diff options
3 files changed, 139 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/apt-pkg/deb/ b/apt-pkg/deb/
index 25a1e6055..78b777140 100644
--- a/apt-pkg/deb/
+++ b/apt-pkg/deb/
@@ -1525,28 +1525,18 @@ bool pkgDPkgPM::GoNoABIBreak(APT::Progress::PackageManager *progress)
// here but keep the loop going and just report it as a error
// for later
bool const stopOnError = _config->FindB("Dpkg::StopOnError",true);
- if(stopOnError)
- RunScripts("DPkg::Post-Invoke");
- if (WIFSIGNALED(Status) != 0 && WTERMSIG(Status) == SIGSEGV)
+ if (WIFSIGNALED(Status) != 0 && WTERMSIG(Status) == SIGSEGV)
strprintf(d->dpkg_error, "Sub-process %s received a segmentation fault.",Args[0]);
else if (WIFEXITED(Status) != 0)
strprintf(d->dpkg_error, "Sub-process %s returned an error code (%u)",Args[0],WEXITSTATUS(Status));
- else
+ else
strprintf(d->dpkg_error, "Sub-process %s exited unexpectedly",Args[0]);
+ _error->Error("%s", d->dpkg_error.c_str());
- if(d->dpkg_error.size() > 0)
- _error->Error("%s", d->dpkg_error.c_str());
- if(stopOnError)
- {
- CloseLog();
- StopPtyMagic();
- d->progress->Stop();
- return false;
- }
- }
+ if(stopOnError)
+ break;
+ }
// dpkg is done at this point
@@ -1577,7 +1567,7 @@ bool pkgDPkgPM::GoNoABIBreak(APT::Progress::PackageManager *progress)
- return true;
+ return d->dpkg_error.empty();
void SigINT(int sig) {
diff --git a/test/integration/test-apt-progress-fd-error-postinst b/test/integration/test-apt-progress-fd-error-postinst
deleted file mode 100755
index 0b6e70212..000000000
--- a/test/integration/test-apt-progress-fd-error-postinst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-TESTDIR=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0))
-. $TESTDIR/framework
-configarchitecture 'amd64' 'i386'
-mkdir -p DEBIAN/
-echo "#!/bin/sh\nexit 1" > DEBIAN/postinst
-chmod 755 DEBIAN/postinst
-buildsimplenativepackage 'postinst-error' 'amd64,i386' '0.8.15' 'stable' '' 'pkg with posinst error' '' '' './DEBIAN'
-exec 3> apt-progress.log
-testfailure aptget install postinst-error -y -o APT::Status-Fd=3
-msgtest "Ensure correct error message for postinst error"
-grep -q "pmerror:postinst-error :80:subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2" apt-progress.log && msgpass || msgfail
diff --git a/test/integration/test-failing-maintainer-scripts b/test/integration/test-failing-maintainer-scripts
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..cb82ebc7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/test-failing-maintainer-scripts
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+set -e
+TESTDIR=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0))
+. $TESTDIR/framework
+configarchitecture 'native'
+# create a bunch of failures
+createfailure() {
+ setupsimplenativepackage "failure-$1" 'native' '1.0' 'unstable' 'Depends: dependee'
+ BUILDDIR="incoming/failure-$1-1.0"
+ echo '#!/bin/sh
+exit 29' > ${BUILDDIR}/debian/$1
+ buildpackage "$BUILDDIR" 'unstable' 'main' 'native'
+ rm -rf "$BUILDDIR"
+buildsimplenativepackage 'dependee' 'native' '1.0' 'unstable'
+createfailure 'preinst'
+createfailure 'postinst'
+createfailure 'prerm'
+createfailure 'postrm'
+# create a library to noop chroot() and rewrite maintainer script executions
+# via execvp() as used by dpkg as we don't want our rootdir to be a fullblown
+# chroot directory dpkg could chroot into to execute the maintainer scripts
+cat << EOF > noopchroot.c
+#define _GNU_SOURCE
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+static char * chrootdir = NULL;
+int chroot(const char *path) {
+ printf("WARNING: CHROOTing to %s was ignored!\n", path);
+ free(chrootdir);
+ chrootdir = strdup(path);
+ return 0;
+int execvp(const char *file, char *const argv[]) {
+ static int (*func_execvp) (const char *, char * const []) = NULL;
+ if (func_execvp == NULL)
+ func_execvp = (int (*) (const char *, char * const [])) dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "execvp");
+ if (chrootdir == NULL || strncmp(file, "/var/lib/dpkg/", strlen("/var/lib/dpkg/")) != 0)
+ return func_execvp(file, argv);
+ printf("REWRITE execvp call %s into %s\n", file, chrootdir);
+ char newfile[strlen(chrootdir) + strlen(file)];
+ strcpy(newfile, chrootdir);
+ strcat(newfile, file);
+ return func_execvp(newfile, argv);
+testsuccess gcc -fPIC -shared -o noopchroot.c -ldl
+mkdir -p "${TMPWORKINGDIRECTORY}/rootdir/usr/bin/"
+echo "#!/bin/sh
+if [ -n \"\$LD_PRELOAD\" ]; then
+dpkg \"\$@\"" > $DPKG
+chmod +x $DPKG
+sed -ie "s|^DPKG::options:: \"dpkg\";\$|DPKG::options:: \"$DPKG\";|" aptconfig.conf
+# setup some pre- and post- invokes to check the output isn't garbled later
+echo '#!/bin/sh
+echo "$1: START"
+echo "$1: MaiN"
+echo "$1: ENd"' > $APTHOOK
+chmod +x $APTHOOK
+echo "DPKG::Pre-Invoke:: \"${APTHOOK} PRE\";
+DPKG::Post-Invoke:: \"${APTHOOK} POST\";" > rootdir/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99apthooks
+testmyfailure() {
+ local PROGRESS='rootdir/tmp/progress.log'
+ exec 3> $PROGRESS
+ testfailure "$@" -o APT::Status-Fd=3
+ msgtest 'Test for failure message of maintainerscript in' 'console log'
+ local TEST='rootdir/tmp/testfailure.output'
+ if grep -q 'exit status 29$' "$TEST"; then
+ msgpass
+ else
+ cat $TEST
+ msgfail
+ fi
+ msgtest 'Test for proper execution of invoke scripts in' 'console log'
+ if grep -q '^PRE: START$' $TEST &&
+ grep -q '^PRE: MaiN$' $TEST &&
+ grep -q '^PRE: ENd$' $TEST &&
+ grep -q '^POST: START$' $TEST &&
+ grep -q '^POST: MaiN$' $TEST &&
+ grep -q '^POST: ENd$' $TEST; then
+ msgpass
+ else
+ cat $TEST
+ msgfail
+ fi
+ msgtest 'Test for failure message of maintainerscript in' 'progress log'
+ if grep -q '^pmerror:.\+exit status 29$' "$PROGRESS"; then
+ msgpass
+ else
+ msgfail
+ fi
+ testmarkedauto 'dependee'
+cp -a rootdir/var/lib/dpkg/status rootdir/var/lib/dpkg/status.backup
+testmyfailure aptget install failure-preinst -y
+cp -a rootdir/var/lib/dpkg/status.backup rootdir/var/lib/dpkg/status
+testmyfailure aptget install failure-postinst -y
+cp -a rootdir/var/lib/dpkg/status.backup rootdir/var/lib/dpkg/status
+testsuccess aptget install failure-prerm -y
+testdpkginstalled failure-prerm
+testmyfailure aptget purge failure-prerm -y
+cp -a rootdir/var/lib/dpkg/status.backup rootdir/var/lib/dpkg/status
+testsuccess aptget install failure-postrm -y
+testdpkginstalled failure-postrm
+testmyfailure aptget purge failure-postrm -y
+# FIXME: test with output going to a PTY as it usually does
+#cp -a rootdir/var/lib/dpkg/status.backup rootdir/var/lib/dpkg/status
+#aptget install failure-preinst -y