato come <tt>102/10.2k</tt>, che indica che sono "
+"stati scaricati 102 byte di 10.2 kilobyte. La dimensione totale viene sempre "
+"espressa in notazione a quattro cifre, per risparmiare spazio. Dopo la "
+"dimensione viene indicato un indicatore progressivo della percentuale del "
+"file. Il penultimo elemento è la velocità istantanea media, che viene "
+"aggiornata ogni 5 secondi, e riflette la velocità di trasferimento dei dati "
+"in quel periodo. Infine, viene visualizzato il tempo stimato per il "
+"trasferimento, che viene aggiornato periodicamente e riflette il tempo "
+"necessario per completare tutte le operazioni alla velocità di trasferimento "
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:530
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The status display updates every half second to provide a constant feedback "
+"on the download progress while the Get lines scroll back whenever a new file "
+"is started. Since the status display is constantly updated it is unsuitable "
+"for logging to a file, use the <tt>-q</tt> option to remove the status "
+msgstr ""
+"La visualizzazione dello stato viene aggiornata ogni mezzo secondo per "
+"fornire un feedback costante del processo di download, e le linee Get "
+"scorrono indietro quando viene cominciato il download di un nuovo file. Dato "
+"che la visualizzazione dello stato viene costantemente aggiornata, non è "
+"adatta per essere registrata in un file; per non visualizzarla si può usare "
+"l'opzione <tt>-q</tt>."
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:535
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Dpkg"
+msgstr "Dpkg"
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:542
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"APT uses <prgn>dpkg</prgn> for installing the archives and will switch over "
+"to the <prgn>dpkg</prgn> interface once downloading is completed. "
+"<prgn>dpkg</prgn> will also ask a number of questions as it processes the "
+"packages and the packages themselves may also ask several questions. Before "
+"each question there is usually a description of what it is asking and the "
+"questions are too varied to discuss completely here."
+msgstr ""
+"APT usa <prgn>dpkg</prgn> per installare gli archivi e passerà "
+"all'interfaccia <prgn>dpkg</prgn> una volta finito il download. <prgn>dpkg</"
+"prgn> porrà anche alcune domande durante la manipolazione dei pacchetti, ed "
+"i pacchetti stessi potranno farne altre. Prima di ciascuna domanda viene "
+"proposta una descrizione di quello che sta per chiedere, e le domande sono "
+"troppo diverse per poter essere discusse in maniera completa in questa "
+#. type: <title></title>
+#: offline.sgml:4
+msgid "Using APT Offline"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <version></version>
+#: offline.sgml:7
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "$Id: offline.sgml,v 1.8 2003/02/12 15:06:41 doogie Exp $"
+msgstr "$Id:,v 1.5 2003/04/26 23:26:13 doogie Exp $"
+#. type: <abstract></abstract>
+#: offline.sgml:12
+msgid ""
+"This document describes how to use APT in a non-networked environment, "
+"specifically a 'sneaker-net' approach for performing upgrades."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <copyrightsummary></copyrightsummary>
+#: offline.sgml:16
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Copyright &copy; Jason Gunthorpe, 1999."
+msgstr "Copyright &copy; Jason Gunthorpe, 1998."
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: offline.sgml:32
+msgid "Introduction"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: offline.sgml:34 offline.sgml:65 offline.sgml:180
+msgid "Overview"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:40
+msgid ""
+"Normally APT requires direct access to a Debian archive, either from a local "
+"media or through a network. Another common complaint is that a Debian "
+"machine is on a slow link, such as a modem and another machine has a very "
+"fast connection but they are physically distant."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:51
+msgid ""
+"The solution to this is to use large removable media such as a Zip disc or a "
+"SuperDisk disc. These discs are not large enough to store the entire Debian "
+"archive but can easily fit a subset large enough for most users. The idea is "
+"to use APT to generate a list of packages that are required and then fetch "
+"them onto the disc using another machine with good connectivity. It is even "
+"possible to use another Debian machine with APT or to use a completely "
+"different OS and a download tool like wget. Let <em>remote host</em> mean "
+"the machine downloading the packages, and <em>target host</em> the one with "
+"bad or no connection."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:57
+msgid ""
+"This is achieved by creatively manipulating the APT configuration file. The "
+"essential premis to tell APT to look on a disc for it's archive files. Note "
+"that the disc should be formated with a filesystem that can handle long file "
+"names such as ext2, fat32 or vfat."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: offline.sgml:63
+msgid "Using APT on both machines"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p><example>
+#: offline.sgml:71
+msgid ""
+"APT being available on both machines gives the simplest configuration. The "
+"basic idea is to place a copy of the status file on the disc and use the "
+"remote machine to fetch the latest package files and decide which packages "
+"to download. The disk directory structure should look like:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: offline.sgml:80
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" /disc/\n"
+" archives/\n"
+" partial/\n"
+" lists/\n"
+" partial/\n"
+" status\n"
+" sources.list\n"
+" apt.conf"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: offline.sgml:88
+msgid "The configuration file"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:96
+msgid ""
+"The configuration file should tell APT to store its files on the disc and to "
+"use the configuration files on the disc as well. The sources.list should "
+"contain the proper sites that you wish to use from the remote machine, and "
+"the status file should be a copy of <em>/var/lib/dpkg/status</em> from the "
+"<em>target host</em>. Please note, if you are using a local archive you must "
+"use copy URIs, the syntax is identical to file URIs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p><example>
+#: offline.sgml:100
+msgid ""
+"<em>apt.conf</em> must contain the necessary information to make APT use the "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: offline.sgml:124
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" APT\n"
+" {\n"
+" /* This is not necessary if the two machines are the same arch, it tells\n"
+" the remote APT what architecture the target machine is */\n"
+" Architecture \"i386\";\n"
+" \n"
+" Get::Download-Only \"true\";\n"
+" };\n"
+" \n"
+" Dir\n"
+" {\n"
+" /* Use the disc for state information and redirect the status file from\n"
+" the /var/lib/dpkg default */\n"
+" State \"/disc/\";\n"
+" State::status \"status\";\n"
+" // Binary caches will be stored locally\n"
+" Cache::archives \"/disc/archives/\";\n"
+" Cache \"/tmp/\";\n"
+" \n"
+" // Location of the source list.\n"
+" Etc \"/disc/\";\n"
+" };"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: </example></p>
+#: offline.sgml:129
+msgid ""
+"More details can be seen by examining the apt.conf man page and the sample "
+"configuration file in <em>/usr/share/doc/apt/examples/apt.conf</em>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p><example>
+#: offline.sgml:136
+msgid ""
+"On the target machine the first thing to do is mount the disc and copy <em>/"
+"var/lib/dpkg/status</em> to it. You will also need to create the directories "
+"outlined in the Overview, <em>archives/partial/</em> and <em>lists/partial/</"
+"em> Then take the disc to the remote machine and configure the sources.list. "
+"On the remote machine execute the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: offline.sgml:142
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # export APT_CONFIG=\"/disc/apt.conf\"\n"
+" # apt-get update\n"
+" [ APT fetches the package files ]\n"
+" # apt-get dist-upgrade\n"
+" [ APT fetches all the packages needed to upgrade the target machine ]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: </example></p>
+#: offline.sgml:149
+msgid ""
+"The dist-upgrade command can be replaced with any-other standard APT "
+"commands, particularly dselect-upgrade. You can even use an APT front end "
+"such as <em>dselect</em> However this presents a problem in communicating "
+"your selections back to the local computer."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p><example>
+#: offline.sgml:153
+msgid ""
+"Now the disc contains all of the index files and archives needed to upgrade "
+"the target machine. Take the disc back and run:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: offline.sgml:159
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # export APT_CONFIG=\"/disc/apt.conf\"\n"
+" # apt-get check\n"
+" [ APT generates a local copy of the cache files ]\n"
+" # apt-get --no-d -o dir::state::status=/var/lib/dpkg/status dist-upgrade\n"
+" [ Or any other APT command ]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:165
+msgid ""
+"It is necessary for proper function to re-specify the status file to be the "
+"local one. This is very important!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:172
+msgid ""
+"If you are using dselect you can do the very risky operation of copying disc/"
+"status to /var/lib/dpkg/status so that any selections you made on the remote "
+"machine are updated. I highly recommend that people only make selections on "
+"the local machine - but this may not always be possible. DO NOT copy the "
+"status file if dpkg or APT have been run in the mean time!!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: offline.sgml:178
+msgid "Using APT and wget"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:185
+msgid ""
+"<em>wget</em> is a popular and portable download tool that can run on nearly "
+"any machine. Unlike the method above this requires that the Debian machine "
+"already has a list of available packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:190
+msgid ""
+"The basic idea is to create a disc that has only the archive files "
+"downloaded from the remote site. This is done by using the --print-uris "
+"option to apt-get and then preparing a wget script to actually fetch the "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: offline.sgml:196
+msgid "Operation"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p><example>
+#: offline.sgml:200
+msgid ""
+"Unlike the previous technique no special configuration files are required. "
+"We merely use the standard APT commands to generate the file list."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: offline.sgml:205
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # apt-get dist-upgrade \n"
+" [ Press no when prompted, make sure you are happy with the actions ]\n"
+" # apt-get -qq --print-uris dist-upgrade > uris\n"
+" # awk '{print \"wget -O \" $2 \" \" $1}' < uris > /disc/wget-script"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: </example></p>
+#: offline.sgml:210
+msgid ""
+"Any command other than dist-upgrade could be used here, including dselect-"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:216
+msgid ""
+"The /disc/wget-script file will now contain a list of wget commands to "
+"execute in order to fetch the necessary archives. This script should be run "
+"with the current directory as the disc's mount point so as to save the "
+"output on the disc."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p><example>
+#: offline.sgml:219
+msgid "The remote machine would do something like"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: offline.sgml:223
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # cd /disc\n"
+" # sh -x ./wget-script\n"
+" [ wait.. ]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: </example><example>
+#: offline.sgml:228
+msgid ""
+"Once the archives are downloaded and the disc returned to the Debian machine "
+"installation can proceed using,"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: offline.sgml:230
+#, no-wrap
+msgid " # apt-get -o dir::cache::archives=\"/disc/\" dist-upgrade"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: </example></p>
+#: offline.sgml:234
+msgid "Which will use the already fetched archives on the disc."
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/doc/po/pl.po b/doc/po/pl.po
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e3363ba7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/po/pl.po
@@ -0,0 +1,8094 @@
+# Translation of apt package man pages
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Krzysztof Fiertek <>
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the apt package.
+# Translators:
+# Krzysztof Fiertek <>, 2004
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: apt\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-10-29 14:19+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-02-12 15:06+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Krzysztof Fiertek <>\n"
+"Language-Team: <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#. type: TH
+#: apt.8:17
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "apt"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: TH
+#: apt.8:17
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "16 June 1998"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: TH
+#: apt.8:17
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Debian GNU/Linux"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:18
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "NAME"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:20
+msgid "apt - Advanced Package Tool"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:20
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "SYNOPSIS"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:22
+msgid "B<apt>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:22
+#, no-wrap
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:31
+msgid ""
+"APT is a management system for software packages. For normal day to day "
+"package management there are several frontends available, such as B<aptitude>"
+"(8) for the command line or B<synaptic>(8) for the X Window System. Some "
+"options are only implemented in B<apt-get>(8) though."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:31
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "OPTIONS"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:33 apt.8:35
+msgid "None."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:33
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "FILES"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:35
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "SEE ALSO"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:42
+msgid ""
+"B<apt-cache>(8), B<apt-get>(8), B<apt.conf>(5), B<sources.list>(5), "
+"B<apt_preferences>(5), B<apt-secure>(8)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:42
+#, no-wrap
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:44
+msgid "apt returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 on error."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:44
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "BUGS"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:46
+msgid "This manpage isn't even started."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:55
+msgid ""
+"See E<lt><gt>. If you wish to report a bug in "
+"B<apt>, please see I</usr/share/doc/debian/bug-reporting.txt> or the "
+"B<reportbug>(1) command."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:55
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "AUTHOR"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:56
+msgid "apt was written by the APT team E<lt>apt@packages.debian.orgE<gt>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:2
+msgid "<!-- -*- mode: sgml; mode: fold -*- -->"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:10
+msgid ""
+"<!-- Some common paths.. --> <!ENTITY docdir \"/usr/share/doc/apt/\"> <!"
+"ENTITY guidesdir \"/usr/share/doc/apt-doc/\"> <!ENTITY configureindex "
+"\"<filename>&docdir;examples/configure-index.gz</filename>\"> <!ENTITY "
+"aptconfdir \"<filename>/etc/apt.conf</filename>\"> <!ENTITY statedir \"/var/"
+"lib/apt\"> <!ENTITY cachedir \"/var/cache/apt\">"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:17
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!-- Cross references to other man pages -->\n"
+"<!ENTITY apt-conf \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><filename>apt.conf</filename></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:23
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-get \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>apt-get</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:29
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-config \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>apt-config</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:35
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-cdrom \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>apt-cdrom</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:41
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-cache \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>apt-cache</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:47
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-preferences \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>apt_preferences</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:53
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-key \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>apt-key</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:59
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-secure \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle>apt-secure</refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:65
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-ftparchive \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><filename>apt-ftparchive</filename></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:72
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY sources-list \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><filename>sources.list</filename></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:78
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY reportbug \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>reportbug</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:84
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY dpkg \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>dpkg</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:90
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY dpkg-buildpackage \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>dpkg-buildpackage</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:96
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY gzip \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>gzip</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:102
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY dpkg-scanpackages \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>dpkg-scanpackages</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:108
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY dpkg-scansources \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>dpkg-scansources</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:114
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY dselect \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>dselect</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:120
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY aptitude \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>aptitude</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:126
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY synaptic \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>synaptic</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:132
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY debsign \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>debsign</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:138
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY debsig-verify \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>debsig-verify</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:144
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY gpg \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>gpg</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:150
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY gnome-apt \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>gnome-apt</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:156
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY wajig \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>wajig</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:168
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!-- Boiler plate docinfo section -->\n"
+"<!ENTITY apt-docinfo \"\n"
+" <refentryinfo>\n"
+" <address><email></email></address>\n"
+" <author>\n"
+" <firstname>Jason</firstname> <surname>Gunthorpe</surname>\n"
+" <contrib></contrib>\n"
+" </author>\n"
+" <copyright><year>1998-2001</year> <holder>Jason Gunthorpe</holder></copyright>\n"
+" <date>28 October 2008</date>\n"
+" <productname>Linux</productname>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:171
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" </refentryinfo>\n"
+"\"> \n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:177
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-email \"\n"
+" <address>\n"
+" <email></email>\n"
+" </address>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:185
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-author.jgunthorpe \"\n"
+" <author>\n"
+" <firstname>Jason</firstname>\n"
+" <surname>Gunthorpe</surname>\n"
+" <contrib></contrib>\n"
+" </author>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:193
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-author.moconnor \"\n"
+" <author>\n"
+" <firstname>Mike</firstname>\n"
+" <surname>O'Connor</surname>\n"
+" <contrib></contrib>\n"
+" </author>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:200
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY \"\n"
+" <author>\n"
+" <othername>APT team</othername>\n"
+" <contrib></contrib>\n"
+" </author>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:204 apt.ent:215
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-product \"\n"
+" <productname>Linux</productname>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:211
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-copyright \"\n"
+" <copyright>\n"
+" <holder>Jason Gunthorpe</holder>\n"
+" <year>1998-2001</year>\n"
+" </copyright>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:221
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-qapage \"\n"
+"\t\t<ulink url=''>QA Page</ulink>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:232
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!-- Boiler plate Bug reporting section -->\n"
+"<!ENTITY manbugs \"\n"
+" <refsect1><title>Bugs</title>\n"
+" <para><ulink url=''>APT bug page</ulink>. \n"
+" If you wish to report a bug in APT, please see\n"
+" <filename>/usr/share/doc/debian/bug-reporting.txt</filename> or the\n"
+" &reportbug; command.\n"
+" </para>\n"
+" </refsect1>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:240
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!-- Boiler plate Author section -->\n"
+"<!ENTITY manauthor \"\n"
+" <refsect1><title>Author</title>\n"
+" <para>APT was written by the APT team <email></email>.\n"
+" </para>\n"
+" </refsect1>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:250
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!-- Should be used within the option section of the text to\n"
+" put in the blurb about -h, -v, -c and -o -->\n"
+"<!ENTITY apt-commonoptions \"\n"
+" <varlistentry><term><option>-h</option></term>\n"
+" <term><option>--help</option></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Show a short usage summary.\n"
+" </para>\n"
+" </listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:258
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <varlistentry>\n"
+" <term><option>-v</option></term>\n"
+" <term><option>--version</option></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Show the program version.\n"
+" </para>\n"
+" </listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:268
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <varlistentry>\n"
+" <term><option>-c</option></term>\n"
+" <term><option>--config-file</option></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Configuration File; Specify a configuration file to use. \n"
+" The program will read the default configuration file and then this \n"
+" configuration file. See &apt-conf; for syntax information. \n"
+" </para>\n"
+" </listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:280
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <varlistentry>\n"
+" <term><option>-o</option></term>\n"
+" <term><option>--option</option></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Set a Configuration Option; This will set an arbitrary\n"
+" configuration option. The syntax is <option>-o Foo::Bar=bar</option>.\n"
+" <option>-o</option> and <option>--option</option> can be used multiple\n"
+" times to set different options.\n"
+" </para>\n"
+" </listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:291
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!-- Should be used within the option section of the text to\n"
+" put in the blurb about -h, -v, -c and -o -->\n"
+"<!ENTITY apt-cmdblurb \"\n"
+" <para>All command line options may be set using the configuration file, the\n"
+" descriptions indicate the configuration option to set. For boolean\n"
+" options you can override the config file by using something like \n"
+" <option>-f-</option>,<option>--no-f</option>, <option>-f=no</option>\n"
+" or several other variations.\n"
+" </para>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:297
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY file-aptconf \"\n"
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>/etc/apt/apt.conf</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>APT configuration file.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Etc::Main</literal>.</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:303
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>APT configuration file fragments.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Etc::Parts</literal>.</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:309
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY file-cachearchives \"\n"
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>&cachedir;/archives/</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Storage area for retrieved package files.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Cache::Archives</literal>.</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:315
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>&cachedir;/archives/partial/</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Storage area for package files in transit.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Cache::Archives</literal> (implicit partial). </para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:325
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY file-preferences \"\n"
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>/etc/apt/preferences</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Version preferences file.\n"
+" This is where you would specify &quot;pinning&quot;,\n"
+" i.e. a preference to get certain packages\n"
+" from a separate source\n"
+" or from a different version of a distribution.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Etc::Preferences</literal>.</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:331
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>/etc/apt/preferences.d/</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>File fragments for the version preferences.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Etc::PreferencesParts</literal>.</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:337
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY file-sourceslist \"\n"
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Locations to fetch packages from.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Etc::SourceList</literal>.</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:343
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>/etc/apt/sources.list.d/</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>File fragments for locations to fetch packages from.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Etc::SourceParts</literal>.</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:350
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY file-statelists \"\n"
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>&statedir;/lists/</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Storage area for state information for each package resource specified in\n"
+" &sources-list;\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::State::Lists</literal>.</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:355
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>&statedir;/lists/partial/</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Storage area for state information in transit.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::State::Lists</literal> (implicit partial).</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. The last update date
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:13 apt-config.8.xml:13 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:13
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:13 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:13 sources.list.5.xml:13
+msgid ""
+"&apt-author.jgunthorpe; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>29 "
+"February 2004</date>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:22 apt-cache.8.xml:29
+msgid "apt-cache"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refmeta><manvolnum>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:23 apt-cdrom.8.xml:22 apt-config.8.xml:23 apt-get.8.xml:23
+#: apt-key.8.xml:15 apt-mark.8.xml:23 apt-secure.8.xml:15
+msgid "8"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refmeta><refmiscinfo>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:24 apt-cdrom.8.xml:23 apt-config.8.xml:24
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:24 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:24 apt-get.8.xml:24
+#: apt-key.8.xml:16 apt-mark.8.xml:24 apt-secure.8.xml:16
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:24 apt.conf.5.xml:30 apt_preferences.5.xml:23
+#: sources.list.5.xml:24
+msgid "APT"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:30
+msgid "APT package handling utility -- cache manipulator"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:36
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-cache</command> <arg><option>-hvsn</option></arg> <arg><option>-"
+"o=<replaceable>config string</replaceable></option></arg> <arg><option>-"
+"c=<replaceable>file</replaceable></option></arg> <group choice=\"req\"> "
+"<arg>add <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>file</"
+"replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>gencaches</arg> <arg>showpkg <arg choice="
+"\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg> "
+"<arg>showsrc <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</"
+"replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>stats</arg> <arg>dump</arg> <arg>dumpavail</"
+"arg> <arg>unmet</arg> <arg>search <arg choice=\"plain\"><replaceable>regex</"
+"replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>show <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
+"\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>depends <arg choice="
+"\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg> "
+"<arg>rdepends <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</"
+"replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>pkgnames <arg choice=\"plain"
+"\"><replaceable>prefix</replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>dotty <arg choice="
+"\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg> "
+"<arg>xvcg <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</"
+"replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>policy <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
+"\"><replaceable>pkgs</replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>madison <arg choice="
+"\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkgs</replaceable></arg></arg> </group>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:62 apt-cdrom.8.xml:47 apt-config.8.xml:47
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:43 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:55 apt-get.8.xml:125
+#: apt-key.8.xml:34 apt-mark.8.xml:52 apt-secure.8.xml:40
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:44 apt.conf.5.xml:39 apt_preferences.5.xml:33
+#: sources.list.5.xml:33
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Kolejne kroki"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:63
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-cache</command> performs a variety of operations on APT's "
+"package cache. <command>apt-cache</command> does not manipulate the state of "
+"the system but does provide operations to search and generate interesting "
+"output from the package metadata."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:68 apt-get.8.xml:131
+msgid ""
+"Unless the <option>-h</option>, or <option>--help</option> option is given, "
+"one of the commands below must be present."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:72
+msgid "add <replaceable>file(s)</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:73
+msgid ""
+"<literal>add</literal> adds the named package index files to the package "
+"cache. This is for debugging only."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:77
+msgid "gencaches"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:78
+msgid ""
+"<literal>gencaches</literal> performs the same operation as <command>apt-get "
+"check</command>. It builds the source and package caches from the sources in "
+"&sources-list; and from <filename>/var/lib/dpkg/status</filename>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:84
+msgid "showpkg <replaceable>pkg(s)</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:85
+msgid ""
+"<literal>showpkg</literal> displays information about the packages listed on "
+"the command line. Remaining arguments are package names. The available "
+"versions and reverse dependencies of each package listed are listed, as well "
+"as forward dependencies for each version. Forward (normal) dependencies are "
+"those packages upon which the package in question depends; reverse "
+"dependencies are those packages that depend upon the package in question. "
+"Thus, forward dependencies must be satisfied for a package, but reverse "
+"dependencies need not be. For instance, <command>apt-cache showpkg "
+"libreadline2</command> would produce output similar to the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><informalexample><programlisting>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:97
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: libreadline2\n"
+"Versions: 2.1-12(/var/state/apt/lists/foo_Packages),\n"
+"Reverse Depends: \n"
+" libreadlineg2,libreadline2\n"
+" libreadline2-altdev,libreadline2\n"
+"2.1-12 - libc5 (2 5.4.0-0) ncurses3.0 (0 (null))\n"
+"2.1-12 - \n"
+"Reverse Provides: \n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:109
+msgid ""
+"Thus it may be seen that libreadline2, version 2.1-12, depends on libc5 and "
+"ncurses3.0 which must be installed for libreadline2 to work. In turn, "
+"libreadlineg2 and libreadline2-altdev depend on libreadline2. If "
+"libreadline2 is installed, libc5 and ncurses3.0 (and ldso) must also be "
+"installed; libreadlineg2 and libreadline2-altdev do not have to be "
+"installed. For the specific meaning of the remainder of the output it is "
+"best to consult the apt source code."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:118
+msgid "stats"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:118
+msgid ""
+"<literal>stats</literal> displays some statistics about the cache. No "
+"further arguments are expected. Statistics reported are:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:121
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Total package names</literal> is the number of package names found "
+"in the cache."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:125
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Normal packages</literal> is the number of regular, ordinary "
+"package names; these are packages that bear a one-to-one correspondence "
+"between their names and the names used by other packages for them in "
+"dependencies. The majority of packages fall into this category."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:131
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Pure virtual packages</literal> is the number of packages that "
+"exist only as a virtual package name; that is, packages only \"provide\" the "
+"virtual package name, and no package actually uses the name. For instance, "
+"\"mail-transport-agent\" in the Debian GNU/Linux system is a pure virtual "
+"package; several packages provide \"mail-transport-agent\", but there is no "
+"package named \"mail-transport-agent\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:139
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Single virtual packages</literal> is the number of packages with "
+"only one package providing a particular virtual package. For example, in the "
+"Debian GNU/Linux system, \"X11-text-viewer\" is a virtual package, but only "
+"one package, xless, provides \"X11-text-viewer\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:145
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Mixed virtual packages</literal> is the number of packages that "
+"either provide a particular virtual package or have the virtual package name "
+"as the package name. For instance, in the Debian GNU/Linux system, \"debconf"
+"\" is both an actual package, and provided by the debconf-tiny package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:152
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Missing</literal> is the number of package names that were "
+"referenced in a dependency but were not provided by any package. Missing "
+"packages may be an evidence if a full distribution is not accessed, or if a "
+"package (real or virtual) has been dropped from the distribution. Usually "
+"they are referenced from Conflicts or Breaks statements."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:159
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Total distinct</literal> versions is the number of package versions "
+"found in the cache; this value is therefore at least equal to the number of "
+"total package names. If more than one distribution (both \"stable\" and "
+"\"unstable\", for instance), is being accessed, this value can be "
+"considerably larger than the number of total package names."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:166
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Total dependencies</literal> is the number of dependency "
+"relationships claimed by all of the packages in the cache."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:173
+msgid "showsrc <replaceable>pkg(s)</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:174
+msgid ""
+"<literal>showsrc</literal> displays all the source package records that "
+"match the given package names. All versions are shown, as well as all "
+"records that declare the name to be a Binary."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:179 apt-config.8.xml:84
+msgid "dump"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:180
+msgid ""
+"<literal>dump</literal> shows a short listing of every package in the cache. "
+"It is primarily for debugging."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:184
+msgid "dumpavail"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:185
+msgid ""
+"<literal>dumpavail</literal> prints out an available list to stdout. This is "
+"suitable for use with &dpkg; and is used by the &dselect; method."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:189
+msgid "unmet"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:190
+msgid ""
+"<literal>unmet</literal> displays a summary of all unmet dependencies in the "
+"package cache."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:194
+msgid "show <replaceable>pkg(s)</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:195
+msgid ""
+"<literal>show</literal> performs a function similar to <command>dpkg --print-"
+"avail</command>; it displays the package records for the named packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:200
+msgid "search <replaceable>regex [ regex ... ]</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:201
+msgid ""
+"<literal>search</literal> performs a full text search on all available "
+"package lists for the POSIX regex pattern given, see "
+"<citerefentry><refentrytitle><command>regex</command></refentrytitle> "
+"<manvolnum>7</manvolnum></citerefentry>. It searches the package names and "
+"the descriptions for an occurrence of the regular expression and prints out "
+"the package name and the short description, including virtual package "
+"names. If <option>--full</option> is given then output identical to "
+"<literal>show</literal> is produced for each matched package, and if "
+"<option>--names-only</option> is given then the long description is not "
+"searched, only the package name is."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:214
+msgid ""
+"Separate arguments can be used to specify multiple search patterns that are "
+"and'ed together."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:218
+msgid "depends <replaceable>pkg(s)</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:219
+msgid ""
+"<literal>depends</literal> shows a listing of each dependency a package has "
+"and all the possible other packages that can fulfill that dependency."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:223
+msgid "rdepends <replaceable>pkg(s)</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:224
+msgid ""
+"<literal>rdepends</literal> shows a listing of each reverse dependency a "
+"package has."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:228
+msgid "pkgnames <replaceable>[ prefix ]</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:229
+msgid ""
+"This command prints the name of each package APT knows. The optional "
+"argument is a prefix match to filter the name list. The output is suitable "
+"for use in a shell tab complete function and the output is generated "
+"extremely quickly. This command is best used with the <option>--generate</"
+"option> option."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:234
+msgid ""
+"Note that a package which APT knows of is not necessarily available to "
+"download, installable or installed, e.g. virtual packages are also listed in "
+"the generated list."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:239
+msgid "dotty <replaceable>pkg(s)</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:240
+msgid ""
+"<literal>dotty</literal> takes a list of packages on the command line and "
+"generates output suitable for use by dotty from the <ulink url=\"http://www."
+"\">GraphViz</ulink> package. The result "
+"will be a set of nodes and edges representing the relationships between the "
+"packages. By default the given packages will trace out all dependent "
+"packages; this can produce a very large graph. To limit the output to only "
+"the packages listed on the command line, set the <literal>APT::Cache::"
+"GivenOnly</literal> option."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:249
+msgid ""
+"The resulting nodes will have several shapes; normal packages are boxes, "
+"pure provides are triangles, mixed provides are diamonds, missing packages "
+"are hexagons. Orange boxes mean recursion was stopped [leaf packages], blue "
+"lines are pre-depends, green lines are conflicts."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:254
+msgid "Caution, dotty cannot graph larger sets of packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:257
+msgid "xvcg <replaceable>pkg(s)</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:258
+msgid ""
+"The same as <literal>dotty</literal>, only for xvcg from the <ulink url="
+"\"\">VCG tool</ulink>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:262
+msgid "policy <replaceable>[ pkg(s) ]</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:263
+msgid ""
+"<literal>policy</literal> is meant to help debug issues relating to the "
+"preferences file. With no arguments it will print out the priorities of each "
+"source. Otherwise it prints out detailed information about the priority "
+"selection of the named package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:269
+msgid "madison <replaceable>/[ pkg(s) ]</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:270
+msgid ""
+"<literal>apt-cache</literal>'s <literal>madison</literal> command attempts "
+"to mimic the output format and a subset of the functionality of the Debian "
+"archive management tool, <literal>madison</literal>. It displays available "
+"versions of a package in a tabular format. Unlike the original "
+"<literal>madison</literal>, it can only display information for the "
+"architecture for which APT has retrieved package lists (<literal>APT::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:281 apt-config.8.xml:93 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:56
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:492 apt-get.8.xml:319 apt-mark.8.xml:89
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:54 apt.conf.5.xml:456 apt.conf.5.xml:478
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "options"
+msgstr "Kolejne kroki"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:285
+msgid "<option>-p</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:285
+msgid "<option>--pkg-cache</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:286
+msgid ""
+"Select the file to store the package cache. The package cache is the primary "
+"cache used by all operations. Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Cache::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:291 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:535 apt-get.8.xml:376
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:58
+msgid "<option>-s</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:291
+msgid "<option>--src-cache</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:292
+msgid ""
+"Select the file to store the source cache. The source is used only by "
+"<literal>gencaches</literal> and it stores a parsed version of the package "
+"information from remote sources. When building the package cache the source "
+"cache is used to avoid reparsing all of the package files. Configuration "
+"Item: <literal>Dir::Cache::srcpkgcache</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:299 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:509 apt-get.8.xml:366
+msgid "<option>-q</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:299 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:509 apt-get.8.xml:366
+msgid "<option>--quiet</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:300
+msgid ""
+"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
+"More q's will produce more quietness up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
+"<option>-q=#</option> to set the quietness level, overriding the "
+"configuration file. Configuration Item: <literal>quiet</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:306
+msgid "<option>-i</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:306
+msgid "<option>--important</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:307
+msgid ""
+"Print only important dependencies; for use with unmet and depends. Causes "
+"only Depends and Pre-Depends relations to be printed. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:312 apt-cdrom.8.xml:121 apt-get.8.xml:333
+msgid "<option>-f</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:312
+msgid "<option>--full</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:313
+msgid ""
+"Print full package records when searching. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:317 apt-cdrom.8.xml:131
+msgid "<option>-a</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:317
+msgid "<option>--all-versions</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:318
+msgid ""
+"Print full records for all available versions. This is the default; to turn "
+"it off, use <option>--no-all-versions</option>. If <option>--no-all-"
+"versions</option> is specified, only the candidate version will displayed "
+"(the one which would be selected for installation). This option is only "
+"applicable to the <literal>show</literal> command. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:326
+msgid "<option>-g</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:326
+msgid "<option>--generate</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:327
+msgid ""
+"Perform automatic package cache regeneration, rather than use the cache as "
+"it is. This is the default; to turn it off, use <option>--no-generate</"
+"option>. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Cache::Generate</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:332
+msgid "<option>--names-only</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:332 apt-cdrom.8.xml:139
+msgid "<option>-n</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:333
+msgid ""
+"Only search on the package names, not the long descriptions. Configuration "
+"Item: <literal>APT::Cache::NamesOnly</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:337
+msgid "<option>--all-names</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:338
+msgid ""
+"Make <literal>pkgnames</literal> print all names, including virtual packages "
+"and missing dependencies. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Cache::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:343
+msgid "<option>--recurse</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:344
+msgid ""
+"Make <literal>depends</literal> and <literal>rdepends</literal> recursive so "
+"that all packages mentioned are printed once. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:349
+msgid "<option>--installed</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:351
+msgid ""
+"Limit the output of <literal>depends</literal> and <literal>rdepends</"
+"literal> to packages which are currently installed. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:356 apt-cdrom.8.xml:150 apt-config.8.xml:98
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:67 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:547 apt-get.8.xml:554
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:64
+msgid "&apt-commonoptions;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:361 apt-get.8.xml:559 apt-key.8.xml:138 apt-mark.8.xml:122
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:988 apt_preferences.5.xml:615
+msgid "Files"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:363
+msgid "&file-sourceslist; &file-statelists;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:368 apt-cdrom.8.xml:155 apt-config.8.xml:103
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:74 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:563 apt-get.8.xml:569
+#: apt-key.8.xml:162 apt-mark.8.xml:133 apt-secure.8.xml:181
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:69 apt.conf.5.xml:994 apt_preferences.5.xml:622
+#: sources.list.5.xml:233
+msgid "See Also"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:369
+msgid "&apt-conf;, &sources-list;, &apt-get;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:373 apt-cdrom.8.xml:160 apt-config.8.xml:108
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:567 apt-get.8.xml:575
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:137 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:73
+msgid "Diagnostics"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:374
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-cache</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 "
+"on error."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:13
+msgid ""
+"&apt-author.jgunthorpe; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>14 "
+"February 2004</date>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:21 apt-cdrom.8.xml:28
+msgid "apt-cdrom"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:29
+msgid "APT CDROM management utility"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:35
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-cdrom</command> <arg><option>-hvrmfan</option></arg> "
+"<arg><option>-d=<replaceable>cdrom mount point</replaceable></option></arg> "
+"<arg><option>-o=<replaceable>config string</replaceable></option></arg> "
+"<arg><option>-c=<replaceable>file</replaceable></option></arg> <group> "
+"<arg>add</arg> <arg>ident</arg> </group>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:48
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-cdrom</command> is used to add a new CDROM to APTs list of "
+"available sources. <command>apt-cdrom</command> takes care of determining "
+"the structure of the disc as well as correcting for several possible mis-"
+"burns and verifying the index files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:55
+msgid ""
+"It is necessary to use <command>apt-cdrom</command> to add CDs to the APT "
+"system, it cannot be done by hand. Furthermore each disk in a multi-cd set "
+"must be inserted and scanned separately to account for possible mis-burns."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:65
+msgid "add"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:66
+msgid ""
+"<literal>add</literal> is used to add a new disc to the source list. It will "
+"unmount the CDROM device, prompt for a disk to be inserted and then procceed "
+"to scan it and copy the index files. If the disc does not have a proper "
+"<filename>disk</filename> directory you will be prompted for a descriptive "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:74
+msgid ""
+"APT uses a CDROM ID to track which disc is currently in the drive and "
+"maintains a database of these IDs in <filename>&statedir;/cdroms.list</"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:81
+msgid "ident"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:82
+msgid ""
+"A debugging tool to report the identity of the current disc as well as the "
+"stored file name"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:61
+msgid ""
+"Unless the <option>-h</option>, or <option>--help</option> option is given "
+"one of the commands below must be present. <placeholder type=\"variablelist"
+"\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:91
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Kolejne kroki"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:95 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:503 apt-get.8.xml:328
+msgid "<option>-d</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:95
+msgid "<option>--cdrom</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:96
+msgid ""
+"Mount point; specify the location to mount the cdrom. This mount point must "
+"be listed in <filename>/etc/fstab</filename> and properly configured. "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>Acquire::cdrom::mount</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:104
+msgid "<option>-r</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:104
+msgid "<option>--rename</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:105
+msgid ""
+"Rename a disc; change the label of a disk or override the disks given label. "
+"This option will cause <command>apt-cdrom</command> to prompt for a new "
+"label. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::CDROM::Rename</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:113 apt-get.8.xml:347
+msgid "<option>-m</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:113
+msgid "<option>--no-mount</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:114
+msgid ""
+"No mounting; prevent <command>apt-cdrom</command> from mounting and "
+"unmounting the mount point. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::CDROM::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:121
+msgid "<option>--fast</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:122
+msgid ""
+"Fast Copy; Assume the package files are valid and do not check every "
+"package. This option should be used only if <command>apt-cdrom</command> has "
+"been run on this disc before and did not detect any errors. Configuration "
+"Item: <literal>APT::CDROM::Fast</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:131
+msgid "<option>--thorough</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:132
+msgid ""
+"Thorough Package Scan; This option may be needed with some old Debian "
+"1.1/1.2 discs that have Package files in strange places. It takes much "
+"longer to scan the CD but will pick them all up."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:140 apt-get.8.xml:378
+msgid "<option>--just-print</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:141 apt-get.8.xml:380
+msgid "<option>--recon</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:142 apt-get.8.xml:381
+msgid "<option>--no-act</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:143
+msgid ""
+"No Changes; Do not change the &sources-list; file and do not write index "
+"files. Everything is still checked however. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:156
+msgid "&apt-conf;, &apt-get;, &sources-list;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:161
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-cdrom</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 "
+"on error."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:22 apt-config.8.xml:29
+msgid "apt-config"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:30
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "APT Configuration Query program"
+msgstr "Plik konfiguracyjny"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:36
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-config</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> <arg><option>-"
+"o=<replaceable>config string</replaceable></option></arg> <arg><option>-"
+"c=<replaceable>file</replaceable></option></arg> <group choice=\"req\"> "
+"<arg>shell</arg> <arg>dump</arg> </group>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:48
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-config</command> is an internal program used by various "
+"portions of the APT suite to provide consistent configurability. It accesses "
+"the main configuration file <filename>/etc/apt/apt.conf</filename> in a "
+"manner that is easy to use by scripted applications."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:53 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:71
+msgid ""
+"Unless the <option>-h</option>, or <option>--help</option> option is given "
+"one of the commands below must be present."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:58
+msgid "shell"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:60
+msgid ""
+"shell is used to access the configuration information from a shell script. "
+"It is given pairs of arguments, the first being a shell variable and the "
+"second the configuration value to query. As output it lists a series of "
+"shell assignments commands for each present value. In a shell script it "
+"should be used like:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><informalexample><programlisting>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:68
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"RES=`apt-config shell OPTS MyApp::options`\n"
+"eval $RES\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:73
+msgid ""
+"This will set the shell environment variable $OPTS to the value of MyApp::"
+"options with a default of <option>-f</option>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:77
+msgid ""
+"The configuration item may be postfixed with a /[fdbi]. f returns file "
+"names, d returns directories, b returns true or false and i returns an "
+"integer. Each of the returns is normalized and verified internally."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:86
+msgid "Just show the contents of the configuration space."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:104 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:75 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:564
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:70
+msgid "&apt-conf;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:109
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-config</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 "
+"on error."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:22 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:29
+msgid "apt-extracttemplates"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refmeta><manvolnum>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:23 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:23 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:23
+msgid "1"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:30
+msgid "Utility to extract DebConf config and templates from Debian packages"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:36
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-extracttemplates</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> "
+"<arg><option>-t=<replaceable>temporary directory</replaceable></option></"
+"arg> <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>file</replaceable></"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:44
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-extracttemplates</command> will take one or more Debian package "
+"files as input and write out (to a temporary directory) all associated "
+"config scripts and template files. For each passed in package that contains "
+"config scripts and templates, one line of output will be generated in the "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:49
+msgid "package version template-file config-script"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:50
+msgid ""
+"template-file and config-script are written to the temporary directory "
+"specified by the -t or --tempdir (<literal>APT::ExtractTemplates::TempDir</"
+"literal>) directory, with filenames of the form <filename>package.template."
+"XXXX</filename> and <filename>package.config.XXXX</filename>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:60 apt-get.8.xml:488
+msgid "<option>-t</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:60
+msgid "<option>--tempdir</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:62
+msgid ""
+"Temporary directory in which to write extracted debconf template files and "
+"config scripts. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::ExtractTemplates::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:79
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-extracttemplates</command> returns zero on normal operation, "
+"decimal 100 on error."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:22 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:29
+msgid "apt-ftparchive"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:30
+msgid "Utility to generate index files"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:36
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> <arg><option>-hvdsq</option></arg> "
+"<arg><option>--md5</option></arg> <arg><option>--delink</option></arg> "
+"<arg><option>--readonly</option></arg> <arg><option>--contents</option></"
+"arg> <arg><option>-o <replaceable>config</replaceable>=<replaceable>string</"
+"replaceable></option></arg> <arg><option>-c=<replaceable>file</replaceable></"
+"option></arg> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg>packages<arg choice=\"plain\" rep="
+"replaceable><arg><replaceable>pathprefix</replaceable></arg></arg></arg> "
+"<arg>sources<arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>path</"
+"replaceable><arg><replaceable>pathprefix</replaceable></arg></arg></arg> "
+"<arg>contents <arg choice=\"plain\"><replaceable>path</replaceable></arg></"
+"arg> <arg>release <arg choice=\"plain\"><replaceable>path</replaceable></"
+"arg></arg> <arg>generate <arg choice=\"plain\"><replaceable>config-file</"
+"replaceable></arg> <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
+"\"><replaceable>section</replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>clean <arg choice="
+"\"plain\"><replaceable>config-file</replaceable></arg></arg> </group>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:56
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> is the command line tool that generates "
+"the index files that APT uses to access a distribution source. The index "
+"files should be generated on the origin site based on the content of that "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:60
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> is a superset of the &dpkg-scanpackages; "
+"program, incorporating its entire functionality via the <literal>packages</"
+"literal> command. It also contains a contents file generator, "
+"<literal>contents</literal>, and an elaborate means to 'script' the "
+"generation process for a complete archive."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:66
+msgid ""
+"Internally <command>apt-ftparchive</command> can make use of binary "
+"databases to cache the contents of a .deb file and it does not rely on any "
+"external programs aside from &gzip;. When doing a full generate it "
+"automatically performs file-change checks and builds the desired compressed "
+"output files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:75
+msgid "packages"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:77
+msgid ""
+"The packages command generates a package file from a directory tree. It "
+"takes the given directory and recursively searches it for .deb files, "
+"emitting a package record to stdout for each. This command is approximately "
+"equivalent to &dpkg-scanpackages;."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:82 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:106
+msgid ""
+"The option <option>--db</option> can be used to specify a binary caching DB."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:85
+msgid "sources"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:87
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>sources</literal> command generates a source index file from a "
+"directory tree. It takes the given directory and recursively searches it "
+"for .dsc files, emitting a source record to stdout for each. This command is "
+"approximately equivalent to &dpkg-scansources;."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:92
+msgid ""
+"If an override file is specified then a source override file will be looked "
+"for with an extension of .src. The --source-override option can be used to "
+"change the source override file that will be used."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:97
+msgid "contents"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:99
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>contents</literal> command generates a contents file from a "
+"directory tree. It takes the given directory and recursively searches it "
+"for .deb files, and reads the file list from each file. It then sorts and "
+"writes to stdout the list of files matched to packages. Directories are not "
+"written to the output. If multiple packages own the same file then each "
+"package is separated by a comma in the output."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:109
+msgid "release"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:111
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>release</literal> command generates a Release file from a "
+"directory tree. It recursively searches the given directory for Packages, "
+"Packages.gz, Packages.bz2, Sources, Sources.gz, Sources.bz2, Release and "
+"md5sum.txt files. It then writes to stdout a Release file containing an MD5 "
+"digest and SHA1 digest for each file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:118
+msgid ""
+"Values for the additional metadata fields in the Release file are taken from "
+"the corresponding variables under <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release</"
+"literal>, e.g. <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release::Origin</literal>. The "
+"supported fields are: <literal>Origin</literal>, <literal>Label</literal>, "
+"<literal>Suite</literal>, <literal>Version</literal>, <literal>Codename</"
+"literal>, <literal>Date</literal>, <literal>Architectures</literal>, "
+"<literal>Components</literal>, <literal>Description</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:128
+msgid "generate"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:130
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>generate</literal> command is designed to be runnable from a "
+"cron script and builds indexes according to the given config file. The "
+"config language provides a flexible means of specifying which index files "
+"are built from which directories, as well as providing a simple means of "
+"maintaining the required settings."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:137 apt-get.8.xml:292
+msgid "clean"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:139
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>clean</literal> command tidies the databases used by the given "
+"configuration file by removing any records that are no longer necessary."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:145
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The Generate Configuration"
+msgstr "Plik konfiguracyjny"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:147
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>generate</literal> command uses a configuration file to "
+"describe the archives that are going to be generated. It follows the typical "
+"ISC configuration format as seen in ISC tools like bind 8 and dhcpd. &apt-"
+"conf; contains a description of the syntax. Note that the generate "
+"configuration is parsed in sectional manner, but &apt-conf; is parsed in a "
+"tree manner. This only effects how the scope tag is handled."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:155
+msgid ""
+"The generate configuration has 4 separate sections, each described below."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:157
+msgid "Dir Section"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:159
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Dir</literal> section defines the standard directories needed "
+"to locate the files required during the generation process. These "
+"directories are prepended certain relative paths defined in later sections "
+"to produce a complete an absolute path."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:164
+msgid "ArchiveDir"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:166
+msgid ""
+"Specifies the root of the FTP archive, in a standard Debian configuration "
+"this is the directory that contains the <filename>ls-LR</filename> and dist "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:171
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "OverrideDir"
+msgstr "Wprowadzenie"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:173
+msgid "Specifies the location of the override files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:176
+msgid "CacheDir"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:178
+msgid "Specifies the location of the cache files"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:181
+msgid "FileListDir"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:183
+msgid ""
+"Specifies the location of the file list files, if the <literal>FileList</"
+"literal> setting is used below."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:189
+msgid "Default Section"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:191
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Default</literal> section specifies default values, and "
+"settings that control the operation of the generator. Other sections may "
+"override these defaults with a per-section setting."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:195
+msgid "Packages::Compress"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:197
+msgid ""
+"Sets the default compression schemes to use for the Package index files. It "
+"is a string that contains a space separated list of at least one of: '.' (no "
+"compression), 'gzip' and 'bzip2'. The default for all compression schemes is "
+"'. gzip'."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:203
+msgid "Packages::Extensions"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:205
+msgid ""
+"Sets the default list of file extensions that are package files. This "
+"defaults to '.deb'."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:209
+msgid "Sources::Compress"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:211
+msgid ""
+"This is similar to <literal>Packages::Compress</literal> except that it "
+"controls the compression for the Sources files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:215
+msgid "Sources::Extensions"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:217
+msgid ""
+"Sets the default list of file extensions that are source files. This "
+"defaults to '.dsc'."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:221
+msgid "Contents::Compress"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:223
+msgid ""
+"This is similar to <literal>Packages::Compress</literal> except that it "
+"controls the compression for the Contents files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:227
+msgid "DeLinkLimit"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:229
+msgid ""
+"Specifies the number of kilobytes to delink (and replace with hard links) "
+"per run. This is used in conjunction with the per-section <literal>External-"
+"Links</literal> setting."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:234
+msgid "FileMode"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:236
+msgid ""
+"Specifies the mode of all created index files. It defaults to 0644. All "
+"index files are set to this mode with no regard to the umask."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:243
+msgid "TreeDefault Section"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:245
+msgid ""
+"Sets defaults specific to <literal>Tree</literal> sections. All of these "
+"variables are substitution variables and have the strings $(DIST), "
+"$(SECTION) and $(ARCH) replaced with their respective values."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:250
+msgid "MaxContentsChange"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:252
+msgid ""
+"Sets the number of kilobytes of contents files that are generated each day. "
+"The contents files are round-robined so that over several days they will all "
+"be rebuilt."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:257
+msgid "ContentsAge"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:259
+msgid ""
+"Controls the number of days a contents file is allowed to be checked without "
+"changing. If this limit is passed the mtime of the contents file is updated. "
+"This case can occur if the package file is changed in such a way that does "
+"not result in a new contents file [override edit for instance]. A hold off "
+"is allowed in hopes that new .debs will be installed, requiring a new file "
+"anyhow. The default is 10, the units are in days."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:268
+msgid "Directory"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:270
+msgid ""
+"Sets the top of the .deb directory tree. Defaults to <filename>$(DIST)/"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:274
+msgid "SrcDirectory"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:276
+msgid ""
+"Sets the top of the source package directory tree. Defaults to <filename>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:280 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:406
+msgid "Packages"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:282
+msgid ""
+"Sets the output Packages file. Defaults to <filename>$(DIST)/$(SECTION)/"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:286 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:411
+msgid "Sources"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:288
+msgid ""
+"Sets the output Packages file. Defaults to <filename>$(DIST)/$(SECTION)/"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:292
+msgid "InternalPrefix"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:294
+msgid ""
+"Sets the path prefix that causes a symlink to be considered an internal link "
+"instead of an external link. Defaults to <filename>$(DIST)/$(SECTION)/</"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:299 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:417
+msgid "Contents"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:301
+msgid ""
+"Sets the output Contents file. Defaults to <filename>$(DIST)/Contents-$(ARCH)"
+"</filename>. If this setting causes multiple Packages files to map onto a "
+"single Contents file (such as the default) then <command>apt-ftparchive</"
+"command> will integrate those package files together automatically."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:308
+msgid "Contents::Header"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:310
+msgid "Sets header file to prepend to the contents output."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:313 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:442
+msgid "BinCacheDB"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:315
+msgid ""
+"Sets the binary cache database to use for this section. Multiple sections "
+"can share the same database."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:319
+msgid "FileList"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:321
+msgid ""
+"Specifies that instead of walking the directory tree, <command>apt-"
+"ftparchive</command> should read the list of files from the given file. "
+"Relative files names are prefixed with the archive directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:326
+msgid "SourceFileList"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:328
+msgid ""
+"Specifies that instead of walking the directory tree, <command>apt-"
+"ftparchive</command> should read the list of files from the given file. "
+"Relative files names are prefixed with the archive directory. This is used "
+"when processing source indexes."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:336
+msgid "Tree Section"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:338
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Tree</literal> section defines a standard Debian file tree "
+"which consists of a base directory, then multiple sections in that base "
+"directory and finally multiple Architectures in each section. The exact "
+"pathing used is defined by the <literal>Directory</literal> substitution "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:343
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Tree</literal> section takes a scope tag which sets the "
+"<literal>$(DIST)</literal> variable and defines the root of the tree (the "
+"path is prefixed by <literal>ArchiveDir</literal>). Typically this is a "
+"setting such as <filename>dists/woody</filename>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:348
+msgid ""
+"All of the settings defined in the <literal>TreeDefault</literal> section "
+"can be use in a <literal>Tree</literal> section as well as three new "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:351
+msgid ""
+"When processing a <literal>Tree</literal> section <command>apt-ftparchive</"
+"command> performs an operation similar to:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><informalexample><programlisting>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:354
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"for i in Sections do \n"
+" for j in Architectures do\n"
+" Generate for DIST=scope SECTION=i ARCH=j\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:360
+msgid "Sections"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:362
+msgid ""
+"This is a space separated list of sections which appear under the "
+"distribution, typically this is something like <literal>main contrib non-"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:367
+msgid "Architectures"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:369
+msgid ""
+"This is a space separated list of all the architectures that appear under "
+"search section. The special architecture 'source' is used to indicate that "
+"this tree has a source archive."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:374 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:422
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "BinOverride"
+msgstr "Wprowadzenie"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:376
+msgid ""
+"Sets the binary override file. The override file contains section, priority "
+"and maintainer address information."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:380 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:427
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "SrcOverride"
+msgstr "Wprowadzenie"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:382
+msgid ""
+"Sets the source override file. The override file contains section "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:386 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:432
+msgid "ExtraOverride"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:388 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:434
+msgid "Sets the binary extra override file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:391 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:437
+msgid "SrcExtraOverride"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:393 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:439
+msgid "Sets the source extra override file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:398
+msgid "BinDirectory Section"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:400
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>bindirectory</literal> section defines a binary directory tree "
+"with no special structure. The scope tag specifies the location of the "
+"binary directory and the settings are similar to the <literal>Tree</literal> "
+"section with no substitution variables or <literal>Section</"
+"literal><literal>Architecture</literal> settings."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:408
+msgid "Sets the Packages file output."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:413
+msgid ""
+"Sets the Sources file output. At least one of <literal>Packages</literal> or "
+"<literal>Sources</literal> is required."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:419
+msgid "Sets the Contents file output. (optional)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:424
+msgid "Sets the binary override file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:429
+msgid "Sets the source override file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:444
+msgid "Sets the cache DB."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:447
+msgid "PathPrefix"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:449
+msgid "Appends a path to all the output paths."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:452
+msgid "FileList, SourceFileList"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:454
+msgid "Specifies the file list file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:461
+msgid "The Binary Override File"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:462
+msgid ""
+"The binary override file is fully compatible with &dpkg-scanpackages;. It "
+"contains 4 fields separated by spaces. The first field is the package name, "
+"the second is the priority to force that package to, the third is the the "
+"section to force that package to and the final field is the maintainer "
+"permutation field."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><literallayout>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:468
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "old [// oldn]* => new"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><literallayout>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:470
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "new"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:467
+msgid ""
+"The general form of the maintainer field is: <placeholder type="
+"\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/> or simply, <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" "
+"id=\"1\"/> The first form allows a double-slash separated list of old email "
+"addresses to be specified. If any of those are found then new is substituted "
+"for the maintainer field. The second form unconditionally substitutes the "
+"maintainer field."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:478
+msgid "The Source Override File"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:480
+msgid ""
+"The source override file is fully compatible with &dpkg-scansources;. It "
+"contains 2 fields separated by spaces. The first fields is the source "
+"package name, the second is the section to assign it."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:485
+msgid "The Extra Override File"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:487
+msgid ""
+"The extra override file allows any arbitrary tag to be added or replaced in "
+"the output. It has 3 columns, the first is the package, the second is the "
+"tag and the remainder of the line is the new value."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:496
+msgid "<option>--md5</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:498
+msgid ""
+"Generate MD5 sums. This defaults to on, when turned off the generated index "
+"files will not have MD5Sum fields where possible. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:503
+msgid "<option>--db</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:505
+msgid ""
+"Use a binary caching DB. This has no effect on the generate command. "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::DB</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:511
+msgid ""
+"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
+"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
+"<option>-q=#</option> to set the quiet level, overriding the configuration "
+"file. Configuration Item: <literal>quiet</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:517
+msgid "<option>--delink</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:519
+msgid ""
+"Perform Delinking. If the <literal>External-Links</literal> setting is used "
+"then this option actually enables delinking of the files. It defaults to on "
+"and can be turned off with <option>--no-delink</option>. Configuration "
+"Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::DeLinkAct</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525
+msgid "<option>--contents</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:527
+msgid ""
+"Perform contents generation. When this option is set and package indexes are "
+"being generated with a cache DB then the file listing will also be extracted "
+"and stored in the DB for later use. When using the generate command this "
+"option also allows the creation of any Contents files. The default is on. "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Contents</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:535
+msgid "<option>--source-override</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:537
+msgid ""
+"Select the source override file to use with the <literal>sources</literal> "
+"command. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::SourceOverride</"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:541
+msgid "<option>--readonly</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:543
+msgid ""
+"Make the caching databases read only. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:552 apt.conf.5.xml:982 apt_preferences.5.xml:462
+#: sources.list.5.xml:193
+msgid "Examples"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><programlisting>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:558
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "<command>apt-ftparchive</command> packages <replaceable>directory</replaceable> | <command>gzip</command> > <filename>Packages.gz</filename>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:554
+msgid ""
+"To create a compressed Packages file for a directory containing binary "
+"packages (.deb): <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:568
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal "
+"100 on error."
+msgstr ""
+#. The last update date
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:13
+msgid ""
+"&apt-author.jgunthorpe; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>08 "
+"November 2008</date>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:22 apt-get.8.xml:29 guide.sgml:96
+msgid "apt-get"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:30
+msgid "APT package handling utility -- command-line interface"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:36
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-get</command> <arg><option>-sqdyfmubV</option></arg> <arg> "
+"<option>-o= <replaceable>config_string</replaceable> </option> </arg> <arg> "
+"<option>-c= <replaceable>config_file</replaceable> </option> </arg> <arg> "
+"<option>-t=</option> <group choice='req'> <arg choice='plain'> "
+"<replaceable>target_release_name</replaceable> </arg> <arg choice='plain'> "
+"<replaceable>target_release_number_expression</replaceable> </arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'> <replaceable>target_release_codename</replaceable> </arg> </"
+"group> </arg> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg choice='plain'>update</arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>upgrade</arg> <arg choice='plain'>dselect-upgrade</arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>dist-upgrade</arg> <arg choice='plain'>install <arg choice="
+"\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable> <arg> <group "
+"choice='req'> <arg choice='plain'> =<replaceable>pkg_version_number</"
+"replaceable> </arg> <arg choice='plain'> /<replaceable>target_release_name</"
+"replaceable> </arg> <arg choice='plain'> /"
+"<replaceable>target_release_codename</replaceable> </arg> </group> </arg> </"
+"arg> </arg> <arg choice='plain'>remove <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
+"\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg> <arg choice='plain'>purge <arg "
+"choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg> "
+"<arg choice='plain'>source <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
+"\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable> <arg> <group choice='req'> <arg "
+"choice='plain'> =<replaceable>pkg_version_number</replaceable> </arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'> /<replaceable>target_release_name</replaceable> </arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'> /<replaceable>target_release_codename</replaceable> </arg> </"
+"group> </arg> </arg> </arg> <arg choice='plain'>build-dep <arg choice=\"plain"
+"\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>check</arg> <arg choice='plain'>clean</arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>autoclean</arg> <arg choice='plain'>autoremove</arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'> <group choice='req'> <arg choice='plain'>-v</arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>--version</arg> </group> </arg> <arg choice='plain'> <group "
+"choice='req'> <arg choice='plain'>-h</arg> <arg choice='plain'>--help</arg> "
+"</group> </arg> </group>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:126
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-get</command> is the command-line tool for handling packages, "
+"and may be considered the user's \"back-end\" to other tools using the APT "
+"library. Several \"front-end\" interfaces exist, such as &dselect;, "
+"&aptitude;, &synaptic;, &gnome-apt; and &wajig;."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:135 apt-key.8.xml:123
+msgid "update"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:136
+msgid ""
+"<literal>update</literal> is used to resynchronize the package index files "
+"from their sources. The indexes of available packages are fetched from the "
+"location(s) specified in <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename>. For "
+"example, when using a Debian archive, this command retrieves and scans the "
+"<filename>Packages.gz</filename> files, so that information about new and "
+"updated packages is available. An <literal>update</literal> should always be "
+"performed before an <literal>upgrade</literal> or <literal>dist-upgrade</"
+"literal>. Please be aware that the overall progress meter will be incorrect "
+"as the size of the package files cannot be known in advance."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <tag></tag>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:147 guide.sgml:121
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:148
+msgid ""
+"<literal>upgrade</literal> is used to install the newest versions of all "
+"packages currently installed on the system from the sources enumerated in "
+"<filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename>. Packages currently installed "
+"with new versions available are retrieved and upgraded; under no "
+"circumstances are currently installed packages removed, or packages not "
+"already installed retrieved and installed. New versions of currently "
+"installed packages that cannot be upgraded without changing the install "
+"status of another package will be left at their current version. An "
+"<literal>update</literal> must be performed first so that <command>apt-get</"
+"command> knows that new versions of packages are available."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:160
+msgid "dselect-upgrade"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:161
+msgid ""
+"<literal>dselect-upgrade</literal> is used in conjunction with the "
+"traditional Debian packaging front-end, &dselect;. <literal>dselect-upgrade</"
+"literal> follows the changes made by &dselect; to the <literal>Status</"
+"literal> field of available packages, and performs the actions necessary to "
+"realize that state (for instance, the removal of old and the installation of "
+"new packages)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <tag></tag>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:170 guide.sgml:140
+msgid "dist-upgrade"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:171
+msgid ""
+"<literal>dist-upgrade</literal> in addition to performing the function of "
+"<literal>upgrade</literal>, also intelligently handles changing dependencies "
+"with new versions of packages; <command>apt-get</command> has a \"smart\" "
+"conflict resolution system, and it will attempt to upgrade the most "
+"important packages at the expense of less important ones if necessary. So, "
+"<literal>dist-upgrade</literal> command may remove some packages. The "
+"<filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename> file contains a list of locations "
+"from which to retrieve desired package files. See also &apt-preferences; "
+"for a mechanism for overriding the general settings for individual packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <tag></tag>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:183 guide.sgml:131
+msgid "install"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:185
+msgid ""
+"<literal>install</literal> is followed by one or more packages desired for "
+"installation or upgrading. Each package is a package name, not a fully "
+"qualified filename (for instance, in a Debian GNU/Linux system, libc6 would "
+"be the argument provided, not <literal>libc6_1.9.6-2.deb</literal>). All "
+"packages required by the package(s) specified for installation will also be "
+"retrieved and installed. The <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename> "
+"file is used to locate the desired packages. If a hyphen is appended to the "
+"package name (with no intervening space), the identified package will be "
+"removed if it is installed. Similarly a plus sign can be used to designate "
+"a package to install. These latter features may be used to override "
+"decisions made by apt-get's conflict resolution system."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:203
+msgid ""
+"A specific version of a package can be selected for installation by "
+"following the package name with an equals and the version of the package to "
+"select. This will cause that version to be located and selected for install. "
+"Alternatively a specific distribution can be selected by following the "
+"package name with a slash and the version of the distribution or the Archive "
+"name (stable, testing, unstable)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:210
+msgid ""
+"Both of the version selection mechanisms can downgrade packages and must be "
+"used with care."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:213
+msgid ""
+"This is also the target to use if you want to upgrade one or more already-"
+"installed packages without upgrading every package you have on your system. "
+"Unlike the \"upgrade\" target, which installs the newest version of all "
+"currently installed packages, \"install\" will install the newest version of "
+"only the package(s) specified. Simply provide the name of the package(s) "
+"you wish to upgrade, and if a newer version is available, it (and its "
+"dependencies, as described above) will be downloaded and installed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:224
+msgid ""
+"Finally, the &apt-preferences; mechanism allows you to create an alternative "
+"installation policy for individual packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:228
+msgid ""
+"If no package matches the given expression and the expression contains one "
+"of '.', '?' or '*' then it is assumed to be a POSIX regular expression, and "
+"it is applied to all package names in the database. Any matches are then "
+"installed (or removed). Note that matching is done by substring so 'lo.*' "
+"matches 'how-lo' and 'lowest'. If this is undesired, anchor the regular "
+"expression with a '^' or '$' character, or create a more specific regular "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:237
+msgid "remove"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:238
+msgid ""
+"<literal>remove</literal> is identical to <literal>install</literal> except "
+"that packages are removed instead of installed. Note the removing a package "
+"leaves its configuration files in system. If a plus sign is appended to the "
+"package name (with no intervening space), the identified package will be "
+"installed instead of removed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:245
+msgid "purge"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:246
+msgid ""
+"<literal>purge</literal> is identical to <literal>remove</literal> except "
+"that packages are removed and purged (any configuration files are deleted "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:250
+msgid "source"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:251
+msgid ""
+"<literal>source</literal> causes <command>apt-get</command> to fetch source "
+"packages. APT will examine the available packages to decide which source "
+"package to fetch. It will then find and download into the current directory "
+"the newest available version of that source package while respect the "
+"default release, set with the option <literal>APT::Default-Release</"
+"literal>, the <option>-t</option> option or per package with the "
+"<literal>pkg/release</literal> syntax, if possible."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:259
+msgid ""
+"Source packages are tracked separately from binary packages via <literal>deb-"
+"src</literal> type lines in the &sources-list; file. This means that you "
+"will need to add such a line for each repository you want to get sources "
+"from. If you don't do this you will properly get another (newer, older or "
+"none) source version than the one you have installed or could install."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:266
+msgid ""
+"If the <option>--compile</option> option is specified then the package will "
+"be compiled to a binary .deb using <command>dpkg-buildpackage</command>, if "
+"<option>--download-only</option> is specified then the source package will "
+"not be unpacked."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:271
+msgid ""
+"A specific source version can be retrieved by postfixing the source name "
+"with an equals and then the version to fetch, similar to the mechanism used "
+"for the package files. This enables exact matching of the source package "
+"name and version, implicitly enabling the <literal>APT::Get::Only-Source</"
+"literal> option."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:277
+msgid ""
+"Note that source packages are not tracked like binary packages, they exist "
+"only in the current directory and are similar to downloading source tar "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:282
+msgid "build-dep"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:283
+msgid ""
+"<literal>build-dep</literal> causes apt-get to install/remove packages in an "
+"attempt to satisfy the build dependencies for a source package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:287
+msgid "check"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:288
+msgid ""
+"<literal>check</literal> is a diagnostic tool; it updates the package cache "
+"and checks for broken dependencies."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:293
+msgid ""
+"<literal>clean</literal> clears out the local repository of retrieved "
+"package files. It removes everything but the lock file from "
+"<filename>&cachedir;/archives/</filename> and <filename>&cachedir;/archives/"
+"partial/</filename>. When APT is used as a &dselect; method, <literal>clean</"
+"literal> is run automatically. Those who do not use dselect will likely "
+"want to run <literal>apt-get clean</literal> from time to time to free up "
+"disk space."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:302
+msgid "autoclean"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:303
+msgid ""
+"Like <literal>clean</literal>, <literal>autoclean</literal> clears out the "
+"local repository of retrieved package files. The difference is that it only "
+"removes package files that can no longer be downloaded, and are largely "
+"useless. This allows a cache to be maintained over a long period without it "
+"growing out of control. The configuration option <literal>APT::Clean-"
+"Installed</literal> will prevent installed packages from being erased if it "
+"is set to off."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:312
+msgid "autoremove"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:313
+msgid ""
+"<literal>autoremove</literal> is used to remove packages that were "
+"automatically installed to satisfy dependencies for some package and that "
+"are no more needed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:323 apt-get.8.xml:429
+msgid "<option>--no-install-recommends</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:324
+msgid ""
+"Do not consider recommended packages as a dependency for installing. "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Install-Recommends</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:328
+msgid "<option>--download-only</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:329
+msgid ""
+"Download only; package files are only retrieved, not unpacked or installed. "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Download-Only</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:333
+msgid "<option>--fix-broken</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:334
+msgid ""
+"Fix; attempt to correct a system with broken dependencies in place. This "
+"option, when used with install/remove, can omit any packages to permit APT "
+"to deduce a likely solution. Any Package that are specified must completely "
+"correct the problem. The option is sometimes necessary when running APT for "
+"the first time; APT itself does not allow broken package dependencies to "
+"exist on a system. It is possible that a system's dependency structure can "
+"be so corrupt as to require manual intervention (which usually means using "
+"&dselect; or <command>dpkg --remove</command> to eliminate some of the "
+"offending packages). Use of this option together with <option>-m</option> "
+"may produce an error in some situations. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:347
+msgid "<option>--ignore-missing</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:348
+msgid "<option>--fix-missing</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:349
+msgid ""
+"Ignore missing packages; If packages cannot be retrieved or fail the "
+"integrity check after retrieval (corrupted package files), hold back those "
+"packages and handle the result. Use of this option together with <option>-f</"
+"option> may produce an error in some situations. If a package is selected "
+"for installation (particularly if it is mentioned on the command line) and "
+"it could not be downloaded then it will be silently held back. "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Fix-Missing</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:359
+msgid "<option>--no-download</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:360
+msgid ""
+"Disables downloading of packages. This is best used with <option>--ignore-"
+"missing</option> to force APT to use only the .debs it has already "
+"downloaded. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Download</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:367
+msgid ""
+"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
+"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
+"<option>-q=#</option> to set the quiet level, overriding the configuration "
+"file. Note that quiet level 2 implies <option>-y</option>, you should never "
+"use -qq without a no-action modifier such as -d, --print-uris or -s as APT "
+"may decided to do something you did not expect. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:377
+msgid "<option>--simulate</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:379
+msgid "<option>--dry-run</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:382
+msgid ""
+"No action; perform a simulation of events that would occur but do not "
+"actually change the system. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:386
+msgid ""
+"Simulation run as user will deactivate locking (<literal>Debug::NoLocking</"
+"literal>) automatic. Also a notice will be displayed indicating that this "
+"is only a simulation, if the option <literal>APT::Get::Show-User-Simulation-"
+"Note</literal> is set (Default: true). Neither NoLocking nor the notice "
+"will be triggered if run as root (root should know what he is doing without "
+"further warnings by <literal>apt-get</literal>)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:392
+msgid ""
+"Simulate prints out a series of lines each one representing a dpkg "
+"operation, Configure (Conf), Remove (Remv), Unpack (Inst). Square brackets "
+"indicate broken packages and empty set of square brackets meaning breaks "
+"that are of no consequence (rare)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:399
+msgid "<option>-y</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:399
+msgid "<option>--yes</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:400
+msgid "<option>--assume-yes</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:401
+msgid ""
+"Automatic yes to prompts; assume \"yes\" as answer to all prompts and run "
+"non-interactively. If an undesirable situation, such as changing a held "
+"package, trying to install a unauthenticated package or removing an "
+"essential package occurs then <literal>apt-get</literal> will abort. "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Assume-Yes</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:408
+msgid "<option>-u</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:408
+msgid "<option>--show-upgraded</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:409
+msgid ""
+"Show upgraded packages; Print out a list of all packages that are to be "
+"upgraded. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Show-Upgraded</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:414
+msgid "<option>-V</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:414
+msgid "<option>--verbose-versions</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:415
+msgid ""
+"Show full versions for upgraded and installed packages. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:419
+msgid "<option>-b</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:419
+msgid "<option>--compile</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:420
+msgid "<option>--build</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:421
+msgid ""
+"Compile source packages after downloading them. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:425
+msgid "<option>--install-recommends</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:426
+msgid "Also install recommended packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:430
+msgid "Do not install recommended packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:433
+msgid "<option>--ignore-hold</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:434
+msgid ""
+"Ignore package Holds; This causes <command>apt-get</command> to ignore a "
+"hold placed on a package. This may be useful in conjunction with "
+"<literal>dist-upgrade</literal> to override a large number of undesired "
+"holds. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Ignore-Hold</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:440
+msgid "<option>--no-upgrade</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:441
+msgid ""
+"Do not upgrade packages; When used in conjunction with <literal>install</"
+"literal>, <literal>no-upgrade</literal> will prevent packages on the command "
+"line from being upgraded if they are already installed. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:447
+msgid "<option>--force-yes</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:448
+msgid ""
+"Force yes; This is a dangerous option that will cause apt to continue "
+"without prompting if it is doing something potentially harmful. It should "
+"not be used except in very special situations. Using <literal>force-yes</"
+"literal> can potentially destroy your system! Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:455
+msgid "<option>--print-uris</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:456
+msgid ""
+"Instead of fetching the files to install their URIs are printed. Each URI "
+"will have the path, the destination file name, the size and the expected md5 "
+"hash. Note that the file name to write to will not always match the file "
+"name on the remote site! This also works with the <literal>source</literal> "
+"and <literal>update</literal> commands. When used with the <literal>update</"
+"literal> command the MD5 and size are not included, and it is up to the user "
+"to decompress any compressed files. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:466
+msgid "<option>--purge</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:467
+msgid ""
+"Use purge instead of remove for anything that would be removed. An asterisk "
+"(\"*\") will be displayed next to packages which are scheduled to be purged. "
+"<option>remove --purge</option> is equivalent for <option>purge</option> "
+"command. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Purge</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:474
+msgid "<option>--reinstall</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:475
+msgid ""
+"Re-Install packages that are already installed and at the newest version. "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::ReInstall</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:479
+msgid "<option>--list-cleanup</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:480
+msgid ""
+"This option defaults to on, use <literal>--no-list-cleanup</literal> to turn "
+"it off. When on <command>apt-get</command> will automatically manage the "
+"contents of <filename>&statedir;/lists</filename> to ensure that obsolete "
+"files are erased. The only reason to turn it off is if you frequently "
+"change your source list. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::List-"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:489
+msgid "<option>--target-release</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:490
+msgid "<option>--default-release</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:491
+msgid ""
+"This option controls the default input to the policy engine, it creates a "
+"default pin at priority 990 using the specified release string. This "
+"overrides the general settings in <filename>/etc/apt/preferences</"
+"filename>. Specifically pinned packages are not affected by the value of "
+"this option. In short, this option lets you have simple control over which "
+"distribution packages will be retrieved from. Some common examples might be "
+"<option>-t '2.1*'</option>, <option>-t unstable</option> or <option>-t sid</"
+"option>. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Default-Release</literal>; see "
+"also the &apt-preferences; manual page."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:504
+msgid "<option>--trivial-only</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:506
+msgid ""
+"Only perform operations that are 'trivial'. Logically this can be considered "
+"related to <option>--assume-yes</option>, where <option>--assume-yes</"
+"option> will answer yes to any prompt, <option>--trivial-only</option> will "
+"answer no. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Trivial-Only</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:512
+msgid "<option>--no-remove</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:513
+msgid ""
+"If any packages are to be removed apt-get immediately aborts without "
+"prompting. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Remove</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:518
+msgid "<option>--auto-remove</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:519
+msgid ""
+"If the command is either <literal>install</literal> or <literal>remove</"
+"literal>, then this option acts like running <literal>autoremove</literal> "
+"command, removing the unused dependency packages. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:525
+msgid "<option>--only-source</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:526
+msgid ""
+"Only has meaning for the <literal>source</literal> and <literal>build-dep</"
+"literal> commands. Indicates that the given source names are not to be "
+"mapped through the binary table. This means that if this option is "
+"specified, these commands will only accept source package names as "
+"arguments, rather than accepting binary package names and looking up the "
+"corresponding source package. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Only-"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:536
+msgid "<option>--diff-only</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:536
+msgid "<option>--dsc-only</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:536
+msgid "<option>--tar-only</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:537
+msgid ""
+"Download only the diff, dsc, or tar file of a source archive. Configuration "
+"Item: <literal>APT::Get::Diff-Only</literal>, <literal>APT::Get::Dsc-Only</"
+"literal>, and <literal>APT::Get::Tar-Only</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:542
+msgid "<option>--arch-only</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:543
+msgid ""
+"Only process architecture-dependent build-dependencies. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:547
+msgid "<option>--allow-unauthenticated</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:548
+msgid ""
+"Ignore if packages can't be authenticated and don't prompt about it. This "
+"is useful for tools like pbuilder. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:561
+msgid ""
+"&file-sourceslist; &file-aptconf; &file-preferences; &file-cachearchives; "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:570
+msgid ""
+"&apt-cache;, &apt-cdrom;, &dpkg;, &dselect;, &sources-list;, &apt-conf;, "
+"&apt-config;, &apt-secure;, The APT User's guide in &guidesdir;, &apt-"
+"preferences;, the APT Howto."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:576
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-get</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 on "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:579
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:580
+msgid "&apt-author.jgunthorpe;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:583
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:585
+msgid "&;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:14 apt-key.8.xml:21
+msgid "apt-key"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:22
+msgid "APT key management utility"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:28
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-key</command> <arg><replaceable>command</replaceable>/</arg> "
+"<arg rep=\"repeat\"><option><replaceable>arguments</replaceable></option></"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:36
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-key</command> is used to manage the list of keys used by apt to "
+"authenticate packages. Packages which have been authenticated using these "
+"keys will be considered trusted."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:42
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:44
+msgid "add <replaceable>filename</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:48
+msgid ""
+"Add a new key to the list of trusted keys. The key is read from "
+"<replaceable>filename</replaceable>, or standard input if "
+"<replaceable>filename</replaceable> is <literal>-</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:56
+msgid "del <replaceable>keyid</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:60
+msgid "Remove a key from the list of trusted keys."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:67
+msgid "export <replaceable>keyid</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:71
+msgid "Output the key <replaceable>keyid</replaceable> to standard output."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:78
+msgid "exportall"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:82
+msgid "Output all trusted keys to standard output."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:89
+msgid "list"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:93
+msgid "List trusted keys."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:100
+msgid "finger"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:104
+msgid "List fingerprints of trusted keys."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:111
+msgid "adv"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:115
+msgid ""
+"Pass advanced options to gpg. With adv --recv-key you can download the "
+"public key."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:127
+msgid ""
+"Update the local keyring with the keyring of Debian archive keys and removes "
+"from the keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:140
+msgid "<filename>/etc/apt/trusted.gpg</filename>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:141
+msgid "Keyring of local trusted keys, new keys will be added here."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:144
+msgid "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:145
+msgid "Local trust database of archive keys."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:148
+msgid "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:149
+msgid "Keyring of Debian archive trusted keys."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:152
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:153
+msgid "Keyring of Debian archive removed trusted keys."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:164
+msgid "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
+msgstr ""
+#. The last update date
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:13
+msgid ""
+"&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>9 "
+"August 2009</date>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:22 apt-mark.8.xml:29
+msgid "apt-mark"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:30
+msgid "mark/unmark a package as being automatically-installed"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:36
+msgid ""
+" <command>apt-mark</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> <arg><option>-"
+"f=<replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></option></arg> <group choice=\"plain"
+"\"> <arg choice=\"plain\"> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg choice=\"plain"
+"\">markauto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">unmarkauto</arg> </group> <arg "
+"choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>package</replaceable></arg> </"
+"arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showauto</arg> </group>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:53
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-mark</command> will change whether a package has been marked as "
+"being automatically installed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:57
+msgid ""
+"When you request that a package is installed, and as a result other packages "
+"are installed to satisfy its dependencies, the dependencies are marked as "
+"being automatically installed. Once these automatically installed packages "
+"are no longer depended on by any manually installed packages, they will be "
+"removed by e.g. <command>apt-get</command> or <command>aptitude</command>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:65
+msgid "markauto"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:66
+msgid ""
+"<literal>markauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being automatically "
+"installed, which will cause the package to be removed when no more manually "
+"installed packages depend on this package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:73
+msgid "unmarkauto"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:74
+msgid ""
+"<literal>unmarkauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being manually "
+"installed, which will prevent the package from being automatically removed "
+"if no other packages depend on it."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:81
+msgid "showauto"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:82
+msgid ""
+"<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
+"installed packages with each package on a new line."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:93
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:94
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:97
+msgid ""
+"Read/Write package stats from <filename><replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></"
+"filename> instead of the default location, which is "
+"<filename>extended_status</filename> in the directory defined by the "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::State</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:103
+msgid "<option>-h</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:104
+msgid "<option>--help</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:105
+msgid "Show a short usage summary."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:111
+msgid "<option>-v</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:112
+msgid "<option>--version</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:113
+msgid "Show the program version."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:124
+msgid "<filename>/var/lib/apt/extended_states</filename>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:125
+msgid ""
+"Status list of auto-installed packages. Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::"
+"State</literal> sets the path to the <filename>extended_states</filename> "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:134
+msgid "&apt-get;,&aptitude;,&apt-conf;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:138
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-mark</command> returns zero on normal operation, non-zero on "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:14 apt-secure.8.xml:36
+msgid "apt-secure"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:37
+msgid "Archive authentication support for APT"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:42
+msgid ""
+"Starting with version 0.6, <command>apt</command> contains code that does "
+"signature checking of the Release file for all archives. This ensures that "
+"packages in the archive can't be modified by people who have no access to "
+"the Release file signing key."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:50
+msgid ""
+"If a package comes from a archive without a signature or with a signature "
+"that apt does not have a key for that package is considered untrusted and "
+"installing it will result in a big warning. <command>apt-get</command> will "
+"currently only warn for unsigned archives, future releases might force all "
+"sources to be verified before downloading packages from them."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:59
+msgid ""
+"The package frontends &apt-get;, &aptitude; and &synaptic; support this new "
+"authentication feature."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:64
+msgid "Trusted archives"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:67
+msgid ""
+"The chain of trust from an apt archive to the end user is made up of "
+"different steps. <command>apt-secure</command> is the last step in this "
+"chain, trusting an archive does not mean that the packages that you trust it "
+"do not contain malicious code but means that you trust the archive "
+"maintainer. It's the archive maintainer responsibility to ensure that the "
+"archive integrity is correct."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:75
+msgid ""
+"apt-secure does not review signatures at a package level. If you require "
+"tools to do this you should look at <command>debsig-verify</command> and "
+"<command>debsign</command> (provided in the debsig-verify and devscripts "
+"packages respectively)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:82
+msgid ""
+"The chain of trust in Debian starts when a maintainer uploads a new package "
+"or a new version of a package to the Debian archive. This upload in order to "
+"become effective needs to be signed by a key of a maintainer within the "
+"Debian maintainer's keyring (available in the debian-keyring package). "
+"Maintainer's keys are signed by other maintainers following pre-established "
+"procedures to ensure the identity of the key holder."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:92
+msgid ""
+"Once the uploaded package is verified and included in the archive, the "
+"maintainer signature is stripped off, an MD5 sum of the package is computed "
+"and put in the Packages file. The MD5 sum of all of the packages files are "
+"then computed and put into the Release file. The Release file is then signed "
+"by the archive key (which is created once a year) and distributed through "
+"the FTP server. This key is also on the Debian keyring."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:102
+msgid ""
+"Any end user can check the signature of the Release file, extract the MD5 "
+"sum of a package from it and compare it with the MD5 sum of the package he "
+"downloaded. Prior to version 0.6 only the MD5 sum of the downloaded Debian "
+"package was checked. Now both the MD5 sum and the signature of the Release "
+"file are checked."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:109
+msgid ""
+"Notice that this is distinct from checking signatures on a per package "
+"basis. It is designed to prevent two possible attacks:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:114
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Network \"man in the middle\" attacks</literal>. Without signature "
+"checking, a malicious agent can introduce himself in the package download "
+"process and provide malicious software either by controlling a network "
+"element (router, switch, etc.) or by redirecting traffic to a rogue server "
+"(through arp or DNS spoofing attacks)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:122
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Mirror network compromise</literal>. Without signature checking, a "
+"malicious agent can compromise a mirror host and modify the files in it to "
+"propagate malicious software to all users downloading packages from that "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:129
+msgid ""
+"However, it does not defend against a compromise of the Debian master server "
+"itself (which signs the packages) or against a compromise of the key used to "
+"sign the Release files. In any case, this mechanism can complement a per-"
+"package signature."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:135
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "User configuration"
+msgstr "Plik konfiguracyjny"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:137
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-key</command> is the program that manages the list of keys used "
+"by apt. It can be used to add or remove keys although an installation of "
+"this release will automatically provide the default Debian archive signing "
+"keys used in the Debian package repositories."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:144
+msgid ""
+"In order to add a new key you need to first download it (you should make "
+"sure you are using a trusted communication channel when retrieving it), add "
+"it with <command>apt-key</command> and then run <command>apt-get update</"
+"command> so that apt can download and verify the <filename>Release.gpg</"
+"filename> files from the archives you have configured."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:153
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Archive configuration"
+msgstr "Plik konfiguracyjny"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:155
+msgid ""
+"If you want to provide archive signatures in an archive under your "
+"maintenance you have to:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:160
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis>Create a toplevel Release file</emphasis>, if it does not exist "
+"already. You can do this by running <command>apt-ftparchive release</"
+"command> (provided in apt-utils)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:165
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis>Sign it</emphasis>. You can do this by running <command>gpg -abs -"
+"o Release.gpg Release</command>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:168
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis>Publish the key fingerprint</emphasis>, that way your users will "
+"know what key they need to import in order to authenticate the files in the "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:175
+msgid ""
+"Whenever the contents of the archive changes (new packages are added or "
+"removed) the archive maintainer has to follow the first two steps previously "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:183
+msgid ""
+"&apt-conf;, &apt-get;, &sources-list;, &apt-key;, &apt-ftparchive;, "
+"&debsign; &debsig-verify;, &gpg;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:187
+msgid ""
+"For more background information you might want to review the <ulink url="
+"\">Debian Security Infrastructure</ulink> chapter of the Securing Debian "
+"Manual (available also in the harden-doc package) and the <ulink url="
+"\"\" >Strong "
+"Distribution HOWTO</ulink> by V. Alex Brennen."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:200
+msgid "Manpage Authors"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:202
+msgid ""
+"This man-page is based on the work of Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña, Isaac "
+"Jones, Colin Walters, Florian Weimer and Michael Vogt."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:22 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:29
+msgid "apt-sortpkgs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:30
+msgid "Utility to sort package index files"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:36
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-sortpkgs</command> <arg><option>-hvs</option></arg> "
+"<arg><option>-o=<replaceable>config string</replaceable></option></arg> "
+"<arg><option>-c=<replaceable>file</replaceable></option></arg> <arg choice="
+"\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>file</replaceable></arg>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:45
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-sortpkgs</command> will take an index file (Source index or "
+"Package index) and sort the records so that they are ordered by the package "
+"name. It will also sort the internal fields of each record according to the "
+"internal sorting rules."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:51
+msgid "All output is sent to stdout, the input must be a seekable file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:58
+msgid "<option>--source</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:60
+msgid ""
+"Use Source index field ordering. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:74
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-sortpkgs</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal "
+"100 on error."
+msgstr ""
+#. The last update date
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:13
+msgid ""
+"&apt-author.jgunthorpe; &; <author> <firstname>Daniel</"
+"firstname> <surname>Burrows</surname> <contrib>Initial documentation of "
+"Debug::*.</contrib> <email></email> </author> &apt-email; "
+"&apt-product; <date>18 September 2009</date>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:28 apt.conf.5.xml:35
+msgid "apt.conf"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refmeta><manvolnum>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:29 apt_preferences.5.xml:22 sources.list.5.xml:23
+msgid "5"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:36
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Configuration file for APT"
+msgstr "Plik konfiguracyjny"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:40
+msgid ""
+"<filename>apt.conf</filename> is the main configuration file for the APT "
+"suite of tools, all tools make use of the configuration file and a common "
+"command line parser to provide a uniform environment. When an APT tool "
+"starts up it will read the configuration specified by the <envar>APT_CONFIG</"
+"envar> environment variable (if any) and then read the files in "
+"<literal>Dir::Etc::Parts</literal> then read the main configuration file "
+"specified by <literal>Dir::Etc::main</literal> then finally apply the "
+"command line options to override the configuration directives, possibly "
+"loading even more config files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:50
+msgid ""
+"The configuration file is organized in a tree with options organized into "
+"functional groups. Option specification is given with a double colon "
+"notation, for instance <literal>APT::Get::Assume-Yes</literal> is an option "
+"within the APT tool group, for the Get tool. Options do not inherit from "
+"their parent groups."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:56
+msgid ""
+"Syntactically the configuration language is modeled after what the ISC tools "
+"such as bind and dhcp use. Lines starting with <literal>//</literal> are "
+"treated as comments (ignored), as well as all text between <literal>/*</"
+"literal> and <literal>*/</literal>, just like C/C++ comments. Each line is "
+"of the form <literal>APT::Get::Assume-Yes \"true\";</literal>. The trailing "
+"semicolon and the quotes are required. The value must be on one line, and "
+"there is no kind of string concatenation. It must not include inside "
+"quotes. The behavior of the backslash \"\\\" and escaped characters inside "
+"a value is undefined and it should not be used. An option name may include "
+"alphanumerical characters and the \"/-:._+\" characters. A new scope can be "
+"opened with curly braces, like:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><informalexample><programlisting>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:70
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"APT {\n"
+" Get {\n"
+" Assume-Yes \"true\";\n"
+" Fix-Broken \"true\";\n"
+" };\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:78
+msgid ""
+"with newlines placed to make it more readable. Lists can be created by "
+"opening a scope and including a single string enclosed in quotes followed by "
+"a semicolon. Multiple entries can be included, each separated by a semicolon."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><informalexample><programlisting>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:83
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "DPkg::Pre-Install-Pkgs {\"/usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt\";};\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:86
+msgid ""
+"In general the sample configuration file in <filename>&docdir;examples/apt."
+"conf</filename> &configureindex; is a good guide for how it should look."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:90
+msgid ""
+"The names of the configuration items are not case-sensitive. So in the "
+"previous example you could use <literal>dpkg::pre-install-pkgs</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:93
+msgid ""
+"Names for the configuration items are optional if a list is defined as it "
+"can be see in the <literal>DPkg::Pre-Install-Pkgs</literal> example above. "
+"If you don't specify a name a new entry will simply add a new option to the "
+"list. If you specify a name you can override the option as every other "
+"option by reassigning a new value to the option."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:98
+msgid ""
+"Two specials are allowed, <literal>#include</literal> (which is deprecated "
+"and not supported by alternative implementations) and <literal>#clear</"
+"literal>: <literal>#include</literal> will include the given file, unless "
+"the filename ends in a slash, then the whole directory is included. "
+"<literal>#clear</literal> is used to erase a part of the configuration tree. "
+"The specified element and all its descendants are erased. (Note that these "
+"lines also need to end with a semicolon.)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:106
+msgid ""
+"The #clear command is the only way to delete a list or a complete scope. "
+"Reopening a scope or the ::-style described below will <emphasis>not</"
+"emphasis> override previously written entries. Only options can be "
+"overridden by addressing a new value to it - lists and scopes can't be "
+"overridden, only cleared."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:111
+msgid ""
+"All of the APT tools take a -o option which allows an arbitrary "
+"configuration directive to be specified on the command line. The syntax is a "
+"full option name (<literal>APT::Get::Assume-Yes</literal> for instance) "
+"followed by an equals sign then the new value of the option. Lists can be "
+"appended too by adding a trailing :: to the list name. (As you might "
+"suspect: The scope syntax can't be used on the command line.)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:118
+msgid ""
+"Note that you can use :: only for appending one item per line to a list and "
+"that you should not use it in combination with the scope syntax. (The scope "
+"syntax implicit insert ::) Using both syntaxes together will trigger a bug "
+"which some users unfortunately relay on: An option with the unusual name "
+"\"<literal>::</literal>\" which acts like every other option with a name. "
+"These introduces many problems including that a user who writes multiple "
+"lines in this <emphasis>wrong</emphasis> syntax in the hope to append to a "
+"list will gain the opposite as only the last assignment for this option "
+"\"<literal>::</literal>\" will be used. Upcoming APT versions will raise "
+"errors and will stop working if they encounter this misuse, so please "
+"correct such statements now as long as APT doesn't complain explicit about "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:130
+msgid "The APT Group"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:131
+msgid ""
+"This group of options controls general APT behavior as well as holding the "
+"options for all of the tools."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:135
+msgid "Architecture"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:136
+msgid ""
+"System Architecture; sets the architecture to use when fetching files and "
+"parsing package lists. The internal default is the architecture apt was "
+"compiled for."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:141
+msgid "Default-Release"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:142
+msgid ""
+"Default release to install packages from if more than one version available. "
+"Contains release name, codename or release version. Examples: 'stable', "
+"'testing', 'unstable', 'lenny', 'squeeze', '4.0', '5.0*'. See also &apt-"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:146
+msgid "Ignore-Hold"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:147
+msgid ""
+"Ignore Held packages; This global option causes the problem resolver to "
+"ignore held packages in its decision making."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:151
+msgid "Clean-Installed"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:152
+msgid ""
+"Defaults to on. When turned on the autoclean feature will remove any "
+"packages which can no longer be downloaded from the cache. If turned off "
+"then packages that are locally installed are also excluded from cleaning - "
+"but note that APT provides no direct means to reinstall them."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:158
+msgid "Immediate-Configure"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:159
+msgid ""
+"Defaults to on which will cause APT to install essential and important "
+"packages as fast as possible in the install/upgrade operation. This is done "
+"to limit the effect of a failing &dpkg; call: If this option is disabled APT "
+"does treat an important package in the same way as an extra package: Between "
+"the unpacking of the important package A and his configuration can then be "
+"many other unpack or configuration calls, e.g. for package B which has no "
+"relation to A, but causes the dpkg call to fail (e.g. because maintainer "
+"script of package B generates an error) which results in a system state in "
+"which package A is unpacked but unconfigured - each package depending on A "
+"is now no longer guaranteed to work as their dependency on A is not longer "
+"satisfied. The immediate configuration marker is also applied to all "
+"dependencies which can generate a problem if the dependencies e.g. form a "
+"circle as a dependency with the immediate flag is comparable with a Pre-"
+"Dependency. So in theory it is possible that APT encounters a situation in "
+"which it is unable to perform immediate configuration, error out and refers "
+"to this option so the user can deactivate the immediate configuration "
+"temporary to be able to perform an install/upgrade again. Note the use of "
+"the word \"theory\" here as this problem was only encountered by now in real "
+"world a few times in non-stable distribution versions and caused by wrong "
+"dependencies of the package in question or by a system in an already broken "
+"state, so you should not blindly disable this option as the mentioned "
+"scenario above is not the only problem immediate configuration can help to "
+"prevent in the first place. Before a big operation like <literal>dist-"
+"upgrade</literal> is run with this option disabled it should be tried to "
+"explicitly <literal>install</literal> the package APT is unable to configure "
+"immediately, but please make sure to report your problem also to your "
+"distribution and to the APT team with the buglink below so they can work on "
+"improving or correcting the upgrade process."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:181
+msgid "Force-LoopBreak"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:182
+msgid ""
+"Never Enable this option unless you -really- know what you are doing. It "
+"permits APT to temporarily remove an essential package to break a Conflicts/"
+"Conflicts or Conflicts/Pre-Depend loop between two essential packages. SUCH "
+"A LOOP SHOULD NEVER EXIST AND IS A GRAVE BUG. This option will work if the "
+"essential packages are not tar, gzip, libc, dpkg, bash or anything that "
+"those packages depend on."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:190
+msgid "Cache-Limit"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:191
+msgid ""
+"APT uses a fixed size memory mapped cache file to store the 'available' "
+"information. This sets the size of that cache (in bytes)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:195
+msgid "Build-Essential"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:196
+msgid "Defines which package(s) are considered essential build dependencies."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:199
+msgid "Get"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:200
+msgid ""
+"The Get subsection controls the &apt-get; tool, please see its documentation "
+"for more information about the options here."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:204
+msgid "Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:205
+msgid ""
+"The Cache subsection controls the &apt-cache; tool, please see its "
+"documentation for more information about the options here."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:209
+msgid "CDROM"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:210
+msgid ""
+"The CDROM subsection controls the &apt-cdrom; tool, please see its "
+"documentation for more information about the options here."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:216
+msgid "The Acquire Group"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:221
+msgid "PDiffs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:222
+msgid ""
+"Try to download deltas called <literal>PDiffs</literal> for Packages or "
+"Sources files instead of downloading whole ones. True by default."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:227
+msgid "Queue-Mode"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:228
+msgid ""
+"Queuing mode; <literal>Queue-Mode</literal> can be one of <literal>host</"
+"literal> or <literal>access</literal> which determines how APT parallelizes "
+"outgoing connections. <literal>host</literal> means that one connection per "
+"target host will be opened, <literal>access</literal> means that one "
+"connection per URI type will be opened."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:235
+msgid "Retries"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:236
+msgid ""
+"Number of retries to perform. If this is non-zero APT will retry failed "
+"files the given number of times."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:240
+msgid "Source-Symlinks"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:241
+msgid ""
+"Use symlinks for source archives. If set to true then source archives will "
+"be symlinked when possible instead of copying. True is the default."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:245 sources.list.5.xml:139
+msgid "http"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:246
+msgid ""
+"HTTP URIs; http::Proxy is the default http proxy to use. It is in the "
+"standard form of <literal>http://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/</literal>. Per "
+"host proxies can also be specified by using the form <literal>http::Proxy::"
+"&lt;host&gt;</literal> with the special keyword <literal>DIRECT</literal> "
+"meaning to use no proxies. If no one of the above settings is specified, "
+"<envar>http_proxy</envar> environment variable will be used."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:254
+msgid ""
+"Three settings are provided for cache control with HTTP/1.1 compliant proxy "
+"caches. <literal>No-Cache</literal> tells the proxy to not use its cached "
+"response under any circumstances, <literal>Max-Age</literal> is sent only "
+"for index files and tells the cache to refresh its object if it is older "
+"than the given number of seconds. Debian updates its index files daily so "
+"the default is 1 day. <literal>No-Store</literal> specifies that the cache "
+"should never store this request, it is only set for archive files. This may "
+"be useful to prevent polluting a proxy cache with very large .deb files. "
+"Note: Squid 2.0.2 does not support any of these options."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:264 apt.conf.5.xml:321
+msgid ""
+"The option <literal>timeout</literal> sets the timeout timer used by the "
+"method, this applies to all things including connection timeout and data "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:267
+msgid ""
+"One setting is provided to control the pipeline depth in cases where the "
+"remote server is not RFC conforming or buggy (such as Squid 2.0.2). "
+"<literal>Acquire::http::Pipeline-Depth</literal> can be a value from 0 to 5 "
+"indicating how many outstanding requests APT should send. A value of zero "
+"MUST be specified if the remote host does not properly linger on TCP "
+"connections - otherwise data corruption will occur. Hosts which require this "
+"are in violation of RFC 2068."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:275
+msgid ""
+"The used bandwidth can be limited with <literal>Acquire::http::Dl-Limit</"
+"literal> which accepts integer values in kilobyte. The default value is 0 "
+"which deactivates the limit and tries uses as much as possible of the "
+"bandwidth (Note that this option implicit deactivates the download from "
+"multiple servers at the same time.)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:281
+msgid "https"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:282
+msgid ""
+"HTTPS URIs. Cache-control and proxy options are the same as for "
+"<literal>http</literal> method. <literal>Pipeline-Depth</literal> option is "
+"not supported yet."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:286
+msgid ""
+"<literal>CaInfo</literal> suboption specifies place of file that holds info "
+"about trusted certificates. <literal>&lt;host&gt;::CaInfo</literal> is "
+"corresponding per-host option. <literal>Verify-Peer</literal> boolean "
+"suboption determines whether verify server's host certificate against "
+"trusted certificates or not. <literal>&lt;host&gt;::Verify-Peer</literal> "
+"is corresponding per-host option. <literal>Verify-Host</literal> boolean "
+"suboption determines whether verify server's hostname or not. <literal>&lt;"
+"host&gt;::Verify-Host</literal> is corresponding per-host option. "
+"<literal>SslCert</literal> determines what certificate to use for client "
+"authentication. <literal>&lt;host&gt;::SslCert</literal> is corresponding "
+"per-host option. <literal>SslKey</literal> determines what private key to "
+"use for client authentication. <literal>&lt;host&gt;::SslKey</literal> is "
+"corresponding per-host option. <literal>SslForceVersion</literal> overrides "
+"default SSL version to use. Can contain 'TLSv1' or 'SSLv3' string. "
+"<literal>&lt;host&gt;::SslForceVersion</literal> is corresponding per-host "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:304 sources.list.5.xml:150
+msgid "ftp"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:305
+msgid ""
+"FTP URIs; ftp::Proxy is the default ftp proxy to use. It is in the standard "
+"form of <literal>ftp://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/</literal>. Per host "
+"proxies can also be specified by using the form <literal>ftp::Proxy::&lt;"
+"host&gt;</literal> with the special keyword <literal>DIRECT</literal> "
+"meaning to use no proxies. If no one of the above settings is specified, "
+"<envar>ftp_proxy</envar> environment variable will be used. To use a ftp "
+"proxy you will have to set the <literal>ftp::ProxyLogin</literal> script in "
+"the configuration file. This entry specifies the commands to send to tell "
+"the proxy server what to connect to. Please see &configureindex; for an "
+"example of how to do this. The substitution variables available are <literal>"
+"$(PROXY_USER)</literal> <literal>$(PROXY_PASS)</literal> <literal>"
+"$(SITE_USER)</literal> <literal>$(SITE_PASS)</literal> <literal>$(SITE)</"
+"literal> and <literal>$(SITE_PORT)</literal> Each is taken from it's "
+"respective URI component."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:324
+msgid ""
+"Several settings are provided to control passive mode. Generally it is safe "
+"to leave passive mode on, it works in nearly every environment. However "
+"some situations require that passive mode be disabled and port mode ftp used "
+"instead. This can be done globally, for connections that go through a proxy "
+"or for a specific host (See the sample config file for examples)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:331
+msgid ""
+"It is possible to proxy FTP over HTTP by setting the <envar>ftp_proxy</"
+"envar> environment variable to a http url - see the discussion of the http "
+"method above for syntax. You cannot set this in the configuration file and "
+"it is not recommended to use FTP over HTTP due to its low efficiency."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:336
+msgid ""
+"The setting <literal>ForceExtended</literal> controls the use of RFC2428 "
+"<literal>EPSV</literal> and <literal>EPRT</literal> commands. The default is "
+"false, which means these commands are only used if the control connection is "
+"IPv6. Setting this to true forces their use even on IPv4 connections. Note "
+"that most FTP servers do not support RFC2428."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:343 sources.list.5.xml:132
+msgid "cdrom"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:349
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "/cdrom/::Mount \"foo\";"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:344
+msgid ""
+"CDROM URIs; the only setting for CDROM URIs is the mount point, "
+"<literal>cdrom::Mount</literal> which must be the mount point for the CDROM "
+"drive as specified in <filename>/etc/fstab</filename>. It is possible to "
+"provide alternate mount and unmount commands if your mount point cannot be "
+"listed in the fstab (such as an SMB mount and old mount packages). The "
+"syntax is to put <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/> within the "
+"cdrom block. It is important to have the trailing slash. Unmount commands "
+"can be specified using UMount."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:354
+msgid "gpgv"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:355
+msgid ""
+"GPGV URIs; the only option for GPGV URIs is the option to pass additional "
+"parameters to gpgv. <literal>gpgv::Options</literal> Additional options "
+"passed to gpgv."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:360
+msgid "CompressionTypes"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:366
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::<replaceable>FileExtension</replaceable> \"<replaceable>Methodname</replaceable>\";"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:361
+msgid ""
+"List of compression types which are understood by the acquire methods. "
+"Files like <filename>Packages</filename> can be available in various "
+"compression formats. Per default the acquire methods can decompress "
+"<command>bzip2</command>, <command>lzma</command> and <command>gzip</"
+"command> compressed files, with this setting more formats can be added on "
+"the fly or the used method can be changed. The syntax for this is: "
+"<placeholder type=\"synopsis\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:371
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order:: \"gz\";"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:374
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order { \"lzma\"; \"gz\"; };"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:367
+msgid ""
+"Also the <literal>Order</literal> subgroup can be used to define in which "
+"order the acquire system will try to download the compressed files. The "
+"acquire system will try the first and proceed with the next compression type "
+"in this list on error, so to prefer one over the other type simple add the "
+"preferred type at first - not already added default types will be added at "
+"run time to the end of the list, so e.g. <placeholder type=\"synopsis\" id="
+"\"0\"/> can be used to prefer <command>gzip</command> compressed files over "
+"<command>bzip2</command> and <command>lzma</command>. If <command>lzma</"
+"command> should be preferred over <command>gzip</command> and "
+"<command>bzip2</command> the configure setting should look like this "
+"<placeholder type=\"synopsis\" id=\"1\"/> It is not needed to add "
+"<literal>bz2</literal> explicit to the list as it will be added automatic."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:378
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Dir::Bin::bzip2 \"/bin/bzip2\";"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:376
+msgid ""
+"Note that at run time the <literal>Dir::Bin::<replaceable>Methodname</"
+"replaceable></literal> will be checked: If this setting exists the method "
+"will only be used if this file exists, e.g. for the bzip2 method (the "
+"inbuilt) setting is <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/> Note also "
+"that list entries specified on the command line will be added at the end of "
+"the list specified in the configuration files, but before the default "
+"entries. To prefer a type in this case over the ones specified in in the "
+"configuration files you can set the option direct - not in list style. This "
+"will not override the defined list, it will only prefix the list with this "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:383
+msgid ""
+"While it is possible to add an empty compression type to the order list, but "
+"APT in its current version doesn't understand it correctly and will display "
+"many warnings about not downloaded files - these warnings are most of the "
+"time false negatives. Future versions will maybe include a way to really "
+"prefer uncompressed files to support the usage of local mirrors."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:217
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Acquire</literal> group of options controls the download of "
+"packages and the URI handlers. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:392
+msgid "Directories"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:394
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Dir::State</literal> section has directories that pertain to "
+"local state information. <literal>lists</literal> is the directory to place "
+"downloaded package lists in and <literal>status</literal> is the name of the "
+"dpkg status file. <literal>preferences</literal> is the name of the APT "
+"preferences file. <literal>Dir::State</literal> contains the default "
+"directory to prefix on all sub items if they do not start with <filename>/</"
+"filename> or <filename>./</filename>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:401
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Dir::Cache</literal> contains locations pertaining to local cache "
+"information, such as the two package caches <literal>srcpkgcache</literal> "
+"and <literal>pkgcache</literal> as well as the location to place downloaded "
+"archives, <literal>Dir::Cache::archives</literal>. Generation of caches can "
+"be turned off by setting their names to be blank. This will slow down "
+"startup but save disk space. It is probably preferred to turn off the "
+"pkgcache rather than the srcpkgcache. Like <literal>Dir::State</literal> the "
+"default directory is contained in <literal>Dir::Cache</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:410
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Dir::Etc</literal> contains the location of configuration files, "
+"<literal>sourcelist</literal> gives the location of the sourcelist and "
+"<literal>main</literal> is the default configuration file (setting has no "
+"effect, unless it is done from the config file specified by "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:416
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Dir::Parts</literal> setting reads in all the config fragments "
+"in lexical order from the directory specified. After this is done then the "
+"main config file is loaded."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:420
+msgid ""
+"Binary programs are pointed to by <literal>Dir::Bin</literal>. <literal>Dir::"
+"Bin::Methods</literal> specifies the location of the method handlers and "
+"<literal>gzip</literal>, <literal>bzip2</literal>, <literal>lzma</literal>, "
+"<literal>dpkg</literal>, <literal>apt-get</literal> <literal>dpkg-source</"
+"literal> <literal>dpkg-buildpackage</literal> and <literal>apt-cache</"
+"literal> specify the location of the respective programs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:428
+msgid ""
+"The configuration item <literal>RootDir</literal> has a special meaning. If "
+"set, all paths in <literal>Dir::</literal> will be relative to "
+"<literal>RootDir</literal>, <emphasis>even paths that are specified "
+"absolutely</emphasis>. So, for instance, if <literal>RootDir</literal> is "
+"set to <filename>/tmp/staging</filename> and <literal>Dir::State::status</"
+"literal> is set to <filename>/var/lib/dpkg/status</filename>, then the "
+"status file will be looked up in <filename>/tmp/staging/var/lib/dpkg/status</"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:441
+msgid "APT in DSelect"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:443
+msgid ""
+"When APT is used as a &dselect; method several configuration directives "
+"control the default behaviour. These are in the <literal>DSelect</literal> "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:447
+msgid "Clean"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:448
+msgid ""
+"Cache Clean mode; this value may be one of always, prompt, auto, pre-auto "
+"and never. always and prompt will remove all packages from the cache after "
+"upgrading, prompt (the default) does so conditionally. auto removes only "
+"those packages which are no longer downloadable (replaced with a new version "
+"for instance). pre-auto performs this action before downloading new "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:457
+msgid ""
+"The contents of this variable is passed to &apt-get; as command line options "
+"when it is run for the install phase."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:461
+msgid "Updateoptions"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:462
+msgid ""
+"The contents of this variable is passed to &apt-get; as command line options "
+"when it is run for the update phase."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:466
+msgid "PromptAfterUpdate"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:467
+msgid ""
+"If true the [U]pdate operation in &dselect; will always prompt to continue. "
+"The default is to prompt only on error."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:473
+msgid "How APT calls dpkg"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:474
+msgid ""
+"Several configuration directives control how APT invokes &dpkg;. These are "
+"in the <literal>DPkg</literal> section."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:479
+msgid ""
+"This is a list of options to pass to dpkg. The options must be specified "
+"using the list notation and each list item is passed as a single argument to "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:484
+msgid "Pre-Invoke"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:484
+msgid "Post-Invoke"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:485
+msgid ""
+"This is a list of shell commands to run before/after invoking &dpkg;. Like "
+"<literal>options</literal> this must be specified in list notation. The "
+"commands are invoked in order using <filename>/bin/sh</filename>, should any "
+"fail APT will abort."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:491
+msgid "Pre-Install-Pkgs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:492
+msgid ""
+"This is a list of shell commands to run before invoking dpkg. Like "
+"<literal>options</literal> this must be specified in list notation. The "
+"commands are invoked in order using <filename>/bin/sh</filename>, should any "
+"fail APT will abort. APT will pass to the commands on standard input the "
+"filenames of all .deb files it is going to install, one per line."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:498
+msgid ""
+"Version 2 of this protocol dumps more information, including the protocol "
+"version, the APT configuration space and the packages, files and versions "
+"being changed. Version 2 is enabled by setting <literal>DPkg::Tools::"
+"options::cmd::Version</literal> to 2. <literal>cmd</literal> is a command "
+"given to <literal>Pre-Install-Pkgs</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:505
+msgid "Run-Directory"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:506
+msgid ""
+"APT chdirs to this directory before invoking dpkg, the default is <filename>/"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:510
+msgid "Build-options"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:511
+msgid ""
+"These options are passed to &dpkg-buildpackage; when compiling packages, the "
+"default is to disable signing and produce all binaries."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:516
+msgid "dpkg trigger usage (and related options)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:517
+msgid ""
+"APT can call dpkg in a way so it can make aggressive use of triggers over "
+"multiply calls of dpkg. Without further options dpkg will use triggers only "
+"in between his own run. Activating these options can therefore decrease the "
+"time needed to perform the install / upgrade. Note that it is intended to "
+"activate these options per default in the future, but as it changes the way "
+"APT calling dpkg drastically it needs a lot more testing. <emphasis>These "
+"options are therefore currently experimental and should not be used in "
+"productive environments.</emphasis> Also it breaks the progress reporting so "
+"all frontends will currently stay around half (or more) of the time in the "
+"100% state while it actually configures all packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><literallayout>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:532
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"DPkg::NoTriggers \"true\";\n"
+"PackageManager::Configure \"smart\";\n"
+"DPkg::ConfigurePending \"true\";\n"
+"DPkg::TriggersPending \"true\";"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:526
+msgid ""
+"Note that it is not guaranteed that APT will support these options or that "
+"these options will not cause (big) trouble in the future. If you have "
+"understand the current risks and problems with these options, but are brave "
+"enough to help testing them create a new configuration file and test a "
+"combination of options. Please report any bugs, problems and improvements "
+"you encounter and make sure to note which options you have used in your "
+"reports. Asking dpkg for help could also be useful for debugging proposes, "
+"see e.g. <command>dpkg --audit</command>. A defensive option combination "
+"would be <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:538
+msgid "DPkg::NoTriggers"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:539
+msgid ""
+"Add the no triggers flag to all dpkg calls (except the ConfigurePending "
+"call). See &dpkg; if you are interested in what this actually means. In "
+"short: dpkg will not run the triggers when this flag is present unless it is "
+"explicitly called to do so in an extra call. Note that this option exists "
+"(undocumented) also in older apt versions with a slightly different meaning: "
+"Previously these option only append --no-triggers to the configure calls to "
+"dpkg - now apt will add these flag also to the unpack and remove calls."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:546
+msgid "PackageManager::Configure"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:547
+msgid ""
+"Valid values are \"<literal>all</literal>\", \"<literal>smart</literal>\" "
+"and \"<literal>no</literal>\". \"<literal>all</literal>\" is the default "
+"value and causes APT to configure all packages explicit. The "
+"\"<literal>smart</literal>\" way is it to configure only packages which need "
+"to be configured before another package can be unpacked (Pre-Depends) and "
+"let the rest configure by dpkg with a call generated by the next option. "
+"\"<literal>no</literal>\" on the other hand will not configure anything and "
+"totally rely on dpkg for configuration (which will at the moment fail if a "
+"Pre-Depends is encountered). Setting this option to another than the all "
+"value will implicitly activate also the next option per default as otherwise "
+"the system could end in an unconfigured status which could be unbootable!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:557
+msgid "DPkg::ConfigurePending"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:558
+msgid ""
+"If this option is set apt will call <command>dpkg --configure --pending</"
+"command> to let dpkg handle all required configurations and triggers. This "
+"option is activated automatic per default if the previous option is not set "
+"to <literal>all</literal>, but deactivating could be useful if you want to "
+"run APT multiple times in a row - e.g. in an installer. In these sceneries "
+"you could deactivate this option in all but the last run."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:564
+msgid "DPkg::TriggersPending"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:565
+msgid ""
+"Useful for <literal>smart</literal> configuration as a package which has "
+"pending triggers is not considered as <literal>installed</literal> and dpkg "
+"treats them as <literal>unpacked</literal> currently which is a dealbreaker "
+"for Pre-Dependencies (see debbugs #526774). Note that this will process all "
+"triggers, not only the triggers needed to configure this package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:570
+msgid "PackageManager::UnpackAll"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:571
+msgid ""
+"As the configuration can be deferred to be done at the end by dpkg it can be "
+"tried to order the unpack series only by critical needs, e.g. by Pre-"
+"Depends. Default is true and therefore the \"old\" method of ordering in "
+"various steps by everything. While both method were present in earlier APT "
+"versions the <literal>OrderCritical</literal> method was unused, so this "
+"method is very experimental and needs further improvements before becoming "
+"really useful."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:578
+msgid "OrderList::Score::Immediate"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:586
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"OrderList::Score {\n"
+"\tDelete 500;\n"
+"\tEssential 200;\n"
+"\tImmediate 10;\n"
+"\tPreDepends 50;\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:579
+msgid ""
+"Essential packages (and there dependencies) should be configured immediately "
+"after unpacking. It will be a good idea to do this quite early in the "
+"upgrade process as these these configure calls require currently also "
+"<literal>DPkg::TriggersPending</literal> which will run quite a few triggers "
+"(which maybe not needed). Essentials get per default a high score but the "
+"immediate flag is relatively low (a package which has a Pre-Depends is "
+"higher rated). These option and the others in the same group can be used to "
+"change the scoring. The following example shows the settings with there "
+"default values. <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:599
+msgid "Periodic and Archives options"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:600
+msgid ""
+"<literal>APT::Periodic</literal> and <literal>APT::Archives</literal> groups "
+"of options configure behavior of apt periodic updates, which is done by "
+"<literal>/etc/cron.daily/apt</literal> script. See header of this script for "
+"the brief documentation of these options."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:608
+msgid "Debug options"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:610
+msgid ""
+"Enabling options in the <literal>Debug::</literal> section will cause "
+"debugging information to be sent to the standard error stream of the program "
+"utilizing the <literal>apt</literal> libraries, or enable special program "
+"modes that are primarily useful for debugging the behavior of <literal>apt</"
+"literal>. Most of these options are not interesting to a normal user, but a "
+"few may be:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:621
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal> enables output about the "
+"decisions made by <literal>dist-upgrade, upgrade, install, remove, purge</"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:629
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Debug::NoLocking</literal> disables all file locking. This can be "
+"used to run some operations (for instance, <literal>apt-get -s install</"
+"literal>) as a non-root user."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:638
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgPM</literal> prints out the actual command line each "
+"time that <literal>apt</literal> invokes &dpkg;."
+msgstr ""
+#. TODO: provide a
+#. motivating example, except I haven't a clue why you'd want
+#. to do this.
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:646
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Debug::IdentCdrom</literal> disables the inclusion of statfs data "
+"in CDROM IDs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:656
+msgid "A full list of debugging options to apt follows."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:661
+msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::cdrom</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:665
+msgid ""
+"Print information related to accessing <literal>cdrom://</literal> sources."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:672
+msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::ftp</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:676
+msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using FTP."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:683
+msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::http</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:687
+msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using HTTP."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:694
+msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::https</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:698
+msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using HTTPS."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:705
+msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::gpgv</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:709
+msgid ""
+"Print information related to verifying cryptographic signatures using "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:716
+msgid "<literal>Debug::aptcdrom</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:720
+msgid ""
+"Output information about the process of accessing collections of packages "
+"stored on CD-ROMs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:727
+msgid "<literal>Debug::BuildDeps</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:730
+msgid "Describes the process of resolving build-dependencies in &apt-get;."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:737
+msgid "<literal>Debug::Hashes</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:740
+msgid ""
+"Output each cryptographic hash that is generated by the <literal>apt</"
+"literal> libraries."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:747
+msgid "<literal>Debug::IdentCDROM</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:750
+msgid ""
+"Do not include information from <literal>statfs</literal>, namely the number "
+"of used and free blocks on the CD-ROM filesystem, when generating an ID for "
+"a CD-ROM."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:758
+msgid "<literal>Debug::NoLocking</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:761
+msgid ""
+"Disable all file locking. For instance, this will allow two instances of "
+"<quote><literal>apt-get update</literal></quote> to run at the same time."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:769
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:773
+msgid "Log when items are added to or removed from the global download queue."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:780
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Auth</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:783
+msgid ""
+"Output status messages and errors related to verifying checksums and "
+"cryptographic signatures of downloaded files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:790
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Diffs</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:793
+msgid ""
+"Output information about downloading and applying package index list diffs, "
+"and errors relating to package index list diffs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:801
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::RRed</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:805
+msgid ""
+"Output information related to patching apt package lists when downloading "
+"index diffs instead of full indices."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:812
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Worker</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:816
+msgid ""
+"Log all interactions with the sub-processes that actually perform downloads."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:823
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAutoRemove</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:827
+msgid ""
+"Log events related to the automatically-installed status of packages and to "
+"the removal of unused packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:834
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::AutoInstall</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:837
+msgid ""
+"Generate debug messages describing which packages are being automatically "
+"installed to resolve dependencies. This corresponds to the initial auto-"
+"install pass performed in, e.g., <literal>apt-get install</literal>, and not "
+"to the full <literal>apt</literal> dependency resolver; see <literal>Debug::"
+"pkgProblemResolver</literal> for that."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:848
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::Marker</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:851
+msgid ""
+"Generate debug messages describing which package is marked as keep/install/"
+"remove while the ProblemResolver does his work. Each addition or deletion "
+"may trigger additional actions; they are shown indented two additional space "
+"under the original entry. The format for each line is <literal>MarkKeep</"
+"literal>, <literal>MarkDelete</literal> or <literal>MarkInstall</literal> "
+"followed by <literal>package-name &lt;a.b.c -&gt; d.e.f | x.y.z&gt; (section)"
+"</literal> where <literal>a.b.c</literal> is the current version of the "
+"package, <literal>d.e.f</literal> is the version considered for installation "
+"and <literal>x.y.z</literal> is a newer version, but not considered for "
+"installation (because of a low pin score). The later two can be omitted if "
+"there is none or if it is the same version as the installed. "
+"<literal>section</literal> is the name of the section the package appears in."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:870
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgInitConfig</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:873
+msgid "Dump the default configuration to standard error on startup."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:880
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgPM</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:883
+msgid ""
+"When invoking &dpkg;, output the precise command line with which it is being "
+"invoked, with arguments separated by a single space character."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:891
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:894
+msgid ""
+"Output all the data received from &dpkg; on the status file descriptor and "
+"any errors encountered while parsing it."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:901
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgOrderList</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:905
+msgid ""
+"Generate a trace of the algorithm that decides the order in which "
+"<literal>apt</literal> should pass packages to &dpkg;."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:913
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgPackageManager</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:917
+msgid ""
+"Output status messages tracing the steps performed when invoking &dpkg;."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:924
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgPolicy</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:928
+msgid "Output the priority of each package list on startup."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:934
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:938
+msgid ""
+"Trace the execution of the dependency resolver (this applies only to what "
+"happens when a complex dependency problem is encountered)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:946
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver::ShowScores</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:949
+msgid ""
+"Display a list of all installed packages with their calculated score used by "
+"the pkgProblemResolver. The description of the package is the same as "
+"described in <literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::Marker</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:957
+msgid "<literal>Debug::sourceList</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:961
+msgid ""
+"Print information about the vendors read from <filename>/etc/apt/vendors."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:983
+msgid ""
+"&configureindex; is a configuration file showing example values for all "
+"possible options."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:990
+msgid "&file-aptconf;"
+msgstr ""
+#. ? reading apt.conf
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:995
+msgid "&apt-cache;, &apt-config;, &apt-preferences;."
+msgstr ""
+#. The last update date
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:13
+msgid "&; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>04 May 2009</date>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:21 apt_preferences.5.xml:28
+msgid "apt_preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:29
+msgid "Preference control file for APT"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:34
+msgid ""
+"The APT preferences file <filename>/etc/apt/preferences</filename> and the "
+"fragment files in the <filename>/etc/apt/preferences.d/</filename> folder "
+"can be used to control which versions of packages will be selected for "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:39
+msgid ""
+"Several versions of a package may be available for installation when the "
+"&sources-list; file contains references to more than one distribution (for "
+"example, <literal>stable</literal> and <literal>testing</literal>). APT "
+"assigns a priority to each version that is available. Subject to dependency "
+"constraints, <command>apt-get</command> selects the version with the highest "
+"priority for installation. The APT preferences file overrides the "
+"priorities that APT assigns to package versions by default, thus giving the "
+"user control over which one is selected for installation."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:49
+msgid ""
+"Several instances of the same version of a package may be available when the "
+"&sources-list; file contains references to more than one source. In this "
+"case <command>apt-get</command> downloads the instance listed earliest in "
+"the &sources-list; file. The APT preferences file does not affect the "
+"choice of instance, only the choice of version."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:56
+msgid "APT's Default Priority Assignments"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:71
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "<command>apt-get install -t testing <replaceable>some-package</replaceable></command>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:74
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "APT::Default-Release \"stable\";\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:58
+msgid ""
+"If there is no preferences file or if there is no entry in the file that "
+"applies to a particular version then the priority assigned to that version "
+"is the priority of the distribution to which that version belongs. It is "
+"possible to single out a distribution, \"the target release\", which "
+"receives a higher priority than other distributions do by default. The "
+"target release can be set on the <command>apt-get</command> command line or "
+"in the APT configuration file <filename>/etc/apt/apt.conf</filename>. Note "
+"that this has precedence over any general priority you set in the <filename>/"
+"etc/apt/preferences</filename> file described later, but not over "
+"specifically pinned packages. For example, <placeholder type="
+"\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/> <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"1\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:83
+msgid "priority 100"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:84
+msgid "to the version that is already installed (if any)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:88
+msgid "priority 500"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:89
+msgid ""
+"to the versions that are not installed and do not belong to the target "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:93
+msgid "priority 990"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:94
+msgid ""
+"to the versions that are not installed and belong to the target release."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:78
+msgid ""
+"If the target release has been specified then APT uses the following "
+"algorithm to set the priorities of the versions of a package. Assign: "
+"<placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:99
+msgid ""
+"If the target release has not been specified then APT simply assigns "
+"priority 100 to all installed package versions and priority 500 to all "
+"uninstalled package versions."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:103
+msgid ""
+"APT then applies the following rules, listed in order of precedence, to "
+"determine which version of a package to install."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:106
+msgid ""
+"Never downgrade unless the priority of an available version exceeds 1000. "
+"(\"Downgrading\" is installing a less recent version of a package in place "
+"of a more recent version. Note that none of APT's default priorities "
+"exceeds 1000; such high priorities can only be set in the preferences file. "
+"Note also that downgrading a package can be risky.)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:112
+msgid "Install the highest priority version."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:113
+msgid ""
+"If two or more versions have the same priority, install the most recent one "
+"(that is, the one with the higher version number)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:116
+msgid ""
+"If two or more versions have the same priority and version number but either "
+"the packages differ in some of their metadata or the <literal>--reinstall</"
+"literal> option is given, install the uninstalled one."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:122
+msgid ""
+"In a typical situation, the installed version of a package (priority 100) "
+"is not as recent as one of the versions available from the sources listed in "
+"the &sources-list; file (priority 500 or 990). Then the package will be "
+"upgraded when <command>apt-get install <replaceable>some-package</"
+"replaceable></command> or <command>apt-get upgrade</command> is executed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:129
+msgid ""
+"More rarely, the installed version of a package is <emphasis>more</emphasis> "
+"recent than any of the other available versions. The package will not be "
+"downgraded when <command>apt-get install <replaceable>some-package</"
+"replaceable></command> or <command>apt-get upgrade</command> is executed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:134
+msgid ""
+"Sometimes the installed version of a package is more recent than the version "
+"belonging to the target release, but not as recent as a version belonging to "
+"some other distribution. Such a package will indeed be upgraded when "
+"<command>apt-get install <replaceable>some-package</replaceable></command> "
+"or <command>apt-get upgrade</command> is executed, because at least "
+"<emphasis>one</emphasis> of the available versions has a higher priority "
+"than the installed version."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:143
+msgid "The Effect of APT Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:145
+msgid ""
+"The APT preferences file allows the system administrator to control the "
+"assignment of priorities. The file consists of one or more multi-line "
+"records separated by blank lines. Records can have one of two forms, a "
+"specific form and a general form."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:151
+msgid ""
+"The specific form assigns a priority (a \"Pin-Priority\") to one or more "
+"specified packages and specified version or version range. For example, the "
+"following record assigns a high priority to all versions of the "
+"<filename>perl</filename> package whose version number begins with "
+"\"<literal>5.8</literal>\". Multiple packages can be separated by spaces."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:158
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: perl\n"
+"Pin: version 5.8*\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 1001\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:164
+msgid ""
+"The general form assigns a priority to all of the package versions in a "
+"given distribution (that is, to all the versions of packages that are listed "
+"in a certain <filename>Release</filename> file) or to all of the package "
+"versions coming from a particular Internet site, as identified by the site's "
+"fully qualified domain name."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:170
+msgid ""
+"This general-form entry in the APT preferences file applies only to groups "
+"of packages. For example, the following record assigns a high priority to "
+"all package versions available from the local site."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:175
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: origin \"\"\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 999\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:180
+msgid ""
+"A note of caution: the keyword used here is \"<literal>origin</literal>\". "
+"This should not be confused with the Origin of a distribution as specified "
+"in a <filename>Release</filename> file. What follows the \"Origin:\" tag in "
+"a <filename>Release</filename> file is not an Internet address but an author "
+"or vendor name, such as \"Debian\" or \"Ximian\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:186
+msgid ""
+"The following record assigns a low priority to all package versions "
+"belonging to any distribution whose Archive name is \"<literal>unstable</"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:190
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:195
+msgid ""
+"The following record assigns a high priority to all package versions "
+"belonging to any distribution whose Codename is \"<literal>squeeze</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:199
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release n=squeeze\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 900\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:204
+msgid ""
+"The following record assigns a high priority to all package versions "
+"belonging to any release whose Archive name is \"<literal>stable</literal>\" "
+"and whose release Version number is \"<literal>3.0</literal>\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:209
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=stable, v=3.0\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 500\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:220
+msgid "How APT Interprets Priorities"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:228
+msgid "P &gt; 1000"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:229
+msgid ""
+"causes a version to be installed even if this constitutes a downgrade of the "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:233
+msgid "990 &lt; P &lt;=1000"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:234
+msgid ""
+"causes a version to be installed even if it does not come from the target "
+"release, unless the installed version is more recent"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:239
+msgid "500 &lt; P &lt;=990"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:240
+msgid ""
+"causes a version to be installed unless there is a version available "
+"belonging to the target release or the installed version is more recent"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:245
+msgid "100 &lt; P &lt;=500"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:246
+msgid ""
+"causes a version to be installed unless there is a version available "
+"belonging to some other distribution or the installed version is more recent"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:251
+msgid "0 &lt; P &lt;=100"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:252
+msgid ""
+"causes a version to be installed only if there is no installed version of "
+"the package"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:256
+msgid "P &lt; 0"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:257
+msgid "prevents the version from being installed"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:223
+msgid ""
+"Priorities (P) assigned in the APT preferences file must be positive or "
+"negative integers. They are interpreted as follows (roughly speaking): "
+"<placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:262
+msgid ""
+"If any specific-form records match an available package version then the "
+"first such record determines the priority of the package version. Failing "
+"that, if any general-form records match an available package version then "
+"the first such record determines the priority of the package version."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:268
+msgid ""
+"For example, suppose the APT preferences file contains the three records "
+"presented earlier:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:272
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: perl\n"
+"Pin: version 5.8*\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 1001\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: origin \"\"\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 999\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:285
+msgid "Then:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:287
+msgid ""
+"The most recent available version of the <literal>perl</literal> package "
+"will be installed, so long as that version's version number begins with "
+"\"<literal>5.8</literal>\". If <emphasis>any</emphasis> 5.8* version of "
+"<literal>perl</literal> is available and the installed version is 5.9*, then "
+"<literal>perl</literal> will be downgraded."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:292
+msgid ""
+"A version of any package other than <literal>perl</literal> that is "
+"available from the local system has priority over other versions, even "
+"versions belonging to the target release."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:296
+msgid ""
+"A version of a package whose origin is not the local system but some other "
+"site listed in &sources-list; and which belongs to an <literal>unstable</"
+"literal> distribution is only installed if it is selected for installation "
+"and no version of the package is already installed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:306
+msgid "Determination of Package Version and Distribution Properties"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:308
+msgid ""
+"The locations listed in the &sources-list; file should provide "
+"<filename>Packages</filename> and <filename>Release</filename> files to "
+"describe the packages available at that location."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:320
+msgid "the <literal>Package:</literal> line"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:321
+msgid "gives the package name"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:324 apt_preferences.5.xml:374
+msgid "the <literal>Version:</literal> line"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:325
+msgid "gives the version number for the named package"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:312
+msgid ""
+"The <filename>Packages</filename> file is normally found in the directory "
+"filename>: for example, <filename>.../dists/stable/main/binary-i386/"
+"Packages</filename>. It consists of a series of multi-line records, one for "
+"each package available in that directory. Only two lines in each record are "
+"relevant for setting APT priorities: <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id="
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:341
+msgid "the <literal>Archive:</literal> or <literal>Suite:</literal> line"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:342
+msgid ""
+"names the archive to which all the packages in the directory tree belong. "
+"For example, the line \"Archive: stable\" or \"Suite: stable\" specifies "
+"that all of the packages in the directory tree below the parent of the "
+"<filename>Release</filename> file are in a <literal>stable</literal> "
+"archive. Specifying this value in the APT preferences file would require "
+"the line:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:352
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Pin: release a=stable\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:358
+msgid "the <literal>Codename:</literal> line"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:359
+msgid ""
+"names the codename to which all the packages in the directory tree belong. "
+"For example, the line \"Codename: squeeze\" specifies that all of the "
+"packages in the directory tree below the parent of the <filename>Release</"
+"filename> file belong to a version named <literal>squeeze</literal>. "
+"Specifying this value in the APT preferences file would require the line:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:368
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Pin: release n=squeeze\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:375
+msgid ""
+"names the release version. For example, the packages in the tree might "
+"belong to Debian GNU/Linux release version 3.0. Note that there is normally "
+"no version number for the <literal>testing</literal> and <literal>unstable</"
+"literal> distributions because they have not been released yet. Specifying "
+"this in the APT preferences file would require one of the following lines."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:384
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Pin: release v=3.0\n"
+"Pin: release a=stable, v=3.0\n"
+"Pin: release 3.0\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:393
+msgid "the <literal>Component:</literal> line"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:394
+msgid ""
+"names the licensing component associated with the packages in the directory "
+"tree of the <filename>Release</filename> file. For example, the line "
+"\"Component: main\" specifies that all the packages in the directory tree "
+"are from the <literal>main</literal> component, which entails that they are "
+"licensed under terms listed in the Debian Free Software Guidelines. "
+"Specifying this component in the APT preferences file would require the line:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:403
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Pin: release c=main\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:409
+msgid "the <literal>Origin:</literal> line"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:410
+msgid ""
+"names the originator of the packages in the directory tree of the "
+"<filename>Release</filename> file. Most commonly, this is <literal>Debian</"
+"literal>. Specifying this origin in the APT preferences file would require "
+"the line:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:416
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Pin: release o=Debian\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:422
+msgid "the <literal>Label:</literal> line"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:423
+msgid ""
+"names the label of the packages in the directory tree of the "
+"<filename>Release</filename> file. Most commonly, this is <literal>Debian</"
+"literal>. Specifying this label in the APT preferences file would require "
+"the line:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:429
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Pin: release l=Debian\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:330
+msgid ""
+"The <filename>Release</filename> file is normally found in the directory "
+"<filename>.../dists/<replaceable>dist-name</replaceable></filename>: for "
+"example, <filename>.../dists/stable/Release</filename>, or <filename>.../"
+"dists/woody/Release</filename>. It consists of a single multi-line record "
+"which applies to <emphasis>all</emphasis> of the packages in the directory "
+"tree below its parent. Unlike the <filename>Packages</filename> file, "
+"nearly all of the lines in a <filename>Release</filename> file are relevant "
+"for setting APT priorities: <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:436
+msgid ""
+"All of the <filename>Packages</filename> and <filename>Release</filename> "
+"files retrieved from locations listed in the &sources-list; file are stored "
+"in the directory <filename>/var/lib/apt/lists</filename>, or in the file "
+"named by the variable <literal>Dir::State::Lists</literal> in the "
+"<filename>apt.conf</filename> file. For example, the file <filename>debian."
+"</filename> "
+"contains the <filename>Release</filename> file retrieved from the site "
+"<literal></literal> for <literal>binary-i386</literal> "
+"architecture files from the <literal>contrib</literal> component of the "
+"<literal>unstable</literal> distribution."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:449
+msgid "Optional Lines in an APT Preferences Record"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:451
+msgid ""
+"Each record in the APT preferences file can optionally begin with one or "
+"more lines beginning with the word <literal>Explanation:</literal>. This "
+"provides a place for comments."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:455
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Pin-Priority:</literal> line in each APT preferences record is "
+"optional. If omitted, APT assigns a priority of 1 less than the last value "
+"specified on a line beginning with <literal>Pin-Priority: release ...</"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:464
+msgid "Tracking Stable"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:472
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Explanation: Uninstall or do not install any Debian-originated\n"
+"Explanation: package versions other than those in the stable distro\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=stable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 900\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release o=Debian\n"
+"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:466
+msgid ""
+"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a priority "
+"higher than the default (500) to all package versions belonging to a "
+"<literal>stable</literal> distribution and a prohibitively low priority to "
+"package versions belonging to other <literal>Debian</literal> "
+"distributions. <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:489 apt_preferences.5.xml:535
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:593
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"apt-get install <replaceable>package-name</replaceable>\n"
+"apt-get upgrade\n"
+"apt-get dist-upgrade\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:484
+msgid ""
+"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
+"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest "
+"<literal>stable</literal> version(s). <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:501
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/testing\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:495
+msgid ""
+"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
+"latest version from the <literal>testing</literal> distribution; the package "
+"will not be upgraded again unless this command is given again. <placeholder "
+"type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:507
+msgid "Tracking Testing or Unstable"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:516
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=testing\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 900\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 800\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release o=Debian\n"
+"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:509
+msgid ""
+"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a high priority "
+"to package versions from the <literal>testing</literal> distribution, a "
+"lower priority to package versions from the <literal>unstable</literal> "
+"distribution, and a prohibitively low priority to package versions from "
+"other <literal>Debian</literal> distributions. <placeholder type="
+"\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:530
+msgid ""
+"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
+"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest "
+"<literal>testing</literal> version(s). <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:550
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/unstable\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:541
+msgid ""
+"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
+"latest version from the <literal>unstable</literal> distribution. "
+"Thereafter, <command>apt-get upgrade</command> will upgrade the package to "
+"the most recent <literal>testing</literal> version if that is more recent "
+"than the installed version, otherwise, to the most recent <literal>unstable</"
+"literal> version if that is more recent than the installed version. "
+"<placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:557
+msgid "Tracking the evolution of a codename release"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:571
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Explanation: Uninstall or do not install any Debian-originated package versions\n"
+"Explanation: other than those in the distribution codenamed with squeeze or sid\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release n=squeeze\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 900\n"
+"Explanation: Debian unstable is always codenamed with sid\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=sid\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 800\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release o=Debian\n"
+"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:559
+msgid ""
+"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a priority "
+"higher than the default (500) to all package versions belonging to a "
+"specified codename of a distribution and a prohibitively low priority to "
+"package versions belonging to other <literal>Debian</literal> distributions, "
+"codenames and archives. Note that with this APT preference APT will follow "
+"the migration of a release from the archive <literal>testing</literal> to "
+"<literal>stable</literal> and later <literal>oldstable</literal>. If you "
+"want to follow for example the progress in <literal>testing</literal> "
+"notwithstanding the codename changes you should use the example "
+"configurations above. <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:588
+msgid ""
+"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
+"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest version(s) in "
+"the release codenamed with <literal>squeeze</literal>. <placeholder type="
+"\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:608
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/sid\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:599
+msgid ""
+"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
+"latest version from the <literal>sid</literal> distribution. Thereafter, "
+"<command>apt-get upgrade</command> will upgrade the package to the most "
+"recent <literal>squeeze</literal> version if that is more recent than the "
+"installed version, otherwise, to the most recent <literal>sid</literal> "
+"version if that is more recent than the installed version. <placeholder "
+"type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:617
+msgid "&file-preferences;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:623
+msgid "&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:22 sources.list.5.xml:29
+msgid "sources.list"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:30
+msgid "Package resource list for APT"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:34
+msgid ""
+"The package resource list is used to locate archives of the package "
+"distribution system in use on the system. At this time, this manual page "
+"documents only the packaging system used by the Debian GNU/Linux system. "
+"This control file is <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:39
+msgid ""
+"The source list is designed to support any number of active sources and a "
+"variety of source media. The file lists one source per line, with the most "
+"preferred source listed first. The format of each line is: <literal>type uri "
+"args</literal> The first item, <literal>type</literal> determines the format "
+"for <literal>args</literal>. <literal>uri</literal> is a Universal Resource "
+"Identifier (URI), which is a superset of the more specific and well-known "
+"Universal Resource Locator, or URL. The rest of the line can be marked as a "
+"comment by using a #."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:50
+msgid "sources.list.d"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:51
+msgid ""
+"The <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list.d</filename> directory provides a way to "
+"add sources.list entries in separate files. The format is the same as for "
+"the regular <filename>sources.list</filename> file. File names need to end "
+"with <filename>.list</filename> and may only contain letters (a-z and A-Z), "
+"digits (0-9), underscore (_), hyphen (-) and period (.) characters. "
+"Otherwise they will be silently ignored."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:60
+msgid "The deb and deb-src types"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:61
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>deb</literal> type describes a typical two-level Debian "
+"archive, <filename>distribution/component</filename>. Typically, "
+"<literal>distribution</literal> is generally one of <literal>stable</"
+"literal> <literal>unstable</literal> or <literal>testing</literal> while "
+"component is one of <literal>main</literal> <literal>contrib</literal> "
+"<literal>non-free</literal> or <literal>non-us</literal>. The <literal>deb-"
+"src</literal> type describes a debian distribution's source code in the same "
+"form as the <literal>deb</literal> type. A <literal>deb-src</literal> line "
+"is required to fetch source indexes."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:73
+msgid ""
+"The format for a <filename>sources.list</filename> entry using the "
+"<literal>deb</literal> and <literal>deb-src</literal> types is:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:76
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "deb uri distribution [component1] [component2] [...]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:78
+msgid ""
+"The URI for the <literal>deb</literal> type must specify the base of the "
+"Debian distribution, from which APT will find the information it needs. "
+"<literal>distribution</literal> can specify an exact path, in which case the "
+"components must be omitted and <literal>distribution</literal> must end with "
+"a slash (/). This is useful for when the case only a particular sub-section "
+"of the archive denoted by the URI is of interest. If <literal>distribution</"
+"literal> does not specify an exact path, at least one <literal>component</"
+"literal> must be present."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:87
+msgid ""
+"<literal>distribution</literal> may also contain a variable, <literal>$(ARCH)"
+"</literal> which expands to the Debian architecture (i386, m68k, "
+"powerpc, ...) used on the system. This permits architecture-independent "
+"<filename>sources.list</filename> files to be used. In general this is only "
+"of interest when specifying an exact path, <literal>APT</literal> will "
+"automatically generate a URI with the current architecture otherwise."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:95
+msgid ""
+"Since only one distribution can be specified per line it may be necessary to "
+"have multiple lines for the same URI, if a subset of all available "
+"distributions or components at that location is desired. APT will sort the "
+"URI list after it has generated a complete set internally, and will collapse "
+"multiple references to the same Internet host, for instance, into a single "
+"connection, so that it does not inefficiently establish an FTP connection, "
+"close it, do something else, and then re-establish a connection to that same "
+"host. This feature is useful for accessing busy FTP sites with limits on the "
+"number of simultaneous anonymous users. APT also parallelizes connections to "
+"different hosts to more effectively deal with sites with low bandwidth."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:107
+msgid ""
+"It is important to list sources in order of preference, with the most "
+"preferred source listed first. Typically this will result in sorting by "
+"speed from fastest to slowest (CD-ROM followed by hosts on a local network, "
+"followed by distant Internet hosts, for example)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:112
+msgid "Some examples:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:114
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"deb stable main contrib non-free\n"
+"deb dists/stable-updates/\n"
+" "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:120
+msgid "URI specification"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:125
+msgid "file"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:127
+msgid ""
+"The file scheme allows an arbitrary directory in the file system to be "
+"considered an archive. This is useful for NFS mounts and local mirrors or "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:134
+msgid ""
+"The cdrom scheme allows APT to use a local CDROM drive with media swapping. "
+"Use the &apt-cdrom; program to create cdrom entries in the source list."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:141
+msgid ""
+"The http scheme specifies an HTTP server for the archive. If an environment "
+"variable <envar>http_proxy</envar> is set with the format http://server:"
+"port/, the proxy server specified in <envar>http_proxy</envar> will be used. "
+"Users of authenticated HTTP/1.1 proxies may use a string of the format "
+"http://user:pass@server:port/. Note that this is an insecure method of "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:152
+msgid ""
+"The ftp scheme specifies an FTP server for the archive. APT's FTP behavior "
+"is highly configurable; for more information see the &apt-conf; manual page. "
+"Please note that a ftp proxy can be specified by using the <envar>ftp_proxy</"
+"envar> environment variable. It is possible to specify a http proxy (http "
+"proxy servers often understand ftp urls) using this method and ONLY this "
+"method. ftp proxies using http specified in the configuration file will be "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:161
+msgid "copy"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:163
+msgid ""
+"The copy scheme is identical to the file scheme except that packages are "
+"copied into the cache directory instead of used directly at their location. "
+"This is useful for people using a zip disk to copy files around with APT."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:168
+msgid "rsh"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:168
+msgid "ssh"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:170
+msgid ""
+"The rsh/ssh method invokes rsh/ssh to connect to a remote host as a given "
+"user and access the files. It is a good idea to do prior arrangements with "
+"RSA keys or rhosts. Access to files on the remote uses standard "
+"<command>find</command> and <command>dd</command> commands to perform the "
+"file transfers from the remote."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:178
+msgid "more recongnizable URI types"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:180
+msgid ""
+"APT can be extended with more methods shipped in other optional packages "
+"which should follow the nameing scheme <literal>apt-transport-"
+"<replaceable>method</replaceable></literal>. The APT team e.g. maintain "
+"also the <literal>apt-transport-https</literal> package which provides "
+"access methods for https-URIs with features similiar to the http method, but "
+"other methods for using e.g. debtorrent are also available, see "
+"<citerefentry> <refentrytitle><filename>apt-transport-debtorrent</filename></"
+"refentrytitle> <manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:122
+msgid ""
+"The currently recognized URI types are cdrom, file, http, ftp, copy, ssh, "
+"rsh. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:194
+msgid ""
+"Uses the archive stored locally (or NFS mounted) at /home/jason/debian for "
+"stable/main, stable/contrib, and stable/non-free."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:196
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "deb file:/home/jason/debian stable main contrib non-free"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:198
+msgid "As above, except this uses the unstable (development) distribution."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:199
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "deb file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:201
+msgid "Source line for the above"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:202
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "deb-src file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:204
+msgid ""
+"Uses HTTP to access the archive at, and uses only the "
+"hamm/main area."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:206
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "deb hamm main"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:208
+msgid ""
+"Uses FTP to access the archive at, under the debian "
+"directory, and uses only the stable/contrib area."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:210
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "deb stable contrib"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:212
+msgid ""
+"Uses FTP to access the archive at, under the debian "
+"directory, and uses only the unstable/contrib area. If this line appears as "
+"well as the one in the previous example in <filename>sources.list</filename> "
+"a single FTP session will be used for both resource lines."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:216
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "deb unstable contrib"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:218
+msgid ""
+"Uses HTTP to access the archive at, under the debian-non-US "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:220
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "deb stable/non-US main contrib non-free"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:229
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "deb unstable/binary-$(ARCH)/"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:222
+msgid ""
+"Uses HTTP to access the archive at, under the debian-non-US "
+"directory, and uses only files found under <filename>unstable/binary-i386</"
+"filename> on i386 machines, <filename>unstable/binary-m68k</filename> on "
+"m68k, and so forth for other supported architectures. [Note this example "
+"only illustrates how to use the substitution variable; non-us is no longer "
+"structured like this] <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:234
+msgid "&apt-cache; &apt-conf;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <title></title>
+#: guide.sgml:4
+msgid "APT User's Guide"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <author></author>
+#: guide.sgml:6 offline.sgml:6
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<name>Jason Gunthorpe </name><email></email>"
+msgstr "<name>Jason Gunthorpe </name><email></email>"
+#. type: <version></version>
+#: guide.sgml:7
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "$Id: guide.sgml,v 1.7 2003/04/26 23:26:13 doogie Exp $"
+msgstr "$Id: offline.sgml,v 1.8 2003/02/12 15:06:41 doogie Exp $"
+#. type: <abstract></abstract>
+#: guide.sgml:11
+msgid ""
+"This document provides an overview of how to use the the APT package manager."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <copyrightsummary></copyrightsummary>
+#: guide.sgml:15
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Copyright &copy; Jason Gunthorpe, 1998."
+msgstr "Copyright &copy; Jason Gunthorpe, 1999."
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:21 offline.sgml:22
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"\"APT\" and this document are free software; you can redistribute them and/"
+"or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public License as "
+"published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, "
+"or (at your option) any later version."
+msgstr ""
+"\"APT\" i ten dokument s± oprogramowaniem wolnodostêpnym; mo¿esz "
+"rozpowszechniaæ je i/lub zmieniaæ w zgodzie z postanowieniami \"Ogólnej "
+"Licencji Publicznej GNU\" (GNU General Public License) takiej, jak zosta³a "
+"opublikowana przez \"Fundacje Wolnego Oprogramowania (Free Software "
+"Foundation); albo w wersji 2 tej¿e licencji, albo (twój wybór) w dowolnej "
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:24 offline.sgml:25
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"For more details, on Debian GNU/Linux systems, see the file /usr/share/"
+"common-licenses/GPL for the full license."
+msgstr ""
+"Wiêcej szczegó³ów mo¿na uzyskaæ, przegl±daj±c plik zawieraj±cy pe³ny tekst "
+"licencji (w systemach Debian jest to plik /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL)."
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:32
+msgid "General"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:38
+msgid ""
+"The APT package currently contains two sections, the APT <prgn>dselect</"
+"prgn> method and the <prgn>apt-get</prgn> command line user interface. Both "
+"provide a way to install and remove packages as well as download new "
+"packages from the Internet."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:39
+msgid "Anatomy of the Package System"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:44
+msgid ""
+"The Debian packaging system has a large amount of information associated "
+"with each package to help assure that it integrates cleanly and easily into "
+"the system. The most prominent of its features is the dependency system."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:52
+msgid ""
+"The dependency system allows individual programs to make use of shared "
+"elements in the system such as libraries. It simplifies placing infrequently "
+"used portions of a program in separate packages to reduce the number of "
+"things the average user is required to install. Also, it allows for choices "
+"in mail transport agents, X servers and so on."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:57
+msgid ""
+"The first step to understanding the dependency system is to grasp the "
+"concept of a simple dependency. The meaning of a simple dependency is that a "
+"package requires another package to be installed at the same time to work "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:63
+msgid ""
+"For instance, mailcrypt is an emacs extension that aids in encrypting email "
+"with GPG. Without GPGP installed mail-crypt is useless, so mailcrypt has a "
+"simple dependency on GPG. Also, because it is an emacs extension it has a "
+"simple dependency on emacs, without emacs it is completely useless."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:73
+msgid ""
+"The other important dependency to understand is a conflicting dependency. It "
+"means that a package, when installed with another package, will not work and "
+"may possibly be extremely harmful to the system. As an example consider a "
+"mail transport agent such as sendmail, exim or qmail. It is not possible to "
+"have two mail transport agents installed because both need to listen to the "
+"network to receive mail. Attempting to install two will seriously damage the "
+"system so all mail transport agents have a conflicting dependency with all "
+"other mail transport agents."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:83
+msgid ""
+"As an added complication there is the possibility for a package to pretend "
+"to be another package. Consider that exim and sendmail for many intents are "
+"identical, they both deliver mail and understand a common interface. Hence, "
+"the package system has a way for them to declare that they are both mail-"
+"transport-agents. So, exim and sendmail both declare that they provide a "
+"mail-transport-agent and other packages that need a mail transport agent "
+"depend on mail-transport-agent. This can add a great deal of confusion when "
+"trying to manually fix packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:88
+msgid ""
+"At any given time a single dependency may be met by packages that are "
+"already installed or it may not be. APT attempts to help resolve dependency "
+"issues by providing a number of automatic algorithms that help in selecting "
+"packages for installation."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:102
+msgid ""
+"<prgn>apt-get</prgn> provides a simple way to install packages from the "
+"command line. Unlike <prgn>dpkg</prgn>, <prgn>apt-get</prgn> does not "
+"understand .deb files, it works with the package's proper name and can only "
+"install .deb archives from a <em>Source</em>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:109
+msgid ""
+"The first <footnote><p>If you are using an http proxy server you must set "
+"the http_proxy environment variable first, see sources.list(5)</p></"
+"footnote> thing that should be done before using <prgn>apt-get</prgn> is to "
+"fetch the package lists from the <em>Sources</em> so that it knows what "
+"packages are available. This is done with <tt>apt-get update</tt>. For "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:116
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"# apt-get update\n"
+"Get stable/binary-i386/ Packages\n"
+"Get testing/contrib Packages\n"
+"Reading Package Lists... Done\n"
+"Building Dependency Tree... Done"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p><taglist>
+#: guide.sgml:120
+msgid "Once updated there are several commands that can be used:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:131
+msgid ""
+"Upgrade will attempt to gently upgrade the whole system. Upgrade will never "
+"install a new package or remove an existing package, nor will it ever "
+"upgrade a package that might cause some other package to break. This can be "
+"used daily to relatively safely upgrade the system. Upgrade will list all of "
+"the packages that it could not upgrade, this usually means that they depend "
+"on new packages or conflict with some other package. <prgn>dselect</prgn> or "
+"<tt>apt-get install</tt> can be used to force these packages to install."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:140
+msgid ""
+"Install is used to install packages by name. The package is automatically "
+"fetched and installed. This can be useful if you already know the name of "
+"the package to install and do not want to go into a GUI to select it. Any "
+"number of packages may be passed to install, they will all be fetched. "
+"Install automatically attempts to resolve dependency problems with the "
+"listed packages and will print a summary and ask for confirmation if "
+"anything other than its arguments are changed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:149
+msgid ""
+"Dist-upgrade is a complete upgrader designed to simplify upgrading between "
+"releases of Debian. It uses a sophisticated algorithm to determine the best "
+"set of packages to install, upgrade and remove to get as much of the system "
+"to the newest release. In some situations it may be desired to use dist-"
+"upgrade rather than spend the time manually resolving dependencies in "
+"<prgn>dselect</prgn>. Once dist-upgrade has completed then <prgn>dselect</"
+"prgn> can be used to install any packages that may have been left out."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:152
+msgid ""
+"It is important to closely look at what dist-upgrade is going to do, its "
+"decisions may sometimes be quite surprising."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:163
+msgid ""
+"<prgn>apt-get</prgn> has several command line options that are detailed in "
+"its man page, <manref section=\"8\" name=\"apt-get\">. The most useful "
+"option is <tt>-d</tt> which does not install the fetched files. If the "
+"system has to download a large number of package it would be undesired to "
+"start installing them in case something goes wrong. When <tt>-d</tt> is used "
+"the downloaded archives can be installed by simply running the command that "
+"caused them to be downloaded again without <tt>-d</tt>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:168
+msgid "DSelect"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:173
+msgid ""
+"The APT <prgn>dselect</prgn> method provides the complete APT system with "
+"the <prgn>dselect</prgn> package selection GUI. <prgn>dselect</prgn> is used "
+"to select the packages to be installed or removed and APT actually installs "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:184
+msgid ""
+"To enable the APT method you need to to select [A]ccess in <prgn>dselect</"
+"prgn> and then choose the APT method. You will be prompted for a set of "
+"<em>Sources</em> which are places to fetch archives from. These can be "
+"remote Internet sites, local Debian mirrors or CDROMs. Each source can "
+"provide a fragment of the total Debian archive, APT will automatically "
+"combine them to form a complete set of packages. If you have a CDROM then it "
+"is a good idea to specify it first and then specify a mirror so that you "
+"have access to the latest bug fixes. APT will automatically use packages on "
+"your CDROM before downloading from the Internet."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:198
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" Set up a list of distribution source locations\n"
+"\t \n"
+" Please give the base URL of the debian distribution.\n"
+" The access schemes I know about are: http file\n"
+"\t \n"
+" For example:\n"
+" file:/mnt/debian,\n"
+" \n"
+" \n"
+" URL []:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:205
+msgid ""
+"The <em>Sources</em> setup starts by asking for the base of the Debian "
+"archive, defaulting to a HTTP mirror. Next it asks for the distribution to "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:212
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" Please give the distribution tag to get or a path to the\n"
+" package file ending in a /. The distribution\n"
+" tags are typically something like: stable unstable testing non-US\n"
+" \n"
+" Distribution [stable]:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:222
+msgid ""
+"The distribution refers to the Debian version in the archive, <em>stable</"
+"em> refers to the latest released version and <em>unstable</em> refers to "
+"the developmental version. <em>non-US</em> is only available on some mirrors "
+"and refers to packages that contain encryption technology or other things "
+"that cannot be exported from the United States. Importing these packages "
+"into the US is legal however."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:228
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" Please give the components to get\n"
+" The components are typically something like: main contrib non-free\n"
+" \n"
+" Components [main contrib non-free]:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:236
+msgid ""
+"The components list refers to the list of sub distributions to fetch. The "
+"distribution is split up based on software licenses, main being DFSG free "
+"packages while contrib and non-free contain things that have various "
+"restrictions placed on their use and distribution."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:240
+msgid ""
+"Any number of sources can be added, the setup script will continue to prompt "
+"until you have specified all that you want."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:247
+msgid ""
+"Before starting to use <prgn>dselect</prgn> it is necessary to update the "
+"available list by selecting [U]pdate from the menu. This is a super-set of "
+"<tt>apt-get update</tt> that makes the fetched information available to "
+"<prgn>dselect</prgn>. [U]pdate must be performed even if <tt>apt-get update</"
+"tt> has been run before."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:253
+msgid ""
+"You can then go on and make your selections using [S]elect and then perform "
+"the installation using [I]nstall. When using the APT method the [C]onfig and "
+"[R]emove commands have no meaning, the [I]nstall command performs both of "
+"them together."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:258
+msgid ""
+"By default APT will automatically remove the package (.deb) files once they "
+"have been successfully installed. To change this behavior place <tt>Dselect::"
+"clean \"prompt\";</tt> in /etc/apt/apt.conf."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:264
+msgid "The Interface"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:278
+msgid ""
+"Both that APT <prgn>dselect</prgn> method and <prgn>apt-get</prgn> share the "
+"same interface. It is a simple system that generally tells you what it will "
+"do and then goes and does it. <footnote><p>The <prgn>dselect</prgn> method "
+"actually is a set of wrapper scripts to <prgn>apt-get</prgn>. The method "
+"actually provides more functionality than is present in <prgn>apt-get</prgn> "
+"alone.</p></footnote> After printing out a summary of what will happen APT "
+"then will print out some informative status messages so that you can "
+"estimate how far along it is and how much is left to do."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:280
+msgid "Startup"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:284
+msgid ""
+"Before all operations except update, APT performs a number of actions to "
+"prepare its internal state. It also does some checks of the system's state. "
+"At any time these operations can be performed by running <tt>apt-get check</"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:289
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"# apt-get check\n"
+"Reading Package Lists... Done\n"
+"Building Dependency Tree... Done"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:297
+msgid ""
+"The first thing it does is read all the package files into memory. APT uses "
+"a caching scheme so this operation will be faster the second time it is run. "
+"If some of the package files are not found then they will be ignored and a "
+"warning will be printed when apt-get exits."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:303
+msgid ""
+"The final operation performs a detailed analysis of the system's "
+"dependencies. It checks every dependency of every installed or unpacked "
+"package and considers if it is OK. Should this find a problem then a report "
+"will be printed out and <prgn>apt-get</prgn> will refuse to run."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:320
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"# apt-get check\n"
+"Reading Package Lists... Done\n"
+"Building Dependency Tree... Done\n"
+"You might want to run apt-get -f install' to correct these.\n"
+"Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:\n"
+" 9fonts: Depends: xlib6g but it is not installed\n"
+" uucp: Depends: mailx but it is not installed\n"
+" blast: Depends: xlib6g (>= 3.3-5) but it is not installed\n"
+" adduser: Depends: perl-base but it is not installed\n"
+" aumix: Depends: libgpmg1 but it is not installed\n"
+" debiandoc-sgml: Depends: sgml-base but it is not installed\n"
+" bash-builtins: Depends: bash (>= 2.01) but 2.0-3 is installed\n"
+" cthugha: Depends: svgalibg1 but it is not installed\n"
+" Depends: xlib6g (>= 3.3-5) but it is not installed\n"
+" libreadlineg2: Conflicts:libreadline2 (<< 2.1-2.1)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:329
+msgid ""
+"In this example the system has many problems, including a serious problem "
+"with libreadlineg2. For each package that has unmet dependencies a line is "
+"printed out indicating the package with the problem and the dependencies "
+"that are unmet. A short explanation of why the package has a dependency "
+"problem is also included."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:337
+msgid ""
+"There are two ways a system can get into a broken state like this. The first "
+"is caused by <prgn>dpkg</prgn> missing some subtle relationships between "
+"packages when performing upgrades. <footnote><p>APT however considers all "
+"known dependencies and attempts to prevent broken packages</p></footnote>. "
+"The second is if a package installation fails during an operation. In this "
+"situation a package may have been unpacked without its dependents being "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:345
+msgid ""
+"The second situation is much less serious than the first because APT places "
+"certain constraints on the order that packages are installed. In both cases "
+"supplying the <tt>-f</tt> option to <prgn>apt-get</prgn> will cause APT to "
+"deduce a possible solution to the problem and then continue on. The APT "
+"<prgn>dselect</prgn> method always supplies the <tt>-f</tt> option to allow "
+"for easy continuation of failed maintainer scripts."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:351
+msgid ""
+"However, if the <tt>-f</tt> option is used to correct a seriously broken "
+"system caused by the first case then it is possible that it will either fail "
+"immediately or the installation sequence will fail. In either case it is "
+"necessary to manually use dpkg (possibly with forcing options) to correct "
+"the situation enough to allow APT to proceed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:356
+msgid "The Status Report"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:363
+msgid ""
+"Before proceeding <prgn>apt-get</prgn> will present a report on what will "
+"happen. Generally the report reflects the type of operation being performed "
+"but there are several common elements. In all cases the lists reflect the "
+"final state of things, taking into account the <tt>-f</tt> option and any "
+"other relevant activities to the command being executed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:364
+msgid "The Extra Package list"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:372
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"The following extra packages will be installed:\n"
+" libdbd-mysql-perl xlib6 zlib1 xzx libreadline2 libdbd-msql-perl\n"
+" mailpgp xdpkg fileutils pinepgp zlib1g xlib6g perl-base\n"
+" bin86 libgdbm1 libgdbmg1 quake-lib gmp2 bcc xbuffy\n"
+" squake pgp-i python-base debmake ldso perl libreadlineg2\n"
+" ssh"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:379
+msgid ""
+"The Extra Package list shows all of the packages that will be installed or "
+"upgraded in excess of the ones mentioned on the command line. It is only "
+"generated for an <tt>install</tt> command. The listed packages are often the "
+"result of an Auto Install."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:382
+msgid "The Packages to Remove"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:389
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"The following packages will be REMOVED:\n"
+" xlib6-dev xpat2 tk40-dev xkeycaps xbattle xonix\n"
+" xdaliclock tk40 tk41 xforms0.86 ghostview xloadimage xcolorsel\n"
+" xadmin xboard perl-debug tkined xtetris libreadline2-dev perl-suid\n"
+" nas xpilot xfig"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:399
+msgid ""
+"The Packages to Remove list shows all of the packages that will be removed "
+"from the system. It can be shown for any of the operations and should be "
+"given a careful inspection to ensure nothing important is to be taken off. "
+"The <tt>-f</tt> option is especially good at generating packages to remove "
+"so extreme care should be used in that case. The list may contain packages "
+"that are going to be removed because they are only partially installed, "
+"possibly due to an aborted installation."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:402
+msgid "The New Packages list"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:406
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"The following NEW packages will installed:\n"
+" zlib1g xlib6g perl-base libgdbmg1 quake-lib gmp2 pgp-i python-base"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:411
+msgid ""
+"The New Packages list is simply a reminder of what will happen. The packages "
+"listed are not presently installed in the system but will be when APT is "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:414
+msgid "The Kept Back list"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:419
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"The following packages have been kept back\n"
+" compface man-db tetex-base msql libpaper svgalib1\n"
+" gs snmp arena lynx xpat2 groff xscreensaver"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:428
+msgid ""
+"Whenever the whole system is being upgraded there is the possibility that "
+"new versions of packages cannot be installed because they require new things "
+"or conflict with already installed things. In this case the package will "
+"appear in the Kept Back list. The best way to convince packages listed there "
+"to install is with <tt>apt-get install</tt> or by using <prgn>dselect</prgn> "
+"to resolve their problems."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:431
+msgid "Held Packages warning"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:435
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"The following held packages will be changed:\n"
+" cvs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:441
+msgid ""
+"Sometimes you can ask APT to install a package that is on hold, in such a "
+"case it prints out a warning that the held package is going to be changed. "
+"This should only happen during dist-upgrade or install."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:444
+msgid "Final summary"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:447
+msgid ""
+"Finally, APT will print out a summary of all the changes that will occur."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:452
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"206 packages upgraded, 8 newly installed, 23 to remove and 51 not upgraded.\n"
+"12 packages not fully installed or removed.\n"
+"Need to get 65.7M/66.7M of archives. After unpacking 26.5M will be used."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:470
+msgid ""
+"The first line of the summary simply is a reduced version of all of the "
+"lists and includes the number of upgrades - that is packages already "
+"installed that have new versions available. The second line indicates the "
+"number of poorly configured packages, possibly the result of an aborted "
+"installation. The final line shows the space requirements that the "
+"installation needs. The first pair of numbers refer to the size of the "
+"archive files. The first number indicates the number of bytes that must be "
+"fetched from remote locations and the second indicates the total size of all "
+"the archives required. The next number indicates the size difference between "
+"the presently installed packages and the newly installed packages. It is "
+"roughly equivalent to the space required in /usr after everything is done. "
+"If a large number of packages are being removed then the value may indicate "
+"the amount of space that will be freed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:473
+msgid ""
+"Some other reports can be generated by using the -u option to show packages "
+"to upgrade, they are similar to the previous examples."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:477
+msgid "The Status Display"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:481
+msgid ""
+"During the download of archives and package files APT prints out a series of "
+"status messages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:490
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"# apt-get update\n"
+"Get:1 stable/non-US/ Packages\n"
+"Get:2 testing/contrib Packages\n"
+"Hit testing/main Packages\n"
+"Get:4 unstable/binary-i386/ Packages\n"
+"Get:5 testing/non-free Packages\n"
+"11% [5 testing/non-free `Waiting for file' 0/32.1k 0%] 2203b/s 1m52s"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:500
+msgid ""
+"The lines starting with <em>Get</em> are printed out when APT begins to "
+"fetch a file while the last line indicates the progress of the download. The "
+"first percent value on the progress line indicates the total percent done of "
+"all files. Unfortunately since the size of the Package files is unknown "
+"<tt>apt-get update</tt> estimates the percent done which causes some "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:509
+msgid ""
+"The next section of the status line is repeated once for each download "
+"thread and indicates the operation being performed and some useful "
+"information about what is happening. Sometimes this section will simply read "
+"<em>Forking</em> which means the OS is loading the download module. The "
+"first word after the [ is the fetch number as shown on the history lines. "
+"The next word is the short form name of the object being downloaded. For "
+"archives it will contain the name of the package that is being fetched."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:524
+msgid ""
+"Inside of the single quote is an informative string indicating the progress "
+"of the negotiation phase of the download. Typically it progresses from "
+"<em>Connecting</em> to <em>Waiting for file</em> to <em>Downloading</em> or "
+"<em>Resuming</em>. The final value is the number of bytes downloaded from "
+"the remote site. Once the download begins this is represented as "
+"<tt>102/10.2k</tt> indicating that 102 bytes have been fetched and 10.2 "
+"kilobytes is expected. The total size is always shown in 4 figure notation "
+"to preserve space. After the size display is a percent meter for the file "
+"itself. The second last element is the instantaneous average speed. This "
+"values is updated every 5 seconds and reflects the rate of data transfer for "
+"that period. Finally is shown the estimated transfer time. This is updated "
+"regularly and reflects the time to complete everything at the shown transfer "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:530
+msgid ""
+"The status display updates every half second to provide a constant feedback "
+"on the download progress while the Get lines scroll back whenever a new file "
+"is started. Since the status display is constantly updated it is unsuitable "
+"for logging to a file, use the <tt>-q</tt> option to remove the status "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:535
+msgid "Dpkg"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:542
+msgid ""
+"APT uses <prgn>dpkg</prgn> for installing the archives and will switch over "
+"to the <prgn>dpkg</prgn> interface once downloading is completed. "
+"<prgn>dpkg</prgn> will also ask a number of questions as it processes the "
+"packages and the packages themselves may also ask several questions. Before "
+"each question there is usually a description of what it is asking and the "
+"questions are too varied to discuss completely here."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <title></title>
+#: offline.sgml:4
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Using APT Offline"
+msgstr "U¿ywanie APT w trybie offline"
+#. type: <version></version>
+#: offline.sgml:7
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "$Id: offline.sgml,v 1.8 2003/02/12 15:06:41 doogie Exp $"
+msgstr "$Id: offline.sgml,v 1.8 2003/02/12 15:06:41 doogie Exp $"
+#. type: <abstract></abstract>
+#: offline.sgml:12
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"This document describes how to use APT in a non-networked environment, "
+"specifically a 'sneaker-net' approach for performing upgrades."
+msgstr ""
+"Dokument ten opisuje u¿ywanie programu APT w ¶rodowiskach pozbawionych "
+"dostêpu, do sieci, a w szczególno¶ci metodê pozwalaj±c± na robienie "
+"aktualizacji systemu."
+#. type: <copyrightsummary></copyrightsummary>
+#: offline.sgml:16
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Copyright &copy; Jason Gunthorpe, 1999."
+msgstr "Copyright &copy; Jason Gunthorpe, 1999."
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: offline.sgml:32
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Introduction"
+msgstr "Wstêp"
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: offline.sgml:34 offline.sgml:65 offline.sgml:180
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Overview"
+msgstr "Wprowadzenie"
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:40
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Normally APT requires direct access to a Debian archive, either from a local "
+"media or through a network. Another common complaint is that a Debian "
+"machine is on a slow link, such as a modem and another machine has a very "
+"fast connection but they are physically distant."
+msgstr ""
+"Normalnie APT wymaga bezpo¶redniego dostêpu do archiwów Debiana przez sieæ "
+"lokaln± albo przez sieæ internetow±. Kolejn± niedogodno¶ci± mo¿e byæ fakt, "
+"¿e nasz komputer, który pracuje na powolnym ³±czu takim jak modem, jest "
+"znacznie oddalony od innego komputera z szybkim ³±czem."
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:51
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The solution to this is to use large removable media such as a Zip disc or a "
+"SuperDisk disc. These discs are not large enough to store the entire Debian "
+"archive but can easily fit a subset large enough for most users. The idea is "
+"to use APT to generate a list of packages that are required and then fetch "
+"them onto the disc using another machine with good connectivity. It is even "
+"possible to use another Debian machine with APT or to use a completely "
+"different OS and a download tool like wget. Let <em>remote host</em> mean "
+"the machine downloading the packages, and <em>target host</em> the one with "
+"bad or no connection."
+msgstr ""
+"Rozwi±zaniem tego problemu jest u¿ycie pojemnych przeno¶nych no¶ników takich "
+"jak dyskietka Zip lub dysk SuperDisk. No¶niki te nie s± wystarczaj±co "
+"pojemne, by zgromadziæ kompletne archiwum Debiana, ale mo¿na ¶mia³o "
+"dopasowaæ podzbiór du¿ego archiwum wystarczaj±cy dla wiêkszo¶ci "
+"u¿ytkowników. Pomys³ polega na tym, by u¿yæ programu APT do wygenerowania "
+"listy pakietów, które s± wymagane, a nastêpnie pobraniu ich na dysk, u¿ywaj"
+"±c innego komputera z w³a¶ciw± zwarto¶ci±. Jest nawet mo¿liwe, by u¿yæ "
+"innego komputera z Debianem z zainstalowanym programem APT lub zupe³nie "
+"innym systemem operacyjnym i programem narzêdziowym do pobierania plików "
+"takim jak wget."
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:57
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"This is achieved by creatively manipulating the APT configuration file. The "
+"essential premis to tell APT to look on a disc for it's archive files. Note "
+"that the disc should be formated with a filesystem that can handle long file "
+"names such as ext2, fat32 or vfat."
+msgstr ""
+"Osi±gane jest to przez twórcze manipulowanie plikiem konfiguracyjnym "
+"programu APT. Rzecz± niezbêdn± jest poinformowanie programu APT, aby "
+"wskazywa³ na dysk z plikami archiwum. Nale¿y zauwa¿yæ, ¿e dysk powinien byæ "
+"sformatowany do obs³ugi systemu plików pozwalaj±cego pos³ugiwaæ siê d³ugimi "
+"nazwami plików (np. ext2, fat32 albo vfat)."
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: offline.sgml:63
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Using APT on both machines"
+msgstr "U¿ywanie programu APT na obu komputerach"
+#. type: <p><example>
+#: offline.sgml:71
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"APT being available on both machines gives the simplest configuration. The "
+"basic idea is to place a copy of the status file on the disc and use the "
+"remote machine to fetch the latest package files and decide which packages "
+"to download. The disk directory structure should look like:"
+msgstr ""
+"APT bêd±cy do dyspozycji na obu komputerach daje najprostsz± kombinacjê. "
+"Zasadniczym pomys³em tej metody jest umieszczenie kopii pliku status na "
+"dysku i u¿ycie odleg³ego komputera, aby uzyskaæ najnowsze pliki pakietów i "
+"zdecydowaæ, które pakiety trzeba pobraæ. Struktura katalogów na dysku "
+"powinna wygl±daæ nastêpuj±co:"
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: offline.sgml:80
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" /disc/\n"
+" archives/\n"
+" partial/\n"
+" lists/\n"
+" partial/\n"
+" status\n"
+" sources.list\n"
+" apt.conf"
+msgstr ""
+" /disc/\n"
+" archives/\n"
+" partial/\n"
+" lists/\n"
+" partial/\n"
+" status\n"
+" sources.list\n"
+" apt.conf"
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: offline.sgml:88
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The configuration file"
+msgstr "Plik konfiguracyjny"
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:96
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The configuration file should tell APT to store its files on the disc and to "
+"use the configuration files on the disc as well. The sources.list should "
+"contain the proper sites that you wish to use from the remote machine, and "
+"the status file should be a copy of <em>/var/lib/dpkg/status</em> from the "
+"<em>target host</em>. Please note, if you are using a local archive you must "
+"use copy URIs, the syntax is identical to file URIs."
+msgstr ""
+"Plik konfiguracyjny powinien informowaæ program APT, aby przechowywa³ swoje "
+"pliki na dysku, a tak¿e u¿ywa³ plików konfiguracyjnych z dysku. Plik sources."
+"list powinien zawieraæ prawid³owe odno¶niki, których nale¿y u¿yæ na zdalnym "
+"komputerze, a plik status powinien byæ kopi± <em>/var/lib/dpkg/status</em>. "
+"Zauwa¿, ¿e je¶li u¿ywasz lokalnego archiwum musisz u¿yæ tych samych "
+"odno¶ników o identycznej sk³adni."
+#. type: <p><example>
+#: offline.sgml:100
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<em>apt.conf</em> must contain the necessary information to make APT use the "
+msgstr ""
+"<em>apt.conf</em> musi zawieraæ niezbêdne wpisy, by APT korzysta³ z dysku:"
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: offline.sgml:124
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" APT\n"
+" {\n"
+" /* This is not necessary if the two machines are the same arch, it tells\n"
+" the remote APT what architecture the target machine is */\n"
+" Architecture \"i386\";\n"
+" \n"
+" Get::Download-Only \"true\";\n"
+" };\n"
+" \n"
+" Dir\n"
+" {\n"
+" /* Use the disc for state information and redirect the status file from\n"
+" the /var/lib/dpkg default */\n"
+" State \"/disc/\";\n"
+" State::status \"status\";\n"
+" // Binary caches will be stored locally\n"
+" Cache::archives \"/disc/archives/\";\n"
+" Cache \"/tmp/\";\n"
+" \n"
+" // Location of the source list.\n"
+" Etc \"/disc/\";\n"
+" };"
+msgstr ""
+" APT\n"
+" {\n"
+" /* Ten wpis nie jest wymagany, je¶li oba komputery maj± tê sam±\n"
+" architekturê; mówi on programowi APT na komputerze pobieraj±cym \n"
+" pakiety, jaka jest architektura naszego komputera */\n"
+" Architecture \"i386\";\n"
+" \n"
+" Get::Download-Only \"true\";\n"
+" };\n"
+" \n"
+" Dir\n"
+" {\n"
+" /* U¿yj katalogu disc na informacje stanu i przekieruj plik status\n"
+" z domy¶lnego /var/lib/dpkg */\n"
+" State \"/disc/\";\n"
+" State::status \"status\";\n"
+" // Katalog lokalnie przechowywanych pakietów binarnych\n"
+" Cache::archives \"/disc/archives/\";\n"
+" Cache \"/tmp/\";\n"
+" // Lokalizacja pliku sources.list.\n"
+" Etc \"/disc\";\n"
+" };"
+#. type: </example></p>
+#: offline.sgml:129
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"More details can be seen by examining the apt.conf man page and the sample "
+"configuration file in <em>/usr/share/doc/apt/examples/apt.conf</em>."
+msgstr ""
+"Wiêcej szczegó³ów mo¿na zobaczyæ w stronie podrêcznika apt.conf i w "
+"przyk³adowym pliku konfiguracyjnym <em>/usr/share/doc/apt/examples/apt.conf</"
+#. type: <p><example>
+#: offline.sgml:136
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"On the target machine the first thing to do is mount the disc and copy <em>/"
+"var/lib/dpkg/status</em> to it. You will also need to create the directories "
+"outlined in the Overview, <em>archives/partial/</em> and <em>lists/partial/</"
+"em> Then take the disc to the remote machine and configure the sources.list. "
+"On the remote machine execute the following:"
+msgstr ""
+"Pierwsz± rzecz±, jak± nale¿y zrobiæ na oddalonym komputerze z Debianem to "
+"zamontowaæ dysk i przekopiowaæ na niego plik <em>/var/lib/dpkg/status</em>. "
+"Trzeba tak¿e utworzyæ stukturê katalogów przedstawion± we \"Wprowadzeniu\": "
+"<em>archives/partial/</em> i <em>lists/partial/</em>. Nastêpnie niesiemy "
+"dysk do oddalonego komputera z szybkim ³±czem i konfigurujemy plik sources."
+"list. Na oddalonym komputerze wykonujemy kolejno:"
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: offline.sgml:142
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # export APT_CONFIG=\"/disc/apt.conf\"\n"
+" # apt-get update\n"
+" [ APT fetches the package files ]\n"
+" # apt-get dist-upgrade\n"
+" [ APT fetches all the packages needed to upgrade the target machine ]"
+msgstr ""
+" # export APT_CONFIG=\"/disc/apt.conf\"\n"
+" # apt-get update\n"
+" [ APT aktualizuje ustawienia ]\n"
+" # apt-get dist-upgrade\n"
+" [ APT pobiera wszystkie pakiety potrzebne do aktualizacji Twojego systemu ]"
+#. type: </example></p>
+#: offline.sgml:149
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The dist-upgrade command can be replaced with any-other standard APT "
+"commands, particularly dselect-upgrade. You can even use an APT front end "
+"such as <em>dselect</em> However this presents a problem in communicating "
+"your selections back to the local computer."
+msgstr ""
+"Polecenie dist-upgrade mo¿na zast±piæ ka¿dym innym podstawowym poleceniem "
+"APT, w szczególno¶ci dselect-upgrade. Mo¿na nawet u¿yæ APT jako metody "
+"dostêpu dla <em>dselect</em>. Jednak stworzy to problem w przeniesieniu "
+"Twoich operacji wyborów z powrotem na lokalny komputer."
+#. type: <p><example>
+#: offline.sgml:153
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Now the disc contains all of the index files and archives needed to upgrade "
+"the target machine. Take the disc back and run:"
+msgstr ""
+"W tej chwili katalog disc zawiera wszystkie pliki indeksowe oraz archiwa "
+"niezbêdne do aktualizacji maszyny z Debianem. Bierzemy dysk z powrotem do "
+"siebie i wpisujemy:"
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: offline.sgml:159
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # export APT_CONFIG=\"/disc/apt.conf\"\n"
+" # apt-get check\n"
+" [ APT generates a local copy of the cache files ]\n"
+" # apt-get --no-d -o dir::state::status=/var/lib/dpkg/status dist-upgrade\n"
+" [ Or any other APT command ]"
+msgstr ""
+" # export APT_CONFIG=\"/disc/apt.conf\"\n"
+" # apt-get check\n"
+" [ APT tworzy lokaln± kopiê plików cache ]\n"
+" # apt-get --no-d -o dir::state::status=/var/lib/dpkg/status dist-upgrade\n"
+" [ Mo¿e te¿ byæ inne polecenie programu APT ]"
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:165
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"It is necessary for proper function to re-specify the status file to be the "
+"local one. This is very important!"
+msgstr ""
+"Do prawid³owego dzia³ania koniecznie nale¿y podaæ plik status z lokalnej "
+"maszyny. To jest bardzo wa¿ne!"
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:172
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If you are using dselect you can do the very risky operation of copying disc/"
+"status to /var/lib/dpkg/status so that any selections you made on the remote "
+"machine are updated. I highly recommend that people only make selections on "
+"the local machine - but this may not always be possible. DO NOT copy the "
+"status file if dpkg or APT have been run in the mean time!!"
+msgstr ""
+"Je¶li u¿ywasz dselect, mo¿esz wykonaæ bardzo ryzykown± operacjê skopiowania "
+"disc/status do /var/lib/dpkg/status, tak ¿e wszystkie zmiany, których "
+"dokona³e¶ na odleg³ym komputerze, bêd± przeniesione. Mocno zalecam, aby "
+"dokonywaæ doboru pakietów tylko na lokalnym komputerze, ale nie zawsze jest "
+"to mo¿liwe. NIE podmieniaj pliku status, je¶li dpkg lub APT by³y uruchamiane "
+"w miêdzyczasie!!"
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: offline.sgml:178
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Using APT and wget"
+msgstr "U¿ywanie programów APT i wget"
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:185
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"<em>wget</em> is a popular and portable download tool that can run on nearly "
+"any machine. Unlike the method above this requires that the Debian machine "
+"already has a list of available packages."
+msgstr ""
+"<em>wget</em> jest popularnym i przeno¶nym programem narzêdziowym pobierania "
+"plików, który dzia³a prawie na ka¿dym komputerze. W przeciwieñstwie do "
+"metody opisanej powy¿ej ta wymaga, aby na lokalnym komputerze by³a aktualna "
+"lista dostêpnych pakietów."
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:190
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The basic idea is to create a disc that has only the archive files "
+"downloaded from the remote site. This is done by using the --print-uris "
+"option to apt-get and then preparing a wget script to actually fetch the "
+msgstr ""
+"Nale¿y stworzyæ katalog disc tylko na pakiety do pobrania z innego "
+"komputera. U¿yta zostanie do tego opcja --print-uris programu apt-get, a "
+"nastêpnie przygotujemy skrypt dla programu wget, który pobierze w³a¶ciwe "
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: offline.sgml:196
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Operation"
+msgstr "Kolejne kroki"
+#. type: <p><example>
+#: offline.sgml:200
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Unlike the previous technique no special configuration files are required. "
+"We merely use the standard APT commands to generate the file list."
+msgstr ""
+"W odró¿nieniu od poprzedniej metody dzia³ania ta nie wymaga specjalnych "
+"plików konfiguracyjnych. U¿ywamy jedynie podstawowych poleceñ APT, by "
+"wygenerowaæ listê plików."
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: offline.sgml:205
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # apt-get dist-upgrade \n"
+" [ Press no when prompted, make sure you are happy with the actions ]\n"
+" # apt-get -qq --print-uris dist-upgrade > uris\n"
+" # awk '{print \"wget -O \" $2 \" \" $1}' < uris > /disc/wget-script"
+msgstr ""
+" # apt-get dist-upgrade \n"
+" [ Wybierz \"no\" po znaku zachêty, upewnij siê, czy to w³a¶ciwy wybór ]\n"
+" # apt-get -qq --print-uris dist-upgrade > uris\n"
+" # awk '{print \"wget -O \" $2 \" \" $1}' < uris > /disc/wget-script"
+#. type: </example></p>
+#: offline.sgml:210
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Any command other than dist-upgrade could be used here, including dselect-"
+msgstr ""
+"Tak¿e inne opcje ni¿ dist-upgrade mog± tu byæ u¿yte, w³±czaj±c dselect-"
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:216
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The /disc/wget-script file will now contain a list of wget commands to "
+"execute in order to fetch the necessary archives. This script should be run "
+"with the current directory as the disc's mount point so as to save the "
+"output on the disc."
+msgstr ""
+"Plik skryptu /disc/wget-script bêdzie teraz zawieraæ listê wywo³añ programu "
+"wget, niezbêdnych do pobrania potrzebnych archiwów. Skrypt ten nale¿y "
+"uruchomiæ w bie¿±cym katalogu o punkcie montowania disc, tak aby tu "
+"zapisywa³ dane na dysku."
+#. type: <p><example>
+#: offline.sgml:219
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The remote machine would do something like"
+msgstr "Na oddalonym komputerze nale¿y wykonaæ co¶ takiego"
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: offline.sgml:223
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # cd /disc\n"
+" # sh -x ./wget-script\n"
+" [ wait.. ]"
+msgstr ""
+" # cd /disc\n"
+" # sh -x ./wget-script\n"
+" [ czekaj.. ]"
+#. type: </example><example>
+#: offline.sgml:228
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Once the archives are downloaded and the disc returned to the Debian machine "
+"installation can proceed using,"
+msgstr ""
+"Gdy archiwa zostan± pobrane i dysk wróci do komputera z Debianem, "
+"instalowanie mo¿na prowadziæ dalej poleceniem:"
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: offline.sgml:230
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid " # apt-get -o dir::cache::archives=\"/disc/\" dist-upgrade"
+msgstr " # apt-get -o dir::cache::archives=\"/disc/\" dist-upgrade"
+#. type: </example></p>
+#: offline.sgml:234
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Which will use the already fetched archives on the disc."
+msgstr "które u¿yje pobranych uprzednio archiwów z dysku."
diff --git a/doc/po/pt_BR.po b/doc/po/pt_BR.po
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e6de8f139
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/po/pt_BR.po
@@ -0,0 +1,8491 @@
+# Translation of apt package man pages
+# Copyright (C) YEAR André Luís Lopes <>
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the apt package.
+# Translators:
+# André Luís Lopes <>
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: apt\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-10-29 14:19+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-09-20 17:02+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: André Luís Lopes <>\n"
+"Language-Team: <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#. type: TH
+#: apt.8:17
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "apt"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: TH
+#: apt.8:17
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "16 June 1998"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: TH
+#: apt.8:17
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Debian GNU/Linux"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:18
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "NAME"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:20
+msgid "apt - Advanced Package Tool"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:20
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "SYNOPSIS"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:22
+msgid "B<apt>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:22
+#, no-wrap
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:31
+msgid ""
+"APT is a management system for software packages. For normal day to day "
+"package management there are several frontends available, such as B<aptitude>"
+"(8) for the command line or B<synaptic>(8) for the X Window System. Some "
+"options are only implemented in B<apt-get>(8) though."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:31
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "OPTIONS"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:33 apt.8:35
+msgid "None."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:33
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "FILES"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:35
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "SEE ALSO"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:42
+msgid ""
+"B<apt-cache>(8), B<apt-get>(8), B<apt.conf>(5), B<sources.list>(5), "
+"B<apt_preferences>(5), B<apt-secure>(8)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:42
+#, no-wrap
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:44
+msgid "apt returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 on error."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:44
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "BUGS"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:46
+msgid "This manpage isn't even started."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:55
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"See E<lt><gt>. If you wish to report a bug in "
+"B<apt>, please see I</usr/share/doc/debian/bug-reporting.txt> or the "
+"B<reportbug>(1) command."
+msgstr ""
+" <RefSect1><Title>Bugs</>\n"
+" <para>\n"
+" Consulte a <ulink url=''>página de bugs do APT</"
+" Caso você queira relatar um bug no APT, por favor consulte o arquivo\n"
+" <filename>/usr/share/doc/debian/bug-reporting.txt</> ou o comando "
+" </RefSect1>\n"
+#. type: SH
+#: apt.8:55
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "AUTHOR"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.8:56
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "apt was written by the APT team E<lt>apt@packages.debian.orgE<gt>."
+msgstr ""
+" <RefSect1><Title>Author</>\n"
+" <para>\n"
+" O APT foi escrito pela equipe APT <email></>.\n"
+" </RefSect1>\n"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:2
+msgid "<!-- -*- mode: sgml; mode: fold -*- -->"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:10
+msgid ""
+"<!-- Some common paths.. --> <!ENTITY docdir \"/usr/share/doc/apt/\"> <!"
+"ENTITY guidesdir \"/usr/share/doc/apt-doc/\"> <!ENTITY configureindex "
+"\"<filename>&docdir;examples/configure-index.gz</filename>\"> <!ENTITY "
+"aptconfdir \"<filename>/etc/apt.conf</filename>\"> <!ENTITY statedir \"/var/"
+"lib/apt\"> <!ENTITY cachedir \"/var/cache/apt\">"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:17
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!-- Cross references to other man pages -->\n"
+"<!ENTITY apt-conf \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><filename>apt.conf</filename></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:23
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-get \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>apt-get</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:29
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-config \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>apt-config</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:35
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-cdrom \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>apt-cdrom</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:41
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-cache \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>apt-cache</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:47
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-preferences \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>apt_preferences</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:53
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-key \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>apt-key</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:59
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-secure \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle>apt-secure</refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:65
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-ftparchive \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><filename>apt-ftparchive</filename></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:72
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY sources-list \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><filename>sources.list</filename></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:78
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY reportbug \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>reportbug</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:84
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY dpkg \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>dpkg</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:90
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY dpkg-buildpackage \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>dpkg-buildpackage</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:96
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY gzip \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>gzip</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:102
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY dpkg-scanpackages \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>dpkg-scanpackages</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:108
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY dpkg-scansources \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>dpkg-scansources</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:114
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY dselect \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>dselect</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:120
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY aptitude \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>aptitude</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:126
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY synaptic \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>synaptic</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:132
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY debsign \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>debsign</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:138
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY debsig-verify \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>debsig-verify</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:144
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY gpg \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>gpg</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:150
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY gnome-apt \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>gnome-apt</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:156
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY wajig \"<citerefentry>\n"
+" <refentrytitle><command>wajig</command></refentrytitle>\n"
+" <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>\n"
+" </citerefentry>\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:168
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!-- Boiler plate docinfo section -->\n"
+"<!ENTITY apt-docinfo \"\n"
+" <refentryinfo>\n"
+" <address><email></email></address>\n"
+" <author>\n"
+" <firstname>Jason</firstname> <surname>Gunthorpe</surname>\n"
+" <contrib></contrib>\n"
+" </author>\n"
+" <copyright><year>1998-2001</year> <holder>Jason Gunthorpe</holder></copyright>\n"
+" <date>28 October 2008</date>\n"
+" <productname>Linux</productname>\n"
+msgstr ""
+" <docinfo>\n"
+" <address><email></></address>\n"
+" <author><firstname>Jason</> <surname>Gunthorpe</></>\n"
+" <copyright><year>1998-2001</> <holder>Jason Gunthorpe</></>\n"
+" <date>12 Março 2001</>\n"
+" </docinfo>\n"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:171
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" </refentryinfo>\n"
+"\"> \n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:177
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-email \"\n"
+" <address>\n"
+" <email></email>\n"
+" </address>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:185
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-author.jgunthorpe \"\n"
+" <author>\n"
+" <firstname>Jason</firstname>\n"
+" <surname>Gunthorpe</surname>\n"
+" <contrib></contrib>\n"
+" </author>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:193
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-author.moconnor \"\n"
+" <author>\n"
+" <firstname>Mike</firstname>\n"
+" <surname>O'Connor</surname>\n"
+" <contrib></contrib>\n"
+" </author>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:200
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY \"\n"
+" <author>\n"
+" <othername>APT team</othername>\n"
+" <contrib></contrib>\n"
+" </author>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:204 apt.ent:215
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-product \"\n"
+" <productname>Linux</productname>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:211
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-copyright \"\n"
+" <copyright>\n"
+" <holder>Jason Gunthorpe</holder>\n"
+" <year>1998-2001</year>\n"
+" </copyright>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:221
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY apt-qapage \"\n"
+"\t\t<ulink url=''>QA Page</ulink>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:232
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!-- Boiler plate Bug reporting section -->\n"
+"<!ENTITY manbugs \"\n"
+" <refsect1><title>Bugs</title>\n"
+" <para><ulink url=''>APT bug page</ulink>. \n"
+" If you wish to report a bug in APT, please see\n"
+" <filename>/usr/share/doc/debian/bug-reporting.txt</filename> or the\n"
+" &reportbug; command.\n"
+" </para>\n"
+" </refsect1>\n"
+msgstr ""
+" <RefSect1><Title>Bugs</>\n"
+" <para>\n"
+" Consulte a <ulink url=''>página de bugs do APT</>.\n"
+" Caso você queira relatar um bug no APT, por favor consulte o arquivo\n"
+" <filename>/usr/share/doc/debian/bug-reporting.txt</> ou o comando &reportbug;.\n"
+" </RefSect1>\n"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:240
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!-- Boiler plate Author section -->\n"
+"<!ENTITY manauthor \"\n"
+" <refsect1><title>Author</title>\n"
+" <para>APT was written by the APT team <email></email>.\n"
+" </para>\n"
+" </refsect1>\n"
+msgstr ""
+" <RefSect1><Title>Author</>\n"
+" <para>\n"
+" O APT foi escrito pela equipe APT <email></>.\n"
+" </RefSect1>\n"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:250
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!-- Should be used within the option section of the text to\n"
+" put in the blurb about -h, -v, -c and -o -->\n"
+"<!ENTITY apt-commonoptions \"\n"
+" <varlistentry><term><option>-h</option></term>\n"
+" <term><option>--help</option></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Show a short usage summary.\n"
+" </para>\n"
+" </listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:258
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <varlistentry>\n"
+" <term><option>-v</option></term>\n"
+" <term><option>--version</option></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Show the program version.\n"
+" </para>\n"
+" </listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:268
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <varlistentry>\n"
+" <term><option>-c</option></term>\n"
+" <term><option>--config-file</option></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Configuration File; Specify a configuration file to use. \n"
+" The program will read the default configuration file and then this \n"
+" configuration file. See &apt-conf; for syntax information. \n"
+" </para>\n"
+" </listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:280
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <varlistentry>\n"
+" <term><option>-o</option></term>\n"
+" <term><option>--option</option></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Set a Configuration Option; This will set an arbitrary\n"
+" configuration option. The syntax is <option>-o Foo::Bar=bar</option>.\n"
+" <option>-o</option> and <option>--option</option> can be used multiple\n"
+" times to set different options.\n"
+" </para>\n"
+" </listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:291
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!-- Should be used within the option section of the text to\n"
+" put in the blurb about -h, -v, -c and -o -->\n"
+"<!ENTITY apt-cmdblurb \"\n"
+" <para>All command line options may be set using the configuration file, the\n"
+" descriptions indicate the configuration option to set. For boolean\n"
+" options you can override the config file by using something like \n"
+" <option>-f-</option>,<option>--no-f</option>, <option>-f=no</option>\n"
+" or several other variations.\n"
+" </para>\n"
+msgstr ""
+" <para>\n"
+" Todas as opções de linha de comando podem ser definidas usando o\n"
+" arquivo de configuração, as descrições indicam a opção de configuração\n"
+" a ser definida. Para opções booleanas você pode sobrepor o arquivo de\n"
+" configuração usando algo como <option/-f-/,<option/--no-f/,\n"
+" <option/-f=no/ ou diversas outras variantes.\n"
+" </para>\n"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:297
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY file-aptconf \"\n"
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>/etc/apt/apt.conf</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>APT configuration file.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Etc::Main</literal>.</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:303
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>APT configuration file fragments.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Etc::Parts</literal>.</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:309
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY file-cachearchives \"\n"
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>&cachedir;/archives/</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Storage area for retrieved package files.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Cache::Archives</literal>.</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:315
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>&cachedir;/archives/partial/</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Storage area for package files in transit.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Cache::Archives</literal> (implicit partial). </para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:325
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY file-preferences \"\n"
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>/etc/apt/preferences</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Version preferences file.\n"
+" This is where you would specify &quot;pinning&quot;,\n"
+" i.e. a preference to get certain packages\n"
+" from a separate source\n"
+" or from a different version of a distribution.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Etc::Preferences</literal>.</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:331
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>/etc/apt/preferences.d/</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>File fragments for the version preferences.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Etc::PreferencesParts</literal>.</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:337
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY file-sourceslist \"\n"
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Locations to fetch packages from.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Etc::SourceList</literal>.</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:343
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>/etc/apt/sources.list.d/</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>File fragments for locations to fetch packages from.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Etc::SourceParts</literal>.</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:350
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"<!ENTITY file-statelists \"\n"
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>&statedir;/lists/</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Storage area for state information for each package resource specified in\n"
+" &sources-list;\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::State::Lists</literal>.</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: apt.ent:355
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" <varlistentry><term><filename>&statedir;/lists/partial/</filename></term>\n"
+" <listitem><para>Storage area for state information in transit.\n"
+" Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::State::Lists</literal> (implicit partial).</para></listitem>\n"
+" </varlistentry>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. The last update date
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:13 apt-config.8.xml:13 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:13
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:13 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:13 sources.list.5.xml:13
+msgid ""
+"&apt-author.jgunthorpe; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>29 "
+"February 2004</date>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:22 apt-cache.8.xml:29
+msgid "apt-cache"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refmeta><manvolnum>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:23 apt-cdrom.8.xml:22 apt-config.8.xml:23 apt-get.8.xml:23
+#: apt-key.8.xml:15 apt-mark.8.xml:23 apt-secure.8.xml:15
+msgid "8"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refmeta><refmiscinfo>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:24 apt-cdrom.8.xml:23 apt-config.8.xml:24
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:24 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:24 apt-get.8.xml:24
+#: apt-key.8.xml:16 apt-mark.8.xml:24 apt-secure.8.xml:16
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:24 apt.conf.5.xml:30 apt_preferences.5.xml:23
+#: sources.list.5.xml:24
+msgid "APT"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:30
+msgid "APT package handling utility -- cache manipulator"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:36
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-cache</command> <arg><option>-hvsn</option></arg> <arg><option>-"
+"o=<replaceable>config string</replaceable></option></arg> <arg><option>-"
+"c=<replaceable>file</replaceable></option></arg> <group choice=\"req\"> "
+"<arg>add <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>file</"
+"replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>gencaches</arg> <arg>showpkg <arg choice="
+"\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg> "
+"<arg>showsrc <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</"
+"replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>stats</arg> <arg>dump</arg> <arg>dumpavail</"
+"arg> <arg>unmet</arg> <arg>search <arg choice=\"plain\"><replaceable>regex</"
+"replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>show <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
+"\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>depends <arg choice="
+"\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg> "
+"<arg>rdepends <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</"
+"replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>pkgnames <arg choice=\"plain"
+"\"><replaceable>prefix</replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>dotty <arg choice="
+"\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg> "
+"<arg>xvcg <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</"
+"replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>policy <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
+"\"><replaceable>pkgs</replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>madison <arg choice="
+"\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkgs</replaceable></arg></arg> </group>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:62 apt-cdrom.8.xml:47 apt-config.8.xml:47
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:43 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:55 apt-get.8.xml:125
+#: apt-key.8.xml:34 apt-mark.8.xml:52 apt-secure.8.xml:40
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:44 apt.conf.5.xml:39 apt_preferences.5.xml:33
+#: sources.list.5.xml:33
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Descrição"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:63
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-cache</command> performs a variety of operations on APT's "
+"package cache. <command>apt-cache</command> does not manipulate the state of "
+"the system but does provide operations to search and generate interesting "
+"output from the package metadata."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:68 apt-get.8.xml:131
+msgid ""
+"Unless the <option>-h</option>, or <option>--help</option> option is given, "
+"one of the commands below must be present."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:72
+msgid "add <replaceable>file(s)</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:73
+msgid ""
+"<literal>add</literal> adds the named package index files to the package "
+"cache. This is for debugging only."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:77
+msgid "gencaches"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:78
+msgid ""
+"<literal>gencaches</literal> performs the same operation as <command>apt-get "
+"check</command>. It builds the source and package caches from the sources in "
+"&sources-list; and from <filename>/var/lib/dpkg/status</filename>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:84
+msgid "showpkg <replaceable>pkg(s)</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:85
+msgid ""
+"<literal>showpkg</literal> displays information about the packages listed on "
+"the command line. Remaining arguments are package names. The available "
+"versions and reverse dependencies of each package listed are listed, as well "
+"as forward dependencies for each version. Forward (normal) dependencies are "
+"those packages upon which the package in question depends; reverse "
+"dependencies are those packages that depend upon the package in question. "
+"Thus, forward dependencies must be satisfied for a package, but reverse "
+"dependencies need not be. For instance, <command>apt-cache showpkg "
+"libreadline2</command> would produce output similar to the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><informalexample><programlisting>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:97
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: libreadline2\n"
+"Versions: 2.1-12(/var/state/apt/lists/foo_Packages),\n"
+"Reverse Depends: \n"
+" libreadlineg2,libreadline2\n"
+" libreadline2-altdev,libreadline2\n"
+"2.1-12 - libc5 (2 5.4.0-0) ncurses3.0 (0 (null))\n"
+"2.1-12 - \n"
+"Reverse Provides: \n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:109
+msgid ""
+"Thus it may be seen that libreadline2, version 2.1-12, depends on libc5 and "
+"ncurses3.0 which must be installed for libreadline2 to work. In turn, "
+"libreadlineg2 and libreadline2-altdev depend on libreadline2. If "
+"libreadline2 is installed, libc5 and ncurses3.0 (and ldso) must also be "
+"installed; libreadlineg2 and libreadline2-altdev do not have to be "
+"installed. For the specific meaning of the remainder of the output it is "
+"best to consult the apt source code."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:118
+msgid "stats"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:118
+msgid ""
+"<literal>stats</literal> displays some statistics about the cache. No "
+"further arguments are expected. Statistics reported are:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:121
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Total package names</literal> is the number of package names found "
+"in the cache."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:125
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Normal packages</literal> is the number of regular, ordinary "
+"package names; these are packages that bear a one-to-one correspondence "
+"between their names and the names used by other packages for them in "
+"dependencies. The majority of packages fall into this category."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:131
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Pure virtual packages</literal> is the number of packages that "
+"exist only as a virtual package name; that is, packages only \"provide\" the "
+"virtual package name, and no package actually uses the name. For instance, "
+"\"mail-transport-agent\" in the Debian GNU/Linux system is a pure virtual "
+"package; several packages provide \"mail-transport-agent\", but there is no "
+"package named \"mail-transport-agent\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:139
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Single virtual packages</literal> is the number of packages with "
+"only one package providing a particular virtual package. For example, in the "
+"Debian GNU/Linux system, \"X11-text-viewer\" is a virtual package, but only "
+"one package, xless, provides \"X11-text-viewer\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:145
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Mixed virtual packages</literal> is the number of packages that "
+"either provide a particular virtual package or have the virtual package name "
+"as the package name. For instance, in the Debian GNU/Linux system, \"debconf"
+"\" is both an actual package, and provided by the debconf-tiny package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:152
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Missing</literal> is the number of package names that were "
+"referenced in a dependency but were not provided by any package. Missing "
+"packages may be an evidence if a full distribution is not accessed, or if a "
+"package (real or virtual) has been dropped from the distribution. Usually "
+"they are referenced from Conflicts or Breaks statements."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:159
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Total distinct</literal> versions is the number of package versions "
+"found in the cache; this value is therefore at least equal to the number of "
+"total package names. If more than one distribution (both \"stable\" and "
+"\"unstable\", for instance), is being accessed, this value can be "
+"considerably larger than the number of total package names."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:166
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Total dependencies</literal> is the number of dependency "
+"relationships claimed by all of the packages in the cache."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:173
+msgid "showsrc <replaceable>pkg(s)</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:174
+msgid ""
+"<literal>showsrc</literal> displays all the source package records that "
+"match the given package names. All versions are shown, as well as all "
+"records that declare the name to be a Binary."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:179 apt-config.8.xml:84
+msgid "dump"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:180
+msgid ""
+"<literal>dump</literal> shows a short listing of every package in the cache. "
+"It is primarily for debugging."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:184
+msgid "dumpavail"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:185
+msgid ""
+"<literal>dumpavail</literal> prints out an available list to stdout. This is "
+"suitable for use with &dpkg; and is used by the &dselect; method."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:189
+msgid "unmet"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:190
+msgid ""
+"<literal>unmet</literal> displays a summary of all unmet dependencies in the "
+"package cache."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:194
+msgid "show <replaceable>pkg(s)</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:195
+msgid ""
+"<literal>show</literal> performs a function similar to <command>dpkg --print-"
+"avail</command>; it displays the package records for the named packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:200
+msgid "search <replaceable>regex [ regex ... ]</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:201
+msgid ""
+"<literal>search</literal> performs a full text search on all available "
+"package lists for the POSIX regex pattern given, see "
+"<citerefentry><refentrytitle><command>regex</command></refentrytitle> "
+"<manvolnum>7</manvolnum></citerefentry>. It searches the package names and "
+"the descriptions for an occurrence of the regular expression and prints out "
+"the package name and the short description, including virtual package "
+"names. If <option>--full</option> is given then output identical to "
+"<literal>show</literal> is produced for each matched package, and if "
+"<option>--names-only</option> is given then the long description is not "
+"searched, only the package name is."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:214
+msgid ""
+"Separate arguments can be used to specify multiple search patterns that are "
+"and'ed together."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:218
+msgid "depends <replaceable>pkg(s)</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:219
+msgid ""
+"<literal>depends</literal> shows a listing of each dependency a package has "
+"and all the possible other packages that can fulfill that dependency."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:223
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "rdepends <replaceable>pkg(s)</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+"apt-get install <replaceable>pacote</replaceable>/testing\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:224
+msgid ""
+"<literal>rdepends</literal> shows a listing of each reverse dependency a "
+"package has."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:228
+msgid "pkgnames <replaceable>[ prefix ]</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:229
+msgid ""
+"This command prints the name of each package APT knows. The optional "
+"argument is a prefix match to filter the name list. The output is suitable "
+"for use in a shell tab complete function and the output is generated "
+"extremely quickly. This command is best used with the <option>--generate</"
+"option> option."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:234
+msgid ""
+"Note that a package which APT knows of is not necessarily available to "
+"download, installable or installed, e.g. virtual packages are also listed in "
+"the generated list."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:239
+msgid "dotty <replaceable>pkg(s)</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:240
+msgid ""
+"<literal>dotty</literal> takes a list of packages on the command line and "
+"generates output suitable for use by dotty from the <ulink url=\"http://www."
+"\">GraphViz</ulink> package. The result "
+"will be a set of nodes and edges representing the relationships between the "
+"packages. By default the given packages will trace out all dependent "
+"packages; this can produce a very large graph. To limit the output to only "
+"the packages listed on the command line, set the <literal>APT::Cache::"
+"GivenOnly</literal> option."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:249
+msgid ""
+"The resulting nodes will have several shapes; normal packages are boxes, "
+"pure provides are triangles, mixed provides are diamonds, missing packages "
+"are hexagons. Orange boxes mean recursion was stopped [leaf packages], blue "
+"lines are pre-depends, green lines are conflicts."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:254
+msgid "Caution, dotty cannot graph larger sets of packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:257
+msgid "xvcg <replaceable>pkg(s)</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:258
+msgid ""
+"The same as <literal>dotty</literal>, only for xvcg from the <ulink url="
+"\"\">VCG tool</ulink>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:262
+msgid "policy <replaceable>[ pkg(s) ]</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:263
+msgid ""
+"<literal>policy</literal> is meant to help debug issues relating to the "
+"preferences file. With no arguments it will print out the priorities of each "
+"source. Otherwise it prints out detailed information about the priority "
+"selection of the named package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:269
+msgid "madison <replaceable>/[ pkg(s) ]</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:270
+msgid ""
+"<literal>apt-cache</literal>'s <literal>madison</literal> command attempts "
+"to mimic the output format and a subset of the functionality of the Debian "
+"archive management tool, <literal>madison</literal>. It displays available "
+"versions of a package in a tabular format. Unlike the original "
+"<literal>madison</literal>, it can only display information for the "
+"architecture for which APT has retrieved package lists (<literal>APT::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:281 apt-config.8.xml:93 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:56
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:492 apt-get.8.xml:319 apt-mark.8.xml:89
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:54 apt.conf.5.xml:456 apt.conf.5.xml:478
+msgid "options"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:285
+msgid "<option>-p</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:285
+msgid "<option>--pkg-cache</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:286
+msgid ""
+"Select the file to store the package cache. The package cache is the primary "
+"cache used by all operations. Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::Cache::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:291 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:535 apt-get.8.xml:376
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:58
+msgid "<option>-s</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:291
+msgid "<option>--src-cache</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:292
+msgid ""
+"Select the file to store the source cache. The source is used only by "
+"<literal>gencaches</literal> and it stores a parsed version of the package "
+"information from remote sources. When building the package cache the source "
+"cache is used to avoid reparsing all of the package files. Configuration "
+"Item: <literal>Dir::Cache::srcpkgcache</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:299 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:509 apt-get.8.xml:366
+msgid "<option>-q</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:299 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:509 apt-get.8.xml:366
+msgid "<option>--quiet</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:300
+msgid ""
+"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
+"More q's will produce more quietness up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
+"<option>-q=#</option> to set the quietness level, overriding the "
+"configuration file. Configuration Item: <literal>quiet</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:306
+msgid "<option>-i</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:306
+msgid "<option>--important</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:307
+msgid ""
+"Print only important dependencies; for use with unmet and depends. Causes "
+"only Depends and Pre-Depends relations to be printed. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:312 apt-cdrom.8.xml:121 apt-get.8.xml:333
+msgid "<option>-f</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:312
+msgid "<option>--full</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:313
+msgid ""
+"Print full package records when searching. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:317 apt-cdrom.8.xml:131
+msgid "<option>-a</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:317
+msgid "<option>--all-versions</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:318
+msgid ""
+"Print full records for all available versions. This is the default; to turn "
+"it off, use <option>--no-all-versions</option>. If <option>--no-all-"
+"versions</option> is specified, only the candidate version will displayed "
+"(the one which would be selected for installation). This option is only "
+"applicable to the <literal>show</literal> command. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:326
+msgid "<option>-g</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:326
+msgid "<option>--generate</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:327
+msgid ""
+"Perform automatic package cache regeneration, rather than use the cache as "
+"it is. This is the default; to turn it off, use <option>--no-generate</"
+"option>. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Cache::Generate</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:332
+msgid "<option>--names-only</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:332 apt-cdrom.8.xml:139
+msgid "<option>-n</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:333
+msgid ""
+"Only search on the package names, not the long descriptions. Configuration "
+"Item: <literal>APT::Cache::NamesOnly</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:337
+msgid "<option>--all-names</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:338
+msgid ""
+"Make <literal>pkgnames</literal> print all names, including virtual packages "
+"and missing dependencies. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Cache::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:343
+msgid "<option>--recurse</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:344
+msgid ""
+"Make <literal>depends</literal> and <literal>rdepends</literal> recursive so "
+"that all packages mentioned are printed once. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:349
+msgid "<option>--installed</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:351
+msgid ""
+"Limit the output of <literal>depends</literal> and <literal>rdepends</"
+"literal> to packages which are currently installed. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:356 apt-cdrom.8.xml:150 apt-config.8.xml:98
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:67 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:547 apt-get.8.xml:554
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:64
+msgid "&apt-commonoptions;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:361 apt-get.8.xml:559 apt-key.8.xml:138 apt-mark.8.xml:122
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:988 apt_preferences.5.xml:615
+msgid "Files"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:363
+msgid "&file-sourceslist; &file-statelists;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:368 apt-cdrom.8.xml:155 apt-config.8.xml:103
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:74 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:563 apt-get.8.xml:569
+#: apt-key.8.xml:162 apt-mark.8.xml:133 apt-secure.8.xml:181
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:69 apt.conf.5.xml:994 apt_preferences.5.xml:622
+#: sources.list.5.xml:233
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "See Also"
+msgstr "Consulte também"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:369
+msgid "&apt-conf;, &sources-list;, &apt-get;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:373 apt-cdrom.8.xml:160 apt-config.8.xml:108
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:567 apt-get.8.xml:575
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:137 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:73
+msgid "Diagnostics"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:374
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-cache</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 "
+"on error."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:13
+msgid ""
+"&apt-author.jgunthorpe; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>14 "
+"February 2004</date>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:21 apt-cdrom.8.xml:28
+msgid "apt-cdrom"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:29
+msgid "APT CDROM management utility"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:35
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-cdrom</command> <arg><option>-hvrmfan</option></arg> "
+"<arg><option>-d=<replaceable>cdrom mount point</replaceable></option></arg> "
+"<arg><option>-o=<replaceable>config string</replaceable></option></arg> "
+"<arg><option>-c=<replaceable>file</replaceable></option></arg> <group> "
+"<arg>add</arg> <arg>ident</arg> </group>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:48
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-cdrom</command> is used to add a new CDROM to APTs list of "
+"available sources. <command>apt-cdrom</command> takes care of determining "
+"the structure of the disc as well as correcting for several possible mis-"
+"burns and verifying the index files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:55
+msgid ""
+"It is necessary to use <command>apt-cdrom</command> to add CDs to the APT "
+"system, it cannot be done by hand. Furthermore each disk in a multi-cd set "
+"must be inserted and scanned separately to account for possible mis-burns."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:65
+msgid "add"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:66
+msgid ""
+"<literal>add</literal> is used to add a new disc to the source list. It will "
+"unmount the CDROM device, prompt for a disk to be inserted and then procceed "
+"to scan it and copy the index files. If the disc does not have a proper "
+"<filename>disk</filename> directory you will be prompted for a descriptive "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:74
+msgid ""
+"APT uses a CDROM ID to track which disc is currently in the drive and "
+"maintains a database of these IDs in <filename>&statedir;/cdroms.list</"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:81
+msgid "ident"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:82
+msgid ""
+"A debugging tool to report the identity of the current disc as well as the "
+"stored file name"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:61
+msgid ""
+"Unless the <option>-h</option>, or <option>--help</option> option is given "
+"one of the commands below must be present. <placeholder type=\"variablelist"
+"\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:91
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:95 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:503 apt-get.8.xml:328
+msgid "<option>-d</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:95
+msgid "<option>--cdrom</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:96
+msgid ""
+"Mount point; specify the location to mount the cdrom. This mount point must "
+"be listed in <filename>/etc/fstab</filename> and properly configured. "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>Acquire::cdrom::mount</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:104
+msgid "<option>-r</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:104
+msgid "<option>--rename</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:105
+msgid ""
+"Rename a disc; change the label of a disk or override the disks given label. "
+"This option will cause <command>apt-cdrom</command> to prompt for a new "
+"label. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::CDROM::Rename</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:113 apt-get.8.xml:347
+msgid "<option>-m</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:113
+msgid "<option>--no-mount</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:114
+msgid ""
+"No mounting; prevent <command>apt-cdrom</command> from mounting and "
+"unmounting the mount point. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::CDROM::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:121
+msgid "<option>--fast</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:122
+msgid ""
+"Fast Copy; Assume the package files are valid and do not check every "
+"package. This option should be used only if <command>apt-cdrom</command> has "
+"been run on this disc before and did not detect any errors. Configuration "
+"Item: <literal>APT::CDROM::Fast</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:131
+msgid "<option>--thorough</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:132
+msgid ""
+"Thorough Package Scan; This option may be needed with some old Debian "
+"1.1/1.2 discs that have Package files in strange places. It takes much "
+"longer to scan the CD but will pick them all up."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:140 apt-get.8.xml:378
+msgid "<option>--just-print</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:141 apt-get.8.xml:380
+msgid "<option>--recon</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:142 apt-get.8.xml:381
+msgid "<option>--no-act</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:143
+msgid ""
+"No Changes; Do not change the &sources-list; file and do not write index "
+"files. Everything is still checked however. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:156
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "&apt-conf;, &apt-get;, &sources-list;"
+msgstr "&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:161
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-cdrom</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 "
+"on error."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:22 apt-config.8.xml:29
+msgid "apt-config"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:30
+msgid "APT Configuration Query program"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:36
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-config</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> <arg><option>-"
+"o=<replaceable>config string</replaceable></option></arg> <arg><option>-"
+"c=<replaceable>file</replaceable></option></arg> <group choice=\"req\"> "
+"<arg>shell</arg> <arg>dump</arg> </group>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:48
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-config</command> is an internal program used by various "
+"portions of the APT suite to provide consistent configurability. It accesses "
+"the main configuration file <filename>/etc/apt/apt.conf</filename> in a "
+"manner that is easy to use by scripted applications."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:53 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:71
+msgid ""
+"Unless the <option>-h</option>, or <option>--help</option> option is given "
+"one of the commands below must be present."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:58
+msgid "shell"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:60
+msgid ""
+"shell is used to access the configuration information from a shell script. "
+"It is given pairs of arguments, the first being a shell variable and the "
+"second the configuration value to query. As output it lists a series of "
+"shell assignments commands for each present value. In a shell script it "
+"should be used like:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><informalexample><programlisting>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:68
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"RES=`apt-config shell OPTS MyApp::options`\n"
+"eval $RES\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:73
+msgid ""
+"This will set the shell environment variable $OPTS to the value of MyApp::"
+"options with a default of <option>-f</option>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:77
+msgid ""
+"The configuration item may be postfixed with a /[fdbi]. f returns file "
+"names, d returns directories, b returns true or false and i returns an "
+"integer. Each of the returns is normalized and verified internally."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:86
+msgid "Just show the contents of the configuration space."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:104 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:75 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:564
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:70
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "&apt-conf;"
+msgstr ""
+" "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-config.8.xml:109
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-config</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 "
+"on error."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:22 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:29
+msgid "apt-extracttemplates"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refmeta><manvolnum>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:23 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:23 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:23
+msgid "1"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:30
+msgid "Utility to extract DebConf config and templates from Debian packages"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:36
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-extracttemplates</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> "
+"<arg><option>-t=<replaceable>temporary directory</replaceable></option></"
+"arg> <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>file</replaceable></"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:44
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-extracttemplates</command> will take one or more Debian package "
+"files as input and write out (to a temporary directory) all associated "
+"config scripts and template files. For each passed in package that contains "
+"config scripts and templates, one line of output will be generated in the "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:49
+msgid "package version template-file config-script"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:50
+msgid ""
+"template-file and config-script are written to the temporary directory "
+"specified by the -t or --tempdir (<literal>APT::ExtractTemplates::TempDir</"
+"literal>) directory, with filenames of the form <filename>package.template."
+"XXXX</filename> and <filename>package.config.XXXX</filename>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:60 apt-get.8.xml:488
+msgid "<option>-t</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:60
+msgid "<option>--tempdir</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:62
+msgid ""
+"Temporary directory in which to write extracted debconf template files and "
+"config scripts. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::ExtractTemplates::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:79
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-extracttemplates</command> returns zero on normal operation, "
+"decimal 100 on error."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:22 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:29
+msgid "apt-ftparchive"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:30
+msgid "Utility to generate index files"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:36
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> <arg><option>-hvdsq</option></arg> "
+"<arg><option>--md5</option></arg> <arg><option>--delink</option></arg> "
+"<arg><option>--readonly</option></arg> <arg><option>--contents</option></"
+"arg> <arg><option>-o <replaceable>config</replaceable>=<replaceable>string</"
+"replaceable></option></arg> <arg><option>-c=<replaceable>file</replaceable></"
+"option></arg> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg>packages<arg choice=\"plain\" rep="
+"replaceable><arg><replaceable>pathprefix</replaceable></arg></arg></arg> "
+"<arg>sources<arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>path</"
+"replaceable><arg><replaceable>pathprefix</replaceable></arg></arg></arg> "
+"<arg>contents <arg choice=\"plain\"><replaceable>path</replaceable></arg></"
+"arg> <arg>release <arg choice=\"plain\"><replaceable>path</replaceable></"
+"arg></arg> <arg>generate <arg choice=\"plain\"><replaceable>config-file</"
+"replaceable></arg> <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
+"\"><replaceable>section</replaceable></arg></arg> <arg>clean <arg choice="
+"\"plain\"><replaceable>config-file</replaceable></arg></arg> </group>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:56
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> is the command line tool that generates "
+"the index files that APT uses to access a distribution source. The index "
+"files should be generated on the origin site based on the content of that "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:60
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> is a superset of the &dpkg-scanpackages; "
+"program, incorporating its entire functionality via the <literal>packages</"
+"literal> command. It also contains a contents file generator, "
+"<literal>contents</literal>, and an elaborate means to 'script' the "
+"generation process for a complete archive."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:66
+msgid ""
+"Internally <command>apt-ftparchive</command> can make use of binary "
+"databases to cache the contents of a .deb file and it does not rely on any "
+"external programs aside from &gzip;. When doing a full generate it "
+"automatically performs file-change checks and builds the desired compressed "
+"output files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:75
+msgid "packages"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:77
+msgid ""
+"The packages command generates a package file from a directory tree. It "
+"takes the given directory and recursively searches it for .deb files, "
+"emitting a package record to stdout for each. This command is approximately "
+"equivalent to &dpkg-scanpackages;."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:82 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:106
+msgid ""
+"The option <option>--db</option> can be used to specify a binary caching DB."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:85
+msgid "sources"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:87
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>sources</literal> command generates a source index file from a "
+"directory tree. It takes the given directory and recursively searches it "
+"for .dsc files, emitting a source record to stdout for each. This command is "
+"approximately equivalent to &dpkg-scansources;."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:92
+msgid ""
+"If an override file is specified then a source override file will be looked "
+"for with an extension of .src. The --source-override option can be used to "
+"change the source override file that will be used."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:97
+msgid "contents"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:99
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>contents</literal> command generates a contents file from a "
+"directory tree. It takes the given directory and recursively searches it "
+"for .deb files, and reads the file list from each file. It then sorts and "
+"writes to stdout the list of files matched to packages. Directories are not "
+"written to the output. If multiple packages own the same file then each "
+"package is separated by a comma in the output."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:109
+msgid "release"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:111
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>release</literal> command generates a Release file from a "
+"directory tree. It recursively searches the given directory for Packages, "
+"Packages.gz, Packages.bz2, Sources, Sources.gz, Sources.bz2, Release and "
+"md5sum.txt files. It then writes to stdout a Release file containing an MD5 "
+"digest and SHA1 digest for each file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:118
+msgid ""
+"Values for the additional metadata fields in the Release file are taken from "
+"the corresponding variables under <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release</"
+"literal>, e.g. <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release::Origin</literal>. The "
+"supported fields are: <literal>Origin</literal>, <literal>Label</literal>, "
+"<literal>Suite</literal>, <literal>Version</literal>, <literal>Codename</"
+"literal>, <literal>Date</literal>, <literal>Architectures</literal>, "
+"<literal>Components</literal>, <literal>Description</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:128
+msgid "generate"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:130
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>generate</literal> command is designed to be runnable from a "
+"cron script and builds indexes according to the given config file. The "
+"config language provides a flexible means of specifying which index files "
+"are built from which directories, as well as providing a simple means of "
+"maintaining the required settings."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:137 apt-get.8.xml:292
+msgid "clean"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:139
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>clean</literal> command tidies the databases used by the given "
+"configuration file by removing any records that are no longer necessary."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:145
+msgid "The Generate Configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:147
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>generate</literal> command uses a configuration file to "
+"describe the archives that are going to be generated. It follows the typical "
+"ISC configuration format as seen in ISC tools like bind 8 and dhcpd. &apt-"
+"conf; contains a description of the syntax. Note that the generate "
+"configuration is parsed in sectional manner, but &apt-conf; is parsed in a "
+"tree manner. This only effects how the scope tag is handled."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:155
+msgid ""
+"The generate configuration has 4 separate sections, each described below."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:157
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Dir Section"
+msgstr "Descrição"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:159
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Dir</literal> section defines the standard directories needed "
+"to locate the files required during the generation process. These "
+"directories are prepended certain relative paths defined in later sections "
+"to produce a complete an absolute path."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:164
+msgid "ArchiveDir"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:166
+msgid ""
+"Specifies the root of the FTP archive, in a standard Debian configuration "
+"this is the directory that contains the <filename>ls-LR</filename> and dist "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:171
+msgid "OverrideDir"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:173
+msgid "Specifies the location of the override files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:176
+msgid "CacheDir"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:178
+msgid "Specifies the location of the cache files"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:181
+msgid "FileListDir"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:183
+msgid ""
+"Specifies the location of the file list files, if the <literal>FileList</"
+"literal> setting is used below."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:189
+msgid "Default Section"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:191
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Default</literal> section specifies default values, and "
+"settings that control the operation of the generator. Other sections may "
+"override these defaults with a per-section setting."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:195
+msgid "Packages::Compress"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:197
+msgid ""
+"Sets the default compression schemes to use for the Package index files. It "
+"is a string that contains a space separated list of at least one of: '.' (no "
+"compression), 'gzip' and 'bzip2'. The default for all compression schemes is "
+"'. gzip'."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:203
+msgid "Packages::Extensions"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:205
+msgid ""
+"Sets the default list of file extensions that are package files. This "
+"defaults to '.deb'."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:209
+msgid "Sources::Compress"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:211
+msgid ""
+"This is similar to <literal>Packages::Compress</literal> except that it "
+"controls the compression for the Sources files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:215
+msgid "Sources::Extensions"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:217
+msgid ""
+"Sets the default list of file extensions that are source files. This "
+"defaults to '.dsc'."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:221
+msgid "Contents::Compress"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:223
+msgid ""
+"This is similar to <literal>Packages::Compress</literal> except that it "
+"controls the compression for the Contents files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:227
+msgid "DeLinkLimit"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:229
+msgid ""
+"Specifies the number of kilobytes to delink (and replace with hard links) "
+"per run. This is used in conjunction with the per-section <literal>External-"
+"Links</literal> setting."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:234
+msgid "FileMode"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:236
+msgid ""
+"Specifies the mode of all created index files. It defaults to 0644. All "
+"index files are set to this mode with no regard to the umask."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:243
+msgid "TreeDefault Section"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:245
+msgid ""
+"Sets defaults specific to <literal>Tree</literal> sections. All of these "
+"variables are substitution variables and have the strings $(DIST), "
+"$(SECTION) and $(ARCH) replaced with their respective values."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:250
+msgid "MaxContentsChange"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:252
+msgid ""
+"Sets the number of kilobytes of contents files that are generated each day. "
+"The contents files are round-robined so that over several days they will all "
+"be rebuilt."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:257
+msgid "ContentsAge"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:259
+msgid ""
+"Controls the number of days a contents file is allowed to be checked without "
+"changing. If this limit is passed the mtime of the contents file is updated. "
+"This case can occur if the package file is changed in such a way that does "
+"not result in a new contents file [override edit for instance]. A hold off "
+"is allowed in hopes that new .debs will be installed, requiring a new file "
+"anyhow. The default is 10, the units are in days."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:268
+msgid "Directory"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:270
+msgid ""
+"Sets the top of the .deb directory tree. Defaults to <filename>$(DIST)/"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:274
+msgid "SrcDirectory"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:276
+msgid ""
+"Sets the top of the source package directory tree. Defaults to <filename>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:280 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:406
+msgid "Packages"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:282
+msgid ""
+"Sets the output Packages file. Defaults to <filename>$(DIST)/$(SECTION)/"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:286 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:411
+msgid "Sources"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:288
+msgid ""
+"Sets the output Packages file. Defaults to <filename>$(DIST)/$(SECTION)/"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:292
+msgid "InternalPrefix"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:294
+msgid ""
+"Sets the path prefix that causes a symlink to be considered an internal link "
+"instead of an external link. Defaults to <filename>$(DIST)/$(SECTION)/</"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:299 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:417
+msgid "Contents"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:301
+msgid ""
+"Sets the output Contents file. Defaults to <filename>$(DIST)/Contents-$(ARCH)"
+"</filename>. If this setting causes multiple Packages files to map onto a "
+"single Contents file (such as the default) then <command>apt-ftparchive</"
+"command> will integrate those package files together automatically."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:308
+msgid "Contents::Header"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:310
+msgid "Sets header file to prepend to the contents output."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:313 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:442
+msgid "BinCacheDB"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:315
+msgid ""
+"Sets the binary cache database to use for this section. Multiple sections "
+"can share the same database."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:319
+msgid "FileList"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:321
+msgid ""
+"Specifies that instead of walking the directory tree, <command>apt-"
+"ftparchive</command> should read the list of files from the given file. "
+"Relative files names are prefixed with the archive directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:326
+msgid "SourceFileList"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:328
+msgid ""
+"Specifies that instead of walking the directory tree, <command>apt-"
+"ftparchive</command> should read the list of files from the given file. "
+"Relative files names are prefixed with the archive directory. This is used "
+"when processing source indexes."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:336
+msgid "Tree Section"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:338
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Tree</literal> section defines a standard Debian file tree "
+"which consists of a base directory, then multiple sections in that base "
+"directory and finally multiple Architectures in each section. The exact "
+"pathing used is defined by the <literal>Directory</literal> substitution "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:343
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Tree</literal> section takes a scope tag which sets the "
+"<literal>$(DIST)</literal> variable and defines the root of the tree (the "
+"path is prefixed by <literal>ArchiveDir</literal>). Typically this is a "
+"setting such as <filename>dists/woody</filename>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:348
+msgid ""
+"All of the settings defined in the <literal>TreeDefault</literal> section "
+"can be use in a <literal>Tree</literal> section as well as three new "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:351
+msgid ""
+"When processing a <literal>Tree</literal> section <command>apt-ftparchive</"
+"command> performs an operation similar to:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><informalexample><programlisting>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:354
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"for i in Sections do \n"
+" for j in Architectures do\n"
+" Generate for DIST=scope SECTION=i ARCH=j\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:360
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Sections"
+msgstr "Descrição"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:362
+msgid ""
+"This is a space separated list of sections which appear under the "
+"distribution, typically this is something like <literal>main contrib non-"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:367
+msgid "Architectures"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:369
+msgid ""
+"This is a space separated list of all the architectures that appear under "
+"search section. The special architecture 'source' is used to indicate that "
+"this tree has a source archive."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:374 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:422
+msgid "BinOverride"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:376
+msgid ""
+"Sets the binary override file. The override file contains section, priority "
+"and maintainer address information."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:380 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:427
+msgid "SrcOverride"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:382
+msgid ""
+"Sets the source override file. The override file contains section "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:386 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:432
+msgid "ExtraOverride"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:388 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:434
+msgid "Sets the binary extra override file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:391 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:437
+msgid "SrcExtraOverride"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:393 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:439
+msgid "Sets the source extra override file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:398
+msgid "BinDirectory Section"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:400
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>bindirectory</literal> section defines a binary directory tree "
+"with no special structure. The scope tag specifies the location of the "
+"binary directory and the settings are similar to the <literal>Tree</literal> "
+"section with no substitution variables or <literal>Section</"
+"literal><literal>Architecture</literal> settings."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:408
+msgid "Sets the Packages file output."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:413
+msgid ""
+"Sets the Sources file output. At least one of <literal>Packages</literal> or "
+"<literal>Sources</literal> is required."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:419
+msgid "Sets the Contents file output. (optional)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:424
+msgid "Sets the binary override file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:429
+msgid "Sets the source override file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:444
+msgid "Sets the cache DB."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:447
+msgid "PathPrefix"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:449
+msgid "Appends a path to all the output paths."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:452
+msgid "FileList, SourceFileList"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:454
+msgid "Specifies the file list file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:461
+msgid "The Binary Override File"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:462
+msgid ""
+"The binary override file is fully compatible with &dpkg-scanpackages;. It "
+"contains 4 fields separated by spaces. The first field is the package name, "
+"the second is the priority to force that package to, the third is the the "
+"section to force that package to and the final field is the maintainer "
+"permutation field."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><literallayout>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:468
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "old [// oldn]* => new"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><literallayout>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:470
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "new"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:467
+msgid ""
+"The general form of the maintainer field is: <placeholder type="
+"\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/> or simply, <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" "
+"id=\"1\"/> The first form allows a double-slash separated list of old email "
+"addresses to be specified. If any of those are found then new is substituted "
+"for the maintainer field. The second form unconditionally substitutes the "
+"maintainer field."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:478
+msgid "The Source Override File"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:480
+msgid ""
+"The source override file is fully compatible with &dpkg-scansources;. It "
+"contains 2 fields separated by spaces. The first fields is the source "
+"package name, the second is the section to assign it."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:485
+msgid "The Extra Override File"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:487
+msgid ""
+"The extra override file allows any arbitrary tag to be added or replaced in "
+"the output. It has 3 columns, the first is the package, the second is the "
+"tag and the remainder of the line is the new value."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:496
+msgid "<option>--md5</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:498
+msgid ""
+"Generate MD5 sums. This defaults to on, when turned off the generated index "
+"files will not have MD5Sum fields where possible. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:503
+msgid "<option>--db</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:505
+msgid ""
+"Use a binary caching DB. This has no effect on the generate command. "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::DB</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:511
+msgid ""
+"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
+"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
+"<option>-q=#</option> to set the quiet level, overriding the configuration "
+"file. Configuration Item: <literal>quiet</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:517
+msgid "<option>--delink</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:519
+msgid ""
+"Perform Delinking. If the <literal>External-Links</literal> setting is used "
+"then this option actually enables delinking of the files. It defaults to on "
+"and can be turned off with <option>--no-delink</option>. Configuration "
+"Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::DeLinkAct</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525
+msgid "<option>--contents</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:527
+msgid ""
+"Perform contents generation. When this option is set and package indexes are "
+"being generated with a cache DB then the file listing will also be extracted "
+"and stored in the DB for later use. When using the generate command this "
+"option also allows the creation of any Contents files. The default is on. "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Contents</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:535
+msgid "<option>--source-override</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:537
+msgid ""
+"Select the source override file to use with the <literal>sources</literal> "
+"command. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::SourceOverride</"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:541
+msgid "<option>--readonly</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:543
+msgid ""
+"Make the caching databases read only. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:552 apt.conf.5.xml:982 apt_preferences.5.xml:462
+#: sources.list.5.xml:193
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Examples"
+msgstr "Exemplos"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><programlisting>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:558
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "<command>apt-ftparchive</command> packages <replaceable>directory</replaceable> | <command>gzip</command> > <filename>Packages.gz</filename>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:554
+msgid ""
+"To create a compressed Packages file for a directory containing binary "
+"packages (.deb): <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:568
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal "
+"100 on error."
+msgstr ""
+#. The last update date
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:13
+msgid ""
+"&apt-author.jgunthorpe; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>08 "
+"November 2008</date>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:22 apt-get.8.xml:29 guide.sgml:96
+msgid "apt-get"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:30
+msgid "APT package handling utility -- command-line interface"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:36
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-get</command> <arg><option>-sqdyfmubV</option></arg> <arg> "
+"<option>-o= <replaceable>config_string</replaceable> </option> </arg> <arg> "
+"<option>-c= <replaceable>config_file</replaceable> </option> </arg> <arg> "
+"<option>-t=</option> <group choice='req'> <arg choice='plain'> "
+"<replaceable>target_release_name</replaceable> </arg> <arg choice='plain'> "
+"<replaceable>target_release_number_expression</replaceable> </arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'> <replaceable>target_release_codename</replaceable> </arg> </"
+"group> </arg> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg choice='plain'>update</arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>upgrade</arg> <arg choice='plain'>dselect-upgrade</arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>dist-upgrade</arg> <arg choice='plain'>install <arg choice="
+"\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable> <arg> <group "
+"choice='req'> <arg choice='plain'> =<replaceable>pkg_version_number</"
+"replaceable> </arg> <arg choice='plain'> /<replaceable>target_release_name</"
+"replaceable> </arg> <arg choice='plain'> /"
+"<replaceable>target_release_codename</replaceable> </arg> </group> </arg> </"
+"arg> </arg> <arg choice='plain'>remove <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
+"\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg> <arg choice='plain'>purge <arg "
+"choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg> "
+"<arg choice='plain'>source <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
+"\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable> <arg> <group choice='req'> <arg "
+"choice='plain'> =<replaceable>pkg_version_number</replaceable> </arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'> /<replaceable>target_release_name</replaceable> </arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'> /<replaceable>target_release_codename</replaceable> </arg> </"
+"group> </arg> </arg> </arg> <arg choice='plain'>build-dep <arg choice=\"plain"
+"\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>check</arg> <arg choice='plain'>clean</arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>autoclean</arg> <arg choice='plain'>autoremove</arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'> <group choice='req'> <arg choice='plain'>-v</arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>--version</arg> </group> </arg> <arg choice='plain'> <group "
+"choice='req'> <arg choice='plain'>-h</arg> <arg choice='plain'>--help</arg> "
+"</group> </arg> </group>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:126
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-get</command> is the command-line tool for handling packages, "
+"and may be considered the user's \"back-end\" to other tools using the APT "
+"library. Several \"front-end\" interfaces exist, such as &dselect;, "
+"&aptitude;, &synaptic;, &gnome-apt; and &wajig;."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:135 apt-key.8.xml:123
+msgid "update"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:136
+msgid ""
+"<literal>update</literal> is used to resynchronize the package index files "
+"from their sources. The indexes of available packages are fetched from the "
+"location(s) specified in <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename>. For "
+"example, when using a Debian archive, this command retrieves and scans the "
+"<filename>Packages.gz</filename> files, so that information about new and "
+"updated packages is available. An <literal>update</literal> should always be "
+"performed before an <literal>upgrade</literal> or <literal>dist-upgrade</"
+"literal>. Please be aware that the overall progress meter will be incorrect "
+"as the size of the package files cannot be known in advance."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <tag></tag>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:147 guide.sgml:121
+msgid "upgrade"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:148
+msgid ""
+"<literal>upgrade</literal> is used to install the newest versions of all "
+"packages currently installed on the system from the sources enumerated in "
+"<filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename>. Packages currently installed "
+"with new versions available are retrieved and upgraded; under no "
+"circumstances are currently installed packages removed, or packages not "
+"already installed retrieved and installed. New versions of currently "
+"installed packages that cannot be upgraded without changing the install "
+"status of another package will be left at their current version. An "
+"<literal>update</literal> must be performed first so that <command>apt-get</"
+"command> knows that new versions of packages are available."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:160
+msgid "dselect-upgrade"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:161
+msgid ""
+"<literal>dselect-upgrade</literal> is used in conjunction with the "
+"traditional Debian packaging front-end, &dselect;. <literal>dselect-upgrade</"
+"literal> follows the changes made by &dselect; to the <literal>Status</"
+"literal> field of available packages, and performs the actions necessary to "
+"realize that state (for instance, the removal of old and the installation of "
+"new packages)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <tag></tag>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:170 guide.sgml:140
+msgid "dist-upgrade"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:171
+msgid ""
+"<literal>dist-upgrade</literal> in addition to performing the function of "
+"<literal>upgrade</literal>, also intelligently handles changing dependencies "
+"with new versions of packages; <command>apt-get</command> has a \"smart\" "
+"conflict resolution system, and it will attempt to upgrade the most "
+"important packages at the expense of less important ones if necessary. So, "
+"<literal>dist-upgrade</literal> command may remove some packages. The "
+"<filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename> file contains a list of locations "
+"from which to retrieve desired package files. See also &apt-preferences; "
+"for a mechanism for overriding the general settings for individual packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <tag></tag>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:183 guide.sgml:131
+msgid "install"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:185
+msgid ""
+"<literal>install</literal> is followed by one or more packages desired for "
+"installation or upgrading. Each package is a package name, not a fully "
+"qualified filename (for instance, in a Debian GNU/Linux system, libc6 would "
+"be the argument provided, not <literal>libc6_1.9.6-2.deb</literal>). All "
+"packages required by the package(s) specified for installation will also be "
+"retrieved and installed. The <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename> "
+"file is used to locate the desired packages. If a hyphen is appended to the "
+"package name (with no intervening space), the identified package will be "
+"removed if it is installed. Similarly a plus sign can be used to designate "
+"a package to install. These latter features may be used to override "
+"decisions made by apt-get's conflict resolution system."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:203
+msgid ""
+"A specific version of a package can be selected for installation by "
+"following the package name with an equals and the version of the package to "
+"select. This will cause that version to be located and selected for install. "
+"Alternatively a specific distribution can be selected by following the "
+"package name with a slash and the version of the distribution or the Archive "
+"name (stable, testing, unstable)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:210
+msgid ""
+"Both of the version selection mechanisms can downgrade packages and must be "
+"used with care."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:213
+msgid ""
+"This is also the target to use if you want to upgrade one or more already-"
+"installed packages without upgrading every package you have on your system. "
+"Unlike the \"upgrade\" target, which installs the newest version of all "
+"currently installed packages, \"install\" will install the newest version of "
+"only the package(s) specified. Simply provide the name of the package(s) "
+"you wish to upgrade, and if a newer version is available, it (and its "
+"dependencies, as described above) will be downloaded and installed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:224
+msgid ""
+"Finally, the &apt-preferences; mechanism allows you to create an alternative "
+"installation policy for individual packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:228
+msgid ""
+"If no package matches the given expression and the expression contains one "
+"of '.', '?' or '*' then it is assumed to be a POSIX regular expression, and "
+"it is applied to all package names in the database. Any matches are then "
+"installed (or removed). Note that matching is done by substring so 'lo.*' "
+"matches 'how-lo' and 'lowest'. If this is undesired, anchor the regular "
+"expression with a '^' or '$' character, or create a more specific regular "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:237
+msgid "remove"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:238
+msgid ""
+"<literal>remove</literal> is identical to <literal>install</literal> except "
+"that packages are removed instead of installed. Note the removing a package "
+"leaves its configuration files in system. If a plus sign is appended to the "
+"package name (with no intervening space), the identified package will be "
+"installed instead of removed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:245
+msgid "purge"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:246
+msgid ""
+"<literal>purge</literal> is identical to <literal>remove</literal> except "
+"that packages are removed and purged (any configuration files are deleted "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:250
+msgid "source"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:251
+msgid ""
+"<literal>source</literal> causes <command>apt-get</command> to fetch source "
+"packages. APT will examine the available packages to decide which source "
+"package to fetch. It will then find and download into the current directory "
+"the newest available version of that source package while respect the "
+"default release, set with the option <literal>APT::Default-Release</"
+"literal>, the <option>-t</option> option or per package with the "
+"<literal>pkg/release</literal> syntax, if possible."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:259
+msgid ""
+"Source packages are tracked separately from binary packages via <literal>deb-"
+"src</literal> type lines in the &sources-list; file. This means that you "
+"will need to add such a line for each repository you want to get sources "
+"from. If you don't do this you will properly get another (newer, older or "
+"none) source version than the one you have installed or could install."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:266
+msgid ""
+"If the <option>--compile</option> option is specified then the package will "
+"be compiled to a binary .deb using <command>dpkg-buildpackage</command>, if "
+"<option>--download-only</option> is specified then the source package will "
+"not be unpacked."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:271
+msgid ""
+"A specific source version can be retrieved by postfixing the source name "
+"with an equals and then the version to fetch, similar to the mechanism used "
+"for the package files. This enables exact matching of the source package "
+"name and version, implicitly enabling the <literal>APT::Get::Only-Source</"
+"literal> option."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:277
+msgid ""
+"Note that source packages are not tracked like binary packages, they exist "
+"only in the current directory and are similar to downloading source tar "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:282
+msgid "build-dep"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:283
+msgid ""
+"<literal>build-dep</literal> causes apt-get to install/remove packages in an "
+"attempt to satisfy the build dependencies for a source package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:287
+msgid "check"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:288
+msgid ""
+"<literal>check</literal> is a diagnostic tool; it updates the package cache "
+"and checks for broken dependencies."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:293
+msgid ""
+"<literal>clean</literal> clears out the local repository of retrieved "
+"package files. It removes everything but the lock file from "
+"<filename>&cachedir;/archives/</filename> and <filename>&cachedir;/archives/"
+"partial/</filename>. When APT is used as a &dselect; method, <literal>clean</"
+"literal> is run automatically. Those who do not use dselect will likely "
+"want to run <literal>apt-get clean</literal> from time to time to free up "
+"disk space."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:302
+msgid "autoclean"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:303
+msgid ""
+"Like <literal>clean</literal>, <literal>autoclean</literal> clears out the "
+"local repository of retrieved package files. The difference is that it only "
+"removes package files that can no longer be downloaded, and are largely "
+"useless. This allows a cache to be maintained over a long period without it "
+"growing out of control. The configuration option <literal>APT::Clean-"
+"Installed</literal> will prevent installed packages from being erased if it "
+"is set to off."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:312
+msgid "autoremove"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:313
+msgid ""
+"<literal>autoremove</literal> is used to remove packages that were "
+"automatically installed to satisfy dependencies for some package and that "
+"are no more needed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:323 apt-get.8.xml:429
+msgid "<option>--no-install-recommends</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:324
+msgid ""
+"Do not consider recommended packages as a dependency for installing. "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Install-Recommends</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:328
+msgid "<option>--download-only</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:329
+msgid ""
+"Download only; package files are only retrieved, not unpacked or installed. "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Download-Only</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:333
+msgid "<option>--fix-broken</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:334
+msgid ""
+"Fix; attempt to correct a system with broken dependencies in place. This "
+"option, when used with install/remove, can omit any packages to permit APT "
+"to deduce a likely solution. Any Package that are specified must completely "
+"correct the problem. The option is sometimes necessary when running APT for "
+"the first time; APT itself does not allow broken package dependencies to "
+"exist on a system. It is possible that a system's dependency structure can "
+"be so corrupt as to require manual intervention (which usually means using "
+"&dselect; or <command>dpkg --remove</command> to eliminate some of the "
+"offending packages). Use of this option together with <option>-m</option> "
+"may produce an error in some situations. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:347
+msgid "<option>--ignore-missing</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:348
+msgid "<option>--fix-missing</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:349
+msgid ""
+"Ignore missing packages; If packages cannot be retrieved or fail the "
+"integrity check after retrieval (corrupted package files), hold back those "
+"packages and handle the result. Use of this option together with <option>-f</"
+"option> may produce an error in some situations. If a package is selected "
+"for installation (particularly if it is mentioned on the command line) and "
+"it could not be downloaded then it will be silently held back. "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Fix-Missing</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:359
+msgid "<option>--no-download</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:360
+msgid ""
+"Disables downloading of packages. This is best used with <option>--ignore-"
+"missing</option> to force APT to use only the .debs it has already "
+"downloaded. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Download</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:367
+msgid ""
+"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
+"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
+"<option>-q=#</option> to set the quiet level, overriding the configuration "
+"file. Note that quiet level 2 implies <option>-y</option>, you should never "
+"use -qq without a no-action modifier such as -d, --print-uris or -s as APT "
+"may decided to do something you did not expect. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:377
+msgid "<option>--simulate</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:379
+msgid "<option>--dry-run</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:382
+msgid ""
+"No action; perform a simulation of events that would occur but do not "
+"actually change the system. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:386
+msgid ""
+"Simulation run as user will deactivate locking (<literal>Debug::NoLocking</"
+"literal>) automatic. Also a notice will be displayed indicating that this "
+"is only a simulation, if the option <literal>APT::Get::Show-User-Simulation-"
+"Note</literal> is set (Default: true). Neither NoLocking nor the notice "
+"will be triggered if run as root (root should know what he is doing without "
+"further warnings by <literal>apt-get</literal>)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:392
+msgid ""
+"Simulate prints out a series of lines each one representing a dpkg "
+"operation, Configure (Conf), Remove (Remv), Unpack (Inst). Square brackets "
+"indicate broken packages and empty set of square brackets meaning breaks "
+"that are of no consequence (rare)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:399
+msgid "<option>-y</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:399
+msgid "<option>--yes</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:400
+msgid "<option>--assume-yes</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:401
+msgid ""
+"Automatic yes to prompts; assume \"yes\" as answer to all prompts and run "
+"non-interactively. If an undesirable situation, such as changing a held "
+"package, trying to install a unauthenticated package or removing an "
+"essential package occurs then <literal>apt-get</literal> will abort. "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Assume-Yes</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:408
+msgid "<option>-u</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:408
+msgid "<option>--show-upgraded</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:409
+msgid ""
+"Show upgraded packages; Print out a list of all packages that are to be "
+"upgraded. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Show-Upgraded</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:414
+msgid "<option>-V</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:414
+msgid "<option>--verbose-versions</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:415
+msgid ""
+"Show full versions for upgraded and installed packages. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:419
+msgid "<option>-b</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:419
+msgid "<option>--compile</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:420
+msgid "<option>--build</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:421
+msgid ""
+"Compile source packages after downloading them. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:425
+msgid "<option>--install-recommends</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:426
+msgid "Also install recommended packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:430
+msgid "Do not install recommended packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:433
+msgid "<option>--ignore-hold</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:434
+msgid ""
+"Ignore package Holds; This causes <command>apt-get</command> to ignore a "
+"hold placed on a package. This may be useful in conjunction with "
+"<literal>dist-upgrade</literal> to override a large number of undesired "
+"holds. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Ignore-Hold</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:440
+msgid "<option>--no-upgrade</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:441
+msgid ""
+"Do not upgrade packages; When used in conjunction with <literal>install</"
+"literal>, <literal>no-upgrade</literal> will prevent packages on the command "
+"line from being upgraded if they are already installed. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:447
+msgid "<option>--force-yes</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:448
+msgid ""
+"Force yes; This is a dangerous option that will cause apt to continue "
+"without prompting if it is doing something potentially harmful. It should "
+"not be used except in very special situations. Using <literal>force-yes</"
+"literal> can potentially destroy your system! Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:455
+msgid "<option>--print-uris</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:456
+msgid ""
+"Instead of fetching the files to install their URIs are printed. Each URI "
+"will have the path, the destination file name, the size and the expected md5 "
+"hash. Note that the file name to write to will not always match the file "
+"name on the remote site! This also works with the <literal>source</literal> "
+"and <literal>update</literal> commands. When used with the <literal>update</"
+"literal> command the MD5 and size are not included, and it is up to the user "
+"to decompress any compressed files. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:466
+msgid "<option>--purge</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:467
+msgid ""
+"Use purge instead of remove for anything that would be removed. An asterisk "
+"(\"*\") will be displayed next to packages which are scheduled to be purged. "
+"<option>remove --purge</option> is equivalent for <option>purge</option> "
+"command. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Purge</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:474
+msgid "<option>--reinstall</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:475
+msgid ""
+"Re-Install packages that are already installed and at the newest version. "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::ReInstall</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:479
+msgid "<option>--list-cleanup</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:480
+msgid ""
+"This option defaults to on, use <literal>--no-list-cleanup</literal> to turn "
+"it off. When on <command>apt-get</command> will automatically manage the "
+"contents of <filename>&statedir;/lists</filename> to ensure that obsolete "
+"files are erased. The only reason to turn it off is if you frequently "
+"change your source list. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::List-"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:489
+msgid "<option>--target-release</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:490
+msgid "<option>--default-release</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:491
+msgid ""
+"This option controls the default input to the policy engine, it creates a "
+"default pin at priority 990 using the specified release string. This "
+"overrides the general settings in <filename>/etc/apt/preferences</"
+"filename>. Specifically pinned packages are not affected by the value of "
+"this option. In short, this option lets you have simple control over which "
+"distribution packages will be retrieved from. Some common examples might be "
+"<option>-t '2.1*'</option>, <option>-t unstable</option> or <option>-t sid</"
+"option>. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Default-Release</literal>; see "
+"also the &apt-preferences; manual page."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:504
+msgid "<option>--trivial-only</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:506
+msgid ""
+"Only perform operations that are 'trivial'. Logically this can be considered "
+"related to <option>--assume-yes</option>, where <option>--assume-yes</"
+"option> will answer yes to any prompt, <option>--trivial-only</option> will "
+"answer no. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Trivial-Only</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:512
+msgid "<option>--no-remove</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:513
+msgid ""
+"If any packages are to be removed apt-get immediately aborts without "
+"prompting. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Remove</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:518
+msgid "<option>--auto-remove</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:519
+msgid ""
+"If the command is either <literal>install</literal> or <literal>remove</"
+"literal>, then this option acts like running <literal>autoremove</literal> "
+"command, removing the unused dependency packages. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:525
+msgid "<option>--only-source</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:526
+msgid ""
+"Only has meaning for the <literal>source</literal> and <literal>build-dep</"
+"literal> commands. Indicates that the given source names are not to be "
+"mapped through the binary table. This means that if this option is "
+"specified, these commands will only accept source package names as "
+"arguments, rather than accepting binary package names and looking up the "
+"corresponding source package. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Only-"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:536
+msgid "<option>--diff-only</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:536
+msgid "<option>--dsc-only</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:536
+msgid "<option>--tar-only</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:537
+msgid ""
+"Download only the diff, dsc, or tar file of a source archive. Configuration "
+"Item: <literal>APT::Get::Diff-Only</literal>, <literal>APT::Get::Dsc-Only</"
+"literal>, and <literal>APT::Get::Tar-Only</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:542
+msgid "<option>--arch-only</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:543
+msgid ""
+"Only process architecture-dependent build-dependencies. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:547
+msgid "<option>--allow-unauthenticated</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:548
+msgid ""
+"Ignore if packages can't be authenticated and don't prompt about it. This "
+"is useful for tools like pbuilder. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:561
+msgid ""
+"&file-sourceslist; &file-aptconf; &file-preferences; &file-cachearchives; "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:570
+msgid ""
+"&apt-cache;, &apt-cdrom;, &dpkg;, &dselect;, &sources-list;, &apt-conf;, "
+"&apt-config;, &apt-secure;, The APT User's guide in &guidesdir;, &apt-"
+"preferences;, the APT Howto."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:576
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-get</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 on "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:579
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:580
+msgid "&apt-author.jgunthorpe;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:583
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:585
+msgid "&;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:14 apt-key.8.xml:21
+msgid "apt-key"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:22
+msgid "APT key management utility"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:28
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-key</command> <arg><replaceable>command</replaceable>/</arg> "
+"<arg rep=\"repeat\"><option><replaceable>arguments</replaceable></option></"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:36
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-key</command> is used to manage the list of keys used by apt to "
+"authenticate packages. Packages which have been authenticated using these "
+"keys will be considered trusted."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:42
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:44
+msgid "add <replaceable>filename</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:48
+msgid ""
+"Add a new key to the list of trusted keys. The key is read from "
+"<replaceable>filename</replaceable>, or standard input if "
+"<replaceable>filename</replaceable> is <literal>-</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:56
+msgid "del <replaceable>keyid</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:60
+msgid "Remove a key from the list of trusted keys."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:67
+msgid "export <replaceable>keyid</replaceable>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:71
+msgid "Output the key <replaceable>keyid</replaceable> to standard output."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:78
+msgid "exportall"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:82
+msgid "Output all trusted keys to standard output."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:89
+msgid "list"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:93
+msgid "List trusted keys."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:100
+msgid "finger"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:104
+msgid "List fingerprints of trusted keys."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:111
+msgid "adv"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:115
+msgid ""
+"Pass advanced options to gpg. With adv --recv-key you can download the "
+"public key."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:127
+msgid ""
+"Update the local keyring with the keyring of Debian archive keys and removes "
+"from the keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:140
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<filename>/etc/apt/trusted.gpg</filename>"
+msgstr "<filename>/etc/apt.conf</>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:141
+msgid "Keyring of local trusted keys, new keys will be added here."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:144
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
+msgstr "<filename>/etc/apt.conf</>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:145
+msgid "Local trust database of archive keys."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:148
+msgid "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:149
+msgid "Keyring of Debian archive trusted keys."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:152
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:153
+msgid "Keyring of Debian archive removed trusted keys."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-key.8.xml:164
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
+msgstr "&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;"
+#. The last update date
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:13
+msgid ""
+"&apt-author.moconnor; &; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>9 "
+"August 2009</date>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:22 apt-mark.8.xml:29
+msgid "apt-mark"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:30
+msgid "mark/unmark a package as being automatically-installed"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:36
+msgid ""
+" <command>apt-mark</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> <arg><option>-"
+"f=<replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></option></arg> <group choice=\"plain"
+"\"> <arg choice=\"plain\"> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg choice=\"plain"
+"\">markauto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">unmarkauto</arg> </group> <arg "
+"choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>package</replaceable></arg> </"
+"arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showauto</arg> </group>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:53
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-mark</command> will change whether a package has been marked as "
+"being automatically installed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:57
+msgid ""
+"When you request that a package is installed, and as a result other packages "
+"are installed to satisfy its dependencies, the dependencies are marked as "
+"being automatically installed. Once these automatically installed packages "
+"are no longer depended on by any manually installed packages, they will be "
+"removed by e.g. <command>apt-get</command> or <command>aptitude</command>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:65
+msgid "markauto"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:66
+msgid ""
+"<literal>markauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being automatically "
+"installed, which will cause the package to be removed when no more manually "
+"installed packages depend on this package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:73
+msgid "unmarkauto"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:74
+msgid ""
+"<literal>unmarkauto</literal> is used to mark a package as being manually "
+"installed, which will prevent the package from being automatically removed "
+"if no other packages depend on it."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:81
+msgid "showauto"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:82
+msgid ""
+"<literal>showauto</literal> is used to print a list of automatically "
+"installed packages with each package on a new line."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:93
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:94
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:97
+msgid ""
+"Read/Write package stats from <filename><replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></"
+"filename> instead of the default location, which is "
+"<filename>extended_status</filename> in the directory defined by the "
+"Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::State</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:103
+msgid "<option>-h</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:104
+msgid "<option>--help</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:105
+msgid "Show a short usage summary."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:111
+msgid "<option>-v</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:112
+msgid "<option>--version</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:113
+msgid "Show the program version."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:124
+msgid "<filename>/var/lib/apt/extended_states</filename>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:125
+msgid ""
+"Status list of auto-installed packages. Configuration Item: <literal>Dir::"
+"State</literal> sets the path to the <filename>extended_states</filename> "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:134
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "&apt-get;,&aptitude;,&apt-conf;"
+msgstr "&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-mark.8.xml:138
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-mark</command> returns zero on normal operation, non-zero on "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:14 apt-secure.8.xml:36
+msgid "apt-secure"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:37
+msgid "Archive authentication support for APT"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:42
+msgid ""
+"Starting with version 0.6, <command>apt</command> contains code that does "
+"signature checking of the Release file for all archives. This ensures that "
+"packages in the archive can't be modified by people who have no access to "
+"the Release file signing key."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:50
+msgid ""
+"If a package comes from a archive without a signature or with a signature "
+"that apt does not have a key for that package is considered untrusted and "
+"installing it will result in a big warning. <command>apt-get</command> will "
+"currently only warn for unsigned archives, future releases might force all "
+"sources to be verified before downloading packages from them."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:59
+msgid ""
+"The package frontends &apt-get;, &aptitude; and &synaptic; support this new "
+"authentication feature."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:64
+msgid "Trusted archives"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:67
+msgid ""
+"The chain of trust from an apt archive to the end user is made up of "
+"different steps. <command>apt-secure</command> is the last step in this "
+"chain, trusting an archive does not mean that the packages that you trust it "
+"do not contain malicious code but means that you trust the archive "
+"maintainer. It's the archive maintainer responsibility to ensure that the "
+"archive integrity is correct."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:75
+msgid ""
+"apt-secure does not review signatures at a package level. If you require "
+"tools to do this you should look at <command>debsig-verify</command> and "
+"<command>debsign</command> (provided in the debsig-verify and devscripts "
+"packages respectively)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:82
+msgid ""
+"The chain of trust in Debian starts when a maintainer uploads a new package "
+"or a new version of a package to the Debian archive. This upload in order to "
+"become effective needs to be signed by a key of a maintainer within the "
+"Debian maintainer's keyring (available in the debian-keyring package). "
+"Maintainer's keys are signed by other maintainers following pre-established "
+"procedures to ensure the identity of the key holder."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:92
+msgid ""
+"Once the uploaded package is verified and included in the archive, the "
+"maintainer signature is stripped off, an MD5 sum of the package is computed "
+"and put in the Packages file. The MD5 sum of all of the packages files are "
+"then computed and put into the Release file. The Release file is then signed "
+"by the archive key (which is created once a year) and distributed through "
+"the FTP server. This key is also on the Debian keyring."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:102
+msgid ""
+"Any end user can check the signature of the Release file, extract the MD5 "
+"sum of a package from it and compare it with the MD5 sum of the package he "
+"downloaded. Prior to version 0.6 only the MD5 sum of the downloaded Debian "
+"package was checked. Now both the MD5 sum and the signature of the Release "
+"file are checked."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:109
+msgid ""
+"Notice that this is distinct from checking signatures on a per package "
+"basis. It is designed to prevent two possible attacks:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:114
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Network \"man in the middle\" attacks</literal>. Without signature "
+"checking, a malicious agent can introduce himself in the package download "
+"process and provide malicious software either by controlling a network "
+"element (router, switch, etc.) or by redirecting traffic to a rogue server "
+"(through arp or DNS spoofing attacks)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:122
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Mirror network compromise</literal>. Without signature checking, a "
+"malicious agent can compromise a mirror host and modify the files in it to "
+"propagate malicious software to all users downloading packages from that "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:129
+msgid ""
+"However, it does not defend against a compromise of the Debian master server "
+"itself (which signs the packages) or against a compromise of the key used to "
+"sign the Release files. In any case, this mechanism can complement a per-"
+"package signature."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:135
+msgid "User configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:137
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-key</command> is the program that manages the list of keys used "
+"by apt. It can be used to add or remove keys although an installation of "
+"this release will automatically provide the default Debian archive signing "
+"keys used in the Debian package repositories."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:144
+msgid ""
+"In order to add a new key you need to first download it (you should make "
+"sure you are using a trusted communication channel when retrieving it), add "
+"it with <command>apt-key</command> and then run <command>apt-get update</"
+"command> so that apt can download and verify the <filename>Release.gpg</"
+"filename> files from the archives you have configured."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:153
+msgid "Archive configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:155
+msgid ""
+"If you want to provide archive signatures in an archive under your "
+"maintenance you have to:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:160
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis>Create a toplevel Release file</emphasis>, if it does not exist "
+"already. You can do this by running <command>apt-ftparchive release</"
+"command> (provided in apt-utils)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:165
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis>Sign it</emphasis>. You can do this by running <command>gpg -abs -"
+"o Release.gpg Release</command>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:168
+msgid ""
+"<emphasis>Publish the key fingerprint</emphasis>, that way your users will "
+"know what key they need to import in order to authenticate the files in the "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:175
+msgid ""
+"Whenever the contents of the archive changes (new packages are added or "
+"removed) the archive maintainer has to follow the first two steps previously "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:183
+msgid ""
+"&apt-conf;, &apt-get;, &sources-list;, &apt-key;, &apt-ftparchive;, "
+"&debsign; &debsig-verify;, &gpg;"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:187
+msgid ""
+"For more background information you might want to review the <ulink url="
+"\">Debian Security Infrastructure</ulink> chapter of the Securing Debian "
+"Manual (available also in the harden-doc package) and the <ulink url="
+"\"\" >Strong "
+"Distribution HOWTO</ulink> by V. Alex Brennen."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:200
+msgid "Manpage Authors"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-secure.8.xml:202
+msgid ""
+"This man-page is based on the work of Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña, Isaac "
+"Jones, Colin Walters, Florian Weimer and Michael Vogt."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:22 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:29
+msgid "apt-sortpkgs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:30
+msgid "Utility to sort package index files"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:36
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-sortpkgs</command> <arg><option>-hvs</option></arg> "
+"<arg><option>-o=<replaceable>config string</replaceable></option></arg> "
+"<arg><option>-c=<replaceable>file</replaceable></option></arg> <arg choice="
+"\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>file</replaceable></arg>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:45
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-sortpkgs</command> will take an index file (Source index or "
+"Package index) and sort the records so that they are ordered by the package "
+"name. It will also sort the internal fields of each record according to the "
+"internal sorting rules."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:51
+msgid "All output is sent to stdout, the input must be a seekable file."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:58
+msgid "<option>--source</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:60
+msgid ""
+"Use Source index field ordering. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:74
+msgid ""
+"<command>apt-sortpkgs</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal "
+"100 on error."
+msgstr ""
+#. The last update date
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:13
+msgid ""
+"&apt-author.jgunthorpe; &; <author> <firstname>Daniel</"
+"firstname> <surname>Burrows</surname> <contrib>Initial documentation of "
+"Debug::*.</contrib> <email></email> </author> &apt-email; "
+"&apt-product; <date>18 September 2009</date>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:28 apt.conf.5.xml:35
+msgid "apt.conf"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refmeta><manvolnum>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:29 apt_preferences.5.xml:22 sources.list.5.xml:23
+msgid "5"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:36
+msgid "Configuration file for APT"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:40
+msgid ""
+"<filename>apt.conf</filename> is the main configuration file for the APT "
+"suite of tools, all tools make use of the configuration file and a common "
+"command line parser to provide a uniform environment. When an APT tool "
+"starts up it will read the configuration specified by the <envar>APT_CONFIG</"
+"envar> environment variable (if any) and then read the files in "
+"<literal>Dir::Etc::Parts</literal> then read the main configuration file "
+"specified by <literal>Dir::Etc::main</literal> then finally apply the "
+"command line options to override the configuration directives, possibly "
+"loading even more config files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:50
+msgid ""
+"The configuration file is organized in a tree with options organized into "
+"functional groups. Option specification is given with a double colon "
+"notation, for instance <literal>APT::Get::Assume-Yes</literal> is an option "
+"within the APT tool group, for the Get tool. Options do not inherit from "
+"their parent groups."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:56
+msgid ""
+"Syntactically the configuration language is modeled after what the ISC tools "
+"such as bind and dhcp use. Lines starting with <literal>//</literal> are "
+"treated as comments (ignored), as well as all text between <literal>/*</"
+"literal> and <literal>*/</literal>, just like C/C++ comments. Each line is "
+"of the form <literal>APT::Get::Assume-Yes \"true\";</literal>. The trailing "
+"semicolon and the quotes are required. The value must be on one line, and "
+"there is no kind of string concatenation. It must not include inside "
+"quotes. The behavior of the backslash \"\\\" and escaped characters inside "
+"a value is undefined and it should not be used. An option name may include "
+"alphanumerical characters and the \"/-:._+\" characters. A new scope can be "
+"opened with curly braces, like:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><informalexample><programlisting>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:70
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"APT {\n"
+" Get {\n"
+" Assume-Yes \"true\";\n"
+" Fix-Broken \"true\";\n"
+" };\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:78
+msgid ""
+"with newlines placed to make it more readable. Lists can be created by "
+"opening a scope and including a single string enclosed in quotes followed by "
+"a semicolon. Multiple entries can be included, each separated by a semicolon."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><informalexample><programlisting>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:83
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "DPkg::Pre-Install-Pkgs {\"/usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt\";};\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:86
+msgid ""
+"In general the sample configuration file in <filename>&docdir;examples/apt."
+"conf</filename> &configureindex; is a good guide for how it should look."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:90
+msgid ""
+"The names of the configuration items are not case-sensitive. So in the "
+"previous example you could use <literal>dpkg::pre-install-pkgs</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:93
+msgid ""
+"Names for the configuration items are optional if a list is defined as it "
+"can be see in the <literal>DPkg::Pre-Install-Pkgs</literal> example above. "
+"If you don't specify a name a new entry will simply add a new option to the "
+"list. If you specify a name you can override the option as every other "
+"option by reassigning a new value to the option."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:98
+msgid ""
+"Two specials are allowed, <literal>#include</literal> (which is deprecated "
+"and not supported by alternative implementations) and <literal>#clear</"
+"literal>: <literal>#include</literal> will include the given file, unless "
+"the filename ends in a slash, then the whole directory is included. "
+"<literal>#clear</literal> is used to erase a part of the configuration tree. "
+"The specified element and all its descendants are erased. (Note that these "
+"lines also need to end with a semicolon.)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:106
+msgid ""
+"The #clear command is the only way to delete a list or a complete scope. "
+"Reopening a scope or the ::-style described below will <emphasis>not</"
+"emphasis> override previously written entries. Only options can be "
+"overridden by addressing a new value to it - lists and scopes can't be "
+"overridden, only cleared."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:111
+msgid ""
+"All of the APT tools take a -o option which allows an arbitrary "
+"configuration directive to be specified on the command line. The syntax is a "
+"full option name (<literal>APT::Get::Assume-Yes</literal> for instance) "
+"followed by an equals sign then the new value of the option. Lists can be "
+"appended too by adding a trailing :: to the list name. (As you might "
+"suspect: The scope syntax can't be used on the command line.)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:118
+msgid ""
+"Note that you can use :: only for appending one item per line to a list and "
+"that you should not use it in combination with the scope syntax. (The scope "
+"syntax implicit insert ::) Using both syntaxes together will trigger a bug "
+"which some users unfortunately relay on: An option with the unusual name "
+"\"<literal>::</literal>\" which acts like every other option with a name. "
+"These introduces many problems including that a user who writes multiple "
+"lines in this <emphasis>wrong</emphasis> syntax in the hope to append to a "
+"list will gain the opposite as only the last assignment for this option "
+"\"<literal>::</literal>\" will be used. Upcoming APT versions will raise "
+"errors and will stop working if they encounter this misuse, so please "
+"correct such statements now as long as APT doesn't complain explicit about "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:130
+msgid "The APT Group"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:131
+msgid ""
+"This group of options controls general APT behavior as well as holding the "
+"options for all of the tools."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:135
+msgid "Architecture"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:136
+msgid ""
+"System Architecture; sets the architecture to use when fetching files and "
+"parsing package lists. The internal default is the architecture apt was "
+"compiled for."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:141
+msgid "Default-Release"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:142
+msgid ""
+"Default release to install packages from if more than one version available. "
+"Contains release name, codename or release version. Examples: 'stable', "
+"'testing', 'unstable', 'lenny', 'squeeze', '4.0', '5.0*'. See also &apt-"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:146
+msgid "Ignore-Hold"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:147
+msgid ""
+"Ignore Held packages; This global option causes the problem resolver to "
+"ignore held packages in its decision making."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:151
+msgid "Clean-Installed"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:152
+msgid ""
+"Defaults to on. When turned on the autoclean feature will remove any "
+"packages which can no longer be downloaded from the cache. If turned off "
+"then packages that are locally installed are also excluded from cleaning - "
+"but note that APT provides no direct means to reinstall them."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:158
+msgid "Immediate-Configure"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:159
+msgid ""
+"Defaults to on which will cause APT to install essential and important "
+"packages as fast as possible in the install/upgrade operation. This is done "
+"to limit the effect of a failing &dpkg; call: If this option is disabled APT "
+"does treat an important package in the same way as an extra package: Between "
+"the unpacking of the important package A and his configuration can then be "
+"many other unpack or configuration calls, e.g. for package B which has no "
+"relation to A, but causes the dpkg call to fail (e.g. because maintainer "
+"script of package B generates an error) which results in a system state in "
+"which package A is unpacked but unconfigured - each package depending on A "
+"is now no longer guaranteed to work as their dependency on A is not longer "
+"satisfied. The immediate configuration marker is also applied to all "
+"dependencies which can generate a problem if the dependencies e.g. form a "
+"circle as a dependency with the immediate flag is comparable with a Pre-"
+"Dependency. So in theory it is possible that APT encounters a situation in "
+"which it is unable to perform immediate configuration, error out and refers "
+"to this option so the user can deactivate the immediate configuration "
+"temporary to be able to perform an install/upgrade again. Note the use of "
+"the word \"theory\" here as this problem was only encountered by now in real "
+"world a few times in non-stable distribution versions and caused by wrong "
+"dependencies of the package in question or by a system in an already broken "
+"state, so you should not blindly disable this option as the mentioned "
+"scenario above is not the only problem immediate configuration can help to "
+"prevent in the first place. Before a big operation like <literal>dist-"
+"upgrade</literal> is run with this option disabled it should be tried to "
+"explicitly <literal>install</literal> the package APT is unable to configure "
+"immediately, but please make sure to report your problem also to your "
+"distribution and to the APT team with the buglink below so they can work on "
+"improving or correcting the upgrade process."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:181
+msgid "Force-LoopBreak"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:182
+msgid ""
+"Never Enable this option unless you -really- know what you are doing. It "
+"permits APT to temporarily remove an essential package to break a Conflicts/"
+"Conflicts or Conflicts/Pre-Depend loop between two essential packages. SUCH "
+"A LOOP SHOULD NEVER EXIST AND IS A GRAVE BUG. This option will work if the "
+"essential packages are not tar, gzip, libc, dpkg, bash or anything that "
+"those packages depend on."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:190
+msgid "Cache-Limit"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:191
+msgid ""
+"APT uses a fixed size memory mapped cache file to store the 'available' "
+"information. This sets the size of that cache (in bytes)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:195
+msgid "Build-Essential"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:196
+msgid "Defines which package(s) are considered essential build dependencies."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:199
+msgid "Get"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:200
+msgid ""
+"The Get subsection controls the &apt-get; tool, please see its documentation "
+"for more information about the options here."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:204
+msgid "Cache"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:205
+msgid ""
+"The Cache subsection controls the &apt-cache; tool, please see its "
+"documentation for more information about the options here."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:209
+msgid "CDROM"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:210
+msgid ""
+"The CDROM subsection controls the &apt-cdrom; tool, please see its "
+"documentation for more information about the options here."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:216
+msgid "The Acquire Group"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:221
+msgid "PDiffs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:222
+msgid ""
+"Try to download deltas called <literal>PDiffs</literal> for Packages or "
+"Sources files instead of downloading whole ones. True by default."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:227
+msgid "Queue-Mode"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:228
+msgid ""
+"Queuing mode; <literal>Queue-Mode</literal> can be one of <literal>host</"
+"literal> or <literal>access</literal> which determines how APT parallelizes "
+"outgoing connections. <literal>host</literal> means that one connection per "
+"target host will be opened, <literal>access</literal> means that one "
+"connection per URI type will be opened."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:235
+msgid "Retries"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:236
+msgid ""
+"Number of retries to perform. If this is non-zero APT will retry failed "
+"files the given number of times."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:240
+msgid "Source-Symlinks"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:241
+msgid ""
+"Use symlinks for source archives. If set to true then source archives will "
+"be symlinked when possible instead of copying. True is the default."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:245 sources.list.5.xml:139
+msgid "http"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:246
+msgid ""
+"HTTP URIs; http::Proxy is the default http proxy to use. It is in the "
+"standard form of <literal>http://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/</literal>. Per "
+"host proxies can also be specified by using the form <literal>http::Proxy::"
+"&lt;host&gt;</literal> with the special keyword <literal>DIRECT</literal> "
+"meaning to use no proxies. If no one of the above settings is specified, "
+"<envar>http_proxy</envar> environment variable will be used."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:254
+msgid ""
+"Three settings are provided for cache control with HTTP/1.1 compliant proxy "
+"caches. <literal>No-Cache</literal> tells the proxy to not use its cached "
+"response under any circumstances, <literal>Max-Age</literal> is sent only "
+"for index files and tells the cache to refresh its object if it is older "
+"than the given number of seconds. Debian updates its index files daily so "
+"the default is 1 day. <literal>No-Store</literal> specifies that the cache "
+"should never store this request, it is only set for archive files. This may "
+"be useful to prevent polluting a proxy cache with very large .deb files. "
+"Note: Squid 2.0.2 does not support any of these options."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:264 apt.conf.5.xml:321
+msgid ""
+"The option <literal>timeout</literal> sets the timeout timer used by the "
+"method, this applies to all things including connection timeout and data "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:267
+msgid ""
+"One setting is provided to control the pipeline depth in cases where the "
+"remote server is not RFC conforming or buggy (such as Squid 2.0.2). "
+"<literal>Acquire::http::Pipeline-Depth</literal> can be a value from 0 to 5 "
+"indicating how many outstanding requests APT should send. A value of zero "
+"MUST be specified if the remote host does not properly linger on TCP "
+"connections - otherwise data corruption will occur. Hosts which require this "
+"are in violation of RFC 2068."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:275
+msgid ""
+"The used bandwidth can be limited with <literal>Acquire::http::Dl-Limit</"
+"literal> which accepts integer values in kilobyte. The default value is 0 "
+"which deactivates the limit and tries uses as much as possible of the "
+"bandwidth (Note that this option implicit deactivates the download from "
+"multiple servers at the same time.)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:281
+msgid "https"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:282
+msgid ""
+"HTTPS URIs. Cache-control and proxy options are the same as for "
+"<literal>http</literal> method. <literal>Pipeline-Depth</literal> option is "
+"not supported yet."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:286
+msgid ""
+"<literal>CaInfo</literal> suboption specifies place of file that holds info "
+"about trusted certificates. <literal>&lt;host&gt;::CaInfo</literal> is "
+"corresponding per-host option. <literal>Verify-Peer</literal> boolean "
+"suboption determines whether verify server's host certificate against "
+"trusted certificates or not. <literal>&lt;host&gt;::Verify-Peer</literal> "
+"is corresponding per-host option. <literal>Verify-Host</literal> boolean "
+"suboption determines whether verify server's hostname or not. <literal>&lt;"
+"host&gt;::Verify-Host</literal> is corresponding per-host option. "
+"<literal>SslCert</literal> determines what certificate to use for client "
+"authentication. <literal>&lt;host&gt;::SslCert</literal> is corresponding "
+"per-host option. <literal>SslKey</literal> determines what private key to "
+"use for client authentication. <literal>&lt;host&gt;::SslKey</literal> is "
+"corresponding per-host option. <literal>SslForceVersion</literal> overrides "
+"default SSL version to use. Can contain 'TLSv1' or 'SSLv3' string. "
+"<literal>&lt;host&gt;::SslForceVersion</literal> is corresponding per-host "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:304 sources.list.5.xml:150
+msgid "ftp"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:305
+msgid ""
+"FTP URIs; ftp::Proxy is the default ftp proxy to use. It is in the standard "
+"form of <literal>ftp://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/</literal>. Per host "
+"proxies can also be specified by using the form <literal>ftp::Proxy::&lt;"
+"host&gt;</literal> with the special keyword <literal>DIRECT</literal> "
+"meaning to use no proxies. If no one of the above settings is specified, "
+"<envar>ftp_proxy</envar> environment variable will be used. To use a ftp "
+"proxy you will have to set the <literal>ftp::ProxyLogin</literal> script in "
+"the configuration file. This entry specifies the commands to send to tell "
+"the proxy server what to connect to. Please see &configureindex; for an "
+"example of how to do this. The substitution variables available are <literal>"
+"$(PROXY_USER)</literal> <literal>$(PROXY_PASS)</literal> <literal>"
+"$(SITE_USER)</literal> <literal>$(SITE_PASS)</literal> <literal>$(SITE)</"
+"literal> and <literal>$(SITE_PORT)</literal> Each is taken from it's "
+"respective URI component."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:324
+msgid ""
+"Several settings are provided to control passive mode. Generally it is safe "
+"to leave passive mode on, it works in nearly every environment. However "
+"some situations require that passive mode be disabled and port mode ftp used "
+"instead. This can be done globally, for connections that go through a proxy "
+"or for a specific host (See the sample config file for examples)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:331
+msgid ""
+"It is possible to proxy FTP over HTTP by setting the <envar>ftp_proxy</"
+"envar> environment variable to a http url - see the discussion of the http "
+"method above for syntax. You cannot set this in the configuration file and "
+"it is not recommended to use FTP over HTTP due to its low efficiency."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:336
+msgid ""
+"The setting <literal>ForceExtended</literal> controls the use of RFC2428 "
+"<literal>EPSV</literal> and <literal>EPRT</literal> commands. The default is "
+"false, which means these commands are only used if the control connection is "
+"IPv6. Setting this to true forces their use even on IPv4 connections. Note "
+"that most FTP servers do not support RFC2428."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:343 sources.list.5.xml:132
+msgid "cdrom"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:349
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "/cdrom/::Mount \"foo\";"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:344
+msgid ""
+"CDROM URIs; the only setting for CDROM URIs is the mount point, "
+"<literal>cdrom::Mount</literal> which must be the mount point for the CDROM "
+"drive as specified in <filename>/etc/fstab</filename>. It is possible to "
+"provide alternate mount and unmount commands if your mount point cannot be "
+"listed in the fstab (such as an SMB mount and old mount packages). The "
+"syntax is to put <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/> within the "
+"cdrom block. It is important to have the trailing slash. Unmount commands "
+"can be specified using UMount."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:354
+msgid "gpgv"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:355
+msgid ""
+"GPGV URIs; the only option for GPGV URIs is the option to pass additional "
+"parameters to gpgv. <literal>gpgv::Options</literal> Additional options "
+"passed to gpgv."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:360
+msgid "CompressionTypes"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:366
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::<replaceable>FileExtension</replaceable> \"<replaceable>Methodname</replaceable>\";"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:361
+msgid ""
+"List of compression types which are understood by the acquire methods. "
+"Files like <filename>Packages</filename> can be available in various "
+"compression formats. Per default the acquire methods can decompress "
+"<command>bzip2</command>, <command>lzma</command> and <command>gzip</"
+"command> compressed files, with this setting more formats can be added on "
+"the fly or the used method can be changed. The syntax for this is: "
+"<placeholder type=\"synopsis\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:371
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order:: \"gz\";"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:374
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order { \"lzma\"; \"gz\"; };"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:367
+msgid ""
+"Also the <literal>Order</literal> subgroup can be used to define in which "
+"order the acquire system will try to download the compressed files. The "
+"acquire system will try the first and proceed with the next compression type "
+"in this list on error, so to prefer one over the other type simple add the "
+"preferred type at first - not already added default types will be added at "
+"run time to the end of the list, so e.g. <placeholder type=\"synopsis\" id="
+"\"0\"/> can be used to prefer <command>gzip</command> compressed files over "
+"<command>bzip2</command> and <command>lzma</command>. If <command>lzma</"
+"command> should be preferred over <command>gzip</command> and "
+"<command>bzip2</command> the configure setting should look like this "
+"<placeholder type=\"synopsis\" id=\"1\"/> It is not needed to add "
+"<literal>bz2</literal> explicit to the list as it will be added automatic."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:378
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Dir::Bin::bzip2 \"/bin/bzip2\";"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:376
+msgid ""
+"Note that at run time the <literal>Dir::Bin::<replaceable>Methodname</"
+"replaceable></literal> will be checked: If this setting exists the method "
+"will only be used if this file exists, e.g. for the bzip2 method (the "
+"inbuilt) setting is <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/> Note also "
+"that list entries specified on the command line will be added at the end of "
+"the list specified in the configuration files, but before the default "
+"entries. To prefer a type in this case over the ones specified in in the "
+"configuration files you can set the option direct - not in list style. This "
+"will not override the defined list, it will only prefix the list with this "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:383
+msgid ""
+"While it is possible to add an empty compression type to the order list, but "
+"APT in its current version doesn't understand it correctly and will display "
+"many warnings about not downloaded files - these warnings are most of the "
+"time false negatives. Future versions will maybe include a way to really "
+"prefer uncompressed files to support the usage of local mirrors."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:217
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Acquire</literal> group of options controls the download of "
+"packages and the URI handlers. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:392
+msgid "Directories"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:394
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Dir::State</literal> section has directories that pertain to "
+"local state information. <literal>lists</literal> is the directory to place "
+"downloaded package lists in and <literal>status</literal> is the name of the "
+"dpkg status file. <literal>preferences</literal> is the name of the APT "
+"preferences file. <literal>Dir::State</literal> contains the default "
+"directory to prefix on all sub items if they do not start with <filename>/</"
+"filename> or <filename>./</filename>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:401
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Dir::Cache</literal> contains locations pertaining to local cache "
+"information, such as the two package caches <literal>srcpkgcache</literal> "
+"and <literal>pkgcache</literal> as well as the location to place downloaded "
+"archives, <literal>Dir::Cache::archives</literal>. Generation of caches can "
+"be turned off by setting their names to be blank. This will slow down "
+"startup but save disk space. It is probably preferred to turn off the "
+"pkgcache rather than the srcpkgcache. Like <literal>Dir::State</literal> the "
+"default directory is contained in <literal>Dir::Cache</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:410
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Dir::Etc</literal> contains the location of configuration files, "
+"<literal>sourcelist</literal> gives the location of the sourcelist and "
+"<literal>main</literal> is the default configuration file (setting has no "
+"effect, unless it is done from the config file specified by "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:416
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Dir::Parts</literal> setting reads in all the config fragments "
+"in lexical order from the directory specified. After this is done then the "
+"main config file is loaded."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:420
+msgid ""
+"Binary programs are pointed to by <literal>Dir::Bin</literal>. <literal>Dir::"
+"Bin::Methods</literal> specifies the location of the method handlers and "
+"<literal>gzip</literal>, <literal>bzip2</literal>, <literal>lzma</literal>, "
+"<literal>dpkg</literal>, <literal>apt-get</literal> <literal>dpkg-source</"
+"literal> <literal>dpkg-buildpackage</literal> and <literal>apt-cache</"
+"literal> specify the location of the respective programs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:428
+msgid ""
+"The configuration item <literal>RootDir</literal> has a special meaning. If "
+"set, all paths in <literal>Dir::</literal> will be relative to "
+"<literal>RootDir</literal>, <emphasis>even paths that are specified "
+"absolutely</emphasis>. So, for instance, if <literal>RootDir</literal> is "
+"set to <filename>/tmp/staging</filename> and <literal>Dir::State::status</"
+"literal> is set to <filename>/var/lib/dpkg/status</filename>, then the "
+"status file will be looked up in <filename>/tmp/staging/var/lib/dpkg/status</"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:441
+msgid "APT in DSelect"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:443
+msgid ""
+"When APT is used as a &dselect; method several configuration directives "
+"control the default behaviour. These are in the <literal>DSelect</literal> "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:447
+msgid "Clean"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:448
+msgid ""
+"Cache Clean mode; this value may be one of always, prompt, auto, pre-auto "
+"and never. always and prompt will remove all packages from the cache after "
+"upgrading, prompt (the default) does so conditionally. auto removes only "
+"those packages which are no longer downloadable (replaced with a new version "
+"for instance). pre-auto performs this action before downloading new "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:457
+msgid ""
+"The contents of this variable is passed to &apt-get; as command line options "
+"when it is run for the install phase."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:461
+msgid "Updateoptions"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:462
+msgid ""
+"The contents of this variable is passed to &apt-get; as command line options "
+"when it is run for the update phase."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:466
+msgid "PromptAfterUpdate"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:467
+msgid ""
+"If true the [U]pdate operation in &dselect; will always prompt to continue. "
+"The default is to prompt only on error."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:473
+msgid "How APT calls dpkg"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:474
+msgid ""
+"Several configuration directives control how APT invokes &dpkg;. These are "
+"in the <literal>DPkg</literal> section."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:479
+msgid ""
+"This is a list of options to pass to dpkg. The options must be specified "
+"using the list notation and each list item is passed as a single argument to "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:484
+msgid "Pre-Invoke"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:484
+msgid "Post-Invoke"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:485
+msgid ""
+"This is a list of shell commands to run before/after invoking &dpkg;. Like "
+"<literal>options</literal> this must be specified in list notation. The "
+"commands are invoked in order using <filename>/bin/sh</filename>, should any "
+"fail APT will abort."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:491
+msgid "Pre-Install-Pkgs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:492
+msgid ""
+"This is a list of shell commands to run before invoking dpkg. Like "
+"<literal>options</literal> this must be specified in list notation. The "
+"commands are invoked in order using <filename>/bin/sh</filename>, should any "
+"fail APT will abort. APT will pass to the commands on standard input the "
+"filenames of all .deb files it is going to install, one per line."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:498
+msgid ""
+"Version 2 of this protocol dumps more information, including the protocol "
+"version, the APT configuration space and the packages, files and versions "
+"being changed. Version 2 is enabled by setting <literal>DPkg::Tools::"
+"options::cmd::Version</literal> to 2. <literal>cmd</literal> is a command "
+"given to <literal>Pre-Install-Pkgs</literal>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:505
+msgid "Run-Directory"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:506
+msgid ""
+"APT chdirs to this directory before invoking dpkg, the default is <filename>/"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:510
+msgid "Build-options"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:511
+msgid ""
+"These options are passed to &dpkg-buildpackage; when compiling packages, the "
+"default is to disable signing and produce all binaries."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:516
+msgid "dpkg trigger usage (and related options)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:517
+msgid ""
+"APT can call dpkg in a way so it can make aggressive use of triggers over "
+"multiply calls of dpkg. Without further options dpkg will use triggers only "
+"in between his own run. Activating these options can therefore decrease the "
+"time needed to perform the install / upgrade. Note that it is intended to "
+"activate these options per default in the future, but as it changes the way "
+"APT calling dpkg drastically it needs a lot more testing. <emphasis>These "
+"options are therefore currently experimental and should not be used in "
+"productive environments.</emphasis> Also it breaks the progress reporting so "
+"all frontends will currently stay around half (or more) of the time in the "
+"100% state while it actually configures all packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><literallayout>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:532
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"DPkg::NoTriggers \"true\";\n"
+"PackageManager::Configure \"smart\";\n"
+"DPkg::ConfigurePending \"true\";\n"
+"DPkg::TriggersPending \"true\";"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:526
+msgid ""
+"Note that it is not guaranteed that APT will support these options or that "
+"these options will not cause (big) trouble in the future. If you have "
+"understand the current risks and problems with these options, but are brave "
+"enough to help testing them create a new configuration file and test a "
+"combination of options. Please report any bugs, problems and improvements "
+"you encounter and make sure to note which options you have used in your "
+"reports. Asking dpkg for help could also be useful for debugging proposes, "
+"see e.g. <command>dpkg --audit</command>. A defensive option combination "
+"would be <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:538
+msgid "DPkg::NoTriggers"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:539
+msgid ""
+"Add the no triggers flag to all dpkg calls (except the ConfigurePending "
+"call). See &dpkg; if you are interested in what this actually means. In "
+"short: dpkg will not run the triggers when this flag is present unless it is "
+"explicitly called to do so in an extra call. Note that this option exists "
+"(undocumented) also in older apt versions with a slightly different meaning: "
+"Previously these option only append --no-triggers to the configure calls to "
+"dpkg - now apt will add these flag also to the unpack and remove calls."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:546
+msgid "PackageManager::Configure"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:547
+msgid ""
+"Valid values are \"<literal>all</literal>\", \"<literal>smart</literal>\" "
+"and \"<literal>no</literal>\". \"<literal>all</literal>\" is the default "
+"value and causes APT to configure all packages explicit. The "
+"\"<literal>smart</literal>\" way is it to configure only packages which need "
+"to be configured before another package can be unpacked (Pre-Depends) and "
+"let the rest configure by dpkg with a call generated by the next option. "
+"\"<literal>no</literal>\" on the other hand will not configure anything and "
+"totally rely on dpkg for configuration (which will at the moment fail if a "
+"Pre-Depends is encountered). Setting this option to another than the all "
+"value will implicitly activate also the next option per default as otherwise "
+"the system could end in an unconfigured status which could be unbootable!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:557
+msgid "DPkg::ConfigurePending"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:558
+msgid ""
+"If this option is set apt will call <command>dpkg --configure --pending</"
+"command> to let dpkg handle all required configurations and triggers. This "
+"option is activated automatic per default if the previous option is not set "
+"to <literal>all</literal>, but deactivating could be useful if you want to "
+"run APT multiple times in a row - e.g. in an installer. In these sceneries "
+"you could deactivate this option in all but the last run."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:564
+msgid "DPkg::TriggersPending"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:565
+msgid ""
+"Useful for <literal>smart</literal> configuration as a package which has "
+"pending triggers is not considered as <literal>installed</literal> and dpkg "
+"treats them as <literal>unpacked</literal> currently which is a dealbreaker "
+"for Pre-Dependencies (see debbugs #526774). Note that this will process all "
+"triggers, not only the triggers needed to configure this package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:570
+msgid "PackageManager::UnpackAll"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:571
+msgid ""
+"As the configuration can be deferred to be done at the end by dpkg it can be "
+"tried to order the unpack series only by critical needs, e.g. by Pre-"
+"Depends. Default is true and therefore the \"old\" method of ordering in "
+"various steps by everything. While both method were present in earlier APT "
+"versions the <literal>OrderCritical</literal> method was unused, so this "
+"method is very experimental and needs further improvements before becoming "
+"really useful."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:578
+msgid "OrderList::Score::Immediate"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:586
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"OrderList::Score {\n"
+"\tDelete 500;\n"
+"\tEssential 200;\n"
+"\tImmediate 10;\n"
+"\tPreDepends 50;\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:579
+msgid ""
+"Essential packages (and there dependencies) should be configured immediately "
+"after unpacking. It will be a good idea to do this quite early in the "
+"upgrade process as these these configure calls require currently also "
+"<literal>DPkg::TriggersPending</literal> which will run quite a few triggers "
+"(which maybe not needed). Essentials get per default a high score but the "
+"immediate flag is relatively low (a package which has a Pre-Depends is "
+"higher rated). These option and the others in the same group can be used to "
+"change the scoring. The following example shows the settings with there "
+"default values. <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:599
+msgid "Periodic and Archives options"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:600
+msgid ""
+"<literal>APT::Periodic</literal> and <literal>APT::Archives</literal> groups "
+"of options configure behavior of apt periodic updates, which is done by "
+"<literal>/etc/cron.daily/apt</literal> script. See header of this script for "
+"the brief documentation of these options."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:608
+msgid "Debug options"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:610
+msgid ""
+"Enabling options in the <literal>Debug::</literal> section will cause "
+"debugging information to be sent to the standard error stream of the program "
+"utilizing the <literal>apt</literal> libraries, or enable special program "
+"modes that are primarily useful for debugging the behavior of <literal>apt</"
+"literal>. Most of these options are not interesting to a normal user, but a "
+"few may be:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:621
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal> enables output about the "
+"decisions made by <literal>dist-upgrade, upgrade, install, remove, purge</"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:629
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Debug::NoLocking</literal> disables all file locking. This can be "
+"used to run some operations (for instance, <literal>apt-get -s install</"
+"literal>) as a non-root user."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:638
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgPM</literal> prints out the actual command line each "
+"time that <literal>apt</literal> invokes &dpkg;."
+msgstr ""
+#. TODO: provide a
+#. motivating example, except I haven't a clue why you'd want
+#. to do this.
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:646
+msgid ""
+"<literal>Debug::IdentCdrom</literal> disables the inclusion of statfs data "
+"in CDROM IDs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:656
+msgid "A full list of debugging options to apt follows."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:661
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::cdrom</literal>"
+msgstr "a linha <literal>Archive:</literal>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:665
+msgid ""
+"Print information related to accessing <literal>cdrom://</literal> sources."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:672
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::ftp</literal>"
+msgstr "a linha <literal>Archive:</literal>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:676
+msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using FTP."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:683
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::http</literal>"
+msgstr "a linha <literal>Archive:</literal>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:687
+msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using HTTP."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:694
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::https</literal>"
+msgstr "a linha <literal>Archive:</literal>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:698
+msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using HTTPS."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:705
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::gpgv</literal>"
+msgstr "a linha <literal>Archive:</literal>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:709
+msgid ""
+"Print information related to verifying cryptographic signatures using "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:716
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::aptcdrom</literal>"
+msgstr "a linha <literal>Version:</literal>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:720
+msgid ""
+"Output information about the process of accessing collections of packages "
+"stored on CD-ROMs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:727
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::BuildDeps</literal>"
+msgstr "a linha <literal>Label:</literal>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:730
+msgid "Describes the process of resolving build-dependencies in &apt-get;."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:737
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::Hashes</literal>"
+msgstr "a linha <literal>Label:</literal>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:740
+msgid ""
+"Output each cryptographic hash that is generated by the <literal>apt</"
+"literal> libraries."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:747
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::IdentCDROM</literal>"
+msgstr "a linha <literal>Label:</literal>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:750
+msgid ""
+"Do not include information from <literal>statfs</literal>, namely the number "
+"of used and free blocks on the CD-ROM filesystem, when generating an ID for "
+"a CD-ROM."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:758
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::NoLocking</literal>"
+msgstr "a linha <literal>Origin:</literal>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:761
+msgid ""
+"Disable all file locking. For instance, this will allow two instances of "
+"<quote><literal>apt-get update</literal></quote> to run at the same time."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:769
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire</literal>"
+msgstr "a linha <literal>Archive:</literal>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:773
+msgid "Log when items are added to or removed from the global download queue."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:780
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Auth</literal>"
+msgstr "a linha <literal>Archive:</literal>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:783
+msgid ""
+"Output status messages and errors related to verifying checksums and "
+"cryptographic signatures of downloaded files."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:790
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Diffs</literal>"
+msgstr "a linha <literal>Archive:</literal>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:793
+msgid ""
+"Output information about downloading and applying package index list diffs, "
+"and errors relating to package index list diffs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:801
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::RRed</literal>"
+msgstr "a linha <literal>Archive:</literal>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:805
+msgid ""
+"Output information related to patching apt package lists when downloading "
+"index diffs instead of full indices."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:812
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Worker</literal>"
+msgstr "a linha <literal>Archive:</literal>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:816
+msgid ""
+"Log all interactions with the sub-processes that actually perform downloads."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:823
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAutoRemove</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:827
+msgid ""
+"Log events related to the automatically-installed status of packages and to "
+"the removal of unused packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:834
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::AutoInstall</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:837
+msgid ""
+"Generate debug messages describing which packages are being automatically "
+"installed to resolve dependencies. This corresponds to the initial auto-"
+"install pass performed in, e.g., <literal>apt-get install</literal>, and not "
+"to the full <literal>apt</literal> dependency resolver; see <literal>Debug::"
+"pkgProblemResolver</literal> for that."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:848
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::Marker</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:851
+msgid ""
+"Generate debug messages describing which package is marked as keep/install/"
+"remove while the ProblemResolver does his work. Each addition or deletion "
+"may trigger additional actions; they are shown indented two additional space "
+"under the original entry. The format for each line is <literal>MarkKeep</"
+"literal>, <literal>MarkDelete</literal> or <literal>MarkInstall</literal> "
+"followed by <literal>package-name &lt;a.b.c -&gt; d.e.f | x.y.z&gt; (section)"
+"</literal> where <literal>a.b.c</literal> is the current version of the "
+"package, <literal>d.e.f</literal> is the version considered for installation "
+"and <literal>x.y.z</literal> is a newer version, but not considered for "
+"installation (because of a low pin score). The later two can be omitted if "
+"there is none or if it is the same version as the installed. "
+"<literal>section</literal> is the name of the section the package appears in."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:870
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgInitConfig</literal>"
+msgstr "a linha <literal>Version:</literal>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:873
+msgid "Dump the default configuration to standard error on startup."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:880
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgPM</literal>"
+msgstr "a linha <literal>Package:</literal>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:883
+msgid ""
+"When invoking &dpkg;, output the precise command line with which it is being "
+"invoked, with arguments separated by a single space character."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:891
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:894
+msgid ""
+"Output all the data received from &dpkg; on the status file descriptor and "
+"any errors encountered while parsing it."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:901
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgOrderList</literal>"
+msgstr "a linha <literal>Origin:</literal>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:905
+msgid ""
+"Generate a trace of the algorithm that decides the order in which "
+"<literal>apt</literal> should pass packages to &dpkg;."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:913
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgPackageManager</literal>"
+msgstr "a linha <literal>Package:</literal>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:917
+msgid ""
+"Output status messages tracing the steps performed when invoking &dpkg;."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:924
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgPolicy</literal>"
+msgstr "a linha <literal>Label:</literal>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:928
+msgid "Output the priority of each package list on startup."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:934
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:938
+msgid ""
+"Trace the execution of the dependency resolver (this applies only to what "
+"happens when a complex dependency problem is encountered)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:946
+msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver::ShowScores</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:949
+msgid ""
+"Display a list of all installed packages with their calculated score used by "
+"the pkgProblemResolver. The description of the package is the same as "
+"described in <literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::Marker</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:957
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<literal>Debug::sourceList</literal>"
+msgstr "a linha <literal>Version:</literal>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:961
+msgid ""
+"Print information about the vendors read from <filename>/etc/apt/vendors."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:983
+msgid ""
+"&configureindex; is a configuration file showing example values for all "
+"possible options."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:990
+msgid "&file-aptconf;"
+msgstr ""
+#. ? reading apt.conf
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:995
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "&apt-cache;, &apt-config;, &apt-preferences;."
+msgstr "&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;"
+#. The last update date
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refentryinfo>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:13
+msgid "&; &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>04 May 2009</date>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:21 apt_preferences.5.xml:28
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "apt_preferences"
+msgstr "apt_preferences"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:29
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Preference control file for APT"
+msgstr "Arquivo de controle de preferências para o APT"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:34
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The APT preferences file <filename>/etc/apt/preferences</filename> and the "
+"fragment files in the <filename>/etc/apt/preferences.d/</filename> folder "
+"can be used to control which versions of packages will be selected for "
+msgstr ""
+"O arquivo de preferências do APT <filename>/etc/apt/preferences</filename> "
+"pode ser usado para controlar quais versões de pacotes serão selecionadas "
+"para instalação."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:39
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Several versions of a package may be available for installation when the "
+"&sources-list; file contains references to more than one distribution (for "
+"example, <literal>stable</literal> and <literal>testing</literal>). APT "
+"assigns a priority to each version that is available. Subject to dependency "
+"constraints, <command>apt-get</command> selects the version with the highest "
+"priority for installation. The APT preferences file overrides the "
+"priorities that APT assigns to package versions by default, thus giving the "
+"user control over which one is selected for installation."
+msgstr ""
+"Diversas versões de um pacote podem estar disponíveis para instalação quando "
+"o arquivo &sources-list; contém referências para mais de uma distribuição "
+"(por exemplo, <literal>stable</literal> e <literal>testing</literal>). O APT "
+"atribui uma prioridade para cada versão que esteja disponível. Sujeito a "
+"obstáculos de dependências, o <command>apt-get</command> seleciona para "
+"instalação a versão com a maior prioridade. O arquivo de preferências do APT "
+"sobrepoe as prioridades que o APT atribui a cada versão de pacote por "
+"padrão, dando assim ao usuário controle sobre qual versão do pacote é "
+"selecionada para instalação."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:49
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Several instances of the same version of a package may be available when the "
+"&sources-list; file contains references to more than one source. In this "
+"case <command>apt-get</command> downloads the instance listed earliest in "
+"the &sources-list; file. The APT preferences file does not affect the "
+"choice of instance, only the choice of version."
+msgstr ""
+"Diversas instâncias da mesma versão de um pacote pode estar disponíveis "
+"quando o arquivo &sources-list; contém referências a mais de uma fonte. "
+"Nesse caso, o <command>apt-get</command> faz o download da instância listada "
+"antes no arquivo &sources-list; . O arquivo de preferências do APT não afeta "
+"a escolha da instância."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:56
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "APT's Default Priority Assignments"
+msgstr "Atribuições de Prioridade Padrão do APT"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:71
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "<command>apt-get install -t testing <replaceable>some-package</replaceable></command>\n"
+msgstr ""
+"<command>apt-get install -t testing <replaceable>algum-pacote</replaceable></command>\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:74
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "APT::Default-Release \"stable\";\n"
+msgstr ""
+"APT::Default-Release \"stable\";\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:58
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If there is no preferences file or if there is no entry in the file that "
+"applies to a particular version then the priority assigned to that version "
+"is the priority of the distribution to which that version belongs. It is "
+"possible to single out a distribution, \"the target release\", which "
+"receives a higher priority than other distributions do by default. The "
+"target release can be set on the <command>apt-get</command> command line or "
+"in the APT configuration file <filename>/etc/apt/apt.conf</filename>. Note "
+"that this has precedence over any general priority you set in the <filename>/"
+"etc/apt/preferences</filename> file described later, but not over "
+"specifically pinned packages. For example, <placeholder type="
+"\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/> <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"1\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+"Caso não exista um arquivo de preferências ou caso não exista uma entrada no "
+"arquivo que se aplique a uma instância em particular, a prioridade atribuída "
+"a essa instância é a prioridade da distribuição para a qual a instância "
+"pertence. É possível selecionar uma distribuição, conhecida como \"a versão "
+"alvo\" (the target release), que recebe uma prioridade maior do que as "
+"outras distribuições. A versão alvo pode ser definida na linha de comando do "
+"<command>apt-get</command> ou no arquivo de configuração do APT <filename>/"
+"etc/apt/apt.conf</filename>. Por exemplo,"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:83
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "priority 100"
+msgstr "prioridade 100"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:84
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "to the version that is already installed (if any)."
+msgstr "para a instância que já esteja instalada (caso exista)."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:88
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "priority 500"
+msgstr "prioridade 500"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:89
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"to the versions that are not installed and do not belong to the target "
+msgstr ""
+"para as instâncias que não estã instaladas e que não pertencem a versão alvo."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:93
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "priority 990"
+msgstr "prioridade 990"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:94
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"to the versions that are not installed and belong to the target release."
+msgstr ""
+"para as instâncias que não estejam instaladas e pertençam a versão alvo."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:78
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If the target release has been specified then APT uses the following "
+"algorithm to set the priorities of the versions of a package. Assign: "
+"<placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+"Caso uma versão alvo tenha sido especificada o APT usará o seguinte "
+"algoritmo para definir as prioridades das instâncias de um pacote. "
+"Atribuirá :"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:99
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If the target release has not been specified then APT simply assigns "
+"priority 100 to all installed package versions and priority 500 to all "
+"uninstalled package versions."
+msgstr ""
+"Caso nenhuma versão alvo tenha sido especificada, o APT simplesmente irá "
+"atribuir a prioridade 100 para todas as instâncias de pacotes instaladas e a "
+"prioridade 500 para todas as instâncias de pacotes não instaladas."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:103
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"APT then applies the following rules, listed in order of precedence, to "
+"determine which version of a package to install."
+msgstr ""
+"O APT aplica as regras a seguir, listadas em ordem de precedência, para "
+"determinar qual instância de um pacote instalar."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:106
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Never downgrade unless the priority of an available version exceeds 1000. "
+"(\"Downgrading\" is installing a less recent version of a package in place "
+"of a more recent version. Note that none of APT's default priorities "
+"exceeds 1000; such high priorities can only be set in the preferences file. "
+"Note also that downgrading a package can be risky.)"
+msgstr ""
+"Nunca faz um downgrade a menos que a prioridade de uma instância disponível "
+"exceda 1000. (Fazer um \"downgrade\" é instalar uma versão menos recente de "
+"um pacote no lugar de uma versão mais recente. Note que nenhuma das "
+"prioridades padrão do APT excede 1000; prioridades altas como essa podem ser "
+"definidas somente no arquivo de preferências. Note também que fazer um "
+"\"downgrade\" pode ser arriscado.)"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:112
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Install the highest priority version."
+msgstr "Instala a instância de prioridade mais alta."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:113
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If two or more versions have the same priority, install the most recent one "
+"(that is, the one with the higher version number)."
+msgstr ""
+"Caso duas ou mais instâncias possuam a mesma prioridade, instala a instância "
+"mais recente (ou seja, aquela com o maior número de versão)."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:116
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If two or more versions have the same priority and version number but either "
+"the packages differ in some of their metadata or the <literal>--reinstall</"
+"literal> option is given, install the uninstalled one."
+msgstr ""
+"Caso duas ou mais instâncias possuam a mesma prioridade e número de versão "
+"mas os pacotes sejam diferentes em alguns de seus metadados ou a opção "
+"<literal>--reinstall</literal> seja fornecida, instala aquela desinstalada."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:122
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"In a typical situation, the installed version of a package (priority 100) "
+"is not as recent as one of the versions available from the sources listed in "
+"the &sources-list; file (priority 500 or 990). Then the package will be "
+"upgraded when <command>apt-get install <replaceable>some-package</"
+"replaceable></command> or <command>apt-get upgrade</command> is executed."
+msgstr ""
+"Em uma situação típica, a instância instalada de um pacote (prioridade 100) "
+"não é tão recente quanto uma das versões disponíveis nas fontes listadas no "
+"arquivo &sources-list; (prioridade 500 ou 990). Então o pacote será "
+"atualizado quando os comandos <command>apt-get install <replaceable>algum-"
+"pacote</replaceable></command> ou <command>apt-get dist-upgrade</command> "
+"forem executados."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:129
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"More rarely, the installed version of a package is <emphasis>more</emphasis> "
+"recent than any of the other available versions. The package will not be "
+"downgraded when <command>apt-get install <replaceable>some-package</"
+"replaceable></command> or <command>apt-get upgrade</command> is executed."
+msgstr ""
+"Mais raramente, a versão instalada de um pacote é <emphasis>mais</emphasis> "
+"recente do que qualquer uma das outras versões disponíveis. O dowgrade do "
+"pacote não será feito quando os comandos <command>apt-get install "
+"<replaceable>algum-pacote</replaceable></command> ou <command>apt-get "
+"upgrade</command> forem executados."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:134
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Sometimes the installed version of a package is more recent than the version "
+"belonging to the target release, but not as recent as a version belonging to "
+"some other distribution. Such a package will indeed be upgraded when "
+"<command>apt-get install <replaceable>some-package</replaceable></command> "
+"or <command>apt-get upgrade</command> is executed, because at least "
+"<emphasis>one</emphasis> of the available versions has a higher priority "
+"than the installed version."
+msgstr ""
+"Algumas vezes a versão instalada de um pacote é mais recente que a versão "
+"que pertence a versão alvo, mas não tão recente quanto a versão que pertence "
+"a alguma outra distribuição. Um pacote como esse será na verdade atualizado "
+"quando os comandos <command>apt-get install <replaceable>algum-pacote</"
+"replaceable></command> ou <command>apt-get upgrade</command> forem "
+"executados, devido a pelo menos <emphasis>uma</emphasis> das versões "
+"disponíveis possuir uma prioridade maior do que a versão instalada."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:143
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The Effect of APT Preferences"
+msgstr "O Efeito das Preferências do APT"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:145
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The APT preferences file allows the system administrator to control the "
+"assignment of priorities. The file consists of one or more multi-line "
+"records separated by blank lines. Records can have one of two forms, a "
+"specific form and a general form."
+msgstr ""
+"O arquivo de preferências do APT permite ao administrador do sistema "
+"personalizar prioridades. O arquivo consiste de um ou mais registros de "
+"múltiplas linhas separados por linhas em branco. Registros podem possuir uma "
+"das duas formas, uma forma específica e uma forma geral."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:151
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The specific form assigns a priority (a \"Pin-Priority\") to one or more "
+"specified packages and specified version or version range. For example, the "
+"following record assigns a high priority to all versions of the "
+"<filename>perl</filename> package whose version number begins with "
+"\"<literal>5.8</literal>\". Multiple packages can be separated by spaces."
+msgstr ""
+"A forma específica atribui uma uma prioridade (uma \"Pin-Priority\") para um "
+"pacote e versão ou faixa de versão especificados. Por exemplo, o registro a "
+"seguir atribui uma prioridade alta para todas as versões do pacote "
+"<filename>perl</filename> os quais tenham seus números de versão iniciando "
+"com \"<literal>5.8</literal>\"."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:158
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: perl\n"
+"Pin: version 5.8*\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 1001\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Package: perl\n"
+"Pin: version 5.8*\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 1001\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:164
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The general form assigns a priority to all of the package versions in a "
+"given distribution (that is, to all the versions of packages that are listed "
+"in a certain <filename>Release</filename> file) or to all of the package "
+"versions coming from a particular Internet site, as identified by the site's "
+"fully qualified domain name."
+msgstr ""
+"O forma geral atribui uma prioridade para todas as versões de pacotes em uma "
+"dada distribuição (isto é, para toda as versões de pacotes que estejam em um "
+"certo arquivo <filename>Release</filename>) ou para todas as versões de "
+"pacotes que provenientes de um site Internet em particular, como "
+"identificado pelo nome de domínio totalmente qualificado do site Internet."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:170
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"This general-form entry in the APT preferences file applies only to groups "
+"of packages. For example, the following record assigns a high priority to "
+"all package versions available from the local site."
+msgstr ""
+"Essa entrada de forma geral no arquivo de preferências do APT aplica-se "
+"somente a grupos de pacotes. Por exemplo, o registro a seguir faz com que o "
+"APT atribua uma prioridade alta para todas as versões de pacotes disponíveis "
+"no site local."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:175
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: origin \"\"\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 999\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: origin \"\"\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 999\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:180
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"A note of caution: the keyword used here is \"<literal>origin</literal>\". "
+"This should not be confused with the Origin of a distribution as specified "
+"in a <filename>Release</filename> file. What follows the \"Origin:\" tag in "
+"a <filename>Release</filename> file is not an Internet address but an author "
+"or vendor name, such as \"Debian\" or \"Ximian\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Uma nota de aviso : a palavra-chave usada aqui é \"<literal>origin</literal>"
+"\". Esta palavra não deve ser confundida com a origem (\"Origin:\") de uma "
+"distribuição como especificado em um arquivo <filename>Release</filename>. O "
+"que segue a tag \"Origin:\" em um arquivo <filename>Release</filename> não é "
+"um endereço de site Internet mas sim nome de autor ou distribuidor (vendor), "
+"como \"Debian\" ou \"Ximian\"."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:186
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The following record assigns a low priority to all package versions "
+"belonging to any distribution whose Archive name is \"<literal>unstable</"
+msgstr ""
+"O registro a seguir atribui uma prioridade baixa para todas as versões de "
+"pacote que pertençam a qualquer distribuição cujo nome do Repositório seja "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:190
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:195
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The following record assigns a high priority to all package versions "
+"belonging to any distribution whose Codename is \"<literal>squeeze</literal>"
+msgstr ""
+"O registro a seguir atribui uma prioridade baixa para todas as versões de "
+"pacote que pertençam a qualquer distribuição cujo nome do Repositório seja "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:199
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release n=squeeze\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 900\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:204
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The following record assigns a high priority to all package versions "
+"belonging to any release whose Archive name is \"<literal>stable</literal>\" "
+"and whose release Version number is \"<literal>3.0</literal>\"."
+msgstr ""
+"O registro a seguir atribui uma prioridade alta para todas as versões de "
+"pacotes que pertençam a qualquer versão cujo nome do Repositório seja "
+"\"<literal>stable</literal>\" e cujo número de versão seja \"<literal>3.0</"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:209
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=stable, v=3.0\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 500\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=unstable, v=3.0\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:220
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "How APT Interprets Priorities"
+msgstr "Como o APT Interpreta Prioridades"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:228
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "P &gt; 1000"
+msgstr "P &gt; 1000"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:229
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"causes a version to be installed even if this constitutes a downgrade of the "
+msgstr ""
+"faz com que uma instância seja instalada mesmo caso isso constitua um "
+"dowgrade do pacote"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:233
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "990 &lt; P &lt;=1000"
+msgstr "990 &lt; P &lt;=1000"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:234
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"causes a version to be installed even if it does not come from the target "
+"release, unless the installed version is more recent"
+msgstr ""
+"faz com que uma versão seja instalada mesmo caso a mesma não venha de uma "
+"versão alvo, a menos que a versão instalada seja mais recente"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:239
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "500 &lt; P &lt;=990"
+msgstr "500 &lt; P &lt;=990"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:240
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"causes a version to be installed unless there is a version available "
+"belonging to the target release or the installed version is more recent"
+msgstr ""
+"faz com que uma versão seja instalada a menos que exista uma versão "
+"disponível pertencente a versão alvo ou a versão instalada seja mais recente"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:245
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "100 &lt; P &lt;=500"
+msgstr "100 &lt; P &lt;=500"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:246
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"causes a version to be installed unless there is a version available "
+"belonging to some other distribution or the installed version is more recent"
+msgstr ""
+"faz com que uma versão seja instalada a menos que exista uma versão "
+"disponível pertencente a alguma outra distribuição ou a versão instalada "
+"seja mais recente"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:251
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "0 &lt; P &lt;=100"
+msgstr "0 &lt;= P &lt;=100"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:252
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"causes a version to be installed only if there is no installed version of "
+"the package"
+msgstr ""
+"faz com que uma versão seja instalada somente caso não exista uma versão "
+"instalada do pacote"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:256
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "P &lt; 0"
+msgstr "P &lt; 0"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:257
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "prevents the version from being installed"
+msgstr "impede a versão de ser instalada"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:223
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Priorities (P) assigned in the APT preferences file must be positive or "
+"negative integers. They are interpreted as follows (roughly speaking): "
+"<placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+"Prioridades (P) atribuídas no arquivo de preferências do APT devem ser "
+"números inteiros positivos ou negativos. Eles são interpretados como a "
+"seguir (a grosso modo):"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:262
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"If any specific-form records match an available package version then the "
+"first such record determines the priority of the package version. Failing "
+"that, if any general-form records match an available package version then "
+"the first such record determines the priority of the package version."
+msgstr ""
+"Caso um dos registro de forma específica descritos acima case (match) com "
+"uma versão disponível do pacote então o primeiro desses registros "
+"encontrados determinará a prioridade da versão do pacote. Na falha desse "
+"cenário, caso quaisquer registros de forma genérica casem (match) com uma "
+"versão do pacote disponível então o primeiro desses registros encontrado "
+"determinará a prioridade da versão do pacote."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:268
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"For example, suppose the APT preferences file contains the three records "
+"presented earlier:"
+msgstr ""
+"Por exemplo, suponha que o arquivo de preferências do APT contenha os três "
+"registros apresentados anteriormente :"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:272
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: perl\n"
+"Pin: version 5.8*\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 1001\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: origin \"\"\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 999\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Package: perl\n"
+"Pin: version 5.8*\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 1001\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: origin \"\"\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 999\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 50\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:285
+msgid "Then:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:287
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The most recent available version of the <literal>perl</literal> package "
+"will be installed, so long as that version's version number begins with "
+"\"<literal>5.8</literal>\". If <emphasis>any</emphasis> 5.8* version of "
+"<literal>perl</literal> is available and the installed version is 5.9*, then "
+"<literal>perl</literal> will be downgraded."
+msgstr ""
+"A versão mais recente disponível do pacote <literal>perl</literal> será "
+"instalado, contanto que esse número de versão da versão inicie com "
+"\"<literal>5.8</literal>\". Caso <emphasis>qualquer</emphasis> versão 5.8* "
+"de <literal>perl</literal> esteja disponível e a versão instalada seja 5.9*, "
+"será feito um downgrade do <literal>perl</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:292
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"A version of any package other than <literal>perl</literal> that is "
+"available from the local system has priority over other versions, even "
+"versions belonging to the target release."
+msgstr ""
+"Uma versão de qualquer pacote diferente de <literal>perl</literal> que "
+"esteja disponível no sistema local possui prioridade sobre outras versões, "
+"mesmo versões pertencentes a versão alvo."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><itemizedlist><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:296
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"A version of a package whose origin is not the local system but some other "
+"site listed in &sources-list; and which belongs to an <literal>unstable</"
+"literal> distribution is only installed if it is selected for installation "
+"and no version of the package is already installed."
+msgstr ""
+"Uma versão de um pacote cuja origem não seja o sistema local mas sim algum "
+"outro site listado no arquivo &sources-list; e que pertença a uma "
+"distribuição <literal>unstable</literal> é instalada somente caso a mesma "
+"seja selecionada para instalação e nenhuma versão do pacote já esteja "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:306
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Determination of Package Version and Distribution Properties"
+msgstr "Determinação da Versão do Pacote e Propriedades da Distribuição"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:308
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The locations listed in the &sources-list; file should provide "
+"<filename>Packages</filename> and <filename>Release</filename> files to "
+"describe the packages available at that location."
+msgstr ""
+"As localidades listadas em um arquivo &sources-list; devem fornecer arquivos "
+"<filename>Packages</filename> e <filename>Release</filename> para descrever "
+"os pacotes disponíveis nessas localidades."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:320
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "the <literal>Package:</literal> line"
+msgstr "a linha <literal>Package:</literal>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:321
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "gives the package name"
+msgstr "informa o nome do pacote"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:324 apt_preferences.5.xml:374
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "the <literal>Version:</literal> line"
+msgstr "a linha <literal>Version:</literal>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:325
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "gives the version number for the named package"
+msgstr "informa o número de versão do pacote"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:312
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The <filename>Packages</filename> file is normally found in the directory "
+"filename>: for example, <filename>.../dists/stable/main/binary-i386/"
+"Packages</filename>. It consists of a series of multi-line records, one for "
+"each package available in that directory. Only two lines in each record are "
+"relevant for setting APT priorities: <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id="
+msgstr ""
+"O arquivo <filename>Packages</filename> é normalmente encontrado no "
+"diretório <filename>.../dists/<replaceable>nome-distribuição</replaceable>/"
+"replaceable></filename> : por exemplo, <filename>.../dists/stable/main/"
+"binary-i386/Packages</filename>. O arquivo consiste de uma série de "
+"registros de múltiplas linhas, uma para cada pacote disponível no diretório. "
+"Somente duas linhas em cada registro são relevantes para definir prioridades "
+"do APT :"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:341
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "the <literal>Archive:</literal> or <literal>Suite:</literal> line"
+msgstr "a linha <literal>Archive:</literal>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:342
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"names the archive to which all the packages in the directory tree belong. "
+"For example, the line \"Archive: stable\" or \"Suite: stable\" specifies "
+"that all of the packages in the directory tree below the parent of the "
+"<filename>Release</filename> file are in a <literal>stable</literal> "
+"archive. Specifying this value in the APT preferences file would require "
+"the line:"
+msgstr ""
+"dá nome ao repositório para o qual todos os pacotes na àrvore de diretório "
+"pertencem. Por exemplo, a linha \"Archive: stable\" especifica que todos os "
+"pacotes na àrvore de diretório abaixo do diretório pai do arquivo "
+"<filename>Release</filename> estão no respositório <literal>stable</"
+"literal>. Especificar esse valor no arquivo de preferências do APT iria "
+"requerer a linha :"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:352
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "Pin: release a=stable\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Pin: release a=stable\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:358
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "the <literal>Codename:</literal> line"
+msgstr "a linha <literal>Component:</literal>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:359
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"names the codename to which all the packages in the directory tree belong. "
+"For example, the line \"Codename: squeeze\" specifies that all of the "
+"packages in the directory tree below the parent of the <filename>Release</"
+"filename> file belong to a version named <literal>squeeze</literal>. "
+"Specifying this value in the APT preferences file would require the line:"
+msgstr ""
+"dá nome ao repositório para o qual todos os pacotes na àrvore de diretório "
+"pertencem. Por exemplo, a linha \"Archive: stable\" especifica que todos os "
+"pacotes na àrvore de diretório abaixo do diretório pai do arquivo "
+"<filename>Release</filename> estão no respositório <literal>stable</"
+"literal>. Especificar esse valor no arquivo de preferências do APT iria "
+"requerer a linha :"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:368
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Pin: release n=squeeze\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:375
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"names the release version. For example, the packages in the tree might "
+"belong to Debian GNU/Linux release version 3.0. Note that there is normally "
+"no version number for the <literal>testing</literal> and <literal>unstable</"
+"literal> distributions because they have not been released yet. Specifying "
+"this in the APT preferences file would require one of the following lines."
+msgstr ""
+"dá nome a versão da distribuição. Por exemplo, os pacote na àrvore podem "
+"pertencer a distribuição Debian GNU/Linux versão 3.0. Note que normalmente "
+"não existe número de versão para as distribuições <literal>testing</literal> "
+"e <literal>unstable</literal> devido as mesmas não terem sido lançadas "
+"ainda. Especificar isso no arquivo de preferências do APT iria requerer uma "
+"das linhas a seguir."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:384
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Pin: release v=3.0\n"
+"Pin: release a=stable, v=3.0\n"
+"Pin: release 3.0\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Pin: release v=3.0\n"
+"Pin: release a=stable v=3.0\n"
+"Pin: release 3.0\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:393
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "the <literal>Component:</literal> line"
+msgstr "a linha <literal>Component:</literal>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:394
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"names the licensing component associated with the packages in the directory "
+"tree of the <filename>Release</filename> file. For example, the line "
+"\"Component: main\" specifies that all the packages in the directory tree "
+"are from the <literal>main</literal> component, which entails that they are "
+"licensed under terms listed in the Debian Free Software Guidelines. "
+"Specifying this component in the APT preferences file would require the line:"
+msgstr ""
+"dá nome ao componente de licenciamento associado com os pacotes na àrvore de "
+"diretório do arquivo <filename>Release</filename>. Por exemplo, a linha "
+"\"Component: main\" especifica que todos os pacotes na àrvore de diretório "
+"são do componente <literal>main</literal>, o que significa que as mesmas "
+"estão licenciadas sob os termos da Linhas Guias Debian para o Software Livre "
+"(a DFSG). Especificar esse componente no arquivo de preferências do APT iria "
+"requerer a linha :"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:403
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "Pin: release c=main\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Pin: release c=main\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:409
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "the <literal>Origin:</literal> line"
+msgstr "a linha <literal>Origin:</literal>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:410
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"names the originator of the packages in the directory tree of the "
+"<filename>Release</filename> file. Most commonly, this is <literal>Debian</"
+"literal>. Specifying this origin in the APT preferences file would require "
+"the line:"
+msgstr ""
+"dá nome ao produtor dos pacotes na àrvore de diretório do arquivo "
+"<filename>Release</filename>. O mais comum é esse valor ser <literal>Debian</"
+"literal>. Especificar essa origem no arquivo de preferências do APT iria "
+"requerer a linha :"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:416
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "Pin: release o=Debian\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Pin: release o=Debian\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:422
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "the <literal>Label:</literal> line"
+msgstr "a linha <literal>Label:</literal>"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><simpara>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:423
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"names the label of the packages in the directory tree of the "
+"<filename>Release</filename> file. Most commonly, this is <literal>Debian</"
+"literal>. Specifying this label in the APT preferences file would require "
+"the line:"
+msgstr ""
+"dá nome ao rótulo (label) dos pacotes na árvore de diretório. O mais comum é "
+"esse valor ser <literal>Debian</literal>. Especificar esse rótulo (label) no "
+"arquivo de preferências do APT iria requerer a linha :"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:429
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "Pin: release l=Debian\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Pin: release l=Debian\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:330
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The <filename>Release</filename> file is normally found in the directory "
+"<filename>.../dists/<replaceable>dist-name</replaceable></filename>: for "
+"example, <filename>.../dists/stable/Release</filename>, or <filename>.../"
+"dists/woody/Release</filename>. It consists of a single multi-line record "
+"which applies to <emphasis>all</emphasis> of the packages in the directory "
+"tree below its parent. Unlike the <filename>Packages</filename> file, "
+"nearly all of the lines in a <filename>Release</filename> file are relevant "
+"for setting APT priorities: <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+"O arquivo <filename>Release</filename> é normalmente encontrado no diretório "
+"filename> : por exemplo, <filename>.../dists/stable/Release</filename>, ou "
+"<filename>.../dists/woody/Release</filename>. O arquivo consiste de um "
+"registro de múltiplas linhas o qual se aplica a <emphasis>todos</emphasis> "
+"os pacotes na àrvore de diretórios abaixo de seu diretório pai. Diferente do "
+"arquivo <filename>Packages</filename>, quase todas as linhas em um arquivo "
+"<filename>Release</filename> são relevantes para a definição de prioridades "
+"do APT :"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:436
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"All of the <filename>Packages</filename> and <filename>Release</filename> "
+"files retrieved from locations listed in the &sources-list; file are stored "
+"in the directory <filename>/var/lib/apt/lists</filename>, or in the file "
+"named by the variable <literal>Dir::State::Lists</literal> in the "
+"<filename>apt.conf</filename> file. For example, the file <filename>debian."
+"</filename> "
+"contains the <filename>Release</filename> file retrieved from the site "
+"<literal></literal> for <literal>binary-i386</literal> "
+"architecture files from the <literal>contrib</literal> component of the "
+"<literal>unstable</literal> distribution."
+msgstr ""
+"Todos os arquivos <filename>Packages</filename> e <filename>Release</"
+"filename> obtidos das localidades listadas no arquivo &sources-list; são "
+"mantidos no diretório <filename>/var/lib/apt/lists</filename> ou no arquivo "
+"indicado pela variável <literal>Dir::State::Lists</literal> no arquivo "
+"<filename>apt.conf</filename>. Por exemplo, o arquivo <filename>debian.lcs."
+"mit.edu_debian_dists_unstable_contrib_binary-i386_Release</filename> contém "
+"o arquivo <filename>Release</filename> obtido do site <literal>debian.lcs."
+"</literal> para a arquitetura <literal>binary-i386</literal>, "
+"arquivos do componente <literal>contrib</literal> da distribuição "
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:449
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Optional Lines in an APT Preferences Record"
+msgstr "Linhas Opcionais em um Registro de Preferências do APT"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:451
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Each record in the APT preferences file can optionally begin with one or "
+"more lines beginning with the word <literal>Explanation:</literal>. This "
+"provides a place for comments."
+msgstr ""
+"Cada registro em um arquivo de preferências do APT pode opcionalmente "
+"iniciar com uma ou mais linhas iniciadas com a palavra <literal>Explanation:"
+"</literal>. Isto oferece um local para inserir comentários."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:455
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>Pin-Priority:</literal> line in each APT preferences record is "
+"optional. If omitted, APT assigns a priority of 1 less than the last value "
+"specified on a line beginning with <literal>Pin-Priority: release ...</"
+msgstr ""
+"A linha <literal>Pin-Priority:</literal> em cada registro de preferências do "
+"APT é opcional. Caso omitida, o APT atribuirá uma prioridade de 1 menos o "
+"último valor especificado em uma linha iniciando com <literal>Pin-Priority: "
+"release ...</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:464
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Tracking Stable"
+msgstr "Acompanhando a Stable"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:472
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Explanation: Uninstall or do not install any Debian-originated\n"
+"Explanation: package versions other than those in the stable distro\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=stable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 900\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release o=Debian\n"
+"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Explanation: Desinstala ou não instala nenhuma versão de pacote originada\n"
+"Explanation: do Debian a não ser aquelas na distribuição stable\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=stable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 900\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release o=Debian\n"
+"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:466
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a priority "
+"higher than the default (500) to all package versions belonging to a "
+"<literal>stable</literal> distribution and a prohibitively low priority to "
+"package versions belonging to other <literal>Debian</literal> "
+"distributions. <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+"O arquivo de preferências do APT a seguir fará com que o APT atribua uma "
+"prioridade maior do que a prioridade padrão (500) para todas as versões de "
+"pacotes pertencentes a distribuição <literal>stable</literal> e uma "
+"prioridade proibitivamente baixa para versões de pacotes pertencentes a "
+"outras distribuições <literal>Debian</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:489 apt_preferences.5.xml:535
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:593
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"apt-get install <replaceable>package-name</replaceable>\n"
+"apt-get upgrade\n"
+"apt-get dist-upgrade\n"
+msgstr ""
+"apt-get install <replaceable>nome-pacote</replaceable>\n"
+"apt-get upgrade\n"
+"apt-get dist-upgrade\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:484
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
+"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest "
+"<literal>stable</literal> version(s). <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" "
+msgstr ""
+"Com um arquivo &sources-list; apropriado e o arquivo de preferências acima, "
+"quaisquer um dos comandos a seguir farão com que o APT atualize para a(s) "
+"ulítma(s) versão(ôes) <literal>stable</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:501
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/testing\n"
+msgstr ""
+"apt-get install <replaceable>pacote</replaceable>/testing\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:495
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
+"latest version from the <literal>testing</literal> distribution; the package "
+"will not be upgraded again unless this command is given again. <placeholder "
+"type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+"O comando a seguir fará com que o APT atualize o pacote especificado para a "
+"última versão da distribuição <literal>testing</literal>; o pacote não serpa "
+"atualizado novamente a menos que esse comando seja executado novamente."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:507
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Tracking Testing or Unstable"
+msgstr "Acompanhando a Testing"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:516
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=testing\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 900\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 800\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release o=Debian\n"
+"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=testing\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 900\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=unstable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 800\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release o=Debian\n"
+"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:509
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a high priority "
+"to package versions from the <literal>testing</literal> distribution, a "
+"lower priority to package versions from the <literal>unstable</literal> "
+"distribution, and a prohibitively low priority to package versions from "
+"other <literal>Debian</literal> distributions. <placeholder type="
+"\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+"O arquivo de preferências do APT a seguir fará com que o APT atribua uma "
+"prioridade maior para versões de pacote da distribuição <literal>testing</"
+"literal>, uma prioridade menor para versões de pacotes da distribuição "
+"<literal>unstable</literal> e uma prioridade proibitivamente baixa para "
+"versões de pacotes de outras distribuições <literal>Debian</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:530
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
+"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest "
+"<literal>testing</literal> version(s). <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" "
+msgstr ""
+"Com um arquivo &sources-list; adequado e o arquivo de preferências do APT "
+"acima, quaisquer dos comandos a seguir farão com que o APT atualize para a"
+"(s) última(s) versão(ões) <literal>testing</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:550
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/unstable\n"
+msgstr ""
+"apt-get install <replaceable>pacote</replaceable>/unstable\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:541
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
+"latest version from the <literal>unstable</literal> distribution. "
+"Thereafter, <command>apt-get upgrade</command> will upgrade the package to "
+"the most recent <literal>testing</literal> version if that is more recent "
+"than the installed version, otherwise, to the most recent <literal>unstable</"
+"literal> version if that is more recent than the installed version. "
+"<placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+"O comando a seguir fará com que o APT atualize o pacote especificado para a "
+"última versão da distribuição <literal>unstable</literal>. Assim, o comando "
+"<command>apt-get upgrade</command> irá atualizar o pacote para a versão "
+"<literal>testing</literal> mais recente caso essa versão seja mais recente "
+"que a versão instalada, caso não seja, o pacote será atualizado para a "
+"versão <literal>unstable</literal> mais recente caso a mesma seja mais "
+"recente que a versão instalada."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:557
+msgid "Tracking the evolution of a codename release"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:571
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Explanation: Uninstall or do not install any Debian-originated package versions\n"
+"Explanation: other than those in the distribution codenamed with squeeze or sid\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release n=squeeze\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 900\n"
+"Explanation: Debian unstable is always codenamed with sid\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=sid\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 800\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release o=Debian\n"
+"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Explanation: Desinstala ou não instala nenhuma versão de pacote originada\n"
+"Explanation: do Debian a não ser aquelas na distribuição stable\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release a=stable\n"
+"Pin-Priority: 900\n"
+"Package: *\n"
+"Pin: release o=Debian\n"
+"Pin-Priority: -10\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:559
+msgid ""
+"The following APT preferences file will cause APT to assign a priority "
+"higher than the default (500) to all package versions belonging to a "
+"specified codename of a distribution and a prohibitively low priority to "
+"package versions belonging to other <literal>Debian</literal> distributions, "
+"codenames and archives. Note that with this APT preference APT will follow "
+"the migration of a release from the archive <literal>testing</literal> to "
+"<literal>stable</literal> and later <literal>oldstable</literal>. If you "
+"want to follow for example the progress in <literal>testing</literal> "
+"notwithstanding the codename changes you should use the example "
+"configurations above. <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:588
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"With a suitable &sources-list; file and the above preferences file, any of "
+"the following commands will cause APT to upgrade to the latest version(s) in "
+"the release codenamed with <literal>squeeze</literal>. <placeholder type="
+"\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+"Com um arquivo &sources-list; apropriado e o arquivo de preferências acima, "
+"quaisquer um dos comandos a seguir farão com que o APT atualize para a(s) "
+"ulítma(s) versão(ôes) <literal>stable</literal>."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:608
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+msgid "apt-get install <replaceable>package</replaceable>/sid\n"
+msgstr ""
+"apt-get install <replaceable>pacote</replaceable>/testing\n"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:599
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The following command will cause APT to upgrade the specified package to the "
+"latest version from the <literal>sid</literal> distribution. Thereafter, "
+"<command>apt-get upgrade</command> will upgrade the package to the most "
+"recent <literal>squeeze</literal> version if that is more recent than the "
+"installed version, otherwise, to the most recent <literal>sid</literal> "
+"version if that is more recent than the installed version. <placeholder "
+"type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+"O comando a seguir fará com que o APT atualize o pacote especificado para a "
+"última versão da distribuição <literal>unstable</literal>. Assim, o comando "
+"<command>apt-get upgrade</command> irá atualizar o pacote para a versão "
+"<literal>testing</literal> mais recente caso essa versão seja mais recente "
+"que a versão instalada, caso não seja, o pacote será atualizado para a "
+"versão <literal>unstable</literal> mais recente caso a mesma seja mais "
+"recente que a versão instalada."
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:617
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "&file-preferences;"
+msgstr "apt_preferences"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: apt_preferences.5.xml:623
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;"
+msgstr "&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:22 sources.list.5.xml:29
+msgid "sources.list"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refpurpose>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:30
+msgid "Package resource list for APT"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:34
+msgid ""
+"The package resource list is used to locate archives of the package "
+"distribution system in use on the system. At this time, this manual page "
+"documents only the packaging system used by the Debian GNU/Linux system. "
+"This control file is <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:39
+msgid ""
+"The source list is designed to support any number of active sources and a "
+"variety of source media. The file lists one source per line, with the most "
+"preferred source listed first. The format of each line is: <literal>type uri "
+"args</literal> The first item, <literal>type</literal> determines the format "
+"for <literal>args</literal>. <literal>uri</literal> is a Universal Resource "
+"Identifier (URI), which is a superset of the more specific and well-known "
+"Universal Resource Locator, or URL. The rest of the line can be marked as a "
+"comment by using a #."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:50
+msgid "sources.list.d"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:51
+msgid ""
+"The <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list.d</filename> directory provides a way to "
+"add sources.list entries in separate files. The format is the same as for "
+"the regular <filename>sources.list</filename> file. File names need to end "
+"with <filename>.list</filename> and may only contain letters (a-z and A-Z), "
+"digits (0-9), underscore (_), hyphen (-) and period (.) characters. "
+"Otherwise they will be silently ignored."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:60
+msgid "The deb and deb-src types"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:61
+msgid ""
+"The <literal>deb</literal> type describes a typical two-level Debian "
+"archive, <filename>distribution/component</filename>. Typically, "
+"<literal>distribution</literal> is generally one of <literal>stable</"
+"literal> <literal>unstable</literal> or <literal>testing</literal> while "
+"component is one of <literal>main</literal> <literal>contrib</literal> "
+"<literal>non-free</literal> or <literal>non-us</literal>. The <literal>deb-"
+"src</literal> type describes a debian distribution's source code in the same "
+"form as the <literal>deb</literal> type. A <literal>deb-src</literal> line "
+"is required to fetch source indexes."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:73
+msgid ""
+"The format for a <filename>sources.list</filename> entry using the "
+"<literal>deb</literal> and <literal>deb-src</literal> types is:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:76
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "deb uri distribution [component1] [component2] [...]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:78
+msgid ""
+"The URI for the <literal>deb</literal> type must specify the base of the "
+"Debian distribution, from which APT will find the information it needs. "
+"<literal>distribution</literal> can specify an exact path, in which case the "
+"components must be omitted and <literal>distribution</literal> must end with "
+"a slash (/). This is useful for when the case only a particular sub-section "
+"of the archive denoted by the URI is of interest. If <literal>distribution</"
+"literal> does not specify an exact path, at least one <literal>component</"
+"literal> must be present."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:87
+msgid ""
+"<literal>distribution</literal> may also contain a variable, <literal>$(ARCH)"
+"</literal> which expands to the Debian architecture (i386, m68k, "
+"powerpc, ...) used on the system. This permits architecture-independent "
+"<filename>sources.list</filename> files to be used. In general this is only "
+"of interest when specifying an exact path, <literal>APT</literal> will "
+"automatically generate a URI with the current architecture otherwise."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:95
+msgid ""
+"Since only one distribution can be specified per line it may be necessary to "
+"have multiple lines for the same URI, if a subset of all available "
+"distributions or components at that location is desired. APT will sort the "
+"URI list after it has generated a complete set internally, and will collapse "
+"multiple references to the same Internet host, for instance, into a single "
+"connection, so that it does not inefficiently establish an FTP connection, "
+"close it, do something else, and then re-establish a connection to that same "
+"host. This feature is useful for accessing busy FTP sites with limits on the "
+"number of simultaneous anonymous users. APT also parallelizes connections to "
+"different hosts to more effectively deal with sites with low bandwidth."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:107
+msgid ""
+"It is important to list sources in order of preference, with the most "
+"preferred source listed first. Typically this will result in sorting by "
+"speed from fastest to slowest (CD-ROM followed by hosts on a local network, "
+"followed by distant Internet hosts, for example)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:112
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Some examples:"
+msgstr "Exemplos"
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:114
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"deb stable main contrib non-free\n"
+"deb dists/stable-updates/\n"
+" "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:120
+msgid "URI specification"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:125
+msgid "file"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:127
+msgid ""
+"The file scheme allows an arbitrary directory in the file system to be "
+"considered an archive. This is useful for NFS mounts and local mirrors or "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:134
+msgid ""
+"The cdrom scheme allows APT to use a local CDROM drive with media swapping. "
+"Use the &apt-cdrom; program to create cdrom entries in the source list."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:141
+msgid ""
+"The http scheme specifies an HTTP server for the archive. If an environment "
+"variable <envar>http_proxy</envar> is set with the format http://server:"
+"port/, the proxy server specified in <envar>http_proxy</envar> will be used. "
+"Users of authenticated HTTP/1.1 proxies may use a string of the format "
+"http://user:pass@server:port/. Note that this is an insecure method of "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:152
+msgid ""
+"The ftp scheme specifies an FTP server for the archive. APT's FTP behavior "
+"is highly configurable; for more information see the &apt-conf; manual page. "
+"Please note that a ftp proxy can be specified by using the <envar>ftp_proxy</"
+"envar> environment variable. It is possible to specify a http proxy (http "
+"proxy servers often understand ftp urls) using this method and ONLY this "
+"method. ftp proxies using http specified in the configuration file will be "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:161
+msgid "copy"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:163
+msgid ""
+"The copy scheme is identical to the file scheme except that packages are "
+"copied into the cache directory instead of used directly at their location. "
+"This is useful for people using a zip disk to copy files around with APT."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:168
+msgid "rsh"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:168
+msgid "ssh"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:170
+msgid ""
+"The rsh/ssh method invokes rsh/ssh to connect to a remote host as a given "
+"user and access the files. It is a good idea to do prior arrangements with "
+"RSA keys or rhosts. Access to files on the remote uses standard "
+"<command>find</command> and <command>dd</command> commands to perform the "
+"file transfers from the remote."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:178
+msgid "more recongnizable URI types"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:180
+msgid ""
+"APT can be extended with more methods shipped in other optional packages "
+"which should follow the nameing scheme <literal>apt-transport-"
+"<replaceable>method</replaceable></literal>. The APT team e.g. maintain "
+"also the <literal>apt-transport-https</literal> package which provides "
+"access methods for https-URIs with features similiar to the http method, but "
+"other methods for using e.g. debtorrent are also available, see "
+"<citerefentry> <refentrytitle><filename>apt-transport-debtorrent</filename></"
+"refentrytitle> <manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:122
+msgid ""
+"The currently recognized URI types are cdrom, file, http, ftp, copy, ssh, "
+"rsh. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:194
+msgid ""
+"Uses the archive stored locally (or NFS mounted) at /home/jason/debian for "
+"stable/main, stable/contrib, and stable/non-free."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:196
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "deb file:/home/jason/debian stable main contrib non-free"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:198
+msgid "As above, except this uses the unstable (development) distribution."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:199
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "deb file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:201
+msgid "Source line for the above"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:202
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "deb-src file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:204
+msgid ""
+"Uses HTTP to access the archive at, and uses only the "
+"hamm/main area."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:206
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "deb hamm main"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:208
+msgid ""
+"Uses FTP to access the archive at, under the debian "
+"directory, and uses only the stable/contrib area."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:210
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "deb stable contrib"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:212
+msgid ""
+"Uses FTP to access the archive at, under the debian "
+"directory, and uses only the unstable/contrib area. If this line appears as "
+"well as the one in the previous example in <filename>sources.list</filename> "
+"a single FTP session will be used for both resource lines."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:216
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "deb unstable contrib"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:218
+msgid ""
+"Uses HTTP to access the archive at, under the debian-non-US "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:220
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "deb stable/non-US main contrib non-free"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><literallayout>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:229
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "deb unstable/binary-$(ARCH)/"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:222
+msgid ""
+"Uses HTTP to access the archive at, under the debian-non-US "
+"directory, and uses only files found under <filename>unstable/binary-i386</"
+"filename> on i386 machines, <filename>unstable/binary-m68k</filename> on "
+"m68k, and so forth for other supported architectures. [Note this example "
+"only illustrates how to use the substitution variable; non-us is no longer "
+"structured like this] <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:234
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "&apt-cache; &apt-conf;"
+msgstr "&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;"
+#. type: <title></title>
+#: guide.sgml:4
+msgid "APT User's Guide"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <author></author>
+#: guide.sgml:6 offline.sgml:6
+msgid "<name>Jason Gunthorpe </name><email></email>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <version></version>
+#: guide.sgml:7
+msgid "$Id: guide.sgml,v 1.7 2003/04/26 23:26:13 doogie Exp $"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <abstract></abstract>
+#: guide.sgml:11
+msgid ""
+"This document provides an overview of how to use the the APT package manager."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <copyrightsummary></copyrightsummary>
+#: guide.sgml:15
+msgid "Copyright &copy; Jason Gunthorpe, 1998."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:21 offline.sgml:22
+msgid ""
+"\"APT\" and this document are free software; you can redistribute them and/"
+"or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public License as "
+"published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, "
+"or (at your option) any later version."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:24 offline.sgml:25
+msgid ""
+"For more details, on Debian GNU/Linux systems, see the file /usr/share/"
+"common-licenses/GPL for the full license."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:32
+msgid "General"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:38
+msgid ""
+"The APT package currently contains two sections, the APT <prgn>dselect</"
+"prgn> method and the <prgn>apt-get</prgn> command line user interface. Both "
+"provide a way to install and remove packages as well as download new "
+"packages from the Internet."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:39
+msgid "Anatomy of the Package System"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:44
+msgid ""
+"The Debian packaging system has a large amount of information associated "
+"with each package to help assure that it integrates cleanly and easily into "
+"the system. The most prominent of its features is the dependency system."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:52
+msgid ""
+"The dependency system allows individual programs to make use of shared "
+"elements in the system such as libraries. It simplifies placing infrequently "
+"used portions of a program in separate packages to reduce the number of "
+"things the average user is required to install. Also, it allows for choices "
+"in mail transport agents, X servers and so on."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:57
+msgid ""
+"The first step to understanding the dependency system is to grasp the "
+"concept of a simple dependency. The meaning of a simple dependency is that a "
+"package requires another package to be installed at the same time to work "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:63
+msgid ""
+"For instance, mailcrypt is an emacs extension that aids in encrypting email "
+"with GPG. Without GPGP installed mail-crypt is useless, so mailcrypt has a "
+"simple dependency on GPG. Also, because it is an emacs extension it has a "
+"simple dependency on emacs, without emacs it is completely useless."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:73
+msgid ""
+"The other important dependency to understand is a conflicting dependency. It "
+"means that a package, when installed with another package, will not work and "
+"may possibly be extremely harmful to the system. As an example consider a "
+"mail transport agent such as sendmail, exim or qmail. It is not possible to "
+"have two mail transport agents installed because both need to listen to the "
+"network to receive mail. Attempting to install two will seriously damage the "
+"system so all mail transport agents have a conflicting dependency with all "
+"other mail transport agents."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:83
+msgid ""
+"As an added complication there is the possibility for a package to pretend "
+"to be another package. Consider that exim and sendmail for many intents are "
+"identical, they both deliver mail and understand a common interface. Hence, "
+"the package system has a way for them to declare that they are both mail-"
+"transport-agents. So, exim and sendmail both declare that they provide a "
+"mail-transport-agent and other packages that need a mail transport agent "
+"depend on mail-transport-agent. This can add a great deal of confusion when "
+"trying to manually fix packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:88
+msgid ""
+"At any given time a single dependency may be met by packages that are "
+"already installed or it may not be. APT attempts to help resolve dependency "
+"issues by providing a number of automatic algorithms that help in selecting "
+"packages for installation."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:102
+msgid ""
+"<prgn>apt-get</prgn> provides a simple way to install packages from the "
+"command line. Unlike <prgn>dpkg</prgn>, <prgn>apt-get</prgn> does not "
+"understand .deb files, it works with the package's proper name and can only "
+"install .deb archives from a <em>Source</em>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:109
+msgid ""
+"The first <footnote><p>If you are using an http proxy server you must set "
+"the http_proxy environment variable first, see sources.list(5)</p></"
+"footnote> thing that should be done before using <prgn>apt-get</prgn> is to "
+"fetch the package lists from the <em>Sources</em> so that it knows what "
+"packages are available. This is done with <tt>apt-get update</tt>. For "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:116
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"# apt-get update\n"
+"Get stable/binary-i386/ Packages\n"
+"Get testing/contrib Packages\n"
+"Reading Package Lists... Done\n"
+"Building Dependency Tree... Done"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p><taglist>
+#: guide.sgml:120
+msgid "Once updated there are several commands that can be used:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:131
+msgid ""
+"Upgrade will attempt to gently upgrade the whole system. Upgrade will never "
+"install a new package or remove an existing package, nor will it ever "
+"upgrade a package that might cause some other package to break. This can be "
+"used daily to relatively safely upgrade the system. Upgrade will list all of "
+"the packages that it could not upgrade, this usually means that they depend "
+"on new packages or conflict with some other package. <prgn>dselect</prgn> or "
+"<tt>apt-get install</tt> can be used to force these packages to install."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:140
+msgid ""
+"Install is used to install packages by name. The package is automatically "
+"fetched and installed. This can be useful if you already know the name of "
+"the package to install and do not want to go into a GUI to select it. Any "
+"number of packages may be passed to install, they will all be fetched. "
+"Install automatically attempts to resolve dependency problems with the "
+"listed packages and will print a summary and ask for confirmation if "
+"anything other than its arguments are changed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:149
+msgid ""
+"Dist-upgrade is a complete upgrader designed to simplify upgrading between "
+"releases of Debian. It uses a sophisticated algorithm to determine the best "
+"set of packages to install, upgrade and remove to get as much of the system "
+"to the newest release. In some situations it may be desired to use dist-"
+"upgrade rather than spend the time manually resolving dependencies in "
+"<prgn>dselect</prgn>. Once dist-upgrade has completed then <prgn>dselect</"
+"prgn> can be used to install any packages that may have been left out."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:152
+msgid ""
+"It is important to closely look at what dist-upgrade is going to do, its "
+"decisions may sometimes be quite surprising."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:163
+msgid ""
+"<prgn>apt-get</prgn> has several command line options that are detailed in "
+"its man page, <manref section=\"8\" name=\"apt-get\">. The most useful "
+"option is <tt>-d</tt> which does not install the fetched files. If the "
+"system has to download a large number of package it would be undesired to "
+"start installing them in case something goes wrong. When <tt>-d</tt> is used "
+"the downloaded archives can be installed by simply running the command that "
+"caused them to be downloaded again without <tt>-d</tt>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:168
+msgid "DSelect"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:173
+msgid ""
+"The APT <prgn>dselect</prgn> method provides the complete APT system with "
+"the <prgn>dselect</prgn> package selection GUI. <prgn>dselect</prgn> is used "
+"to select the packages to be installed or removed and APT actually installs "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:184
+msgid ""
+"To enable the APT method you need to to select [A]ccess in <prgn>dselect</"
+"prgn> and then choose the APT method. You will be prompted for a set of "
+"<em>Sources</em> which are places to fetch archives from. These can be "
+"remote Internet sites, local Debian mirrors or CDROMs. Each source can "
+"provide a fragment of the total Debian archive, APT will automatically "
+"combine them to form a complete set of packages. If you have a CDROM then it "
+"is a good idea to specify it first and then specify a mirror so that you "
+"have access to the latest bug fixes. APT will automatically use packages on "
+"your CDROM before downloading from the Internet."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:198
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" Set up a list of distribution source locations\n"
+"\t \n"
+" Please give the base URL of the debian distribution.\n"
+" The access schemes I know about are: http file\n"
+"\t \n"
+" For example:\n"
+" file:/mnt/debian,\n"
+" \n"
+" \n"
+" URL []:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:205
+msgid ""
+"The <em>Sources</em> setup starts by asking for the base of the Debian "
+"archive, defaulting to a HTTP mirror. Next it asks for the distribution to "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:212
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" Please give the distribution tag to get or a path to the\n"
+" package file ending in a /. The distribution\n"
+" tags are typically something like: stable unstable testing non-US\n"
+" \n"
+" Distribution [stable]:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:222
+msgid ""
+"The distribution refers to the Debian version in the archive, <em>stable</"
+"em> refers to the latest released version and <em>unstable</em> refers to "
+"the developmental version. <em>non-US</em> is only available on some mirrors "
+"and refers to packages that contain encryption technology or other things "
+"that cannot be exported from the United States. Importing these packages "
+"into the US is legal however."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:228
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" Please give the components to get\n"
+" The components are typically something like: main contrib non-free\n"
+" \n"
+" Components [main contrib non-free]:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:236
+msgid ""
+"The components list refers to the list of sub distributions to fetch. The "
+"distribution is split up based on software licenses, main being DFSG free "
+"packages while contrib and non-free contain things that have various "
+"restrictions placed on their use and distribution."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:240
+msgid ""
+"Any number of sources can be added, the setup script will continue to prompt "
+"until you have specified all that you want."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:247
+msgid ""
+"Before starting to use <prgn>dselect</prgn> it is necessary to update the "
+"available list by selecting [U]pdate from the menu. This is a super-set of "
+"<tt>apt-get update</tt> that makes the fetched information available to "
+"<prgn>dselect</prgn>. [U]pdate must be performed even if <tt>apt-get update</"
+"tt> has been run before."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:253
+msgid ""
+"You can then go on and make your selections using [S]elect and then perform "
+"the installation using [I]nstall. When using the APT method the [C]onfig and "
+"[R]emove commands have no meaning, the [I]nstall command performs both of "
+"them together."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:258
+msgid ""
+"By default APT will automatically remove the package (.deb) files once they "
+"have been successfully installed. To change this behavior place <tt>Dselect::"
+"clean \"prompt\";</tt> in /etc/apt/apt.conf."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:264
+msgid "The Interface"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:278
+msgid ""
+"Both that APT <prgn>dselect</prgn> method and <prgn>apt-get</prgn> share the "
+"same interface. It is a simple system that generally tells you what it will "
+"do and then goes and does it. <footnote><p>The <prgn>dselect</prgn> method "
+"actually is a set of wrapper scripts to <prgn>apt-get</prgn>. The method "
+"actually provides more functionality than is present in <prgn>apt-get</prgn> "
+"alone.</p></footnote> After printing out a summary of what will happen APT "
+"then will print out some informative status messages so that you can "
+"estimate how far along it is and how much is left to do."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:280
+msgid "Startup"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:284
+msgid ""
+"Before all operations except update, APT performs a number of actions to "
+"prepare its internal state. It also does some checks of the system's state. "
+"At any time these operations can be performed by running <tt>apt-get check</"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:289
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"# apt-get check\n"
+"Reading Package Lists... Done\n"
+"Building Dependency Tree... Done"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:297
+msgid ""
+"The first thing it does is read all the package files into memory. APT uses "
+"a caching scheme so this operation will be faster the second time it is run. "
+"If some of the package files are not found then they will be ignored and a "
+"warning will be printed when apt-get exits."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:303
+msgid ""
+"The final operation performs a detailed analysis of the system's "
+"dependencies. It checks every dependency of every installed or unpacked "
+"package and considers if it is OK. Should this find a problem then a report "
+"will be printed out and <prgn>apt-get</prgn> will refuse to run."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:320
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"# apt-get check\n"
+"Reading Package Lists... Done\n"
+"Building Dependency Tree... Done\n"
+"You might want to run apt-get -f install' to correct these.\n"
+"Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:\n"
+" 9fonts: Depends: xlib6g but it is not installed\n"
+" uucp: Depends: mailx but it is not installed\n"
+" blast: Depends: xlib6g (>= 3.3-5) but it is not installed\n"
+" adduser: Depends: perl-base but it is not installed\n"
+" aumix: Depends: libgpmg1 but it is not installed\n"
+" debiandoc-sgml: Depends: sgml-base but it is not installed\n"
+" bash-builtins: Depends: bash (>= 2.01) but 2.0-3 is installed\n"
+" cthugha: Depends: svgalibg1 but it is not installed\n"
+" Depends: xlib6g (>= 3.3-5) but it is not installed\n"
+" libreadlineg2: Conflicts:libreadline2 (<< 2.1-2.1)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:329
+msgid ""
+"In this example the system has many problems, including a serious problem "
+"with libreadlineg2. For each package that has unmet dependencies a line is "
+"printed out indicating the package with the problem and the dependencies "
+"that are unmet. A short explanation of why the package has a dependency "
+"problem is also included."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:337
+msgid ""
+"There are two ways a system can get into a broken state like this. The first "
+"is caused by <prgn>dpkg</prgn> missing some subtle relationships between "
+"packages when performing upgrades. <footnote><p>APT however considers all "
+"known dependencies and attempts to prevent broken packages</p></footnote>. "
+"The second is if a package installation fails during an operation. In this "
+"situation a package may have been unpacked without its dependents being "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:345
+msgid ""
+"The second situation is much less serious than the first because APT places "
+"certain constraints on the order that packages are installed. In both cases "
+"supplying the <tt>-f</tt> option to <prgn>apt-get</prgn> will cause APT to "
+"deduce a possible solution to the problem and then continue on. The APT "
+"<prgn>dselect</prgn> method always supplies the <tt>-f</tt> option to allow "
+"for easy continuation of failed maintainer scripts."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:351
+msgid ""
+"However, if the <tt>-f</tt> option is used to correct a seriously broken "
+"system caused by the first case then it is possible that it will either fail "
+"immediately or the installation sequence will fail. In either case it is "
+"necessary to manually use dpkg (possibly with forcing options) to correct "
+"the situation enough to allow APT to proceed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:356
+msgid "The Status Report"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:363
+msgid ""
+"Before proceeding <prgn>apt-get</prgn> will present a report on what will "
+"happen. Generally the report reflects the type of operation being performed "
+"but there are several common elements. In all cases the lists reflect the "
+"final state of things, taking into account the <tt>-f</tt> option and any "
+"other relevant activities to the command being executed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:364
+msgid "The Extra Package list"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:372
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"The following extra packages will be installed:\n"
+" libdbd-mysql-perl xlib6 zlib1 xzx libreadline2 libdbd-msql-perl\n"
+" mailpgp xdpkg fileutils pinepgp zlib1g xlib6g perl-base\n"
+" bin86 libgdbm1 libgdbmg1 quake-lib gmp2 bcc xbuffy\n"
+" squake pgp-i python-base debmake ldso perl libreadlineg2\n"
+" ssh"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:379
+msgid ""
+"The Extra Package list shows all of the packages that will be installed or "
+"upgraded in excess of the ones mentioned on the command line. It is only "
+"generated for an <tt>install</tt> command. The listed packages are often the "
+"result of an Auto Install."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:382
+msgid "The Packages to Remove"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:389
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"The following packages will be REMOVED:\n"
+" xlib6-dev xpat2 tk40-dev xkeycaps xbattle xonix\n"
+" xdaliclock tk40 tk41 xforms0.86 ghostview xloadimage xcolorsel\n"
+" xadmin xboard perl-debug tkined xtetris libreadline2-dev perl-suid\n"
+" nas xpilot xfig"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:399
+msgid ""
+"The Packages to Remove list shows all of the packages that will be removed "
+"from the system. It can be shown for any of the operations and should be "
+"given a careful inspection to ensure nothing important is to be taken off. "
+"The <tt>-f</tt> option is especially good at generating packages to remove "
+"so extreme care should be used in that case. The list may contain packages "
+"that are going to be removed because they are only partially installed, "
+"possibly due to an aborted installation."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:402
+msgid "The New Packages list"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:406
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"The following NEW packages will installed:\n"
+" zlib1g xlib6g perl-base libgdbmg1 quake-lib gmp2 pgp-i python-base"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:411
+msgid ""
+"The New Packages list is simply a reminder of what will happen. The packages "
+"listed are not presently installed in the system but will be when APT is "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:414
+msgid "The Kept Back list"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:419
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"The following packages have been kept back\n"
+" compface man-db tetex-base msql libpaper svgalib1\n"
+" gs snmp arena lynx xpat2 groff xscreensaver"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:428
+msgid ""
+"Whenever the whole system is being upgraded there is the possibility that "
+"new versions of packages cannot be installed because they require new things "
+"or conflict with already installed things. In this case the package will "
+"appear in the Kept Back list. The best way to convince packages listed there "
+"to install is with <tt>apt-get install</tt> or by using <prgn>dselect</prgn> "
+"to resolve their problems."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:431
+msgid "Held Packages warning"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:435
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"The following held packages will be changed:\n"
+" cvs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:441
+msgid ""
+"Sometimes you can ask APT to install a package that is on hold, in such a "
+"case it prints out a warning that the held package is going to be changed. "
+"This should only happen during dist-upgrade or install."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:444
+msgid "Final summary"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:447
+msgid ""
+"Finally, APT will print out a summary of all the changes that will occur."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:452
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"206 packages upgraded, 8 newly installed, 23 to remove and 51 not upgraded.\n"
+"12 packages not fully installed or removed.\n"
+"Need to get 65.7M/66.7M of archives. After unpacking 26.5M will be used."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:470
+msgid ""
+"The first line of the summary simply is a reduced version of all of the "
+"lists and includes the number of upgrades - that is packages already "
+"installed that have new versions available. The second line indicates the "
+"number of poorly configured packages, possibly the result of an aborted "
+"installation. The final line shows the space requirements that the "
+"installation needs. The first pair of numbers refer to the size of the "
+"archive files. The first number indicates the number of bytes that must be "
+"fetched from remote locations and the second indicates the total size of all "
+"the archives required. The next number indicates the size difference between "
+"the presently installed packages and the newly installed packages. It is "
+"roughly equivalent to the space required in /usr after everything is done. "
+"If a large number of packages are being removed then the value may indicate "
+"the amount of space that will be freed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:473
+msgid ""
+"Some other reports can be generated by using the -u option to show packages "
+"to upgrade, they are similar to the previous examples."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:477
+msgid "The Status Display"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:481
+msgid ""
+"During the download of archives and package files APT prints out a series of "
+"status messages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: guide.sgml:490
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"# apt-get update\n"
+"Get:1 stable/non-US/ Packages\n"
+"Get:2 testing/contrib Packages\n"
+"Hit testing/main Packages\n"
+"Get:4 unstable/binary-i386/ Packages\n"
+"Get:5 testing/non-free Packages\n"
+"11% [5 testing/non-free `Waiting for file' 0/32.1k 0%] 2203b/s 1m52s"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:500
+msgid ""
+"The lines starting with <em>Get</em> are printed out when APT begins to "
+"fetch a file while the last line indicates the progress of the download. The "
+"first percent value on the progress line indicates the total percent done of "
+"all files. Unfortunately since the size of the Package files is unknown "
+"<tt>apt-get update</tt> estimates the percent done which causes some "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:509
+msgid ""
+"The next section of the status line is repeated once for each download "
+"thread and indicates the operation being performed and some useful "
+"information about what is happening. Sometimes this section will simply read "
+"<em>Forking</em> which means the OS is loading the download module. The "
+"first word after the [ is the fetch number as shown on the history lines. "
+"The next word is the short form name of the object being downloaded. For "
+"archives it will contain the name of the package that is being fetched."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:524
+msgid ""
+"Inside of the single quote is an informative string indicating the progress "
+"of the negotiation phase of the download. Typically it progresses from "
+"<em>Connecting</em> to <em>Waiting for file</em> to <em>Downloading</em> or "
+"<em>Resuming</em>. The final value is the number of bytes downloaded from "
+"the remote site. Once the download begins this is represented as "
+"<tt>102/10.2k</tt> indicating that 102 bytes have been fetched and 10.2 "
+"kilobytes is expected. The total size is always shown in 4 figure notation "
+"to preserve space. After the size display is a percent meter for the file "
+"itself. The second last element is the instantaneous average speed. This "
+"values is updated every 5 seconds and reflects the rate of data transfer for "
+"that period. Finally is shown the estimated transfer time. This is updated "
+"regularly and reflects the time to complete everything at the shown transfer "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:530
+msgid ""
+"The status display updates every half second to provide a constant feedback "
+"on the download progress while the Get lines scroll back whenever a new file "
+"is started. Since the status display is constantly updated it is unsuitable "
+"for logging to a file, use the <tt>-q</tt> option to remove the status "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: guide.sgml:535
+msgid "Dpkg"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: guide.sgml:542
+msgid ""
+"APT uses <prgn>dpkg</prgn> for installing the archives and will switch over "
+"to the <prgn>dpkg</prgn> interface once downloading is completed. "
+"<prgn>dpkg</prgn> will also ask a number of questions as it processes the "
+"packages and the packages themselves may also ask several questions. Before "
+"each question there is usually a description of what it is asking and the "
+"questions are too varied to discuss completely here."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <title></title>
+#: offline.sgml:4
+msgid "Using APT Offline"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <version></version>
+#: offline.sgml:7
+msgid "$Id: offline.sgml,v 1.8 2003/02/12 15:06:41 doogie Exp $"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <abstract></abstract>
+#: offline.sgml:12
+msgid ""
+"This document describes how to use APT in a non-networked environment, "
+"specifically a 'sneaker-net' approach for performing upgrades."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <copyrightsummary></copyrightsummary>
+#: offline.sgml:16
+msgid "Copyright &copy; Jason Gunthorpe, 1999."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: offline.sgml:32
+msgid "Introduction"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: offline.sgml:34 offline.sgml:65 offline.sgml:180
+msgid "Overview"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:40
+msgid ""
+"Normally APT requires direct access to a Debian archive, either from a local "
+"media or through a network. Another common complaint is that a Debian "
+"machine is on a slow link, such as a modem and another machine has a very "
+"fast connection but they are physically distant."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:51
+msgid ""
+"The solution to this is to use large removable media such as a Zip disc or a "
+"SuperDisk disc. These discs are not large enough to store the entire Debian "
+"archive but can easily fit a subset large enough for most users. The idea is "
+"to use APT to generate a list of packages that are required and then fetch "
+"them onto the disc using another machine with good connectivity. It is even "
+"possible to use another Debian machine with APT or to use a completely "
+"different OS and a download tool like wget. Let <em>remote host</em> mean "
+"the machine downloading the packages, and <em>target host</em> the one with "
+"bad or no connection."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:57
+msgid ""
+"This is achieved by creatively manipulating the APT configuration file. The "
+"essential premis to tell APT to look on a disc for it's archive files. Note "
+"that the disc should be formated with a filesystem that can handle long file "
+"names such as ext2, fat32 or vfat."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: offline.sgml:63
+msgid "Using APT on both machines"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p><example>
+#: offline.sgml:71
+msgid ""
+"APT being available on both machines gives the simplest configuration. The "
+"basic idea is to place a copy of the status file on the disc and use the "
+"remote machine to fetch the latest package files and decide which packages "
+"to download. The disk directory structure should look like:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: offline.sgml:80
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" /disc/\n"
+" archives/\n"
+" partial/\n"
+" lists/\n"
+" partial/\n"
+" status\n"
+" sources.list\n"
+" apt.conf"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: offline.sgml:88
+msgid "The configuration file"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:96
+msgid ""
+"The configuration file should tell APT to store its files on the disc and to "
+"use the configuration files on the disc as well. The sources.list should "
+"contain the proper sites that you wish to use from the remote machine, and "
+"the status file should be a copy of <em>/var/lib/dpkg/status</em> from the "
+"<em>target host</em>. Please note, if you are using a local archive you must "
+"use copy URIs, the syntax is identical to file URIs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p><example>
+#: offline.sgml:100
+msgid ""
+"<em>apt.conf</em> must contain the necessary information to make APT use the "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: offline.sgml:124
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" APT\n"
+" {\n"
+" /* This is not necessary if the two machines are the same arch, it tells\n"
+" the remote APT what architecture the target machine is */\n"
+" Architecture \"i386\";\n"
+" \n"
+" Get::Download-Only \"true\";\n"
+" };\n"
+" \n"
+" Dir\n"
+" {\n"
+" /* Use the disc for state information and redirect the status file from\n"
+" the /var/lib/dpkg default */\n"
+" State \"/disc/\";\n"
+" State::status \"status\";\n"
+" // Binary caches will be stored locally\n"
+" Cache::archives \"/disc/archives/\";\n"
+" Cache \"/tmp/\";\n"
+" \n"
+" // Location of the source list.\n"
+" Etc \"/disc/\";\n"
+" };"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: </example></p>
+#: offline.sgml:129
+msgid ""
+"More details can be seen by examining the apt.conf man page and the sample "
+"configuration file in <em>/usr/share/doc/apt/examples/apt.conf</em>."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p><example>
+#: offline.sgml:136
+msgid ""
+"On the target machine the first thing to do is mount the disc and copy <em>/"
+"var/lib/dpkg/status</em> to it. You will also need to create the directories "
+"outlined in the Overview, <em>archives/partial/</em> and <em>lists/partial/</"
+"em> Then take the disc to the remote machine and configure the sources.list. "
+"On the remote machine execute the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: offline.sgml:142
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # export APT_CONFIG=\"/disc/apt.conf\"\n"
+" # apt-get update\n"
+" [ APT fetches the package files ]\n"
+" # apt-get dist-upgrade\n"
+" [ APT fetches all the packages needed to upgrade the target machine ]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: </example></p>
+#: offline.sgml:149
+msgid ""
+"The dist-upgrade command can be replaced with any-other standard APT "
+"commands, particularly dselect-upgrade. You can even use an APT front end "
+"such as <em>dselect</em> However this presents a problem in communicating "
+"your selections back to the local computer."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p><example>
+#: offline.sgml:153
+msgid ""
+"Now the disc contains all of the index files and archives needed to upgrade "
+"the target machine. Take the disc back and run:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: offline.sgml:159
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # export APT_CONFIG=\"/disc/apt.conf\"\n"
+" # apt-get check\n"
+" [ APT generates a local copy of the cache files ]\n"
+" # apt-get --no-d -o dir::state::status=/var/lib/dpkg/status dist-upgrade\n"
+" [ Or any other APT command ]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:165
+msgid ""
+"It is necessary for proper function to re-specify the status file to be the "
+"local one. This is very important!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:172
+msgid ""
+"If you are using dselect you can do the very risky operation of copying disc/"
+"status to /var/lib/dpkg/status so that any selections you made on the remote "
+"machine are updated. I highly recommend that people only make selections on "
+"the local machine - but this may not always be possible. DO NOT copy the "
+"status file if dpkg or APT have been run in the mean time!!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: offline.sgml:178
+msgid "Using APT and wget"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:185
+msgid ""
+"<em>wget</em> is a popular and portable download tool that can run on nearly "
+"any machine. Unlike the method above this requires that the Debian machine "
+"already has a list of available packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:190
+msgid ""
+"The basic idea is to create a disc that has only the archive files "
+"downloaded from the remote site. This is done by using the --print-uris "
+"option to apt-get and then preparing a wget script to actually fetch the "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <heading></heading>
+#: offline.sgml:196
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Operation"
+msgstr "Descrição"
+#. type: <p><example>
+#: offline.sgml:200
+msgid ""
+"Unlike the previous technique no special configuration files are required. "
+"We merely use the standard APT commands to generate the file list."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: offline.sgml:205
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # apt-get dist-upgrade \n"
+" [ Press no when prompted, make sure you are happy with the actions ]\n"
+" # apt-get -qq --print-uris dist-upgrade > uris\n"
+" # awk '{print \"wget -O \" $2 \" \" $1}' < uris > /disc/wget-script"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: </example></p>
+#: offline.sgml:210
+msgid ""
+"Any command other than dist-upgrade could be used here, including dselect-"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p></p>
+#: offline.sgml:216
+msgid ""
+"The /disc/wget-script file will now contain a list of wget commands to "
+"execute in order to fetch the necessary archives. This script should be run "
+"with the current directory as the disc's mount point so as to save the "
+"output on the disc."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <p><example>
+#: offline.sgml:219
+msgid "The remote machine would do something like"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: offline.sgml:223
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # cd /disc\n"
+" # sh -x ./wget-script\n"
+" [ wait.. ]"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: </example><example>
+#: offline.sgml:228
+msgid ""
+"Once the archives are downloaded and the disc returned to the Debian machine "
+"installation can proceed using,"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: <example></example>
+#: offline.sgml:230
+#, no-wrap
+msgid " # apt-get -o dir::cache::archives=\"/disc/\" dist-upgrade"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: </example></p>
+#: offline.sgml:234
+msgid "Which will use the already fetched archives on the disc."
+msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "/usr/share/doc/apt/"
+#~ msgstr "/usr/share/doc/apt/"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "<filename>&docdir;examples/configure-index.gz</>"
+#~ msgstr "<filename>&docdir;examples/configure-index.gz</>"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "/var/lib/apt"
+#~ msgstr "/var/lib/apt"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "/var/cache/apt"
+#~ msgstr "/var/cache/apt"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " <VarListEntry><term><option/-h/</><term><option/--help/</>\n"
+#~ " <ListItem><Para>\n"
+#~ " Show a short usage summary.\n"
+#~ " </VarListEntry>\n"
+#~ " \n"
+#~ " <VarListEntry><term><option/-v/</><term><option/--version/</>\n"
+#~ " <ListItem><Para>\n"
+#~ " Show the program version.\n"
+#~ " </VarListEntry>\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " <VarListEntry><term><option/-c/</><term><option/--config-file/</>\n"
+#~ " <ListItem><Para>\n"
+#~ " Configuration File; Specify a configuration file to use. \n"
+#~ " The program will read the default configuration file and then this \n"
+#~ " configuration file. See &apt-conf; for syntax information. \n"
+#~ " </VarListEntry>\n"
+#~ " \n"
+#~ " <VarListEntry><term><option/-o/</><term><option/--option/</>\n"
+#~ " <ListItem><Para>\n"
+#~ " Set a Configuration Option; This will set an arbitary configuration \n"
+#~ " option. The syntax is <option>-o Foo::Bar=bar</>.\n"
+#~ " </VarListEntry>\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " <VarListEntry><term><option/-h/</><term><option/--help/</>\n"
+#~ " <ListItem><Para>\n"
+#~ " Exibe um pequeno resumo de uso.\n"
+#~ " </VarListEntry>\n"
+#~ " \n"
+#~ " <VarListEntry><term><option/-v/</><term><option/--version/</>\n"
+#~ " <ListItem><Para>\n"
+#~ " Exibe a versão do programa.\n"
+#~ " </VarListEntry>\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ " <VarListEntry><term><option/-c/</><term><option/--config-file/</>\n"
+#~ " <ListItem><Para>\n"
+#~ " Arquivo de Configuração; Especifica um arquivo de configuração\n"
+#~ " a ser usado. O programa irá ler o arquivo de configuração padrão\n"
+#~ " e então este arquivo de configuração. Consulte &apt-conf; para\n"
+#~ " informação de sintaxe. \n"
+#~ " </VarListEntry>\n"
+#~ " \n"
+#~ " <VarListEntry><term><option/-o/</><term><option/--option/</>\n"
+#~ " <ListItem><Para>\n"
+#~ " Defie uma Opção de Configuração; Esta opção irá definir uma opção\n"
+#~ " de configuração arbitrária. A sintaxe é <option>-o Foo::Bar=bar</>.\n"
+#~ " </VarListEntry>\n"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "<manvolnum>5</manvolnum>"
+#~ msgstr "<manvolnum>5</manvolnum>"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "</programlisting> Then:"
+#~ msgstr "</programlisting> Então :"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "&manbugs; &manauthor;"
+#~ msgstr "&manbugs; &manauthor;"
diff --git a/doc/po4a.conf b/doc/po4a.conf
index 12f2465bc..fae80d690 100644
--- a/doc/po4a.conf
+++ b/doc/po4a.conf
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@
[type: docbook] sources.list.5.xml $lang:$lang/sources.list.$lang.5.xml \
-[type: sgml] guide.sgml $lang:$lang/guide.$lang.sgml \
- add_$lang::$lang/addendum/debiandoc_$lang.add
-[type: sgml] offline.sgml $lang:$lang/offline.$lang.sgml \
- add_$lang::$lang/addendum/debiandoc_$lang.add
+[type: sgml] guide.sgml $lang:$lang/guide.$lang.sgml
+# add_$lang::$lang/addendum/debiandoc_$lang.add
+[type: sgml] offline.sgml $lang:$lang/offline.$lang.sgml
+# add_$lang::$lang/addendum/debiandoc_$lang.add
#[type: sgml] cache.sgml $lang:$lang/cache.$lang.sgml \
# add_$lang::$lang/addendum/debiandoc_$lang.add
#[type: sgml] design.sgml $lang:$lang/design.$lang.sgml\
diff --git a/doc/pt_BR/addendum/xml_pt_BR.add b/doc/pt_BR/addendum/xml_pt_BR.add
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..08f94ce20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/pt_BR/addendum/xml_pt_BR.add
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ <refsect1><title>Tradução</title>
+ Esta página de manual foi traduzida para o Português do Brasil por
+ André Luís Lopes <email></email>.
+ </refsect1>
diff --git a/doc/pt_BR/apt.ent.pt_BR b/doc/pt_BR/apt.ent.pt_BR
deleted file mode 100644
index 636805b13..000000000
--- a/doc/pt_BR/apt.ent.pt_BR
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-<!-- -*- mode: sgml; mode: fold -*- -->
-<!-- Some common paths.. -->
-<!ENTITY docdir "/usr/share/doc/apt/">
-<!ENTITY configureindex "<filename>&docdir;examples/configure-index.gz</>">
-<!ENTITY aptconfdir "<filename>/etc/apt.conf</>">
-<!ENTITY statedir "/var/lib/apt">
-<!ENTITY cachedir "/var/cache/apt">
-<!-- Cross references to other man pages -->
-<!ENTITY apt-conf "<CiteRefEntry>
- <RefEntryTitle><filename/apt.conf/</RefEntryTitle>
- <ManVolNum/5/
- </CiteRefEntry>">
-<!ENTITY apt-get "<CiteRefEntry>
- <RefEntryTitle><command/apt-get/</RefEntryTitle>
- <ManVolNum/8/
- </CiteRefEntry>">
-<!ENTITY apt-config "<CiteRefEntry>
- <RefEntryTitle><command/apt-config/</RefEntryTitle>
- <ManVolNum/8/
- </CiteRefEntry>">
-<!ENTITY apt-cdrom "<CiteRefEntry>
- <RefEntryTitle><command/apt-cdrom/</RefEntryTitle>
- <ManVolNum/8/
- </CiteRefEntry>">
-<!ENTITY apt-cache "<CiteRefEntry>
- <RefEntryTitle><command/apt-cache/</RefEntryTitle>
- <ManVolNum/8/
- </CiteRefEntry>">
-<!ENTITY apt-preferences "<CiteRefEntry>
- <RefEntryTitle><command/apt_preferences/</RefEntryTitle>
- <ManVolNum/5/
- </CiteRefEntry>">
-<!ENTITY sources-list "<CiteRefEntry>
- <RefEntryTitle><filename/sources.list/</RefEntryTitle>
- <ManVolNum/5/
- </CiteRefEntry>">
-<!ENTITY reportbug "<CiteRefEntry>
- <RefEntryTitle><command/reportbug/</RefEntryTitle>
- <ManVolNum/1/
- </CiteRefEntry>">
-<!ENTITY dpkg "<CiteRefEntry>
- <RefEntryTitle><command/dpkg/</RefEntryTitle>
- <ManVolNum/8/
- </CiteRefEntry>">
-<!ENTITY dpkg-buildpackage "<CiteRefEntry>
- <RefEntryTitle><command/dpkg-buildpackage/</RefEntryTitle>
- <ManVolNum/1/
- </CiteRefEntry>">
-<!ENTITY gzip "<CiteRefEntry>
- <RefEntryTitle><command/gzip/</RefEntryTitle>
- <ManVolNum/1/
- </CiteRefEntry>">
-<!ENTITY dpkg-scanpackages "<CiteRefEntry>
- <RefEntryTitle><command/dpkg-scanpackages/</RefEntryTitle>
- <ManVolNum/8/
- </CiteRefEntry>">
-<!ENTITY dpkg-scansources "<CiteRefEntry>
- <RefEntryTitle><command/dpkg-scansources/</RefEntryTitle>
- <ManVolNum/8/
- </CiteRefEntry>">
-<!ENTITY dselect "<CiteRefEntry>
- <RefEntryTitle><command/dselect/</RefEntryTitle>
- <ManVolNum/8/
- </CiteRefEntry>">
-<!-- Boiler plate docinfo section -->
-<!ENTITY apt-docinfo "
- <docinfo>
- <address><email></></address>
- <author><firstname>Jason</> <surname>Gunthorpe</></>
- <copyright><year>1998-2001</> <holder>Jason Gunthorpe</></>
- <date>12 Mar�o 2001</>
- </docinfo>
-<!-- Boiler plate Bug reporting section -->
-<!ENTITY manbugs "
- <RefSect1><Title>Bugs</>
- <para>
- Consulte a <ulink url=''>p�gina de bugs do APT</>.
- Caso voc� queira relatar um bug no APT, por favor consulte o arquivo
- <filename>/usr/share/doc/debian/bug-reporting.txt</> ou o comando &reportbug;.
- </RefSect1>
-<!-- Boiler plate Author section -->
-<!ENTITY manauthor "
- <RefSect1><Title>Author</>
- <para>
- O APT foi escrito pela equipe APT <email></>.
- </RefSect1>
-<!-- Brazilian Portuguese Translation Credits section -->
-<!ENTITY ptbr-mantranslator "
- <RefSect1><Title>Tradu��o</>
- <para>
- Esta p�gina de manual foi traduzida para o Portugu�s do Brasil por
- Andr� Lu�s Lopes <email></>.
- </RefSect1>
-<!-- Should be used within the option section of the text to
- put in the blurb about -h, -v, -c and -o -->
-<!ENTITY apt-commonoptions "
- <VarListEntry><term><option/-h/</><term><option/--help/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Exibe um pequeno resumo de uso.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/-v/</><term><option/--version/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Exibe a vers�o do programa.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/-c/</><term><option/--config-file/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Arquivo de Configura��o; Especifica um arquivo de configura��o
- a ser usado. O programa ir� ler o arquivo de configura��o padr�o
- e ent�o este arquivo de configura��o. Consulte &apt-conf; para
- informa��o de sintaxe.
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry><term><option/-o/</><term><option/--option/</>
- <ListItem><Para>
- Defie uma Op��o de Configura��o; Esta op��o ir� definir uma op��o
- de configura��o arbitr�ria. A sintaxe � <option>-o Foo::Bar=bar</>.
- </VarListEntry>
-<!-- Should be used within the option section of the text to
- put in the blurb about -h, -v, -c and -o -->
-<!ENTITY apt-cmdblurb "
- <para>
- Todas as op��es de linha de comando podem ser definidas usando o
- arquivo de configura��o, as descri��es indicam a op��o de configura��o
- a ser definida. Para op��es booleanas voc� pode sobrepor o arquivo de
- configura��o usando algo como <option/-f-/,<option/--no-f/,
- <option/-f=no/ ou diversas outras variantes.
- </para>
diff --git a/doc/pt_BR/apt_preferences.pt_BR.5.sgml b/doc/pt_BR/apt_preferences.pt_BR.5.sgml
deleted file mode 100644
index 212c43b66..000000000
--- a/doc/pt_BR/apt_preferences.pt_BR.5.sgml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,589 +0,0 @@
-<!-- -*- mode: sgml; mode: fold -*- -->
-<!doctype refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" [
-<!ENTITY % aptent SYSTEM "apt.ent.pt_BR">
-<refentry lang="pt_BR">
- &apt-docinfo;
- <refmeta>
- <refentrytitle>apt_preferences</>
- <manvolnum>5</>
- </refmeta>
- <!-- Man page title -->
- <refnamediv>
- <refname>apt_preferences</>
- <refpurpose>Arquivo de controle de prefer�ncias para o APT</>
- </refnamediv>
-O arquivo de prefer�ncias do APT <filename>/etc/apt/preferences</>
-pode ser usado para controlar quais vers�es de pacotes ser�o
-selecionadas para instala��o.
-Diversas vers�es de um pacote podem estar dispon�veis para
-instala��o quando o arquivo &sources-list; cont�m refer�ncias para
-mais de uma distribui��o (por exemplo, <literal>stable</literal> e
-<literal>testing</literal>). O APT atribui uma prioridade para cada
-vers�o que esteja dispon�vel. Sujeito a obst�culos de depend�ncias, o
-<command>apt-get</command> seleciona para instala��o a vers�o com a
-maior prioridade.
-O arquivo de prefer�ncias do APT sobrepoe as prioridades que o APT
-atribui a cada vers�o de pacote por padr�o, dando assim ao usu�rio
-controle sobre qual vers�o do pacote � selecionada para instala��o.
-Diversas inst�ncias da mesma vers�o de um pacote pode estar dispon�veis
-quando o arquivo &sources-list; cont�m refer�ncias a mais de uma fonte.
-Nesse caso, o <command>apt-get</command> faz o download da inst�ncia
-listada antes no arquivo &sources-list; .
-O arquivo de prefer�ncias do APT n�o afeta a escolha da inst�ncia.
-<RefSect2><Title>Atribui��es de Prioridade Padr�o do APT</>
-Caso n�o exista um arquivo de prefer�ncias ou caso n�o exista uma
-entrada no arquivo que se aplique a uma inst�ncia em particular, a
-prioridade atribu�da a essa inst�ncia � a prioridade da distribui��o
-para a qual a inst�ncia pertence. � poss�vel selecionar uma distribui��o,
-conhecida como "a vers�o alvo" (the target release), que recebe uma
-prioridade maior do que as outras distribui��es.
-A vers�o alvo pode ser definida na linha de comando do
-<command>apt-get</command> ou no arquivo de configura��o do APT
-Por exemplo,
-<command>apt-get install -t testing <replaceable>algum-pacote</replaceable></command>
-APT::Default-Release "stable";
-Caso uma vers�o alvo tenha sido especificada o APT usar� o seguinte
-algoritmo para definir as prioridades das inst�ncias de um pacote.
-Atribuir� :
-<term>prioridade 100</term>
-<listitem><simpara>para a inst�ncia que j� esteja instalada (caso exista).</simpara></listitem>
-<term>prioridade 500</term>
-<listitem><simpara>para as inst�ncias que n�o est� instaladas e que n�o pertencem a vers�o alvo.</simpara></listitem>
-<term>prioridade 990</term>
-<listitem><simpara>para as inst�ncias que n�o estejam instaladas e perten�am a vers�o alvo.</simpara></listitem>
-Caso nenhuma vers�o alvo tenha sido especificada, o APT simplesmente
-ir� atribuir a prioridade 100 para todas as inst�ncias de pacotes instaladas
-e a prioridade 500 para todas as inst�ncias de pacotes n�o instaladas.
-O APT aplica as regras a seguir, listadas em ordem de preced�ncia, para
-determinar qual inst�ncia de um pacote instalar.
-<listitem><simpara>Nunca faz um downgrade a menos que a prioridade de
-uma inst�ncia dispon�vel exceda 1000. (Fazer um "downgrade" � instalar uma
-vers�o menos recente de um pacote no lugar de uma vers�o mais recente. Note
-que nenhuma das prioridades padr�o do APT excede 1000; prioridades altas
-como essa podem ser definidas somente no arquivo de prefer�ncias. Note
-tamb�m que fazer um "downgrade" pode ser arriscado.)</simpara></listitem>
-<listitem><simpara>Instala a inst�ncia de prioridade mais alta.</simpara></listitem>
-<listitem><simpara>Caso duas ou mais inst�ncias possuam a mesma prioridade,
-instala a inst�ncia mais recente (ou seja, aquela com o maior n�mero de
-<listitem><simpara>Caso duas ou mais inst�ncias possuam a mesma prioridade
-e n�mero de vers�o mas os pacotes sejam diferentes em alguns de seus
-metadados ou a op��o <literal/--reinstall/ seja fornecida, instala aquela
-Em uma situa��o t�pica, a inst�ncia instalada de um pacote
-(prioridade 100) n�o � t�o recente quanto uma das vers�es dispon�veis
-nas fontes listadas no arquivo &sources-list; (prioridade 500 ou 990).
-Ent�o o pacote ser� atualizado quando os comandos
-<command>apt-get install <replaceable>algum-pacote</replaceable></command>
-ou <command>apt-get dist-upgrade</command> forem executados.
-Mais raramente, a vers�o instalada de um pacote � <emphasis/mais/
-recente do que qualquer uma das outras vers�es dispon�veis. O dowgrade
-do pacote n�o ser� feito quando os comandos
-<command>apt-get install <replaceable>algum-pacote</replaceable></command>
-ou <command>apt-get upgrade</command> forem executados.
-Algumas vezes a vers�o instalada de um pacote � mais recente que a vers�o
-que pertence a vers�o alvo, mas n�o t�o recente quanto a vers�o que
-pertence a alguma outra distribui��o. Um pacote como esse ser� na verdade
-atualizado quando os comandos
-<command>apt-get install <replaceable>algum-pacote</replaceable></command>
-ou <command>apt-get upgrade</command> forem executados, devido a pelo
-menos <emphasis/uma/ das vers�es dispon�veis possuir uma prioridade maior
-do que a vers�o instalada.
-<RefSect2><Title>O Efeito das Prefer�ncias do APT</>
-O arquivo de prefer�ncias do APT permite ao administrador do
-sistema personalizar prioridades. O arquivo consiste de um ou mais
-registros de m�ltiplas linhas separados por linhas em branco. Registros
-podem possuir uma das duas formas, uma forma espec�fica e uma forma geral.
-A forma espec�fica atribui uma uma prioridade (uma "Pin-Priority")
-para um pacote e vers�o ou faixa de vers�o especificados. Por exemplo,
-o registro a seguir atribui uma prioridade alta para todas as vers�es do
-pacote <filename/perl/ os quais tenham seus n�meros de vers�o iniciando
-com "<literal/5.8/".
-Package: perl
-Pin: version 5.8*
-Pin-Priority: 1001
-O forma geral atribui uma prioridade para todas as vers�es de pacotes em
-uma dada distribui��o (isto �, para toda as vers�es de pacotes que estejam
-em um certo arquivo <filename/Release/) ou para todas as vers�es de
-pacotes que provenientes de um site Internet em particular, como
-identificado pelo nome de dom�nio totalmente qualificado do site Internet.
-Essa entrada de forma geral no arquivo de prefer�ncias do APT
-aplica-se somente a grupos de pacotes. Por exemplo, o registro a seguir
-faz com que o APT atribua uma prioridade alta para todas as vers�es
-de pacotes dispon�veis no site local.
-Package: *
-Pin: origin ""
-Pin-Priority: 999
-Uma nota de aviso : a palavra-chave usada aqui � "<literal/origin/".
-Esta palavra n�o deve ser confundida com a origem ("Origin:") de uma
-distribui��o como especificado em um arquivo <filename/Release/. O que
-segue a tag "Origin:" em um arquivo <filename/Release/ n�o � um endere�o
-de site Internet mas sim nome de autor ou distribuidor (vendor), como
-"Debian" ou "Ximian".
-O registro a seguir atribui uma prioridade baixa para todas as vers�es
-de pacote que perten�am a qualquer distribui��o cujo nome do Reposit�rio
-seja "<literal/unstable/".
-Package: *
-Pin: release a=unstable
-Pin-Priority: 50
-O registro a seguir atribui uma prioridade alta para todas as vers�es de
-pacotes que perten�am a qualquer vers�o cujo nome do Reposit�rio seja
-"<literal/stable/" e cujo n�mero de vers�o seja "<literal/3.0/".
-Package: *
-Pin: release a=unstable, v=3.0
-Pin-Priority: 50
-<Title>Como o APT Interpreta Prioridades</Title>
-Prioridades (P) atribu�das no arquivo de prefer�ncias do APT devem ser
-n�meros inteiros positivos ou negativos. Eles s�o interpretados como a
-seguir (a grosso modo):
-<term>P &gt; 1000</term>
-<listitem><simpara>faz com que uma inst�ncia seja instalada
-mesmo caso isso constitua um dowgrade do pacote</simpara></listitem>
-<term>990 &lt; P &lt;=1000</term>
-<listitem><simpara>faz com que uma vers�o seja instalada
-mesmo caso a mesma n�o venha de uma vers�o alvo,
-a menos que a vers�o instalada seja mais recente</simpara></listitem>
-<term>500 &lt; P &lt;=990</term>
-<listitem><simpara>faz com que uma vers�o seja instalada
-a menos que exista uma vers�o dispon�vel pertencente a vers�o
-alvo ou a vers�o instalada seja mais recente</simpara></listitem>
-<term>100 &lt; P &lt;=500</term>
-<listitem><simpara>faz com que uma vers�o seja instalada
-a menos que exista uma vers�o dispon�vel pertencente a alguma
-outra distribui��o ou a vers�o instalada seja mais recente</simpara></listitem>
-<term>0 &lt;= P &lt;=100</term>
-<listitem><simpara>faz com que uma vers�o seja instalada
-somente caso n�o exista uma vers�o instalada do pacote</simpara></listitem>
-<term>P &lt; 0</term>
-<listitem><simpara>impede a vers�o de ser instalada</simpara></listitem>
-Caso um dos registro de forma espec�fica descritos acima case (match) com
-uma vers�o dispon�vel do pacote ent�o o primeiro desses registros
-encontrados determinar� a prioridade da vers�o do pacote. Na falha desse
-cen�rio, caso quaisquer registros de forma gen�rica casem (match) com uma
-vers�o do pacote dispon�vel ent�o o primeiro desses registros encontrado
-determinar� a prioridade da vers�o do pacote.
-Por exemplo, suponha que o arquivo de prefer�ncias do APT contenha
-os tr�s registros apresentados anteriormente :
-Package: perl
-Pin: version 5.8*
-Pin-Priority: 1001
-Package: *
-Pin: origin ""
-Pin-Priority: 999
-Package: *
-Pin: release unstable
-Pin-Priority: 50
-Ent�o :
-<listitem><simpara>A vers�o mais recente dispon�vel do pacote
-<literal/perl/ ser� instalado, contanto que esse n�mero de vers�o da
-vers�o inicie com "<literal/5.8/". Caso <emphasis/qualquer/ vers�o 5.8*
-de <literal/perl/ esteja dispon�vel e a vers�o instalada seja 5.9*, ser�
-feito um downgrade do <literal/perl/.
-<listitem><simpara>Uma vers�o de qualquer pacote diferente de
-<literal/perl/ que esteja dispon�vel no sistema local possui prioridade
-sobre outras vers�es, mesmo vers�es pertencentes a vers�o alvo.
-<listitem><simpara>Uma vers�o de um pacote cuja origem n�o seja o sistema
-local mas sim algum outro site listado no arquivo &sources-list; e que
-perten�a a uma distribui��o <literal/unstable/ � instalada somente
-caso a mesma seja selecionada para instala��o e nenhuma vers�o do
-pacote j� esteja instalada.
-<Title>Determina��o da Vers�o do Pacote e Propriedades da Distribui��o</Title>
-As localidades listadas em um arquivo &sources-list; devem fornecer
-arquivos <filename>Packages</filename> e <filename>Release</filename> para
-descrever os pacotes dispon�veis nessas localidades.
-O arquivo <filename>Packages</filename> � normalmente encontrado no
-diret�rio <filename>.../dists/<replaceable>nome-distribui��o</replaceable>/<replaceable>componente</replaceable>/<replaceable>arquitetura</replaceable></filename> :
-por exemplo, <filename>.../dists/stable/main/binary-i386/Packages</filename>.
-O arquivo consiste de uma s�rie de registros de m�ltiplas linhas, uma para
-cada pacote dispon�vel no diret�rio. Somente duas linhas em cada registro
-s�o relevantes para definir prioridades do APT :
-<term>a linha <literal/Package:/</term>
-<listitem><simpara>informa o nome do pacote</simpara></listitem>
-<term>a linha <literal/Version:/</term>
-<listitem><simpara>informa o n�mero de vers�o do pacote</simpara></listitem>
-O arquivo <filename>Release</filename> � normalmente encontrado no
-<filename>.../dists/<replaceable>nome-distribui��o</replaceable></filename> :
-por exemplo, <filename>.../dists/stable/Release</filename>,
-ou <filename>.../dists/woody/Release</filename>.
-O arquivo consiste de um registro de m�ltiplas linhas o qual se aplica a
-<emphasis/todos/ os pacotes na �rvore de diret�rios abaixo de seu
-diret�rio pai. Diferente do arquivo <filename/Packages/, quase todas as
-linhas em um arquivo <filename/Release/ s�o relevantes para a defini��o de
-prioridades do APT :
-<term>a linha <literal/Archive:/</term>
-<listitem><simpara>d� nome ao reposit�rio para o qual todos os pacotes
-na �rvore de diret�rio pertencem. Por exemplo, a linha
-"Archive: stable"
-especifica que todos os pacotes na �rvore de diret�rio
-abaixo do diret�rio pai do arquivo <filename/Release/ est�o no
-resposit�rio <literal/stable/. Especificar esse valor no arquivo de
-prefer�ncias do APT iria requerer a linha :
-Pin: release a=stable
-<term>a linha <literal/Version:/</term>
-<listitem><simpara>d� nome a vers�o da distribui��o. Por exemplo, os
-pacote na �rvore podem pertencer a distribui��o Debian GNU/Linux vers�o
-3.0. Note que normalmente n�o existe n�mero de vers�o para as
-distribui��es <literal/testing/ e <literal/unstable/ devido as mesmas
-n�o terem sido lan�adas ainda. Especificar isso no arquivo de prefer�ncias
-do APT iria requerer uma das linhas a seguir.
-Pin: release v=3.0
-Pin: release a=stable v=3.0
-Pin: release 3.0
-<term>a linha <literal/Component:/</term>
-<listitem><simpara>d� nome ao componente de licenciamento associado com
-os pacotes na �rvore de diret�rio do arquivo <filename/Release/. Por
-exemplo, a linha "Component: main" especifica que todos os pacotes na
-�rvore de diret�rio s�o do componente <literal/main/, o que significa que
-as mesmas est�o licenciadas sob os termos da Linhas Guias Debian para o
-Software Livre (a DFSG). Especificar esse componente no arquivo de
-prefer�ncias do APT iria requerer a linha :
-Pin: release c=main
-<term>a linha <literal/Origin:/</term>
-<listitem><simpara>d� nome ao produtor dos pacotes na �rvore de diret�rio
-do arquivo <filename/Release/. O mais comum � esse valor ser
-<literal/Debian/. Especificar essa origem no arquivo de prefer�ncias do
-APT iria requerer a linha :
-Pin: release o=Debian
-<term>a linha <literal/Label:/</term>
-<listitem><simpara>d� nome ao r�tulo (label) dos pacotes na �rvore de
-diret�rio. O mais comum � esse valor ser <literal/Debian/. Especificar
-esse r�tulo (label) no arquivo de prefer�ncias do APT iria requerer a
-linha :
-Pin: release l=Debian
-Todos os arquivos <filename>Packages</filename> e
-<filename>Release</filename> obtidos das localidades listadas no arquivo
-&sources-list; s�o mantidos no diret�rio
-<filename>/var/lib/apt/lists</filename> ou no arquivo indicado pela vari�vel
-<literal/Dir::State::Lists/ no arquivo <filename/apt.conf/.
-Por exemplo, o arquivo
-cont�m o arquivo <filename>Release</filename> obtido do site
-<literal/ para a arquitetura <literal/binary-i386/,
-arquivos do componente <literal/contrib/ da distribui��o <literal/unstable/.
-<Title>Linhas Opcionais em um Registro de Prefer�ncias do APT</Title>
-Cada registro em um arquivo de prefer�ncias do APT pode opcionalmente
-iniciar com uma ou mais linhas iniciadas com a palavra
-<literal/Explanation:/. Isto oferece um local para inserir coment�rios.
-A linha <literal/Pin-Priority:/ em cada registro de prefer�ncias do
-APT � opcional. Caso omitida, o APT atribuir� uma prioridade de 1 menos o
-�ltimo valor especificado em uma linha iniciando com
-<literal/Pin-Priority: release .../.
-<Title>Acompanhando a Stable</Title>
-O arquivo de prefer�ncias do APT a seguir far� com que o APT atribua uma
-prioridade maior do que a prioridade padr�o (500) para todas as vers�es
-de pacotes pertencentes a distribui��o <literal/stable/ e uma prioridade
-proibitivamente baixa para vers�es de pacotes pertencentes a outras
-distribui��es <literal/Debian/.
-Explanation: Desinstala ou n�o instala nenhuma vers�o de pacote originada
-Explanation: do Debian a n�o ser aquelas na distribui��o stable
-Package: *
-Pin: release a=stable
-Pin-Priority: 900
-Package: *
-Pin: release o=Debian
-Pin-Priority: -10
-Com um arquivo &sources-list; apropriado e o arquivo de prefer�ncias
-acima, quaisquer um dos comandos a seguir far�o com que o APT atualize
-para a(s) ul�tma(s) vers�o(�es) <literal/stable/.
-apt-get install <replaceable>nome-pacote</replaceable>
-apt-get upgrade
-apt-get dist-upgrade
-O comando a seguir far� com que o APT atualize o pacote
-especificado para a �ltima vers�o da distribui��o <literal/testing/;
-o pacote n�o serpa atualizado novamente a menos que esse comando seja
-executado novamente.
-apt-get install <replaceable>pacote</replaceable>/testing
-<Title>Acompanhando a Testing</Title>
-O arquivo de prefer�ncias do APT a seguir far� com que o APT atribua uma
-prioridade maior para vers�es de pacote da distribui��o <literal/testing/,
-uma prioridade menor para vers�es de pacotes da distribui��o
-<literal/unstable/ e uma prioridade proibitivamente baixa para vers�es de
-pacotes de outras distribui��es <literal/Debian/.
-Package: *
-Pin: release a=testing
-Pin-Priority: 900
-Package: *
-Pin: release a=unstable
-Pin-Priority: 800
-Package: *
-Pin: release o=Debian
-Pin-Priority: -10
-Com um arquivo &sources-list; adequado e o arquivo de prefer�ncias do APT
-acima, quaisquer dos comandos a seguir far�o com que o APT atualize para
-a(s) �ltima(s) vers�o(�es) <literal/testing/.
-apt-get install <replaceable>nome-pacote</replaceable>
-apt-get upgrade
-apt-get dist-upgrade
-O comando a seguir far� com que o APT atualize o pacote especificado para
-a �ltima vers�o da distribui��o <literal/unstable/. Assim, o comando
-<command>apt-get upgrade</command> ir� atualizar o pacote para a vers�o
-<literal/testing/ mais recente caso essa vers�o seja mais recente que a
-vers�o instalada, caso n�o seja, o pacote ser� atualizado para a vers�o
-<literal/unstable/ mais recente caso a mesma seja mais recente que a
-vers�o instalada.
-apt-get install <replaceable>pacote</replaceable>/unstable
-<Title>Consulte tamb�m</Title>
-&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;
- &manbugs;
- &manauthor;
- &ptbr-mantranslator;
diff --git a/doc/pt_BR/makefile b/doc/pt_BR/makefile
index 4c9ea6293..6e485bbf6 100644
--- a/doc/pt_BR/makefile
+++ b/doc/pt_BR/makefile
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ SUBDIR=doc/pt_BR
# Bring in the default rules
include ../../buildlib/defaults.mak
-SOURCE = apt_preferences.pt_BR.5
-INCLUDES = apt.ent.pt_BR
-include $(SGML_MANPAGE_H)
+# Language Code of this translation
+include $(PO4A_MANPAGE_H)