Commit d7c92411dc1f4c6be098d1425f9c1c075e0c2154 parses the Components
section of (In)Release and attempts to detect the distribution's
supported components. While doing so, it handles component names with
slashes in a special manner, assuming that the actual component is only
the part after the final slash. This is done to handle
security.debian.org, which usually appears in sources.list as follows:
deb http://s.d.o/debian-security stretch/updates main contrib non-free
while the actual release file has:
Codename: stretch
Components: updates/main updates/contrib updates/non-free
While this special handing on APTs part indeed works for
debian-security, it emits spurious warnings on repositories that
actually use slashes in the component names *and* appear so in
We fix this by adding both component versions (whole and final part) to
the SupportedComponents array.
Closes: #868127