path: root/apt-private/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-04-13apt-private: Collect not found packages in CacheSetHelperAPTGetJulian Andres Klode
2017-07-12Reformat and sort all includes with clang-formatJulian Andres Klode
2017-07-12Drop cacheiterators.h includeJulian Andres Klode
2016-05-20fail instead of segfault on unreadable config filesDavid Kalnischkies
2015-11-05apply various suggestions made by cppcheckDavid Kalnischkies
2015-09-14implement dpkgs vision of interpreting pkg:<arch> dependenciesDavid Kalnischkies
2015-08-17Re-add support for G++ 4.8 and configure travis to use itJulian Andres Klode
2015-08-10headers are for declarations onlyDavid Kalnischkies
2014-09-27rework cachesets API to allow future extensionDavid Kalnischkies
2014-09-07make GetLocalitySortedVersionSet more genericDavid Kalnischkies
2014-09-05Ensure we have a Policy in CacheFile.BuildDepCache()Michael Vogt
2014-09-05Fix incorrect upgradable listing in "apt list" (thanks to Michael Musenbrock)Michael Vogt
2014-04-08fix apt list output for pkgs in dpkg ^rc stateMichael Vogt
2014-03-13cleanup headers and especially #includes everywhereDavid Kalnischkies
2014-01-16add --manual-installed commandline switchMichael Vogt
2013-08-12squash merge of the feature/apt-binary branch without the changes from experi...Michael Vogt