path: root/doc/examples
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/examples')
7 files changed, 833 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/examples/CMakeLists.txt b/doc/examples/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1998867db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/examples/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+install(FILES apt.conf apt-https-method-example.conf configure-index preferences
+install(FILES apt-ftparchive.conf ftp-archive.conf
+ DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DOCDIR}/../apt-utils/examples)
diff --git a/doc/examples/apt-ftparchive.conf b/doc/examples/apt-ftparchive.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0e8bcb2ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/examples/apt-ftparchive.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// This config is for use with the pool-structure for the packages, thus we
+// don't use a Tree Section in here
+// The debian archive should be in the current working dir
+Dir {
+ ArchiveDir ".";
+ CacheDir ".";
+// Create Packages, Packages.gz and Packages.xz, remove/add as needed
+Default {
+ Packages::Compress ". gzip xz";
+ Sources::Compress ". gzip xz";
+ Contents::Compress ". gzip xz";
+// Includes the main section. You can structure the directory tree under
+// ./pool/main any way you like, apt-ftparchive will take any deb (and
+// source package) it can find. This creates a Packages a Sources and a
+// Contents file for these in the main section of the sid release
+BinDirectory "pool/main" {
+ Packages "dists/sid/main/binary-i386/Packages";
+ Sources "dists/sid/main/source/Sources";
+ Contents "dists/sid/main/Contents-i386";
+// This is the same for the contrib section
+BinDirectory "pool/contrib" {
+ Packages "dists/sid/contrib/binary-i386/Packages";
+ Sources "dists/sid/contrib/source/Sources";
+ Contents "dists/sid/contrib/Contents-i386";
+// This is the same for the non-free section
+BinDirectory "pool/non-free" {
+ Packages "dists/sid/non-free/binary-i386/Packages";
+ Sources "dists/sid/non-free/source/Sources";
+ Contents "dists/sid/non-free/Contents-i386";
+// By default all Packages should have the extension ".deb"
+Default {
+ Packages {
+ Extensions ".deb";
+ };
diff --git a/doc/examples/apt-https-method-example.conf b/doc/examples/apt-https-method-example.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a03766746
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/examples/apt-https-method-example.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+/* This file is a sample configuration for apt https method. Configuration
+ parameters found in this example file are expected to be used in main
+ apt.conf file, just like other configuration parameters for different
+ methods (ftp, file, ...).
+ This example file starts with a common setup that voluntarily exhibits
+ all available configurations knobs with simple comments. Extended
+ comments on the behavior of the option is provided at the end for
+ better readability. As a matter of fact, a common configuration file
+ will certainly contain far less elements and benefit of default values
+ for many parameters.
+ Because some configuration parameters for apt https method in following
+ examples apply to specific (fictional) repositories, the associated
+ sources.list file is provided here:
+ ...
+ deb https://secure.dom1.tld/debian unstable main contrib non-free
+ deb-src https://secure.dom1.tld/debian unstable main contrib non-free
+ deb https://secure.dom2.tld/debian unstable main contrib non-free
+ deb-src https://secure.dom2.tld/debian unstable main contrib non-free
+ ...
+ Some notes on the servers:
+ - secure.dom1.tld is freely accessible using https (no client
+ authentication is required).
+ - secure.dom1.tld certificate is part of a multi level PKI, and we
+ want to specifically check the issuer of its certificate. We do
+ not have the constraint for secure.dom2.tld
+ - secure.dom2.tld requires client authentication by certificate
+ to access its content.
+ - The certificate presented by both server have (as expected) a CN that
+ matches their respective DNS names.
+ - We have CRL available for both dom1.tld and dom2.tld PKI, and intend
+ to use them.
+ - It sometimes happens that we had other more generic https available
+ repository to our list. We want the checks to be performed against
+ a common list of anchors (like the one provided by ca-certificates
+ package for instance)
+ The sample configuration below basically covers those simple needs.
+// Verify peer certificate and also matching between certificate name
+// and server name as provided in sources.list (default values)
+Acquire::https::Verify-Peer "true";
+Acquire::https::Verify-Host "true";
+// Except otherwise specified, use that list of anchors
+Acquire::https::CaInfo "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.pem";
+// Use a specific anchor and associated CRL. Enforce issuer of
+// server certificate using its cert.
+Acquire::https::secure.dom1.tld::CaInfo "/etc/apt/certs/ca-dom1-crt.pem";
+Acquire::https::secure.dom1.tld::CrlFile "/etc/apt/certs/ca-dom1-crl.pem";
+Acquire::https::secure.dom1.tld::IssuerCert "/etc/apt/certs/secure.dom1-issuer-crt.pem";
+// Like previous for anchor and CRL, but also provide our
+// certificate and keys for client authentication.
+Acquire::https::secure.dom2.tld::CaInfo "/etc/apt/certs/ca-dom2-crt.pem";
+Acquire::https::secure.dom2.tld::CrlFile "/etc/apt/certs/ca-dom2-crl.pem";
+Acquire::https::secure.dom2.tld::SslCert "/etc/apt/certs/my-crt.pem";
+Acquire::https::secure.dom2.tld::SslKey "/etc/apt/certs/my-key.pem";
+// No need to downgrade, TLS will be proposed by default. Uncomment
+// to have SSLv3 proposed.
+// Acquire::https::mirror.ipv6.ssi.corp::SslForceVersion "SSLv3";
+// No need for more debug if every is fine (default). Uncomment
+// me to get additional information.
+// Debug::Acquire::https "true";
+ Options with extended comments:
+ Acquire::https[::repo.domain.tld]::CaInfo "/path/to/ca/certs.pem";
+ A string providing the path of a file containing the list of trusted
+ CA certificates used to verify the server certificate. The pointed
+ file is made of the concatenation of the CA certificates (in
+ PEM format) creating the chain used for the verification of the path
+ from the root (self signed one). If the remote server provides the
+ whole chain during the exchange, the file need only contain the root
+ certificate. Otherwise, the whole chain is required.
+ If you need to support multiple authorities, the only way is to
+ concatenate everything.
+ If None is provided, the default CA bundle used by GnuTLS (apt https
+ method is linked against libcurl-gnutls) is used. At the time of
+ writing, /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt.
+ If no specific hostname is provided, the file is used by default
+ for all https targets. If a specific mirror is provided, it is
+ used for the https entries in the sources.list file that use that
+ repository (with the same name).
+ Acquire::https[::repo.domain.tld]::CrlFile "/path/to/all/crl.pem";
+ Like previous knob but for passing the list of CRL files (in PEM
+ format) to be used to verify revocation status. Again, if the
+ option is defined with no specific mirror (probably makes little
+ sense), this CRL information is used for all defined https entries
+ in sources.list file. In a mirror specific context, it only applies
+ to that mirror.
+ Acquire::https[::repo.domain.tld]::IssuerCert "/path/to/issuer/cert.pem";
+ Allows to constrain the issuer of the server certificate (for all
+ https mirrors or a specific one) to a specific issuer. If the
+ server certificate has not been issued by this certificate,
+ connection fails.
+ Acquire::https[::repo.domain.tld]::Verify-Peer "true";
+ When authenticating the server, if the certificate verification fails
+ for some reason (expired, revoked, man in the middle, lack of anchor,
+ ...), the connection fails. This is obviously what you want in all
+ cases and what the default value (true) of this option provides.
+ If you know EXACTLY what you are doing, setting this option to "false"
+ allow you to skip peer certificate verification and make the exchange
+ succeed. Again, this option is for debugging or testing purpose only.
+ It removes ALL the security provided by the use of SSL.TLS to secure
+ the HTTP exchanges.
+ Acquire::https[::repo.domain.tld]::Verify-Host "true";
+ The certificate provided by the server during the TLS/SSL exchange
+ provides the identity of the server which should match the DNS name
+ used to access it. By default, as requested by RFC 2818, the name
+ of the mirror is checked against the identity found in the
+ certificate. This default behavior is safe and should not be
+ changed. If you know that the server you are using has a DNS name
+ which does not match the identity in its certificate, you can
+ [report that issue to its administrator or] set the option to
+ "false", which will prevent the comparison to be done.
+ The options can be set globally or on a per-mirror basis. If set
+ globally, the DNS name used is the one found in the sources.list
+ file in the https URI.
+ Acquire::https[::repo.domain.tld]::SslCert "/path/to/client/cert.pem";
+ Acquire::https[::repo.domain.tld]::SslKey "/path/to/client/key.pem";
+ These two options provides support for client authentication using
+ certificates. They respectively accept the X.509 client certificate
+ in PEM format and the associated client key in PEM format (non
+ encrypted form).
+ The options can be set globally (which rarely makes sense) or on a
+ per-mirror basis.
+ Acquire::https[::repo.domain.tld]::SslForceVersion "TLSv1";
+ This option can be use to select the version which will be proposed
+ to the server. "SSLv3" and "TLSv1" are supported. SSLv2, which is
+ considered insecure anyway is not supported (by gnutls, which is
+ used by libcurl against which apt https method is linked).
+ When the option is set to "SSLv3" to have apt propose SSLv3 (and
+ associated sets of ciphersuites) instead of TLSv1 (the default)
+ when performing the exchange. This prevents the server to select
+ TLSv1 and use associated ciphersuites. You should probably not use
+ this option except if you know exactly what you are doing.
+ Note that the default setting does not guarantee that the server
+ will not select SSLv3 (for ciphersuites and SSL/TLS version as
+ selection is always done by the server, in the end). It only means
+ that apt will not advertise TLS support.
+ Debug::Acquire::https "true";
+ This option can be used to show debug information. Because it is
+ quite verbose, it is mainly useful to debug problems in case of
+ failure to connect to a server for some reason. The default value
+ is "false".
diff --git a/doc/examples/apt.conf b/doc/examples/apt.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7201d1920
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/examples/apt.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// $Id: apt.conf,v 1.43 1999/12/06 02:19:38 jgg Exp $
+/* This file is a sample configuration file with a few harmless sample
+ options.
+ // Options for apt-get
+ Get
+ {
+ Download-Only "false";
+ };
+// Options for the downloading routines
+ Retries "0";
+// Things that effect the APT dselect method
+ Clean "auto"; // always|auto|prompt|never
+ // Probably don't want to use force-downgrade..
+ Options {"--force-overwrite";}
diff --git a/doc/examples/configure-index b/doc/examples/configure-index
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2d0fb6c64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/examples/configure-index
@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
+/* This file is an index of all APT configuration directives. It should
+ NOT actually be used as a real config file, though it is (except for the
+ last line) a completely valid file. Most of the options have sane default
+ values, unless you have specific needs you should NOT include arbitrary
+ items in a custom configuration.
+ In some instances involving filenames it is possible to set the default
+ directory when the path is evaluated. This means you can use relative
+ paths within the sub scope.
+ The configuration directives are specified in a tree with {} designating
+ a subscope relative to the tag before the {}. You can further specify
+ a subscope using scope notation eg,
+ APT::Architecture "i386";
+ This is prefixed with the current scope. Scope notation must be used
+ if an option is specified on the command line with -o.
+quiet "0";
+quiet::NoUpdate "true"; // never update progress information - included in -q=1
+// Options for APT in general
+ Architecture "i386";
+ Architectures { "amd64"; "armel"; };
+ Build-Essential "build-essential";
+ NeverAutoRemove { "linux-image.*"; }; // packages that should never
+ // considered for autoRemove
+ // Options for apt-get
+ Get
+ {
+ Host-Architecture "armel";
+ Arch-Only "false";
+ AllowUnauthenticated "false"; // packages from unauthenticated
+ AutomaticRemove "false";
+ HideAutoRemove "false";
+ Download-Only "false";
+ Simulate "false";
+ Assume-Yes "false";
+ Force-Yes "false"; // I would never set this.
+ Fix-Broken "false";
+ Fix-Missing "false";
+ Show-Upgraded "false";
+ Show-Versions "false";
+ Upgrade "true";
+ Print-URIs "false";
+ Compile "false";
+ Download "true";
+ Purge "false";
+ List-Cleanup "true";
+ ReInstall "false";
+ Trivial-Only "false";
+ Remove "true";
+ Only-Source "";
+ Diff-Only "false";
+ Tar-Only "false";
+ Build-Dep-Automatic "true";
+ Show-User-Simulation-Note "true";
+ };
+ Cache
+ {
+ Important "false";
+ AllVersions "false";
+ GivenOnly "false";
+ RecurseDepends "false";
+ ShowFull "false";
+ Generate "true";
+ NamesOnly "false";
+ AllNames "false";
+ Installed "false";
+ };
+ {
+ Rename "false";
+ NoMount "false";
+ Fast "false";
+ NoAct "false";
+ };
+ Update
+ {
+ Pre-Invoke {"touch /var/lib/apt/pre-update-stamp"; };
+ Post-Invoke {"touch /var/lib/apt/post-update-stamp"; };
+ };
+ // define a new supported compressor on the fly
+ APT::Compressor::rev {
+ Name "rev";
+ Extension ".reversed";
+ Binary "rev";
+ CompressArg {};
+ UncompressArg {};
+ Cost "10";
+ };
+ Authentication
+ {
+ TrustCDROM "false"; // consider the CD-ROM always trusted
+ };
+ // Some general options
+ Ignore-Hold "false";
+ Clean-Installed "true";
+ Immediate-Configure "true"; // DO NOT turn this off, see the man page
+ Force-LoopBreak "false"; // DO NOT turn this on, see the man page
+ Cache-Start "20971520";
+ Cache-Grow "1048576";
+ Cache-Limit "0";
+ Default-Release "";
+ // consider Recommends, Suggests as important dependencies that should
+ // be installed by default
+ Install-Recommends "true";
+ Install-Suggests "false";
+ // reverse Recommends or Suggests prevent autoremoval
+ AutoRemove::RecommendsImportant "true";
+ AutoRemove::SuggestsImportant "true";
+ // consider dependencies of packages in this section manual
+ Never-MarkAuto-Sections {"metapackages"; "universe/metapackages"; };
+ // Write progress messages on this fd (for stuff like base-config)
+ Status-Fd "-1";
+ // Keep the list of FDs open (normally apt closes all fds when it
+ // does a ExecFork)
+ Keep-Fds {};
+ // control parameters for cron jobs by /etc/cron.daily/apt
+ Periodic
+ {
+ BackupArchiveInterval "0";
+ // - Backup after n-days if archive contents changed.(0=disable)
+ BackupLevel "3";
+ // - Backup level.(0=disable), 1 is invalid.
+ // APT::Archives::MaxAge "0"; (old, deprecated)
+ MaxAge "0"; // (new)
+ // - Set maximum allowed age of a cache package file. If a cache
+ // package file is older it is deleted (0=disable)
+ // APT::Archives::MinAge "2"; (old, deprecated)
+ MinAge "2"; // (new)
+ // - Set minimum age of a package file. If a file is younger it
+ // will not be deleted (0=disable). Useful to prevent races
+ // and to keep backups of the packages for emergency.
+ // APT::Archives::MaxSize "0"; (old, deprecated)
+ MaxSize "0"; // (new)
+ // - Set maximum size of the cache in MB (0=disable). If the cache
+ // is bigger, cached package files are deleted until the size
+ // requirement is met (the oldest packages will be deleted
+ // first).
+ Update-Package-Lists "0";
+ // - Do "apt-get update" automatically every n-days (0=disable)
+ //
+ Download-Upgradeable-Packages "0";
+ // - Do "apt-get upgrade --download-only" every n-days (0=disable)
+ //
+ Unattended-Upgrade "0";
+ // - Run the "unattended-upgrade" security upgrade script
+ // every n-days (0=disabled)
+ // Requires the package "unattended-upgrades" and will write
+ // a log in /var/log/unattended-upgrades
+ //
+ AutocleanInterval "0";
+ // - Do "apt-get autoclean" every n-days (0=disable)
+ Verbose "0";
+ // - Send report mail to root
+ // 0: no report (or null string)
+ // 1: progress report (actually any string)
+ // 2: + command outputs (remove -qq, remove 2>/dev/null, add -d)
+ // 3: + trace on
+ };
+// Options for the downloading routines
+ Queue-Mode "host"; // host|access
+ Retries "0";
+ Source-Symlinks "true";
+ ForceHash "sha256"; // hashmethod used for expected hash: sha256, sha1 or md5sum
+ PDiffs "true"; // try to get the IndexFile diffs
+ PDiffs::FileLimit "4"; // don't use diffs if we would need more than 4 diffs
+ PDiffs::SizeLimit "50"; // don't use diffs if size of all patches excess
+ // 50% of the size of the original file
+ Check-Valid-Until "true";
+ Max-ValidTime "864000"; // 10 days
+ Max-ValidTime::Debian-Security "604800"; // 7 days, label specific configuration
+ // HTTP method configuration
+ http
+ {
+ Proxy "";
+ "DIRECT"; // Specific per-host setting
+ Timeout "120";
+ Pipeline-Depth "5";
+ AllowRedirect "true";
+ // Cache Control. Note these do not work with Squid 2.0.2
+ No-Cache "false";
+ Max-Age "86400"; // 1 Day age on index files
+ No-Store "false"; // Prevent the cache from storing archives
+ Dl-Limit "7"; // 7Kb/sec maximum download rate
+ User-Agent "Debian APT-HTTP/1.3";
+ };
+ // HTTPS method configuration: uses the http
+ // - proxy config
+ // - cache-control values
+ // - Dl-Limit, Timout, ... values
+ // if not set explicit for https
+ //
+ // see /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/apt-https-method-example.conf.gz
+ // for more examples
+ https
+ {
+ Verify-Peer "false";
+ SslCert "/etc/apt/some.pem";
+ CaPath "/etc/ssl/certs";
+ Verify-Host "true";
+ AllowRedirect "true";
+ Timeout "120";
+ AllowRedirect "true";
+ // Cache Control. Note these do not work with Squid 2.0.2
+ No-Cache "false";
+ Max-Age "86400"; // 1 Day age on index files
+ No-Store "false"; // Prevent the cache from storing archives
+ Dl-Limit "7"; // 7Kb/sec maximum download rate
+ User-Agent "Debian APT-CURL/1.0";
+ };
+ ftp
+ {
+ Proxy "";
+ "DIRECT"; // Specific per-host setting
+ /* Required script to perform proxy login. This example should work
+ for tisfwtk */
+ ProxyLogin
+ {
+ };
+ Timeout "120";
+ /* Passive mode control, proxy, non-proxy and per-host. Pasv mode
+ is preferred if possible */
+ Passive "true";
+ Proxy::Passive "true";
+ "true"; // Specific per-host setting
+ };
+ cdrom
+ {
+ // do auto detection of the cdrom mountpoint
+ AutoDetect "true";
+ // when auto-detecting, only look for cdrom/dvd. when this is false
+ // it will support any removable device as a "cdrom" source
+ CdromOnly "true";
+ // cdrom mountpoint (needs to be defined in fstab if AutoDetect is not used)
+ mount "/cdrom";
+ // You need the trailing slash!
+ "/cdrom/"
+ {
+ Mount "sleep 1000";
+ UMount "sleep 500";
+ }
+ };
+ gpgv
+ {
+ Options {"--ignore-time-conflict";} // not very useful on a normal system
+ };
+ CompressionTypes
+ {
+ bz2 "bzip2";
+ lzma "lzma";
+ gz "gzip";
+ Order { "uncompressed"; "gz"; "lzma"; "bz2"; };
+ };
+ Languages
+ {
+ "environment";
+ "de";
+ "en";
+ "none";
+ "fr";
+ };
+ // Location of the changelogs with the placeholder @CHANGEPATH@ (e.g. "main/a/apt/apt_1.1")
+ Changelogs::URI::Origin::Debian "";
+// Directory layout
+Dir "/"
+ // Location of the state dir
+ State "var/lib/apt/"
+ {
+ Lists "lists/";
+ status "/var/lib/dpkg/status";
+ extended_states "extended_states";
+ cdroms "cdroms.list";
+ };
+ // Location of the cache dir
+ Cache "var/cache/apt/" {
+ Archives "archives/";
+ // backup directory created by /etc/cron.daily/apt
+ Backup "backup/";
+ srcpkgcache "srcpkgcache.bin";
+ pkgcache "pkgcache.bin";
+ };
+ // Config files
+ Etc "etc/apt/" {
+ Main "apt.conf";
+ Netrc "auth.conf";
+ Parts "apt.conf.d/";
+ Preferences "preferences";
+ PreferencesParts "preferences.d";
+ SourceList "sources.list";
+ SourceParts "sources.list.d";
+ VendorList "vendors.list";
+ VendorParts "vendors.list.d";
+ Trusted "trusted.gpg";
+ TrustedParts "trusted.gpg.d";
+ };
+ // Locations of binaries
+ Bin {
+ methods "/usr/lib/apt/methods/";
+ gzip "/bin/gzip";
+ gpg "/usr/bin/gpgv";
+ dpkg "/usr/bin/dpkg";
+ dpkg-source "/usr/bin/dpkg-source";
+ dpkg-buildpackage "/usr/bin/dpkg-buildpackage";
+ apt-get "/usr/bin/apt-get";
+ apt-cache "/usr/bin/apt-cache";
+ };
+ // Location of the logfile
+ Log "var/log/apt" {
+ Terminal "term.log";
+ History "history.log";
+ };
+ // Media
+ Media
+ {
+ // Media AutoDetect mount path
+ MountPath "/media/apt";
+ };
+ // Media
+ Media
+ {
+ // Media AutoDetect mount path
+ MountPath "/media/apt";
+ };
+// Things that effect the APT dselect method
+ Clean "auto"; // always|auto|prompt|never
+ Options "-f";
+ UpdateOptions "";
+ PromptAfterUpdate "no";
+ CheckDir "no";
+ // let apt aggressivly use dpkg triggers
+ NoTriggers "true";
+ ConfigurePending "true";
+ // Probably don't want to use force-downgrade..
+ Options {"--force-overwrite";"--force-downgrade";}
+ // Auto re-mounting of a readonly /usr
+ Pre-Invoke {"mount -o remount,rw /usr";};
+ Post-Invoke {"mount -o remount,ro /usr";};
+ Chroot-Directory "/";
+ // Prevents daemons from getting cwd as something mountable (default)
+ Run-Directory "/";
+ // Build options for apt-get source --compile
+ Build-Options "-b -uc";
+ // Pre-configure all packages before they are installed using debconf.
+ Pre-Install-Pkgs {"dpkg-preconfigure --apt --priority=low --frontend=dialog";};
+ // Flush the contents of stdin before forking dpkg.
+ FlushSTDIN "true";
+ // Control the size of the command line passed to dpkg.
+ MaxArgBytes 32768;
+ MaxArgs 8192;
+ // controls if apt will apport on the first dpkg error or if it
+ // tries to install as many packages as possible
+ StopOnError "true";
+/* Options you can set to see some debugging text They correspond to names
+ of classes in the source code */
+ pkgProblemResolver "false";
+ pkgProblemResolver::ShowScores "false";
+ pkgDepCache::AutoInstall "false"; // what packages apt install to satify dependencies
+ pkgDepCache::Marker "false";
+ pkgCacheGen "false";
+ pkgAcquire "false";
+ pkgAcquire::Worker "false";
+ pkgAcquire::Auth "false";
+ pkgDPkgPM "false";
+ pkgDPkgProgressReporting "false";
+ pkgOrderList "false";
+ pkgPackageManager "false"; // OrderList/Configure debugging
+ pkgAutoRemove "false"; // show information about automatic removes
+ BuildDeps "false";
+ pkgInitialize "false"; // This one will dump the configuration space
+ NoLocking "false";
+ Acquire::Ftp "false"; // Show ftp command traffic
+ Acquire::Http "false"; // Show http command traffic
+ Acquire::Https "false"; // Show https debug
+ Acquire::gpgv "false"; // Show the gpgv traffic
+ Acquire::cdrom "false"; // Show cdrom debug output
+ aptcdrom "false"; // Show found package files
+ IdentCdrom "false";
+ acquire::netrc "false"; // netrc parser
+ RunScripts "false"; // debug invocation of external scripts
+ Essential "native"; // other modes: all, none, installed
+ ForceEssential { "apt"; };
+ ForceImportant "";
+/* Whatever you do, do not use this configuration file!! Take out ONLY
+ the portions you need! */
+This Is Not A Valid Config File
diff --git a/doc/examples/ftp-archive.conf b/doc/examples/ftp-archive.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4f4b00852
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/examples/ftp-archive.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+/* This configuration file describes the standard Debian distribution
+ as it once looked */
+ ArchiveDir "/org/";
+ OverrideDir "/org/";
+ CacheDir "/org/";
+ Packages::Compress ". gzip";
+ Sources::Compress "gzip";
+ Contents::Compress "gzip";
+ DeLinkLimit 10000; // 10 Meg delink per day
+ MaxContentsChange 10000; // 10 Meg of new contents files per day
+ Contents::Header "/org/";
+ BinCacheDB "packages-$(ARCH).db";
+ // These are all defaults and are provided for completeness
+ Directory "$(DIST)/$(SECTION)/binary-$(ARCH)/";
+ Packages "$(DIST)/$(SECTION)/binary-$(ARCH)/Packages";
+ SrcDirectory "$(DIST)/$(SECTION)/source/";
+ Sources "$(DIST)/$(SECTION)/source/Sources";
+ Contents "$(DIST)/Contents-$(ARCH)";
+tree "dists/woody"
+ Sections "main contrib non-free";
+ Architectures "alpha arm hurd-i386 i386 m68k powerpc sparc sparc64 source";
+ BinOverride "override.woody.$(SECTION)";
+ SrcOverride "override.woody.$(SECTION).src";
+tree "dists/potato"
+ Sections "main contrib non-free";
+ Architectures "alpha arm i386 m68k powerpc sparc source";
+ BinOverride "override.potato.$(SECTION)";
+ SrcOverride "override.woody.$(SECTION).src";
+tree "dists/slink"
+ Sections "main contrib non-free";
+ Architectures "alpha i386 m68k sparc source";
+ BinOverride "override.slink.$(SECTION)";
+ SrcOverride "override.woody.$(SECTION).src";
+ External-Links false; // Slink should contain no links outside itself
+bindirectory "project/experimental"
+ Sources "project/experimental/Sources";
+ Packages "project/experimental/Packages";
+ BinOverride "override.experimental";
+ BinCacheDB "packages-experimental.db";
+ SrcOverride "override.experimental.src";
+bindirectory "dists/proposed-updates"
+ Packages "project/proposed-updates/Packages";
+ Contents "project/proposed-updates/Contents";
+ BinOverride "override.slink.all3";
+ BinOverride "override.slink.all3.src";
+ BinCacheDB "packages-proposed-updates.db";
diff --git a/doc/examples/preferences b/doc/examples/preferences
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ebc52a41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/examples/preferences
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Package: *
+Pin: release a=stable
+Pin-Priority: 500
+Package: *
+Pin: release a=testing
+Pin-Priority: 101
+Package: *
+Pin: release a=unstable
+Pin-Priority: 99