path: root/apt-pkg
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'apt-pkg')
11 files changed, 484 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/apt-pkg/ b/apt-pkg/
index 215615bdd..b85e5d19b 100644
--- a/apt-pkg/
+++ b/apt-pkg/
@@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ void pkgAcqIndexDiffs::Done(string Message,unsigned long Size,string Md5Hash, /*
// rred excepts the patch as $FinalFile.ed
+ std::clog << " Sending to rred method FinalFile: " << FinalFile << std::endl;
std::clog << "Sending to rred method: " << FinalFile << std::endl;
@@ -2066,7 +2066,305 @@ string pkgAcqFile::Custom600Headers()
return "\nIndex-File: true";
return "";
- /*}}}*/
+pkgAcqDebdelta::pkgAcqDebdelta(pkgAcquire *Owner,pkgSourceList *Sources,
+ pkgRecords *Recs,pkgCache::VerIterator const &Version,
+ string &StoreFilename) :
+ Item(Owner), Version(Version), Sources(Sources), Recs(Recs),
+ StoreFilename(StoreFilename), Vf(Version.FileList()),
+ Trusted(false)
+ DebdeltaName = string(Version.ParentPkg().Name()) + "_"
+ + string(Version.ParentPkg().CurVersion()) + "_"
+ + string(Version.ParentPkg().CandVersion()) + "_"
+ + string(Version.Arch()) + ".debdelta";
+ Retries = _config->FindI("Acquire::Retries",0);
+ Debug = true;
+ if (Version.Arch() == 0)
+ {
+ _error->Error(_("I wasn't able to locate a file for the %s package. "
+ "This might mean you need to manually fix this package. "
+ "(due to missing arch)"),
+ Version.ParentPkg().Name());
+ return;
+ }
+ /* We need to find a filename to determine the extension. We make the
+ assumption here that all the available sources for this version share
+ the same extension.. */
+ // Skip not source sources, they do not have file fields.
+ for (; Vf.end() == false; Vf++)
+ {
+ if ((Vf.File()->Flags & pkgCache::Flag::NotSource) != 0)
+ continue;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Does not really matter here.. we are going to fail out below
+ if (Vf.end() != true)
+ {
+ // If this fails to get a file name we will bomb out below.
+ pkgRecords::Parser &Parse = Recs->Lookup(Vf);
+ if (_error->PendingError() == true)
+ return;
+ DebdeltaName = StoreFilename = QuoteString(DebdeltaName, ":");
+ DestFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::Cache::Archives") + "partial/" + flNotDir(StoreFilename);
+ }
+ // check if we have one trusted source for the package. if so, switch
+ // to "TrustedOnly" mode
+ for (pkgCache::VerFileIterator i = Version.FileList(); i.end() == false; i++)
+ {
+ pkgIndexFile *Index;
+ if (Sources->FindIndex(i.File(),Index) == false)
+ continue;
+ if (_config->FindB("Debug::pkgAcquire::Auth", false))
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Checking index: " << Index->Describe()
+ << "(Trusted=" << Index->IsTrusted() << ")\n";
+ }
+ if (Index->IsTrusted()) {
+ Trusted = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // "allow-unauthenticated" restores apts old fetching behaviour
+ // that means that e.g. unauthenticated file:// uris are higher
+ // priority than authenticated http:// uris
+ if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::AllowUnauthenticated",false) == true)
+ Trusted = false;
+ if (Debug) {
+ std::cerr << "\n[Debdelta] pkgAcqDebdelta::pkgAcqDebdelta()" << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << " DebdeltaName : " << DebdeltaName << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << " StoreFilename: " << StoreFilename << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << " DestFile : " << DestFile << std::endl;
+ }
+ DebdeltaStatus = Fetching;
+ if (QueueNext() == false && _error->PendingError() == false)
+ _error->Error(_("I wasn't able to locate a file for the %s package. "
+ "This might mean you need to manually fix this package."),
+ Version.ParentPkg().Name());
+bool pkgAcqDebdelta::QueueNext()
+ string const ForceHash = _config->Find("Acquire::ForceHash");
+ for (; Vf.end() == false; Vf++)
+ {
+ // Ignore not source sources
+ if ((Vf.File()->Flags & pkgCache::Flag::NotSource) != 0)
+ continue;
+ // Try to cross match against the source list
+ pkgIndexFile *Index;
+ if (Sources->FindIndex(Vf.File(),Index) == false)
+ continue;
+ // only try to get a trusted package from another source if that source
+ // is also trusted
+ if(Trusted && !Index->IsTrusted())
+ continue;
+ // Grab the text package record
+ pkgRecords::Parser &Parse = Recs->Lookup(Vf);
+ if (_error->PendingError() == true)
+ return false;
+ string PkgFile = Parse.FileName();
+ //std::cerr << " PkgFile:" << PkgFile << std::endl;
+ if (ForceHash.empty() == false)
+ {
+ if(stringcasecmp(ForceHash, "sha256") == 0)
+ ExpectedHash = HashString("SHA256", Parse.SHA256Hash());
+ else if (stringcasecmp(ForceHash, "sha1") == 0)
+ ExpectedHash = HashString("SHA1", Parse.SHA1Hash());
+ else
+ ExpectedHash = HashString("MD5Sum", Parse.MD5Hash());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ string Hash;
+ if ((Hash = Parse.SHA256Hash()).empty() == false)
+ ExpectedHash = HashString("SHA256", Hash);
+ else if ((Hash = Parse.SHA1Hash()).empty() == false)
+ ExpectedHash = HashString("SHA1", Hash);
+ else
+ ExpectedHash = HashString("MD5Sum", Parse.MD5Hash());
+ }
+ if (PkgFile.empty() == true)
+ return _error->Error(_("The package index files are corrupted. No Filename: "
+ "field for package %s."),
+ Version.ParentPkg().Name());
+ // See if we already have the deb
+ FileSize = Version->Size;
+ string FinalFile = _config->FindDir("Dir::Cache::Archives") + flNotDir(PkgFile);
+ struct stat Buf;
+ if (stat(FinalFile.c_str(),&Buf) == 0)
+ {
+ if (Debug)
+ std::cerr << "[Debdelta] File already exists. " << FinalFile << std::endl;
+ // TODO: check if this ok. Make sure the size matches
+ if ((unsigned)Buf.st_size == Version->Size)
+ {
+ Complete = true;
+ Local = true;
+ Status = StatDone;
+ DebdeltaStatus = Completed;
+ StoreFilename = DestFile = FinalFile;
+ return true;
+ }
+ /* Hmm, we have a file and its size does not match, this means it is
+ an old style mismatched arch */
+ unlink(FinalFile.c_str());
+ }
+ // Create the item
+ Local = false;
+ // See if we already have the debdelta in the partial dir.
+ if (FileExists(DestFile))
+ {
+ // TODO: verify the sum/size of it.
+ if (Debug)
+ std::cerr << "[Debdelta] File already exists. " << DestFile << std::endl;
+ Desc.URI = "debdelta:" + DestFile;
+ Mode = "debdelta";
+ DebdeltaStatus = Patching;
+ Local = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Desc.URI = flNotFile(Index->ArchiveURI(PkgFile)) + DebdeltaName;
+ ReplaceURI();
+ }
+ Desc.Description = "[Debdelta] " + Index->ArchiveInfo(Version);
+ Desc.Owner = this;
+ Desc.ShortDesc = "[Debdelta] " + string(Version.ParentPkg().Name());
+ if (Debug) {
+ std::cerr << "[Debdelta] pkgAcqDebdelta::QueueNext()" << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << " DestFile : " << DestFile << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << " Desc.URI : " << Desc.URI << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << " StoreFileName: " << StoreFilename << std::endl;
+ }
+ Vf++;
+ QueueURI(Desc);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void pkgAcqDebdelta::Failed(string Message,pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf)
+ if (Debug) {
+ std::cerr << "\n[Debdelta] Failed to download " << Desc.URI << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "[Debdelta] Message:\n" << Message << std::endl;
+ }
+ // TODO: find out what went wrong and display to the user
+ new pkgAcqArchive(Owner, Sources, Recs, Version, StoreFilename);
+ Complete = false;
+ Status = StatError;
+ DebdeltaStatus = FetchingFailure;
+ Item::Failed(Message, Cnf);
+ Dequeue();
+void pkgAcqDebdelta::Done(string Message,unsigned long Size,string Hash,
+ pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf)
+ // TODO: there must be two stages within this method.
+ // one for downloading debdelta. another for verifying the resulting .deb
+ if (Debug) std::cerr << "[Debdelta] pkgAcqDebdelta::Done() state: " << DebdeltaStatus << std::endl;
+ // Grab the output filename
+ string FileName = LookupTag(Message,"Filename");
+ if (Debug) {
+ std::cerr << " StoreFileName: " << StoreFilename
+ << "\n DestFile : " << DestFile
+ << "\n Desc.URI : " << Desc.URI
+ << "\n FileName : " << FileName << std::endl;
+ }
+ if (DebdeltaStatus == Patching)
+ {
+ if (Debug) std::cerr << "[Debdelta] Patching Done. Verifying "<< FileName << "..." << std::endl;
+ if (ExpectedHash.toStr() != Hash)
+ {
+ Status = StatError;
+ ErrorText = _("[Debdelta] Hash Sum mismatch");
+ if(FileExists(DestFile))
+ if (!Local)
+ Rename(DestFile, DestFile + ".FAILED");
+ //return; // TODO: UNCOMMENT
+ }
+ // Check the size
+ if (Size != Version->Size)
+ {
+ Status = StatError;
+ ErrorText = _("[Debdelta] Size mismatch");
+ //return; // TODO: UNCOMMEnT
+ }
+ DebdeltaStatus = Completed;
+ Complete = true;
+ Status = StatDone;
+ StoreFilename = FileName;
+ Item::Done(Message,Size,Hash,Cnf);
+ return;
+ }
+ // TODO: Check the sum/size
+ //std::cerr << "[Debdelta] Verifying " << DestFile << std::endl;
+ if (FileName.empty() == true)
+ {
+ Status = StatError;
+ ErrorText = "[Debdelta] Method gave a blank filename";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (FileName != DestFile) // this is set in the file/http methods
+ {
+ // file => FileName != DestFile (i.e. FileName is the local file)
+ // http => FileName == DestFile (i.e. FileName is some local place. may be within "partial" dir)
+ Local = true;
+ }
+ DebdeltaStatus = Patching;
+ Rename(DestFile, FileName);
+ DestFile = StoreFilename = FileName;
+ chmod(DestFile.c_str(), 0644);
+ Desc.URI = "debdelta:" + StoreFilename;
+ Mode = "debdelta";
+ QueueURI(Desc);
+void pkgAcqDebdelta::Finished()
+ if (Debug)
+ std::cerr << "[Debdelta] pkgAcqDebdelta::Finished() state: " << DebdeltaStatus << std::endl;
+ if (Status == pkgAcquire::Item::StatDone &&
+ Complete == true)
+ return;
+ StoreFilename = string();
+bool pkgAcqDebdelta::ReplaceURI()
+ const Configuration::Item* item = _config->Tree("Aquire::Debdelta::Replace-Rule");
+ for (item = item->Child; item != 0; item = item->Next)
+ {
+ size_t pos = 0;
+ // see if the Des.URI is available in the URI-Space
+ if ((pos = Desc.URI.find(item->Tag, pos)) != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ Desc.URI.replace(pos, item->Tag.length(), item->Value);
+ if (Debug)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "[Debdelta] Replaced " << item->Tag << " => " << item->Value << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << " New URI: " << Desc.URI << std::endl;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return _error->Error("[Debdelta] Could not find a replacement URI.");
bool IndexTarget::IsOptional() const {
if (strncmp(ShortDesc.c_str(), "Translation", 11) != 0)
return false;
diff --git a/apt-pkg/acquire-item.h b/apt-pkg/acquire-item.h
index f763577ee..aa852ccc9 100644
--- a/apt-pkg/acquire-item.h
+++ b/apt-pkg/acquire-item.h
@@ -1018,6 +1018,114 @@ class pkgAcqFile : public pkgAcquire::Item
bool IsIndexFile=false);
+/** \brief An item that is responsible for fetching a debdelta file. {{{
+ *
+ * If the package file already exists in the cache, nothing will be
+ * done
+ */
+class pkgAcqDebdelta : public pkgAcquire::Item
+ protected:
+ string DebdeltaName;
+ /** \brief The package version being fetched. */
+ pkgCache::VerIterator Version;
+ /** \brief The fetch command that is currently being processed. */
+ pkgAcquire::ItemDesc Desc;
+ /** \brief The list of sources from which to pick archives to
+ * download this package from.
+ */
+ pkgSourceList *Sources;
+ /** \brief A package records object, used to look up the file
+ * corresponding to each version of the package.
+ */
+ pkgRecords *Recs;
+ /** \brief The hashsum of this package. */
+ HashString ExpectedHash;
+ /** \brief A location in which the actual filename of the package
+ * should be stored.
+ */
+ string &StoreFilename;
+ /** \brief The next file for this version to try to download. */
+ pkgCache::VerFileIterator Vf;
+ /** \brief How many (more) times to try to find a new source from
+ * which to download this package version if it fails.
+ *
+ * Set from Acquire::Retries.
+ */
+ unsigned int Retries;
+ /** \brief \b true if this version file is being downloaded from a
+ * trusted source.
+ */
+ bool Trusted;
+ /**
+ * \brief used to debug the class
+ */
+ bool Debug;
+ /** \brief Queue up the next available file for this version. */
+ bool QueueNext();
+ public:
+ virtual void Failed(string Message,pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf);
+ virtual void Done(string Message,unsigned long Size,string Hash,
+ pkgAcquire::MethodConfig *Cnf);
+ virtual string DescURI() {return Desc.URI;};
+ virtual string ShortDesc() {return Desc.ShortDesc;};
+ virtual void Finished();
+ virtual string HashSum() {return ExpectedHash.toStr(); };
+ virtual bool IsTrusted() {return Trusted;};
+ virtual bool ReplaceURI();
+ /** \brief Create a new pkgAcqArchive.
+ *
+ * \param Owner The pkgAcquire object with which this item is
+ * associated.
+ *
+ * \param Sources The sources from which to download version
+ * files.
+ *
+ * \param Recs A package records object, used to look up the file
+ * corresponding to each version of the package.
+ *
+ * \param Version The package version to download.
+ *
+ * \param StoreFilename A location in which the actual filename of
+ * the package should be stored. It will be set to a guessed
+ * basename in the constructor, and filled in with a fully
+ * qualified filename once the download finishes.
+ */
+ pkgAcqDebdelta(pkgAcquire *Owner,pkgSourceList *Sources,
+ pkgRecords *Recs,pkgCache::VerIterator const &Version,
+ string &StoreFilename);
+ enum DebdeltaState
+ {
+ Fetching,
+ Patching,
+ Completed,
+ FetchingFailure
+ } DebdeltaStatus;
+ /*}}}*/
+/** \brief Retrieve an arbitrary file to the current directory. {{{
+ *
+ * The file is retrieved even if it is accessed via a URL type that
+ * normally is a NOP, such as "file". If the download fails, the
+ * partial file is renamed to get a ".FAILED" extension.
+ */
+class pkgAcqDebdeltaIndex : public pkgAcquire::Item
+ /*}}}*/
/** @} */
diff --git a/apt-pkg/ b/apt-pkg/
index 75e03232a..1a17dfa5c 100644
--- a/apt-pkg/
+++ b/apt-pkg/
@@ -332,6 +332,7 @@ bool pkgAcquire::Worker::RunMessages()
// 400 URI Failure
case 400:
+ std::cerr <<" 400 URI Failure" << std::endl;
if (Itm == 0)
_error->Error("Method gave invalid 400 URI Failure message");
@@ -364,11 +365,13 @@ bool pkgAcquire::Worker::RunMessages()
// 401 General Failure
case 401:
+ std::cerr <<" 401 General Failure" << std::endl;
_error->Error("Method %s General failure: %s",Access.c_str(),LookupTag(Message,"Message").c_str());
// 403 Media Change
case 403:
+ std::cerr <<" 403 Media Change" << std::endl;
diff --git a/apt-pkg/ b/apt-pkg/
index 9478cdfb4..7596aa956 100644
--- a/apt-pkg/
+++ b/apt-pkg/
@@ -228,9 +228,10 @@ void pkgAcquire::Enqueue(ItemDesc &Item)
// Some trace stuff
if (Debug == true)
- clog << "Fetching " << Item.URI << endl;
- clog << " to " << Item.Owner->DestFile << endl;
- clog << " Queue is: " << Name << endl;
+ clog << "pkgAcquire::Enqueue()" << endl;
+ clog << " Fetching " << Item.URI << endl;
+ clog << " to " << Item.Owner->DestFile << endl;
+ clog << " Queue is: " << Name << endl;
diff --git a/apt-pkg/ b/apt-pkg/
index 964c5bd8b..a253f17f6 100644
--- a/apt-pkg/
+++ b/apt-pkg/
@@ -50,23 +50,23 @@ pkgCacheFile::~pkgCacheFile()
/* */
bool pkgCacheFile::BuildCaches(OpProgress *Progress, bool WithLock)
- if (Cache != NULL)
- return true;
- if (_config->FindB("pkgCacheFile::Generate", true) == false)
- {
- Map = new MMap(*new FileFd(_config->FindFile("Dir::Cache::pkgcache"),
- FileFd::ReadOnly),MMap::Public|MMap::ReadOnly);
- Cache = new pkgCache(Map);
- if (_error->PendingError() == true)
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- const bool ErrorWasEmpty = _error->empty();
- if (WithLock == true)
- if (_system->Lock() == false)
- return false;
+ if (Cache != NULL)
+ return true;
+ if (_config->FindB("pkgCacheFile::Generate", true) == false)
+ {
+ Map = new MMap(*new FileFd(_config->FindFile("Dir::Cache::pkgcache"),
+ FileFd::ReadOnly),MMap::Public|MMap::ReadOnly);
+ Cache = new pkgCache(Map);
+ if (_error->PendingError() == true)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ const bool ErrorWasEmpty = _error->empty();
+ if (WithLock == true)
+ if (_system->Lock() == false)
+ return false;
if (_config->FindB("Debug::NoLocking",false) == true)
WithLock = false;
diff --git a/apt-pkg/contrib/ b/apt-pkg/contrib/
index 50019872e..f65f7cf28 100644
--- a/apt-pkg/contrib/
+++ b/apt-pkg/contrib/
@@ -275,7 +275,22 @@ bool CreateDirectory(string const &Parent, string const &Path)
return true;
- /*}}}*/
+// Rename - Rename a file /*{{{*/
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* This helper function is used by alot of item methods as thier final
+ step */
+bool Rename(string From, string To)
+ if (rename(From.c_str(),To.c_str()) != 0)
+ {
+ return _error->Error("Rename failed. %s (%s -> %s).",strerror(errno),
+ From.c_str(),To.c_str());
+ }
+ return true;
// CreateAPTDirectoryIfNeeded - ensure that the given directory exists /*{{{*/
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
/* a small wrapper around CreateDirectory to check if it exists and to
diff --git a/apt-pkg/contrib/fileutl.h b/apt-pkg/contrib/fileutl.h
index cde288ad2..7c1127798 100644
--- a/apt-pkg/contrib/fileutl.h
+++ b/apt-pkg/contrib/fileutl.h
@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ bool FileExists(string File);
bool RealFileExists(string File);
bool DirectoryExists(string const &Path) __attrib_const;
bool CreateDirectory(string const &Parent, string const &Path);
+bool Rename(string From, string To);
/** \brief Ensure the existence of the given Path
diff --git a/apt-pkg/deb/ b/apt-pkg/deb/
index c9e7f1176..057a99a86 100644
--- a/apt-pkg/deb/
+++ b/apt-pkg/deb/
@@ -176,8 +176,14 @@ debPackagesIndex::debPackagesIndex(string const &URI, string const &Dist, string
bool const &Trusted, string const &Arch) :
pkgIndexFile(Trusted), URI(URI), Dist(Dist), Section(Section), Architecture(Arch)
- if (Architecture == "native")
- Architecture = _config->Find("APT::Architecture");
+ if (Architecture == "native")
+ Architecture = _config->Find("APT::Architecture");
+ string ReplacementItem = "Aquire::Debdelta::Replace-Rule::" + URI;//::URI::URI(URI);
+ string ReplacementDefault = _config->Find("Aquire::Debdelta::Replace-Rule::Default");
+ _config->Set(ReplacementItem, _config->Find(ReplacementItem, ReplacementDefault));
+ //std::cerr << "==== Replacement rule: " << ReplacementItem
+ // << " => "<< ReplacementDefault << std::endl;
// PackagesIndex::ArchiveInfo - Short version of the archive url /*{{{*/
diff --git a/apt-pkg/deb/ b/apt-pkg/deb/
index a91cc34e9..b9946bc16 100644
--- a/apt-pkg/deb/
+++ b/apt-pkg/deb/
@@ -425,8 +425,27 @@ class debSLTypeDebSrc : public debSLTypeDebian
Name = "deb-src";
Label = "Standard Debian source tree";
- }
+ }
+class debSLTypeDebdelta : public debSLTypeDebian
+ bool CreateItem(vector<metaIndex *> &List, string const &URI,
+ string const &Dist, string const &Section,
+ std::map<string, string> const &Options) const
+ {
+ return CreateItemInternal(List, URI, Dist, Section, false, Options);
+ }
+ debSLTypeDebdelta()
+ {
+ Name = "debdelta";
+ Label = "Standard Debdelta tree";
+ }
debSLTypeDeb _apt_DebType;
debSLTypeDebSrc _apt_DebSrcType;
+debSLTypeDebdelta _apt_DebdeltaType; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apt-pkg/ b/apt-pkg/
index 38a0814e5..4d2eae913 100644
--- a/apt-pkg/
+++ b/apt-pkg/
@@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ bool pkgInitConfig(Configuration &Cnf)
Cnf.CndSet("APT::Install-Suggests", false);
+ // Debdelta replacement rule
+ Cnf.Set("Aquire::Debdelta::Replace-Rule::Default", "");//
+ Cnf.Set("Aquire::Debdelta::Replace-Rule::", ""); // =>
// State
diff --git a/apt-pkg/ b/apt-pkg/
index fe9f6eb68..9982dc737 100644
--- a/apt-pkg/
+++ b/apt-pkg/
@@ -80,8 +80,10 @@ bool pkgPackageManager::GetArchives(pkgAcquire *Owner,pkgSourceList *Sources,
// Skip already processed packages
if (List->IsNow(Pkg) == false)
- new pkgAcqArchive(Owner,Sources,Recs,Cache[Pkg].InstVerIter(Cache),
+ //new pkgAcqArchive(Owner,Sources,Recs,Cache[Pkg].InstVerIter(Cache),
+ // FileNames[Pkg->ID]);
+ new pkgAcqDebdelta(Owner,Sources,Recs,Cache[Pkg].InstVerIter(Cache),