path: root/doc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
14 files changed, 4656 insertions, 4591 deletions
diff --git a/doc/apt-get.8.xml b/doc/apt-get.8.xml
index 0b52574e6..fd1cd2540 100644
--- a/doc/apt-get.8.xml
+++ b/doc/apt-get.8.xml
@@ -433,6 +433,11 @@
Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Assume-Yes</literal>.</para></listitem>
+ <varlistentry><term><option>--assume-no</option></term>
+ <listitem><para>Automatic "no" to all prompts.
+ Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Assume-No</literal>.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
<listitem><para>Show upgraded packages; Print out a list of all packages that are to be
diff --git a/doc/apt-key.8.xml b/doc/apt-key.8.xml
index cae2b00a0..7530ba382 100644
--- a/doc/apt-key.8.xml
+++ b/doc/apt-key.8.xml
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
Update the local keyring with the archive keyring and remove from
the local keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid.
The archive keyring is shipped in the <literal>archive-keyring</literal> package of your
- distribution, e.g. the <literal>debian-archive-keyring</literal> package in Debian.
+ distribution, e.g. the <literal>ubuntu-archive-keyring</literal> package in Ubuntu.
@@ -181,12 +181,12 @@
<listitem><para>Local trust database of archive keys.</para></listitem>
- <varlistentry><term><filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename></term>
- <listitem><para>Keyring of Debian archive trusted keys.</para></listitem>
+ <varlistentry><term><filename>/usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg</filename></term>
+ <listitem><para>Keyring of Ubuntu archive trusted keys.</para></listitem>
- <varlistentry><term><filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-removed-keys.gpg</filename></term>
- <listitem><para>Keyring of Debian archive removed trusted keys.</para></listitem>
+ <varlistentry><term><filename>/usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-removed-keys.gpg</filename></term>
+ <listitem><para>Keyring of Ubuntu archive removed trusted keys.</para></listitem>
diff --git a/doc/examples/sources.list b/doc/examples/sources.list
index ef729e203..cc0fd2b8d 100644
--- a/doc/examples/sources.list
+++ b/doc/examples/sources.list
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
# See sources.list(5) for more information, especialy
# Remember that you can only use http, ftp or file URIs
# CDROMs are managed through the apt-cdrom tool.
-deb stable main contrib non-free
-deb stable/updates main contrib non-free
+deb hardy main restricted
+deb-src hardy main restricted
-# Uncomment if you want the apt-get source function to work
-#deb-src stable main contrib non-free
-#deb-src stable/updates main contrib non-free
+deb hardy-security main restricted
+deb-src hardy-security main restricted
+deb hardy-updates main restricted
+deb-src hardy-updates main restricted
diff --git a/doc/external-dependency-solver-protocol.txt b/doc/external-dependency-solver-protocol.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a124d8f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/external-dependency-solver-protocol.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+# APT External Dependency Solver Protocol (EDSP) - version 0.4
+This document describes the communication protocol between APT and
+external dependency solvers. The protocol is called APT EDSP, for "APT
+External Dependency Solver Protocol".
+## Components
+- **APT**: we know this one.
+- APT is equipped with its own **internal solver** for dependencies,
+ which is identified by the string `internal`.
+- **External solver**: an *external* software component able to resolve
+ dependencies on behalf of APT.
+At each interaction with APT, a single solver is in use. When there is
+a total of 2 or more solvers, internals or externals, the user can
+choose which one to use.
+Each solver is identified by an unique string, the **solver
+name**. Solver names must be formed using only alphanumeric ASCII
+characters, dashes, and underscores; solver names must start with a
+lowercase ASCII letter. The special name `internal` denotes APT's
+internal solver, is reserved, and cannot be used by external solvers.
+## Installation
+Each external solver is installed as a file under Dir::Bin::Solvers (see
+below), which defaults to `/usr/lib/apt/solvers`. We will assume in the
+remainder of this section that such a default value is in effect.
+The naming scheme is `/usr/lib/apt/solvers/NAME`, where `NAME` is the
+name of the external solver.
+Each file under `/usr/lib/apt/solvers` corresponding to an external
+solver must be executable.
+No non-solver files must be installed under `/usr/lib/apt/solvers`, so
+that an index of available external solvers can be obtained by listing
+the content of that directory.
+## Configuration
+Several APT options can be used to affect dependency solving in APT. An
+overview of them is given below. Please refer to proper APT
+configuration documentation for more, and more up to date, information.
+- **APT::Solver**: the name of the solver to be used for
+ dependency solving. Defaults to `internal`
+- **APT::Solver::Strict-Pinning**: whether pinning must be strictly
+ respected (as the internal solver does) or can be slightly deviated
+ from. Defaults to `yes`.
+- **APT::Solver::NAME::Preferences** (where NAME is a solver name):
+ solver-specific user preference string used during dependency solving,
+ when the solver NAME is in use. Check solver-specific documentation
+ for what is supported here. Defaults to the empty string.
+- **Dir::Bin::Solvers**: absolute path of the directory where to look for
+ external solvers. Defaults to `/usr/lib/apt/solvers`.
+## Protocol
+When configured to use an external solver, APT will resort to it to
+decide which packages should be installed or removed.
+The interaction happens **in batch**: APT will invoke the external
+solver passing the current status of installed and available packages,
+as well as the user request to alter the set of installed packages. The
+external solver will compute a new complete set of installed packages
+and gives APT a "diff" listing of which *additional* packages should be
+installed and of which currently installed packages should be
+*removed*. (Note: the order in which those actions have to be performed
+will be up to APT to decide.)
+External solvers are invoked by executing them. Communications happens
+via the file descriptors: **stdin** (standard input) and **stdout**
+(standard output). stderr is not used by the EDSP protocol. Solvers can
+therefore use stderr to dump debugging information that could be
+inspected separately.
+After invocation, the protocol passes through a sequence of phases:
+1. APT invokes the external solver
+2. APT send to the solver a dependency solving **scenario**
+3. The solver solves dependencies. During this phase the solver may
+ send, repeatedly, **progress** information to APT.
+4. The solver sends back to APT an **answer**, i.e. either a *solution*
+ or an *error* report.
+5. The external solver exits
+### Scenario
+A scenario is a text file encoded in a format very similar to the "Deb
+822" format (AKA "the format used by Debian `Packages` files"). A
+scenario consists of two distinct parts: a **request** and a **package
+universe**, occurring in that order. The request consists of a single
+Deb 822 stanza, while the package universe consists of several such
+stanzas. All stanzas occurring in a scenario are separated by an empty
+#### Request
+Within a dependency solving scenario, a request represents the action on
+installed packages requested by the user.
+A request is a single Deb 822 stanza opened by a mandatory Request field
+and followed by a mixture of action and preference fields.
+The value of the **Request:** field is a string describing the EDSP
+protocol which will be used to communicate. At present, the string must
+be `EDSP 0.4`.
+a unique request identifier, such as an
+UUID. Request fields are mainly used to identify the beginning of a
+request stanza; their actual values are otherwise not used by the EDSP
+The following **action fields** are supported in request stanzas:
+- **Install:** (optional, defaults to the empty string) A space
+ separated list of package names, with *no version attached*, to
+ install. This field denotes a list of packages that the user wants to
+ install, usually via an APT `install` request.
+- **Remove:** (optional, defaults to the empty string) Same syntax of
+ Install. This field denotes a list of packages that the user wants to
+ remove, usually via APT `remove` or `purge` requests.
+- **Upgrade:** (optional, defaults to `no`). Allowed values: `yes`,
+ `no`. When set to `yes`, an upgrade of all installed packages has been
+ requested, usually via an APT `upgrade` request.
+- **Dist-Upgrade:** (optional, defaults to `no`). Allowed values: `yes`,
+ `no`. Same as Upgrade, but for APT `dist-upgrade` requests.
+- **Autoremove:** (optional, defaults to `no`). Allowed values: `yes`,
+ `no`. When set to `yes`, a clean up of unused automatically installed
+ packages has been requested, usually via an APT `autoremove` request.
+The following **preference fields** are supported in request stanzas:
+- **Strict-Pinning:** (optional, defaults to `yes`). Allowed values:
+ `yes`, `no`. When set to `yes`, APT pinning is strict, in the sense
+ that the solver must not propose to install packages which are not APT
+ candidates (see the `APT-Pin` and `APT-Candidate` fields in the
+ package universe). When set to `no`, the solver does only a best
+ effort attempt to install APT candidates. Usually, the value of this
+ field comes from the `APT::Solver::Strict-Pinning` configuration
+ option.
+- **Preferences:** a solver-specific optimization string, usually coming
+ from the `APT::Solver::Preferences` configuration option.
+#### Package universe
+A package universe is a list of Deb 822 stanzas, one per package, called
+**package stanzas**. Each package stanzas starts with a Package
+field. The following fields are supported in package stanzas:
+- All fields contained in the dpkg database, with the exception of
+ fields marked as "internal" (see the manpage `dpkg-query (1)`). Among
+ those fields, the following are mandatory for all package stanzas:
+ Package, Version, Architecture.
+ It is recommended not to pass the Description field to external
+ solvers or, alternatively, to trim it to the short description only.
+- **Installed:** (optional, defaults to `no`). Allowed values: `yes`,
+ `no`. When set to `yes`, the corresponding package is currently
+ installed.
+ Note: the Status field present in the dpkg database must not be passed
+ to the external solver, as it's an internal dpkg field. Installed and
+ other fields permit to encode the most relevant aspects of Status in
+ communications with solvers.
+- **Hold:** (optional, defaults to `no`). Allowed values: `yes`,
+ `no`. When set to `yes`, the corresponding package is marked as "on
+ hold" by dpkg.
+- **APT-ID:** (mandatory). Unique package identifier, according to APT.
+- **APT-Pin:** (mandatory). Must be an integer. Package pin value,
+ according to APT policy.
+- **APT-Candidate:** (optional, defaults to `no`). Allowed values:
+ `yes`, `no`. When set to `yes`, the corresponding package is the APT
+ candidate for installation among all available packages with the same
+ name.
+- **APT-Automatic:** (optional, defaults to `no`). Allowed values:
+ `yes`, `no`. When set to `yes`, the corresponding package is marked by
+ APT as automatic installed. Note that automatic installed packages
+ should be removed by the solver only when the Autoremove action is
+ requested (see Request section).
+### Answer
+An answer from the external solver to APT is either a *solution* or an
+The following invariant on **exit codes** must hold true. When the
+external solver is *able to find a solution*, it will write the solution
+to standard output and then exit with an exit code of 0. When the
+external solver is *unable to find a solution* (and s aware of that), it
+will write an error to standard output and then exit with an exit code
+of 0. An exit code other than 0 will be interpreted as a solver crash
+with no meaningful error about dependency resolution to convey to the
+#### Solution
+A solution is a list of Deb 822 stanzas. Each of them could be an
+install stanza (telling APT to install a specific package), a remove
+stanza (telling APT to remove one), or an autoremove stanza (telling APT
+about the *future* possibility of removing a package using the
+Autoremove action).
+An **install stanza** starts with an Install field and supports the
+following fields:
+- **Install:** (mandatory). The value is a package identifier,
+ referencing one of the package stanzas of the package universe via its
+ APT-ID field.
+- All fields supported by package stanzas.
+**Remove stanzas** are similar to install stanzas, but have **Remove**
+fields instead of Install fields.
+**Autoremove stanzas** are similar to install stanzas, but have
+**Autoremove** fields instead of Install fields. Autoremove stanzas
+should be output so that APT can inform the user of which packages they
+can now autoremove, as a consequence of the executed action. However,
+this protocol makes no assumption on the fact that a subsequent
+invocation of an Autoremove action will actually remove the very same
+packages indicated by Autoremove stanzas in the former solution.
+In terms of expressivity, install and remove stanzas can carry one
+single field each, as APT-IDs are enough to pinpoint packages to be
+installed/removed. Nonetheless, for protocol readability, it is
+recommended that solvers either add unconditionally the fields Package,
+Version, and Architecture to all install/remove stanzas or,
+alternatively, that they support a `--verbose` command line flag that
+explicitly enables the output of those fields in solutions.
+#### Error
+An error is a single Deb 822 stanza, starting the field Error. The
+following fields are supported in error stanzas:
+- **Error:** (mandatory). The value of this field is ignored, although
+ it should be a unique error identifier, such as a UUID.
+- **Message:** (mandatory). The value of this field is a text string,
+ meant to be read by humans, that explains the cause of the solver
+ error. Message fields might be multi-line, like the Description field
+ in the dpkg database. The first line conveys a short message, which
+ can be explained in more details using subsequent lines.
+### Progress
+During dependency solving, an external solver may send progress
+information to APT using **progress stanzas**. A progress stanza starts
+with the Progress field and might contain the following fields:
+- **Progress:** (mandatory). The value of this field is a date and time
+ timestamp, in RFC 2822 format. The timestamp provides a time
+ annotation for the progress report.
+- **Percentage:** (optional). An integer from 0 to 100, representing the
+ completion of the dependency solving process, as declared by the
+ solver.
+- **Message:** (optional). A textual message, meant to be read by the
+ APT user, telling what is going on within the dependency solving
+ (e.g. the current phase of dependency solving, as declared by the
+ solver).
+# Future extensions
+Potential future extensions to this protocol, listed in no specific
+order, include:
+- fixed error types to identify common failures across solvers and
+ enable APT to translate error messages
+- structured error data to explain failures in terms of packages and
+ dependencies
diff --git a/doc/po/apt-doc.pot b/doc/po/apt-doc.pot
index 630aec3b0..fff943e35 100644
--- a/doc/po/apt-doc.pot
+++ b/doc/po/apt-doc.pot
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-11-20 17:58+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-11-10 16:42+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -1091,7 +1091,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584 apt-get.8.xml:447
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584 apt-get.8.xml:452
msgid "<option>-a</option>"
msgstr ""
@@ -1187,12 +1187,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:367 apt-cdrom.8.xml:153 apt-config.8.xml:101 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:612 apt-get.8.xml:591 apt-mark.8.xml:140 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:67
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:367 apt-cdrom.8.xml:153 apt-config.8.xml:101 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:612 apt-get.8.xml:596 apt-mark.8.xml:140 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:67
msgid "&apt-commonoptions;"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:596 apt-key.8.xml:175 apt-mark.8.xml:144 apt.conf.5.xml:1110 apt_preferences.5.xml:697
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:601 apt-key.8.xml:175 apt-mark.8.xml:144 apt.conf.5.xml:1110 apt_preferences.5.xml:697
msgid "Files"
msgstr ""
@@ -1202,7 +1202,7 @@ msgid "&file-sourceslist; &file-statelists;"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:379 apt-cdrom.8.xml:158 apt-config.8.xml:106 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628 apt-get.8.xml:606 apt-key.8.xml:196 apt-mark.8.xml:150 apt-secure.8.xml:185 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1116 apt_preferences.5.xml:704 sources.list.5.xml:250
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:379 apt-cdrom.8.xml:158 apt-config.8.xml:106 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628 apt-get.8.xml:611 apt-key.8.xml:196 apt-mark.8.xml:150 apt-secure.8.xml:185 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1116 apt_preferences.5.xml:704 sources.list.5.xml:255
msgid "See Also"
msgstr ""
@@ -1212,7 +1212,7 @@ msgid "&apt-conf;, &sources-list;, &apt-get;"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:384 apt-cdrom.8.xml:163 apt-config.8.xml:111 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:632 apt-get.8.xml:612 apt-mark.8.xml:154 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:76
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:384 apt-cdrom.8.xml:163 apt-config.8.xml:111 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:632 apt-get.8.xml:617 apt-mark.8.xml:154 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:76
msgid "Diagnostics"
msgstr ""
@@ -1580,7 +1580,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:63 apt-get.8.xml:525
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:63 apt-get.8.xml:530
msgid "<option>-t</option>"
msgstr ""
@@ -2575,7 +2575,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:617 apt.conf.5.xml:1104 apt_preferences.5.xml:544 sources.list.5.xml:209
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:617 apt.conf.5.xml:1104 apt_preferences.5.xml:544 sources.list.5.xml:214
msgid "Examples"
msgstr ""
@@ -2904,7 +2904,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"<literal>build-dep</literal> causes apt-get to install/remove packages in an "
"attempt to satisfy the build dependencies for a source package. By default "
-"the dependencies are satisfied to build the package natively. If desired a "
+"the dependencies are satisfied to build the package nativly. If desired a "
"host-architecture can be specified with the "
"<option>--host-architecture</option> option instead."
msgstr ""
@@ -3164,83 +3164,95 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
#: apt-get.8.xml:436
+msgid "<option>--assume-no</option>"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:437
+msgid ""
+"Automatic \"no\" to all prompts. Configuration Item: "
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-get.8.xml:441
msgid "<option>-u</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:436
+#: apt-get.8.xml:441
msgid "<option>--show-upgraded</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:437
+#: apt-get.8.xml:442
msgid ""
"Show upgraded packages; Print out a list of all packages that are to be "
"upgraded. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Show-Upgraded</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:442
+#: apt-get.8.xml:447
msgid "<option>-V</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:442
+#: apt-get.8.xml:447
msgid "<option>--verbose-versions</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:443
+#: apt-get.8.xml:448
msgid ""
"Show full versions for upgraded and installed packages. Configuration Item: "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:448
+#: apt-get.8.xml:453
msgid "<option>--host-architecture</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:449
+#: apt-get.8.xml:454
msgid ""
"This option controls the architecture packages are built for by "
"<command>apt-get source --compile</command> and how cross-builddependencies "
-"are satisfied. By default is it not set which means that the host "
-"architecture is the same as the build architecture (which is defined by "
-"<literal>APT::Architecture</literal>). Configuration Item: "
+"are satisfied. By default is not set which means that the host architecture "
+"is the same as the build architecture (which is defined by "
+"<literal>APT::Architecture</literal>) Configuration Item: "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:457
+#: apt-get.8.xml:462
msgid "<option>-b</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:457
+#: apt-get.8.xml:462
msgid "<option>--compile</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:458
+#: apt-get.8.xml:463
msgid "<option>--build</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:459
+#: apt-get.8.xml:464
msgid ""
"Compile source packages after downloading them. Configuration Item: "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:463
+#: apt-get.8.xml:468
msgid "<option>--ignore-hold</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:464
+#: apt-get.8.xml:469
msgid ""
"Ignore package Holds; This causes <command>apt-get</command> to ignore a "
"hold placed on a package. This may be useful in conjunction with "
@@ -3249,12 +3261,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:470
+#: apt-get.8.xml:475
msgid "<option>--no-upgrade</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:471
+#: apt-get.8.xml:476
msgid ""
"Do not upgrade packages; When used in conjunction with "
"<literal>install</literal>, <literal>no-upgrade</literal> will prevent "
@@ -3263,12 +3275,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:477
+#: apt-get.8.xml:482
msgid "<option>--only-upgrade</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:478
+#: apt-get.8.xml:483
msgid ""
"Do not install new packages; When used in conjunction with "
"<literal>install</literal>, <literal>only-upgrade</literal> will prevent "
@@ -3277,12 +3289,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:484
+#: apt-get.8.xml:489
msgid "<option>--force-yes</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:485
+#: apt-get.8.xml:490
msgid ""
"Force yes; This is a dangerous option that will cause apt to continue "
"without prompting if it is doing something potentially harmful. It should "
@@ -3292,12 +3304,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:492
+#: apt-get.8.xml:497
msgid "<option>--print-uris</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:493
+#: apt-get.8.xml:498
msgid ""
"Instead of fetching the files to install their URIs are printed. Each URI "
"will have the path, the destination file name, the size and the expected md5 "
@@ -3310,12 +3322,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:503
+#: apt-get.8.xml:508
msgid "<option>--purge</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:504
+#: apt-get.8.xml:509
msgid ""
"Use purge instead of remove for anything that would be removed. An asterisk "
"(\"*\") will be displayed next to packages which are scheduled to be "
@@ -3325,24 +3337,24 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:511
+#: apt-get.8.xml:516
msgid "<option>--reinstall</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:512
+#: apt-get.8.xml:517
msgid ""
"Re-Install packages that are already installed and at the newest version. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::ReInstall</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:516
+#: apt-get.8.xml:521
msgid "<option>--list-cleanup</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:517
+#: apt-get.8.xml:522
msgid ""
"This option defaults to on, use <literal>--no-list-cleanup</literal> to turn "
"it off. When on <command>apt-get</command> will automatically manage the "
@@ -3353,17 +3365,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:526
+#: apt-get.8.xml:531
msgid "<option>--target-release</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:527
+#: apt-get.8.xml:532
msgid "<option>--default-release</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:528
+#: apt-get.8.xml:533
msgid ""
"This option controls the default input to the policy engine, it creates a "
"default pin at priority 990 using the specified release string. This "
@@ -3378,12 +3390,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:541
+#: apt-get.8.xml:546
msgid "<option>--trivial-only</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:543
+#: apt-get.8.xml:548
msgid ""
"Only perform operations that are 'trivial'. Logically this can be considered "
"related to <option>--assume-yes</option>, where "
@@ -3393,24 +3405,24 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:549
+#: apt-get.8.xml:554
msgid "<option>--no-remove</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:550
+#: apt-get.8.xml:555
msgid ""
"If any packages are to be removed apt-get immediately aborts without "
"prompting. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Remove</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:555
+#: apt-get.8.xml:560
msgid "<option>--auto-remove</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:556
+#: apt-get.8.xml:561
msgid ""
"If the command is either <literal>install</literal> or "
"<literal>remove</literal>, then this option acts like running "
@@ -3419,12 +3431,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:562
+#: apt-get.8.xml:567
msgid "<option>--only-source</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:563
+#: apt-get.8.xml:568
msgid ""
"Only has meaning for the <literal>source</literal> and "
"<literal>build-dep</literal> commands. Indicates that the given source "
@@ -3436,22 +3448,22 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:573
+#: apt-get.8.xml:578
msgid "<option>--diff-only</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:573
+#: apt-get.8.xml:578
msgid "<option>--dsc-only</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:573
+#: apt-get.8.xml:578
msgid "<option>--tar-only</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:574
+#: apt-get.8.xml:579
msgid ""
"Download only the diff, dsc, or tar file of a source archive. Configuration "
"Item: <literal>APT::Get::Diff-Only</literal>, "
@@ -3460,24 +3472,24 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:579
+#: apt-get.8.xml:584
msgid "<option>--arch-only</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:580
+#: apt-get.8.xml:585
msgid ""
"Only process architecture-dependent build-dependencies. Configuration Item: "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:584
+#: apt-get.8.xml:589
msgid "<option>--allow-unauthenticated</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:585
+#: apt-get.8.xml:590
msgid ""
"Ignore if packages can't be authenticated and don't prompt about it. This "
"is useful for tools like pbuilder. Configuration Item: "
@@ -3485,14 +3497,14 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:598
+#: apt-get.8.xml:603
msgid ""
"&file-sourceslist; &file-aptconf; &file-preferences; &file-cachearchives; "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:607
+#: apt-get.8.xml:612
msgid ""
"&apt-cache;, &apt-cdrom;, &dpkg;, &dselect;, &sources-list;, &apt-conf;, "
"&apt-config;, &apt-secure;, The APT User's guide in &guidesdir;, "
@@ -3500,29 +3512,29 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:613
+#: apt-get.8.xml:618
msgid ""
"<command>apt-get</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 on "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:616
+#: apt-get.8.xml:621
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:617
+#: apt-get.8.xml:622
msgid "&apt-author.jgunthorpe;"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:620
+#: apt-get.8.xml:625
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:622
+#: apt-get.8.xml:627
msgid "&;"
msgstr ""
@@ -3639,8 +3651,8 @@ msgid ""
"Update the local keyring with the archive keyring and remove from the local "
"keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid. The archive keyring is "
"shipped in the <literal>archive-keyring</literal> package of your "
-"distribution, e.g. the <literal>debian-archive-keyring</literal> package in "
+"distribution, e.g. the <literal>ubuntu-archive-keyring</literal> package in "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
@@ -3677,7 +3689,7 @@ msgid ""
"With this option it is possible to specify a specific keyring file the "
"command should operate on. The default is that a command is executed on the "
"<filename>trusted.gpg</filename> file as well as on all parts in the "
-"<filename>trusted.gpg.d</filename> directory, though "
+"<filename>trusted.gpg.d</filename> directory, through "
"<filename>trusted.gpg</filename> is the primary keyring which means that "
"e.g. new keys are added to this one."
msgstr ""
@@ -3699,22 +3711,22 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
#: apt-key.8.xml:184
-msgid "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
+msgid "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#: apt-key.8.xml:185
-msgid "Keyring of Debian archive trusted keys."
+msgid "Keyring of Ubuntu archive trusted keys."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
#: apt-key.8.xml:188
-msgid "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-removed-keys.gpg</filename>"
+msgid "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-removed-keys.gpg</filename>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#: apt-key.8.xml:189
-msgid "Keyring of Debian archive removed trusted keys."
+msgid "Keyring of Ubuntu archive removed trusted keys."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
@@ -4633,7 +4645,7 @@ msgid ""
"Minimum of seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was "
"created (indicated by the <literal>Date</literal> header). Use this if you "
"need to use a seldomly updated (local) mirror of a more regular updated "
-"archive with a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header instead of completely "
+"archive with a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header instead of competely "
"disabling the expiration date checking. Archive specific settings can and "
"should be used by appending the label of the archive to the option name."
msgstr ""
@@ -4701,7 +4713,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:321 sources.list.5.xml:155
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:321 sources.list.5.xml:160
msgid "http"
msgstr ""
@@ -4807,7 +4819,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:387 sources.list.5.xml:166
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:387 sources.list.5.xml:171
msgid "ftp"
msgstr ""
@@ -4862,7 +4874,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:426 sources.list.5.xml:148
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:426 sources.list.5.xml:153
msgid "cdrom"
msgstr ""
@@ -6987,7 +6999,7 @@ msgid ""
"square brackets. It can consist of multiple settings in the form "
"<literal><replaceable>setting</replaceable>=<replaceable>value</replaceable></literal>. "
"Multiple settings are separated by spaces. The following settings are "
-"supported by APT, note though that unsupported settings will be ignored "
+"supported by APT, note through that unsupported settings will be ignored "
msgstr ""
@@ -7000,8 +7012,20 @@ msgid ""
"<literal>APT::Architectures</literal> option will be downloaded."
msgstr ""
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
+#: sources.list.5.xml:121
+msgid ""
+"<literal>trusted=yes</literal> can be set to indicate that packages from "
+"this source are always authenificated even if the "
+"<filename>Release</filename> file is not signed or the signature can't be "
+"checked. This disables parts of &apt-secure; and should therefore only be "
+"used in a local and trusted context. <literal>trusted=no</literal> is the "
+"opposite which handles even correctly authenificated sources as not "
+msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:123
+#: sources.list.5.xml:128
msgid ""
"It is important to list sources in order of preference, with the most "
"preferred source listed first. Typically this will result in sorting by "
@@ -7010,12 +7034,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:128
+#: sources.list.5.xml:133
msgid "Some examples:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:130
+#: sources.list.5.xml:135
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"deb &stable-codename; main contrib non-free\n"
@@ -7025,17 +7049,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:136
+#: sources.list.5.xml:141
msgid "URI specification"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:141
+#: sources.list.5.xml:146
msgid "file"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:143
+#: sources.list.5.xml:148
msgid ""
"The file scheme allows an arbitrary directory in the file system to be "
"considered an archive. This is useful for NFS mounts and local mirrors or "
@@ -7043,7 +7067,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:150
+#: sources.list.5.xml:155
msgid ""
"The cdrom scheme allows APT to use a local CDROM drive with media "
"swapping. Use the &apt-cdrom; program to create cdrom entries in the source "
@@ -7051,7 +7075,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:157
+#: sources.list.5.xml:162
msgid ""
"The http scheme specifies an HTTP server for the archive. If an environment "
"variable <envar>http_proxy</envar> is set with the format "
@@ -7062,7 +7086,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:168
+#: sources.list.5.xml:173
msgid ""
"The ftp scheme specifies an FTP server for the archive. APT's FTP behavior "
"is highly configurable; for more information see the &apt-conf; manual "
@@ -7074,12 +7098,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:177
+#: sources.list.5.xml:182
msgid "copy"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:179
+#: sources.list.5.xml:184
msgid ""
"The copy scheme is identical to the file scheme except that packages are "
"copied into the cache directory instead of used directly at their location. "
@@ -7087,17 +7111,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:184
+#: sources.list.5.xml:189
msgid "rsh"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:184
+#: sources.list.5.xml:189
msgid "ssh"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:186
+#: sources.list.5.xml:191
msgid ""
"The rsh/ssh method invokes rsh/ssh to connect to a remote host as a given "
"user and access the files. It is a good idea to do prior arrangements with "
@@ -7107,12 +7131,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:194
+#: sources.list.5.xml:199
msgid "more recognizable URI types"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:196
+#: sources.list.5.xml:201
msgid ""
"APT can be extended with more methods shipped in other optional packages "
"which should follow the nameing scheme "
@@ -7126,49 +7150,49 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:138
+#: sources.list.5.xml:143
msgid ""
"The currently recognized URI types are cdrom, file, http, ftp, copy, ssh, "
"rsh. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:210
+#: sources.list.5.xml:215
msgid ""
"Uses the archive stored locally (or NFS mounted) at /home/jason/debian for "
"stable/main, stable/contrib, and stable/non-free."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:212
+#: sources.list.5.xml:217
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb file:/home/jason/debian stable main contrib non-free"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:214
+#: sources.list.5.xml:219
msgid "As above, except this uses the unstable (development) distribution."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:215
+#: sources.list.5.xml:220
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:217
+#: sources.list.5.xml:222
msgid "Source line for the above"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:218
+#: sources.list.5.xml:223
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb-src file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:220
+#: sources.list.5.xml:225
msgid ""
"The first line gets package information for the architectures in "
"<literal>APT::Architectures</literal> while the second always retrieves "
@@ -7176,7 +7200,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:222
+#: sources.list.5.xml:227
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"deb &stable-codename; main\n"
@@ -7184,33 +7208,33 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:225
+#: sources.list.5.xml:230
msgid ""
"Uses HTTP to access the archive at, and uses only the "
"hamm/main area."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:227
+#: sources.list.5.xml:232
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb hamm main"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:229
+#: sources.list.5.xml:234
msgid ""
"Uses FTP to access the archive at, under the debian "
"directory, and uses only the &stable-codename;/contrib area."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:231
+#: sources.list.5.xml:236
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb &stable-codename; contrib"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:233
+#: sources.list.5.xml:238
msgid ""
"Uses FTP to access the archive at, under the debian "
"directory, and uses only the unstable/contrib area. If this line appears as "
@@ -7219,19 +7243,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:237
+#: sources.list.5.xml:242
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb unstable contrib"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:246
+#: sources.list.5.xml:251
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb unstable/binary-$(ARCH)/"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:239
+#: sources.list.5.xml:244
msgid ""
"Uses HTTP to access the archive at, under the universe "
"directory, and uses only files found under "
@@ -7243,7 +7267,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:251
+#: sources.list.5.xml:256
msgid "&apt-cache; &apt-conf;"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/doc/po/de.po b/doc/po/de.po
index 96d7f054a..9a3415051 100644
--- a/doc/po/de.po
+++ b/doc/po/de.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: apt-doc 0.8.15-9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: APT Development Team <>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-05 23:06+0300\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-08 16:54+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-11-13 11:21+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Chris Leick <>\n"
"Language-Team: German <>\n"
@@ -734,7 +734,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:64 apt-cdrom.8.xml:50 apt-config.8.xml:50
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:46 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:59 apt-get.8.xml:121
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:46 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:59 apt-get.8.xml:114
#: apt-key.8.xml:38 apt-mark.8.xml:56 apt-secure.8.xml:43
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:47 apt.conf.5.xml:42 apt_preferences.5.xml:36
#: sources.list.5.xml:36
@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ msgstr ""
"und Generieren von interessanten Ausgaben der Paket-Metadaten bereit."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:70 apt-get.8.xml:127
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:70 apt-get.8.xml:120
msgid ""
"Unless the <option>-h</option>, or <option>--help</option> option is given, "
"one of the commands below must be present."
@@ -1254,8 +1254,8 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:278 apt-config.8.xml:96 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:59
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:342 apt-mark.8.xml:126
-#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:57 apt.conf.5.xml:577 apt.conf.5.xml:599
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:331 apt-mark.8.xml:126
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:57 apt.conf.5.xml:560 apt.conf.5.xml:582
msgid "options"
msgstr "Optionen"
@@ -1282,7 +1282,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:572 apt-get.8.xml:404
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571 apt-get.8.xml:393
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:61
msgid "<option>-s</option>"
msgstr "<option>-s</option>"
@@ -1310,12 +1310,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:546 apt-get.8.xml:394
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>-q</option>"
msgstr "<option>-q</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:546 apt-get.8.xml:394
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>--quiet</option>"
msgstr "<option>--quiet</option>"
@@ -1396,9 +1396,16 @@ msgstr "<option>--no-enhances</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:317
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Per default the <literal>depends</literal> and <literal>rdepends</"
+#| "literal> print all dependencies. This can be tweaked with these flags "
+#| "which will omit the specified dependency type. Configuration Item: "
+#| "<literal>APT::Cache::Show<replaceable>DependencyType</replaceable></"
+#| "literal> e.g. <literal>APT::Cache::ShowRecommends</literal>."
msgid ""
"Per default the <literal>depends</literal> and <literal>rdepends</literal> "
-"print all dependencies. This can be tweaked with these flags which will omit "
+"print all dependencies. This can be twicked with these flags which will omit "
"the specified dependency type. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Cache::"
"Show<replaceable>DependencyType</replaceable></literal> e.g. <literal>APT::"
@@ -1406,11 +1413,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Standardmäßig geben <literal>depends</literal> und <literal>rdepends</"
"literal> alle Abhängigkeiten aus. Dies kann mit diesen Schaltern optimiert "
"werden, die den angegebenen Abhängigkeitstyp weglassen. "
-"Konfigurationselement: <literal>APT::Cache::Show<replaceable>Abhängigkeitstyp"
-"</replaceable></literal> z.B. <literal>APT::Cache::ShowRecommends</literal>."
+"Konfigurationselement: <literal>APT::Cache::"
+"Show<replaceable>Abhängigkeitstyp</replaceable></literal> z.B. <literal>APT::"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:323 apt-cdrom.8.xml:124 apt-get.8.xml:361
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:323 apt-cdrom.8.xml:124 apt-get.8.xml:350
msgid "<option>-f</option>"
msgstr "<option>-f</option>"
@@ -1429,8 +1437,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Konfigurationselement: <literal>APT::Cache::ShowFull</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
-#: apt-get.8.xml:447
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
msgid "<option>-a</option>"
msgstr "<option>-a</option>"
@@ -1547,14 +1554,14 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:367 apt-cdrom.8.xml:153 apt-config.8.xml:101
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:612 apt-get.8.xml:591
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:611 apt-get.8.xml:570
#: apt-mark.8.xml:140 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:67
msgid "&apt-commonoptions;"
msgstr "&apt-commonoptions;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:596 apt-key.8.xml:175 apt-mark.8.xml:144
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1110 apt_preferences.5.xml:697
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:575 apt-key.8.xml:172 apt-mark.8.xml:144
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1093 apt_preferences.5.xml:697
msgid "Files"
msgstr "Dateien"
@@ -1565,10 +1572,10 @@ msgstr "&file-sourceslist; &file-statelists;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:379 apt-cdrom.8.xml:158 apt-config.8.xml:106
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628 apt-get.8.xml:606
-#: apt-key.8.xml:196 apt-mark.8.xml:150 apt-secure.8.xml:185
-#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1116 apt_preferences.5.xml:704
-#: sources.list.5.xml:250
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:627 apt-get.8.xml:585
+#: apt-key.8.xml:193 apt-mark.8.xml:150 apt-secure.8.xml:185
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1099 apt_preferences.5.xml:704
+#: sources.list.5.xml:234
msgid "See Also"
msgstr "Siehe auch"
@@ -1579,7 +1586,7 @@ msgstr "&apt-conf;, &sources-list;, &apt-get;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:384 apt-cdrom.8.xml:163 apt-config.8.xml:111
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:632 apt-get.8.xml:612
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:631 apt-get.8.xml:591
#: apt-mark.8.xml:154 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:76
msgid "Diagnostics"
msgstr "Diagnose"
@@ -1709,12 +1716,12 @@ msgstr ""
"<placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:161
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:158
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Optionen"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:540 apt-get.8.xml:356
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539 apt-get.8.xml:345
msgid "<option>-d</option>"
msgstr "<option>-d</option>"
@@ -1758,7 +1765,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Konfigurationselement: <literal>APT::CDROM::Rename</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:116 apt-get.8.xml:375
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:116 apt-get.8.xml:364
msgid "<option>-m</option>"
msgstr "<option>-m</option>"
@@ -1813,17 +1820,17 @@ msgstr ""
"Dies verlängert das Durchsuchen des Mediums deutlich, nimmt aber alle auf."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:143 apt-get.8.xml:406
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:143 apt-get.8.xml:395
msgid "<option>--just-print</option>"
msgstr "<option>--just-print</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:144 apt-get.8.xml:408
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:144 apt-get.8.xml:397
msgid "<option>--recon</option>"
msgstr "<option>--recon</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:145 apt-get.8.xml:409
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:145 apt-get.8.xml:398
msgid "<option>--no-act</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-act</option>"
@@ -1968,7 +1975,7 @@ msgid "Just show the contents of the configuration space."
msgstr "Nur der Inhalt des Konfigurationsbereichs wird angezeigt."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:629
+#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:73
msgid "&apt-conf;"
msgstr "&apt-conf;"
@@ -2048,7 +2055,7 @@ msgstr ""
"XXXX</filename> angegeben wurde"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:63 apt-get.8.xml:525
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:63 apt-get.8.xml:504
msgid "<option>-t</option>"
msgstr "<option>-t</option>"
@@ -2337,7 +2344,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Verwaltung der erforderlichen Einstellungen bereitstellt."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:145 apt-get.8.xml:298
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:145 apt-get.8.xml:287
msgid "clean"
msgstr "clean"
@@ -2906,8 +2913,8 @@ msgstr ""
"der Distribution erscheint, typischerweise etwas wie <literal>main contrib "
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:394 apt.conf.5.xml:157
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:394
msgid "Architectures"
msgstr "Architekturen"
@@ -3135,16 +3142,28 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:531
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Generate the given checksum. These options default to on, when turned off "
+#| "the generated index files will not have the checksum fields where "
+#| "possible. Configuration Items: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::"
+#| "<replaceable>Checksum</replaceable></literal> and <literal>APT::"
+#| "FTPArchive::<replaceable>Index</replaceable>::<replaceable>Checksum</"
+#| "replaceable></literal> where <literal><replaceable>Index</replaceable></"
+#| "literal> can be <literal>Packages</literal>, <literal>Sources</literal> "
+#| "or <literal>Release</literal> and <literal><replaceable>Checksum</"
+#| "replaceable></literal> can be <literal>MD5</literal>, <literal>SHA1</"
+#| "literal> or <literal>SHA256</literal>."
msgid ""
"Generate the given checksum. These options default to on, when turned off "
"the generated index files will not have the checksum fields where possible. "
"Configuration Items: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Checksum</"
"replaceable></literal> and <literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Index</"
"replaceable>::<replaceable>Checksum</replaceable></literal> where "
-"<literal><replaceable>Index</replaceable></literal> can be "
-"<literal>Packages</literal>, <literal>Sources</literal> or <literal>Release</"
-"literal> and <literal><replaceable>Checksum</replaceable></literal> can be "
-"<literal>MD5</literal>, <literal>SHA1</literal> or <literal>SHA256</literal>."
+"<literal>Index</literal> can be <literal>Packages</literal>, "
+"<literal>Sources</literal> or <literal>Release</literal> and "
+"<literal>Checksum</literal> can be <literal>MD5</literal>, <literal>SHA1</"
+"literal> or <literal>SHA256</literal>."
msgstr ""
"erzeugt die vorgegebene Prüfsumme. Diese Optionen sind standardmäßig "
"aktiviert. Wenn sie deaktiviert sind, werden die erzeugten Indexdateien nach "
@@ -3159,12 +3178,12 @@ msgstr ""
"literal> sein kann."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:540
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539
msgid "<option>--db</option>"
msgstr "<option>--db</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:542
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:541
msgid ""
"Use a binary caching DB. This has no effect on the generate command. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::DB</literal>."
@@ -3174,7 +3193,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:548
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:547
msgid ""
"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
@@ -3188,12 +3207,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Konfigurationselement: <literal>quiet</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:554
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:553
msgid "<option>--delink</option>"
msgstr "<option>--delink</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:556
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:555
msgid ""
"Perform Delinking. If the <literal>External-Links</literal> setting is used "
"then this option actually enables delinking of the files. It defaults to on "
@@ -3207,12 +3226,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:562
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:561
msgid "<option>--contents</option>"
msgstr "<option>--contents</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:564
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:563
msgid ""
"Perform contents generation. When this option is set and package indexes are "
"being generated with a cache DB then the file listing will also be extracted "
@@ -3228,12 +3247,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Konfigurationselement: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Contents</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:572
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571
msgid "<option>--source-override</option>"
msgstr "<option>--source-override</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:574
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:573
msgid ""
"Select the source override file to use with the <literal>sources</literal> "
"command. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::SourceOverride</"
@@ -3244,12 +3263,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:578
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:577
msgid "<option>--readonly</option>"
msgstr "<option>--readonly</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:580
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:579
msgid ""
"Make the caching databases read only. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::"
@@ -3258,12 +3277,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
msgid "<option>--arch</option>"
msgstr "<option>--arch</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:585
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
msgid ""
"Accept in the <literal>packages</literal> and <literal>contents</literal> "
"commands only package files matching <literal>*_arch.deb</literal> or "
@@ -3277,12 +3296,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:591
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:590
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::AlwaysStat</option>"
msgstr "<option>APT::FTPArchive::AlwaysStat</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:593
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:592
msgid ""
"&apt-ftparchive; caches as much as possible of metadata in a cachedb. If "
"packages are recompiled and/or republished with the same version again, this "
@@ -3306,12 +3325,12 @@ msgstr ""
"haben sollte und all diese zusätzlichen Prüfungen daher nutzlos sind."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:603
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:602
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::LongDescription</option>"
msgstr "<option>APT::FTPArchive::LongDescription</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:605
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:604
msgid ""
"This configuration option defaults to \"<literal>true</literal>\" and should "
"only be set to <literal>\"false\"</literal> if the Archive generated with "
@@ -3327,19 +3346,19 @@ msgstr ""
"werden kann."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:617 apt.conf.5.xml:1104 apt_preferences.5.xml:544
-#: sources.list.5.xml:209
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:616 apt.conf.5.xml:1087 apt_preferences.5.xml:544
+#: sources.list.5.xml:198
msgid "Examples"
msgstr "Beispiele"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><programlisting>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:623
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:622
#, no-wrap
msgid "<command>apt-ftparchive</command> packages <replaceable>directory</replaceable> | <command>gzip</command> > <filename>Packages.gz</filename>\n"
msgstr "<command>apt-ftparchive</command> Pakete <replaceable>Verzeichnis</replaceable> | <command>gzip</command> > <filename>Pakete.gz</filename>\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:619
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:618
msgid ""
"To create a compressed Packages file for a directory containing binary "
"packages (.deb): <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
@@ -3349,7 +3368,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:633
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:632
msgid ""
"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal "
"100 on error."
@@ -3379,16 +3398,46 @@ msgstr "APT-Werkzeug für den Umgang mit Paketen -- Befehlszeilenschnittstelle"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsynopsisdiv><cmdsynopsis>
#: apt-get.8.xml:39
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<command>apt-get</command> <arg><option>-sqdyfmubV</option></arg> <arg> "
+#| "<option>-o= <replaceable>config_string</replaceable> </option> </arg> "
+#| "<arg> <option>-c= <replaceable>config_file</replaceable> </option> </arg> "
+#| "<arg> <option>-t=</option> <arg choice='plain'> "
+#| "<replaceable>target_release</replaceable> </arg> </arg> <arg> <option>-"
+#| "a=</option> <arg choice='plain'> <replaceable>default_architecture</"
+#| "replaceable> </arg> </arg> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg "
+#| "choice='plain'>update</arg> <arg choice='plain'>upgrade</arg> <arg "
+#| "choice='plain'>dselect-upgrade</arg> <arg choice='plain'>dist-upgrade</"
+#| "arg> <arg choice='plain'>install <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
+#| "\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable> <arg> <group choice='req'> <arg "
+#| "choice='plain'> =<replaceable>pkg_version_number</replaceable> </arg> "
+#| "<arg choice='plain'> /<replaceable>target_release</replaceable> </arg> </"
+#| "group> </arg> </arg> </arg> <arg choice='plain'>remove <arg choice=\"plain"
+#| "\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg> <arg "
+#| "choice='plain'>purge <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
+#| "\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg> <arg choice='plain'>source "
+#| "<arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable> <arg> "
+#| "<group choice='req'> <arg choice='plain'> "
+#| "=<replaceable>pkg_version_number</replaceable> </arg> <arg "
+#| "choice='plain'> /<replaceable>target_release</replaceable> </arg> </"
+#| "group> </arg> </arg> </arg> <arg choice='plain'>build-dep <arg choice="
+#| "\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable></arg></arg> <arg "
+#| "choice='plain'>check</arg> <arg choice='plain'>clean</arg> <arg "
+#| "choice='plain'>autoclean</arg> <arg choice='plain'>autoremove</arg> <arg "
+#| "choice='plain'> <group choice='req'> <arg choice='plain'>-v</arg> <arg "
+#| "choice='plain'>--version</arg> </group> </arg> <arg choice='plain'> "
+#| "<group choice='req'> <arg choice='plain'>-h</arg> <arg choice='plain'>--"
+#| "help</arg> </group> </arg> </group>"
msgid ""
"<command>apt-get</command> <arg><option>-sqdyfmubV</option></arg> <arg> "
"<option>-o= <replaceable>config_string</replaceable> </option> </arg> <arg> "
"<option>-c= <replaceable>config_file</replaceable> </option> </arg> <arg> "
"<option>-t=</option> <arg choice='plain'> <replaceable>target_release</"
-"replaceable> </arg> </arg> <arg> <option>-a=</option> <arg choice='plain'> "
-"<replaceable>default_architecture</replaceable> </arg> </arg> <group choice="
-"\"req\"> <arg choice='plain'>update</arg> <arg choice='plain'>upgrade</arg> "
-"<arg choice='plain'>dselect-upgrade</arg> <arg choice='plain'>dist-upgrade</"
-"arg> <arg choice='plain'>install <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
+"replaceable> </arg> </arg> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>update</arg> <arg choice='plain'>upgrade</arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>dselect-upgrade</arg> <arg choice='plain'>dist-upgrade</arg> "
+"<arg choice='plain'>install <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
"\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable> <arg> <group choice='req'> <arg "
"choice='plain'> =<replaceable>pkg_version_number</replaceable> </arg> <arg "
"choice='plain'> /<replaceable>target_release</replaceable> </arg> </group> </"
@@ -3410,35 +3459,35 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"<command>apt-get</command> <arg><option>-sqdyfmubV</option></arg> <arg> "
"<option>-o= <replaceable>Konfigurationszeichenkette</replaceable> </option> "
-"</arg> <arg> <option>-c= <replaceable>Konfigurationsdatei</replaceable> "
-"</option> </arg> <arg> <option>-t=</option> <arg choice='plain'> "
-"<replaceable>Ziel-Release</replaceable> </arg> </arg> <arg> "
-"<option>-a=</option> <arg choice='plain'> "
-"<replaceable>Vorgabearchitektur</replaceable> </arg> </arg> <group choice="
-"\"req\"> <arg choice='plain'>update</arg> <arg choice='plain'>upgrade</arg> "
-"<arg choice='plain'>dselect-upgrade</arg> <arg choice='plain'>dist-upgrade</"
-"arg> <arg choice='plain'>install <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
-"\"><replaceable>Paket</replaceable> <arg> <group choice='req'> <arg "
-"choice='plain'> =<replaceable>Paket-Versionsnummer</replaceable> </arg> <arg "
-"choice='plain'> /<replaceable>Ziel-Release</replaceable> </arg> </group> </"
-"arg> </arg> </arg> <arg choice='plain'>remove <arg choice=\"plain\" rep="
-"\"repeat\"><replaceable>Paket</replaceable></arg></arg> <arg "
-"choice='plain'>purge <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>Paket</"
-"replaceable></arg></arg> <arg choice='plain'>source <arg choice=\"plain\" "
-"rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>Paket</replaceable> <arg> <group choice='req'> "
-"<arg choice='plain'> =<replaceable>Paket-Versionsnummer</replaceable> </arg> "
-"<arg choice='plain'> /<replaceable>Ziel-Release</replaceable> </arg> </"
-"group> </arg> </arg> </arg> <arg choice='plain'>build-dep <arg choice=\"plain"
-"\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>Paket</replaceable></arg></arg> <arg "
-"choice='plain'>check</arg> <arg choice='plain'>clean</arg> <arg "
-"choice='plain'>autoclean</arg> <arg choice='plain'>autoremove</arg> <arg "
-"choice='plain'> <group choice='req'> <arg choice='plain'>-v</arg> <arg "
-"choice='plain'>--version</arg> </group> </arg> <arg choice='plain'> <group "
-"choice='req'> <arg choice='plain'>-h</arg> <arg choice='plain'>--help</arg> "
-"</group> </arg> </group>"
+"</arg> <arg> <option>-c= <replaceable>Konfigurationsdatei</replaceable> </"
+"option> </arg> <arg> <option>-t=</option> <arg choice='plain'> "
+"<replaceable>Ziel-Release</replaceable> </arg> </arg> <arg> <option>-a=</"
+"option> <arg choice='plain'> <replaceable>Vorgabearchitektur</replaceable> </"
+"arg> </arg> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg choice='plain'>update</arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>upgrade</arg> <arg choice='plain'>dselect-upgrade</arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>dist-upgrade</arg> <arg choice='plain'>install <arg choice="
+"\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>Paket</replaceable> <arg> <group "
+"choice='req'> <arg choice='plain'> =<replaceable>Paket-Versionsnummer</"
+"replaceable> </arg> <arg choice='plain'> /<replaceable>Ziel-Release</"
+"replaceable> </arg> </group> </arg> </arg> </arg> <arg choice='plain'>remove "
+"<arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>Paket</replaceable></arg></"
+"arg> <arg choice='plain'>purge <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
+"\"><replaceable>Paket</replaceable></arg></arg> <arg choice='plain'>source "
+"<arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>Paket</replaceable> <arg> "
+"<group choice='req'> <arg choice='plain'> =<replaceable>Paket-"
+"Versionsnummer</replaceable> </arg> <arg choice='plain'> /<replaceable>Ziel-"
+"Release</replaceable> </arg> </group> </arg> </arg> </arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>build-dep <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
+"\"><replaceable>Paket</replaceable></arg></arg> <arg choice='plain'>check</"
+"arg> <arg choice='plain'>clean</arg> <arg choice='plain'>autoclean</arg> "
+"<arg choice='plain'>autoremove</arg> <arg choice='plain'> <group "
+"choice='req'> <arg choice='plain'>-v</arg> <arg choice='plain'>--version</"
+"arg> </group> </arg> <arg choice='plain'> <group choice='req'> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>-h</arg> <arg choice='plain'>--help</arg> </group> </arg> </"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:122
+#: apt-get.8.xml:115
msgid ""
"<command>apt-get</command> is the command-line tool for handling packages, "
"and may be considered the user's \"back-end\" to other tools using the APT "
@@ -3451,12 +3500,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Oberflächenschnittstellen, wie &dselect;, &aptitude;, &synaptic; und &wajig;."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:131 apt-key.8.xml:127
+#: apt-get.8.xml:124 apt-key.8.xml:127
msgid "update"
msgstr "update"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:132
+#: apt-get.8.xml:125
msgid ""
"<literal>update</literal> is used to resynchronize the package index files "
"from their sources. The indexes of available packages are fetched from the "
@@ -3480,12 +3529,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Größe der Pakete nicht im voraus bekannt ist."
#. type: <tag></tag>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:143 guide.sgml:121
+#: apt-get.8.xml:136 guide.sgml:121
msgid "upgrade"
msgstr "upgrade"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:144
+#: apt-get.8.xml:137
msgid ""
"<literal>upgrade</literal> is used to install the newest versions of all "
"packages currently installed on the system from the sources enumerated in "
@@ -3511,12 +3560,12 @@ msgstr ""
"get</command> die neuen Versionen der verfügbaren Pakete kennt."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:156
+#: apt-get.8.xml:149
msgid "dselect-upgrade"
msgstr "dselect-upgrade"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:157
+#: apt-get.8.xml:150
msgid ""
"<literal>dselect-upgrade</literal> is used in conjunction with the "
"traditional Debian packaging front-end, &dselect;. <literal>dselect-upgrade</"
@@ -3533,12 +3582,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Installieren von neuen Paketen)."
#. type: <tag></tag>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:166 guide.sgml:140
+#: apt-get.8.xml:159 guide.sgml:140
msgid "dist-upgrade"
msgstr "dist-upgrade"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:167
+#: apt-get.8.xml:160
msgid ""
"<literal>dist-upgrade</literal> in addition to performing the function of "
"<literal>upgrade</literal>, also intelligently handles changing dependencies "
@@ -3562,12 +3611,12 @@ msgstr ""
"überschreiben der allgemeinen Einstellungen für einzelne Pakete."
#. type: <tag></tag>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:179 guide.sgml:131
+#: apt-get.8.xml:172 guide.sgml:131
msgid "install"
msgstr "install"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:181
+#: apt-get.8.xml:174
msgid ""
"<literal>install</literal> is followed by one or more packages desired for "
"installation or upgrading. Each package is a package name, not a fully "
@@ -3596,7 +3645,7 @@ msgstr ""
"vom Konfliktauflösungssystem von apt-get getroffen wurden."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:199
+#: apt-get.8.xml:192
msgid ""
"A specific version of a package can be selected for installation by "
"following the package name with an equals and the version of the package to "
@@ -3614,7 +3663,7 @@ msgstr ""
"ausgewählt werden."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:206
+#: apt-get.8.xml:199
msgid ""
"Both of the version selection mechanisms can downgrade packages and must be "
"used with care."
@@ -3623,7 +3672,7 @@ msgstr ""
"durchführen und müssen mit Vorsicht gehandhabt werden."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:209
+#: apt-get.8.xml:202
msgid ""
"This is also the target to use if you want to upgrade one or more already-"
"installed packages without upgrading every package you have on your system. "
@@ -3644,7 +3693,7 @@ msgstr ""
"heruntergeladen und installiert."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:220
+#: apt-get.8.xml:213
msgid ""
"Finally, the &apt-preferences; mechanism allows you to create an alternative "
"installation policy for individual packages."
@@ -3653,7 +3702,7 @@ msgstr ""
"alternative Installationsrichtlinie für eigene Pakete zu erzeugen."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:224
+#: apt-get.8.xml:217
msgid ""
"If no package matches the given expression and the expression contains one "
"of '.', '?' or '*' then it is assumed to be a POSIX regular expression, and "
@@ -3673,12 +3722,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Zeichen, um genauere reguläre Ausdruck zu erstellen."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:233
+#: apt-get.8.xml:226
msgid "remove"
msgstr "remove"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:234
+#: apt-get.8.xml:227
msgid ""
"<literal>remove</literal> is identical to <literal>install</literal> except "
"that packages are removed instead of installed. Note the removing a package "
@@ -3693,12 +3742,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Leerzeichen dazwischen) wird das erkannte Paket installiert anstatt entfernt."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:241
+#: apt-get.8.xml:234
msgid "purge"
msgstr "purge"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:242
+#: apt-get.8.xml:235
msgid ""
"<literal>purge</literal> is identical to <literal>remove</literal> except "
"that packages are removed and purged (any configuration files are deleted "
@@ -3709,12 +3758,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Konfigurationsdateien werden mitgelöscht)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:246
+#: apt-get.8.xml:239
msgid "source"
msgstr "source"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:247
+#: apt-get.8.xml:240
msgid ""
"<literal>source</literal> causes <command>apt-get</command> to fetch source "
"packages. APT will examine the available packages to decide which source "
@@ -3734,7 +3783,7 @@ msgstr ""
"wurde, wenn möglich."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:255
+#: apt-get.8.xml:248
msgid ""
"Source packages are tracked separately from binary packages via <literal>deb-"
"src</literal> type lines in the &sources-list; file. This means that you "
@@ -3750,13 +3799,19 @@ msgstr ""
"installiert haben oder installieren könnten."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:262
+#: apt-get.8.xml:255
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "If the <option>--compile</option> option is specified then the package "
+#| "will be compiled to a binary .deb using <command>dpkg-buildpackage</"
+#| "command> for the architecture as defined by the <command>--host-"
+#| "architecture</command> option. If <option>--download-only</option> is "
+#| "specified then the source package will not be unpacked."
msgid ""
"If the <option>--compile</option> option is specified then the package will "
-"be compiled to a binary .deb using <command>dpkg-buildpackage</command> for "
-"the architecture as defined by the <command>--host-architecture</command> "
-"option. If <option>--download-only</option> is specified then the source "
-"package will not be unpacked."
+"be compiled to a binary .deb using <command>dpkg-buildpackage</command>, if "
+"<option>--download-only</option> is specified then the source package will "
+"not be unpacked."
msgstr ""
"Falls die Option <option>--compile</option> angegeben ist, dann wird das "
"Paket unter Benutzung von <command>dpkg-buildpackage</command> für die "
@@ -3765,7 +3820,7 @@ msgstr ""
"angegeben ist, wird das Quellpaket nicht entpackt."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:269
+#: apt-get.8.xml:260
msgid ""
"A specific source version can be retrieved by postfixing the source name "
"with an equals and then the version to fetch, similar to the mechanism used "
@@ -3781,7 +3836,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:275
+#: apt-get.8.xml:266
msgid ""
"Note that source packages are not tracked like binary packages, they exist "
"only in the current directory and are similar to downloading source tar "
@@ -3792,18 +3847,22 @@ msgstr ""
"heruntergeladenen Tarballs ähnlich."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:280
+#: apt-get.8.xml:271
msgid "build-dep"
msgstr "build-dep"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:281
+#: apt-get.8.xml:272
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>build-dep</literal> causes apt-get to install/remove packages in "
+#| "an attempt to satisfy the build dependencies for a source package. By "
+#| "default the dependencies are satisfied to build the package natively. If "
+#| "desired a host-architecture can be specified with the <option>--host-"
+#| "architecture</option> option instead."
msgid ""
"<literal>build-dep</literal> causes apt-get to install/remove packages in an "
-"attempt to satisfy the build dependencies for a source package. By default "
-"the dependencies are satisfied to build the package natively. If desired a "
-"host-architecture can be specified with the <option>--host-architecture</"
-"option> option instead."
+"attempt to satisfy the build dependencies for a source package."
msgstr ""
"<literal>build-dep</literal> veranlasst apt-get, Pakete zu installieren/"
"entfernen, um zu versuchen, die Bau-Abhängigkeiten eines Quellpakets zu "
@@ -3813,12 +3872,12 @@ msgstr ""
"angegeben werden."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:287
+#: apt-get.8.xml:276
msgid "check"
msgstr "check"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:288
+#: apt-get.8.xml:277
msgid ""
"<literal>check</literal> is a diagnostic tool; it updates the package cache "
"and checks for broken dependencies."
@@ -3827,21 +3886,25 @@ msgstr ""
"Paketzwischenspeicher und prüft, ob beschädigte Abhängigkeiten vorliegen."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:292
+#: apt-get.8.xml:281
msgid "download"
msgstr "download"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:293
+#: apt-get.8.xml:282
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>download</literal> will download the given binary package into "
+#| "the current directory."
msgid ""
"<literal>download</literal> will download the given binary package into the "
-"current directory."
+"current directoy."
msgstr ""
"<literal>download</literal> wird das angegebene Binärpaket in das aktuelle "
"Verzeichnis herunterladen."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:299
+#: apt-get.8.xml:288
msgid ""
"<literal>clean</literal> clears out the local repository of retrieved "
"package files. It removes everything but the lock file from "
@@ -3860,12 +3923,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Zeit zu Zeit ausführen, um Plattenplatz freizugeben."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:308
+#: apt-get.8.xml:297
msgid "autoclean"
msgstr "autoclean"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:309
+#: apt-get.8.xml:298
msgid ""
"Like <literal>clean</literal>, <literal>autoclean</literal> clears out the "
"local repository of retrieved package files. The difference is that it only "
@@ -3885,28 +3948,33 @@ msgstr ""
"sie auf »off« gesetzt ist."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:318
+#: apt-get.8.xml:307
msgid "autoremove"
msgstr "autoremove"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:319
+#: apt-get.8.xml:308
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>autoremove</literal> is used to remove packages that were "
+#| "automatically installed to satisfy dependencies for other packages and "
+#| "are now no longer needed."
msgid ""
"<literal>autoremove</literal> is used to remove packages that were "
-"automatically installed to satisfy dependencies for other packages and are "
-"now no longer needed."
+"automatically installed to satisfy dependencies for some package and that "
+"are no more needed."
msgstr ""
"<literal>autoremove</literal> wird benutzt, um Pakete zu entfernen, die "
"automatisch installiert wurden, um Abhängigkeiten für andere Pakete zu "
"erfüllen und die nicht mehr benötigt werden."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:323
+#: apt-get.8.xml:312
msgid "changelog"
msgstr "changelog"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:324
+#: apt-get.8.xml:313
msgid ""
"<literal>changelog</literal> downloads a package changelog and displays it "
"through <command>sensible-pager</command>. The server name and base "
@@ -3927,12 +3995,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Befehl <option>install</option> angeben."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:346
+#: apt-get.8.xml:335
msgid "<option>--no-install-recommends</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-install-recommends</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:347
+#: apt-get.8.xml:336
msgid ""
"Do not consider recommended packages as a dependency for installing. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Install-Recommends</literal>."
@@ -3941,12 +4009,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Konfigurationselement: <literal>APT::Install-Recommends</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:351
+#: apt-get.8.xml:340
msgid "<option>--install-suggests</option>"
msgstr "<option>--install-suggests</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:352
+#: apt-get.8.xml:341
msgid ""
"Consider suggested packages as a dependency for installing. Configuration "
"Item: <literal>APT::Install-Suggests</literal>."
@@ -3955,12 +4023,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Konfigurationselement: <literal>APT::Install-Suggests</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:356
+#: apt-get.8.xml:345
msgid "<option>--download-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--download-only</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:357
+#: apt-get.8.xml:346
msgid ""
"Download only; package files are only retrieved, not unpacked or installed. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Download-Only</literal>."
@@ -3970,12 +4038,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:361
+#: apt-get.8.xml:350
msgid "<option>--fix-broken</option>"
msgstr "<option>--fix-broken</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:362
+#: apt-get.8.xml:351
msgid ""
"Fix; attempt to correct a system with broken dependencies in place. This "
"option, when used with install/remove, can omit any packages to permit APT "
@@ -4004,17 +4072,17 @@ msgstr ""
"Konfigurationselement: <literal>APT::Get::Fix-Broken</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:375
+#: apt-get.8.xml:364
msgid "<option>--ignore-missing</option>"
msgstr "<option>--ignore-missing</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:376
+#: apt-get.8.xml:365
msgid "<option>--fix-missing</option>"
msgstr "<option>--fix-missing</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:377
+#: apt-get.8.xml:366
msgid ""
"Ignore missing packages; If packages cannot be retrieved or fail the "
"integrity check after retrieval (corrupted package files), hold back those "
@@ -4035,12 +4103,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:387
+#: apt-get.8.xml:376
msgid "<option>--no-download</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-download</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:388
+#: apt-get.8.xml:377
msgid ""
"Disables downloading of packages. This is best used with <option>--ignore-"
"missing</option> to force APT to use only the .debs it has already "
@@ -4052,7 +4120,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:395
+#: apt-get.8.xml:384
msgid ""
"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
@@ -4072,17 +4140,17 @@ msgstr ""
"Konfigurationselement: <literal>quiet</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:405
+#: apt-get.8.xml:394
msgid "<option>--simulate</option>"
msgstr "<option>--simulate</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:407
+#: apt-get.8.xml:396
msgid "<option>--dry-run</option>"
msgstr "<option>--dry-run</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:410
+#: apt-get.8.xml:399
msgid ""
"No action; perform a simulation of events that would occur but do not "
"actually change the system. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::"
@@ -4093,7 +4161,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:414
+#: apt-get.8.xml:403
msgid ""
"Simulation run as user will deactivate locking (<literal>Debug::NoLocking</"
"literal>) automatic. Also a notice will be displayed indicating that this "
@@ -4111,7 +4179,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Warnungen von <literal>apt-get</literal> wissen, was er tut)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:420
+#: apt-get.8.xml:409
msgid ""
"Simulate prints out a series of lines each one representing a dpkg "
"operation, Configure (Conf), Remove (Remv), Unpack (Inst). Square brackets "
@@ -4124,22 +4192,22 @@ msgstr ""
"eckiger Klammern bedeutet Unterbrechungen, die keine Folgen haben (selten)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:427
+#: apt-get.8.xml:416
msgid "<option>-y</option>"
msgstr "<option>-y</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:427
+#: apt-get.8.xml:416
msgid "<option>--yes</option>"
msgstr "<option>--yes</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:428
+#: apt-get.8.xml:417
msgid "<option>--assume-yes</option>"
msgstr "<option>--assume-yes</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:429
+#: apt-get.8.xml:418
msgid ""
"Automatic yes to prompts; assume \"yes\" as answer to all prompts and run "
"non-interactively. If an undesirable situation, such as changing a held "
@@ -4155,17 +4223,17 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:436
+#: apt-get.8.xml:425
msgid "<option>-u</option>"
msgstr "<option>-u</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:436
+#: apt-get.8.xml:425
msgid "<option>--show-upgraded</option>"
msgstr "<option>--show-upgraded</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:437
+#: apt-get.8.xml:426
msgid ""
"Show upgraded packages; Print out a list of all packages that are to be "
"upgraded. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Show-Upgraded</literal>."
@@ -4175,17 +4243,17 @@ msgstr ""
"Konfigurationselement: <literal>APT::Get::Show-Upgraded</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:442
+#: apt-get.8.xml:431
msgid "<option>-V</option>"
msgstr "<option>-V</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:442
+#: apt-get.8.xml:431
msgid "<option>--verbose-versions</option>"
msgstr "<option>--verbose-versions</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:443
+#: apt-get.8.xml:432
msgid ""
"Show full versions for upgraded and installed packages. Configuration Item: "
@@ -4195,44 +4263,22 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:448
-msgid "<option>--host-architecture</option>"
-msgstr "<option>--host-architecture</option>"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:449
-msgid ""
-"This option controls the architecture packages are built for by <command>apt-"
-"get source --compile</command> and how cross-builddependencies are "
-"satisfied. By default is it not set which means that the host architecture is "
-"the same as the build architecture (which is defined by <literal>APT::"
-"Architecture</literal>). Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Host-"
-msgstr ""
-"Diese Option steuert, wie die Architekturpakete durch <command>apt-get "
-"source --compile</command> gebaut und wie Cross-Bau-Abhängigkeiten erfüllt "
-"werden. Standardmäßig ist sie nicht gesetze, was bedeutet, dass die "
-"Rechnerarchitektur die gleiche wie die Bau-Architektur ist (die durch "
-"<literal>APT::Architecture</literal>) definiert wird). Konfigurationselement: "
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:457
+#: apt-get.8.xml:436
msgid "<option>-b</option>"
msgstr "<option>-b</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:457
+#: apt-get.8.xml:436
msgid "<option>--compile</option>"
msgstr "<option>--compile</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:458
+#: apt-get.8.xml:437
msgid "<option>--build</option>"
msgstr "<option>--build</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:459
+#: apt-get.8.xml:438
msgid ""
"Compile source packages after downloading them. Configuration Item: "
@@ -4241,12 +4287,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Konfigurationselement: <literal>APT::Get::Compile</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:463
+#: apt-get.8.xml:442
msgid "<option>--ignore-hold</option>"
msgstr "<option>--ignore-hold</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:464
+#: apt-get.8.xml:443
msgid ""
"Ignore package Holds; This causes <command>apt-get</command> to ignore a "
"hold placed on a package. This may be useful in conjunction with "
@@ -4260,12 +4306,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:470
+#: apt-get.8.xml:449
msgid "<option>--no-upgrade</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-upgrade</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:471
+#: apt-get.8.xml:450
msgid ""
"Do not upgrade packages; When used in conjunction with <literal>install</"
"literal>, <literal>no-upgrade</literal> will prevent packages on the command "
@@ -4279,12 +4325,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:477
+#: apt-get.8.xml:456
msgid "<option>--only-upgrade</option>"
msgstr "<option>--only-upgrade</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:478
+#: apt-get.8.xml:457
msgid ""
"Do not install new packages; When used in conjunction with <literal>install</"
"literal>, <literal>only-upgrade</literal> will prevent packages on the "
@@ -4298,12 +4344,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:484
+#: apt-get.8.xml:463
msgid "<option>--force-yes</option>"
msgstr "<option>--force-yes</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:485
+#: apt-get.8.xml:464
msgid ""
"Force yes; This is a dangerous option that will cause apt to continue "
"without prompting if it is doing something potentially harmful. It should "
@@ -4318,12 +4364,12 @@ msgstr ""
"zerstören! Konfigurationselement: <literal>APT::Get::force-yes</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:492
+#: apt-get.8.xml:471
msgid "<option>--print-uris</option>"
msgstr "<option>--print-uris</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:493
+#: apt-get.8.xml:472
msgid ""
"Instead of fetching the files to install their URIs are printed. Each URI "
"will have the path, the destination file name, the size and the expected md5 "
@@ -4345,12 +4391,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:503
+#: apt-get.8.xml:482
msgid "<option>--purge</option>"
msgstr "<option>--purge</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:504
+#: apt-get.8.xml:483
msgid ""
"Use purge instead of remove for anything that would be removed. An asterisk "
"(\"*\") will be displayed next to packages which are scheduled to be purged. "
@@ -4363,12 +4409,12 @@ msgstr ""
"option>. Konfigurationselement: <literal>APT::Get::Purge</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:511
+#: apt-get.8.xml:490
msgid "<option>--reinstall</option>"
msgstr "<option>--reinstall</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:512
+#: apt-get.8.xml:491
msgid ""
"Re-Install packages that are already installed and at the newest version. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::ReInstall</literal>."
@@ -4377,12 +4423,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Version sind. Konfigurationselement: <literal>APT::Get::ReInstall</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:516
+#: apt-get.8.xml:495
msgid "<option>--list-cleanup</option>"
msgstr "<option>--list-cleanup</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:517
+#: apt-get.8.xml:496
msgid ""
"This option defaults to on, use <literal>--no-list-cleanup</literal> to turn "
"it off. When on <command>apt-get</command> will automatically manage the "
@@ -4400,17 +4446,17 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:526
+#: apt-get.8.xml:505
msgid "<option>--target-release</option>"
msgstr "<option>--target-release</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:527
+#: apt-get.8.xml:506
msgid "<option>--default-release</option>"
msgstr "<option>--default-release</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:528
+#: apt-get.8.xml:507
msgid ""
"This option controls the default input to the policy engine, it creates a "
"default pin at priority 990 using the specified release string. This "
@@ -4435,12 +4481,12 @@ msgstr ""
"auch die &apt-preferences;-Handbuchseite."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:541
+#: apt-get.8.xml:520
msgid "<option>--trivial-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--trivial-only</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:543
+#: apt-get.8.xml:522
msgid ""
"Only perform operations that are 'trivial'. Logically this can be considered "
"related to <option>--assume-yes</option>, where <option>--assume-yes</"
@@ -4454,12 +4500,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:549
+#: apt-get.8.xml:528
msgid "<option>--no-remove</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-remove</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:550
+#: apt-get.8.xml:529
msgid ""
"If any packages are to be removed apt-get immediately aborts without "
"prompting. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Remove</literal>."
@@ -4468,12 +4514,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Nachfrage ab. Konfigurationselement: <literal>APT::Get::Remove</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:555
+#: apt-get.8.xml:534
msgid "<option>--auto-remove</option>"
msgstr "<option>--auto-remove</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:556
+#: apt-get.8.xml:535
msgid ""
"If the command is either <literal>install</literal> or <literal>remove</"
"literal>, then this option acts like running <literal>autoremove</literal> "
@@ -4487,12 +4533,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:562
+#: apt-get.8.xml:541
msgid "<option>--only-source</option>"
msgstr "<option>--only-source</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:563
+#: apt-get.8.xml:542
msgid ""
"Only has meaning for the <literal>source</literal> and <literal>build-dep</"
"literal> commands. Indicates that the given source names are not to be "
@@ -4511,22 +4557,22 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:573
+#: apt-get.8.xml:552
msgid "<option>--diff-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--diff-only</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:573
+#: apt-get.8.xml:552
msgid "<option>--dsc-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--dsc-only</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:573
+#: apt-get.8.xml:552
msgid "<option>--tar-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--tar-only</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:574
+#: apt-get.8.xml:553
msgid ""
"Download only the diff, dsc, or tar file of a source archive. Configuration "
"Item: <literal>APT::Get::Diff-Only</literal>, <literal>APT::Get::Dsc-Only</"
@@ -4538,12 +4584,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:579
+#: apt-get.8.xml:558
msgid "<option>--arch-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--arch-only</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:580
+#: apt-get.8.xml:559
msgid ""
"Only process architecture-dependent build-dependencies. Configuration Item: "
@@ -4552,12 +4598,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Konfigurationselement: <literal>APT::Get::Arch-Only</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:584
+#: apt-get.8.xml:563
msgid "<option>--allow-unauthenticated</option>"
msgstr "<option>--allow-unauthenticated</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:585
+#: apt-get.8.xml:564
msgid ""
"Ignore if packages can't be authenticated and don't prompt about it. This "
"is useful for tools like pbuilder. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::"
@@ -4568,7 +4614,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:598
+#: apt-get.8.xml:577
msgid ""
"&file-sourceslist; &file-aptconf; &file-preferences; &file-cachearchives; "
@@ -4577,7 +4623,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:607
+#: apt-get.8.xml:586
msgid ""
"&apt-cache;, &apt-cdrom;, &dpkg;, &dselect;, &sources-list;, &apt-conf;, "
"&apt-config;, &apt-secure;, The APT User's guide in &guidesdir;, &apt-"
@@ -4588,7 +4634,7 @@ msgstr ""
"preferences;, das APT-Howto."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:613
+#: apt-get.8.xml:592
msgid ""
"<command>apt-get</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 on "
@@ -4597,22 +4643,22 @@ msgstr ""
"100 bei Fehlern."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:616
+#: apt-get.8.xml:595
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:617
+#: apt-get.8.xml:596
msgid "&apt-author.jgunthorpe;"
msgstr "&apt-author.jgunthorpe;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:620
+#: apt-get.8.xml:599
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:622
+#: apt-get.8.xml:601
msgid "&;"
msgstr "&;"
@@ -4743,43 +4789,41 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#: apt-key.8.xml:131
msgid ""
-"Update the local keyring with the archive keyring and remove from the local "
-"keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid. The archive keyring is "
-"shipped in the <literal>archive-keyring</literal> package of your "
-"distribution, e.g. the <literal>debian-archive-keyring</literal> package in "
+"Update the local keyring with the keyring of Debian archive keys and removes "
+"from the keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid."
msgstr ""
-"Aktualisiert den lokalen Schlüsselbund mit dem Archivschlüsselbund und "
-"entfernt die Archivschlüssel, die nicht länger gültig sind, aus dem lokalen "
-"Schlüsselbund. Der Archivschlüsselbund wird im Paket "
-"<literal>archive-keyring</literal> Ihrer Distribution mitgeliefert, z.B. dem "
-"Paket <literal>debian-archive-keyring</literal> in Debian."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:141
+#: apt-key.8.xml:140
msgid "net-update"
msgstr "net-update"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:145
+#: apt-key.8.xml:144
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Work similar to the <command>update</command> command above, but get the "
+#| "archive keyring from an URI instead and validate it against a master "
+#| "key. This requires an installed &wget; and an APT build configured to "
+#| "have a server to fetch from and a master keyring to validate. APT in "
+#| "Debian does not support this command and relies on <command>update</"
+#| "command> instead, but Ubuntu's APT does."
msgid ""
-"Work similar to the <command>update</command> command above, but get the "
-"archive keyring from an URI instead and validate it against a master key. "
-"This requires an installed &wget; and an APT build configured to have a "
-"server to fetch from and a master keyring to validate. APT in Debian does "
-"not support this command and relies on <command>update</command> instead, "
-"but Ubuntu's APT does."
+"Update the local keyring with the keys of a key server and removes from the "
+"keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid. This requires an "
+"installed wget and an APT build configured to have a server to fetch from. "
+"APT in Debian does not support this command, but Ubuntu's APT does."
msgstr ""
"funktioniert ähnlich dem vorhergehenden Befehl <command>update</command>, "
"bezieht aber den Archivschlüsselbund stattdessen von einer URI und bestätigt "
"ihn anhand eines Master-Schlüssels. Dies erfordert ein installiertes &wget; "
"und einen derart gebauten APT, bei dem ein Server konfiguriert ist, um den "
"Master-Schlüsselbund zur Bestätigung abzuholen. APT unterstützt in Debian "
-"diesen Befehl nicht und beruht stattdessen auf <command>update</command>, "
-"in Ubuntu funktioniert dies aber."
+"diesen Befehl nicht und beruht stattdessen auf <command>update</command>, in "
+"Ubuntu funktioniert dies aber."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:162
+#: apt-key.8.xml:159
msgid ""
"Note that options need to be defined before the commands described in the "
"previous section."
@@ -4788,17 +4832,25 @@ msgstr ""
"Befehlen definiert sein müssen."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:164
+#: apt-key.8.xml:161
msgid "--keyring <replaceable>filename</replaceable>"
msgstr "--keyring <replaceable>Dateiname</replaceable>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:165
+#: apt-key.8.xml:162
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "With this option it is possible to specify a specific keyring file the "
+#| "command should operate on. The default is that a command is executed on "
+#| "the <filename>trusted.gpg</filename> file as well as on all parts in the "
+#| "<filename>trusted.gpg.d</filename> directory, though <filename>trusted."
+#| "gpg</filename> is the primary keyring which means that e.g. new keys are "
+#| "added to this one."
msgid ""
"With this option it is possible to specify a specific keyring file the "
"command should operate on. The default is that a command is executed on the "
"<filename>trusted.gpg</filename> file as well as on all parts in the "
-"<filename>trusted.gpg.d</filename> directory, though <filename>trusted.gpg</"
+"<filename>trusted.gpg.d</filename> directory, through <filename>trusted.gpg</"
"filename> is the primary keyring which means that e.g. new keys are added to "
"this one."
msgstr ""
@@ -4810,45 +4862,45 @@ msgstr ""
"Schlüssel werden zu diesem hinzugefügt."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:178
+#: apt-key.8.xml:175
msgid "&file-trustedgpg;"
msgstr "&file-trustedgpg;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:180
+#: apt-key.8.xml:177
msgid "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
msgstr "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:181
+#: apt-key.8.xml:178
msgid "Local trust database of archive keys."
msgstr "Lokale Datenbank vertrauenswürdiger Archivschlüssel."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:184
+#: apt-key.8.xml:181
msgid "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
msgstr "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:185
+#: apt-key.8.xml:182
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive trusted keys."
msgstr "Schlüsselbund vertrauenswürdiger Schlüssel des Debian-Archivs."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:188
+#: apt-key.8.xml:185
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:189
+#: apt-key.8.xml:186
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive removed trusted keys."
msgstr ""
"Schlüsselbund entfernter vertrauenswürdiger Schlüssel des Debian-Archivs."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:198
+#: apt-key.8.xml:195
msgid "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
msgstr "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
@@ -4885,13 +4937,13 @@ msgid ""
"choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>package</replaceable></arg> </"
"arg> </group>"
msgstr ""
-" <command>apt-mark</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> "
-"<arg><option>-f=<replaceable>DATEINAME</replaceable></option></arg> <group "
-"choice=\"plain\"> <arg choice=\"plain\"> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg "
-"choice=\"plain\">auto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">manual</arg> <arg "
-"choice=\"plain\">showauto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showmanual</arg> "
-"</group> <arg choice=\"plain\" "
-"rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>Paket</replaceable></arg> </arg> </group>"
+" <command>apt-mark</command> <arg><option>-hv</option></arg> <arg><option>-"
+"f=<replaceable>DATEINAME</replaceable></option></arg> <group choice=\"plain"
+"\"> <arg choice=\"plain\"> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg choice=\"plain"
+"\">auto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">manual</arg> <arg choice=\"plain"
+"\">showauto</arg> <arg choice=\"plain\">showmanual</arg> </group> <arg "
+"choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat\"><replaceable>Paket</replaceable></arg> </"
+"arg> </group>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#: apt-mark.8.xml:57
@@ -4967,9 +5019,9 @@ msgstr ""
"<literal>hold</literal> wird benutzt, um ein Paket als zurückgehalten zu "
"markieren, was verhindert, dass das Paket automatisch installiert, ein "
"Upgrade davon durchgeführt oder es entfernt wird. Der Befehl ist nur ein "
-"Wrapper um <command>dpkg --set-selections</command> und der Status wird daher "
-"durch &dpkg; verwaltet und nicht durch die Option "
+"Wrapper um <command>dpkg --set-selections</command> und der Status wird "
+"daher durch &dpkg; verwaltet und nicht durch die Option <option>--filename</"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
#: apt-mark.8.xml:95
@@ -4982,8 +5034,8 @@ msgid ""
"<literal>unhold</literal> is used to cancel a previously set hold on a "
"package to allow all actions again."
msgstr ""
-"<literal>unhold</literal> wird benutzt, um ein vorher gesetztes »hold« "
-"auf ein Paket aufzuheben, um alle Aktionen wieder zu erlauben."
+"<literal>unhold</literal> wird benutzt, um ein vorher gesetztes »hold« auf "
+"ein Paket aufzuheben, um alle Aktionen wieder zu erlauben."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
#: apt-mark.8.xml:101
@@ -5480,8 +5532,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"&apt-author.jgunthorpe; &; <author> <firstname>Daniel</"
"firstname> <surname>Burrows</surname> <contrib>Erste Dokumentation von "
-"Debug::*.</contrib> <email></email> "
-"</author> &apt-email; &apt-product; <date>16. Januar 2010</date>"
+"Debug::*.</contrib> <email></email> </author> &apt-email; "
+"&apt-product; <date>16. Januar 2010</date>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
#: apt.conf.5.xml:31 apt.conf.5.xml:38
@@ -5532,23 +5584,31 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><orderedlist><listitem><para>
#: apt.conf.5.xml:52
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "all files in <literal>Dir::Etc::Parts</literal> in alphanumeric ascending "
+#| "order which have either no or \"<literal>conf</literal>\" as filename "
+#| "extension and which only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), underscore (_) "
+#| "and period (.) characters. Otherwise APT will print a notice that it has "
+#| "ignored a file if the file doesn't match a pattern in the <literal>Dir::"
+#| "Ignore-Files-Silently</literal> configuration list - in this case it will "
+#| "be silently ignored."
msgid ""
"all files in <literal>Dir::Etc::Parts</literal> in alphanumeric ascending "
-"order which have either no or \"<literal>conf</literal>\" as filename "
-"extension and which only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), underscore (_) "
-"and period (.) characters. Otherwise APT will print a notice that it has "
-"ignored a file if the file doesn't match a pattern in the <literal>Dir::"
-"Ignore-Files-Silently</literal> configuration list - in this case it will be "
-"silently ignored."
+"order which have no or \"<literal>conf</literal>\" as filename extension and "
+"which only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), underscore (_) and period (.) "
+"characters. Otherwise APT will print a notice that it has ignored a file if "
+"the file doesn't match a pattern in the <literal>Dir::Ignore-Files-Silently</"
+"literal> configuration list - in this case it will be silently ignored."
msgstr ""
"alle Dateien in <literal>Dir::Etc::Parts</literal> in aufsteigender "
-"alphanumerischer Reihenfolge, die entweder keine oder "
-"»<literal>conf</literal>« als Dateinamenserweiterung haben und die nur "
-"alphanumerische Zeichen, Bindestriche (-), Unterstriche (_) und Punkte (.) "
-"enthalten. Andernfalls wird APT einen Hinweis ausgeben, dass es eine Datei "
-"ignoriert hat, falls die Datei nicht auf ein Muster in der "
-"Konfigurationsliste <literal>Dir::Ignore-Files-Silently</literal> passt – in "
-"diesem Fall wird sie stillschweigend ignoriert."
+"alphanumerischer Reihenfolge, die entweder keine oder »<literal>conf</"
+"literal>« als Dateinamenserweiterung haben und die nur alphanumerische "
+"Zeichen, Bindestriche (-), Unterstriche (_) und Punkte (.) enthalten. "
+"Andernfalls wird APT einen Hinweis ausgeben, dass es eine Datei ignoriert "
+"hat, falls die Datei nicht auf ein Muster in der Konfigurationsliste "
+"<literal>Dir::Ignore-Files-Silently</literal> passt – in diesem Fall wird "
+"sie stillschweigend ignoriert."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><orderedlist><listitem><para>
#: apt.conf.5.xml:59
@@ -5805,32 +5865,13 @@ msgstr ""
"heruntergeladen und Paketlisten ausgewertet werden. Die interne Vorgabe ist "
"die Architektur für die APT kompiliert wurde."
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:158
-msgid ""
-"All Architectures the system supports. Processors implementing the "
-"<literal>amd64</literal> are e.g. also able to execute binaries compiled for "
-"<literal>i386</literal>; This list is use when fetching files and parsing "
-"package lists. The internal default is always the native architecture "
-"(<literal>APT::Architecture</literal>) and all foreign architectures it can "
-"retrieve by calling <command>dpkg --print-foreign-architectures</command>."
-msgstr ""
-"Alle Architekturen, die das System unterstützt. Prozessoren, die "
-"<literal>amd64</literal> implementieren sind beispielsweise ebenso in der "
-"Lage, Programme auszuführen, die für <literal>i386</literal> kompiliert "
-"wurden. Diese Liste wird benutzt, wenn Dateien abgerufen und Paketlisten "
-"ausgewertet werden. Die interne Vorgabe ist immer die native Architektur "
-"(<literal>APT::Architecture</literal>) und alle fremden Architekturen, die "
-"durch Aufruf von <command>dpkg --print-foreign-architectures</command> "
-"abgefragt werden können."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:165
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:157
msgid "Default-Release"
msgstr "Default-Release"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:166
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:158
msgid ""
"Default release to install packages from if more than one version available. "
"Contains release name, codename or release version. Examples: 'stable', "
@@ -5843,12 +5884,12 @@ msgstr ""
"codename;«, »4.0«, »5.0*«. Siehe auch &apt-preferences;."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:171
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:163
msgid "Ignore-Hold"
msgstr "Ignore-Hold"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:172
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:164
msgid ""
"Ignore Held packages; This global option causes the problem resolver to "
"ignore held packages in its decision making."
@@ -5857,12 +5898,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Problemlöser, gehaltene Pakete beim Treffen von Entscheidungen zu ignorieren."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:176
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:168
msgid "Clean-Installed"
msgstr "Clean-Installed"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:177
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:169
msgid ""
"Defaults to on. When turned on the autoclean feature will remove any "
"packages which can no longer be downloaded from the cache. If turned off "
@@ -5877,12 +5918,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Möglichkeiten bereitstellt, um sie erneut zu installieren."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:183
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:175
msgid "Immediate-Configure"
msgstr "Immediate-Configure"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:184
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:176
msgid ""
"Defaults to on which will cause APT to install essential and important "
"packages as fast as possible in the install/upgrade operation. This is done "
@@ -5950,12 +5991,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Upgrade-Prozesses arbeiten kann."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:206
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:198
msgid "Force-LoopBreak"
msgstr "Force-LoopBreak"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:207
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:199
msgid ""
"Never Enable this option unless you -really- know what you are doing. It "
"permits APT to temporarily remove an essential package to break a Conflicts/"
@@ -5973,12 +6014,12 @@ msgstr ""
"bash oder etwas, was davon abhängt, sind."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:215
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:207
msgid "Cache-Start, Cache-Grow and Cache-Limit"
msgstr "Cache-Start, Cache-Grow und Cache-Limit"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:216
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:208
msgid ""
"APT uses since version 0.7.26 a resizable memory mapped cache file to store "
"the 'available' information. <literal>Cache-Start</literal> acts as a hint "
@@ -6015,24 +6056,24 @@ msgstr ""
"auf 0 gesetzt ist, kann der Zwischenspeicher nicht automatisch wachsen."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:231
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:223
msgid "Build-Essential"
msgstr "Build-Essential"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:232
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:224
msgid "Defines which package(s) are considered essential build dependencies."
msgstr ""
"Definiert, welche(s) Paket(e) als essentielle Bauabhängigkeiten betrachtet "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:235
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:227
msgid "Get"
msgstr "Get"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:236
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:228
msgid ""
"The Get subsection controls the &apt-get; tool, please see its documentation "
"for more information about the options here."
@@ -6042,12 +6083,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:240
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:232
msgid "Cache"
msgstr "Cache"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:241
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:233
msgid ""
"The Cache subsection controls the &apt-cache; tool, please see its "
"documentation for more information about the options here."
@@ -6057,12 +6098,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:245
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:237
msgid "CDROM"
msgstr "CD-ROM"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:246
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:238
msgid ""
"The CDROM subsection controls the &apt-cdrom; tool, please see its "
"documentation for more information about the options here."
@@ -6072,17 +6113,17 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:252
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:244
msgid "The Acquire Group"
msgstr "Die Erwerbgruppe"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:257
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:249
msgid "Check-Valid-Until"
msgstr "Check-Valid-Until"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:258
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:250
msgid ""
"Security related option defaulting to true as an expiring validation for a "
"Release file prevents longtime replay attacks and can e.g. also help users "
@@ -6102,19 +6143,31 @@ msgstr ""
"gewollt ist, kann die Option <literal>Max-ValidTime</literal> benutzt werden."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:268
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:260
msgid "Max-ValidTime"
msgstr "Max-ValidTime"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:269
-msgid ""
-"Seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was created "
-"(indicated by the <literal>Date</literal> header). If the Release file "
-"itself includes a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header the earlier date of "
-"the two is used as the expiration date. The default value is <literal>0</"
-"literal> which stands for \"for ever\". Archive specific settings can be "
-"made by appending the label of the archive to the option name."
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:261
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was created "
+#| "(indicated by the <literal>Date</literal> header). If the Release file "
+#| "itself includes a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header the earlier date "
+#| "of the two is used as the expiration date. The default value is "
+#| "<literal>0</literal> which stands for \"for ever\". Archive specific "
+#| "settings can be made by appending the label of the archive to the option "
+#| "name."
+msgid ""
+"Seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was created. "
+"The default is \"for ever\" (0) if the Release file of the archive doesn't "
+"include a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header. If it does then this date "
+"is the default. The date from the Release file or the date specified by the "
+"creation time of the Release file (<literal>Date</literal> header) plus the "
+"seconds specified with this options are used to check if the validation of a "
+"file has expired by using the earlier date of the two. Archive specific "
+"settings can be made by appending the label of the archive to the option "
msgstr ""
"Sekunden, die die Release-Datei als gültig betrachtet werden sollte, nachdem "
"sie erzeugt wurde (angezeigt durch die Kopfzeile <literal>Date</literal>). "
@@ -6125,36 +6178,12 @@ msgstr ""
"die Option »name« vorgenommen werden."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:279
-msgid "Min-ValidTime"
-msgstr "Min-ValidTime"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:280
-msgid ""
-"Minimum of seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was "
-"created (indicated by the <literal>Date</literal> header). Use this if you "
-"need to use a seldomly updated (local) mirror of a more regular updated "
-"archive with a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header instead of completely "
-"disabling the expiration date checking. Archive specific settings can and "
-"should be used by appending the label of the archive to the option name."
-msgstr ""
-"Minimale Anzahl der Sekunden, die die Release-Datei als gültig betrachtet "
-"werden sollte, nachdem sie erzeugt wurde (angezeigt durch die Kopfzeile "
-"<literal>Date</literal>). Benutzen Sie dies, falls Sie einen selten "
-"aktualisierten (lokalen) Spiegel eines regelmäßiger aktualisierten Archivs "
-"mit einer <literal>Valid-Until</literal>-Kopfzeile haben, anstatt die "
-"Überprüfung des Ablaufdatum komplett zu deaktivieren. Archivspezifische "
-"Einstellungen können und sollten durch Anhängen des Archivetiketts an die "
-"Option »name« vorgenommen werden."
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:290
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:273
msgid "PDiffs"
msgstr "PDiffs"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:291
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:274
msgid ""
"Try to download deltas called <literal>PDiffs</literal> for Packages or "
"Sources files instead of downloading whole ones. True by default."
@@ -6164,12 +6193,20 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:294
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:277
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Two sub-options to limit the use of PDiffs are also available: With "
+#| "<literal>FileLimit</literal> can be specified how many PDiff files are "
+#| "downloaded at most to patch a file. <literal>SizeLimit</literal> on the "
+#| "other hand is the maximum percentage of the size of all patches compared "
+#| "to the size of the targeted file. If one of these limits is exceeded the "
+#| "complete file is downloaded instead of the patches."
msgid ""
"Two sub-options to limit the use of PDiffs are also available: With "
"<literal>FileLimit</literal> can be specified how many PDiff files are "
"downloaded at most to patch a file. <literal>SizeLimit</literal> on the "
-"other hand is the maximum percentage of the size of all patches compared to "
+"other hand is the maximum precentage of the size of all patches compared to "
"the size of the targeted file. If one of these limits is exceeded the "
"complete file is downloaded instead of the patches."
msgstr ""
@@ -6182,12 +6219,12 @@ msgstr ""
"der Patche heruntergeladen."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:303
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:286
msgid "Queue-Mode"
msgstr "Queue-Mode"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:304
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:287
msgid ""
"Queuing mode; <literal>Queue-Mode</literal> can be one of <literal>host</"
"literal> or <literal>access</literal> which determines how APT parallelizes "
@@ -6203,12 +6240,12 @@ msgstr ""
"URI-Art geöffnet wird."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:311
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:294
msgid "Retries"
msgstr "Retries"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:312
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:295
msgid ""
"Number of retries to perform. If this is non-zero APT will retry failed "
"files the given number of times."
@@ -6217,12 +6254,12 @@ msgstr ""
"APT fehlgeschlagene Dateien in der angegebenen Zahl erneut versuchen."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:316
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:299
msgid "Source-Symlinks"
msgstr "Source-Symlinks"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:317
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:300
msgid ""
"Use symlinks for source archives. If set to true then source archives will "
"be symlinked when possible instead of copying. True is the default."
@@ -6232,12 +6269,12 @@ msgstr ""
"kopiert zu werden. True ist die Vorgabe."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:321 sources.list.5.xml:155
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:304 sources.list.5.xml:144
msgid "http"
msgstr "http"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:322
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:305
msgid ""
"HTTP URIs; http::Proxy is the default http proxy to use. It is in the "
"standard form of <literal>http://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/</literal>. Per "
@@ -6255,7 +6292,7 @@ msgstr ""
"die Umgebungsvariable <envar>http_proxy</envar> benutzt."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:330
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:313
msgid ""
"Three settings are provided for cache control with HTTP/1.1 compliant proxy "
"caches. <literal>No-Cache</literal> tells the proxy to not use its cached "
@@ -6281,7 +6318,7 @@ msgstr ""
"unterstützt keine dieser Optionen."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:340 apt.conf.5.xml:404
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:323 apt.conf.5.xml:387
msgid ""
"The option <literal>timeout</literal> sets the timeout timer used by the "
"method, this applies to all things including connection timeout and data "
@@ -6292,7 +6329,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Dinge, einschließlich Verbindungs- und Datenzeitüberschreitungen, angewandt."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:343
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:326
msgid ""
"One setting is provided to control the pipeline depth in cases where the "
"remote server is not RFC conforming or buggy (such as Squid 2.0.2). "
@@ -6312,7 +6349,7 @@ msgstr ""
"gegen RFC 2068."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:351
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:334
msgid ""
"The used bandwidth can be limited with <literal>Acquire::http::Dl-Limit</"
"literal> which accepts integer values in kilobyte. The default value is 0 "
@@ -6328,7 +6365,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:356
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:339
msgid ""
"<literal>Acquire::http::User-Agent</literal> can be used to set a different "
"User-Agent for the http download method as some proxies allow access for "
@@ -6340,12 +6377,12 @@ msgstr ""
"bekannten Bezeichner verwendet."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:362
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:345
msgid "https"
msgstr "https"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:363
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:346
msgid ""
"HTTPS URIs. Cache-control, Timeout, AllowRedirect, Dl-Limit and proxy "
"options are the same as for <literal>http</literal> method and will also "
@@ -6360,7 +6397,7 @@ msgstr ""
"<literal>Pipeline-Depth</literal> wird noch nicht unterstützt."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:369
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:352
msgid ""
"<literal>CaInfo</literal> suboption specifies place of file that holds info "
"about trusted certificates. <literal>&lt;host&gt;::CaInfo</literal> is "
@@ -6399,12 +6436,12 @@ msgstr ""
"SslForceVersion</literal> ist die entsprechende per-Host-Option."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:387 sources.list.5.xml:166
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:370 sources.list.5.xml:155
msgid "ftp"
msgstr "ftp"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:388
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:371
msgid ""
"FTP URIs; ftp::Proxy is the default ftp proxy to use. It is in the standard "
"form of <literal>ftp://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/</literal>. Per host "
@@ -6439,7 +6476,7 @@ msgstr ""
"entsprechenden URI-Bestandteil genommen."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:407
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:390
msgid ""
"Several settings are provided to control passive mode. Generally it is safe "
"to leave passive mode on, it works in nearly every environment. However "
@@ -6456,7 +6493,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Beispielskonfiguration, um Beispiele zu erhalten)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:414
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:397
msgid ""
"It is possible to proxy FTP over HTTP by setting the <envar>ftp_proxy</"
"envar> environment variable to a http url - see the discussion of the http "
@@ -6470,7 +6507,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Effizienz nicht empfohlen FTP über HTTP zu benutzen."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:419
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:402
msgid ""
"The setting <literal>ForceExtended</literal> controls the use of RFC2428 "
"<literal>EPSV</literal> and <literal>EPRT</literal> commands. The default is "
@@ -6486,18 +6523,18 @@ msgstr ""
"Server RFC2428 unterstützen."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:426 sources.list.5.xml:148
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:409 sources.list.5.xml:137
msgid "cdrom"
msgstr "cdrom"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:432
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:415
#, no-wrap
msgid "/cdrom/::Mount \"foo\";"
msgstr "/cdrom/::Mount \"foo\";"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:427
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:410
msgid ""
"CDROM URIs; the only setting for CDROM URIs is the mount point, "
"<literal>cdrom::Mount</literal> which must be the mount point for the CDROM "
@@ -6519,12 +6556,12 @@ msgstr ""
"können per UMount angegeben werden."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:437
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:420
msgid "gpgv"
msgstr "gpgv"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:438
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:421
msgid ""
"GPGV URIs; the only option for GPGV URIs is the option to pass additional "
"parameters to gpgv. <literal>gpgv::Options</literal> Additional options "
@@ -6535,18 +6572,18 @@ msgstr ""
"Zusätzliche Parameter werden an gpgv weitergeleitet."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:443
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:426
msgid "CompressionTypes"
msgstr "CompressionTypes"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:449
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:432
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::<replaceable>FileExtension</replaceable> \"<replaceable>Methodname</replaceable>\";"
msgstr "Acquire::CompressionTypes::<replaceable>Dateierweiterung</replaceable> \"<replaceable>Methodenname</replaceable>\";"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:444
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:427
msgid ""
"List of compression types which are understood by the acquire methods. "
"Files like <filename>Packages</filename> can be available in various "
@@ -6566,19 +6603,19 @@ msgstr ""
"\"synopsis\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:454
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:437
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order:: \"gz\";"
msgstr "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order:: \"gz\";"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:457
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:440
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order { \"lzma\"; \"gz\"; };"
msgstr "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order { \"lzma\"; \"gz\"; };"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:450
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:433
msgid ""
"Also the <literal>Order</literal> subgroup can be used to define in which "
"order the acquire system will try to download the compressed files. The "
@@ -6609,20 +6646,32 @@ msgstr ""
"explizit zur Liste hinzuzufügen, da es automatisch hinzufügt wird."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:461
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:444
#, no-wrap
msgid "Dir::Bin::bzip2 \"/bin/bzip2\";"
msgstr "Dir::Bin::bzip2 \"/bin/bzip2\";"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:459
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:442
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Note that at run time the <literal>Dir::Bin::<replaceable>Methodname</"
+#| "replaceable></literal> will be checked: If this setting exists the method "
+#| "will only be used if this file exists, e.g. for the bzip2 method (the "
+#| "inbuilt) setting is: <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/> Note "
+#| "also that list entries specified on the command line will be added at the "
+#| "end of the list specified in the configuration files, but before the "
+#| "default entries. To prefer a type in this case over the ones specified in "
+#| "the configuration files you can set the option direct - not in list "
+#| "style. This will not override the defined list, it will only prefix the "
+#| "list with this type."
msgid ""
"Note that at run time the <literal>Dir::Bin::<replaceable>Methodname</"
"replaceable></literal> will be checked: If this setting exists the method "
"will only be used if this file exists, e.g. for the bzip2 method (the "
-"inbuilt) setting is: <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/> Note "
-"also that list entries specified on the command line will be added at the "
-"end of the list specified in the configuration files, but before the default "
+"inbuilt) setting is <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/> Note also "
+"that list entries specified on the command line will be added at the end of "
+"the list specified in the configuration files, but before the default "
"entries. To prefer a type in this case over the ones specified in the "
"configuration files you can set the option direct - not in list style. This "
"will not override the defined list, it will only prefix the list with this "
@@ -6641,10 +6690,16 @@ msgstr ""
"wird diesen Typ nur vor die Liste setzen."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:466
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:449
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The special type <literal>uncompressed</literal> can be used to give "
+#| "uncompressed files a preference, but note that most archives don't "
+#| "provide uncompressed files so this is mostly only useable for local "
+#| "mirrors."
msgid ""
"The special type <literal>uncompressed</literal> can be used to give "
-"uncompressed files a preference, but note that most archives don't provide "
+"uncompressed files a preference, but note that most archives doesn't provide "
"uncompressed files so this is mostly only useable for local mirrors."
msgstr ""
"Der besondere Typ <literal>uncompressed</literal> kann benutzt werden, um "
@@ -6653,12 +6708,12 @@ msgstr ""
"dies meist nur für lokale Spiegel benutzt werden kann."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:471
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:454
msgid "GzipIndexes"
msgstr "GzipIndexes"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:473
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:456
msgid ""
"When downloading <literal>gzip</literal> compressed indexes (Packages, "
"Sources, or Translations), keep them gzip compressed locally instead of "
@@ -6672,12 +6727,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:480
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:463
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Sprachen"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:481
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:464
msgid ""
"The Languages subsection controls which <filename>Translation</filename> "
"files are downloaded and in which order APT tries to display the Description-"
@@ -6699,13 +6754,13 @@ msgstr ""
"hier unmögliche Werte einsetzen."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><programlisting>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:497
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:480
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acquire::Languages { \"environment\"; \"de\"; \"en\"; \"none\"; \"fr\"; };"
msgstr "Acquire::Languages { \"environment\"; \"de\"; \"en\"; \"none\"; \"fr\"; };"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:487
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:470
msgid ""
"The default list includes \"environment\" and \"en\". "
"\"<literal>environment</literal>\" has a special meaning here: It will be "
@@ -6747,7 +6802,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Reihenfolge »fr, de, en«. <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:253
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:245
msgid ""
"The <literal>Acquire</literal> group of options controls the download of "
"packages and the URI handlers. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
@@ -6757,12 +6812,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:504
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:487
msgid "Directories"
msgstr "Verzeichnisse"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:506
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:489
msgid ""
"The <literal>Dir::State</literal> section has directories that pertain to "
"local state information. <literal>lists</literal> is the directory to place "
@@ -6782,7 +6837,7 @@ msgstr ""
"filename> oder <filename>./</filename> beginnen."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:513
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:496
msgid ""
"<literal>Dir::Cache</literal> contains locations pertaining to local cache "
"information, such as the two package caches <literal>srcpkgcache</literal> "
@@ -6805,7 +6860,7 @@ msgstr ""
"in <literal>Dir::Cache</literal> enthalten."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:522
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:505
msgid ""
"<literal>Dir::Etc</literal> contains the location of configuration files, "
"<literal>sourcelist</literal> gives the location of the sourcelist and "
@@ -6820,7 +6875,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Konfigurationsdatei erfolgt)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:528
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:511
msgid ""
"The <literal>Dir::Parts</literal> setting reads in all the config fragments "
"in lexical order from the directory specified. After this is done then the "
@@ -6832,7 +6887,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:532
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:515
msgid ""
"Binary programs are pointed to by <literal>Dir::Bin</literal>. <literal>Dir::"
"Bin::Methods</literal> specifies the location of the method handlers and "
@@ -6850,7 +6905,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Programms an."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:540
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:523
msgid ""
"The configuration item <literal>RootDir</literal> has a special meaning. If "
"set, all paths in <literal>Dir::</literal> will be relative to "
@@ -6870,7 +6925,7 @@ msgstr ""
"<filename>/tmp/staging/var/lib/dpkg/status</filename> nachgesehen."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:553
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:536
msgid ""
"The <literal>Ignore-Files-Silently</literal> list can be used to specify "
"which files APT should silently ignore while parsing the files in the "
@@ -6888,12 +6943,12 @@ msgstr ""
"verwandt werden."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:562
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:545
msgid "APT in DSelect"
msgstr "APT in DSelect"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:564
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:547
msgid ""
"When APT is used as a &dselect; method several configuration directives "
"control the default behaviour. These are in the <literal>DSelect</literal> "
@@ -6904,12 +6959,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:568
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:551
msgid "Clean"
msgstr "Clean"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:569
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:552
msgid ""
"Cache Clean mode; this value may be one of always, prompt, auto, pre-auto "
"and never. always and prompt will remove all packages from the cache after "
@@ -6927,7 +6982,7 @@ msgstr ""
"führt diese Aktion vor dem Herunterladen neuer Pakete durch."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:578
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:561
msgid ""
"The contents of this variable is passed to &apt-get; as command line options "
"when it is run for the install phase."
@@ -6936,12 +6991,12 @@ msgstr ""
"übermittelt, wenn es für die Installationsphase durchlaufen wird."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:582
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:565
msgid "Updateoptions"
msgstr "Updateoptions"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:583
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:566
msgid ""
"The contents of this variable is passed to &apt-get; as command line options "
"when it is run for the update phase."
@@ -6950,12 +7005,12 @@ msgstr ""
"übermittelt, wenn es für die Aktualisierungsphase durchlaufen wird."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:587
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:570
msgid "PromptAfterUpdate"
msgstr "PromptAfterUpdate"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:588
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:571
msgid ""
"If true the [U]pdate operation in &dselect; will always prompt to continue. "
"The default is to prompt only on error."
@@ -6964,12 +7019,12 @@ msgstr ""
"nachfragen, um fortzufahren. Vorgabe ist es, nur bei Fehlern nachzufragen."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:594
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:577
msgid "How APT calls dpkg"
msgstr "Wie APT Dpkg aufruft"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:595
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:578
msgid ""
"Several configuration directives control how APT invokes &dpkg;. These are "
"in the <literal>DPkg</literal> section."
@@ -6978,7 +7033,7 @@ msgstr ""
"stehen im Abschnitt <literal>DPkg</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:600
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:583
msgid ""
"This is a list of options to pass to dpkg. The options must be specified "
"using the list notation and each list item is passed as a single argument to "
@@ -6989,17 +7044,17 @@ msgstr ""
"jedes Listenelement wird als einzelnes Argument an &dpkg; übermittelt."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:605
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:588
msgid "Pre-Invoke"
msgstr "Pre-Invoke"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:605
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:588
msgid "Post-Invoke"
msgstr "Post-Invoke"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:606
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:589
msgid ""
"This is a list of shell commands to run before/after invoking &dpkg;. Like "
"<literal>options</literal> this must be specified in list notation. The "
@@ -7013,12 +7068,12 @@ msgstr ""
"APT abgebrochen."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:612
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:595
msgid "Pre-Install-Pkgs"
msgstr "Pre-Install-Pkgs"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:613
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:596
msgid ""
"This is a list of shell commands to run before invoking dpkg. Like "
"<literal>options</literal> this must be specified in list notation. The "
@@ -7035,7 +7090,7 @@ msgstr ""
"pro Zeile."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:619
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:602
msgid ""
"Version 2 of this protocol dumps more information, including the protocol "
"version, the APT configuration space and the packages, files and versions "
@@ -7051,12 +7106,12 @@ msgstr ""
"literal> gegeben wird."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:626
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:609
msgid "Run-Directory"
msgstr "Run-Directory"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:627
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:610
msgid ""
"APT chdirs to this directory before invoking dpkg, the default is <filename>/"
@@ -7065,12 +7120,12 @@ msgstr ""
"die Vorgabe ist <filename>/</filename>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:631
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:614
msgid "Build-options"
msgstr "Build-options"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:632
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:615
msgid ""
"These options are passed to &dpkg-buildpackage; when compiling packages, the "
"default is to disable signing and produce all binaries."
@@ -7080,12 +7135,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Programme werden erstellt."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:637
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:620
msgid "dpkg trigger usage (and related options)"
msgstr "Dpkd-Trigger-Benutzung (und zugehöriger Optionen)"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:638
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:621
msgid ""
"APT can call dpkg in a way so it can make aggressive use of triggers over "
"multiple calls of dpkg. Without further options dpkg will use triggers only "
@@ -7112,7 +7167,7 @@ msgstr ""
"konfiguriert werden."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><literallayout>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:653
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:636
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"DPkg::NoTriggers \"true\";\n"
@@ -7126,7 +7181,7 @@ msgstr ""
"DPkg::TriggersPending \"true\";"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:647
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:630
msgid ""
"Note that it is not guaranteed that APT will support these options or that "
"these options will not cause (big) trouble in the future. If you have "
@@ -7151,12 +7206,12 @@ msgstr ""
"wäre <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:659
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:642
msgid "DPkg::NoTriggers"
msgstr "DPkg::NoTriggers"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:660
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:643
msgid ""
"Add the no triggers flag to all dpkg calls (except the ConfigurePending "
"call). See &dpkg; if you are interested in what this actually means. In "
@@ -7177,12 +7232,12 @@ msgstr ""
"außerdem an die »unpack«- und »remove«-Aufrufe anhängen."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:667
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:650
msgid "PackageManager::Configure"
msgstr "PackageManager::Configure"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:668
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:651
msgid ""
"Valid values are \"<literal>all</literal>\", \"<literal>smart</literal>\" "
"and \"<literal>no</literal>\". \"<literal>all</literal>\" is the default "
@@ -7211,12 +7266,12 @@ msgstr ""
"mehr startbar sein könnte."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:678
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:661
msgid "DPkg::ConfigurePending"
msgstr "DPkg::ConfigurePending"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:679
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:662
msgid ""
"If this option is set apt will call <command>dpkg --configure --pending</"
"command> to let dpkg handle all required configurations and triggers. This "
@@ -7235,12 +7290,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:685
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:668
msgid "DPkg::TriggersPending"
msgstr "DPkg::TriggersPending"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:686
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:669
msgid ""
"Useful for <literal>smart</literal> configuration as a package which has "
"pending triggers is not considered as <literal>installed</literal> and dpkg "
@@ -7256,12 +7311,12 @@ msgstr ""
"benötigt werden."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:691
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:674
msgid "PackageManager::UnpackAll"
msgstr "PackageManager::UnpackAll"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:692
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:675
msgid ""
"As the configuration can be deferred to be done at the end by dpkg it can be "
"tried to order the unpack series only by critical needs, e.g. by Pre-"
@@ -7280,12 +7335,12 @@ msgstr ""
"und weitere Verbesserungen benötigt, bevor sie wirklich nützlich wird."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:699
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:682
msgid "OrderList::Score::Immediate"
msgstr "OrderList::Score::Immediate"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:707
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:690
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"OrderList::Score {\n"
@@ -7303,7 +7358,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:700
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:683
msgid ""
"Essential packages (and there dependencies) should be configured immediately "
"after unpacking. It will be a good idea to do this quite early in the "
@@ -7327,12 +7382,12 @@ msgstr ""
"mit ihren Vorgabewerten. <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:720
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:703
msgid "Periodic and Archives options"
msgstr "Periodische- und Archivoptionen"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:721
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:704
msgid ""
"<literal>APT::Periodic</literal> and <literal>APT::Archives</literal> groups "
"of options configure behavior of apt periodic updates, which is done by "
@@ -7346,12 +7401,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Dokumentation dieser Optionen zu erhalten."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:729
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:712
msgid "Debug options"
msgstr "Fehlersuchoptionen"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:731
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:714
msgid ""
"Enabling options in the <literal>Debug::</literal> section will cause "
"debugging information to be sent to the standard error stream of the program "
@@ -7369,7 +7424,7 @@ msgstr ""
"könnten es sein:"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:742
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:725
msgid ""
"<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal> enables output about the "
"decisions made by <literal>dist-upgrade, upgrade, install, remove, purge</"
@@ -7380,7 +7435,7 @@ msgstr ""
"getroffenen Entscheidungen ein."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:750
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:733
msgid ""
"<literal>Debug::NoLocking</literal> disables all file locking. This can be "
"used to run some operations (for instance, <literal>apt-get -s install</"
@@ -7391,7 +7446,7 @@ msgstr ""
"<literal>apt-get -s install</literal>) als nicht root-Anwender auszuführen."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:759
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:742
msgid ""
"<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgPM</literal> prints out the actual command line each "
"time that <literal>apt</literal> invokes &dpkg;."
@@ -7403,7 +7458,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. motivating example, except I haven't a clue why you'd want
#. to do this.
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:767
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:750
msgid ""
"<literal>Debug::IdentCdrom</literal> disables the inclusion of statfs data "
"in CDROM IDs."
@@ -7412,17 +7467,17 @@ msgstr ""
"Daten in CD-ROM-IDs aus."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:777
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:760
msgid "A full list of debugging options to apt follows."
msgstr "Eine vollständige Liste der Fehlersuchoptionen von APT folgt."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:782
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:765
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::cdrom</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Acquire::cdrom</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:786
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:769
msgid ""
"Print information related to accessing <literal>cdrom://</literal> sources."
msgstr ""
@@ -7430,48 +7485,48 @@ msgstr ""
"literal>-Quellen beziehen."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:793
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:776
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::ftp</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Acquire::ftp</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:797
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:780
msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using FTP."
msgstr ""
"Gibt Informationen aus, die sich auf das Herunterladen von Paketen per FTP "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:804
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:787
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::http</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Acquire::http</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:808
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:791
msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using HTTP."
msgstr ""
"Gibt Informationen aus, die sich auf das Herunterladen von Paketen per HTTP "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:815
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:798
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::https</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Acquire::https</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:819
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:802
msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using HTTPS."
msgstr ""
"Gibt Informationen aus, die sich auf das Herunterladen von Paketen per HTTPS "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:826
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:809
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::gpgv</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Acquire::gpgv</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:830
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:813
msgid ""
"Print information related to verifying cryptographic signatures using "
@@ -7480,12 +7535,12 @@ msgstr ""
"mittels <literal>gpg</literal> beziehen."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:837
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:820
msgid "<literal>Debug::aptcdrom</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::aptcdrom</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:841
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:824
msgid ""
"Output information about the process of accessing collections of packages "
"stored on CD-ROMs."
@@ -7494,23 +7549,23 @@ msgstr ""
"CD-ROMs gespeichert sind."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:848
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:831
msgid "<literal>Debug::BuildDeps</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::BuildDeps</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:851
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:834
msgid "Describes the process of resolving build-dependencies in &apt-get;."
msgstr ""
"Beschreibt den Prozess der Auflösung von Bauabhängigkeiten in &apt-get;."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:858
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:841
msgid "<literal>Debug::Hashes</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Hashes</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:861
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:844
msgid ""
"Output each cryptographic hash that is generated by the <literal>apt</"
"literal> libraries."
@@ -7519,12 +7574,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Bibliotheken generiert wurde."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:868
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:851
msgid "<literal>Debug::IdentCDROM</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::IdentCDROM</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:871
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:854
msgid ""
"Do not include information from <literal>statfs</literal>, namely the number "
"of used and free blocks on the CD-ROM filesystem, when generating an ID for "
@@ -7535,12 +7590,12 @@ msgstr ""
"ID für eine CD-ROM generiert wird."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:879
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:862
msgid "<literal>Debug::NoLocking</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::NoLocking</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:882
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:865
msgid ""
"Disable all file locking. For instance, this will allow two instances of "
"<quote><literal>apt-get update</literal></quote> to run at the same time."
@@ -7550,24 +7605,24 @@ msgstr ""
"gleichen Zeit laufen."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:890
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:873
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:894
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:877
msgid "Log when items are added to or removed from the global download queue."
msgstr ""
"Protokollieren, wenn Elemente aus der globalen Warteschlange zum "
"Herunterladen hinzugefügt oder entfernt werden."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:901
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:884
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Auth</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Auth</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:904
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:887
msgid ""
"Output status messages and errors related to verifying checksums and "
"cryptographic signatures of downloaded files."
@@ -7576,12 +7631,12 @@ msgstr ""
"und kryptografischen Signaturen von heruntergeladenen Dateien beziehen."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:911
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:894
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Diffs</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Diffs</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:914
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:897
msgid ""
"Output information about downloading and applying package index list diffs, "
"and errors relating to package index list diffs."
@@ -7590,12 +7645,12 @@ msgstr ""
"und Fehler, die die Paketindexlisten-Diffs betreffen, ausgeben."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:922
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:905
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::RRed</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::RRed</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:926
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:909
msgid ""
"Output information related to patching apt package lists when downloading "
"index diffs instead of full indices."
@@ -7605,12 +7660,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:933
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:916
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Worker</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Worker</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:937
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:920
msgid ""
"Log all interactions with the sub-processes that actually perform downloads."
msgstr ""
@@ -7618,12 +7673,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:944
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:927
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAutoRemove</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAutoRemove</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:948
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:931
msgid ""
"Log events related to the automatically-installed status of packages and to "
"the removal of unused packages."
@@ -7633,12 +7688,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:955
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:938
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::AutoInstall</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::AutoInstall</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:958
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:941
msgid ""
"Generate debug messages describing which packages are being automatically "
"installed to resolve dependencies. This corresponds to the initial auto-"
@@ -7654,12 +7709,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:969
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:952
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::Marker</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::Marker</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:972
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:955
msgid ""
"Generate debug messages describing which package is marked as keep/install/"
"remove while the ProblemResolver does his work. Each addition or deletion "
@@ -7691,23 +7746,23 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:991
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:974
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgInitConfig</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgInitConfig</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:994
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:977
msgid "Dump the default configuration to standard error on startup."
msgstr ""
"Die Vorgabekonfiguration beim Start auf der Standardfehlerausgabe ausgeben."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1001
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:984
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgPM</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgPM</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1004
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:987
msgid ""
"When invoking &dpkg;, output the precise command line with which it is being "
"invoked, with arguments separated by a single space character."
@@ -7717,12 +7772,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1012
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:995
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1015
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:998
msgid ""
"Output all the data received from &dpkg; on the status file descriptor and "
"any errors encountered while parsing it."
@@ -7731,12 +7786,12 @@ msgstr ""
"alle während deren Auswertung gefundenen Fehler ausgeben."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1022
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1005
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgOrderList</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgOrderList</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1026
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1009
msgid ""
"Generate a trace of the algorithm that decides the order in which "
"<literal>apt</literal> should pass packages to &dpkg;."
@@ -7746,12 +7801,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1034
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1017
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgPackageManager</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgPackageManager</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1038
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1021
msgid ""
"Output status messages tracing the steps performed when invoking &dpkg;."
msgstr ""
@@ -7759,22 +7814,22 @@ msgstr ""
"von &dpkg; ausgeführt werden."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1045
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1028
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgPolicy</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgPolicy</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1049
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1032
msgid "Output the priority of each package list on startup."
msgstr "Die Priorität jeder Paketliste beim Start ausgeben."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1055
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1038
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1059
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1042
msgid ""
"Trace the execution of the dependency resolver (this applies only to what "
"happens when a complex dependency problem is encountered)."
@@ -7784,12 +7839,12 @@ msgstr ""
"aufgetreten ist)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1067
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1050
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver::ShowScores</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver::ShowScores</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1070
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1053
msgid ""
"Display a list of all installed packages with their calculated score used by "
"the pkgProblemResolver. The description of the package is the same as "
@@ -7801,12 +7856,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1078
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1061
msgid "<literal>Debug::sourceList</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::sourceList</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1082
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1065
msgid ""
"Print information about the vendors read from <filename>/etc/apt/vendors."
@@ -7815,7 +7870,7 @@ msgstr ""
"gelesenen Anbieter ausgeben."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1105
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1088
msgid ""
"&configureindex; is a configuration file showing example values for all "
"possible options."
@@ -7824,13 +7879,13 @@ msgstr ""
"möglichen Optionen zeigen."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1112
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1095
msgid "&file-aptconf;"
msgstr "&file-aptconf;"
#. ? reading apt.conf
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1117
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1100
msgid "&apt-cache;, &apt-config;, &apt-preferences;."
msgstr "&apt-cache;, &apt-config;, &apt-preferences;."
@@ -7929,11 +7984,21 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#: apt_preferences.5.xml:70
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Note that the files in the <filename>/etc/apt/preferences.d</filename> "
+#| "directory are parsed in alphanumeric ascending order and need to obey the "
+#| "following naming convention: The files have either no or \"<literal>pref</"
+#| "literal>\" as filename extension and only contain alphanumeric, hyphen "
+#| "(-), underscore (_) and period (.) characters. Otherwise APT will print "
+#| "a notice that it has ignored a file if the file doesn't match a pattern "
+#| "in the <literal>Dir::Ignore-Files-Silently</literal> configuration list - "
+#| "in this case it will be silently ignored."
msgid ""
"Note that the files in the <filename>/etc/apt/preferences.d</filename> "
"directory are parsed in alphanumeric ascending order and need to obey the "
-"following naming convention: The files have either no or \"<literal>pref</"
-"literal>\" as filename extension and only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), "
+"following naming convention: The files have no or \"<literal>pref</literal>"
+"\" as filename extension and which only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), "
"underscore (_) and period (.) characters. Otherwise APT will print a notice "
"that it has ignored a file if the file doesn't match a pattern in the "
"<literal>Dir::Ignore-Files-Silently</literal> configuration list - in this "
@@ -8390,11 +8455,18 @@ msgstr "Reguläre Ausdrücke und glob()-Syntax"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
#: apt_preferences.5.xml:264
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "APT also supports pinning by glob() expressions and regular expressions "
+#| "surrounded by /. For example, the following example assigns the priority "
+#| "500 to all packages from experimental where the name starts with gnome "
+#| "(as a glob()-like expression) or contains the word kde (as a POSIX "
+#| "extended regular expression surrounded by slashes)."
msgid ""
"APT also supports pinning by glob() expressions and regular expressions "
"surrounded by /. For example, the following example assigns the priority 500 "
"to all packages from experimental where the name starts with gnome (as a glob"
-"()-like expression) or contains the word kde (as a POSIX extended regular "
+"()-like expression or contains the word kde (as a POSIX extended regular "
"expression surrounded by slashes)."
msgstr ""
"APT unterstützt außerdem Pinning mittels glob()-Ausdrücken und regulären "
@@ -8418,9 +8490,14 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
#: apt_preferences.5.xml:279
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The rule for those expressions is that they can occur anywhere where a "
+#| "string can occur. Thus, the following pin assigns the priority 990 to all "
+#| "packages from a release starting with karmic."
msgid ""
"The rule for those expressions is that they can occur anywhere where a "
-"string can occur. Thus, the following pin assigns the priority 990 to all "
+"string can occur. Those, the following pin assigns the priority 990 to all "
"packages from a release starting with karmic."
msgstr ""
"Die Regel für diese Ausdrücke ist, dass sie überall dort auftreten können, "
@@ -8694,11 +8771,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Die <filename>Packages</filename>-Datei wird normalerweise im Verzeichnis "
-"replaceable></filename> gefunden, zum Beispiel <filename>…/dists/stable/"
-"main/binary-i386/Packages</filename>. Sie besteht aus einer Serie "
-"mehrzeiliger Datensätze, einem für jedes verfügbare Paket in diesem "
-"Verzeichnis. In jedem Datensatz sind nur zwei Zeilen zum Setzen der APT-"
-"Prioritäten relevant: <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
+"replaceable></filename> gefunden, zum Beispiel <filename>…/dists/stable/main/"
+"binary-i386/Packages</filename>. Sie besteht aus einer Serie mehrzeiliger "
+"Datensätze, einem für jedes verfügbare Paket in diesem Verzeichnis. In jedem "
+"Datensatz sind nur zwei Zeilen zum Setzen der APT-Prioritäten relevant: "
+"<placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
#: apt_preferences.5.xml:427
@@ -8874,8 +8951,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Die <filename>Release</filename>-Datei ist normalerweise im Verzeichnis "
-"<filename>…/dists/<replaceable>Distributionsname</replaceable></filename> "
-"zu finden, zum Beispiel <filename>…/dists/stable/Release</filename> oder "
+"<filename>…/dists/<replaceable>Distributionsname</replaceable></filename> zu "
+"finden, zum Beispiel <filename>…/dists/stable/Release</filename> oder "
"<filename>…/dists/&stable-codename;/Release</filename>. Sie besteht aus "
"einem einzelnen mehrzeiligen Datensatz, der auf <emphasis>alle</emphasis> "
"Pakete im Verzeichnisbaum unterhalb des übergeordneten Verzeichnisses "
@@ -9334,7 +9411,9 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
#: sources.list.5.xml:81
-msgid "deb [ options ] uri distribution [component1] [component2] [...]"
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid "deb [ options ] uri distribution [component1] [component2] [...]"
+msgid "deb uri distribution [component1] [component2] [...]"
msgstr "deb [ Optionen ] URI Distribution [Komponente1] [Komponente2] […]"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
@@ -9406,40 +9485,6 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#: sources.list.5.xml:112
msgid ""
-"<literal>options</literal> is always optional and needs to be surounded by "
-"square brackets. It can consist of multiple settings in the form "
-"replaceable></literal>. Multiple settings are separated by spaces. The "
-"following settings are supported by APT, note though that unsupported "
-"settings will be ignored silently:"
-msgstr ""
-"<literal>options</literal> ist immer optional und muss in eckige Klammern "
-"eingeschlossen werden. Es kann aus mehreren Einstellungen in der Form "
-"</replaceable></literal> bestehen. Mehrere Einstellungen werden durch "
-"Leerzeichen getrennt. Die folgenden Einstellungen werden von APT unterstützt. "
-"Beachten Sie allerdings, dass nicht unterstützte Einstellungen "
-"stillschweigend ignoriert werden."
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:117
-msgid ""
-"replaceable>,…</literal> can be used to specify for which architectures "
-"packages information should be downloaded. If this option is not set all "
-"architectures defined by the <literal>APT::Architectures</literal> option "
-"will be downloaded."
-msgstr ""
-"Architektur2</replaceable>, …</literal> kann benutzt werden, um anzugeben, "
-"für welche Architekturen Paketinformationen heruntergeladen werden sollen. "
-"Falls diese Option nicht gesetzt ist, werden alle durch die Option "
-"<literal>APT::Architectures</literal> definierten Architekturen "
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:123
-msgid ""
"It is important to list sources in order of preference, with the most "
"preferred source listed first. Typically this will result in sorting by "
"speed from fastest to slowest (CD-ROM followed by hosts on a local network, "
@@ -9452,12 +9497,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Rechnern, zum Beispiel)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:128
+#: sources.list.5.xml:117
msgid "Some examples:"
msgstr "Einige Beispiele:"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:130
+#: sources.list.5.xml:119
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"deb &stable-codename; main contrib non-free\n"
@@ -9469,17 +9514,17 @@ msgstr ""
" "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:136
+#: sources.list.5.xml:125
msgid "URI specification"
msgstr "URI-Beschreibung"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:141
+#: sources.list.5.xml:130
msgid "file"
msgstr "file"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:143
+#: sources.list.5.xml:132
msgid ""
"The file scheme allows an arbitrary directory in the file system to be "
"considered an archive. This is useful for NFS mounts and local mirrors or "
@@ -9490,7 +9535,7 @@ msgstr ""
"lokale Spiegel oder Archive."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:150
+#: sources.list.5.xml:139
msgid ""
"The cdrom scheme allows APT to use a local CDROM drive with media swapping. "
"Use the &apt-cdrom; program to create cdrom entries in the source list."
@@ -9500,7 +9545,7 @@ msgstr ""
"der Quellenliste zu erstellen."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:157
+#: sources.list.5.xml:146
msgid ""
"The http scheme specifies an HTTP server for the archive. If an environment "
"variable <envar>http_proxy</envar> is set with the format http://server:"
@@ -9517,7 +9562,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Beachten Sie, dass dies eine unsichere Authentifizierungsmethode ist."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:168
+#: sources.list.5.xml:157
msgid ""
"The ftp scheme specifies an FTP server for the archive. APT's FTP behavior "
"is highly configurable; for more information see the &apt-conf; manual page. "
@@ -9537,12 +9582,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Konfigurationsdatei HTTP benutzen, werden ignoriert."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:177
+#: sources.list.5.xml:166
msgid "copy"
msgstr "copy"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:179
+#: sources.list.5.xml:168
msgid ""
"The copy scheme is identical to the file scheme except that packages are "
"copied into the cache directory instead of used directly at their location. "
@@ -9554,17 +9599,17 @@ msgstr ""
"Platte benutzen, um Dateien mit APT umherzukopieren."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:184
+#: sources.list.5.xml:173
msgid "rsh"
msgstr "rsh"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:184
+#: sources.list.5.xml:173
msgid "ssh"
msgstr "ssh"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:186
+#: sources.list.5.xml:175
msgid ""
"The rsh/ssh method invokes rsh/ssh to connect to a remote host as a given "
"user and access the files. It is a good idea to do prior arrangements with "
@@ -9580,12 +9625,12 @@ msgstr ""
"aus der Ferne durchzuführen."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:194
+#: sources.list.5.xml:183
msgid "more recognizable URI types"
msgstr "weitere erkennbare URI-Typen"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:196
+#: sources.list.5.xml:185
msgid ""
"APT can be extended with more methods shipped in other optional packages "
"which should follow the nameing scheme <literal>apt-transport-"
@@ -9607,7 +9652,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:138
+#: sources.list.5.xml:127
msgid ""
"The currently recognized URI types are cdrom, file, http, ftp, copy, ssh, "
"rsh. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
@@ -9616,7 +9661,7 @@ msgstr ""
"»ssh«, »rsh«. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:210
+#: sources.list.5.xml:199
msgid ""
"Uses the archive stored locally (or NFS mounted) at /home/jason/debian for "
"stable/main, stable/contrib, and stable/non-free."
@@ -9625,58 +9670,37 @@ msgstr ""
"jason/debian für stable/main, stable/contrib und stable/non-free."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:212
+#: sources.list.5.xml:201
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb file:/home/jason/debian stable main contrib non-free"
msgstr "deb file:/home/jason/debian stable main contrib non-free"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:214
+#: sources.list.5.xml:203
msgid "As above, except this uses the unstable (development) distribution."
msgstr ""
"Wie oben, außer das dies die »unstable«- (Entwicklungs-) Distribution "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:215
+#: sources.list.5.xml:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
msgstr "deb file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:217
+#: sources.list.5.xml:206
msgid "Source line for the above"
msgstr "Quellzeile für obiges"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:218
+#: sources.list.5.xml:207
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb-src file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
msgstr "deb-src file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:220
-msgid ""
-"The first line gets package information for the architectures in "
-"<literal>APT::Architectures</literal> while the second always retrieves "
-"<literal>amd64</literal> and <literal>armel</literal>."
-msgstr ""
-"Die erste Zeile bekommt Paketinformationen für die Architekturen in "
-"<literal>APT::Architectures</literal>, während die zweite immer "
-"<literal>amd64</literal> und <literal>armel</literal> holt."
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:222
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"deb &stable-codename; main\n"
-"deb [ arch=amd64,armel ] &stable-codename; main"
-msgstr ""
-"deb &stable-codename; main\n"
-"deb [ arch=amd64,armel ] &stable-codename; main"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:225
+#: sources.list.5.xml:209
msgid ""
"Uses HTTP to access the archive at, and uses only the "
"hamm/main area."
@@ -9685,13 +9709,13 @@ msgstr ""
"den hamm/main-Bereich zu benutzen."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:227
+#: sources.list.5.xml:211
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb hamm main"
msgstr "deb hamm main"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:229
+#: sources.list.5.xml:213
msgid ""
"Uses FTP to access the archive at, under the debian "
"directory, and uses only the &stable-codename;/contrib area."
@@ -9701,13 +9725,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:231
+#: sources.list.5.xml:215
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb &stable-codename; contrib"
msgstr "deb &stable-codename; contrib"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:233
+#: sources.list.5.xml:217
msgid ""
"Uses FTP to access the archive at, under the debian "
"directory, and uses only the unstable/contrib area. If this line appears as "
@@ -9721,19 +9745,19 @@ msgstr ""
"für beide Quellzeilen benutzt."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:237
+#: sources.list.5.xml:221
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb unstable contrib"
msgstr "deb unstable contrib"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:246
+#: sources.list.5.xml:230
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb unstable/binary-$(ARCH)/"
msgstr "deb unstable/binary-$(ARCH)/"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:239
+#: sources.list.5.xml:223
msgid ""
"Uses HTTP to access the archive at, under the universe "
"directory, and uses only files found under <filename>unstable/binary-i386</"
@@ -9753,7 +9777,7 @@ msgstr ""
"type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:251
+#: sources.list.5.xml:235
msgid "&apt-cache; &apt-conf;"
msgstr "&apt-cache; &apt-conf;"
@@ -11309,3 +11333,119 @@ msgstr " # apt-get -o dir::cache::archives=\"/Platte/\" dist-upgrade"
#: offline.sgml:234
msgid "Which will use the already fetched archives on the disc."
msgstr "Es wird die bereits auf die Platte heruntergeladenen Archive benutzen."
+#~ msgid "<option>--host-architecture</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>--host-architecture</option>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This option controls the architecture packages are built for by "
+#~ "<command>apt-get source --compile</command> and how cross-"
+#~ "builddependencies are satisfied. By default is it not set which means "
+#~ "that the host architecture is the same as the build architecture (which "
+#~ "is defined by <literal>APT::Architecture</literal>). Configuration Item: "
+#~ "<literal>APT::Get::Host-Architecture</literal>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Diese Option steuert, wie die Architekturpakete durch <command>apt-get "
+#~ "source --compile</command> gebaut und wie Cross-Bau-Abhängigkeiten "
+#~ "erfüllt werden. Standardmäßig ist sie nicht gesetze, was bedeutet, dass "
+#~ "die Rechnerarchitektur die gleiche wie die Bau-Architektur ist (die durch "
+#~ "<literal>APT::Architecture</literal>) definiert wird). "
+#~ "Konfigurationselement: <literal>APT::Get::Host-Architecture</literal>"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Update the local keyring with the archive keyring and remove from the "
+#~ "local keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid. The archive "
+#~ "keyring is shipped in the <literal>archive-keyring</literal> package of "
+#~ "your distribution, e.g. the <literal>debian-archive-keyring</literal> "
+#~ "package in Debian."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Aktualisiert den lokalen Schlüsselbund mit dem Archivschlüsselbund und "
+#~ "entfernt die Archivschlüssel, die nicht länger gültig sind, aus dem "
+#~ "lokalen Schlüsselbund. Der Archivschlüsselbund wird im Paket "
+#~ "<literal>archive-keyring</literal> Ihrer Distribution mitgeliefert, z.B. "
+#~ "dem Paket <literal>debian-archive-keyring</literal> in Debian."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "All Architectures the system supports. Processors implementing the "
+#~ "<literal>amd64</literal> are e.g. also able to execute binaries compiled "
+#~ "for <literal>i386</literal>; This list is use when fetching files and "
+#~ "parsing package lists. The internal default is always the native "
+#~ "architecture (<literal>APT::Architecture</literal>) and all foreign "
+#~ "architectures it can retrieve by calling <command>dpkg --print-foreign-"
+#~ "architectures</command>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Alle Architekturen, die das System unterstützt. Prozessoren, die "
+#~ "<literal>amd64</literal> implementieren sind beispielsweise ebenso in der "
+#~ "Lage, Programme auszuführen, die für <literal>i386</literal> kompiliert "
+#~ "wurden. Diese Liste wird benutzt, wenn Dateien abgerufen und Paketlisten "
+#~ "ausgewertet werden. Die interne Vorgabe ist immer die native Architektur "
+#~ "(<literal>APT::Architecture</literal>) und alle fremden Architekturen, "
+#~ "die durch Aufruf von <command>dpkg --print-foreign-architectures</"
+#~ "command> abgefragt werden können."
+#~ msgid "Min-ValidTime"
+#~ msgstr "Min-ValidTime"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Minimum of seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it "
+#~ "was created (indicated by the <literal>Date</literal> header). Use this "
+#~ "if you need to use a seldomly updated (local) mirror of a more regular "
+#~ "updated archive with a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header instead of "
+#~ "completely disabling the expiration date checking. Archive specific "
+#~ "settings can and should be used by appending the label of the archive to "
+#~ "the option name."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Minimale Anzahl der Sekunden, die die Release-Datei als gültig betrachtet "
+#~ "werden sollte, nachdem sie erzeugt wurde (angezeigt durch die Kopfzeile "
+#~ "<literal>Date</literal>). Benutzen Sie dies, falls Sie einen selten "
+#~ "aktualisierten (lokalen) Spiegel eines regelmäßiger aktualisierten "
+#~ "Archivs mit einer <literal>Valid-Until</literal>-Kopfzeile haben, anstatt "
+#~ "die Überprüfung des Ablaufdatum komplett zu deaktivieren. "
+#~ "Archivspezifische Einstellungen können und sollten durch Anhängen des "
+#~ "Archivetiketts an die Option »name« vorgenommen werden."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<literal>options</literal> is always optional and needs to be surounded "
+#~ "by square brackets. It can consist of multiple settings in the form "
+#~ "<literal><replaceable>setting</replaceable>=<replaceable>value</"
+#~ "replaceable></literal>. Multiple settings are separated by spaces. The "
+#~ "following settings are supported by APT, note though that unsupported "
+#~ "settings will be ignored silently:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<literal>options</literal> ist immer optional und muss in eckige Klammern "
+#~ "eingeschlossen werden. Es kann aus mehreren Einstellungen in der Form "
+#~ "<literal><replaceable>Einstellung</replaceable>=<replaceable>Wert</"
+#~ "replaceable></literal> bestehen. Mehrere Einstellungen werden durch "
+#~ "Leerzeichen getrennt. Die folgenden Einstellungen werden von APT "
+#~ "unterstützt. Beachten Sie allerdings, dass nicht unterstützte "
+#~ "Einstellungen stillschweigend ignoriert werden."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<literal>arch=<replaceable>arch1</replaceable>,<replaceable>arch2</"
+#~ "replaceable>,…</literal> can be used to specify for which architectures "
+#~ "packages information should be downloaded. If this option is not set all "
+#~ "architectures defined by the <literal>APT::Architectures</literal> option "
+#~ "will be downloaded."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<literal>arch=<replaceable>Architektur1</replaceable>,"
+#~ "<replaceable>Architektur2</replaceable>, …</literal> kann benutzt werden, "
+#~ "um anzugeben, für welche Architekturen Paketinformationen heruntergeladen "
+#~ "werden sollen. Falls diese Option nicht gesetzt ist, werden alle durch "
+#~ "die Option <literal>APT::Architectures</literal> definierten "
+#~ "Architekturen heruntergeladen."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The first line gets package information for the architectures in "
+#~ "<literal>APT::Architectures</literal> while the second always retrieves "
+#~ "<literal>amd64</literal> and <literal>armel</literal>."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Die erste Zeile bekommt Paketinformationen für die Architekturen in "
+#~ "<literal>APT::Architectures</literal>, während die zweite immer "
+#~ "<literal>amd64</literal> und <literal>armel</literal> holt."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "deb &stable-codename; main\n"
+#~ "deb [ arch=amd64,armel ] &stable-codename; main"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "deb &stable-codename; main\n"
+#~ "deb [ arch=amd64,armel ] &stable-codename; main"
diff --git a/doc/po/es.po b/doc/po/es.po
index 0849736fa..35b8d0af7 100644
--- a/doc/po/es.po
+++ b/doc/po/es.po
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: apt 0.7.25\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-11-20 17:58+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-08 16:54+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-08-25 03:25+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Omar Campagne <>\n"
"Language-Team: Debian l10n Spanish <>\n"
@@ -809,7 +809,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:64 apt-cdrom.8.xml:50 apt-config.8.xml:50
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:46 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:59 apt-get.8.xml:121
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:46 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:59 apt-get.8.xml:114
#: apt-key.8.xml:38 apt-mark.8.xml:56 apt-secure.8.xml:43
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:47 apt.conf.5.xml:42 apt_preferences.5.xml:36
#: sources.list.5.xml:36
@@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ msgstr ""
"genera información interesante a partir de los metadatos del paquete."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:70 apt-get.8.xml:127
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:70 apt-get.8.xml:120
msgid ""
"Unless the <option>-h</option>, or <option>--help</option> option is given, "
"one of the commands below must be present."
@@ -1327,8 +1327,8 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:278 apt-config.8.xml:96 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:59
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:342 apt-mark.8.xml:126
-#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:57 apt.conf.5.xml:577 apt.conf.5.xml:599
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:331 apt-mark.8.xml:126
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:57 apt.conf.5.xml:560 apt.conf.5.xml:582
msgid "options"
msgstr "Opciones"
@@ -1354,7 +1354,7 @@ msgstr ""
"configuración: <literal>Dir::Cache::pkgcache</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:572 apt-get.8.xml:404
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571 apt-get.8.xml:393
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:61
msgid "<option>-s</option>"
msgstr "<option>-s</option>"
@@ -1380,12 +1380,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Opción de configuración: <literal>Dir::Cache::srcpkgcache</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:546 apt-get.8.xml:394
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>-q</option>"
msgstr "<option>-q</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:546 apt-get.8.xml:394
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>--quiet</option>"
msgstr "<option>--quiet</option>"
@@ -1475,7 +1475,7 @@ msgstr "<option>--no-enhances</option>"
#| "literal> e.g. <literal>APT::Cache::ShowRecommends</literal>."
msgid ""
"Per default the <literal>depends</literal> and <literal>rdepends</literal> "
-"print all dependencies. This can be tweaked with these flags which will omit "
+"print all dependencies. This can be twicked with these flags which will omit "
"the specified dependency type. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Cache::"
"Show<replaceable>DependencyType</replaceable></literal> e.g. <literal>APT::"
@@ -1488,7 +1488,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:323 apt-cdrom.8.xml:124 apt-get.8.xml:361
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:323 apt-cdrom.8.xml:124 apt-get.8.xml:350
msgid "<option>-f</option>"
msgstr "<option>-f</option>"
@@ -1507,8 +1507,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Opción de configuración: <literal>APT::Cache::ShowFull</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
-#: apt-get.8.xml:447
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
msgid "<option>-a</option>"
msgstr "<option>-a</option>"
@@ -1625,14 +1624,14 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:367 apt-cdrom.8.xml:153 apt-config.8.xml:101
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:612 apt-get.8.xml:591
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:611 apt-get.8.xml:570
#: apt-mark.8.xml:140 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:67
msgid "&apt-commonoptions;"
msgstr "&apt-commonoptions;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:596 apt-key.8.xml:175 apt-mark.8.xml:144
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1110 apt_preferences.5.xml:697
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:575 apt-key.8.xml:172 apt-mark.8.xml:144
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1093 apt_preferences.5.xml:697
msgid "Files"
msgstr "Ficheros"
@@ -1643,10 +1642,10 @@ msgstr "&file-sourceslist; &file-statelists;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:379 apt-cdrom.8.xml:158 apt-config.8.xml:106
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628 apt-get.8.xml:606
-#: apt-key.8.xml:196 apt-mark.8.xml:150 apt-secure.8.xml:185
-#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1116 apt_preferences.5.xml:704
-#: sources.list.5.xml:250
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:627 apt-get.8.xml:585
+#: apt-key.8.xml:193 apt-mark.8.xml:150 apt-secure.8.xml:185
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1099 apt_preferences.5.xml:704
+#: sources.list.5.xml:234
msgid "See Also"
msgstr "Véase también"
@@ -1657,7 +1656,7 @@ msgstr "&apt-conf;, &sources-list;, &apt-get;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:384 apt-cdrom.8.xml:163 apt-config.8.xml:111
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:632 apt-get.8.xml:612
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:631 apt-get.8.xml:591
#: apt-mark.8.xml:154 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:76
msgid "Diagnostics"
msgstr "Diagnósticos"
@@ -1787,12 +1786,12 @@ msgstr ""
"option>. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:161
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:158
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Opciones"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:540 apt-get.8.xml:356
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539 apt-get.8.xml:345
msgid "<option>-d</option>"
msgstr "<option>-d</option>"
@@ -1836,7 +1835,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:116 apt-get.8.xml:375
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:116 apt-get.8.xml:364
msgid "<option>-m</option>"
msgstr "<option>-m</option>"
@@ -1891,17 +1890,17 @@ msgstr ""
"pero encontrará todo el contenido."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:143 apt-get.8.xml:406
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:143 apt-get.8.xml:395
msgid "<option>--just-print</option>"
msgstr "<option>--just-print</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:144 apt-get.8.xml:408
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:144 apt-get.8.xml:397
msgid "<option>--recon</option>"
msgstr "<option>--recon</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:145 apt-get.8.xml:409
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:145 apt-get.8.xml:398
msgid "<option>--no-act</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-act</option>"
@@ -2049,7 +2048,7 @@ msgid "Just show the contents of the configuration space."
msgstr "Sólo muestra el contenido del espacio de configuración."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:629
+#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:73
msgid "&apt-conf;"
msgstr "&apt-conf;"
@@ -2128,7 +2127,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:63 apt-get.8.xml:525
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:63 apt-get.8.xml:504
msgid "<option>-t</option>"
msgstr "<option>-t</option>"
@@ -2405,7 +2404,7 @@ msgstr ""
"configuración necesaria."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:145 apt-get.8.xml:298
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:145 apt-get.8.xml:287
msgid "clean"
msgstr "clean"
@@ -2979,8 +2978,8 @@ msgstr ""
"distribución, generalmente es similar a <literal>main contrib non-free</"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:394 apt.conf.5.xml:157
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:394
msgid "Architectures"
msgstr "Arquitecturas"
@@ -3206,25 +3205,43 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:531
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Values for the additional metadata fields in the Release file are taken "
+#| "from the corresponding variables under <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release</"
+#| "literal>, e.g. <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release::Origin</literal>. The "
+#| "supported fields are: <literal>Origin</literal>, <literal>Label</"
+#| "literal>, <literal>Suite</literal>, <literal>Version</literal>, "
+#| "<literal>Codename</literal>, <literal>Date</literal>, <literal>Valid-"
+#| "Until</literal>, <literal>Architectures</literal>, <literal>Components</"
+#| "literal>, <literal>Description</literal>."
msgid ""
"Generate the given checksum. These options default to on, when turned off "
"the generated index files will not have the checksum fields where possible. "
"Configuration Items: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Checksum</"
"replaceable></literal> and <literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Index</"
"replaceable>::<replaceable>Checksum</replaceable></literal> where "
-"<literal><replaceable>Index</replaceable></literal> can be "
-"<literal>Packages</literal>, <literal>Sources</literal> or <literal>Release</"
-"literal> and <literal><replaceable>Checksum</replaceable></literal> can be "
-"<literal>MD5</literal>, <literal>SHA1</literal> or <literal>SHA256</literal>."
+"<literal>Index</literal> can be <literal>Packages</literal>, "
+"<literal>Sources</literal> or <literal>Release</literal> and "
+"<literal>Checksum</literal> can be <literal>MD5</literal>, <literal>SHA1</"
+"literal> or <literal>SHA256</literal>."
msgstr ""
+"Los valores para los campos de metadatos adicionales en el fichero «Release» "
+"se toman de las variables correspondientes en <literal>APT::FTPArchive::"
+"Release</literal>, por ejemplo <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release::Origin</"
+"literal>. Los campos permitidos son: <literal>Origin</literal>, "
+"<literal>Label</literal>, <literal>Suite</literal>, <literal>Version</"
+"literal>, <literal>Codename</literal>, <literal>Date</literal>, "
+"<literal>Valid-Until</literal>, <literal>Architectures</literal>, "
+"<literal>Components</literal> y <literal>Description</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:540
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539
msgid "<option>--db</option>"
msgstr "<option>--db</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:542
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:541
msgid ""
"Use a binary caching DB. This has no effect on the generate command. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::DB</literal>."
@@ -3233,7 +3250,7 @@ msgstr ""
"«generate». Opción de configuración: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::DB</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:548
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:547
msgid ""
"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
@@ -3247,12 +3264,12 @@ msgstr ""
"configuración. Opción de configuración: <literal>quiet</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:554
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:553
msgid "<option>--delink</option>"
msgstr "<option>--delink</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:556
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:555
msgid ""
"Perform Delinking. If the <literal>External-Links</literal> setting is used "
"then this option actually enables delinking of the files. It defaults to on "
@@ -3265,12 +3282,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Opción de configuración: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::DeLinkAct</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:562
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:561
msgid "<option>--contents</option>"
msgstr "<option>--contents</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:564
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:563
msgid ""
"Perform contents generation. When this option is set and package indexes are "
"being generated with a cache DB then the file listing will also be extracted "
@@ -3287,12 +3304,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:572
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571
msgid "<option>--source-override</option>"
msgstr "<option>--source-override</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:574
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:573
msgid ""
"Select the source override file to use with the <literal>sources</literal> "
"command. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::SourceOverride</"
@@ -3303,12 +3320,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:578
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:577
msgid "<option>--readonly</option>"
msgstr "<option>--readonly</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:580
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:579
msgid ""
"Make the caching databases read only. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::"
@@ -3317,12 +3334,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Opción de configuración: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::ReadOnlyDB</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
msgid "<option>--arch</option>"
msgstr "<option>--arch</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:585
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
msgid ""
"Accept in the <literal>packages</literal> and <literal>contents</literal> "
"commands only package files matching <literal>*_arch.deb</literal> or "
@@ -3336,12 +3353,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:591
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:590
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::AlwaysStat</option>"
msgstr "<option>APT::FTPArchive::AlwaysStat</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:593
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:592
msgid ""
"&apt-ftparchive; caches as much as possible of metadata in a cachedb. If "
"packages are recompiled and/or republished with the same version again, this "
@@ -3365,12 +3382,12 @@ msgstr ""
"comprobaciones adicionales son innecesarias."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:603
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:602
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::LongDescription</option>"
msgstr "<option>APT::FTPArchive::LongDescription</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:605
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:604
msgid ""
"This configuration option defaults to \"<literal>true</literal>\" and should "
"only be set to <literal>\"false\"</literal> if the Archive generated with "
@@ -3386,19 +3403,19 @@ msgstr ""
"con la orden «generate»."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:617 apt.conf.5.xml:1104 apt_preferences.5.xml:544
-#: sources.list.5.xml:209
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:616 apt.conf.5.xml:1087 apt_preferences.5.xml:544
+#: sources.list.5.xml:198
msgid "Examples"
msgstr "Ejemplos"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><programlisting>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:623
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:622
#, no-wrap
msgid "<command>apt-ftparchive</command> packages <replaceable>directory</replaceable> | <command>gzip</command> > <filename>Packages.gz</filename>\n"
msgstr "<command>apt-ftparchive</command> packages <replaceable>directorio</replaceable> | <command>gzip</command> > <filename>Packages.gz</filename>\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:619
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:618
msgid ""
"To create a compressed Packages file for a directory containing binary "
"packages (.deb): <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
@@ -3407,7 +3424,7 @@ msgstr ""
"paquetes binarios («.deb»): <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:633
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:632
msgid ""
"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal "
"100 on error."
@@ -3472,11 +3489,10 @@ msgid ""
"<option>-o= <replaceable>config_string</replaceable> </option> </arg> <arg> "
"<option>-c= <replaceable>config_file</replaceable> </option> </arg> <arg> "
"<option>-t=</option> <arg choice='plain'> <replaceable>target_release</"
-"replaceable> </arg> </arg> <arg> <option>-a=</option> <arg choice='plain'> "
-"<replaceable>default_architecture</replaceable> </arg> </arg> <group choice="
-"\"req\"> <arg choice='plain'>update</arg> <arg choice='plain'>upgrade</arg> "
-"<arg choice='plain'>dselect-upgrade</arg> <arg choice='plain'>dist-upgrade</"
-"arg> <arg choice='plain'>install <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
+"replaceable> </arg> </arg> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>update</arg> <arg choice='plain'>upgrade</arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>dselect-upgrade</arg> <arg choice='plain'>dist-upgrade</arg> "
+"<arg choice='plain'>install <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
"\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable> <arg> <group choice='req'> <arg "
"choice='plain'> =<replaceable>pkg_version_number</replaceable> </arg> <arg "
"choice='plain'> /<replaceable>target_release</replaceable> </arg> </group> </"
@@ -3525,7 +3541,7 @@ msgstr ""
"</group> </arg> </group>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:122
+#: apt-get.8.xml:115
msgid ""
"<command>apt-get</command> is the command-line tool for handling packages, "
"and may be considered the user's \"back-end\" to other tools using the APT "
@@ -3539,12 +3555,12 @@ msgstr ""
"&synaptic; y &wajig;."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:131 apt-key.8.xml:127
+#: apt-get.8.xml:124 apt-key.8.xml:127
msgid "update"
msgstr "update"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:132
+#: apt-get.8.xml:125
msgid ""
"<literal>update</literal> is used to resynchronize the package index files "
"from their sources. The indexes of available packages are fetched from the "
@@ -3568,12 +3584,12 @@ msgstr ""
"tamaño de los archivos de paquete."
#. type: <tag></tag>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:143 guide.sgml:121
+#: apt-get.8.xml:136 guide.sgml:121
msgid "upgrade"
msgstr "upgrade"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:144
+#: apt-get.8.xml:137
msgid ""
"<literal>upgrade</literal> is used to install the newest versions of all "
"packages currently installed on the system from the sources enumerated in "
@@ -3598,12 +3614,12 @@ msgstr ""
"hay nuevas versiones disponibles."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:156
+#: apt-get.8.xml:149
msgid "dselect-upgrade"
msgstr "dselect-upgrade"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:157
+#: apt-get.8.xml:150
msgid ""
"<literal>dselect-upgrade</literal> is used in conjunction with the "
"traditional Debian packaging front-end, &dselect;. <literal>dselect-upgrade</"
@@ -3620,12 +3636,12 @@ msgstr ""
"paquetes antiguos e instalar las nuevas versiones)."
#. type: <tag></tag>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:166 guide.sgml:140
+#: apt-get.8.xml:159 guide.sgml:140
msgid "dist-upgrade"
msgstr "dist-upgrade"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:167
+#: apt-get.8.xml:160
msgid ""
"<literal>dist-upgrade</literal> in addition to performing the function of "
"<literal>upgrade</literal>, also intelligently handles changing dependencies "
@@ -3648,12 +3664,12 @@ msgstr ""
"comportamiento para paquetes individuales."
#. type: <tag></tag>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:179 guide.sgml:131
+#: apt-get.8.xml:172 guide.sgml:131
msgid "install"
msgstr "install"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:181
+#: apt-get.8.xml:174
msgid ""
"<literal>install</literal> is followed by one or more packages desired for "
"installation or upgrading. Each package is a package name, not a fully "
@@ -3681,7 +3697,7 @@ msgstr ""
"conflictos de apt-get."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:199
+#: apt-get.8.xml:192
msgid ""
"A specific version of a package can be selected for installation by "
"following the package name with an equals and the version of the package to "
@@ -3699,7 +3715,7 @@ msgstr ""
"(stable, testing, unstable)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:206
+#: apt-get.8.xml:199
msgid ""
"Both of the version selection mechanisms can downgrade packages and must be "
"used with care."
@@ -3708,7 +3724,7 @@ msgstr ""
"anterior de los paquetes y se debe usar con cuidado."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:209
+#: apt-get.8.xml:202
msgid ""
"This is also the target to use if you want to upgrade one or more already-"
"installed packages without upgrading every package you have on your system. "
@@ -3728,7 +3744,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:220
+#: apt-get.8.xml:213
msgid ""
"Finally, the &apt-preferences; mechanism allows you to create an alternative "
"installation policy for individual packages."
@@ -3737,7 +3753,7 @@ msgstr ""
"paquetes individuales."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:224
+#: apt-get.8.xml:217
msgid ""
"If no package matches the given expression and the expression contains one "
"of '.', '?' or '*' then it is assumed to be a POSIX regular expression, and "
@@ -3757,12 +3773,12 @@ msgstr ""
"«$», o bien crear una expresión regular más específica."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:233
+#: apt-get.8.xml:226
msgid "remove"
msgstr "remove"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:234
+#: apt-get.8.xml:227
msgid ""
"<literal>remove</literal> is identical to <literal>install</literal> except "
"that packages are removed instead of installed. Note the removing a package "
@@ -3778,12 +3794,12 @@ msgstr ""
"cuestión será instalado en vez de eliminado."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:241
+#: apt-get.8.xml:234
msgid "purge"
msgstr "purge"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:242
+#: apt-get.8.xml:235
msgid ""
"<literal>purge</literal> is identical to <literal>remove</literal> except "
"that packages are removed and purged (any configuration files are deleted "
@@ -3794,12 +3810,12 @@ msgstr ""
"también cualquier fichero de configuración)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:246
+#: apt-get.8.xml:239
msgid "source"
msgstr "source"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:247
+#: apt-get.8.xml:240
msgid ""
"<literal>source</literal> causes <command>apt-get</command> to fetch source "
"packages. APT will examine the available packages to decide which source "
@@ -3818,7 +3834,7 @@ msgstr ""
"release</literal>, si es posible."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:255
+#: apt-get.8.xml:248
msgid ""
"Source packages are tracked separately from binary packages via <literal>deb-"
"src</literal> type lines in the &sources-list; file. This means that you "
@@ -3834,7 +3850,7 @@ msgstr ""
"instalada o de la que podría instalar."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:262
+#: apt-get.8.xml:255
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "If the <option>--compile</option> option is specified then the package "
@@ -3843,10 +3859,9 @@ msgstr ""
#| "source package will not be unpacked."
msgid ""
"If the <option>--compile</option> option is specified then the package will "
-"be compiled to a binary .deb using <command>dpkg-buildpackage</command> for "
-"the architecture as defined by the <command>--host-architecture</command> "
-"option. If <option>--download-only</option> is specified then the source "
-"package will not be unpacked."
+"be compiled to a binary .deb using <command>dpkg-buildpackage</command>, if "
+"<option>--download-only</option> is specified then the source package will "
+"not be unpacked."
msgstr ""
"Si se especifica la opción <option>--compile</option> el paquete se "
"compilará en un binario «.deb» usando <command>dpkg-buildpackage</command>, "
@@ -3854,7 +3869,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:269
+#: apt-get.8.xml:260
msgid ""
"A specific source version can be retrieved by postfixing the source name "
"with an equals and then the version to fetch, similar to the mechanism used "
@@ -3869,7 +3884,7 @@ msgstr ""
"activando implícitamente la opción <literal>APT::Get::Only-Source</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:275
+#: apt-get.8.xml:266
msgid ""
"Note that source packages are not tracked like binary packages, they exist "
"only in the current directory and are similar to downloading source tar "
@@ -3880,34 +3895,31 @@ msgstr ""
"tar comprimidos con las fuentes."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:280
+#: apt-get.8.xml:271
msgid "build-dep"
msgstr "build-dep"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:281
+#: apt-get.8.xml:272
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "<literal>build-dep</literal> causes apt-get to install/remove packages in "
#| "an attempt to satisfy the build dependencies for a source package."
msgid ""
"<literal>build-dep</literal> causes apt-get to install/remove packages in an "
-"attempt to satisfy the build dependencies for a source package. By default "
-"the dependencies are satisfied to build the package natively. If desired a "
-"host-architecture can be specified with the <option>--host-architecture</"
-"option> option instead."
+"attempt to satisfy the build dependencies for a source package."
msgstr ""
"<literal>build-dep</literal> hace que apt-get instale/desinstale paquetes en "
"un intento de satisfacer las dependencias de compilación de un paquete "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:287
+#: apt-get.8.xml:276
msgid "check"
msgstr "check"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:288
+#: apt-get.8.xml:277
msgid ""
"<literal>check</literal> is a diagnostic tool; it updates the package cache "
"and checks for broken dependencies."
@@ -3916,19 +3928,19 @@ msgstr ""
"caché de paquetes y revisa la existencia de dependencias rotas."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:292
+#: apt-get.8.xml:281
msgid "download"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:293
+#: apt-get.8.xml:282
msgid ""
"<literal>download</literal> will download the given binary package into the "
-"current directory."
+"current directoy."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:299
+#: apt-get.8.xml:288
msgid ""
"<literal>clean</literal> clears out the local repository of retrieved "
"package files. It removes everything but the lock file from "
@@ -3947,12 +3959,12 @@ msgstr ""
"literal> de vez en cuando para liberar algo de espacio en disco."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:308
+#: apt-get.8.xml:297
msgid "autoclean"
msgstr "autoclean"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:309
+#: apt-get.8.xml:298
msgid ""
"Like <literal>clean</literal>, <literal>autoclean</literal> clears out the "
"local repository of retrieved package files. The difference is that it only "
@@ -3971,12 +3983,12 @@ msgstr ""
"desactivada impedirá que se borren los paquetes instalados."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:318
+#: apt-get.8.xml:307
msgid "autoremove"
msgstr "autoremove"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:319
+#: apt-get.8.xml:308
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "<literal>autoremove</literal> is used to remove packages that were "
@@ -3984,20 +3996,20 @@ msgstr "autoremove"
#| "are no more needed."
msgid ""
"<literal>autoremove</literal> is used to remove packages that were "
-"automatically installed to satisfy dependencies for other packages and are "
-"now no longer needed."
+"automatically installed to satisfy dependencies for some package and that "
+"are no more needed."
msgstr ""
"<literal>autoremove</literal> se usa para desinstalar paquetes que se "
"instalaron automáticamente para satisfacer las dependencias de algún "
"paquete, pero que ya no son necesarios."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:323
+#: apt-get.8.xml:312
msgid "changelog"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:324
+#: apt-get.8.xml:313
msgid ""
"<literal>changelog</literal> downloads a package changelog and displays it "
"through <command>sensible-pager</command>. The server name and base "
@@ -4010,12 +4022,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:346
+#: apt-get.8.xml:335
msgid "<option>--no-install-recommends</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-install-recommends</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:347
+#: apt-get.8.xml:336
msgid ""
"Do not consider recommended packages as a dependency for installing. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Install-Recommends</literal>."
@@ -4024,14 +4036,14 @@ msgstr ""
"de configuración: <literal>APT::Install-Recommends</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:351
+#: apt-get.8.xml:340
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "<option>--no-suggests</option>"
msgid "<option>--install-suggests</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-suggests</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:352
+#: apt-get.8.xml:341
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "Do not consider recommended packages as a dependency for installing. "
@@ -4044,12 +4056,12 @@ msgstr ""
"de configuración: <literal>APT::Install-Recommends</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:356
+#: apt-get.8.xml:345
msgid "<option>--download-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--download-only</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:357
+#: apt-get.8.xml:346
msgid ""
"Download only; package files are only retrieved, not unpacked or installed. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Download-Only</literal>."
@@ -4058,12 +4070,12 @@ msgstr ""
"instala. Opción de configuración: <literal>APT::Get::Download-Only</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:361
+#: apt-get.8.xml:350
msgid "<option>--fix-broken</option>"
msgstr "<option>--fix-broken</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:362
+#: apt-get.8.xml:351
msgid ""
"Fix; attempt to correct a system with broken dependencies in place. This "
"option, when used with install/remove, can omit any packages to permit APT "
@@ -4091,17 +4103,17 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:375
+#: apt-get.8.xml:364
msgid "<option>--ignore-missing</option>"
msgstr "<option>--ignore-missing</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:376
+#: apt-get.8.xml:365
msgid "<option>--fix-missing</option>"
msgstr "<option>--fix-missing</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:377
+#: apt-get.8.xml:366
msgid ""
"Ignore missing packages; If packages cannot be retrieved or fail the "
"integrity check after retrieval (corrupted package files), hold back those "
@@ -4121,12 +4133,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:387
+#: apt-get.8.xml:376
msgid "<option>--no-download</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-download</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:388
+#: apt-get.8.xml:377
msgid ""
"Disables downloading of packages. This is best used with <option>--ignore-"
"missing</option> to force APT to use only the .debs it has already "
@@ -4138,7 +4150,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:395
+#: apt-get.8.xml:384
msgid ""
"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
@@ -4159,17 +4171,17 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:405
+#: apt-get.8.xml:394
msgid "<option>--simulate</option>"
msgstr "<option>--simulate</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:407
+#: apt-get.8.xml:396
msgid "<option>--dry-run</option>"
msgstr "<option>--dry-run</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:410
+#: apt-get.8.xml:399
msgid ""
"No action; perform a simulation of events that would occur but do not "
"actually change the system. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::"
@@ -4180,7 +4192,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:414
+#: apt-get.8.xml:403
msgid ""
"Simulation run as user will deactivate locking (<literal>Debug::NoLocking</"
"literal>) automatic. Also a notice will be displayed indicating that this "
@@ -4198,7 +4210,7 @@ msgstr ""
"avisos de <literal>apt-get</literal>)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:420
+#: apt-get.8.xml:409
msgid ""
"Simulate prints out a series of lines each one representing a dpkg "
"operation, Configure (Conf), Remove (Remv), Unpack (Inst). Square brackets "
@@ -4212,22 +4224,22 @@ msgstr ""
"problema (poco probable)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:427
+#: apt-get.8.xml:416
msgid "<option>-y</option>"
msgstr "<option>-y</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:427
+#: apt-get.8.xml:416
msgid "<option>--yes</option>"
msgstr "<option>--yes</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:428
+#: apt-get.8.xml:417
msgid "<option>--assume-yes</option>"
msgstr "<option>--assume-yes</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:429
+#: apt-get.8.xml:418
msgid ""
"Automatic yes to prompts; assume \"yes\" as answer to all prompts and run "
"non-interactively. If an undesirable situation, such as changing a held "
@@ -4243,17 +4255,17 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:436
+#: apt-get.8.xml:425
msgid "<option>-u</option>"
msgstr "<option>-u</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:436
+#: apt-get.8.xml:425
msgid "<option>--show-upgraded</option>"
msgstr "<option>--show-upgraded</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:437
+#: apt-get.8.xml:426
msgid ""
"Show upgraded packages; Print out a list of all packages that are to be "
"upgraded. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Show-Upgraded</literal>."
@@ -4262,17 +4274,17 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:442
+#: apt-get.8.xml:431
msgid "<option>-V</option>"
msgstr "<option>-V</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:442
+#: apt-get.8.xml:431
msgid "<option>--verbose-versions</option>"
msgstr "<option>--verbose-versions</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:443
+#: apt-get.8.xml:432
msgid ""
"Show full versions for upgraded and installed packages. Configuration Item: "
@@ -4281,40 +4293,22 @@ msgstr ""
"Opción de configuración: <literal>APT::Get::Show-Versions</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:448
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "<option>--recurse</option>"
-msgid "<option>--host-architecture</option>"
-msgstr "<option>--recurse</option>"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:449
-msgid ""
-"This option controls the architecture packages are built for by <command>apt-"
-"get source --compile</command> and how cross-builddependencies are "
-"satisfied. By default is it not set which means that the host architecture "
-"is the same as the build architecture (which is defined by <literal>APT::"
-"Architecture</literal>). Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Host-"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:457
+#: apt-get.8.xml:436
msgid "<option>-b</option>"
msgstr "<option>-b</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:457
+#: apt-get.8.xml:436
msgid "<option>--compile</option>"
msgstr "<option>--compile</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:458
+#: apt-get.8.xml:437
msgid "<option>--build</option>"
msgstr "<option>--build</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:459
+#: apt-get.8.xml:438
msgid ""
"Compile source packages after downloading them. Configuration Item: "
@@ -4323,12 +4317,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:463
+#: apt-get.8.xml:442
msgid "<option>--ignore-hold</option>"
msgstr "<option>--ignore-hold</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:464
+#: apt-get.8.xml:443
msgid ""
"Ignore package Holds; This causes <command>apt-get</command> to ignore a "
"hold placed on a package. This may be useful in conjunction with "
@@ -4342,12 +4336,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:470
+#: apt-get.8.xml:449
msgid "<option>--no-upgrade</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-upgrade</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:471
+#: apt-get.8.xml:450
msgid ""
"Do not upgrade packages; When used in conjunction with <literal>install</"
"literal>, <literal>no-upgrade</literal> will prevent packages on the command "
@@ -4360,12 +4354,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:477
+#: apt-get.8.xml:456
msgid "<option>--only-upgrade</option>"
msgstr "<option>--only-upgrade</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:478
+#: apt-get.8.xml:457
msgid ""
"Do not install new packages; When used in conjunction with <literal>install</"
"literal>, <literal>only-upgrade</literal> will prevent packages on the "
@@ -4378,12 +4372,12 @@ msgstr ""
"de configuración: <literal>APT::Get::Only-Upgrade</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:484
+#: apt-get.8.xml:463
msgid "<option>--force-yes</option>"
msgstr "<option>--force-yes</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:485
+#: apt-get.8.xml:464
msgid ""
"Force yes; This is a dangerous option that will cause apt to continue "
"without prompting if it is doing something potentially harmful. It should "
@@ -4399,12 +4393,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:492
+#: apt-get.8.xml:471
msgid "<option>--print-uris</option>"
msgstr "<option>--print-uris</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:493
+#: apt-get.8.xml:472
msgid ""
"Instead of fetching the files to install their URIs are printed. Each URI "
"will have the path, the destination file name, the size and the expected md5 "
@@ -4426,12 +4420,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:503
+#: apt-get.8.xml:482
msgid "<option>--purge</option>"
msgstr "<option>--purge</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:504
+#: apt-get.8.xml:483
msgid ""
"Use purge instead of remove for anything that would be removed. An asterisk "
"(\"*\") will be displayed next to packages which are scheduled to be purged. "
@@ -4445,12 +4439,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:511
+#: apt-get.8.xml:490
msgid "<option>--reinstall</option>"
msgstr "<option>--reinstall</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:512
+#: apt-get.8.xml:491
msgid ""
"Re-Install packages that are already installed and at the newest version. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::ReInstall</literal>."
@@ -4460,12 +4454,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:516
+#: apt-get.8.xml:495
msgid "<option>--list-cleanup</option>"
msgstr "<option>--list-cleanup</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:517
+#: apt-get.8.xml:496
msgid ""
"This option defaults to on, use <literal>--no-list-cleanup</literal> to turn "
"it off. When on <command>apt-get</command> will automatically manage the "
@@ -4483,17 +4477,17 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:526
+#: apt-get.8.xml:505
msgid "<option>--target-release</option>"
msgstr "<option>--target-release</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:527
+#: apt-get.8.xml:506
msgid "<option>--default-release</option>"
msgstr "<option>--default-release</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:528
+#: apt-get.8.xml:507
msgid ""
"This option controls the default input to the policy engine, it creates a "
"default pin at priority 990 using the specified release string. This "
@@ -4517,12 +4511,12 @@ msgstr ""
"también la página del manual de &apt-preferences;."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:541
+#: apt-get.8.xml:520
msgid "<option>--trivial-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--trivial-only</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:543
+#: apt-get.8.xml:522
msgid ""
"Only perform operations that are 'trivial'. Logically this can be considered "
"related to <option>--assume-yes</option>, where <option>--assume-yes</"
@@ -4536,12 +4530,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:549
+#: apt-get.8.xml:528
msgid "<option>--no-remove</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-remove</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:550
+#: apt-get.8.xml:529
msgid ""
"If any packages are to be removed apt-get immediately aborts without "
"prompting. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Remove</literal>."
@@ -4550,12 +4544,12 @@ msgstr ""
"preguntar. Opción de configuración: <literal>APT::Get::Remove</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:555
+#: apt-get.8.xml:534
msgid "<option>--auto-remove</option>"
msgstr "<option>--auto-remove</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:556
+#: apt-get.8.xml:535
msgid ""
"If the command is either <literal>install</literal> or <literal>remove</"
"literal>, then this option acts like running <literal>autoremove</literal> "
@@ -4568,12 +4562,12 @@ msgstr ""
"configuración: <literal>APT::Get::AutomaticRemove</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:562
+#: apt-get.8.xml:541
msgid "<option>--only-source</option>"
msgstr "<option>--only-source</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:563
+#: apt-get.8.xml:542
msgid ""
"Only has meaning for the <literal>source</literal> and <literal>build-dep</"
"literal> commands. Indicates that the given source names are not to be "
@@ -4593,22 +4587,22 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:573
+#: apt-get.8.xml:552
msgid "<option>--diff-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--diff-only</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:573
+#: apt-get.8.xml:552
msgid "<option>--dsc-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--dsc-only</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:573
+#: apt-get.8.xml:552
msgid "<option>--tar-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--tar-only</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:574
+#: apt-get.8.xml:553
msgid ""
"Download only the diff, dsc, or tar file of a source archive. Configuration "
"Item: <literal>APT::Get::Diff-Only</literal>, <literal>APT::Get::Dsc-Only</"
@@ -4619,12 +4613,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Dsc-Only</literal> y <literal>APT::Get::Tar-Only</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:579
+#: apt-get.8.xml:558
msgid "<option>--arch-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--arch-only</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:580
+#: apt-get.8.xml:559
msgid ""
"Only process architecture-dependent build-dependencies. Configuration Item: "
@@ -4633,12 +4627,12 @@ msgstr ""
"arquitectura. Opción de configuración: <literal>APT::Get::Arch-Only</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:584
+#: apt-get.8.xml:563
msgid "<option>--allow-unauthenticated</option>"
msgstr "<option>--allow-unauthenticated</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:585
+#: apt-get.8.xml:564
msgid ""
"Ignore if packages can't be authenticated and don't prompt about it. This "
"is useful for tools like pbuilder. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::"
@@ -4649,7 +4643,7 @@ msgstr ""
"configuración: <literal>APT::Get::AllowUnauthenticated</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:598
+#: apt-get.8.xml:577
msgid ""
"&file-sourceslist; &file-aptconf; &file-preferences; &file-cachearchives; "
@@ -4658,7 +4652,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:607
+#: apt-get.8.xml:586
msgid ""
"&apt-cache;, &apt-cdrom;, &dpkg;, &dselect;, &sources-list;, &apt-conf;, "
"&apt-config;, &apt-secure;, The APT User's guide in &guidesdir;, &apt-"
@@ -4669,7 +4663,7 @@ msgstr ""
"preferences;, el Cómo de APT."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:613
+#: apt-get.8.xml:592
msgid ""
"<command>apt-get</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 on "
@@ -4678,22 +4672,22 @@ msgstr ""
"100 en caso de error."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:616
+#: apt-get.8.xml:595
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:617
+#: apt-get.8.xml:596
msgid "&apt-author.jgunthorpe;"
msgstr "&apt-author.jgunthorpe;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:620
+#: apt-get.8.xml:599
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:622
+#: apt-get.8.xml:601
msgid "&;"
msgstr "&;"
@@ -4822,33 +4816,30 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#: apt-key.8.xml:131
msgid ""
-"Update the local keyring with the archive keyring and remove from the local "
-"keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid. The archive keyring is "
-"shipped in the <literal>archive-keyring</literal> package of your "
-"distribution, e.g. the <literal>debian-archive-keyring</literal> package in "
+"Update the local keyring with the keyring of Debian archive keys and removes "
+"from the keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid."
msgstr ""
+"Actualiza el registro de claves local con el registro de claves del archivo "
+"Debian, y elimina del registro las claves del archivo que ya no son válidas."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:141
+#: apt-key.8.xml:140
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "update"
msgid "net-update"
msgstr "update"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:145
+#: apt-key.8.xml:144
msgid ""
-"Work similar to the <command>update</command> command above, but get the "
-"archive keyring from an URI instead and validate it against a master key. "
-"This requires an installed &wget; and an APT build configured to have a "
-"server to fetch from and a master keyring to validate. APT in Debian does "
-"not support this command and relies on <command>update</command> instead, "
-"but Ubuntu's APT does."
+"Update the local keyring with the keys of a key server and removes from the "
+"keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid. This requires an "
+"installed wget and an APT build configured to have a server to fetch from. "
+"APT in Debian does not support this command, but Ubuntu's APT does."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:162
+#: apt-key.8.xml:159
msgid ""
"Note that options need to be defined before the commands described in the "
"previous section."
@@ -4857,17 +4848,25 @@ msgstr ""
"descritas en el sección anterior."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:164
+#: apt-key.8.xml:161
msgid "--keyring <replaceable>filename</replaceable>"
msgstr "--keyring <replaceable>nombre-de-fichero</replaceable>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:165
+#: apt-key.8.xml:162
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "With this option it is possible to specify a specific keyring file the "
+#| "command should operate on. The default is that a command is executed on "
+#| "the <filename>trusted.gpg</filename> file as well as on all parts in the "
+#| "<filename>trusted.gpg.d</filename> directory, though <filename>trusted."
+#| "gpg</filename> is the primary keyring which means that e.g. new keys are "
+#| "added to this one."
msgid ""
"With this option it is possible to specify a specific keyring file the "
"command should operate on. The default is that a command is executed on the "
"<filename>trusted.gpg</filename> file as well as on all parts in the "
-"<filename>trusted.gpg.d</filename> directory, though <filename>trusted.gpg</"
+"<filename>trusted.gpg.d</filename> directory, through <filename>trusted.gpg</"
"filename> is the primary keyring which means that e.g. new keys are added to "
"this one."
msgstr ""
@@ -4879,44 +4878,44 @@ msgstr ""
"esto es, por ejemplo, que las claves nuevas se añaden a este fichero."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:178
+#: apt-key.8.xml:175
msgid "&file-trustedgpg;"
msgstr "&file-trustedgpg;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:180
+#: apt-key.8.xml:177
msgid "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
msgstr "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:181
+#: apt-key.8.xml:178
msgid "Local trust database of archive keys."
msgstr "Base de datos local de las claves de confianza de archivos Debian"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:184
+#: apt-key.8.xml:181
msgid "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
msgstr "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:185
+#: apt-key.8.xml:182
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive trusted keys."
msgstr "Registro de las claves de confianza del archivo de Debian."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:188
+#: apt-key.8.xml:185
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:189
+#: apt-key.8.xml:186
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive removed trusted keys."
msgstr "Registro de las claves de confianza eliminadas del archivo de Debian."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:198
+#: apt-key.8.xml:195
msgid "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
msgstr "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
@@ -5642,12 +5641,11 @@ msgstr ""
#| "period (.) characters - otherwise they will be silently ignored."
msgid ""
"all files in <literal>Dir::Etc::Parts</literal> in alphanumeric ascending "
-"order which have either no or \"<literal>conf</literal>\" as filename "
-"extension and which only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), underscore (_) "
-"and period (.) characters. Otherwise APT will print a notice that it has "
-"ignored a file if the file doesn't match a pattern in the <literal>Dir::"
-"Ignore-Files-Silently</literal> configuration list - in this case it will be "
-"silently ignored."
+"order which have no or \"<literal>conf</literal>\" as filename extension and "
+"which only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), underscore (_) and period (.) "
+"characters. Otherwise APT will print a notice that it has ignored a file if "
+"the file doesn't match a pattern in the <literal>Dir::Ignore-Files-Silently</"
+"literal> configuration list - in this case it will be silently ignored."
msgstr ""
"Todos los ficheros en <literal>Dir::Etc::Parts</literal> en orden "
"alfanumérico ascendente que no tienen extensión o la extensión "
@@ -5904,24 +5902,13 @@ msgstr ""
"ficheros y analizar las listas de paquetes. El valor predeterminado es la "
"arquitectura para la que apt se compiló."
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:158
-msgid ""
-"All Architectures the system supports. Processors implementing the "
-"<literal>amd64</literal> are e.g. also able to execute binaries compiled for "
-"<literal>i386</literal>; This list is use when fetching files and parsing "
-"package lists. The internal default is always the native architecture "
-"(<literal>APT::Architecture</literal>) and all foreign architectures it can "
-"retrieve by calling <command>dpkg --print-foreign-architectures</command>."
-msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:165
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:157
msgid "Default-Release"
msgstr "Default-Release"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:166
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:158
msgid ""
"Default release to install packages from if more than one version available. "
"Contains release name, codename or release version. Examples: 'stable', "
@@ -5935,12 +5922,12 @@ msgstr ""
"«5.0*». Vea también &apt-preferences;."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:171
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:163
msgid "Ignore-Hold"
msgstr "Ignore-Hold"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:172
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:164
msgid ""
"Ignore Held packages; This global option causes the problem resolver to "
"ignore held packages in its decision making."
@@ -5949,12 +5936,12 @@ msgstr ""
"problemas ignore los paquetes retenidos en la toma de decisiones."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:176
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:168
msgid "Clean-Installed"
msgstr "Clean-Installed"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:177
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:169
msgid ""
"Defaults to on. When turned on the autoclean feature will remove any "
"packages which can no longer be downloaded from the cache. If turned off "
@@ -5968,12 +5955,12 @@ msgstr ""
"mecanismo directo para reinstalarlos."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:183
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:175
msgid "Immediate-Configure"
msgstr "Immediate-Configure"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:184
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:176
msgid ""
"Defaults to on which will cause APT to install essential and important "
"packages as fast as possible in the install/upgrade operation. This is done "
@@ -6037,12 +6024,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:206
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:198
msgid "Force-LoopBreak"
msgstr "Force-LoopBreak"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:207
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:199
msgid ""
"Never Enable this option unless you -really- know what you are doing. It "
"permits APT to temporarily remove an essential package to break a Conflicts/"
@@ -6059,12 +6046,12 @@ msgstr ""
"libc, ni dpkg, ni bash, ni cualquier otro del que dependan estos paquetes."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:215
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:207
msgid "Cache-Start, Cache-Grow and Cache-Limit"
msgstr "Cache-Start, Cache-Grow y Cache-Limit"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:216
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:208
msgid ""
"APT uses since version 0.7.26 a resizable memory mapped cache file to store "
"the 'available' information. <literal>Cache-Start</literal> acts as a hint "
@@ -6101,23 +6088,23 @@ msgstr ""
"crecimiento automático del cache."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:231
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:223
msgid "Build-Essential"
msgstr "Build-Essential"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:232
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:224
msgid "Defines which package(s) are considered essential build dependencies."
msgstr ""
"Define qué paquete(s) se consideran dependencias de creación esenciales."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:235
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:227
msgid "Get"
msgstr "Get"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:236
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:228
msgid ""
"The Get subsection controls the &apt-get; tool, please see its documentation "
"for more information about the options here."
@@ -6126,12 +6113,12 @@ msgstr ""
"documentación para más información sobre esta opción."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:240
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:232
msgid "Cache"
msgstr "Cache"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:241
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:233
msgid ""
"The Cache subsection controls the &apt-cache; tool, please see its "
"documentation for more information about the options here."
@@ -6140,12 +6127,12 @@ msgstr ""
"la documentación para más información sobre esta opción."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:245
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:237
msgid "CDROM"
msgstr "CDROM"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:246
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:238
msgid ""
"The CDROM subsection controls the &apt-cdrom; tool, please see its "
"documentation for more information about the options here."
@@ -6154,17 +6141,17 @@ msgstr ""
"la documentación para más información sobre esta opción."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:252
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:244
msgid "The Acquire Group"
msgstr "El grupo Acquire"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:257
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:249
msgid "Check-Valid-Until"
msgstr "Check-Valid-Until"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:258
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:250
msgid ""
"Security related option defaulting to true as an expiring validation for a "
"Release file prevents longtime replay attacks and can e.g. also help users "
@@ -6184,12 +6171,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:268
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:260
msgid "Max-ValidTime"
msgstr "Max-ValidTime"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:269
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:261
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "Seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was created. "
@@ -6202,12 +6189,15 @@ msgstr "Max-ValidTime"
#| "of the two. Archive specific settings can be made by appending the label "
#| "of the archive to the option name."
msgid ""
-"Seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was created "
-"(indicated by the <literal>Date</literal> header). If the Release file "
-"itself includes a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header the earlier date of "
-"the two is used as the expiration date. The default value is <literal>0</"
-"literal> which stands for \"for ever\". Archive specific settings can be "
-"made by appending the label of the archive to the option name."
+"Seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was created. "
+"The default is \"for ever\" (0) if the Release file of the archive doesn't "
+"include a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header. If it does then this date "
+"is the default. The date from the Release file or the date specified by the "
+"creation time of the Release file (<literal>Date</literal> header) plus the "
+"seconds specified with this options are used to check if the validation of a "
+"file has expired by using the earlier date of the two. Archive specific "
+"settings can be made by appending the label of the archive to the option "
msgstr ""
"Los segundos que el fichero «Release» se considerará válido después de su "
"creación. El valor predeterminado es «para siempre» (cero) si el fichero "
@@ -6222,52 +6212,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:279
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Max-ValidTime"
-msgid "Min-ValidTime"
-msgstr "Max-ValidTime"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:280
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was created. "
-#| "The default is \"for ever\" (0) if the Release file of the archive "
-#| "doesn't include a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header. If it does then "
-#| "this date is the default. The date from the Release file or the date "
-#| "specified by the creation time of the Release file (<literal>Date</"
-#| "literal> header) plus the seconds specified with this options are used to "
-#| "check if the validation of a file has expired by using the earlier date "
-#| "of the two. Archive specific settings can be made by appending the label "
-#| "of the archive to the option name."
-msgid ""
-"Minimum of seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was "
-"created (indicated by the <literal>Date</literal> header). Use this if you "
-"need to use a seldomly updated (local) mirror of a more regular updated "
-"archive with a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header instead of completely "
-"disabling the expiration date checking. Archive specific settings can and "
-"should be used by appending the label of the archive to the option name."
-msgstr ""
-"Los segundos que el fichero «Release» se considerará válido después de su "
-"creación. El valor predeterminado es «para siempre» (cero) si el fichero "
-"«Release» del archivo no incluye una cabecera <literal>Valid-Until</"
-"literal>. Si lo incluye, el valor predeterminado es esta fecha. La fecha del "
-"fichero «Release» o la fecha definida por la hora de creación del fichero "
-"«Release» (cabecera <literal>Date</literal>), a lo que se añaden los "
-"segundos definidos con estas opciones, se usan para comprobar si la validez "
-"de un fichero a expirado, usando la fecha más antigua de las dos "
-"anteriormente mencionadas. Se pueden definir opciones de configuración "
-"específicas al archivo añadiendo la etiqueta del archivo al nombre de la "
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:290
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:273
msgid "PDiffs"
msgstr "PDiffs"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:291
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:274
msgid ""
"Try to download deltas called <literal>PDiffs</literal> for Packages or "
"Sources files instead of downloading whole ones. True by default."
@@ -6277,12 +6227,20 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:294
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:277
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Two sub-options to limit the use of PDiffs are also available: With "
+#| "<literal>FileLimit</literal> can be specified how many PDiff files are "
+#| "downloaded at most to patch a file. <literal>SizeLimit</literal> on the "
+#| "other hand is the maximum percentage of the size of all patches compared "
+#| "to the size of the targeted file. If one of these limits is exceeded the "
+#| "complete file is downloaded instead of the patches."
msgid ""
"Two sub-options to limit the use of PDiffs are also available: With "
"<literal>FileLimit</literal> can be specified how many PDiff files are "
"downloaded at most to patch a file. <literal>SizeLimit</literal> on the "
-"other hand is the maximum percentage of the size of all patches compared to "
+"other hand is the maximum precentage of the size of all patches compared to "
"the size of the targeted file. If one of these limits is exceeded the "
"complete file is downloaded instead of the patches."
msgstr ""
@@ -6294,12 +6252,12 @@ msgstr ""
"estos límites, se descargará el fichero completo en lugar de los parches."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:303
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:286
msgid "Queue-Mode"
msgstr "Queue-Mode"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:304
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:287
msgid ""
"Queuing mode; <literal>Queue-Mode</literal> can be one of <literal>host</"
"literal> or <literal>access</literal> which determines how APT parallelizes "
@@ -6314,12 +6272,12 @@ msgstr ""
"se abrirá una conexión por cada tipo de URI."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:311
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:294
msgid "Retries"
msgstr "Retries"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:312
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:295
msgid ""
"Number of retries to perform. If this is non-zero APT will retry failed "
"files the given number of times."
@@ -6328,12 +6286,12 @@ msgstr ""
"intentar obtener los ficheros fallidos el número de veces proporcionado."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:316
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:299
msgid "Source-Symlinks"
msgstr "Source-Symlinks"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:317
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:300
msgid ""
"Use symlinks for source archives. If set to true then source archives will "
"be symlinked when possible instead of copying. True is the default."
@@ -6343,12 +6301,12 @@ msgstr ""
"forma predeterminada."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:321 sources.list.5.xml:155
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:304 sources.list.5.xml:144
msgid "http"
msgstr "http"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:322
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:305
msgid ""
"HTTP URIs; http::Proxy is the default http proxy to use. It is in the "
"standard form of <literal>http://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/</literal>. Per "
@@ -6366,7 +6324,7 @@ msgstr ""
"definir ninguna de las opciones anteriores."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:330
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:313
msgid ""
"Three settings are provided for cache control with HTTP/1.1 compliant proxy "
"caches. <literal>No-Cache</literal> tells the proxy to not use its cached "
@@ -6391,7 +6349,7 @@ msgstr ""
"grandes. Aviso: Squid 2.0.2 no permite usar ninguna de estas opciones."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:340 apt.conf.5.xml:404
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:323 apt.conf.5.xml:387
msgid ""
"The option <literal>timeout</literal> sets the timeout timer used by the "
"method, this applies to all things including connection timeout and data "
@@ -6402,7 +6360,7 @@ msgstr ""
"realizar la conexión y para recibir datos."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:343
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:326
msgid ""
"One setting is provided to control the pipeline depth in cases where the "
"remote server is not RFC conforming or buggy (such as Squid 2.0.2). "
@@ -6421,7 +6379,7 @@ msgstr ""
"necesitan esto violan la RFC 2068."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:351
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:334
msgid ""
"The used bandwidth can be limited with <literal>Acquire::http::Dl-Limit</"
"literal> which accepts integer values in kilobyte. The default value is 0 "
@@ -6436,7 +6394,7 @@ msgstr ""
"implícitamente la descarga simultánea desde varios servidores)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:356
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:339
msgid ""
"<literal>Acquire::http::User-Agent</literal> can be used to set a different "
"User-Agent for the http download method as some proxies allow access for "
@@ -6447,12 +6405,12 @@ msgstr ""
"permiten el acceso para clientes que usan un identificador conocido."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:362
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:345
msgid "https"
msgstr "https"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:363
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:346
msgid ""
"HTTPS URIs. Cache-control, Timeout, AllowRedirect, Dl-Limit and proxy "
"options are the same as for <literal>http</literal> method and will also "
@@ -6467,7 +6425,7 @@ msgstr ""
"opción <literal>Pipeline-Depth</literal> no se puede usar por ahora."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:369
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:352
msgid ""
"<literal>CaInfo</literal> suboption specifies place of file that holds info "
"about trusted certificates. <literal>&lt;host&gt;::CaInfo</literal> is "
@@ -6504,12 +6462,12 @@ msgstr ""
"corresponde a la opción por máquina."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:387 sources.list.5.xml:166
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:370 sources.list.5.xml:155
msgid "ftp"
msgstr "ftp"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:388
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:371
msgid ""
"FTP URIs; ftp::Proxy is the default ftp proxy to use. It is in the standard "
"form of <literal>ftp://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/</literal>. Per host "
@@ -6543,7 +6501,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:407
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:390
msgid ""
"Several settings are provided to control passive mode. Generally it is safe "
"to leave passive mode on, it works in nearly every environment. However "
@@ -6559,7 +6517,7 @@ msgstr ""
"fichero de configuración de muestra para ver algunos ejemplos)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:414
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:397
msgid ""
"It is possible to proxy FTP over HTTP by setting the <envar>ftp_proxy</"
"envar> environment variable to a http url - see the discussion of the http "
@@ -6573,7 +6531,7 @@ msgstr ""
"de http debido a su poca eficiencia."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:419
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:402
msgid ""
"The setting <literal>ForceExtended</literal> controls the use of RFC2428 "
"<literal>EPSV</literal> and <literal>EPRT</literal> commands. The default is "
@@ -6589,18 +6547,18 @@ msgstr ""
"compatibles con la RFC 2428."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:426 sources.list.5.xml:148
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:409 sources.list.5.xml:137
msgid "cdrom"
msgstr "cdrom"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:432
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:415
#, no-wrap
msgid "/cdrom/::Mount \"foo\";"
msgstr "/cdrom/::Mount \"algo\";"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:427
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:410
msgid ""
"CDROM URIs; the only setting for CDROM URIs is the mount point, "
"<literal>cdrom::Mount</literal> which must be the mount point for the CDROM "
@@ -6622,12 +6580,12 @@ msgstr ""
"para desmontar usando UMount."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:437
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:420
msgid "gpgv"
msgstr "gpgv"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:438
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:421
msgid ""
"GPGV URIs; the only option for GPGV URIs is the option to pass additional "
"parameters to gpgv. <literal>gpgv::Options</literal> Additional options "
@@ -6638,18 +6596,18 @@ msgstr ""
"introducidos a gpgv."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:443
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:426
msgid "CompressionTypes"
msgstr "CompressionTypes"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:449
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:432
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::<replaceable>FileExtension</replaceable> \"<replaceable>Methodname</replaceable>\";"
msgstr "Acquire::CompressionTypes::<replaceable>extensión-del-fichero</replaceable> \"<replaceable>nombre-del-método</replaceable>\";"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:444
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:427
msgid ""
"List of compression types which are understood by the acquire methods. "
"Files like <filename>Packages</filename> can be available in various "
@@ -6669,19 +6627,19 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:454
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:437
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order:: \"gz\";"
msgstr "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order:: \"gz\";"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:457
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:440
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order { \"lzma\"; \"gz\"; };"
msgstr "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order { \"lzma\"; \"gz\"; };"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:450
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:433
msgid ""
"Also the <literal>Order</literal> subgroup can be used to define in which "
"order the acquire system will try to download the compressed files. The "
@@ -6712,13 +6670,13 @@ msgstr ""
"lista ya que se añadirá de forma automática."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:461
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:444
#, no-wrap
msgid "Dir::Bin::bzip2 \"/bin/bzip2\";"
msgstr "Dir::Bin::bzip2 \"/bin/bzip2\";"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:459
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:442
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "Note that at run time the <literal>Dir::Bin::<replaceable>Methodname</"
@@ -6735,9 +6693,9 @@ msgid ""
"Note that at run time the <literal>Dir::Bin::<replaceable>Methodname</"
"replaceable></literal> will be checked: If this setting exists the method "
"will only be used if this file exists, e.g. for the bzip2 method (the "
-"inbuilt) setting is: <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/> Note "
-"also that list entries specified on the command line will be added at the "
-"end of the list specified in the configuration files, but before the default "
+"inbuilt) setting is <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/> Note also "
+"that list entries specified on the command line will be added at the end of "
+"the list specified in the configuration files, but before the default "
"entries. To prefer a type in this case over the ones specified in the "
"configuration files you can set the option direct - not in list style. This "
"will not override the defined list, it will only prefix the list with this "
@@ -6756,20 +6714,20 @@ msgstr ""
"lista definida, sólo añadirá este tipo al principio de la lista."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:466
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:449
msgid ""
"The special type <literal>uncompressed</literal> can be used to give "
-"uncompressed files a preference, but note that most archives don't provide "
+"uncompressed files a preference, but note that most archives doesn't provide "
"uncompressed files so this is mostly only useable for local mirrors."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:471
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:454
msgid "GzipIndexes"
msgstr "GzipIndexes"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:473
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:456
msgid ""
"When downloading <literal>gzip</literal> compressed indexes (Packages, "
"Sources, or Translations), keep them gzip compressed locally instead of "
@@ -6783,12 +6741,12 @@ msgstr ""
"paquetes locales. El valor predeterminado es «false»."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:480
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:463
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Languages"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:481
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:464
msgid ""
"The Languages subsection controls which <filename>Translation</filename> "
"files are downloaded and in which order APT tries to display the Description-"
@@ -6809,13 +6767,13 @@ msgstr ""
"informarse de cuales están disponibles antes de definir valores imposibles."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><programlisting>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:497
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:480
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acquire::Languages { \"environment\"; \"de\"; \"en\"; \"none\"; \"fr\"; };"
msgstr "Acquire::Languages { \"environment\"; \"de\"; \"en\"; \"none\"; \"fr\"; }"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:487
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:470
msgid ""
"The default list includes \"environment\" and \"en\". "
"\"<literal>environment</literal>\" has a special meaning here: It will be "
@@ -6857,7 +6815,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:253
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:245
msgid ""
"The <literal>Acquire</literal> group of options controls the download of "
"packages and the URI handlers. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
@@ -6866,12 +6824,12 @@ msgstr ""
"paquetes y los gestores de URI. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:504
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:487
msgid "Directories"
msgstr "Directorios"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:506
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:489
msgid ""
"The <literal>Dir::State</literal> section has directories that pertain to "
"local state information. <literal>lists</literal> is the directory to place "
@@ -6891,7 +6849,7 @@ msgstr ""
"empiecen con <filename>/</filename> ó <filename>./</filename>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:513
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:496
msgid ""
"<literal>Dir::Cache</literal> contains locations pertaining to local cache "
"information, such as the two package caches <literal>srcpkgcache</literal> "
@@ -6913,7 +6871,7 @@ msgstr ""
"predeterminado está en <literal>Dir::Cache</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:522
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:505
msgid ""
"<literal>Dir::Etc</literal> contains the location of configuration files, "
"<literal>sourcelist</literal> gives the location of the sourcelist and "
@@ -6929,7 +6887,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:528
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:511
msgid ""
"The <literal>Dir::Parts</literal> setting reads in all the config fragments "
"in lexical order from the directory specified. After this is done then the "
@@ -6940,7 +6898,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Al finalizar este proceso carga el fichero de configuración principal."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:532
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:515
msgid ""
"Binary programs are pointed to by <literal>Dir::Bin</literal>. <literal>Dir::"
"Bin::Methods</literal> specifies the location of the method handlers and "
@@ -6957,7 +6915,7 @@ msgstr ""
"literal> especifican la ubicación de sus respectivos programas."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:540
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:523
msgid ""
"The configuration item <literal>RootDir</literal> has a special meaning. If "
"set, all paths in <literal>Dir::</literal> will be relative to "
@@ -6978,7 +6936,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:553
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:536
msgid ""
"The <literal>Ignore-Files-Silently</literal> list can be used to specify "
"which files APT should silently ignore while parsing the files in the "
@@ -6996,12 +6954,12 @@ msgstr ""
"de expresiones regulares."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:562
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:545
msgid "APT in DSelect"
msgstr "APT con DSelect"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:564
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:547
msgid ""
"When APT is used as a &dselect; method several configuration directives "
"control the default behaviour. These are in the <literal>DSelect</literal> "
@@ -7012,12 +6970,12 @@ msgstr ""
"encuentran en la sección <literal>DSelect</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:568
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:551
msgid "Clean"
msgstr "Clean"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:569
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:552
msgid ""
"Cache Clean mode; this value may be one of always, prompt, auto, pre-auto "
"and never. always and prompt will remove all packages from the cache after "
@@ -7035,7 +6993,7 @@ msgstr ""
"descargar los paquetes nuevos."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:578
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:561
msgid ""
"The contents of this variable is passed to &apt-get; as command line options "
"when it is run for the install phase."
@@ -7044,12 +7002,12 @@ msgstr ""
"la línea de ordenes al ejecutar la fase de instalación."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:582
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:565
msgid "Updateoptions"
msgstr "Updateoptions"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:583
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:566
msgid ""
"The contents of this variable is passed to &apt-get; as command line options "
"when it is run for the update phase."
@@ -7058,12 +7016,12 @@ msgstr ""
"la línea de ordenes al ejecutar la fase de actualización."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:587
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:570
msgid "PromptAfterUpdate"
msgstr "PromptAfterUpdate"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:588
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:571
msgid ""
"If true the [U]pdate operation in &dselect; will always prompt to continue. "
"The default is to prompt only on error."
@@ -7073,12 +7031,12 @@ msgstr ""
"preguntará en caso de error."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:594
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:577
msgid "How APT calls dpkg"
msgstr "Cómo invoca APT a dpkg"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:595
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:578
msgid ""
"Several configuration directives control how APT invokes &dpkg;. These are "
"in the <literal>DPkg</literal> section."
@@ -7087,7 +7045,7 @@ msgstr ""
"se encuentran en la sección <literal>DPkg</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:600
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:583
msgid ""
"This is a list of options to pass to dpkg. The options must be specified "
"using the list notation and each list item is passed as a single argument to "
@@ -7098,17 +7056,17 @@ msgstr ""
"introduce a &dpkg; como un sólo argumento."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:605
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:588
msgid "Pre-Invoke"
msgstr "Pre-Invoke"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:605
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:588
msgid "Post-Invoke"
msgstr "Post-Invoke"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:606
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:589
msgid ""
"This is a list of shell commands to run before/after invoking &dpkg;. Like "
"<literal>options</literal> this must be specified in list notation. The "
@@ -7121,12 +7079,12 @@ msgstr ""
"sh</filename>, y APT finalizará en caso de fallo."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:612
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:595
msgid "Pre-Install-Pkgs"
msgstr "Pre-Install-Pkgs"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:613
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:596
msgid ""
"This is a list of shell commands to run before invoking dpkg. Like "
"<literal>options</literal> this must be specified in list notation. The "
@@ -7142,7 +7100,7 @@ msgstr ""
"instalar, uno por línea."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:619
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:602
msgid ""
"Version 2 of this protocol dumps more information, including the protocol "
"version, the APT configuration space and the packages, files and versions "
@@ -7158,12 +7116,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:626
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:609
msgid "Run-Directory"
msgstr "Run-Directory"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:627
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:610
msgid ""
"APT chdirs to this directory before invoking dpkg, the default is <filename>/"
@@ -7172,12 +7130,12 @@ msgstr ""
"predeterminado es <filename>/</filename>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:631
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:614
msgid "Build-options"
msgstr "Build-options"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:632
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:615
msgid ""
"These options are passed to &dpkg-buildpackage; when compiling packages, the "
"default is to disable signing and produce all binaries."
@@ -7187,12 +7145,12 @@ msgstr ""
"paquetes y a producir todos los binarios."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:637
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:620
msgid "dpkg trigger usage (and related options)"
msgstr "Uso del disparador de dpkg (y de las opciones relacionadas)"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:638
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:621
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "APT can call dpkg in a way so it can make aggressive use of triggers over "
@@ -7231,7 +7189,7 @@ msgstr ""
"mientras se están configurando todos los paquetes."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><literallayout>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:653
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:636
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"DPkg::NoTriggers \"true\";\n"
@@ -7245,7 +7203,7 @@ msgstr ""
"DPkg::TriggersPending \"true\";"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:647
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:630
msgid ""
"Note that it is not guaranteed that APT will support these options or that "
"these options will not cause (big) trouble in the future. If you have "
@@ -7269,12 +7227,12 @@ msgstr ""
"\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:659
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:642
msgid "DPkg::NoTriggers"
msgstr "DPkg::NoTriggers"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:660
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:643
msgid ""
"Add the no triggers flag to all dpkg calls (except the ConfigurePending "
"call). See &dpkg; if you are interested in what this actually means. In "
@@ -7295,12 +7253,12 @@ msgstr ""
"añadirá esta opción a las llamadas de desempaquetado y borrado."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:667
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:650
msgid "PackageManager::Configure"
msgstr "PackageManager::Configure"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:668
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:651
msgid ""
"Valid values are \"<literal>all</literal>\", \"<literal>smart</literal>\" "
"and \"<literal>no</literal>\". \"<literal>all</literal>\" is the default "
@@ -7329,12 +7287,12 @@ msgstr ""
"sistema. "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:678
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:661
msgid "DPkg::ConfigurePending"
msgstr "DPkg::ConfigurePending"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:679
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:662
msgid ""
"If this option is set apt will call <command>dpkg --configure --pending</"
"command> to let dpkg handle all required configurations and triggers. This "
@@ -7352,12 +7310,12 @@ msgstr ""
"desactivar esta opción en todas las ejecuciones menos la última."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:685
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:668
msgid "DPkg::TriggersPending"
msgstr "DPkg::TriggersPending"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:686
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:669
msgid ""
"Useful for <literal>smart</literal> configuration as a package which has "
"pending triggers is not considered as <literal>installed</literal> and dpkg "
@@ -7373,12 +7331,12 @@ msgstr ""
"necesarios para configurar este paquete."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:691
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:674
msgid "PackageManager::UnpackAll"
msgstr "PackageManager::UnpackAll"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:692
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:675
msgid ""
"As the configuration can be deferred to be done at the end by dpkg it can be "
"tried to order the unpack series only by critical needs, e.g. by Pre-"
@@ -7398,12 +7356,12 @@ msgstr ""
"ser realmente útil."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:699
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:682
msgid "OrderList::Score::Immediate"
msgstr "OrderList::Score::Immediate"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:707
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:690
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"OrderList::Score {\n"
@@ -7421,7 +7379,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:700
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:683
msgid ""
"Essential packages (and there dependencies) should be configured immediately "
"after unpacking. It will be a good idea to do this quite early in the "
@@ -7446,12 +7404,12 @@ msgstr ""
"\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:720
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:703
msgid "Periodic and Archives options"
msgstr "Las opciones «Periodic» y «Archives»"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:721
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:704
msgid ""
"<literal>APT::Periodic</literal> and <literal>APT::Archives</literal> groups "
"of options configure behavior of apt periodic updates, which is done by "
@@ -7465,12 +7423,12 @@ msgstr ""
"documentación de estas opciones."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:729
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:712
msgid "Debug options"
msgstr "Opciones de depuración"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:731
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:714
msgid ""
"Enabling options in the <literal>Debug::</literal> section will cause "
"debugging information to be sent to the standard error stream of the program "
@@ -7487,7 +7445,7 @@ msgstr ""
"para un usuario normal, aunque unas cuantas sí son:"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:742
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:725
msgid ""
"<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal> enables output about the "
"decisions made by <literal>dist-upgrade, upgrade, install, remove, purge</"
@@ -7498,7 +7456,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:750
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:733
msgid ""
"<literal>Debug::NoLocking</literal> disables all file locking. This can be "
"used to run some operations (for instance, <literal>apt-get -s install</"
@@ -7509,7 +7467,7 @@ msgstr ""
"<literal>apt-get -s install</literal>) como un usuario normal."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:759
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:742
msgid ""
"<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgPM</literal> prints out the actual command line each "
"time that <literal>apt</literal> invokes &dpkg;."
@@ -7521,7 +7479,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. motivating example, except I haven't a clue why you'd want
#. to do this.
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:767
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:750
msgid ""
"<literal>Debug::IdentCdrom</literal> disables the inclusion of statfs data "
"in CDROM IDs."
@@ -7530,19 +7488,19 @@ msgstr ""
"statfs en los identificadores de los CDROM."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:777
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:760
msgid "A full list of debugging options to apt follows."
msgstr ""
"A continuación, se muestra la lista completa de las opciones de depuración "
"de apt."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:782
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:765
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::cdrom</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Acquire::cdrom</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:786
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:769
msgid ""
"Print information related to accessing <literal>cdrom://</literal> sources."
msgstr ""
@@ -7550,46 +7508,46 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:793
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:776
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::ftp</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Acquire::ftp</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:797
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:780
msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using FTP."
msgstr ""
"Muestra la información relacionada con la descarga de paquetes mediante FTP."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:804
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:787
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::http</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Acquire::http</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:808
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:791
msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using HTTP."
msgstr ""
"Muestra la información relacionada con la descarga de paquetes mediante HTTP."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:815
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:798
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::https</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Acquire::https</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:819
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:802
msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using HTTPS."
msgstr ""
"Muestra la información relacionada con la descarga de paquetes mediante "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:826
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:809
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::gpgv</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Acquire::gpgv</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:830
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:813
msgid ""
"Print information related to verifying cryptographic signatures using "
@@ -7598,12 +7556,12 @@ msgstr ""
"criptográficas mediante <literal>gpg</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:837
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:820
msgid "<literal>Debug::aptcdrom</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::aptcdrom</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:841
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:824
msgid ""
"Output information about the process of accessing collections of packages "
"stored on CD-ROMs."
@@ -7612,24 +7570,24 @@ msgstr ""
"paquetes almacenadas en CD-ROM."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:848
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:831
msgid "<literal>Debug::BuildDeps</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::BuildDeps</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:851
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:834
msgid "Describes the process of resolving build-dependencies in &apt-get;."
msgstr ""
"Describe el proceso de resolución de dependencias de compilación en &apt-"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:858
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:841
msgid "<literal>Debug::Hashes</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Hashes</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:861
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:844
msgid ""
"Output each cryptographic hash that is generated by the <literal>apt</"
"literal> libraries."
@@ -7638,12 +7596,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:868
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:851
msgid "<literal>Debug::IdentCDROM</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::IdentCDROM</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:871
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:854
msgid ""
"Do not include information from <literal>statfs</literal>, namely the number "
"of used and free blocks on the CD-ROM filesystem, when generating an ID for "
@@ -7654,12 +7612,12 @@ msgstr ""
"identificador de un CD-ROM."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:879
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:862
msgid "<literal>Debug::NoLocking</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::NoLocking</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:882
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:865
msgid ""
"Disable all file locking. For instance, this will allow two instances of "
"<quote><literal>apt-get update</literal></quote> to run at the same time."
@@ -7669,24 +7627,24 @@ msgstr ""
"a la vez."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:890
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:873
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:894
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:877
msgid "Log when items are added to or removed from the global download queue."
msgstr ""
"Registra los elementos que se añaden o se borran de la cola de descarga "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:901
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:884
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Auth</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Auth</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:904
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:887
msgid ""
"Output status messages and errors related to verifying checksums and "
"cryptographic signatures of downloaded files."
@@ -7696,12 +7654,12 @@ msgstr ""
"ficheros descargados."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:911
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:894
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Diffs</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Diffs</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:914
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:897
msgid ""
"Output information about downloading and applying package index list diffs, "
"and errors relating to package index list diffs."
@@ -7710,12 +7668,12 @@ msgstr ""
"lista de índices de paquetes, y los errores relacionados con éstos."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:922
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:905
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::RRed</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::RRed</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:926
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:909
msgid ""
"Output information related to patching apt package lists when downloading "
"index diffs instead of full indices."
@@ -7725,12 +7683,12 @@ msgstr ""
"índices completos."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:933
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:916
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Worker</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Worker</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:937
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:920
msgid ""
"Log all interactions with the sub-processes that actually perform downloads."
msgstr ""
@@ -7738,12 +7696,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:944
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:927
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAutoRemove</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAutoRemove</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:948
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:931
msgid ""
"Log events related to the automatically-installed status of packages and to "
"the removal of unused packages."
@@ -7752,12 +7710,12 @@ msgstr ""
"de los paquetes y con la eliminación de los paquetes sin usar."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:955
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:938
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::AutoInstall</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::AutoInstall</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:958
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:941
msgid ""
"Generate debug messages describing which packages are being automatically "
"installed to resolve dependencies. This corresponds to the initial auto-"
@@ -7772,12 +7730,12 @@ msgstr ""
"<literal>apt</literal>. Véase <literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:969
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:952
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::Marker</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::Marker</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:972
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:955
msgid ""
"Generate debug messages describing which package is marked as keep/install/"
"remove while the ProblemResolver does his work. Each addition or deletion "
@@ -7807,24 +7765,24 @@ msgstr ""
"la sección en la que aparece el paquete."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:991
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:974
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgInitConfig</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgInitConfig</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:994
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:977
msgid "Dump the default configuration to standard error on startup."
msgstr ""
"Vuelca la configuración predeterminada a la salida estándar durante al "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1001
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:984
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgPM</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgPM</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1004
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:987
msgid ""
"When invoking &dpkg;, output the precise command line with which it is being "
"invoked, with arguments separated by a single space character."
@@ -7833,12 +7791,12 @@ msgstr ""
"invocó, con los argumentos separados por un espacio."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1012
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:995
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1015
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:998
msgid ""
"Output all the data received from &dpkg; on the status file descriptor and "
"any errors encountered while parsing it."
@@ -7847,12 +7805,12 @@ msgstr ""
"estado y cualquier error encontrado durante el análisis."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1022
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1005
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgOrderList</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgOrderList</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1026
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1009
msgid ""
"Generate a trace of the algorithm that decides the order in which "
"<literal>apt</literal> should pass packages to &dpkg;."
@@ -7861,12 +7819,12 @@ msgstr ""
"literal> debería entregar los paquetes a &dpkg;."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1034
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1017
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgPackageManager</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgPackageManager</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1038
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1021
msgid ""
"Output status messages tracing the steps performed when invoking &dpkg;."
msgstr ""
@@ -7874,22 +7832,22 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1045
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1028
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgPolicy</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgPolicy</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1049
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1032
msgid "Output the priority of each package list on startup."
msgstr "Muestra la prioridad de cada lista de paquetes al iniciarse."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1055
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1038
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1059
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1042
msgid ""
"Trace the execution of the dependency resolver (this applies only to what "
"happens when a complex dependency problem is encountered)."
@@ -7898,12 +7856,12 @@ msgstr ""
"lo que ocurre cuando se encuentra un problema de dependencias complejo)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1067
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1050
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver::ShowScores</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver::ShowScores</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1070
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1053
msgid ""
"Display a list of all installed packages with their calculated score used by "
"the pkgProblemResolver. The description of the package is the same as "
@@ -7914,12 +7872,12 @@ msgstr ""
"misma que la descrita en <literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::Marker</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1078
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1061
msgid "<literal>Debug::sourceList</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::sourceList</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1082
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1065
msgid ""
"Print information about the vendors read from <filename>/etc/apt/vendors."
@@ -7928,7 +7886,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1105
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1088
msgid ""
"&configureindex; is a configuration file showing example values for all "
"possible options."
@@ -7937,13 +7895,13 @@ msgstr ""
"valores de ejemplo para todas las opciones posibles."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1112
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1095
msgid "&file-aptconf;"
msgstr "&file-aptconf;"
#. ? reading apt.conf
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1117
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1100
msgid "&apt-cache;, &apt-config;, &apt-preferences;."
msgstr "&apt-cache;, &apt-config;, &apt-preferences;."
@@ -8052,8 +8010,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Note that the files in the <filename>/etc/apt/preferences.d</filename> "
"directory are parsed in alphanumeric ascending order and need to obey the "
-"following naming convention: The files have either no or \"<literal>pref</"
-"literal>\" as filename extension and only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), "
+"following naming convention: The files have no or \"<literal>pref</literal>"
+"\" as filename extension and which only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), "
"underscore (_) and period (.) characters. Otherwise APT will print a notice "
"that it has ignored a file if the file doesn't match a pattern in the "
"<literal>Dir::Ignore-Files-Silently</literal> configuration list - in this "
@@ -8521,7 +8479,7 @@ msgid ""
"APT also supports pinning by glob() expressions and regular expressions "
"surrounded by /. For example, the following example assigns the priority 500 "
"to all packages from experimental where the name starts with gnome (as a glob"
-"()-like expression) or contains the word kde (as a POSIX extended regular "
+"()-like expression or contains the word kde (as a POSIX extended regular "
"expression surrounded by slashes)."
msgstr ""
@@ -8545,7 +8503,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: apt_preferences.5.xml:279
msgid ""
"The rule for those expressions is that they can occur anywhere where a "
-"string can occur. Thus, the following pin assigns the priority 990 to all "
+"string can occur. Those, the following pin assigns the priority 990 to all "
"packages from a release starting with karmic."
msgstr ""
@@ -9479,7 +9437,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: sources.list.5.xml:81
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid "deb uri distribution [component1] [component2] [...]"
-msgid "deb [ options ] uri distribution [component1] [component2] [...]"
+msgid "deb uri distribution [component1] [component2] [...]"
msgstr "deb uri distribución [componente1] [componente2] [...]"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
@@ -9550,27 +9508,6 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#: sources.list.5.xml:112
msgid ""
-"<literal>options</literal> is always optional and needs to be surounded by "
-"square brackets. It can consist of multiple settings in the form "
-"replaceable></literal>. Multiple settings are separated by spaces. The "
-"following settings are supported by APT, note though that unsupported "
-"settings will be ignored silently:"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:117
-msgid ""
-"replaceable>,…</literal> can be used to specify for which architectures "
-"packages information should be downloaded. If this option is not set all "
-"architectures defined by the <literal>APT::Architectures</literal> option "
-"will be downloaded."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:123
-msgid ""
"It is important to list sources in order of preference, with the most "
"preferred source listed first. Typically this will result in sorting by "
"speed from fastest to slowest (CD-ROM followed by hosts on a local network, "
@@ -9582,12 +9519,12 @@ msgstr ""
"seguidos por servidores de Internet distantes, por ejemplo)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:128
+#: sources.list.5.xml:117
msgid "Some examples:"
msgstr "Algunos ejemplos:"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:130
+#: sources.list.5.xml:119
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"deb &stable-codename; main contrib non-free\n"
@@ -9599,17 +9536,17 @@ msgstr ""
" "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:136
+#: sources.list.5.xml:125
msgid "URI specification"
msgstr "Especificación de la URI"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:141
+#: sources.list.5.xml:130
msgid "file"
msgstr "file"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:143
+#: sources.list.5.xml:132
msgid ""
"The file scheme allows an arbitrary directory in the file system to be "
"considered an archive. This is useful for NFS mounts and local mirrors or "
@@ -9620,7 +9557,7 @@ msgstr ""
"particiones montadas mediante NFS y réplicas o archivos de paquetes locales."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:150
+#: sources.list.5.xml:139
msgid ""
"The cdrom scheme allows APT to use a local CDROM drive with media swapping. "
"Use the &apt-cdrom; program to create cdrom entries in the source list."
@@ -9630,7 +9567,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:157
+#: sources.list.5.xml:146
msgid ""
"The http scheme specifies an HTTP server for the archive. If an environment "
"variable <envar>http_proxy</envar> is set with the format http://server:"
@@ -9647,7 +9584,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Tenga en cuenta que este método de autenticación no es seguro."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:168
+#: sources.list.5.xml:157
msgid ""
"The ftp scheme specifies an FTP server for the archive. APT's FTP behavior "
"is highly configurable; for more information see the &apt-conf; manual page. "
@@ -9666,12 +9603,12 @@ msgstr ""
"ignorarán proxies ftp definidos en el fichero de configuración que usen http."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:177
+#: sources.list.5.xml:166
msgid "copy"
msgstr "copy"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:179
+#: sources.list.5.xml:168
msgid ""
"The copy scheme is identical to the file scheme except that packages are "
"copied into the cache directory instead of used directly at their location. "
@@ -9682,17 +9619,17 @@ msgstr ""
"Esto es útil para gente que use discos zip con APT."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:184
+#: sources.list.5.xml:173
msgid "rsh"
msgstr "rsh"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:184
+#: sources.list.5.xml:173
msgid "ssh"
msgstr "ssh"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:186
+#: sources.list.5.xml:175
msgid ""
"The rsh/ssh method invokes rsh/ssh to connect to a remote host as a given "
"user and access the files. It is a good idea to do prior arrangements with "
@@ -9707,12 +9644,12 @@ msgstr ""
"command> y <command>dd</command> para realizar la transferencia de ficheros."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:194
+#: sources.list.5.xml:183
msgid "more recognizable URI types"
msgstr "Otros tipos de URI reconocidos."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:196
+#: sources.list.5.xml:185
msgid ""
"APT can be extended with more methods shipped in other optional packages "
"which should follow the nameing scheme <literal>apt-transport-"
@@ -9733,7 +9670,7 @@ msgstr ""
"filename></refentrytitle> <manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:138
+#: sources.list.5.xml:127
msgid ""
"The currently recognized URI types are cdrom, file, http, ftp, copy, ssh, "
"rsh. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
@@ -9742,7 +9679,7 @@ msgstr ""
"<placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:210
+#: sources.list.5.xml:199
msgid ""
"Uses the archive stored locally (or NFS mounted) at /home/jason/debian for "
"stable/main, stable/contrib, and stable/non-free."
@@ -9751,59 +9688,36 @@ msgstr ""
"«stable/main», «stable/contrib», y «stable/non-free»."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:212
+#: sources.list.5.xml:201
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb file:/home/jason/debian stable main contrib non-free"
msgstr "deb file:/home/jason/debian stable main contrib non-free"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:214
+#: sources.list.5.xml:203
msgid "As above, except this uses the unstable (development) distribution."
msgstr ""
"Como arriba, excepto que usa la distribución «unstable» (en desarrollo)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:215
+#: sources.list.5.xml:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
msgstr "deb file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:217
+#: sources.list.5.xml:206
msgid "Source line for the above"
msgstr "Línea para obtener el código fuente desde la ubicación anterior."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:218
+#: sources.list.5.xml:207
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb-src file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
msgstr "deb-src file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:220
-msgid ""
-"The first line gets package information for the architectures in "
-"<literal>APT::Architectures</literal> while the second always retrieves "
-"<literal>amd64</literal> and <literal>armel</literal>."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:222
-#, fuzzy, no-wrap
-#| msgid ""
-#| "deb &stable-codename; main contrib non-free\n"
-#| "deb &stable-codename;/updates main contrib non-free\n"
-#| " "
-msgid ""
-"deb &stable-codename; main\n"
-"deb [ arch=amd64,armel ] &stable-codename; main"
-msgstr ""
-"deb &stable-codename; main contrib non-free\n"
-"deb &stable-codename;/updates main contrib non-free\n"
-" "
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:225
+#: sources.list.5.xml:209
msgid ""
"Uses HTTP to access the archive at, and uses only the "
"hamm/main area."
@@ -9812,13 +9726,13 @@ msgstr ""
"sólo la sección «hamm/main»."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:227
+#: sources.list.5.xml:211
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb hamm main"
msgstr "deb hamm main"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:229
+#: sources.list.5.xml:213
msgid ""
"Uses FTP to access the archive at, under the debian "
"directory, and uses only the &stable-codename;/contrib area."
@@ -9827,13 +9741,13 @@ msgstr ""
"directorio «debian», y usa sólo la sección «&stable-codename;/contrib»."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:231
+#: sources.list.5.xml:215
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb &stable-codename; contrib"
msgstr "deb &stable-codename; contrib"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:233
+#: sources.list.5.xml:217
msgid ""
"Uses FTP to access the archive at, under the debian "
"directory, and uses only the unstable/contrib area. If this line appears as "
@@ -9846,20 +9760,20 @@ msgstr ""
"filename>, se usará sólo una sesión FTP para ambas."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:237
+#: sources.list.5.xml:221
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb unstable contrib"
msgstr "deb unstable contrib"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:246
+#: sources.list.5.xml:230
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid "deb unstable/binary-$(ARCH)/"
msgid "deb unstable/binary-$(ARCH)/"
msgstr "deb unstable/binary-$(ARCH)/"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:239
+#: sources.list.5.xml:223
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "Uses HTTP to access the archive at, under the debian-non-"
@@ -9887,7 +9801,7 @@ msgstr ""
"estructura.) <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:251
+#: sources.list.5.xml:235
msgid "&apt-cache; &apt-conf;"
msgstr "&apt-cache; &apt-conf;"
@@ -11412,13 +11326,60 @@ msgstr " # apt-get -o dir::cache::archives=\"/disc/\" dist-upgrade"
msgid "Which will use the already fetched archives on the disc."
msgstr "Ésto usará los archivos del disco previamente obtenidos."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "<option>--recurse</option>"
+#~ msgid "<option>--host-architecture</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>--recurse</option>"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Max-ValidTime"
+#~ msgid "Min-ValidTime"
+#~ msgstr "Max-ValidTime"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "Seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was "
+#~| "created. The default is \"for ever\" (0) if the Release file of the "
+#~| "archive doesn't include a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header. If it "
+#~| "does then this date is the default. The date from the Release file or "
+#~| "the date specified by the creation time of the Release file "
+#~| "(<literal>Date</literal> header) plus the seconds specified with this "
+#~| "options are used to check if the validation of a file has expired by "
+#~| "using the earlier date of the two. Archive specific settings can be made "
+#~| "by appending the label of the archive to the option name."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Minimum of seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it "
+#~ "was created (indicated by the <literal>Date</literal> header). Use this "
+#~ "if you need to use a seldomly updated (local) mirror of a more regular "
+#~ "updated archive with a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header instead of "
+#~ "completely disabling the expiration date checking. Archive specific "
+#~ "settings can and should be used by appending the label of the archive to "
+#~ "the option name."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Los segundos que el fichero «Release» se considerará válido después de su "
+#~ "creación. El valor predeterminado es «para siempre» (cero) si el fichero "
+#~ "«Release» del archivo no incluye una cabecera <literal>Valid-Until</"
+#~ "literal>. Si lo incluye, el valor predeterminado es esta fecha. La fecha "
+#~ "del fichero «Release» o la fecha definida por la hora de creación del "
+#~ "fichero «Release» (cabecera <literal>Date</literal>), a lo que se añaden "
+#~ "los segundos definidos con estas opciones, se usan para comprobar si la "
+#~ "validez de un fichero a expirado, usando la fecha más antigua de las dos "
+#~ "anteriormente mencionadas. Se pueden definir opciones de configuración "
+#~ "específicas al archivo añadiendo la etiqueta del archivo al nombre de la "
+#~ "opción."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "deb &stable-codename; main contrib non-free\n"
+#~| "deb &stable-codename;/updates main contrib non-free\n"
+#~| " "
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Update the local keyring with the keyring of Debian archive keys and "
-#~ "removes from the keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid."
+#~ "deb &stable-codename; main\n"
+#~ "deb [ arch=amd64,armel ] &stable-codename; main"
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Actualiza el registro de claves local con el registro de claves del "
-#~ "archivo Debian, y elimina del registro las claves del archivo que ya no "
-#~ "son válidas."
+#~ "deb &stable-codename; main contrib non-free\n"
+#~ "deb &stable-codename;/updates main contrib non-free\n"
+#~ " "
#~ msgid "<option>--md5</option>"
#~ msgstr "<option>--md5</option>"
diff --git a/doc/po/fr.po b/doc/po/fr.po
index 4996a8d18..6183ae072 100644
--- a/doc/po/fr.po
+++ b/doc/po/fr.po
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-11-20 17:58+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-08 16:54+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-02-17 07:50+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Christian Perrier <>\n"
"Language-Team: French <>\n"
@@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:64 apt-cdrom.8.xml:50 apt-config.8.xml:50
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:46 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:59 apt-get.8.xml:121
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:46 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:59 apt-get.8.xml:114
#: apt-key.8.xml:38 apt-mark.8.xml:56 apt-secure.8.xml:43
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:47 apt.conf.5.xml:42 apt_preferences.5.xml:36
#: sources.list.5.xml:36
@@ -751,7 +751,7 @@ msgstr ""
"desquelles il extrait les informations intéressantes."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:70 apt-get.8.xml:127
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:70 apt-get.8.xml:120
msgid ""
"Unless the <option>-h</option>, or <option>--help</option> option is given, "
"one of the commands below must be present."
@@ -1250,8 +1250,8 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:278 apt-config.8.xml:96 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:59
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:342 apt-mark.8.xml:126
-#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:57 apt.conf.5.xml:577 apt.conf.5.xml:599
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:331 apt-mark.8.xml:126
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:57 apt.conf.5.xml:560 apt.conf.5.xml:582
msgid "options"
msgstr "options"
@@ -1277,7 +1277,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:572 apt-get.8.xml:404
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571 apt-get.8.xml:393
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:61
msgid "<option>-s</option>"
msgstr "<option>-s</option>"
@@ -1304,12 +1304,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:546 apt-get.8.xml:394
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>-q</option>"
msgstr "<option>-q</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:546 apt-get.8.xml:394
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>--quiet</option>"
msgstr "<option>--quiet</option>"
@@ -1400,7 +1400,7 @@ msgstr "<option>--no-enhances</option>"
#| "literal> e.g. <literal>APT::Cache::ShowRecommends</literal>."
msgid ""
"Per default the <literal>depends</literal> and <literal>rdepends</literal> "
-"print all dependencies. This can be tweaked with these flags which will omit "
+"print all dependencies. This can be twicked with these flags which will omit "
"the specified dependency type. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Cache::"
"Show<replaceable>DependencyType</replaceable></literal> e.g. <literal>APT::"
@@ -1412,7 +1412,7 @@ msgstr ""
"replaceable></literal>, p. ex. <literal>APT::Cache::ShowRecommends</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:323 apt-cdrom.8.xml:124 apt-get.8.xml:361
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:323 apt-cdrom.8.xml:124 apt-get.8.xml:350
msgid "<option>-f</option>"
msgstr "<option>-f</option>"
@@ -1432,8 +1432,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
-#: apt-get.8.xml:447
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
msgid "<option>-a</option>"
msgstr "<option>-a</option>"
@@ -1553,14 +1552,14 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:367 apt-cdrom.8.xml:153 apt-config.8.xml:101
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:612 apt-get.8.xml:591
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:611 apt-get.8.xml:570
#: apt-mark.8.xml:140 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:67
msgid "&apt-commonoptions;"
msgstr "&apt-commonoptions;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:596 apt-key.8.xml:175 apt-mark.8.xml:144
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1110 apt_preferences.5.xml:697
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:575 apt-key.8.xml:172 apt-mark.8.xml:144
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1093 apt_preferences.5.xml:697
msgid "Files"
msgstr "Fichiers"
@@ -1571,10 +1570,10 @@ msgstr "&file-sourceslist; &file-statelists;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:379 apt-cdrom.8.xml:158 apt-config.8.xml:106
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628 apt-get.8.xml:606
-#: apt-key.8.xml:196 apt-mark.8.xml:150 apt-secure.8.xml:185
-#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1116 apt_preferences.5.xml:704
-#: sources.list.5.xml:250
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:627 apt-get.8.xml:585
+#: apt-key.8.xml:193 apt-mark.8.xml:150 apt-secure.8.xml:185
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1099 apt_preferences.5.xml:704
+#: sources.list.5.xml:234
msgid "See Also"
msgstr "Voir aussi"
@@ -1585,7 +1584,7 @@ msgstr "&apt-conf;, &sources-list;, &apt-get;."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:384 apt-cdrom.8.xml:163 apt-config.8.xml:111
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:632 apt-get.8.xml:612
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:631 apt-get.8.xml:591
#: apt-mark.8.xml:154 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:76
msgid "Diagnostics"
msgstr "Diagnostics"
@@ -1715,12 +1714,12 @@ msgstr ""
"\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:161
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:158
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Options"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:540 apt-get.8.xml:356
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539 apt-get.8.xml:345
msgid "<option>-d</option>"
msgstr "<option>-d</option>"
@@ -1764,7 +1763,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:116 apt-get.8.xml:375
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:116 apt-get.8.xml:364
msgid "<option>-m</option>"
msgstr "<option>-m</option>"
@@ -1821,17 +1820,17 @@ msgstr ""
"le CD mais tous les paquets seront repérés."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:143 apt-get.8.xml:406
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:143 apt-get.8.xml:395
msgid "<option>--just-print</option>"
msgstr "<option>--just-print</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:144 apt-get.8.xml:408
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:144 apt-get.8.xml:397
msgid "<option>--recon</option>"
msgstr "<option>--recon</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:145 apt-get.8.xml:409
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:145 apt-get.8.xml:398
msgid "<option>--no-act</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-act</option>"
@@ -1977,7 +1976,7 @@ msgid "Just show the contents of the configuration space."
msgstr "Affiche seulement le contenu de l'espace de configuration."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:629
+#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:73
msgid "&apt-conf;"
msgstr "&apt-conf;"
@@ -2056,7 +2055,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:63 apt-get.8.xml:525
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:63 apt-get.8.xml:504
msgid "<option>-t</option>"
msgstr "<option>-t</option>"
@@ -2342,7 +2341,7 @@ msgstr ""
"préciser index et répertoires aussi bien que les paramètres requis."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:145 apt-get.8.xml:298
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:145 apt-get.8.xml:287
msgid "clean"
msgstr "clean"
@@ -2906,8 +2905,8 @@ msgstr ""
"distribution ; classiquement, on trouve <literal>main contrib non-free</"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:394 apt.conf.5.xml:157
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:394
msgid "Architectures"
msgstr "Architectures"
@@ -3134,25 +3133,43 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:531
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Values for the additional metadata fields in the Release file are taken "
+#| "from the corresponding variables under <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release</"
+#| "literal>, e.g. <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release::Origin</literal>. The "
+#| "supported fields are: <literal>Origin</literal>, <literal>Label</"
+#| "literal>, <literal>Suite</literal>, <literal>Version</literal>, "
+#| "<literal>Codename</literal>, <literal>Date</literal>, <literal>Valid-"
+#| "Until</literal>, <literal>Architectures</literal>, <literal>Components</"
+#| "literal>, <literal>Description</literal>."
msgid ""
"Generate the given checksum. These options default to on, when turned off "
"the generated index files will not have the checksum fields where possible. "
"Configuration Items: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Checksum</"
"replaceable></literal> and <literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Index</"
"replaceable>::<replaceable>Checksum</replaceable></literal> where "
-"<literal><replaceable>Index</replaceable></literal> can be "
-"<literal>Packages</literal>, <literal>Sources</literal> or <literal>Release</"
-"literal> and <literal><replaceable>Checksum</replaceable></literal> can be "
-"<literal>MD5</literal>, <literal>SHA1</literal> or <literal>SHA256</literal>."
+"<literal>Index</literal> can be <literal>Packages</literal>, "
+"<literal>Sources</literal> or <literal>Release</literal> and "
+"<literal>Checksum</literal> can be <literal>MD5</literal>, <literal>SHA1</"
+"literal> or <literal>SHA256</literal>."
msgstr ""
+"La valeur des autres champs de métadonnées du fichier Release sont tirées de "
+"la valeur correspondante dans <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release</literal>, "
+"p. ex. <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release::Origin</literal>. Les champs "
+"reconnus sont : <literal>Origin</literal>, <literal>Label</literal>, "
+"<literal>Suite</literal>, <literal>Version</literal>, <literal>Codename</"
+"literal>, <literal>Date</literal>, <literal>Valid-Until</literal>, "
+"<literal>Architectures</literal>, <literal>Components</literal>, "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:540
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539
msgid "<option>--db</option>"
msgstr "<option>--db</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:542
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:541
msgid ""
"Use a binary caching DB. This has no effect on the generate command. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::DB</literal>."
@@ -3162,7 +3179,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:548
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:547
msgid ""
"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
@@ -3177,12 +3194,12 @@ msgstr ""
"configuration : <literal>quiet</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:554
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:553
msgid "<option>--delink</option>"
msgstr "<option>--delink</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:556
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:555
msgid ""
"Perform Delinking. If the <literal>External-Links</literal> setting is used "
"then this option actually enables delinking of the files. It defaults to on "
@@ -3196,12 +3213,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:562
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:561
msgid "<option>--contents</option>"
msgstr "<option>--contents</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:564
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:563
msgid ""
"Perform contents generation. When this option is set and package indexes are "
"being generated with a cache DB then the file listing will also be extracted "
@@ -3217,12 +3234,12 @@ msgstr ""
"de configuration : <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Contents</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:572
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571
msgid "<option>--source-override</option>"
msgstr "<option>--source-override</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:574
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:573
msgid ""
"Select the source override file to use with the <literal>sources</literal> "
"command. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::SourceOverride</"
@@ -3233,12 +3250,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:578
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:577
msgid "<option>--readonly</option>"
msgstr "<option>--readonly</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:580
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:579
msgid ""
"Make the caching databases read only. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::"
@@ -3247,12 +3264,12 @@ msgstr ""
"configuration : <literal>APT::FTPArchive::ReadOnlyDB</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
msgid "<option>--arch</option>"
msgstr "<option>--arch</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:585
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
msgid ""
"Accept in the <literal>packages</literal> and <literal>contents</literal> "
"commands only package files matching <literal>*_arch.deb</literal> or "
@@ -3266,12 +3283,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:591
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:590
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::AlwaysStat</option>"
msgstr "<option>APT::FTPArchive::AlwaysStat</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:593
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:592
msgid ""
"&apt-ftparchive; caches as much as possible of metadata in a cachedb. If "
"packages are recompiled and/or republished with the same version again, this "
@@ -3294,12 +3311,12 @@ msgstr ""
"survenir et l'ensemble de ces contrôles devient inutile."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:603
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:602
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::LongDescription</option>"
msgstr "<option>APT::FTPArchive::LongDescription</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:605
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:604
msgid ""
"This configuration option defaults to \"<literal>true</literal>\" and should "
"only be set to <literal>\"false\"</literal> if the Archive generated with "
@@ -3315,19 +3332,19 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:617 apt.conf.5.xml:1104 apt_preferences.5.xml:544
-#: sources.list.5.xml:209
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:616 apt.conf.5.xml:1087 apt_preferences.5.xml:544
+#: sources.list.5.xml:198
msgid "Examples"
msgstr "Exemples"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><programlisting>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:623
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:622
#, no-wrap
msgid "<command>apt-ftparchive</command> packages <replaceable>directory</replaceable> | <command>gzip</command> > <filename>Packages.gz</filename>\n"
msgstr "<command>apt-ftparchive</command> packages <replaceable>répertoire</replaceable> | <command>gzip</command> > <filename>Packages.gz</filename>\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:619
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:618
msgid ""
"To create a compressed Packages file for a directory containing binary "
"packages (.deb): <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
@@ -3336,7 +3353,7 @@ msgstr ""
"des paquets binaires (.deb): <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:633
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:632
msgid ""
"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal "
"100 on error."
@@ -3401,11 +3418,10 @@ msgid ""
"<option>-o= <replaceable>config_string</replaceable> </option> </arg> <arg> "
"<option>-c= <replaceable>config_file</replaceable> </option> </arg> <arg> "
"<option>-t=</option> <arg choice='plain'> <replaceable>target_release</"
-"replaceable> </arg> </arg> <arg> <option>-a=</option> <arg choice='plain'> "
-"<replaceable>default_architecture</replaceable> </arg> </arg> <group choice="
-"\"req\"> <arg choice='plain'>update</arg> <arg choice='plain'>upgrade</arg> "
-"<arg choice='plain'>dselect-upgrade</arg> <arg choice='plain'>dist-upgrade</"
-"arg> <arg choice='plain'>install <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
+"replaceable> </arg> </arg> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>update</arg> <arg choice='plain'>upgrade</arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>dselect-upgrade</arg> <arg choice='plain'>dist-upgrade</arg> "
+"<arg choice='plain'>install <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
"\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable> <arg> <group choice='req'> <arg "
"choice='plain'> =<replaceable>pkg_version_number</replaceable> </arg> <arg "
"choice='plain'> /<replaceable>target_release</replaceable> </arg> </group> </"
@@ -3454,7 +3470,7 @@ msgstr ""
"</group> </arg> </group>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:122
+#: apt-get.8.xml:115
msgid ""
"<command>apt-get</command> is the command-line tool for handling packages, "
"and may be considered the user's \"back-end\" to other tools using the APT "
@@ -3467,12 +3483,12 @@ msgstr ""
"existent, comme &dselect;, &aptitude;, &synaptic; and &wajig;."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:131 apt-key.8.xml:127
+#: apt-get.8.xml:124 apt-key.8.xml:127
msgid "update"
msgstr "update"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:132
+#: apt-get.8.xml:125
msgid ""
"<literal>update</literal> is used to resynchronize the package index files "
"from their sources. The indexes of available packages are fetched from the "
@@ -3497,12 +3513,12 @@ msgstr ""
"ne peut être connue à l'avance."
#. type: <tag></tag>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:143 guide.sgml:121
+#: apt-get.8.xml:136 guide.sgml:121
msgid "upgrade"
msgstr "upgrade"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:144
+#: apt-get.8.xml:137
msgid ""
"<literal>upgrade</literal> is used to install the newest versions of all "
"packages currently installed on the system from the sources enumerated in "
@@ -3528,12 +3544,12 @@ msgstr ""
"l'existence de nouvelles versions des paquets."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:156
+#: apt-get.8.xml:149
msgid "dselect-upgrade"
msgstr "dselect-upgrade"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:157
+#: apt-get.8.xml:150
msgid ""
"<literal>dselect-upgrade</literal> is used in conjunction with the "
"traditional Debian packaging front-end, &dselect;. <literal>dselect-upgrade</"
@@ -3551,12 +3567,12 @@ msgstr ""
"installation de nouveaux paquets)."
#. type: <tag></tag>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:166 guide.sgml:140
+#: apt-get.8.xml:159 guide.sgml:140
msgid "dist-upgrade"
msgstr "dist-upgrade"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:167
+#: apt-get.8.xml:160
msgid ""
"<literal>dist-upgrade</literal> in addition to performing the function of "
"<literal>upgrade</literal>, also intelligently handles changing dependencies "
@@ -3579,12 +3595,12 @@ msgstr ""
"un mécanisme de remplacement des paramètres généraux pour certains paquets."
#. type: <tag></tag>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:179 guide.sgml:131
+#: apt-get.8.xml:172 guide.sgml:131
msgid "install"
msgstr "install"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:181
+#: apt-get.8.xml:174
msgid ""
"<literal>install</literal> is followed by one or more packages desired for "
"installation or upgrading. Each package is a package name, not a fully "
@@ -3612,7 +3628,7 @@ msgstr ""
"des conflits d'apt-get."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:199
+#: apt-get.8.xml:192
msgid ""
"A specific version of a package can be selected for installation by "
"following the package name with an equals and the version of the package to "
@@ -3629,7 +3645,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:206
+#: apt-get.8.xml:199
msgid ""
"Both of the version selection mechanisms can downgrade packages and must be "
"used with care."
@@ -3639,7 +3655,7 @@ msgstr ""
"avec précaution."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:209
+#: apt-get.8.xml:202
msgid ""
"This is also the target to use if you want to upgrade one or more already-"
"installed packages without upgrading every package you have on your system. "
@@ -3659,7 +3675,7 @@ msgstr ""
"décrit plus haut) sera récupérée et installée."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:220
+#: apt-get.8.xml:213
msgid ""
"Finally, the &apt-preferences; mechanism allows you to create an alternative "
"installation policy for individual packages."
@@ -3668,7 +3684,7 @@ msgstr ""
"l'installation des paquets."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:224
+#: apt-get.8.xml:217
msgid ""
"If no package matches the given expression and the expression contains one "
"of '.', '?' or '*' then it is assumed to be a POSIX regular expression, and "
@@ -3689,12 +3705,12 @@ msgstr ""
"d'utiliser une expression plus précise."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:233
+#: apt-get.8.xml:226
msgid "remove"
msgstr "remove"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:234
+#: apt-get.8.xml:227
msgid ""
"<literal>remove</literal> is identical to <literal>install</literal> except "
"that packages are removed instead of installed. Note the removing a package "
@@ -3710,12 +3726,12 @@ msgstr ""
"d'être supprimé."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:241
+#: apt-get.8.xml:234
msgid "purge"
msgstr "purge"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:242
+#: apt-get.8.xml:235
msgid ""
"<literal>purge</literal> is identical to <literal>remove</literal> except "
"that packages are removed and purged (any configuration files are deleted "
@@ -3726,12 +3742,12 @@ msgstr ""
"de configuration sont également effacés)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:246
+#: apt-get.8.xml:239
msgid "source"
msgstr "source"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:247
+#: apt-get.8.xml:240
msgid ""
"<literal>source</literal> causes <command>apt-get</command> to fetch source "
"packages. APT will examine the available packages to decide which source "
@@ -3751,7 +3767,7 @@ msgstr ""
"respect the default release\"\"\" me paraît douteux."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:255
+#: apt-get.8.xml:248
msgid ""
"Source packages are tracked separately from binary packages via <literal>deb-"
"src</literal> type lines in the &sources-list; file. This means that you "
@@ -3767,7 +3783,7 @@ msgstr ""
"installé ou que vous voulez installer."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:262
+#: apt-get.8.xml:255
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "If the <option>--compile</option> option is specified then the package "
@@ -3776,17 +3792,16 @@ msgstr ""
#| "source package will not be unpacked."
msgid ""
"If the <option>--compile</option> option is specified then the package will "
-"be compiled to a binary .deb using <command>dpkg-buildpackage</command> for "
-"the architecture as defined by the <command>--host-architecture</command> "
-"option. If <option>--download-only</option> is specified then the source "
-"package will not be unpacked."
+"be compiled to a binary .deb using <command>dpkg-buildpackage</command>, if "
+"<option>--download-only</option> is specified then the source package will "
+"not be unpacked."
msgstr ""
"Si l'option <option>--compile</option> est spécifiée, le paquet est compilé "
"en un binaire .deb avec <command>dpkg-buildpackage</command>. Si <option>--"
"download-only</option> est spécifié, le source n'est pas décompacté."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:269
+#: apt-get.8.xml:260
msgid ""
"A specific source version can be retrieved by postfixing the source name "
"with an equals and then the version to fetch, similar to the mechanism used "
@@ -3801,7 +3816,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:275
+#: apt-get.8.xml:266
msgid ""
"Note that source packages are not tracked like binary packages, they exist "
"only in the current directory and are similar to downloading source tar "
@@ -3812,34 +3827,31 @@ msgstr ""
"sont semblables à des sources téléchargées sous forme d'archives tar."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:280
+#: apt-get.8.xml:271
msgid "build-dep"
msgstr "build-dep"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:281
+#: apt-get.8.xml:272
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "<literal>build-dep</literal> causes apt-get to install/remove packages in "
#| "an attempt to satisfy the build dependencies for a source package."
msgid ""
"<literal>build-dep</literal> causes apt-get to install/remove packages in an "
-"attempt to satisfy the build dependencies for a source package. By default "
-"the dependencies are satisfied to build the package natively. If desired a "
-"host-architecture can be specified with the <option>--host-architecture</"
-"option> option instead."
+"attempt to satisfy the build dependencies for a source package."
msgstr ""
"Avec la commande <literal>build-dep</literal>, apt-get installe ou supprime "
"des paquets dans le but de satisfaire les dépendances de construction d'un "
"paquet source."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:287
+#: apt-get.8.xml:276
msgid "check"
msgstr "check"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:288
+#: apt-get.8.xml:277
msgid ""
"<literal>check</literal> is a diagnostic tool; it updates the package cache "
"and checks for broken dependencies."
@@ -3848,21 +3860,25 @@ msgstr ""
"jour le cache des paquets et cherche les dépendances défectueuses."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:292
+#: apt-get.8.xml:281
msgid "download"
msgstr "download"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:293
+#: apt-get.8.xml:282
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "<literal>download</literal> will download the given binary package into "
+#| "the current directory."
msgid ""
"<literal>download</literal> will download the given binary package into the "
-"current directory."
+"current directoy."
msgstr ""
"<literal>download</literal> télécharge le fichier binaire indiqué dans le "
"répertoire courant."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:299
+#: apt-get.8.xml:288
msgid ""
"<literal>clean</literal> clears out the local repository of retrieved "
"package files. It removes everything but the lock file from "
@@ -3881,12 +3897,12 @@ msgstr ""
"temps en temps si l'on veut libérer de l'espace disque."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:308
+#: apt-get.8.xml:297
msgid "autoclean"
msgstr "autoclean"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:309
+#: apt-get.8.xml:298
msgid ""
"Like <literal>clean</literal>, <literal>autoclean</literal> clears out the "
"local repository of retrieved package files. The difference is that it only "
@@ -3905,12 +3921,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:318
+#: apt-get.8.xml:307
msgid "autoremove"
msgstr "autoremove"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:319
+#: apt-get.8.xml:308
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "<literal>autoremove</literal> is used to remove packages that were "
@@ -3918,20 +3934,20 @@ msgstr "autoremove"
#| "are no more needed."
msgid ""
"<literal>autoremove</literal> is used to remove packages that were "
-"automatically installed to satisfy dependencies for other packages and are "
-"now no longer needed."
+"automatically installed to satisfy dependencies for some package and that "
+"are no more needed."
msgstr ""
"Avec la commande <literal>autoremove</literal>, apt-get supprime les paquets "
"installés dans le but de satisfaire les dépendances d'un paquet donné et qui "
"ne sont plus nécessaires."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:323
+#: apt-get.8.xml:312
msgid "changelog"
msgstr "changelog"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:324
+#: apt-get.8.xml:313
msgid ""
"<literal>changelog</literal> downloads a package changelog and displays it "
"through <command>sensible-pager</command>. The server name and base "
@@ -3953,12 +3969,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:346
+#: apt-get.8.xml:335
msgid "<option>--no-install-recommends</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-install-recommends</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:347
+#: apt-get.8.xml:336
msgid ""
"Do not consider recommended packages as a dependency for installing. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Install-Recommends</literal>."
@@ -3967,12 +3983,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Élément de configuration : <literal>APT::Install-Recommends</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:351
+#: apt-get.8.xml:340
msgid "<option>--install-suggests</option>"
msgstr "<option>--install-suggests</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:352
+#: apt-get.8.xml:341
msgid ""
"Consider suggested packages as a dependency for installing. Configuration "
"Item: <literal>APT::Install-Suggests</literal>."
@@ -3981,12 +3997,12 @@ msgstr ""
"de configuration : <literal>APT::Install-Suggests</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:356
+#: apt-get.8.xml:345
msgid "<option>--download-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--download-only</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:357
+#: apt-get.8.xml:346
msgid ""
"Download only; package files are only retrieved, not unpacked or installed. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Download-Only</literal>."
@@ -3996,12 +4012,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:361
+#: apt-get.8.xml:350
msgid "<option>--fix-broken</option>"
msgstr "<option>--fix-broken</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:362
+#: apt-get.8.xml:351
msgid ""
"Fix; attempt to correct a system with broken dependencies in place. This "
"option, when used with install/remove, can omit any packages to permit APT "
@@ -4029,17 +4045,17 @@ msgstr ""
"configuration : <literal>APT::Get::Fix-Broken</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:375
+#: apt-get.8.xml:364
msgid "<option>--ignore-missing</option>"
msgstr "<option>--ignore-missing</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:376
+#: apt-get.8.xml:365
msgid "<option>--fix-missing</option>"
msgstr "<option>--fix-missing</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:377
+#: apt-get.8.xml:366
msgid ""
"Ignore missing packages; If packages cannot be retrieved or fail the "
"integrity check after retrieval (corrupted package files), hold back those "
@@ -4059,12 +4075,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:387
+#: apt-get.8.xml:376
msgid "<option>--no-download</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-download</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:388
+#: apt-get.8.xml:377
msgid ""
"Disables downloading of packages. This is best used with <option>--ignore-"
"missing</option> to force APT to use only the .debs it has already "
@@ -4076,7 +4092,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:395
+#: apt-get.8.xml:384
msgid ""
"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
@@ -4098,17 +4114,17 @@ msgstr ""
"configuration : <literal>quiet</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:405
+#: apt-get.8.xml:394
msgid "<option>--simulate</option>"
msgstr "<option>--simulate</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:407
+#: apt-get.8.xml:396
msgid "<option>--dry-run</option>"
msgstr "<option>--dry-run</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:410
+#: apt-get.8.xml:399
msgid ""
"No action; perform a simulation of events that would occur but do not "
"actually change the system. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::"
@@ -4119,7 +4135,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:414
+#: apt-get.8.xml:403
msgid ""
"Simulation run as user will deactivate locking (<literal>Debug::NoLocking</"
"literal>) automatic. Also a notice will be displayed indicating that this "
@@ -4138,7 +4154,7 @@ msgstr ""
"utile qu'<literal>apt-get</literal> envoie de telles notifications)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:420
+#: apt-get.8.xml:409
msgid ""
"Simulate prints out a series of lines each one representing a dpkg "
"operation, Configure (Conf), Remove (Remv), Unpack (Inst). Square brackets "
@@ -4151,22 +4167,22 @@ msgstr ""
"que les dommages n'ont aucune conséquence (rare)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:427
+#: apt-get.8.xml:416
msgid "<option>-y</option>"
msgstr "<option>-y</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:427
+#: apt-get.8.xml:416
msgid "<option>--yes</option>"
msgstr "<option>--yes</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:428
+#: apt-get.8.xml:417
msgid "<option>--assume-yes</option>"
msgstr "<option>--assume-yes</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:429
+#: apt-get.8.xml:418
msgid ""
"Automatic yes to prompts; assume \"yes\" as answer to all prompts and run "
"non-interactively. If an undesirable situation, such as changing a held "
@@ -4182,17 +4198,17 @@ msgstr ""
"configuration : <literal>APT::Get::Assume-Yes</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:436
+#: apt-get.8.xml:425
msgid "<option>-u</option>"
msgstr "<option>-u</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:436
+#: apt-get.8.xml:425
msgid "<option>--show-upgraded</option>"
msgstr "<option>--show-upgraded</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:437
+#: apt-get.8.xml:426
msgid ""
"Show upgraded packages; Print out a list of all packages that are to be "
"upgraded. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Show-Upgraded</literal>."
@@ -4202,17 +4218,17 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:442
+#: apt-get.8.xml:431
msgid "<option>-V</option>"
msgstr "<option>-V</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:442
+#: apt-get.8.xml:431
msgid "<option>--verbose-versions</option>"
msgstr "<option>--verbose-versions</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:443
+#: apt-get.8.xml:432
msgid ""
"Show full versions for upgraded and installed packages. Configuration Item: "
@@ -4221,40 +4237,22 @@ msgstr ""
"Élément de configuration : <literal>APT::Get::Show-Versions</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:448
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "<option>--recurse</option>"
-msgid "<option>--host-architecture</option>"
-msgstr "<option>--recurse</option>"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:449
-msgid ""
-"This option controls the architecture packages are built for by <command>apt-"
-"get source --compile</command> and how cross-builddependencies are "
-"satisfied. By default is it not set which means that the host architecture "
-"is the same as the build architecture (which is defined by <literal>APT::"
-"Architecture</literal>). Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Host-"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:457
+#: apt-get.8.xml:436
msgid "<option>-b</option>"
msgstr "<option>-b</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:457
+#: apt-get.8.xml:436
msgid "<option>--compile</option>"
msgstr "<option>--compile</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:458
+#: apt-get.8.xml:437
msgid "<option>--build</option>"
msgstr "<option>--build</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:459
+#: apt-get.8.xml:438
msgid ""
"Compile source packages after downloading them. Configuration Item: "
@@ -4263,12 +4261,12 @@ msgstr ""
"configuration : <literal>APT::Get::Compile</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:463
+#: apt-get.8.xml:442
msgid "<option>--ignore-hold</option>"
msgstr "<option>--ignore-hold</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:464
+#: apt-get.8.xml:443
msgid ""
"Ignore package Holds; This causes <command>apt-get</command> to ignore a "
"hold placed on a package. This may be useful in conjunction with "
@@ -4282,12 +4280,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:470
+#: apt-get.8.xml:449
msgid "<option>--no-upgrade</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-upgrade</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:471
+#: apt-get.8.xml:450
msgid ""
"Do not upgrade packages; When used in conjunction with <literal>install</"
"literal>, <literal>no-upgrade</literal> will prevent packages on the command "
@@ -4300,12 +4298,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:477
+#: apt-get.8.xml:456
msgid "<option>--only-upgrade</option>"
msgstr "<option>--only-upgrade</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:478
+#: apt-get.8.xml:457
msgid ""
"Do not install new packages; When used in conjunction with <literal>install</"
"literal>, <literal>only-upgrade</literal> will prevent packages on the "
@@ -4319,12 +4317,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:484
+#: apt-get.8.xml:463
msgid "<option>--force-yes</option>"
msgstr "<option>--force-yes</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:485
+#: apt-get.8.xml:464
msgid ""
"Force yes; This is a dangerous option that will cause apt to continue "
"without prompting if it is doing something potentially harmful. It should "
@@ -4340,12 +4338,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:492
+#: apt-get.8.xml:471
msgid "<option>--print-uris</option>"
msgstr "<option>--print-uris</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:493
+#: apt-get.8.xml:472
msgid ""
"Instead of fetching the files to install their URIs are printed. Each URI "
"will have the path, the destination file name, the size and the expected md5 "
@@ -4367,12 +4365,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:503
+#: apt-get.8.xml:482
msgid "<option>--purge</option>"
msgstr "<option>--purge</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:504
+#: apt-get.8.xml:483
msgid ""
"Use purge instead of remove for anything that would be removed. An asterisk "
"(\"*\") will be displayed next to packages which are scheduled to be purged. "
@@ -4386,12 +4384,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:511
+#: apt-get.8.xml:490
msgid "<option>--reinstall</option>"
msgstr "<option>--reinstall</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:512
+#: apt-get.8.xml:491
msgid ""
"Re-Install packages that are already installed and at the newest version. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::ReInstall</literal>."
@@ -4400,12 +4398,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Élément de configuration : <literal>APT::Get::ReInstall</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:516
+#: apt-get.8.xml:495
msgid "<option>--list-cleanup</option>"
msgstr "<option>--list-cleanup</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:517
+#: apt-get.8.xml:496
msgid ""
"This option defaults to on, use <literal>--no-list-cleanup</literal> to turn "
"it off. When on <command>apt-get</command> will automatically manage the "
@@ -4423,17 +4421,17 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:526
+#: apt-get.8.xml:505
msgid "<option>--target-release</option>"
msgstr "<option>--target-release</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:527
+#: apt-get.8.xml:506
msgid "<option>--default-release</option>"
msgstr "<option>--default-release</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:528
+#: apt-get.8.xml:507
msgid ""
"This option controls the default input to the policy engine, it creates a "
"default pin at priority 990 using the specified release string. This "
@@ -4455,12 +4453,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Release</literal>. Voyez aussi la page de manuel d'&apt-preferences;."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:541
+#: apt-get.8.xml:520
msgid "<option>--trivial-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--trivial-only</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:543
+#: apt-get.8.xml:522
msgid ""
"Only perform operations that are 'trivial'. Logically this can be considered "
"related to <option>--assume-yes</option>, where <option>--assume-yes</"
@@ -4474,12 +4472,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:549
+#: apt-get.8.xml:528
msgid "<option>--no-remove</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-remove</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:550
+#: apt-get.8.xml:529
msgid ""
"If any packages are to be removed apt-get immediately aborts without "
"prompting. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Remove</literal>."
@@ -4489,12 +4487,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:555
+#: apt-get.8.xml:534
msgid "<option>--auto-remove</option>"
msgstr "<option>--auto-remove</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:556
+#: apt-get.8.xml:535
msgid ""
"If the command is either <literal>install</literal> or <literal>remove</"
"literal>, then this option acts like running <literal>autoremove</literal> "
@@ -4507,12 +4505,12 @@ msgstr ""
"inutilisés. Élément de configuration : <literal>APT::Get::Upgrade</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:562
+#: apt-get.8.xml:541
msgid "<option>--only-source</option>"
msgstr "<option>--only-source</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:563
+#: apt-get.8.xml:542
msgid ""
"Only has meaning for the <literal>source</literal> and <literal>build-dep</"
"literal> commands. Indicates that the given source names are not to be "
@@ -4532,22 +4530,22 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:573
+#: apt-get.8.xml:552
msgid "<option>--diff-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--diff-only</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:573
+#: apt-get.8.xml:552
msgid "<option>--dsc-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--dsc-only</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:573
+#: apt-get.8.xml:552
msgid "<option>--tar-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--tar-only</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:574
+#: apt-get.8.xml:553
msgid ""
"Download only the diff, dsc, or tar file of a source archive. Configuration "
"Item: <literal>APT::Get::Diff-Only</literal>, <literal>APT::Get::Dsc-Only</"
@@ -4559,12 +4557,12 @@ msgstr ""
"literal>, "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:579
+#: apt-get.8.xml:558
msgid "<option>--arch-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--arch-only</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:580
+#: apt-get.8.xml:559
msgid ""
"Only process architecture-dependent build-dependencies. Configuration Item: "
@@ -4574,12 +4572,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:584
+#: apt-get.8.xml:563
msgid "<option>--allow-unauthenticated</option>"
msgstr "<option>--allow-unauthenticated</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:585
+#: apt-get.8.xml:564
msgid ""
"Ignore if packages can't be authenticated and don't prompt about it. This "
"is useful for tools like pbuilder. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::"
@@ -4591,7 +4589,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:598
+#: apt-get.8.xml:577
msgid ""
"&file-sourceslist; &file-aptconf; &file-preferences; &file-cachearchives; "
@@ -4600,7 +4598,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:607
+#: apt-get.8.xml:586
msgid ""
"&apt-cache;, &apt-cdrom;, &dpkg;, &dselect;, &sources-list;, &apt-conf;, "
"&apt-config;, &apt-secure;, The APT User's guide in &guidesdir;, &apt-"
@@ -4611,7 +4609,7 @@ msgstr ""
"« HOWTO » d'APT."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:613
+#: apt-get.8.xml:592
msgid ""
"<command>apt-get</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 on "
@@ -4620,22 +4618,22 @@ msgstr ""
"décimal 100 en cas d'erreur."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:616
+#: apt-get.8.xml:595
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:617
+#: apt-get.8.xml:596
msgid "&apt-author.jgunthorpe;"
msgstr "&apt-author.jgunthorpe;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:620
+#: apt-get.8.xml:599
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:622
+#: apt-get.8.xml:601
msgid "&;"
msgstr "&;"
@@ -4760,33 +4758,30 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#: apt-key.8.xml:131
msgid ""
-"Update the local keyring with the archive keyring and remove from the local "
-"keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid. The archive keyring is "
-"shipped in the <literal>archive-keyring</literal> package of your "
-"distribution, e.g. the <literal>debian-archive-keyring</literal> package in "
+"Update the local keyring with the keyring of Debian archive keys and removes "
+"from the keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid."
msgstr ""
+"Mettre à jour le trousseau de clés local avec le trousseau de clés de "
+"l'archive Debian et supprimer les clés qui y sont périmées."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:141
+#: apt-key.8.xml:140
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "update"
msgid "net-update"
msgstr "update"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:145
+#: apt-key.8.xml:144
msgid ""
-"Work similar to the <command>update</command> command above, but get the "
-"archive keyring from an URI instead and validate it against a master key. "
-"This requires an installed &wget; and an APT build configured to have a "
-"server to fetch from and a master keyring to validate. APT in Debian does "
-"not support this command and relies on <command>update</command> instead, "
-"but Ubuntu's APT does."
+"Update the local keyring with the keys of a key server and removes from the "
+"keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid. This requires an "
+"installed wget and an APT build configured to have a server to fetch from. "
+"APT in Debian does not support this command, but Ubuntu's APT does."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:162
+#: apt-key.8.xml:159
msgid ""
"Note that options need to be defined before the commands described in the "
"previous section."
@@ -4795,17 +4790,25 @@ msgstr ""
"décrites dans la section suivante."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:164
+#: apt-key.8.xml:161
msgid "--keyring <replaceable>filename</replaceable>"
msgstr "--keyring <replaceable>fichier</replaceable>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:165
+#: apt-key.8.xml:162
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "With this option it is possible to specify a specific keyring file the "
+#| "command should operate on. The default is that a command is executed on "
+#| "the <filename>trusted.gpg</filename> file as well as on all parts in the "
+#| "<filename>trusted.gpg.d</filename> directory, though <filename>trusted."
+#| "gpg</filename> is the primary keyring which means that e.g. new keys are "
+#| "added to this one."
msgid ""
"With this option it is possible to specify a specific keyring file the "
"command should operate on. The default is that a command is executed on the "
"<filename>trusted.gpg</filename> file as well as on all parts in the "
-"<filename>trusted.gpg.d</filename> directory, though <filename>trusted.gpg</"
+"<filename>trusted.gpg.d</filename> directory, through <filename>trusted.gpg</"
"filename> is the primary keyring which means that e.g. new keys are added to "
"this one."
msgstr ""
@@ -4817,44 +4820,44 @@ msgstr ""
"les nouvelles clés y seront ajoutées."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:178
+#: apt-key.8.xml:175
msgid "&file-trustedgpg;"
msgstr "&file-trustedgpg;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:180
+#: apt-key.8.xml:177
msgid "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
msgstr "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:181
+#: apt-key.8.xml:178
msgid "Local trust database of archive keys."
msgstr "Base de données locale de fiabilité des clés de l'archive."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:184
+#: apt-key.8.xml:181
msgid "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
msgstr "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:185
+#: apt-key.8.xml:182
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive trusted keys."
msgstr "Trousseau des clés fiables de l'archive Debian."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:188
+#: apt-key.8.xml:185
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:189
+#: apt-key.8.xml:186
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive removed trusted keys."
msgstr "Trousseau des clés fiables supprimées de l'archive Debian."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:198
+#: apt-key.8.xml:195
msgid "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
msgstr "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
@@ -5568,12 +5571,11 @@ msgstr ""
#| "be silently ignored."
msgid ""
"all files in <literal>Dir::Etc::Parts</literal> in alphanumeric ascending "
-"order which have either no or \"<literal>conf</literal>\" as filename "
-"extension and which only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), underscore (_) "
-"and period (.) characters. Otherwise APT will print a notice that it has "
-"ignored a file if the file doesn't match a pattern in the <literal>Dir::"
-"Ignore-Files-Silently</literal> configuration list - in this case it will be "
-"silently ignored."
+"order which have no or \"<literal>conf</literal>\" as filename extension and "
+"which only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), underscore (_) and period (.) "
+"characters. Otherwise APT will print a notice that it has ignored a file if "
+"the file doesn't match a pattern in the <literal>Dir::Ignore-Files-Silently</"
+"literal> configuration list - in this case it will be silently ignored."
msgstr ""
"tous les fichiers de <literal>Dir::Etc::Parts</literal> dans l'ordre "
"alphanumérique ascendant qui ont soit l'extension \"<literal>conf</literal>"
@@ -5838,24 +5840,13 @@ msgstr ""
"utiliser pour récupérer des fichiers et analyser des listes de paquets. La "
"valeur interne par défaut est l'architecture pour laquelle APT a été compilé."
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:158
-msgid ""
-"All Architectures the system supports. Processors implementing the "
-"<literal>amd64</literal> are e.g. also able to execute binaries compiled for "
-"<literal>i386</literal>; This list is use when fetching files and parsing "
-"package lists. The internal default is always the native architecture "
-"(<literal>APT::Architecture</literal>) and all foreign architectures it can "
-"retrieve by calling <command>dpkg --print-foreign-architectures</command>."
-msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:165
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:157
msgid "Default-Release"
msgstr "Default-Release"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:166
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:158
msgid ""
"Default release to install packages from if more than one version available. "
"Contains release name, codename or release version. Examples: 'stable', "
@@ -5869,12 +5860,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:171
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:163
msgid "Ignore-Hold"
msgstr "Ignore-Hold"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:172
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:164
msgid ""
"Ignore Held packages; This global option causes the problem resolver to "
"ignore held packages in its decision making."
@@ -5884,12 +5875,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:176
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:168
msgid "Clean-Installed"
msgstr "Clean-Installed"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:177
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:169
msgid ""
"Defaults to on. When turned on the autoclean feature will remove any "
"packages which can no longer be downloaded from the cache. If turned off "
@@ -5903,12 +5894,12 @@ msgstr ""
"direct pour les réinstaller."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:183
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:175
msgid "Immediate-Configure"
msgstr "Immediate-Configure"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:184
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:176
msgid ""
"Defaults to on which will cause APT to install essential and important "
"packages as fast as possible in the install/upgrade operation. This is done "
@@ -5972,12 +5963,12 @@ msgstr ""
"utilisée afin qu'il soit étudié et corrigé."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:206
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:198
msgid "Force-LoopBreak"
msgstr "Force-LoopBreak"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:207
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:199
msgid ""
"Never Enable this option unless you -really- know what you are doing. It "
"permits APT to temporarily remove an essential package to break a Conflicts/"
@@ -5995,12 +5986,12 @@ msgstr ""
"les paquets dont ces paquets dépendent."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:215
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:207
msgid "Cache-Start, Cache-Grow and Cache-Limit"
msgstr "Cache-Start, Cache-Grow et Cache-Limit"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:216
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:208
msgid ""
"APT uses since version 0.7.26 a resizable memory mapped cache file to store "
"the 'available' information. <literal>Cache-Start</literal> acts as a hint "
@@ -6040,24 +6031,24 @@ msgstr ""
"l'augmentation automatique de la taille du cache est désactivée."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:231
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:223
msgid "Build-Essential"
msgstr "Build-Essential"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:232
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:224
msgid "Defines which package(s) are considered essential build dependencies."
msgstr ""
"Cette option définit les paquets qui sont considérés comme faisant partie "
"des dépendances essentielles pour la construction de paquets."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:235
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:227
msgid "Get"
msgstr "Get"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:236
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:228
msgid ""
"The Get subsection controls the &apt-get; tool, please see its documentation "
"for more information about the options here."
@@ -6067,12 +6058,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:240
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:232
msgid "Cache"
msgstr "Cache"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:241
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:233
msgid ""
"The Cache subsection controls the &apt-cache; tool, please see its "
"documentation for more information about the options here."
@@ -6082,12 +6073,12 @@ msgstr ""
"options en question."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:245
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:237
msgid "CDROM"
msgstr "CDROM"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:246
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:238
msgid ""
"The CDROM subsection controls the &apt-cdrom; tool, please see its "
"documentation for more information about the options here."
@@ -6097,17 +6088,17 @@ msgstr ""
"options en question."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:252
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:244
msgid "The Acquire Group"
msgstr "Le groupe Acquire"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:257
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:249
msgid "Check-Valid-Until"
msgstr "Check-Valid-Until"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:258
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:250
msgid ""
"Security related option defaulting to true as an expiring validation for a "
"Release file prevents longtime replay attacks and can e.g. also help users "
@@ -6127,12 +6118,12 @@ msgstr ""
"ValidTime</literal> est alors utilisée."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:268
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:260
msgid "Max-ValidTime"
msgstr "Max-ValidTime"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:269
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:261
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "Seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was created. "
@@ -6145,12 +6136,15 @@ msgstr "Max-ValidTime"
#| "of the two. Archive specific settings can be made by appending the label "
#| "of the archive to the option name."
msgid ""
-"Seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was created "
-"(indicated by the <literal>Date</literal> header). If the Release file "
-"itself includes a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header the earlier date of "
-"the two is used as the expiration date. The default value is <literal>0</"
-"literal> which stands for \"for ever\". Archive specific settings can be "
-"made by appending the label of the archive to the option name."
+"Seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was created. "
+"The default is \"for ever\" (0) if the Release file of the archive doesn't "
+"include a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header. If it does then this date "
+"is the default. The date from the Release file or the date specified by the "
+"creation time of the Release file (<literal>Date</literal> header) plus the "
+"seconds specified with this options are used to check if the validation of a "
+"file has expired by using the earlier date of the two. Archive specific "
+"settings can be made by appending the label of the archive to the option "
msgstr ""
"Durée (en secondes) pendant laquelle un fichier Release est considéré comme "
"valable, à partir du moment de sa création. La valeur par défaut est 0 "
@@ -6164,51 +6158,12 @@ msgstr ""
"défini en ajoutant l'étiquette de l'archive au nom de l'option."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:279
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Max-ValidTime"
-msgid "Min-ValidTime"
-msgstr "Max-ValidTime"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:280
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was created. "
-#| "The default is \"for ever\" (0) if the Release file of the archive "
-#| "doesn't include a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header. If it does then "
-#| "this date is the default. The date from the Release file or the date "
-#| "specified by the creation time of the Release file (<literal>Date</"
-#| "literal> header) plus the seconds specified with this options are used to "
-#| "check if the validation of a file has expired by using the earlier date "
-#| "of the two. Archive specific settings can be made by appending the label "
-#| "of the archive to the option name."
-msgid ""
-"Minimum of seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was "
-"created (indicated by the <literal>Date</literal> header). Use this if you "
-"need to use a seldomly updated (local) mirror of a more regular updated "
-"archive with a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header instead of completely "
-"disabling the expiration date checking. Archive specific settings can and "
-"should be used by appending the label of the archive to the option name."
-msgstr ""
-"Durée (en secondes) pendant laquelle un fichier Release est considéré comme "
-"valable, à partir du moment de sa création. La valeur par défaut est 0 "
-"(fichier valable indéfiniment) si le fichier Release de l'archive ne "
-"comporte pas d'en-tête <literal>Valid-Until</literal>. Dans le cas "
-"contraire, c'est la valeur de cet en-tête qui est la valeur par défaut du "
-"paramètre. La date du fichier Release ou la date indiquée dans l'en-tête "
-"<literal>Date</literal>, augmentées du nombre de secondes indiquées sont "
-"comparées à la date courante pour déterminer si un fichier Release donné est "
-"obsolète ou pas. Un réglage spécifique pour une archive donnée peut être "
-"défini en ajoutant l'étiquette de l'archive au nom de l'option."
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:290
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:273
msgid "PDiffs"
msgstr "PDiffs"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:291
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:274
msgid ""
"Try to download deltas called <literal>PDiffs</literal> for Packages or "
"Sources files instead of downloading whole ones. True by default."
@@ -6218,12 +6173,20 @@ msgstr ""
"télécharger entièrement. Par défaut à « true »."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:294
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:277
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Two sub-options to limit the use of PDiffs are also available: With "
+#| "<literal>FileLimit</literal> can be specified how many PDiff files are "
+#| "downloaded at most to patch a file. <literal>SizeLimit</literal> on the "
+#| "other hand is the maximum percentage of the size of all patches compared "
+#| "to the size of the targeted file. If one of these limits is exceeded the "
+#| "complete file is downloaded instead of the patches."
msgid ""
"Two sub-options to limit the use of PDiffs are also available: With "
"<literal>FileLimit</literal> can be specified how many PDiff files are "
"downloaded at most to patch a file. <literal>SizeLimit</literal> on the "
-"other hand is the maximum percentage of the size of all patches compared to "
+"other hand is the maximum precentage of the size of all patches compared to "
"the size of the targeted file. If one of these limits is exceeded the "
"complete file is downloaded instead of the patches."
msgstr ""
@@ -6237,12 +6200,12 @@ msgstr ""
"fichiers de différences."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:303
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:286
msgid "Queue-Mode"
msgstr "Queue-Mode"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:304
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:287
msgid ""
"Queuing mode; <literal>Queue-Mode</literal> can be one of <literal>host</"
"literal> or <literal>access</literal> which determines how APT parallelizes "
@@ -6258,12 +6221,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:311
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:294
msgid "Retries"
msgstr "Retries"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:312
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:295
msgid ""
"Number of retries to perform. If this is non-zero APT will retry failed "
"files the given number of times."
@@ -6273,12 +6236,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:316
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:299
msgid "Source-Symlinks"
msgstr "Source-Symlinks"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:317
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:300
msgid ""
"Use symlinks for source archives. If set to true then source archives will "
"be symlinked when possible instead of copying. True is the default."
@@ -6288,12 +6251,12 @@ msgstr ""
"archives de sources au lieu de les copier. Par défaut à « true »."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:321 sources.list.5.xml:155
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:304 sources.list.5.xml:144
msgid "http"
msgstr "http"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:322
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:305
msgid ""
"HTTP URIs; http::Proxy is the default http proxy to use. It is in the "
"standard form of <literal>http://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/</literal>. Per "
@@ -6313,7 +6276,7 @@ msgstr ""
"options de mandataire HTTP."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:330
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:313
msgid ""
"Three settings are provided for cache control with HTTP/1.1 compliant proxy "
"caches. <literal>No-Cache</literal> tells the proxy to not use its cached "
@@ -6338,7 +6301,7 @@ msgstr ""
"en compte aucune de ces options."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:340 apt.conf.5.xml:404
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:323 apt.conf.5.xml:387
msgid ""
"The option <literal>timeout</literal> sets the timeout timer used by the "
"method, this applies to all things including connection timeout and data "
@@ -6349,7 +6312,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:343
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:326
msgid ""
"One setting is provided to control the pipeline depth in cases where the "
"remote server is not RFC conforming or buggy (such as Squid 2.0.2). "
@@ -6369,7 +6332,7 @@ msgstr ""
"cette option ne respectent pas la RFC 2068."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:351
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:334
msgid ""
"The used bandwidth can be limited with <literal>Acquire::http::Dl-Limit</"
"literal> which accepts integer values in kilobyte. The default value is 0 "
@@ -6384,7 +6347,7 @@ msgstr ""
"implicitement le téléchargement simultané depuis plusieurs serveurs."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:356
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:339
msgid ""
"<literal>Acquire::http::User-Agent</literal> can be used to set a different "
"User-Agent for the http download method as some proxies allow access for "
@@ -6396,12 +6359,12 @@ msgstr ""
"n'autorisent l'accès qu'aux client s'identifiant de manière spécifique.."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:362
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:345
msgid "https"
msgstr "https"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:363
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:346
msgid ""
"HTTPS URIs. Cache-control, Timeout, AllowRedirect, Dl-Limit and proxy "
"options are the same as for <literal>http</literal> method and will also "
@@ -6417,7 +6380,7 @@ msgstr ""
"encore gérée."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:369
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:352
msgid ""
"<literal>CaInfo</literal> suboption specifies place of file that holds info "
"about trusted certificates. <literal>&lt;host&gt;::CaInfo</literal> is "
@@ -6449,12 +6412,12 @@ msgstr ""
"ou 'SSLv3'."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:387 sources.list.5.xml:166
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:370 sources.list.5.xml:155
msgid "ftp"
msgstr "ftp"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:388
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:371
msgid ""
"FTP URIs; ftp::Proxy is the default ftp proxy to use. It is in the standard "
"form of <literal>ftp://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/</literal>. Per host "
@@ -6489,7 +6452,7 @@ msgstr ""
"correspond à l'élément respectif de l'URI."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:407
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:390
msgid ""
"Several settings are provided to control passive mode. Generally it is safe "
"to leave passive mode on, it works in nearly every environment. However "
@@ -6506,7 +6469,7 @@ msgstr ""
"modèle de fichier de configuration)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:414
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:397
msgid ""
"It is possible to proxy FTP over HTTP by setting the <envar>ftp_proxy</"
"envar> environment variable to a http url - see the discussion of the http "
@@ -6521,7 +6484,7 @@ msgstr ""
"efficacité de cette méthode."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:419
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:402
msgid ""
"The setting <literal>ForceExtended</literal> controls the use of RFC2428 "
"<literal>EPSV</literal> and <literal>EPRT</literal> commands. The default is "
@@ -6537,18 +6500,18 @@ msgstr ""
"des serveurs FTP ne suivent pas la RFC 2428."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:426 sources.list.5.xml:148
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:409 sources.list.5.xml:137
msgid "cdrom"
msgstr "cdrom"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:432
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:415
#, no-wrap
msgid "/cdrom/::Mount \"foo\";"
msgstr "/cdrom/::Mount \"foo\";"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:427
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:410
msgid ""
"CDROM URIs; the only setting for CDROM URIs is the mount point, "
"<literal>cdrom::Mount</literal> which must be the mount point for the CDROM "
@@ -6570,12 +6533,12 @@ msgstr ""
"spécifiées en utilisant <literal>UMount</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:437
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:420
msgid "gpgv"
msgstr "gpgv"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:438
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:421
msgid ""
"GPGV URIs; the only option for GPGV URIs is the option to pass additional "
"parameters to gpgv. <literal>gpgv::Options</literal> Additional options "
@@ -6586,18 +6549,18 @@ msgstr ""
"supplémentaires passées à gpgv."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:443
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:426
msgid "CompressionTypes"
msgstr "CompressionTypes"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:449
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:432
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::<replaceable>FileExtension</replaceable> \"<replaceable>Methodname</replaceable>\";"
msgstr "Acquire::CompressionTypes::<replaceable>ExtensionFichier</replaceable> \"<replaceable>NomMethode</replaceable>\";"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:444
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:427
msgid ""
"List of compression types which are understood by the acquire methods. "
"Files like <filename>Packages</filename> can be available in various "
@@ -6617,19 +6580,19 @@ msgstr ""
"type=\"synopsis\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:454
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:437
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order:: \"gz\";"
msgstr "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order:: \"gz\";"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:457
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:440
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order { \"lzma\"; \"gz\"; };"
msgstr "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order { \"lzma\"; \"gz\"; };"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:450
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:433
msgid ""
"Also the <literal>Order</literal> subgroup can be used to define in which "
"order the acquire system will try to download the compressed files. The "
@@ -6660,13 +6623,13 @@ msgstr ""
"<literal>bz2</literal> à liste car il sera ajouté automatiquement."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:461
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:444
#, no-wrap
msgid "Dir::Bin::bzip2 \"/bin/bzip2\";"
msgstr "Dir::Bin::bzip2 \"/bin/bzip2\";"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:459
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:442
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "Note that at run time the <literal>Dir::Bin::<replaceable>Methodname</"
@@ -6683,9 +6646,9 @@ msgid ""
"Note that at run time the <literal>Dir::Bin::<replaceable>Methodname</"
"replaceable></literal> will be checked: If this setting exists the method "
"will only be used if this file exists, e.g. for the bzip2 method (the "
-"inbuilt) setting is: <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/> Note "
-"also that list entries specified on the command line will be added at the "
-"end of the list specified in the configuration files, but before the default "
+"inbuilt) setting is <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/> Note also "
+"that list entries specified on the command line will be added at the end of "
+"the list specified in the configuration files, but before the default "
"entries. To prefer a type in this case over the ones specified in the "
"configuration files you can set the option direct - not in list style. This "
"will not override the defined list, it will only prefix the list with this "
@@ -6704,10 +6667,16 @@ msgstr ""
"elle sera simplement préfixée avec l'option en question."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:466
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:449
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The special type <literal>uncompressed</literal> can be used to give "
+#| "uncompressed files a preference, but note that most archives don't "
+#| "provide uncompressed files so this is mostly only useable for local "
+#| "mirrors."
msgid ""
"The special type <literal>uncompressed</literal> can be used to give "
-"uncompressed files a preference, but note that most archives don't provide "
+"uncompressed files a preference, but note that most archives doesn't provide "
"uncompressed files so this is mostly only useable for local mirrors."
msgstr ""
"Le type spécial <literal>uncompressed</literal> peut servir à donner la "
@@ -6716,12 +6685,12 @@ msgstr ""
"surtout destiné aux miroirs locaux."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:471
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:454
msgid "GzipIndexes"
msgstr "GzipIndexes"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:473
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:456
msgid ""
"When downloading <literal>gzip</literal> compressed indexes (Packages, "
"Sources, or Translations), keep them gzip compressed locally instead of "
@@ -6736,12 +6705,12 @@ msgstr ""
"(« False »)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:480
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:463
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Langues"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:481
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:464
msgid ""
"The Languages subsection controls which <filename>Translation</filename> "
"files are downloaded and in which order APT tries to display the Description-"
@@ -6763,13 +6732,13 @@ msgstr ""
"sur ce qui est disponible avant d'établir des réglages impossibles."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><programlisting>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:497
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:480
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acquire::Languages { \"environment\"; \"de\"; \"en\"; \"none\"; \"fr\"; };"
msgstr "Acquire::Languages { \"environment\"; \"fr\"; \"en\"; \"none\"; \"de\"; };"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:487
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:470
msgid ""
"The default list includes \"environment\" and \"en\". "
"\"<literal>environment</literal>\" has a special meaning here: It will be "
@@ -6811,7 +6780,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:253
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:245
msgid ""
"The <literal>Acquire</literal> group of options controls the download of "
"packages and the URI handlers. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
@@ -6821,12 +6790,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:504
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:487
msgid "Directories"
msgstr "Les répertoires"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:506
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:489
msgid ""
"The <literal>Dir::State</literal> section has directories that pertain to "
"local state information. <literal>lists</literal> is the directory to place "
@@ -6846,7 +6815,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:513
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:496
msgid ""
"<literal>Dir::Cache</literal> contains locations pertaining to local cache "
"information, such as the two package caches <literal>srcpkgcache</literal> "
@@ -6869,7 +6838,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:522
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:505
msgid ""
"<literal>Dir::Etc</literal> contains the location of configuration files, "
"<literal>sourcelist</literal> gives the location of the sourcelist and "
@@ -6884,7 +6853,7 @@ msgstr ""
"fichier de configuration indiqué par la variable <envar>APT_CONFIG</envar>)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:528
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:511
msgid ""
"The <literal>Dir::Parts</literal> setting reads in all the config fragments "
"in lexical order from the directory specified. After this is done then the "
@@ -6895,7 +6864,7 @@ msgstr ""
"configuration est chargé."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:532
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:515
msgid ""
"Binary programs are pointed to by <literal>Dir::Bin</literal>. <literal>Dir::"
"Bin::Methods</literal> specifies the location of the method handlers and "
@@ -6913,7 +6882,7 @@ msgstr ""
"programmes correspondants."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:540
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:523
msgid ""
"The configuration item <literal>RootDir</literal> has a special meaning. If "
"set, all paths in <literal>Dir::</literal> will be relative to "
@@ -6935,7 +6904,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:553
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:536
msgid ""
"The <literal>Ignore-Files-Silently</literal> list can be used to specify "
"which files APT should silently ignore while parsing the files in the "
@@ -6953,12 +6922,12 @@ msgstr ""
"est possible d'utiliser la syntaxe des expressions rationnelles."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:562
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:545
msgid "APT in DSelect"
msgstr "APT et DSelect"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:564
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:547
msgid ""
"When APT is used as a &dselect; method several configuration directives "
"control the default behaviour. These are in the <literal>DSelect</literal> "
@@ -6969,12 +6938,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:568
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:551
msgid "Clean"
msgstr "Clean"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:569
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:552
msgid ""
"Cache Clean mode; this value may be one of always, prompt, auto, pre-auto "
"and never. always and prompt will remove all packages from the cache after "
@@ -6992,7 +6961,7 @@ msgstr ""
"supprime avant de récupérer de nouveaux paquets."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:578
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:561
msgid ""
"The contents of this variable is passed to &apt-get; as command line options "
"when it is run for the install phase."
@@ -7001,12 +6970,12 @@ msgstr ""
"&apt-get; lors de la phase d'installation."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:582
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:565
msgid "Updateoptions"
msgstr "UpdateOptions"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:583
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:566
msgid ""
"The contents of this variable is passed to &apt-get; as command line options "
"when it is run for the update phase."
@@ -7015,12 +6984,12 @@ msgstr ""
"&apt-get; lors de la phase de mise à jour."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:587
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:570
msgid "PromptAfterUpdate"
msgstr "PromptAfterUpdate"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:588
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:571
msgid ""
"If true the [U]pdate operation in &dselect; will always prompt to continue. "
"The default is to prompt only on error."
@@ -7030,12 +6999,12 @@ msgstr ""
"d'erreur que l'on propose à l'utilisateur d'intervenir."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:594
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:577
msgid "How APT calls dpkg"
msgstr "Méthode d'appel de &dpkg; par APT"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:595
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:578
msgid ""
"Several configuration directives control how APT invokes &dpkg;. These are "
"in the <literal>DPkg</literal> section."
@@ -7044,7 +7013,7 @@ msgstr ""
"&dpkg; : elles figurent dans la section <literal>DPkg</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:600
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:583
msgid ""
"This is a list of options to pass to dpkg. The options must be specified "
"using the list notation and each list item is passed as a single argument to "
@@ -7055,17 +7024,17 @@ msgstr ""
"est passé comme un seul paramètre à &dpkg;."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:605
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:588
msgid "Pre-Invoke"
msgstr "Pre-Invoke"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:605
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:588
msgid "Post-Invoke"
msgstr "Post-Invoke"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:606
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:589
msgid ""
"This is a list of shell commands to run before/after invoking &dpkg;. Like "
"<literal>options</literal> this must be specified in list notation. The "
@@ -7078,12 +7047,12 @@ msgstr ""
"<filename>/bin/sh</filename> : APT s'arrête dès que l'une d'elles échoue."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:612
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:595
msgid "Pre-Install-Pkgs"
msgstr "Pre-Install-Pkgs"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:613
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:596
msgid ""
"This is a list of shell commands to run before invoking dpkg. Like "
"<literal>options</literal> this must be specified in list notation. The "
@@ -7099,7 +7068,7 @@ msgstr ""
"qu'il va installer, à raison d'un par ligne."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:619
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:602
msgid ""
"Version 2 of this protocol dumps more information, including the protocol "
"version, the APT configuration space and the packages, files and versions "
@@ -7115,12 +7084,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:626
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:609
msgid "Run-Directory"
msgstr "Run-Directory"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:627
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:610
msgid ""
"APT chdirs to this directory before invoking dpkg, the default is <filename>/"
@@ -7129,12 +7098,12 @@ msgstr ""
"le répertoire <filename>/</filename>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:631
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:614
msgid "Build-options"
msgstr "Build-options"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:632
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:615
msgid ""
"These options are passed to &dpkg-buildpackage; when compiling packages, the "
"default is to disable signing and produce all binaries."
@@ -7144,14 +7113,14 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:637
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:620
msgid "dpkg trigger usage (and related options)"
msgstr ""
"utilisation des actions différées (« triggers ») de dpkg (et options "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:638
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:621
msgid ""
"APT can call dpkg in a way so it can make aggressive use of triggers over "
"multiple calls of dpkg. Without further options dpkg will use triggers only "
@@ -7178,7 +7147,7 @@ msgstr ""
"configuration des paquets."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><literallayout>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:653
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:636
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"DPkg::NoTriggers \"true\";\n"
@@ -7192,7 +7161,7 @@ msgstr ""
"DPkg::TriggersPending \"true\";"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:647
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:630
msgid ""
"Note that it is not guaranteed that APT will support these options or that "
"these options will not cause (big) trouble in the future. If you have "
@@ -7216,12 +7185,12 @@ msgstr ""
"type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:659
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:642
msgid "DPkg::NoTriggers"
msgstr "DPkg::NoTriggers"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:660
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:643
msgid ""
"Add the no triggers flag to all dpkg calls (except the ConfigurePending "
"call). See &dpkg; if you are interested in what this actually means. In "
@@ -7243,12 +7212,12 @@ msgstr ""
"options « unpack » et « remove »."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:667
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:650
msgid "PackageManager::Configure"
msgstr "PackageManager::Configure"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:668
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:651
msgid ""
"Valid values are \"<literal>all</literal>\", \"<literal>smart</literal>\" "
"and \"<literal>no</literal>\". \"<literal>all</literal>\" is the default "
@@ -7276,12 +7245,12 @@ msgstr ""
"configuré et donc éventuellement non amorçable."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:678
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:661
msgid "DPkg::ConfigurePending"
msgstr "DPkg::ConfigurePending"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:679
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:662
msgid ""
"If this option is set apt will call <command>dpkg --configure --pending</"
"command> to let dpkg handle all required configurations and triggers. This "
@@ -7300,12 +7269,12 @@ msgstr ""
"peut conserver l'option active."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:685
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:668
msgid "DPkg::TriggersPending"
msgstr "DPkg::TriggersPending"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:686
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:669
msgid ""
"Useful for <literal>smart</literal> configuration as a package which has "
"pending triggers is not considered as <literal>installed</literal> and dpkg "
@@ -7323,12 +7292,12 @@ msgstr ""
"celles concernant le paquet en cours de traitement."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:691
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:674
msgid "PackageManager::UnpackAll"
msgstr "PackageManager::UnpackAll"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:692
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:675
msgid ""
"As the configuration can be deferred to be done at the end by dpkg it can be "
"tried to order the unpack series only by critical needs, e.g. by Pre-"
@@ -7353,12 +7322,12 @@ msgstr ""
"traduction n'est pas exclu...)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:699
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:682
msgid "OrderList::Score::Immediate"
msgstr "OrderList::Score::Immediate"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:707
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:690
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"OrderList::Score {\n"
@@ -7376,7 +7345,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:700
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:683
msgid ""
"Essential packages (and there dependencies) should be configured immediately "
"after unpacking. It will be a good idea to do this quite early in the "
@@ -7402,12 +7371,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:720
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:703
msgid "Periodic and Archives options"
msgstr "Options « Periodic » et « Archive »"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:721
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:704
msgid ""
"<literal>APT::Periodic</literal> and <literal>APT::Archives</literal> groups "
"of options configure behavior of apt periodic updates, which is done by "
@@ -7419,12 +7388,12 @@ msgstr ""
"script <literal>/etc/cron.daily/apt</literal>, lancé quotidiennement."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:729
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:712
msgid "Debug options"
msgstr "Les options de débogage"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:731
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:714
msgid ""
"Enabling options in the <literal>Debug::</literal> section will cause "
"debugging information to be sent to the standard error stream of the program "
@@ -7442,7 +7411,7 @@ msgstr ""
"peuvent tout de même être utiles :"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:742
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:725
msgid ""
"<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal> enables output about the "
"decisions made by <literal>dist-upgrade, upgrade, install, remove, purge</"
@@ -7453,7 +7422,7 @@ msgstr ""
"upgrade, upgrade, install, remove et purge</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:750
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:733
msgid ""
"<literal>Debug::NoLocking</literal> disables all file locking. This can be "
"used to run some operations (for instance, <literal>apt-get -s install</"
@@ -7465,7 +7434,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:759
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:742
msgid ""
"<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgPM</literal> prints out the actual command line each "
"time that <literal>apt</literal> invokes &dpkg;."
@@ -7477,7 +7446,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. motivating example, except I haven't a clue why you'd want
#. to do this.
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:767
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:750
msgid ""
"<literal>Debug::IdentCdrom</literal> disables the inclusion of statfs data "
"in CDROM IDs."
@@ -7486,17 +7455,17 @@ msgstr ""
"type statfs dans les identifiants de CD."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:777
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:760
msgid "A full list of debugging options to apt follows."
msgstr "Liste complète des options de débogage de APT :"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:782
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:765
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::cdrom</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Acquire::cdrom</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:786
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:769
msgid ""
"Print information related to accessing <literal>cdrom://</literal> sources."
msgstr ""
@@ -7504,44 +7473,44 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:793
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:776
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::ftp</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Acquire::ftp</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:797
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:780
msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using FTP."
msgstr ""
"Affiche les informations concernant le téléchargement de paquets par FTP."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:804
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:787
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::http</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Acquire::http</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:808
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:791
msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using HTTP."
msgstr ""
"Affiche les informations concernant le téléchargement de paquets par HTTP."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:815
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:798
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::https</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Acquire::https</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:819
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:802
msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using HTTPS."
msgstr "Print information related to downloading packages using HTTPS."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:826
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:809
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::gpgv</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Acquire::gpgv</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:830
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:813
msgid ""
"Print information related to verifying cryptographic signatures using "
@@ -7550,12 +7519,12 @@ msgstr ""
"cryptographiques avec <literal>gpg</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:837
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:820
msgid "<literal>Debug::aptcdrom</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::aptcdrom</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:841
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:824
msgid ""
"Output information about the process of accessing collections of packages "
"stored on CD-ROMs."
@@ -7564,24 +7533,24 @@ msgstr ""
"stockées sur CD."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:848
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:831
msgid "<literal>Debug::BuildDeps</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::BuildDeps</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:851
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:834
msgid "Describes the process of resolving build-dependencies in &apt-get;."
msgstr ""
"Décrit le processus de résolution des dépendances pour la construction de "
"paquets source ( « build-dependencies » ) par &apt-get;."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:858
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:841
msgid "<literal>Debug::Hashes</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Hashes</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:861
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:844
msgid ""
"Output each cryptographic hash that is generated by the <literal>apt</"
"literal> libraries."
@@ -7590,12 +7559,12 @@ msgstr ""
"librairies d'<literal>apt</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:868
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:851
msgid "<literal>Debug::IdentCDROM</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::IdentCDROM</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:871
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:854
msgid ""
"Do not include information from <literal>statfs</literal>, namely the number "
"of used and free blocks on the CD-ROM filesystem, when generating an ID for "
@@ -7606,12 +7575,12 @@ msgstr ""
"utilisés sur le système de fichier du CD."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:879
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:862
msgid "<literal>Debug::NoLocking</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::NoLocking</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:882
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:865
msgid ""
"Disable all file locking. For instance, this will allow two instances of "
"<quote><literal>apt-get update</literal></quote> to run at the same time."
@@ -7621,24 +7590,24 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:890
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:873
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:894
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:877
msgid "Log when items are added to or removed from the global download queue."
msgstr ""
"Trace les ajouts et suppressions d'éléments de la queue globale de "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:901
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:884
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Auth</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Auth</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:904
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:887
msgid ""
"Output status messages and errors related to verifying checksums and "
"cryptographic signatures of downloaded files."
@@ -7648,12 +7617,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:911
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:894
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Diffs</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Diffs</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:914
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:897
msgid ""
"Output information about downloading and applying package index list diffs, "
"and errors relating to package index list diffs."
@@ -7663,12 +7632,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:922
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:905
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::RRed</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::RRed</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:926
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:909
msgid ""
"Output information related to patching apt package lists when downloading "
"index diffs instead of full indices."
@@ -7678,12 +7647,12 @@ msgstr ""
"place des fichiers complets."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:933
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:916
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Worker</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Worker</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:937
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:920
msgid ""
"Log all interactions with the sub-processes that actually perform downloads."
msgstr ""
@@ -7691,12 +7660,12 @@ msgstr ""
"effectivement des téléchargements."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:944
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:927
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAutoRemove</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAutoRemove</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:948
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:931
msgid ""
"Log events related to the automatically-installed status of packages and to "
"the removal of unused packages."
@@ -7705,12 +7674,12 @@ msgstr ""
"automatiquement, et la suppression des paquets inutiles."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:955
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:938
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::AutoInstall</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::AutoInstall</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:958
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:941
msgid ""
"Generate debug messages describing which packages are being automatically "
"installed to resolve dependencies. This corresponds to the initial auto-"
@@ -7725,12 +7694,12 @@ msgstr ""
"de APT ; voir <literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal> pour ce dernier."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:969
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:952
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::Marker</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::Marker</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:972
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:955
msgid ""
"Generate debug messages describing which package is marked as keep/install/"
"remove while the ProblemResolver does his work. Each addition or deletion "
@@ -7765,24 +7734,24 @@ msgstr ""
"de APT ; voir <literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal> pour ce dernier."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:991
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:974
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgInitConfig</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgInitConfig</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:994
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:977
msgid "Dump the default configuration to standard error on startup."
msgstr ""
"Affiche, au lancement, l'ensemble de la configuration sur la sortie d'erreur "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1001
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:984
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgPM</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgPM</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1004
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:987
msgid ""
"When invoking &dpkg;, output the precise command line with which it is being "
"invoked, with arguments separated by a single space character."
@@ -7791,12 +7760,12 @@ msgstr ""
"paramètres sont séparés par des espaces."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1012
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:995
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1015
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:998
msgid ""
"Output all the data received from &dpkg; on the status file descriptor and "
"any errors encountered while parsing it."
@@ -7806,12 +7775,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1022
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1005
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgOrderList</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgOrderList</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1026
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1009
msgid ""
"Generate a trace of the algorithm that decides the order in which "
"<literal>apt</literal> should pass packages to &dpkg;."
@@ -7820,33 +7789,33 @@ msgstr ""
"<literal>apt</literal> passe les paquets à &dpkg;."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1034
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1017
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgPackageManager</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgPackageManager</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1038
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1021
msgid ""
"Output status messages tracing the steps performed when invoking &dpkg;."
msgstr "Affiche le détail des opérations liées à l'invocation de &dpkg;."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1045
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1028
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgPolicy</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgPolicy</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1049
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1032
msgid "Output the priority of each package list on startup."
msgstr "Affiche, au lancement, la priorité de chaque liste de paquets."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1055
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1038
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1059
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1042
msgid ""
"Trace the execution of the dependency resolver (this applies only to what "
"happens when a complex dependency problem is encountered)."
@@ -7855,12 +7824,12 @@ msgstr ""
"concerne que les cas où un problème de dépendances complexe se présente)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1067
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1050
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver::ShowScores</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver::ShowScores</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1070
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1053
msgid ""
"Display a list of all installed packages with their calculated score used by "
"the pkgProblemResolver. The description of the package is the same as "
@@ -7871,12 +7840,12 @@ msgstr ""
"est décrite dans <literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::Marker</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1078
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1061
msgid "<literal>Debug::sourceList</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::sourceList</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1082
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1065
msgid ""
"Print information about the vendors read from <filename>/etc/apt/vendors."
@@ -7885,7 +7854,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1105
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1088
msgid ""
"&configureindex; is a configuration file showing example values for all "
"possible options."
@@ -7894,13 +7863,13 @@ msgstr ""
"exemples pour toutes les options existantes."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1112
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1095
msgid "&file-aptconf;"
msgstr "&file-aptconf;"
#. ? reading apt.conf
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1117
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1100
msgid "&apt-cache;, &apt-config;, &apt-preferences;."
msgstr "&apt-cache;, &apt-config;, &apt-preferences;."
@@ -8008,8 +7977,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Note that the files in the <filename>/etc/apt/preferences.d</filename> "
"directory are parsed in alphanumeric ascending order and need to obey the "
-"following naming convention: The files have either no or \"<literal>pref</"
-"literal>\" as filename extension and only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), "
+"following naming convention: The files have no or \"<literal>pref</literal>"
+"\" as filename extension and which only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), "
"underscore (_) and period (.) characters. Otherwise APT will print a notice "
"that it has ignored a file if the file doesn't match a pattern in the "
"<literal>Dir::Ignore-Files-Silently</literal> configuration list - in this "
@@ -8475,7 +8444,7 @@ msgid ""
"APT also supports pinning by glob() expressions and regular expressions "
"surrounded by /. For example, the following example assigns the priority 500 "
"to all packages from experimental where the name starts with gnome (as a glob"
-"()-like expression) or contains the word kde (as a POSIX extended regular "
+"()-like expression or contains the word kde (as a POSIX extended regular "
"expression surrounded by slashes)."
msgstr ""
@@ -8499,7 +8468,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: apt_preferences.5.xml:279
msgid ""
"The rule for those expressions is that they can occur anywhere where a "
-"string can occur. Thus, the following pin assigns the priority 990 to all "
+"string can occur. Those, the following pin assigns the priority 990 to all "
"packages from a release starting with karmic."
msgstr ""
@@ -9411,7 +9380,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: sources.list.5.xml:81
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid "deb uri distribution [component1] [component2] [...]"
-msgid "deb [ options ] uri distribution [component1] [component2] [...]"
+msgid "deb uri distribution [component1] [component2] [...]"
msgstr "deb uri distribution [composant1] [composant2] [...]"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
@@ -9482,27 +9451,6 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#: sources.list.5.xml:112
msgid ""
-"<literal>options</literal> is always optional and needs to be surounded by "
-"square brackets. It can consist of multiple settings in the form "
-"replaceable></literal>. Multiple settings are separated by spaces. The "
-"following settings are supported by APT, note though that unsupported "
-"settings will be ignored silently:"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:117
-msgid ""
-"replaceable>,…</literal> can be used to specify for which architectures "
-"packages information should be downloaded. If this option is not set all "
-"architectures defined by the <literal>APT::Architectures</literal> option "
-"will be downloaded."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:123
-msgid ""
"It is important to list sources in order of preference, with the most "
"preferred source listed first. Typically this will result in sorting by "
"speed from fastest to slowest (CD-ROM followed by hosts on a local network, "
@@ -9514,12 +9462,12 @@ msgstr ""
"les hôtes distants."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:128
+#: sources.list.5.xml:117
msgid "Some examples:"
msgstr "Exemples :"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:130
+#: sources.list.5.xml:119
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"deb &stable-codename; main contrib non-free\n"
@@ -9531,17 +9479,17 @@ msgstr ""
" "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:136
+#: sources.list.5.xml:125
msgid "URI specification"
msgstr "Spécification des URI"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:141
+#: sources.list.5.xml:130
msgid "file"
msgstr "file"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:143
+#: sources.list.5.xml:132
msgid ""
"The file scheme allows an arbitrary directory in the file system to be "
"considered an archive. This is useful for NFS mounts and local mirrors or "
@@ -9552,7 +9500,7 @@ msgstr ""
"avec les montages NFS, les miroirs et les archives locaux."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:150
+#: sources.list.5.xml:139
msgid ""
"The cdrom scheme allows APT to use a local CDROM drive with media swapping. "
"Use the &apt-cdrom; program to create cdrom entries in the source list."
@@ -9562,7 +9510,7 @@ msgstr ""
"pour créer des entrées dans la liste des sources."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:157
+#: sources.list.5.xml:146
msgid ""
"The http scheme specifies an HTTP server for the archive. If an environment "
"variable <envar>http_proxy</envar> is set with the format http://server:"
@@ -9579,7 +9527,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Notez qu'il s'agit d'une méthode d'authentification peu sûre."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:168
+#: sources.list.5.xml:157
msgid ""
"The ftp scheme specifies an FTP server for the archive. APT's FTP behavior "
"is highly configurable; for more information see the &apt-conf; manual page. "
@@ -9599,12 +9547,12 @@ msgstr ""
"et qui sont spécifiés dans le fichier de configuration seront ignorés."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:177
+#: sources.list.5.xml:166
msgid "copy"
msgstr "copy"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:179
+#: sources.list.5.xml:168
msgid ""
"The copy scheme is identical to the file scheme except that packages are "
"copied into the cache directory instead of used directly at their location. "
@@ -9616,17 +9564,17 @@ msgstr ""
"gens qui utilisent un disque zip pour recopier des fichiers avec APT."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:184
+#: sources.list.5.xml:173
msgid "rsh"
msgstr "rsh"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:184
+#: sources.list.5.xml:173
msgid "ssh"
msgstr "ssh"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:186
+#: sources.list.5.xml:175
msgid ""
"The rsh/ssh method invokes rsh/ssh to connect to a remote host as a given "
"user and access the files. It is a good idea to do prior arrangements with "
@@ -9641,12 +9589,12 @@ msgstr ""
"commandes standard <command>find</command> et <command>dd</command>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:194
+#: sources.list.5.xml:183
msgid "more recognizable URI types"
msgstr "plus de types d'URI simples à reconnaître"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:196
+#: sources.list.5.xml:185
msgid ""
"APT can be extended with more methods shipped in other optional packages "
"which should follow the nameing scheme <literal>apt-transport-"
@@ -9668,7 +9616,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:138
+#: sources.list.5.xml:127
msgid ""
"The currently recognized URI types are cdrom, file, http, ftp, copy, ssh, "
"rsh. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
@@ -9677,7 +9625,7 @@ msgstr ""
"ssh et rsh. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:210
+#: sources.list.5.xml:199
msgid ""
"Uses the archive stored locally (or NFS mounted) at /home/jason/debian for "
"stable/main, stable/contrib, and stable/non-free."
@@ -9686,60 +9634,37 @@ msgstr ""
"debian pour stable/main, stable/contrib et stable/non-free."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:212
+#: sources.list.5.xml:201
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb file:/home/jason/debian stable main contrib non-free"
msgstr "deb file:/home/jason/debian stable main contrib non-free"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:214
+#: sources.list.5.xml:203
msgid "As above, except this uses the unstable (development) distribution."
msgstr ""
"Comme ci-dessus, excepté que cette ligne utilise la distribution "
"« unstable » (développement)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:215
+#: sources.list.5.xml:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
msgstr "deb file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:217
+#: sources.list.5.xml:206
msgid "Source line for the above"
msgstr "La précédente ligne, mais pour les sources."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:218
+#: sources.list.5.xml:207
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb-src file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
msgstr "deb-src file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:220
-msgid ""
-"The first line gets package information for the architectures in "
-"<literal>APT::Architectures</literal> while the second always retrieves "
-"<literal>amd64</literal> and <literal>armel</literal>."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:222
-#, fuzzy, no-wrap
-#| msgid ""
-#| "deb &stable-codename; main contrib non-free\n"
-#| "deb &stable-codename;/updates main contrib non-free\n"
-#| " "
-msgid ""
-"deb &stable-codename; main\n"
-"deb [ arch=amd64,armel ] &stable-codename; main"
-msgstr ""
-"deb &stable-codename; main contrib non-free\n"
-"deb &stable-codename;/updates main contrib non-free\n"
-" "
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:225
+#: sources.list.5.xml:209
msgid ""
"Uses HTTP to access the archive at, and uses only the "
"hamm/main area."
@@ -9748,13 +9673,13 @@ msgstr ""
"n'utiliser que la section hamm/main."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:227
+#: sources.list.5.xml:211
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb hamm main"
msgstr "deb hamm main"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:229
+#: sources.list.5.xml:213
msgid ""
"Uses FTP to access the archive at, under the debian "
"directory, and uses only the &stable-codename;/contrib area."
@@ -9763,13 +9688,13 @@ msgstr ""
"répertoire debian, et n'utiliser que la section &stable-codename;/contrib."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:231
+#: sources.list.5.xml:215
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb &stable-codename; contrib"
msgstr "deb &stable-codename; contrib"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:233
+#: sources.list.5.xml:217
msgid ""
"Uses FTP to access the archive at, under the debian "
"directory, and uses only the unstable/contrib area. If this line appears as "
@@ -9782,19 +9707,19 @@ msgstr ""
"apparaissent, une seule session FTP sera utilisée pour les deux lignes."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:237
+#: sources.list.5.xml:221
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb unstable contrib"
msgstr "deb unstable contrib"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:246
+#: sources.list.5.xml:230
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb unstable/binary-$(ARCH)/"
msgstr "deb unstable/binary-$(ARCH)/"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:239
+#: sources.list.5.xml:223
msgid ""
"Uses HTTP to access the archive at, under the universe "
"directory, and uses only files found under <filename>unstable/binary-i386</"
@@ -9814,7 +9739,7 @@ msgstr ""
"type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:251
+#: sources.list.5.xml:235
msgid "&apt-cache; &apt-conf;"
msgstr "&apt-cache; &apt-conf;"
@@ -11380,12 +11305,59 @@ msgstr " # apt-get -o dir::cache::archives=\"/disc/\" dist-upgrade"
msgid "Which will use the already fetched archives on the disc."
msgstr "Cette commande utilisera les fichiers récupérés sur le disque."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "<option>--recurse</option>"
+#~ msgid "<option>--host-architecture</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>--recurse</option>"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Max-ValidTime"
+#~ msgid "Min-ValidTime"
+#~ msgstr "Max-ValidTime"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "Seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was "
+#~| "created. The default is \"for ever\" (0) if the Release file of the "
+#~| "archive doesn't include a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header. If it "
+#~| "does then this date is the default. The date from the Release file or "
+#~| "the date specified by the creation time of the Release file "
+#~| "(<literal>Date</literal> header) plus the seconds specified with this "
+#~| "options are used to check if the validation of a file has expired by "
+#~| "using the earlier date of the two. Archive specific settings can be made "
+#~| "by appending the label of the archive to the option name."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Minimum of seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it "
+#~ "was created (indicated by the <literal>Date</literal> header). Use this "
+#~ "if you need to use a seldomly updated (local) mirror of a more regular "
+#~ "updated archive with a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header instead of "
+#~ "completely disabling the expiration date checking. Archive specific "
+#~ "settings can and should be used by appending the label of the archive to "
+#~ "the option name."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Durée (en secondes) pendant laquelle un fichier Release est considéré "
+#~ "comme valable, à partir du moment de sa création. La valeur par défaut "
+#~ "est 0 (fichier valable indéfiniment) si le fichier Release de l'archive "
+#~ "ne comporte pas d'en-tête <literal>Valid-Until</literal>. Dans le cas "
+#~ "contraire, c'est la valeur de cet en-tête qui est la valeur par défaut du "
+#~ "paramètre. La date du fichier Release ou la date indiquée dans l'en-tête "
+#~ "<literal>Date</literal>, augmentées du nombre de secondes indiquées sont "
+#~ "comparées à la date courante pour déterminer si un fichier Release donné "
+#~ "est obsolète ou pas. Un réglage spécifique pour une archive donnée peut "
+#~ "être défini en ajoutant l'étiquette de l'archive au nom de l'option."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "deb &stable-codename; main contrib non-free\n"
+#~| "deb &stable-codename;/updates main contrib non-free\n"
+#~| " "
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Update the local keyring with the keyring of Debian archive keys and "
-#~ "removes from the keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid."
+#~ "deb &stable-codename; main\n"
+#~ "deb [ arch=amd64,armel ] &stable-codename; main"
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Mettre à jour le trousseau de clés local avec le trousseau de clés de "
-#~ "l'archive Debian et supprimer les clés qui y sont périmées."
+#~ "deb &stable-codename; main contrib non-free\n"
+#~ "deb &stable-codename;/updates main contrib non-free\n"
+#~ " "
#~ msgid "<option>--md5</option>"
#~ msgstr "<option>--md5</option>"
diff --git a/doc/po/it.po b/doc/po/it.po
index 148244138..4571690e1 100644
--- a/doc/po/it.po
+++ b/doc/po/it.po
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-11-20 17:58+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-08 16:54+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-04-26 23:26+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Traduzione di Eugenia Franzoni <>\n"
"Language-Team: <>\n"
@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:64 apt-cdrom.8.xml:50 apt-config.8.xml:50
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:46 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:59 apt-get.8.xml:121
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:46 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:59 apt-get.8.xml:114
#: apt-key.8.xml:38 apt-mark.8.xml:56 apt-secure.8.xml:43
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:47 apt.conf.5.xml:42 apt_preferences.5.xml:36
#: sources.list.5.xml:36
@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:70 apt-get.8.xml:127
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:70 apt-get.8.xml:120
msgid ""
"Unless the <option>-h</option>, or <option>--help</option> option is given, "
"one of the commands below must be present."
@@ -910,8 +910,8 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:278 apt-config.8.xml:96 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:59
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:342 apt-mark.8.xml:126
-#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:57 apt.conf.5.xml:577 apt.conf.5.xml:599
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:331 apt-mark.8.xml:126
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:57 apt.conf.5.xml:560 apt.conf.5.xml:582
msgid "options"
msgstr ""
@@ -934,7 +934,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:572 apt-get.8.xml:404
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571 apt-get.8.xml:393
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:61
msgid "<option>-s</option>"
msgstr ""
@@ -955,12 +955,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:546 apt-get.8.xml:394
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>-q</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:546 apt-get.8.xml:394
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>--quiet</option>"
msgstr ""
@@ -1035,14 +1035,14 @@ msgstr ""
#: apt-cache.8.xml:317
msgid ""
"Per default the <literal>depends</literal> and <literal>rdepends</literal> "
-"print all dependencies. This can be tweaked with these flags which will omit "
+"print all dependencies. This can be twicked with these flags which will omit "
"the specified dependency type. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Cache::"
"Show<replaceable>DependencyType</replaceable></literal> e.g. <literal>APT::"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:323 apt-cdrom.8.xml:124 apt-get.8.xml:361
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:323 apt-cdrom.8.xml:124 apt-get.8.xml:350
msgid "<option>-f</option>"
msgstr ""
@@ -1059,8 +1059,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
-#: apt-get.8.xml:447
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
msgid "<option>-a</option>"
msgstr ""
@@ -1156,14 +1155,14 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:367 apt-cdrom.8.xml:153 apt-config.8.xml:101
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:612 apt-get.8.xml:591
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:611 apt-get.8.xml:570
#: apt-mark.8.xml:140 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:67
msgid "&apt-commonoptions;"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:596 apt-key.8.xml:175 apt-mark.8.xml:144
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1110 apt_preferences.5.xml:697
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:575 apt-key.8.xml:172 apt-mark.8.xml:144
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1093 apt_preferences.5.xml:697
msgid "Files"
msgstr ""
@@ -1174,10 +1173,10 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:379 apt-cdrom.8.xml:158 apt-config.8.xml:106
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628 apt-get.8.xml:606
-#: apt-key.8.xml:196 apt-mark.8.xml:150 apt-secure.8.xml:185
-#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1116 apt_preferences.5.xml:704
-#: sources.list.5.xml:250
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:627 apt-get.8.xml:585
+#: apt-key.8.xml:193 apt-mark.8.xml:150 apt-secure.8.xml:185
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1099 apt_preferences.5.xml:704
+#: sources.list.5.xml:234
msgid "See Also"
msgstr ""
@@ -1188,7 +1187,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:384 apt-cdrom.8.xml:163 apt-config.8.xml:111
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:632 apt-get.8.xml:612
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:631 apt-get.8.xml:591
#: apt-mark.8.xml:154 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:76
msgid "Diagnostics"
msgstr ""
@@ -1288,12 +1287,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:161
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:158
msgid "Options"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:540 apt-get.8.xml:356
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539 apt-get.8.xml:345
msgid "<option>-d</option>"
msgstr ""
@@ -1329,7 +1328,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:116 apt-get.8.xml:375
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:116 apt-get.8.xml:364
msgid "<option>-m</option>"
msgstr ""
@@ -1374,17 +1373,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:143 apt-get.8.xml:406
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:143 apt-get.8.xml:395
msgid "<option>--just-print</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:144 apt-get.8.xml:408
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:144 apt-get.8.xml:397
msgid "<option>--recon</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:145 apt-get.8.xml:409
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:145 apt-get.8.xml:398
msgid "<option>--no-act</option>"
msgstr ""
@@ -1497,7 +1496,7 @@ msgid "Just show the contents of the configuration space."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:629
+#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:73
msgid "&apt-conf;"
msgstr ""
@@ -1558,7 +1557,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:63 apt-get.8.xml:525
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:63 apt-get.8.xml:504
msgid "<option>-t</option>"
msgstr ""
@@ -1760,7 +1759,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:145 apt-get.8.xml:298
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:145 apt-get.8.xml:287
msgid "clean"
msgstr ""
@@ -2218,8 +2217,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:394 apt.conf.5.xml:157
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:394
msgid "Architectures"
msgstr ""
@@ -2420,26 +2419,26 @@ msgid ""
"Configuration Items: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Checksum</"
"replaceable></literal> and <literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Index</"
"replaceable>::<replaceable>Checksum</replaceable></literal> where "
-"<literal><replaceable>Index</replaceable></literal> can be "
-"<literal>Packages</literal>, <literal>Sources</literal> or <literal>Release</"
-"literal> and <literal><replaceable>Checksum</replaceable></literal> can be "
-"<literal>MD5</literal>, <literal>SHA1</literal> or <literal>SHA256</literal>."
+"<literal>Index</literal> can be <literal>Packages</literal>, "
+"<literal>Sources</literal> or <literal>Release</literal> and "
+"<literal>Checksum</literal> can be <literal>MD5</literal>, <literal>SHA1</"
+"literal> or <literal>SHA256</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:540
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539
msgid "<option>--db</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:542
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:541
msgid ""
"Use a binary caching DB. This has no effect on the generate command. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::DB</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:548
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:547
msgid ""
"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
@@ -2448,12 +2447,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:554
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:553
msgid "<option>--delink</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:556
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:555
msgid ""
"Perform Delinking. If the <literal>External-Links</literal> setting is used "
"then this option actually enables delinking of the files. It defaults to on "
@@ -2462,12 +2461,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:562
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:561
msgid "<option>--contents</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:564
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:563
msgid ""
"Perform contents generation. When this option is set and package indexes are "
"being generated with a cache DB then the file listing will also be extracted "
@@ -2477,12 +2476,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:572
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571
msgid "<option>--source-override</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:574
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:573
msgid ""
"Select the source override file to use with the <literal>sources</literal> "
"command. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::SourceOverride</"
@@ -2490,24 +2489,24 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:578
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:577
msgid "<option>--readonly</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:580
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:579
msgid ""
"Make the caching databases read only. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
msgid "<option>--arch</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:585
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
msgid ""
"Accept in the <literal>packages</literal> and <literal>contents</literal> "
"commands only package files matching <literal>*_arch.deb</literal> or "
@@ -2516,12 +2515,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:591
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:590
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::AlwaysStat</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:593
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:592
msgid ""
"&apt-ftparchive; caches as much as possible of metadata in a cachedb. If "
"packages are recompiled and/or republished with the same version again, this "
@@ -2535,12 +2534,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:603
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:602
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::LongDescription</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:605
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:604
msgid ""
"This configuration option defaults to \"<literal>true</literal>\" and should "
"only be set to <literal>\"false\"</literal> if the Archive generated with "
@@ -2550,26 +2549,26 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:617 apt.conf.5.xml:1104 apt_preferences.5.xml:544
-#: sources.list.5.xml:209
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:616 apt.conf.5.xml:1087 apt_preferences.5.xml:544
+#: sources.list.5.xml:198
msgid "Examples"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><programlisting>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:623
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:622
#, no-wrap
msgid "<command>apt-ftparchive</command> packages <replaceable>directory</replaceable> | <command>gzip</command> > <filename>Packages.gz</filename>\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:619
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:618
msgid ""
"To create a compressed Packages file for a directory containing binary "
"packages (.deb): <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:633
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:632
msgid ""
"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal "
"100 on error."
@@ -2601,11 +2600,10 @@ msgid ""
"<option>-o= <replaceable>config_string</replaceable> </option> </arg> <arg> "
"<option>-c= <replaceable>config_file</replaceable> </option> </arg> <arg> "
"<option>-t=</option> <arg choice='plain'> <replaceable>target_release</"
-"replaceable> </arg> </arg> <arg> <option>-a=</option> <arg choice='plain'> "
-"<replaceable>default_architecture</replaceable> </arg> </arg> <group choice="
-"\"req\"> <arg choice='plain'>update</arg> <arg choice='plain'>upgrade</arg> "
-"<arg choice='plain'>dselect-upgrade</arg> <arg choice='plain'>dist-upgrade</"
-"arg> <arg choice='plain'>install <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
+"replaceable> </arg> </arg> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>update</arg> <arg choice='plain'>upgrade</arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>dselect-upgrade</arg> <arg choice='plain'>dist-upgrade</arg> "
+"<arg choice='plain'>install <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
"\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable> <arg> <group choice='req'> <arg "
"choice='plain'> =<replaceable>pkg_version_number</replaceable> </arg> <arg "
"choice='plain'> /<replaceable>target_release</replaceable> </arg> </group> </"
@@ -2627,7 +2625,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:122
+#: apt-get.8.xml:115
msgid ""
"<command>apt-get</command> is the command-line tool for handling packages, "
"and may be considered the user's \"back-end\" to other tools using the APT "
@@ -2636,13 +2634,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:131 apt-key.8.xml:127
+#: apt-get.8.xml:124 apt-key.8.xml:127
#, fuzzy
msgid "update"
msgstr "upgrade"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:132
+#: apt-get.8.xml:125
msgid ""
"<literal>update</literal> is used to resynchronize the package index files "
"from their sources. The indexes of available packages are fetched from the "
@@ -2656,13 +2654,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: <tag></tag>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:143 guide.sgml:121
+#: apt-get.8.xml:136 guide.sgml:121
#, fuzzy
msgid "upgrade"
msgstr "upgrade"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:144
+#: apt-get.8.xml:137
msgid ""
"<literal>upgrade</literal> is used to install the newest versions of all "
"packages currently installed on the system from the sources enumerated in "
@@ -2677,13 +2675,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:156
+#: apt-get.8.xml:149
#, fuzzy
msgid "dselect-upgrade"
msgstr "dist-upgrade"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:157
+#: apt-get.8.xml:150
msgid ""
"<literal>dselect-upgrade</literal> is used in conjunction with the "
"traditional Debian packaging front-end, &dselect;. <literal>dselect-upgrade</"
@@ -2694,13 +2692,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: <tag></tag>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:166 guide.sgml:140
+#: apt-get.8.xml:159 guide.sgml:140
#, fuzzy
msgid "dist-upgrade"
msgstr "dist-upgrade"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:167
+#: apt-get.8.xml:160
msgid ""
"<literal>dist-upgrade</literal> in addition to performing the function of "
"<literal>upgrade</literal>, also intelligently handles changing dependencies "
@@ -2714,13 +2712,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: <tag></tag>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:179 guide.sgml:131
+#: apt-get.8.xml:172 guide.sgml:131
#, fuzzy
msgid "install"
msgstr "install"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:181
+#: apt-get.8.xml:174
msgid ""
"<literal>install</literal> is followed by one or more packages desired for "
"installation or upgrading. Each package is a package name, not a fully "
@@ -2736,7 +2734,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:199
+#: apt-get.8.xml:192
msgid ""
"A specific version of a package can be selected for installation by "
"following the package name with an equals and the version of the package to "
@@ -2747,14 +2745,14 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:206
+#: apt-get.8.xml:199
msgid ""
"Both of the version selection mechanisms can downgrade packages and must be "
"used with care."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:209
+#: apt-get.8.xml:202
msgid ""
"This is also the target to use if you want to upgrade one or more already-"
"installed packages without upgrading every package you have on your system. "
@@ -2766,14 +2764,14 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:220
+#: apt-get.8.xml:213
msgid ""
"Finally, the &apt-preferences; mechanism allows you to create an alternative "
"installation policy for individual packages."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:224
+#: apt-get.8.xml:217
msgid ""
"If no package matches the given expression and the expression contains one "
"of '.', '?' or '*' then it is assumed to be a POSIX regular expression, and "
@@ -2785,12 +2783,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:233
+#: apt-get.8.xml:226
msgid "remove"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:234
+#: apt-get.8.xml:227
msgid ""
"<literal>remove</literal> is identical to <literal>install</literal> except "
"that packages are removed instead of installed. Note the removing a package "
@@ -2800,12 +2798,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:241
+#: apt-get.8.xml:234
msgid "purge"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:242
+#: apt-get.8.xml:235
msgid ""
"<literal>purge</literal> is identical to <literal>remove</literal> except "
"that packages are removed and purged (any configuration files are deleted "
@@ -2813,12 +2811,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:246
+#: apt-get.8.xml:239
msgid "source"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:247
+#: apt-get.8.xml:240
msgid ""
"<literal>source</literal> causes <command>apt-get</command> to fetch source "
"packages. APT will examine the available packages to decide which source "
@@ -2830,7 +2828,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:255
+#: apt-get.8.xml:248
msgid ""
"Source packages are tracked separately from binary packages via <literal>deb-"
"src</literal> type lines in the &sources-list; file. This means that you "
@@ -2840,17 +2838,16 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:262
+#: apt-get.8.xml:255
msgid ""
"If the <option>--compile</option> option is specified then the package will "
-"be compiled to a binary .deb using <command>dpkg-buildpackage</command> for "
-"the architecture as defined by the <command>--host-architecture</command> "
-"option. If <option>--download-only</option> is specified then the source "
-"package will not be unpacked."
+"be compiled to a binary .deb using <command>dpkg-buildpackage</command>, if "
+"<option>--download-only</option> is specified then the source package will "
+"not be unpacked."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:269
+#: apt-get.8.xml:260
msgid ""
"A specific source version can be retrieved by postfixing the source name "
"with an equals and then the version to fetch, similar to the mechanism used "
@@ -2860,7 +2857,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:275
+#: apt-get.8.xml:266
msgid ""
"Note that source packages are not tracked like binary packages, they exist "
"only in the current directory and are similar to downloading source tar "
@@ -2868,46 +2865,43 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:280
+#: apt-get.8.xml:271
msgid "build-dep"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:281
+#: apt-get.8.xml:272
msgid ""
"<literal>build-dep</literal> causes apt-get to install/remove packages in an "
-"attempt to satisfy the build dependencies for a source package. By default "
-"the dependencies are satisfied to build the package natively. If desired a "
-"host-architecture can be specified with the <option>--host-architecture</"
-"option> option instead."
+"attempt to satisfy the build dependencies for a source package."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:287
+#: apt-get.8.xml:276
msgid "check"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:288
+#: apt-get.8.xml:277
msgid ""
"<literal>check</literal> is a diagnostic tool; it updates the package cache "
"and checks for broken dependencies."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:292
+#: apt-get.8.xml:281
msgid "download"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:293
+#: apt-get.8.xml:282
msgid ""
"<literal>download</literal> will download the given binary package into the "
-"current directory."
+"current directoy."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:299
+#: apt-get.8.xml:288
msgid ""
"<literal>clean</literal> clears out the local repository of retrieved "
"package files. It removes everything but the lock file from "
@@ -2919,12 +2913,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:308
+#: apt-get.8.xml:297
msgid "autoclean"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:309
+#: apt-get.8.xml:298
msgid ""
"Like <literal>clean</literal>, <literal>autoclean</literal> clears out the "
"local repository of retrieved package files. The difference is that it only "
@@ -2936,25 +2930,25 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:318
+#: apt-get.8.xml:307
msgid "autoremove"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:319
+#: apt-get.8.xml:308
msgid ""
"<literal>autoremove</literal> is used to remove packages that were "
-"automatically installed to satisfy dependencies for other packages and are "
-"now no longer needed."
+"automatically installed to satisfy dependencies for some package and that "
+"are no more needed."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:323
+#: apt-get.8.xml:312
msgid "changelog"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:324
+#: apt-get.8.xml:313
msgid ""
"<literal>changelog</literal> downloads a package changelog and displays it "
"through <command>sensible-pager</command>. The server name and base "
@@ -2967,48 +2961,48 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:346
+#: apt-get.8.xml:335
msgid "<option>--no-install-recommends</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:347
+#: apt-get.8.xml:336
msgid ""
"Do not consider recommended packages as a dependency for installing. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Install-Recommends</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:351
+#: apt-get.8.xml:340
msgid "<option>--install-suggests</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:352
+#: apt-get.8.xml:341
msgid ""
"Consider suggested packages as a dependency for installing. Configuration "
"Item: <literal>APT::Install-Suggests</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:356
+#: apt-get.8.xml:345
msgid "<option>--download-only</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:357
+#: apt-get.8.xml:346
msgid ""
"Download only; package files are only retrieved, not unpacked or installed. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Download-Only</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:361
+#: apt-get.8.xml:350
msgid "<option>--fix-broken</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:362
+#: apt-get.8.xml:351
msgid ""
"Fix; attempt to correct a system with broken dependencies in place. This "
"option, when used with install/remove, can omit any packages to permit APT "
@@ -3024,17 +3018,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:375
+#: apt-get.8.xml:364
msgid "<option>--ignore-missing</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:376
+#: apt-get.8.xml:365
msgid "<option>--fix-missing</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:377
+#: apt-get.8.xml:366
msgid ""
"Ignore missing packages; If packages cannot be retrieved or fail the "
"integrity check after retrieval (corrupted package files), hold back those "
@@ -3046,12 +3040,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:387
+#: apt-get.8.xml:376
msgid "<option>--no-download</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:388
+#: apt-get.8.xml:377
msgid ""
"Disables downloading of packages. This is best used with <option>--ignore-"
"missing</option> to force APT to use only the .debs it has already "
@@ -3059,7 +3053,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:395
+#: apt-get.8.xml:384
msgid ""
"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
@@ -3071,17 +3065,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:405
+#: apt-get.8.xml:394
msgid "<option>--simulate</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:407
+#: apt-get.8.xml:396
msgid "<option>--dry-run</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:410
+#: apt-get.8.xml:399
msgid ""
"No action; perform a simulation of events that would occur but do not "
"actually change the system. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::"
@@ -3089,7 +3083,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:414
+#: apt-get.8.xml:403
msgid ""
"Simulation run as user will deactivate locking (<literal>Debug::NoLocking</"
"literal>) automatic. Also a notice will be displayed indicating that this "
@@ -3100,7 +3094,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:420
+#: apt-get.8.xml:409
msgid ""
"Simulate prints out a series of lines each one representing a dpkg "
"operation, Configure (Conf), Remove (Remv), Unpack (Inst). Square brackets "
@@ -3109,22 +3103,22 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:427
+#: apt-get.8.xml:416
msgid "<option>-y</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:427
+#: apt-get.8.xml:416
msgid "<option>--yes</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:428
+#: apt-get.8.xml:417
msgid "<option>--assume-yes</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:429
+#: apt-get.8.xml:418
msgid ""
"Automatic yes to prompts; assume \"yes\" as answer to all prompts and run "
"non-interactively. If an undesirable situation, such as changing a held "
@@ -3134,84 +3128,68 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:436
+#: apt-get.8.xml:425
msgid "<option>-u</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:436
+#: apt-get.8.xml:425
msgid "<option>--show-upgraded</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:437
+#: apt-get.8.xml:426
msgid ""
"Show upgraded packages; Print out a list of all packages that are to be "
"upgraded. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Show-Upgraded</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:442
+#: apt-get.8.xml:431
msgid "<option>-V</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:442
+#: apt-get.8.xml:431
msgid "<option>--verbose-versions</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:443
+#: apt-get.8.xml:432
msgid ""
"Show full versions for upgraded and installed packages. Configuration Item: "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:448
-msgid "<option>--host-architecture</option>"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:449
-msgid ""
-"This option controls the architecture packages are built for by <command>apt-"
-"get source --compile</command> and how cross-builddependencies are "
-"satisfied. By default is it not set which means that the host architecture "
-"is the same as the build architecture (which is defined by <literal>APT::"
-"Architecture</literal>). Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Host-"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:457
+#: apt-get.8.xml:436
msgid "<option>-b</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:457
+#: apt-get.8.xml:436
msgid "<option>--compile</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:458
+#: apt-get.8.xml:437
msgid "<option>--build</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:459
+#: apt-get.8.xml:438
msgid ""
"Compile source packages after downloading them. Configuration Item: "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:463
+#: apt-get.8.xml:442
msgid "<option>--ignore-hold</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:464
+#: apt-get.8.xml:443
msgid ""
"Ignore package Holds; This causes <command>apt-get</command> to ignore a "
"hold placed on a package. This may be useful in conjunction with "
@@ -3220,12 +3198,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:470
+#: apt-get.8.xml:449
msgid "<option>--no-upgrade</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:471
+#: apt-get.8.xml:450
msgid ""
"Do not upgrade packages; When used in conjunction with <literal>install</"
"literal>, <literal>no-upgrade</literal> will prevent packages on the command "
@@ -3234,12 +3212,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:477
+#: apt-get.8.xml:456
msgid "<option>--only-upgrade</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:478
+#: apt-get.8.xml:457
msgid ""
"Do not install new packages; When used in conjunction with <literal>install</"
"literal>, <literal>only-upgrade</literal> will prevent packages on the "
@@ -3248,12 +3226,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:484
+#: apt-get.8.xml:463
msgid "<option>--force-yes</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:485
+#: apt-get.8.xml:464
msgid ""
"Force yes; This is a dangerous option that will cause apt to continue "
"without prompting if it is doing something potentially harmful. It should "
@@ -3263,12 +3241,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:492
+#: apt-get.8.xml:471
msgid "<option>--print-uris</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:493
+#: apt-get.8.xml:472
msgid ""
"Instead of fetching the files to install their URIs are printed. Each URI "
"will have the path, the destination file name, the size and the expected md5 "
@@ -3281,12 +3259,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:503
+#: apt-get.8.xml:482
msgid "<option>--purge</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:504
+#: apt-get.8.xml:483
msgid ""
"Use purge instead of remove for anything that would be removed. An asterisk "
"(\"*\") will be displayed next to packages which are scheduled to be purged. "
@@ -3295,24 +3273,24 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:511
+#: apt-get.8.xml:490
msgid "<option>--reinstall</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:512
+#: apt-get.8.xml:491
msgid ""
"Re-Install packages that are already installed and at the newest version. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::ReInstall</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:516
+#: apt-get.8.xml:495
msgid "<option>--list-cleanup</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:517
+#: apt-get.8.xml:496
msgid ""
"This option defaults to on, use <literal>--no-list-cleanup</literal> to turn "
"it off. When on <command>apt-get</command> will automatically manage the "
@@ -3323,17 +3301,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:526
+#: apt-get.8.xml:505
msgid "<option>--target-release</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:527
+#: apt-get.8.xml:506
msgid "<option>--default-release</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:528
+#: apt-get.8.xml:507
msgid ""
"This option controls the default input to the policy engine, it creates a "
"default pin at priority 990 using the specified release string. This "
@@ -3347,12 +3325,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:541
+#: apt-get.8.xml:520
msgid "<option>--trivial-only</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:543
+#: apt-get.8.xml:522
msgid ""
"Only perform operations that are 'trivial'. Logically this can be considered "
"related to <option>--assume-yes</option>, where <option>--assume-yes</"
@@ -3361,24 +3339,24 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:549
+#: apt-get.8.xml:528
msgid "<option>--no-remove</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:550
+#: apt-get.8.xml:529
msgid ""
"If any packages are to be removed apt-get immediately aborts without "
"prompting. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Remove</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:555
+#: apt-get.8.xml:534
msgid "<option>--auto-remove</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:556
+#: apt-get.8.xml:535
msgid ""
"If the command is either <literal>install</literal> or <literal>remove</"
"literal>, then this option acts like running <literal>autoremove</literal> "
@@ -3387,12 +3365,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:562
+#: apt-get.8.xml:541
msgid "<option>--only-source</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:563
+#: apt-get.8.xml:542
msgid ""
"Only has meaning for the <literal>source</literal> and <literal>build-dep</"
"literal> commands. Indicates that the given source names are not to be "
@@ -3404,22 +3382,22 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:573
+#: apt-get.8.xml:552
msgid "<option>--diff-only</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:573
+#: apt-get.8.xml:552
msgid "<option>--dsc-only</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:573
+#: apt-get.8.xml:552
msgid "<option>--tar-only</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:574
+#: apt-get.8.xml:553
msgid ""
"Download only the diff, dsc, or tar file of a source archive. Configuration "
"Item: <literal>APT::Get::Diff-Only</literal>, <literal>APT::Get::Dsc-Only</"
@@ -3427,24 +3405,24 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:579
+#: apt-get.8.xml:558
msgid "<option>--arch-only</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:580
+#: apt-get.8.xml:559
msgid ""
"Only process architecture-dependent build-dependencies. Configuration Item: "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:584
+#: apt-get.8.xml:563
msgid "<option>--allow-unauthenticated</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:585
+#: apt-get.8.xml:564
msgid ""
"Ignore if packages can't be authenticated and don't prompt about it. This "
"is useful for tools like pbuilder. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::"
@@ -3452,14 +3430,14 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:598
+#: apt-get.8.xml:577
msgid ""
"&file-sourceslist; &file-aptconf; &file-preferences; &file-cachearchives; "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:607
+#: apt-get.8.xml:586
msgid ""
"&apt-cache;, &apt-cdrom;, &dpkg;, &dselect;, &sources-list;, &apt-conf;, "
"&apt-config;, &apt-secure;, The APT User's guide in &guidesdir;, &apt-"
@@ -3467,29 +3445,29 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:613
+#: apt-get.8.xml:592
msgid ""
"<command>apt-get</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 on "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:616
+#: apt-get.8.xml:595
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:617
+#: apt-get.8.xml:596
msgid "&apt-author.jgunthorpe;"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:620
+#: apt-get.8.xml:599
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:622
+#: apt-get.8.xml:601
msgid "&;"
msgstr ""
@@ -3604,91 +3582,86 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#: apt-key.8.xml:131
msgid ""
-"Update the local keyring with the archive keyring and remove from the local "
-"keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid. The archive keyring is "
-"shipped in the <literal>archive-keyring</literal> package of your "
-"distribution, e.g. the <literal>debian-archive-keyring</literal> package in "
+"Update the local keyring with the keyring of Debian archive keys and removes "
+"from the keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:141
+#: apt-key.8.xml:140
#, fuzzy
msgid "net-update"
msgstr "upgrade"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:145
+#: apt-key.8.xml:144
msgid ""
-"Work similar to the <command>update</command> command above, but get the "
-"archive keyring from an URI instead and validate it against a master key. "
-"This requires an installed &wget; and an APT build configured to have a "
-"server to fetch from and a master keyring to validate. APT in Debian does "
-"not support this command and relies on <command>update</command> instead, "
-"but Ubuntu's APT does."
+"Update the local keyring with the keys of a key server and removes from the "
+"keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid. This requires an "
+"installed wget and an APT build configured to have a server to fetch from. "
+"APT in Debian does not support this command, but Ubuntu's APT does."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:162
+#: apt-key.8.xml:159
msgid ""
"Note that options need to be defined before the commands described in the "
"previous section."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:164
+#: apt-key.8.xml:161
msgid "--keyring <replaceable>filename</replaceable>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:165
+#: apt-key.8.xml:162
msgid ""
"With this option it is possible to specify a specific keyring file the "
"command should operate on. The default is that a command is executed on the "
"<filename>trusted.gpg</filename> file as well as on all parts in the "
-"<filename>trusted.gpg.d</filename> directory, though <filename>trusted.gpg</"
+"<filename>trusted.gpg.d</filename> directory, through <filename>trusted.gpg</"
"filename> is the primary keyring which means that e.g. new keys are added to "
"this one."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:178
+#: apt-key.8.xml:175
msgid "&file-trustedgpg;"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:180
+#: apt-key.8.xml:177
msgid "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:181
+#: apt-key.8.xml:178
msgid "Local trust database of archive keys."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:184
+#: apt-key.8.xml:181
msgid "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:185
+#: apt-key.8.xml:182
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive trusted keys."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:188
+#: apt-key.8.xml:185
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:189
+#: apt-key.8.xml:186
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive removed trusted keys."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:198
+#: apt-key.8.xml:195
msgid "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
msgstr ""
@@ -4201,12 +4174,11 @@ msgstr ""
#: apt.conf.5.xml:52
msgid ""
"all files in <literal>Dir::Etc::Parts</literal> in alphanumeric ascending "
-"order which have either no or \"<literal>conf</literal>\" as filename "
-"extension and which only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), underscore (_) "
-"and period (.) characters. Otherwise APT will print a notice that it has "
-"ignored a file if the file doesn't match a pattern in the <literal>Dir::"
-"Ignore-Files-Silently</literal> configuration list - in this case it will be "
-"silently ignored."
+"order which have no or \"<literal>conf</literal>\" as filename extension and "
+"which only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), underscore (_) and period (.) "
+"characters. Otherwise APT will print a notice that it has ignored a file if "
+"the file doesn't match a pattern in the <literal>Dir::Ignore-Files-Silently</"
+"literal> configuration list - in this case it will be silently ignored."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><orderedlist><listitem><para>
@@ -4378,24 +4350,13 @@ msgid ""
"compiled for."
msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:158
-msgid ""
-"All Architectures the system supports. Processors implementing the "
-"<literal>amd64</literal> are e.g. also able to execute binaries compiled for "
-"<literal>i386</literal>; This list is use when fetching files and parsing "
-"package lists. The internal default is always the native architecture "
-"(<literal>APT::Architecture</literal>) and all foreign architectures it can "
-"retrieve by calling <command>dpkg --print-foreign-architectures</command>."
-msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:165
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:157
msgid "Default-Release"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:166
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:158
msgid ""
"Default release to install packages from if more than one version available. "
"Contains release name, codename or release version. Examples: 'stable', "
@@ -4404,24 +4365,24 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:171
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:163
msgid "Ignore-Hold"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:172
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:164
msgid ""
"Ignore Held packages; This global option causes the problem resolver to "
"ignore held packages in its decision making."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:176
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:168
msgid "Clean-Installed"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:177
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:169
msgid ""
"Defaults to on. When turned on the autoclean feature will remove any "
"packages which can no longer be downloaded from the cache. If turned off "
@@ -4430,12 +4391,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:183
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:175
msgid "Immediate-Configure"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:184
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:176
msgid ""
"Defaults to on which will cause APT to install essential and important "
"packages as fast as possible in the install/upgrade operation. This is done "
@@ -4468,12 +4429,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:206
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:198
msgid "Force-LoopBreak"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:207
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:199
msgid ""
"Never Enable this option unless you -really- know what you are doing. It "
"permits APT to temporarily remove an essential package to break a Conflicts/"
@@ -4484,12 +4445,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:215
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:207
msgid "Cache-Start, Cache-Grow and Cache-Limit"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:216
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:208
msgid ""
"APT uses since version 0.7.26 a resizable memory mapped cache file to store "
"the 'available' information. <literal>Cache-Start</literal> acts as a hint "
@@ -4509,63 +4470,63 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:231
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:223
msgid "Build-Essential"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:232
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:224
msgid "Defines which package(s) are considered essential build dependencies."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:235
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:227
msgid "Get"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:236
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:228
msgid ""
"The Get subsection controls the &apt-get; tool, please see its documentation "
"for more information about the options here."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:240
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:232
msgid "Cache"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:241
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:233
msgid ""
"The Cache subsection controls the &apt-cache; tool, please see its "
"documentation for more information about the options here."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:245
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:237
msgid "CDROM"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:246
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:238
msgid ""
"The CDROM subsection controls the &apt-cdrom; tool, please see its "
"documentation for more information about the options here."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:252
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:244
msgid "The Acquire Group"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:257
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:249
msgid "Check-Valid-Until"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:258
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:250
msgid ""
"Security related option defaulting to true as an expiring validation for a "
"Release file prevents longtime replay attacks and can e.g. also help users "
@@ -4577,67 +4538,54 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:268
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:260
msgid "Max-ValidTime"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:269
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:261
msgid ""
-"Seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was created "
-"(indicated by the <literal>Date</literal> header). If the Release file "
-"itself includes a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header the earlier date of "
-"the two is used as the expiration date. The default value is <literal>0</"
-"literal> which stands for \"for ever\". Archive specific settings can be "
-"made by appending the label of the archive to the option name."
+"Seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was created. "
+"The default is \"for ever\" (0) if the Release file of the archive doesn't "
+"include a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header. If it does then this date "
+"is the default. The date from the Release file or the date specified by the "
+"creation time of the Release file (<literal>Date</literal> header) plus the "
+"seconds specified with this options are used to check if the validation of a "
+"file has expired by using the earlier date of the two. Archive specific "
+"settings can be made by appending the label of the archive to the option "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:279
-msgid "Min-ValidTime"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:280
-msgid ""
-"Minimum of seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was "
-"created (indicated by the <literal>Date</literal> header). Use this if you "
-"need to use a seldomly updated (local) mirror of a more regular updated "
-"archive with a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header instead of completely "
-"disabling the expiration date checking. Archive specific settings can and "
-"should be used by appending the label of the archive to the option name."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:290
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:273
msgid "PDiffs"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:291
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:274
msgid ""
"Try to download deltas called <literal>PDiffs</literal> for Packages or "
"Sources files instead of downloading whole ones. True by default."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:294
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:277
msgid ""
"Two sub-options to limit the use of PDiffs are also available: With "
"<literal>FileLimit</literal> can be specified how many PDiff files are "
"downloaded at most to patch a file. <literal>SizeLimit</literal> on the "
-"other hand is the maximum percentage of the size of all patches compared to "
+"other hand is the maximum precentage of the size of all patches compared to "
"the size of the targeted file. If one of these limits is exceeded the "
"complete file is downloaded instead of the patches."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:303
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:286
msgid "Queue-Mode"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:304
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:287
msgid ""
"Queuing mode; <literal>Queue-Mode</literal> can be one of <literal>host</"
"literal> or <literal>access</literal> which determines how APT parallelizes "
@@ -4647,36 +4595,36 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:311
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:294
msgid "Retries"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:312
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:295
msgid ""
"Number of retries to perform. If this is non-zero APT will retry failed "
"files the given number of times."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:316
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:299
msgid "Source-Symlinks"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:317
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:300
msgid ""
"Use symlinks for source archives. If set to true then source archives will "
"be symlinked when possible instead of copying. True is the default."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:321 sources.list.5.xml:155
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:304 sources.list.5.xml:144
msgid "http"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:322
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:305
msgid ""
"HTTP URIs; http::Proxy is the default http proxy to use. It is in the "
"standard form of <literal>http://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/</literal>. Per "
@@ -4687,7 +4635,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:330
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:313
msgid ""
"Three settings are provided for cache control with HTTP/1.1 compliant proxy "
"caches. <literal>No-Cache</literal> tells the proxy to not use its cached "
@@ -4701,7 +4649,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:340 apt.conf.5.xml:404
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:323 apt.conf.5.xml:387
msgid ""
"The option <literal>timeout</literal> sets the timeout timer used by the "
"method, this applies to all things including connection timeout and data "
@@ -4709,7 +4657,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:343
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:326
msgid ""
"One setting is provided to control the pipeline depth in cases where the "
"remote server is not RFC conforming or buggy (such as Squid 2.0.2). "
@@ -4721,7 +4669,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:351
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:334
msgid ""
"The used bandwidth can be limited with <literal>Acquire::http::Dl-Limit</"
"literal> which accepts integer values in kilobyte. The default value is 0 "
@@ -4731,7 +4679,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:356
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:339
msgid ""
"<literal>Acquire::http::User-Agent</literal> can be used to set a different "
"User-Agent for the http download method as some proxies allow access for "
@@ -4739,12 +4687,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:362
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:345
msgid "https"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:363
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:346
msgid ""
"HTTPS URIs. Cache-control, Timeout, AllowRedirect, Dl-Limit and proxy "
"options are the same as for <literal>http</literal> method and will also "
@@ -4754,7 +4702,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:369
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:352
msgid ""
"<literal>CaInfo</literal> suboption specifies place of file that holds info "
"about trusted certificates. <literal>&lt;host&gt;::CaInfo</literal> is "
@@ -4775,12 +4723,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:387 sources.list.5.xml:166
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:370 sources.list.5.xml:155
msgid "ftp"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:388
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:371
msgid ""
"FTP URIs; ftp::Proxy is the default ftp proxy to use. It is in the standard "
"form of <literal>ftp://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/</literal>. Per host "
@@ -4799,7 +4747,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:407
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:390
msgid ""
"Several settings are provided to control passive mode. Generally it is safe "
"to leave passive mode on, it works in nearly every environment. However "
@@ -4809,7 +4757,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:414
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:397
msgid ""
"It is possible to proxy FTP over HTTP by setting the <envar>ftp_proxy</"
"envar> environment variable to a http url - see the discussion of the http "
@@ -4818,7 +4766,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:419
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:402
msgid ""
"The setting <literal>ForceExtended</literal> controls the use of RFC2428 "
"<literal>EPSV</literal> and <literal>EPRT</literal> commands. The default is "
@@ -4828,18 +4776,18 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:426 sources.list.5.xml:148
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:409 sources.list.5.xml:137
msgid "cdrom"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:432
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:415
#, no-wrap
msgid "/cdrom/::Mount \"foo\";"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:427
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:410
msgid ""
"CDROM URIs; the only setting for CDROM URIs is the mount point, "
"<literal>cdrom::Mount</literal> which must be the mount point for the CDROM "
@@ -4852,12 +4800,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:437
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:420
msgid "gpgv"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:438
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:421
msgid ""
"GPGV URIs; the only option for GPGV URIs is the option to pass additional "
"parameters to gpgv. <literal>gpgv::Options</literal> Additional options "
@@ -4865,18 +4813,18 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:443
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:426
msgid "CompressionTypes"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:449
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:432
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::<replaceable>FileExtension</replaceable> \"<replaceable>Methodname</replaceable>\";"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:444
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:427
msgid ""
"List of compression types which are understood by the acquire methods. "
"Files like <filename>Packages</filename> can be available in various "
@@ -4888,19 +4836,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:454
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:437
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order:: \"gz\";"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:457
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:440
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order { \"lzma\"; \"gz\"; };"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:450
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:433
msgid ""
"Also the <literal>Order</literal> subgroup can be used to define in which "
"order the acquire system will try to download the compressed files. The "
@@ -4917,20 +4865,20 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:461
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:444
#, no-wrap
msgid "Dir::Bin::bzip2 \"/bin/bzip2\";"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:459
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:442
msgid ""
"Note that at run time the <literal>Dir::Bin::<replaceable>Methodname</"
"replaceable></literal> will be checked: If this setting exists the method "
"will only be used if this file exists, e.g. for the bzip2 method (the "
-"inbuilt) setting is: <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/> Note "
-"also that list entries specified on the command line will be added at the "
-"end of the list specified in the configuration files, but before the default "
+"inbuilt) setting is <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/> Note also "
+"that list entries specified on the command line will be added at the end of "
+"the list specified in the configuration files, but before the default "
"entries. To prefer a type in this case over the ones specified in the "
"configuration files you can set the option direct - not in list style. This "
"will not override the defined list, it will only prefix the list with this "
@@ -4938,20 +4886,20 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:466
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:449
msgid ""
"The special type <literal>uncompressed</literal> can be used to give "
-"uncompressed files a preference, but note that most archives don't provide "
+"uncompressed files a preference, but note that most archives doesn't provide "
"uncompressed files so this is mostly only useable for local mirrors."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:471
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:454
msgid "GzipIndexes"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:473
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:456
msgid ""
"When downloading <literal>gzip</literal> compressed indexes (Packages, "
"Sources, or Translations), keep them gzip compressed locally instead of "
@@ -4960,12 +4908,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:480
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:463
msgid "Languages"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:481
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:464
msgid ""
"The Languages subsection controls which <filename>Translation</filename> "
"files are downloaded and in which order APT tries to display the Description-"
@@ -4978,13 +4926,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><programlisting>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:497
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:480
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acquire::Languages { \"environment\"; \"de\"; \"en\"; \"none\"; \"fr\"; };"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:487
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:470
msgid ""
"The default list includes \"environment\" and \"en\". "
"\"<literal>environment</literal>\" has a special meaning here: It will be "
@@ -5007,19 +4955,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:253
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:245
msgid ""
"The <literal>Acquire</literal> group of options controls the download of "
"packages and the URI handlers. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:504
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:487
msgid "Directories"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:506
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:489
msgid ""
"The <literal>Dir::State</literal> section has directories that pertain to "
"local state information. <literal>lists</literal> is the directory to place "
@@ -5031,7 +4979,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:513
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:496
msgid ""
"<literal>Dir::Cache</literal> contains locations pertaining to local cache "
"information, such as the two package caches <literal>srcpkgcache</literal> "
@@ -5044,7 +4992,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:522
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:505
msgid ""
"<literal>Dir::Etc</literal> contains the location of configuration files, "
"<literal>sourcelist</literal> gives the location of the sourcelist and "
@@ -5054,7 +5002,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:528
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:511
msgid ""
"The <literal>Dir::Parts</literal> setting reads in all the config fragments "
"in lexical order from the directory specified. After this is done then the "
@@ -5062,7 +5010,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:532
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:515
msgid ""
"Binary programs are pointed to by <literal>Dir::Bin</literal>. <literal>Dir::"
"Bin::Methods</literal> specifies the location of the method handlers and "
@@ -5073,7 +5021,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:540
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:523
msgid ""
"The configuration item <literal>RootDir</literal> has a special meaning. If "
"set, all paths in <literal>Dir::</literal> will be relative to "
@@ -5086,7 +5034,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:553
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:536
msgid ""
"The <literal>Ignore-Files-Silently</literal> list can be used to specify "
"which files APT should silently ignore while parsing the files in the "
@@ -5097,13 +5045,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:562
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:545
#, fuzzy
msgid "APT in DSelect"
msgstr "DSelect"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:564
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:547
msgid ""
"When APT is used as a &dselect; method several configuration directives "
"control the default behaviour. These are in the <literal>DSelect</literal> "
@@ -5111,12 +5059,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:568
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:551
msgid "Clean"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:569
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:552
msgid ""
"Cache Clean mode; this value may be one of always, prompt, auto, pre-auto "
"and never. always and prompt will remove all packages from the cache after "
@@ -5127,50 +5075,50 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:578
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:561
msgid ""
"The contents of this variable is passed to &apt-get; as command line options "
"when it is run for the install phase."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:582
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:565
msgid "Updateoptions"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:583
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:566
msgid ""
"The contents of this variable is passed to &apt-get; as command line options "
"when it is run for the update phase."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:587
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:570
msgid "PromptAfterUpdate"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:588
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:571
msgid ""
"If true the [U]pdate operation in &dselect; will always prompt to continue. "
"The default is to prompt only on error."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:594
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:577
msgid "How APT calls dpkg"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:595
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:578
msgid ""
"Several configuration directives control how APT invokes &dpkg;. These are "
"in the <literal>DPkg</literal> section."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:600
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:583
msgid ""
"This is a list of options to pass to dpkg. The options must be specified "
"using the list notation and each list item is passed as a single argument to "
@@ -5178,17 +5126,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:605
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:588
msgid "Pre-Invoke"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:605
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:588
msgid "Post-Invoke"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:606
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:589
msgid ""
"This is a list of shell commands to run before/after invoking &dpkg;. Like "
"<literal>options</literal> this must be specified in list notation. The "
@@ -5197,12 +5145,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:612
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:595
msgid "Pre-Install-Pkgs"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:613
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:596
msgid ""
"This is a list of shell commands to run before invoking dpkg. Like "
"<literal>options</literal> this must be specified in list notation. The "
@@ -5212,7 +5160,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:619
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:602
msgid ""
"Version 2 of this protocol dumps more information, including the protocol "
"version, the APT configuration space and the packages, files and versions "
@@ -5222,36 +5170,36 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:626
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:609
msgid "Run-Directory"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:627
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:610
msgid ""
"APT chdirs to this directory before invoking dpkg, the default is <filename>/"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:631
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:614
msgid "Build-options"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:632
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:615
msgid ""
"These options are passed to &dpkg-buildpackage; when compiling packages, the "
"default is to disable signing and produce all binaries."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:637
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:620
msgid "dpkg trigger usage (and related options)"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:638
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:621
msgid ""
"APT can call dpkg in a way so it can make aggressive use of triggers over "
"multiple calls of dpkg. Without further options dpkg will use triggers only "
@@ -5266,7 +5214,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><literallayout>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:653
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:636
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"DPkg::NoTriggers \"true\";\n"
@@ -5276,7 +5224,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:647
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:630
msgid ""
"Note that it is not guaranteed that APT will support these options or that "
"these options will not cause (big) trouble in the future. If you have "
@@ -5290,12 +5238,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:659
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:642
msgid "DPkg::NoTriggers"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:660
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:643
msgid ""
"Add the no triggers flag to all dpkg calls (except the ConfigurePending "
"call). See &dpkg; if you are interested in what this actually means. In "
@@ -5307,12 +5255,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:667
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:650
msgid "PackageManager::Configure"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:668
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:651
msgid ""
"Valid values are \"<literal>all</literal>\", \"<literal>smart</literal>\" "
"and \"<literal>no</literal>\". \"<literal>all</literal>\" is the default "
@@ -5328,12 +5276,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:678
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:661
msgid "DPkg::ConfigurePending"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:679
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:662
msgid ""
"If this option is set apt will call <command>dpkg --configure --pending</"
"command> to let dpkg handle all required configurations and triggers. This "
@@ -5344,12 +5292,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:685
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:668
msgid "DPkg::TriggersPending"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:686
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:669
msgid ""
"Useful for <literal>smart</literal> configuration as a package which has "
"pending triggers is not considered as <literal>installed</literal> and dpkg "
@@ -5359,12 +5307,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:691
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:674
msgid "PackageManager::UnpackAll"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:692
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:675
msgid ""
"As the configuration can be deferred to be done at the end by dpkg it can be "
"tried to order the unpack series only by critical needs, e.g. by Pre-"
@@ -5376,12 +5324,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:699
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:682
msgid "OrderList::Score::Immediate"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:707
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:690
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"OrderList::Score {\n"
@@ -5393,7 +5341,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:700
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:683
msgid ""
"Essential packages (and there dependencies) should be configured immediately "
"after unpacking. It will be a good idea to do this quite early in the "
@@ -5407,12 +5355,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:720
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:703
msgid "Periodic and Archives options"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:721
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:704
msgid ""
"<literal>APT::Periodic</literal> and <literal>APT::Archives</literal> groups "
"of options configure behavior of apt periodic updates, which is done by "
@@ -5421,12 +5369,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:729
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:712
msgid "Debug options"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:731
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:714
msgid ""
"Enabling options in the <literal>Debug::</literal> section will cause "
"debugging information to be sent to the standard error stream of the program "
@@ -5437,7 +5385,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:742
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:725
msgid ""
"<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal> enables output about the "
"decisions made by <literal>dist-upgrade, upgrade, install, remove, purge</"
@@ -5445,7 +5393,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:750
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:733
msgid ""
"<literal>Debug::NoLocking</literal> disables all file locking. This can be "
"used to run some operations (for instance, <literal>apt-get -s install</"
@@ -5453,7 +5401,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:759
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:742
msgid ""
"<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgPM</literal> prints out the actual command line each "
"time that <literal>apt</literal> invokes &dpkg;."
@@ -5463,111 +5411,111 @@ msgstr ""
#. motivating example, except I haven't a clue why you'd want
#. to do this.
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:767
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:750
msgid ""
"<literal>Debug::IdentCdrom</literal> disables the inclusion of statfs data "
"in CDROM IDs."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:777
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:760
msgid "A full list of debugging options to apt follows."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:782
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:765
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::cdrom</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:786
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:769
msgid ""
"Print information related to accessing <literal>cdrom://</literal> sources."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:793
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:776
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::ftp</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:797
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:780
msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using FTP."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:804
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:787
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::http</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:808
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:791
msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using HTTP."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:815
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:798
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::https</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:819
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:802
msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using HTTPS."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:826
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:809
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::gpgv</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:830
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:813
msgid ""
"Print information related to verifying cryptographic signatures using "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:837
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:820
msgid "<literal>Debug::aptcdrom</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:841
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:824
msgid ""
"Output information about the process of accessing collections of packages "
"stored on CD-ROMs."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:848
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:831
msgid "<literal>Debug::BuildDeps</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:851
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:834
msgid "Describes the process of resolving build-dependencies in &apt-get;."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:858
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:841
msgid "<literal>Debug::Hashes</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:861
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:844
msgid ""
"Output each cryptographic hash that is generated by the <literal>apt</"
"literal> libraries."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:868
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:851
msgid "<literal>Debug::IdentCDROM</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:871
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:854
msgid ""
"Do not include information from <literal>statfs</literal>, namely the number "
"of used and free blocks on the CD-ROM filesystem, when generating an ID for "
@@ -5575,93 +5523,93 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:879
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:862
msgid "<literal>Debug::NoLocking</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:882
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:865
msgid ""
"Disable all file locking. For instance, this will allow two instances of "
"<quote><literal>apt-get update</literal></quote> to run at the same time."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:890
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:873
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:894
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:877
msgid "Log when items are added to or removed from the global download queue."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:901
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:884
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Auth</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:904
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:887
msgid ""
"Output status messages and errors related to verifying checksums and "
"cryptographic signatures of downloaded files."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:911
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:894
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Diffs</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:914
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:897
msgid ""
"Output information about downloading and applying package index list diffs, "
"and errors relating to package index list diffs."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:922
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:905
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::RRed</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:926
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:909
msgid ""
"Output information related to patching apt package lists when downloading "
"index diffs instead of full indices."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:933
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:916
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Worker</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:937
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:920
msgid ""
"Log all interactions with the sub-processes that actually perform downloads."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:944
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:927
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAutoRemove</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:948
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:931
msgid ""
"Log events related to the automatically-installed status of packages and to "
"the removal of unused packages."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:955
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:938
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::AutoInstall</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:958
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:941
msgid ""
"Generate debug messages describing which packages are being automatically "
"installed to resolve dependencies. This corresponds to the initial auto-"
@@ -5671,12 +5619,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:969
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:952
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::Marker</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:972
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:955
msgid ""
"Generate debug messages describing which package is marked as keep/install/"
"remove while the ProblemResolver does his work. Each addition or deletion "
@@ -5693,91 +5641,91 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:991
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:974
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgInitConfig</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:994
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:977
msgid "Dump the default configuration to standard error on startup."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1001
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:984
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgPM</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1004
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:987
msgid ""
"When invoking &dpkg;, output the precise command line with which it is being "
"invoked, with arguments separated by a single space character."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1012
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:995
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1015
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:998
msgid ""
"Output all the data received from &dpkg; on the status file descriptor and "
"any errors encountered while parsing it."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1022
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1005
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgOrderList</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1026
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1009
msgid ""
"Generate a trace of the algorithm that decides the order in which "
"<literal>apt</literal> should pass packages to &dpkg;."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1034
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1017
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgPackageManager</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1038
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1021
msgid ""
"Output status messages tracing the steps performed when invoking &dpkg;."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1045
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1028
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgPolicy</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1049
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1032
msgid "Output the priority of each package list on startup."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1055
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1038
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1059
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1042
msgid ""
"Trace the execution of the dependency resolver (this applies only to what "
"happens when a complex dependency problem is encountered)."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1067
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1050
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver::ShowScores</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1070
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1053
msgid ""
"Display a list of all installed packages with their calculated score used by "
"the pkgProblemResolver. The description of the package is the same as "
@@ -5785,32 +5733,32 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1078
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1061
msgid "<literal>Debug::sourceList</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1082
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1065
msgid ""
"Print information about the vendors read from <filename>/etc/apt/vendors."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1105
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1088
msgid ""
"&configureindex; is a configuration file showing example values for all "
"possible options."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1112
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1095
msgid "&file-aptconf;"
msgstr ""
#. ? reading apt.conf
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1117
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1100
msgid "&apt-cache;, &apt-config;, &apt-preferences;."
msgstr ""
@@ -5882,8 +5830,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Note that the files in the <filename>/etc/apt/preferences.d</filename> "
"directory are parsed in alphanumeric ascending order and need to obey the "
-"following naming convention: The files have either no or \"<literal>pref</"
-"literal>\" as filename extension and only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), "
+"following naming convention: The files have no or \"<literal>pref</literal>"
+"\" as filename extension and which only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), "
"underscore (_) and period (.) characters. Otherwise APT will print a notice "
"that it has ignored a file if the file doesn't match a pattern in the "
"<literal>Dir::Ignore-Files-Silently</literal> configuration list - in this "
@@ -6211,7 +6159,7 @@ msgid ""
"APT also supports pinning by glob() expressions and regular expressions "
"surrounded by /. For example, the following example assigns the priority 500 "
"to all packages from experimental where the name starts with gnome (as a glob"
-"()-like expression) or contains the word kde (as a POSIX extended regular "
+"()-like expression or contains the word kde (as a POSIX extended regular "
"expression surrounded by slashes)."
msgstr ""
@@ -6228,7 +6176,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: apt_preferences.5.xml:279
msgid ""
"The rule for those expressions is that they can occur anywhere where a "
-"string can occur. Thus, the following pin assigns the priority 990 to all "
+"string can occur. Those, the following pin assigns the priority 990 to all "
"packages from a release starting with karmic."
msgstr ""
@@ -6893,7 +6841,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
#: sources.list.5.xml:81
#, no-wrap
-msgid "deb [ options ] uri distribution [component1] [component2] [...]"
+msgid "deb uri distribution [component1] [component2] [...]"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
@@ -6938,27 +6886,6 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#: sources.list.5.xml:112
msgid ""
-"<literal>options</literal> is always optional and needs to be surounded by "
-"square brackets. It can consist of multiple settings in the form "
-"replaceable></literal>. Multiple settings are separated by spaces. The "
-"following settings are supported by APT, note though that unsupported "
-"settings will be ignored silently:"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:117
-msgid ""
-"replaceable>,…</literal> can be used to specify for which architectures "
-"packages information should be downloaded. If this option is not set all "
-"architectures defined by the <literal>APT::Architectures</literal> option "
-"will be downloaded."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:123
-msgid ""
"It is important to list sources in order of preference, with the most "
"preferred source listed first. Typically this will result in sorting by "
"speed from fastest to slowest (CD-ROM followed by hosts on a local network, "
@@ -6966,12 +6893,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:128
+#: sources.list.5.xml:117
msgid "Some examples:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:130
+#: sources.list.5.xml:119
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"deb &stable-codename; main contrib non-free\n"
@@ -6980,17 +6907,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:136
+#: sources.list.5.xml:125
msgid "URI specification"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:141
+#: sources.list.5.xml:130
msgid "file"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:143
+#: sources.list.5.xml:132
msgid ""
"The file scheme allows an arbitrary directory in the file system to be "
"considered an archive. This is useful for NFS mounts and local mirrors or "
@@ -6998,14 +6925,14 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:150
+#: sources.list.5.xml:139
msgid ""
"The cdrom scheme allows APT to use a local CDROM drive with media swapping. "
"Use the &apt-cdrom; program to create cdrom entries in the source list."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:157
+#: sources.list.5.xml:146
msgid ""
"The http scheme specifies an HTTP server for the archive. If an environment "
"variable <envar>http_proxy</envar> is set with the format http://server:"
@@ -7016,7 +6943,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:168
+#: sources.list.5.xml:157
msgid ""
"The ftp scheme specifies an FTP server for the archive. APT's FTP behavior "
"is highly configurable; for more information see the &apt-conf; manual page. "
@@ -7028,12 +6955,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:177
+#: sources.list.5.xml:166
msgid "copy"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:179
+#: sources.list.5.xml:168
msgid ""
"The copy scheme is identical to the file scheme except that packages are "
"copied into the cache directory instead of used directly at their location. "
@@ -7041,17 +6968,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:184
+#: sources.list.5.xml:173
msgid "rsh"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:184
+#: sources.list.5.xml:173
msgid "ssh"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:186
+#: sources.list.5.xml:175
msgid ""
"The rsh/ssh method invokes rsh/ssh to connect to a remote host as a given "
"user and access the files. It is a good idea to do prior arrangements with "
@@ -7061,12 +6988,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:194
+#: sources.list.5.xml:183
msgid "more recognizable URI types"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:196
+#: sources.list.5.xml:185
msgid ""
"APT can be extended with more methods shipped in other optional packages "
"which should follow the nameing scheme <literal>apt-transport-"
@@ -7079,91 +7006,75 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:138
+#: sources.list.5.xml:127
msgid ""
"The currently recognized URI types are cdrom, file, http, ftp, copy, ssh, "
"rsh. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:210
+#: sources.list.5.xml:199
msgid ""
"Uses the archive stored locally (or NFS mounted) at /home/jason/debian for "
"stable/main, stable/contrib, and stable/non-free."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:212
+#: sources.list.5.xml:201
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb file:/home/jason/debian stable main contrib non-free"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:214
+#: sources.list.5.xml:203
msgid "As above, except this uses the unstable (development) distribution."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:215
+#: sources.list.5.xml:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:217
+#: sources.list.5.xml:206
msgid "Source line for the above"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:218
+#: sources.list.5.xml:207
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb-src file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:220
-msgid ""
-"The first line gets package information for the architectures in "
-"<literal>APT::Architectures</literal> while the second always retrieves "
-"<literal>amd64</literal> and <literal>armel</literal>."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:222
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"deb &stable-codename; main\n"
-"deb [ arch=amd64,armel ] &stable-codename; main"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:225
+#: sources.list.5.xml:209
msgid ""
"Uses HTTP to access the archive at, and uses only the "
"hamm/main area."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:227
+#: sources.list.5.xml:211
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb hamm main"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:229
+#: sources.list.5.xml:213
msgid ""
"Uses FTP to access the archive at, under the debian "
"directory, and uses only the &stable-codename;/contrib area."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:231
+#: sources.list.5.xml:215
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb &stable-codename; contrib"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:233
+#: sources.list.5.xml:217
msgid ""
"Uses FTP to access the archive at, under the debian "
"directory, and uses only the unstable/contrib area. If this line appears as "
@@ -7172,19 +7083,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:237
+#: sources.list.5.xml:221
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb unstable contrib"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:246
+#: sources.list.5.xml:230
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb unstable/binary-$(ARCH)/"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:239
+#: sources.list.5.xml:223
msgid ""
"Uses HTTP to access the archive at, under the universe "
"directory, and uses only files found under <filename>unstable/binary-i386</"
@@ -7196,7 +7107,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:251
+#: sources.list.5.xml:235
msgid "&apt-cache; &apt-conf;"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/doc/po/ja.po b/doc/po/ja.po
index b79809055..22488b227 100644
--- a/doc/po/ja.po
+++ b/doc/po/ja.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: apt\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-11-20 17:58+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-08 16:54+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-07 07:38+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: KURASAWA Nozomu <>\n"
"Language-Team: Debian Japanese List <>\n"
@@ -791,7 +791,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:64 apt-cdrom.8.xml:50 apt-config.8.xml:50
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:46 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:59 apt-get.8.xml:121
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:46 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:59 apt-get.8.xml:114
#: apt-key.8.xml:38 apt-mark.8.xml:56 apt-secure.8.xml:43
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:47 apt.conf.5.xml:42 apt_preferences.5.xml:36
#: sources.list.5.xml:36
@@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:70 apt-get.8.xml:127
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:70 apt-get.8.xml:120
msgid ""
"Unless the <option>-h</option>, or <option>--help</option> option is given, "
"one of the commands below must be present."
@@ -1329,8 +1329,8 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:278 apt-config.8.xml:96 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:59
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:342 apt-mark.8.xml:126
-#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:57 apt.conf.5.xml:577 apt.conf.5.xml:599
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:331 apt-mark.8.xml:126
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:57 apt.conf.5.xml:560 apt.conf.5.xml:582
msgid "options"
msgstr "オプション"
@@ -1357,7 +1357,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:572 apt-get.8.xml:404
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571 apt-get.8.xml:393
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:61
msgid "<option>-s</option>"
msgstr "<option>-s</option>"
@@ -1384,12 +1384,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:546 apt-get.8.xml:394
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>-q</option>"
msgstr "<option>-q</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:546 apt-get.8.xml:394
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>--quiet</option>"
msgstr "<option>--quiet</option>"
@@ -1475,7 +1475,7 @@ msgstr "<option>--no-enhances</option>"
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Per default the <literal>depends</literal> and <literal>rdepends</literal> "
-"print all dependencies. This can be tweaked with these flags which will omit "
+"print all dependencies. This can be twicked with these flags which will omit "
"the specified dependency type. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Cache::"
"Show<replaceable>DependencyType</replaceable></literal> e.g. <literal>APT::"
@@ -1485,7 +1485,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:323 apt-cdrom.8.xml:124 apt-get.8.xml:361
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:323 apt-cdrom.8.xml:124 apt-get.8.xml:350
msgid "<option>-f</option>"
msgstr "<option>-f</option>"
@@ -1505,8 +1505,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
-#: apt-get.8.xml:447
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
msgid "<option>-a</option>"
msgstr "<option>-a</option>"
@@ -1628,15 +1627,15 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:367 apt-cdrom.8.xml:153 apt-config.8.xml:101
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:612 apt-get.8.xml:591
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:611 apt-get.8.xml:570
#: apt-mark.8.xml:140 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:67
msgid "&apt-commonoptions;"
msgstr "&apt-commonoptions;"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:596 apt-key.8.xml:175 apt-mark.8.xml:144
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1110 apt_preferences.5.xml:697
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:575 apt-key.8.xml:172 apt-mark.8.xml:144
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1093 apt_preferences.5.xml:697
msgid "Files"
msgstr "ファイル"
@@ -1648,10 +1647,10 @@ msgstr "&file-sourceslist; &file-statelists;"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:379 apt-cdrom.8.xml:158 apt-config.8.xml:106
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628 apt-get.8.xml:606
-#: apt-key.8.xml:196 apt-mark.8.xml:150 apt-secure.8.xml:185
-#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1116 apt_preferences.5.xml:704
-#: sources.list.5.xml:250
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:627 apt-get.8.xml:585
+#: apt-key.8.xml:193 apt-mark.8.xml:150 apt-secure.8.xml:185
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1099 apt_preferences.5.xml:704
+#: sources.list.5.xml:234
msgid "See Also"
msgstr "関連項目"
@@ -1664,7 +1663,7 @@ msgstr "&apt-conf;, &sources-list;, &apt-get;"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:384 apt-cdrom.8.xml:163 apt-config.8.xml:111
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:632 apt-get.8.xml:612
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:631 apt-get.8.xml:591
#: apt-mark.8.xml:154 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:76
msgid "Diagnostics"
msgstr "診断メッセージ"
@@ -1801,12 +1800,12 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:161
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:158
msgid "Options"
msgstr "オプション"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:540 apt-get.8.xml:356
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539 apt-get.8.xml:345
msgid "<option>-d</option>"
msgstr "<option>-d</option>"
@@ -1850,7 +1849,7 @@ msgstr ""
"ます。設定項目 - <literal>APT::CDROM::Rename</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:116 apt-get.8.xml:375
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:116 apt-get.8.xml:364
msgid "<option>-m</option>"
msgstr "<option>-m</option>"
@@ -1909,17 +1908,17 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:143 apt-get.8.xml:406
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:143 apt-get.8.xml:395
msgid "<option>--just-print</option>"
msgstr "<option>--just-print</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:144 apt-get.8.xml:408
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:144 apt-get.8.xml:397
msgid "<option>--recon</option>"
msgstr "<option>--recon</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:145 apt-get.8.xml:409
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:145 apt-get.8.xml:398
msgid "<option>--no-act</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-act</option>"
@@ -2076,7 +2075,7 @@ msgstr "設定箇所の内容を表示するだけです。"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:629
+#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:73
msgid "&apt-conf;"
msgstr "&apt-conf;"
@@ -2160,7 +2159,7 @@ msgstr ""
"<filename>package.config.XXXX</filename> と言った形になります。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:63 apt-get.8.xml:525
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:63 apt-get.8.xml:504
msgid "<option>-t</option>"
msgstr "<option>-t</option>"
@@ -2440,7 +2439,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:145 apt-get.8.xml:298
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:145 apt-get.8.xml:287
msgid "clean"
msgstr "clean"
@@ -3042,8 +3041,8 @@ msgstr ""
"<literal>main contrib non-free</literal>のようになります。"
# type: <tag></tag>
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:394 apt.conf.5.xml:157
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:394
msgid "Architectures"
msgstr "Architectures"
@@ -3293,26 +3292,43 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:531
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Values for the additional metadata fields in the Release file are taken "
+#| "from the corresponding variables under <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release</"
+#| "literal>, e.g. <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release::Origin</literal>. The "
+#| "supported fields are: <literal>Origin</literal>, <literal>Label</"
+#| "literal>, <literal>Suite</literal>, <literal>Version</literal>, "
+#| "<literal>Codename</literal>, <literal>Date</literal>, <literal>Valid-"
+#| "Until</literal>, <literal>Architectures</literal>, <literal>Components</"
+#| "literal>, <literal>Description</literal>."
msgid ""
"Generate the given checksum. These options default to on, when turned off "
"the generated index files will not have the checksum fields where possible. "
"Configuration Items: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Checksum</"
"replaceable></literal> and <literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Index</"
"replaceable>::<replaceable>Checksum</replaceable></literal> where "
-"<literal><replaceable>Index</replaceable></literal> can be "
-"<literal>Packages</literal>, <literal>Sources</literal> or <literal>Release</"
-"literal> and <literal><replaceable>Checksum</replaceable></literal> can be "
-"<literal>MD5</literal>, <literal>SHA1</literal> or <literal>SHA256</literal>."
+"<literal>Index</literal> can be <literal>Packages</literal>, "
+"<literal>Sources</literal> or <literal>Release</literal> and "
+"<literal>Checksum</literal> can be <literal>MD5</literal>, <literal>SHA1</"
+"literal> or <literal>SHA256</literal>."
msgstr ""
+"Release ファイルの追加メタデータフィールドの値は、<literal>APT::FTPArchive::"
+"Release</literal> 以下の相当する値 (例: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release::"
+"Origin</literal>) をとります。サポートするフィールドは、<literal>Origin</"
+"literal>, <literal>Label</literal>, <literal>Suite</literal>, "
+"<literal>Version</literal>, <literal>Codename</literal>, <literal>Date</"
+"literal>, <literal>Valid-Until</literal>, <literal>Architectures</literal>, "
+"<literal>Components</literal>, <literal>Description</literal> です。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:540
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539
msgid "<option>--db</option>"
msgstr "<option>--db</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:542
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:541
msgid ""
"Use a binary caching DB. This has no effect on the generate command. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::DB</literal>."
@@ -3322,7 +3338,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:548
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:547
msgid ""
"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
@@ -3335,13 +3351,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:554
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:553
msgid "<option>--delink</option>"
msgstr "<option>--delink</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:556
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:555
msgid ""
"Perform Delinking. If the <literal>External-Links</literal> setting is used "
"then this option actually enables delinking of the files. It defaults to on "
@@ -3354,13 +3370,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:562
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:561
msgid "<option>--contents</option>"
msgstr "<option>--contents</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:564
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:563
msgid ""
"Perform contents generation. When this option is set and package indexes are "
"being generated with a cache DB then the file listing will also be extracted "
@@ -3375,13 +3391,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:572
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571
msgid "<option>--source-override</option>"
msgstr "<option>--source-override</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:574
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:573
msgid ""
"Select the source override file to use with the <literal>sources</literal> "
"command. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::SourceOverride</"
@@ -3391,13 +3407,13 @@ msgstr ""
"選択します。設定項目 - <literal>APT::FTPArchive::SourceOverride</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:578
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:577
msgid "<option>--readonly</option>"
msgstr "<option>--readonly</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:580
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:579
msgid ""
"Make the caching databases read only. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::"
@@ -3406,13 +3422,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
msgid "<option>--arch</option>"
msgstr "<option>--arch</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:585
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Accept in the <literal>packages</literal> and <literal>contents</literal> "
@@ -3426,12 +3442,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:591
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:590
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::AlwaysStat</option>"
msgstr "<option>--version</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:593
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:592
msgid ""
"&apt-ftparchive; caches as much as possible of metadata in a cachedb. If "
"packages are recompiled and/or republished with the same version again, this "
@@ -3445,12 +3461,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:603
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:602
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::LongDescription</option>"
msgstr "<option>APT::FTPArchive::LongDescription</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:605
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:604
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This configuration option defaults to \"<literal>true</literal>\" and should "
@@ -3466,14 +3482,14 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:617 apt.conf.5.xml:1104 apt_preferences.5.xml:544
-#: sources.list.5.xml:209
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:616 apt.conf.5.xml:1087 apt_preferences.5.xml:544
+#: sources.list.5.xml:198
msgid "Examples"
msgstr "サンプル"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><programlisting>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><programlisting>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:623
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:622
#, no-wrap
msgid "<command>apt-ftparchive</command> packages <replaceable>directory</replaceable> | <command>gzip</command> > <filename>Packages.gz</filename>\n"
msgstr ""
@@ -3482,7 +3498,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:619
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:618
msgid ""
"To create a compressed Packages file for a directory containing binary "
"packages (.deb): <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
@@ -3492,7 +3508,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:633
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:632
msgid ""
"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal "
"100 on error."
@@ -3558,11 +3574,10 @@ msgid ""
"<option>-o= <replaceable>config_string</replaceable> </option> </arg> <arg> "
"<option>-c= <replaceable>config_file</replaceable> </option> </arg> <arg> "
"<option>-t=</option> <arg choice='plain'> <replaceable>target_release</"
-"replaceable> </arg> </arg> <arg> <option>-a=</option> <arg choice='plain'> "
-"<replaceable>default_architecture</replaceable> </arg> </arg> <group choice="
-"\"req\"> <arg choice='plain'>update</arg> <arg choice='plain'>upgrade</arg> "
-"<arg choice='plain'>dselect-upgrade</arg> <arg choice='plain'>dist-upgrade</"
-"arg> <arg choice='plain'>install <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
+"replaceable> </arg> </arg> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>update</arg> <arg choice='plain'>upgrade</arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>dselect-upgrade</arg> <arg choice='plain'>dist-upgrade</arg> "
+"<arg choice='plain'>install <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
"\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable> <arg> <group choice='req'> <arg "
"choice='plain'> =<replaceable>pkg_version_number</replaceable> </arg> <arg "
"choice='plain'> /<replaceable>target_release</replaceable> </arg> </group> </"
@@ -3610,7 +3625,7 @@ msgstr ""
"</group> </arg> </group>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:122
+#: apt-get.8.xml:115
msgid ""
"<command>apt-get</command> is the command-line tool for handling packages, "
"and may be considered the user's \"back-end\" to other tools using the APT "
@@ -3623,13 +3638,13 @@ msgstr ""
"&wajig; などがあります。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:131 apt-key.8.xml:127
+#: apt-get.8.xml:124 apt-key.8.xml:127
msgid "update"
msgstr "update"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:132
+#: apt-get.8.xml:125
msgid ""
"<literal>update</literal> is used to resynchronize the package index files "
"from their sources. The indexes of available packages are fetched from the "
@@ -3652,13 +3667,13 @@ msgstr ""
# type: <tag></tag>
#. type: <tag></tag>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:143 guide.sgml:121
+#: apt-get.8.xml:136 guide.sgml:121
msgid "upgrade"
msgstr "upgrade"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:144
+#: apt-get.8.xml:137
msgid ""
"<literal>upgrade</literal> is used to install the newest versions of all "
"packages currently installed on the system from the sources enumerated in "
@@ -3682,13 +3697,13 @@ msgstr ""
# type: <tag></tag>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:156
+#: apt-get.8.xml:149
msgid "dselect-upgrade"
msgstr "dselect-upgrade"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:157
+#: apt-get.8.xml:150
msgid ""
"<literal>dselect-upgrade</literal> is used in conjunction with the "
"traditional Debian packaging front-end, &dselect;. <literal>dselect-upgrade</"
@@ -3706,13 +3721,13 @@ msgstr ""
# type: <tag></tag>
#. type: <tag></tag>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:166 guide.sgml:140
+#: apt-get.8.xml:159 guide.sgml:140
msgid "dist-upgrade"
msgstr "dist-upgrade"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:167
+#: apt-get.8.xml:160
msgid ""
"<literal>dist-upgrade</literal> in addition to performing the function of "
"<literal>upgrade</literal>, also intelligently handles changing dependencies "
@@ -3736,13 +3751,13 @@ msgstr ""
# type: <tag></tag>
#. type: <tag></tag>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:179 guide.sgml:131
+#: apt-get.8.xml:172 guide.sgml:131
msgid "install"
msgstr "install"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:181
+#: apt-get.8.xml:174
msgid ""
"<literal>install</literal> is followed by one or more packages desired for "
"installation or upgrading. Each package is a package name, not a fully "
@@ -3769,7 +3784,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:199
+#: apt-get.8.xml:192
msgid ""
"A specific version of a package can be selected for installation by "
"following the package name with an equals and the version of the package to "
@@ -3787,7 +3802,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:206
+#: apt-get.8.xml:199
msgid ""
"Both of the version selection mechanisms can downgrade packages and must be "
"used with care."
@@ -3796,7 +3811,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:209
+#: apt-get.8.xml:202
msgid ""
"This is also the target to use if you want to upgrade one or more already-"
"installed packages without upgrading every package you have on your system. "
@@ -3816,7 +3831,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:220
+#: apt-get.8.xml:213
msgid ""
"Finally, the &apt-preferences; mechanism allows you to create an alternative "
"installation policy for individual packages."
@@ -3826,7 +3841,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:224
+#: apt-get.8.xml:217
msgid ""
"If no package matches the given expression and the expression contains one "
"of '.', '?' or '*' then it is assumed to be a POSIX regular expression, and "
@@ -3843,13 +3858,13 @@ msgstr ""
"ば、'^' や '$' を付けるか、もっと詳しい正規表現を指定してください。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:233
+#: apt-get.8.xml:226
msgid "remove"
msgstr "remove"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:234
+#: apt-get.8.xml:227
msgid ""
"<literal>remove</literal> is identical to <literal>install</literal> except "
"that packages are removed instead of installed. Note the removing a package "
@@ -3864,13 +3879,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:241
+#: apt-get.8.xml:234
msgid "purge"
msgstr "purge"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:242
+#: apt-get.8.xml:235
msgid ""
"<literal>purge</literal> is identical to <literal>remove</literal> except "
"that packages are removed and purged (any configuration files are deleted "
@@ -3881,13 +3896,13 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:246
+#: apt-get.8.xml:239
msgid "source"
msgstr "source"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:247
+#: apt-get.8.xml:240
msgid ""
"<literal>source</literal> causes <command>apt-get</command> to fetch source "
"packages. APT will examine the available packages to decide which source "
@@ -3906,7 +3921,7 @@ msgstr ""
"literal> 構文で指定します。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:255
+#: apt-get.8.xml:248
msgid ""
"Source packages are tracked separately from binary packages via <literal>deb-"
"src</literal> type lines in the &sources-list; file. This means that you "
@@ -3921,7 +3936,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:262
+#: apt-get.8.xml:255
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "If the <option>--compile</option> option is specified then the package "
@@ -3930,10 +3945,9 @@ msgstr ""
#| "source package will not be unpacked."
msgid ""
"If the <option>--compile</option> option is specified then the package will "
-"be compiled to a binary .deb using <command>dpkg-buildpackage</command> for "
-"the architecture as defined by the <command>--host-architecture</command> "
-"option. If <option>--download-only</option> is specified then the source "
-"package will not be unpacked."
+"be compiled to a binary .deb using <command>dpkg-buildpackage</command>, if "
+"<option>--download-only</option> is specified then the source package will "
+"not be unpacked."
msgstr ""
"<option>--compile</option> オプションを指定すると、<command>dpkg-"
"buildpackage</command> を用いてバイナリ .deb パッケージをコンパイルします。"
@@ -3942,7 +3956,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:269
+#: apt-get.8.xml:260
msgid ""
"A specific source version can be retrieved by postfixing the source name "
"with an equals and then the version to fetch, similar to the mechanism used "
@@ -3957,7 +3971,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:275
+#: apt-get.8.xml:266
msgid ""
"Note that source packages are not tracked like binary packages, they exist "
"only in the current directory and are similar to downloading source tar "
@@ -3967,35 +3981,32 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:280
+#: apt-get.8.xml:271
msgid "build-dep"
msgstr "build-dep"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:281
+#: apt-get.8.xml:272
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "<literal>build-dep</literal> causes apt-get to install/remove packages in "
#| "an attempt to satisfy the build dependencies for a source package."
msgid ""
"<literal>build-dep</literal> causes apt-get to install/remove packages in an "
-"attempt to satisfy the build dependencies for a source package. By default "
-"the dependencies are satisfied to build the package natively. If desired a "
-"host-architecture can be specified with the <option>--host-architecture</"
-"option> option instead."
+"attempt to satisfy the build dependencies for a source package."
msgstr ""
"<literal>build-dep</literal> は、ソースパッケージの構築依存関係を満たすよう"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:287
+#: apt-get.8.xml:276
msgid "check"
msgstr "check"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:288
+#: apt-get.8.xml:277
msgid ""
"<literal>check</literal> is a diagnostic tool; it updates the package cache "
"and checks for broken dependencies."
@@ -4004,20 +4015,20 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:292
+#: apt-get.8.xml:281
msgid "download"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:293
+#: apt-get.8.xml:282
msgid ""
"<literal>download</literal> will download the given binary package into the "
-"current directory."
+"current directoy."
msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:299
+#: apt-get.8.xml:288
msgid ""
"<literal>clean</literal> clears out the local repository of retrieved "
"package files. It removes everything but the lock file from "
@@ -4035,13 +4046,13 @@ msgstr ""
"<literal>apt-get clean</literal> を実行したくなるでしょう。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:308
+#: apt-get.8.xml:297
msgid "autoclean"
msgstr "autoclean"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:309
+#: apt-get.8.xml:298
msgid ""
"Like <literal>clean</literal>, <literal>autoclean</literal> clears out the "
"local repository of retrieved package files. The difference is that it only "
@@ -4060,13 +4071,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:318
+#: apt-get.8.xml:307
msgid "autoremove"
msgstr "autoremove"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:319
+#: apt-get.8.xml:308
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "<literal>autoremove</literal> is used to remove packages that were "
@@ -4074,19 +4085,19 @@ msgstr "autoremove"
#| "are no more needed."
msgid ""
"<literal>autoremove</literal> is used to remove packages that were "
-"automatically installed to satisfy dependencies for other packages and are "
-"now no longer needed."
+"automatically installed to satisfy dependencies for some package and that "
+"are no more needed."
msgstr ""
"<literal>autoremove</literal> は、依存関係を満たすために自動的にインストール"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:323
+#: apt-get.8.xml:312
msgid "changelog"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:324
+#: apt-get.8.xml:313
msgid ""
"<literal>changelog</literal> downloads a package changelog and displays it "
"through <command>sensible-pager</command>. The server name and base "
@@ -4099,13 +4110,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:346
+#: apt-get.8.xml:335
msgid "<option>--no-install-recommends</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-install-recommends</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:347
+#: apt-get.8.xml:336
msgid ""
"Do not consider recommended packages as a dependency for installing. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Install-Recommends</literal>."
@@ -4114,7 +4125,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:351
+#: apt-get.8.xml:340
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "<option>--no-suggests</option>"
msgid "<option>--install-suggests</option>"
@@ -4122,7 +4133,7 @@ msgstr "<option>--no-suggests</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:352
+#: apt-get.8.xml:341
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "Do not consider recommended packages as a dependency for installing. "
@@ -4135,13 +4146,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:356
+#: apt-get.8.xml:345
msgid "<option>--download-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--download-only</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:357
+#: apt-get.8.xml:346
msgid ""
"Download only; package files are only retrieved, not unpacked or installed. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Download-Only</literal>."
@@ -4150,13 +4161,13 @@ msgstr ""
"いません。設定項目 - <literal>APT::Get::Download-Only</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:361
+#: apt-get.8.xml:350
msgid "<option>--fix-broken</option>"
msgstr "<option>--fix-broken</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:362
+#: apt-get.8.xml:351
msgid ""
"Fix; attempt to correct a system with broken dependencies in place. This "
"option, when used with install/remove, can omit any packages to permit APT "
@@ -4182,18 +4193,18 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:375
+#: apt-get.8.xml:364
msgid "<option>--ignore-missing</option>"
msgstr "<option>--ignore-missing</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:376
+#: apt-get.8.xml:365
msgid "<option>--fix-missing</option>"
msgstr "<option>--fix-missing</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:377
+#: apt-get.8.xml:366
msgid ""
"Ignore missing packages; If packages cannot be retrieved or fail the "
"integrity check after retrieval (corrupted package files), hold back those "
@@ -4212,13 +4223,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:387
+#: apt-get.8.xml:376
msgid "<option>--no-download</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-download</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:388
+#: apt-get.8.xml:377
msgid ""
"Disables downloading of packages. This is best used with <option>--ignore-"
"missing</option> to force APT to use only the .debs it has already "
@@ -4230,7 +4241,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:395
+#: apt-get.8.xml:384
msgid ""
"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
@@ -4249,18 +4260,18 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:405
+#: apt-get.8.xml:394
msgid "<option>--simulate</option>"
msgstr "<option>--simulate</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:407
+#: apt-get.8.xml:396
msgid "<option>--dry-run</option>"
msgstr "<option>--dry-run</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:410
+#: apt-get.8.xml:399
msgid ""
"No action; perform a simulation of events that would occur but do not "
"actually change the system. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::"
@@ -4270,7 +4281,7 @@ msgstr ""
"行いません。設定項目 - <literal>APT::Get::Simulate</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:414
+#: apt-get.8.xml:403
msgid ""
"Simulation run as user will deactivate locking (<literal>Debug::NoLocking</"
"literal>) automatic. Also a notice will be displayed indicating that this "
@@ -4288,7 +4299,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:420
+#: apt-get.8.xml:409
msgid ""
"Simulate prints out a series of lines each one representing a dpkg "
"operation, Configure (Conf), Remove (Remv), Unpack (Inst). Square brackets "
@@ -4300,23 +4311,23 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:427
+#: apt-get.8.xml:416
msgid "<option>-y</option>"
msgstr "<option>-y</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:427
+#: apt-get.8.xml:416
msgid "<option>--yes</option>"
msgstr "<option>--yes</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:428
+#: apt-get.8.xml:417
msgid "<option>--assume-yes</option>"
msgstr "<option>--assume-yes</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:429
+#: apt-get.8.xml:418
msgid ""
"Automatic yes to prompts; assume \"yes\" as answer to all prompts and run "
"non-interactively. If an undesirable situation, such as changing a held "
@@ -4330,18 +4341,18 @@ msgstr ""
"定項目 - <literal>APT::Get::Assume-Yes</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:436
+#: apt-get.8.xml:425
msgid "<option>-u</option>"
msgstr "<option>-u</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:436
+#: apt-get.8.xml:425
msgid "<option>--show-upgraded</option>"
msgstr "<option>--show-upgraded</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:437
+#: apt-get.8.xml:426
msgid ""
"Show upgraded packages; Print out a list of all packages that are to be "
"upgraded. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Show-Upgraded</literal>."
@@ -4350,18 +4361,18 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:442
+#: apt-get.8.xml:431
msgid "<option>-V</option>"
msgstr "<option>-V</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:442
+#: apt-get.8.xml:431
msgid "<option>--verbose-versions</option>"
msgstr "<option>--verbose-versions</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:443
+#: apt-get.8.xml:432
msgid ""
"Show full versions for upgraded and installed packages. Configuration Item: "
@@ -4370,41 +4381,23 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:448
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "<option>--recurse</option>"
-msgid "<option>--host-architecture</option>"
-msgstr "<option>--recurse</option>"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:449
-msgid ""
-"This option controls the architecture packages are built for by <command>apt-"
-"get source --compile</command> and how cross-builddependencies are "
-"satisfied. By default is it not set which means that the host architecture "
-"is the same as the build architecture (which is defined by <literal>APT::"
-"Architecture</literal>). Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Host-"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:457
+#: apt-get.8.xml:436
msgid "<option>-b</option>"
msgstr "<option>-b</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:457
+#: apt-get.8.xml:436
msgid "<option>--compile</option>"
msgstr "<option>--compile</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:458
+#: apt-get.8.xml:437
msgid "<option>--build</option>"
msgstr "<option>--build</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:459
+#: apt-get.8.xml:438
msgid ""
"Compile source packages after downloading them. Configuration Item: "
@@ -4413,13 +4406,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:463
+#: apt-get.8.xml:442
msgid "<option>--ignore-hold</option>"
msgstr "<option>--ignore-hold</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:464
+#: apt-get.8.xml:443
msgid ""
"Ignore package Holds; This causes <command>apt-get</command> to ignore a "
"hold placed on a package. This may be useful in conjunction with "
@@ -4432,13 +4425,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:470
+#: apt-get.8.xml:449
msgid "<option>--no-upgrade</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-upgrade</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:471
+#: apt-get.8.xml:450
msgid ""
"Do not upgrade packages; When used in conjunction with <literal>install</"
"literal>, <literal>no-upgrade</literal> will prevent packages on the command "
@@ -4450,12 +4443,12 @@ msgstr ""
"ある場合に更新を行いません。設定項目 - <literal>APT::Get::Upgrade</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:477
+#: apt-get.8.xml:456
msgid "<option>--only-upgrade</option>"
msgstr "<option>--only-upgrade</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:478
+#: apt-get.8.xml:457
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Do not install new packages; When used in conjunction with <literal>install</"
@@ -4468,13 +4461,13 @@ msgstr ""
"ある場合に更新を行いません。設定項目 - <literal>APT::Get::Upgrade</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:484
+#: apt-get.8.xml:463
msgid "<option>--force-yes</option>"
msgstr "<option>--force-yes</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:485
+#: apt-get.8.xml:464
msgid ""
"Force yes; This is a dangerous option that will cause apt to continue "
"without prompting if it is doing something potentially harmful. It should "
@@ -4488,13 +4481,13 @@ msgstr ""
"ねません! 設定項目 - <literal>APT::Get::force-yes</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:492
+#: apt-get.8.xml:471
msgid "<option>--print-uris</option>"
msgstr "<option>--print-uris</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:493
+#: apt-get.8.xml:472
msgid ""
"Instead of fetching the files to install their URIs are printed. Each URI "
"will have the path, the destination file name, the size and the expected md5 "
@@ -4515,13 +4508,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:503
+#: apt-get.8.xml:482
msgid "<option>--purge</option>"
msgstr "<option>--purge</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:504
+#: apt-get.8.xml:483
msgid ""
"Use purge instead of remove for anything that would be removed. An asterisk "
"(\"*\") will be displayed next to packages which are scheduled to be purged. "
@@ -4534,13 +4527,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:511
+#: apt-get.8.xml:490
msgid "<option>--reinstall</option>"
msgstr "<option>--reinstall</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:512
+#: apt-get.8.xml:491
msgid ""
"Re-Install packages that are already installed and at the newest version. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::ReInstall</literal>."
@@ -4549,13 +4542,13 @@ msgstr ""
"定項目 - <literal>APT::Get::ReInstall</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:516
+#: apt-get.8.xml:495
msgid "<option>--list-cleanup</option>"
msgstr "<option>--list-cleanup</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:517
+#: apt-get.8.xml:496
msgid ""
"This option defaults to on, use <literal>--no-list-cleanup</literal> to turn "
"it off. When on <command>apt-get</command> will automatically manage the "
@@ -4571,18 +4564,18 @@ msgstr ""
"する時ぐらいでしょう。設定項目 - <literal>APT::Get::List-Cleanup</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:526
+#: apt-get.8.xml:505
msgid "<option>--target-release</option>"
msgstr "<option>--target-release</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:527
+#: apt-get.8.xml:506
msgid "<option>--default-release</option>"
msgstr "<option>--default-release</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:528
+#: apt-get.8.xml:507
msgid ""
"This option controls the default input to the policy engine, it creates a "
"default pin at priority 990 using the specified release string. This "
@@ -4604,13 +4597,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Release</literal>。&apt-preferences; のマニュアルページもご覧ください。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:541
+#: apt-get.8.xml:520
msgid "<option>--trivial-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--trivial-only</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:543
+#: apt-get.8.xml:522
msgid ""
"Only perform operations that are 'trivial'. Logically this can be considered "
"related to <option>--assume-yes</option>, where <option>--assume-yes</"
@@ -4623,13 +4616,13 @@ msgstr ""
"目 - <literal>APT::Get::Trivial-Only</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:549
+#: apt-get.8.xml:528
msgid "<option>--no-remove</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-remove</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:550
+#: apt-get.8.xml:529
msgid ""
"If any packages are to be removed apt-get immediately aborts without "
"prompting. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Remove</literal>."
@@ -4638,13 +4631,13 @@ msgstr ""
"項目 - <literal>APT::Get::Remove</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:555
+#: apt-get.8.xml:534
msgid "<option>--auto-remove</option>"
msgstr "<option>--auto-remove</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:556
+#: apt-get.8.xml:535
msgid ""
"If the command is either <literal>install</literal> or <literal>remove</"
"literal>, then this option acts like running <literal>autoremove</literal> "
@@ -4657,13 +4650,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:562
+#: apt-get.8.xml:541
msgid "<option>--only-source</option>"
msgstr "<option>--only-source</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:563
+#: apt-get.8.xml:542
msgid ""
"Only has meaning for the <literal>source</literal> and <literal>build-dep</"
"literal> commands. Indicates that the given source names are not to be "
@@ -4681,23 +4674,23 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:573
+#: apt-get.8.xml:552
msgid "<option>--diff-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--diff-only</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:573
+#: apt-get.8.xml:552
msgid "<option>--dsc-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--dsc-only</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:573
+#: apt-get.8.xml:552
msgid "<option>--tar-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--tar-only</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:574
+#: apt-get.8.xml:553
msgid ""
"Download only the diff, dsc, or tar file of a source archive. Configuration "
"Item: <literal>APT::Get::Diff-Only</literal>, <literal>APT::Get::Dsc-Only</"
@@ -4708,13 +4701,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:579
+#: apt-get.8.xml:558
msgid "<option>--arch-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--arch-only</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:580
+#: apt-get.8.xml:559
msgid ""
"Only process architecture-dependent build-dependencies. Configuration Item: "
@@ -4723,13 +4716,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:584
+#: apt-get.8.xml:563
msgid "<option>--allow-unauthenticated</option>"
msgstr "<option>--allow-unauthenticated</option>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:585
+#: apt-get.8.xml:564
msgid ""
"Ignore if packages can't be authenticated and don't prompt about it. This "
"is useful for tools like pbuilder. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::"
@@ -4740,7 +4733,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:598
+#: apt-get.8.xml:577
msgid ""
"&file-sourceslist; &file-aptconf; &file-preferences; &file-cachearchives; "
@@ -4750,7 +4743,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:607
+#: apt-get.8.xml:586
msgid ""
"&apt-cache;, &apt-cdrom;, &dpkg;, &dselect;, &sources-list;, &apt-conf;, "
"&apt-config;, &apt-secure;, The APT User's guide in &guidesdir;, &apt-"
@@ -4762,7 +4755,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:613
+#: apt-get.8.xml:592
msgid ""
"<command>apt-get</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 on "
@@ -4771,22 +4764,22 @@ msgstr ""
"100 を返します。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:616
+#: apt-get.8.xml:595
msgstr "原著者"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:617
+#: apt-get.8.xml:596
msgid "&apt-author.jgunthorpe;"
msgstr "&apt-author.jgunthorpe;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:620
+#: apt-get.8.xml:599
msgstr "現著者"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:622
+#: apt-get.8.xml:601
msgid "&;"
msgstr "&;"
@@ -4925,36 +4918,34 @@ msgstr ""
"gpg に上級オプションを渡します。adv --recv-key とすると、公開鍵をダウンロード"
+# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#: apt-key.8.xml:131
msgid ""
-"Update the local keyring with the archive keyring and remove from the local "
-"keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid. The archive keyring is "
-"shipped in the <literal>archive-keyring</literal> package of your "
-"distribution, e.g. the <literal>debian-archive-keyring</literal> package in "
+"Update the local keyring with the keyring of Debian archive keys and removes "
+"from the keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid."
msgstr ""
+"Debian アーカイブキーで、ローカルキーリングを更新し、もう有効でないキーをキー"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:141
+#: apt-key.8.xml:140
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "update"
msgid "net-update"
msgstr "update"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:145
+#: apt-key.8.xml:144
msgid ""
-"Work similar to the <command>update</command> command above, but get the "
-"archive keyring from an URI instead and validate it against a master key. "
-"This requires an installed &wget; and an APT build configured to have a "
-"server to fetch from and a master keyring to validate. APT in Debian does "
-"not support this command and relies on <command>update</command> instead, "
-"but Ubuntu's APT does."
+"Update the local keyring with the keys of a key server and removes from the "
+"keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid. This requires an "
+"installed wget and an APT build configured to have a server to fetch from. "
+"APT in Debian does not support this command, but Ubuntu's APT does."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:162
+#: apt-key.8.xml:159
msgid ""
"Note that options need to be defined before the commands described in the "
"previous section."
@@ -4964,17 +4955,25 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:164
+#: apt-key.8.xml:161
msgid "--keyring <replaceable>filename</replaceable>"
msgstr "--keyring <replaceable>filename</replaceable>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:165
+#: apt-key.8.xml:162
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "With this option it is possible to specify a specific keyring file the "
+#| "command should operate on. The default is that a command is executed on "
+#| "the <filename>trusted.gpg</filename> file as well as on all parts in the "
+#| "<filename>trusted.gpg.d</filename> directory, though <filename>trusted."
+#| "gpg</filename> is the primary keyring which means that e.g. new keys are "
+#| "added to this one."
msgid ""
"With this option it is possible to specify a specific keyring file the "
"command should operate on. The default is that a command is executed on the "
"<filename>trusted.gpg</filename> file as well as on all parts in the "
-"<filename>trusted.gpg.d</filename> directory, though <filename>trusted.gpg</"
+"<filename>trusted.gpg.d</filename> directory, through <filename>trusted.gpg</"
"filename> is the primary keyring which means that e.g. new keys are added to "
"this one."
msgstr ""
@@ -4985,35 +4984,35 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:178
+#: apt-key.8.xml:175
msgid "&file-trustedgpg;"
msgstr "&file-trustedgpg;"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:180
+#: apt-key.8.xml:177
msgid "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
msgstr "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:181
+#: apt-key.8.xml:178
msgid "Local trust database of archive keys."
msgstr "アーカイブキーのローカル信頼データベースです。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:184
+#: apt-key.8.xml:181
msgid "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
msgstr "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:185
+#: apt-key.8.xml:182
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive trusted keys."
msgstr "Debian アーカイブ信頼キーのキーリングです。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:188
+#: apt-key.8.xml:185
msgid ""
msgstr ""
@@ -5021,13 +5020,13 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:189
+#: apt-key.8.xml:186
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive removed trusted keys."
msgstr "削除された Debian アーカイブ信頼キーのキーリングです。"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:198
+#: apt-key.8.xml:195
msgid "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
msgstr "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
@@ -5783,12 +5782,11 @@ msgstr "<envar>APT_CONFIG</envar> 環境変数で指定したファイル (存
#| "period (.) characters - otherwise they will be silently ignored."
msgid ""
"all files in <literal>Dir::Etc::Parts</literal> in alphanumeric ascending "
-"order which have either no or \"<literal>conf</literal>\" as filename "
-"extension and which only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), underscore (_) "
-"and period (.) characters. Otherwise APT will print a notice that it has "
-"ignored a file if the file doesn't match a pattern in the <literal>Dir::"
-"Ignore-Files-Silently</literal> configuration list - in this case it will be "
-"silently ignored."
+"order which have no or \"<literal>conf</literal>\" as filename extension and "
+"which only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), underscore (_) and period (.) "
+"characters. Otherwise APT will print a notice that it has ignored a file if "
+"the file doesn't match a pattern in the <literal>Dir::Ignore-Files-Silently</"
+"literal> configuration list - in this case it will be silently ignored."
msgstr ""
"<literal>Dir::Etc::Parts</literal> にあるすべてのファイルを英数字の昇順に。"
"ファイル名には拡張子がないか、\"<literal>conf</literal>\" となっており、英数"
@@ -6043,25 +6041,14 @@ msgstr ""
"に使用するアーキテクチャをセットします。内部でのデフォルトは、apt をコンパイ"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:158
-msgid ""
-"All Architectures the system supports. Processors implementing the "
-"<literal>amd64</literal> are e.g. also able to execute binaries compiled for "
-"<literal>i386</literal>; This list is use when fetching files and parsing "
-"package lists. The internal default is always the native architecture "
-"(<literal>APT::Architecture</literal>) and all foreign architectures it can "
-"retrieve by calling <command>dpkg --print-foreign-architectures</command>."
-msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><programlisting>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:165
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:157
msgid "Default-Release"
msgstr "Default-Release"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:166
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:158
msgid ""
"Default release to install packages from if more than one version available. "
"Contains release name, codename or release version. Examples: 'stable', "
@@ -6074,13 +6061,13 @@ msgstr ""
"'4.0', '5.0*' となります。&apt-preferences; も参照してください。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:171
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:163
msgid "Ignore-Hold"
msgstr "Ignore-Hold"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:172
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:164
msgid ""
"Ignore Held packages; This global option causes the problem resolver to "
"ignore held packages in its decision making."
@@ -6090,13 +6077,13 @@ msgstr ""
# type: <tag></tag>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:176
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:168
msgid "Clean-Installed"
msgstr "Clean-Installed"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:177
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:169
msgid ""
"Defaults to on. When turned on the autoclean feature will remove any "
"packages which can no longer be downloaded from the cache. If turned off "
@@ -6111,12 +6098,12 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:183
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:175
msgid "Immediate-Configure"
msgstr "Immediate-Configure"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:184
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:176
msgid ""
"Defaults to on which will cause APT to install essential and important "
"packages as fast as possible in the install/upgrade operation. This is done "
@@ -6172,13 +6159,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:206
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:198
msgid "Force-LoopBreak"
msgstr "Force-LoopBreak"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:207
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:199
msgid ""
"Never Enable this option unless you -really- know what you are doing. It "
"permits APT to temporarily remove an essential package to break a Conflicts/"
@@ -6196,12 +6183,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:215
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:207
msgid "Cache-Start, Cache-Grow and Cache-Limit"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:216
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:208
msgid ""
"APT uses since version 0.7.26 a resizable memory mapped cache file to store "
"the 'available' information. <literal>Cache-Start</literal> acts as a hint "
@@ -6221,24 +6208,24 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:231
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:223
msgid "Build-Essential"
msgstr "Build-Essential"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:232
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:224
msgid "Defines which package(s) are considered essential build dependencies."
msgstr "構築依存関係で不可欠なパッケージを定義します。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:235
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:227
msgid "Get"
msgstr "Get"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:236
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:228
msgid ""
"The Get subsection controls the &apt-get; tool, please see its documentation "
"for more information about the options here."
@@ -6247,13 +6234,13 @@ msgstr ""
"&apt-get; の文書を参照してください。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:240
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:232
msgid "Cache"
msgstr "Cache"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:241
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:233
msgid ""
"The Cache subsection controls the &apt-cache; tool, please see its "
"documentation for more information about the options here."
@@ -6262,13 +6249,13 @@ msgstr ""
"は &apt-cache; の文書を参照してください。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:245
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:237
msgid "CDROM"
msgstr "CDROM"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:246
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:238
msgid ""
"The CDROM subsection controls the &apt-cdrom; tool, please see its "
"documentation for more information about the options here."
@@ -6278,17 +6265,17 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:252
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:244
msgid "The Acquire Group"
msgstr "Acquire グループ"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:257
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:249
msgid "Check-Valid-Until"
msgstr "Check-Valid-Until"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:258
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:250
msgid ""
"Security related option defaulting to true as an expiring validation for a "
"Release file prevents longtime replay attacks and can e.g. also help users "
@@ -6300,46 +6287,31 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:268
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:260
msgid "Max-ValidTime"
msgstr "Max-ValidTime"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:269
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:261
msgid ""
-"Seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was created "
-"(indicated by the <literal>Date</literal> header). If the Release file "
-"itself includes a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header the earlier date of "
-"the two is used as the expiration date. The default value is <literal>0</"
-"literal> which stands for \"for ever\". Archive specific settings can be "
-"made by appending the label of the archive to the option name."
+"Seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was created. "
+"The default is \"for ever\" (0) if the Release file of the archive doesn't "
+"include a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header. If it does then this date "
+"is the default. The date from the Release file or the date specified by the "
+"creation time of the Release file (<literal>Date</literal> header) plus the "
+"seconds specified with this options are used to check if the validation of a "
+"file has expired by using the earlier date of the two. Archive specific "
+"settings can be made by appending the label of the archive to the option "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:279
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Max-ValidTime"
-msgid "Min-ValidTime"
-msgstr "Max-ValidTime"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:280
-msgid ""
-"Minimum of seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was "
-"created (indicated by the <literal>Date</literal> header). Use this if you "
-"need to use a seldomly updated (local) mirror of a more regular updated "
-"archive with a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header instead of completely "
-"disabling the expiration date checking. Archive specific settings can and "
-"should be used by appending the label of the archive to the option name."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:290
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:273
msgid "PDiffs"
msgstr "PDiffs"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:291
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:274
msgid ""
"Try to download deltas called <literal>PDiffs</literal> for Packages or "
"Sources files instead of downloading whole ones. True by default."
@@ -6349,12 +6321,20 @@ msgstr ""
"ルトでは True です。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:294
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:277
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Two sub-options to limit the use of PDiffs are also available: With "
+#| "<literal>FileLimit</literal> can be specified how many PDiff files are "
+#| "downloaded at most to patch a file. <literal>SizeLimit</literal> on the "
+#| "other hand is the maximum percentage of the size of all patches compared "
+#| "to the size of the targeted file. If one of these limits is exceeded the "
+#| "complete file is downloaded instead of the patches."
msgid ""
"Two sub-options to limit the use of PDiffs are also available: With "
"<literal>FileLimit</literal> can be specified how many PDiff files are "
"downloaded at most to patch a file. <literal>SizeLimit</literal> on the "
-"other hand is the maximum percentage of the size of all patches compared to "
+"other hand is the maximum precentage of the size of all patches compared to "
"the size of the targeted file. If one of these limits is exceeded the "
"complete file is downloaded instead of the patches."
msgstr ""
@@ -6365,13 +6345,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:303
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:286
msgid "Queue-Mode"
msgstr "Queue-Mode"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:304
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:287
msgid ""
"Queuing mode; <literal>Queue-Mode</literal> can be one of <literal>host</"
"literal> or <literal>access</literal> which determines how APT parallelizes "
@@ -6386,13 +6366,13 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:311
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:294
msgid "Retries"
msgstr "Retries"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:312
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:295
msgid ""
"Number of retries to perform. If this is non-zero APT will retry failed "
"files the given number of times."
@@ -6401,13 +6381,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:316
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:299
msgid "Source-Symlinks"
msgstr "Source-Symlinks"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:317
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:300
msgid ""
"Use symlinks for source archives. If set to true then source archives will "
"be symlinked when possible instead of copying. True is the default."
@@ -6418,13 +6398,13 @@ msgstr ""
# type: <tag></tag>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:321 sources.list.5.xml:155
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:304 sources.list.5.xml:144
msgid "http"
msgstr "http"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:322
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:305
msgid ""
"HTTP URIs; http::Proxy is the default http proxy to use. It is in the "
"standard form of <literal>http://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/</literal>. Per "
@@ -6442,7 +6422,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:330
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:313
msgid ""
"Three settings are provided for cache control with HTTP/1.1 compliant proxy "
"caches. <literal>No-Cache</literal> tells the proxy to not use its cached "
@@ -6467,7 +6447,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:340 apt.conf.5.xml:404
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:323 apt.conf.5.xml:387
msgid ""
"The option <literal>timeout</literal> sets the timeout timer used by the "
"method, this applies to all things including connection timeout and data "
@@ -6479,7 +6459,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:343
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:326
msgid ""
"One setting is provided to control the pipeline depth in cases where the "
"remote server is not RFC conforming or buggy (such as Squid 2.0.2). "
@@ -6498,7 +6478,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:351
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:334
msgid ""
"The used bandwidth can be limited with <literal>Acquire::http::Dl-Limit</"
"literal> which accepts integer values in kilobyte. The default value is 0 "
@@ -6512,7 +6492,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:356
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:339
msgid ""
"<literal>Acquire::http::User-Agent</literal> can be used to set a different "
"User-Agent for the http download method as some proxies allow access for "
@@ -6524,12 +6504,12 @@ msgstr ""
# type: <tag></tag>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:362
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:345
msgid "https"
msgstr "https"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:363
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:346
msgid ""
"HTTPS URIs. Cache-control, Timeout, AllowRedirect, Dl-Limit and proxy "
"options are the same as for <literal>http</literal> method and will also "
@@ -6544,7 +6524,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:369
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:352
msgid ""
"<literal>CaInfo</literal> suboption specifies place of file that holds info "
"about trusted certificates. <literal>&lt;host&gt;::CaInfo</literal> is "
@@ -6581,13 +6561,13 @@ msgstr ""
# type: <tag></tag>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:387 sources.list.5.xml:166
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:370 sources.list.5.xml:155
msgid "ftp"
msgstr "ftp"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:388
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:371
msgid ""
"FTP URIs; ftp::Proxy is the default ftp proxy to use. It is in the standard "
"form of <literal>ftp://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/</literal>. Per host "
@@ -6620,7 +6600,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:407
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:390
msgid ""
"Several settings are provided to control passive mode. Generally it is safe "
"to leave passive mode on, it works in nearly every environment. However "
@@ -6636,7 +6616,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:414
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:397
msgid ""
"It is possible to proxy FTP over HTTP by setting the <envar>ftp_proxy</"
"envar> environment variable to a http url - see the discussion of the http "
@@ -6650,7 +6630,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:419
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:402
msgid ""
"The setting <literal>ForceExtended</literal> controls the use of RFC2428 "
"<literal>EPSV</literal> and <literal>EPRT</literal> commands. The default is "
@@ -6667,19 +6647,19 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refnamediv><refname>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:426 sources.list.5.xml:148
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:409 sources.list.5.xml:137
msgid "cdrom"
msgstr "cdrom"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:432
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:415
#, no-wrap
msgid "/cdrom/::Mount \"foo\";"
msgstr "/cdrom/::Mount \"foo\";"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:427
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:410
msgid ""
"CDROM URIs; the only setting for CDROM URIs is the mount point, "
"<literal>cdrom::Mount</literal> which must be the mount point for the CDROM "
@@ -6700,13 +6680,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:437
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:420
msgid "gpgv"
msgstr "gpgv"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:438
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:421
msgid ""
"GPGV URIs; the only option for GPGV URIs is the option to pass additional "
"parameters to gpgv. <literal>gpgv::Options</literal> Additional options "
@@ -6717,18 +6697,18 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:443
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:426
msgid "CompressionTypes"
msgstr "CompressionTypes"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:449
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:432
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::<replaceable>FileExtension</replaceable> \"<replaceable>Methodname</replaceable>\";"
msgstr "Acquire::CompressionTypes::<replaceable>FileExtension</replaceable> \"<replaceable>Methodname</replaceable>\";"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:444
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:427
msgid ""
"List of compression types which are understood by the acquire methods. "
"Files like <filename>Packages</filename> can be available in various "
@@ -6746,19 +6726,19 @@ msgstr ""
"す。構文は以下のようになります。<placeholder type=\"synopsis\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:454
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:437
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order:: \"gz\";"
msgstr "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order:: \"gz\";"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:457
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:440
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order { \"lzma\"; \"gz\"; };"
msgstr "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order { \"lzma\"; \"gz\"; };"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:450
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:433
msgid ""
"Also the <literal>Order</literal> subgroup can be used to define in which "
"order the acquire system will try to download the compressed files. The "
@@ -6786,13 +6766,13 @@ msgstr ""
"<literal>bz2</literal> は自動的に追加されるため、明示する必要はありません。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:461
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:444
#, no-wrap
msgid "Dir::Bin::bzip2 \"/bin/bzip2\";"
msgstr "Dir::Bin::bzip2 \"/bin/bzip2\";"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:459
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:442
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "Note that at run time the <literal>Dir::Bin::<replaceable>Methodname</"
@@ -6809,9 +6789,9 @@ msgid ""
"Note that at run time the <literal>Dir::Bin::<replaceable>Methodname</"
"replaceable></literal> will be checked: If this setting exists the method "
"will only be used if this file exists, e.g. for the bzip2 method (the "
-"inbuilt) setting is: <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/> Note "
-"also that list entries specified on the command line will be added at the "
-"end of the list specified in the configuration files, but before the default "
+"inbuilt) setting is <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/> Note also "
+"that list entries specified on the command line will be added at the end of "
+"the list specified in the configuration files, but before the default "
"entries. To prefer a type in this case over the ones specified in the "
"configuration files you can set the option direct - not in list style. This "
"will not override the defined list, it will only prefix the list with this "
@@ -6828,21 +6808,21 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:466
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:449
msgid ""
"The special type <literal>uncompressed</literal> can be used to give "
-"uncompressed files a preference, but note that most archives don't provide "
+"uncompressed files a preference, but note that most archives doesn't provide "
"uncompressed files so this is mostly only useable for local mirrors."
msgstr ""
# type: <tag></tag>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:471
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:454
msgid "GzipIndexes"
msgstr "GzipIndexes"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:473
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:456
msgid ""
"When downloading <literal>gzip</literal> compressed indexes (Packages, "
"Sources, or Translations), keep them gzip compressed locally instead of "
@@ -6851,12 +6831,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:480
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:463
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Languages"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:481
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:464
msgid ""
"The Languages subsection controls which <filename>Translation</filename> "
"files are downloaded and in which order APT tries to display the Description-"
@@ -6869,13 +6849,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><programlisting>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:497
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:480
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acquire::Languages { \"environment\"; \"de\"; \"en\"; \"none\"; \"fr\"; };"
msgstr "Acquire::Languages { \"environment\"; \"de\"; \"en\"; \"none\"; \"fr\"; };"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:487
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:470
msgid ""
"The default list includes \"environment\" and \"en\". "
"\"<literal>environment</literal>\" has a special meaning here: It will be "
@@ -6899,7 +6879,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:253
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:245
msgid ""
"The <literal>Acquire</literal> group of options controls the download of "
"packages and the URI handlers. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
@@ -6910,13 +6890,13 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:504
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:487
msgid "Directories"
msgstr "ディレクトリ"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:506
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:489
msgid ""
"The <literal>Dir::State</literal> section has directories that pertain to "
"local state information. <literal>lists</literal> is the directory to place "
@@ -6936,7 +6916,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:513
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:496
msgid ""
"<literal>Dir::Cache</literal> contains locations pertaining to local cache "
"information, such as the two package caches <literal>srcpkgcache</literal> "
@@ -6958,7 +6938,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:522
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:505
msgid ""
"<literal>Dir::Etc</literal> contains the location of configuration files, "
"<literal>sourcelist</literal> gives the location of the sourcelist and "
@@ -6973,7 +6953,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:528
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:511
msgid ""
"The <literal>Dir::Parts</literal> setting reads in all the config fragments "
"in lexical order from the directory specified. After this is done then the "
@@ -6985,7 +6965,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:532
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:515
msgid ""
"Binary programs are pointed to by <literal>Dir::Bin</literal>. <literal>Dir::"
"Bin::Methods</literal> specifies the location of the method handlers and "
@@ -7003,7 +6983,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:540
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:523
msgid ""
"The configuration item <literal>RootDir</literal> has a special meaning. If "
"set, all paths in <literal>Dir::</literal> will be relative to "
@@ -7023,7 +7003,7 @@ msgstr ""
"<filename>/tmp/staging/var/lib/dpkg/status</filename> から探します。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:553
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:536
msgid ""
"The <literal>Ignore-Files-Silently</literal> list can be used to specify "
"which files APT should silently ignore while parsing the files in the "
@@ -7035,13 +7015,13 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:562
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:545
msgid "APT in DSelect"
msgstr "DSelect での APT"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:564
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:547
msgid ""
"When APT is used as a &dselect; method several configuration directives "
"control the default behaviour. These are in the <literal>DSelect</literal> "
@@ -7051,13 +7031,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:568
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:551
msgid "Clean"
msgstr "Clean"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:569
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:552
msgid ""
"Cache Clean mode; this value may be one of always, prompt, auto, pre-auto "
"and never. always and prompt will remove all packages from the cache after "
@@ -7074,7 +7054,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:578
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:561
msgid ""
"The contents of this variable is passed to &apt-get; as command line options "
"when it is run for the install phase."
@@ -7084,13 +7064,13 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:582
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:565
msgid "Updateoptions"
msgstr "Updateoptions"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:583
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:566
msgid ""
"The contents of this variable is passed to &apt-get; as command line options "
"when it is run for the update phase."
@@ -7099,13 +7079,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:587
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:570
msgid "PromptAfterUpdate"
msgstr "PromptAfterUpdate"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:588
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:571
msgid ""
"If true the [U]pdate operation in &dselect; will always prompt to continue. "
"The default is to prompt only on error."
@@ -7115,13 +7095,13 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:594
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:577
msgid "How APT calls dpkg"
msgstr "APT が dpkg を呼ぶ方法"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:595
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:578
msgid ""
"Several configuration directives control how APT invokes &dpkg;. These are "
"in the <literal>DPkg</literal> section."
@@ -7131,7 +7111,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:600
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:583
msgid ""
"This is a list of options to pass to dpkg. The options must be specified "
"using the list notation and each list item is passed as a single argument to "
@@ -7141,18 +7121,18 @@ msgstr ""
"ければなりません。また、各リストは単一の引数として &dpkg; に渡されます。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:605
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:588
msgid "Pre-Invoke"
msgstr "Pre-Invoke"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:605
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:588
msgid "Post-Invoke"
msgstr "Post-Invoke"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:606
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:589
msgid ""
"This is a list of shell commands to run before/after invoking &dpkg;. Like "
"<literal>options</literal> this must be specified in list notation. The "
@@ -7166,13 +7146,13 @@ msgstr ""
# type: <tag></tag>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:612
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:595
msgid "Pre-Install-Pkgs"
msgstr "Pre-Install-Pkgs"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:613
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:596
msgid ""
"This is a list of shell commands to run before invoking dpkg. Like "
"<literal>options</literal> this must be specified in list notation. The "
@@ -7188,7 +7168,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:619
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:602
msgid ""
"Version 2 of this protocol dumps more information, including the protocol "
"version, the APT configuration space and the packages, files and versions "
@@ -7204,13 +7184,13 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:626
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:609
msgid "Run-Directory"
msgstr "Run-Directory"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:627
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:610
msgid ""
"APT chdirs to this directory before invoking dpkg, the default is <filename>/"
@@ -7220,13 +7200,13 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:631
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:614
msgid "Build-options"
msgstr "Build-options"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:632
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:615
msgid ""
"These options are passed to &dpkg-buildpackage; when compiling packages, the "
"default is to disable signing and produce all binaries."
@@ -7235,12 +7215,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:637
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:620
msgid "dpkg trigger usage (and related options)"
msgstr "dpkg トリガの使い方 (および関連オプション)"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:638
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:621
msgid ""
"APT can call dpkg in a way so it can make aggressive use of triggers over "
"multiple calls of dpkg. Without further options dpkg will use triggers only "
@@ -7255,7 +7235,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><literallayout>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:653
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:636
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"DPkg::NoTriggers \"true\";\n"
@@ -7269,7 +7249,7 @@ msgstr ""
"DPkg::TriggersPending \"true\";"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:647
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:630
msgid ""
"Note that it is not guaranteed that APT will support these options or that "
"these options will not cause (big) trouble in the future. If you have "
@@ -7283,12 +7263,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:659
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:642
msgid "DPkg::NoTriggers"
msgstr "DPkg::NoTriggers"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:660
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:643
msgid ""
"Add the no triggers flag to all dpkg calls (except the ConfigurePending "
"call). See &dpkg; if you are interested in what this actually means. In "
@@ -7301,12 +7281,12 @@ msgstr ""
# type: <tag></tag>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:667
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:650
msgid "PackageManager::Configure"
msgstr "PackageManager::Configure"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:668
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:651
msgid ""
"Valid values are \"<literal>all</literal>\", \"<literal>smart</literal>\" "
"and \"<literal>no</literal>\". \"<literal>all</literal>\" is the default "
@@ -7323,12 +7303,12 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:678
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:661
msgid "DPkg::ConfigurePending"
msgstr "DPkg::ConfigurePending"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:679
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:662
msgid ""
"If this option is set apt will call <command>dpkg --configure --pending</"
"command> to let dpkg handle all required configurations and triggers. This "
@@ -7339,12 +7319,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:685
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:668
msgid "DPkg::TriggersPending"
msgstr "DPkg::TriggersPending"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:686
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:669
msgid ""
"Useful for <literal>smart</literal> configuration as a package which has "
"pending triggers is not considered as <literal>installed</literal> and dpkg "
@@ -7354,12 +7334,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:691
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:674
msgid "PackageManager::UnpackAll"
msgstr "PackageManager::UnpackAll"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:692
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:675
msgid ""
"As the configuration can be deferred to be done at the end by dpkg it can be "
"tried to order the unpack series only by critical needs, e.g. by Pre-"
@@ -7371,12 +7351,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:699
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:682
msgid "OrderList::Score::Immediate"
msgstr "OrderList::Score::Immediate"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:707
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:690
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"OrderList::Score {\n"
@@ -7394,7 +7374,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:700
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:683
msgid ""
"Essential packages (and there dependencies) should be configured immediately "
"after unpacking. It will be a good idea to do this quite early in the "
@@ -7408,12 +7388,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:720
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:703
msgid "Periodic and Archives options"
msgstr "Periodic オプションと Archives オプション"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:721
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:704
msgid ""
"<literal>APT::Periodic</literal> and <literal>APT::Archives</literal> groups "
"of options configure behavior of apt periodic updates, which is done by "
@@ -7427,12 +7407,12 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:729
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:712
msgid "Debug options"
msgstr "デバッグオプション"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:731
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:714
msgid ""
"Enabling options in the <literal>Debug::</literal> section will cause "
"debugging information to be sent to the standard error stream of the program "
@@ -7443,7 +7423,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:742
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:725
msgid ""
"<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal> enables output about the "
"decisions made by <literal>dist-upgrade, upgrade, install, remove, purge</"
@@ -7454,7 +7434,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:750
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:733
msgid ""
"<literal>Debug::NoLocking</literal> disables all file locking. This can be "
"used to run some operations (for instance, <literal>apt-get -s install</"
@@ -7465,7 +7445,7 @@ msgstr ""
"literal>) を行う場合に使用します。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:759
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:742
msgid ""
"<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgPM</literal> prints out the actual command line each "
"time that <literal>apt</literal> invokes &dpkg;."
@@ -7477,7 +7457,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. motivating example, except I haven't a clue why you'd want
#. to do this.
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:767
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:750
msgid ""
"<literal>Debug::IdentCdrom</literal> disables the inclusion of statfs data "
"in CDROM IDs."
@@ -7486,59 +7466,59 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:777
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:760
msgid "A full list of debugging options to apt follows."
msgstr "以下は apt に対するデバッグオプションのすべてです。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:782
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:765
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::cdrom</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Acquire::cdrom</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:786
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:769
msgid ""
"Print information related to accessing <literal>cdrom://</literal> sources."
msgstr ""
"<literal>cdrom://</literal> ソースへのアクセスに関する情報を出力します。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:793
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:776
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::ftp</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Acquire::ftp</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:797
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:780
msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using FTP."
msgstr "FTP を用いたパッケージのダウンロードに関する情報を出力します。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:804
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:787
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::http</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Acquire::http</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:808
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:791
msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using HTTP."
msgstr "HTTP を用いたパッケージのダウンロードに関する情報を出力します。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:815
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:798
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::https</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Acquire::https</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:819
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:802
msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using HTTPS."
msgstr "HTTPS を用いたパッケージのダウンロードに関する情報を出力します。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:826
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:809
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::gpgv</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Acquire::gpgv</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:830
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:813
msgid ""
"Print information related to verifying cryptographic signatures using "
@@ -7546,12 +7526,12 @@ msgstr ""
"<literal>gpg</literal> を用いた暗号署名の検証に関する情報を出力します。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:837
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:820
msgid "<literal>Debug::aptcdrom</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::aptcdrom</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:841
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:824
msgid ""
"Output information about the process of accessing collections of packages "
"stored on CD-ROMs."
@@ -7560,22 +7540,22 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:848
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:831
msgid "<literal>Debug::BuildDeps</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::BuildDeps</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:851
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:834
msgid "Describes the process of resolving build-dependencies in &apt-get;."
msgstr "&apt-get; での構築依存関係解決のプロセスを説明します。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:858
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:841
msgid "<literal>Debug::Hashes</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Hashes</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:861
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:844
msgid ""
"Output each cryptographic hash that is generated by the <literal>apt</"
"literal> libraries."
@@ -7583,12 +7563,12 @@ msgstr ""
"<literal>apt</literal> ライブラリが生成した、暗号化ハッシュを出力します。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:868
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:851
msgid "<literal>Debug::IdentCDROM</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::IdentCDROM</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:871
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:854
msgid ""
"Do not include information from <literal>statfs</literal>, namely the number "
"of used and free blocks on the CD-ROM filesystem, when generating an ID for "
@@ -7598,12 +7578,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:879
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:862
msgid "<literal>Debug::NoLocking</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::NoLocking</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:882
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:865
msgid ""
"Disable all file locking. For instance, this will allow two instances of "
"<quote><literal>apt-get update</literal></quote> to run at the same time."
@@ -7612,23 +7592,23 @@ msgstr ""
"<quote><literal>apt-get update</literal></quote> を実行できるようになります。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:890
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:873
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:894
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:877
msgid "Log when items are added to or removed from the global download queue."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:901
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:884
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Auth</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Auth</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:904
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:887
msgid ""
"Output status messages and errors related to verifying checksums and "
"cryptographic signatures of downloaded files."
@@ -7637,12 +7617,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:911
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:894
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Diffs</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Diffs</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:914
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:897
msgid ""
"Output information about downloading and applying package index list diffs, "
"and errors relating to package index list diffs."
@@ -7651,12 +7631,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:922
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:905
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::RRed</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::RRed</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:926
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:909
msgid ""
"Output information related to patching apt package lists when downloading "
"index diffs instead of full indices."
@@ -7665,24 +7645,24 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:933
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:916
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Worker</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Worker</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:937
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:920
msgid ""
"Log all interactions with the sub-processes that actually perform downloads."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:944
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:927
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAutoRemove</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAutoRemove</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:948
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:931
msgid ""
"Log events related to the automatically-installed status of packages and to "
"the removal of unused packages."
@@ -7691,12 +7671,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:955
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:938
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::AutoInstall</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::AutoInstall</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:958
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:941
msgid ""
"Generate debug messages describing which packages are being automatically "
"installed to resolve dependencies. This corresponds to the initial auto-"
@@ -7711,12 +7691,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:969
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:952
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::Marker</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::Marker</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:972
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:955
msgid ""
"Generate debug messages describing which package is marked as keep/install/"
"remove while the ProblemResolver does his work. Each addition or deletion "
@@ -7733,22 +7713,22 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:991
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:974
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgInitConfig</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgInitConfig</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:994
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:977
msgid "Dump the default configuration to standard error on startup."
msgstr "起動時に、標準エラー出力へデフォルト設定を出力します。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1001
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:984
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgPM</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgPM</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1004
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:987
msgid ""
"When invoking &dpkg;, output the precise command line with which it is being "
"invoked, with arguments separated by a single space character."
@@ -7757,12 +7737,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1012
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:995
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1015
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:998
msgid ""
"Output all the data received from &dpkg; on the status file descriptor and "
"any errors encountered while parsing it."
@@ -7771,12 +7751,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1022
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1005
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgOrderList</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgOrderList</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1026
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1009
msgid ""
"Generate a trace of the algorithm that decides the order in which "
"<literal>apt</literal> should pass packages to &dpkg;."
@@ -7785,33 +7765,33 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1034
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1017
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgPackageManager</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgPackageManager</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1038
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1021
msgid ""
"Output status messages tracing the steps performed when invoking &dpkg;."
msgstr "&dpkg; を呼び出す際に、実行手順を追跡した状態メッセージを出力します。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1045
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1028
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgPolicy</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgPolicy</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1049
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1032
msgid "Output the priority of each package list on startup."
msgstr "起動時の各パッケージの優先度を表示します。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1055
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1038
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1059
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1042
msgid ""
"Trace the execution of the dependency resolver (this applies only to what "
"happens when a complex dependency problem is encountered)."
@@ -7820,12 +7800,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1067
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1050
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver::ShowScores</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver::ShowScores</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1070
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1053
msgid ""
"Display a list of all installed packages with their calculated score used by "
"the pkgProblemResolver. The description of the package is the same as "
@@ -7833,12 +7813,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1078
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1061
msgid "<literal>Debug::sourceList</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::sourceList</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1082
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1065
msgid ""
"Print information about the vendors read from <filename>/etc/apt/vendors."
@@ -7848,7 +7828,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1105
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1088
msgid ""
"&configureindex; is a configuration file showing example values for all "
"possible options."
@@ -7858,14 +7838,14 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1112
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1095
msgid "&file-aptconf;"
msgstr "&file-aptconf;"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. ? reading apt.conf
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1117
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1100
msgid "&apt-cache;, &apt-config;, &apt-preferences;."
msgstr "&apt-cache;, &apt-config;, &apt-preferences;."
@@ -7967,8 +7947,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Note that the files in the <filename>/etc/apt/preferences.d</filename> "
"directory are parsed in alphanumeric ascending order and need to obey the "
-"following naming convention: The files have either no or \"<literal>pref</"
-"literal>\" as filename extension and only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), "
+"following naming convention: The files have no or \"<literal>pref</literal>"
+"\" as filename extension and which only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), "
"underscore (_) and period (.) characters. Otherwise APT will print a notice "
"that it has ignored a file if the file doesn't match a pattern in the "
"<literal>Dir::Ignore-Files-Silently</literal> configuration list - in this "
@@ -8433,7 +8413,7 @@ msgid ""
"APT also supports pinning by glob() expressions and regular expressions "
"surrounded by /. For example, the following example assigns the priority 500 "
"to all packages from experimental where the name starts with gnome (as a glob"
-"()-like expression) or contains the word kde (as a POSIX extended regular "
+"()-like expression or contains the word kde (as a POSIX extended regular "
"expression surrounded by slashes)."
msgstr ""
@@ -8459,7 +8439,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: apt_preferences.5.xml:279
msgid ""
"The rule for those expressions is that they can occur anywhere where a "
-"string can occur. Thus, the following pin assigns the priority 990 to all "
+"string can occur. Those, the following pin assigns the priority 990 to all "
"packages from a release starting with karmic."
msgstr ""
@@ -9442,7 +9422,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: sources.list.5.xml:81
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid "deb uri distribution [component1] [component2] [...]"
-msgid "deb [ options ] uri distribution [component1] [component2] [...]"
+msgid "deb uri distribution [component1] [component2] [...]"
msgstr "deb uri distribution [component1] [component2] [...]"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
@@ -9510,30 +9490,9 @@ msgstr ""
"にアクセスするのに便利です。APT は、帯域の狭いサイトを効率よく扱うのに、異な"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:112
-msgid ""
-"<literal>options</literal> is always optional and needs to be surounded by "
-"square brackets. It can consist of multiple settings in the form "
-"replaceable></literal>. Multiple settings are separated by spaces. The "
-"following settings are supported by APT, note though that unsupported "
-"settings will be ignored silently:"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:117
-msgid ""
-"replaceable>,…</literal> can be used to specify for which architectures "
-"packages information should be downloaded. If this option is not set all "
-"architectures defined by the <literal>APT::Architectures</literal> option "
-"will be downloaded."
-msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:123
+#: sources.list.5.xml:112
msgid ""
"It is important to list sources in order of preference, with the most "
"preferred source listed first. Typically this will result in sorting by "
@@ -9547,12 +9506,12 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:128
+#: sources.list.5.xml:117
msgid "Some examples:"
msgstr "例:"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:130
+#: sources.list.5.xml:119
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"deb &stable-codename; main contrib non-free\n"
@@ -9565,19 +9524,19 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:136
+#: sources.list.5.xml:125
msgid "URI specification"
msgstr "URI の仕様"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:141
+#: sources.list.5.xml:130
msgid "file"
msgstr "ファイル"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:143
+#: sources.list.5.xml:132
msgid ""
"The file scheme allows an arbitrary directory in the file system to be "
"considered an archive. This is useful for NFS mounts and local mirrors or "
@@ -9588,7 +9547,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:150
+#: sources.list.5.xml:139
msgid ""
"The cdrom scheme allows APT to use a local CDROM drive with media swapping. "
"Use the &apt-cdrom; program to create cdrom entries in the source list."
@@ -9599,7 +9558,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:157
+#: sources.list.5.xml:146
msgid ""
"The http scheme specifies an HTTP server for the archive. If an environment "
"variable <envar>http_proxy</envar> is set with the format http://server:"
@@ -9616,7 +9575,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:168
+#: sources.list.5.xml:157
msgid ""
"The ftp scheme specifies an FTP server for the archive. APT's FTP behavior "
"is highly configurable; for more information see the &apt-conf; manual page. "
@@ -9635,13 +9594,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:177
+#: sources.list.5.xml:166
msgid "copy"
msgstr "copy"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:179
+#: sources.list.5.xml:168
msgid ""
"The copy scheme is identical to the file scheme except that packages are "
"copied into the cache directory instead of used directly at their location. "
@@ -9652,18 +9611,18 @@ msgstr ""
"て、APT でコピーを行う場合に便利です。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:184
+#: sources.list.5.xml:173
msgid "rsh"
msgstr "rsh"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:184
+#: sources.list.5.xml:173
msgid "ssh"
msgstr "ssh"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:186
+#: sources.list.5.xml:175
msgid ""
"The rsh/ssh method invokes rsh/ssh to connect to a remote host as a given "
"user and access the files. It is a good idea to do prior arrangements with "
@@ -9678,12 +9637,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:194
+#: sources.list.5.xml:183
msgid "more recognizable URI types"
msgstr "さらに認識できる URI タイプ"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:196
+#: sources.list.5.xml:185
msgid ""
"APT can be extended with more methods shipped in other optional packages "
"which should follow the nameing scheme <literal>apt-transport-"
@@ -9697,7 +9656,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:138
+#: sources.list.5.xml:127
msgid ""
"The currently recognized URI types are cdrom, file, http, ftp, copy, ssh, "
"rsh. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
@@ -9707,7 +9666,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:210
+#: sources.list.5.xml:199
msgid ""
"Uses the archive stored locally (or NFS mounted) at /home/jason/debian for "
"stable/main, stable/contrib, and stable/non-free."
@@ -9716,61 +9675,38 @@ msgstr ""
"free 用のローカル (または NFS) アーカイブを使用します。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:212
+#: sources.list.5.xml:201
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb file:/home/jason/debian stable main contrib non-free"
msgstr "deb file:/home/jason/debian stable main contrib non-free"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:214
+#: sources.list.5.xml:203
msgid "As above, except this uses the unstable (development) distribution."
msgstr "上記同様ですが、不安定版 (開発版) を使用します。"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:215
+#: sources.list.5.xml:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
msgstr "deb file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:217
+#: sources.list.5.xml:206
msgid "Source line for the above"
msgstr "上記のソース行"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:218
+#: sources.list.5.xml:207
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb-src file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
msgstr "deb-src file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:220
-msgid ""
-"The first line gets package information for the architectures in "
-"<literal>APT::Architectures</literal> while the second always retrieves "
-"<literal>amd64</literal> and <literal>armel</literal>."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:222
-#, fuzzy, no-wrap
-#| msgid ""
-#| "deb &stable-codename; main contrib non-free\n"
-#| "deb &stable-codename;/updates main contrib non-free\n"
-#| " "
-msgid ""
-"deb &stable-codename; main\n"
-"deb [ arch=amd64,armel ] &stable-codename; main"
-msgstr ""
-"deb &stable-codename; main contrib non-free\n"
-"deb &stable-codename;/updates main contrib non-free\n"
-" "
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:225
+#: sources.list.5.xml:209
msgid ""
"Uses HTTP to access the archive at, and uses only the "
"hamm/main area."
@@ -9780,14 +9716,14 @@ msgstr ""
# type: <example></example>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:227
+#: sources.list.5.xml:211
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb hamm main"
msgstr "deb hamm main"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:229
+#: sources.list.5.xml:213
msgid ""
"Uses FTP to access the archive at, under the debian "
"directory, and uses only the &stable-codename;/contrib area."
@@ -9797,14 +9733,14 @@ msgstr ""
# type: <example></example>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:231
+#: sources.list.5.xml:215
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb &stable-codename; contrib"
msgstr "deb &stable-codename; contrib"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:233
+#: sources.list.5.xml:217
msgid ""
"Uses FTP to access the archive at, under the debian "
"directory, and uses only the unstable/contrib area. If this line appears as "
@@ -9818,13 +9754,13 @@ msgstr ""
# type: <example></example>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:237
+#: sources.list.5.xml:221
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb unstable contrib"
msgstr "deb unstable contrib"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:246
+#: sources.list.5.xml:230
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid "deb unstable/binary-$(ARCH)/"
msgid "deb unstable/binary-$(ARCH)/"
@@ -9832,7 +9768,7 @@ msgstr "deb unstable/binary-$(ARCH)/"
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:239
+#: sources.list.5.xml:223
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "Uses HTTP to access the archive at, under the debian-non-"
@@ -9861,7 +9797,7 @@ msgstr ""
# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:251
+#: sources.list.5.xml:235
msgid "&apt-cache; &apt-conf;"
msgstr "&apt-cache; &apt-conf;"
@@ -11049,13 +10985,28 @@ msgstr " # apt-get -o dir::cache::archives=\"/disc/\" dist-upgrade"
msgid "Which will use the already fetched archives on the disc."
msgstr "これで、disc にある取得済みのアーカイブを使用するようになります。"
-# type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "<option>--recurse</option>"
+#~ msgid "<option>--host-architecture</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>--recurse</option>"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Max-ValidTime"
+#~ msgid "Min-ValidTime"
+#~ msgstr "Max-ValidTime"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "deb &stable-codename; main contrib non-free\n"
+#~| "deb &stable-codename;/updates main contrib non-free\n"
+#~| " "
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Update the local keyring with the keyring of Debian archive keys and "
-#~ "removes from the keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid."
+#~ "deb &stable-codename; main\n"
+#~ "deb [ arch=amd64,armel ] &stable-codename; main"
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Debian アーカイブキーで、ローカルキーリングを更新し、もう有効でないキーを"
-#~ "キーリングから削除します。"
+#~ "deb &stable-codename; main contrib non-free\n"
+#~ "deb &stable-codename;/updates main contrib non-free\n"
+#~ " "
#~ msgid "<option>--md5</option>"
#~ msgstr "<option>--md5</option>"
diff --git a/doc/po/pl.po b/doc/po/pl.po
index 309fe2637..41eb56684 100644
--- a/doc/po/pl.po
+++ b/doc/po/pl.po
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: apt\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-11-20 17:58+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-08 16:54+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-03-18 22:00+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Robert Luberda <>\n"
"Language-Team: <>\n"
@@ -787,7 +787,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:64 apt-cdrom.8.xml:50 apt-config.8.xml:50
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:46 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:59 apt-get.8.xml:121
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:46 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:59 apt-get.8.xml:114
#: apt-key.8.xml:38 apt-mark.8.xml:56 apt-secure.8.xml:43
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:47 apt.conf.5.xml:42 apt_preferences.5.xml:36
#: sources.list.5.xml:36
@@ -810,7 +810,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:70 apt-get.8.xml:127
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:70 apt-get.8.xml:120
msgid ""
"Unless the <option>-h</option>, or <option>--help</option> option is given, "
"one of the commands below must be present."
@@ -1335,8 +1335,8 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:278 apt-config.8.xml:96 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:59
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:342 apt-mark.8.xml:126
-#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:57 apt.conf.5.xml:577 apt.conf.5.xml:599
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:331 apt-mark.8.xml:126
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:57 apt.conf.5.xml:560 apt.conf.5.xml:582
msgid "options"
msgstr "opcje"
@@ -1363,7 +1363,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:572 apt-get.8.xml:404
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571 apt-get.8.xml:393
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:61
msgid "<option>-s</option>"
msgstr "<option>-s</option>"
@@ -1391,12 +1391,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:546 apt-get.8.xml:394
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>-q</option>"
msgstr "<option>-q</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:546 apt-get.8.xml:394
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>--quiet</option>"
msgstr "<option>--quiet</option>"
@@ -1503,7 +1503,7 @@ msgstr "<option>--no-act</option>"
#| "<literal>APT::Cache::RecurseDepends</literal>."
msgid ""
"Per default the <literal>depends</literal> and <literal>rdepends</literal> "
-"print all dependencies. This can be tweaked with these flags which will omit "
+"print all dependencies. This can be twicked with these flags which will omit "
"the specified dependency type. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Cache::"
"Show<replaceable>DependencyType</replaceable></literal> e.g. <literal>APT::"
@@ -1514,7 +1514,7 @@ msgstr ""
"konfiguracyjnym: <literal>APT::Cache::RecurseDepends</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:323 apt-cdrom.8.xml:124 apt-get.8.xml:361
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:323 apt-cdrom.8.xml:124 apt-get.8.xml:350
msgid "<option>-f</option>"
msgstr "<option>-f</option>"
@@ -1534,8 +1534,7 @@ msgstr ""
"konfiguracyjnym: <literal>APT::Cache::ShowFull</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
-#: apt-get.8.xml:447
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
msgid "<option>-a</option>"
msgstr "<option>-a</option>"
@@ -1661,14 +1660,14 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:367 apt-cdrom.8.xml:153 apt-config.8.xml:101
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:612 apt-get.8.xml:591
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:611 apt-get.8.xml:570
#: apt-mark.8.xml:140 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:67
msgid "&apt-commonoptions;"
msgstr "&apt-commonoptions;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:596 apt-key.8.xml:175 apt-mark.8.xml:144
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1110 apt_preferences.5.xml:697
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:575 apt-key.8.xml:172 apt-mark.8.xml:144
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1093 apt_preferences.5.xml:697
msgid "Files"
msgstr "Pliki"
@@ -1679,10 +1678,10 @@ msgstr "&file-sourceslist; &file-statelists;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:379 apt-cdrom.8.xml:158 apt-config.8.xml:106
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628 apt-get.8.xml:606
-#: apt-key.8.xml:196 apt-mark.8.xml:150 apt-secure.8.xml:185
-#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1116 apt_preferences.5.xml:704
-#: sources.list.5.xml:250
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:627 apt-get.8.xml:585
+#: apt-key.8.xml:193 apt-mark.8.xml:150 apt-secure.8.xml:185
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1099 apt_preferences.5.xml:704
+#: sources.list.5.xml:234
msgid "See Also"
msgstr "Zobacz także"
@@ -1694,7 +1693,7 @@ msgstr "&apt-conf;, &sources-list;, &apt-get;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:384 apt-cdrom.8.xml:163 apt-config.8.xml:111
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:632 apt-get.8.xml:612
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:631 apt-get.8.xml:591
#: apt-mark.8.xml:154 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:76
msgid "Diagnostics"
msgstr "Diagnostyka"
@@ -1838,12 +1837,12 @@ msgstr ""
"\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:161
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:158
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Opcje"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:540 apt-get.8.xml:356
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539 apt-get.8.xml:345
msgid "<option>-d</option>"
msgstr "<option>-d</option>"
@@ -1889,7 +1888,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:116 apt-get.8.xml:375
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:116 apt-get.8.xml:364
msgid "<option>-m</option>"
msgstr "<option>-m</option>"
@@ -1949,17 +1948,17 @@ msgstr ""
"znajdzie wszystkie takie pliki."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:143 apt-get.8.xml:406
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:143 apt-get.8.xml:395
msgid "<option>--just-print</option>"
msgstr "<option>--just-print</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:144 apt-get.8.xml:408
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:144 apt-get.8.xml:397
msgid "<option>--recon</option>"
msgstr "<option>--recon</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:145 apt-get.8.xml:409
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:145 apt-get.8.xml:398
msgid "<option>--no-act</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-act</option>"
@@ -2106,7 +2105,7 @@ msgid "Just show the contents of the configuration space."
msgstr "Wyświetla zawartość przestrzeni konfiguracji."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:629
+#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:73
msgid "&apt-conf;"
msgstr "&apt-conf;"
@@ -2184,7 +2183,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:63 apt-get.8.xml:525
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:63 apt-get.8.xml:504
msgid "<option>-t</option>"
msgstr "<option>-t</option>"
@@ -2433,7 +2432,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:145 apt-get.8.xml:298
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:145 apt-get.8.xml:287
msgid "clean"
msgstr "clean"
@@ -2902,8 +2901,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:394 apt.conf.5.xml:157
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:394
msgid "Architectures"
msgstr ""
@@ -3107,20 +3106,20 @@ msgid ""
"Configuration Items: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Checksum</"
"replaceable></literal> and <literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Index</"
"replaceable>::<replaceable>Checksum</replaceable></literal> where "
-"<literal><replaceable>Index</replaceable></literal> can be "
-"<literal>Packages</literal>, <literal>Sources</literal> or <literal>Release</"
-"literal> and <literal><replaceable>Checksum</replaceable></literal> can be "
-"<literal>MD5</literal>, <literal>SHA1</literal> or <literal>SHA256</literal>."
+"<literal>Index</literal> can be <literal>Packages</literal>, "
+"<literal>Sources</literal> or <literal>Release</literal> and "
+"<literal>Checksum</literal> can be <literal>MD5</literal>, <literal>SHA1</"
+"literal> or <literal>SHA256</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:540
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539
msgid "<option>--db</option>"
msgstr "<option>--db</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:542
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:541
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Use a binary caching DB. This has no effect on the generate command. "
@@ -3131,7 +3130,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:548
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:547
msgid ""
"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
@@ -3145,13 +3144,13 @@ msgstr ""
"pliku konfiguracyjnym: <literal>quiet</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:554
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:553
msgid "<option>--delink</option>"
msgstr "<option>--delink</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:556
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:555
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Perform Delinking. If the <literal>External-Links</literal> setting is used "
@@ -3165,12 +3164,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:562
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:561
msgid "<option>--contents</option>"
msgstr "<option>--contents</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:564
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:563
msgid ""
"Perform contents generation. When this option is set and package indexes are "
"being generated with a cache DB then the file listing will also be extracted "
@@ -3180,13 +3179,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:572
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571
msgid "<option>--source-override</option>"
msgstr "<option>--source-override</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:574
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:573
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Select the source override file to use with the <literal>sources</literal> "
@@ -3198,13 +3197,13 @@ msgstr ""
"konfiguracyjnym: <literal>APT::Cache::Installed</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:578
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:577
msgid "<option>--readonly</option>"
msgstr "<option>--readonly</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:580
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:579
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Make the caching databases read only. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::"
@@ -3214,14 +3213,14 @@ msgstr ""
"pliku konfiguracyjnym: <literal>APT::Cache::NamesOnly</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "<option>-a</option>"
msgid "<option>--arch</option>"
msgstr "<option>-a</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:585
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "If the command is either <literal>install</literal> or <literal>remove</"
@@ -3241,13 +3240,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:591
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:590
#, fuzzy
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::AlwaysStat</option>"
msgstr "<option>--version</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:593
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:592
msgid ""
"&apt-ftparchive; caches as much as possible of metadata in a cachedb. If "
"packages are recompiled and/or republished with the same version again, this "
@@ -3261,13 +3260,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:603
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:602
#, fuzzy
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::LongDescription</option>"
msgstr "<option>--version</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:605
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:604
msgid ""
"This configuration option defaults to \"<literal>true</literal>\" and should "
"only be set to <literal>\"false\"</literal> if the Archive generated with "
@@ -3277,19 +3276,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:617 apt.conf.5.xml:1104 apt_preferences.5.xml:544
-#: sources.list.5.xml:209
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:616 apt.conf.5.xml:1087 apt_preferences.5.xml:544
+#: sources.list.5.xml:198
msgid "Examples"
msgstr "Przykłady"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><programlisting>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:623
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:622
#, no-wrap
msgid "<command>apt-ftparchive</command> packages <replaceable>directory</replaceable> | <command>gzip</command> > <filename>Packages.gz</filename>\n"
msgstr "<command>apt-ftparchive</command> packages <replaceable>katalog</replaceable> | <command>gzip</command> > <filename>Packages.gz</filename>\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:619
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:618
msgid ""
"To create a compressed Packages file for a directory containing binary "
"packages (.deb): <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
@@ -3297,7 +3296,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:633
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:632
msgid ""
"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal "
"100 on error."
@@ -3368,11 +3367,10 @@ msgid ""
"<option>-o= <replaceable>config_string</replaceable> </option> </arg> <arg> "
"<option>-c= <replaceable>config_file</replaceable> </option> </arg> <arg> "
"<option>-t=</option> <arg choice='plain'> <replaceable>target_release</"
-"replaceable> </arg> </arg> <arg> <option>-a=</option> <arg choice='plain'> "
-"<replaceable>default_architecture</replaceable> </arg> </arg> <group choice="
-"\"req\"> <arg choice='plain'>update</arg> <arg choice='plain'>upgrade</arg> "
-"<arg choice='plain'>dselect-upgrade</arg> <arg choice='plain'>dist-upgrade</"
-"arg> <arg choice='plain'>install <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
+"replaceable> </arg> </arg> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>update</arg> <arg choice='plain'>upgrade</arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>dselect-upgrade</arg> <arg choice='plain'>dist-upgrade</arg> "
+"<arg choice='plain'>install <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
"\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable> <arg> <group choice='req'> <arg "
"choice='plain'> =<replaceable>pkg_version_number</replaceable> </arg> <arg "
"choice='plain'> /<replaceable>target_release</replaceable> </arg> </group> </"
@@ -3426,7 +3424,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:122
+#: apt-get.8.xml:115
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "<command>apt-get</command> is the command-line tool for handling "
@@ -3446,13 +3444,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:131 apt-key.8.xml:127
+#: apt-get.8.xml:124 apt-key.8.xml:127
msgid "update"
msgstr "update"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:132
+#: apt-get.8.xml:125
msgid ""
"<literal>update</literal> is used to resynchronize the package index files "
"from their sources. The indexes of available packages are fetched from the "
@@ -3476,13 +3474,13 @@ msgstr ""
"<filename>Packages.gz</filename> nie jest wcześniej znany."
#. type: <tag></tag>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:143 guide.sgml:121
+#: apt-get.8.xml:136 guide.sgml:121
msgid "upgrade"
msgstr "upgrade"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:144
+#: apt-get.8.xml:137
msgid ""
"<literal>upgrade</literal> is used to install the newest versions of all "
"packages currently installed on the system from the sources enumerated in "
@@ -3507,13 +3505,13 @@ msgstr ""
"wcześniej wykonać <literal>update</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:156
+#: apt-get.8.xml:149
msgid "dselect-upgrade"
msgstr "dselect-upgrade"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:157
+#: apt-get.8.xml:150
msgid ""
"<literal>dselect-upgrade</literal> is used in conjunction with the "
"traditional Debian packaging front-end, &dselect;. <literal>dselect-upgrade</"
@@ -3531,13 +3529,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: <tag></tag>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:166 guide.sgml:140
+#: apt-get.8.xml:159 guide.sgml:140
msgid "dist-upgrade"
msgstr "dist-upgrade"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:167
+#: apt-get.8.xml:160
msgid ""
"<literal>dist-upgrade</literal> in addition to performing the function of "
"<literal>upgrade</literal>, also intelligently handles changing dependencies "
@@ -3561,13 +3559,13 @@ msgstr ""
"poszczególnych pakietów."
#. type: <tag></tag>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:179 guide.sgml:131
+#: apt-get.8.xml:172 guide.sgml:131
msgid "install"
msgstr "install"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:181
+#: apt-get.8.xml:174
msgid ""
"<literal>install</literal> is followed by one or more packages desired for "
"installation or upgrading. Each package is a package name, not a fully "
@@ -3597,7 +3595,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:199
+#: apt-get.8.xml:192
msgid ""
"A specific version of a package can be selected for installation by "
"following the package name with an equals and the version of the package to "
@@ -3615,7 +3613,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:206
+#: apt-get.8.xml:199
msgid ""
"Both of the version selection mechanisms can downgrade packages and must be "
"used with care."
@@ -3625,7 +3623,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:209
+#: apt-get.8.xml:202
msgid ""
"This is also the target to use if you want to upgrade one or more already-"
"installed packages without upgrading every package you have on your system. "
@@ -3646,7 +3644,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:220
+#: apt-get.8.xml:213
msgid ""
"Finally, the &apt-preferences; mechanism allows you to create an alternative "
"installation policy for individual packages."
@@ -3656,7 +3654,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:224
+#: apt-get.8.xml:217
msgid ""
"If no package matches the given expression and the expression contains one "
"of '.', '?' or '*' then it is assumed to be a POSIX regular expression, and "
@@ -3677,13 +3675,13 @@ msgstr ""
"lub \"$\", można też stworzyć bardziej specyficzne wyrażenie regularne."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:233
+#: apt-get.8.xml:226
msgid "remove"
msgstr "remove"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:234
+#: apt-get.8.xml:227
msgid ""
"<literal>remove</literal> is identical to <literal>install</literal> except "
"that packages are removed instead of installed. Note the removing a package "
@@ -3697,12 +3695,12 @@ msgstr ""
"pakiet zostanie zainstalowany zamiast zostać usunięty."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:241
+#: apt-get.8.xml:234
msgid "purge"
msgstr "purge"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:242
+#: apt-get.8.xml:235
msgid ""
"<literal>purge</literal> is identical to <literal>remove</literal> except "
"that packages are removed and purged (any configuration files are deleted "
@@ -3713,13 +3711,13 @@ msgstr ""
"wszystkie pliki konfiguracyjne)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:246
+#: apt-get.8.xml:239
msgid "source"
msgstr "source"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:247
+#: apt-get.8.xml:240
msgid ""
"<literal>source</literal> causes <command>apt-get</command> to fetch source "
"packages. APT will examine the available packages to decide which source "
@@ -3739,7 +3737,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:255
+#: apt-get.8.xml:248
msgid ""
"Source packages are tracked separately from binary packages via <literal>deb-"
"src</literal> type lines in the &sources-list; file. This means that you "
@@ -3755,7 +3753,7 @@ msgstr ""
"jest zainstalowana lub możliwa do zainstalowania."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:262
+#: apt-get.8.xml:255
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "If the <option>--compile</option> option is specified then the package "
@@ -3764,10 +3762,9 @@ msgstr ""
#| "source package will not be unpacked."
msgid ""
"If the <option>--compile</option> option is specified then the package will "
-"be compiled to a binary .deb using <command>dpkg-buildpackage</command> for "
-"the architecture as defined by the <command>--host-architecture</command> "
-"option. If <option>--download-only</option> is specified then the source "
-"package will not be unpacked."
+"be compiled to a binary .deb using <command>dpkg-buildpackage</command>, if "
+"<option>--download-only</option> is specified then the source package will "
+"not be unpacked."
msgstr ""
"Jeżeli podano opcję <option>--compile</option>, to pakiet źródłowy zostanie "
"skompilowany do pakietu binarnego .deb za pomocą programu <command>dpkg-"
@@ -3776,7 +3773,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:269
+#: apt-get.8.xml:260
msgid ""
"A specific source version can be retrieved by postfixing the source name "
"with an equals and then the version to fetch, similar to the mechanism used "
@@ -3792,7 +3789,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:275
+#: apt-get.8.xml:266
msgid ""
"Note that source packages are not tracked like binary packages, they exist "
"only in the current directory and are similar to downloading source tar "
@@ -3803,36 +3800,33 @@ msgstr ""
"ściągnięte oryginalne źródła programu ze strony jego autorów."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:280
+#: apt-get.8.xml:271
msgid "build-dep"
msgstr "build-dep"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:281
+#: apt-get.8.xml:272
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "<literal>build-dep</literal> causes apt-get to install/remove packages in "
#| "an attempt to satisfy the build dependencies for a source package."
msgid ""
"<literal>build-dep</literal> causes apt-get to install/remove packages in an "
-"attempt to satisfy the build dependencies for a source package. By default "
-"the dependencies are satisfied to build the package natively. If desired a "
-"host-architecture can be specified with the <option>--host-architecture</"
-"option> option instead."
+"attempt to satisfy the build dependencies for a source package."
msgstr ""
"<literal>build-dep</literal> powoduje, że apt-get zainstaluje/usunie pakiety "
"tak, żeby spełnić zależności wymagane do zbudowania danego pakietu "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:287
+#: apt-get.8.xml:276
msgid "check"
msgstr "check"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:288
+#: apt-get.8.xml:277
msgid ""
"<literal>check</literal> is a diagnostic tool; it updates the package cache "
"and checks for broken dependencies."
@@ -3841,20 +3835,20 @@ msgstr ""
"bufor (cache) pakietów i szuka zepsutych pakietów."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:292
+#: apt-get.8.xml:281
msgid "download"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:293
+#: apt-get.8.xml:282
msgid ""
"<literal>download</literal> will download the given binary package into the "
-"current directory."
+"current directoy."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:299
+#: apt-get.8.xml:288
msgid ""
"<literal>clean</literal> clears out the local repository of retrieved "
"package files. It removes everything but the lock file from "
@@ -3873,13 +3867,13 @@ msgstr ""
"literal>, aby zwolnić trochę miejsca na dysku."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:308
+#: apt-get.8.xml:297
msgid "autoclean"
msgstr "autoclean"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:309
+#: apt-get.8.xml:298
msgid ""
"Like <literal>clean</literal>, <literal>autoclean</literal> clears out the "
"local repository of retrieved package files. The difference is that it only "
@@ -3899,12 +3893,12 @@ msgstr ""
"zawierających zainstalowane pakiety."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:318
+#: apt-get.8.xml:307
msgid "autoremove"
msgstr "autoremove"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:319
+#: apt-get.8.xml:308
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "<literal>autoremove</literal> is used to remove packages that were "
@@ -3912,20 +3906,20 @@ msgstr "autoremove"
#| "are no more needed."
msgid ""
"<literal>autoremove</literal> is used to remove packages that were "
-"automatically installed to satisfy dependencies for other packages and are "
-"now no longer needed."
+"automatically installed to satisfy dependencies for some package and that "
+"are no more needed."
msgstr ""
"<literal>autoremove</literal> jest używane do usuwania pakietów, które "
"zostały zainstalowane automatycznie, żeby rozwiązać zależności, i nie są już "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:323
+#: apt-get.8.xml:312
msgid "changelog"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:324
+#: apt-get.8.xml:313
msgid ""
"<literal>changelog</literal> downloads a package changelog and displays it "
"through <command>sensible-pager</command>. The server name and base "
@@ -3938,12 +3932,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:346
+#: apt-get.8.xml:335
msgid "<option>--no-install-recommends</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-install-recommends</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:347
+#: apt-get.8.xml:336
msgid ""
"Do not consider recommended packages as a dependency for installing. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Install-Recommends</literal>."
@@ -3952,14 +3946,14 @@ msgstr ""
"Pozycja w pliku konfiguracyjnym: <literal>APT::Install-Recommends</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:351
+#: apt-get.8.xml:340
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "<option>--no-upgrade</option>"
msgid "<option>--install-suggests</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-upgrade</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:352
+#: apt-get.8.xml:341
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "Do not consider recommended packages as a dependency for installing. "
@@ -3972,13 +3966,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Pozycja w pliku konfiguracyjnym: <literal>APT::Install-Recommends</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:356
+#: apt-get.8.xml:345
msgid "<option>--download-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--download-only</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:357
+#: apt-get.8.xml:346
msgid ""
"Download only; package files are only retrieved, not unpacked or installed. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Download-Only</literal>."
@@ -3988,13 +3982,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:361
+#: apt-get.8.xml:350
msgid "<option>--fix-broken</option>"
msgstr "<option>--fix-broken</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:362
+#: apt-get.8.xml:351
msgid ""
"Fix; attempt to correct a system with broken dependencies in place. This "
"option, when used with install/remove, can omit any packages to permit APT "
@@ -4021,18 +4015,18 @@ msgstr ""
"konfiguracyjnym: <literal>APT::Get::Fix-Broken</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:375
+#: apt-get.8.xml:364
msgid "<option>--ignore-missing</option>"
msgstr "<option>--ignore-missing</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:376
+#: apt-get.8.xml:365
msgid "<option>--fix-missing</option>"
msgstr "<option>--fix-missing</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:377
+#: apt-get.8.xml:366
msgid ""
"Ignore missing packages; If packages cannot be retrieved or fail the "
"integrity check after retrieval (corrupted package files), hold back those "
@@ -4051,13 +4045,13 @@ msgstr ""
"konfiguracyjnym: <literal>APT::Get::Fix-Missing</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:387
+#: apt-get.8.xml:376
msgid "<option>--no-download</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-download</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:388
+#: apt-get.8.xml:377
msgid ""
"Disables downloading of packages. This is best used with <option>--ignore-"
"missing</option> to force APT to use only the .debs it has already "
@@ -4070,7 +4064,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:395
+#: apt-get.8.xml:384
msgid ""
"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
@@ -4090,18 +4084,18 @@ msgstr ""
"spodziewa. Pozycja w pliku konfiguracyjnym: <literal>quiet</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:405
+#: apt-get.8.xml:394
msgid "<option>--simulate</option>"
msgstr "<option>--simulate</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:407
+#: apt-get.8.xml:396
msgid "<option>--dry-run</option>"
msgstr "<option>--dry-run</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:410
+#: apt-get.8.xml:399
msgid ""
"No action; perform a simulation of events that would occur but do not "
"actually change the system. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::"
@@ -4112,7 +4106,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:414
+#: apt-get.8.xml:403
msgid ""
"Simulation run as user will deactivate locking (<literal>Debug::NoLocking</"
"literal>) automatic. Also a notice will be displayed indicating that this "
@@ -4132,7 +4126,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:420
+#: apt-get.8.xml:409
msgid ""
"Simulate prints out a series of lines each one representing a dpkg "
"operation, Configure (Conf), Remove (Remv), Unpack (Inst). Square brackets "
@@ -4146,23 +4140,23 @@ msgstr ""
"znana (rzadkość)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:427
+#: apt-get.8.xml:416
msgid "<option>-y</option>"
msgstr "<option>-y</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:427
+#: apt-get.8.xml:416
msgid "<option>--yes</option>"
msgstr "<option>--yes</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:428
+#: apt-get.8.xml:417
msgid "<option>--assume-yes</option>"
msgstr "<option>--assume-yes</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:429
+#: apt-get.8.xml:418
msgid ""
"Automatic yes to prompts; assume \"yes\" as answer to all prompts and run "
"non-interactively. If an undesirable situation, such as changing a held "
@@ -4178,18 +4172,18 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:436
+#: apt-get.8.xml:425
msgid "<option>-u</option>"
msgstr "<option>-u</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:436
+#: apt-get.8.xml:425
msgid "<option>--show-upgraded</option>"
msgstr "<option>--show-upgraded</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:437
+#: apt-get.8.xml:426
msgid ""
"Show upgraded packages; Print out a list of all packages that are to be "
"upgraded. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Show-Upgraded</literal>."
@@ -4199,18 +4193,18 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:442
+#: apt-get.8.xml:431
msgid "<option>-V</option>"
msgstr "<option>-V</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:442
+#: apt-get.8.xml:431
msgid "<option>--verbose-versions</option>"
msgstr "<option>--verbose-versions</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:443
+#: apt-get.8.xml:432
msgid ""
"Show full versions for upgraded and installed packages. Configuration Item: "
@@ -4219,41 +4213,23 @@ msgstr ""
"konfiguracyjnym: <literal>APT::Get::Show-Versions</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:448
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "<option>--recurse</option>"
-msgid "<option>--host-architecture</option>"
-msgstr "<option>--recurse</option>"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:449
-msgid ""
-"This option controls the architecture packages are built for by <command>apt-"
-"get source --compile</command> and how cross-builddependencies are "
-"satisfied. By default is it not set which means that the host architecture "
-"is the same as the build architecture (which is defined by <literal>APT::"
-"Architecture</literal>). Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Host-"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:457
+#: apt-get.8.xml:436
msgid "<option>-b</option>"
msgstr "<option>-b</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:457
+#: apt-get.8.xml:436
msgid "<option>--compile</option>"
msgstr "<option>--compile</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:458
+#: apt-get.8.xml:437
msgid "<option>--build</option>"
msgstr "<option>--build</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:459
+#: apt-get.8.xml:438
msgid ""
"Compile source packages after downloading them. Configuration Item: "
@@ -4262,13 +4238,13 @@ msgstr ""
"konfiguracyjnym: <literal>APT::Get::Compile</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:463
+#: apt-get.8.xml:442
msgid "<option>--ignore-hold</option>"
msgstr "<option>--ignore-hold</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:464
+#: apt-get.8.xml:443
msgid ""
"Ignore package Holds; This causes <command>apt-get</command> to ignore a "
"hold placed on a package. This may be useful in conjunction with "
@@ -4282,13 +4258,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:470
+#: apt-get.8.xml:449
msgid "<option>--no-upgrade</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-upgrade</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:471
+#: apt-get.8.xml:450
msgid ""
"Do not upgrade packages; When used in conjunction with <literal>install</"
"literal>, <literal>no-upgrade</literal> will prevent packages on the command "
@@ -4301,7 +4277,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:477
+#: apt-get.8.xml:456
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "<option>--no-upgrade</option>"
msgid "<option>--only-upgrade</option>"
@@ -4309,7 +4285,7 @@ msgstr "<option>--no-upgrade</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:478
+#: apt-get.8.xml:457
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "Do not upgrade packages; When used in conjunction with <literal>install</"
@@ -4328,13 +4304,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:484
+#: apt-get.8.xml:463
msgid "<option>--force-yes</option>"
msgstr "<option>--force-yes</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:485
+#: apt-get.8.xml:464
msgid ""
"Force yes; This is a dangerous option that will cause apt to continue "
"without prompting if it is doing something potentially harmful. It should "
@@ -4350,13 +4326,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:492
+#: apt-get.8.xml:471
msgid "<option>--print-uris</option>"
msgstr "<option>--print-uris</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:493
+#: apt-get.8.xml:472
msgid ""
"Instead of fetching the files to install their URIs are printed. Each URI "
"will have the path, the destination file name, the size and the expected md5 "
@@ -4378,13 +4354,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:503
+#: apt-get.8.xml:482
msgid "<option>--purge</option>"
msgstr "<option>--purge</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:504
+#: apt-get.8.xml:483
msgid ""
"Use purge instead of remove for anything that would be removed. An asterisk "
"(\"*\") will be displayed next to packages which are scheduled to be purged. "
@@ -4398,13 +4374,13 @@ msgstr ""
"pliku konfiguracyjnym: <literal>APT::Get::Purge</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:511
+#: apt-get.8.xml:490
msgid "<option>--reinstall</option>"
msgstr "<option>--reinstall</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:512
+#: apt-get.8.xml:491
msgid ""
"Re-Install packages that are already installed and at the newest version. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::ReInstall</literal>."
@@ -4413,13 +4389,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Pozycja w pliku konfiguracyjnym: <literal>APT::Get::ReInstall</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:516
+#: apt-get.8.xml:495
msgid "<option>--list-cleanup</option>"
msgstr "<option>--list-cleanup</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:517
+#: apt-get.8.xml:496
msgid ""
"This option defaults to on, use <literal>--no-list-cleanup</literal> to turn "
"it off. When on <command>apt-get</command> will automatically manage the "
@@ -4436,18 +4412,18 @@ msgstr ""
"konfiguracyjnym: <literal>APT::Get::List-Cleanup</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:526
+#: apt-get.8.xml:505
msgid "<option>--target-release</option>"
msgstr "<option>--target-release</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:527
+#: apt-get.8.xml:506
msgid "<option>--default-release</option>"
msgstr "<option>--default-release</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:528
+#: apt-get.8.xml:507
msgid ""
"This option controls the default input to the policy engine, it creates a "
"default pin at priority 990 using the specified release string. This "
@@ -4470,13 +4446,13 @@ msgstr ""
"stronę podręcznika &apt-preferences;."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:541
+#: apt-get.8.xml:520
msgid "<option>--trivial-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--trivial-only</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:543
+#: apt-get.8.xml:522
msgid ""
"Only perform operations that are 'trivial'. Logically this can be considered "
"related to <option>--assume-yes</option>, where <option>--assume-yes</"
@@ -4490,13 +4466,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:549
+#: apt-get.8.xml:528
msgid "<option>--no-remove</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-remove</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:550
+#: apt-get.8.xml:529
msgid ""
"If any packages are to be removed apt-get immediately aborts without "
"prompting. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Remove</literal>."
@@ -4506,12 +4482,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:555
+#: apt-get.8.xml:534
msgid "<option>--auto-remove</option>"
msgstr "<option>--auto-remove</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:556
+#: apt-get.8.xml:535
msgid ""
"If the command is either <literal>install</literal> or <literal>remove</"
"literal>, then this option acts like running <literal>autoremove</literal> "
@@ -4525,13 +4501,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:562
+#: apt-get.8.xml:541
msgid "<option>--only-source</option>"
msgstr "<option>--only-source</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:563
+#: apt-get.8.xml:542
msgid ""
"Only has meaning for the <literal>source</literal> and <literal>build-dep</"
"literal> commands. Indicates that the given source names are not to be "
@@ -4550,23 +4526,23 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:573
+#: apt-get.8.xml:552
msgid "<option>--diff-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--diff-only</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:573
+#: apt-get.8.xml:552
msgid "<option>--dsc-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--dsc-only</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:573
+#: apt-get.8.xml:552
msgid "<option>--tar-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--tar-only</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:574
+#: apt-get.8.xml:553
msgid ""
"Download only the diff, dsc, or tar file of a source archive. Configuration "
"Item: <literal>APT::Get::Diff-Only</literal>, <literal>APT::Get::Dsc-Only</"
@@ -4577,13 +4553,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Dsc-Only</literal> oraz <literal>APT::Get::Tar-Only</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:579
+#: apt-get.8.xml:558
msgid "<option>--arch-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--arch-only</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:580
+#: apt-get.8.xml:559
msgid ""
"Only process architecture-dependent build-dependencies. Configuration Item: "
@@ -4594,12 +4570,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:584
+#: apt-get.8.xml:563
msgid "<option>--allow-unauthenticated</option>"
msgstr "<option>--allow-unauthenticated</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:585
+#: apt-get.8.xml:564
msgid ""
"Ignore if packages can't be authenticated and don't prompt about it. This "
"is useful for tools like pbuilder. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::"
@@ -4610,7 +4586,7 @@ msgstr ""
"w pliku konfiguracyjnym: <literal>APT::Get::AllowUnauthenticated</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:598
+#: apt-get.8.xml:577
msgid ""
"&file-sourceslist; &file-aptconf; &file-preferences; &file-cachearchives; "
@@ -4620,7 +4596,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:607
+#: apt-get.8.xml:586
msgid ""
"&apt-cache;, &apt-cdrom;, &dpkg;, &dselect;, &sources-list;, &apt-conf;, "
"&apt-config;, &apt-secure;, The APT User's guide in &guidesdir;, &apt-"
@@ -4632,7 +4608,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:613
+#: apt-get.8.xml:592
msgid ""
"<command>apt-get</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 on "
@@ -4641,22 +4617,22 @@ msgstr ""
"w przypadku błędu."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:616
+#: apt-get.8.xml:595
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:617
+#: apt-get.8.xml:596
msgid "&apt-author.jgunthorpe;"
msgstr "&apt-author.jgunthorpe;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:620
+#: apt-get.8.xml:599
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:622
+#: apt-get.8.xml:601
msgid "&;"
msgstr "&;"
@@ -4786,33 +4762,30 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#: apt-key.8.xml:131
msgid ""
-"Update the local keyring with the archive keyring and remove from the local "
-"keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid. The archive keyring is "
-"shipped in the <literal>archive-keyring</literal> package of your "
-"distribution, e.g. the <literal>debian-archive-keyring</literal> package in "
+"Update the local keyring with the keyring of Debian archive keys and removes "
+"from the keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid."
msgstr ""
+"Aktualizuje lokalną składnicę kluczy używając składnicy kluczy archiwum "
+"Debiana i usuwa z lokalnej składnicy nieaktualne już klucze archiwów Debiana."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:141
+#: apt-key.8.xml:140
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "update"
msgid "net-update"
msgstr "update"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:145
+#: apt-key.8.xml:144
msgid ""
-"Work similar to the <command>update</command> command above, but get the "
-"archive keyring from an URI instead and validate it against a master key. "
-"This requires an installed &wget; and an APT build configured to have a "
-"server to fetch from and a master keyring to validate. APT in Debian does "
-"not support this command and relies on <command>update</command> instead, "
-"but Ubuntu's APT does."
+"Update the local keyring with the keys of a key server and removes from the "
+"keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid. This requires an "
+"installed wget and an APT build configured to have a server to fetch from. "
+"APT in Debian does not support this command, but Ubuntu's APT does."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:162
+#: apt-key.8.xml:159
msgid ""
"Note that options need to be defined before the commands described in the "
"previous section."
@@ -4821,17 +4794,25 @@ msgstr ""
"opisanymi w poprzednim rozdziale."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:164
+#: apt-key.8.xml:161
msgid "--keyring <replaceable>filename</replaceable>"
msgstr "--keyring <replaceable>nazwa_pliku</replaceable>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:165
+#: apt-key.8.xml:162
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "With this option it is possible to specify a specific keyring file the "
+#| "command should operate on. The default is that a command is executed on "
+#| "the <filename>trusted.gpg</filename> file as well as on all parts in the "
+#| "<filename>trusted.gpg.d</filename> directory, though <filename>trusted."
+#| "gpg</filename> is the primary keyring which means that e.g. new keys are "
+#| "added to this one."
msgid ""
"With this option it is possible to specify a specific keyring file the "
"command should operate on. The default is that a command is executed on the "
"<filename>trusted.gpg</filename> file as well as on all parts in the "
-"<filename>trusted.gpg.d</filename> directory, though <filename>trusted.gpg</"
+"<filename>trusted.gpg.d</filename> directory, through <filename>trusted.gpg</"
"filename> is the primary keyring which means that e.g. new keys are added to "
"this one."
msgstr ""
@@ -4842,44 +4823,44 @@ msgstr ""
"kluczy, co oznacza na przykład to, że nowe klucze będą dodawane właśnie tam."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:178
+#: apt-key.8.xml:175
msgid "&file-trustedgpg;"
msgstr "&file-trustedgpg;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:180
+#: apt-key.8.xml:177
msgid "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
msgstr "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:181
+#: apt-key.8.xml:178
msgid "Local trust database of archive keys."
msgstr "Lokalna składnica zaufanych kluczy archiwum."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:184
+#: apt-key.8.xml:181
msgid "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
msgstr "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:185
+#: apt-key.8.xml:182
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive trusted keys."
msgstr "Składnica zaufanych kluczy archiwum Debiana."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:188
+#: apt-key.8.xml:185
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:189
+#: apt-key.8.xml:186
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive removed trusted keys."
msgstr "Składnica usuniętych zaufanych kluczy archiwum Debiana."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:198
+#: apt-key.8.xml:195
msgid "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
msgstr "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
@@ -5508,12 +5489,11 @@ msgstr ""
#| "characters. Otherwise they will be silently ignored."
msgid ""
"all files in <literal>Dir::Etc::Parts</literal> in alphanumeric ascending "
-"order which have either no or \"<literal>conf</literal>\" as filename "
-"extension and which only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), underscore (_) "
-"and period (.) characters. Otherwise APT will print a notice that it has "
-"ignored a file if the file doesn't match a pattern in the <literal>Dir::"
-"Ignore-Files-Silently</literal> configuration list - in this case it will be "
-"silently ignored."
+"order which have no or \"<literal>conf</literal>\" as filename extension and "
+"which only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), underscore (_) and period (.) "
+"characters. Otherwise APT will print a notice that it has ignored a file if "
+"the file doesn't match a pattern in the <literal>Dir::Ignore-Files-Silently</"
+"literal> configuration list - in this case it will be silently ignored."
msgstr ""
"Katalog <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list.d</filename> umożliwia podzielenie "
"pliku źródeł na osobne pliki. Format jest dokładnie taki sam, jak w "
@@ -5697,24 +5677,13 @@ msgid ""
"compiled for."
msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:158
-msgid ""
-"All Architectures the system supports. Processors implementing the "
-"<literal>amd64</literal> are e.g. also able to execute binaries compiled for "
-"<literal>i386</literal>; This list is use when fetching files and parsing "
-"package lists. The internal default is always the native architecture "
-"(<literal>APT::Architecture</literal>) and all foreign architectures it can "
-"retrieve by calling <command>dpkg --print-foreign-architectures</command>."
-msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:165
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:157
msgid "Default-Release"
msgstr "Default-Release"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:166
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:158
msgid ""
"Default release to install packages from if more than one version available. "
"Contains release name, codename or release version. Examples: 'stable', "
@@ -5723,25 +5692,25 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:171
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:163
msgid "Ignore-Hold"
msgstr "Ignore-Hold"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:172
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:164
msgid ""
"Ignore Held packages; This global option causes the problem resolver to "
"ignore held packages in its decision making."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:176
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:168
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clean-Installed"
msgstr "B<--installed>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:177
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:169
msgid ""
"Defaults to on. When turned on the autoclean feature will remove any "
"packages which can no longer be downloaded from the cache. If turned off "
@@ -5750,12 +5719,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:183
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:175
msgid "Immediate-Configure"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:184
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:176
msgid ""
"Defaults to on which will cause APT to install essential and important "
"packages as fast as possible in the install/upgrade operation. This is done "
@@ -5788,12 +5757,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:206
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:198
msgid "Force-LoopBreak"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:207
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:199
msgid ""
"Never Enable this option unless you -really- know what you are doing. It "
"permits APT to temporarily remove an essential package to break a Conflicts/"
@@ -5804,12 +5773,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:215
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:207
msgid "Cache-Start, Cache-Grow and Cache-Limit"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:216
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:208
msgid ""
"APT uses since version 0.7.26 a resizable memory mapped cache file to store "
"the 'available' information. <literal>Cache-Start</literal> acts as a hint "
@@ -5829,63 +5798,63 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:231
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:223
msgid "Build-Essential"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:232
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:224
msgid "Defines which package(s) are considered essential build dependencies."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:235
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:227
msgid "Get"
msgstr "Get"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:236
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:228
msgid ""
"The Get subsection controls the &apt-get; tool, please see its documentation "
"for more information about the options here."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:240
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:232
msgid "Cache"
msgstr "Cache"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:241
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:233
msgid ""
"The Cache subsection controls the &apt-cache; tool, please see its "
"documentation for more information about the options here."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:245
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:237
msgid "CDROM"
msgstr "CDROM"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:246
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:238
msgid ""
"The CDROM subsection controls the &apt-cdrom; tool, please see its "
"documentation for more information about the options here."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:252
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:244
msgid "The Acquire Group"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:257
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:249
msgid "Check-Valid-Until"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:258
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:250
msgid ""
"Security related option defaulting to true as an expiring validation for a "
"Release file prevents longtime replay attacks and can e.g. also help users "
@@ -5897,67 +5866,54 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:268
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:260
msgid "Max-ValidTime"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:269
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:261
msgid ""
-"Seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was created "
-"(indicated by the <literal>Date</literal> header). If the Release file "
-"itself includes a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header the earlier date of "
-"the two is used as the expiration date. The default value is <literal>0</"
-"literal> which stands for \"for ever\". Archive specific settings can be "
-"made by appending the label of the archive to the option name."
+"Seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was created. "
+"The default is \"for ever\" (0) if the Release file of the archive doesn't "
+"include a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header. If it does then this date "
+"is the default. The date from the Release file or the date specified by the "
+"creation time of the Release file (<literal>Date</literal> header) plus the "
+"seconds specified with this options are used to check if the validation of a "
+"file has expired by using the earlier date of the two. Archive specific "
+"settings can be made by appending the label of the archive to the option "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:279
-msgid "Min-ValidTime"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:280
-msgid ""
-"Minimum of seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was "
-"created (indicated by the <literal>Date</literal> header). Use this if you "
-"need to use a seldomly updated (local) mirror of a more regular updated "
-"archive with a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header instead of completely "
-"disabling the expiration date checking. Archive specific settings can and "
-"should be used by appending the label of the archive to the option name."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:290
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:273
msgid "PDiffs"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:291
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:274
msgid ""
"Try to download deltas called <literal>PDiffs</literal> for Packages or "
"Sources files instead of downloading whole ones. True by default."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:294
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:277
msgid ""
"Two sub-options to limit the use of PDiffs are also available: With "
"<literal>FileLimit</literal> can be specified how many PDiff files are "
"downloaded at most to patch a file. <literal>SizeLimit</literal> on the "
-"other hand is the maximum percentage of the size of all patches compared to "
+"other hand is the maximum precentage of the size of all patches compared to "
"the size of the targeted file. If one of these limits is exceeded the "
"complete file is downloaded instead of the patches."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:303
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:286
msgid "Queue-Mode"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:304
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:287
msgid ""
"Queuing mode; <literal>Queue-Mode</literal> can be one of <literal>host</"
"literal> or <literal>access</literal> which determines how APT parallelizes "
@@ -5967,37 +5923,37 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:311
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:294
msgid "Retries"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:312
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:295
msgid ""
"Number of retries to perform. If this is non-zero APT will retry failed "
"files the given number of times."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:316
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:299
#, fuzzy
msgid "Source-Symlinks"
msgstr "Sources"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:317
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:300
msgid ""
"Use symlinks for source archives. If set to true then source archives will "
"be symlinked when possible instead of copying. True is the default."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:321 sources.list.5.xml:155
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:304 sources.list.5.xml:144
msgid "http"
msgstr "http"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:322
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:305
msgid ""
"HTTP URIs; http::Proxy is the default http proxy to use. It is in the "
"standard form of <literal>http://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/</literal>. Per "
@@ -6008,7 +5964,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:330
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:313
msgid ""
"Three settings are provided for cache control with HTTP/1.1 compliant proxy "
"caches. <literal>No-Cache</literal> tells the proxy to not use its cached "
@@ -6022,7 +5978,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:340 apt.conf.5.xml:404
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:323 apt.conf.5.xml:387
msgid ""
"The option <literal>timeout</literal> sets the timeout timer used by the "
"method, this applies to all things including connection timeout and data "
@@ -6030,7 +5986,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:343
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:326
msgid ""
"One setting is provided to control the pipeline depth in cases where the "
"remote server is not RFC conforming or buggy (such as Squid 2.0.2). "
@@ -6042,7 +5998,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:351
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:334
msgid ""
"The used bandwidth can be limited with <literal>Acquire::http::Dl-Limit</"
"literal> which accepts integer values in kilobyte. The default value is 0 "
@@ -6052,7 +6008,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:356
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:339
msgid ""
"<literal>Acquire::http::User-Agent</literal> can be used to set a different "
"User-Agent for the http download method as some proxies allow access for "
@@ -6060,12 +6016,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:362
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:345
msgid "https"
msgstr "https"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:363
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:346
msgid ""
"HTTPS URIs. Cache-control, Timeout, AllowRedirect, Dl-Limit and proxy "
"options are the same as for <literal>http</literal> method and will also "
@@ -6075,7 +6031,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:369
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:352
msgid ""
"<literal>CaInfo</literal> suboption specifies place of file that holds info "
"about trusted certificates. <literal>&lt;host&gt;::CaInfo</literal> is "
@@ -6096,12 +6052,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:387 sources.list.5.xml:166
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:370 sources.list.5.xml:155
msgid "ftp"
msgstr "ftp"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:388
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:371
msgid ""
"FTP URIs; ftp::Proxy is the default ftp proxy to use. It is in the standard "
"form of <literal>ftp://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/</literal>. Per host "
@@ -6120,7 +6076,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:407
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:390
msgid ""
"Several settings are provided to control passive mode. Generally it is safe "
"to leave passive mode on, it works in nearly every environment. However "
@@ -6130,7 +6086,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:414
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:397
msgid ""
"It is possible to proxy FTP over HTTP by setting the <envar>ftp_proxy</"
"envar> environment variable to a http url - see the discussion of the http "
@@ -6139,7 +6095,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:419
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:402
msgid ""
"The setting <literal>ForceExtended</literal> controls the use of RFC2428 "
"<literal>EPSV</literal> and <literal>EPRT</literal> commands. The default is "
@@ -6149,18 +6105,18 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:426 sources.list.5.xml:148
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:409 sources.list.5.xml:137
msgid "cdrom"
msgstr "cdrom"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:432
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:415
#, no-wrap
msgid "/cdrom/::Mount \"foo\";"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:427
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:410
msgid ""
"CDROM URIs; the only setting for CDROM URIs is the mount point, "
"<literal>cdrom::Mount</literal> which must be the mount point for the CDROM "
@@ -6173,12 +6129,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:437
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:420
msgid "gpgv"
msgstr "gpgv"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:438
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:421
msgid ""
"GPGV URIs; the only option for GPGV URIs is the option to pass additional "
"parameters to gpgv. <literal>gpgv::Options</literal> Additional options "
@@ -6186,18 +6142,18 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:443
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:426
msgid "CompressionTypes"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:449
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:432
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::<replaceable>FileExtension</replaceable> \"<replaceable>Methodname</replaceable>\";"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:444
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:427
msgid ""
"List of compression types which are understood by the acquire methods. "
"Files like <filename>Packages</filename> can be available in various "
@@ -6209,19 +6165,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:454
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:437
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order:: \"gz\";"
msgstr "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order:: \"gz\";"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:457
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:440
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order { \"lzma\"; \"gz\"; };"
msgstr "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order { \"lzma\"; \"gz\"; };"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:450
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:433
msgid ""
"Also the <literal>Order</literal> subgroup can be used to define in which "
"order the acquire system will try to download the compressed files. The "
@@ -6238,20 +6194,20 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:461
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:444
#, no-wrap
msgid "Dir::Bin::bzip2 \"/bin/bzip2\";"
msgstr "Dir::Bin::bzip2 \"/bin/bzip2\";"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:459
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:442
msgid ""
"Note that at run time the <literal>Dir::Bin::<replaceable>Methodname</"
"replaceable></literal> will be checked: If this setting exists the method "
"will only be used if this file exists, e.g. for the bzip2 method (the "
-"inbuilt) setting is: <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/> Note "
-"also that list entries specified on the command line will be added at the "
-"end of the list specified in the configuration files, but before the default "
+"inbuilt) setting is <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/> Note also "
+"that list entries specified on the command line will be added at the end of "
+"the list specified in the configuration files, but before the default "
"entries. To prefer a type in this case over the ones specified in the "
"configuration files you can set the option direct - not in list style. This "
"will not override the defined list, it will only prefix the list with this "
@@ -6259,20 +6215,20 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:466
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:449
msgid ""
"The special type <literal>uncompressed</literal> can be used to give "
-"uncompressed files a preference, but note that most archives don't provide "
+"uncompressed files a preference, but note that most archives doesn't provide "
"uncompressed files so this is mostly only useable for local mirrors."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:471
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:454
msgid "GzipIndexes"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:473
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:456
msgid ""
"When downloading <literal>gzip</literal> compressed indexes (Packages, "
"Sources, or Translations), keep them gzip compressed locally instead of "
@@ -6281,12 +6237,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:480
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:463
msgid "Languages"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:481
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:464
msgid ""
"The Languages subsection controls which <filename>Translation</filename> "
"files are downloaded and in which order APT tries to display the Description-"
@@ -6299,13 +6255,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><programlisting>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:497
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:480
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acquire::Languages { \"environment\"; \"de\"; \"en\"; \"none\"; \"fr\"; };"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:487
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:470
msgid ""
"The default list includes \"environment\" and \"en\". "
"\"<literal>environment</literal>\" has a special meaning here: It will be "
@@ -6328,19 +6284,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:253
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:245
msgid ""
"The <literal>Acquire</literal> group of options controls the download of "
"packages and the URI handlers. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:504
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:487
msgid "Directories"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:506
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:489
msgid ""
"The <literal>Dir::State</literal> section has directories that pertain to "
"local state information. <literal>lists</literal> is the directory to place "
@@ -6352,7 +6308,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:513
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:496
msgid ""
"<literal>Dir::Cache</literal> contains locations pertaining to local cache "
"information, such as the two package caches <literal>srcpkgcache</literal> "
@@ -6365,7 +6321,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:522
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:505
msgid ""
"<literal>Dir::Etc</literal> contains the location of configuration files, "
"<literal>sourcelist</literal> gives the location of the sourcelist and "
@@ -6375,7 +6331,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:528
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:511
msgid ""
"The <literal>Dir::Parts</literal> setting reads in all the config fragments "
"in lexical order from the directory specified. After this is done then the "
@@ -6383,7 +6339,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:532
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:515
msgid ""
"Binary programs are pointed to by <literal>Dir::Bin</literal>. <literal>Dir::"
"Bin::Methods</literal> specifies the location of the method handlers and "
@@ -6394,7 +6350,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:540
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:523
msgid ""
"The configuration item <literal>RootDir</literal> has a special meaning. If "
"set, all paths in <literal>Dir::</literal> will be relative to "
@@ -6407,7 +6363,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:553
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:536
msgid ""
"The <literal>Ignore-Files-Silently</literal> list can be used to specify "
"which files APT should silently ignore while parsing the files in the "
@@ -6418,12 +6374,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:562
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:545
msgid "APT in DSelect"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:564
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:547
msgid ""
"When APT is used as a &dselect; method several configuration directives "
"control the default behaviour. These are in the <literal>DSelect</literal> "
@@ -6431,13 +6387,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:568
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:551
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clean"
msgstr "B<clean>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:569
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:552
msgid ""
"Cache Clean mode; this value may be one of always, prompt, auto, pre-auto "
"and never. always and prompt will remove all packages from the cache after "
@@ -6448,51 +6404,51 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:578
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:561
msgid ""
"The contents of this variable is passed to &apt-get; as command line options "
"when it is run for the install phase."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:582
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:565
#, fuzzy
msgid "Updateoptions"
msgstr "opcje"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:583
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:566
msgid ""
"The contents of this variable is passed to &apt-get; as command line options "
"when it is run for the update phase."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:587
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:570
msgid "PromptAfterUpdate"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:588
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:571
msgid ""
"If true the [U]pdate operation in &dselect; will always prompt to continue. "
"The default is to prompt only on error."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:594
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:577
msgid "How APT calls dpkg"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:595
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:578
msgid ""
"Several configuration directives control how APT invokes &dpkg;. These are "
"in the <literal>DPkg</literal> section."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:600
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:583
msgid ""
"This is a list of options to pass to dpkg. The options must be specified "
"using the list notation and each list item is passed as a single argument to "
@@ -6500,17 +6456,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:605
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:588
msgid "Pre-Invoke"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:605
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:588
msgid "Post-Invoke"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:606
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:589
msgid ""
"This is a list of shell commands to run before/after invoking &dpkg;. Like "
"<literal>options</literal> this must be specified in list notation. The "
@@ -6519,12 +6475,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:612
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:595
msgid "Pre-Install-Pkgs"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:613
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:596
msgid ""
"This is a list of shell commands to run before invoking dpkg. Like "
"<literal>options</literal> this must be specified in list notation. The "
@@ -6534,7 +6490,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:619
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:602
msgid ""
"Version 2 of this protocol dumps more information, including the protocol "
"version, the APT configuration space and the packages, files and versions "
@@ -6544,37 +6500,37 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:626
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:609
msgid "Run-Directory"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:627
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:610
msgid ""
"APT chdirs to this directory before invoking dpkg, the default is <filename>/"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:631
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:614
#, fuzzy
msgid "Build-options"
msgstr "opcje"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:632
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:615
msgid ""
"These options are passed to &dpkg-buildpackage; when compiling packages, the "
"default is to disable signing and produce all binaries."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:637
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:620
msgid "dpkg trigger usage (and related options)"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:638
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:621
msgid ""
"APT can call dpkg in a way so it can make aggressive use of triggers over "
"multiple calls of dpkg. Without further options dpkg will use triggers only "
@@ -6589,7 +6545,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><literallayout>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:653
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:636
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"DPkg::NoTriggers \"true\";\n"
@@ -6603,7 +6559,7 @@ msgstr ""
"DPkg::TriggersPending \"true\";"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:647
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:630
msgid ""
"Note that it is not guaranteed that APT will support these options or that "
"these options will not cause (big) trouble in the future. If you have "
@@ -6617,12 +6573,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:659
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:642
msgid "DPkg::NoTriggers"
msgstr "DPkg::NoTriggers"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:660
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:643
msgid ""
"Add the no triggers flag to all dpkg calls (except the ConfigurePending "
"call). See &dpkg; if you are interested in what this actually means. In "
@@ -6634,12 +6590,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:667
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:650
msgid "PackageManager::Configure"
msgstr "PackageManager::Configure"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:668
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:651
msgid ""
"Valid values are \"<literal>all</literal>\", \"<literal>smart</literal>\" "
"and \"<literal>no</literal>\". \"<literal>all</literal>\" is the default "
@@ -6655,12 +6611,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:678
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:661
msgid "DPkg::ConfigurePending"
msgstr "DPkg::ConfigurePending"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:679
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:662
msgid ""
"If this option is set apt will call <command>dpkg --configure --pending</"
"command> to let dpkg handle all required configurations and triggers. This "
@@ -6671,12 +6627,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:685
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:668
msgid "DPkg::TriggersPending"
msgstr "DPkg::TriggersPending"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:686
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:669
msgid ""
"Useful for <literal>smart</literal> configuration as a package which has "
"pending triggers is not considered as <literal>installed</literal> and dpkg "
@@ -6686,12 +6642,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:691
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:674
msgid "PackageManager::UnpackAll"
msgstr "PackageManager::UnpackAll"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:692
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:675
msgid ""
"As the configuration can be deferred to be done at the end by dpkg it can be "
"tried to order the unpack series only by critical needs, e.g. by Pre-"
@@ -6703,12 +6659,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:699
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:682
msgid "OrderList::Score::Immediate"
msgstr "OrderList::Score::Immediate"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:707
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:690
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"OrderList::Score {\n"
@@ -6726,7 +6682,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:700
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:683
msgid ""
"Essential packages (and there dependencies) should be configured immediately "
"after unpacking. It will be a good idea to do this quite early in the "
@@ -6740,12 +6696,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:720
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:703
msgid "Periodic and Archives options"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:721
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:704
msgid ""
"<literal>APT::Periodic</literal> and <literal>APT::Archives</literal> groups "
"of options configure behavior of apt periodic updates, which is done by "
@@ -6754,13 +6710,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:729
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:712
#, fuzzy
msgid "Debug options"
msgstr "opcje"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:731
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:714
msgid ""
"Enabling options in the <literal>Debug::</literal> section will cause "
"debugging information to be sent to the standard error stream of the program "
@@ -6771,7 +6727,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:742
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:725
msgid ""
"<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal> enables output about the "
"decisions made by <literal>dist-upgrade, upgrade, install, remove, purge</"
@@ -6779,7 +6735,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:750
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:733
msgid ""
"<literal>Debug::NoLocking</literal> disables all file locking. This can be "
"used to run some operations (for instance, <literal>apt-get -s install</"
@@ -6787,7 +6743,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:759
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:742
msgid ""
"<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgPM</literal> prints out the actual command line each "
"time that <literal>apt</literal> invokes &dpkg;."
@@ -6797,7 +6753,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. motivating example, except I haven't a clue why you'd want
#. to do this.
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:767
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:750
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<literal>Debug::IdentCdrom</literal> disables the inclusion of statfs data "
@@ -6807,104 +6763,104 @@ msgstr ""
"in CDROM IDs."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:777
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:760
msgid "A full list of debugging options to apt follows."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:782
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:765
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::cdrom</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Acquire::cdrom</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:786
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:769
msgid ""
"Print information related to accessing <literal>cdrom://</literal> sources."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:793
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:776
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::ftp</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Acquire::ftp</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:797
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:780
msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using FTP."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:804
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:787
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::http</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Acquire::http</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:808
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:791
msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using HTTP."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:815
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:798
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::https</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Acquire::https</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:819
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:802
msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using HTTPS."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:826
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:809
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::gpgv</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Acquire::gpgv</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:830
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:813
msgid ""
"Print information related to verifying cryptographic signatures using "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:837
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:820
msgid "<literal>Debug::aptcdrom</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::aptcdrom</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:841
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:824
msgid ""
"Output information about the process of accessing collections of packages "
"stored on CD-ROMs."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:848
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:831
msgid "<literal>Debug::BuildDeps</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::BuildDeps</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:851
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:834
msgid "Describes the process of resolving build-dependencies in &apt-get;."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:858
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:841
msgid "<literal>Debug::Hashes</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Hashes</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:861
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:844
msgid ""
"Output each cryptographic hash that is generated by the <literal>apt</"
"literal> libraries."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:868
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:851
msgid "<literal>Debug::IdentCDROM</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::IdentCDROM</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:871
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:854
msgid ""
"Do not include information from <literal>statfs</literal>, namely the number "
"of used and free blocks on the CD-ROM filesystem, when generating an ID for "
@@ -6912,93 +6868,93 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:879
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:862
msgid "<literal>Debug::NoLocking</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::NoLocking</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:882
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:865
msgid ""
"Disable all file locking. For instance, this will allow two instances of "
"<quote><literal>apt-get update</literal></quote> to run at the same time."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:890
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:873
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:894
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:877
msgid "Log when items are added to or removed from the global download queue."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:901
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:884
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Auth</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Auth</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:904
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:887
msgid ""
"Output status messages and errors related to verifying checksums and "
"cryptographic signatures of downloaded files."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:911
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:894
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Diffs</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Diffs</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:914
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:897
msgid ""
"Output information about downloading and applying package index list diffs, "
"and errors relating to package index list diffs."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:922
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:905
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::RRed</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::RRed</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:926
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:909
msgid ""
"Output information related to patching apt package lists when downloading "
"index diffs instead of full indices."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:933
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:916
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Worker</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Worker</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:937
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:920
msgid ""
"Log all interactions with the sub-processes that actually perform downloads."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:944
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:927
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAutoRemove</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAutoRemove</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:948
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:931
msgid ""
"Log events related to the automatically-installed status of packages and to "
"the removal of unused packages."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:955
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:938
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::AutoInstall</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::AutoInstall</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:958
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:941
msgid ""
"Generate debug messages describing which packages are being automatically "
"installed to resolve dependencies. This corresponds to the initial auto-"
@@ -7008,12 +6964,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:969
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:952
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::Marker</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::Marker</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:972
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:955
msgid ""
"Generate debug messages describing which package is marked as keep/install/"
"remove while the ProblemResolver does his work. Each addition or deletion "
@@ -7030,91 +6986,91 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:991
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:974
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgInitConfig</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgInitConfig</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:994
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:977
msgid "Dump the default configuration to standard error on startup."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1001
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:984
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgPM</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgPM</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1004
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:987
msgid ""
"When invoking &dpkg;, output the precise command line with which it is being "
"invoked, with arguments separated by a single space character."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1012
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:995
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1015
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:998
msgid ""
"Output all the data received from &dpkg; on the status file descriptor and "
"any errors encountered while parsing it."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1022
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1005
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgOrderList</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgOrderList</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1026
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1009
msgid ""
"Generate a trace of the algorithm that decides the order in which "
"<literal>apt</literal> should pass packages to &dpkg;."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1034
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1017
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgPackageManager</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgPackageManager</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1038
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1021
msgid ""
"Output status messages tracing the steps performed when invoking &dpkg;."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1045
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1028
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgPolicy</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgPolicy</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1049
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1032
msgid "Output the priority of each package list on startup."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1055
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1038
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1059
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1042
msgid ""
"Trace the execution of the dependency resolver (this applies only to what "
"happens when a complex dependency problem is encountered)."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1067
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1050
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver::ShowScores</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver::ShowScores</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1070
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1053
msgid ""
"Display a list of all installed packages with their calculated score used by "
"the pkgProblemResolver. The description of the package is the same as "
@@ -7122,32 +7078,32 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1078
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1061
msgid "<literal>Debug::sourceList</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::sourceList</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1082
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1065
msgid ""
"Print information about the vendors read from <filename>/etc/apt/vendors."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1105
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1088
msgid ""
"&configureindex; is a configuration file showing example values for all "
"possible options."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1112
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1095
msgid "&file-aptconf;"
msgstr "&file-aptconf;"
#. ? reading apt.conf
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1117
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1100
msgid "&apt-cache;, &apt-config;, &apt-preferences;."
msgstr "&apt-cache;, &apt-config;, &apt-preferences;."
@@ -7229,8 +7185,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Note that the files in the <filename>/etc/apt/preferences.d</filename> "
"directory are parsed in alphanumeric ascending order and need to obey the "
-"following naming convention: The files have either no or \"<literal>pref</"
-"literal>\" as filename extension and only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), "
+"following naming convention: The files have no or \"<literal>pref</literal>"
+"\" as filename extension and which only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), "
"underscore (_) and period (.) characters. Otherwise APT will print a notice "
"that it has ignored a file if the file doesn't match a pattern in the "
"<literal>Dir::Ignore-Files-Silently</literal> configuration list - in this "
@@ -7592,7 +7548,7 @@ msgid ""
"APT also supports pinning by glob() expressions and regular expressions "
"surrounded by /. For example, the following example assigns the priority 500 "
"to all packages from experimental where the name starts with gnome (as a glob"
-"()-like expression) or contains the word kde (as a POSIX extended regular "
+"()-like expression or contains the word kde (as a POSIX extended regular "
"expression surrounded by slashes)."
msgstr ""
@@ -7616,7 +7572,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: apt_preferences.5.xml:279
msgid ""
"The rule for those expressions is that they can occur anywhere where a "
-"string can occur. Thus, the following pin assigns the priority 990 to all "
+"string can occur. Those, the following pin assigns the priority 990 to all "
"packages from a release starting with karmic."
msgstr ""
@@ -8405,7 +8361,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: sources.list.5.xml:81
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid "deb uri distribution [component1] [component2] [...]"
-msgid "deb [ options ] uri distribution [component1] [component2] [...]"
+msgid "deb uri distribution [component1] [component2] [...]"
msgstr "deb URI dystrybucja [komponent1] [komponent2] [...]"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
@@ -8478,27 +8434,6 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#: sources.list.5.xml:112
msgid ""
-"<literal>options</literal> is always optional and needs to be surounded by "
-"square brackets. It can consist of multiple settings in the form "
-"replaceable></literal>. Multiple settings are separated by spaces. The "
-"following settings are supported by APT, note though that unsupported "
-"settings will be ignored silently:"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:117
-msgid ""
-"replaceable>,…</literal> can be used to specify for which architectures "
-"packages information should be downloaded. If this option is not set all "
-"architectures defined by the <literal>APT::Architectures</literal> option "
-"will be downloaded."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:123
-msgid ""
"It is important to list sources in order of preference, with the most "
"preferred source listed first. Typically this will result in sorting by "
"speed from fastest to slowest (CD-ROM followed by hosts on a local network, "
@@ -8511,12 +8446,12 @@ msgstr ""
"komputerami w Internecie)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:128
+#: sources.list.5.xml:117
msgid "Some examples:"
msgstr "Kilka przykładów:"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:130
+#: sources.list.5.xml:119
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "deb stable main contrib non-free\n"
@@ -8532,17 +8467,17 @@ msgstr ""
" "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:136
+#: sources.list.5.xml:125
msgid "URI specification"
msgstr "Określanie URI"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:141
+#: sources.list.5.xml:130
msgid "file"
msgstr "file"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:143
+#: sources.list.5.xml:132
msgid ""
"The file scheme allows an arbitrary directory in the file system to be "
"considered an archive. This is useful for NFS mounts and local mirrors or "
@@ -8553,7 +8488,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:150
+#: sources.list.5.xml:139
msgid ""
"The cdrom scheme allows APT to use a local CDROM drive with media swapping. "
"Use the &apt-cdrom; program to create cdrom entries in the source list."
@@ -8563,7 +8498,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:157
+#: sources.list.5.xml:146
msgid ""
"The http scheme specifies an HTTP server for the archive. If an environment "
"variable <envar>http_proxy</envar> is set with the format http://server:"
@@ -8580,7 +8515,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:168
+#: sources.list.5.xml:157
msgid ""
"The ftp scheme specifies an FTP server for the archive. APT's FTP behavior "
"is highly configurable; for more information see the &apt-conf; manual page. "
@@ -8599,12 +8534,12 @@ msgstr ""
"używające http zostaną zignorowane."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:177
+#: sources.list.5.xml:166
msgid "copy"
msgstr "copy"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:179
+#: sources.list.5.xml:168
msgid ""
"The copy scheme is identical to the file scheme except that packages are "
"copied into the cache directory instead of used directly at their location. "
@@ -8616,17 +8551,17 @@ msgstr ""
"skopiowania plików przy użyciu APT."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:184
+#: sources.list.5.xml:173
msgid "rsh"
msgstr "rsh"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:184
+#: sources.list.5.xml:173
msgid "ssh"
msgstr "ssh"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:186
+#: sources.list.5.xml:175
msgid ""
"The rsh/ssh method invokes rsh/ssh to connect to a remote host as a given "
"user and access the files. It is a good idea to do prior arrangements with "
@@ -8642,12 +8577,12 @@ msgstr ""
"ze zdalnego komputera."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:194
+#: sources.list.5.xml:183
msgid "more recognizable URI types"
msgstr "więcej rozpoznawanych typów URI"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:196
+#: sources.list.5.xml:185
msgid ""
"APT can be extended with more methods shipped in other optional packages "
"which should follow the nameing scheme <literal>apt-transport-"
@@ -8669,7 +8604,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:138
+#: sources.list.5.xml:127
msgid ""
"The currently recognized URI types are cdrom, file, http, ftp, copy, ssh, "
"rsh. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
@@ -8678,7 +8613,7 @@ msgstr ""
"ssh, rsh. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:210
+#: sources.list.5.xml:199
msgid ""
"Uses the archive stored locally (or NFS mounted) at /home/jason/debian for "
"stable/main, stable/contrib, and stable/non-free."
@@ -8687,59 +8622,36 @@ msgstr ""
"debian dla zasobów stable/main, stable/contrib i stable/non-free."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:212
+#: sources.list.5.xml:201
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb file:/home/jason/debian stable main contrib non-free"
msgstr "deb file:/home/jason/debian stable main contrib non-free"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:214
+#: sources.list.5.xml:203
msgid "As above, except this uses the unstable (development) distribution."
msgstr ""
"Jak wyżej, z tą różnicą że używa dystrybucji niestabilnej (deweloperskiej)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:215
+#: sources.list.5.xml:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
msgstr "deb file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:217
+#: sources.list.5.xml:206
msgid "Source line for the above"
msgstr "Linie źródeł dla powyższego przykładu"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:218
+#: sources.list.5.xml:207
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb-src file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
msgstr "deb-src file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:220
-msgid ""
-"The first line gets package information for the architectures in "
-"<literal>APT::Architectures</literal> while the second always retrieves "
-"<literal>amd64</literal> and <literal>armel</literal>."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:222
-#, fuzzy, no-wrap
-#| msgid ""
-#| "deb stable main contrib non-free\n"
-#| "deb dists/stable-updates/\n"
-#| " "
-msgid ""
-"deb &stable-codename; main\n"
-"deb [ arch=amd64,armel ] &stable-codename; main"
-msgstr ""
-"deb stable main contrib non-free\n"
-"deb dists/stable-updates/\n"
-" "
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:225
+#: sources.list.5.xml:209
msgid ""
"Uses HTTP to access the archive at, and uses only the "
"hamm/main area."
@@ -8748,13 +8660,13 @@ msgstr ""
"org i dystrybucji hamm/main."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:227
+#: sources.list.5.xml:211
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb hamm main"
msgstr "deb hamm main"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:229
+#: sources.list.5.xml:213
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "Uses FTP to access the archive at, under the debian "
@@ -8767,14 +8679,14 @@ msgstr ""
"dystrybucji stable/contrib."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:231
+#: sources.list.5.xml:215
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid "deb stable contrib"
msgid "deb &stable-codename; contrib"
msgstr "deb stable contrib"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:233
+#: sources.list.5.xml:217
msgid ""
"Uses FTP to access the archive at, under the debian "
"directory, and uses only the unstable/contrib area. If this line appears as "
@@ -8787,20 +8699,20 @@ msgstr ""
"to pojedyncza sesja FTP będzie użyta w celu uzyskania dostępu do obu zasobów."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:237
+#: sources.list.5.xml:221
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb unstable contrib"
msgstr "deb unstable contrib"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:246
+#: sources.list.5.xml:230
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid "deb unstable/binary-$(ARCH)/"
msgid "deb unstable/binary-$(ARCH)/"
msgstr "deb unstable/binary-$(ARCH)/"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:239
+#: sources.list.5.xml:223
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "Uses HTTP to access the archive at, under the debian-non-"
@@ -8828,7 +8740,7 @@ msgstr ""
"<placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:251
+#: sources.list.5.xml:235
msgid "&apt-cache; &apt-conf;"
msgstr "&apt-cache;, &apt-conf;"
@@ -10357,13 +10269,23 @@ msgstr " # apt-get -o dir::cache::archives=\"/disc/\" dist-upgrade"
msgid "Which will use the already fetched archives on the disc."
msgstr "Które użyje pobranych uprzednio archiwów z dysku."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "<option>--recurse</option>"
+#~ msgid "<option>--host-architecture</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>--recurse</option>"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "deb stable main contrib non-free\n"
+#~| "deb dists/stable-updates/\n"
+#~| " "
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Update the local keyring with the keyring of Debian archive keys and "
-#~ "removes from the keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid."
+#~ "deb &stable-codename; main\n"
+#~ "deb [ arch=amd64,armel ] &stable-codename; main"
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Aktualizuje lokalną składnicę kluczy używając składnicy kluczy archiwum "
-#~ "Debiana i usuwa z lokalnej składnicy nieaktualne już klucze archiwów "
-#~ "Debiana."
+#~ "deb stable main contrib non-free\n"
+#~ "deb dists/stable-updates/\n"
+#~ " "
#~ msgid "<option>--md5</option>"
#~ msgstr "<option>--md5</option>"
diff --git a/doc/po/pt.po b/doc/po/pt.po
index a96a2c97a..e298281f8 100644
--- a/doc/po/pt.po
+++ b/doc/po/pt.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: apt 0.8.0~pre1\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-11-20 17:58+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-08 16:54+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-08-25 23:07+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Américo Monteiro <>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese <>\n"
@@ -762,7 +762,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:64 apt-cdrom.8.xml:50 apt-config.8.xml:50
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:46 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:59 apt-get.8.xml:121
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:46 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:59 apt-get.8.xml:114
#: apt-key.8.xml:38 apt-mark.8.xml:56 apt-secure.8.xml:43
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:47 apt.conf.5.xml:42 apt_preferences.5.xml:36
#: sources.list.5.xml:36
@@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ msgstr ""
"a partir dos metadados do pacote."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:70 apt-get.8.xml:127
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:70 apt-get.8.xml:120
msgid ""
"Unless the <option>-h</option>, or <option>--help</option> option is given, "
"one of the commands below must be present."
@@ -1279,8 +1279,8 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:278 apt-config.8.xml:96 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:59
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:342 apt-mark.8.xml:126
-#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:57 apt.conf.5.xml:577 apt.conf.5.xml:599
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:331 apt-mark.8.xml:126
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:57 apt.conf.5.xml:560 apt.conf.5.xml:582
msgid "options"
msgstr "opções"
@@ -1306,7 +1306,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:572 apt-get.8.xml:404
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571 apt-get.8.xml:393
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:61
msgid "<option>-s</option>"
msgstr "<option>-s</option>"
@@ -1332,12 +1332,12 @@ msgstr ""
"pacote. Item de Configuração: <literal>Dir::Cache::srcpkgcache</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:546 apt-get.8.xml:394
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>-q</option>"
msgstr "<option>-q</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:546 apt-get.8.xml:394
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>--quiet</option>"
msgstr "<option>--quiet</option>"
@@ -1427,7 +1427,7 @@ msgstr "<option>--no-enhances</option>"
#| "literal> e.g. <literal>APT::Cache::ShowRecommends</literal>."
msgid ""
"Per default the <literal>depends</literal> and <literal>rdepends</literal> "
-"print all dependencies. This can be tweaked with these flags which will omit "
+"print all dependencies. This can be twicked with these flags which will omit "
"the specified dependency type. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Cache::"
"Show<replaceable>DependencyType</replaceable></literal> e.g. <literal>APT::"
@@ -1439,7 +1439,7 @@ msgstr ""
"ex. <literal>APT::Cache::ShowRecommends</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:323 apt-cdrom.8.xml:124 apt-get.8.xml:361
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:323 apt-cdrom.8.xml:124 apt-get.8.xml:350
msgid "<option>-f</option>"
msgstr "<option>-f</option>"
@@ -1458,8 +1458,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
-#: apt-get.8.xml:447
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
msgid "<option>-a</option>"
msgstr "<option>-a</option>"
@@ -1576,14 +1575,14 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:367 apt-cdrom.8.xml:153 apt-config.8.xml:101
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:612 apt-get.8.xml:591
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:611 apt-get.8.xml:570
#: apt-mark.8.xml:140 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:67
msgid "&apt-commonoptions;"
msgstr "&apt-commonoptions;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:596 apt-key.8.xml:175 apt-mark.8.xml:144
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1110 apt_preferences.5.xml:697
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:575 apt-key.8.xml:172 apt-mark.8.xml:144
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1093 apt_preferences.5.xml:697
msgid "Files"
msgstr "Ficheiros"
@@ -1594,10 +1593,10 @@ msgstr "&file-sourceslist; &file-statelists;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:379 apt-cdrom.8.xml:158 apt-config.8.xml:106
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628 apt-get.8.xml:606
-#: apt-key.8.xml:196 apt-mark.8.xml:150 apt-secure.8.xml:185
-#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1116 apt_preferences.5.xml:704
-#: sources.list.5.xml:250
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:627 apt-get.8.xml:585
+#: apt-key.8.xml:193 apt-mark.8.xml:150 apt-secure.8.xml:185
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1099 apt_preferences.5.xml:704
+#: sources.list.5.xml:234
msgid "See Also"
msgstr "Veja também"
@@ -1608,7 +1607,7 @@ msgstr "&apt-conf;, &sources-list;, &apt-get;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:384 apt-cdrom.8.xml:163 apt-config.8.xml:111
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:632 apt-get.8.xml:612
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:631 apt-get.8.xml:591
#: apt-mark.8.xml:154 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:76
msgid "Diagnostics"
msgstr "Diagnóstico"
@@ -1738,12 +1737,12 @@ msgstr ""
"\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:161
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:158
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Opções"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:540 apt-get.8.xml:356
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539 apt-get.8.xml:345
msgid "<option>-d</option>"
msgstr "<option>-d</option>"
@@ -1787,7 +1786,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:116 apt-get.8.xml:375
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:116 apt-get.8.xml:364
msgid "<option>-m</option>"
msgstr "<option>-m</option>"
@@ -1842,17 +1841,17 @@ msgstr ""
"estranhos. Demora muito mais tempo a sondar o CD mas irá apanhá-los a todos."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:143 apt-get.8.xml:406
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:143 apt-get.8.xml:395
msgid "<option>--just-print</option>"
msgstr "<option>--just-print</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:144 apt-get.8.xml:408
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:144 apt-get.8.xml:397
msgid "<option>--recon</option>"
msgstr "<option>--recon</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:145 apt-get.8.xml:409
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:145 apt-get.8.xml:398
msgid "<option>--no-act</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-act</option>"
@@ -1996,7 +1995,7 @@ msgid "Just show the contents of the configuration space."
msgstr "Apenas mostra o conteúdo do espaço de configuração."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:629
+#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:73
msgid "&apt-conf;"
msgstr "&apt-conf;"
@@ -2075,7 +2074,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:63 apt-get.8.xml:525
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:63 apt-get.8.xml:504
msgid "<option>-t</option>"
msgstr "<option>-t</option>"
@@ -2352,7 +2351,7 @@ msgstr ""
"definições requeridas."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:145 apt-get.8.xml:298
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:145 apt-get.8.xml:287
msgid "clean"
msgstr "clean"
@@ -2918,8 +2917,8 @@ msgstr ""
"distribuição, tipicamente isto é algo como <literal>main contrib non-free</"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:394 apt.conf.5.xml:157
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:394
msgid "Architectures"
msgstr "Architectures"
@@ -3145,25 +3144,43 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:531
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Values for the additional metadata fields in the Release file are taken "
+#| "from the corresponding variables under <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release</"
+#| "literal>, e.g. <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release::Origin</literal>. The "
+#| "supported fields are: <literal>Origin</literal>, <literal>Label</"
+#| "literal>, <literal>Suite</literal>, <literal>Version</literal>, "
+#| "<literal>Codename</literal>, <literal>Date</literal>, <literal>Valid-"
+#| "Until</literal>, <literal>Architectures</literal>, <literal>Components</"
+#| "literal>, <literal>Description</literal>."
msgid ""
"Generate the given checksum. These options default to on, when turned off "
"the generated index files will not have the checksum fields where possible. "
"Configuration Items: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Checksum</"
"replaceable></literal> and <literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Index</"
"replaceable>::<replaceable>Checksum</replaceable></literal> where "
-"<literal><replaceable>Index</replaceable></literal> can be "
-"<literal>Packages</literal>, <literal>Sources</literal> or <literal>Release</"
-"literal> and <literal><replaceable>Checksum</replaceable></literal> can be "
-"<literal>MD5</literal>, <literal>SHA1</literal> or <literal>SHA256</literal>."
+"<literal>Index</literal> can be <literal>Packages</literal>, "
+"<literal>Sources</literal> or <literal>Release</literal> and "
+"<literal>Checksum</literal> can be <literal>MD5</literal>, <literal>SHA1</"
+"literal> or <literal>SHA256</literal>."
msgstr ""
+"Valores para os campos de metadados adicionais no ficheiro Release são "
+"tomados a partir das variáveis correspondentes sob <literal>APT::FTPArchive::"
+"Release</literal>, ex. <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Release::Origin</literal>. "
+"Os campos suportados são: <literal>Origin</literal>, <literal>Label</"
+"literal>, <literal>Suite</literal>, <literal>Version</literal>, "
+"<literal>Codename</literal>, <literal>Date</literal>, "
+"<literal>Architectures</literal>, <literal>Components</literal>, "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:540
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539
msgid "<option>--db</option>"
msgstr "<option>--db</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:542
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:541
msgid ""
"Use a binary caching DB. This has no effect on the generate command. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::DB</literal>."
@@ -3172,7 +3189,7 @@ msgstr ""
"generate. Item de configuração: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::DB</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:548
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:547
msgid ""
"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
@@ -3186,12 +3203,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:554
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:553
msgid "<option>--delink</option>"
msgstr "<option>--delink</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:556
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:555
msgid ""
"Perform Delinking. If the <literal>External-Links</literal> setting is used "
"then this option actually enables delinking of the files. It defaults to on "
@@ -3204,12 +3221,12 @@ msgstr ""
"option>. Item de Configuração: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::DeLinkAct</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:562
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:561
msgid "<option>--contents</option>"
msgstr "<option>--contents</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:564
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:563
msgid ""
"Perform contents generation. When this option is set and package indexes are "
"being generated with a cache DB then the file listing will also be extracted "
@@ -3225,12 +3242,12 @@ msgstr ""
"de Configuração: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::Contents</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:572
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571
msgid "<option>--source-override</option>"
msgstr "<option>--source-override</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:574
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:573
msgid ""
"Select the source override file to use with the <literal>sources</literal> "
"command. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::SourceOverride</"
@@ -3241,12 +3258,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:578
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:577
msgid "<option>--readonly</option>"
msgstr "<option>--readonly</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:580
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:579
msgid ""
"Make the caching databases read only. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::"
@@ -3255,12 +3272,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
msgid "<option>--arch</option>"
msgstr "<option>--arch</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:585
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
msgid ""
"Accept in the <literal>packages</literal> and <literal>contents</literal> "
"commands only package files matching <literal>*_arch.deb</literal> or "
@@ -3274,12 +3291,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:591
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:590
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::AlwaysStat</option>"
msgstr "<option>APT::FTPArchive::AlwaysStat</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:593
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:592
msgid ""
"&apt-ftparchive; caches as much as possible of metadata in a cachedb. If "
"packages are recompiled and/or republished with the same version again, this "
@@ -3303,12 +3320,12 @@ msgstr ""
"as verificações extras serão desnecessárias."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:603
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:602
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::LongDescription</option>"
msgstr "<option>APT::FTPArchive::LongDescription</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:605
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:604
msgid ""
"This configuration option defaults to \"<literal>true</literal>\" and should "
"only be set to <literal>\"false\"</literal> if the Archive generated with "
@@ -3323,19 +3340,19 @@ msgstr ""
"<filename>Translation-en</filename> só pode ser criado no comando generate."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:617 apt.conf.5.xml:1104 apt_preferences.5.xml:544
-#: sources.list.5.xml:209
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:616 apt.conf.5.xml:1087 apt_preferences.5.xml:544
+#: sources.list.5.xml:198
msgid "Examples"
msgstr "Examples"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><programlisting>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:623
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:622
#, no-wrap
msgid "<command>apt-ftparchive</command> packages <replaceable>directory</replaceable> | <command>gzip</command> > <filename>Packages.gz</filename>\n"
msgstr "<command>apt-ftparchive</command> pacotes <replaceable>directório</replaceable> | <command>gzip</command> > <filename>Packages.gz</filename>\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:619
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:618
msgid ""
"To create a compressed Packages file for a directory containing binary "
"packages (.deb): <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
@@ -3344,7 +3361,7 @@ msgstr ""
"pacotes binários (.deb): <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:633
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:632
msgid ""
"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal "
"100 on error."
@@ -3410,11 +3427,10 @@ msgid ""
"<option>-o= <replaceable>config_string</replaceable> </option> </arg> <arg> "
"<option>-c= <replaceable>config_file</replaceable> </option> </arg> <arg> "
"<option>-t=</option> <arg choice='plain'> <replaceable>target_release</"
-"replaceable> </arg> </arg> <arg> <option>-a=</option> <arg choice='plain'> "
-"<replaceable>default_architecture</replaceable> </arg> </arg> <group choice="
-"\"req\"> <arg choice='plain'>update</arg> <arg choice='plain'>upgrade</arg> "
-"<arg choice='plain'>dselect-upgrade</arg> <arg choice='plain'>dist-upgrade</"
-"arg> <arg choice='plain'>install <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
+"replaceable> </arg> </arg> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>update</arg> <arg choice='plain'>upgrade</arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>dselect-upgrade</arg> <arg choice='plain'>dist-upgrade</arg> "
+"<arg choice='plain'>install <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
"\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable> <arg> <group choice='req'> <arg "
"choice='plain'> =<replaceable>pkg_version_number</replaceable> </arg> <arg "
"choice='plain'> /<replaceable>target_release</replaceable> </arg> </group> </"
@@ -3463,7 +3479,7 @@ msgstr ""
"</group> </arg> </group>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:122
+#: apt-get.8.xml:115
msgid ""
"<command>apt-get</command> is the command-line tool for handling packages, "
"and may be considered the user's \"back-end\" to other tools using the APT "
@@ -3476,12 +3492,12 @@ msgstr ""
"\"front-end\" como o &dselect;, &aptitude;, &synaptic; e &wajig;."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:131 apt-key.8.xml:127
+#: apt-get.8.xml:124 apt-key.8.xml:127
msgid "update"
msgstr "update"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:132
+#: apt-get.8.xml:125
msgid ""
"<literal>update</literal> is used to resynchronize the package index files "
"from their sources. The indexes of available packages are fetched from the "
@@ -3505,12 +3521,12 @@ msgstr ""
"ficheiros de pacotes não pode ser conhecido com antecedência."
#. type: <tag></tag>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:143 guide.sgml:121
+#: apt-get.8.xml:136 guide.sgml:121
msgid "upgrade"
msgstr "upgrade"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:144
+#: apt-get.8.xml:137
msgid ""
"<literal>upgrade</literal> is used to install the newest versions of all "
"packages currently installed on the system from the sources enumerated in "
@@ -3536,12 +3552,12 @@ msgstr ""
"novas versões de pacotes."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:156
+#: apt-get.8.xml:149
msgid "dselect-upgrade"
msgstr "dselect-upgrade"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:157
+#: apt-get.8.xml:150
msgid ""
"<literal>dselect-upgrade</literal> is used in conjunction with the "
"traditional Debian packaging front-end, &dselect;. <literal>dselect-upgrade</"
@@ -3557,12 +3573,12 @@ msgstr ""
"estado (por exemplo, a remoção de pacotes antigos e a instalação de novos)."
#. type: <tag></tag>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:166 guide.sgml:140
+#: apt-get.8.xml:159 guide.sgml:140
msgid "dist-upgrade"
msgstr "dist-upgrade"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:167
+#: apt-get.8.xml:160
msgid ""
"<literal>dist-upgrade</literal> in addition to performing the function of "
"<literal>upgrade</literal>, also intelligently handles changing dependencies "
@@ -3586,12 +3602,12 @@ msgstr ""
"sobrepor as definições gerais em pacotes individuais."
#. type: <tag></tag>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:179 guide.sgml:131
+#: apt-get.8.xml:172 guide.sgml:131
msgid "install"
msgstr "install"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:181
+#: apt-get.8.xml:174
msgid ""
"<literal>install</literal> is followed by one or more packages desired for "
"installation or upgrading. Each package is a package name, not a fully "
@@ -3619,7 +3635,7 @@ msgstr ""
"decisões feitas pelo sistema de resolução de conflitos do apt-get."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:199
+#: apt-get.8.xml:192
msgid ""
"A specific version of a package can be selected for installation by "
"following the package name with an equals and the version of the package to "
@@ -3636,7 +3652,7 @@ msgstr ""
"versão da distribuição ou o nome de Arquivo (stable, testing, unstable)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:206
+#: apt-get.8.xml:199
msgid ""
"Both of the version selection mechanisms can downgrade packages and must be "
"used with care."
@@ -3645,7 +3661,7 @@ msgstr ""
"e devem ser usados com cuidado."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:209
+#: apt-get.8.xml:202
msgid ""
"This is also the target to use if you want to upgrade one or more already-"
"installed packages without upgrading every package you have on your system. "
@@ -3665,7 +3681,7 @@ msgstr ""
"descarregadas e instaladas."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:220
+#: apt-get.8.xml:213
msgid ""
"Finally, the &apt-preferences; mechanism allows you to create an alternative "
"installation policy for individual packages."
@@ -3674,7 +3690,7 @@ msgstr ""
"instalação alternativa para pacotes individuais."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:224
+#: apt-get.8.xml:217
msgid ""
"If no package matches the given expression and the expression contains one "
"of '.', '?' or '*' then it is assumed to be a POSIX regular expression, and "
@@ -3693,12 +3709,12 @@ msgstr ""
"caractere '^' ou '$', para criar uma expressão regular mais específica."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:233
+#: apt-get.8.xml:226
msgid "remove"
msgstr "remove"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:234
+#: apt-get.8.xml:227
msgid ""
"<literal>remove</literal> is identical to <literal>install</literal> except "
"that packages are removed instead of installed. Note the removing a package "
@@ -3713,12 +3729,12 @@ msgstr ""
"pacote identificado será instalado em vez de removido."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:241
+#: apt-get.8.xml:234
msgid "purge"
msgstr "purge"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:242
+#: apt-get.8.xml:235
msgid ""
"<literal>purge</literal> is identical to <literal>remove</literal> except "
"that packages are removed and purged (any configuration files are deleted "
@@ -3729,12 +3745,12 @@ msgstr ""
"configuração são também apagados)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:246
+#: apt-get.8.xml:239
msgid "source"
msgstr "source"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:247
+#: apt-get.8.xml:240
msgid ""
"<literal>source</literal> causes <command>apt-get</command> to fetch source "
"packages. APT will examine the available packages to decide which source "
@@ -3753,7 +3769,7 @@ msgstr ""
"<literal>pkg/release</literal>, se possível."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:255
+#: apt-get.8.xml:248
msgid ""
"Source packages are tracked separately from binary packages via <literal>deb-"
"src</literal> type lines in the &sources-list; file. This means that you "
@@ -3769,7 +3785,7 @@ msgstr ""
"instalada ou pode instalar."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:262
+#: apt-get.8.xml:255
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "If the <option>--compile</option> option is specified then the package "
@@ -3778,10 +3794,9 @@ msgstr ""
#| "source package will not be unpacked."
msgid ""
"If the <option>--compile</option> option is specified then the package will "
-"be compiled to a binary .deb using <command>dpkg-buildpackage</command> for "
-"the architecture as defined by the <command>--host-architecture</command> "
-"option. If <option>--download-only</option> is specified then the source "
-"package will not be unpacked."
+"be compiled to a binary .deb using <command>dpkg-buildpackage</command>, if "
+"<option>--download-only</option> is specified then the source package will "
+"not be unpacked."
msgstr ""
"Se for especificada a opção <option>--compile</option> então o pacote irá "
"ser compilado para um binário .deb usando <command>dpkg-buildpackage</"
@@ -3789,7 +3804,7 @@ msgstr ""
"pacote fonte não será desempacotado."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:269
+#: apt-get.8.xml:260
msgid ""
"A specific source version can be retrieved by postfixing the source name "
"with an equals and then the version to fetch, similar to the mechanism used "
@@ -3804,7 +3819,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:275
+#: apt-get.8.xml:266
msgid ""
"Note that source packages are not tracked like binary packages, they exist "
"only in the current directory and are similar to downloading source tar "
@@ -3815,33 +3830,30 @@ msgstr ""
"balls fonte."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:280
+#: apt-get.8.xml:271
msgid "build-dep"
msgstr "build-dep"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:281
+#: apt-get.8.xml:272
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "<literal>build-dep</literal> causes apt-get to install/remove packages in "
#| "an attempt to satisfy the build dependencies for a source package."
msgid ""
"<literal>build-dep</literal> causes apt-get to install/remove packages in an "
-"attempt to satisfy the build dependencies for a source package. By default "
-"the dependencies are satisfied to build the package natively. If desired a "
-"host-architecture can be specified with the <option>--host-architecture</"
-"option> option instead."
+"attempt to satisfy the build dependencies for a source package."
msgstr ""
"<literal>build-dep</literal> faz o apt-get instalar/remover pacotes numa "
"tentativa de satisfazer dependências de compilação para um pacote fonte."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:287
+#: apt-get.8.xml:276
msgid "check"
msgstr "check"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:288
+#: apt-get.8.xml:277
msgid ""
"<literal>check</literal> is a diagnostic tool; it updates the package cache "
"and checks for broken dependencies."
@@ -3850,19 +3862,19 @@ msgstr ""
"de pacotes e verifica por dependências quebradas."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:292
+#: apt-get.8.xml:281
msgid "download"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:293
+#: apt-get.8.xml:282
msgid ""
"<literal>download</literal> will download the given binary package into the "
-"current directory."
+"current directoy."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:299
+#: apt-get.8.xml:288
msgid ""
"<literal>clean</literal> clears out the local repository of retrieved "
"package files. It removes everything but the lock file from "
@@ -3881,12 +3893,12 @@ msgstr ""
"libertar espaço do disco."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:308
+#: apt-get.8.xml:297
msgid "autoclean"
msgstr "autoclean"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:309
+#: apt-get.8.xml:298
msgid ""
"Like <literal>clean</literal>, <literal>autoclean</literal> clears out the "
"local repository of retrieved package files. The difference is that it only "
@@ -3905,12 +3917,12 @@ msgstr ""
"pacotes instalados sejam apagados se estiver definida para 'off'."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:318
+#: apt-get.8.xml:307
msgid "autoremove"
msgstr "autoremove"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:319
+#: apt-get.8.xml:308
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "<literal>autoremove</literal> is used to remove packages that were "
@@ -3918,20 +3930,20 @@ msgstr "autoremove"
#| "are no more needed."
msgid ""
"<literal>autoremove</literal> is used to remove packages that were "
-"automatically installed to satisfy dependencies for other packages and are "
-"now no longer needed."
+"automatically installed to satisfy dependencies for some package and that "
+"are no more needed."
msgstr ""
"<literal>autoremove</literal> é usado para remover pacotes que foram "
"instalados automaticamente para satisfazer dependências de algum pacote e "
"que já não são necessários."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:323
+#: apt-get.8.xml:312
msgid "changelog"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:324
+#: apt-get.8.xml:313
msgid ""
"<literal>changelog</literal> downloads a package changelog and displays it "
"through <command>sensible-pager</command>. The server name and base "
@@ -3944,12 +3956,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:346
+#: apt-get.8.xml:335
msgid "<option>--no-install-recommends</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-install-recommends</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:347
+#: apt-get.8.xml:336
msgid ""
"Do not consider recommended packages as a dependency for installing. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Install-Recommends</literal>."
@@ -3958,14 +3970,14 @@ msgstr ""
"de Configuração: <literal>APT::Install-Recommends</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:351
+#: apt-get.8.xml:340
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "<option>--no-suggests</option>"
msgid "<option>--install-suggests</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-suggests</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:352
+#: apt-get.8.xml:341
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "Do not consider recommended packages as a dependency for installing. "
@@ -3978,12 +3990,12 @@ msgstr ""
"de Configuração: <literal>APT::Install-Recommends</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:356
+#: apt-get.8.xml:345
msgid "<option>--download-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--download-only</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:357
+#: apt-get.8.xml:346
msgid ""
"Download only; package files are only retrieved, not unpacked or installed. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Download-Only</literal>."
@@ -3993,12 +4005,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:361
+#: apt-get.8.xml:350
msgid "<option>--fix-broken</option>"
msgstr "<option>--fix-broken</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:362
+#: apt-get.8.xml:351
msgid ""
"Fix; attempt to correct a system with broken dependencies in place. This "
"option, when used with install/remove, can omit any packages to permit APT "
@@ -4026,17 +4038,17 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:375
+#: apt-get.8.xml:364
msgid "<option>--ignore-missing</option>"
msgstr "<option>--ignore-missing</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:376
+#: apt-get.8.xml:365
msgid "<option>--fix-missing</option>"
msgstr "<option>--fix-missing</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:377
+#: apt-get.8.xml:366
msgid ""
"Ignore missing packages; If packages cannot be retrieved or fail the "
"integrity check after retrieval (corrupted package files), hold back those "
@@ -4055,12 +4067,12 @@ msgstr ""
"de Configuração: <literal>APT::Get::Fix-Missing</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:387
+#: apt-get.8.xml:376
msgid "<option>--no-download</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-download</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:388
+#: apt-get.8.xml:377
msgid ""
"Disables downloading of packages. This is best used with <option>--ignore-"
"missing</option> to force APT to use only the .debs it has already "
@@ -4071,7 +4083,7 @@ msgstr ""
"descarregados. Item de Configuração: <literal>APT::Get::Download</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:395
+#: apt-get.8.xml:384
msgid ""
"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
@@ -4091,17 +4103,17 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:405
+#: apt-get.8.xml:394
msgid "<option>--simulate</option>"
msgstr "<option>--simulate</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:407
+#: apt-get.8.xml:396
msgid "<option>--dry-run</option>"
msgstr "<option>--dry-run</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:410
+#: apt-get.8.xml:399
msgid ""
"No action; perform a simulation of events that would occur but do not "
"actually change the system. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::"
@@ -4112,7 +4124,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:414
+#: apt-get.8.xml:403
msgid ""
"Simulation run as user will deactivate locking (<literal>Debug::NoLocking</"
"literal>) automatic. Also a notice will be displayed indicating that this "
@@ -4130,7 +4142,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:420
+#: apt-get.8.xml:409
msgid ""
"Simulate prints out a series of lines each one representing a dpkg "
"operation, Configure (Conf), Remove (Remv), Unpack (Inst). Square brackets "
@@ -4143,22 +4155,22 @@ msgstr ""
"vazios significam quebras que não têm consequência (raro)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:427
+#: apt-get.8.xml:416
msgid "<option>-y</option>"
msgstr "<option>-y</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:427
+#: apt-get.8.xml:416
msgid "<option>--yes</option>"
msgstr "<option>--yes</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:428
+#: apt-get.8.xml:417
msgid "<option>--assume-yes</option>"
msgstr "<option>--assume-yes</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:429
+#: apt-get.8.xml:418
msgid ""
"Automatic yes to prompts; assume \"yes\" as answer to all prompts and run "
"non-interactively. If an undesirable situation, such as changing a held "
@@ -4174,17 +4186,17 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:436
+#: apt-get.8.xml:425
msgid "<option>-u</option>"
msgstr "<option>-u</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:436
+#: apt-get.8.xml:425
msgid "<option>--show-upgraded</option>"
msgstr "<option>--show-upgraded</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:437
+#: apt-get.8.xml:426
msgid ""
"Show upgraded packages; Print out a list of all packages that are to be "
"upgraded. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Show-Upgraded</literal>."
@@ -4194,17 +4206,17 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:442
+#: apt-get.8.xml:431
msgid "<option>-V</option>"
msgstr "<option>-V</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:442
+#: apt-get.8.xml:431
msgid "<option>--verbose-versions</option>"
msgstr "<option>--verbose-versions</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:443
+#: apt-get.8.xml:432
msgid ""
"Show full versions for upgraded and installed packages. Configuration Item: "
@@ -4213,40 +4225,22 @@ msgstr ""
"Configuração: <literal>APT::Get::Show-Versions</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:448
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "<option>--recurse</option>"
-msgid "<option>--host-architecture</option>"
-msgstr "<option>--recurse</option>"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:449
-msgid ""
-"This option controls the architecture packages are built for by <command>apt-"
-"get source --compile</command> and how cross-builddependencies are "
-"satisfied. By default is it not set which means that the host architecture "
-"is the same as the build architecture (which is defined by <literal>APT::"
-"Architecture</literal>). Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Host-"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:457
+#: apt-get.8.xml:436
msgid "<option>-b</option>"
msgstr "<option>-b</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:457
+#: apt-get.8.xml:436
msgid "<option>--compile</option>"
msgstr "<option>--compile</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:458
+#: apt-get.8.xml:437
msgid "<option>--build</option>"
msgstr "<option>--build</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:459
+#: apt-get.8.xml:438
msgid ""
"Compile source packages after downloading them. Configuration Item: "
@@ -4255,12 +4249,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:463
+#: apt-get.8.xml:442
msgid "<option>--ignore-hold</option>"
msgstr "<option>--ignore-hold</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:464
+#: apt-get.8.xml:443
msgid ""
"Ignore package Holds; This causes <command>apt-get</command> to ignore a "
"hold placed on a package. This may be useful in conjunction with "
@@ -4273,12 +4267,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Item de Configuração: <literal>APT::Ignore-Hold</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:470
+#: apt-get.8.xml:449
msgid "<option>--no-upgrade</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-upgrade</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:471
+#: apt-get.8.xml:450
msgid ""
"Do not upgrade packages; When used in conjunction with <literal>install</"
"literal>, <literal>no-upgrade</literal> will prevent packages on the command "
@@ -4291,12 +4285,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Configuração: <literal>APT::Get::Upgrade</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:477
+#: apt-get.8.xml:456
msgid "<option>--only-upgrade</option>"
msgstr "<option>--only-upgrade</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:478
+#: apt-get.8.xml:457
msgid ""
"Do not install new packages; When used in conjunction with <literal>install</"
"literal>, <literal>only-upgrade</literal> will prevent packages on the "
@@ -4309,12 +4303,12 @@ msgstr ""
"de Configuração: <literal>APT::Get::Only-Upgrade</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:484
+#: apt-get.8.xml:463
msgid "<option>--force-yes</option>"
msgstr "<option>--force-yes</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:485
+#: apt-get.8.xml:464
msgid ""
"Force yes; This is a dangerous option that will cause apt to continue "
"without prompting if it is doing something potentially harmful. It should "
@@ -4329,12 +4323,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:492
+#: apt-get.8.xml:471
msgid "<option>--print-uris</option>"
msgstr "<option>--print-uris</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:493
+#: apt-get.8.xml:472
msgid ""
"Instead of fetching the files to install their URIs are printed. Each URI "
"will have the path, the destination file name, the size and the expected md5 "
@@ -4355,12 +4349,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Configuração: <literal>APT::Get::Print-URIs</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:503
+#: apt-get.8.xml:482
msgid "<option>--purge</option>"
msgstr "<option>--purge</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:504
+#: apt-get.8.xml:483
msgid ""
"Use purge instead of remove for anything that would be removed. An asterisk "
"(\"*\") will be displayed next to packages which are scheduled to be purged. "
@@ -4373,12 +4367,12 @@ msgstr ""
"option>. Item de Configuração: <literal>APT::Get::Purge</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:511
+#: apt-get.8.xml:490
msgid "<option>--reinstall</option>"
msgstr "<option>--reinstall</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:512
+#: apt-get.8.xml:491
msgid ""
"Re-Install packages that are already installed and at the newest version. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::ReInstall</literal>."
@@ -4387,12 +4381,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Configuração: <literal>APT::Get::ReInstall</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:516
+#: apt-get.8.xml:495
msgid "<option>--list-cleanup</option>"
msgstr "<option>--list-cleanup</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:517
+#: apt-get.8.xml:496
msgid ""
"This option defaults to on, use <literal>--no-list-cleanup</literal> to turn "
"it off. When on <command>apt-get</command> will automatically manage the "
@@ -4409,17 +4403,17 @@ msgstr ""
"fontes. Item de Configuração: <literal>APT::Get::List-Cleanup</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:526
+#: apt-get.8.xml:505
msgid "<option>--target-release</option>"
msgstr "<option>--target-release</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:527
+#: apt-get.8.xml:506
msgid "<option>--default-release</option>"
msgstr "<option>--default-release</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:528
+#: apt-get.8.xml:507
msgid ""
"This option controls the default input to the policy engine, it creates a "
"default pin at priority 990 using the specified release string. This "
@@ -4442,12 +4436,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Release</literal>; veja também o manual &apt-preferences;."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:541
+#: apt-get.8.xml:520
msgid "<option>--trivial-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--trivial-only</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:543
+#: apt-get.8.xml:522
msgid ""
"Only perform operations that are 'trivial'. Logically this can be considered "
"related to <option>--assume-yes</option>, where <option>--assume-yes</"
@@ -4461,12 +4455,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:549
+#: apt-get.8.xml:528
msgid "<option>--no-remove</option>"
msgstr "<option>--no-remove</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:550
+#: apt-get.8.xml:529
msgid ""
"If any packages are to be removed apt-get immediately aborts without "
"prompting. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Remove</literal>."
@@ -4476,12 +4470,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:555
+#: apt-get.8.xml:534
msgid "<option>--auto-remove</option>"
msgstr "<option>--auto-remove</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:556
+#: apt-get.8.xml:535
msgid ""
"If the command is either <literal>install</literal> or <literal>remove</"
"literal>, then this option acts like running <literal>autoremove</literal> "
@@ -4494,12 +4488,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Configuração: <literal>APT::Get::AutomaticRemove</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:562
+#: apt-get.8.xml:541
msgid "<option>--only-source</option>"
msgstr "<option>--only-source</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:563
+#: apt-get.8.xml:542
msgid ""
"Only has meaning for the <literal>source</literal> and <literal>build-dep</"
"literal> commands. Indicates that the given source names are not to be "
@@ -4518,22 +4512,22 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:573
+#: apt-get.8.xml:552
msgid "<option>--diff-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--diff-only</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:573
+#: apt-get.8.xml:552
msgid "<option>--dsc-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--dsc-only</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:573
+#: apt-get.8.xml:552
msgid "<option>--tar-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--tar-only</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:574
+#: apt-get.8.xml:553
msgid ""
"Download only the diff, dsc, or tar file of a source archive. Configuration "
"Item: <literal>APT::Get::Diff-Only</literal>, <literal>APT::Get::Dsc-Only</"
@@ -4544,12 +4538,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Only</literal>, e <literal>APT::Get::Tar-Only</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:579
+#: apt-get.8.xml:558
msgid "<option>--arch-only</option>"
msgstr "<option>--arch-only</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:580
+#: apt-get.8.xml:559
msgid ""
"Only process architecture-dependent build-dependencies. Configuration Item: "
@@ -4558,12 +4552,12 @@ msgstr ""
"de Configuração: <literal>APT::Get::Arch-Only</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:584
+#: apt-get.8.xml:563
msgid "<option>--allow-unauthenticated</option>"
msgstr "<option>--allow-unauthenticated</option>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:585
+#: apt-get.8.xml:564
msgid ""
"Ignore if packages can't be authenticated and don't prompt about it. This "
"is useful for tools like pbuilder. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::"
@@ -4574,7 +4568,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:598
+#: apt-get.8.xml:577
msgid ""
"&file-sourceslist; &file-aptconf; &file-preferences; &file-cachearchives; "
@@ -4583,7 +4577,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:607
+#: apt-get.8.xml:586
msgid ""
"&apt-cache;, &apt-cdrom;, &dpkg;, &dselect;, &sources-list;, &apt-conf;, "
"&apt-config;, &apt-secure;, The APT User's guide in &guidesdir;, &apt-"
@@ -4594,7 +4588,7 @@ msgstr ""
"&guidesdir;, &apt-preferences;, o Howto do APT."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:613
+#: apt-get.8.xml:592
msgid ""
"<command>apt-get</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 on "
@@ -4603,22 +4597,22 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:616
+#: apt-get.8.xml:595
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:617
+#: apt-get.8.xml:596
msgid "&apt-author.jgunthorpe;"
msgstr "&apt-author.jgunthorpe;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:620
+#: apt-get.8.xml:599
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:622
+#: apt-get.8.xml:601
msgid "&;"
msgstr "&;"
@@ -4745,33 +4739,30 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#: apt-key.8.xml:131
msgid ""
-"Update the local keyring with the archive keyring and remove from the local "
-"keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid. The archive keyring is "
-"shipped in the <literal>archive-keyring</literal> package of your "
-"distribution, e.g. the <literal>debian-archive-keyring</literal> package in "
+"Update the local keyring with the keyring of Debian archive keys and removes "
+"from the keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid."
msgstr ""
+"Actualiza o chaveiro local com o chaveiro das chaves de arquivos Debian e "
+"remove do chaveiro as chaves de arquivo que já não são válidas."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:141
+#: apt-key.8.xml:140
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "update"
msgid "net-update"
msgstr "update"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:145
+#: apt-key.8.xml:144
msgid ""
-"Work similar to the <command>update</command> command above, but get the "
-"archive keyring from an URI instead and validate it against a master key. "
-"This requires an installed &wget; and an APT build configured to have a "
-"server to fetch from and a master keyring to validate. APT in Debian does "
-"not support this command and relies on <command>update</command> instead, "
-"but Ubuntu's APT does."
+"Update the local keyring with the keys of a key server and removes from the "
+"keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid. This requires an "
+"installed wget and an APT build configured to have a server to fetch from. "
+"APT in Debian does not support this command, but Ubuntu's APT does."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:162
+#: apt-key.8.xml:159
msgid ""
"Note that options need to be defined before the commands described in the "
"previous section."
@@ -4780,17 +4771,25 @@ msgstr ""
"secção prévia."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:164
+#: apt-key.8.xml:161
msgid "--keyring <replaceable>filename</replaceable>"
msgstr "--keyring <replaceable>nome-de-ficheiro</replaceable>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:165
+#: apt-key.8.xml:162
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "With this option it is possible to specify a specific keyring file the "
+#| "command should operate on. The default is that a command is executed on "
+#| "the <filename>trusted.gpg</filename> file as well as on all parts in the "
+#| "<filename>trusted.gpg.d</filename> directory, though <filename>trusted."
+#| "gpg</filename> is the primary keyring which means that e.g. new keys are "
+#| "added to this one."
msgid ""
"With this option it is possible to specify a specific keyring file the "
"command should operate on. The default is that a command is executed on the "
"<filename>trusted.gpg</filename> file as well as on all parts in the "
-"<filename>trusted.gpg.d</filename> directory, though <filename>trusted.gpg</"
+"<filename>trusted.gpg.d</filename> directory, through <filename>trusted.gpg</"
"filename> is the primary keyring which means that e.g. new keys are added to "
"this one."
msgstr ""
@@ -4802,44 +4801,44 @@ msgstr ""
"chaves são adicionadas a este."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:178
+#: apt-key.8.xml:175
msgid "&file-trustedgpg;"
msgstr "&file-trustedgpg;"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:180
+#: apt-key.8.xml:177
msgid "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
msgstr "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:181
+#: apt-key.8.xml:178
msgid "Local trust database of archive keys."
msgstr "Base de dados local de confiança de chaves de arquivos."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:184
+#: apt-key.8.xml:181
msgid "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
msgstr "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:185
+#: apt-key.8.xml:182
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive trusted keys."
msgstr "Chaveiro das chaves de confiança dos arquivos Debian."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:188
+#: apt-key.8.xml:185
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:189
+#: apt-key.8.xml:186
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive removed trusted keys."
msgstr "Chaveiro das chaves de confiança removidas dos arquivos Debian."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:198
+#: apt-key.8.xml:195
msgid "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
msgstr "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
@@ -5565,12 +5564,11 @@ msgstr ""
#| "period (.) characters - otherwise they will be silently ignored."
msgid ""
"all files in <literal>Dir::Etc::Parts</literal> in alphanumeric ascending "
-"order which have either no or \"<literal>conf</literal>\" as filename "
-"extension and which only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), underscore (_) "
-"and period (.) characters. Otherwise APT will print a notice that it has "
-"ignored a file if the file doesn't match a pattern in the <literal>Dir::"
-"Ignore-Files-Silently</literal> configuration list - in this case it will be "
-"silently ignored."
+"order which have no or \"<literal>conf</literal>\" as filename extension and "
+"which only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), underscore (_) and period (.) "
+"characters. Otherwise APT will print a notice that it has ignored a file if "
+"the file doesn't match a pattern in the <literal>Dir::Ignore-Files-Silently</"
+"literal> configuration list - in this case it will be silently ignored."
msgstr ""
"todos os ficheiros em <literal>Dir::Etc::Parts</literal> em ordem ascendente "
"alfanumérica sem extensão ou com \"<literal>conf</literal>\" como extensão "
@@ -5824,24 +5822,13 @@ msgstr ""
"analisa listas de pacotes. A predefinição interna é a arquitectura para a "
"qual o APT foi compilado."
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:158
-msgid ""
-"All Architectures the system supports. Processors implementing the "
-"<literal>amd64</literal> are e.g. also able to execute binaries compiled for "
-"<literal>i386</literal>; This list is use when fetching files and parsing "
-"package lists. The internal default is always the native architecture "
-"(<literal>APT::Architecture</literal>) and all foreign architectures it can "
-"retrieve by calling <command>dpkg --print-foreign-architectures</command>."
-msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:165
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:157
msgid "Default-Release"
msgstr "Default-Release"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:166
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:158
msgid ""
"Default release to install packages from if more than one version available. "
"Contains release name, codename or release version. Examples: 'stable', "
@@ -5854,12 +5841,12 @@ msgstr ""
"'&testing-codename;', '4.0', '5.0*'. Veja também &apt-preferences;."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:171
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:163
msgid "Ignore-Hold"
msgstr "Ignore-Hold"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:172
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:164
msgid ""
"Ignore Held packages; This global option causes the problem resolver to "
"ignore held packages in its decision making."
@@ -5868,12 +5855,12 @@ msgstr ""
"os pacotes segurados sejam ignorados na sua decisão de marcação."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:176
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:168
msgid "Clean-Installed"
msgstr "Clean-Installed"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:177
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:169
msgid ""
"Defaults to on. When turned on the autoclean feature will remove any "
"packages which can no longer be downloaded from the cache. If turned off "
@@ -5887,12 +5874,12 @@ msgstr ""
"directo de os reinstalar."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:183
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:175
msgid "Immediate-Configure"
msgstr "Immediate-Configure"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:184
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:176
msgid ""
"Defaults to on which will cause APT to install essential and important "
"packages as fast as possible in the install/upgrade operation. This is done "
@@ -5956,12 +5943,12 @@ msgstr ""
"correcção do processo de actualização."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:206
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:198
msgid "Force-LoopBreak"
msgstr "Force-LoopBreak"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:207
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:199
msgid ""
"Never Enable this option unless you -really- know what you are doing. It "
"permits APT to temporarily remove an essential package to break a Conflicts/"
@@ -5978,12 +5965,12 @@ msgstr ""
"tar, gzip, libc, dpkg, bash ou qualquer coisa de que estes dependem."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:215
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:207
msgid "Cache-Start, Cache-Grow and Cache-Limit"
msgstr "Cache-Start, Cache-Grow e Cache-Limit"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:216
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:208
msgid ""
"APT uses since version 0.7.26 a resizable memory mapped cache file to store "
"the 'available' information. <literal>Cache-Start</literal> acts as a hint "
@@ -6020,24 +6007,24 @@ msgstr ""
"da cache é desactivado."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:231
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:223
msgid "Build-Essential"
msgstr "Build-Essential"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:232
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:224
msgid "Defines which package(s) are considered essential build dependencies."
msgstr ""
"Define quais pacote(s) são considerados dependências essenciais de "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:235
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:227
msgid "Get"
msgstr "Get"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:236
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:228
msgid ""
"The Get subsection controls the &apt-get; tool, please see its documentation "
"for more information about the options here."
@@ -6046,12 +6033,12 @@ msgstr ""
"documentação para mais informação acerca das opções daqui."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:240
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:232
msgid "Cache"
msgstr "Cache"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:241
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:233
msgid ""
"The Cache subsection controls the &apt-cache; tool, please see its "
"documentation for more information about the options here."
@@ -6060,12 +6047,12 @@ msgstr ""
"documentação para mais informação acerca das opções daqui."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:245
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:237
msgid "CDROM"
msgstr "CDROM"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:246
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:238
msgid ""
"The CDROM subsection controls the &apt-cdrom; tool, please see its "
"documentation for more information about the options here."
@@ -6074,17 +6061,17 @@ msgstr ""
"documentação para mais informação acerca das opções de aqui."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:252
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:244
msgid "The Acquire Group"
msgstr "O Grupo Acquire"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:257
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:249
msgid "Check-Valid-Until"
msgstr "Check-Valid-Until"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:258
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:250
msgid ""
"Security related option defaulting to true as an expiring validation for a "
"Release file prevents longtime replay attacks and can e.g. also help users "
@@ -6105,12 +6092,12 @@ msgstr ""
"ValidTime</literal> seguinte."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:268
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:260
msgid "Max-ValidTime"
msgstr "Max-ValidTime"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:269
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:261
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "Seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was created. "
@@ -6123,12 +6110,15 @@ msgstr "Max-ValidTime"
#| "of the two. Archive specific settings can be made by appending the label "
#| "of the archive to the option name."
msgid ""
-"Seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was created "
-"(indicated by the <literal>Date</literal> header). If the Release file "
-"itself includes a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header the earlier date of "
-"the two is used as the expiration date. The default value is <literal>0</"
-"literal> which stands for \"for ever\". Archive specific settings can be "
-"made by appending the label of the archive to the option name."
+"Seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was created. "
+"The default is \"for ever\" (0) if the Release file of the archive doesn't "
+"include a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header. If it does then this date "
+"is the default. The date from the Release file or the date specified by the "
+"creation time of the Release file (<literal>Date</literal> header) plus the "
+"seconds specified with this options are used to check if the validation of a "
+"file has expired by using the earlier date of the two. Archive specific "
+"settings can be made by appending the label of the archive to the option "
msgstr ""
"Segundos em que o ficheiro Release deve considerado válido após ser criado. "
"A predefinição é \"para sempre\" (0) se o ficheiro Release do arquivo não "
@@ -6141,50 +6131,12 @@ msgstr ""
"do arquivo ao nome da opção. "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:279
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Max-ValidTime"
-msgid "Min-ValidTime"
-msgstr "Max-ValidTime"
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:280
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was created. "
-#| "The default is \"for ever\" (0) if the Release file of the archive "
-#| "doesn't include a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header. If it does then "
-#| "this date is the default. The date from the Release file or the date "
-#| "specified by the creation time of the Release file (<literal>Date</"
-#| "literal> header) plus the seconds specified with this options are used to "
-#| "check if the validation of a file has expired by using the earlier date "
-#| "of the two. Archive specific settings can be made by appending the label "
-#| "of the archive to the option name."
-msgid ""
-"Minimum of seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was "
-"created (indicated by the <literal>Date</literal> header). Use this if you "
-"need to use a seldomly updated (local) mirror of a more regular updated "
-"archive with a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header instead of completely "
-"disabling the expiration date checking. Archive specific settings can and "
-"should be used by appending the label of the archive to the option name."
-msgstr ""
-"Segundos em que o ficheiro Release deve considerado válido após ser criado. "
-"A predefinição é \"para sempre\" (0) se o ficheiro Release do arquivo não "
-"conter um cabeçalho <literal>Valid-Until</literal>. Se o tiver então esta "
-"data é a predefinida. A data do ficheiro Release ou a data especificada pela "
-"hora de criação do do ficheiro Release (cabeçalho <literal>Date</literal>) "
-"mais os segundos especificados com esta opção são usados para verificar se a "
-"validação de um ficheiro já expirou ao usar uma data anterior às duas. "
-"Definições específicas do Arquivo podem ser feitas ao adicionar a etiqueta "
-"do arquivo ao nome da opção. "
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:290
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:273
msgid "PDiffs"
msgstr "PDiffs"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:291
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:274
msgid ""
"Try to download deltas called <literal>PDiffs</literal> for Packages or "
"Sources files instead of downloading whole ones. True by default."
@@ -6194,12 +6146,20 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:294
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:277
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Two sub-options to limit the use of PDiffs are also available: With "
+#| "<literal>FileLimit</literal> can be specified how many PDiff files are "
+#| "downloaded at most to patch a file. <literal>SizeLimit</literal> on the "
+#| "other hand is the maximum percentage of the size of all patches compared "
+#| "to the size of the targeted file. If one of these limits is exceeded the "
+#| "complete file is downloaded instead of the patches."
msgid ""
"Two sub-options to limit the use of PDiffs are also available: With "
"<literal>FileLimit</literal> can be specified how many PDiff files are "
"downloaded at most to patch a file. <literal>SizeLimit</literal> on the "
-"other hand is the maximum percentage of the size of all patches compared to "
+"other hand is the maximum precentage of the size of all patches compared to "
"the size of the targeted file. If one of these limits is exceeded the "
"complete file is downloaded instead of the patches."
msgstr ""
@@ -6211,12 +6171,12 @@ msgstr ""
"limites for excedido, é descarregado o ficheiro completo em vez das patches."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:303
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:286
msgid "Queue-Mode"
msgstr "Queue-Mode"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:304
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:287
msgid ""
"Queuing mode; <literal>Queue-Mode</literal> can be one of <literal>host</"
"literal> or <literal>access</literal> which determines how APT parallelizes "
@@ -6231,12 +6191,12 @@ msgstr ""
"aberta uma ligação por tipo de URI."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:311
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:294
msgid "Retries"
msgstr "Retries"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:312
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:295
msgid ""
"Number of retries to perform. If this is non-zero APT will retry failed "
"files the given number of times."
@@ -6245,12 +6205,12 @@ msgstr ""
"tentar, no número fornecido de vezes, obter ficheiros falhados."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:316
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:299
msgid "Source-Symlinks"
msgstr "Source-Symlinks"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:317
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:300
msgid ""
"Use symlinks for source archives. If set to true then source archives will "
"be symlinked when possible instead of copying. True is the default."
@@ -6260,12 +6220,12 @@ msgstr ""
"A predefinição é verdadeiro."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:321 sources.list.5.xml:155
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:304 sources.list.5.xml:144
msgid "http"
msgstr "http"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:322
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:305
msgid ""
"HTTP URIs; http::Proxy is the default http proxy to use. It is in the "
"standard form of <literal>http://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/</literal>. Per "
@@ -6282,7 +6242,7 @@ msgstr ""
"especificada, será usada a variável de ambiente <envar>http_proxy</envar>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:330
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:313
msgid ""
"Three settings are provided for cache control with HTTP/1.1 compliant proxy "
"caches. <literal>No-Cache</literal> tells the proxy to not use its cached "
@@ -6307,7 +6267,7 @@ msgstr ""
"suporta nenhuma destas opções."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:340 apt.conf.5.xml:404
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:323 apt.conf.5.xml:387
msgid ""
"The option <literal>timeout</literal> sets the timeout timer used by the "
"method, this applies to all things including connection timeout and data "
@@ -6318,7 +6278,7 @@ msgstr ""
"e tempos limite de dados."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:343
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:326
msgid ""
"One setting is provided to control the pipeline depth in cases where the "
"remote server is not RFC conforming or buggy (such as Squid 2.0.2). "
@@ -6337,7 +6297,7 @@ msgstr ""
"As máquinas que requerem isto estão em violação de RFC 2068."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:351
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:334
msgid ""
"The used bandwidth can be limited with <literal>Acquire::http::Dl-Limit</"
"literal> which accepts integer values in kilobyte. The default value is 0 "
@@ -6352,7 +6312,7 @@ msgstr ""
"múltiplos servidores ao mesmo tempo.)"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:356
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:339
msgid ""
"<literal>Acquire::http::User-Agent</literal> can be used to set a different "
"User-Agent for the http download method as some proxies allow access for "
@@ -6364,12 +6324,12 @@ msgstr ""
"identificador conhecido."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:362
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:345
msgid "https"
msgstr "https"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:363
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:346
msgid ""
"HTTPS URIs. Cache-control, Timeout, AllowRedirect, Dl-Limit and proxy "
"options are the same as for <literal>http</literal> method and will also "
@@ -6384,7 +6344,7 @@ msgstr ""
"literal> ainda não é suportada."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:369
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:352
msgid ""
"<literal>CaInfo</literal> suboption specifies place of file that holds info "
"about trusted certificates. <literal>&lt;host&gt;::CaInfo</literal> is "
@@ -6421,12 +6381,12 @@ msgstr ""
"host&gt;::SslForceVersion</literal> é a opção po máquina correspondente."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:387 sources.list.5.xml:166
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:370 sources.list.5.xml:155
msgid "ftp"
msgstr "ftp"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:388
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:371
msgid ""
"FTP URIs; ftp::Proxy is the default ftp proxy to use. It is in the standard "
"form of <literal>ftp://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/</literal>. Per host "
@@ -6459,7 +6419,7 @@ msgstr ""
"$(SITE_PORT)</literal>. Cada uma é tirada do seu componente URI respectivo."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:407
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:390
msgid ""
"Several settings are provided to control passive mode. Generally it is safe "
"to leave passive mode on, it works in nearly every environment. However "
@@ -6475,7 +6435,7 @@ msgstr ""
"específica (Veja a amostra de ficheiro de configuração para exemplos)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:414
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:397
msgid ""
"It is possible to proxy FTP over HTTP by setting the <envar>ftp_proxy</"
"envar> environment variable to a http url - see the discussion of the http "
@@ -6489,7 +6449,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:419
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:402
msgid ""
"The setting <literal>ForceExtended</literal> controls the use of RFC2428 "
"<literal>EPSV</literal> and <literal>EPRT</literal> commands. The default is "
@@ -6504,18 +6464,18 @@ msgstr ""
"ligações IPv4. Note que a maioria dos servidores FTP não suporta RFC2428."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:426 sources.list.5.xml:148
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:409 sources.list.5.xml:137
msgid "cdrom"
msgstr "cdrom"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:432
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:415
#, no-wrap
msgid "/cdrom/::Mount \"foo\";"
msgstr "/cdrom/::Mount \"foo\";"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:427
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:410
msgid ""
"CDROM URIs; the only setting for CDROM URIs is the mount point, "
"<literal>cdrom::Mount</literal> which must be the mount point for the CDROM "
@@ -6536,12 +6496,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Comandos para desmontar podem ser especificados usando UMount."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:437
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:420
msgid "gpgv"
msgstr "gpgv"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:438
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:421
msgid ""
"GPGV URIs; the only option for GPGV URIs is the option to pass additional "
"parameters to gpgv. <literal>gpgv::Options</literal> Additional options "
@@ -6552,18 +6512,18 @@ msgstr ""
"passadas ao gpgv."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:443
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:426
msgid "CompressionTypes"
msgstr "CompressionTypes"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:449
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:432
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::<replaceable>FileExtension</replaceable> \"<replaceable>Methodname</replaceable>\";"
msgstr "Acquire::CompressionTypes::<replaceable>Extensão de Ficheiro</replaceable> \"<replaceable>Nome de método</replaceable>\";"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:444
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:427
msgid ""
"List of compression types which are understood by the acquire methods. "
"Files like <filename>Packages</filename> can be available in various "
@@ -6582,19 +6542,19 @@ msgstr ""
"alterado. A sintaxe para isto é: <placeholder type=\"synopsis\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:454
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:437
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order:: \"gz\";"
msgstr "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order:: \"gz\";"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:457
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:440
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order { \"lzma\"; \"gz\"; };"
msgstr "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order { \"lzma\"; \"gz\"; };"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:450
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:433
msgid ""
"Also the <literal>Order</literal> subgroup can be used to define in which "
"order the acquire system will try to download the compressed files. The "
@@ -6625,13 +6585,13 @@ msgstr ""
"lista pois será adicionado automaticamente."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:461
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:444
#, no-wrap
msgid "Dir::Bin::bzip2 \"/bin/bzip2\";"
msgstr "Dir::Bin::bzip2 \"/bin/bzip2\";"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:459
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:442
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "Note that at run time the <literal>Dir::Bin::<replaceable>Methodname</"
@@ -6648,9 +6608,9 @@ msgid ""
"Note that at run time the <literal>Dir::Bin::<replaceable>Methodname</"
"replaceable></literal> will be checked: If this setting exists the method "
"will only be used if this file exists, e.g. for the bzip2 method (the "
-"inbuilt) setting is: <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/> Note "
-"also that list entries specified on the command line will be added at the "
-"end of the list specified in the configuration files, but before the default "
+"inbuilt) setting is <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/> Note also "
+"that list entries specified on the command line will be added at the end of "
+"the list specified in the configuration files, but before the default "
"entries. To prefer a type in this case over the ones specified in the "
"configuration files you can set the option direct - not in list style. This "
"will not override the defined list, it will only prefix the list with this "
@@ -6668,20 +6628,20 @@ msgstr ""
"sobrepor a lista definida, irá apenas prefixar a lista com este tipo."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:466
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:449
msgid ""
"The special type <literal>uncompressed</literal> can be used to give "
-"uncompressed files a preference, but note that most archives don't provide "
+"uncompressed files a preference, but note that most archives doesn't provide "
"uncompressed files so this is mostly only useable for local mirrors."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:471
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:454
msgid "GzipIndexes"
msgstr "GzipIndexes"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:473
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:456
msgid ""
"When downloading <literal>gzip</literal> compressed indexes (Packages, "
"Sources, or Translations), keep them gzip compressed locally instead of "
@@ -6694,12 +6654,12 @@ msgstr ""
"CPU quando constrói as caches de pacotes locais. Falso por predefinição."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:480
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:463
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Languages"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:481
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:464
msgid ""
"The Languages subsection controls which <filename>Translation</filename> "
"files are downloaded and in which order APT tries to display the Description-"
@@ -6721,13 +6681,13 @@ msgstr ""
"de definir aqui valores impossíveis."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><programlisting>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:497
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:480
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acquire::Languages { \"environment\"; \"de\"; \"en\"; \"none\"; \"fr\"; };"
msgstr "Acquire::Languages { \"environment\"; \"de\"; \"en\"; \"none\"; \"fr\"; };"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:487
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:470
msgid ""
"The default list includes \"environment\" and \"en\". "
"\"<literal>environment</literal>\" has a special meaning here: It will be "
@@ -6767,7 +6727,7 @@ msgstr ""
"ser \"fr, de, en\". <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:253
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:245
msgid ""
"The <literal>Acquire</literal> group of options controls the download of "
"packages and the URI handlers. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
@@ -6776,12 +6736,12 @@ msgstr ""
"e os manipuladores de URI. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:504
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:487
msgid "Directories"
msgstr "Directories"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:506
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:489
msgid ""
"The <literal>Dir::State</literal> section has directories that pertain to "
"local state information. <literal>lists</literal> is the directory to place "
@@ -6800,7 +6760,7 @@ msgstr ""
"com <filename>/</filename> ou <filename>./</filename>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:513
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:496
msgid ""
"<literal>Dir::Cache</literal> contains locations pertaining to local cache "
"information, such as the two package caches <literal>srcpkgcache</literal> "
@@ -6821,7 +6781,7 @@ msgstr ""
"literal> o directório predefinido é contido em <literal>Dir::Cache</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:522
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:505
msgid ""
"<literal>Dir::Etc</literal> contains the location of configuration files, "
"<literal>sourcelist</literal> gives the location of the sourcelist and "
@@ -6836,7 +6796,7 @@ msgstr ""
"ficheiro de configuração especificado por <envar>APT_CONFIG</envar>)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:528
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:511
msgid ""
"The <literal>Dir::Parts</literal> setting reads in all the config fragments "
"in lexical order from the directory specified. After this is done then the "
@@ -6847,7 +6807,7 @@ msgstr ""
"estar feito então é carregado o ficheiro de configuração principal."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:532
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:515
msgid ""
"Binary programs are pointed to by <literal>Dir::Bin</literal>. <literal>Dir::"
"Bin::Methods</literal> specifies the location of the method handlers and "
@@ -6865,7 +6825,7 @@ msgstr ""
"respectivos programas."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:540
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:523
msgid ""
"The configuration item <literal>RootDir</literal> has a special meaning. If "
"set, all paths in <literal>Dir::</literal> will be relative to "
@@ -6886,7 +6846,7 @@ msgstr ""
"procurado em <filename>/tmp/staging/var/lib/dpkg/status</filename>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:553
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:536
msgid ""
"The <literal>Ignore-Files-Silently</literal> list can be used to specify "
"which files APT should silently ignore while parsing the files in the "
@@ -6904,12 +6864,12 @@ msgstr ""
"expressão regular."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:562
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:545
msgid "APT in DSelect"
msgstr "APT em DSelect"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:564
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:547
msgid ""
"When APT is used as a &dselect; method several configuration directives "
"control the default behaviour. These are in the <literal>DSelect</literal> "
@@ -6920,12 +6880,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:568
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:551
msgid "Clean"
msgstr "Clean"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:569
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:552
msgid ""
"Cache Clean mode; this value may be one of always, prompt, auto, pre-auto "
"and never. always and prompt will remove all packages from the cache after "
@@ -6942,7 +6902,7 @@ msgstr ""
"descarregar novos pacotes."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:578
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:561
msgid ""
"The contents of this variable is passed to &apt-get; as command line options "
"when it is run for the install phase."
@@ -6951,12 +6911,12 @@ msgstr ""
"comandos quando é corrido para a fase de instalação."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:582
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:565
msgid "Updateoptions"
msgstr "Updateoptions"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:583
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:566
msgid ""
"The contents of this variable is passed to &apt-get; as command line options "
"when it is run for the update phase."
@@ -6965,12 +6925,12 @@ msgstr ""
"comandos quando é executado para a fase de actualização."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:587
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:570
msgid "PromptAfterUpdate"
msgstr "PromptAfterUpdate"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:588
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:571
msgid ""
"If true the [U]pdate operation in &dselect; will always prompt to continue. "
"The default is to prompt only on error."
@@ -6979,12 +6939,12 @@ msgstr ""
"continuar. A predefinição é avisar apenas em caso de erro."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:594
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:577
msgid "How APT calls dpkg"
msgstr "Como o APT chama o dpkg"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:595
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:578
msgid ""
"Several configuration directives control how APT invokes &dpkg;. These are "
"in the <literal>DPkg</literal> section."
@@ -6993,7 +6953,7 @@ msgstr ""
"&dpkg;. Estas estão na secção <literal>DPkg</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:600
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:583
msgid ""
"This is a list of options to pass to dpkg. The options must be specified "
"using the list notation and each list item is passed as a single argument to "
@@ -7004,17 +6964,17 @@ msgstr ""
"um argumento único ao &dpkg;."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:605
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:588
msgid "Pre-Invoke"
msgstr "Pre-Invoke"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:605
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:588
msgid "Post-Invoke"
msgstr "Post-Invoke"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:606
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:589
msgid ""
"This is a list of shell commands to run before/after invoking &dpkg;. Like "
"<literal>options</literal> this must be specified in list notation. The "
@@ -7027,12 +6987,12 @@ msgstr ""
"bin/sh</filename>, caso algum deles falhe, o APT irá abortar."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:612
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:595
msgid "Pre-Install-Pkgs"
msgstr "Pre-Install-Pkgs"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:613
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:596
msgid ""
"This is a list of shell commands to run before invoking dpkg. Like "
"<literal>options</literal> this must be specified in list notation. The "
@@ -7048,7 +7008,7 @@ msgstr ""
"deb que vai instalar, um por cada linha."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:619
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:602
msgid ""
"Version 2 of this protocol dumps more information, including the protocol "
"version, the APT configuration space and the packages, files and versions "
@@ -7063,12 +7023,12 @@ msgstr ""
"dado ao <literal>Pre-Install-Pkgs</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:626
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:609
msgid "Run-Directory"
msgstr "Run-Directory"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:627
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:610
msgid ""
"APT chdirs to this directory before invoking dpkg, the default is <filename>/"
@@ -7077,12 +7037,12 @@ msgstr ""
"predefinição é <filename>/</filename>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:631
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:614
msgid "Build-options"
msgstr "Build-options"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:632
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:615
msgid ""
"These options are passed to &dpkg-buildpackage; when compiling packages, the "
"default is to disable signing and produce all binaries."
@@ -7091,12 +7051,12 @@ msgstr ""
"predefinição é desactivar a assinatura e produzir todos os binários."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:637
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:620
msgid "dpkg trigger usage (and related options)"
msgstr "Utilização trigger do dpkg (e opções relacionadas)"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:638
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:621
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "APT can call dpkg in a way so it can make aggressive use of triggers over "
@@ -7135,7 +7095,7 @@ msgstr ""
"todos os pacotes."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><literallayout>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:653
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:636
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"DPkg::NoTriggers \"true\";\n"
@@ -7149,7 +7109,7 @@ msgstr ""
"DPkg::TriggersPending \"true\";"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:647
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:630
msgid ""
"Note that it is not guaranteed that APT will support these options or that "
"these options will not cause (big) trouble in the future. If you have "
@@ -7173,12 +7133,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:659
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:642
msgid "DPkg::NoTriggers"
msgstr "DPkg::NoTriggers"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:660
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:643
msgid ""
"Add the no triggers flag to all dpkg calls (except the ConfigurePending "
"call). See &dpkg; if you are interested in what this actually means. In "
@@ -7199,12 +7159,12 @@ msgstr ""
"chamadas unpack e remove."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:667
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:650
msgid "PackageManager::Configure"
msgstr "PackageManager::Configure"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:668
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:651
msgid ""
"Valid values are \"<literal>all</literal>\", \"<literal>smart</literal>\" "
"and \"<literal>no</literal>\". \"<literal>all</literal>\" is the default "
@@ -7232,12 +7192,12 @@ msgstr ""
"poderia não arrancar!"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:678
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:661
msgid "DPkg::ConfigurePending"
msgstr "DPkg::ConfigurePending"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:679
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:662
msgid ""
"If this option is set apt will call <command>dpkg --configure --pending</"
"command> to let dpkg handle all required configurations and triggers. This "
@@ -7255,12 +7215,12 @@ msgstr ""
"esta opção em todas excepto na última execução."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:685
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:668
msgid "DPkg::TriggersPending"
msgstr "DPkg::TriggersPending"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:686
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:669
msgid ""
"Useful for <literal>smart</literal> configuration as a package which has "
"pending triggers is not considered as <literal>installed</literal> and dpkg "
@@ -7276,12 +7236,12 @@ msgstr ""
"configurar este pacote."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:691
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:674
msgid "PackageManager::UnpackAll"
msgstr "PackageManager::UnpackAll"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:692
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:675
msgid ""
"As the configuration can be deferred to be done at the end by dpkg it can be "
"tried to order the unpack series only by critical needs, e.g. by Pre-"
@@ -7300,12 +7260,12 @@ msgstr ""
"experimental e necessita de mais melhorias antes de se tornar realmente útil."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:699
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:682
msgid "OrderList::Score::Immediate"
msgstr "OrderList::Score::Immediate"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:707
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:690
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"OrderList::Score {\n"
@@ -7323,7 +7283,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:700
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:683
msgid ""
"Essential packages (and there dependencies) should be configured immediately "
"after unpacking. It will be a good idea to do this quite early in the "
@@ -7347,12 +7307,12 @@ msgstr ""
"predefinidos. <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:720
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:703
msgid "Periodic and Archives options"
msgstr "Opções Periodic e Archives"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:721
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:704
msgid ""
"<literal>APT::Periodic</literal> and <literal>APT::Archives</literal> groups "
"of options configure behavior of apt periodic updates, which is done by "
@@ -7365,12 +7325,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Veja o cabeçalho deste script para uma breve documentação das suas opções."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:729
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:712
msgid "Debug options"
msgstr "Opções de depuração"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:731
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:714
msgid ""
"Enabling options in the <literal>Debug::</literal> section will cause "
"debugging information to be sent to the standard error stream of the program "
@@ -7387,7 +7347,7 @@ msgstr ""
"interesse para o utilizador normal, mas algumas podem ter:"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:742
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:725
msgid ""
"<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal> enables output about the "
"decisions made by <literal>dist-upgrade, upgrade, install, remove, purge</"
@@ -7398,7 +7358,7 @@ msgstr ""
"remove, purge</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:750
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:733
msgid ""
"<literal>Debug::NoLocking</literal> disables all file locking. This can be "
"used to run some operations (for instance, <literal>apt-get -s install</"
@@ -7409,7 +7369,7 @@ msgstr ""
"<literal>apt-get -s install</literal>) como um utilizador não root."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:759
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:742
msgid ""
"<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgPM</literal> prints out the actual command line each "
"time that <literal>apt</literal> invokes &dpkg;."
@@ -7421,7 +7381,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. motivating example, except I haven't a clue why you'd want
#. to do this.
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:767
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:750
msgid ""
"<literal>Debug::IdentCdrom</literal> disables the inclusion of statfs data "
"in CDROM IDs."
@@ -7430,17 +7390,17 @@ msgstr ""
"IDs de CDROM."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:777
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:760
msgid "A full list of debugging options to apt follows."
msgstr "Segue-se uma lista completa de opções de depuração para o apt."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:782
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:765
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::cdrom</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Acquire::cdrom</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:786
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:769
msgid ""
"Print information related to accessing <literal>cdrom://</literal> sources."
msgstr ""
@@ -7448,45 +7408,45 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:793
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:776
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::ftp</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Acquire::ftp</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:797
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:780
msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using FTP."
msgstr ""
"Escreve informação relacionada com o descarregamento de pacotes usando FTP."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:804
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:787
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::http</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Acquire::http</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:808
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:791
msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using HTTP."
msgstr ""
"Escreve informação relacionada com o descarregamento de pacotes usando HTTP."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:815
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:798
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::https</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Acquire::https</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:819
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:802
msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using HTTPS."
msgstr ""
"Escreve informação relacionada com o descarregamento de pacotes usando HTTPS."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:826
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:809
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::gpgv</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Acquire::gpgv</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:830
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:813
msgid ""
"Print information related to verifying cryptographic signatures using "
@@ -7495,12 +7455,12 @@ msgstr ""
"criptográficas usando <literal>gpg</literal>."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:837
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:820
msgid "<literal>Debug::aptcdrom</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::aptcdrom</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:841
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:824
msgid ""
"Output information about the process of accessing collections of packages "
"stored on CD-ROMs."
@@ -7509,23 +7469,23 @@ msgstr ""
"armazenados em CD-ROMs."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:848
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:831
msgid "<literal>Debug::BuildDeps</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::BuildDeps</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:851
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:834
msgid "Describes the process of resolving build-dependencies in &apt-get;."
msgstr ""
"Descreve os processos de resolver dependências de compilação no &apt-get;."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:858
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:841
msgid "<literal>Debug::Hashes</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::Hashes</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:861
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:844
msgid ""
"Output each cryptographic hash that is generated by the <literal>apt</"
"literal> libraries."
@@ -7534,12 +7494,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:868
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:851
msgid "<literal>Debug::IdentCDROM</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::IdentCDROM</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:871
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:854
msgid ""
"Do not include information from <literal>statfs</literal>, namely the number "
"of used and free blocks on the CD-ROM filesystem, when generating an ID for "
@@ -7550,12 +7510,12 @@ msgstr ""
"para um CD-ROM."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:879
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:862
msgid "<literal>Debug::NoLocking</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::NoLocking</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:882
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:865
msgid ""
"Disable all file locking. For instance, this will allow two instances of "
"<quote><literal>apt-get update</literal></quote> to run at the same time."
@@ -7565,24 +7525,24 @@ msgstr ""
"literal></quote> ao mesmo tempo."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:890
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:873
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:894
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:877
msgid "Log when items are added to or removed from the global download queue."
msgstr ""
"Regista no log quando os items são adicionados ou removidos da fila de "
"download global."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:901
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:884
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Auth</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Auth</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:904
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:887
msgid ""
"Output status messages and errors related to verifying checksums and "
"cryptographic signatures of downloaded files."
@@ -7591,12 +7551,12 @@ msgstr ""
"checksums e assinaturas criptográficas dos ficheiros descarregados."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:911
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:894
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Diffs</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Diffs</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:914
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:897
msgid ""
"Output information about downloading and applying package index list diffs, "
"and errors relating to package index list diffs."
@@ -7606,12 +7566,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:922
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:905
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::RRed</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::RRed</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:926
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:909
msgid ""
"Output information related to patching apt package lists when downloading "
"index diffs instead of full indices."
@@ -7620,12 +7580,12 @@ msgstr ""
"do apt quando se descarrega diffs de índice em vez de índices completos."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:933
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:916
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Worker</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Worker</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:937
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:920
msgid ""
"Log all interactions with the sub-processes that actually perform downloads."
msgstr ""
@@ -7633,12 +7593,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:944
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:927
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAutoRemove</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgAutoRemove</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:948
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:931
msgid ""
"Log events related to the automatically-installed status of packages and to "
"the removal of unused packages."
@@ -7647,12 +7607,12 @@ msgstr ""
"de pacotes e com a remoção de pacotes não utilizados."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:955
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:938
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::AutoInstall</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::AutoInstall</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:958
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:941
msgid ""
"Generate debug messages describing which packages are being automatically "
"installed to resolve dependencies. This corresponds to the initial auto-"
@@ -7667,12 +7627,12 @@ msgstr ""
"literal>; veja <literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal> para isso."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:969
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:952
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::Marker</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::Marker</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:972
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:955
msgid ""
"Generate debug messages describing which package is marked as keep/install/"
"remove while the ProblemResolver does his work. Each addition or deletion "
@@ -7702,22 +7662,22 @@ msgstr ""
"pacote aparece."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:991
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:974
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgInitConfig</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgInitConfig</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:994
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:977
msgid "Dump the default configuration to standard error on startup."
msgstr "Despeja a configuração predefinida para o erro standard no arranque."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1001
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:984
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgPM</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgPM</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1004
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:987
msgid ""
"When invoking &dpkg;, output the precise command line with which it is being "
"invoked, with arguments separated by a single space character."
@@ -7727,12 +7687,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1012
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:995
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1015
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:998
msgid ""
"Output all the data received from &dpkg; on the status file descriptor and "
"any errors encountered while parsing it."
@@ -7741,12 +7701,12 @@ msgstr ""
"estado e quaisquer erros encontrados enquanto os analisa."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1022
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1005
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgOrderList</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgOrderList</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1026
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1009
msgid ""
"Generate a trace of the algorithm that decides the order in which "
"<literal>apt</literal> should pass packages to &dpkg;."
@@ -7755,12 +7715,12 @@ msgstr ""
"literal> deve passar os pacotes ao &dpkg;."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1034
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1017
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgPackageManager</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgPackageManager</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1038
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1021
msgid ""
"Output status messages tracing the steps performed when invoking &dpkg;."
msgstr ""
@@ -7768,22 +7728,22 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1045
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1028
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgPolicy</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgPolicy</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1049
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1032
msgid "Output the priority of each package list on startup."
msgstr "Escreve a prioridade da cada lista de pacote no arranque."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1055
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1038
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1059
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1042
msgid ""
"Trace the execution of the dependency resolver (this applies only to what "
"happens when a complex dependency problem is encountered)."
@@ -7792,12 +7752,12 @@ msgstr ""
"acontece quando é encontrado um problema de dependências complexo)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1067
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1050
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver::ShowScores</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver::ShowScores</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1070
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1053
msgid ""
"Display a list of all installed packages with their calculated score used by "
"the pkgProblemResolver. The description of the package is the same as "
@@ -7808,12 +7768,12 @@ msgstr ""
"mesma que é descrita em <literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::Marker</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1078
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1061
msgid "<literal>Debug::sourceList</literal>"
msgstr "<literal>Debug::sourceList</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1082
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1065
msgid ""
"Print information about the vendors read from <filename>/etc/apt/vendors."
@@ -7822,7 +7782,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1105
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1088
msgid ""
"&configureindex; is a configuration file showing example values for all "
"possible options."
@@ -7831,13 +7791,13 @@ msgstr ""
"para todas as opções possíveis."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1112
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1095
msgid "&file-aptconf;"
msgstr "&file-aptconf;"
#. ? reading apt.conf
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1117
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1100
msgid "&apt-cache;, &apt-config;, &apt-preferences;."
msgstr "&apt-cache;, &apt-config;, &apt-preferences;."
@@ -7946,8 +7906,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Note that the files in the <filename>/etc/apt/preferences.d</filename> "
"directory are parsed in alphanumeric ascending order and need to obey the "
-"following naming convention: The files have either no or \"<literal>pref</"
-"literal>\" as filename extension and only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), "
+"following naming convention: The files have no or \"<literal>pref</literal>"
+"\" as filename extension and which only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), "
"underscore (_) and period (.) characters. Otherwise APT will print a notice "
"that it has ignored a file if the file doesn't match a pattern in the "
"<literal>Dir::Ignore-Files-Silently</literal> configuration list - in this "
@@ -8413,7 +8373,7 @@ msgid ""
"APT also supports pinning by glob() expressions and regular expressions "
"surrounded by /. For example, the following example assigns the priority 500 "
"to all packages from experimental where the name starts with gnome (as a glob"
-"()-like expression) or contains the word kde (as a POSIX extended regular "
+"()-like expression or contains the word kde (as a POSIX extended regular "
"expression surrounded by slashes)."
msgstr ""
@@ -8437,7 +8397,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: apt_preferences.5.xml:279
msgid ""
"The rule for those expressions is that they can occur anywhere where a "
-"string can occur. Thus, the following pin assigns the priority 990 to all "
+"string can occur. Those, the following pin assigns the priority 990 to all "
"packages from a release starting with karmic."
msgstr ""
@@ -9365,7 +9325,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: sources.list.5.xml:81
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid "deb uri distribution [component1] [component2] [...]"
-msgid "deb [ options ] uri distribution [component1] [component2] [...]"
+msgid "deb uri distribution [component1] [component2] [...]"
msgstr "deb uri distribuição [componente1] [componente2] [...]"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
@@ -9436,27 +9396,6 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#: sources.list.5.xml:112
msgid ""
-"<literal>options</literal> is always optional and needs to be surounded by "
-"square brackets. It can consist of multiple settings in the form "
-"replaceable></literal>. Multiple settings are separated by spaces. The "
-"following settings are supported by APT, note though that unsupported "
-"settings will be ignored silently:"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:117
-msgid ""
-"replaceable>,…</literal> can be used to specify for which architectures "
-"packages information should be downloaded. If this option is not set all "
-"architectures defined by the <literal>APT::Architectures</literal> option "
-"will be downloaded."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:123
-msgid ""
"It is important to list sources in order of preference, with the most "
"preferred source listed first. Typically this will result in sorting by "
"speed from fastest to slowest (CD-ROM followed by hosts on a local network, "
@@ -9469,12 +9408,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Internet, por exemplo)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:128
+#: sources.list.5.xml:117
msgid "Some examples:"
msgstr "Alguns exemplos:"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:130
+#: sources.list.5.xml:119
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"deb &stable-codename; main contrib non-free\n"
@@ -9486,17 +9425,17 @@ msgstr ""
" "
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:136
+#: sources.list.5.xml:125
msgid "URI specification"
msgstr "Especificação da URI"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:141
+#: sources.list.5.xml:130
msgid "file"
msgstr "file"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:143
+#: sources.list.5.xml:132
msgid ""
"The file scheme allows an arbitrary directory in the file system to be "
"considered an archive. This is useful for NFS mounts and local mirrors or "
@@ -9507,7 +9446,7 @@ msgstr ""
"arquivos locais."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:150
+#: sources.list.5.xml:139
msgid ""
"The cdrom scheme allows APT to use a local CDROM drive with media swapping. "
"Use the &apt-cdrom; program to create cdrom entries in the source list."
@@ -9517,7 +9456,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:157
+#: sources.list.5.xml:146
msgid ""
"The http scheme specifies an HTTP server for the archive. If an environment "
"variable <envar>http_proxy</envar> is set with the format http://server:"
@@ -9534,7 +9473,7 @@ msgstr ""
"método de autenticação seguro."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:168
+#: sources.list.5.xml:157
msgid ""
"The ftp scheme specifies an FTP server for the archive. APT's FTP behavior "
"is highly configurable; for more information see the &apt-conf; manual page. "
@@ -9553,12 +9492,12 @@ msgstr ""
"especificados no ficheiro de configuração serão ignorados."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:177
+#: sources.list.5.xml:166
msgid "copy"
msgstr "copy"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:179
+#: sources.list.5.xml:168
msgid ""
"The copy scheme is identical to the file scheme except that packages are "
"copied into the cache directory instead of used directly at their location. "
@@ -9570,17 +9509,17 @@ msgstr ""
"com o APT."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:184
+#: sources.list.5.xml:173
msgid "rsh"
msgstr "rsh"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:184
+#: sources.list.5.xml:173
msgid "ssh"
msgstr "ssh"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:186
+#: sources.list.5.xml:175
msgid ""
"The rsh/ssh method invokes rsh/ssh to connect to a remote host as a given "
"user and access the files. It is a good idea to do prior arrangements with "
@@ -9595,12 +9534,12 @@ msgstr ""
"para executar as transferências de ficheiros remotos."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:194
+#: sources.list.5.xml:183
msgid "more recognizable URI types"
msgstr "tipos de URI mais reconhecíveis"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:196
+#: sources.list.5.xml:185
msgid ""
"APT can be extended with more methods shipped in other optional packages "
"which should follow the nameing scheme <literal>apt-transport-"
@@ -9622,7 +9561,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:138
+#: sources.list.5.xml:127
msgid ""
"The currently recognized URI types are cdrom, file, http, ftp, copy, ssh, "
"rsh. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
@@ -9631,7 +9570,7 @@ msgstr ""
"ssh, rsh. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:210
+#: sources.list.5.xml:199
msgid ""
"Uses the archive stored locally (or NFS mounted) at /home/jason/debian for "
"stable/main, stable/contrib, and stable/non-free."
@@ -9640,59 +9579,36 @@ msgstr ""
"para stable/main, stable/contrib, e stable/non-free."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:212
+#: sources.list.5.xml:201
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb file:/home/jason/debian stable main contrib non-free"
msgstr "deb file:/home/jason/debian stable main contrib non-free"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:214
+#: sources.list.5.xml:203
msgid "As above, except this uses the unstable (development) distribution."
msgstr ""
"Como em cima, excepto que usa a distribuição unstable (de desenvolvimento)."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:215
+#: sources.list.5.xml:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
msgstr "deb file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:217
+#: sources.list.5.xml:206
msgid "Source line for the above"
msgstr "Linha de fonte para o referido acima"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:218
+#: sources.list.5.xml:207
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb-src file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
msgstr "deb-src file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:220
-msgid ""
-"The first line gets package information for the architectures in "
-"<literal>APT::Architectures</literal> while the second always retrieves "
-"<literal>amd64</literal> and <literal>armel</literal>."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:222
-#, fuzzy, no-wrap
-#| msgid ""
-#| "deb &stable-codename; main contrib non-free\n"
-#| "deb &stable-codename;/updates main contrib non-free\n"
-#| " "
-msgid ""
-"deb &stable-codename; main\n"
-"deb [ arch=amd64,armel ] &stable-codename; main"
-msgstr ""
-"deb &stable-codename; main contrib non-free\n"
-"deb &stable-codename;/updates main contrib non-free\n"
-" "
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:225
+#: sources.list.5.xml:209
msgid ""
"Uses HTTP to access the archive at, and uses only the "
"hamm/main area."
@@ -9701,13 +9617,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:227
+#: sources.list.5.xml:211
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb hamm main"
msgstr "deb hamm main"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:229
+#: sources.list.5.xml:213
msgid ""
"Uses FTP to access the archive at, under the debian "
"directory, and uses only the &stable-codename;/contrib area."
@@ -9716,13 +9632,13 @@ msgstr ""
"usa apenas a área &stable-codename;/contrib."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:231
+#: sources.list.5.xml:215
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb &stable-codename; contrib"
msgstr "deb &stable-codename; contrib"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:233
+#: sources.list.5.xml:217
msgid ""
"Uses FTP to access the archive at, under the debian "
"directory, and uses only the unstable/contrib area. If this line appears as "
@@ -9735,20 +9651,20 @@ msgstr ""
"uma única sessão FTP para ambas linhas de recurso."
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:237
+#: sources.list.5.xml:221
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb unstable contrib"
msgstr "deb unstable contrib"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:246
+#: sources.list.5.xml:230
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid "deb unstable/binary-$(ARCH)/"
msgid "deb unstable/binary-$(ARCH)/"
msgstr "deb unstable/binary-$(ARCH)/"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:239
+#: sources.list.5.xml:223
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "Uses HTTP to access the archive at, under the debian-non-"
@@ -9776,7 +9692,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:251
+#: sources.list.5.xml:235
msgid "&apt-cache; &apt-conf;"
msgstr "&apt-cache; &apt-conf;"
@@ -11293,12 +11209,58 @@ msgstr " # apt-get -o dir::cache::archives=\"/disc/\" dist-upgrade"
msgid "Which will use the already fetched archives on the disc."
msgstr "O qual irá usar os arquivos já obtidos e que estão no disco."
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "<option>--recurse</option>"
+#~ msgid "<option>--host-architecture</option>"
+#~ msgstr "<option>--recurse</option>"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Max-ValidTime"
+#~ msgid "Min-ValidTime"
+#~ msgstr "Max-ValidTime"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "Seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was "
+#~| "created. The default is \"for ever\" (0) if the Release file of the "
+#~| "archive doesn't include a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header. If it "
+#~| "does then this date is the default. The date from the Release file or "
+#~| "the date specified by the creation time of the Release file "
+#~| "(<literal>Date</literal> header) plus the seconds specified with this "
+#~| "options are used to check if the validation of a file has expired by "
+#~| "using the earlier date of the two. Archive specific settings can be made "
+#~| "by appending the label of the archive to the option name."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Minimum of seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it "
+#~ "was created (indicated by the <literal>Date</literal> header). Use this "
+#~ "if you need to use a seldomly updated (local) mirror of a more regular "
+#~ "updated archive with a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header instead of "
+#~ "completely disabling the expiration date checking. Archive specific "
+#~ "settings can and should be used by appending the label of the archive to "
+#~ "the option name."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Segundos em que o ficheiro Release deve considerado válido após ser "
+#~ "criado. A predefinição é \"para sempre\" (0) se o ficheiro Release do "
+#~ "arquivo não conter um cabeçalho <literal>Valid-Until</literal>. Se o "
+#~ "tiver então esta data é a predefinida. A data do ficheiro Release ou a "
+#~ "data especificada pela hora de criação do do ficheiro Release (cabeçalho "
+#~ "<literal>Date</literal>) mais os segundos especificados com esta opção "
+#~ "são usados para verificar se a validação de um ficheiro já expirou ao "
+#~ "usar uma data anterior às duas. Definições específicas do Arquivo podem "
+#~ "ser feitas ao adicionar a etiqueta do arquivo ao nome da opção. "
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid ""
+#~| "deb &stable-codename; main contrib non-free\n"
+#~| "deb &stable-codename;/updates main contrib non-free\n"
+#~| " "
#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Update the local keyring with the keyring of Debian archive keys and "
-#~ "removes from the keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid."
+#~ "deb &stable-codename; main\n"
+#~ "deb [ arch=amd64,armel ] &stable-codename; main"
#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Actualiza o chaveiro local com o chaveiro das chaves de arquivos Debian e "
-#~ "remove do chaveiro as chaves de arquivo que já não são válidas."
+#~ "deb &stable-codename; main contrib non-free\n"
+#~ "deb &stable-codename;/updates main contrib non-free\n"
+#~ " "
#~ msgid "<option>--md5</option>"
#~ msgstr "<option>--md5</option>"
diff --git a/doc/po/pt_BR.po b/doc/po/pt_BR.po
index 93f189c9c..488350186 100644
--- a/doc/po/pt_BR.po
+++ b/doc/po/pt_BR.po
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: apt\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-11-20 17:58+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-08 16:54+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-09-20 17:02+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: André Luís Lopes <>\n"
"Language-Team: <>\n"
@@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:64 apt-cdrom.8.xml:50 apt-config.8.xml:50
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:46 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:59 apt-get.8.xml:121
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:46 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:59 apt-get.8.xml:114
#: apt-key.8.xml:38 apt-mark.8.xml:56 apt-secure.8.xml:43
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:47 apt.conf.5.xml:42 apt_preferences.5.xml:36
#: sources.list.5.xml:36
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:70 apt-get.8.xml:127
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:70 apt-get.8.xml:120
msgid ""
"Unless the <option>-h</option>, or <option>--help</option> option is given, "
"one of the commands below must be present."
@@ -963,8 +963,8 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:278 apt-config.8.xml:96 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:59
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:342 apt-mark.8.xml:126
-#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:57 apt.conf.5.xml:577 apt.conf.5.xml:599
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:525 apt-get.8.xml:331 apt-mark.8.xml:126
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:57 apt.conf.5.xml:560 apt.conf.5.xml:582
msgid "options"
msgstr ""
@@ -987,7 +987,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:572 apt-get.8.xml:404
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:288 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571 apt-get.8.xml:393
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:61
msgid "<option>-s</option>"
msgstr ""
@@ -1008,12 +1008,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:546 apt-get.8.xml:394
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>-q</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:546 apt-get.8.xml:394
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:296 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:545 apt-get.8.xml:383
msgid "<option>--quiet</option>"
msgstr ""
@@ -1088,14 +1088,14 @@ msgstr ""
#: apt-cache.8.xml:317
msgid ""
"Per default the <literal>depends</literal> and <literal>rdepends</literal> "
-"print all dependencies. This can be tweaked with these flags which will omit "
+"print all dependencies. This can be twicked with these flags which will omit "
"the specified dependency type. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Cache::"
"Show<replaceable>DependencyType</replaceable></literal> e.g. <literal>APT::"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:323 apt-cdrom.8.xml:124 apt-get.8.xml:361
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:323 apt-cdrom.8.xml:124 apt-get.8.xml:350
msgid "<option>-f</option>"
msgstr ""
@@ -1112,8 +1112,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
-#: apt-get.8.xml:447
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:328 apt-cdrom.8.xml:134 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
msgid "<option>-a</option>"
msgstr ""
@@ -1209,14 +1208,14 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:367 apt-cdrom.8.xml:153 apt-config.8.xml:101
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:612 apt-get.8.xml:591
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:70 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:611 apt-get.8.xml:570
#: apt-mark.8.xml:140 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:67
msgid "&apt-commonoptions;"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:596 apt-key.8.xml:175 apt-mark.8.xml:144
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1110 apt_preferences.5.xml:697
+#: apt-cache.8.xml:372 apt-get.8.xml:575 apt-key.8.xml:172 apt-mark.8.xml:144
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1093 apt_preferences.5.xml:697
msgid "Files"
msgstr ""
@@ -1227,10 +1226,10 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:379 apt-cdrom.8.xml:158 apt-config.8.xml:106
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628 apt-get.8.xml:606
-#: apt-key.8.xml:196 apt-mark.8.xml:150 apt-secure.8.xml:185
-#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1116 apt_preferences.5.xml:704
-#: sources.list.5.xml:250
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:77 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:627 apt-get.8.xml:585
+#: apt-key.8.xml:193 apt-mark.8.xml:150 apt-secure.8.xml:185
+#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:72 apt.conf.5.xml:1099 apt_preferences.5.xml:704
+#: sources.list.5.xml:234
#, fuzzy
msgid "See Also"
msgstr "Consulte também"
@@ -1242,7 +1241,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
#: apt-cache.8.xml:384 apt-cdrom.8.xml:163 apt-config.8.xml:111
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:632 apt-get.8.xml:612
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:81 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:631 apt-get.8.xml:591
#: apt-mark.8.xml:154 apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:76
msgid "Diagnostics"
msgstr ""
@@ -1342,12 +1341,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:161
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:94 apt-key.8.xml:158
msgid "Options"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:540 apt-get.8.xml:356
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:98 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539 apt-get.8.xml:345
msgid "<option>-d</option>"
msgstr ""
@@ -1383,7 +1382,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:116 apt-get.8.xml:375
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:116 apt-get.8.xml:364
msgid "<option>-m</option>"
msgstr ""
@@ -1428,17 +1427,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:143 apt-get.8.xml:406
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:143 apt-get.8.xml:395
msgid "<option>--just-print</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:144 apt-get.8.xml:408
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:144 apt-get.8.xml:397
msgid "<option>--recon</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:145 apt-get.8.xml:409
+#: apt-cdrom.8.xml:145 apt-get.8.xml:398
msgid "<option>--no-act</option>"
msgstr ""
@@ -1552,7 +1551,7 @@ msgid "Just show the contents of the configuration space."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:629
+#: apt-config.8.xml:107 apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:78 apt-ftparchive.1.xml:628
#: apt-sortpkgs.1.xml:73
#, fuzzy
msgid "&apt-conf;"
@@ -1617,7 +1616,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:63 apt-get.8.xml:525
+#: apt-extracttemplates.1.xml:63 apt-get.8.xml:504
msgid "<option>-t</option>"
msgstr ""
@@ -1818,7 +1817,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:145 apt-get.8.xml:298
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:145 apt-get.8.xml:287
msgid "clean"
msgstr ""
@@ -2280,8 +2279,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:394 apt.conf.5.xml:157
+#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:394
msgid "Architectures"
msgstr ""
@@ -2482,26 +2481,26 @@ msgid ""
"Configuration Items: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Checksum</"
"replaceable></literal> and <literal>APT::FTPArchive::<replaceable>Index</"
"replaceable>::<replaceable>Checksum</replaceable></literal> where "
-"<literal><replaceable>Index</replaceable></literal> can be "
-"<literal>Packages</literal>, <literal>Sources</literal> or <literal>Release</"
-"literal> and <literal><replaceable>Checksum</replaceable></literal> can be "
-"<literal>MD5</literal>, <literal>SHA1</literal> or <literal>SHA256</literal>."
+"<literal>Index</literal> can be <literal>Packages</literal>, "
+"<literal>Sources</literal> or <literal>Release</literal> and "
+"<literal>Checksum</literal> can be <literal>MD5</literal>, <literal>SHA1</"
+"literal> or <literal>SHA256</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:540
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:539
msgid "<option>--db</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:542
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:541
msgid ""
"Use a binary caching DB. This has no effect on the generate command. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::DB</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:548
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:547
msgid ""
"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
@@ -2510,12 +2509,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:554
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:553
msgid "<option>--delink</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:556
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:555
msgid ""
"Perform Delinking. If the <literal>External-Links</literal> setting is used "
"then this option actually enables delinking of the files. It defaults to on "
@@ -2524,12 +2523,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:562
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:561
msgid "<option>--contents</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:564
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:563
msgid ""
"Perform contents generation. When this option is set and package indexes are "
"being generated with a cache DB then the file listing will also be extracted "
@@ -2539,12 +2538,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:572
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:571
msgid "<option>--source-override</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:574
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:573
msgid ""
"Select the source override file to use with the <literal>sources</literal> "
"command. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::FTPArchive::SourceOverride</"
@@ -2552,24 +2551,24 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:578
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:577
msgid "<option>--readonly</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:580
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:579
msgid ""
"Make the caching databases read only. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:583
msgid "<option>--arch</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:585
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:584
msgid ""
"Accept in the <literal>packages</literal> and <literal>contents</literal> "
"commands only package files matching <literal>*_arch.deb</literal> or "
@@ -2578,12 +2577,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:591
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:590
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::AlwaysStat</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:593
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:592
msgid ""
"&apt-ftparchive; caches as much as possible of metadata in a cachedb. If "
"packages are recompiled and/or republished with the same version again, this "
@@ -2597,12 +2596,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:603
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:602
msgid "<option>APT::FTPArchive::LongDescription</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:605
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:604
msgid ""
"This configuration option defaults to \"<literal>true</literal>\" and should "
"only be set to <literal>\"false\"</literal> if the Archive generated with "
@@ -2612,27 +2611,27 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:617 apt.conf.5.xml:1104 apt_preferences.5.xml:544
-#: sources.list.5.xml:209
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:616 apt.conf.5.xml:1087 apt_preferences.5.xml:544
+#: sources.list.5.xml:198
#, fuzzy
msgid "Examples"
msgstr "Exemplos"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><programlisting>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:623
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:622
#, no-wrap
msgid "<command>apt-ftparchive</command> packages <replaceable>directory</replaceable> | <command>gzip</command> > <filename>Packages.gz</filename>\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:619
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:618
msgid ""
"To create a compressed Packages file for a directory containing binary "
"packages (.deb): <placeholder type=\"programlisting\" id=\"0\"/>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:633
+#: apt-ftparchive.1.xml:632
msgid ""
"<command>apt-ftparchive</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal "
"100 on error."
@@ -2663,11 +2662,10 @@ msgid ""
"<option>-o= <replaceable>config_string</replaceable> </option> </arg> <arg> "
"<option>-c= <replaceable>config_file</replaceable> </option> </arg> <arg> "
"<option>-t=</option> <arg choice='plain'> <replaceable>target_release</"
-"replaceable> </arg> </arg> <arg> <option>-a=</option> <arg choice='plain'> "
-"<replaceable>default_architecture</replaceable> </arg> </arg> <group choice="
-"\"req\"> <arg choice='plain'>update</arg> <arg choice='plain'>upgrade</arg> "
-"<arg choice='plain'>dselect-upgrade</arg> <arg choice='plain'>dist-upgrade</"
-"arg> <arg choice='plain'>install <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
+"replaceable> </arg> </arg> <group choice=\"req\"> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>update</arg> <arg choice='plain'>upgrade</arg> <arg "
+"choice='plain'>dselect-upgrade</arg> <arg choice='plain'>dist-upgrade</arg> "
+"<arg choice='plain'>install <arg choice=\"plain\" rep=\"repeat"
"\"><replaceable>pkg</replaceable> <arg> <group choice='req'> <arg "
"choice='plain'> =<replaceable>pkg_version_number</replaceable> </arg> <arg "
"choice='plain'> /<replaceable>target_release</replaceable> </arg> </group> </"
@@ -2689,7 +2687,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:122
+#: apt-get.8.xml:115
msgid ""
"<command>apt-get</command> is the command-line tool for handling packages, "
"and may be considered the user's \"back-end\" to other tools using the APT "
@@ -2698,12 +2696,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:131 apt-key.8.xml:127
+#: apt-get.8.xml:124 apt-key.8.xml:127
msgid "update"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:132
+#: apt-get.8.xml:125
msgid ""
"<literal>update</literal> is used to resynchronize the package index files "
"from their sources. The indexes of available packages are fetched from the "
@@ -2717,12 +2715,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: <tag></tag>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:143 guide.sgml:121
+#: apt-get.8.xml:136 guide.sgml:121
msgid "upgrade"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:144
+#: apt-get.8.xml:137
msgid ""
"<literal>upgrade</literal> is used to install the newest versions of all "
"packages currently installed on the system from the sources enumerated in "
@@ -2737,12 +2735,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:156
+#: apt-get.8.xml:149
msgid "dselect-upgrade"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:157
+#: apt-get.8.xml:150
msgid ""
"<literal>dselect-upgrade</literal> is used in conjunction with the "
"traditional Debian packaging front-end, &dselect;. <literal>dselect-upgrade</"
@@ -2753,12 +2751,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: <tag></tag>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:166 guide.sgml:140
+#: apt-get.8.xml:159 guide.sgml:140
msgid "dist-upgrade"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:167
+#: apt-get.8.xml:160
msgid ""
"<literal>dist-upgrade</literal> in addition to performing the function of "
"<literal>upgrade</literal>, also intelligently handles changing dependencies "
@@ -2772,12 +2770,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: <tag></tag>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:179 guide.sgml:131
+#: apt-get.8.xml:172 guide.sgml:131
msgid "install"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:181
+#: apt-get.8.xml:174
msgid ""
"<literal>install</literal> is followed by one or more packages desired for "
"installation or upgrading. Each package is a package name, not a fully "
@@ -2793,7 +2791,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:199
+#: apt-get.8.xml:192
msgid ""
"A specific version of a package can be selected for installation by "
"following the package name with an equals and the version of the package to "
@@ -2804,14 +2802,14 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:206
+#: apt-get.8.xml:199
msgid ""
"Both of the version selection mechanisms can downgrade packages and must be "
"used with care."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:209
+#: apt-get.8.xml:202
msgid ""
"This is also the target to use if you want to upgrade one or more already-"
"installed packages without upgrading every package you have on your system. "
@@ -2823,14 +2821,14 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:220
+#: apt-get.8.xml:213
msgid ""
"Finally, the &apt-preferences; mechanism allows you to create an alternative "
"installation policy for individual packages."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:224
+#: apt-get.8.xml:217
msgid ""
"If no package matches the given expression and the expression contains one "
"of '.', '?' or '*' then it is assumed to be a POSIX regular expression, and "
@@ -2842,12 +2840,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:233
+#: apt-get.8.xml:226
msgid "remove"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:234
+#: apt-get.8.xml:227
msgid ""
"<literal>remove</literal> is identical to <literal>install</literal> except "
"that packages are removed instead of installed. Note the removing a package "
@@ -2857,12 +2855,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:241
+#: apt-get.8.xml:234
msgid "purge"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:242
+#: apt-get.8.xml:235
msgid ""
"<literal>purge</literal> is identical to <literal>remove</literal> except "
"that packages are removed and purged (any configuration files are deleted "
@@ -2870,12 +2868,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:246
+#: apt-get.8.xml:239
msgid "source"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:247
+#: apt-get.8.xml:240
msgid ""
"<literal>source</literal> causes <command>apt-get</command> to fetch source "
"packages. APT will examine the available packages to decide which source "
@@ -2887,7 +2885,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:255
+#: apt-get.8.xml:248
msgid ""
"Source packages are tracked separately from binary packages via <literal>deb-"
"src</literal> type lines in the &sources-list; file. This means that you "
@@ -2897,17 +2895,16 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:262
+#: apt-get.8.xml:255
msgid ""
"If the <option>--compile</option> option is specified then the package will "
-"be compiled to a binary .deb using <command>dpkg-buildpackage</command> for "
-"the architecture as defined by the <command>--host-architecture</command> "
-"option. If <option>--download-only</option> is specified then the source "
-"package will not be unpacked."
+"be compiled to a binary .deb using <command>dpkg-buildpackage</command>, if "
+"<option>--download-only</option> is specified then the source package will "
+"not be unpacked."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:269
+#: apt-get.8.xml:260
msgid ""
"A specific source version can be retrieved by postfixing the source name "
"with an equals and then the version to fetch, similar to the mechanism used "
@@ -2917,7 +2914,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:275
+#: apt-get.8.xml:266
msgid ""
"Note that source packages are not tracked like binary packages, they exist "
"only in the current directory and are similar to downloading source tar "
@@ -2925,46 +2922,43 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:280
+#: apt-get.8.xml:271
msgid "build-dep"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:281
+#: apt-get.8.xml:272
msgid ""
"<literal>build-dep</literal> causes apt-get to install/remove packages in an "
-"attempt to satisfy the build dependencies for a source package. By default "
-"the dependencies are satisfied to build the package natively. If desired a "
-"host-architecture can be specified with the <option>--host-architecture</"
-"option> option instead."
+"attempt to satisfy the build dependencies for a source package."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:287
+#: apt-get.8.xml:276
msgid "check"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:288
+#: apt-get.8.xml:277
msgid ""
"<literal>check</literal> is a diagnostic tool; it updates the package cache "
"and checks for broken dependencies."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:292
+#: apt-get.8.xml:281
msgid "download"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:293
+#: apt-get.8.xml:282
msgid ""
"<literal>download</literal> will download the given binary package into the "
-"current directory."
+"current directoy."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:299
+#: apt-get.8.xml:288
msgid ""
"<literal>clean</literal> clears out the local repository of retrieved "
"package files. It removes everything but the lock file from "
@@ -2976,12 +2970,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:308
+#: apt-get.8.xml:297
msgid "autoclean"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:309
+#: apt-get.8.xml:298
msgid ""
"Like <literal>clean</literal>, <literal>autoclean</literal> clears out the "
"local repository of retrieved package files. The difference is that it only "
@@ -2993,25 +2987,25 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:318
+#: apt-get.8.xml:307
msgid "autoremove"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:319
+#: apt-get.8.xml:308
msgid ""
"<literal>autoremove</literal> is used to remove packages that were "
-"automatically installed to satisfy dependencies for other packages and are "
-"now no longer needed."
+"automatically installed to satisfy dependencies for some package and that "
+"are no more needed."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:323
+#: apt-get.8.xml:312
msgid "changelog"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:324
+#: apt-get.8.xml:313
msgid ""
"<literal>changelog</literal> downloads a package changelog and displays it "
"through <command>sensible-pager</command>. The server name and base "
@@ -3024,48 +3018,48 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:346
+#: apt-get.8.xml:335
msgid "<option>--no-install-recommends</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:347
+#: apt-get.8.xml:336
msgid ""
"Do not consider recommended packages as a dependency for installing. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Install-Recommends</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:351
+#: apt-get.8.xml:340
msgid "<option>--install-suggests</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:352
+#: apt-get.8.xml:341
msgid ""
"Consider suggested packages as a dependency for installing. Configuration "
"Item: <literal>APT::Install-Suggests</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:356
+#: apt-get.8.xml:345
msgid "<option>--download-only</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:357
+#: apt-get.8.xml:346
msgid ""
"Download only; package files are only retrieved, not unpacked or installed. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Download-Only</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:361
+#: apt-get.8.xml:350
msgid "<option>--fix-broken</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:362
+#: apt-get.8.xml:351
msgid ""
"Fix; attempt to correct a system with broken dependencies in place. This "
"option, when used with install/remove, can omit any packages to permit APT "
@@ -3081,17 +3075,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:375
+#: apt-get.8.xml:364
msgid "<option>--ignore-missing</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:376
+#: apt-get.8.xml:365
msgid "<option>--fix-missing</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:377
+#: apt-get.8.xml:366
msgid ""
"Ignore missing packages; If packages cannot be retrieved or fail the "
"integrity check after retrieval (corrupted package files), hold back those "
@@ -3103,12 +3097,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:387
+#: apt-get.8.xml:376
msgid "<option>--no-download</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:388
+#: apt-get.8.xml:377
msgid ""
"Disables downloading of packages. This is best used with <option>--ignore-"
"missing</option> to force APT to use only the .debs it has already "
@@ -3116,7 +3110,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:395
+#: apt-get.8.xml:384
msgid ""
"Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators. "
"More q's will produce more quiet up to a maximum of 2. You can also use "
@@ -3128,17 +3122,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:405
+#: apt-get.8.xml:394
msgid "<option>--simulate</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:407
+#: apt-get.8.xml:396
msgid "<option>--dry-run</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:410
+#: apt-get.8.xml:399
msgid ""
"No action; perform a simulation of events that would occur but do not "
"actually change the system. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::"
@@ -3146,7 +3140,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:414
+#: apt-get.8.xml:403
msgid ""
"Simulation run as user will deactivate locking (<literal>Debug::NoLocking</"
"literal>) automatic. Also a notice will be displayed indicating that this "
@@ -3157,7 +3151,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:420
+#: apt-get.8.xml:409
msgid ""
"Simulate prints out a series of lines each one representing a dpkg "
"operation, Configure (Conf), Remove (Remv), Unpack (Inst). Square brackets "
@@ -3166,22 +3160,22 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:427
+#: apt-get.8.xml:416
msgid "<option>-y</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:427
+#: apt-get.8.xml:416
msgid "<option>--yes</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:428
+#: apt-get.8.xml:417
msgid "<option>--assume-yes</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:429
+#: apt-get.8.xml:418
msgid ""
"Automatic yes to prompts; assume \"yes\" as answer to all prompts and run "
"non-interactively. If an undesirable situation, such as changing a held "
@@ -3191,84 +3185,68 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:436
+#: apt-get.8.xml:425
msgid "<option>-u</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:436
+#: apt-get.8.xml:425
msgid "<option>--show-upgraded</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:437
+#: apt-get.8.xml:426
msgid ""
"Show upgraded packages; Print out a list of all packages that are to be "
"upgraded. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Show-Upgraded</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:442
+#: apt-get.8.xml:431
msgid "<option>-V</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:442
+#: apt-get.8.xml:431
msgid "<option>--verbose-versions</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:443
+#: apt-get.8.xml:432
msgid ""
"Show full versions for upgraded and installed packages. Configuration Item: "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:448
-msgid "<option>--host-architecture</option>"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:449
-msgid ""
-"This option controls the architecture packages are built for by <command>apt-"
-"get source --compile</command> and how cross-builddependencies are "
-"satisfied. By default is it not set which means that the host architecture "
-"is the same as the build architecture (which is defined by <literal>APT::"
-"Architecture</literal>). Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Host-"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:457
+#: apt-get.8.xml:436
msgid "<option>-b</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:457
+#: apt-get.8.xml:436
msgid "<option>--compile</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:458
+#: apt-get.8.xml:437
msgid "<option>--build</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:459
+#: apt-get.8.xml:438
msgid ""
"Compile source packages after downloading them. Configuration Item: "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:463
+#: apt-get.8.xml:442
msgid "<option>--ignore-hold</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:464
+#: apt-get.8.xml:443
msgid ""
"Ignore package Holds; This causes <command>apt-get</command> to ignore a "
"hold placed on a package. This may be useful in conjunction with "
@@ -3277,12 +3255,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:470
+#: apt-get.8.xml:449
msgid "<option>--no-upgrade</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:471
+#: apt-get.8.xml:450
msgid ""
"Do not upgrade packages; When used in conjunction with <literal>install</"
"literal>, <literal>no-upgrade</literal> will prevent packages on the command "
@@ -3291,12 +3269,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:477
+#: apt-get.8.xml:456
msgid "<option>--only-upgrade</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:478
+#: apt-get.8.xml:457
msgid ""
"Do not install new packages; When used in conjunction with <literal>install</"
"literal>, <literal>only-upgrade</literal> will prevent packages on the "
@@ -3305,12 +3283,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:484
+#: apt-get.8.xml:463
msgid "<option>--force-yes</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:485
+#: apt-get.8.xml:464
msgid ""
"Force yes; This is a dangerous option that will cause apt to continue "
"without prompting if it is doing something potentially harmful. It should "
@@ -3320,12 +3298,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:492
+#: apt-get.8.xml:471
msgid "<option>--print-uris</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:493
+#: apt-get.8.xml:472
msgid ""
"Instead of fetching the files to install their URIs are printed. Each URI "
"will have the path, the destination file name, the size and the expected md5 "
@@ -3338,12 +3316,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:503
+#: apt-get.8.xml:482
msgid "<option>--purge</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:504
+#: apt-get.8.xml:483
msgid ""
"Use purge instead of remove for anything that would be removed. An asterisk "
"(\"*\") will be displayed next to packages which are scheduled to be purged. "
@@ -3352,24 +3330,24 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:511
+#: apt-get.8.xml:490
msgid "<option>--reinstall</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:512
+#: apt-get.8.xml:491
msgid ""
"Re-Install packages that are already installed and at the newest version. "
"Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::ReInstall</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:516
+#: apt-get.8.xml:495
msgid "<option>--list-cleanup</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:517
+#: apt-get.8.xml:496
msgid ""
"This option defaults to on, use <literal>--no-list-cleanup</literal> to turn "
"it off. When on <command>apt-get</command> will automatically manage the "
@@ -3380,17 +3358,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:526
+#: apt-get.8.xml:505
msgid "<option>--target-release</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:527
+#: apt-get.8.xml:506
msgid "<option>--default-release</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:528
+#: apt-get.8.xml:507
msgid ""
"This option controls the default input to the policy engine, it creates a "
"default pin at priority 990 using the specified release string. This "
@@ -3404,12 +3382,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:541
+#: apt-get.8.xml:520
msgid "<option>--trivial-only</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:543
+#: apt-get.8.xml:522
msgid ""
"Only perform operations that are 'trivial'. Logically this can be considered "
"related to <option>--assume-yes</option>, where <option>--assume-yes</"
@@ -3418,24 +3396,24 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:549
+#: apt-get.8.xml:528
msgid "<option>--no-remove</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:550
+#: apt-get.8.xml:529
msgid ""
"If any packages are to be removed apt-get immediately aborts without "
"prompting. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::Remove</literal>."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:555
+#: apt-get.8.xml:534
msgid "<option>--auto-remove</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:556
+#: apt-get.8.xml:535
msgid ""
"If the command is either <literal>install</literal> or <literal>remove</"
"literal>, then this option acts like running <literal>autoremove</literal> "
@@ -3444,12 +3422,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:562
+#: apt-get.8.xml:541
msgid "<option>--only-source</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:563
+#: apt-get.8.xml:542
msgid ""
"Only has meaning for the <literal>source</literal> and <literal>build-dep</"
"literal> commands. Indicates that the given source names are not to be "
@@ -3461,22 +3439,22 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:573
+#: apt-get.8.xml:552
msgid "<option>--diff-only</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:573
+#: apt-get.8.xml:552
msgid "<option>--dsc-only</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:573
+#: apt-get.8.xml:552
msgid "<option>--tar-only</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:574
+#: apt-get.8.xml:553
msgid ""
"Download only the diff, dsc, or tar file of a source archive. Configuration "
"Item: <literal>APT::Get::Diff-Only</literal>, <literal>APT::Get::Dsc-Only</"
@@ -3484,24 +3462,24 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:579
+#: apt-get.8.xml:558
msgid "<option>--arch-only</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:580
+#: apt-get.8.xml:559
msgid ""
"Only process architecture-dependent build-dependencies. Configuration Item: "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:584
+#: apt-get.8.xml:563
msgid "<option>--allow-unauthenticated</option>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:585
+#: apt-get.8.xml:564
msgid ""
"Ignore if packages can't be authenticated and don't prompt about it. This "
"is useful for tools like pbuilder. Configuration Item: <literal>APT::Get::"
@@ -3509,14 +3487,14 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:598
+#: apt-get.8.xml:577
msgid ""
"&file-sourceslist; &file-aptconf; &file-preferences; &file-cachearchives; "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:607
+#: apt-get.8.xml:586
msgid ""
"&apt-cache;, &apt-cdrom;, &dpkg;, &dselect;, &sources-list;, &apt-conf;, "
"&apt-config;, &apt-secure;, The APT User's guide in &guidesdir;, &apt-"
@@ -3524,29 +3502,29 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:613
+#: apt-get.8.xml:592
msgid ""
"<command>apt-get</command> returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 on "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:616
+#: apt-get.8.xml:595
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:617
+#: apt-get.8.xml:596
msgid "&apt-author.jgunthorpe;"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:620
+#: apt-get.8.xml:599
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-get.8.xml:622
+#: apt-get.8.xml:601
msgid "&;"
msgstr ""
@@ -3660,38 +3638,33 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
#: apt-key.8.xml:131
msgid ""
-"Update the local keyring with the archive keyring and remove from the local "
-"keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid. The archive keyring is "
-"shipped in the <literal>archive-keyring</literal> package of your "
-"distribution, e.g. the <literal>debian-archive-keyring</literal> package in "
+"Update the local keyring with the keyring of Debian archive keys and removes "
+"from the keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:141
+#: apt-key.8.xml:140
msgid "net-update"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:145
+#: apt-key.8.xml:144
msgid ""
-"Work similar to the <command>update</command> command above, but get the "
-"archive keyring from an URI instead and validate it against a master key. "
-"This requires an installed &wget; and an APT build configured to have a "
-"server to fetch from and a master keyring to validate. APT in Debian does "
-"not support this command and relies on <command>update</command> instead, "
-"but Ubuntu's APT does."
+"Update the local keyring with the keys of a key server and removes from the "
+"keyring the archive keys which are no longer valid. This requires an "
+"installed wget and an APT build configured to have a server to fetch from. "
+"APT in Debian does not support this command, but Ubuntu's APT does."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:162
+#: apt-key.8.xml:159
msgid ""
"Note that options need to be defined before the commands described in the "
"previous section."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:164
+#: apt-key.8.xml:161
#, fuzzy
msgid "--keyring <replaceable>filename</replaceable>"
msgstr ""
@@ -3699,55 +3672,55 @@ msgstr ""
"apt-get install <replaceable>pacote</replaceable>/testing\n"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:165
+#: apt-key.8.xml:162
msgid ""
"With this option it is possible to specify a specific keyring file the "
"command should operate on. The default is that a command is executed on the "
"<filename>trusted.gpg</filename> file as well as on all parts in the "
-"<filename>trusted.gpg.d</filename> directory, though <filename>trusted.gpg</"
+"<filename>trusted.gpg.d</filename> directory, through <filename>trusted.gpg</"
"filename> is the primary keyring which means that e.g. new keys are added to "
"this one."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:178
+#: apt-key.8.xml:175
msgid "&file-trustedgpg;"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:180
+#: apt-key.8.xml:177
#, fuzzy
msgid "<filename>/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg</filename>"
msgstr "<filename>/etc/apt.conf</>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:181
+#: apt-key.8.xml:178
msgid "Local trust database of archive keys."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:184
+#: apt-key.8.xml:181
msgid "<filename>/usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg</filename>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:185
+#: apt-key.8.xml:182
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive trusted keys."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:188
+#: apt-key.8.xml:185
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:189
+#: apt-key.8.xml:186
msgid "Keyring of Debian archive removed trusted keys."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt-key.8.xml:198
+#: apt-key.8.xml:195
#, fuzzy
msgid "&apt-get;, &apt-secure;"
msgstr "&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;"
@@ -4262,12 +4235,11 @@ msgstr ""
#: apt.conf.5.xml:52
msgid ""
"all files in <literal>Dir::Etc::Parts</literal> in alphanumeric ascending "
-"order which have either no or \"<literal>conf</literal>\" as filename "
-"extension and which only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), underscore (_) "
-"and period (.) characters. Otherwise APT will print a notice that it has "
-"ignored a file if the file doesn't match a pattern in the <literal>Dir::"
-"Ignore-Files-Silently</literal> configuration list - in this case it will be "
-"silently ignored."
+"order which have no or \"<literal>conf</literal>\" as filename extension and "
+"which only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), underscore (_) and period (.) "
+"characters. Otherwise APT will print a notice that it has ignored a file if "
+"the file doesn't match a pattern in the <literal>Dir::Ignore-Files-Silently</"
+"literal> configuration list - in this case it will be silently ignored."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><orderedlist><listitem><para>
@@ -4439,24 +4411,13 @@ msgid ""
"compiled for."
msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:158
-msgid ""
-"All Architectures the system supports. Processors implementing the "
-"<literal>amd64</literal> are e.g. also able to execute binaries compiled for "
-"<literal>i386</literal>; This list is use when fetching files and parsing "
-"package lists. The internal default is always the native architecture "
-"(<literal>APT::Architecture</literal>) and all foreign architectures it can "
-"retrieve by calling <command>dpkg --print-foreign-architectures</command>."
-msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:165
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:157
msgid "Default-Release"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:166
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:158
msgid ""
"Default release to install packages from if more than one version available. "
"Contains release name, codename or release version. Examples: 'stable', "
@@ -4465,24 +4426,24 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:171
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:163
msgid "Ignore-Hold"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:172
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:164
msgid ""
"Ignore Held packages; This global option causes the problem resolver to "
"ignore held packages in its decision making."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:176
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:168
msgid "Clean-Installed"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:177
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:169
msgid ""
"Defaults to on. When turned on the autoclean feature will remove any "
"packages which can no longer be downloaded from the cache. If turned off "
@@ -4491,12 +4452,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:183
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:175
msgid "Immediate-Configure"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:184
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:176
msgid ""
"Defaults to on which will cause APT to install essential and important "
"packages as fast as possible in the install/upgrade operation. This is done "
@@ -4529,12 +4490,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:206
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:198
msgid "Force-LoopBreak"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:207
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:199
msgid ""
"Never Enable this option unless you -really- know what you are doing. It "
"permits APT to temporarily remove an essential package to break a Conflicts/"
@@ -4545,12 +4506,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:215
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:207
msgid "Cache-Start, Cache-Grow and Cache-Limit"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:216
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:208
msgid ""
"APT uses since version 0.7.26 a resizable memory mapped cache file to store "
"the 'available' information. <literal>Cache-Start</literal> acts as a hint "
@@ -4570,63 +4531,63 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:231
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:223
msgid "Build-Essential"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:232
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:224
msgid "Defines which package(s) are considered essential build dependencies."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:235
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:227
msgid "Get"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:236
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:228
msgid ""
"The Get subsection controls the &apt-get; tool, please see its documentation "
"for more information about the options here."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:240
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:232
msgid "Cache"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:241
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:233
msgid ""
"The Cache subsection controls the &apt-cache; tool, please see its "
"documentation for more information about the options here."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:245
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:237
msgid "CDROM"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:246
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:238
msgid ""
"The CDROM subsection controls the &apt-cdrom; tool, please see its "
"documentation for more information about the options here."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:252
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:244
msgid "The Acquire Group"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:257
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:249
msgid "Check-Valid-Until"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:258
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:250
msgid ""
"Security related option defaulting to true as an expiring validation for a "
"Release file prevents longtime replay attacks and can e.g. also help users "
@@ -4638,67 +4599,54 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:268
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:260
msgid "Max-ValidTime"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:269
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:261
msgid ""
-"Seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was created "
-"(indicated by the <literal>Date</literal> header). If the Release file "
-"itself includes a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header the earlier date of "
-"the two is used as the expiration date. The default value is <literal>0</"
-"literal> which stands for \"for ever\". Archive specific settings can be "
-"made by appending the label of the archive to the option name."
+"Seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was created. "
+"The default is \"for ever\" (0) if the Release file of the archive doesn't "
+"include a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header. If it does then this date "
+"is the default. The date from the Release file or the date specified by the "
+"creation time of the Release file (<literal>Date</literal> header) plus the "
+"seconds specified with this options are used to check if the validation of a "
+"file has expired by using the earlier date of the two. Archive specific "
+"settings can be made by appending the label of the archive to the option "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:279
-msgid "Min-ValidTime"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:280
-msgid ""
-"Minimum of seconds the Release file should be considered valid after it was "
-"created (indicated by the <literal>Date</literal> header). Use this if you "
-"need to use a seldomly updated (local) mirror of a more regular updated "
-"archive with a <literal>Valid-Until</literal> header instead of completely "
-"disabling the expiration date checking. Archive specific settings can and "
-"should be used by appending the label of the archive to the option name."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:290
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:273
msgid "PDiffs"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:291
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:274
msgid ""
"Try to download deltas called <literal>PDiffs</literal> for Packages or "
"Sources files instead of downloading whole ones. True by default."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:294
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:277
msgid ""
"Two sub-options to limit the use of PDiffs are also available: With "
"<literal>FileLimit</literal> can be specified how many PDiff files are "
"downloaded at most to patch a file. <literal>SizeLimit</literal> on the "
-"other hand is the maximum percentage of the size of all patches compared to "
+"other hand is the maximum precentage of the size of all patches compared to "
"the size of the targeted file. If one of these limits is exceeded the "
"complete file is downloaded instead of the patches."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:303
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:286
msgid "Queue-Mode"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:304
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:287
msgid ""
"Queuing mode; <literal>Queue-Mode</literal> can be one of <literal>host</"
"literal> or <literal>access</literal> which determines how APT parallelizes "
@@ -4708,36 +4656,36 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:311
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:294
msgid "Retries"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:312
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:295
msgid ""
"Number of retries to perform. If this is non-zero APT will retry failed "
"files the given number of times."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:316
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:299
msgid "Source-Symlinks"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:317
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:300
msgid ""
"Use symlinks for source archives. If set to true then source archives will "
"be symlinked when possible instead of copying. True is the default."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:321 sources.list.5.xml:155
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:304 sources.list.5.xml:144
msgid "http"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:322
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:305
msgid ""
"HTTP URIs; http::Proxy is the default http proxy to use. It is in the "
"standard form of <literal>http://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/</literal>. Per "
@@ -4748,7 +4696,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:330
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:313
msgid ""
"Three settings are provided for cache control with HTTP/1.1 compliant proxy "
"caches. <literal>No-Cache</literal> tells the proxy to not use its cached "
@@ -4762,7 +4710,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:340 apt.conf.5.xml:404
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:323 apt.conf.5.xml:387
msgid ""
"The option <literal>timeout</literal> sets the timeout timer used by the "
"method, this applies to all things including connection timeout and data "
@@ -4770,7 +4718,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:343
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:326
msgid ""
"One setting is provided to control the pipeline depth in cases where the "
"remote server is not RFC conforming or buggy (such as Squid 2.0.2). "
@@ -4782,7 +4730,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:351
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:334
msgid ""
"The used bandwidth can be limited with <literal>Acquire::http::Dl-Limit</"
"literal> which accepts integer values in kilobyte. The default value is 0 "
@@ -4792,7 +4740,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:356
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:339
msgid ""
"<literal>Acquire::http::User-Agent</literal> can be used to set a different "
"User-Agent for the http download method as some proxies allow access for "
@@ -4800,12 +4748,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:362
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:345
msgid "https"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:363
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:346
msgid ""
"HTTPS URIs. Cache-control, Timeout, AllowRedirect, Dl-Limit and proxy "
"options are the same as for <literal>http</literal> method and will also "
@@ -4815,7 +4763,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:369
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:352
msgid ""
"<literal>CaInfo</literal> suboption specifies place of file that holds info "
"about trusted certificates. <literal>&lt;host&gt;::CaInfo</literal> is "
@@ -4836,12 +4784,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:387 sources.list.5.xml:166
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:370 sources.list.5.xml:155
msgid "ftp"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:388
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:371
msgid ""
"FTP URIs; ftp::Proxy is the default ftp proxy to use. It is in the standard "
"form of <literal>ftp://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/</literal>. Per host "
@@ -4860,7 +4808,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:407
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:390
msgid ""
"Several settings are provided to control passive mode. Generally it is safe "
"to leave passive mode on, it works in nearly every environment. However "
@@ -4870,7 +4818,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:414
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:397
msgid ""
"It is possible to proxy FTP over HTTP by setting the <envar>ftp_proxy</"
"envar> environment variable to a http url - see the discussion of the http "
@@ -4879,7 +4827,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:419
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:402
msgid ""
"The setting <literal>ForceExtended</literal> controls the use of RFC2428 "
"<literal>EPSV</literal> and <literal>EPRT</literal> commands. The default is "
@@ -4889,18 +4837,18 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:426 sources.list.5.xml:148
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:409 sources.list.5.xml:137
msgid "cdrom"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:432
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:415
#, no-wrap
msgid "/cdrom/::Mount \"foo\";"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:427
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:410
msgid ""
"CDROM URIs; the only setting for CDROM URIs is the mount point, "
"<literal>cdrom::Mount</literal> which must be the mount point for the CDROM "
@@ -4913,12 +4861,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:437
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:420
msgid "gpgv"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:438
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:421
msgid ""
"GPGV URIs; the only option for GPGV URIs is the option to pass additional "
"parameters to gpgv. <literal>gpgv::Options</literal> Additional options "
@@ -4926,18 +4874,18 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:443
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:426
msgid "CompressionTypes"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:449
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:432
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::<replaceable>FileExtension</replaceable> \"<replaceable>Methodname</replaceable>\";"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:444
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:427
msgid ""
"List of compression types which are understood by the acquire methods. "
"Files like <filename>Packages</filename> can be available in various "
@@ -4949,19 +4897,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:454
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:437
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order:: \"gz\";"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><synopsis>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:457
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:440
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order { \"lzma\"; \"gz\"; };"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:450
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:433
msgid ""
"Also the <literal>Order</literal> subgroup can be used to define in which "
"order the acquire system will try to download the compressed files. The "
@@ -4978,20 +4926,20 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:461
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:444
#, no-wrap
msgid "Dir::Bin::bzip2 \"/bin/bzip2\";"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:459
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:442
msgid ""
"Note that at run time the <literal>Dir::Bin::<replaceable>Methodname</"
"replaceable></literal> will be checked: If this setting exists the method "
"will only be used if this file exists, e.g. for the bzip2 method (the "
-"inbuilt) setting is: <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/> Note "
-"also that list entries specified on the command line will be added at the "
-"end of the list specified in the configuration files, but before the default "
+"inbuilt) setting is <placeholder type=\"literallayout\" id=\"0\"/> Note also "
+"that list entries specified on the command line will be added at the end of "
+"the list specified in the configuration files, but before the default "
"entries. To prefer a type in this case over the ones specified in the "
"configuration files you can set the option direct - not in list style. This "
"will not override the defined list, it will only prefix the list with this "
@@ -4999,20 +4947,20 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:466
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:449
msgid ""
"The special type <literal>uncompressed</literal> can be used to give "
-"uncompressed files a preference, but note that most archives don't provide "
+"uncompressed files a preference, but note that most archives doesn't provide "
"uncompressed files so this is mostly only useable for local mirrors."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:471
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:454
msgid "GzipIndexes"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:473
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:456
msgid ""
"When downloading <literal>gzip</literal> compressed indexes (Packages, "
"Sources, or Translations), keep them gzip compressed locally instead of "
@@ -5021,12 +4969,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:480
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:463
msgid "Languages"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:481
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:464
msgid ""
"The Languages subsection controls which <filename>Translation</filename> "
"files are downloaded and in which order APT tries to display the Description-"
@@ -5039,13 +4987,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><programlisting>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:497
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:480
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acquire::Languages { \"environment\"; \"de\"; \"en\"; \"none\"; \"fr\"; };"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:487
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:470
msgid ""
"The default list includes \"environment\" and \"en\". "
"\"<literal>environment</literal>\" has a special meaning here: It will be "
@@ -5068,19 +5016,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:253
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:245
msgid ""
"The <literal>Acquire</literal> group of options controls the download of "
"packages and the URI handlers. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:504
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:487
msgid "Directories"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:506
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:489
msgid ""
"The <literal>Dir::State</literal> section has directories that pertain to "
"local state information. <literal>lists</literal> is the directory to place "
@@ -5092,7 +5040,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:513
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:496
msgid ""
"<literal>Dir::Cache</literal> contains locations pertaining to local cache "
"information, such as the two package caches <literal>srcpkgcache</literal> "
@@ -5105,7 +5053,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:522
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:505
msgid ""
"<literal>Dir::Etc</literal> contains the location of configuration files, "
"<literal>sourcelist</literal> gives the location of the sourcelist and "
@@ -5115,7 +5063,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:528
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:511
msgid ""
"The <literal>Dir::Parts</literal> setting reads in all the config fragments "
"in lexical order from the directory specified. After this is done then the "
@@ -5123,7 +5071,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:532
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:515
msgid ""
"Binary programs are pointed to by <literal>Dir::Bin</literal>. <literal>Dir::"
"Bin::Methods</literal> specifies the location of the method handlers and "
@@ -5134,7 +5082,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:540
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:523
msgid ""
"The configuration item <literal>RootDir</literal> has a special meaning. If "
"set, all paths in <literal>Dir::</literal> will be relative to "
@@ -5147,7 +5095,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:553
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:536
msgid ""
"The <literal>Ignore-Files-Silently</literal> list can be used to specify "
"which files APT should silently ignore while parsing the files in the "
@@ -5158,12 +5106,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:562
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:545
msgid "APT in DSelect"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:564
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:547
msgid ""
"When APT is used as a &dselect; method several configuration directives "
"control the default behaviour. These are in the <literal>DSelect</literal> "
@@ -5171,12 +5119,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:568
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:551
msgid "Clean"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:569
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:552
msgid ""
"Cache Clean mode; this value may be one of always, prompt, auto, pre-auto "
"and never. always and prompt will remove all packages from the cache after "
@@ -5187,50 +5135,50 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:578
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:561
msgid ""
"The contents of this variable is passed to &apt-get; as command line options "
"when it is run for the install phase."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:582
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:565
msgid "Updateoptions"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:583
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:566
msgid ""
"The contents of this variable is passed to &apt-get; as command line options "
"when it is run for the update phase."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:587
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:570
msgid "PromptAfterUpdate"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:588
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:571
msgid ""
"If true the [U]pdate operation in &dselect; will always prompt to continue. "
"The default is to prompt only on error."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:594
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:577
msgid "How APT calls dpkg"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:595
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:578
msgid ""
"Several configuration directives control how APT invokes &dpkg;. These are "
"in the <literal>DPkg</literal> section."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:600
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:583
msgid ""
"This is a list of options to pass to dpkg. The options must be specified "
"using the list notation and each list item is passed as a single argument to "
@@ -5238,17 +5186,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:605
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:588
msgid "Pre-Invoke"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:605
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:588
msgid "Post-Invoke"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:606
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:589
msgid ""
"This is a list of shell commands to run before/after invoking &dpkg;. Like "
"<literal>options</literal> this must be specified in list notation. The "
@@ -5257,12 +5205,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:612
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:595
msgid "Pre-Install-Pkgs"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:613
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:596
msgid ""
"This is a list of shell commands to run before invoking dpkg. Like "
"<literal>options</literal> this must be specified in list notation. The "
@@ -5272,7 +5220,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:619
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:602
msgid ""
"Version 2 of this protocol dumps more information, including the protocol "
"version, the APT configuration space and the packages, files and versions "
@@ -5282,36 +5230,36 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:626
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:609
msgid "Run-Directory"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:627
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:610
msgid ""
"APT chdirs to this directory before invoking dpkg, the default is <filename>/"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:631
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:614
msgid "Build-options"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:632
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:615
msgid ""
"These options are passed to &dpkg-buildpackage; when compiling packages, the "
"default is to disable signing and produce all binaries."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:637
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:620
msgid "dpkg trigger usage (and related options)"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:638
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:621
msgid ""
"APT can call dpkg in a way so it can make aggressive use of triggers over "
"multiple calls of dpkg. Without further options dpkg will use triggers only "
@@ -5326,7 +5274,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para><literallayout>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:653
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:636
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"DPkg::NoTriggers \"true\";\n"
@@ -5336,7 +5284,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:647
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:630
msgid ""
"Note that it is not guaranteed that APT will support these options or that "
"these options will not cause (big) trouble in the future. If you have "
@@ -5350,12 +5298,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:659
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:642
msgid "DPkg::NoTriggers"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:660
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:643
msgid ""
"Add the no triggers flag to all dpkg calls (except the ConfigurePending "
"call). See &dpkg; if you are interested in what this actually means. In "
@@ -5367,12 +5315,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:667
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:650
msgid "PackageManager::Configure"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:668
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:651
msgid ""
"Valid values are \"<literal>all</literal>\", \"<literal>smart</literal>\" "
"and \"<literal>no</literal>\". \"<literal>all</literal>\" is the default "
@@ -5388,12 +5336,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:678
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:661
msgid "DPkg::ConfigurePending"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:679
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:662
msgid ""
"If this option is set apt will call <command>dpkg --configure --pending</"
"command> to let dpkg handle all required configurations and triggers. This "
@@ -5404,12 +5352,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:685
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:668
msgid "DPkg::TriggersPending"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:686
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:669
msgid ""
"Useful for <literal>smart</literal> configuration as a package which has "
"pending triggers is not considered as <literal>installed</literal> and dpkg "
@@ -5419,12 +5367,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:691
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:674
msgid "PackageManager::UnpackAll"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:692
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:675
msgid ""
"As the configuration can be deferred to be done at the end by dpkg it can be "
"tried to order the unpack series only by critical needs, e.g. by Pre-"
@@ -5436,12 +5384,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:699
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:682
msgid "OrderList::Score::Immediate"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para><literallayout>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:707
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:690
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"OrderList::Score {\n"
@@ -5453,7 +5401,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><refsect2><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:700
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:683
msgid ""
"Essential packages (and there dependencies) should be configured immediately "
"after unpacking. It will be a good idea to do this quite early in the "
@@ -5467,12 +5415,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:720
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:703
msgid "Periodic and Archives options"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:721
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:704
msgid ""
"<literal>APT::Periodic</literal> and <literal>APT::Archives</literal> groups "
"of options configure behavior of apt periodic updates, which is done by "
@@ -5481,12 +5429,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:729
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:712
msgid "Debug options"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:731
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:714
msgid ""
"Enabling options in the <literal>Debug::</literal> section will cause "
"debugging information to be sent to the standard error stream of the program "
@@ -5497,7 +5445,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:742
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:725
msgid ""
"<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal> enables output about the "
"decisions made by <literal>dist-upgrade, upgrade, install, remove, purge</"
@@ -5505,7 +5453,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:750
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:733
msgid ""
"<literal>Debug::NoLocking</literal> disables all file locking. This can be "
"used to run some operations (for instance, <literal>apt-get -s install</"
@@ -5513,7 +5461,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:759
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:742
msgid ""
"<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgPM</literal> prints out the actual command line each "
"time that <literal>apt</literal> invokes &dpkg;."
@@ -5523,120 +5471,120 @@ msgstr ""
#. motivating example, except I haven't a clue why you'd want
#. to do this.
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:767
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:750
msgid ""
"<literal>Debug::IdentCdrom</literal> disables the inclusion of statfs data "
"in CDROM IDs."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:777
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:760
msgid "A full list of debugging options to apt follows."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:782
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:765
#, fuzzy
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::cdrom</literal>"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Archive:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:786
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:769
msgid ""
"Print information related to accessing <literal>cdrom://</literal> sources."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:793
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:776
#, fuzzy
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::ftp</literal>"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Archive:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:797
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:780
msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using FTP."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:804
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:787
#, fuzzy
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::http</literal>"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Archive:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:808
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:791
msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using HTTP."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:815
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:798
#, fuzzy
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::https</literal>"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Archive:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:819
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:802
msgid "Print information related to downloading packages using HTTPS."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:826
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:809
#, fuzzy
msgid "<literal>Debug::Acquire::gpgv</literal>"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Archive:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:830
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:813
msgid ""
"Print information related to verifying cryptographic signatures using "
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:837
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:820
#, fuzzy
msgid "<literal>Debug::aptcdrom</literal>"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Version:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:841
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:824
msgid ""
"Output information about the process of accessing collections of packages "
"stored on CD-ROMs."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:848
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:831
#, fuzzy
msgid "<literal>Debug::BuildDeps</literal>"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Label:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:851
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:834
msgid "Describes the process of resolving build-dependencies in &apt-get;."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:858
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:841
#, fuzzy
msgid "<literal>Debug::Hashes</literal>"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Label:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:861
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:844
msgid ""
"Output each cryptographic hash that is generated by the <literal>apt</"
"literal> libraries."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:868
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:851
#, fuzzy
msgid "<literal>Debug::IdentCDROM</literal>"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Label:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:871
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:854
msgid ""
"Do not include information from <literal>statfs</literal>, namely the number "
"of used and free blocks on the CD-ROM filesystem, when generating an ID for "
@@ -5644,99 +5592,99 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:879
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:862
#, fuzzy
msgid "<literal>Debug::NoLocking</literal>"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Origin:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:882
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:865
msgid ""
"Disable all file locking. For instance, this will allow two instances of "
"<quote><literal>apt-get update</literal></quote> to run at the same time."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:890
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:873
#, fuzzy
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire</literal>"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Archive:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:894
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:877
msgid "Log when items are added to or removed from the global download queue."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:901
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:884
#, fuzzy
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Auth</literal>"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Archive:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:904
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:887
msgid ""
"Output status messages and errors related to verifying checksums and "
"cryptographic signatures of downloaded files."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:911
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:894
#, fuzzy
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Diffs</literal>"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Archive:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:914
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:897
msgid ""
"Output information about downloading and applying package index list diffs, "
"and errors relating to package index list diffs."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:922
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:905
#, fuzzy
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::RRed</literal>"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Archive:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:926
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:909
msgid ""
"Output information related to patching apt package lists when downloading "
"index diffs instead of full indices."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:933
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:916
#, fuzzy
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAcquire::Worker</literal>"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Archive:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:937
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:920
msgid ""
"Log all interactions with the sub-processes that actually perform downloads."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:944
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:927
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgAutoRemove</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:948
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:931
msgid ""
"Log events related to the automatically-installed status of packages and to "
"the removal of unused packages."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:955
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:938
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::AutoInstall</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:958
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:941
msgid ""
"Generate debug messages describing which packages are being automatically "
"installed to resolve dependencies. This corresponds to the initial auto-"
@@ -5746,12 +5694,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:969
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:952
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDepCache::Marker</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:972
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:955
msgid ""
"Generate debug messages describing which package is marked as keep/install/"
"remove while the ProblemResolver does his work. Each addition or deletion "
@@ -5768,96 +5716,96 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:991
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:974
#, fuzzy
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgInitConfig</literal>"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Version:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:994
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:977
msgid "Dump the default configuration to standard error on startup."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1001
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:984
#, fuzzy
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgPM</literal>"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Package:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1004
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:987
msgid ""
"When invoking &dpkg;, output the precise command line with which it is being "
"invoked, with arguments separated by a single space character."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1012
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:995
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgDPkgProgressReporting</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1015
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:998
msgid ""
"Output all the data received from &dpkg; on the status file descriptor and "
"any errors encountered while parsing it."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1022
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1005
#, fuzzy
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgOrderList</literal>"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Origin:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1026
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1009
msgid ""
"Generate a trace of the algorithm that decides the order in which "
"<literal>apt</literal> should pass packages to &dpkg;."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1034
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1017
#, fuzzy
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgPackageManager</literal>"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Package:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1038
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1021
msgid ""
"Output status messages tracing the steps performed when invoking &dpkg;."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1045
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1028
#, fuzzy
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgPolicy</literal>"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Label:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1049
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1032
msgid "Output the priority of each package list on startup."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1055
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1038
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1059
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1042
msgid ""
"Trace the execution of the dependency resolver (this applies only to what "
"happens when a complex dependency problem is encountered)."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1067
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1050
msgid "<literal>Debug::pkgProblemResolver::ShowScores</literal>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1070
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1053
msgid ""
"Display a list of all installed packages with their calculated score used by "
"the pkgProblemResolver. The description of the package is the same as "
@@ -5865,33 +5813,33 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1078
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1061
#, fuzzy
msgid "<literal>Debug::sourceList</literal>"
msgstr "a linha <literal>Version:</literal>"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1082
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1065
msgid ""
"Print information about the vendors read from <filename>/etc/apt/vendors."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1105
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1088
msgid ""
"&configureindex; is a configuration file showing example values for all "
"possible options."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><variablelist>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1112
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1095
msgid "&file-aptconf;"
msgstr ""
#. ? reading apt.conf
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: apt.conf.5.xml:1117
+#: apt.conf.5.xml:1100
#, fuzzy
msgid "&apt-cache;, &apt-config;, &apt-preferences;."
msgstr "&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;"
@@ -5986,8 +5934,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid ""
"Note that the files in the <filename>/etc/apt/preferences.d</filename> "
"directory are parsed in alphanumeric ascending order and need to obey the "
-"following naming convention: The files have either no or \"<literal>pref</"
-"literal>\" as filename extension and only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), "
+"following naming convention: The files have no or \"<literal>pref</literal>"
+"\" as filename extension and which only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), "
"underscore (_) and period (.) characters. Otherwise APT will print a notice "
"that it has ignored a file if the file doesn't match a pattern in the "
"<literal>Dir::Ignore-Files-Silently</literal> configuration list - in this "
@@ -6451,7 +6399,7 @@ msgid ""
"APT also supports pinning by glob() expressions and regular expressions "
"surrounded by /. For example, the following example assigns the priority 500 "
"to all packages from experimental where the name starts with gnome (as a glob"
-"()-like expression) or contains the word kde (as a POSIX extended regular "
+"()-like expression or contains the word kde (as a POSIX extended regular "
"expression surrounded by slashes)."
msgstr ""
@@ -6472,7 +6420,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: apt_preferences.5.xml:279
msgid ""
"The rule for those expressions is that they can occur anywhere where a "
-"string can occur. Thus, the following pin assigns the priority 990 to all "
+"string can occur. Those, the following pin assigns the priority 990 to all "
"packages from a release starting with karmic."
msgstr ""
@@ -7398,7 +7346,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
#: sources.list.5.xml:81
#, no-wrap
-msgid "deb [ options ] uri distribution [component1] [component2] [...]"
+msgid "deb uri distribution [component1] [component2] [...]"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
@@ -7443,27 +7391,6 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
#: sources.list.5.xml:112
msgid ""
-"<literal>options</literal> is always optional and needs to be surounded by "
-"square brackets. It can consist of multiple settings in the form "
-"replaceable></literal>. Multiple settings are separated by spaces. The "
-"following settings are supported by APT, note though that unsupported "
-"settings will be ignored silently:"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:117
-msgid ""
-"replaceable>,…</literal> can be used to specify for which architectures "
-"packages information should be downloaded. If this option is not set all "
-"architectures defined by the <literal>APT::Architectures</literal> option "
-"will be downloaded."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:123
-msgid ""
"It is important to list sources in order of preference, with the most "
"preferred source listed first. Typically this will result in sorting by "
"speed from fastest to slowest (CD-ROM followed by hosts on a local network, "
@@ -7471,13 +7398,13 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:128
+#: sources.list.5.xml:117
#, fuzzy
msgid "Some examples:"
msgstr "Exemplos"
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:130
+#: sources.list.5.xml:119
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"deb &stable-codename; main contrib non-free\n"
@@ -7486,17 +7413,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><title>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:136
+#: sources.list.5.xml:125
msgid "URI specification"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:141
+#: sources.list.5.xml:130
msgid "file"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:143
+#: sources.list.5.xml:132
msgid ""
"The file scheme allows an arbitrary directory in the file system to be "
"considered an archive. This is useful for NFS mounts and local mirrors or "
@@ -7504,14 +7431,14 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:150
+#: sources.list.5.xml:139
msgid ""
"The cdrom scheme allows APT to use a local CDROM drive with media swapping. "
"Use the &apt-cdrom; program to create cdrom entries in the source list."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:157
+#: sources.list.5.xml:146
msgid ""
"The http scheme specifies an HTTP server for the archive. If an environment "
"variable <envar>http_proxy</envar> is set with the format http://server:"
@@ -7522,7 +7449,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:168
+#: sources.list.5.xml:157
msgid ""
"The ftp scheme specifies an FTP server for the archive. APT's FTP behavior "
"is highly configurable; for more information see the &apt-conf; manual page. "
@@ -7534,12 +7461,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:177
+#: sources.list.5.xml:166
msgid "copy"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:179
+#: sources.list.5.xml:168
msgid ""
"The copy scheme is identical to the file scheme except that packages are "
"copied into the cache directory instead of used directly at their location. "
@@ -7547,17 +7474,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:184
+#: sources.list.5.xml:173
msgid "rsh"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:184
+#: sources.list.5.xml:173
msgid "ssh"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:186
+#: sources.list.5.xml:175
msgid ""
"The rsh/ssh method invokes rsh/ssh to connect to a remote host as a given "
"user and access the files. It is a good idea to do prior arrangements with "
@@ -7567,12 +7494,12 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:194
+#: sources.list.5.xml:183
msgid "more recognizable URI types"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><variablelist><varlistentry><listitem><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:196
+#: sources.list.5.xml:185
msgid ""
"APT can be extended with more methods shipped in other optional packages "
"which should follow the nameing scheme <literal>apt-transport-"
@@ -7585,91 +7512,75 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:138
+#: sources.list.5.xml:127
msgid ""
"The currently recognized URI types are cdrom, file, http, ftp, copy, ssh, "
"rsh. <placeholder type=\"variablelist\" id=\"0\"/>"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:210
+#: sources.list.5.xml:199
msgid ""
"Uses the archive stored locally (or NFS mounted) at /home/jason/debian for "
"stable/main, stable/contrib, and stable/non-free."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:212
+#: sources.list.5.xml:201
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb file:/home/jason/debian stable main contrib non-free"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:214
+#: sources.list.5.xml:203
msgid "As above, except this uses the unstable (development) distribution."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:215
+#: sources.list.5.xml:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:217
+#: sources.list.5.xml:206
msgid "Source line for the above"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:218
+#: sources.list.5.xml:207
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb-src file:/home/jason/debian unstable main contrib non-free"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:220
-msgid ""
-"The first line gets package information for the architectures in "
-"<literal>APT::Architectures</literal> while the second always retrieves "
-"<literal>amd64</literal> and <literal>armel</literal>."
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:222
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"deb &stable-codename; main\n"
-"deb [ arch=amd64,armel ] &stable-codename; main"
-msgstr ""
-#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:225
+#: sources.list.5.xml:209
msgid ""
"Uses HTTP to access the archive at, and uses only the "
"hamm/main area."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:227
+#: sources.list.5.xml:211
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb hamm main"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:229
+#: sources.list.5.xml:213
msgid ""
"Uses FTP to access the archive at, under the debian "
"directory, and uses only the &stable-codename;/contrib area."
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:231
+#: sources.list.5.xml:215
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb &stable-codename; contrib"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:233
+#: sources.list.5.xml:217
msgid ""
"Uses FTP to access the archive at, under the debian "
"directory, and uses only the unstable/contrib area. If this line appears as "
@@ -7678,19 +7589,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:237
+#: sources.list.5.xml:221
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb unstable contrib"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para><literallayout>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:246
+#: sources.list.5.xml:230
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb unstable/binary-$(ARCH)/"
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:239
+#: sources.list.5.xml:223
msgid ""
"Uses HTTP to access the archive at, under the universe "
"directory, and uses only files found under <filename>unstable/binary-i386</"
@@ -7702,7 +7613,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Content of: <refentry><refsect1><para>
-#: sources.list.5.xml:251
+#: sources.list.5.xml:235
#, fuzzy
msgid "&apt-cache; &apt-conf;"
msgstr "&apt-get; &apt-cache; &apt-conf; &sources-list;"
diff --git a/doc/sources.list.5.xml b/doc/sources.list.5.xml
index 09a5cbb6d..dd94f58f1 100644
--- a/doc/sources.list.5.xml
+++ b/doc/sources.list.5.xml
@@ -117,8 +117,13 @@
can be used to specify for which architectures packages information should
be downloaded. If this option is not set all architectures defined by the
- <literal>APT::Architectures</literal> option will be downloaded.</para>
- </listitem></itemizedlist></para>
+ <literal>APT::Architectures</literal> option will be downloaded.</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para><literal>trusted=yes</literal> can be set to indicate that packages
+ from this source are always authenificated even if the <filename>Release</filename> file
+ is not signed or the signature can't be checked. This disables parts of &apt-secure;
+ and should therefore only be used in a local and trusted context. <literal>trusted=no</literal>
+ is the opposite which handles even correctly authenificated sources as not authenificated.</para></listitem>
+ </itemizedlist></para>
<para>It is important to list sources in order of preference, with the most
preferred source listed first. Typically this will result in sorting